Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #9

Episode Date: October 24, 2012

Toronto Mike welcomes The Momfessional and chats about phony reality shows while Rosie tells a story about the time Mr. Harris punished Toronto Mike...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Rosie! Hey Mike! Great to be here! It's episode number nine. Number nine for Russ Cortnall, who I met at Ward and Patch. I don't know why you make me laugh so hard with your hockey player story. Mike loves sports. Ward and Patch, Jane and...
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah, hold on. We're trying to recreate a moment that we had before the show started. Go ahead, recreate it. It's not going very well. It turns out I can't recreate that moment. But Warden Patch is a sporting goods store at Jane and Annette. And in 1986, I met Russ Cortnall there. It was a big moment for me.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Big moment for him, too. And Russ Cortnall wore number nine, and he was eventually traded for John Cordick, and the rest is history. So where, Warden Patch is gone, I believe. It is gone. Which is kind of sad, because where would one now go to buy baseball stuff? I remember it very well, because my high school boyfriend was a baseball player rose your hot your boyfriend as i recall played for the michael power trojans
Starting point is 00:01:31 and looking back we should have been made fun of more often for being called the trojans just about to say how how how did he survive high school i don't know i do not know but he used to buy stuff there and he actually i think he lived there too and now it's gone no he didn't live there he lived at the store okay i do remember your uh boyfriend i remember mainly because i i hated him for stealing the girl of my dreams and i also remember him because he played at high park uh where i was cut is that true really i was cut and that's really tragic there's so much tragic about story already, and that just makes it even more tragic. Remember in the baseball, is that true? Rosie was like a high school love of yours?
Starting point is 00:02:09 She was a crush? I could do better. Is that what happened there, Rosie? I could have been better. Here's the thing. Did you guys ever make out? I actually had a crush on Mike. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And we had an incident in grade 11 history class where I ruined my chances with him forever. What happened? Okay, here's the thing. I don't like this story. This story is highly uncomfortable for Mike, but I'm going to tell it. We had a history class together, and Mike sat directly behind me.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And for anyone that knows Mike, he's got a lot to say. He's very opinionated. He's a funny guy. And we both like to chat, and we chatted all the time. But sometimes in class, I was a really good student. I just wanted to listen.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And Mike just was always behind me. He just never. Chirp, chirp, chirp. It was just a lot. It was a lot of. It was very, very funny. It was. You were funny.
Starting point is 00:02:56 You made me laugh. You did. You made me laugh, which is why I kept you around all these years. You amused me. And one, but our teacher, he was very grumpy. And then one day. Mr. Harris. Mr. Harris. Oh, my gosh. Do you think he our teacher, he was very grumpy. And then one day he- Mr. Harris. Mr. Harris.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Oh my gosh. Do you think he's still alive? No, we've already talked about this. He's long dead, I'm sure. I thought that was our English teacher we talked about. You're right. I'm sure Mr. Harris is dead. We're going.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Anyways, they're all dead. They're all dead. We're old. One day, just Mike's chirping got too much. And Mr. Harris, Rosalie, that's my name, Rosalie, do you want me to move him? I'll have him moved. And I said, yes, move him. And Mike was so upset.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yeah, I was in the back corner. He put me in the back corner and segregated me from the rest of the class for being really funny. And did that break your heart? I was really upset. I don't think we spoke for a while. My life would have been very different if I not have moved. So you never did make out in high school? No, no. Like not even once?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Not even once. Because you're always making out here in this studio. It's so weird. It's better to wait until you're older. Yeah, that's right. When your tongues are fully developed. I don't know what that means. I want to give a couple.
Starting point is 00:04:01 That was a great story, Rosie. Thank you. But just so people know that awkward beginning, we actually started the podcast where I talked about Ward and Patch, and then Rosie's mic wasn't turned on because super producer Mike Wixon forgot to press the button. It's been a long time. I wanted to recreate the moment, but what I learned is you can't recreate
Starting point is 00:04:18 these moments. They happen and they're gone. They can if you're pro. To be honest with you, Mike, any even remote ounce of professionalism, you could have done it a number of times in a row. Pro-phony. Are you ready? Pro-phony.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Are you pro-phony? Sometimes. I'm just con-pony. Listen. Yes. I'm sorry about that. Listen, it's okay. That was magic.
Starting point is 00:04:37 We'll never recover, but it's fine. I don't know that it was really magic. I could reproduce it if you want. That was, this is i'm my name is mike all right moving on we have some shout outs i want to give a shout out to a couple of people we do this every episode the first shout out is to my buddy who is bananas mike kick who was upset he didn't get a pod he didn't get a shout out in episode 8 Mike Kick is a good guy and he's expecting his first
Starting point is 00:05:08 child I think it's going to be a girl I guess we'll find out and he's on my ball team so Mike Kick big shout out to you he also hooked me up with Ill Vibe who created our opening theme song that
Starting point is 00:05:24 you're all sick of by now no i'm just kidding i love it i love it so groovy i love it too another shout out to 519 rob 519 rob has a blog uh sound in my and there you go uh today he did a shameless plug. I was bitching about a few things, and he said he linked to it for shameless traffic, so I thought I'd give him a couple more visitors. To the show? To his blog. I checked out his blog a little while ago,
Starting point is 00:05:56 and he's like a huge Rush fan, and he had a great little thing about Rush. I really like his blog. Oh, yeah, he's a big Rush fan. That's right. And I think you, I also read that you inspired him to buy tickets to see
Starting point is 00:06:07 the Tragically Hip. Was that the same? Did I read that there? There's a lot of Robs. It's really tough to keep track of them all. I think it might have been, or no, maybe that was someone else.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Anyways, his blog is cool. Might have been Mike, actually. There was someone that wrote that. I thought that was neat that your mad passion for the hip has inspired someone. Yeah, because I'm that Canadian guy who likes the hip. That's my obscure band of choice.
Starting point is 00:06:30 A little indie band called the Tragically Hip. So Mike Kicken, 519 Rob, you're a little more famous today. There you go. So I'm going to this CPR. What is it? The Heart and Stroke people, the Heart and stroke people the heart and stroke foundation have a uh i don't know what it's a they're trying to get in the guinness book of world records on thursday night uh by having the most people do cpr and then you so you buy these tickets at the
Starting point is 00:06:59 and then you go to the park and you do the CPR thing. And then you get free reign. Like you get to visit Canada's Wonderland. And there's apparently Halloween haunt is going on. So there's a bunch of like teenagers dressed as zombies and monsters and stuff. So I'm actually going to go to this on Thursday. And I ran a little contest on my blog,, where a couple of people could get free tickets. And then they came to me yesterday and said they had like 20 extra tickets.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And I ended up, almost like almost everyone who entered ended up with a ticket, except my buddy Mike Wicks in here. I sense an awkward moment coming. Would you have gone if I got your ticket?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Would you have gone? I only live down the street. It wouldn't have been convenient. I probably... I would expect the production value of this podcast to get worse and worse. I am sorry because I could have hooked you up. You know, it's okay. It sounds really like a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:07:54 It sure does. I thought it was neat because I was reading about it that the CPR, it isn't, they don't teach mouth CPR anymore. It's... Yeah, just hands. Yeah, which is really cool so it doesn't work i'm doing the gesture it doesn't translate to the podcast all of us if you could just picture right now all of us right now are like you guys are doing gangnam style what's going on i don't do gangnam style oh my kids all upset when you bring up gang i don't like it i don't like it
Starting point is 00:08:20 so last week on the podcast uh episodes um episodes seven and eight we had our first ever guest elvis came on and it was a great discussion with elvis very inspiring a lot of good feedback so today i'd like to welcome our second ever guest she is colleen who is also known as maybe better known known as, the Momfessional. Yes, that's right. Welcome. So do I call you? You sound so mysterious when you say it like that.
Starting point is 00:08:51 It's great. It's such a clever name. The first time I saw your blog, I was actually on Mike's site, and you had posted something. And one of the neat things I really like about Mike's site is when you post on his site, you can put a link to your own website, which is great because it means you can, people can, gives people an opportunity to check out your site and you can check other people's sites out. That's how I saw 519 Rob's blog and I've seen Lauren's blog and CQ's blog and they're all really cool. But I clicked on Colleen's name and I saw her blog and it was the mom fashion on the thing I liked the most about when I that caught my eye but your blog is so many of the mom blogs they're very sunny and pink and they're chirpy and no I'm there's no sun on my blog yeah I'm dead inside so all that stuff just
Starting point is 00:09:39 it's just it's just painful and I saw your blog and I loved the image and I started reading it. And in the one post that I had read, you talked about going to, I think it was a sport ball class. And you were just talking about how your little guy was running the other direction. And I lived, I had that exact experience. I lived it. And I'm like, I love this because it's, it's real. It's real. And that's why the name is so clever. It's really cool. Yeah. And the domain name is the T-H-E at the beginning, right? That's correct. Because was taken. I think it was taken. I don't know. I can't remember. I just want people to know that. It was taken actually.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I don't know. So don't forget the T-H-E or you'll be on a different blog. So how do you define your blog in sort of like a phrase or two? So I mean, I call it confessions of a real life mom. Right. So I think that one of the things that happened when I became a mom is I realized that, you know, there are a lot of moms out there that kind of walk around and pretend that they're these perfect moms that are feeding their kids all these organic foods and they you know co-sleep and this and that and it's almost like you know a little contest among the moms every time you go and get together and and and and oh well oh yours isn't talking yet oh mine's crawling oh oh really oh mine takes french classes and i'm like are you kidding me chinese classes i was at a
Starting point is 00:11:05 play place i know they take chinese classes and i was and i literally i'm like i am lucky if my kid is dressed by like three o'clock in the afternoon i hate perfect parents because you can always tell parents who say oh my children are the best don't spend any time with them my when i go home tonight i just said this earlier, someone's getting hit. There's a child going to get hit tonight when I get home. Now, Wixen, you don't mean that. This is a very serious discussion from the momfessional. Hey, momfessional, let me ask you something.
Starting point is 00:11:37 How am I going to prevent myself from spanking? Hot bum? Do you call it a hot bum? Yes. I have a friend who spanks her kid. They call it a hot bum? Yes. I have a friend who spanks her kid. They call it a hot bum. I couldn't believe it. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I didn't think anyone spanked anymore because it's so politically incorrect. I've never spanked either of my kids. You guys don't spank? No, I haven't either. I didn't know anyone still did. So when I heard about the hot... And she was yelling at him, you're going to get a hot bomb. And I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:12:10 What's going to happen? Can I ask you something? Do you find yourself yelling until you think you might... How old are your kids? So I've got a two-year-old and a seven-year-old. Okay, never mind. Because the day will come, let me tell you, where you will yell so loud that you think something popped behind your eyeball.
Starting point is 00:12:26 No, not yet. Sorry. Do you find that you get a lot of moms leaving comments on your site? I do, yeah. And you know what? The thing that really resonates, I think, is that I am super honest. Like, I mean, to a fault a lot of times. a lot of times and I'm sure that some people would agree that, my husband included, that perhaps he doesn't like some of the things I reveal on the blog because I am pretty honest.
Starting point is 00:12:54 But you know what? I just think it's me. I have to be honest and people are attracted to that, you know? So I figure I'll just keep. Yeah. That's what struck me when I, I read your blog. It's in my RSS reader. Uh, so once you publish, once you publish something, I'm on it. And what I, what struck me was appealing about your blog is how honest it is. Like to see, right. There's so many like, uh, contrived phony baloney blogs out there, especially this one called uh my toronto scoop no that's rosie's blog it's great i tried to get toronto and it was taken i got toronto exactly what happened i went for toronto scoop it wasn't there so i got
Starting point is 00:13:36 my domain name i had to buy it in the 80s though i was gonna say you started your site a long long time ago but uh what i like is it's very raw like you're right to a fault right because i mean i remember like uh when you first met my girlfriend i remember a blog entry like about it and i remember reading it and i go oh that's about monica and it was so raw and i was like she published that like am i accidentally reading her personal journal would you like to discuss that i won't read it don't worry i'm not gonna strike you quotes what happened i did correct you i've never i never met her i i hadn't but she was at the game no i hadn't met her at that point but you had told me that you were seeing no no no oh well i remember it like she came to a game and then the entry showed up like the next
Starting point is 00:14:16 day all right well i mean it a lot of i i wrote about someone that i knew i didn't say your name i didn't say no that's I didn't say her name. No, that's fine. It was clear it was me, though. And it was really all about me. It wasn't about you. Mike likes to think everything's about him, though. So just keep that in mind, everyone.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Pauline, was it about me? It was about you, but it was about how I felt about your situation. And then I went later that day. I came back to your blog and it had changed. It had changed. Like somebody had got to you, right? My husband. Yeah. Your husband ordered you to make thank god I copied and pasted that original entry you know what it didn't the only thing that changed was his uh I I paraphrased something that he said and he uh told me that I got it wrong so I went back and changed it but really it was about
Starting point is 00:15:01 me that me and my feelings of no i'm telling you i wasn't i like that entry i just thought it was interesting because you know i read like i'm gonna know it's me i knew i knew that you would say the mom stuff you write about i love the last entry um you did i loved because you wrote about how we forget as moms and it's so true except for child child birth because i agree with you i will never ever ever ever ever forget how much it hurt and no one prepares you for no one everyone no one it's it's and people and you and you wrote that you did it not yeah natural yeah oh my god I'm so impressed by that because I was a horror show I was screaming like a maniac and then the nurse came in and she's like you're one centimeter
Starting point is 00:15:46 dilated it was so embarrassing I thought I was gonna die I actually did start to die because I was hyperventilating and everything was and she's like you're ridiculous you're one centimeter so anyone like who does natural is amazing but so that you can't forget but the other things you wrote that you do start to forget holding a baby I totally know what you mean when you hold a little newborn someone else's it feels awkward awkward exactly but you're wrong you're doing it you're like whatever exactly it's amazing i don't know why that happens and that smell does like that smell that comes off your own kid i mean after you play i don't know why you made it sound gross like i know what you mean for somehow you made this every parent knows
Starting point is 00:16:25 what i mean that they the baby smell is really there's a lot of heaven yeah it's god tricking us into having more i think it is and that's why then i start forgetting and then i say oh honey i forget can we maybe have another one maybe just because she's not small anymore and then he just lays it down and says uh no pretty big commitment yeah yeah all right so just for the record babies are cute i'm pro baby i've got two they're beautiful but i don't think there's any guys left listening like do you think the guys oh sorry i could this is this is our most i knew i could actually feel i could as we were talking about that i could feel it buzzing off of mike that we shouldn't be talking about the stuff but mike i'm gonna just point out to you on your own website whenever we talk about parent stuff all the men on your website so many of them are fathers and they're
Starting point is 00:17:13 the ones bringing the stuff up i i didn't ask for um you're scaring me i didn't ask for recipes on how to help feed my toddler your guys were all mississauga phil yeah it was so awesome and there's a lot of dads on your site. I think they like talking about parenting. Yeah, Mike, I'm a dad. Come on. Well, I just noticed Wixson was falling asleep
Starting point is 00:17:31 and then I started doing my taxes. I was not falling asleep. He was engaged. No, I was actually, I had cramps because I was spreading a period. But anyway. Would it be okay though
Starting point is 00:17:40 if I asked Colleen? A lot of moms read your site too. I was just reading. I'm popular with the moms. I wanted to give a shout out to Alba. She posted this adorable clip of her three-year-old, I believe it was Alba,
Starting point is 00:17:51 three-year-old little guy. She posted on your site this adorable little clip. So the discussion was about hockey of her three-year-old skating. He was playing hockey. It was adorable. I was so glad she posted it.
Starting point is 00:18:03 She posts on your site. She's one of your readers. I think she'd probably enjoy this conversation. But I have Colleen here and I have an important question It was adorable. I was so glad she posted it. She posts on your site. She's one of your readers. I think she'd probably enjoy this conversation. But I have Colleen here, and I have an important question that's not related to the Momfessional. Okay. Could I do that? Is that okay?
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah, go ahead, Segway King. So everyone should check out I should get a t-shirt that says Segway King. You were recently on an episode of urban suburban that's correct and that is for those the unaware that is like a an hgtv kind of a reality show like property virgins kind of in that vein similar though it's like house hunters i don't know see i only know property virgins but bottom line is um it was like you you live in mississauga and there's a brother sister team of real estate agents and one of them wants you to move in the suburbs uh port credit area i think on your episode and then the the brother is trying to get you to move to mimico which i
Starting point is 00:18:58 thought was the suburbs until i watched this episode and that's actually the urban not the suburban but i digress so um i'm fascinated i watched it live that that tuesday night at eight and then uh i played it for my mom and my fiancee um recently so i've seen it twice i've seen your episode twice excellent and you slow it down at all the good parts right i there are certain parts i watch in slow motion. So if you don't mind, if you don't mind, please be honest with me about how much of that is real. Like how much of that, just tell me the truth.
Starting point is 00:19:33 So I'd say about half of it is real. So I actually did fill out an application and I said, you know, I am considering moving and my husband is probably more of the suburban type of guy and I definitely would like to move back to the city. So all of that is true. You guys live in the suburbs right now? We live, yeah, in Mississauga.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And so that part's true. The part about where we would consider living is sort of true, although you give them a bunch of areas and you say, okay, here are the areas I would think about living in. Mimico was one of them them but I agree it's not like super urban there was like the junction and high park and places like that too right um but then they take your areas and they're the production companies out in in Vancouver they don't know Toronto at all so then they just start
Starting point is 00:20:21 calling places that are on the market and try and find a place that they will let them film in the house. So there were more than half of the houses were not actually even for sale. Wow. Did you guys hear that? So on the show, you're looking at these open houses as if you're going to consider buying them. But they're not actually for sale. Can you believe it? They actually had to take the sold sign off when we were filming.
Starting point is 00:20:45 You know, in TV school, the first thing that you learn using a camera, a video camera, is a move called a cheat. And from there, everything is a lie. TV lies. I tell that to my kids all the time. Because I'm the only one at this table who has never worked in TV. Because Colleen was an urban suburban. And I'm a journalism. And you're a journalism major wow yes so we have to say though because
Starting point is 00:21:11 i watched that episode of urban suburban i had never seen this show before i bought it all i never would have known that you well you guys were great so i never would have known that you weren't actually genuinely house hunting the way it was produced was it was slick i never would have thought that it was okay did they feed you lines i know actually so i want to be clear on that so they would not let us go into the house before when they were setting up they wanted our genuine reaction although after you do your genuine reaction you take about 10 more takes where you have to say the same thing but then you're like... But they don't ask you for a different reaction? Like, can you be more negative or you be more
Starting point is 00:21:48 positive? They kind of remind you what your stances are. So they'll say, remember, Colleen, you're urban, so you might not actually like this. Oh, that's feeding you lines, Colleen. I can't believe it. They're good, though. I mean, we did a game show where I would say to the guys, okay, in this next
Starting point is 00:22:03 segment, you're losing. You got that? Okay. Wix, and thanks for reminding though. I mean, we did a game show where I would say to the guys, okay, in this next segment, you're losing. You got that? Okay. You know, Wixen, thanks for reminding me. I know that you produce many game shows. Yeah. Awful Canadian game shows. Awful.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And one of them, like, last, was it not last, right, I'm thinking of Man Up. Man Up. Man Up. Great. That Man Up show. Hosted by Humble Howard. Hosted by, I attended one of your tapings. Me and my brother came down to attend your tapings.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Oh, yeah. Yeah. That was in the early days. Yeah. There's a guy in the water and he was, I don't know. Oh, we had guys on board. Yeah. I mean, but when we moved it to a production that we took outside, it turned into like
Starting point is 00:22:38 very, very scripted and yeah. So on Urban Suburban i you know what i never explained to the listeners how i know you which is that you play on my baseball team so colleen here the momfessional plays on my slow pitch team storm formerly known as raging storm and your husband i i've known your husband a lot longer mike uh mike is a longtime uh teammate of mine that's right he was you guys were great on the show when i well thank you and he is not a tv guy at all and he did really well like i was jealous like he got all the good sound bites and i'm the one that wants
Starting point is 00:23:17 to be on tv and i was angry at him so so and he doesn't care one bit right no and he keeps getting recognized like people will stop him get out of here i swear to god and people will say oh my gosh were you on that show and he's like yeah yeah and i've not been recognized once oh hey can i ask you something now that we're talking about it though was your husband on that show uh you haven't seen her husband. I was totally rooting for Mimico because I live in that area. And I just, I was so rooting for it. I love that you were urban. And then in the end, when it lost, I was so genuinely sad.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And then when you told me later, oh no, I was so sad. Actually, we never, we wouldn't buy the house that we chose. Oh yeah, that's a good question. Is that the house that had the column? No, we didn't choose that one. We chose one one with the giant backyard which we never would have chosen in real life was that one with the columns was it actually no no yeah we called it nona's house it looked like uh just to clarify though am i hearing you correctly you chose a house and then the premises of course now they don't ever say you buy it they infer you they don't say it i suppose explicitly
Starting point is 00:24:24 they infer that you are now going to move in that is correct you're going to buy this house but of They don't ever say you buy it. They infer. They don't say it, I suppose, explicitly. Infer. They infer that you are now going to move in. Suggest it. You're going to buy this house. But of course, that house, was that house even for sale? That one was, yes. But you had no actual interest in buying it. It was completely overpriced and not at all.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And that's the one where Mike said it's the bomb. Is that the one? Oh, yeah. That was at like take number 10 where they said you should probably get more excited. So he threw out sarah's the bomb and and i looked at him like when have you ever said you somebody's the bomb ever he says it to me all the time no he doesn't you're the bomb that is how he says it dude you're the bomb no he's he's had a man crush on me for many years it's true he has actually i really did not like
Starting point is 00:25:01 you when i first met you but he made me but that's every woman's reaction to me he made me invite you to our wedding so I figured I was surprised to get the invite because I'm like
Starting point is 00:25:10 but she hates me this is a true story we're not doing a bit right now I got an invite to this nice wedding but she hates my guts there's just something about Mike's personality
Starting point is 00:25:19 this is like in high school you're funny he's so funny he's infectious but he's prickly he's I grow on you like a bad moth like some kind of a fungus I still can't believe in high school. He's so funny. He's infectious. But he's prickly. I grow on you like a bad moth,
Starting point is 00:25:28 like some kind of a fungus. I let the teacher move you, but you pushed me that far. Like, you really did. Well, it's... I never would have known. It was... You guys did great.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Thank you. Now, we're short on time. I'm going to kind of go back. Not really mom-fessional, but to you as a mom. I have a question, and it's serious. So, just like with Elvis, if you you notice we wound up with some serious stuff
Starting point is 00:25:48 and it got heavy nothing bad, look, you like me now, right? yeah, you're right I like you too, you're going to come to my wedding, it's going to be a great time I can't wait so my question is, okay, so I asked you earlier if anything goes like is anything out of bounds and you said anything goes
Starting point is 00:26:04 so my question is, uh, is it okay if I talk about the fact that your, uh, your, your son, okay, so your,
Starting point is 00:26:13 your son, how do I say this? So I've known Mike a long time, way before I've known you. And of course, uh, Michael, Michael had a,
Starting point is 00:26:21 a wife named Jennifer. That's right. And Jennifer at the age of 29 uh passed away very suddenly due to uh lung cancer i'm correct that's right and they had a son a very very young son i think he was less than one year old i think it was just one right yeah and when you married uh what i thought was really touching and sweet is when you married Mike. You were essentially marrying Mike and Gabriel because you were now going to be, basically you were Gabriel's mother
Starting point is 00:26:52 for all intents and purposes and you love him like he's your son, of course. And I've seen you guys together, you know, and you guys are great together. So my question is, what unique challenges did that present? Like, how was that? That, to me, is a pretty remarkable story.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It must be really tough for him, but he can't possibly remember his mother. You're the only mom he knows. So how do you handle that? What do you tell him? You know what? It's pretty much just a part of life now, right? So ever since he was young, we've about mommy jennifer and i'm mommy or mommy colleen um and we tell him you know when he was really little it was mommy jennifer's in
Starting point is 00:27:33 the sky and he didn't understand so he would um come up to people randomly and say hi i have two mommies one of them's in the sky and people would kind of look at him like really odd right because he was only not even two right um so but now it's you know we're really close with her family they treat my our daughter kaylin as if that she's their grandchild i mean they call her um their grandchild and we love them very much and they they we see them probably more than we see mike's family or my family and they're just really involved so but yeah is it challenging uh totally right like i came in being a woman a single woman career-minded totally no kids nothing into raising a 17 month old boy um that actually you know if you read my blog he he has some has some challenges. And so it's hard to
Starting point is 00:28:26 try and bond with a child that's not yours. And then to try and live up to this person that you never met before, who's amazing. Cause she's, I'm sure she was amazing. And she's also on a pedestal. And she liked me. She always liked me. Exactly. So that tells you she's amazing. Exactly. Right. But you know, like people, people automatically have that person up on a pedestal right so it's it's hard and 17 month old it wasn't easy and it's still energy this is the heaviest story can i just say i'm sorry guys i gotta say to colleen though that i think you're doing an awesome job and i see i saw you four together at mike and jordy's uh baby shower the aforementioned shout out mike kick mike there's lots of mics everywhere but you guys you guys i mean he seemed to be doing
Starting point is 00:29:10 he was doing awesome and you guys are doing awesome so thank you for sharing i hope that wasn't too harsh no not at all and you know what i um our anniversary we celebrate our anniversary as an anniversary of of all of ours so um i because Because I married Gabriel and I gave him a ring at the ceremony and everything. Oh, the ceremony I missed? You missed. I got lost. Everyone was crying. You totally missed it.
Starting point is 00:29:31 It was awesome. Why did you miss it? I got lost. I almost ended up in Paris, Ontario. I'm sorry. It is so hard to like you. So hard. We still do.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But I was there for the reception. And I bet he showed up and said, really? Those are your directions? Who makes directions like that? there for the reception but i bet he showed up and said really those are your directions but i ordered him chicken wings the other day because it was our anniversary because then he wanted chicken wings so we you know we're we're good we married each other and we're happy that's awesome are you gonna come back for episode 10 i don't know maybe we'll see yes i hope so that's perfect so thank you it's awesome
Starting point is 00:30:06 moms and dads I'll try and write more I know Mike had a critique that I don't write enough but you know I'm kind of busy well and you write
Starting point is 00:30:13 what's real right so you write when you write sometimes I'm inspired sometimes I'm not hopefully this inspires I hope I inspired you and you can see a blog entry about this
Starting point is 00:30:20 thanks for spending time with us everyone thanks everybody for listening

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