Trash Tuesday w/ Esther Povitsky & Khalyla Kuhn - Sosie Bacon is Our Nepo Baby Slug

Episode Date: March 4, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I was in a makeup chair once and without asking, I just suddenly go, wait, wait, whoa, what are you doing? She was shaving my mustache. Yeah. I was like, I never asked for that. What if I want that? Yeah, I was, oh no, that's okay. Cause I was- With a straight razor?
Starting point is 00:00:15 No, like a barber? You know those? Yeah. Wait, but last one. She like lathered it on, she put you back. I was like, oh my God, wait, what's going on? This message is for the community of Los Angeles. It's to alert you that I will be doing a Last Minute Stand-Up Show
Starting point is 00:00:35 Thursday, March 13th, 8 p.m. at the Comedy Store in the Belly Room and you can get tickets at the link below or the link above but the Comedy Store website as well and I'll see you there it's gonna sell out very fast Thursday March 13th 8 p.m. Special guests all me all the time. Guys we have a Patreon and if you haven't signed up yet there is so much bonus content waiting for you right this second. We've got, I think, four bonus episodes up there right now. One with Sosie Bacon, one with Jenna and Jules, and a few that are just me and Kalyla having some pretty personal conversations. And what else is there? There's a vlog right now. There is, oh my god, the unedited the stuff we cut out from the Ian episode
Starting point is 00:01:26 truly go watch just that you'll be like oh I this is why I signed up for this we have so much bonus content we've been raising so much money to donate to the victims of the Eaton fire so thank you for participating and helping us do that and I would like to shout out our golden Sluggies. We've got Thomas Shepard, Kia Karbasi, Anthony Pagano, and Crisanta Kelly. Thank you for your support and we will see you guys sign up with a link below Patreon. Start your initial free online visit today at slash Trash Tuesday. That's F-O-R-H-E-R-S dot com slash Trash Tuesday for your personalized weight loss treatment options. slash trash Tuesday. Hers weight loss is not available everywhere.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Compounded products are not FDA approved or verified for safety, effectiveness or quality prescription required. Restrictions apply. We go via an azembeck are not compounded. Actual price depends on product and plan purchased. They don't acknowledge that they're doing it because I think it's like awkward to be like, yeah, ma'am, you have a mustache. This is what happened to Bobby on Magnum PI. Someone like went on like it was a cut and then apparently he had a nose hair sticking
Starting point is 00:02:38 out and someone went in with pliers and just like ripped it off his nose and and he was so mad about it. I don't think he's like recovered since, but I do think that that's not right. No, it's not. I think you should ask someone if they want, you know, a nose hair, if they want to do that. It's always been consensual with me.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Like they've said, do you want me to pull out the long hair coming out of your mole? And I'm like, yeah. Every time. Isn't that nice? I don't know if someone's ever like just done something like. For me, they always try and pluck my eyebrows because my eyebrows go into my eyelashes. And I have not done anything to them in like three years.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And they try and just pluck them. And I go, oh, no, no, no, it's okay. It's okay if you just leave it. This I know would really affect you because I don't know if you've ever been to a eyebrow appointment with Jenna. No. She will pay. This is not an exaggeration.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Ask hairs. Oh, no, no, no. I do like them there. No, that's my lashes, but the eyebrow where they like, they're threaded. When they thread it, she will pay 70 fucking dollars, sit down in the chair to get two hairs removed, and she'll be like, thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And the guy is good, but he's taking out two hairs. I'm like John. I could have done this for you Why do you do that? Because he knows how to do it. It's Marco Ochoa He knows how to do my brows and it's different than if you just brows look like shit. What are you saying? I haven't gone to him in two years But I actually they look good but for someone who gets them done. No, I haven't gone to him into yeah But when I shouldn't get you I'm against getting brows done. No, I haven't gone to him in two years. But when I- You shouldn't get, I'm against getting brows done. I don't know, man. He's the best.
Starting point is 00:04:08 He will take five and they will transform your brows. We should introduce our guests. Welcome. Welcome to the show. Welcome to Trash Tuesday. Today we have a resident friend, Jenna Jimenez. And then we have- Other resident friend.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I didn't know she was a guest. I thought you were just like a person on it. Both things. A resident. And then we have, I think we have the official Trash Tuesday Nepo Baby. Oh my god. Yay!
Starting point is 00:04:35 Socy Bacon. I can't believe I got that title. Who else is a Nepo Baby has been on here? I don't know. We have Ireland Baldwin coming up. Who's that? What? No, that's, you're a traitor. You guys been on here? I don't know. We have Ireland Baldwin coming up. Who's that? No, that's, you're a traitor. You guys are a traitor.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I'm just kidding. Forget it. She can't come. I'm totally kidding. What about, is Jessie Kersen a Nepo baby? What? Or is she just related to famous people? Who is she related to?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Jessica Kersen. I don't know who anyone is. I thought, what's his name? Is it Zach? You're thinking of Carson Daly? Oh, she's like Zach Braff's cousin or something. Yeah, you're right. But that's not-
Starting point is 00:05:08 Does that really constitute as being an epo baby? No. No. Zach Braff's cousin? No. I mean, kind of. Kind of. Like you're associated in some way.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah. I don't think that counts. No, if the money, no, yeah, I don't know. I wonder if there's like a list of rules. Because I was like, the money's not enough. Like a list of what you have to be. Wait, how do you feel though? Because like this's like a list of rules like a list of like what what you have to be Wait, how do you feel though? Because like this was not a thing up until like maybe four years ago where everyone's like anti-nepo baby
Starting point is 00:05:32 But you're so not the vibes of a nepo baby. Like how does this affect you? Do you care? Are you embarrassed? Are you proud? I mean, I think like I really like always knew that people were going to probably just think that I got somewhere because of my parents. Like I always had that assumption. Also growing up, I feel like I had to like overcompensate and be like the nicest and the most hardworking and like because I assume that people were gonna expect me
Starting point is 00:06:03 to be like a spoiled brat who just but but um so I think that that was that like the avenue I took and then when everyone started hating Neppo babies it didn't really affect my life that much because because I had already like gotten a little bit of a footing like before it like blew up to don't not like them or whatever I had already gotten a footing in like my acting career, so I wasn't super affected by it. But like, I don't know. I think assholes are assholes. I will also say- And then nice people are nice people. They're just like both exist.
Starting point is 00:06:36 The weird part about accusing NEPO babies for simply being NEPO babies is a little bit of a weird argument for me because if we're going to talk genetics, if you have two parents that are musicians, the likelihood of you having musical talent is going to be high. Right. If you have two parents- And growing up in a house where music is played and- Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Pushed. Yeah. It's a family business. And creativity is encouraged. Right. Now, if you're dad, if you're just some trust fund baby that happened now now you're just I don't know I'm not gonna shot. Yeah I feel like people are confusing trust fund babies and like parents who do everything for them and give them all the money in
Starting point is 00:07:12 The world they don't have to try with that your parents are famous Which is not the same thing if your parents are in the arts the likelihood of you ending up in the arts quite high I don't think that if my if my dad was a scientist that I wouldn't have a knack for science. I probably would. That said, if my daughter wants to do standup, I will kidnap her and put her on the Maury Povich show. And it'll be like, she'll become bad baby, honestly. And your parents didn't push it or encourage it.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I feel like they didn't want you involved in Hollywood. But I think that maybe what people, I think what people are responding to, possibly, I agree with you, totally. And I also think that it's just more, it's just about acknowledging your privilege. Yeah, okay, so my family, I grew up with money and opportunities and access to potentially meeting agents
Starting point is 00:08:02 or something that other people didn't have. I don't think that I got jobs because of it. I really don't think I did. You have to audition just like everyone else and blah, blah, blah. But. Not to be rude, but in Mayor of Easttown, you really look the part. Like.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Literally rude of saying anyone's. No, I'm just kidding. I know everybody kept saying that. No, Socie plays like crack addict. No, I always play like, honestly though, that was my favorite show that year. It was so good. It's still my favorite show I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I can't believe you got to be in it. It's so good. I can't believe you got to work with Kate Winslet cause she's like my top five of all time. And she's also like, oh my god, she's also like so fricking nice. I'm saying fricking because I've been around kids, but I mean fucking nice.
Starting point is 00:08:43 No, she's so nice and she's like really like what someone who lifts up like younger actresses and I just love her, she's great. I was there for like five days. What? Yeah, that's it. That's so crazy. So it's like you were there for five months,
Starting point is 00:08:57 they made you become a crack addict. They make you live outside and then they shot it. No, crazy. I was really only there. Also my experience of S Socie and her entire family are actually that they work harder than me or anyone. Like, and I think that it's, I'm not just like trying to be nice.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I think it must come from like, I feel like you are terrified of anyone being like, you don't work hard enough. Or just like you didn't get here or like, You don't work, your. Or just like you didn't get here. Or like, you don't- Like you work, your mom still, like if I'm on set with her, she still works her ass off. Like, your parents could be like, oh, give me a job and they don't.
Starting point is 00:09:35 No, dude, my mom works so hard. Yeah, it's so fucking hard. Who else would talk about how they're a celebrity couple that's still together? I know, it is kind of weird. It is, I don't know any answers or anything like that. You're going to ask the H is like it's just weird. They didn't have any rules for their love.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Our laws in place were like we're not going to be separated for more than three weeks. No, but I think actually that probably being like being separated at times probably like I can imagine that that helped like helps with the like excitement and like I don't know whatever like I can imagine that that helped, like helps with the like excitement and like I don't know, whatever like love. I can tell you that it does. Yeah, and then also, yeah, and then. And I need some advice. Some long distance advice from your parents.
Starting point is 00:10:16 We need to get to that. Before we get to that though. Oh no, we don't need to. I wanna thank Jenna. Shout out to my home girl Jenna over there for my head to toe ensemble. Let's talk about your ensemble. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So the fires, you guys know about the fires. They happen. Wait, what? I didn't. I didn't. So Si's a Nepho baby. She didn't hear. Sorry, in Nepho baby land, we didn't have fires.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I'm sorry. By the way, there's a good chance that Socie and I will be living together. I know, I'm trying to fucking get you to come stay at my house. Everyday Socie's like. She's like, no, I'm really thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And I'm like, okay, are you coming? She's like, the place is clean. I know, I keep being like, is it? Okay, I'm just gonna clean it again. She's making it, no, I'm just kidding. It's so hard to get Kalyla, even if her house burned down, like you still can't get her. When her power went out and she was like,
Starting point is 00:11:07 we're evacuating, I need a place to go, I was like, come on over. Yeah, I was at your house. We thought you were coming. We're like getting the place ready for you to come. I think I'm a little bit like that too. I'm like, surely her house is burning down, she'll come over this time.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah. Maybe, maybe. She has nowhere else to go. Like not only that, but she literally called, talking about like, yeah, we packed up. We got my mom. We got my sister. We're there. I know. We're just, I guess the fire's got her. All right. She didn't make it out. Honestly, it's this like deep feeling of inconveniencing someone.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I know. But you wouldn't be. And like Scoot will make you feel like you're not inconveniencing him. I just want to say he is the best at making people feel like they're not inconvenienced It loves having because he's like, oh, okay. Cool. There's a baby. All right, awesome Let me take the baby and then like change the diaper And then if you're having are you having a good time he likes he never feels inconvenienced because he's so like self Like focused not like in a self-centered way. But he's gonna do what he needs to do.
Starting point is 00:12:06 He never feels like he has to. And he likes checking on things and fiddling with things. I feel like, since I've had a kid, I like people around. That I think that, me too, so since I'm the stepmom of these kids, like, it gets lonely if you don't have community. It just gets super lonely.
Starting point is 00:12:23 You can feel, like, the first time I took care of them, I take care of them all the time when Scoot's out of town. And the first time I did it, I was like, wow, this, okay, this is gonna forever change me because this type of responsibility and like loneliness is unparalleled. Wait, you're totally like articulating something for me. So it's responsibility and loneliness.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah. Because I go, why am I lonely? I'm here with my baby, but there is something so lonely about it. You're the only one in charge. And if they break their, you have no options. You know what I mean? And that, I think that really does change you as a person. What was that transition like for you
Starting point is 00:12:58 to kind of just step into step mom mode? Oh, I can tell you. It was really hard. That's like probably, it's really hard. It's just hard. Like I, it's hard on so many levels. I don't even know where to begin. It's like you love your partner
Starting point is 00:13:17 for being such a good parent. And then that also is hard because then you don't get the same, like you don't get all the attention or whatever. And... You guys also handled it so well. Like every step of the way there was such communication and love and just like transparency.
Starting point is 00:13:34 She disagrees. I just think that like we handled, we like white knuckled it but it was, it just was hard. But you didn't like pretend and that's why you're not, you don't have to like be something else now. That would be a little scary if you were like a Stepford wife about it. Can you imagine if I was like, I'm so happy.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yeah, that would be, I'd be like, so see, blink twice. Wait, that is a big deal just to in this huge deal. Are you in your 20s, 30s? I'm 32. She's 16. Okay, so that 32 is late 20s to me. Yeah. No, but I met, I started dating him when I was 27.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah. Oh, that's right. So you just became- I was a baby. Because I was doing it 27. I wasn him, I started dating him when I was 27. Yeah. So you just became a baby. I was a baby. Because it's one thing. Doing it 27. I wasn't. Not good things. But also I didn't know what I,
Starting point is 00:14:11 I definitely will say I did not know what I was getting into and I, if a 27 year old came to me and was like, should I do this? I would be like, I mean, I wouldn't, you don't, you just don't know. You know what I mean? Like, it wasn't like I was, I was such a mature 27 year old. I was just a 27 year old. So you just like overnight. It wasn't like I was such a mature 27 year old, I was just a 27 year old.
Starting point is 00:14:26 So you just like overnight. That's not true, you were a mature 27 year old. You overnight became a mom. Overnight celebrity. Yeah, and yeah, to two kids, and they were one and five. Oh my God, that's so young. And then they slowly, progressively over time started living with us more and more,
Starting point is 00:14:43 and now they live with us almost all the time. So it's really, it's full on. Let's get back to the outfit. Shout out to my home girl, Jenna. She went store to store in Old Town, Pasadena looking for clothes for me. And I gotta say, she did a really great job giving me some basics.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Do you still need clothes? I do. Oh my God, wow. So I cannot fit your size. I have so many, oh my God. Wait, hold on. I have something. I got her some big t-shirts. Also, I didn't know we were going to do this.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I brought something to give to you off camera, but I guess I can give it to you on camera. And also I didn't want to bring something if you didn't need anything, but my mom, I told her about you guys and she sent, like, I'm going to give it to you whenever you come. So I, two years ago I wore this shirt on Trash Tuesday and you looked at me and you said,
Starting point is 00:15:34 that's a cool outfit today Esther. That looks like a good vintage shirt. And I never forgot it because you're my work crush. And so I brought it here today to start off your vintage. Oh my god! I love this shirt! Dude, that's a really good one. That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:15:51 That is the kindest thing Esther's ever done. That's a really, oh my god. I know this is going to sound crazy when I'm like super upset. I know that this is going to be bad. I literally, I'm so sorry, Kaililah. Why is it bad? She's crying. No, like it's actually. I'll that this is gonna be bad. I literally I'm so sorry No, like it's actually
Starting point is 00:16:11 No, Kailash, I'm sorry Come here come here I knew this was gonna happen So see slap for this oh my mom wants everyone to know she's crying. I mean, I think it's normal for you to cry. Am I really heavy? No. I think that I've held it in for a really long time because it's like, I have money, I can get everything back, but a lot of my most favorite things I lost
Starting point is 00:16:39 and I wanna pretend like they don't mean anything to me because I feel lucky to have what I have, but this really means a lot to me. So, Florida. I feel like you need to put it on. I will, I will. I'll put it on her now. Because it's actually such a good one.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I know, and I think that like, we're gonna build you a really sick vintage. Cause every cool person we know has to give one. Wait, I have so many. I feel like I actually gave you all of my really good vintage ones. I have so, so, so many. No feel like I actually gave you all of my really good vintage ones I have so so so many. No you did a great job Jenna. No I mean before the fire Oh yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:17:11 No more of your vintage fanties. I think I'm good Yeah Well that's what I brought to the table Oh no fucking way dude I was actually gonna give back to you off camera the underwear that you gave to me that also was mine before since you lost your underwear in the fire. This is absolutely unbelievable. And also this one is a really good one with a hole.
Starting point is 00:17:33 The fact that you on, I watched the Patreon episode and Jenna was like, I'm actually wearing your underwear, Kalyla. And I was like, oh my God. Wait, and also look at, this is a shirt. That's cute. This is Jenna's high school shirt. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:17:43 That's really cute. This shirt, can we pull up some pictures? I'm not sharing this. Just in case. Don't worry, I wouldn't fit it on my toe even. We need to pull up some pictures. I wore this shirt from the time I was 13 to 17, maybe 200, 300 times.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And then when we were at your house, I was like, you were getting rid of stuff. This and a pair of underwear, which I don't think I have. I was getting rid of that. Ashton, you look so cute. I know. It looks so good on you. I love it.
Starting point is 00:18:11 That's just not a shirt for big back bitches like me. So, are you gonna keep those underwear? It looks better on you than it did on me. Okay, so Jenna, thank you, but I think I'll pass on these ones once again. Yeah. Because just my sheer size alone. I need you to throw them in the trash.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Are you going to take them back? Esther, give them to your mom. Does your mom want them? I feel like you have to. She's your work crush. Pull the thing off. What thing? Can I talk to you about the Stanley Cup?
Starting point is 00:18:40 Yes. What? Why? Okay. Doesn't, aren't you worried that it's, isn't it bad that it's gonna spill or you don't put it in your bag? First of all, this is a hydroflask.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I'm sorry, hydroflask. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. And I got it because Kaila had it yet again, I called her. Very different. We are not of the Stanley, we fucked a Stanley, we are a hydroflask family. You don't live in Nashville and you're not like,
Starting point is 00:19:01 okay, I get it. But do you don't put it in your bag? Cause then it would leak. Okay, got it. We can't have one do you don't put it in your bag? Cause then it would leak. Okay, got it. We can't have one cause we can't put it in our bag. It's over. Then you have to get the Ouala. I have Ouala.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I'm the literal person who started Ouala. Are you fucking kidding me? You started Ouala. They sell them at Target. We need to go. I know, I literally. You did? You know me.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I find all the best things for everything, Esther. I need another one. You did? You know me, I find all the best things for everything, Esther. I am a curator. Another interesting thing about you two is that you know how when the fires happened, everyone was like, oh, now we all know what Watch Duty is? You had that app for the longest time.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Guys, Socie is Watch Duty. If there's one thing about her, you remember when I called, when she called that day and I was like, oh, are you freaking out about the fires? Socy, since I've known her, has been terrified about wind and especially if it is dry because of fires. And she always said, well, the reason I'm so scared is because I just know that LA could burn down
Starting point is 00:20:01 and it's gonna happen. And she was scared. Wait, is that true? You're scared of wind and fire? And I, ever since I moved here, and then I went to, I had to go, like when there was a fire, even if it was like, like remember when the town of Paradise all burned?
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah, oh terrible, yeah. So when that was going on, or big fires before the Woolsey fire, whatever, I was in my house, like frozen, paralyzed, like could not move because I was so afraid. By the way, it wasn't gonna like reach us. I'm like, but it was, I just was so scared that I had to actually go see a therapist for my OCD
Starting point is 00:20:35 about fires. And then I'm like, maybe it was just, I was right. So. Even if it was windy, even if it was windy out, she'd be like, oh, did you notice it's like pretty windy outside today, huh? Are you, does, how's that, how's that making you feel? I'm like, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:20:50 The wind doesn't affect me. My question for you is why do you collect scaredy cats? Cause you got me, you got Sozie, even Kaila can be seen as a scaredy cat. I'm the biggest cat. Are you kidding? What are you talking about? I couldn't go to a-
Starting point is 00:21:01 I don't think I'm a scaredy cat. No. Only about certain things like, you know, there's like four things. Yeah, that counts. That does. Every day. You're not all in all a scaredy cat, but Kailila-
Starting point is 00:21:10 Every day I've been texting Jenna, will you fly with me in March? Yeah, are you kidding me? Wait, Kailila literally couldn't- Go to a wedding alone. She couldn't get off her couch alone. I couldn't go to Gelson's alone. She's much different now.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Even if she got to Gelson's. I think we're just like highly sensitive. That's what it is. That's what it is. No, I'm part of this. No, I know. That's what I'm saying. But she's asking why I collect that. Why are you collecting us? I think she's highly sensitive. Yeah, I am super highly sensitive. Also, she's the biggest scary kind of... I have all... I mean, I'm part of it. We all have our own like... We are all of... Yeah, no, I think I just'm part of it. We all have our own like we are all of yeah. No, I think I just I
Starting point is 00:21:53 Attract it. Yeah, because I think I see it in people and I understand like oh that must like really suck to feel that way But I also don't share the same fears like that any of you know, what are yours Esther? I don't even know everything everything Okay, as soon as I would think Sensical wait, is that your Kaleila tattoo? No, that's my Kaleila tattoo. Okay, got it. Although I just heard that tattoos like- It was from me. No, it wasn't from you, it was from TikTok.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I told you on the podcast about tattoos and- What? Conscious autoimmune stuff. You did? Yeah, and you said, wait, what? Okay, now I'm gonna- I have this crazy doctor lady that- And we got the fucking receipts. I have this crazy doctor lady that. And we got the fucking receipts.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I have this crazy doctor lady that. That gives this cream. She said it too, she's like scar tissue. Okay, that's what she said to me. Because I have a bunch of tattoos. Scar tissue confuses your brain. So like your brain is going to the scar tissue. I'm sure you know that.
Starting point is 00:22:42 That's just like true about all scar tissue, correct? Like any type of injury. Right, okay, so since tattoos are like injury I'm sure you know that. That's just like true about all scar tissue, correct? Like any type of injury. Right, okay. So since tattoos are like injury, I think you're okay. Don't have, you don't, I don't think you have enough for it to be a problem. If anything, we are the problem.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Well, are you worried? What is your thought? No, but we can put cream on them and she has this cream that helps it. And like, seriously, I don't know. Oh, really? Yeah. But no, we're not worried.
Starting point is 00:23:02 I want to hear from Kaililah. She's the nurse. Well, my sister and I both have autoimmune illness, and we're heavily tattooed. My sister's half of her back's tattooed. I don't know. Also trauma, you know what I mean? It's like everything. It's like the air.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Is it just tattoos? It's everything. Yeah. Anything that causes any sort of inflammation can cause immune disruption. My mom and Dave have autoimmune conditions, and they don't have tattoos. And they have no tattoos. So shut your ass up. Anything that causes any sort of inflammation can cause immune disruption. My mom and Dave have autoimmune conditions and they don't have tattoos.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So shut your ass up. Your biggest contribution to me, without you even knowing this, contribution to my life, I don't know if it was a positive or a negative, was that you gave, your therapist then became Bobby and my, So true. What do you call it? Couple's therapist?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Couple's therapist. I want a love coach. I want to ask you about that, but I don't know if it's appropriate. But do you know the worst part about it is that he got her after the breakup and then I couldn't see her anymore. You know what?
Starting point is 00:24:00 It's a conflict of interest. I knew that because she was his therapist first. Yeah. Sucks. It really sucks because let me tell- Because she was his therapist first. Yeah, sucks. It really sucks because let me tell you, there is no one better. Yeah, she got me through my fear of fires and then the whole city burned and I wasn't afraid.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I thought our therapist was the best therapist. Oh, she is. But what about what they're saying? No, no, no, I swear to you and I've been through every single therapist. I've been- But she ain't been through our therapist and you know what, we don't need any other people.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I think it depends on what you need and where you're at. I need everything. Right, no, I know, same. And now I'm on this kick of just doing, we should just not even go to therapy anymore and talk about our problems. But we should process them in our bodies. But I think both, and also I think
Starting point is 00:24:42 that you were only saying that because therapy also got you to a place where you can now reason and be. For sure, for sure, for sure, for sure. And so it's like. And now I'm perfect and also I think that you're only saying that because therapy also got you to a place where you can now Like reason for sure for sure for sure for sure and so now I'm perfect and I'm done and I have no more problems Yeah, because ten years ago you before therapy. I don't know that you would say that no I would never I'm saying you have to do therapy first, but not forever then you start just you know Oh, I think I agree with you because it's like, then you have the tools and now you have to process it in your body with, yeah, yeah, yeah. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:25:07 That's like what Whitney Cummings says about personal trainers. She's like, you shouldn't always be going. You should just go and learn and then stop. That is the point though. The point is to not, I agree with you because you shouldn't have like a therapist forever in the sense that they're your crutch, your crush.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Your crutch. Your crutch and you need them for everything. Cause then how much are you actually growing on your own? You know what I really appreciate about you, Socie? Is that I feel like I've only seen you when I'm at my lowest. Like you've randomly come over when I'm at my worst. And I feel so comfortable to be sad
Starting point is 00:25:43 and depressed around you. Why is, like, are you, you seem like, are you a sad girl? Oh yeah, for sure. I'm such a sad girl. She's probably the saddest one of all of us here. How is that? Why is that?
Starting point is 00:25:54 I just think I really feel a lot of other people's emotion. I'm like, I'm very, I'm very like, I'm like a, I'm an open, I'm a gaping open wound that's just like ready for, because I'm a Pisces bitch, like you. Same girl, yeah. You know what I mean? Like I think it's just my personality.
Starting point is 00:26:15 I love a good gape. I'm like so, I have no boundaries. I'm just kind of like, and also, I'm not, I don't think I'm judgmental. That's why I probably feel like you think that it's easy to be sad around me. Because I don't judge like really anyone. No, she doesn't.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And she also like, it's not a bad time for her if she hung out with you and you were like feeling sad or you were crying. She still sees it equally the same. I just don't care about anything. Like, I really don't. Like I've not, if you cancel, I don't care. Like I'm a pretty, like I don't care. anything. I really don't. If you cancel, I don't care. I'm a pretty... I don't care.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Yeah, you get it. It's like... There was a period of time... No. There was a period of time where Socie and I were hanging out, but the whole time of this period, Socie was just crying. And again, we can cut anything. We were supposed to be having a fun trip in a place. In a place that we went to.
Starting point is 00:27:08 In Mexico. Okay, so. Well, not like the whole Deets. Yeah. I'm always the only one eating the fucking banana. I'm about to eat it. I need to have some water first before I'm- You're the one who needs it.
Starting point is 00:27:20 You know what, I need it. Do you want, do you ever share drinks? No. Is it caffeinated? I can't have coffee. This is the best thing I've ever had in my life. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,ppuccino, iced, then with this creamy top that's non-dairy that's got salt so it brings out the flavor. Everybody knows about that. They do. We just don't know the name.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Wait, okay, what's this Mexico story? Okay, so I was in Mexico shooting a show, and I was like, basically, I think I didn't talk about this. I was basically at the end, you know when you're at the end of a relationship and you kind of know it but you don't know it and like you're kind of trying to fight it. And you don't want it to be true.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Honestly, isn't that one of the worst fucking things you could be going through? Yeah, you don't want it to be true and you know you have to do this really horrible thing when you go, like you know. So anyways, that was what was going on and I was. And so she invites me. And I invited Jenna.
Starting point is 00:28:24 To come to Mexico for a fun little gals trip for like a week. And like, I don't know. Have you guys been to Mexico City? No, I really want to. It's like amazing. And his sister was born there. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:34 Was. Yeah. Oh, hey, why? My. My family had business in Mexico and my dad put a lot of money into Mexico before the peso crashed because he's a bad Gabbler in a dumb dumb and we lost everything Okay, well Mexico City is
Starting point is 00:28:53 Cool. He's dead, but happy Father's Day, Papa Um, it was like I was shooting a show there Mexico City is amazing, but it's like kind of intense Like it's just I don't have a lot going on. It's alive, it's popping, but like, it's just a lot of a lot. There's a lot of stimulus. It's like, it's intense. High altitude. And also like dangerous, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And Jenna came to visit and was supposed to be fun and I cried literally from when she got there to when she left and I was like, I'm sorry. And then when I left, then it was a whole other sobbing process. Then she got diarrhea. Oh, so okay, I get, and it's basically like, but the reason I brought this up was because the whole time,
Starting point is 00:29:30 and I'm not over-exaggerating, Socie was sobbing. We would go out to dinner on a date, she would cry. We would go into the room. We would go on a date, she would cry. Yeah, we would go to ride scooters, and she'd be like, I just... And then we would get into the room, I have pictures of her, she's just on the floor crying.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And then she goes, I just think like, I said, you know, if there's one thing that I can do here in Mexico, I just wanna like take a tour and go to like a museum or see a ruin, wait, see a ruin. And on this day we look it up and she's like, I just think that like, if we could just like watch friends inside the hotel room or something like that,
Starting point is 00:30:05 it'd be really, really great for me. And I was like, okay, that works too. And so she falls asleep, watches. We went to the Freedom Museum. Yes, eventually we went to. We went to a lot of stuff. Eventually we went to a Freedas Museum, Freedas. And I kind of cried during that too
Starting point is 00:30:21 because I was like, oh my God, this is so deep. She was like, she's so hurt, and she was so sad the whole time. But I genuinely mean this. It was a completely normal, great trip. Nothing would have changed if she weren't crying the whole time. Do you know when people, you know what you don't do Esther,
Starting point is 00:30:37 which is the only thing that I don't like when people are upset? You and you, and you don't make the fact that you're upset about the other person. And you don't want other people to be sad with you. You know when someone's in a bad mood and they're like, hate everyone around them, like that I don't like. But if you're just like upset yourself, like that's all good.
Starting point is 00:30:55 That's crazy. That's the difference. Like it doesn't affect you. Your sadness doesn't make you like catatonic. Because me, it's like you couldn't get me out of the bedroom to even go to the bathroom. Yeah, I like mush. I think I just have to go on. Like I think I because I think I have I always have lined up so many responsibilities that like I can't I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I don't I don't get like paralyzing depression in bed. It's mostly it's more sadness. I don't know. It's like I've had depression. But that's amazing that you can sort of like move with it and continue to you know I think it's your anxiety that gets you up and poppin so basically in Mexico, so see cried the whole time It was like I was going through a breakup. We had a wonderful time It's like such a lovely trip, but isn't that a weird thing though that like when you are at the tail end of a relationship? Sometimes you don't move on it.
Starting point is 00:31:45 You sort of sit there for a while until there's like a catalyst or like some weird enzyme, environmental enzyme, whether it's a person, whether it's an event, whether it's a thing. Cause like you love the person still or you don't, but you're so comfortable and you don't want to blow up your life and change. It's like.
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Starting point is 00:35:14 I will never forget like in my high school, when I was with my high school boyfriend. The one that you stalked. Yeah, the one that I've sort of stopped stalking. Are you still dating him? The one that I've sort of stopped talking. Are you still dating him? Yeah. But I remember like I was writing in my journal that like this relationship needs to end.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And then like he ended up breaking up with me like soon after. But like I was even though I- You were like, I was already ending this. No, but no, that's not what I thought. I was like, I was wrong. Like it's just weird how like I thought- Oh, then you wanted him back. Yeah, I could feel that it was ending. But then once that happened, I was like, I was wrong. Like it's just weird how like I thought. Oh, then you wanted him back.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah, I could feel that it was ending. But then once that happened, I was like, no, no, no. It's like, again, I'm just trying to give an example of like, I knew it should end, but I did not want it. I know what you're saying. If somebody breaks up with you, you feel like, oh my God, that person was amazing and they were meant for me.
Starting point is 00:35:59 But like you actually a few days before had known it was not gonna work. You don't want something taken away from you. You don't want to feel like you're the one broken up with. It's worse to be the person who's left. But I had known it was not gonna work. You don't want something taken away from you. You don't want to feel like you're the one broken up with. It's worse to be the person who's left. But I wonder what it is about you because I have a suspicion that if he never broke up with you, you guys would still be together because you don't have it.
Starting point is 00:36:16 What is it? Agree. In you that cannot leave someone. I don't know. Have you ever? No. Okay, but I do think that if it was really right and that you had to leave, because I'm kind of the same way, Pisces,
Starting point is 00:36:28 we will just, we'll be like, we're staying. We don't want to leave, we're just, because I don't know, whatever. But I think there's one day that you just know. You know that feeling of like, oh, okay, no, no, no. And then one day you're like, I know and I've got to do it and I've got to go. Because you also have that in you, which you do too, where you will stay and you will make it work, but when you are no, no, no. And then one day you're like, I know and I've gotta do it and I've gotta go. Because you also have that in you, which you do too,
Starting point is 00:36:46 where you will stay and you will make it work, but when you are done, you are fucking done and you are out of there. Whether it's a relationship, a friendship, a job, a thing, like you are done. I guess, but I do think Kaila is right. I never would have been able to end it. Yeah, probably not.
Starting point is 00:37:00 So you guys would be still together now? At least you would know where you lived and you would. I do know where I live. Okay, got it. I'm good. Got it. I'm good. I know exactly where. Never the leaver.
Starting point is 00:37:13 She's like, let me just check where he is right now. Yeah. But that boyfriend had, okay, that boyfriend broke up with, I won't say his name, but he broke up with me three years before I broke up with him. won't say his name, but he broke up with me three years before I broke up with him. So that was an interesting thing. And then we had like a two month break
Starting point is 00:37:31 where I was like heartbroken. Then we got back together and then I broke up with him three years later. Yeah, I mean, I feel like unless you are of a religious background, like you should have a couple of breakups under your belt in your twenties. But I am, I'm of a a religious background. Like you should have a couple of breakups under your belt in your 20s, you know? But I am, I'm of a very religious background. I know you are.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Have you, okay, I have a question. Yeah. You guys, this is so. It is very religious how seriously she takes her tarot cards. Oh, what? A dogma. Oh yeah, and her astrology.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Oh yeah. You know, I'm like super anti-astrology, right? I didn't know that. You didn't know that? That is so, what's your sign? Does that make you so sad? No. I am too, but I'm quieter than you about it.
Starting point is 00:38:13 No, I don't care. We don't have to talk. If people- Tell me, I've been told I'm a double or triple Scorpio. If people don't like it, I just don't talk to them about it because I'm not going to be like a fucking, like Jehovah's Witness. I don't care. Jehovah's Witness. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:38:25 A Jehovah's Witness? I don't care if you like it or not. Please knock on my door. This works for me. She's knocking on doors being like the comics today. Knowing this information, do you not wanna live with me now? Of course I do.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Oh, thank you. I guess who I live with, two fucking Scorpios, and they don't believe in astrology either, and my son is only seven, and he's like, meh, I just think it's not really real. He's gonna be knocking on your door, laying the cards out at night. Then spooks the Scorpio as well.
Starting point is 00:38:50 So I'm just surrounded by him. Yeah, I love him. Speaking of Jehovah's Witness, I was walking down the street with my mom in Atwater Village and this woman comes up to me and she's like, are you Jewish? What? Yeah. And she was like, are you Jewish? What? She was like, yeah. And she was like, oh, do you wanna come over right now?
Starting point is 00:39:09 What? She gave me Shabbat candles and then invited me to come over right now. Oh my God, wait. For Sukkot, which is a Jewish. For Passover? This happened to me too. The same thing?
Starting point is 00:39:22 But the guy had a truck and these shakers. I didn't know that there were certain Jews that try to me too. The same thing? But the guy had a truck and these shakers. I didn't know that there were certain Jews that try to get you. Dude, he knocked on my door. But they don't wanna get you if you're not Jewish. That's the thing. No, he knocked on my door and I opened the door and he said, are you Jewish?
Starting point is 00:39:34 And I was like, yeah, I'm part. And then we went downstairs. I have a video of it. Scoot was like, what's going on? He was like following us down to the- Does he live with you now too? Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah. He lives in the garage. So, he's like, they're not Jewish, but I have tarot cards. Can I talk to you about them? It was awesome. Wait, okay, so let's suppose someone does the same thing to me in the middle of the street. Look, I think I could pass, right?
Starting point is 00:39:55 I think. Okay. If I can pass, you can pass. I think you can't pass. I don't pass, nevermind. Yeah, not at all. What are you talking about? So, I think I can.
Starting point is 00:40:01 No one's ever come up to me and been like, I need Jewish. And he's like, are you Jewish? If I say yes, where are they talking about? So I think I can. No one's ever come up to me and been like, I need you. And he's like, are you Jewish? If I say yes, where are they taking me? To a, well, mine was under, okay, mine was a truck, like the bed of a pickup truck with like a little, like, what is it called?
Starting point is 00:40:14 It's a chuppah. A chuppah over it. Or if it's a, if it's Passover, it's a sukkah. Then I think they gave me like this gourd. A shofar. Yeah. Yeah, if it's Sukkot, it's Passover. So there's a-
Starting point is 00:40:26 I have a video. I could try and find it. It was really funny. But Dave's parents last night, and Dave were explaining to me that Jewish people, like it's a part of the religion is not to try to pressure you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:39 So this is a different set. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah, that's true. That does it. And they're like, it's not cool. Yeah, the whole point of Judaism is like, you cannot pressure people into it they're like, it's not going to Judaism is like you cannot Pressure people into it. You cannot ask people if they want to be Jewish. They have to come to you I think three times after you turn them away
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah So like the you have to turn them away because they're like we don't want you to be Jewish if you don't really want it Do you think that we could convert you? Um We please try no, like like I wanna be accepted into something. We'll accept you. It's more about your own spirituality. It's hard to tap into that as it relates to religion because I grew up Catholic and I'm so just anti-Catholicism
Starting point is 00:41:19 because of what I've seen. So like my idea of any type of like- Any organized religion is not good. Organized religion really like terrifies me. But there are parts of it like like Shabbat all of that that I really, really love. Yeah. To be clear, I didn't grow up anything, any religion. Me either.
Starting point is 00:41:34 At all. Like we didn't have one. You guys didn't either. We weren't religious in my house either. Like even though I was about Mitzvah and I went to Sunday school, that's pretty religious. My mom in my home was always like, oh, I don't believe in God. For sure.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And my dad was like, I don't know, Mika, you know, I just, I don't know. So it's like in my home, we were always taught that like, it's hard with Judaism because there's such a cultural aspect that has nothing to do with the religious aspect. Exactly, right, exactly. Mom, do you remember what you said to me when I asked you where do babies come from? Do you want to remember what you said to me when I asked you where do babies come from?
Starting point is 00:42:06 Do you wanna know what you said? Yeah, I do. She said, I don't know. Yeah, do you have any parenting advice for me? My God, that is such something that Marmara would say, I don't know. Come in here in the mic. And I also asked her-
Starting point is 00:42:23 You wanna sit on my lap? I also asked her, I remember asking if Michael Jackson was a man or a woman and you also said you didn't know. Well, I mean. It's like anything that she didn't wanna answer, she said, I don't know. No, the first five years, you went to a Jewish preschool and I used to go to, you know, synagogues
Starting point is 00:42:41 for mom and Tots group, so her first five years. What does that have to do with what I was? That was prior to the other conversation, sorry. Anything else you wanna add? Yes, I wanna hear everything you have to say. Marmar's my best friend. Okay, we were always very open and honest, and during dinner we discussed everything.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I remember when dad sat me and Leah down and said he would like us both to consider lesbianism. Wait, this makes sense. Every time I learn another fact about Esther's life and your parenting, I go, oh, that makes so much sense. That's why Esther is, you think everything that is just normal is gross. Like if I-
Starting point is 00:43:25 But it's kind of, I feel is it not somewhat similar to my parents, the way, like the way that they just treated, I feel like we were just adults. We weren't kids, like we didn't have that. I never was a kid. That was like my childhood too. When people are like, kids just being kids, I was like, I was never a kid.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I was always a grownup. That's literally like- We talked about drugs, we talked about alcohol. I watched like movies with sex scenes with my parents and my brother. Like we were, there was no sort of like boundaries around that. And then Scoot sat me down once and was like,
Starting point is 00:43:56 I know I don't, can you stop pushing the kids towards being gay and lesbian? He's like, I don't, I wanna just like, like just non, you don't, you're neutral. Instead of forcing them. And I was like, I wanna just like, just non, you're neutral instead of forcing them. And I was like, okay, yeah, got it. That's so true, that's so true. I asked her if she was a lesbian. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:13 My whole life, all of my relatives on my Jewish side asked me if I was lesbian. They're like, you have a boyfriend? Do you have a girlfriend yet? There's like so much trauma coming up right now. Oh no, I'm sorry. No, like it's like, that's so uncomfortable for me. Why do you get so uncomfortable with like normal things
Starting point is 00:44:28 like sex, S-E-X. She's so weird about it. Probably because she saw it too young. No, I'm just kidding. It's like we saw it super young. They'll make like sex jokes around me and it's disgusting. Oh, big whoop.
Starting point is 00:44:40 So do mine. You're gonna end up making sex jokes around Ace. No. You call her Lil' Bitch. Okay, it's gonna happen. It is a bit harder when they start to walk. I just wanna say. Fuck off.
Starting point is 00:44:52 What do you mean? Wait, how are you gonna, when Ace asks, how are babies made? What's your, have you thought about this? She's gonna say, I don't know. The stork. Isn't that what it's called? The stork drops the baby.
Starting point is 00:45:02 What would you say? I don't know, you tell him, I'm gonna call you. I say sex baby. What would you say? I don't know, you tell me, I'm gonna call you. I say sex baby. Sex baby, yes, Kailah. Sex baby. Okay, you said it gets harder when they walk, but then it must get easier at a certain age, right?
Starting point is 00:45:15 It must get easier at a certain age. Not yet. It must get. Not yet, really. I feel like it gets easier at like seven, eight. When you don't have to watch them every single second and make sure that they're not like eating a lighter. When is that?
Starting point is 00:45:31 Five, school. I've never had like a baby though, so I don't really know. Do you think you will? I don't know. Wait, I would just like to say Marmar, everything, Marmar just said she's proud of it too, everything that you did to raise Esther was normal and I'm realizing she just didn't come out normal.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Yeah. Yeah, my parents were definitely the same. Like they took, her parents too, like they took us to see shows that were inappropriate because it was like in the name of art. I saw Rent when I was six. Yeah, I saw Rent probably when I was like nine and I saw Cabaret live.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Do you think I came out the way I am? Do you think you came out? When did you come out? Stop. Like why is that making you uncomfortable? Because I can't explain it. I know, you should look into this. Look how beautiful you are, like your skin is so pretty.
Starting point is 00:46:21 She has no pores. And you just really are stunning and I'm just saying LA girls, stop getting all that stuff done because you can actually look way better. Do you think I when you said that when I was born, I was nothing like you and you couldn't believe I was your child? I don't know. It's hard for me to talk on camera, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:41 You were just very needy, clingy. You know, you nursed very needy, clingy. You know, you nursed every hour. You didn't sleep through the night. Pretty much the same as she is now. I nurse her every hour on the hour. I feel like I used to be needy and then I just stopped it like young. Like I will not be needy.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Like a three. That's very Pisces, but I'm not gonna talk about Shaj anymore. No, no, you can't. No, no, no, we can, we don't. No, please, do you have any questions for Sosie? Yeah. The famous actress. I love your parents, I follow them.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Yeah. You like their petting zoo? Oh, yes, yes. Now your dad, yeah, they sing to the goats. Mm-hmm. Yeah, the animals. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, thanks, Mom. You know, I grew up with goats. Goats are so sweet. Goats are the animals. Yeah. Okay, thanks mom. You know, I grew up with goats.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Goats are so sweet. Goats are the best. I had Kavya, which was the mom, and then Kavya and the babies, and there's pictures of me with goats all throughout my childhood. They're just so cute. They're the best.
Starting point is 00:47:38 You know, the pigs are really nice. Love the pigs. Oh my God. Those pigs are so fucking sweet. My mom had a pig named Jigga. We have two named June and Johnny. And like, when you rub their side, they go like this. Ah!
Starting point is 00:47:51 Are they pot belly? No, they're just, no, I think they're just like, they're all rescue farm animals. They're just like big, cute. Esther, what do you feel like about farm animals? I don't have much to say. Esther doesn't know much. You know what really breaks my heart though
Starting point is 00:48:06 is you know my partner Aloha he's a hunter. Yeah I can't wait to meet him why are you not living at my house? I feel like you only want me to live there because Aloha. Nope. Not at all. Just that sentence my partner Aloha is a hunter. I also want Scoot to have a friend. I know I. OK, so my partner Aloha is a hunter and he is also an animal lover. But I don't know how he cannot like like how one part can exist. Compartmentalize, compartmentalize because he hunts and then he hunts for boars. He brings the boar back. He butchers the whole boar. And then we eat it for the whole month. That's like the best person. I know it is. But for me, it's like I could never.
Starting point is 00:48:47 He's like, let me take you. Let me take you. I think it happens when you're younger, because everything that you learn when you're younger, you normalize, right? To a certain extent. Maybe. Maybe. It's like he goes boar hunting. So did you learn wearing dirty underwear that holds in it, that came from other people? Never dirty, but holes in it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Okay, so then speaking of that. Speaking of that. That's where I holes in it, yeah. Okay, so then speaking of that. Speaking of that. That's where I learned it's embarrassing to be gay, and that's why it makes me uncomfortable. Oh no. If someone brings it up. Why did you learn?
Starting point is 00:49:15 Okay, but not only gay, you also get uncomfortable if I show you my tits or if someone talks about sex. Why did you learn that it was embarrassing to be gay? How old are you? Do you not remember our childhoods? Oh, you mean like, oh, you like from M&M? M&M? Okay, because in our households it was cool to be gay. Yeah, in our households it was like, but no, but I mean...
Starting point is 00:49:31 At school you didn't think it would be so scary. Okay, but what about just normal S-E-X? I feel like I can't even say sex in front of you. Because you literally go like, eww! You know what it is? I think it's because you're like a parental figure to me. But you are very vulgar, and that makes some people uncomfortable. Yeah, you are vulgar, you nasty little girl.
Starting point is 00:49:49 You're a nasty, nasty little girl. But if Esther wants to talk about something like that, it's like normal for her to say it, and then if I like add to it, she's like, eww. It's gross from you. You're more like conservative or something. No, she can talk about sex how she talks about it. It's fine with, like I'm comfortable with Kalyla,
Starting point is 00:50:04 but with you I'm not. It's because I'm a parental figure, and that makes sense. Wait, but I think, you're right, sex how she talks about it. It's fine with, like I'm comfortable with Kaila, but with you I'm not. It's because I'm a parental figure, and that makes sense. Wait, but I think you're right, because I am pretty vulgar. She's extremely vulgar. No, I know. I'm quite the most vulgar person.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah, but Jenna, yours is a, like I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying a tiny bit. Because it's kind of like Jenna's is like, is like, it goes so far that it almost feels as if like, Kaila goes way farther. Are you kidding me? No, but it used to feel more like
Starting point is 00:50:27 you're trying to shock people. Yeah, and I'm like, nah, I'm just trying to like be normal. Kaila literally goes farther. I know, but I can take it from her. I can't believe you just took your hand away from me touching you, I never touch you. I know, I thought you were done, because I'm like, oh god, she's touching me.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I'm trying to be like Alphaba and Glinda. Yours is like. So she doesn't like physical touch, and I love it, and so it's like, I thought. It's me. Yeah, I know. Wait, this is so crazy to me because the picture I have saved on my phone of you
Starting point is 00:50:53 is of me like carrying you. Maybe it's because I really, okay. I actually feel like with you, for some reason. Yeah, you're my daddy. No, I think for you, for some reason with you, I do feel like you could actually carry me, so I feel comfortable. And then I actually feel like when you sit on my lap,
Starting point is 00:51:12 it's like a nice pressure. Like I don't feel like, I wouldn't wanna hug for like an hour and just like, but I like the picking up thing, I like that. You sitting on me and me being picked up. I like that. I just don't like like. Cause she knows you're gonna get off and she knows someone's gonna put her down.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I see. I don't know. It's more like pressure thing. I like what? Are you really wearing skinny jeans? I mean, let's see what you think. Are they skinny jeans? No, they're not that tight on the crotch.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Really? Those aren't skinny jeans because they're not even that tight around her ankle. Oh. Horrible on the camera. They don't. jeans because they're not even that tight around her ankle. Oh. Horrible on the camera. They don't. Okay, sit back down then.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I do feel like I'm, Jenna's upset because I'm looking like business cash. I know, I don't want to play. No, I love it. Wait, guys, seriously, is my vulgarity upsetting? No. Yes. Wait, no, seriously, yeah. Okay, well, I can't help you there.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I used to, remember the conversation that we had. You'd be like, it's like you're- Have you ever talked about the conversation we had on camera? No, maybe, but it's like, I think with my vulgarity, you know if you know me at all, I'm not trying to shock anyone, I'm just trying to like speak what comes into my mouth.
Starting point is 00:52:17 But why does it feel so wrong? Wanna talk about the conversation we had? What is it? I just think it's like irrelevant. Okay. What, I wanna know. No, I'm kidding. Because then it's like not gonna get anywhere, you know? anyway, do you think you're more vulgar than me? Um?
Starting point is 00:52:29 No, I think my issue was people have had an issue with me talking about really nasty things with a very flat affect Yes, I love that. I love that Queen. She doesn't like it. She doesn't like it. She doesn't like that you add enthusiasm No, I don't add it. I'll be like, yeah, so this thing, yeah, and then blah, blah, and we were fucking. She goes, ew. And I'm like, okay. I'm not like, we were fucking and you were beside me
Starting point is 00:52:55 and then this dick went to the back of my throat. I would argue sometimes you are. No, I'm just kidding. But maybe that's like enthusiasm about a story. I would say I normally, these are yours. I know, these are yours. I normally try and just like drop it and make it just like a normal thing.
Starting point is 00:53:10 But do you want me to like preface it with something? Honestly, I'm gonna talk about SCX now. It might just be the way I know Kaila. Maybe because I met her as an adult and you were still kind of like kids. She's allowed to have sex because you met her as an adult. Yeah. Whereas you Jenna, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:53:26 You're also, tell me if I'm wrong. You're so asexual when I look at you. Wow. She has assigned zero sexual energy. I mean, listen, I've heard- Oh, I see what you're saying. That's like my best friend from childhood. Not one of them, like Eugenie.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I'm like, you have sex, what? Right, like they view you as. And everybody thinks she's like the hottest person in the world. And I'm like, I mean, she's a little baby. You're like a worker. You know what, this is making sense. That's so fucked up. You're a worker.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Wait, I need to tell you the funniest story ever about Jenna. You guys, oh my God. So we were hanging out and she started talking about what kind of jobs she could get and I was like, she was like, maybe I should work at Air One. I'm like, yes.
Starting point is 00:54:12 I'm like, you gotta work at Air One because you can learn all the recipes, right? And I literally say something to her that I think I insulted her so bad because I go, yes, you need to work in the kitchen, you need to be a chef there at Air One. And I think I insulted her so bad, because I go, yes, you need to work in the kitchen. You need to be a chef there at Air One. And I was so scared.
Starting point is 00:54:28 She goes, I don't want to cook. I don't want to stock. I thought she was so above working at Air One, but she's no, she wants to stock shelves at Air One. I want to stock the shelves. So she can read all the ingredients over and over and just, and I want to know what they have. I want to know their inventory. I want to stuff the shelves. So she can read all the ingredients over and over and just, ah. And I want to know what they have.
Starting point is 00:54:46 I want to know their inventory. I want to know. No, you want to know the recipes. But you are the most helpful friend to have. You, for someone like me who hates to find out anything that's not, that I don't really, really want to find out. Because I do so much research about so many things and my brain's so full that I'm like, I don't give a fuck what's in the fucking peanut butter.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Like, and Jenna is the, or what I'm gonna order, I always order the wrong thing. You're the most helpful friend for that. Like, you're the stalker. The stalker. I'm just like, I got it. Wait, speaking of, I wanna be a stalker, yeah. I mean, I think that like, not a stalker.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Like stalking people. That's Esther. Stalking products, I wanna know what they have. I want to like be on the inside. So, Erwan, if you're listening. Here's the one thing I've always admired about Jenna. Yeah, let's talk about it. Truly. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Is her ability to hit on people in broad daylight. Oh, yeah. Like, we have no fear in her heart. It's just the amount of times that I think we were. Taylor's story. But there's this very specific type of guy that she goes for. Yeah. Like, she's like, I'm going to go with her.
Starting point is 00:55:38 I'm going to go with her. I'm going to go with her. I'm going to go with her. I'm going to go with her. I'm going to go with her. I'm going to go with her. I'm going to go with her. I'm going to go with her. I'm going to go with her. I'm just the amount of times that I think we were... Taylor's story.
Starting point is 00:55:46 But there's a very specific type of guy that she goes for. It's always gonna be, listen to this, might speak to the stalking things, back of the house, back of the kitchen, always a line cook. Always a blue collar. You do, yeah. Apple store employee.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Always, blue collar, yeah. Some seafood, you remember the guy who waited our table in Hawaii? You just casually slipped a number. The guy that we met at the border in Tijuana. If someone- I do this so often I don't even remember. If someone has a 401k, she's like, ugh.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Exactly. If he has like savings, forget it. No, it's not, you're into it. I fucking get about it, bro. It maybe comes from like, my mom and my dad didn't have money. My mom moved out of her house when she was 16, never got money from her parents, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Wait, why? She left. I think there was like, her father wasn't really like a good father. Then when my nanny remarried, you're thinking of Puff Marvin, he was amazing. But that was like when my nanny remarried, you're thinking of Pop Marvin, he was amazing. But that was like when my nanny was 50. So my mom moved out when she was 15, went to college when she was 16 or 17, paid the whole, like has never asked anyone for any money. She's literally the
Starting point is 00:56:58 worker bee. Like everything I know about being resourceful is from her. And my dad swam here when he was 16. Okay, that sentence is crazy. My dad swam here when he was 16. Okay, that sentence is crazy Swam here when he was 16. What stroke did he use? Swam here. He swam here from Mexico I mean not straight to LA but through Texas and like put his cousin on a tire because he couldn't swim and then like so they've never Had money like that. And so to me, it's always been like, that is the fucking way. That is cool.
Starting point is 00:57:27 No, but I actually agree with you. I feel like when people are looking specifically for people with money or whatever, it just always goes so horribly wrong. Yeah, that's not a good way to find them. My dad would always say. But the Tijuana border guy in the line, Oh man, I love him.
Starting point is 00:57:43 You were ready to give it all up for him. I, guys, it wasn Oh man, I love him. You were ready to give it all up for him. Guys, it wasn't even that I liked him like that. I wanted to like... He was like, oh my God, let's not even get into it. What were you gonna say? The way that I looked for him for months later and when we went back, tried to show people pictures of him
Starting point is 00:58:01 and saying like, do you know where he is? He was acting as if this would shock me in any way. I know, miss, can you find this guy? He checked me out at, you know, he was at- No, he was in the line. The cashier at Trader Joe's, remember? He was in the line at the border. He was in the line, he was cleaning people's windshields.
Starting point is 00:58:15 I don't think he had a home. No, he didn't and it was- I remember when he was gushing. I know, I know. He was really sweet. No, I was just gonna say that I was brainwashed by my dad. He was like, if you marry for money, you earn it. And that always like scared me.
Starting point is 00:58:28 No, you can't do it. She's right. She's right. He's right. Yeah, but I mean, listen, the way that I hit on people, I think is like a very safe. Can we tell the Taylor story? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Remember the... Oh, I thought you meant a Taylor, like an alterations. I was like, is there an alterations? Maybe it's not good. Maybe it's not good. You can tell it. No, I don't just tell it I find so when when so when Jenna was working for us as an as um And I knew as a nanny before I started dating scoot
Starting point is 00:58:55 She worked for she she babysat. Yeah, this is so interesting to do because I was a nanny Before they started dating what yeah no for real cuz I real. Because I met him in Mexico on Narcos and we didn't date for a really long time. We were just friends. They were friends and I had met him at a barbecue. And he had just moved back to LA and I was like, oh, he's like, I need someone to help. I was like, I have one of my best friends is a nanny.
Starting point is 00:59:15 So I connected them. And then she worked for him for like, what, three months before we started dating? At least three months? Maybe five months before they started dating and then they started dating, but I was the nanny. And then she kept working for At least three months, like maybe five months before they started dating and then they started dating, but I was the nanny. And then she kept working for us for three years.
Starting point is 00:59:30 So anyways, that was just gloss over that part. Wait, you were a full-time nanny? Yes, and I was extra full-time because the pandemic happened. So you had nothing else to do. So basically we all lived together. Also an educator. I was also an educator.
Starting point is 00:59:45 There's so many cute pictures of her with them. I can't believe you guys trapped Jennifer COVID. We did. This is her dream. I know. This was also after I had said like, I'm done with nannying, I'm done with kids, I'm never going back.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And then the pandemic happened. And this was, oh no, three months before the pandemic, Scoot was like, just for like a little bit until we find our nanny. And I was like, okay, like he's- He's like, I don't really need you that much. He was like, well for like a little bit until we find our nanny. And I was like, okay, like he's a. He's like, I don't really need you that much. I was like, well, then you lived with us. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:10 I'm not gonna tell the, the Taylor story is not the point. That was okay. Yeah. It's like so stupid. I could. Wait, I know we have to go soon, but what was your long distance relationship questions? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Oh, I was just being like, your parents seem like they've done long distance and time away from each other. They do live together. Yeah, I was just gonna say, do you guys have any advice? They say no longer than two weeks, I think. Okay, so that's gotta be our new thing. That's good advice, maybe.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Just because I've been doing, as you know, I've been going back and forth between long distance and not living together and then not based off the jobs that he gets. You've been doing it for so long, you guys have been doing it for so long. Does it still have that same effect of like that excitement and that rush or is it all like,
Starting point is 01:00:58 we've been at this for over a decade? No, no, no, no. Yeah, but like, but you still miss each other whereas like if you live together all the time. But I think that's what's healthy is that like, I'm not living on this like high of when I'm gonna see him and when I'm not gonna see him. It's like, or like the open relationship thing
Starting point is 01:01:15 that we were doing, which I think also brought excitement in the first like two, three, four, five years. Like we're done with that. And I feel like we have a really mature, real grounded relationship with now, which I think part of what comes with that is like, you don't have this surge of excitement. You know, I'm still excited to see him.
Starting point is 01:01:35 I'm happy to see him. We miss each other, but yeah, there's not that like drug effect, which I think is probably good. The coolest thing Dr. Drew said to me, for someone like me, he said, no fireworks. No, you are the comfort. Like you need to be like held.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I've had enough fireworks in my life. And you think you want the fireworks because you've had it. Yeah, because it just, it takes you up, it takes you down and then you chase the up again and then you crash down. And so he was like, Klyla for you, it takes you up, it takes you down, and then you chase the up again, and then you crash down. And so he was like, Klyla, for you, after I broke up with Bobby, he was like,
Starting point is 01:02:09 just please, like no fireworks. You need safety, you need a safe harbor. You deserve that. You need your nervous system to just really calm down. And he was so right. It's so crazy because you have to trust it, because when it first starts happening, you don't believe it. And it's interesting that I've had like the fireworks
Starting point is 01:02:27 and the calm comfort in the same relationship. Because I got into this relationship with Scoob for the wrong reasons. I thought he was like a brooding motorcycle, like sexy older guy with kids and like all these problems. And in reality, he's like a literally the sweetest, like most like, like dad. And I, but I got into it for the wrong reason.
Starting point is 01:02:45 He thought he was a bad boy. Yeah, that was a bad boy. He was like, um, excuse me, I thought you were a bad boy. But then I'm happy for how it turned out, obviously, or else, you know, that we wouldn't be together probably. But isn't that so interesting when you experience that, whatever it is, that duality in the same relationship? Like I feel like usually people experience fireworks
Starting point is 01:03:03 and they're like, okay, I'm done. I wanna be in a different relationship. Whereas like, I've also experienced like this firework-y thing with the beginning with R, and he thought he wanted that as well. And now we're just like, we're like an old couple. The ghoul. We're just like comfy and comfortable. I call Renato the ghoul.
Starting point is 01:03:21 She does. That is the the ghoul though. The ghoul. The ghoul. Comfy. That is the ghoul though. The ghoul. The ghoul. The ghoul. The ghoul. Comfy with a bit of spice. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, in the beginning,
Starting point is 01:03:30 there will be always like some level of like, ooh, passion fireworks and whatnot. But you just hope that it sort of stays at this certain level that it doesn't like go up and then go down. Yeah, because if I'm thinking about my partner throughout the day, I don't want it to be an anxious thought. I want it to be like picturing them doing,
Starting point is 01:03:47 like I just picture him like coaching and playing with his hair. I mean, with Aloha, I'm always like, tell me bad things about yourself because he's just so like great and like wonderful and wholesome. I can't wait to meet Aloha. Aloha is top notch.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Honestly, all the partners here are top fucking notch. Yay. Dave and R. Hell yeah. Dude, how did we get lucky because a lot of people are struggling out there. They really are struggling. I feel like I got so lucky and I met him in the wild.
Starting point is 01:04:14 What do you mean? I met him in the wild. Oh yeah, oh me too, me too, yeah. But you truly the wild. We all met far away in the wild. Yeah, in the ocean. Dude, that's what I thought you meant. I thought you meant like in the woods.
Starting point is 01:04:24 In the forest. I did, in the ocean basically. And that's what I thought you meant. I thought you meant like in the woods, native. I did, in the ocean basically. And I met R in high school, which, that's crazy. That's crazy. That's the wild, wild. Slugs, thank you. Thank you to our guests, Jenna Jimenez, Jumenez is what I call her.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Thank you to Socie Bacon and Sluggies. We'll see you next week with a brand new episode. Yay! Have a good one!

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