Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #53

Episode Date: October 1, 2013

Mike and Rosie chat about her work with TIFF, her move to an iPhone and her addiction to B12....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the 53rd episode of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavour. I'm Mike from Joining me as always is Rosie from And hosting this audio file are the good people at Core Fusion. Welcome back, Rose. and hosting this audio file are the good people at core fusion welcome back rose hello my friend how long has it been what up brother you know i've been like pulling like homeless people off the streets to co-host for the past month well it's funny when i pulled in i saw this scruffy guy up front. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:07 We just recorded his new podcast, Scruffy Guy, the Scruffy Guy Experience. That reminds me of your last place of residence. By the way, the new studio, I like it very much. Do you like the hippo and the elephant and the giraffe and the monkey? I just want to tell our gang right now
Starting point is 00:01:23 to my right, about five inches from my head, is a giraffe. There is a giraffe on the wall beside me. It's really sort of psychedelic. I like it. It works. So I should keep it.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I would keep it. Don't paint over it. I would embrace it. I would get like a giant bear and hang him from the ceiling and like a monkey in the corner. I would work with it. I would make it work.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Okay. Before I ask you the question on everybody's mind, I just want to say that this episode is dedicated to my longtime good buddy and Raging Storm teammate, Kick. Kick! So this is for Mike Kick. And tell me, what did he do to garner such an honor? I can't, I'll tell you after. I don't want to put it on the air yet,
Starting point is 00:02:07 but he knows why he's getting this special love. He knows why. Awesome. All right. Very cool. Well, it's great to be back. This is from everyone from Roshan to Liz and Rixie and Oakville and everyone in between. Liz. Hi, Liz. I miss Liz. She's so awesome. Where the hell have you been?
Starting point is 00:02:26 Well, okay. So I've been on special assignment for the last month. No. I had an opportunity to work on a really, really, really cool event. As you know, I worked in production for years and I've been working for home from the last few years. But I had an opportunity to work on something really cool that i've always loved um attending not as an employee just as um as a fan is this ford fest and i was at ford fest right no
Starting point is 00:02:54 i was not at ford fest i've never been to for apparently there were two ford fests yeah he did one in scarberia and one in centennial park and he you know it's against the this is a tangent we're not going down this road. We're coming back to your special assignment, but he's not allowed to campaign yet. Right. These are campaign events
Starting point is 00:03:10 with signs that say for Rob Ford, Ford Fest. These are campaign events. They are illegal. I don't know. He gets to do with everything. Counselor Ford would have
Starting point is 00:03:16 shot Mayor Ford. Please continue with your special assignment. No, the rules don't apply. He gets to do whatever he wants, clearly, and nothing ever happens. As you do,
Starting point is 00:03:23 because you just took a month leave from Toronto Mic'd on special assignment. My special assignment. Right. So I had this opportunity to work on this event. And yeah, it was nice to kind of... So you're not going to name the event? I can't tell if you're just... Well, you won't let me talk.
Starting point is 00:03:38 No, it's the biggest intro preamble about this special event. Did you put a man in space? You're still talking. All right, go. I'll mute my microphone. Yes, I was working at the Toronto International Film Festival in September. It was awesome. It was really, really cool. Anyone that reads my site, I did a little entry just about the past 10 years of attending the festival. When I had this opportunity to work on it, I took it.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And it was actually great to see the festival from a staff point of view. It was cool. It was really cool. I had so much fun. It was awesome. So you were working TIFF? Yes, I worked at the film festival. It was great.
Starting point is 00:04:19 And it's funny. I can't talk about too much of the stuff I did because a lot of it, the strategizing, I was working in venue operations and a lot of the strategizing that goes behind it is confidential, but I did see a lot of cool people, a lot of neat celebrities that, Metallica, Metallica was super cool to see and like the fans that were there to see through the Never, which was on the IMAX in 3D.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Oh my gosh, Metallica fans, the best, so cool. Was there lots of acid wash? I just figured there'd be some acid wash. You know what, everybody was wearing like Metallica gear, like their t-shirts and they're like,
Starting point is 00:04:58 they're just such super fans, but so nice. And then maybe because they're a little bit more mature per se, I would say. Yeah, of course. they're just they're just you know like you could tell they wanted to party but at the same time they probably wanted to be home by midnight too they were they were they were cool um yeah and a bunch of a bunch of
Starting point is 00:05:12 neat people it's actually funny everyone always asks me oh did you engage with a lot of stars and and like i there there was uh certainly obviously a lot of of um a talent. But what I found really cool was not so much engaging with celebrities, but it's the people that you don't know their names, the producers, the filmmakers, the directors. Obviously some directors, we know their names because they're as famous as the actors. But these people that are behind the scenes that are so powerful, they're making their movies, they're trying to get distribution. Um, aside of the film fest,
Starting point is 00:05:48 you don't see so much, you know, there's the public screenings, but then there's the press and industry screenings. And that's a massive part of it. And that's, people are working. They're there, there's sales agents, there's publicists, there's, um, you know, people trying to sell the movies, people trying to buy movies. Seeing that side of it was super cool it was really really neat you know i love movies as you know like love movies and um it was uh it was really cool to see that side of it and meeting and talking to some of those people one kind of neat story about a celebrity that i will share is um i am such a fan of annette benning loved her in american beauty i think she's so elegant and classy
Starting point is 00:06:25 and gorgeous um and the grifter so I mean she's she's like you know it's funny like I think she's just one of those actresses that um like she's she's special like there's just something about her like she just like she's luminous so anyways uh we're working, and then I hear on headset that Annette Bening is going to be moving through to a certain cinema. Because I believe she was, I can't remember if she was introducing a film or participating in a Q&A. I can't quite remember. Anyways, in that moment, here she comes. And there's sort of an elaborate thing that happens when celebrities move throughout the film festival. And I'm sure anyone that's
Starting point is 00:07:05 attended the festival knows about TIFF volunteers. TIFF volunteers are a huge part of the film festival. There's, um, over 2000 that participate every year that make the festival go. And part of my job was, um, organizing and training them for what they needed to do for that particular venue that, that we were in. And I had to, and the neat thing with the volunteers is you have young university students, you have retired seniors, you have CEOs of companies, like you really do countenance, like just people that are obsessed with the fest and they want to volunteer.
Starting point is 00:07:36 So I had these two young people with me and Annette Bening is coming through and I'm hearing this on Waukee. And I got pretty excited because I'm like, oh my gosh, she's kind of neat. I'm excited to engage with Annette Bening. And I turned to the volunteers and they're not on Waukee, so they don't know this.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And so I briefed them on what's happening. And they sort of gave me this blank stare. And they didn't know who she was. And I was like, really? Inexcusable. That is, right? At that level of star. For her name and what she's done, that really inexcusable that is right at that level of star for for her name and what she's done that's inexcusable and not being alive for her biggest movies or not being old
Starting point is 00:08:11 enough is not an excuse and this is the thing they weren't that young i want to say one was 20 maybe one was 23 that's not that like i feel like by osmosis they didn't even recognize the name mike no like if someone's like gregory peck i know he's long dead. But if Gregory Peck was showing up, like I would, I know who Gregory Peck is at that age. In high school, you know, come on, Gary Cooper's coming. Okay, give me a break. So I'm not crazy to be to these two 20-year-olds. No, that's an excuse, but not for Annette Bening. If you told me some obscure name.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Sure. Not Annette Bening, not the star of American Beauty, which won Best Picture, didn't it? Yeah, and I was flabbergasted. I was flabbergasted. I was flabbergasted. And I was like, really? So Annette Bening, I'm like, American Beauty. I was like the first thing. And they should be film fans if they're
Starting point is 00:08:49 volunteering at TIFF. Well, exactly. And most of them are. Most of them are obsessive film fans. Most of them are it's unbelievable because their knowledge of film and most of the time people volunteer because they want to be a part of it. And also a huge perk of it is you get to see film fest movies so yeah they didn't they didn't know
Starting point is 00:09:08 she didn't know neither of them knew and i was like okay no american beauty no i'm like married to warren baity they didn't know who warren baity was they didn't know who warren baity was i was dying i was like okay first of all that's far worse than annette benning which is inexcusable they recognized warren Beatty's name, but they did not know who he was, and that didn't help. And then I started, you know what, my reaction, I started to get angry. And I almost was like, you don't deserve
Starting point is 00:09:34 to watch movies. You don't deserve to experience joy if you don't know who Annette Bening is. It's as if they didn't know who Pierre Trudeau was. It was bananas. So I kind of wished I'd had a couple of the more mature volunteers at that moment to experience it with me. But she was lovely and luminous and gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And it was a nice moment. So the whole experience was really cool. That's where I was. And then I needed a week to recuperate because when you work Film Fest, work um you work every single day there's no days off and there's training beforehand and all my b12 wore off Mike and what is this b12 I needed a week to recover can you come back just recovered now because I understand you uh have become uh addicted to b12 I'm a little addicted to b12 so tell me this. Prior to the festival, one of the things that was made available to employees was a B12
Starting point is 00:10:30 shot. I kind of knew a little bit about B12 beforehand. I'm not too knowledgeable about vitamins, but I lost my breath. You need another shot of B12. Here, I'll give you one. I'm exhausted.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I'm so tired. You're still recovering of B12. Here, I'll give you one. I'm exhausted. I'm so tired. You're still recovering from TIF. Okay, so this shot, this is a needle they put in your arm. Yes, correct. So basically, they make it available to you if you'd like a B12 shot because it gives support to your blood. It gives you increased energy. And the nice thing about it is apparently with B12,
Starting point is 00:11:03 you can't have too much. Whatever your body does. You it is apparently with B12, you can't have too much. Whatever your body... You can't overdose on B12. Yes, that's what I was trying to say. Whatever your body doesn't use, it will... Pee out. Correct. So I had the shot of B12 and it was great. I really have to say I did feel like a definite energy boost. And then I supplemented with sublingual B12s throughout the festival. And I've been taking it ever since. I'm hooked because I've been trying to drink less coffee, as you know, because I've been drinking too much.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So I've been trying to stick to like one cup a day, maybe a second, but that's it. And I feel like with the B12, I haven't had that, I haven't had that, you know, when you get that tired feeling that makes you want to have a coffee? With the B12, I feel like I don't12, I haven't had that. I haven't had that. You know, when you get that tired feeling that makes you want to have a coffee with the B12, I feel like I don't get that as much. Genuinely. So how do you take it? Like it's a pill. It's sub, it's a sublingual pill.
Starting point is 00:11:53 So you put it under your tongue and you let it dissolve. I think you can also take ones you just swallow, but apparently because it's meant to go into your bloodstream by taking it under your tongue and letting it dissolve, that's the best way for it to hit your system. So this gives you energy when you take this B12 and it's completely healthy for you. Exactly. Exactly. Well, it sounds like a win-win. So I don't know much about vitamins either, but there's different Bs, I guess. Is there like a B11? I don't know. I think there are lots of Bs. I think there's like B6. Is this like Leonard 6 and they didn't actually have a Leonard 5? I don't know. I don't know. I just know that lots of Bs. I think there's like B6. Is this like Leonard 6 and they didn't actually have a Leonard 5? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I don't know. I just know that B12 is the one that gives support to your blood and energy and it's just overall good for you. I mean, it's not going to substitute if you don't get any sleep, but I think what it does is just makes the most of what your body's got going on, if that makes sense. It makes sense to me. Yeah, so that's a scoop. Now you're up to date.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So last week sitting in your seat was Il Duce. Anthony! And he was a long-time BlackBerry guy. In fact, last time we had him on the show, he was still with BlackBerry. He had been through the blue one to the curved to the bold, and he's still a BlackBerry guy. But he recently gave up on BlackBerry, and came in sporting his brand new Samsung Galaxy S4. His Android device. His Android device, right.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Which I think I did influence, by the way. But I had zero influence over you because you are about to make a big announcement. I want you to make it, but I just want to say your dumb phone is going to be, I don't know, thrown away. And you, on December 2nd, tell us what you are getting. I have decided that on December 2nd, I am going to acquire an iPhone. I'm waiting for December 2nd because that's when the new CRTC rule is going to affect where you can cancel your contract
Starting point is 00:13:39 after two years, even if you signed on for longer with no penalty. So I figure CRTC went through all that trouble to make this code. I'm going to till december 2nd because i've been living with this thing for so long you know me i can last another couple months um and i decided on an iphone because i've had um you know i've just been kind of watching all the people i know with their various phones and just you know getting the feedback and um i was kind of predisposed to an iPhone because I love my iPad so much. I'm so... This is what I said to you in a previous episode. Because you love the iOS of your iPad, it made sense to me you would go into the iPhone world.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Well, it's funny because while that would definitely give me a more... Feeling more comfortable with it because I'm used to the operating system. feeling more comfortable with it because I'm used to the operating system. At the same time, I'm not so... I don't use my phone as a computer, per se. So I wasn't completely like, oh, I have to have an iPhone because I have an iPad. I just really like...
Starting point is 00:14:37 I know I'm going to use the iPhone in a different way than I use the iPad. So to me, one doesn't necessarily mean the other. But you'll find the same apps and you'll just smaller screen. That's the thing. And I think just because I'm already familiar with it, well, I don't have to learn the iPad. So to me, one doesn't necessarily mean the other. But you'll find the same apps and you'll just smaller screen. That's the thing. And I think just because I'm already familiar with it, well, I don't have to learn another thing. So I was kind of predisposed to that. I decided I did have to reject BlackBerry because, I don't know, you know what? Scott's had one for years because
Starting point is 00:14:59 of work. I have to admit, every time I try to go to use it, like if I have to answer it for him or send, I find it's just, I don't know. It's slow. It's a little slow. I don't really dig. It's very slow. I don't dig the way it acts as the internet, although I know the new 10,000 or whatever one
Starting point is 00:15:15 is supposed to be better. There's a guy named Blackberry Ryan who commented on the open mic today who used to work at Blackberry who says basically, he worked on that and he says that, no, he's far more productive on his his Android device which is some HTC phone than he ever was on BlackBerry 10. You are wise to move away from you are not on BlackBerry right now but you're wise not to follow
Starting point is 00:15:37 your husband's lead. I think you'll be very happy with the iPhone even though I would have wished upon you a Samsung Galaxy S4. I am very pleased you'll be having a brand new iPhone in December. Yeah, I'm excited. I mean, the reason why I don't think I... I mean, this is funny because this is... I just realized this is a Samsung. It is a smartphone. It is a Samsung.
Starting point is 00:15:58 It's actually been... I've dropped it a million times and it's done really well, so I'm surprised. But a lot of people... A feedback I've got from a lot of people about their Samsung Android devices is that the battery dies so terribly. So I'm surprised. But a lot of people, a feedback I've got from a lot of people about their Samsung Android devices is that the battery dies so terribly. Mine goes all day. Yeah, I've had like at least three or four people say, oh, don't go there.
Starting point is 00:16:13 It just doesn't hold the charge. I heard that about the new iPhone. I heard that the battery is not strong enough for what it does because it's so powerful. I don't know. I mean, that's, I mean, who knows? Well, you'll know soon enough. You'll be happy.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I'm pretty excited. Yeah, I think I'll probably be fine. So my mom has a dumb phone. Far dumber than your phone, actually. Because yours is probably far smarter than my mom's phone. Well, let's see. It accesses the internet. No, you already win because my mom's won't access the internet. So she's got one like my mom's. Yeah, like that just texts. Yeah, that's adorable. So twice in the past few months, my mom has,
Starting point is 00:16:47 I guess when she gets in her car, she's got this terrible habit where she puts everything on her car, like on the hood of her car. Oh my God. On the roof. Oh my God. That's a terrible habit.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I once put Nicholas's shoes. I think I put Nicholas on the top of the car. No, oh my God. It's not even funny. No, we were at a splash pad. I put his, he had these adorable yellow Nikes and I put them on the roof of the car. N in i know they were so cute i'm driving actually i
Starting point is 00:17:08 can't believe i didn't tell you this story it sort of interrupts you but i just have to tell this really quickly i'm driving and a biker this like total like crazy like scruffy looking biker pulls up beside me looks right into my car and for a split second i was like oh my god what is gonna happen here but then he smiles and he's like your kid's shoes are on top of the car. And I was like, dude, you're the best. First of all, I'm surprised. I couldn't believe I didn't lose him. He was so awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:30 He was so sweet. Anyways, yeah. See, don't judge a book by its cover. Never. Absolutely. Scruffy bikers are good people. I always smile at everybody and I'm glad I do. Was this downtown or was this west?
Starting point is 00:17:39 This was, I will tell you exactly where it was. It was at Park Lawn. Oh, yeah. He was. You're fine um okay so you my mom uh has this terrible habit and you know twice in the past six months maybe four months actually she has driven away with the phone on the roof of her car oh my god twice not once twice no i'm serious and um that's hilarious so she my these are these
Starting point is 00:18:03 are ancient phone my brother happens to work for Bell Mobility, and my brother keeps scoring these old phones for her, which are great because you can't kill these phones, but you cannot drive away with them on the roof or you lose them. No, exactly. It is true that these crappy phones, like, honestly, Mike, I have dropped this phone on the hard ceramic tile in the grocery store. It is smashed a million times, and it will not die. so i don't know what it is but they will not die
Starting point is 00:18:28 no i have like a little case for my my i have the samsung galaxy s1 like the it's actually infused but the first one before there was like numbers on the end it's like saying i saw star wars before it was like episode four yeah so um this thing i don't i have a little case on it but i just toss it everywhere it's it's fine i it's i don't i don't think it's going to break by dropping it just make sure you don't you know uh smash it i guess or run over it with a car what else has your mom lost by leaving it on top leaving things here's the thing so it's the the phone twice in a row and then she keeps scoring these old phones and and then it we were talking and she says oh mike i think i might have to because her mom has dementia her mom's still
Starting point is 00:19:09 living by the way almost 100 but has dementia which happens and uh my mom's like oh maybe i got dementia coming and so i start talking to her okay so tell me what you do at the end of the conversation i said you don't have dementia you have a terrible habit which can be solved with a purse put everything with a purse. Put everything in a purse. And then she goes, oh my God, you're right. This all started when I stopped carrying my purse. So the solution to her problem is to put it in a purse instead of on top of her car.
Starting point is 00:19:36 It has nothing to do with dementia. I think you should buy your mom some really fabulous purse. Oh, she already bought one. And she hasn't lost her phone since. Yay. Now, you're drinking bott her phone since. Yay. Now, you're drinking bottled water there. Yes. From Kirkland, which is the Costco brand.
Starting point is 00:19:53 It's from Costco. And I have a question about water for you. So in my home, where we're recording from right now, we have, I drink water all day long in this reusable container that I fill up. I put the tap on cold and I fill it up and then I put my bottle in the fridge and then I drink it from the fridge, but it's from the tap, straight from the tap. Right. Monica has a Brita filter that she maintains and then she pours her water into a cup from
Starting point is 00:20:21 the Brita filter, the container, whatever that's called, the canister. Yes. The Brita filter. Yeah. Yeah. So's called, the canister. Yes. The Brita filter. Yeah. So how are things in your house with you and Scott? Well, it's funny because when Scott and I merged, I inherited his, he brought into the relationship a Brita filter and I never had had one. And I think, I'm trying to think,
Starting point is 00:20:46 did we have one at home? I can't really remember. I don't think we ever really embraced the, uh, Brita filter. I think we were just pretty much always tap water. We did have something once I think on the tap, but that didn't last very long.
Starting point is 00:20:58 So whatever, fine. We have the Brita filter. Um, but I don't like water out of the Brita filter cause I feel like it tastes like rocks. Every time I drink it, I just feel like I taste rocks. but I don't like water out of the Brita filter because I feel like it tastes like rocks. Every time I drink it I just feel like
Starting point is 00:21:07 I taste rocks. So I don't like it. I also don't like really water cold. I like it just I like to just turn the tap on and drink it.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I don't know. I just I don't like I don't really like Maybe you have sensitive teeth. No it's not no it's not that at all. Like I don't mind it.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Like this is cold because this is because I find cold water is my preference. Yeah I don't like it. But this rocks thing is interesting because I find cold water is my preference yeah i don't like it but this rocks thing is interesting because i don't do brita because i i just don't need brita but i never noticed this rock taste i just feel like it tastes like rocks i don't know why i feel like i taste rocks i never really is it possible you haven't changed your filter
Starting point is 00:21:35 no even when i find actually when you change the filter it tastes even more rocky and then after you know we don't change it for a while anyways i inherited this brita filter so the brita filters in the fridge never really did the brita thing so yes i sort of recognize, you know, we don't change it for a while. Anyways, I inherited this Brita filter. So the Brita filter's in the fridge. Never really did the Brita thing. So yes, I sort of recognized that, you know, the filter needed to be changed. But then also I realized it was like, it became my problem that, because I didn't see Scott ever buying the filters. Fine, whatever. And then because I didn't care, the thing never got changed.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Every once in a while, I might buy a few and change it. But you're supposed to do it like religiously. But then I started to resent the whole thing because I actually hate products that make me feel like I have to buy stuff that I don't really need. Because no one really needs a Brita filter. And you don't. It's fine. The water at the top is fine.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I really do believe that. You're preaching to the choir right now. So I just, I get, I hate, I just, I hate. And then the way they market it too, it's like, you know, they feel like they're doing you a favor you know you're not doing me a favor you're actually selling me something that's free out of my top or that i pay for my utility bill anyways blah blah so i'm sort of passive aggressive about the buying of the filters but the thing was you know scott doesn't actually really care so i think the thing gets changed like once a year if that and it tastes weird but it's still the fridge like it's still there we still use it because scott actually likes it from the bread but that's interesting that so you go
Starting point is 00:22:49 straight from the tap and your husband is the bread a person and i go straight from the tap and my wife is the bread a person so if we switched i'm just saying you come here and we can put all the bread filters in your place for monica and scott and then you and i can put all the Brita filters in your place for Monica and Scott and then you and I can just drink from the tap all day long. We just drink from the tap like crazy. Although how come you got Kirkland water bottle then if you're a tap girl? Because when Scott goes to the gym, he likes to have water bottles.
Starting point is 00:23:15 So we buy a case of water and we have it in the fridge. That's why it's cold too. This is actually his. And I was like coughing before I left. So I thought, oh, I better bring this. But I'll tell you what I'll do with this. I will finish this. I will refill it 20 times
Starting point is 00:23:28 and Scott will be like, you're gross because you've like filled that 20 times. 20 times? Ask my raging storm teammates. I'll go a whole season with the same water bottle refilling. I will. I don't, I hate to just use it once
Starting point is 00:23:38 and throw it away. I actually, I feel awful. Like I feel like it's so wasteful. I actually hate, hate these. But I get, you know what? It's fine. You know, he likes it to bring to the gym and hate, hate these, but I get, you know what? It's fine. You know, he likes it to bring to the gym and I,
Starting point is 00:23:47 you know, I got too small. My opinion for me, it's too small. Like that's too little. Like for the amount of quantity. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:23:54 you've got your thing. Your thing is pretty big there. What does it say on it? Uh, GM. Oh, I got it from GM Canada, but normally after a bike ride,
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'll take a two liter. I have a two liter bottle. I keep refilling with tap water and keep it a bike ride, I'll take a two liter... I have a two liter bottle. I keep refilling with tap water and keep it in the fridge and I'll take down two liters of water. That's amazing. Hydration is the best. Oh, speaking of B12,
Starting point is 00:24:12 if you start... One of the things the doctor said when he gave me the B12 shot is hydration is huge when you're taking B12. So if you're not drinking lots of water because I think it just helps with the move through your blood and all that kind of stuff,
Starting point is 00:24:23 it won't have the maximum effect. So if you are going to start taking b12 you have to keep your hydration up and he also told me that energy level is tied so much to caffeine intake he's like it actually makes you more tired the more caffeine you have so he's like take it down a notch that's like when people say that the uh smoking calms them down when in actuality, smoking is increasing your heart rate or whatever and making you more anxious. I would concur. But I'm not going to smoke or take B12.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I feel pretty okay. But I can see if I ever needed an energy boost. Exactly. Humble and Fred always have that sponsorship with the five-hour energy. Do they got B12 in there? Yeah. So you can cut out the middleman
Starting point is 00:25:03 and just get the straight B12. You get much more from a tablet. And if you look at it economically, it makes much more sense to take a tablet than a drink. Can you hook us up with a sponsorship maybe? There's a B12 company to sponsor us. But can I tell you that, remember when we tried those? It was the first time I'd ever had it. You gave me one at the Redfish Studios.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Of course I remember. Of course. So I'm not sure I ever told you this but I bought some after oh so you liked how you felt and you bought some you did not tell me that I've always rejected the Red Bulls because they taste disgusting and I don't really want to drink an energy drink but the 5-Hour Energy Drink was just a small little shot
Starting point is 00:25:43 and it didn't taste gross and it was filled with b12 and although i didn't i don't think i even really realized at the time but i like the way it made me feel because it wasn't um it was just like a good like awake feeling but it wasn't but i've known you since grade 10 you've always had energy yeah i'm an energetic person it's true so maybe the beat i'm just wondering is it like a placebo like i'm just thinking you have i've never seen you without energy well but you also knew me before i had a child so i have a lot i don't sleep like you knew me when i used to get like 10 hours of sleep every night uninterrupted things have changed since then mike boone please on this podcast you
Starting point is 00:26:20 shall refer to me as toronto mike tor Mike Boone. Toronto Michael Wayne Boone. My buddy calls me New Toronto Mike. That's what he calls me. I totally forgot you're New Toronto Mike. That's right. As we're broadcasting from New Toronto. Yeah, I'm the classic Toronto Mike. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:36 So you've been gone, I think, four episodes you've missed. So in that time, I'm very curious whether you tuned in to any of these episodes. I'm always fascinated whether you listen when you're not on. Well, I do listen, but I was so busy I didn't do anything. So you don't listen. Let me just run down the guest stars in your absence and tell me if you listen to it, okay? I told you I didn't listen. I know, but we're still doing this.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Okay. Muzzin was on the episode. Muzzin came on to talk about giving a kidney to his dad. Does Mike Muzzin listen to all the... Is he like a regular listener? Does he listen to these ones? Yes, he does. Do you him yeah i just want to say hi and i want to say hi to anthony because we haven't got to him yet you're out of sequence so his wife anthony's wife are like the loveliest people in the whole world like i wish they were my next door neighbors they're so he's number four we're gonna get to him okay sorry so muslin
Starting point is 00:27:20 came on to talk about giving a kidney to his dad. I am now Muzzin's left winger, both politically and on the ice, because he plays center. He's a big boy out there. And I'm his left winger. We have a game tonight at 1030. We have a game tonight. That's awesome. It is awesome. So I play with him once a week on the Cherry Hawks.
Starting point is 00:27:39 So hello to the Cherry Hawks. Where do you guys play, Mr. Saga? Etobicoke. It's Martin Grove and Dixon at the Camden Sports Arena there. That's where all you guys play your men's league hockey. So it's cool. We have like two refs and statistics online. It's like a big deal.
Starting point is 00:27:55 But okay. So Muzzin did an episode and then we had, I'm trying to remember, Mr. Andrew Stokely. Do you have a message for him? I actually wish I'd been here to see. I miss Andrew. I haven't seen him in a while. Well, he helped me install this fader I was showing to you before I pressed record
Starting point is 00:28:13 that I can fade now on my mixing board. Andrew, thank you for sorting him out. You're awesome. He's a good guy. He hooked me up with Jay's tickets. I went on Saturday and my son and my nephew got to run the bases after the game. Oh, so nice that's your oh i miss you i miss you heaps you're awesome i used to rose misses you yeah he's a he's he's super super sweet then we had amanda
Starting point is 00:28:34 who you remember from the wedding because you had a table with her she's humble's girlfriend amanda took honestly amanda took the nicest picture of me and scott on her phone and she emailed it to scott and it was like the night you know sometimes just snap, somebody snaps a candid, which I think is always like such a thoughtful thing to do for someone. It was like the nicest picture. It's like the nicest picture I have of us. She's a nice person. In so long.
Starting point is 00:28:55 She's so lovely. So she was here. And then Il Duce. These are the guest hosts in your absence. So you can see I've been floundering. I really, I'm pulling anyone I could find. I don't know. I think you did pretty. Those are. I think you did pretty good.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Those are big names. Those are big names. Yeah. Muzzin, Stokely, Amanda, and Ilduja. I think you're probably done now, though. It's a good thing I came back. So you missed all four. Each of those episodes had a secret message for you
Starting point is 00:29:18 that I just want embedded within for you, like an Easter egg. I know what I'll be doing tonight. If you could only have one sense what would it be um eyes sight sight me too because you can yeah me too actually that's not as exciting as i. I was just curious. Monica asked me that one day. She just texted me, and I wrote back, sight, and she goes, me too. So if we all answer,
Starting point is 00:29:48 I thought somebody somewhere would answer differently. Oh, my God, I love this song. Who's singing this version? Can you tell me? I'm standing here outside your door. I hate to wake you up to say goodbye. Rose? But the dawn is breaking it soon.
Starting point is 00:30:08 This is Peter, Paul, and Mary. It's beautiful. I am leaving on a jet plane. So, you took your... I'm so lonesome, I could cry. Sorry, I'll give you a moment. So kiss me at night. This is the B-12 right now.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I'm watching the B-12 in action. Tell me that you'll wait for me. She's swaying to the music. Her arms are flying. This is the B12 right now. I'm watching the B12 in action. She's swaying to the music. Her arms are flying. Oh my God, love it. Okay, so I'm off to Europe. When do you go? How long have you gone for?
Starting point is 00:30:38 Two weeks. Do you guys go to Italy first? No. We go to Amsterdam first. You're going for two weeks? Yeah, we go to Amsterdam first and then Italy. So are you going for work and then fun like you did last time? That is awesome. That's great.
Starting point is 00:30:50 So this is like your first episode after your hiatus. And now I need to take a break. You can't record without me. All rights reserved. I know how to break into this house. I've been scoping it out since I've been here. Actually, if you do that, can you just collect the mail and just make sure that everything's in order? I have certain people checking the house, but more the merrier.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I will. Well, you know what? You are on my route to Marie Curtis Park, so I will drive by. If I see anything I miss. I biked there today. It's an awesome park. Tell me next time you're going there because I will say hi. I literally bike through it
Starting point is 00:31:26 every single day at lunch. I think the problem is you get there a little earlier than we're there. That's the problem. Yeah. We have to coordinate. We'll make it happen.
Starting point is 00:31:35 So, have you been to Italy? Yes. Because you're Italian? Yes. Well, no. Just because it's awesome. You said yes.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Well, the first time maybe because I went, yeah. Il Duce gave me travel tips, but is there anything you want to tell me before I go? Just learn how to say, Voremmo una pizza. We would like a pizza. That's all you need to know.
Starting point is 00:31:54 That's all I say here. And you're going to love it. Just smile and everyone will love you. It'll be great. Enjoy. I can't wait. And that brings us to the end of our 53rd show. You can follow me on Twitter at Toronto Mike
Starting point is 00:32:16 and Rosie at Rosie in Toronto. See you all in a few weeks. Bye for now.

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