Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Your Blog Sucks #1

Episode Date: May 23, 2013

Mike and Elvis discuss what sucks this week....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And now, it's time for Your Blog Sucks. Welcome to Your Blog Sucks. I'm Mike from and joining me is my brother from another mother, Elvis. Episode 1 begins now. Episode one begins now. I said episode one begins now. Yeah. Is that, that's my cue?
Starting point is 00:00:57 Is that what we're supposed to do here? Yeah. Episode one begins now. All right. That's your cue. Yeah. Okay. There's a lot of people in this studio, dude. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Like for episode one, I'm not sure how it is that all of these people managed to show up. That's your cue. Yeah, okay. There's a lot of people in this studio, dude. I don't know. Like, for episode one, I'm not sure how it is that all these people managed to show up. It's studio audience. The band's playing in and out. It's... The Von Bondys are here. It's ridiculous. Live announcer. Thank you, Howard.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Great job. It's unbelievable. I would have put some pants on before I started the show. Maybe I won't. What did you think of the opening? I was, like, excited to unveil it for you. Like, I didn't... You didn't have any idea what the opening was going to sound like,
Starting point is 00:01:26 but I spent so many minutes on it. I was dying to see. It was definitely the first time that I'd listened to it, and I'd listen to it again, I think. Well, you're going to hear it every week, because this will be a weekly podcast where we discuss things that we believe suck. Is that a fair synopsis? Absolutely, and there's lots of things that we believe suck. Is that a fair synopsis?
Starting point is 00:01:46 Absolutely, and there's lots of things that suck. So the show may go on for a long time. Well, you know what sucks? What? Yeah, so that's good. Good practice. Every time I ask you, you know what sucks, you got to come back with,
Starting point is 00:01:56 what sucks, Mike, or whatever. I was at the dress rehearsal, dude. I know how to do this. Well, what sucks is blowing a 4-1 third period lead in game seven. I'm not even ready to talk about? Well, what sucks is blowing a 4-1 third period lead in Game 7. I'm not even ready to talk about this yet, I don't think. When it happened, of course we're talking about the Leafs lost to Boston in Game 7
Starting point is 00:02:14 and how they just collapsed in the third period for some context for non-hockey fans out there. But it was, as someone who's followed the team since I've been a little kid, it's just staring at that TV screen for about a good 45 seconds afterwards and just not realizing what I had just witnessed. It was just an unbelievable feeling. And the only thing that really saved me was CBC almost immediately jumping
Starting point is 00:02:36 into the Chris Hatfield's Coming Back to Earth segment. So I was able to get quickly distracted. But it was even worse the next morning when you wake up and you realize that it was not a nightmare. We had the same reactions. I was stunned. I was depressed for days. It feels like a nightmare that you had
Starting point is 00:02:56 and then you have that realization. Like you got angry one night in a bar and then you murdered a guy and then suddenly you're arrested for manslaughter. I don't know if you've been through this like i have but every every you wake up every morning thinking it was a dream and you realize no it's real it happened i was so stunned and it is hard to talk about it i talked about it for the first time like a couple hours ago with monica on uh this other podcast i have called toronto miked That also sucks, by the way. That podcast sucks. It's a big time.
Starting point is 00:03:25 But this, I can't believe how we lost. Losing in that fashion, I'd rather we got swept in four games and just never had a chance against Boston, which always kicks our ass anyways. Well, if you want to look on the positive side, at least these kids now know what not to do next year, right? And that's a good point to make
Starting point is 00:03:42 is that they are just kids. And the fact that they were even in that position is something that we likely would have we would have wished for that at the beginning of the season but what sucks even more tell me i still don't even know the whole scenario around this i just saw a tweet that was retweeted this morning from dallas eakins who's the coach of the Marlies. And apparently the Marlies did something similar last night. Yeah, we were 3-1, I think. And I don't even want to know, but that just makes it even worse because now it's two teams that are essentially the same team. Different, though.
Starting point is 00:04:16 The Marlies didn't blow a third period lead. They never had a three-goal lead, and it was game six, not game seven. But still, they're out of the playoffs now, from what I understand. Yep, they're done. But normally I would know all this, but I don't even want to know. I want to be more than even an arm's length away from this news because this is just more bad news
Starting point is 00:04:33 for a team that has just been surrounded by bad news. Do you feel haunted? So when it was 4-2 and they pulled a goalie, a rask is pulled, do you feel haunted by every second, realizing how often does a goalie, a rask is pulled. Do you feel haunted by every second, realizing how often does a goalie get pulled and they score two goals? How often does that happen?
Starting point is 00:04:52 I can't remember. We have an empty cage to shoot at, so sometimes you score the empty netter to seal it, or maybe they get one, usually none. I feel like I was in war in some kind of battle and I've been, I've been, I have shell shocked. I'm still stunned. I'm still bummed.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I can't believe it happened. Well, I'm not sure if this is where you're going with this, but what else sucks is people who believe in curses. And I've heard some people suggest that the Leafs are cursed and that is just so ridiculous. That's ridiculous. The curse of the Bambino, the Goat and the- People who believe in curses are, they suck. It's ridiculous. They do suck. It's ridiculous. The curse of the Bambino, the goat. People who believe in curses, they suck. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:05:27 They do suck. It's ridiculous. Curses suck. People who believe in curses suck even more. It's like a way to make yourself not accountable for your actions. It was beyond my control. It's ridiculous. Steve Bartman did what he did because he did it.
Starting point is 00:05:38 No one made him do it. And you and I would have done the same thing. Absolutely. I know. I could have been Steve Bartman. The ESPN 30 for 30 film on him is brilliant because it actually paints him in the picture that he
Starting point is 00:05:47 should be painted. Yeah. It's not his fault and you know it's shame on the It's the short stub's fault for booting the double
Starting point is 00:05:53 play ball. That's right. That's right. And Moises Alou who believes that you know he blames Steve Bartman. Come on dude.
Starting point is 00:05:59 How about you blame yourself. Take accountability. So we require sports psychologists to get over this shock. Yeah. And that kind of sucks though, too, considering they're expensive, right? Well, and we didn't actually play like who's kidding who, come on. We're just fans sitting
Starting point is 00:06:12 on the sidelines. Feels like I played Elvis. I don't know. We need a sports psychologist to actually get over this thing. You know what else sucks though? What sucks Elvis? The monarchy in general. And there's been a lot of things in the news lately that is proving my point as to how much the monarchy sucks. First of all, I believe that Canada should be a republic whole idea that we were going to reform the Senate, blah, blah, blah. He hasn't done anything about it. He's now essentially having to prove the legitimacy of an institution that he's wanted to take down for more than two decades. But also the idea that we just had a recent holiday here in Canada called Victoria Day. We're celebrating the birthday of a monarchy from 200 years ago who married her first cousin, I might add. Who was hot, though.
Starting point is 00:07:09 He was a good-looking guy. There's a lot of other people that are actual Canadians as opposed to people who are queens and kings of Canada that we should be celebrating on this day. There's going to be lots of times. The long history of your blog sucks and the many forms it takes. Maybe it's terrestrial radio show. Maybe it's a satellite radio show. Maybe it's a television show. We just get a new Elvis because you're pretty ugly.
Starting point is 00:07:34 You don't really have the TV chops. But I was going to say, we're going to disagree a lot, but not this time. I 100% agree with you. This Victoria Day, this relic from this monarch passed. I can't stand the fact we have a governor general, even if it's a figurehead. Why is the queen in charge of this country even figuratively? Well, it's been proven in the last few years
Starting point is 00:07:57 that she's not actually because we've prorogued parliament a few times and the only person who can actually do that or approve that in terms of making sure that it actually happens is the governor general. in essence the an unelected person has had significant influence over this country over the last few years a couple of times and it's just ridiculous it makes no sense to me and i and shame on stephen harper for renaming the military after the the royal family as well like it's just ridiculous enough is enough cut the
Starting point is 00:08:25 cord and instead of victoria day how about terry fox day you know that doesn't suck but there's a lot of i mean you can make a case certainly for a lot of other uh people like heath or sutherland day myself why wouldn't you have an elvis day i mean he's the king of rock and roll um but there's a lot of things that we could be celebrating i I think Terry Fox would probably be a good one to celebrate. I'm not sure if May, what is the significance of him having the May holiday, though? Just that it's a day to celebrate a great Canadian hero. Did you know that May is Masturbation Month as well? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I celebrate Masturbation Month. I'm not sure why there is a month for it. And is it a month for it or against it? Do you know that I once did this for like an open mic. I needed a good title or something and I found that there's like everything. There's a million things each day. Like everything's got this like Nutella day and there's like Wheaties day.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Everything's got a freaking day. Nutella does not suck. Wheaties suck, but Nutella is. Nutella sucks actually. No, it doesn't. Icy sugar has got more nutritional value than Nutella. You eat icy sugar? You're Italian descent, right Elvis? Absolutely elvis absolutely half nutella that's a bias you have for nutella have you seen the huge nutella that they sell at uh at costco it's it's it's just it that's a it's four million calories dream uh and regarding the senate i agree I don't even know. I'm a smart guy. I went to University of Toronto, and I studied history, and I read the news all the time. I got no clue what the unelected Senate does. Can you tell me what the Senate for them to debate, pass, and maybe make any amendments that are required. And then from there, the bill goes then to the Governor General for royal assent.
Starting point is 00:10:09 But in essence, and in practicality, for many, many, many decades, the Senate has been useless. It's very different from the House of Lords in the UK and the Senate in the US, where they actually do stuff. The Senate here doesn't do anything except for recently just spend our money, you know, for no reason. It's where like old media people go to die, right? Yes. And this whole idea, like why is Stephen Harper still even allowing this Duffy character to be a senator? It was proven based on his expenses that he is not a resident of PEI and it is against the rules of the Constitution for you to represent a province in which you do not live.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Why is he still there? Yeah, it smells all over the place. It smells everywhere. It smells ridiculous. It's been quite the week. So Harper sucks, and it seems like most politicians suck. Yeah. I mean, that's a whole—
Starting point is 00:11:02 That's not even a lure. I just dangled a little lure because this certain name hasn't been dropped yet. I'm not going to buy it. I don't want to talk about it. No, if anyone wants to hear that exciting talk, they can go to the other podcast, which also sucks. Or go to your blog, which sucks hard.
Starting point is 00:11:16 My blog sucks. Hard. You know what else sucks? What? Having to see Selena Gomez in concert. Now, bear with me just to give you a taste. Oh, I know this song. It's because it's a cover.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's been covered a couple of times, I think. It's like an old 1970s song. She covered it, yeah. It's for the Wizards of Waverly play. The Wizards of Waverly? How old are your daughters? Three and a half. We're still in Dora phase.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah. At some point, my daughter hit a Wizards of Waverly Place phase, and Selena Gomez starred on the show, because they do magic, and this is the magic song. This is the only Selena Gomez song I know. It's a cover, obviously. And I can't even name another selena gomez song but my daughter batted her beautiful green eyes at me and said daddy can you take me to selena gomez and i'm
Starting point is 00:12:12 like how do i not take her to her first concert even if it sucks and i have to go see them in like august where where is it air canada center wow for selena gomez yeah pricey tickets uh air canada center for this one cover like what am I supposed to do I don't know how you would have handled this situation I'm interested
Starting point is 00:12:30 but it sucks that your daughter's first concert has to be an act you have no interest in seeing like she's a big Pearl Jam fan
Starting point is 00:12:37 why couldn't she have said daddy please take me to Pearl Jam because they suck Pearl Jam is horrible says the guy who thinks ACDC
Starting point is 00:12:44 is the greatest band in the world i never said that every song sounds the same they do but they're they've they understand how to sell music you're stealing content from the next episode you know what selena gomez seeing selena gomez in concert sucks however it it doesn't suck that you're taking your daughter because that's what you're supposed to do as a dad i mean like this is this is the whole thing that you get into when you become a parent, you got to do things that you wouldn't necessarily want to do. And I have a plan, uh, which does not suck. And you'll tell me if it does suck, but I, instead of watching the concert, my plan is to watch my eight year old daughter.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Oh, she'll be nine at that time. My nine year old daughter, if I watch her and her happiness at seeing this act that she loves, that will make it the greatest concert I've ever been to, and that does not suck. Who opens for Selena Gomez? What shit band? I think it might be you. Is it Josie and the Pussycats? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:13:36 What's happening? Like, Gem? Is it Gem that opens for Selena Gomez? You know, that's a great question. I have no idea. I'd love to know who opens. Some family channel. It would be amazing
Starting point is 00:13:46 if it was like Megadeth or something. I heard it might be and I don't know for sure, but it might be Kiss. That would be awesome. Kiss might open for Selena Gomez. Maybe, maybe there's an opportunity here for you to watch Spring Break
Starting point is 00:14:01 with your daughter now though, right? Because Selena Gomez is in that movie. Because there's another Spring Break I watched in like 84 at my friend's sleepover and it was like the first time I saw lots of boobs. And I was serious. True story. Derek Kalaga. And I went to his house and we watched Spring Break on VHS
Starting point is 00:14:18 that he rented for his sleepover and I couldn't believe this movie called Spring Break. I loved that movie. I can't remember. I don't know if it was the first. I think it was the first time, but I think for me it was Vacation. Yeah, there's a good... In that movie. And then European Vacation, too.
Starting point is 00:14:32 You're thinking European. I don't think there are boobs in Vacation. Yeah, there is. Doesn't Beverly D'Angelo take her top off in that one? Oh, I don't know because I do remember the boobs in the European Vacation. Yeah, in Germany and there's a couple other places. I've been to Germany. You know...
Starting point is 00:14:47 That's authentic. All right, so would you take, and now that we've talked about the boobs, which do not suck, would you take your daughter to a shitty concert? Yeah, absolutely. Okay. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Maybe I already asked that, I don't know. The frequency at which I would do this is up for debate, but... But there's only one first time. Yeah, oh yeah, of course I'd take her. I'm not sure selena gomez maybe it would be more palatable than taking her to a justin bieber concert and what was your first concert my first concert yeah so i'm not going to include like sharon lois and bram and no you can't because i did go to
Starting point is 00:15:22 share a lot i was a big sh Lewis and Bram fan, actually. I remember one of the first records that I ever received was a Sharon Lewis and Bram record. Oh, the elephant one. Probably. Yeah, I had it too, dude. I remember what it looks like. I don't know what was actually on it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Did you have the Anne-Marie one? The teddy bear picnic? I can't remember. Okay, go on. The very first concert I ever went to i went with my mom and it was janet jackson at skydome that's huge that's a big name massive massive concert it was her rhythm nation tour 18 14 or whatever i think it was in grade seven grade eight something like that that's pretty cool mine's uh april fool who did that? Chalk Circle at the old
Starting point is 00:16:05 Ontario Place Forum. Oh, yes. The one with the rotating. Rotated, yeah. I saw a lot of stuff there. That was the first one. I saw Moxie Fruvis
Starting point is 00:16:12 and Barenaked Lady there probably. Oh. Barenaked Ladies probably about 100 times there. And that was at the time when you weren't sure which band would have
Starting point is 00:16:19 the bigger career. It was like, which one will do better, Moxie Fruvis or Barenaked Lady? Now, but what would, like one of the members of Moxie Fuvis or bernie now what but what would like one of the members of of moxie fruvis has gone on to become very well uh you know um respected journalist in toronto yeah but he's making your kind of money like i don't know he's not making
Starting point is 00:16:36 ed robertson money we used to make fun of him big time when he was on stage it was quite amusing he sang uh stuck in the 90s as i recall that was the Giancomission. He sang a lot of unfortunate songs. You know what else sucks, though? What sucks, Elvis? Huge. And this is something that you were not willing to admit as quickly as I did. After seven games, I was admitting it.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Finish your thought, and then we'll discuss. It's the Jay shitty start. And I like to troll around on your blog sometimes and suggest that it's still early because there's a lot of people, especially in the media, Mike Wilner, who is still telling me that I should wait until July. I heard him say once, don't even look at the standings until July 1st.
Starting point is 00:17:22 That's right. Which is ridiculous. That's silly. Because now they have to go like 120 or something. They've got to win like 65% of their games to have like a sniff at the playoffs. No. And it's baseball, right? I mean, baseball you're not going to win.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Good teams lose one out of three. Right. Yeah. Great teams, actually. The Jays, what was it? They only lost one series in 1993, I think, all year round. And they're one for the ages. I'm glad you brought up the Blue Jays' shitty start
Starting point is 00:17:52 because I think you're well aware of the great debates I've had of my brother, Ryan, who I used to think looked like you when I first met you. The great debates or your great brother, Ryan? Ryan. The great Ryan're the great debates are your great brother ryan the the great ryan and the great debates yeah the great debates with the great ryan and ryan uh almost punched me at this very table we were recording and i just suggested that this was a weak start like i was really disappointed i was disappointed early i was actually disappointed after the second series ended. We were like 4-5 and I hated how the team looked.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I hated how they played at 4-5. I mean, looking back, yeah, that's way too early, but that's how the bad starts start. You get to a bad start by starting 4-5 and then slipping a little bit. Now, if we win two games in a row, it's cause for celebration,
Starting point is 00:18:44 but if we do win three games in a row, we're likely to drop three in a row right after. Which is exactly what we just did with the Yankees. The problem here is that people were too willing to anoint this team as the greatest in the
Starting point is 00:18:59 American League, and they hadn't played one minute together. Can I ask you, because I've been soul-searching on this very topic, how did they trick me so, like, how did I, did I drink the Kool-Aid? Is that what I did? Because you, you hashtag loved this team. No, I didn't. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:19:14 You absolutely did. Go to my archives. I never hashtag loved this team. You hashtag, maybe you didn't put it in your Twitter, but you hashtag loved this team. Okay. You loved this team. Here's what I did. I love this team in the way I, I've loved this team since 82.
Starting point is 00:19:24 This particular iteration of the Blue Jays I bought the media hype I listen to a lot of the Bob McCowan nonsense and I read a lot and I hear Mike Wilner and I follow him on Twitter and it was very clear to me that we had a slam dunk playoff team
Starting point is 00:19:40 for the first time since 93 well on paper it certainly looked that way I would have totally agreed with you. And then Ryan told me we're going to win the World Series and I got excited. He did. He told me we're going to win the World Series. But he also picked the St. Louis Blues to win the Stanley Cup. So maybe I should stop listening to him. But he also believes that
Starting point is 00:19:55 Andrea Bargnani is a top five center in the league. Top ten, I think. What is he? Nuts? This guy, he's mental. He's got some issues. He sucks. My brother Ryan sucks. He sucks. He's not even the best six-man in the league. They can't give him away, Elvis.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I don't know how he got on because Andre Bargnani sucks. We're going to blow our whole season in episode one. But back to the Blue Jays. What are we blowing? All the content. I had a whole episode about Andre Bargnani and Kiss, and they're all going. The Jays' shitty start does suck
Starting point is 00:20:28 because this is yet another year where there will be no meaningful baseball in the city in September. Well, you know what? What? It may be meaningful in the sense that they may try and make it close. Like it may be...
Starting point is 00:20:40 They can't even play 500 ball the rest of the way. How the hell are they going to play 600 ball the rest of the way? Yeah, but you're not telling me that if they're 10 games out and then all of a sudden they creep up to eight games and then they creep up to six games, people aren't going to get excited again? I think they will. You think there's a chance we're six games out
Starting point is 00:20:55 when September comes around? I never said that there was. I never said that there was. Even when we had our best 10-game stretch of the season where we went five and five. This is super recently. We lost ground to the Yankees, and we lost ground to the Rays,
Starting point is 00:21:08 and we kept pace with the Orioles, and we gained one game on the Red Sox. And that was our best 10-game stretch of the entire season where we went five and five. I want them to do well, only for the opportunity to see Mike Wilner just lose his brain on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:21:23 and be even more crusty than he already is. I like him. You follow him, right? I do. I like him as well. But he is crusty for sure. We should get him on this. Your blog sucks.
Starting point is 00:21:37 I also find he's a little bit naive when it comes to the reality of this team. He doesn't think you can say this is a bad team. He says you have to say they're playing bad. This is a good team playing poorly, where I have no evidence this is a good team. Zero. There's no evidence in existence.
Starting point is 00:21:54 They didn't have a good spring training. They've been shitty since the season started. They didn't exist last year. We created this team. They're good on paper, I think is what the argument is, is that the individual parts, when you look at them, are good players. Just together, they're shit. And they all decide to just have their career shit seasons at the same time.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Shit in the bed. Right. And the one guy who was hitting well decided to get injured for a few months. All right. Doesn't help. So the Jays shitty start definitely sucks. But you know what else sucks? What?
Starting point is 00:22:22 You, Elvis, bailing. I was waiting for this to happen. Of course what sucks is me. You suck for bailing on my hockey pool two years in a row. You committed, I will be there. I'll be at your invitation-only exclusive hockey pool draft. And two years in a row, I've had these game day or draft day dropout texts. Sorry, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Hung up at work. Give me a break. Everyone else is able to make this event, and you bail. Come on. Well, first of all, I'm very important. Second of all, I was concerned that your brothers are going to be there,
Starting point is 00:22:56 and one of them was going to take issue with me for something that I said about the draft a few years ago. Are we allowed to talk about that? I don't think he listens to your blog. I don't know. I'm not sure why it is that anyone would ever know who it is that I was talking about. Well, there's somebody you claimed had a masturbation problem, or was it just didn't clean up after his...
Starting point is 00:23:18 Neither. The fact that when I arrived at this person's apartment, that there were boxes of Kleenex, multiple boxes of Kleenex strategically placed throughout the house. No word of a lot. I don't think we should be talking about this. I'm looking at the studio audience here to see what their reaction is. She's smiling. They're gagging.
Starting point is 00:23:36 But quite literally, there was probably four boxes of Kleenex around the house. What about allergies? There's only one logic. What is it? His penis was allergic, apparently, to semen. We have no evidence that those Kleenexes were used for any purpose other than blowing their nose. He needed to get the poison out. And sometimes it just happens spontaneously.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Aren't you going to see this person who allegedly used these Kleenexes in such a fashion? Aren't you going to see them at the wedding? Am I still going to that? I don't know. Did you RSVP that you were attending? I think I did, yes. Then you're committed. I bought your food.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I think you blogged about my RSVP. Oh, yeah, that's right. You drew the penis on it. That's right. It was a horrible, horrible penis, though. It was probably a self-portrait. Nah, it was much too big to be a self-portrait. But you know what else sucks?
Starting point is 00:24:28 You're not going to even respond and tell me what you think is okay that two years in a row you bailed on my hockey pole. Yeah, absolutely. You might not get an invitation next year. Well, I'll take that chance. All right, go ahead. You suck. But to go back to the baseball theme,
Starting point is 00:24:43 and this has been bothering me for many, many years, and I've talked about this to friends of mine at work. It really bothers me when you see these ballplayers run out onto the field and they've got the huge baggy pants and the straight-brimmed ball caps. It is unbelievably annoying. It is just ridiculous, and there should be some sort of rule about it. Okay, interesting. You're right. I just recently re-watched the
Starting point is 00:25:09 92 and 93 World Series that they aired on Sportsnet and it's true. You see Joe Carter and he's wearing tight pants and tight shirt and it's kind of like watching old NBA footage from the early 80s or something or 70s where they wear the short shorts.
Starting point is 00:25:25 That's hot. The NBA evolved. When Jordan said he wanted to wear, I guess he wore his North Carolina pants under his Bulls pants, and he wanted them baggy. Then the Fab Five wore them baggy. Now everybody's wearing them baggy. I'm okay with the evolution of style
Starting point is 00:25:42 with these uniforms. I don't think it sucks as badly as you do. A uniform isn't supposed to be like a style. A uniform is a necessity for you to be able to compete in the sport. And all other sports, soccer, used to have big baggy jerseys. They went tight. Why? Because they needed it for various reasons. Well, guys were grabbing them.
Starting point is 00:25:59 They were grabbing them, but it's also more comfortable to participate in an athletic activity when you've got tighter-fitting clothing as opposed to this big baggy thing that's, you know, whatever. And I understand that baseball players aren't necessarily required to be the most athletic. And especially if you're a pitcher, you're probably not moving around all that much. But the look is ridiculous. And even if you forget about the baggy pants, just the style of that. I agree.
Starting point is 00:26:23 The ball cap. The cap is just insane. I just want to go up there and bend it on them. You know, I'm with you on the ball cap. Come on. And they all should be wearing the Reed Johnson socks as well. I love that look. That's a baseball player.
Starting point is 00:26:38 That's the way it should be. That's a gamer. I love that look. Absolutely. My favorite. Now, you know what else sucks? What? Speaking of sports, this nickname of our basketball team
Starting point is 00:26:46 this toronto raptors we've had it since i guess 95 was their inaugural season we were named after a fad jurassic park was big in theaters all the kids loved the raptors in jurassic park that looks so real so we named our team after this fad are you kidding me this should be the toronto huskies. Let's correct this mistake. Okay, well, this is where I think that people are misguided. I'm not necessarily a huge fan of the name, but I'm not necessarily
Starting point is 00:27:13 against it either. First of all, Jurassic Park is back in theaters and it's also going to be in theaters again. Great point, Elvis. It's also going to be in theaters again in Jurassic Park 4. All right, so there goes that. Is that true? Yeah, Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I got to catch up on my movie news. Come here.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Come to this shitty blog. Podcast. Whatever it's called. This podcast sucks. This broadcast. And you can hear about all the movie news. But I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, that this name was chosen based on a poll of Torontonians, and it was narrowed down to a
Starting point is 00:27:45 short list based on fan voting and then the ultimate choice was made by the team itself. So we only have ourselves to blame for a name that you may or may not think is shitty. There were other options. And this whole idea of rewriting the Hornets going back to their name instead of that being the Bobcats.
Starting point is 00:28:02 You can make an argument that it should have been changed in the first place. So what's to say that in 15 years we're not going to say we want to go back to... I thought the Hornets went to New Orleans and then they were going to become the Pelicans. I thought there was a whole reason why they... There's a good reason for the Hornets. Go ahead. I mean, if you really cared about the history of teams, you wouldn't be able to take the
Starting point is 00:28:21 team with you, similar to the Winnipeg Jets, right? In order for you to move a team, you should have to sell the rights of the organization back to the league so they can do whatever they want with it. Well, I'm sorry to hear you defending the nickname Raptors. What is it going to do? It's not going to make the team any better. I mean, it's not going to make us like them or hate them more or less. We're named after, come on, dinosaurs. I mean, it's not going to make us like them or hate them more or less.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Come on, dinosaurs. I just think it's time. What are you... Do you not believe in dinosaurs? They were legitimate creatures on this earth? Prove it. Well, all we have to go back is 2,000 years because that's how old the earth is, right? Oh, I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I saw a TV show once, kind of a documentary where there were people and dinosaurs coexisting like dino was a pet if i remember correctly documentaries and air quotes here and one of the like they had dinosaurs like doing the dishes for them yeah that was we coexisted with dinosaurs how come there are no black people on the jetsons is there no black people the future that sucks they were all white on the jetsons there was no black people ever on the jets brown people just white people really so that's the future? That sucks. They were all white on the Jetsons. There was no black people ever on the Jetsons. Brown people? Just white people. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:27 So that's the future? I have no idea. That sucks. That does suck. Well, thanks everybody for listening to episode one of Your Blog Sucks. One last thing. You know what else sucks?
Starting point is 00:29:42 What else sucks? Your blog. Your blog sucks. To see their blood, a thousand men who have come and gone. Now we grieve, cause now it's gone. Things were good when we were young. It's a sad, sad, come on, come on. Was it right to leave? Come on, come on, will I ever learn? Come on, come on, come on, come on.

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