Tosh Show - My French friend

Episode Date: December 5, 2023

Daniel talks to his French neighbor Pierre. For over 10 years the two surfing buddies have communicated everyday, no matter how hard Daniel tries to avoid it.See for privacy in...formation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is the greatest murder mystery in American history. That's Rob Breiner. Rob called me, so would Edo Brein, and asked me what I knew about this crime. We'll ask who had the motive to assassinate a sitting president. Then we'll pull the curtain back on the cover-up. The American people need to know the truth. Listen to Who Kill JFK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast. On March 16, 2000, two sheriff's deputies were shot in Atlanta. A Muslim leader and former Black Power activist was convicted. But the evidence was shaky, and the whole truth didn't come out during the trial.
Starting point is 00:00:41 My name is Mosey Secret, and when I started investigating this case in my hometown, I uncovered a dark truth about America. From Tinderfoot TV, came-side media, and I Heart Podcasts. Radical is available now. Listen to the new podcast, Radical, for free, on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Mary K. McBrayer, host of the podcast, The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told, where I dig into crimes where a woman is not just a victim. She might be the detective, the lawyer, the witness, the coroner, the criminal, or some combination of those roles.
Starting point is 00:01:15 These are the stories we need to know to understand the intersection of society, justice, and the fascinating workings of the human psyche. Listen to the Great true crime stories ever told on the iHeartRadio app Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. People always accuse a French of being a leadist. I'm gonna list a few things and I want you to say which country does them the best.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Wine. Friends? Cheese? Friends? Fashion? Friends? Comedy? Friends? Friends, cheese, friends, fashion, friends, comedy. Friends, oh, shut the fuck off.
Starting point is 00:01:50 You have shut the fuck off. Tosh show. Tosh show. Tosh show. Tosh show. Tosh show. Welcome to Tosh show. I'm your host, Daniel Tosh.
Starting point is 00:02:08 This is exciting. This is the fourth episode. You believe it, Eddie? We've done four already. It's great. It's great. How many do we have to do until somebody comes callin' and says, listen, we want to buy this show outright and give you 500 billion dollars. So here we
Starting point is 00:02:34 are with our fourth episode. And the feedback has been overwhelmingly negative in person. Online, I'm told the feedback has been pretty positive, but to my face, a lot of family members have not appreciated some of the comments that I've made. I got to tell you the comments on YouTube overwhelmingly positive. Comments on YouTube overwhelmingly positive. Oh, man, I hope that translates into ad dollars and subscriptions. I'm told that's very important. Let me, I gotta set a few things straight.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I shot a handful of these interviews before the first one aired. So I'm still working things out. So I don't read a lot of the comments because they depress me. But I actually, I should take time out to hear what the fans of this show are saying. So Eddie, you've gotten a few selects. I do. All right, let's read some of these. My new favorite podcast, keep it going. I don't even want to be anyone's favorite podcast. There's so many great podcast out there. My goal is is to to skyrocket in your top five. I'll be honest. Top 10 is really is plenty good enough, but you're gonna you're gonna learn, you're gonna learn one day that, you know, having everything that you could ever want, isn't that great.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Alright, what else? What are these people saying? Let's go. Give me another one. Alright, little late to the game, son. Yeah, that's the genius behind me. I like to wait till everybody's sick of a genre. And then I go full, full bore. The king is back. Oh, that's from Theo Vaughan. Oh, that's nice. Now, there's somebody that's like, somebody's number one podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:35 That's fine. He can be your number one. And then me, like four, five, or six. Bro, this is dope. I'm so glad you're back. Already subbed and liked. Keep up the funny shit. Well, this is dope. I'm so glad you're back already subbed and liked. Keep up the funny shit. Well, I'm glad you subbed. Keep subbing. Call it touch point show. Touch point show was too close
Starting point is 00:04:54 for the lawyers to feel comfortable. Please change the intro, please. I don't like the intro either. I just heard it the other day. Man, that's bad. So I'm sure we'll use it for a year. This is great. She just maybe keep off the editing for a more organic feel though. You guys are editing me? I'm just, I'm just now finding this out. Tone down on the editing for real. This is a podcast. Let it flow naturally. Dead air is perfectly acceptable. Save the super editing for the YouTube shorts. Dead air is perfectly acceptable. Let's put that to the test. Was that enjoyable? I'll tell you another reason I need an editor
Starting point is 00:05:34 is because I'm not afraid to say things into a microphone that's being recorded. I need someone to be the adult in the room. Like she's the other day, I was trying to explain my least favorite race of people. And that's why they're my least favorite. Next comment, really don't like the producer voiceover chime ends. Just going to put that out there. I don't like him either. He didn't give her anything from his house. It was a good
Starting point is 00:05:57 streak while it lasted. Guys, there's going to be a few episodes where they don't get a gift because I didn't start doing the gift until like the fourth or fifth interview. This is needed. I like Tosh Point Out, but when Tosh isn't being forced by network to pump outrageous comments every line, it feels way more genuine while still being hilarious. I could watch him talk to his landlord for a while.
Starting point is 00:06:16 No, yeah, hold on. This is, first of all, it's insane how long this thing is. I'm not gonna let you finish it. What world would I have a landlord? Ha, ha, ha, ha a landlord if any idea how many properties I own? I actually love to see Tosh talk to some comedians.
Starting point is 00:06:31 That's pretty good. If no one's done that, I think we should try that. I assume there's got to be a writing team behind this, right? No way he's coming up with all these non sequesters by himself. Great show. Oh, well, I think he meant sequiturs, Eddie. The team of people that create this show is three people. And, Eddie, who pitches me nonsense all day long, and then, and then there's, then there's John and Pete, three white, middle aged married men that were blackballed from comedy. That's not true, but they are white. That part's true. Yep. They're very white, too white. If you ask me, John, John is definitely too white. John is two ways. Pale wings from Ohio. I'm not a fan of the stained gray wood borders on the videos.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I suggest consulting a second or third marketing branding graphics company to redefine the vibe of your creative look. I would recommend you unsubscribe. Is there an unsubscribe button? Border needs to go. Full screen please. And knowing distracting unnecessary. OK.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So there's two votes. Border is annoying. Oh, that's three. Sup with the weird border. I'm telling you, I'm gonna have to turn the comments off. Tosh is back. So happy. But please get rid of the weird panel border.
Starting point is 00:07:53 What if we start to put in ads like a crawl that went around the border the whole way, or more information or jokes in the border then, maybe people would like it then? Amazing. You're back. Get rid of the border around the screen though Be careful are all make the goddamn frame bigger really dig the picture frame border for the show makes me feel like I'm back in my childhood Better than watching toch.0. Hey There's one for they like the border the border stays if toch still drives a Subaru that we can expect the same above average
Starting point is 00:08:23 Content as toch.0. I do still drives a Subaru, then we can expect the same above average content as Tosh.0. I do still drive a Subaru. Subaru? I'm still driving one. I don't drive an outback anymore. I have the Ascent, three rows, because I've got a family. I also drive a Rivian. Rivian, are you a sponsor?
Starting point is 00:08:38 You should be. Go ahead and sponsor the show, Rivian. Hey, Tosh, great show, but can we get the shot in 4K? I don't know. Can we shoot this in 4K? We shoot in 6K. We shoot in 6K. I'll be coming back to stand up to show these goofballs. What's up?
Starting point is 00:08:52 I have never stopped doing stand-up comedy. I do tons of stand-up comedy, and I'll be honest with you. It's gotten so much better. My comedy is so much better than it used to be. So much richer. Can I invest in this? Tosh is used to be so much richer. Can I invest in this? Tosh is going to be greater than Joe Rogan. No. Last comment. Last comment already. Yeah. Three episodes in. And this is officially my favorite comedian podcast, the format, the guest, the length, the hilarious yet insightful interviews. Everything is just perfect. All right. The show's perfect. Let's get on with it. Today's guest is no exception.
Starting point is 00:09:26 He's also perfect. He's one of my closest friends, but he's foreign. Boo. I knew that was going to get some of you. I love foreigners. They think me, needling them, is me just being direct because every other country that's not the US is rude as shit. All that being said, I'm proud to call this Frenchy monomy.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Enjoy. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is the greatest murder mystery in American history. That's Rob Breiner. Rob called me, so would Ado Brein, and asked me what I knew about this crime. I know 60 years later, new leads are still emerging. To me, an award-winning journalist, that's the making of an incredible story. And on this podcast, you're going to hear it told by one of America's greatest
Starting point is 00:10:12 storytellers. Well, ask who had the motive to assassinate a sitting president? My dad, 5JFK, screwed us at the Bay of Pigs, and then he screwed us after the Cuban missile crisis. We'll reveal why Lee Harvey Oswald isn't who they said he was. I was under the impression that Lee was being trained for a specific operation, then we'll pull the curtain back on the cover-up. The American people need to know the truth.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Listen to Who Killed JFK on the I Heart Radio app. Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. On March 16, 2000, two sheriff's deputies were shot in Atlanta. Jamil Alamin, a Muslim leader and former Black Power activist, was convicted. But the evidence was shaky and the whole truth didn't come out during the trial. My name is Moosey Secret. When I started investigating this case in my hometown, I uncovered a dark truth about America. He said to me, you want me to take care of them for not doing something or paying you
Starting point is 00:11:18 something like that? I said no, what are you talking about? I had no idea who he had become. That's how he approached you. You know, he meant what he said to us. Yeah, I'm thinking, murder, enemy, you know. I think that's what he was thinking to me. From Tinderfoot TV, Campside Media, and I Heart Podcasts,
Starting point is 00:11:36 Radical is available now. Listen to the new podcast Radical for free on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Mary K. McBrayer, host of the podcast, The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told. I write about True Crime, which means I live inside the research wormhole, but I'm not necessarily interested in the headline grabbing elements, the blood and the gore, all of that.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'm more interested in the people behind these stories and what we can learn by looking at their experiences. You can meet me every week on the greatest true crime stories ever told, where I dig into crimes where a woman is not just a victim. She might be the detective, the lawyer, the witness, the coroner, the criminal, or some combination of these roles. I delve into the good, the bad, the difficult, and all the nuance I can find. Because these are the stories we need to know to understand the intersection of society, justice, and the fascinating workings of the human psyche.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Listen to the greatest true-crime stories ever told on the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. My guest today is France's greatest gift to America since the Statue of Liberty. He's a beautiful Frenchman living in Los Angeles. I've known him for many years and I still have no idea how he affords to live in my neighborhood. He's my only friend who's never been on my payroll. He texts me more than my wife.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Please welcome Pierre. Then yeah, thank you. Pierre, how many times a day do you think you text me? Well, at least when I wake up, you're the first person I text. Um, she times in the morning, after lunch, after my nap, and at night, it's a good night. So, you time.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I wish you were joking. You're not joking. When I text you that I have to, that I'm, we're going to go surfing, but I have to poop first. How long does that mean? Well, you spent a lot of time on the chair. How long? Yeah, well, well, you go a few times a day because I feel like every time I text you, you spend a lot of time on the chair. How long? Yeah, well, well, you go a few times a day
Starting point is 00:13:46 because I feel like every time I text you, you poop. No, before I surf, I make sure I poop. Because I have to go. At least 20 minutes? At least 20 minutes? Yeah. Fair enough. This is the first question I ask all my guests.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Do you believe in ghosts? No. That's right. About off. No, if don't say anything else, just shut the fuck up. You don't believe in ghosts. Right. Exactly. I knew it. And to be honest with you, when I asked you that question right there, I wasn't sure how you were going to answer it. But then as soon as you said no, it was a good thing. God.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I've known Pierre for many years. We met surfing. You're obviously not from California. You're from France. What part of France are you from? I'm from the north. I'm from a little place called Digulville, it's 300 people in Normandy, tiny place. Your parents still live there? Yes, still there. It's beautiful, it's nice, it's quiet. You live in a castle?
Starting point is 00:14:34 My grandma, yeah, it's just like all castle, but... How long have you lived in America? 14 years. 14 years, really? Yeah, huh. I've been knowing you for 10 maybe. At least. Yeah. Where did you uh, where did you live before America? I spent, I spent one year in Australia. That's how you learned English. Uh, actually learning English mostly my roommates in France because I live down south
Starting point is 00:14:59 where from England. So it told me a lot of uh, English and bad words. What kind of bad words? Can I say that here? You say whatever word you want to say. Kant. Kant. They taught you where you can't. Kant. Holy shit. When you learn fuck, do you learn that right away? Fuck yes. We popular. Ah, very.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Do people say it in France? No, but we have a school. We say that it's called La Fac. It's after when you graduate from college, you go to, before we go to FAC, it's FAC, AC, I think. So we call it LaFac. But English people say it's FAC. You went to college for like agriculture?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Yeah, yeah, I studied, I studied farming. Uh-huh. I studied farming until I was 16. But yeah, around 16, I was sick of it because I had to wake up early and wake up at five and the cow keep pooping on my face, you know, because you have to get the milk from under. I'm gonna give it to put your face underneath it. Yeah, you're under, you have to work from under.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Okay. And then I went to gardening. I did some gardening for a long time. Yeah, no, I knew that you knew gardening and everything like that, but farming and gardening. Well, for good. gardening and everything like that. Yeah, farming and gardening. You'd love for good. I forgot everything, actually. It's weird that you say that you don't like to, you didn't like waking up early because the reality is you and I get up earlier than everyone I know.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah, it's full. We go surfing. Right, we like to surf early, but in general, we're always up. We're up 536. Yeah. I met you surfing and you're with your beautiful girlfriend. Oh. Oh, I loved her so much more than you did. Yeah, it's like you stopped talking to me because you were stuck to her.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah, I did. Well, I was still in a relationship. I wasn't married at the time, but I was in a relationship. And she was wonderful. And you don't like her. You didn't like her very much. No, we don't talk. Right, so what's your deal? You live in a neighborhood full of elitist assholes
Starting point is 00:16:49 like myself, Jeff Bezos, the King of Jordan, all these people living, and then you, you found this weird little, you know, nook in Malibu. Why did you come there? Well, at first I was for surfing and there was peaceful. I went to find some rich woman. And I said that for you. That was your goal.
Starting point is 00:17:11 You know, it was my goal, but I've had a story with a rich woman there. That you lived with? Maybe I didn't tell you. I've heard many of your stories. You've slept with tons and tons of people. I'm gonna give you a number. You tell me over or under in your lifetime. Well, women I sleep with.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah, I'm gonna say no. I don't know. I know you wouldn't come. I'm gonna say 100 over or under. Maybe, I don't know. Maybe more. Okay. That's good.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Now, how did you become an American citizen? Your first attempt to become American citizen. I said I'm sorry. Yes, but it's a good one. I'm out in my friend. You married a friend that was going to be married for two years to become a citizen. Yeah, but the funny story is, so I never kissed my wife or you never kissed her. You never slept with her.
Starting point is 00:17:59 But some of my friends did. Your friends slept with your wife. Yeah, my friend. There's a word for that. Can be you slept with my wife Uh-huh. He goes I did and in the butt. Oh You have to be married for two years You know what I'm saying and then in a year and a half she tells you hey, I fell in love with this guy And I'm gonna get married so I have to divorce you right before you became a citizen. Exactly. Were you upset with her when she called off your marriage?
Starting point is 00:18:28 A little bit, but at the same time, I couldn't be... I couldn't go that far if she went out there, so I had mixed feelings. I was a bit upset by the same time. I was like, if she didn't propose to me to get married at first, I wouldn't be here anyway. But now we're all good, like, right? So how did you become a citizen then? Then you did the proper way? When I got my green card, finally I got my green card after a couple of years, you can become a citizen.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And at the time, I had on those apps, you know, the dating app. And I met a girl on the dating app and had some fun with her. And I asked her, what do you do for leaving, and she said, immigrate immigration lawyer. Uh-huh. What are the odds of this? Yeah. And I say, can I have a little gift? Like, can I get a B.J. when, for my welcoming to the U.S. and she said, yeah, of course, so I got my cities and sheep and a little gift. And a gift.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah. Since, how come, your immigration, when you became a citizen? How come we man was in your photo? Ah, because he's a friend of a friend and he's actually a very nice guy. He wants to be there. He wants to. He's insane.
Starting point is 00:19:35 He makes no sense to me. What's wrong? You know who Kato Kalen is? Who? Kato Kalen. Kato. Do you know who O.J. Simpson is? That was a visible player, I know.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Baseball player? No, no. That was a visible player, no? Baseball player? No, no, it was a football player, but he, he, and he murdered two people. Okay. You remember that? No. You don't remember that? No.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Well anyway, he had a person that lived in his guest house, Kato Kaelin. But he was kind of like you. He was like a real popular. He had a moment. I don't, I don't want to kill anybody. No, no, no. You're not the person that killed. I would be the person that would kill in this scenario.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And then you're the person that lives in the gas house. Have you always lived in guest houses? Yeah. Yeah, actually, I mean, since I'm in the US, yeah. How old are you? I just turned 45. 45. But you've lied about your age before.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Actually, I did, yeah. I do know. Well, I was the song. the song. Some girl wrote a song about you. Well, it's true. Did you love it that she wrote a song about you because you're saying? No, I mean, I was very flatter. But then it was I find out randomly, I open internet and I saw that song and I listen to the lyrics, like, tell me it sounds like it's about me. But I was here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:47 So that was the first clue. And you were dating the person that wrote it. On the fourth July, I met a man Pierre who had about his age, but I didn't care. How many times did you listen to the song? Minions times. How is dating in LA? Do you like dating in Los Angeles?
Starting point is 00:21:05 The girls are beautiful, but it's just the game. It's taking them on the date and pay for everything. It's different in France. Here, it's like they expect and you have some pros. They say, oh, it's good to have restaurants. And they pick up the most expensive restaurants. Uh-huh. That's annoying. So it's just about paying for a meal that bothers you. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's I mean, it's just the whole process. It's dev game. Some girls are really good at it. Do you ham up the French?
Starting point is 00:21:34 Shit. No, no, I mean, it depends, but the French accent can help on the when he's a tricky situation. I pretend I don't understand. Are you on dating apps? All of them. All of them. All of them. What's your favorite app? Those two people. Is abortion legal in France? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:52 You ever paid for an abortion? No. Is that one of the things that bothers you about American women? They expect you to pay for them. Do you think French people in general are a little bit more homophobic and racist than Americans. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:09 No, I mean, the gay community is pretty big in France. Maybe I don't tell you, but I used to be bought on the gay club. And the cage, I was a cage dancer. You're a cage dancer. I didn't know what the cage dancer is. I had a cage, the place called Freedom Coffee. I was like 19 or 20. And I wanted to make some money for the summer to travel.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So I told my friend, I can't I work in your coffee. So we were opening at 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. Oh, it's a lot of dancing. Love dancing. And we closed for a few hours. And we reopened for breakfast from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the morning. A lot of dancing. So you're saying because you were a caged dancer, you personally could never be homophobic.
Starting point is 00:22:55 No, I mean, no, no. Did you make great money? No, we don't keep in France. Oh, what's the point of being a caged dancer then? Because, you know, the girls who wants to be safe, they go to gay club. Oh, so you are still in your own homophobic mind because I'm dancing for women. That was a gay club. See, here's what I think. Most of my friends I find are foreign. And I think that's because whenever I hang out with somebody
Starting point is 00:23:27 that's American as soon as they rub me the wrong way with the way they think about something like that, it immediately makes me put a wall up. But with foreign people, I always assume, ah, there's a language barrier, or there's something else. And so I turn a blind eye to some of the negative stuff. I think that might be another reason that I enjoy hanging out with foreigners is because for the most part, you don't find me funny. So I find it challenging sometimes to make you laugh, but I also notice that when you like insult me, I feel like I'm going back to the seventh grade where it's really a juvenile insult. You constantly like to make fun of my legs.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Oh, you have got nice legs, yeah. You know, yeah, sometimes I don't understand your joke, but I understand your bloody language. The stuff you move or you do sometimes is funny, yeah. So you know that it's a joke just by my body language. Yeah, like the way you move or you act, it's funny. Yeah, so you know that it's a joke just by my body Yeah, I do a you move or you act it's yeah, sometimes what's wrong with my legs? You think they're just too thin the proportion the proportion to You're a long body. Uh-huh long
Starting point is 00:24:37 torso torso and torso is this part no the top of the leg. Okay. Just the thigh. Thigh is long from the knee to the foot. Foot, it got stiny. So when you walk it's funny. That's not true. It is true. That's not true. I'll let anyone size me. I guarantee I'm completely proportionate.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And the best part is when you run. Oh. It takes a different approach of running. What does that mean? I don't know, you run the funny. I saw you running the other day on the beach. I couldn't believe that was you were like, it's not Daniel, he can run.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Oh, because I can run. And then you go to close out, like, oh yeah, it's Daniel. Uh huh. You still play the lottery every week? It's three times a week. You play it three times a week? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:21 People always accuse a French of being a leadist. I'm gonna list a few things and I want you to say which country does them the best? Food. Friends. You think so? It's not true. What's the best?
Starting point is 00:25:34 Italy. No. Are you kidding me? No, all of this. You just chef in France. All right, I don't know that that's true. All right, wine. Friends. Cheese. Friends. Fashion. All right, I don't know that's true. All right wine Friends, mm-hmm cheese
Starting point is 00:25:47 Friends fashion friends. How about art? France itadias some good outs. Mm-hmm comedy Friends oh You as you as you as you at the fuck No one ever thinks comedy thinks about you. First has good movies. I know a movie that you love.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Here's a movie that you think is so funny. And I don't understand why you think it's something. Three billboards. Oh, I love that movie. Yeah. It's a good movie. What's your favorite, like what's your favorite movies? I thought the forest gun was good.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Okay. Fly above Kuku's nest. That. Yeah. These are all classics. All right. What about American sports? You really get upset with me during football season. Yeah, don't get it. Because you spend our world watching this. It bothers you. Make sure you make it. Oh no, there's no action. Hey, what's your favorite college football team? And it's only your favorite because... You could like understand. Because Notre Dame is Notre Dame.
Starting point is 00:26:52 So you think that it has some correlation with France. Oh, you watch a lot of basketball. I love basketball. I would be more into basketball. What's your favorite team? What is the one against the Lakers against the Lakers? Any team that they're playing? No Clippers you like the clip
Starting point is 00:27:11 Nice because my friend gets annoying. I don't I hate the Lakers So I always really like the one the dolphins Well, that yes, I do like the dolphins. Yeah, they're football and then yeah Okay, and then the basketball team is the Miami heat. Miami heat. Yeah. You like tennis as well. You're a lot of tennis. Yeah. A Roland Garros. Yeah. The amount of I conceived my son. That's right. Yeah. I mean, that's right. I don't know. Oh, the red clay of Roland Garros. That's just fun to say. That's just fun to say. My daughter looks a lot like you.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I noticed. I didn't want to say it to you by notice. Have you ever had sex with my wife? Yes or no? No. Here's a quiz about France. Wanna hear a quiz? Yeah. When did France last execute someone by Gila Tein? Ready? Here's your choices. 1795, 1863, or 1977. This is the second one. Nope. 1977. By Gillatin? Yeah. I should bring this back. Is it? Yeah. So I mean according to this, I mean, it's Eddie. Eddie is Eddie. Je sais pas, c'est tout ça. Je peux me dire que je suis une personne qui me dit que c'est tout ça. Je peux me dire que je suis une personne qui me dit que c'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça.
Starting point is 00:28:30 C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça.
Starting point is 00:28:38 C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça. C'est tout ça class going taxi taxi. We met in the cool of you. And we were all like,
Starting point is 00:28:47 we were playing with you. We were like, we were sleeping. Something like that. I remember that. Yeah, it's good. To the point of the queue. Yeah. You say that to a girl in the water.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And yeah, that was intense. I said that is somebody in the water. Oh, but we didn't tell her what it meant. No, but she figured it out. No, she didn't. I think she went on the internet. I'm sure. Oh, oh, dear you, she never figured.
Starting point is 00:29:14 You've banged a grandma on our neighborhood. I've been to what? You had sex with a grandma in our neighborhood. Probably did, yeah. Remember that one neighborhood? Yeah. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah, I remember, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You banged a grandma, you banged my kids' teacher, and you bang tons of Russians. Russians? I mean, Russians, it's difficult. What do you mean? Because they're very expensive. Ah, and I didn't know that. They like the money, sometimes,
Starting point is 00:29:43 you know, I cannot afford the house afford to get those girls on dates. It's sometimes difficult. Are you dating someone right now? Yeah. Are you in love, Pierre? I don't know, I could be. Oh right. Would you ever get married?
Starting point is 00:29:57 I don't think so. I don't know. Do you want to have kids someday? I don't think so. Why? I don't know because I need to take you to go surfing anytime. I know, but be fun Be fun to see you as a dad your president was 15 when he met his wife who was 40
Starting point is 00:30:12 Just wanted you know that Macaron. McCormack. Yeah, his wife sold her. Yeah, yeah, he was 15 when he met her She was 40 at the time. Yeah, he was his teacher. That's that's that's who your president is Did you ever smoke? Yeah. Everyone in France smoke. I mean, smoke like when I was party or. Do you still smoke? No.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You have a problem with alcohol, don't you? Go ahead, talk about that. I like to party. I mean, I haven't drink for six months now. I know. Did you do better with women when you were drinking than you are sober? Maybe for the approach.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, you have more game when you drink. What about one of your favorite other drugs? You have marijuana, like marijuana? No. No, I was drinking. Only drinking? You've always worked in, since I've known you, fashion. Women's swimwear and lingerie.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Langerie? Langerie, we just love the lingerie. You make lingerie even sounds sexier by saying lingerie. lingerie? lingerie? lingerie? we just love the lingerie. you make lingerie even sounds sexier by saying do you read? so every interview I give the guest on the show a gift it's just something from my house that I want to get rid of. okay so I just give I know you also I know I always try to think of something that they would want okay so here's what got you. I got you a bunch of my really nice sweaters because I know you wear sweaters that I think hang too short on me. And because your French, I feel like you need lines. French love stripes.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I like it. Okay. Thank you. Hold on, I got a bunch. It's a good quality as well. These are good brands. This is Neymar Marcus. That's going good quality as well. Oh, that's good because these are good brands. This is Neiman Marcus, that's gonna be a nice sweater. That's beautiful, thank you. Look at this. This is rag and bone. Wow. These are some nice sweaters. I'm gonna give you.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Nice. Okay. Thank you Daniel. This is just, this one might be a little too tight if you want to be sexy, you wear that one. Thank you Daniel. Okay. That's a bunch of sweaters you're welcome.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah, I keep the bag. Yeah, you keep the bag. Put them, get them off the table. We've taken some great surf trips. Yeah, not too far from bag. Yeah, you keep it the bag. Put them, get them off the table. And we've taken some great surf trips. Yeah, not too far from the Aussie, but we have some good manners. I think one side. What about Waco? Oh, Waco was good.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah, yeah, thank you for taking me. Waco, your surf pool appeared and I went there. I kind of messed up our reservation, but we'd love to come back if you give us a ton of free time. All right. I think another thing that we like is that we bond on is that we enjoy surfing almost more when it's bad because nobody's out. We don't ever like people to be near us in the water. We had about some but surf yet. And then we ride the you got me to buy these these garbage foam surfboards from France. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:43 They were really cheap. What's the name of them? De Catlons, Olaian. Olaian, Olaian. Now I know you're not a sponsor yet, but if you wanna send us just a bunch of free of your surfboards, we would love that. Those Olaian boards, man. You got two of them.
Starting point is 00:33:00 One of them is meant for children, but we still ride the shit out of it. It's really fun. Yes, and I said, was it seven, two. No, we have the six eight six send us a bunch of those six eights Yes, I'm a stack of those yellow six eights with the carve out body and the handle in the middle There's complete garbage boards, but for some reason we enjoy beating them up You know, it's weird about our neighborhood to us how we became friends with so many little kids Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, like we were friends with the kids. They're wonderful, but we watched them grow up and now they're
Starting point is 00:33:28 like in their 20s. You know, the best thing is Altheir, when he was surfing, he was a kid, I give him a wet suit that was too small for me. And he was like, I don't know, 12, 13 years old, he's up here. Thank you so much. You can have for the rest of my life all the waves you want. I'm like, I'll fear. Careful because this is going to stick. And now every time a good wave comes, I say, I'll fear. Remember what you say when you're a kid, that wave is for me.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Are there broken foot one day? We were surfing the place that we don't talk about. And it was a real day. It was good. We were alone. And he broke his foot. It was like six in the morning. It was like before school.
Starting point is 00:34:04 He was going like in high school. And he's like, hey, you gotta help me back, help me home. And I'm like, yeah, but like I'm not, I'm gonna serve for another hour. So he sat like on a rock for an hour, with a broken foot while I caught every wave. And then I carried him home. I'll do the best.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You know, which is funny. He always wants to, since he is suffering the oldest, he wants to prove so he goes for big waves and challenging situation. I assume like, I've seen him get killed. Yeah, like two, but it's huge now. But now it's big. Now it's just a tank of a person.
Starting point is 00:34:42 But I told him once when he was like 16 or 17, I said, I go, the day you turn 18, I'm gonna punch you in the face. And then I think by the time he was 18, he was already like so much bigger. You don't have a doughnut? Yeah, let's just forget about that. You care about surfing.
Starting point is 00:35:00 That's something that's different. We both surf a ton, but you care about, like you know who the pro surfers are, you know when the contest are going on and you watch pro contest, I don't do anything. I don't like anything about surfing, except for the act of surfing. And you're, I mean, you're good surfers.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Oh, okay. Yeah, you're good. Well, I've surfed my whole life. Yeah. Since I could walk. But the funny part is when you get get competitive, yeah, it's funny. That's funny. Yeah, you just changed.
Starting point is 00:35:28 You've been so competitive. Do you ever see me get mad in the water? Yeah. Do I yell at people? Yeah, no, no, there's a first story. There's those kids keep piling around. And one of the kids, you pony like where you should sit. And if you want to shake his hand, you want to shake their hand, but you say, no, I'm pony where you should sit. And if you want to shake his hand, you want to shake the end,
Starting point is 00:35:47 but you say, no, I'm pointing where you should sit and don't come next to me. Remember that story? No, but that sounds about right. And the guy was like, what? Yeah, I run a tight ship out there. We are coming out of the surf and this girl was working two girls. Just when we start hanging out and this girl said Oh my god, that's Daniel touch can I get a picture?
Starting point is 00:36:09 Uh-huh, and you say no and you start running the opposite way That was funny You know that that was because it combines two things it combines things that you love girls and me running And surfing Sreepings and me running. And surfing? Oh. Oh. Yeah. You know, as a funny story that you can't get over, one time we were surfing one spot, but we were, we decided to go to a different spot that's walkable from where we were surfing. For some reason, we just kept our leashes on because we were going to go run to this
Starting point is 00:36:42 other spot that was only a hundred yards away, maybe a 200 yards max. And we happened to pass the greatest female surfer in the world. Do you remember her name? Stephanie Gilmore. Stephanie Gilmore looks at us and goes, why you guys got your Alicia's on? Like we're like ten years old. And you didn't realize it until we had like ran past That she was making fun of us and you got so mad. Yeah, good. That's funny Yeah, we had all these show like working like you didn't like being teased by Stephanie Gilmore
Starting point is 00:37:18 I'd like to be cheese by Steve. Oh come on. She's you You know you always Resented her her sister for not wanting to, you, you, you, you always resented her, her sister for not wanting to date you. Yeah, try it. You're gonna go well. She's seven ago were the greatest female surf for a ball time, the Kelly Slater in female surfing
Starting point is 00:37:36 and she has a beautiful sister. And, and Stephanie's beautiful. And, and, Pierre tried to hook up with her sister and her sister was not out of you as well. I did to make you love. And you said to me, you should have stopped after the first sentence, but I keep pushing
Starting point is 00:37:52 and you said, enough. Well, it was bad. Nothing worse than watching you strike out in the water. Tell me about the time you got a blowjob in the Soho House bathroom. No, I didn't get a blow job. Oh, you made love. And then I asked you, I said, would you wear a condom? And you said, no, no, people don't wear condoms anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Is that fashion, they would? Is that true? People don't wear condoms anymore. No, people wear condoms. You have to wear condoms. Oh, okay. You like to jog every day? No, every day, but I like to jog yet.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Get things out. Yeah. It's good for the brand as well. Do you do mental health? Do you do like mental health exercises? Do you see a therapist? Mm-hmm. Have you ever seen a therapist?
Starting point is 00:38:35 Me neither. No. I just go, I just go, I just go surfing. Sometimes my wife, when she gets, when I'm like, you know, starting to get really, she's like, just go surfing. Sometimes my wife when she gets what when I'm like, you know, starting to get really She's like just go surfing. Yeah, fucking get out of that. Go get the ocean. She's smart. You have any diseases
Starting point is 00:38:53 From all the small the sex you've never gotten diseases Lucky. Yeah, real lucky Not good Mara yeah in Africa. What's that? I got Mariah in Africa. The fuck? I got Mariah. Malaria. Malaria. Malaria. In Africa. In Africa. In Africa. Oh, in Africa. Africa. Your accent sometimes to me sounds like someone doing a bad Christopher walk and impression. Well, my friends have got peanut butter stuck in my mouth. Okay, well that's not as funny. That's not as funny as what I said.
Starting point is 00:39:29 We'll put some bad Christopher walk in impression next to him talking and you're like, oh, it does kind of sound like. What you gotta do is grab a free rants chicken. Do an impression of me talking. Do an impression of me talking about basketball. Basketball? That's what you always do in the water. You're always like, oh, are you going to go watch basketball? The thing is, you don't usually meet when
Starting point is 00:39:53 you're as old as we are. You don't usually like meet a guy and then just start hanging out with a guy. It's just bizarre. Well, Pierre, listen, I'm sure I'll talk to you 10 minutes after this is done. So anyway, thanks for being on the show. Thank you then, Ed. Okay. Or Voix. I'll miss you. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is the greatest murder mystery in American history. That's Rob Breiner. Rob called me, so would Ed O'Brien and asked me what I knew about this crime. I know 60 years later, new leads are still emerging. To me, an award-winning journalist, that's the making of an incredible story. And on this podcast, you're going to hear it told
Starting point is 00:40:37 by one of America's greatest storytellers. Well, last, who had the motive to assassinate a sitting president? My dad, 5JFK, screwed us at the Bay of Pigs, and then he screwed us after the Cuban Missile Crisis. We'll reveal why Lee Harvey Oswald isn't who they said he was. I was under the impression that Lee was being trained for a specific operation, then we'll pull the curtain back on the cover-up. The American people need to know the truth. Listen to Who Killed JFK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:41:17 On March 16, 2000, two sheriff's deputies were shot in Atlanta. Jamil Alamine, a Muslim leader in former black power activist, was convicted. But the evidence was shaky, and the whole truth didn't come out during the trial. My name is Mosey Secret, and when I started investigating this case in my hometown, I uncovered a dark truth about America. He said to me, you want me to take care of them for not doing something or paying you something? Like I said, no, what you talking about?
Starting point is 00:41:47 But I had no idea who he had become. That's how he approached you. You know, he meant what he said that. Yeah, I'm thinking, murder, any minute, you know. I think that's what he was thinking. From Tinderfoot TV, Campside Media, and I Heart Podcasts, radical is available now. Listen to the new podcast, Radical, for free on the I Heart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I'm Mary K. McBrayer, host of the podcast, The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told. I write about True Crime, which means I live inside the research wormhole, but I'm not necessarily interested in the headline grabbing elements, the blood and the gore, all of that. I'm more interested in the people behind these stories and what we can learn by looking at their experiences. You can meet me every week on the greatest true crime stories ever told, where I dig into crimes where a woman is not just a victim.
Starting point is 00:42:46 She might be the detective, the lawyer, the witness, the coroner, the criminal, or some combination of these roles. I delve into the good, the bad, the difficult, and all the nuance I can find. Because these are the stories we need to know to understand the intersection of society, justice, and the fascinating workings of the human psyche. Listen to the greatest true-crime stories ever told on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:43:21 That was another great interview. Thank you to Pierre and all the women that he has loved. Thank you too. With me as always is my dog Carl for the post show interview wrap up. By the way, Pierre immediately sent me photos of him wearing the sweater. He also sends me photos of his lunch every day and I want to put a couple of these photos up. Carl wouldn't even need this food. Hostages, don't even eat like this. He's always like, I like sausages.
Starting point is 00:43:51 I'm like, it's not sausages. Those are hot dogs, and it's on mashed potatoes, and there's cheese on top. Sometimes he does some pasta with hot dogs, and cheese, and potato chips. None of it makes sense. And then comes on my show and talks about the French palette
Starting point is 00:44:08 being more sophisticated. And then I just, I can't stop looking at it because it's so insane to me that a 45-year-old man eats like this. What's going on? We got a stand-up to plug, Carl. Where are we doing? We performing in Reno.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I got some new dates coming in 2024. We'll be doing another proper tour. Check out boys where pink dot com clothing mine. I started for my toddler. Sit down Carl. See you next week. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is the greatest murder mystery in American history.
Starting point is 00:44:44 That's Rob Breiner, Rob called me, so would Ed O'Brien and asked me what I knew about this crime. Well, ask who had the motive to assassinate a sitting president? Then we'll pull the curtain back on the cover-up. The American people need to know the truth. Listen to Who Kill JFK on the iHeart Radio app Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. On March 16th 2000 two sheriff's deputies were shot in Atlanta. A Muslim leader in former black power activist was convicted. But the evidence was shaky and the whole truth didn't come out
Starting point is 00:45:18 during the trial. My name is Mosey Secret and when I started investigating this case in my hometown I uncovered a dark truth about America. From Tinderfoot TV, came-side media, and I Heart Podcasts. Radical is available now. Listen to the new podcast Radical, for free on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Mary K. McBrayer, host of the podcast, The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told, where I dig into crimes where a woman is not just a victim. She might be the podcast, the greatest true-crime stories ever told, where I dig into crimes where a woman is not just a victim. She might be the detective, the lawyer, the witness, the coroner, the criminal, or some
Starting point is 00:45:51 combination of those roles. These are the stories we need to know to understand the intersection of society, justice, and the fascinating workings of the human psyche. Listen to the greatest true-crime stories ever told on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. of the human psyche. Listen to the greatest true-crime stories ever told on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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