Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #44

Episode Date: July 3, 2013

Rosie shares her thoughts on the wedding and mourns with Mike the loss of Tony Soprano, Mad Men and Scribbles....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the 44th episode of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavour. I'm Mike from Joining me as always is Rosie from And hosting this audio file are the good people at Core Fusion. Welcome back, Rosie. Hello. I haven't seen you since the wedding. What wedding?
Starting point is 00:00:55 You know, I feel, you know how sometimes after Christmas you have, I used to call it post-Christmas letdown. You get so excited for Christmas and then Christmas happens and then it happens and then it's just over and you're kind of sad. I feel like that about your wedding. I was looking forward to it so much, you know, social event of the year and now it's over. Well, later in this program, I'm going to want to hear, I should tell everybody, we've never really talked about this wedding since the wedding, right? I don't think we've talked about it. Mike and I don't
Starting point is 00:01:20 speak to each other outside of this podcast. I have no idea. Like, I don't really know. I don't have a, I think I have a sense cause I saw you there, but I don't speak to each other I have no idea I think I have a sense because I saw you there but I don't have a good sense of what you thought of the wedding I saw you there I'm interested to hear what you thought of our little wedding
Starting point is 00:01:35 everybody knows the best thing about a wedding is talking about it after we'll discuss let's discuss first I should point out since you've been gone, because we missed a week last week, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:48 So I perfected the audio as per the great audio guru, Andrew Stokely. Hi, Andrew. I hope we sound good. I know you're going to tell us if we don't. Yeah, me and Andrew Stokely have been Skyping and I've been practicing with different levels and then I've been using this compression. I never used to compress my file. Idiot.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I know, I feel like an idiot. So now, I used to just go raw. Like, here's my MP3, let's go. Now I compress it, which is doing things to the audio file that are good. So it sounds more slick. I guess it's louder and better and I got the levels right. So the music and our voices and our mic volume and everything should be a wonder bar.
Starting point is 00:02:34 So was the suggestion of compression from Andrew, did he tell you to do that? I think, I know Howard told me to do it and then I ignored him. Humble Howard. Idiot. And then Stokely suggested we try it and we were trying it with some different pieces of software like GarageBand. And then I just decided to run it through Audacity. And that was the trick.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I run the compressor filter on Audacity after we're done and it's good. Everything's good. So I took a picture of the board so I Audacity after we're done. And it's good. Everything's good. So I took a picture of the board so I know all my settings. Excellent. Yeah, I broke those eggs so you and I could enjoy this omelet right now. This is wonderful. And so did anything else change? Did you add that fader?
Starting point is 00:03:19 No, it's coming soon. Stokely keeps threatening to come over and set me up with a fader. He hasn't done it yet. So I'm still knobbing it. But you know, like a third world mixer here. That's fine. I'm knobbing it till I get my fader and then I'll be I'll be in business. You certainly like it's it all looks slick. You're a cool customer. Well, I actually speaking of cool customers, I was a guest last week. So since we last recorded, I was invited to be a guest on another podcast. Okay. Which podcast? His name is Zach Bussey.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I think I see him tweet on Twitter. Forever I thought he was Zach Bussey, like sort of like Jake Bussey or Gary Bussey. So I say it again, Zach Bussey. Okay. I would have thought the other pronunciation too. It's Zach Bussey. Okay. And he does tweet a lot and he has a podcast. And I went to Queen and Dufferin to record. Okay. And I posted it.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I know you're way behind on your news. I've been trying to catch up. And then I skipped over to the Canada Day ones because I liked all your pictures of the ribs, the rib fest. Oh, what did Kate get? I know this is a tangent, but because I liked all your pictures of the ribs, the rib fest. Oh, what did Kate get? I know this is a tangent, but when I told Monica we went for ribs, we biked there. We're going to have, we actually had pulled pork sandwiches, but we're going to have ribs. And then I said, I should take a picture of every sign and post it on my blog.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And she said, she looked at me and said, why would you want to do that? Like, and I said, no, it'll be cool. Trust me. And then I went around and I took a picture of each and I posted it. It was, that be cool, trust me. And then I went around and I took a picture of each and I posted it. That's cool, right? Well, you're talking to someone that takes pictures of everything when we go out to eat, I always take pictures of the food.
Starting point is 00:04:51 If there's a cool sign, I'll take pictures of signs. I like food stuff and Ribfest is fun. And those signs are cool, right? I do, I like those signs. Because they're all the awards that they won and they're all their fun, catchy names. And I think part of the allure of Ribfest is all the big set-ups. So I think to have them allure of Ribfest is, you know, all the big setup. So I think
Starting point is 00:05:05 to have them all in one place was kind of, was kind of cool. Someone said it looked like a GeoCities website from like 1997. I was going to say some GeoCities from back, from back in the day with AltaVista and AskGeeves. Yeah, AskGeeves, exactly. AltaVista. Well, yeah, so I was a little behind, but I skipped ahead. But I saw you tweet. I see all your tweets usually. And I saw you tweet that you were on Zach's podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:33 But I don't know anything about his podcast. So can you tell us about it? I didn't know anything either. I went in cold. I had no idea. But someone said, come to my podcast. And they said, what drink would you like us to have ready for you when you get there? And I said, I'll have a Heineken.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Like, I have a drink now. I'll have water and a drill i know monica said the evil monica my new bride said i should ask for a super like rare drink and see if they have it for me but i thought that was cruel and unusual they're trying to do a nice thing and i'm gonna be a dick about it totally reminds me of kramer remember when they were doing um they, they were going to NBC to pitch the show. Oh yeah. The show about nothing. Yeah. And doesn't Kramer do that? Don't they ask, what do you want to drink? And Kramer says something like pineapple juice or something like that. Or, or he asked for something that they didn't have. This sort of rings, rings a bell and they didn't have it. But anyways, I'm sure someone will remember that episode.
Starting point is 00:06:19 We're watching like two or three Curb Your Enthusiasms a night because monica did not watch these and uh so i have like seinfeld on the brain lately okay love it so we're yeah so i asked for a cold heineken so we had like alcoholic beverages yeah it's great like yeah so there was a six pack of heineken um waiting for me a cold six pack in front of this couch like a leather couch and there's a big microphone, like this boom swinging boom mic thing. And they're already in the middle of the podcast when I show up. And then I just like sit down and start,
Starting point is 00:06:53 they start talking. Who's they? Who's they? Zach Bussey and Meg Button. Okay. I think I see her on Twitter as well. Probably because two days later, I accidentally bump into meg button at like young
Starting point is 00:07:05 and uh near near the big boat restaurant they're trying to close down what's that lake shore yeah so queen's key or whatever like young and queen's key i bump into meg button like two days later that is the cutest name is she a cute person because that is the cutest name cute as a button rose that is an adorable name like i want to like kiss and hug her and i don't even know her just because her name is a real name probably i mean is she so famous that she would have a fake name i don't know anymore like you can't tell some people like i'm not sold that's her real name i think zach bussey really is zach bussey i don't know meg button is really meg button so are they cool cats yeah they're very nice to me i don't know i did my i don't know if you listened. Did you listen? No. No. So we talked and it was comfortable.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And I had one beverage because I'm responsible. I was going to drive home from there. And then, yeah, that was the first time I did someone else's podcast that wasn't at the old studio. So this is my first podcast that wasn't here or at the old Humble and Fred studio. And you were invited as a guest. That's very cool. What was the subject that you guys talked about?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Toronto Mike. Oh, they talked like literally about, that's cool. Like blogging and all that kind of stuff. Just about, apparently he's a fan and he said that he, every time he Googles anything Toronto related, I'm there on the first page and I said, yeah. Well, that's true. Whether you know it or not,
Starting point is 00:08:21 I think every Toronto person who has Googled has at some point been on my site, whether they know it or not. Every once in a while, Scott will be, you know it or not i think every toronto person who has googled has at some point been on my site whether they know it or not every once in a while scott will be you know googling something and he'll be like oh there's my there's my site you come up you know i do too like sometimes i'll be googling something like oh i'll just think of something like oh who pitched the who had the two out uh no hitter ruined by that bush bloop single and i'll google it and i'll be number one like i've already written about this. Jim Clancy would be the answer and I've written about this and I'm number one.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Do you know something funny? I once Googled something on my own site and your site came up when I was Googling something about my Toronto scoop. Humble and Fred, you'd be mad about that. Like you'd Google Humble and Fred and I'd be number one. And I'd be like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It was like the thing I was, I was looking for a restaurant I'd written about and I couldn't find it. So, and I also wanted to see where it was on Google. So I Googled. That's funny. I'm trying to scoop and I can't remember the restaurant name. I was number one.
Starting point is 00:09:09 You were like trying to, Mike trying to scoop. I'm trying to Mike. And I was like. That's funny. That's funny. I'm sorry, Rose. That's fine. I'm over it.
Starting point is 00:09:18 All right, Rose. You know, enough about Stokely, the audio Yoda. I call him my audio Yoda. And Zach Bussey, who was nice enough to have me on his show. Yeah, that's really cool, Mike. Yeah, it was a good setup he's got going on there. And then I asked him how many listeners he has. Is it his home studio or it's an actual production?
Starting point is 00:09:33 No, it's like some kind of a, I don't know what they do, but it's some kind of a cool like Queen and Dufferin, I don't know if they're a creative agency or they do web stuff or something, but it was a pretty cool, pretty cool scene. It was neat. Rose.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yes. I can't wait any longer. What did you think of our wedding? It was gorgeous. I loved it. I really did. There is, um,
Starting point is 00:09:58 I have to say the day you picked and the venue, the just, I love the distillery. The Arda gallery in on June 15th. So Mike and Monica got married at the Arda gallery in the I love the distillery. So it's the Arda Gallery on June 15th. So Mike and Monica got married at the Arda Gallery in the distillery district. And it was, I love the distillery all the time, but when there's a special event going on there, it just, it comes to life. And Mike and Monica got married. It was, Luminato was on and there was a big food event taking place there. So it was just even more bright and
Starting point is 00:10:25 colorful and full of life than usual. And it was lovely because you guys had your ceremony, which was so nice. And then there was a little bit of time in between the ceremony and the reception for the guests to walk around and just check out the distillery and hang out. And, you know, if you, I can just imagine, and I mean, you know, you tell me your guests from out of town and ones that maybe, you know, weren't as familiar with the area. They must have had such a lovely impression of the city and that area visiting that because that would be such a neat thing. It does make the city look really good, that area, right?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Oh my gosh, yeah. We look like we're a European town or something. Absolutely. And I find with the distillery, I'm always shocked at how many people that live in the city that haven't been there. Oh, I know. A lot of people went there for the first time. Like GTA people made their first visit on June 15th. It doesn't surprise me. But, but, you know, to be honest, it is a bit of a destination place. And, you know, I don't think you don't really happen upon the distillery. You
Starting point is 00:11:17 have to be going there for a certain thing. But I do find that once people start going there, um, they, well, they want to go back cause it's gorgeous, but it isn't like, you know, you have to be going there. No, it's like an appointment visit. A destination, yeah. But it's like easy to get to though. Oh my God. It's super easy, right?
Starting point is 00:11:30 Super easy. And the parking's easy. It was all gorgeous and perfect. And we had a really fun time and it was really lovely to meet. I find it's always really neat to meet the partners of people. Like it gives a little bit of enlightenment to that person. Like Mrs. Elvis? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:49 So I was sitting next to Mrs. Elvis and who was just so lovely and beautiful and sweet. Like some, you know, when you just meet people. Does she remind you of Anna Green Gables? No, she just reminded me of just like a lovely person that you know you meet somebody you kind of wish they were your friend you wish they were like already your friend so lovely and Elvis is always fun and full of life and um Anthony and Carmela um that's Il Duce which it just misses Il Duce oh my gosh you know what just occurred to me as I said that out loud Anthony and I know Soprano I made a joke with him already that's why he loves Soprano so much yeah oh my gosh and it just made me think of James Gandolfini we'll get to that we'll definitely get to that I know, Sopranos. I made that joke with him already. That's why he loves the Sopranos so much. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And it just made me think of James Gandolfini. We'll get to that. I'm so sad. We'll definitely get to that. I know that happened a little while ago, but I'm still... We haven't recorded since it happened. So it's all good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So anyways, it was lovely to meet their partners because Carmela was the loveliest woman and we chatted so much. And it was so nice of you to let Howard and Fred sit at me and Elvis's table. It was really good. They insisted upon it. They wanted at me and Elvis' table. It was really good. They insisted upon it. They wanted to meet my podcast partners. Yeah, they're cool. They're super cool.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I always enjoy chatting with them. They're fun. And it was nice for my husband too because he obviously, it's been years since he was their intern, and it was really fun for them to reconnect. Oh, can I tell the story? I was there for when. Of course.
Starting point is 00:13:04 So you introduced Scott. I think you introduced Scott to Humble or Fred. I can't remember which one. Maybe both or something. Probably both. And they were essentially like, nice to meet you, Scott. And then Scott was like, oh, you don't remember me. And the best part of this story to me was that I was with you a little less than a year ago.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I guess at the Humble and Fred party. It was at the anniversary party. Yeah. Were you, you told Howard this story about how your husband was his intern. Yeah. He wasn't listening. It's fine. And then it was like that never happened and you had to do it again. But it was just funny to see.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I was right there when that introduction happened to see Scott's face. Like, you don't remember working with me? So they worked together. Scott, your husband, was the humble and fred intern for a while what was his nickname his well i can't say it it's perverse i won't know it's okay i'll censor it no no i can't say it i won't say it i don't i don't like to say that that's there's like a couple words i won't say and they're both like c words and i'm not gonna say it was it cock well i'm not gonna say the other C word. But it was, they replaced it with an H because they couldn't say that word on the radio.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Okay, so it's hawk. Lick. Hawk lick. You can't say hawk lick, Rose. No, it's so gross. Hawk lick. Yeah, and I can't say the other C word either. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:14:17 The other C word I won't say. But I have a friend that says it all the time because she's British, exactly. Ricky Gervais tweets it every day. She thinks it's ridiculous that we don't say it. goes it's the same as the f word we might be a little uptight about that word but it's all context like if you're calling a woman a c word it's different than like just using it like you do use a word don't be like a pussy well and that's the thing i don't really enjoy that either but um but that's pussycat right anyways like big pussy
Starting point is 00:14:42 so scott scott credits howard and fred we were at Ryerson when he went to intern at CFNY. And, you know, it was really funny because that was way back in like 98. And I remember at the time, everyone in our, because we did radio and television, everyone in our class was like, oh my God, you're interning with Howard and Fred and Humble and Fred. And I told Howard this because, you know, as the years go by, it's, you know, it's always nice to be reminded that people thought you were the shit. Right. And I was like, you know, back then everyone was like, oh my God, you're going to be an intern on the Humble and Fred show. Unbelievable. Amazing. Because to all the guys your age at that time, that was the heyday,
Starting point is 00:15:16 right? That is correct. So Scott credits them with, because that was the very beginning of his, you know, radio television career. And Ired or howard taught him how to make no howard taught him how to cut bagels because you know i don't think scott had ever cut a bagel up until then i can't believe they make interns cut bagels oh but you know what that's not even them that's like i mean i remember i interned at the life network with um erica m show and uh she had you cutting her bagels well i know she actually used to take her effing dirty coffee mugs out of her office and she'd come over to the intern table and she would put them down in the middle of the table expecting the interns to clear them away can you imagine and
Starting point is 00:15:57 not even no eye contact no thing would you mind clearing these away? Nothing. Just drop them. Yeah. What a C. What a C word. Toronto Mike exclusive. Erica M. treated her interns with great disrespect. I'll never forget. Because you know what? When you work in TV, you meet so many women, especially if you're a woman, you meet so many women that are amazing and supportive.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And so when you meet someone like Erica M., who I loved, right? Like watching on TV as a, as a, um, the music DJ, you're excited and you're like, wow, like, you know, this is going to be this awesome person, but no, instead she just comes out and puts her dirty coffee and like, not even just a little bit dirty. I'm talking like she would collect them from her desk and there'd be like, um, like molds. Yeah, correct. And she'd'd gather them up put them in the middle of the uh table and expect the interns to and now she's a blogger rose just like us see how the mighty have fallen you know i don't begrudge anyone there you know what they do and people make choices and this and that but you know it will forever taint my image of her yummy mummy indeed i'm glad you told that story yeah it was pretty uh it was pretty it was pretty poor
Starting point is 00:17:03 pretty poor behavior um but um all that to say Yeah, it was pretty poor behavior. But all that to say, you know, it's not unusual for that kind of stuff. Everyone interns in TV. And it was like a nice reunion at my wedding. It totally was. Scott got to reunite with Humble and Fred. And, you know, Scott always says you learn good stuff being an intern. And, you know, he's gone on to do very well in television. So they started him off right.
Starting point is 00:17:25 He is the replacement for Lloyd Robertson. Is that correct? Am I correct? Well, he worked very closely with Lloyd Robertson. Oh, tell that story. Well, he was... Did he ever wash Lloyd Robertson's coffee mugs? No.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Lloyd Robertson was a perfect gentleman. He would never deign to do anything like that. He was a cool dude. So Kent Brockman is modeled after Lloyd Robertson, right? I always just assumed that was true. Ken Brockman? I don't know. From The Simpsons?
Starting point is 00:17:51 I don't know. I think so. He's pretty cute. He does seem, I love him. You do see some similarities, I guess. Definitely. Okay, so is there anything you want to share with the audience that happened at the Humble and Fred,
Starting point is 00:18:03 Il Duce, Elvis, Rosie table? Anything you learned to share with the audience that happened at the Humble and Fred Il Duce Elvis Rosie table? Anything you learned that you can share or anything that was interesting, controversial maybe? I will say one thing. Anthony, does he ever work hard because his company catered your wedding, right? And it just goes to show you when you work in the food industry how hard you have to work. Because he was in the kitchen. Yeah, he was working hard just making sure everything went. Anthony from Palm of Pasta went in the kitchen to make sure that the plates were being prepared to his standards.
Starting point is 00:18:44 His high standards. Because even an asparagus that was askew could ruin this fine day. And I didn't want Anthony to do this. He didn't invoice me for his time. But the man just is a generous, sweet man. And I just I wanted to call attention to that because, you know, you obviously were busy with your whole wedding. I caught wind of that.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I suspected you did. But truly, you know, he weren't, you know, I was obviously at the table and he works, you know, busy with your whole wedding. I caught wind of that. I suspected you did, but truly, you know, he weren't, you know, I was obviously at the table and he works, you know, so hard. And the plates came out and they were so beautiful. And his food is so lovely and great. But this is not controversial, Rose. Do you have a controversial nugget from that seating? I put you there as like a mole of sorts.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I wanted to have ears on the ground to come back and report. Here's the thing. I don't get out much. So this was an evening with... So you're not going to rat on these people? Men were, you know, between Scott and Howard, filling my... Alternatively, making sure my glass was filled with wine.
Starting point is 00:19:35 How much did you drink? I, um... You know, by... And did you like the wine? The wine was lovely. Do you want to know something? We liked the wine choice so much that we actually, on our last trip to the LCBO,
Starting point is 00:19:45 picked up, there was a Mondavi that you had. Because Monica chose this wine. Can you remind me what she chose for you? I knew Monica chose the wine. Because you are not a wine drinker as far as I know, unless that's changed. No, I don't like wine for some reason. Yeah, you know what's funny? I don't appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I'll drink it, but it's like just to fit in. I didn't for a long time, and then I did. And I'm glad I did, because it's all good. So you're not going to spill any story here. What did you think of Howard's speech? Because you were at the table, so the way I've heard it is that his girlfriend basically gave him
Starting point is 00:20:16 an ultimatum of sorts. Like, go make a speech, or we're never getting married. Oh, I thought Fred did that. Oh, I heard it was Amanda. Well, here's the thing. I wish that... I'm going to be honest with you. I thought Fred said something like that. Oh, I heard it was Amanda. Well, here's the thing. I wish that, you know, I wish, I'm going to be honest with you. I wish. I love honesty, Rose.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I wish you'd asked me to make a speech because I feel that. Wait, but who, you wished who asked you? I wished you. But I didn't ask anyone at your table to make a speech. Okay, well, this is, here's the thing. I feel that I would have liked, because I looked around at the table and I realized that everyone at that table had, you know, come into your life either from... Oh yeah, since like 2005.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Well, yeah, obviously like other than me. But, you know, they'd come into your life, you know, through like really cool stories through your website, through this community, this really unique and interesting community that you've created with Toronto, And I, I feel like I was like wanting that to be told to that whole group of people that are there because they love you. And I would have given you an open mic Rose. So I sort of wish I could have told that story because that this table of people were all there because of this really cool reason.
Starting point is 00:21:20 And I thought, I don't, I have to admit I was, um, I wasn't listening so much but I feel like maybe um that could have would have been cool how could you not be listening when Howard gets up to grab the mic how do you not focus on his speech I don't well you know it's it's you know what I mean it's uh I again I don't so you wish you had made the speech I wish that
Starting point is 00:21:40 there had even if it hadn't been me I wish someone had someone had just spoke to the cool and unique sort of reason all these people had come to be there supporting you. And I just would have liked to... I'm a little sappy, so I would have liked a little bit more sappiness, that's all. I'm telling you, when we renew our vows on our 10th anniversary, I'm going to give an open mic to Rose and you're going to make your speech. Well, you know, I'm never short of things to say.
Starting point is 00:22:07 So everything's good. I didn't want to take you away from the wedding until you're done. Is there anything else you wanted to say about the wedding? Just you had a good time. You know the speech I loved? Tell me. Michelle's. Oh, yes. She's a doll. She's so beyond her years. She's a favorite of mine. And I really loved
Starting point is 00:22:24 Monica's sister and your brother i just think it was so nice i think for like the way a brother and sister speak about you know their siblings because they know you better than anyone who better does monica's sister like her better or does my brother like me better i think that no contest right my brother likes me better i just love because i don't have a sister, so watching Sherry speak about Monica was really cool because sisters are sisters. It's such a neat, special thing.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I love that speech. And I thought Ryan was just adorable. He's so sweet. His son, oh my God, his son is just, I just melted. He's so sweet. You know, he was born the same day as Michelle. I think you did mention that to me.
Starting point is 00:23:08 What a doll. That blows my mind. What are the odds on that? Brothers having a kid on the same date. Not the same birthday, the same date. It was also surreal for me to see Ryan and Steve because the last time I saw Ryan and Steve is when we were in like first or second year university. So they would have been, I don't know, like how old would Ryan have been if we were like we're all two years apart yeah so he was like 19 and steve would be
Starting point is 00:23:28 17 but you know how people freeze in your mind a certain way so i still like they they especially particularly ryan i remember steve too but i still remember ryan because he looks ryan looks more like you than steve so you know i hear the opposite just so you know the consensus is that steve looks more like me in my mind ryan looks more like you, but he's frozen in my mind. This like, you know, 19 year old kid. And here's like this man with his son and he was just so sweet and lovely. It was, uh, it was fun for me to see, to see them. Cause it's been so, it's been so long.
Starting point is 00:23:55 And your mama too, your mama's so nice. Well, I'm glad you were there. We're glad you were there. And, uh, I almost, it's so long ago now. I almost forgot about the wedding. I haven't even seen the official pictures yet. Well, the pictures, I haven't missed, I'll tell you one thing on your site. I might skim, but I didn't skim anything wedding related.
Starting point is 00:24:11 The photos were just beautiful. There's a photo that someone, when your relatives took with the light. There's a picture of you and Monica. Oh, that's her cousin Ken. Oh my gosh. Gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. You could frame that, be done.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Done. I see gosh. Gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. You could frame that and be done. Done. I see we're moving on. It'll replace the Neil Young picture above us. Love it. There's a fabulous Neil Young picture hanging right above our heads. It's really lovely. You're lucky. Rose, this is a sad moment on the Toronto Mic podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:44 We lost a great one. Honestly, we were in Humber Bay Park. Nicholas was feeding the ducks. And because of Scott working in news, he gets news alerts fairly quickly. I do too. It's called Twitter. It's all the same time. It's the same real time.
Starting point is 00:25:01 You know what? I'm not going to get into this. Okay, but it's no time difference between his and mine. Whatever. Whatever, Mike. the same time. Well, it's the same real time. You know what? I'm not going to get into this. Okay, but it's no time difference between his and mine. Whatever. Whatever, Mike. Whatever, Mike. Because somebody picks it up before Scott gets it and already tweets it. Like some news service.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I bet if we were to have a race, he would get it first. Okay, we have to find a way to do this. But go on, please. I don't want to ruin your James Gandolfini moment. Goddamn. So he looks up from his Blackberry and he says james gandolfini is dead and you know i am not a big celebrity um person i don't care when they get married i don't care when they get divorced or have children or whatever um but i could not believe and i and i get annoyed when people are
Starting point is 00:25:39 all like emotional about celebrities because i'm like you don't know them they're not your family like you don't know them except you knew this guy but. Like, you don't know them. Except you knew this guy. But I was sad. I was sad. And I texted my dad because we just all love the Sopranos so much. And I realized, you know, it's so rare
Starting point is 00:25:53 when you have a character so embodied in an actor. Like, he is Tony Soprano, you know, and you... He did a fantastic job with that character. And that character was larger than life. And he was such a major component in that show i agree this is one of my favorite
Starting point is 00:26:10 television characters of all time so sad i was so sad and it was kind of young he's 51 or something like you're not supposed to leave it's 51 but he was uh he was a larger guy but you know i was watching um pierce morgan interviewing Dr. Oz and they were talking about heart disease and you know it's kind of a good reminder Dr. Oz said and I have to say
Starting point is 00:26:30 I never watched Dr. Oz's okay here's the thing I never watched Dr. Oz's show because like it was just too much like I don't need
Starting point is 00:26:37 all that health stuff but whenever I see Dr. Oz be interviewed or speak about something I like the way he does I have to say I get it he speaks really plainly
Starting point is 00:26:44 and he explains things well and he's got the credentials he's like a heart surgeon exactly and the way he does. I have to say, I get it. He speaks really plainly and he explains things well. And he's got the credentials. He's like a heart surgeon. Exactly. And the way he spoke about it was so interesting because he said, it is a reminder that heart disease, still number one killer of Americans. And there's like a few really simple things. Your waist should never be larger than half your height. Bad. If your waist is larger than half your height, you are okay. James Gandolfini was not okay. My dad used to not be okay. Now he is. He's lost all the weight, which is such a relief. And he stopped smoking, which is also huge. And then he went on to say that while genetics does play a part in whether you're going to have a heart attack, a heart attack stroke is actually more driven by lifestyle choices
Starting point is 00:27:26 stress eating and quite often your last meal is if you've had a bad meal is that rib fest well you know what a lot people that die from stroke if you look at their last meal it usually is something pretty excessive something not it's it's you, no one died after a salad. It's like, you don't have a bean salad and have a stroke. You've had like some sort of, um, excessive, um, heavy fat laden alcohol, that, that kind of thing. So, you know, he was obviously, he was on vacation and he was indulging. And, um, I just, I just thought it was also sad. And, you know, when his son found him in the bathroom, like just heartbreaking. And you know what, I'm the type of person that when an actor dies, like after John Ritter died, I could not watch Three's Company anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Johnny Cash died that same day. I forgot John Ritter died because I was so upset about Johnny Cash dying. I was so, cause John Ritter as well, you know, sort of heavy. It was heart thing. He was heavy. He was, yeah. Towards the end. He wasn't as heavy. I don't know if his waist was more than half his height, but he definitely had gained weight. He didn't look super fit at all, but he passed and I couldn't watch Three's Company anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:29 And I used to love it. I used to love, oh my God, like love it. You're not missing anything, Rose. Rose, I'm sorry about John. Okay, so James Gandolfini, and it's sad, but I have to ask you a question
Starting point is 00:28:39 about this link between lifestyle and heart disease. Somebody told me there's like, there's old people and there's fat people, but he says there's no old fat people is that true like does somebody who has a very large gut basically have a life expectancy like uh 60 something that's really interesting dr rose trying to think of any old fat people are there any old fat people because i i know some fat some uh what's a good term for this obese Obese? Is that word acceptable? Sure. Yeah. I mean, it's true.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Fat's a mean word. Well, it is mean. And you know what? Who cares if someone's fat if you're healthy? I have friends that are not size sixes, but they're healthy and they look amazing. Of course. You don't need my washboard abs. I have those. But if anybody out there has a big gut, maybe this will be the wake up call. It's late to kind of change the diet because that's the best thing you can do and then start adding some more exercise in the mix and you could lose that totally it's it's it's i was 40 pounds heavier 18 months ago rose you know like dr oz says we drive it it's not all genetics you can't blame genetics our lifestyle choices drive drive our heart health so I hear you. Speaking of great television characters, we just talked about the great Tony Soprano.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yes. Another exceptional television character who's also in my top 10 is Don Draper. Who's also, I feel, gained weight in the last... Oh, you're being harsh. He's thickened up a little bit. He's thickened up a little bit. If you...
Starting point is 00:30:04 He has. He has. You've got a strict line because he's incredibly attractive. Oh, he's thickened up a little bit. He's thickened up a little bit. If you, if you, he has, he has. Okay. You've got a strict line because he's incredibly attractive. Oh, he's super handsome. I love Don Draper. We are both Mad Men. I also love Roger Sterling though too.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Yeah. And he had all those heart attacks in season one and he's been fine since season one. Have you noticed that? So we are a big Mad Men fan, big Mad Men fans. Fans. We are a big Mad Men fan. Big Mad Men fans. And we won't spoil this because I know some people are behind, but the season six finale aired since our last recording.
Starting point is 00:30:34 The day after my wedding, I believe. Yeah, I think it was actually. I think so. And I just want to tell you that I thought it was brilliant. And I thought this season might have been a bit sluggish in the first half, like people were saying. But it picked up its steam with four amazing episodes to close out the season. And I'm a very happy Mad Men fan. What do you say?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Me too. I love it. You know, I have been hearing this, you know, oh, it's a downer. But I feel like it is a maudlin show. Anyone who is watching Mad Men, you should be watching so you think you can dance then. Like this is not, this is a depressing show. It's not, you know, it's brilliant. I think that though the last half of the season picked up
Starting point is 00:31:12 with Peggy being back in, you know, the merger of the, that just I think was amazing. And Ted, your boyfriend Ted. Ted is my TV boyfriend. Last year it was Jim Harper from the newsroom. Also can't wait for the newsroom to come back. I can't wait. I miss Will. I forgot about Jim Harper because I confused him with Jim on The Office.
Starting point is 00:31:28 What's his name? Oh, he's cute too. What's his name though? Are you sure it's Jim Harper? What's the name of the character on The Mad Men? The character on the newsroom is Jim Harper that I'm talking about. The character on Mad Men is Ted, I forget his last name. Yeah, but what's the character on The Office?
Starting point is 00:31:45 You know what? I didn't watch The American Office. Jim. Was it Jim? Jim Harper. No, it's not Jim Harper. Where's your Google internet? I know.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Why are we doing this? We have the interweb. I'll find it. Okay, so. Anyways, all I have to say. Anyway, Mad Men, tell me about what you thought of the finale. Oh, I thought it was, I loved it. I thought, I really am enjoying what's, I have it was, I loved it. Um, I, I thought I really am enjoying
Starting point is 00:32:05 what's, um, I have to say like, it's, it's, it's awful, but I'm enjoying watching him and Megan just fall apart because you knew when they got together that it was going to fall apart. Are these spoilers, Rose? Because, um, well, I don't think so. I think. What's the statute of limitations on a spoiler? You keep, it's still within like a month. You got to give it at least a couple months, right? No, I actually feel that, and I'm someone that PBRs things. Because who's to say that Dawn and Megan are falling apart, Rose? Just listen.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Here's the thing. I'm someone that I PBR things so I don't watch them the night. I don't feel like it's the world's responsibility to protect me from the show. If I choose to not watch it when it's on, you know what? You put yourself on the block. Fine, but I feel like if I'm listening to a podcast by a local blogger who I adore
Starting point is 00:32:48 and then somewhere he drops some big spoiler about a show that is in my queue to watch because I'm just in season five still. Dude, it was three weeks ago. No, it was three weeks ago. If you haven't watched
Starting point is 00:32:57 the Mad Men finale by now, like it's not my responsibility to protect you. What if you're on season four and you haven't got to season six yet? Maybe if you were in jail, I feel bad for you. But no, if you're doing it like that, sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:06 We have a fundamental disagreement. We'll have to talk offline about this. Also, we don't talk offline. That's true. I'll record it. I'll talk to you in Google Drive. Okay, so the Mad Men finale, though, you liked how it ended. I thought it was great.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And you're excited about season seven, as I am. Oh my gosh, is this season seven already? Yeah, the final season. One more to go. That's it? Just one more? One. One more to go. That's it? Just one more? One more and that's it. It's done.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Whoa. I really love it. So excited. Can't wait. Love Mad Men. And I'm late to the party on this, but I finally, we're watching Homeland.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I get it. I get why everyone was freaking out about Homeland. It is so good. And I don't usually like- This is the sequel to my so-alled Life, right? Like she grows up.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Well, you know, it's funny because I never actually watched My So-Called Life but I do like Claire Danes. Yeah, I love her. She is so good. The actor that plays
Starting point is 00:33:54 Nicholas Brody, he's a British actor. Oh my God, I so get why they won Emmys. They're awesome. Love the show and it's not even subject matter.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I don't like violent stuff. Did you ever watch Band of Brothers? No, I never watched it. He's in that. He's very good in that. Super cute, really good and No, I never watched it. He's very good in that. Super cute, really good.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And, um, totally into Homeland. Love it. We are like kind of, I think we have a couple left in season one. Um, and yeah,
Starting point is 00:34:14 and you know what? If I don't expect, because I'm so behind on it, I don't expect if you, you know, obviously, you know, I haven't watched it.
Starting point is 00:34:20 So if you were to spoil it for me right now, I'd want to smack you, but I don't expect the world. See how it feels? Do you see what I mean though? No, I don't expect the world to like, like, shh, like, you know, somebody, I might spoil it for me right now, I'd want to smack you, but I don't expect the world. See how it feels? Do you see what I mean though? No, I don't expect the world to like, like, shh,
Starting point is 00:34:26 like, you know, somebody, I might spoil it for somebody. No, it's not, it's not the world's responsibility. I say for a good six months, the world should just be quiet. Or at least give a warning.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yes. Give a warning. Okay. Final thoughts before we wrap up this exciting 44th edition of Toronto Mic'd. Your good, your, I don't know what to call it. Is it your favorite Maple Leaf?
Starting point is 00:34:47 But a Maple Leaf you were fond of. He was my favorite. You called him fondly. You called him Scribbles. He was Scribbles. When I really like someone, I give them a nice nickname. He was my Scribbles.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Ben Scriven, who lived in a basement apartment. Did you know that? Nope. One of my favorite facts of Ben Scriven. He's married. He lives in a basement apartment. He drives his old truck from way back when.
Starting point is 00:35:06 He doesn't have these... Yes, he's really humble. And he has been traded to the Los Angeles Kings. He is no longer a Toronto Maple Leaf. I was very blue when that was reported to me. I was in my backyard and Scott came over to me. Okay, so yeah. I got my news from him.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I thought of you when Scribbles was traded. I was a big Reimer guy. You know, I had the t-shirt. I was a big Reimer guy. So I didn't want Scribbles playing. I liked him. I liked him as a person. I just didn't want him starting because I wanted Reimer starting.
Starting point is 00:35:35 But now there's going to be a battle, it looks like, between Jonathan Bernier and James Reimer for that number one spot. You know what? Maybe it'll be a good thing for Reimer to have because I do feel that traditionally, there's so much, we get a goalie and there's so much pressure on him and he just like cracks. I think when you become a Maple Leaf goalie
Starting point is 00:35:53 in your contract, it should come with a full-time sports psychologist. But we haven't had a proven goalie since Ed Belfort. Yeah, and I'm telling you why because we put the pressure, it should come with a sports therapist to give you therapy while you were dealing with the immense amount of pressure that is upon you.
Starting point is 00:36:07 So I think that it might be a good thing for you. The reason I liked Scrivens is I felt that when him and Reimer worked together, there was less pressure and he did better. And then towards the end of the season, I know he, obviously they got to the playoffs and they did well, but there was less scribbles.
Starting point is 00:36:20 And then Reimer started to, he started to fall apart. And then. Do you think that Bernier will help Reimer next season? well you know I don't know because you know how close we were this close
Starting point is 00:36:30 Rose this close heartbreaking I don't know maybe I mean it might take some of the pressure off it might be like
Starting point is 00:36:34 he doesn't have to be the man right this Hollandaise guy your other favorite's gone too Matty Fratton well I did quite like him because he was your favorite
Starting point is 00:36:44 because he's Frattini right he's Italian did quite like him. Because he was your favorite because he's Frattini, right? He's Italian. I did like him. I feel like the one, like I just gotten to like some new guys and they're gone.
Starting point is 00:36:52 There was something else that just happened. Now I can't remember. Shoot. Oh no. Oh, it's gone. There was another.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Is it a leaf thing? No. Bargnani's gone. Yes, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I was, you know, it's, yeah, he's in New York and I can't believe believe not only did we, we, we,
Starting point is 00:37:08 I can't believe draft picks came back for him. Like draft picks came back for Bargnani instead of just all the contracts they were had to get rid of or whatever. I think that the, I can't believe it. I poor New York Knicks fans there in six months, they're going to be like commiserating with us, and they'll understand why this is a terrible decision by the New York Knicks GM.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I don't know. Or will it be like the Toronto curse, and he will do amazing, and they'll win? What is the basketball cup? We'll watch them closely, but that ain't going to happen. What is it called when they win the NBA championship? That's not as catchy as the Stanley Cup. No, the best trophy in professional sports is the Stanley Cup.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Basketball championship? What is it? I've already forgot. NBA championship. It's so boring. They need like a cup. At least the World Series is the Stanley cup basketball champion. What does he have already forgot? NBA championship. I know. At least the world series has the world series. And the Stanley cup is the best and the great cup school and the Superbowl is fine as a marketing machine,
Starting point is 00:37:54 but the NBA championship does need a better, uh, spin. Rose. I know you had a very important thing you wanted to say but I've got we'll save it for next time I want there to be some more in the tank
Starting point is 00:38:10 excellent very good and that brings us to the end of our show you can follow me on twitter at torontomike and rosie at rosieintoronto see you all next week bye for now And Rosie at Rosie in Toronto. See you all next week. Bye for now.

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