Trailer Park Boys Presents: Park After Dark - Episode 35 - Julian's Hot Buttered Rum

Episode Date: January 20, 2025

Mother Nature is a motherf**ka! The Boys raise their glasses to those affected by the LA wildfires. Ricky's also feeling sore after an unpleasant medical procedure, Julian checks out a new rum drink, ...and there's a lot of borntdays to celebrate. Plus: Look the f**k out when British Randy's trousers come off!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To watch the video version of park after dark in my fucking trailer go to or download the swearnet trailer park boys app Fuck off So glad to be here I'm so happy to be here this is great Didn't we have some sort of rule that you weren't supposed to come do these anymore? No. Oh, I must have dreamt that. It was a fucking wicked dream. Are you using a new deodorant or body spray or something?
Starting point is 00:00:33 You don't smell it as bad as you usually do. It's natural, because apparently it reacts with your pheromones. Like, this natural. That's not a natural fucking stink. There's no way that's natural. You know what pheromones are, don't you? Do I?
Starting point is 00:00:50 Pheromones, like, have you heard of hormones? Yeah. Okay, hormones, guys and girls have different hormones. But pheromones are what attract... What make you attractive to the opposite sex. Or the sex that you want. Correct. Okay. Good to know. sex or the sex that you want. Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Good to know. So what the f... So you've got good pheromones, Julian. What do you mean I've got good pheromones? You're just being around you and just, you know, your muskiness, it's attractive. I don't smell musky. Well, musky's not the smell of this.
Starting point is 00:01:23 There's no smell coming off of me. You have a manly smell. Holy fuck. So anyway, glad to be here, so there was no rule. All right, well there should be, but. All right, so where's Pupples? He was over on tour there for the Shit Rockers movie. I think he's so fucking hungover.
Starting point is 00:01:40 But he was in Scotland or something, Thursday night, so. He's in Manchester. Is he getting home? He's supposed to be getting home today, but we'll see. What the frick is that? Can you tell us, Mr. fucking... Take a look, man. Perk fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:56 They're not supposed to be here today. For Frank's sake. What? Oh, well, we'll pay for it later. Yeah, sounds great. Just ignore that. Frank Sakes! What? Oh, well, you won't pay for it later. Sounds great. Just ignore that. Good timing, dickhead.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's fucking January the 17th already. It's fucking nuts. Bring it on, man. Get this fucking winter over with. I hate winter, man. I hate it. I hate it. I fucking hate it.
Starting point is 00:02:20 But you know what? There's a lot of shit going on on the other side of the fucking continent. All the wildfires and shit. Oh my fuck. I'm gonna say I'm happy that it's cold and we're not dealing with that shit. This scene is fucked up, man. Well they're saying that, you know, it was getting so bad, it was burning like five football fields in one minute.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Where the property is? It's just hard to fucking wrap your cock. Four motherfuckers. Look at some of those pictures.'s just hard to fucking wrap your cock. Poor motherfuckers. You look at some of those pictures, yeah. We have friends that lost. Yeah, lost shit. It's very sad. We're bad for you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Come to Sunnyvale any time you want. They don't get hurricanes, though. We get hurricanes. But those are some serious, much rather a fucking hurricane. I wouldn't want fire, like, because that's the scariest thing in the world coming Well, you just and it was so fucking quick like yeah this person I know Her house was just she said we didn't have time to get her clothes out. She's not fucking on there live their dogs and our kids
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's fucking hopefully people are out there at least having a few drinks and smoke some joints and stuff and chillin out. Yes We're definitely thinking about you. Holy fuck Frank say All right, Mother Nature's a motherfucker. It is a motherfucker Get this weird stories. What do you guys think about like kids getting tattoos? Oh, man, I was reading about this fucking Nine years in Arizona or some shit? Yeah, it's not his fault though. I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I don't know man, I don't know. They don't have laws like- She wore a fucking portrait of the president on her back I think. On her neck. And then didn't she settle for just American flag or something? They talked her out of it and he said, but listen, come back in a year. You think about it for one year, you come back with your parents and then we'll talk. So they came back after a year.
Starting point is 00:04:12 He kind of talked her out of the president's fucking face on her neck and settled for a tattoo of this flag on her shoulder. She's nine. So why are the parents not trying to talk her out of it? Her parents, it's a thing in the family that they all get tattoos. I mean, nine's kind of young, but I mean it's...
Starting point is 00:04:29 If I would have got a tattoo when I was nine, I would probably... It's not that bad. I'd probably regret it. Those tattoos I almost got when I was like fucking different. Yeah, that looks nice though. That's not too bad. I mean, it's a patriotic thing, I guess.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I don't think I'd ever do something like that, but it's kind of fuck Well, you know, it's even more fun Family they're from Turkey. They're not even from America. So that's kind of weird. So I don't know enough about it No, I don't know their culture and shit So I'm trying not to judge but I would not let my nine-year well, I shouldn't say I wouldn't I wonder how they named it Turkey like That's the only only place I think that is named after a bird that you can eat, right? Yeah, I don't understand it because I'm sure in the Turkish language it wouldn't be... Is Turkey a word even?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Maybe it means something different. What language is turkey? Do you know? I don't know. My God, man. Um, okay, number one, I'm sure there's other fucking birds that are named after different places around the world, like maybe Partridge fucking something, Illinois. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:40 There's probably towns all over the place. No, countries, like whole places, Julie. I don't fucking know. I doubt it, man. Pige the place. No, countries. Like whole places, Julian. I don't fucking know. I doubt it, man. Pigeon, North Carolina, maybe. That's, maybe towns. Yeah. I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 00:05:52 You know what? I can't deal with you today, Randy. What do you mean? I just can't deal with you. I can't, you sit next to me. So would you move to Turkey just because it's named after an edible bird? Well, no, because if I don't even know the language,
Starting point is 00:06:06 so I'd be messed up. Maybe turkeys are protected there. You'd be screwed. Turkeys can't fly, though, can they? They can run fast. I don't think they... I think they just kind of sort of hop fly. I don't think they fly very well. I think they can get up there for a little while
Starting point is 00:06:23 and fuck around. Oh, you're right, because remember WKRP? When they threw the turkeys out of the helicopter? They died? Yeah, they hit the ground. A lot of people remember that one. Well, that show was a long time, WKRP in Cincinnati. What's going on with the beards, boys?
Starting point is 00:06:42 I kept my Christmas beard. I thought that Ricky looked good with his beard, and I think I look good. I think it's very slimming, Julian. You should try growing a beard. I think you've lost weight, haven't you? Well, see, it hides some folds. And you, with your chiseled face,
Starting point is 00:06:56 you'd look really good with a beard, Julian. Would you shut up? I'm not gonna throw a fucking beard. You should grow it in. Yeah, go long, get a long one. A long fucking, like a long one. Don't look at me doing this. No, but, like if you don't... Get a long one. Don't look at me doing this.
Starting point is 00:07:06 No, but you could do it and then maybe take up guitar. Take up, where? What does, what do you mean take up guitar? Because you would look good with the long beard and... Like ZZ Top. I like that band, they're really good. Still a little sore from yesterday. What happened?
Starting point is 00:07:23 I had to have that unpleasant procedure done. You got your earth finger. My daughter made me do it. Okay, how'd it go? Apparently everything's perfect down there, but it was a little uncomfortable, I gotta say. The doctor gave you the finger test? He certainly did.
Starting point is 00:07:39 You should get that done 12 times a year, seriously. 12 times? Once a month, just to make sure. He told me I'm good for a year. Seriously. 12 times? Once a month. Once a month? He told me I'm good for a year. Well, you know, because the way it works is things can change quickly. Yeah? You don't have to go to the same doctor.
Starting point is 00:07:53 You can go to a different doctor if you prefer, but. Anyway, I don't know if it's more uncomfortable for me or for him. I guess he's used to it, but it was, you know, it was a different procedure for sure. I'm totally okay. I didn't want to do it. I was gonna be one of those guys that just says,
Starting point is 00:08:10 fuck that, I'm fine. Don't wanna know, but my daughter's like, listen, dickhead, you got a grandson now, you got me. Wouldn't you like to know? I'm like, fuck. So what, is it this finger you used, the pointer? I think it was, I think it might have been the middle. But they put it in and then they twist it right around.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Whoa. To get your prostate, that's what they've got to, they can only feel one side of the prostate because the prostate is two sides. You don't, I mean it's, yeah, it's not fucking horrific. You should try it again, Ricky. I think you might enjoy it I enjoy it. He don't go to any of us don't guess everybody should get it done
Starting point is 00:08:49 You can't even ever had the finger that they did a test that comes in the mail I can give you the test right now. You're not gonna forget your Brostate is it no no with the finger test is for prostate. There's an old, it's up in there. You just, they just make you shit on that napkin and send it in so that, things change as you get older. But Julian, you've never had the finger test? You should get it done. I don't like to remember, man.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I'm gonna get Trinity to fucking have a little talk with you. Oh fuck, don't get, I don't wanna talk to Trinity about getting my ass fingered man, please It's not finger Finger and you get a finger in yeah But it's it's definitely a part of my body. It's never been touched before. Well say that is it something you're More intrigued about now or I don't know
Starting point is 00:09:46 But I've heard rumors about the prostate and what things that can happen with it. Well, yeah. You'd probably know more than me. I'm just saying, you know what? The erogenous zones, you know? Things are Julian, like, you may be surprised. You might like it more than you think. And you should go for your health. You really should.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And you should also check your nuts. You should, again, in the shower, after you get out when they're hot and kind of hang You sort of rub together The fuck is going on here you feel your testicle and make sure that there's no lumpies in there And then they're not hurt you check your nuts cuz then you know that wouldn't be good roster no Testicular cancer Tom Green you know Tom Green yes yes
Starting point is 00:10:22 Prost, or no, testicular cancer. Tom Green, you know Tom Green. Yes, yes, yes. Tom Green, he's a funny guy. Jesus Christ, boys. He lost one of his testicles, and I bet you he checks his other nut all the time. I got really big boys to do this show to have fun and have a few laughs and tolerate you.
Starting point is 00:10:38 All right, I'm sorry, I brought these in. We're talking about finger-in-a-mole. Just trying to save lives, man. And nuts. It's the start of, we're in January here, okay? And you have to try to make some things better, you know? That's what I believe, anyway. On Sunday, oh fuck, was, was Bobbles in London on Sunday?
Starting point is 00:10:56 No. Oh. No, he's coming home tomorrow. No, no, last Sunday. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, he was. It was official, no trousers, tube ride. What? Yeah, take your fucking trousers off
Starting point is 00:11:07 and ride the tube in London. It's an annual thing, I guess. Oh. Pictures of all these ladies in their little underwear. Nice. How did Bubbles not know about this? I don't know, he missed out, I guess.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Although, probably, yeah, he may not have been able to control things in his pants. It's probably a good thing. I wonder, how did they go from trousers to pants? You know, like didn't everything start over in England? Like everyone, and then everyone got on the ships and came across. So like they were going trousers
Starting point is 00:11:39 and then someone just said, call them pants. Ah, see, I don't think it was that way. Because in French, it's pantalon. Pantalon. If I was... So I think for short, it became pants. I'm just guessing. Ricky, how'd you know that?
Starting point is 00:11:54 So the French are the ones that were saying pantalon, which is basically trouser, z, and then we knock it down to pants. I don't even know if that's true. People down, okay, do they call those pants down south? That's another good question, but it doesn't sound right. If I was to get in a fight, I'm taking my frigging trousers off.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Like that sounds too long. Did you say it with an British accent? Right. Do it now. But if I did it in French, I should sweep, take off, mon pantalon. And that's what, then I'd be able to fight you. Okay, do this, you're angry and you're saying, don't make me take my trousers off in a British accent.
Starting point is 00:12:34 We gotta see if it sounds okay. We'll try it, man. We'll go for it. Don't make me take my trousers off. That's kind of fucking creepy, man. British one, look at you. You look high. I am high.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Okay. Aren't you? That's fantastic. I am high, I'm just really trying to figure it out. You know what, no wonder they say their language is so hard, Julian. Just do that, that's what they say. Well, there's too many things.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Did you ever go to fucking Finland? No, but too many words that mean the same thing. Fuck knows what they say. Well, there's too many things ever go to fucking Finland No, but too many words fuck knows what's that mean the same thing in the English language, right? Right? Like they they or whatever. No There and there that's it there and there Julian fuck off your and your Yeah, fuck what about all the twos Fuck off. Your and your? Ooh, yeah. Oh, fuck. What about all the twos? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Single O, W, W, O. Too many twos. And the number as well. So, anyway, interesting. You know what? I found that interesting. Maybe I should say trousers. Yeah, it would make you sound more fisticated.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah, there's a fucking anniversary of the world's largest CRT TV set ever made. It weighs over 400 pounds. Only the fucking rich people had those, man. Sony, wasn't it? It was a Sony, man. They were like expensive back in the day. 17,900 US. And that was back in what? 1988. That's fucking nuts. I remember those US. And that was back in what? 1988. Yeah, that's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:14:05 That's a fucking water. I remember those fucking, and they weren't even that great. No, 108 centimeter pitcher, too. Yeah, in those days, remember how the screen would go weird, you'd just slap it on the top and then it would fix it? We went on a mission trying to steal one of these back then.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Fucking, hundreds of pounds. Nobody had one around here. I think they were custom order shit. They weren't, you know what? It says right here, they were custom order. Well I wish we had have fucking known that. I think we found out after the fact. Yeah, yeah we did.
Starting point is 00:14:34 But I don't know if we could have lifted the fucking thing anyway. 400 pounds, yeah. You need a trolley or a hand truck. No yeah, I could not lift, that's a lot. A dolly, you need a dolly. Yeah, some moving blankets. That's something else Imagine this a fucking landlord. Okay, he rented out his apartment to these people came back two years later
Starting point is 00:14:56 There was a fucking chicken. Yes. I was gonna ask any would you damn it cool if I turn my trailer into a chicken coop Thing you know what we should do with it. There's different bylaws, Ricky. You can't just all, like you're only allowing so many chickens, I think. We're turning your trailer into a chicken coop now. You can't have over, I think, like five chickens. Oh, pull fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:15:16 What, the chicken police gonna come get us? Well, yes. I read it in the newspaper they did. It's good, I'll give you eggs here and there. Well, that'd be a good thing I'll give you eggs here and there. All the eggs, chicken breasts, and something we can do, pillows out of the feathers maybe? Free range trailer eggs.
Starting point is 00:15:34 That sounds actually kind of cute. You know what, we can sell them in a carton that looks like a trailer. That's a good idea. That's a fucking great idea. Wow. Poland, another country named after a bird. Not really.
Starting point is 00:15:52 What is it? Poland? I can't wait to hear this, man. No, no, Poland had to fire their army general. Okay. Because they had these. Did you say Poland? So Poland is a bird
Starting point is 00:16:07 I'm just trying to I was waiting for you to like say something something some other place in Poland No, I don't think it is a bird with cookie. No, it's not man There's no way they had to fire the fucking army John because all these anti-take mines tank mines went missing and they Turned up in Ikea what I cares in the fucking trafficking Arms, no, they actually called the army said I don't know what the fuck is going on here. We get a bunch of your minds Magic going to that store that day. So somebody was fucking trouble with them They were just like, you know what bailing apparently what happened was some sort of train that they were loading mines onto,
Starting point is 00:16:45 and they fucking forgot a few cases. They got left there, so the army general panicked, thought he was gonna get shit, so he made up these shit papers saying that they didn't exist. That was dumb. And then somehow they ended up in Ikea. That is fucked up.
Starting point is 00:17:00 That could have been like in somebody's furniture or something in a kit. I'd fucking love to have a few of those. What would you use it for? I don't know. That'd be fun though. Highly dangerous. Well, here's the story.
Starting point is 00:17:14 This kind of sounds like something Ray would do. Disgraced official sabotaged son's relationship so he could marry his girlfriend. He fucked them over. I could see Ray doing that. I hate to say it, but. He fucked them over. I could see Ray doing that. I hate to say it, but... He was a greasy man. Yeah, but Ray...
Starting point is 00:17:30 Did you know Dave liked to hit on loose to the odd time and stare at her... parts? Yep. Did he? He's a horny man. That's where I probably get it. Good genetics.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Whoa. Fuck, I can't believe it's January 17th. I looked up some stuff too. I wrote it on the plate. That's a nice fucking notepad you have there. Well, January 17th, did you know, Julian, it's a special day. It's National Bootlaggers Day.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Julian, you should be aware of that. And you like the liquor. Oh, you've been a bootlagger. I still move around during that. No, you don't working. And you like the liquor and you've been a bootlagger. I still don't know bootlagging down there. Well you don't bootlag a lot I guess. Well if I got it I might need to sell it. The bootlagger sells liquor when the liquor store is closed. Or. They get the booze. Either from people making it, moonshine, whatever. I don't don't think boo leggings really much of a thing anymore. It's not, everybody's doing it, man. You always have access to fucking booze. It's a fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:27 But they got the name probably from like putting flasks in their boot or something. Maybe it has something to do with that. I think back in the days when liquor, what was it called? Al Capone, Pro Vision. Yeah, when those days, I think people wore boots more than in today's days. It's funny and weird that you guys mention him.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It's his fucking birthday today. No, Al Capone. Really? I would have loved to party with him. Check it out too, I wrote down this. Benjamin Franklin Day. Maybe that's why it's fucking National Bootleggin' Day. Because of Al Capone.
Starting point is 00:18:56 He just solved everything. Oh. His famous bootleg is probably on the planet. Puzzle solvers today, boys. Benjamin Franklin Day too. And he was the hundred dollar bill. Right? So people paid with liquor, with undies. I think.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Give me some Franklins. Give me some Franklins. Yeah, there was a lot of Franklins moving around with Al. That's crazy. Scarface. That's a bad motherfucker. Yeah, he definitely didn't fuck around. He did not fuck around, man. Was there, there was a babyface too, right?
Starting point is 00:19:28 Yeah. Yeah, there was a babyface. Was he a bank robber? They all had like cool nicknames. Well, babyface is not cool. Scarface. Yeah. That was a cool one. Well, he had a scar. If Bubbles was here, he'd be able to tell us about a thousand other fucking cool McNeems that had back then.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Nicky Tute tell us. Betty White. It's also her birthday. She was a coog. Jacques Blount. Jacques Blount. Fucking James Earl Jones. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:20:01 We gotta watch fucking one of his movies tonight. Oh, he's the voice actor. He's got the greatest voice ever. Love that guy. That was something. We fucking lost him last year. Yeah, we did. Holy fuck, man.
Starting point is 00:20:15 What? Muhammad Ali? One of the greatest. He was the greatest. Andy Kaufman? This is crazy, David. He was a fucking great comedian, that guy. He was as crazy as the fucking birds
Starting point is 00:20:26 Or was he? It's also Popeye day Steve Earl Popeye He would just say Popeye on his Popeye day how the fuck do you know how to spell shit? Yeah Well, he was a very famous Figure with his sayings. Yeah, yam what I am, I am, right? Do you eat spinach, Julian? No, man.
Starting point is 00:20:52 You should, because your muscles pop. That's just a cartoon. You know what Steve Earl song I'm gonna listen to later? What? Broken. It's an obscure. What is it? Billy Austin.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Billy Austin, that's a good one, man. But a lot of people don't even know that song. It's fucking one of my favorites. Okay. What's the road one where they make me You know what, I'm gonna throw that on for you, buddy. Yeah! It's cause I am a good friend.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Jim Carrey. Father funny motherfucker. Canadian. We should watch, gonna crank some Steve room. Liar Liar. Watch Pet Detective Word, Liar Liar. Dumber Dumber. Then a fucking James Earl Jones movie. We should watch Gonna crank some Steve or liar liar watch pet detective were liar liar Dumb and dumber then a fucking James Earl Jones. I like a spincher because Who else I'm gonna watch Andy Kaufman get the shit kicked out of on that wrestling video
Starting point is 00:21:37 Kid Rock fuck man. So everybody was got born today Cranks fuck kid rock to Rock too, I guess. One minute, just a second. What's the name of that Steve Earle song? Ray Jr. Where he's down going to make it to the moonshine. The moonshine song. And Jake Paul. Isn't that the dude that just fucked Tyson?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Going down Broken Back Road or whatever. What's it called? Going down Broken Back Road. That's a different... What the fuck are you talking about, Steve? Copperhead Road? Copperhead. That's it. Yeah it buddy. That's it man. Fuck you found it. It's for you It's for Ricky and all this whole thing because it's too fucking long He's got two first names Who else did this song That's a good one
Starting point is 00:22:28 I'm 29 years old A lot of people have done this tune, huh? It's a little slow, but it's a fucking great story Look for my quarter tune Alright, that's a lovely tune, man. Alright, we'll finish that later. Fuckin' love it. That's a song to drink to right there.
Starting point is 00:22:51 It's an end of the night kind of song. It's an end of the night. Fuckin' baked and feel like cryin'. Smokin' your last tuck bean cannon. That's one of those tunes, yeah, man. I can't fuckin' say a lot about that. So you got nothin' else, eh? Uh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Oh, it's National Hot Buttered Rum Day, Julian. You know, hot toddies? No, I don't know hot toddies. Yeah, you should. What the fuck is a hot toddy? Fuckin' hot buttered rum. Have a hot beverage. What's a hot, what is that?
Starting point is 00:23:15 When you have like a tea or coffee. I can have like a hot buttered rum. Coffee with liquor. Coffee, do I? That doesn't sound like a fuckin' very good drink to me. Oh, that'd be tasty. A butter rum cake, yes. Bring it out.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Extra rum. Mmm. Is there actually rum in it? Especially if you've got a sore throat and you put some whiskey in your... Oh, it's honey, isn't it? No, I don't know, buttered rum. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:23:34 That's a national day. We don't even know what the fuck it is. I don't know. I was... We gotta get... Toilet-looking stuff. Get in and look it up, man. Hot buttered rum.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Hot buttered rum? We're not gonna know what the fuck it is. All right, man. Hot buttered rum. Hot buttered rum? You're not gonna know what the fuck it is. All right, man, just a second. I'm having a...
Starting point is 00:23:50 I can't even see your voice. Whew. Hot buttered rum. So we still got two more months of this shit. Two months is a long time, man. When's the grand a la Camo? I don't remember. June?
Starting point is 00:24:02 What? Maybe it is. No, it's before June, Ricky. Excuse me. Is the grand alchemist? I don't remember. June? What? Maybe it is. No, it's before June, Ricky. Excuse me. Wow. It's in like March, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:11 No, it's Pancake Tuesday, I think he comes out, isn't it? Hot buttered. Pancake Tuesday. Oh, fucking Jesus. I think it is a Tuesday for some reason. Boys, this isn't fun. You know, I'd march?
Starting point is 00:24:24 No, it must be. I'd say March 15th. It's gotta be February sometime. Hot buttered what? Nuts. It's hot buttered rum day. Well, I just, yeah. Are we supposed to do anything for it?
Starting point is 00:24:38 All right, hot buttered rum, single serving. It's Benjamin Franklin Day, so we gotta go. Let's see what this fucker has to say. We gotta go somewhere and get some Franklins. We gotta get some Benjamins, man. All right, like, okay, it's, okay. Prep time, five minutes. I can't see me spending five minutes mixing the drink.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It's a drink. Cook time, five minutes. Total time, 10 minutes. Cook! Who the fuck is gonna spend 10 minutes? What do you mean you gotta cook? Nothing sets the mood on a cold winter day better than a roaring fire in a hot buttered rum. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:25:09 All right, give me the fucking ingredients. It's a single serving recipe. Give me that. It tastes like melted caramel swirling over your tongue. It makes it too sweet to drink with a meal, but also one of the best dessert drinks I've ever made. Fuck it. You know what?
Starting point is 00:25:23 We're gonna have one, but tell me the ingredients. I gotta gather them like a fucking gatherer does. Okay, just a second. You know what, we're gonna have one. Tell me the ingredients, I gotta gather them like a fucking gatherer does. Okay, just a second. I know, I mean, rum. If I have to go to the grocery store, I'm gonna have to get some fucking Benjamin's toast. I'm talking like, just a hot toddy.
Starting point is 00:25:35 You just make like a tea. Okay, here we go. I've had a quarter shot of whiskey in it. It's got a batter. What the fuck is this? Fur is, oh okay, four ounces unsalted butter. Four ounces of unsalted butter. Eight ounces of brown sugar. Quarter teaspoon of ground cloves.
Starting point is 00:25:52 You have one quarter teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg. It must. Shut the fuck up. Not here, man. I'm saying hot dog in water. Two ounces of dark rum. Two teaspoons of yeast., two ounces of dark rum. Ta-da!
Starting point is 00:26:06 Two teaspoons. There you go, Jesus. How many ounces of sugar? A lot. Well, it's a dessert drink. Eight ounces of brown sugar. That's like 28 grams an ounce. That's a lot, man.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Brown sugar's got more vitamins in it. Over 200 grams of sugar, man. Yeah, but vitamins and brown sugar from... Brown, fuck the vitamins and brown sugar. It's just sugar you dumb cat. They make it from the molasses, you know. How much. Fuck the vitamins and brown sugar. It's just sugar you dumb cunt. How much butter? Eat some fucking molasses. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Well, that's like, it's eight ounces. What's the liquid? Okay, we got two ounces of rum, four ounces of boiling water, two teaspoons of batter. Like I said, it's like a tea. What the fuck is batter? I don't know what the fuck batter is, man. Like cookie dough?
Starting point is 00:26:45 It sounds like something you'd make onion rings with. That drink, who the fuck came up with that? Fuck your drink. Anyway, there's a day. Now it's a national day for us? Whoa. Wow. Not in my fucking world.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But in hot toddies, like, you know. Hot toddies is rum and water and fucking honey, from what I remember. Something like that. It helps your throat. You've got a sore throat, it's good. But you can use whiskey, you know. Frigate, you could probably use tequila.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Mr. Lay made them all the time. He put just mish mash and everything. You know, the drink doesn't even look fucking good, man. Does it look like a pitcher of the fucking thing? I don't know what batter is. You know what, it just looks like a... What does that look like to you? Like a coffee.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Might be fine. It sounds sweet as fuck, which I'm not a big sweet liquor guy. That's like there's more sugar in that than fucking Kool-Aid. I just don't know. Can you buy batter off the shelf, or how does that work? Don't know. I think you just make it out of, like, wire and... Okay. It some flour.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Okay. All right. I make homemade onion rings and- I guess don't fucking block it until you try it. Buttermilk is really good. It's like a hot, it's the butter rich cousin to the fucking rum hot toddy. Ta-da. I'm not drinking anything called a hot toddy, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Fuck that. The next time you get a sore throat, you will. I'll let you try one. I wonder which Todd invented that. I don't know if the person's name is Todd or not, man. See, that's another double English word, tots. They're like deep fried little potatoes, or you could be a tiny tot, which is a kid. That's another double English word, tots. They're like deep fried little potatoes,
Starting point is 00:28:25 or you could be a tiny tot, which is a kid. So the English language has just got so many. Never thought about the tots. Yeah. Whenever I think of tots, it's the tater tots. Oh, those tater tots are good. Deadly. You like tater tots, right, Julian?
Starting point is 00:28:39 You know what? I gotta go. You love tater tots. I can't handle this, boys. I got shit to do. I can't sit here and listen to you, man. Done love tater tots. I can't handle this, boys. I got shit to do. I can't sit here and listen to you, man. Done. Well, I'm sorry. Say goodbye.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I'm gonna make some tater tots with some slow braised gravy beef on top of it tonight. Slow braised. We're gonna have a hot toddy just for the fuck of it. I got some hamburger. All right, we'll try one. Homemade burgers for rangers. All right, get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Right, a change of heart. All right. All right, cheers everybody. Thanks. Ty, I'll tell you. Homemade burgers for rangers. Alright, get the fuck out of here. Ready to change out. Alright. Alright, cheers everybody. Thanks. Ty, I'll tell you what hard bodies are like. Cheers, until... Next time. January 7 days from now.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I'll give you the finger test if you want it, Julian. Fuck off.

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