Trailer Park Boys Presents: Park After Dark - Episode 38 - LIQUORADE

Episode Date: February 10, 2025

You're gonna need plenty of gummies and booze to keep up with today's Park After Dark! There's a greasy OnlyFans record attempt, 4D fart videos, and a quest to see Oasis - but will Liam f**k off for $...500K? Plus: The Boys reveal their plan to save Canada... with LIQUOR!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To see the video version of Park After Dark in Ricky's trailer, go to or download the Trailer Park Boys Swearnet app. You okay, Bubs? Yeah, I'm just going with my final analysis. What are your thoughts? I think she's ready to go. It's fucking good, isn't it? It's good shit, man. Looks good, tastes good.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I think she's ready to go. It's gonna taste a lot fucking better when it's summer. Like, you gotta do something with this heat, man. You like it or not like it? There's none. There's no fucking heat in your trailer. Well, it's fucking cold out. Minus 13 or not like it? There's none, there's no fucking heat in your trailer. Well, it's fucking cold out.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Minus 13 or something out there. It's not exactly R80, you know, insulation. The walls are thin, man. I think we need a wood stove or something. These trailers were meant for not winter, summer. Can you hook up a wood stove? I can hook up a wood stove. I can fucking move the wood stove.
Starting point is 00:01:03 You know, if we had a wood stove, get rid of that fucking piece of shit TV. You know what I'd like to have is a great big stone fireplace that goes up the whole wall. See, that's, now you're talking, except the trailer would probably snap in half if we did that. You'd have to, you know.
Starting point is 00:01:18 You need me to help you see anything? No, I really just really like the detail. I'm just checking it over. Okay. Oh, look, so when are we gonna announce? Do we know? Pretty soon. I think in March, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:01:33 I don't know you. I don't fucking, you know, okay, I gotta read the fucking shit. Give me the contracts and I'll at least stay on top of it. So you don't miss any deadlines. So some of you, was it you saying the other night when we were all fucked up that if this tariff shit happens, we're going to make a lot more
Starting point is 00:01:48 money? Well, that's the way it's going to go, man. I mean, I do love American booze. Me too. If we can't get it here anymore, then we're going to have to step up the booze in our country. And we can do it. I think we can single-handedly save Canada. Single-handedly save Canada
Starting point is 00:02:04 and the liquor situation is going to come up. Thatedly save can save Canada in the liquor situation is gonna come up That's what I mean save the liquor situation rice We can maybe come up with that liquor means the whiskey we had maybe bring back the beer These motherfuckers are these are good. I think liquor aid is a good. It's a good word, too I don't really understand it all. This is an extra 25 percent. Is that what do you mean? That's just other costs. They make an extra 25%. Is that, what do you mean? That's just other costs. We'll make an extra 25%? Basically, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:29 20% or something. At least Lekkerade is coming. Woo! 30% would be nice. And that means I can drink for free. Well, you will, at the very least, get a discount. A very good discount on every one of these you drink. A discount?
Starting point is 00:02:46 I mean, you still gotta have this cost. I thought it was free samples. You said free. Free samples. Samples, you can't, you're not gonna be sampling like in a year's time. It's the same fucking drink you don't drink for. But why wouldn't you make the deal
Starting point is 00:02:57 where we get it for free? You're not good at deals. You get it free and then you're upcharging me? Is that what you're saying? Well, I get it free, but then I sell it so I can give us the money. What if I'm paying for it? What am I?
Starting point is 00:03:10 I'm confused. But you get it back eventually. You will get it all back. You pay for it, you get it back. That's the way business works. I got a better idea. You get it for free, you hand me a case for free. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I want a case. All right. A case, what, a week? A week, at least. I can get us a case of a month, at least. Us, I'm talking about the bubble. That's less than a can a day, but. What does bubbles get?
Starting point is 00:03:31 You can't even get a buzz on off that. All right, you guys are each gonna get a case a week. Seven cases a week. Seven cases a week. Two cases for sure. That's a buzz on. Holy fuck, man. You're killing me here. All right, two cases a week for each of us.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Or when the other flavors come out, a case of each. You know what, I'm gonna fucking, I'm gonna go at the margarita. That's seven a day almost. Seven a day. Is that good, seven a day? That's 21 a day. I could operate in that zone.
Starting point is 00:04:00 That's a good buzz on. I like Ricky's Lekkerade. Right boys, what's the fucking day today? Is there when was it February? February the 7th already but winter is almost done. No it's not. No man. The worst is still. I just got hit with a wave. Of what? Whatever that gummy thing was. Nice. Just like a tidal wave. Those are only like 15s, but they grab a whole lot there. They get you.
Starting point is 00:04:31 They're in their 40s. I thought they were five. You know what I found? I find that you take these shoes, they're really, you take them to the gym. There's one in front of the five. The more fucked, you take them at night, you're not nearly as good.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I don't, I can't, I'm not, I don't have the tolerance to be eating 15s that feel like 40s. No, you should have taken maybe five. I thought I was taking five! Now I'm gonna be eyes are tied. It's just fucking love and enjoy it. I'm happy, man, I took two of them.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Look how happy I am. See? Do you wanna be in a little fucking hang glider or thousand feet or do you wanna be up in the clouds? That's right, fighter jet. Looking down at the hang glider, thousand feet, or do you wanna be up in the clouds? That's right. Fighter jet. Looking down at the hang glider saying, fuck you. I love it. Fighter jet, I don't wanna be in a member.
Starting point is 00:05:11 We got to go on fighter jets. Oh man, that was cool. You know what, if I did that now though, I think I'd throw up. No you wouldn't. You know, I found an old hard drive, old thumb stick, and it's got all the pictures of us and the fighters.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Nice. You guys in your fighter jet suits. I of that and you know what there's video from inside the jet of the other jet and i think you're sitting in the back seat you fucking why don't i have this i don't know we were probably high and it got shuffled away because i got high Cause I got high. Boy that leckerade is delicious. Get her going buddy. And it's not too sweet so you can drink 12 cans but I can already feel it. What did you guys think about Bonnie Blue?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Bonnie Blue. Who? No idea what that is Ricky. The fucking girl from fans only or only fans? Oh man. What happened? I don't that is, Ricky. Is it a fucking girl from Fans Only or OnlyFans? Oh man. What happened? I don't know anything about it. Apparently she had sex with 1,057 men in 12 hours.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Whew. Tried to boost up her subscription. Fall on. Humpin'? Well, one guy backed out because he said he thought it was going to be all one on one. He said, but you're supposed to go in in groups. And she's kind of in the middle and just do whatever you can, I guess. So what? I don't understand what happened. Is it a world record? Is it for the Guinness?
Starting point is 00:06:34 She was trying to beat the world record. Now whether or not she did. I think she did. I think it was a... What did she actually accomplish? She had like full relations with a thousand fellas. It's hard to tell. That's what it is. Full relations. For the Guinness I think it had to be full. That can't be possible.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Do the math on it. With her last name there's probably some other things going on. Do the math on it. 12 hours, 12 times 60 is what? It's a lot. 720. 720. So 720 minutes.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Okay. A thousand guys. Whoa. So it's more than one a minute. It's like 42 seconds. So every 42 seconds, a different. 42 seconds. But is he,
Starting point is 00:07:19 I'm done! I think so. Well you'd probably, you know, have to get yourself ready. No, I know that, but is he crossing the finish line is what I'm trying to say. Oh man, that's just what a horrible thought into my head. So you got guys in the bullpen just sitting there yanking, right? And they're like, I'm ready!
Starting point is 00:07:36 And then he rushes in, boom. Every 42 seconds for 12 hours he's drinking. But she'd have to take a break to eat, wouldn't she have a lunch or something? Would she be on like a lazy Susan kind of a set up, I wonder? I think so. A lazy Susan? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Isn't that a little spinning place? Yes. Oh, fuck. The organizers of this event, they must've worked at like fucking Disney or something. Something tells me it wasn't a Disney organized event. I'm just saying, like that's, if you're getting 42 seconds and you're going for the record,
Starting point is 00:08:11 that's a lot of organizing, man. All right, bud, let's get in there, get it up. No, you're not ready yet. No, no, no, no. Okay, do I have a Johnny Rod? Where's Johnny Rod? You're up. You got 38 seconds to finish.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Are you ready? I definitely need a coordinator with like a headset on. Oh yeah, I'm telling you. Boy, something tells me it wasn't quite that organized. I was just a free-for-all. I bet you it was, man. So... That's a lot of fluid, too.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Whoa. That is a lot of fluid. Okay. How much? Well, the average. what's the average? I don't fucking know. I don't know man. I believe it's a sixth of an ounce. What? I believe that's the average.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I read it in a science book. An ounce, an ounce is awesome. So every six. Fellas. Fellas would be an ounce. Whoa. So what's the math on that? You know what you're looking at? This is gonna fucking shock you boys.
Starting point is 00:09:08 That's like 160 some ounce. I'm gonna put it in a way you'll understand, okay? You can visualize this and go wow, four and a half 40 ounces filled. That's a lot. Four 40s man and a half. Four and a half 40 ounces? Jesus.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Gee. So, yeah, I mean, that's... No, man, that's something, like, why, like, no. I mean, I'm sure. I'm sure they must have been wearing hazmat or jimmy hats. Oh yeah, they would have had jimmy hats. So that's not really a concern.
Starting point is 00:09:41 No, I was gonna say, there's no way you could fit that much fluid up inside a person. Well, it would... Ah, god damn it. Just, it wouldn't stay... They would have had drop sheets and like... I'm telling you, man. They would have had turps up on the walls, probably.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Would have looked like Dexter's killing room. Two janitors on standby with mops. They had to pull the videos down, I guess, because they couldn't prove if everyone was of age. Oh my god. The guy that backed out was like 45 or something. What? I think she's 24 or 25.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Bad-looking girl, but it's... How did they take applications? Did you have to audition? I'd like to actually interview some of the people that were working there Just to get their fucking riddle me this Julian. Okay, if you were Bonnie blue's dad ball, how would you feel? Not very good Depends well record holder probably very wealthy and she's you know what she I think she enjoyed it, because I've watched it. As long as it was her idea, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:46 And she's like, I'm gonna do this. That was definitely her idea. What she wants to do is she can do. Maybe it was her father's idea, who knows? She can do anything she wants, if that's her idea. Okay, well I wonder if her dad's like her manager, maybe, for the OnlyFans. See, that's fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:11:04 That is weird. Can't have that. But just guiding her to make the most money? Yeah. Did she set the record? I'm sure financially. Well, because it's not official. So no, I guess not.
Starting point is 00:11:16 So she ended up sleeping with over a thousand dudes. Nothing really. My God. No, you know what? It wasn't for anything because we are sitting here now talking about it on camera. So at least you know what? It wasn't for anything because we are sitting here now talking about it on camera. So at least you know what the good news of the whole thing is? What?
Starting point is 00:11:30 She didn't beat your mother's record. That was six hours, wasn't it? Oh, Jesus, boys. My poor mother wherever she's at. Oh, I got a crank in my neck. It's a weird thing to charge. With this woman, we got charged for bombarding Boyfriend's ex with farting videos.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Want to chop? Do you want to chop? I'd like one. Lower. Yeah, right there. All right. A little harder. No, no, this is getting weird.
Starting point is 00:12:00 You could make a lot of money doing that. I know. We should have an OnlyFans. Chop Chop. Chop Chop, the sexual chopper. All right, what are we saying about this? This woman got charged for bombarding her boyfriend's ex with flirting videos. I heard about that.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I didn't get charged for that. Harassment. Harassment. You can't just do that. Ass-ment. It wasn't enough do that. As. Meant. There wasn't enough detail though. I saw it on the- Naked bear ass close up where you see everything.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Oh I don't know the answer to that. Could you smell them? No, they were videos Ricky. Oh yeah. She wasn't sending farts in a jar in the fucking mail. They could have been 4D. No. Whoa. You can't do that yet. What's the next invention? That could have been 4D. No. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You can't do that yet. What's the next invention? That's going to come, I bet. 4D. Well, you'd be able to, you know, fart in a device and the other device 100 miles away recreates it with molecule molecular fart structure. Sounds believable. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:06 MFS is a big industry. And people will be tested out going, okay, I'm getting ready to smell someone's fucking, you know. Oh, if you could send farts over videos. People would be smelling everywhere. People would be buying them left and right. Taking videos. I bet people would buy your guys' farts.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Weirdos would be. People would buy your guys' farts. People would buy your farts. I don't mean mine, Ricky. People would buy your farts. I don't mean mine, Ricky. Would you sell yours? No. Really?
Starting point is 00:13:30 I'm talking about lady farts. Guys would be buying them left and right. Alright. You'd probably have an account. A quick pay. I'm going to buy that one. I'm kind of jealous that women can... Sell their farts?
Starting point is 00:13:44 No, they can fur from two different areas. Hmm... Okay. I'm not sure why I'd be jealous about that. I'm not sure why you would either, Ricky. Oh, shit, man. You'd like to have a second ferret hole, would you? Why should we be on camera talking about these things?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Are we too fucked up now? You know what? We probably shouldn't ever try those gummies again Well, should we be on camera talking about these things? Are we too fucked up now? You know what? We probably shouldn't ever try those gummies again before we do this. We should though. No, because we're talking about fart holes. And selling them. Yeah, why not, bubs?
Starting point is 00:14:16 And selling them. People will be doing it. Internet, 4D fart holes. All right, we should change it up. Okay. Oh, you know what I saw though? What? Just on sort of the same topic, another revenge kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:14:29 The first topic or the Bonnie Blue? No, another revenge thing I saw. This guy, I think it was a guy, I think his girlfriend broke up with him. So he put signs up all over town. Yeah. Saying you can win $100 with the best audition, the best Chewbacca impersonation and put her phone number on it. Now she's getting thousands of calls of people going, trying to win a hundred bucks.
Starting point is 00:14:58 That's a pretty good one. That's a dirty trick though. Just annoying the fuck out of her it is. You know what? That's a good business. We should start a business where we Just annoying the fuck out of her it is. You know what, that's a good business. We should start a business where we can annoy the fuck out of somebody. You pay us, the more you pay us, the more annoying we'll be.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Think about it. I like it. I could be annoying. Speaking of that, you know what? You know Liam Gallagher from Oasis. Yeah. I just saw a story. Bon Jovi is telling a story and he says somehow, he doesn't know how,
Starting point is 00:15:27 Liam Gallagher from Oasis, back when Oasis were, you know, they're hyped, Liam got Bon Jovi's cell phone number and Bon Jovi said he would call me all hours of the night just to tell me how shitty my music was. He would just answer the phone, he'd be like, you fucking suck. And he goes, it got so annoying, Bon Jovi says, I offered him $500,000 cash... Jesus.
Starting point is 00:15:56 stop calling me and telling me my music was shit, and he said, go fuck yourself. And he kept calling me. It's half a million dollars. 500 grand. He's like, yeah, my music sucks so bad that I can give. Half a million dollars. 500 grand. He's like, yeah, my music sucks so bad that I can give you half a million dollars. Shut the fuck up. That's an awesome... And Liam Gallier wouldn't take the money and he'd have to...
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yes, it's... No, it's gonna happen. I gotta go to a show before they break up again. Yeah, I think I do as well. We're gonna go to a show, boys. You just have some fucking ins. Oh, don't worry about it. All right. Okay, B-Man can probably swing it. Right on, B-Man.
Starting point is 00:16:30 We spent some time over across the pond. He must have some ins. Oh. Where's the best place to go see these guys, do you think? Well, I mean, they added, they're gonna play Toronto if you wanted to just have a quick flight. Yeah. I mean, obviously the best place to see them is gonna be in London, but that's not the easiest ticket to get.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Or Manchester, where they're from. Obviously there's a good show. That'd be pretty badass. But it wouldn't really matter. Anywhere you see them, it's gonna be... That's not where your buddy's pastel are from, right there? Well, yeah. They live in Swansea. Swansea.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Swansea, I was just in Swansea. Did I tell you that? I was in their hometown, they live in Swansea. You did, man. I get up on stage with them and we played Standing on the Shoulders of Kitties. Nice. At the after party, the place went mental.
Starting point is 00:17:24 That's fucked, that was a good dude. All right, well I'm looking forward to that show. We're going to go, if anybody's got Oasis tickets and they want to bring us to one of the shows, we'll come. Is this how it starts? We'll come with you. I thought you were locked in.
Starting point is 00:17:36 We'll come hang out. No, no, I'll get them. I just, I mean, this is the quickest way. I wonder if they're playing the Grand Ole Opry, that'd be cool. Grand Ole Opry, We were on that stage. Oasis. That's not, that's a smart place. Why the fuck would Oasis play the Grand Ole Opry, Ricky?
Starting point is 00:17:51 Just be cool, I don't know. It only holds a few hundred people. They're gonna be happy. What a show, what a show though. But you're not gonna, they're not gonna do that. I know, I know, I know man. Maybe in an athlete. They play at fucking Wembley Stadium, massive.
Starting point is 00:18:03 What about the TV dome? Don't know what that is. What is that? It's just like a dome, but it's like a TV. Oh, in Vegas, the Sphere. Yeah, yeah. No, I don't think they're gonna be, the Sphere is, you do installs there
Starting point is 00:18:17 where you play like a month or two months or whatever. Fuck. We gotta go to the Sphere though. I wanna go, man. Get right out of her. We gotta, yeah, there's gotta be something we can do up in Vegas. Like a fucking weed exhibition or something.
Starting point is 00:18:31 There's not always things to do in Vegas. Let's fucking go to something. Yeah man. Ah! Jesus. That was weird. That was really giving her a man. That was a burp slash demon.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I think I exercised a demon. Hmm. Man, did you see that world's largest car thing? Yeah, that fuck, what a... It's a weird thing, isn't it? What is it? You could live in it. It's got 26 wheels, fits up to like 75 people.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Is it what, a Cadillac? It's a fucking Caddy, man. It sounds like something, the Maslow Machine. I thought we got to see this fucking big piece of shit somewhere, didn't we? I'd rock the fuck out of that. See, what if you had it though, and you called it the muscle machine and rented it out?
Starting point is 00:19:14 It would be tough to take turns, though. How do you drive this thing? Muscle machine. The turning radius would be shitty. Like you couldn't just take a drive around the block. You'd have to walk down the highway. You'd just walk over people's lawns in the muscle machine. You don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:28 It's good for straight lines. Well, then you get on a big, you know, big loop. Imagine trying to turn that thing around. You'd have to do a 47. Get me 40 acres and I'll turn this rig around. 47 more turns. It's the easiest way that I've found. I wonder how long that little son of a bitch is.
Starting point is 00:19:45 It is, it's a sec. It's got 26 wheels. 75 passengers comfortably. It is 30 meters long. Holy fuck. It's called the American Dream. That's 90 feet. That is a big fucking car.
Starting point is 00:19:56 That's 90 feet. Yeah, it's a 1986. And just one engine. That's when it was built. It's a 1976 Cadillac Eldorado. And just one engine? That's one that was built. It's a 76 caddy El Dorado. And just one engine? I think so, man. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Oh, a pair of V8 engines. There's two of them. I wonder how that works. Like your mother. Fuck, and another one at the rear. Change your mother. So how does that fuck? She's got two V8s and one in the rear.
Starting point is 00:20:18 How do they link up with each other? They talk to each other and shit. They fucking, yeah. Hey, bud, we're at 36,100 RPMs. What are you doing? They're quantum entangled. Oh, man. Quantum entangled engines, baby. You almost blew my mind with that shit last night.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I don't know if I can deal with it again. Quantum shit, man, is crazy, Bob. You fucking have a good stuff. Quantum entanglement. I wish I was quantum-tably entangled with someone. No, you don't, Ricky, because then whatever they did, you'd start doing it, even if you were a fucking billion light years away.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Whatever I did, they'd do. So what? What would you do? Start pretending to do something, would you? I don't know. Be different. Things drive. Quantum entanglement, quantum physics in general. Simulation boys, if you wanna get into it, proof that we're in a simulation, I'm gonna prove it. This was a fucking dirty little trick.
Starting point is 00:21:18 This woman tricked, well convinced her husband, you should sell one of your fucking kidneys, bud. Oh man. Help pay for her daughter's education. He's like, ah, it's gonna suck, but yeah, my daughter's worth that. And his wife stole the money and eloped with her lover. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:21:36 No. Dummy. What a dumb fucking man. I shouldn't laugh, that's fucking horrible. That poor bastard. Oh, you don't know the half of him. He couldn't just take off on him. I can't see this guy fucking hitting the bars
Starting point is 00:21:49 and picking anybody else up anytime soon. Look at this fucker. Let me see you. He doesn't look like much of a ladies man. That's him? That's the dude. Aw, he looks like a nice fella. He does.
Starting point is 00:21:59 He looks like he's pretty sad though, man. He looks like a nice man. Poor broken hearted with fucking a missing kidney. Of course he's broken hearted. His wife left him and she took his fucking kidney. All right, cheers buddy. Cheers to him, poor bugger. Yeah, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:22:14 The poor bugger. Yeah, that's fucked. I mean, we don't know his backstory though. He might be an asshole. He could have been a fucking asshole. I mean, for her to take his kidney, either he was a real asshole or she is. One of them's a real asshole. He could be been a fucking asshole. I mean, for her to take his kidney, either he was a real asshole or she is. One of them's a real asshole.
Starting point is 00:22:27 He could be our first client. We'll harass the fuck out of her and her new lover. Oh man, totally. And we'll even do it if you're behind bars. Can you imagine that? But you need to know the backstory. Nope. Because what if he was an asshole?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Money's money. He's totally deserved to get your kidney ripped out and your heart fucking busted. No, it depends. Maybe he was an asshole? Money's money. He's totally deserved to get your kidney ripped out and your heart fucking busted. Well, it depends. Maybe he was, you know, torturing people. 11,500 bucks. So you think it's his fault? 11,500 bucks you got for the kidney.
Starting point is 00:22:54 That's not much of an elope fund. No, it's a lot over there probably, man. They fucking made it down to the next town to stay at the Super 8. I don't know if stay at the Super 8. I don't know if there's many Super 8s around this place. Do you hear about the, this reminded me of you, Rick, because you've done shit like this before. Remember when you thought you were invincible and you could dodge bullets and stuff?
Starting point is 00:23:17 That went down. But he's like, come on, man, I can dodge bullets. So the guy was just like, okay, I'll fucking shoot you. He's like, go for it. I could dodge it. Cut him in the chest. Killed the guy. That's, he killed him? He killed him, he went to the hospital, done.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Usually when you get shot in the chest. That's not good, especially when you're drunk and high like these two probably. Yeah, there must not have been any coordination. You gotta know when the trigger's getting squeezed and then you move. But Ricky, come on. Remember the guy on That's Incredible
Starting point is 00:23:46 that could catch a bullet with his teeth? Yeah. They probably watched that shit. He didn't catch it in his teeth. Maybe I'm thinking something. Maybe it was a bow and arrow. No, he had this little thing. He had a thing there,
Starting point is 00:23:57 a bullet-proof catching thing, and it went into that. He didn't grab the bullet with his teeth. But still, man, come on. I'm not saying it wasn't something. He held a thing in his mouth and took a bullet in the fucking mouth. You think it's, you,
Starting point is 00:24:10 but that must have been like a 22, huh? I don't know, I don't remember, but I used to watch the fuck out of that. That's incredible. Me too, man. Yeah, me too. What were their names, do you remember? John Davidson.
Starting point is 00:24:22 John Davidson. Kathy Lee Gifford. No. Kathy Lee Gifford. No, it wasn't Gifford. Cross, cross, Davidson. Kathy Lee Gifford. Yeah, no. Kathy Lee Gifford. No, it wasn't Gifford. Cross, cross, cross. Kathy Lee Cross. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I always get that and real people mixed up though. Byron Allen. Who's the blonde? Sarah Purcell. Who's the blonde guy? Shut the blonde guy. He just died that dude. The blonde guy on That's Incredible.
Starting point is 00:24:41 He was an ex football player. Who was he? Oh yeah, he was. Davidson. No. Who was he? Oh yeah, he was. Davidson. No, that was John Davidson, the blonde guy. Fran Tarkenton! Holy fuck, pulled it right out of my nugget. Where did that come from, man?
Starting point is 00:24:56 Fran Tarkenton. Yeah, that's something else, I never got that. Boys, how did I access that fucking compartment in my brain, was that right? I don't know. Jesus, I gotta fucking fact check myself. I think it was though. Let's see you get born in Who are the hosts of That's Incredible in the 80s?
Starting point is 00:25:17 Most people watching this don't even remember that fucking show I bet, Bugs. No, I know they don't. Fran Turkenton, John Davidson, and Kath Kathy Lee Crosby. Wow. What a trio. That's Incredible was a fucking incredible show. They worked well together. You should bring it back. For the people that don't know what was on in the 80s, I believe it was an NBC program.
Starting point is 00:25:35 We could- A host would come out and do a show called That's Incredible and it would just be stories that were fucking incredible. I guess they don't- it wouldn't work now with the internet though. It wouldn't be as good, no. Because you can just see incredible stories whenever you want. That was pre-internet.
Starting point is 00:25:49 That's why it was so popular. John Deere got born on February the 7th. I didn't know John Deere was his real name. That's his real name. Well, makes sense man. He was a, he was part tractor. His grandmother had wheels. He was a blacksmith and a manufacturer.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah, and his grandmother was born with wheels. And she looked like a deer. He founded a deer and company. Charles Dickens? I almost thought it was Charles Dickens, too. Who were the hosts of Real People in the 1980s? Real People. Do you remember Real People? That was Byron Allen. I don't remember Real People.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Byron Allen, Sarah Purcell, I already said her, Skip Stevenson. Real people. I can't remember that one, man. You don't remember the show Real People? John Barber, Sarah Purcell, Byron Allen, Skip Stevenson, Bill Rafferty, Mark Russell, Peter Billingsley, David Ruprecht, and Fred Willard.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Fred Willard was on it, I forgot about that. Yeah, I remember Fred. He did some good mockumentary stuff. Real people, that was a great, it was on from 79 to 83. God damn it. Fuck, I never, do you know this David Campbell, Canadian composer guy? Who?
Starting point is 00:27:03 David Campbell. Yeah. He worked on like over 450 gold and platinum albums. Yeah, he's got a few box in the back. Stones, Neil Diamond, Metallica, Radiohead, Evanescence, Rush, Beyonce, Muse, Michael Jackson. Wow. He'd have a few box in the back, wouldn't he,
Starting point is 00:27:20 if he got songwriting credits on those babies? Brian Travers, the saxophones from UB 40. Red. Red. What? They got some good tunes. Yeah, man. James Spader, fuck, he's a good actor.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Very good. Yeah. Is that it? What the fuck? I'm just, you know, there's a lot of them. Eddie Izzard. Eddie Izzard, he's a funny fella. It's Garth Brooks. Pretty talented.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Garth Brooks. Chris Rock. Funny... Chris Rock. Steve Nash. A slap-hard around the world. And Ashton Kutcher. You wanted to bang him. No, no. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:01 No, whoever he was with. Guess what I'm doing right now? Beating off. No, I'm doing right now? Beating off. No, I'm going to take those fucking ten pallets, side your shed, I'm going to dump gasoline on them, I'm going to light them on fire in the pit. Why? Because I'm going to get drunk and I'm fucking frozen right now.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Alright, I'm in. You guys want to do that? We're having a bonfire? Get up the dogs. We're going to have some doggies. Bon-Bogs. Yeah, we'll listen to some Garth Brooks, I guess. Nah, fuck Garth Brooks.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Nah, fuck that. All right, good. Let's listen to, who else was on? Let's listen to UB 40. Yeah, we could do that. Maybe some pastel. Let's drink some red wine. Get a bonfire going.
Starting point is 00:28:37 UB 40. Maybe Bronski beat, too. Remember them? They were good. Give me some. Run away, turn away, run away. Yeah, let's do that. Bronski beat too. Remember them? They were good. Give me a song. Run away, turn away, run away. Yeah, let's do that. Bronski beat.
Starting point is 00:28:49 All right, let's say goodbye. Are we saying goodbye yet? Yeah man, we're done. We're fucking done, I'm freezing. Have you got any more Liqueurade? Yes, I've got more Liqueurade. I got some more trailer. I don't have my face on there and I have not.
Starting point is 00:29:02 You are gonna have lots my friend. You're gonna get enough of these Inya, Yerba Beads. You are going to have lots, my friend. You're going to get enough of these in you. You're going to be an alcoholic. All right, cheers, everybody. To watch the video version of Park After Dark in my fucking trailer, go to or download the SwearNut Triller Park Boys app. Fuck off.

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