Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #51

Episode Date: September 17, 2013

Mike and Amanda, Humble Howard's lady friend, talk about her experience dating an older man, what's next for Humble and Amanda and what happened to Humble's vasectomy....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the 51st episode of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavour. I'm Mike from, and joining me this week is Humble Howard's lady friend, Amanda, and hosting this audio file are the good people at Core Fusion. Welcome to the new Toronto Mike studio, Amanda. Thank you, Mike. Good to be here. Just a great round of applause from the studio audience. Are you impressed by my fading abilities?
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm so impressed. I only got that last week from Andrew Stokely. So thanks again to Andrew who picked it up, set it up and didn't want to die. And he considered it a late wedding gift. So what a nice man. He is a great man. And speaking of weddings, I haven't seen you since the wedding of the century. You were there and thank you for being there on our big day.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Thanks for having me. It was amazing. It was beautiful. Is that true? Cause you have to say that like you're obligated to tell me how amazing the wedding was, but is that true? Look me in the eyes.
Starting point is 00:01:34 It's so true. I'm not on record or anything. Am I? Is this recording? It is recording. No, it was amazing. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:01:41 You guys, you have a beautiful wife and Monica is just a charm. She is. Thank you. Um, you have a beautiful wife and Monica's just a charm. She is. Thank you. You had to say that though, but thank you anyways. You're welcome. It's very good. And yeah, you just got a tour of the new place. Not that you saw the old place, unfortunately, but you see the new place today. And do you like it? Do you dig it? I love it. My favorite part is the clown lamp above us. Sorry, the ceiling light.
Starting point is 00:02:06 The light fixture got a smiling clown on it, but you're also right beside the hippopotamus, the elephant, the giraffe, and the monkey in the tree. That's awesome. Should I keep it? You should keep it. You should name them, though. Oh, that's a big endeavor.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Maybe I'll have the michelle um my daughter can name these guys yeah that could be her department so um let's set a little uh set this up as to how who you are and why some people how some people will know you and how i know you anyone who listens to the humble and fred uh podcast uh has heard Humble Howard talk at great lengths about his lady friend. That's me. That's his adopted term for you. Yes, I know.
Starting point is 00:02:53 It started off as, I don't know, it started off actually from day one. He didn't know what to call me. He seems, he feels immature if he calls me girlfriend and not his wife yet. So it was fitting. Yeah, I know what he means. Like girlfriend feels like was fitting. Yeah, I know what he means. Girlfriend feels like high school. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:12 What does a 50-year-old man call his significant other that he's not married to that's not girlfriend? I can see why he went with lady friend. Yeah, what do other people go with, though? I'm not really sure. Significant other, better half, partner. Okay. So formal. Yeah, but speaking of formal,
Starting point is 00:03:28 lady friend is like from like the frontiers time or whatever. Isn't this from the wild west or whatever? And you had like the colonel, colonel, yo, my lady friend. You know? Exactly. That's awesome. I love it. So people who listen to Humble and Fred's podcast
Starting point is 00:03:42 have heard Howard talk about his lady friend, Amanda, and you are her. I am her. And I know you, uh, I've been friends with Howard for a long time now. And I know you as, uh, the woman who makes Howard very happy. I try. I try my best. It's probably effortless.
Starting point is 00:03:58 It takes a lot of work. I don't know where you heard that from. I know because we're recording. So you're getting the kinder, gentler. Once I stop recording, they'll tell you what I've heard. Okay, so my first question for you is, are you comfortable with how open Howard is about his relationship with you on the podcast? Because he is super open and honest and gives great detail about your life together.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And I just wondered, so I'm assuming you're cool with this and you're okay with his openness. Yeah, I'm fine with it. I'm a pretty open book with anyone, whether it's my friends, my coworkers, my love life. But I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:36 I gave him full reign on what he can speak about as long as he doesn't go into crazy detail. You know, he can't describe, you can only say it exists. Exactly. Exactly. So he's got carte blanche to discuss things yeah which you guys do yeah i mean i i know that you know delise
Starting point is 00:04:52 doesn't like fred which is howard's partner on the show uh doesn't his other his other life partner his other life partner yeah i mean i know that she's um a little bit more reserved so for me honestly as long as they're not going to say anything that can get me in trouble, then I'm perfectly fine. Because I do, obviously, I work at a financial institution, so they try not to mention the name of that
Starting point is 00:05:15 and they, you know, nothing incriminating, you know? As far as you know, does anyone you work with listen? Actually, so I don't tell anyone, obviously, about it because there's a i understand completely conflict of interest um but i have found out that a couple people do just uh i don't know how people
Starting point is 00:05:31 put things together but they do so yes any anyone you report to no i don't think so but you never know right you never know you honestly i've i, I've been blogging for 11 years. You honestly never know who's reading. You'll be at some function with like your partner's extended family and somebody, some second cousin from wherever is reading everything you write for like the last 10 years and you have no idea. And they know things.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And it's, you you know you must meet people in like the supermarket who know things about you that you don't realize because you don't know who's listening you don't know who's following exactly and you know what i try not to think about it too much because when you do meet a stranger and they say oh i i'm you know 100% are listening to the humble and fred podcast if you actually think back to all the things that they might know, I would just be completely self-conscious. So you just have to kind of put it aside and that's your character and whatever they talk about isn't, you know, it's real life, but it's, you don't have, you don't bring it to the table. I remember like Howard, another Howard, Howard Stern. I remember him talking about,
Starting point is 00:06:40 he used to have fights with his wife at the time, Alison, about how open he was about things. And I remember he would, he would always explain it as like, that's, I'm a person, a media personality. And this is the persona. Like it's not the real Howard.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It's sort of like a, sort of a spun off based on the real Howard, but a public consumptionable Howard. Perfectly put Mike. Oh, even though that's not a word, right? Like you're not, there's no such word as consumptionable Howard. Perfectly put, Mike. Oh, even though that's not a word, right? Like you're not, there's no such word as consumptionable. I liked it.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Do you have an English degree? No. Okay. I'm just looking for some validation because I would be correct. My normal co-host is on the month-long hiatus and she would correct me and tell me that the word I meant to say.
Starting point is 00:07:23 But consumptionable sounds like a good word. I have to look it up. It might be real. If Howard were here, he would know. He is the smartest high school dropout I've ever met. Except he can't get his yours and yours right. That's a pet peeve. You're texting with Howard or messaging him,
Starting point is 00:07:40 and yours and your will be mixed up. But he knows words that most of us have never heard of. Oh, yeah. And he would have been able to tell you right there. Consumptionable? Okay, he'll let me know. He'll call me later and tell me if consumptionable is a word. So I guess when you start dating a media personality, you know the deal.
Starting point is 00:07:56 And you know that this is part of the deal. Yeah. And you can choose. Like, I understand Fred's wife does not listen. Because she's chosen to sort of opt out and be ignorant. You still listen? Every single day, actually. I mean, I don't listen to every single show.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I don't have time, but I'd probably say I would listen to 85% to 90% of the shows. Yeah, I'm a little ahead of you, I think. Sometimes when I'm moving or I'm traveling, I lose touch for a few episodes, but sometimes I'll catch up. But I work from home, so I just play it in the background. Exactly. I'm a commuter, so I listen to it on my commute. It's also a way of me vetting what's said as well, right?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, that's my question. So if he says something that either represents you inaccurately or you thought was too personal or whatever, do you let him know that night? Oh, yeah. Oh, for sure. And that's why I do try to keep up to date. I want to know what's being said, you know what mean i need to know i'm okay with it i just need to know so yeah no we there's been a couple nights where i go home and i question what's been said or
Starting point is 00:08:54 you know it sometimes it's not even about me when he said that mother being a mother isn't the most important job in the world oh he got a lot of flack for that oh yeah that was an actual argument that we had so yeah he yeah sometimes though he'll oh fred more than howard actually i find fred will say something contrarian just to stir the pot yeah like and he might not even really believe it but he knows this will get people going and he'll that that was the whole basis of his blog for a while uh you know so if people are rallying against Rob Ford, for example, he'll make the statement like, oh, he could be the best mayor we ever had and all that kind of stuff. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Exactly. Now, may I ask you, I know you're not supposed to ask this question, but may I ask you how old you are? Certainly. How old do you think I am? I think you are 27. You may have turned 28 very recently, but i think of you as 27 that's very close i get 21 22 unfortunately i look a lot younger than i am but i'm turning 29 next month so i am wrong okay so you well actually yeah i said you could have
Starting point is 00:09:59 turned 20 okay you are 28 i'm 28 uh how How old is Howard? Howard is 53. Can you do the math for me real quick? That's 24 years. 24 years. Okay. So this is interesting to me. I'm a whopping seven years older than my wife. Child's play.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah. Seven years, which is laughable because you're 24. So I have questions. I'm assuming there are pros and cons to this. So can you tell me why does this relationship work? All right. Well, first of all, to your audience, I don't have daddy issues. That's the number one question I get.
Starting point is 00:10:40 You know, I grew up with a very, like my parents did separate when I was three, but I had a very healthy relationship with my father and my mother. And so that's not why this relationship started. But I guess it's definitely a different... It's an alternative lifestyle. That's what I'll call it. It's just like any other couple that are choosing to be with each other and they're not the norm.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Sorry, what was your question? I guess i'm wondering um 24 years so is it that you he's young at heart and you see his age you see his age as being how he presents himself which he's as much young he doesn't act like a 54 year old no okay so i guess yeah i'm just wondering the pros and cons of having this 24 year age difference. Well, assuming there are pros and cons. No, there's definitely pros and cons. And any woman will tell you that, you know, older men are just more at ease with themselves and, you know, being with him, the pros are, he's been through a lot of things that I haven't been through yet.
Starting point is 00:11:41 So he has some insight into life and like world war two. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah and like world war two. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Uh, like world war two. Um, but he, uh, I don't know. I mean, the pros are definitely that he, he has some insight. Um, he has already been through the steps. He's, um, he's able to put him his full, fully formed self forward and be in the relationship completely comfortable with who he is. So I know he's not going to change too much more. So he is who he is. And I love that about him. I love him for who he is. And for me, I think that it's actually a bigger challenge for him because I am going to be going through obviously some changes in the next 20 years, let's say.
Starting point is 00:12:21 So cons, obviously the stigma attached to dating a much older man. Obviously my family, there were some issues there when we first started dating. They continue to this day, actually. Is that with your mom or dad? That's my mother's side, surprisingly. So yeah, my dad actually was a fan of, which I found out later after I started dating him but uh was a fan back in the cfr which is cfny how old is your dad this is awkward my dad's younger than howard okay um okay so that is uh interesting i'm just thinking of meeting my daughter's significant other and him being older than me yeah but you are, as you said, you're turning 29.
Starting point is 00:13:05 So you're not like, I think it would be different if you were like 20 or 21. Like I personally don't, I'm not, I'm a live and let live guy. Like, you know, two consenting adults go for it. Like, good for you. But I just wondered, what's it like? I guess you get, you get looks by the less progressive amongst us will look at you and think maybe you are brainwashed or you're a prisoner. They make you blink really twice, like if you're being held against your will.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Exactly. No, I get that a lot. You know, blink twice if you need help. Yeah. So, you know what that is? I'm a very self-conscious person. So, at the beginning, that was the hardest part, is walking into a room and wondering if everyone thinks that he's my father. That was the hardest part, definitely.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Sometimes my wife will be walking my kids and they think she's the nanny, okay? That's funny. Poor woman. But yeah, I mean, that's probably the biggest thing. And I've never been attracted to older men in my life. I've always dated men my age. But yeah, that just,
Starting point is 00:14:01 or even once they find out that I am dating him, just what's running through their head. You were just attracted to him and the age did not matter to you. No, not at all. I actually didn't even, he looked younger than he is, definitely. I mean, if you put him up against any 53 year old, you would, I would think mid 40s at the most. He's in good shape. Yeah, he looks younger, I'd say. Yeah, he's in good shape. He's immature. Mid 40s, yeah, he looks.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah, he's immature too. He looks younger than me. But what 53 year old, old i mean you play hockey so i mean you're also keeping fit and you i in the last year you've become amazingly fit thank you i bike every day 10 kilometers at least every day yeah if you i don't know if uh if you put pictures up on your website before and afters but you are a completely different person i did not but there's a great idea no but i did lose 40 pounds compared to like two years ago. Yes, yeah, almost two years ago.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Yeah. But yeah, sort of Fred's doing the same thing right now. I guess I've noticed he's trimmed down quite a bit. Yeah, it's important, right? So especially if you're dating a younger woman, you've got to be able to keep up with her. But I mean, Howard, he snowboards, he wakeboards, you know, he longboards.
Starting point is 00:15:04 He does things that most 53-year-olds don't. So I think that the age gap closes. Also being in the radio has kept him in touch with things that I'm interested in as well. And of course, he's got two daughters. I won't make a joke about them being your age because they are significantly younger than you. But I'm assuming from what I've heard in the podcast that you have a great relationship with Charlie and Spencer. Oh, yeah. Amazing. I mean, they are incredible ladies. I don't know if I could have even done this if they hadn't been so great.
Starting point is 00:15:32 But I mean, they're both very, very mature. And since day one, they judged the situation, obviously, on their own time. But they were always so accepting of myself and of our relationship. And I think Spencer, I mean, I met her when she was, gosh, I guess she was 12 or 13. I can't remember. It's yeah, 12. And so she was at a point where she was going through a lot of stuff and this was just one more thing that added to, you know, her going through puberty. And so there was a lot of emotional nights that we had together,
Starting point is 00:16:02 but we're best friends, all of us. You know, cause I'm personally i'm very interested in this uh what's happening with you guys only because if you look at the parallels okay so humble humble humble howard and i we both had long marriages yes that ended we both had two kids and we both left our marriages uh seeking greater happiness i guess would be a way to say it and then we both fell in love with young beautiful woman uh that completely fulfill us and make us crazy happy damn you guys are lucky yes we're Yes, we're very lucky. We are very lucky. And okay, so what happened with me is Monica basically told me she's a little older than you. She's 32 now. You're turning 29, so she's a few years on you.
Starting point is 00:16:56 And she said she loved my children, but she also wanted to have a child of her own with me. Like this was told to me before we got engaged or anything. So I knew this going in, like if I got to marry this girl because she wanted to be married to have kids and she wanted a kid and I felt like I shouldn't deprive her of, I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I will give her the child that she desires. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:21 So we got married. You were there in June and the next step will be, uh, to, she's, I got to impregnate this woman so she can have our baby. So, uh, any tips for that, by the way, I could use some tips. I forget how it works. It's been a while. So please, please to be telling me what the future holds for you and Howard. Uh, do you ever envision walking down the aisle with Howard? So interesting question. When we first got together, Howard had obviously had that long relationship, was married, and at that point wasn't willing to get married or have children.
Starting point is 00:17:58 That was his thing. I was completely fine with that at the beginning. And that was something obviously we talked about because that's a deal breaker for some women and for some men. So marriage was not my future and neither was having children. Since we've been together now for a while, almost, I guess, four years, that has kind of transformed. And now we have been talking about marriage and I do see that in our future. Interesting. Yeah. Weird how that works. Because I had an hour special edition of Toronto Mike sit down with your boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I see it sounds weird to call the 54-year-old boyfriend, your significant other. And he did say similar things, that he wasn't hardcore against it, but that you seemed content with not being married. And my next follow-up, naturally, you know, hardcore against it, but that you seemed content with not being married. And my next follow-up naturally is, since you're turning 29, do you want to have a little Howard?
Starting point is 00:18:56 Do you want to give birth to a little, a mini humble? Why wouldn't you? Like, imagine... I would love to do that. Oh my God. I would do that. Yeah. I mean, if we had a son together, he would just, I couldn't even imagine. He's got good genes.
Starting point is 00:19:07 His daughters are beautiful. So have things changed in that regard? Because I know at some point you were very content to just have your Boston Terrier, Stan. Yes. And you were content with that. And I just wondered if that has evolved as well. Well, yeah. So I don't know how long ago you spoke to him.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I think, I remember I listened to that show probably six to eight months ago. I don't know. Something like that. Something like that. Sorry to put you on the spot. But I know that, I mean, if you want me to get personal here. Of course. This is like, consider this Oprah. Pretend I'm Oprah. Talk to me, Amanda, please. All right. Well, here we we go well so we I was completely
Starting point is 00:19:45 content I wanted a Boston Terrier wanted my dog that was gonna be my baby but as you all know human beings we always want more right so once we get something okay well what's next so the marriage thing definitely um we do we've spoken about that and I do believe that's in our future eventually um because we love each other we We know we both want to be together forever. So let's, you know, life is short. Let's do that. Kids obviously comes with some financial burden. Also, he's done raising children. They're adults almost. So one's off to university, the other one's close to that. So starting all over almost seems daunting to him. And I would never want to put somebody in that position of doing something they didn't want to do. But that being said,
Starting point is 00:20:27 he was ready to get a vasectomy this year. You know, I have that on my notes because he did disclose that in our interview that he had a scheduled vasectomy. Because I asked him, did you clear this with Amanda? Are you sure you want to shut that down? Considering I knew like a lot of women your age changed their
Starting point is 00:20:46 mind it i've seen it i've seen it i remember my brother got married and she was like not interested and i think i can't remember what the deal was but it does change like basically the biological clock starts ticking and you want to have a baby exactly and we're both you know we're not stupid and we knew that that might be something that would happen even over the next three or four years i mean i'm 29 who knows if at 33 or 34 i you know i might want children and so what he did sweet man that he is is he canceled his vasectomy i i feel like i should i don't want to ruin the moment but i should play the breaking news sound bite there because that's okay that's significant i was gonna are you cool with him getting a vasectomy? So Humble Howard is not shutting down the boys. They're still open for business and there's still a possibility at some point in the future
Starting point is 00:21:35 that he will impregnate you. Exactly. There might be more Humble Howard's on the way. But no, you know what? He's a very sweet, thoughtful, he always has my needs in mind. And what he wanted was that if we decide in three years that that's something that we both want and we can afford to have another child and still keep our life, then we'll do it.
Starting point is 00:21:59 If not, then we'll make that decision together. To be a favorite, don't let money interfere with this. This decision should not be about money, in my opinion. Trust me, I have no money. No, I'm poor bastard. Come on. I'm house poor now, first of all.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I can't even afford to pay attention. The fact is money never enters the equation for me with having, because I have two children and they're not as old as Howard's, but one's nine and one's 11, and I'm past that baby raising stage. But you just, you find the money when it comes to children. Like you're not going to have nine children. You're going to have one more.
Starting point is 00:22:31 He'll have a third. You'll have one be very happy kid. You'll raise it together and it'd be amazing. It sounds like a good life. And he'd love it. It'd be the best thing ever. Now that will lead to, uh,
Starting point is 00:22:41 you'll have to come back if that happens because I'll have questions about like, uh, is he have to come back if that happens, because I'll have questions about, like, is he going to, like, are you going to get him a wheelchair that he takes the kid to kindergarten in? Or is he going to use a cane? Like, I have lots of questions like this. Yeah. No, it would be a pretty funny site. You know what? He is an amazing dad, and that's what makes it harder. And that's actually what kind of triggered the conversation. Him being on your show is actually what triggered the conversation. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I played a role. You did. Thank you. Seriously, you changed my life forever. Only because of the parallels. As I told Howard, I always tell Howard, honestly, we had almost the same length of marriage. We almost left at the same time. We met, I mean, I couldn't go 24 years younger.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I'd have to go to like primary school or something. So I went seven years younger, but you're to go to like primary school or something. So I went seven years younger, but you're, you're both young and beautiful and smart. There's so many parallels. So naturally, now that I'm suddenly, and I'm 15 years younger than Howard, so I know it's, it's a different, different there, but I mean, I'm preparing myself to change diapers again and I'm ready to have a child with Monica and I'm excited about it. Like I, and I didn't, I never wanted to get married again either. I did not want to get married, but Monica said she didn't want to have a baby unless she was married.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So it's like I had to take her to the Eiffel tower and propose at the top of the Eiffel tower. Like I had, I had, I had no choice. I needed to, to, you know, make it honest woman out of her as they would say. Is that where you propose? Really? Yeah. Top of the Eiffel tower. Wow. Hopeless romantic. I like it. Thank you i like it thank you yeah it was you listening yeah and we're going to italy now uh in a couple of weeks a few weeks i guess in october we're gonna go to italy for our late honeymoon very nice that'll be very fun so it sounds like things are going really well so you live with howard in oak. I do, yes.
Starting point is 00:24:25 So what was that like? Because you were a Liberty Village girl, right? Yeah, I was. So what's that? I'm just thinking, I just bought a place and I went to sort of Southwest Toronto and I love this new neighborhood, but I just couldn't see myself in Oakville.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Like, how's that working out for you? I actually love it. I'm from Peterborough, so I'm used to not being in the city. You know, I've lived downtown Montreal, lived downtown Ottawa, and now downtown Toronto, so now in Oakville. So, I mean, I am a suburbia girl, I think, at heart, either in the country or out in the suburbs. I'm happy.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And so you're happy in Oakville. You don't miss Liberty Village. No. I mean, we get downtown enough. I work down at Bain Wellington in the financial district, so I get a taste of downtown every single day, and I'm happy to get out. Wicked.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Do you mind if I just get to know you a little better with some lighter questions, and we'll leave the Howard stuff? That's all exciting. Am I going to be invited to your wedding? Hell yeah, you are. Of course you are. I got this recorded, Amanda.
Starting point is 00:25:22 This is recorded, so. Mike, come on. You'd be our first invite. Am I going to be able to make a speech? What did you think of Howard's speech? recorded, Amanda. This is recorded. Mike, come on. You'd be our first invite. Am I going to be able to make a speech? What did you think of Howard's speech? Oh, gosh. I was wondering if you were going to ask me that. I wasn't going to ask, except that it naturally segued over.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Il Duce wants to come on the podcast and tell the true story of Howard that night. He has all these details about Howard on the wedding day that I didn't even know about, that he wants to come on the podcast and tell. Do you have any idea what that's about? No, but I mean, I was there and the way that Howard told on his podcast is not really how it went. Tell us how it went. He, I asked him to go up and say a few words because he loves you and you guys have been friends for so long and you've both had so much impact on each other's life that it's only right. Or, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:06 your brother had just said a speech. So I thought he should just say, you know, a congratulations and just say a few heartfelt words. And it ended up being something that offended Monica's side of the family. And that doesn't surprise me that that tends to happen with Howard. He has the best of intentions. You know that.
Starting point is 00:26:26 He's got a big heart and he just... Because he's trying to be funny. And when you try to be funny, you need to be a bit edgy and you will say things that maybe shouldn't have been said in that setting. Although, that speech never offended me at all. Yeah, but... What, because I'm a white guy? Yeah, I didn't want to say it, but yeah. Come on.
Starting point is 00:26:43 So he essentially put made he put down filipinos yeah he did he basically said that they couldn't understand what your brother was saying and that neither could we he said you know neither can we we don't understand what he said anyway so he's also putting down your brother which he just had this beautiful heartfelt speech i didn't think it was right at a wedding yeah that's that's less cool. I'm okay with putting down the Philippines, but poor Ryan worked so hard on that speech. But I think it was such a light put down that I don't think it was too hard hitting.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I think it was okay. I think most of us err on the side of being appropriate and err on the side of not offending anyone. Well, no, I got in trouble for my wedding speech. For what it's worth, I got in trouble too. I know exactly what happened. Yeah, so the one line got me in with her mom i got in huge shit with her mom like i just i can't even talk about it because monica's listening and i think i promised i'd stop talking about it
Starting point is 00:27:34 but uh i can understand how howard feels both of our speeches were controversial that night i went and said sorry to monica right after howard said that speech because i knew it wasn't right and i was i was completely embarrassed. But the thing is, I did know that there was no inland tension there. There wasn't. No, of course. And he had a few glasses of wine. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah, just a few. So Il Duce's got some stories about Howard in the kitchen. Did he do it? Yeah, an inebriated Howard stumbled into the kitchen a few times. Really? Where was I? You were not there. So this is going to be like an Il Duce exclusive.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I'm going to try to have him on next week. It was probably while I was apologizing to Monica. Did you like your table? That was a fun table. We had Elvis there and Rosie and Il Duce. We had the best table. It was a blast. And Fred?
Starting point is 00:28:18 Oh, yeah. No, we had a great group. Thank you for having us. No, it was awesome to have you there. What's your favorite movie of all time? Oh my gosh. It's really lame. Tell me.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Is it The 101 Dalmatians? No. I love Dancing with Wolves. Why is that so lame? First of all, it never should have won the Oscar because that was the year of Goodfellas. And Goodfellas as a movie is infinitely better than dances with wolves as good as dances with wolves is i can't believe dances with wolves beat out goodfellas for the 1990 best picture never seen goodfellas can't comment you need to see goodfellas asap and report back and you'll
Starting point is 00:28:57 say mike it's better than dances with wolves all right i'll do that but that's not an embarrassing choice embarrassing choices are not like that's a fine movie. Um, what is your favorite musical artist? It could be a band or a solo artist. I don't care. Oh, okay. Crowded house. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And, Bob Dylan. Crowded house is a very inspired choice. Yeah. They're from down under. Yeah. I love them. Obsessed with them.
Starting point is 00:29:21 That's amazing. Cause no one, very few people would reply with a credit house, which is great band. Yeah. Their music makes you feel good. Cool. And what amazing because no one, very few people would reply with Credit House, which is a great band. Yeah, their music makes you feel good. Cool.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And what was the other one you said? Bob Dylan. Oh yeah, I can't go wrong with Robert Zimmerman. Exactly. I love guys
Starting point is 00:29:34 with weird voices. I love... Neil Young? I love Neil Young. I got a picture, I'm going to show you the picture I have of Neil Young downstairs.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Oh yeah? I love Neil Young. I saw him last year. I love Neil Young. And do you like, what do you think of like Tom Waits? I don't really know Tom Waits' music. I'm yeah? I love Neil Young. I saw him last year. I love Neil Young. And do you like, what do you think of like Tom Waits? I don't really know
Starting point is 00:29:48 Tom Waits' music. I'm trying to think of bad voices. I think Howard's a big fan of Tom Waits. Is he? I should probably listen then. He's just an interesting voice. Like if you want to talk
Starting point is 00:29:55 about distinctive, interesting voices. Yeah. I like Elvis Costello as well. And yeah, I don't know. Cool. That's good. Tell me, please, your favorite television show.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Tell me your favorite television show of all time. And then tell me your currently your favorite show that's still actually airing. Okay. Well, in the past, I don't really, I'm not really a huge TV person. But I mean, Sons of Anarchy is my current favorite. I mean, there's no comparison. Have you watched it? I'm afraid to tell you. I watched the first three episodes and I thought it was a good show, but I never actually returned.
Starting point is 00:30:31 And I think it's just I don't watch. I give like, I got like five hours a week for TV. Oh, you got to give it a chance. Outside of sports. I heard good things. My brother, Ryan, loves Sons of Anarchy. Oh, yeah. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And is that your favorite current show? Are you up to date with Breaking Bad? Hell yeah. Is Sons of Anarchy. Oh yeah, it's amazing. And is that your favorite current show? Are you up to date with Breaking Bad? Hell yeah. Is Sons of Anarchy better than Breaking Bad? It's different. It's a different audience. I mean, I didn't want to watch Sons of Anarchy because it's about motorcycles
Starting point is 00:30:55 and what chick wants to watch that. And it's pretty violent. But yeah, I'd say Sons of Anarchy is a lot better. And what's your all-time favorite show? Is it Sons of Anarchy? Well, I like all the chick flicks. I mean, honestly, if we're being honest, I love Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, all that stuff. I'm one of those. Okay. I'm lame. That's okay. You're entitled to be lame. What is your favorite food? My favorite food? Well, now I'm gluten-free,
Starting point is 00:31:21 so my life sucks. Oh yeah. Why are you doing, doing that to yourself? I'm like, I'm, I'm eating more gluten than ever. Oh God. You got to get rid of it. I love it though. It's I love, I love it. I don't know how to, I guess I could get rid of it and still enjoy all my bread based products. I love pizza. I like pasta. I love, I love French toast. I love toast. I love bread. I love cereal. Dude dude i love all those things those are my favorite thing i love brunch you want to go for brunch right now you got time i'll go have some french toast and coffee i'll be the happiest mofo on the planet i would die i would be the happiest person as well honestly i miss i miss french toast i miss waffles i miss why are you doing this to
Starting point is 00:31:57 yourself um it's just a healthier way of being i did i had a terrible you were healthy before you gave up gluten no man i couldn't go to the washroom for days. I didn't know that. Maybe you need to eat apples. Like an apple a day will keep you regular. I guess. No, I tried all that. I just, my digestive system was not working very well and it was suggested to me and I tried it.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And now I've never felt better. But I do miss all those things you just listed. I think I'm going to have pizza tonight after the hockey game because I love it. I love pizza. You can get gluten-free pizza. You can... Sounds like a lot of work. I just want the going to have pizza tonight after the hockey game. Cause I love it. I love pizza. Gluten free pizza. You can,
Starting point is 00:32:26 it sounds like a lot of work. I just want the walk-in special. It's four 99. I get the walk-in special. Okay. Well then, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:32 pizza pizza does a gluten free crust for all those listening. If you want that option and for pasta, you can do brown rice pasta. Tastes the exact same. Okay. I'll take your word for it. What's the first album you ever bought? I guess you're a young person.
Starting point is 00:32:44 So it was a CD. What is an album? No, I'm kidding. word for it. What's the first album you ever bought? I guess you're a young person, so it was a CD. What is an album? No, I'm kidding. Jagged Little Pill. That's good. Good choice, Alanis Morissette. Of course. Good CanCon. What is the first concert you ever went to? Backstreet Boys, Molson Amphitheater.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Have you seen This Is The End? Yes. Because Monica's favorite part of This is the End Was the last two minutes With the Backstreet Boy reunion It was awesome, up in heaven I think If you guys haven't seen that movie I completely forgot, that's my current favorite movie
Starting point is 00:33:15 This is the End? Were you high when you saw it? Hell no Because I liked it a lot I think I would have liked it a lot more if I was high Yeah, no definitely definitely. It's sort of a stoner comedy meets crazy apocalypse movie. Yeah, no, I loved it. I was completely sober. Maybe a couple drinks, actually. That's funny. Yeah, that's good. And what's your favorite
Starting point is 00:33:35 sport? Like to play and your favorite sport to watch? Favorite sport to play used to be rugby, but I'm retired. So now I like to play soccer. That's a good sport. It's a pretty good sport. Everybody can play. I had to say that. I have no idea. That's the one sport I've never played an organized version of.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Well, I live in Oakville. It's a soccer town. It's kind of something you have to play. I had no idea Oakville was a soccer town. That's where all the soccer moms are. Yeah, I'm a soccer mom. All I need are stickers on the back of my truck truck and I'm there. Oh, that's funny. I hate those stickers. Just don't put the
Starting point is 00:34:07 balls on the back of your truck. I was driving from Huntsville back to Toronto and there was like trucks with testicles hanging from the back. No way. That's like a thing. Are you serious? It's a thing now. I've never seen them. I've seen them. I think it's mainly coming from Barry and stuff, but
Starting point is 00:34:23 I'm telling you, it's a thing now. Balls in the back of my throat. Must be a hick thing. I wasn't going to say that, but yeah. And, oh, for watching, do you watch any sports on TV? No, I hate watching sports. Oh, I love watching sports. Really?
Starting point is 00:34:36 I'm glad Howard's not into it. I'll watch a Leafs preseason game. Like, I'll watch the whole thing and enjoy it. What does Monica do? She's into Leafs. Like, that's how sweet this girl is. She has adopted the Leafs and she's a big Leaf fan. She likes watching sports with me.
Starting point is 00:34:49 She's crazy about me. She feels about me the way you feel about Howard. I know. We're just a bunch of happy, in love people. It's making me feel nauseous. I know. But what didn't make me feel nauseous was the amazing support from uh mostly
Starting point is 00:35:06 toronto mic readers actually uh who pledged my terry fox run so i just wanted to thank everyone who donated to my terry fox run which i did on sat on sunday so what is today tuesday no i know amanda didn't donate but i didn't mean i actually never meant't mean, I actually never meant to show you. This is not meant to show you up. I wanted to thank the 19 or 20 pledgers. I put them on the site and I've sent them an email. That's nice. But yeah, I try to do the Terry Fox run every year. But last year I was in Amsterdam during the run, so I couldn't do it. But I'm back this year and it was great to be at High Park Sunday.
Starting point is 00:35:52 My kids were there. my mom actually came out my brother his wife his son and uh my kids were there and it was just a nice family day uh doing the run nice for Terry do you paint your face or anything like that no I don't paint my face but I have a Terry Fox shirt okay my 2007 Terry Fox run shirt I wear and yeah I just I just, I love being there. Like it's, I just, that's my favorite charity because I remember Terry Fox. I was so young. You can't imagine, you were born in the 80s. Yes. But late 80s.
Starting point is 00:36:15 84. You're, okay, because Monica was born in 81. Okay, I see, three years. So I was born in the 70s. I remember Terry Fox. That's how old I am. No, but that's, I mean, he was iconic. And I've been to Thunder Bay.
Starting point is 00:36:28 He's my hero. That guy was amazing. Yeah, he was. That's a fucking warrior. Well, there you go. And you ran and you did well. I know it's not about... It's not about the run because we actually walked it.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So it's only four and a half K at Hyde Park anyway. So it's not even about that. But I raised, I think, 700 bucks just through the site. So I just want to thank everybody for pledging. That's awesome. Anything else you want to say to the Toronto Mic listeners before we shut this down? No, I mean, I don't have anything else to say. I think you're a great guy.
Starting point is 00:36:59 And I think that I'm really happy that Howard has you in his life. And I heard all about you before I ever met you. And it's a pleasure to know you. Well, I always, I'm crazy about Howard and have been for a long time. And if anything I do to help that man, I'll do it. He's a special boy. And you make him happy. And that makes me happy.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And there's just a lot of happiness. So I want to say goodbye to the hippopotamus, the elephant, the giraffe, and the monkey on my wall. And I'm going to use Andrew Stokely's fader to bring this up because this is our closing theme, which is actually Rosie and Gray, which was picked because my co-host is normally Rosie. And I just want to say to Rosie,
Starting point is 00:37:43 who probably isn't listening because she doesn't listen when she's not on for some reason that I miss her and I can't wait till she comes back from her top secret assignment but thank you Amanda my pleasure and that brings us to the end of
Starting point is 00:38:00 our 51st show you can follow me on Twitter at Toronto Mike. And Amanda, at Demanda Marie. Yes. Not very active anymore. How come? I was afraid working at the bank.
Starting point is 00:38:15 I got some pushback. Is there any way you could relaunch it with less ties to your actual identity? I'm going to do that in the near future. Will you let me know who you are? I will. Because I tweet at you sometimes, but I never see you tweeting. No, I deleted all the incriminating stuff off there.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So it's just very PG-13 kind of stuff. It sucks that we can't have fun with these social media personas without compromising our 9-to-5. I know. And someone from the bank actually contacted me. Well, fuck them. Yeah. See you all next week.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Bye. The smile is fine and it's just like mine and it won't go away. Cause everything is rosy and green.

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