TRASHFUTURE - Agent Pronouns Vs. the Shadowbanned Squad feat. Devon

Episode Date: August 20, 2024

For this week’s free one, Riley, Hussein, and November join Devon from Kill James Bond to discuss: Elon Musk’s gambit to put targets on the heads of specific judges in South America, plus a recent... Britain-has-fallen travelogue by a decades-long conservative twink death sufferer from America. And, wouldn’t you know it, everything in England is woke and gay and also Muslim somehow. If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I want to open on a dramatic reading of Redfin's earnings call. Devin, can you please be Glenn Kelman? Such a fucking perfect trash-eater sentence to begin with. Sure, man. Who do you want me to be? Glenn Kelman, CEO of Redfin. Okay. Sure. Also, the transcribed audio has a typo in the last sentence. So after thank you, just read the part that I put in bold here.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Okay. Sure. Okay. Cool. Okay. So I'm going to be Jay McCandless, VP of Equity Research at Wedbush Security. I love improv. All right. I need a company. I need a company. All right. I'm here in Redfin. Okay. All right. Hey, good afternoon, everyone. So Glenn, just to take this a step further, what is Redfin's plan B if mortgage rates don't come down? Because to me, this sounds very much like August of 2023, where one said rates were gonna come down,
Starting point is 00:01:06 and we really didn't see that move this year until we thought employment numbers were starting to fade a little bit. So can you kind of walk us through what the Plan B is if rates go back to like high sixes or low sevens? That's a great question. Plan B, drink our own urine or the competitor's blood. Stay in the foxhole.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I don't know if you remember, but the last earnings call ended with me singing a line from a Who song, Won't Get Fooled Again, where I said, we're not banking on low rates when other people have thought they might come down. I don't know. I'm just very, very seasoned in ups and downs in the housing market. If it comes, it will be upside. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:40 That's all I had. Thank you. Thank you. We'll drink our urine before the blood. See, I wish I hadn't said that. I'd love to notify you. I feel such a kinship with Glenn Kelman, right? Because he comes up in this conversation, like a guy who's trying really hard to do
Starting point is 00:01:58 the macho thing and just is like not really equipped for it and realizes it's like vaulted into a conversation where he realizes that he's said to a room full of people in a professional setting, yeah we gotta like drink our own urine and probably our competitors blood. It's one of the most reassuring messages I can imagine getting. If I was in crisis and I got this message verbatim I would be on the news like within 24 hours. Stay in the fo- if the Samaritans texted me back like that. Stay in the foxhole. I'm coming down off that bridge and I'm doing some shit. I don't know what
Starting point is 00:02:30 it is yet, but the first person to fist fight an entire mental health team. Yeah, but like the first person to fist fight an entire mental health team. And that's like the moment it all turned around. Yeah. Yeah. I actually like restored self-esteem and worth. Oh, you're having like your nobody moment. Yeah, exactly. It's just like, yeah, I'm going to fuck you up. And I'd like, I don't know, I fuck up the entire mental health. And that would improve your mental health. I believe this to be honest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I mean, what also is really funny is like Redfin is just a bit like an American Zuplot or Rightmove. Oh, so they're like in the Rightmove group chat, just like, this is like our Stalingrad. We're gonna be drinking piss. We're gonna be drinking blood. We're gonna be drinking cum. We're gonna be drinking sebum, the kind of like thing that extrudes out of the follicle. We're gonna be doing, we're gonna be drinking bodily fluids you haven't even heard of motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:03:30 We're gonna be doing shots of plasma. We are so passionate about finding these people their dream home that we're gonna be drinking black bile. To me this sort of strikes me as someone who like, when you think of a line and you think it's going to like land really well, it's going to be like the coolest shit anyone said, but you like miss it. Every day of my life. It's all like you sort of, you get so hyped by it that you just, you miss how weird it sounds.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah. You like trip over your own punchline or whatever. Yeah. Right. But my question is this like, why does the urine come before the black? Yeah. Why is it, we'll drink our own urine or our competitors blood? I mean, in fairness, right?
Starting point is 00:04:08 I think the thing is if you're drinking your competitors blood, you've already like incapacitated them and by drinking their blood, you're going to incapacitate them further. Whereas by drinking your own piss first, you demoralize them. You shake them psychically. Yeah. If I, if I was in a performance review of some kind and someone was like, Hey, look, the numbers aren't quite working well. What are you going to do next quarter to improve them?
Starting point is 00:04:29 I feel like the answer, I'm going to drink my own piss, would sort of be somewhere in the middle of potential responses I might give to that question. It's like a mass effect, neutral option. The piss? That's the survival food. The blood? That's victory wine, alright? If you're doing blood first, you're insane. You've won and then you're going back for a taste of piss.
Starting point is 00:04:47 You're just like drinking blood and you're like, you know, it would really wash this down. You know what? Is it like one of those things where it's like you drink one for health, one for fun? Good for health, bad for education. It's thinner than blood. Like, you know, it'll help wash it down. Yeah. I want to work at this company.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I don't. This hasn't sold me on it. I don't think. No, I love my, I love my boss to be the kind of tyrannical oath, you know? Oh, no, I don't. Imagine the novelty coffee cups at the Redfin boardroom, though. Yeah. It's like, why is this shaped like a blood sample jar? One side, my competitor's blood. Other side, my piss. Don't even talk
Starting point is 00:05:27 to me until I've had my piss and my competitor's blood. We're not selling coffee mugs again. Yeah, it's nothing two cups of my own piss, my competitor's blood, coffee, and jerking off and killing myself. Can't fix. What's the exchange rate between these two fluids? I think the piss is worth more. Surely. Right? Like it's gotta be. Cause you're working to extract that, that blood. Right? So like- Absolutely. Labour theory of value, right? We're all Marxists here. Piss basically comes out for free. All right. Blood, you've got to try to get that bad boy.
Starting point is 00:06:03 That's right. That's right. Piss. Comes out already as a usable good. The blood is like, you know, linen or whatever. You gotta get so many bolts of blood and then you gotta like weave those into coats, right? I'm trying to draw your attention to another line that I really enjoyed from the Redfin earnings call from the American Right Move, but what if it also originated mortgagesages did home flipping and tried to do a little bit of AI nonsense before it flamed out. I love the part where he says, we'll drink our own urine before the blood. Actually,
Starting point is 00:06:33 I wish I hadn't said that. Yeah, no, I've got that the wrong way around. Absolutely. It's the moment of like realization, like crystallizing in this man's brain, you know? Oh, I meant to say... And he says by way of ending his comments, I love to notify you, which is... I'll let you know what we're drinking. All right, stay on the line. Stay in the foxhole. Because like also it's like he's taught, cause basically every publicly traded company will
Starting point is 00:07:04 have these earnings calls with analysts whose job is to cover that company. Yes. And so like Jay McCandless, his job is to know what Glenn Kellman is thinking. He's a synthesis. Absolutely. Yes. And he's like, I can interpret these deranged kind of rantings and say, is this company a good investment or not? You know?
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah. Okay. They said blood first. That's a buy. That's a strong buy signal. Kelman's eyes rolled back into his head and he started speaking in tongues. That's actually hold. Listen, we can't rule out the possibility of like some kind of revelation having occurred here, him being possessed by some kind of like god. Like, the sort of one, two, three punch of, drink our piss, drink their blood, stay in the foxhole, is like, my man's briefly like, you know, risen by Mars, god of war, for a second, you know? Stay in the foxhole is so weird. It's so weird that Redfin built its corporate HQ on top of this, like, chasm in the earth,
Starting point is 00:08:04 through which hallucinogenic gas rises. Yeah, the address is actually like the oldest house. You don't need to write anything else. We'll get there. Let him rip open to the oldest house. Something about Glen Kelp. Anyway, anyway, I have nothing to say further about Redfin as a company. I'm not going to talk about their AI tool. I'm not going to talk about their AI tool. I'm not going to talk about all the bad shit that they do for flipping houses. We're pure Kelman heads. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:32 We are all living in the town of Glendale. It's Glen Kelman's town. We like his solo work, you know? Yeah. Glen Kelman, unplugged. No, we got a good episode for you here today. We are gonna be talking about a little bit of news. We are gonna be talking then just mostly, you know what? Mostly about a little article written by a little guy. A substacker came to Britain. Oh, no, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Not just a substacker. He was a Bush speechwriter, and I think I can say this, not influence peddler to the Malaysian government. I'm not saying that, but he seems sort of like... Very carefully not saying that he peddled influence to the Malaysian government. There's a subhead on his Wikipedia. Don't worry about it. Just there's some things in there. Allegations of influence peddling to the Malaysian government. Basically the way to understand Joshua Trevino is he's a reverse Ian Miles Chong for pay in the early 2010s.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Like a sort of a mercenary reverse Ian Miles Chong is what you're saying. He was in the early 2010s. Well, no, actually- It's a real shame that Warren's even died so young because otherwise he would have gotten to write songs about guys like this. He wasn't even himself a reverse Ian Miles Chong. He was alleged to have paid the writers for Red State and the Washington Times and Breitbart or whatever to write favourable articles about the Malaysian government, and unfavourable articles about the recently ousted opposition.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I don't know how much you need to pay me to write favourable articles about the Malaysian government and unfavorable articles about the recently ousted opposition. I don't know how much you need to pay me to write favorable articles about the Malaysian government. You know, I think I could just take that on as like a new stance, and I think people would come with me on it, you know? We're gonna get to that, we're gonna do a little bit of news first. I wanted to... What should we start with? Should we start with Musk in Brazil or pension funds in Israel?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Ooh, give me that Brazil. Give me the Brazil news? Give me the brazil the brazilians with the brazil so When we talked to brian merchant about sort of elon musk and how he was personally like personally Implicated in like cheering on and cheering for and decrying any kind of response to the race riots that happened in this country One of the things that points that brian, which I thought was really, really interesting is that this isn't the last time Elon Musk is going to do this. And the next time he does it is going to be more personal and probably with a country he understands less.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Yes. And I think what we didn't, what we didn't talk about is that like in many in many ways there isn't going to be a next time. It already has been happening. I mean, this is the thing. They run into each other, right? In the time when we recorded that episode, he was beefing with Keir Starmer. Immediately afterwards it was Venezuela, now Brazil.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yes. Man is ADHD. What can I say? I do the same thing. It's just like a list. It's the whole globe, man. This is crazy. Yeah, it's just like a list of people that like Elon Musk is mad at.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And it's just the Animaniacs countries of the world song. Like basically he is more or less personally taken to again, let's say a Libs of TikTok style sort of campaign to say, boy, I hate judge Alexandre de Moraes of Brazil. Who will read me of this turbulent judge, right? There can be no, you know, there can be no democracy in Brazil. Well, judge Alexandre de Moraes is, is, is on the bench to the point where he's also
Starting point is 00:12:00 says the people of Brazil have a choice to make, democracy or Alexandre de Morais. I mean, it's a perfect inversion as well, because wasn't Dilma impeached and then Lula imprisoned by extremely corrupt and political right-wing Brazilian judges? Yes, but it didn't involve the suppression of the post of memes, and that's where Elon Musk draws the line. I mean, I think it suppressed Lula's posting of memes for a long while, like a few years, you know? Yeah. They don't let you post memes in prison.
Starting point is 00:12:31 It's fucked up. Yeah. It's over human rights, actually. Yeah, Brazilian prison, they take away your phone. Terrible. What the fuck? They let you have a phone. It's just like a Nokia.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You can play Snake, but no memes. You know what? That's kind of what I want, I think. During the Lula digital detox where you just play, you play Snake for three years and come out a different kind of communist. There are like, cause I'm doing some research on this right now for like a little side project and there are like rehabs where that is the thing. It's like, they won't sort of take away your phones or devices.
Starting point is 00:13:01 They have like tiered systems, right? And one of those tiers is we sort of downgrade your tech. And one of them is we give you a dumb phone instead. ALICE I got downgraded so far they gave me a rotary phone from the 1940s. Made of bake at light. I'm trying to play Snake on this motherfucker. It's getting repetitive strain injury in one finger. RILEY The big brick sized ones with the wired thing. You can get tiny tiny little like Android smartphones.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah, for like shoving up your ass to like get into like one with scrubs with. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, or get into wherever with. It should have given one to Lula. You can get anywhere. I'd love to have one of those cool tiny phones that you see like in like BBC prison like dramas. You could spy one, probably.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Guy who gets really into phone smuggling in prison, not because he wants to make phone calls, but because he really enjoys shoving the phones up his arse. It's just like, he's getting off on this, it makes the whole thing pretty unsavoury for everyone else. You have to pay kinky Barry for your phone and he's just like, you know, he's into it. He's too into it. Listen, nobody likes it, but he's the best. Alright, if you want it, go in there.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Swear to fucking god, I wish Kinky Barry charged more. It feels weird he charged so little. He's giving me like, mates rates at this point, it's like... Basically, in my understanding of what's going on, is essentially that, um, Alexandre de Moraes was like one of the judges who after like after the sort of Brazilian sort of you might say like fascist uprising in favor of Bolsonaro he was one of the people who could have came out against was one of the anti Bolsonaroismo sort of like judges one of the leading figures
Starting point is 00:14:39 of the like anti Bolsonaroismo movement who one of the things he has done, I see we've got a link in the chat here. ALICE Yeah, to the world's smallest... SEAN I'll finish saying, I will finish saying this, and then you can all come back to your snickering. Um, is that basically, one of the things that he did, he's done quite a bit, one of the things he's done, is he's ordered Twitter to block a number of, like, far right accounts, like, you know, Brazilian libs of TikTok, basically.
Starting point is 00:15:03 ALICE The guys who were, like, storming the Brazilian legislature during their January 6th, which was like, I don't know, fucking February 7th or whatever, I don't remember. It was like January 10th. Yeah, well, well, well, well, yeah. It was like really close by. Yeah, yeah, but like, uh. Derivative. Because all those guys got arrested, and because they were under like, criminal investigation
Starting point is 00:15:21 or whatever, and like, it's an inquisitorial justice system, like, as a judge, he's more like a prosecutor, right? Like he's directing an investigation into this thing and charge people. So like, he's having, he like, is essentially ordering that these accounts, as you say, be suspended. And Elon is like, I don't want to suspend Brazilian libs of TikTok, right? No. Which, apart from anything else, is like, allows him to get back to his kind of freedom
Starting point is 00:15:47 speech pose, which is very convenient for him, you know? I refuse to spend lavajatos of TikTok. But he gets to go back to that, but ultimately, it's that he is, because of how he has aligned himself, he is setting up basically a kind of, through a series of personal grievances that are costing the continuing to cost the company an enormous amount of money, right? He is deciding to defend, to defend the idea that again, you can, you can just like as part of a like, you know, incipient coup, you can as part of doing that, you can just
Starting point is 00:16:20 decide that all of the like electronic voting systems that you know, people are using to like elect Lula or whatever were vulnerable to fraud. You can just do that. It's more, I think, proximate than that, right? And it's just saying, essentially, we will defy regulations, right? And we've seen other tech companies, other social media companies, take their stand on other things, right?
Starting point is 00:16:41 But they hire lobbyists that say, please let us defy the regulation, please let us rewrite the regulation. They take them out to dinner. Or it's a more calculated thing to be like, okay, well we weren't doing much business in say, China, right, but we will get some like brownie points with countries that are opposed to China by being like, no, fuck the Communist Party, we're not going to like suspend these accounts or whatever. Whereas in this case, it's like, once again, one guy getting radicalized by like memes in a language he doesn't speak, you know? Meanwhile, Bolsonaro is touring the country getting attacked by bees.
Starting point is 00:17:17 That's not a joke. He got attacked by a swarm of bees while he was like speaking. And yet they didn't kill him. He's cursed. It's a glancing blow. I've been trying to figure out like, is he, is he cursed or is nature trying to kill him and they, and it keeps failing? In which case is he, is he the world's strongest guy? Nature might be trying to wound him. I think they're shooting to wound here.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I think that's what the thing is. He's the most wounded man, like short of Christ, you know, like it. It's that Trump thing he says, you could see so many wounds on me if I took this shot. Yeah, take this off. You'd see the bee sting, the bee sting, the bee sting. The fucking cassowary got me. At the time I got stabbed. It's my eight rounds of COVID. They're trying to kill this guy. He's fallen a foul of a malicious druid. At some point in his day. If he hadn't fallen a foul of a malicious Brazilian druid, which incredible vibe combination.
Starting point is 00:18:11 If he hadn't done that, he would be like incredibly powerful. He would be, as you say, like so much more like untracked. He would be wide Bolsonaro. Like, it's really that guy who stabbed him was doing the world like such a favor. You know? RILEY He's doing it for like ingesting small amounts of poison thing. He's trying to like, get an immunity to being attacked by animals. ALICE There's a real thing, there's a vibe shift
Starting point is 00:18:33 happening right, because you know when Regan got shot, right, and they didn't kill him, unfortunately, John Hinckley Jr. Aspiring, aspiring assassin. RILEY The Australian breakdancer? ALICE Yeah, sure. John Hinckley, the folk musician, shot that breakdancer. Remember when John Hinckley, the painter? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So after that, things went back to being like normal and terrible, right? Whereas like Bolsonaro getting almost assassinated, things continue to happen to him. Trump getting almost assassinated, things continue to happen to him. There's a final destination thing. I'm fascinated by post assassination attempt Trump. Yeah. No, seriously. Cause he's so genuinely caught up by it. I think he has PTSD, which- Like he probably has for real PTSD, which like, I guess, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Trump calling the Samaritans and they're like, stay in the foxhole. Stay in the foxhole. Don't worry about it. Drink your own piss. Drink your own piss. To be fair, if he tried it, like, it might work, I dunno. What it seems now, right, is that, again, what Musk is saying stuff like, the people
Starting point is 00:19:37 of Brazil have a choice to make, democracy or Alexandre de Morais, what does it sound like he's doing? He's saying, hey... Trying to get the motherfucker assassinated. Yeah. Like a little triangle right now. What? The Hamas triangle? He wants to get a triangle dropped on Alexandre de Morais. He wants to create the... He's trying to run a live film. I don't know how couched the term I need. This is an attempt on this man's life. No, it fully is. He's attempting... He wants to get like whatever of his like, replyers are speaking like, you know, Portuguese to him.
Starting point is 00:20:06 He's hoping that they will start the Brazilian space program with Alexander Demorais. You know, that seems to be what's happening here. And he's going to do it again and again and again. And you know, this is a guy who again, like, who's great like legacy of legitimacy outside of the English speaking world means world, means he's more likely to be listened to.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I'm once again saying, as I said with Brian, that states are going to have to think about how they want to defend themselves against Elon Musk. Not him specifically, so much as the phenomenon of people like him, and also specifically him. And again, I come back to the thing. We saw one of Twitter's senior people be like, I should put up an arrest warrant for him. Not enough.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Captain Price needs to go to Austin, Texas. We need to extradite this man. Like, I don't want to be rude enough, but he's putting out like calls on that are saying like, if you want your ex account back, you have to kill this man. Yeah. And like, you can let Laura Lumer on for free, which is fucked up. You should have given her a quest as well. Laura Lumer getting off the plane in Sao Paulo.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Like Laura, you can have it back, but I've got a list. All right. Are you essentially being like, all right, remember that movie, remember that movie Munich. We're doing the plot of Munich, but for people who I met. Everyone who has ever been rude to me. If you want your account back, you have to do something for me, brother. With the little slap guns, you have to do the plot of Munich for me. I'm Devon, by the way. I've been on Killjoe's Bond before.
Starting point is 00:21:38 It's a really good podcast. Made of this parish, I think. We're in a place so close that we forgot to introduce you. Yes. Returning champion. We were having fun playing Kelman and McCandless. I didn't say drop out of character as Glen Kelman. Everything you said, you said in character as Glen Kelman and I became McCandless.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Stay in the foxhole. We're going to drink our own piss. We're going to drink our enemy's blood. We're going to send Laura Luma to Brazil to ASSASSINATE the next under-democratic. Yeah, but you say, like, how, like, states are gonna have to ask themselves, how do I defend myself from Elon Musk? And, you know, some states are probably saying, hey, how can I defend myself from Peter Thiel? How come Palantir?
Starting point is 00:22:21 But all of them keep fucking around with Ukraine, and we have given them billions of dollars worth of drones. Like, at what point do you ask Zelensky to put one and one together and make two, you know? Yeah. Look, who's gonna miss? Who's gonna miss, like, one battalion? Just, like, send your least Nazi guys, might be a bit of a search, but get them together, and
Starting point is 00:22:46 like, if you can carry the war into Belgarod and Kursk, surely, surely you can carry it into Peter Thiel's house. We've gotten the 22nd least right wing motorized rifles. The guys who are in like DSA Ukraine. Who are just like... We sent our wokest guys. It is big tent. One of 22nd woke motor rifles has pronoun.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Yeah, codename pronoun. We sent our 22 wokest guys. 21 outright Nazis. One guy's kind of an edge case. Codename, pronoun. Come on. Come on. That's why we do it.
Starting point is 00:23:40 One man wants his ex account back. The lengths he'll go to. Oh, so the pronoun is he him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and like blood on their face. They sort of presented of one more, one more challenge, which is that they're asked a question. That question is if you had to misgender someone to save the world, would you do it? The brain defense forces of Ukraine answer in the affirmative every day of this war. They're going to turn pay them into was worth. The premise of this movie is that Elon Musk has dispatched. I don't have a solid grasp on the premise of this movie. I think I know the premise. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Elon Musk has dispatched the most banned people from the previous Twitter. Like Laura Boomer, Tommy Robinson. The untouchables. Oh yes! The unpostables. Okay. And then they're going after like Alexander Demoraes, right? Yes, of course. And then it's like, okay, we were all told that like the liberal world order, the frontline
Starting point is 00:24:55 runs through Ukraine, so we've got the 22 woken Ukrainian soldiers. Yeah. Being commissioned by Lula, who is played in this Guy Ritchie car crash movie by Hugh Grant. This is the same thing that's happening in central Africa right now, kind of. Like it's just the Wagner proxy war shit, but like displaced to South America. Let's fucking go. Well, I was going to ask, is it more like suicide squad? It's a Band Squad. Well, because if it's Suicide Squad, then we can also commission a song where you have Skrillex and Rick Ross, and for some reason Jared Leso's very much a boat.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I feel like it's one of the best music videos. We can commission a song for this, regardless. Yeah, I just want Jared Leso as a joker on a boat for like no reason. I think you could get that for surprisingly little money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's probably already doing it. Yeah, I think you can persuade Jared Leto into a joker outfit in the same way that you can persuade a Ukrainian soldier into like a neo-Nazi organization, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Or you could persuade like, you know, Horny Barry or whatever to smuggle you in a boat for free. It was already up there. Kinky bears, absolutely. know, horny berry or whatever to smuggle you in a phone for free. It was already up there. Absolutely. You just came in with them in there already. I want to do one more news item before we get to our article. We're cooking today, which is a rare bit of like limited good news.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Which is, we talked about, anytime we talk about Israel going to international humanitarian courts, one of the things we said is that, yes, all these rulings are all like... Sort of confetti, but like you can kind of, for what that's worth, which is maybe not much, win temporarily on those terms. Sure. Yeah, and now it's not a torrent yet, but a number of very important pension, like systematically important pension funds have begun just divesting from everything that touches Israel. Yeah, which is, it's weird how much of the economy is based off of like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:26:54 the like Ottawa teachers pension fund or whatever. Oh, Canada, it's Ontario teachers is one of the world's biggest investors. Why though? Like how good are they at teaching? Maybe they should be Ontario investors. I don't know. And also, by the way, this also should show just how fucking insane it is that we have like
Starting point is 00:27:15 Bob the CFO of the council doing his best to do the same thing when the Ontario teachers plan, that's like one of the biggest sharks in the investment industry. Oh, they're merciless. Crazy. They don't give a fuck. Yeah. Whereas we's like, one of the biggest sharks in the investment industry. Oh, they're merciless. Crazy. They don't give a fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Whereas we're like, okay, well, I don't know, let's have, you know, like, Bob- Try trying to go in against the Ontario Teacher's Fund and they're like, it's your own time, you're wasting. Yeah. Yeah, Bob, he knows a bit of Excel, from like, Thanat Council or whatever. Let's have him have a go at investing. The bell doesn't dismiss you, cocking pistol, I dismiss you. Right. So basically, this is one teacher's one fund. So this is, we're not actually talking
Starting point is 00:27:55 about that pension fund yet. I think we will at some point soon because Canada also has rules about like not investing in countries where there's like international human rights law being violated. But the UK university pension fund, it's also, it's enormous. It is the, it is this UK single biggest private sector pension fund manager. Yeah. Believe me, it's not cause they're paying academics. Yeah. Yeah. It divested 80 million pounds of Israeli assets. The Danish pension fund, which manages 42 billion euros, has sold all of its investments in Israeli banks. ALICE This is downstream of sanctions, right?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Because they've sanctioned some West Bank extremists, in the sense that they were more obviously extreme than the Israeli government. And the thing is, as we said at the time, this makes every Israeli bank functionally sanctioned, because you can't have them guarantee that they're not going to ever do any business with those people. Like, sanctions regimes, big banner, you know? I mean, we're like, one month on date of recording out from the ICJ being like, by the way, all of this shit is 100% illegal. So, like, the fact that we're, like, kind of thinking about divesting now, sort of, is...
Starting point is 00:29:08 It's fine. It's nowhere near enough. ALICE The hands are being forced, is the thing. Like, it's not a decision they ever would have made on their own, and it's only that there's some, like, legal liability in the form of the United States, the federal government getting very mad at you if you continue to do this, you know? And it's something they've done by accident, more or less. Yeah. Like every fucking pension fund in Wales, because I happen to know a beautiful lady
Starting point is 00:29:32 who's done some reading about pension funds in Israel over the last couple of months. Late of this parish, Rebecca Wilkes. Great guest. If you have a public service job, if you have a public sector job in Wales at all, and you have a pension, your pension fund is invested in Israeli sources, there's just no two ways about it. It's all of them. And we need more divestment strongly immediately.
Starting point is 00:29:58 This is fine. This is a good start, I'd say. Oh, this is, I say, this is a trickle. And the great thing about how investment works is that trickles become torrents very quickly. And the great thing about how Israel works is that they're going to be so mad about this. They are going to produce a fake reality TV show about this. Every Ontarian teacher is in Hamas now and has pronouns. What's their version of SNL?
Starting point is 00:30:24 I totally stand. Yeah, they've got like two. is in Hamas now and has pronouns. What's their version of SNL? I totally stand. They've got like two. They're going to have two SNLs. As Sankara said in their interview. Yeah, it's like, they're just going to be like, oh yeah, we're Norway's biggest pension fund, and we're Hamas too.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And I think the biggest thing here, it's not the pension funds divesting directly from Israeli banks or Israeli government debt. All of that is good. And by the way, how that would work of course is, if enough of that gets sold, if it affects the value enough, if the value of those assets drops, then if you've bought any Israeli assets on credit that sink below a certain value, then you could end up having to put up more capital to continue holding those assets with that line of credit. ALICE It's not quite what you want, which is the shit that they did to Russia, which also did not work.
Starting point is 00:31:12 ZACH It's illegal to have this fucking stock anymore, cunt. That's what we kind of want now. ALICE Yeah, to fully like, to debank the entire country, kick them off of Swift, and start seizing assets abroad, like, that would be the idea. ZACH Of course. Yeah. What we're seeing, I think, is the best we can hope for with what we have, which is very swift and start seizing assets abroad. Like that would be the idea. Of course. Yes. What we're seeing, I think is the best we can hope for
Starting point is 00:31:27 with what we have, which is very little. But one of the things I thought was very interesting was that it's outside of Israeli banks and Israeli government debt. There's also Norway's biggest pension fund has sold a $70 million stake in Caterpillar, the construction equipment company, on the basis that its equipment
Starting point is 00:31:45 may be used in contributing to human rights abuses in violation of international law. All it took was what, like 30 years since Rachel Khare and like, you know, sort of like decades of videos, but like I'm glad it's happening now, you know? And what it took, ultimately, is it didn't take any of the... because none of these decisions are being made because the managers of these funds, even the UK superannuation scheme, they were saying, oh no, this is not a moral decision, this is a financial decision only. And I think the reason it's a good financial decision is because all that shit's coming down the pipe. But, you know, the, but if we're looking at like the Caterpillar, it's not a moral decision.
Starting point is 00:32:21 No, it's, it's, if you're, if you're looking at like what the financial sector assumes the judgment is going to be from the ICJ and the ICC, they see you're the right one. Exactly. Yeah. You sell Caterpillar now before everyone has to sell it. And then you won't be drinking urine. Yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:32:39 This is drinking there right now. The Norwegian pension fund is drinking its competitors blood. This is like, this is the last little bit of margin call where they're like, Hey, I've got Caterpillar. It's an amazing company. You should buy it from me right now. I'll tell you what 80 cents in the dollar. What about this trucks, you know, bulldozers. Yeah. Jeremy Irons going to show up in a helicopter to be like, we have to, we have to drink the blood. It's the only way. Drink it all.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I understood margin call. It was, it was, it was a very, this is not, this, I'm not making any predictions about the future of what's going to happen. It just, it seems like if this is starting, then it's the stuff that made it start in terms of like rulings is just going to continue. To me, it's, it's sort of like an interesting curiosity of like how the financial system works and that's about it, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Well, hopefully it turns some curiosity into something at least a bit meaningful. It certainly won't be meaningful enough. You can also just make these bad investments in the interim if you're waiting for judgments to come down. For fun? And you happen to be in contact with Pall Action. You can do some things, you know? Yeah. Elbit is a worse investment now than it was at the start of the war, and there's a reason for that. You know, be in contact with Pal Action. You can do some things, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:45 Yeah. Elbit is a worse investment now than it was at the start of the war, and there's a reason for that. So yeah, I mean, you know, Barclays is a kind of riskier bank to bank with now, marginally. I want to talk about now this article. It is called, This Scepter Dial, Reflections on the Revolution in England by Joshua Trevino. Sick. Sick. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I've seen the article of which you speak, and I'm familiar with the genre here, which I'm going to lay a marker down, which I like to call thesaurus racism. And let me tell you that I find this personally exhausting, so this is going to be a trial for me. That's right. So, Joshua Trevino. Google an image of Joshua Trevino. You won't be disappointed.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Oh, shit. Okay. Well, yeah, this is a guy who likes a handlebar mustache and a cowboy hat. All right. Let's take a look at Joshua Trevino. He's literally soy facing in the second image. This guy looks so fucking stupid. That's right.
Starting point is 00:34:41 This guy, this is like the absolute peak of seeing two images of a guy and knowing that he like grew the facial hair to make up for something. Like I see one of him with short facial hair and it's just like a joke, and then one with a kind of long. I think it's cool when cis men get gender euphoria from looking like Jamie Heineman from Mythbusters. I'm not sure why they have to be a cowboy as well. Well, so Trevino, I mentioned earlier, he's sort's a kind of reverse, or at least a guy in charge
Starting point is 00:35:07 of the expendables of reverse-y in Miles Chong's. He also was like, before he became a peddler of, let's say, thesaurus, right-wing revanchism, he was an epic conservative on Twitter, and he used to love posting He used to like love posting epic stuff like dear border patrol dear IDF or whatever So to it to the two of the top Joshua Trevino tweets were On being made to wait in a queue to get back into the US from Mexico said dear border patrol My red hair and pale skin is my passport Dear border patrol. I look like shit. Mmhm.
Starting point is 00:35:46 My red hair, my red blotchy sunburned face. See this? I look terrible here. My skin is sloughing off of my face. Like... Help me. Help! Dear Border Patrol, help!
Starting point is 00:36:00 Just rolling up to the Border Patrol and holding up the like Family Guy swatches meme, just straight away, like yourself. As you see, I'm top of this. Just getting really existential with it in the Border Patrol queue, just like, dear Border Patrol, how could a loving God cause such agony? Like... Dear IDF, if you end up shooting any Americans on the new Gaza Freedom Flotilla, well, most Americans are cool with that, including me.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Christ. And, but of course, right? Like every internet conservative who's been posting since like 2008, 2010, he went on from talking like a Marvel movie, which I would sum up with a tweet like, which I've just made up, walked over 0.2 miles to Starbucks only to see a blue hair barista and think, yeah, it's time for an eye bleach session. Hashtag the fappening. Yeah. That kind of situation. It's time for an eye bleach session. Hashtag the fappening. Yeah. That kind of situation. Time for an eye bleach session.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Yeah. That kind of thing. He went from toasting like that to being like sublimity and Kiwi toss are incomprehensible to the mind of the average Turk. Yet as T.S. Elliott said, the hollowness of man and nation alike is spiritual decadence masquerading as virtue. He's down bad.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Like that's all the news. It's the only news anyone's ever been! There's a real thing here, because the reason why I've heard of this guy, and the reason why I know about it is because this article that you're about to read was fated by a lot of conservatives, most notably Rod Dre, one of the biggest freaks out there. And there's something really, like, I think this whole ecosystem is fucked, right? And just bleep the word, I think there's something really f***ed about the way in which these, like,
Starting point is 00:37:29 old dudes jerk themselves off about having found someone younger than them who they think can convincingly, like, use a three syllable word and pretend not to be into the, like, sechille stuff. And, like, it's a treadmill with these guys. Like, Richard Hanani was the last guy until, like, he was, like, you know, unable to hide the Seekile stuff. Before that, there was another guy before that. And, like, my sort of warning from history to Joshua Trevino is that, you know, twink death, conservative twink death is real, you know? And, like, ultimately, these guys, they don't care about you, they're just using you for your like, thesaurus.
Starting point is 00:38:06 You know? It's dead. They're just using you for your cool beard. Twink death, man. Basically, like, this is the, like, only the conservative movement could provide, like, a 60 year old man being groomed. You know? It's so good.
Starting point is 00:38:19 We've seen our 22 woke-as-a-dark-enlightenment guys. So Joshua Trevino writes about his trip with his son in England, and I want you to give me the vibe that you get from this, right? Travelogues should be taken with due skepticism. The journalistic malpractice of going to a place to find confirmatory evidence for prior narratives is well-honed. You know what I see in my mind? I see PJ O'Rourke lovingly doing the like jerking off motion, you know? That was the one version of that guy who could write, and everything since has been
Starting point is 00:38:57 like imitation. Well the marriage of objectivity and humility is uneasy. The two qualities divorce when the subject becomes a metaphor. I'm always saying that. I'm literally always noting that the marriage of objectivity and whatever the second thing he said was, is always uneasy. I want you to stop. Please, November, I'm begging you. Your family, your friends, just stop noting that and eat. Just desperately begging my friend to stop applying a heuristic. We apply the
Starting point is 00:39:28 American historical narrative template to the English and they apply it with great enthusiasm and vigor to themselves even unto their own ruin and that ruin is everywhere you look if you choose to. You know the other thing right about this is the US is like the only country this is the only time that the US out nonsense Britain right because the US has this kind of permanent treadmill of like grooming 60 year old men and being like this this is the future this guy this guy he can he can write you know he's he's the one who's gonna make it make sense to people and it's like the same five like billionaires and like
Starting point is 00:40:03 other freaks jerking themselves off in a circle about it, right? But in Britain, we have that cottage industry, but it's all ossified around one guy, Douglas Murray. A guy who undoubtedly has experienced twink death, but continues on in a kind of post-twink undeath, you know? And we don't have this kind of treadmill of these guys, you know? Well, you know, it's dead man's shoes in England. Yeah, he's got like tenure, you know? Or also, if you want to actually get far in the industry, then you kind of have to have been in the Cambridge footlights of thesaurus racism. They all hang out in Edinburgh.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Anyway, I'm going to go on. What we looked at was very nice. The core of the state, Westminster and its regime trainee outpost in Oxford and Cambridge. A more pleasant location could hardly be imagined. And my son, for whose benefit the expedition was undertaken, was delighted in it. Now, what actually transpired, I'm going to sort of skip to later in the article, right? Because it's so overwritten. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:01 There's a lot about her. Is he's like, he's come to England to look at London, and when I say London, what I mean is he goes to some museums and Parliament. Okay. Like, he takes the open top bus tour. Fuck off, man. Sure, sounds like a nice holiday, probably not something to write a whole thing about, unless you're like Joan Didion, but go off. And then gets the train to Oxford to like look at some colleges.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Should have stopped off at Bista Village. Well, and he says, the end of Christian iconography in the old sites in the realm of English Catholicism does not mean the end of iconography. Quite the opposite. The new religion clambers upon the ruined edifice of the old. Oh Jesus Christ, man. It's like he fucking shot C.S. Lewis with a dark gun full of ketamine. Like, this can't go on. Among the American misapprehensions of Britain is that it's becoming Islamic, but this is in fact happening.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It is notable, it is not- well you say oh my god, but it is notable that a mosque is the only religious structure that I could see on the train from London to Oxford. Perhaps they should be saying, yeah, they're built from church. They made them out of church. Yeah. It's all church. Minecraft church block, which is just a little like Anglican church. Um, I, you went to Westminster Abbey. Doesn't count. You're in St.'s! Like, just come on, man! It's been secularized, I guess. It's like, oh no, those are all museums.
Starting point is 00:42:30 He does actually handle that later. He's like, oh yeah, well all the churches are gay now. Oh, well that is true. I got me there. I'm always going to St Paul's to get gay communion. But he's like, oh a mosque is the only religious structure seen in the train from London to Oxford. Wrong, bitch! That's not true. That is just flatly not true. I don't care if you think that the churches in Oxford are gay. They're still churches.
Starting point is 00:42:54 They're still religious structure. Why would it matter? Why do you care? Like, it's visible from the train. That's such a small portion of the country. You're a tourist. You want to go and experience the place and then you get mad that it does actually that's kind of relatable It's just weeb shit, it's like it's like anglo weeb shit where he's like what the fuck this isn't like my animes at all This isn't this isn't like my gk chest it's in books There was there was a brief period where I was living in Earls Court and one day I like bought a, this was deep lockdown. I bought a pomelo in Chinatown and I put that pomelo in the front of my like bike basket and I took it through Piccadilly Circus, through fucking Trafalgar square, down the mall, like through Hyde Park. I gave this fucking pomelo,
Starting point is 00:43:41 like you know, baby's first trip advisor London trip. And this is essentially like, if you ask that pomelo to ride a fucking on-board car, about what it's like to be British. The pomelo's were so racist. Yeah, and I'm glad I cracked that fucker apart, actually. Yeah, I mean, it probably depends on what side of the train you're sitting on. Who's sitting on the one side? Like, the sad guy looking at the train route from Marlborough to Oxford. Oh, that's what you were fucking doing!
Starting point is 00:44:14 So he was on the train, right, from Marlborough to Oxford, and he missed Bista Village, the largest tourist attraction outside of London, which has special announcements in Arabic and Mandarin. That was a known import to him. Also, it's completely wrong. Like the first church you pass is St. Barnabas church in Perivale. So he was on the frame for Paddington, but like it's similar line. You have passed many churches. Also, you know this, you didn't know Bister village. If you want to say that England's abandoned Christianity, it's abandon it for Bister Village.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Yeah, that's closer to being true. It's still not, but it's like... You do see a lot of pure gyms. I will tell you what we're gonna talk about. That's true, yeah. That's the modern church. If you wanted to write this exact article and have it be like, less dumb, you would talk about Bister Village, not about the one mosque.
Starting point is 00:45:04 When I go to church and I have to scan in the code on my phone and it doesn't work and I have to go through the fucking... He says, uh, the Anglo-Saxon England of 1000 years ago, in which the small church of St. Benedict was erected, was replete with iconography. Men and women encountered imagery of the saints, of Christ as a matter of routine in their days. Today the images remain and are encountered daily, but they're of something else entirely. We walked through a London underground station whose dirty long white corridors- You just said it was a thousand years ago! That's a long time, you stupid cunt!
Starting point is 00:45:35 No. Well, November. We walked through an underground station whose long dirty white corridors were dedicated decorated with easily hundreds of images of London's queer population. Each icon and lettuce. I know that fucking tunnel. That's the thing you take away from the tube. Not that that's your question, not what the fuck is a well woman. Like it. That fucking what is what's her name? Like Tessa Hadley or whatever is our actual icon. Yeah, this is true. or whatever is our actual icon.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah, this is true. Like, this is a society which worships some kind of feminine, like, sort of herbal supplement, clearly. They displayed her image down every escalator. No, not Tessa Hadley. I was mistaken. Whoever it is. Um, each icon, let us use the word, contained a headshot of some sort with explanatory tests
Starting point is 00:46:24 below. One of them struck me that exemplified the rest. A man named Fotis, whose pronouns are V-ver. Elsewhere in a train station we encountered an image of two African women in a passionate embrace. It's captioned reminding the passerby that loving who you choose is what makes Britain Britain. Hard stop.
Starting point is 00:46:40 How racist do you have to be to use the word African there? That sounds wonderful. That sounds fucking beautiful. What kind of 18th century race science do you have to be on to use specifically the word African there? Unbelievable stuff. It says, of course, uh, it's captioned reminded the passerby that loving you choose what makes Britain Britain.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Of course it does not, but it is a purposeful- You're not from here! You're American! Like, don't you think perhaps that the people who- I mean obviously you don't because you're a giant fucking racist But the people who have lived here at some point in the intervening Millennium since you cared about any of the shit that happened here should have some say in their own governance instead of being some kind of Yankee Doodle theme park. It's so fucking insulting apart from anything else and I'm just like, I'm glad that this motherfucker doesn't like my country. I want him to like it less.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Yeah, no, I want to make this country more stuff that this guy doesn't like. He seems like he's got a perfect opposite load star. Like whatever this cunt thinks is shit, like let's get like 50 to 60 more of them right now. This is making me feel on the verge of patriotic here. What do you think he thinks about the crosswalk signs around Trafalgar Square? He likes the straight one. He actually does say he likes the straight one. I think about the straight one all the time.
Starting point is 00:48:05 He said, well, it's like the point he's trying to make, right? Is that, oh, the new religion clambers on the ruined edifice of the old and apes it's forms. And it's like, cause he thinks that he's invented this idea. I got to start smoking these stage cigarettes. He thinks he invented this idea called propositionalism, which is that America has decided to reinvent itself as merely a proposition and not special because of its blood and soil. He's the first person who ever was like, hey, maybe blood and soil makes us special, and
Starting point is 00:48:35 that anyone who says otherwise is actually making us weak. You see, this is the problem with these kind of like individual, like, sort of thesaurus racists, right? They always have to, they can't ever comprise a cannon. They always have to invent this stuff from first principles because it's a treadmill. They can't ever be like, Oh, that's a brilliant idea from my predecessor in this role, Richard Hanania, who was exposed as like a full goose stepping Nazi. Right? Like everyone likes to talk about blood and soap. It's like talk about blood and urine. We're going to be drinking blood.
Starting point is 00:49:06 We're going to be drinking soil. All this is tutelage, of course. The images of photos and the like, pervade the public square for instructional purposes. They teach the English, their new narrative, their understanding of self and their permitted ambit of thought and belief. And he says, he then says in Trafalgar square. So he misspells the place that he's been.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Claims to care about Britain hasn't read a single Aubrey Matcher novel. After telling my son about Lord Nelson, I noted that the crossing lights throughout the busy intersections... I would bet money that every single fact he told his son about Lord Nelson was incorrect. Yes. You know what he knows about Lord Nelson? He knows, like, he watched a clip of Master and Commander of Jack Aubrey talking about Lord Nelson on YouTube, and then he just quoted it to his son.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah, he'd be like, yeah, son, this guy... I met this guy at dinner one time. He was... he was hot. He had a great boat cloak, you know? So then he's like, oh yes, well, less common a male and a female one paired. The regime narrative is that this is intrinsically British, and therefore belongs in a quintessentially British space. Trafalgar Square?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Quintessentially British? Trafalgar Square? It's a statue of fucking ice cream out there, mate. By the numbers, Trafalgar Square is quintessentially pigeon if it's anything. We should let him have it. Yeah, but we kind of already have. The other thing I like, right, because he's just here on like my, what I did on my like fascist holiday by Joshua Trevino. Well, I've just read this upcoming paragraph and I'm not happy, mate.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I'm jumping around. I'm jumping around. I'm going back to his, uh, what he, what his understanding of the regime via the gift shop. He says, there is a regime narrative undergirding it's this iron fixation, uh, which says that the proximate cause of the civic violence that's swept the UK over the past two weeks is the regime determination. You know what? You know what? the proximate cause of the civic violence that's swept the UK over the past two weeks is the regime determination that people have... You know what?
Starting point is 00:51:06 I think more than anything, this is an example of participation trophy, because I think someone gave this guy a gold star for using the word undergirding when he was a child and it just stuck with him and now he's... You think it set him on a path? Yeah, he's still trying to get that gold star, but from like Rod Dreher, which is the saddest thing I can imagine. Ultimately, we're all like gifted kids, like trauma seeking validation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:31 It's just the thing he thinks he was gifted with was white. So right. He says that the regime's determination that people of England be subjected to and subsumed by the importation of millions of foreigners, blah, blah, blah. You know the whole story. There was a regime narrative. Forever foreigners, blah, blah, blah. You know the whole story. It says there is a regime narrative undergirding design fixation. Just say the word, man. Like you see it in the outlets for elite approved materials at their expositions of history and
Starting point is 00:51:52 its interpretations. The regime functionary, stop saying regime first of all. We're busy people. I've got places to be like... But I actually work for the regime and my job is specifically to plaster everything with Frankie Bridge advertisements for the bit. That's who it was! Why did they say Tessa Hadley? We're all regime-pilled. My job for the regime is putting up the like slightly gentrified Uber fucking called like,
Starting point is 00:52:18 what's it called? Fucking Addison DeWitt or whatever. I do those. Or like those Uber-y ads, which are just like an advert for like a Chinese restaurant, which is like, you know, better than your boyfriend could ever do. And you're like, what? My job for the regime is to make sure that every restaurant like names their fries or their burger, like the like greasy slut burger and has like a kind of street art picture of Biggie in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:52:44 I'm the guy who is in charge of making sure that every single fried chicken place has like a vaguely racist name for the fucking Korean fried chicken. Yeah. Make, make, make all the like, so I was wearing gloves when they're making the thing. I, the black nitrile gloves, like a tattoo artist, just, just my, my, my last thing, my job for the regime, the most important task of all, I am the person who makes sure that every person in London on a weekend goes to like a car park in Waltham Stow to pay 28 pounds for loaded truffle fries and one of those like kind of stand up cardboard box containers.
Starting point is 00:53:16 And listen, I have, I have been given 18 medals for this service. I will never stop doing it. My job for the regime is I work for Webdush Securities and I cover Redfin. So it says, the regime functionaries administering the British Museum, make known their interpretive preferences in the capacious gift shop. There we find shelf upon shelf of books on offer detailing the England that evils have inflicted upon the world. It's like you're trying to write this, this sort of grand sweep of history, sort of taking your, you know, propositionalism or whatever idea you think you've cooked up and your JD Vance, you know, like suck piece. And you're like, well, let's apply it to Britain.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Ah, the gift shops. Yeah. Well, this is the thing, right? Like all of these people are suits, right? They're all try-hards. None of them are intellectuals as much as they purport to be, and while you can do interesting and worthwhile cultural criticism of a gift shop, it's very very funny to be like, I am going to, like, you know, take my son to see the kind of wonders of empire as it once was, and then become so American and consumerist and so fucking burger pilled that you're like, the erasers in the gift shop are triggering me.
Starting point is 00:54:28 HAHAHAHA! It's the only true horseshoe theory is getting mad at the British Museum. Cause like, I was there a couple of weeks ago and they've got the Rapa Nui head that they stole, and like, the whole plaque is just like, this is the most special head on the entire island, it's so cool that it's here. Yeah, we got the best one from them! And they came here in 2018 to be like, hey, can we have that shit back? And there is a photograph of the delegation that came here to ask for it back on the placard and nothing else under the head that is still here.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Give it back. But like, it's no matter what, everyone hates the British Museum. I was like, give the fucking shit back. And he comes in and he's just like, I went into the gift shop and it said that Empire was maybe bad, like tentatively. And that is fucked. Left and right are going across, going to the British Museum and they're all shaking their heads to show they disagree with that. And there's no air con either. What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 00:55:17 And you cannot get a livable salary for any museum job. You have to be independently wealthy. Not at all. Well, because you love being there. You love it. You love being there because it reminds you of the house you grew up in. Full of stolen goods. And the other thing is like, he went on the open top bus tour of London and then Oxford didn't mention Cambridge.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Yeah. Curious. Skilish. And immediately got... Cause he said he went to Oxbridge and then mentions Cambridge, not at all. Again, suits. I think he might think that Oxford is called Oxbridge. He might, yes.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Yeah, but he went in these open top bus tours and just got like turned into Edward Gibbon by the gift shop, essentially. We should not let this guy back. Like, if we're doing immigration controls, if we have to do them, I, we should not let this guy back. Like if, if we're doing immigration controls, if we have to do them, I think we should probably. Yeah, we should become volunteer border police. I will patrol the cliffs of Dover. We shouldn't have let him out. Your punishment is you have to stay in this country. His punishment is that he has like, open up a vape shop in Whitechapel. Just like in prison in Britain and you're just like, well this isn't very Anglo-Saxon,
Starting point is 00:56:30 is it? Capacious hating. You're going to prison. I wanna read through another few things here. J.R.R. Tolkien in his work has Galadriel, all these motherfuckers love Lord of the Rings, has Galadriel say that, together through ages of the world we have fought the long defeat. And this is... See long defeat and this is the thing to like pretend you're an intellectual. Read another book. And this is his England now. We read a book that doesn't have any fucking swords in it,
Starting point is 00:56:52 man. And this is his England now. It's like, ah, ah, yes. What I read the, of course the, the literature of the third Horace heresy book, you know, we entered the chapel at Oxford's Exeter college to see the bus. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry. You entered the what at Oxford's Exeter College to see the busker. Sorry, sorry, sorry. You entered the what? The what? You entered the what? The what?
Starting point is 00:57:11 Oh, don't worry about it. Did you mean the mega mosque by any chance? He entered the mosque at Oxford's Exeter College to see the busker of Tolkien there. There at the rear of the mosque behind the golden golden star and moon, is a large LGBTQIA plus flag. So Stephen Runciman in his magisterial crusading history records the patriarch Sophronius upon seeing the conquering colleague Omar. Enter the temple mount, murmured through tears, behold the abomination of desolation. But the patriarch was premature on the matter of the apocalypse, and neither the Caliph
Starting point is 00:57:47 Omar nor any Muslim has decorated the church at Exeter." LITERALLY, telling a story about another guy who was a dickhead and was proven wrong by history and being like, yeah, but I'm totally right this time. Like... Yeah. But the long defeat is a grappling with the enemies of the English who are the alienated sons of the English themselves. For example, at Bletchley Park, the with the enemies of the English who are the alienated sons of the English themselves For example at Bletchley Park the scene of some of the most intrepid intellectual work of the second world war
Starting point is 00:58:10 This bit, this bit mmm An English woman of a certain age asked me what I thought of it all and then delivered an apologetic monologue for Britain's treatment of Alan Turing as if that was the centerpiece of the history there is yet for her it was I Chose not to share my own view which was that Alan Turing whatever injustice done to him was dispensable to the survival of the civilization, but the mores he transgressed were not. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Now let's just break that one down. He says the mores he's transgressed were not, they were indispensable to the survival of civilization, right? So he's saying that like, it's important to be homophobic. Like it's the number one thing. Civilizationally, yeah. I know, some disagreements, I think. We need to preserve our cultural inheritance of the West that came from ancient Greece.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yes. And we need to do that by being as homophobic as they were. Yeah, uh-huh. We gotta fit this in. Here's the thing. We gotta figure out if our enthroning received or gay. And then we'll figure out if it was cool or not that he got fucking chemically castrated by the British government. So, you're, you're what you're applying here. You're what you're applying here. You're applying the Tony Soprano rule that he used to determine Vito Spadafore's fate. Yeah. Well, I mean, Tony Soprano was also a man who was concerned with like civilizational
Starting point is 00:59:19 mores, you know? It's a fascinating heuristic I learned from the Caliph Omar. England still exists and the English are still here, but they're well into their long defeat. You know? It's a fascinating heuristic I learned from the Caliph Omar. If I can figure it out or not. England still exists and the English are still here, but they are well into their long defeat. Having saved the world more than once and in more than one way. One of the ways he says England saved the world was the Falklands. You don't deserve us, man. Like we're a different place from the one you imagine, and I'm really glad.
Starting point is 00:59:43 At a park in London we met some of the English, and I do not mean the British, or even Londoners, because the woman of the couple told me directly that London and England have increasingly nothing to do with each other. And it's like, hold on, you're trying to write about what real Englishness is, and you were in like, museums and some Oxford colleges. Yeah, I mean, he could have gone to some like, really shit pubs and had a horrible time and met people as racist as he is. If you're gonna try and peddle this shit you do have a kind of a, not journalistic, but
Starting point is 01:00:11 like, authorial duty to go to like, you know, deepest England, right? And sort of confront what that means, but he doesn't want to do that because it's gross to him, right? Like, the kind of, you know, football hooligan riot shit isn't his kind of speed. What he wants is, you know, J.R.R. Tolkien or whatever. And that kind of thing exists in the person of one guy left, the one undying fascist ex-twink Douglas Murray. It says, you could tell that she and her man, they were unmarried, but with children, were not Londoners. The same way you could spot a rural Appalachian native or a resident of southern Indiana immediately
Starting point is 01:00:48 in Brooklyn or on the harbor campus. His last article was about JD Vance. Again, it's like Peter Thiel complaining about how he doesn't want to move to Texas because they're in Texas as a shithole, right? All these people love to be the beneficiary of liberalism, right? They want to live around liberals and feel superior to liberals. And they want to like all the, all the cache of that. They just don't like it when like things like, oh, you know, this poster has like a queer
Starting point is 01:01:13 person on it or whatever. Yeah. Well, it's even like, we go back to, I always say it's people getting mad at marketing. It's like, it's the London underground is trying to just market itself. The British museum, it's trying to do, it's doing a marketing campaign so it can keep all of its stolen shit. Like they enjoy it and they can turn it into content and they enjoy being furious. Right? Like if, if sort of like, if he was that exercised about this, there are places where you can go and you can live this kind of like pseudo Anglo-Saxon existence if you want to, I guess. But he doesn't want to do that. He wants to get mad at a fucking
Starting point is 01:01:42 stoplight. I think like the best example is very much people who romanticise Japan. And it's very much wanting to... Marketing, I think, is the key thing. But being a weeb for Britain and expressing your disappointment that you went to a place and people actually live there and they do stuff and they don't kind of mold to like your fantasy of what they should be. And you're right, because it's like, well, if you wanted to go into deepest England, you could have gone to like fucking Wiltshire or something, right? Where like, I have been to Wiltshire a couple of times, like that is very much it. It is, you know, cottages and bombs and all that type of stuff, right?
Starting point is 01:02:18 Or you could go to Oxford and then take a bus 20 minutes. I don't know what you would do in like a town outside. I don't know what you do in Whitney, but you can go there. It is there. You could go to fucking Sherborne. It's all white people and has an Abbey. Sort of the English equivalent of going to Yoker on a whim. Yeah. But it's like the people who are like, Oh, London isn't what it used to be. They used to be more like Cockney lads and stuff. It's like, well, but you can go to Essex. Like you can. Yeah. It's not, it's not, it's not that. It's still somewhere.
Starting point is 01:02:45 So the Cockney government in exile in Kent and Essex. Yeah. It is, it is still there. It is like not that far away. Like one of the kinds of debates that is happening is that they don't want to be in London, but they're so close to it that like they're sort of merging into it naturally, but they are very much still present. They have, they're not like, and again, like I wonder how much this feeds into this whole like the conspiracy theories around like, you know, demographic replacement and white genocide and stuff. Cause it's like, yeah, but they haven't, they're not dying. They just move somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:03:13 They just, they just moved to Essex and got veneers. Like, yeah, they just, they don't live near the touristy areas. That's it. Also like these are pubs that you have to drive to, as you mentioned, they're pubs that you have to drive to. If you want to go see these people, you need to drive, be able to drive a car. This guy is like rocked up in London and he's taking public transport. Well like who the fuck do you think uses public transport? There's something especially like fucked up to me about being an American and coming over to Britain and being like, oh, it's not what it used to be. It's like, can't you, you fucking
Starting point is 01:03:40 fought a war to get away from us. All right. Don't come back here and just be like, oh, like imagine being a weeaboo for Britain as an American. It's like, Jesus Christ. It's like your ex messaging you like five years after the breakup being like, seems like you don't have your shit together. It's over. First of all, I don't. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:58 I know. I'm fucking trying. I'm doing my best. All right. In crucially, Jenna, a different way than you think I don't. Like, yeah, like fucking let me show you, let me show you my England, okay? You'll hate it way more. Like, it's so much worse.
Starting point is 01:04:14 So this is him talking to the woman, right? He says, we spoke and she told me of the rampant crime in her northern town, the increasingly possible impossible cost of living, the NHS in Shambles. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All the problems. And it struck me, it struck me that we were both visiting London as foreigners, but with her it was a tragedy because the city was supposed to be hers. But also in the history of Britain, when was London ever supposed to be for like working people from the provinces? It was like, it was the store, it was where the elites live. Confusing it with Washington DC, a capital that was constructed to be a sort
Starting point is 01:04:46 of like federal pilgrimage place, whereas London was always designed as a kind of boot on the rest of the country's neck. London's a fucking tick on the rest of the UK, alright? Like it's a parasite. I like my metaphor better. It gets everything. Alright, well, you know, I guess I can kill myself. No, no.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I'm just like, it's a parasite, it's an honorable title. Yeah, that's true. Also, it's when in British history did the wealthy people who owned this city and who owned the rest of the country living in it, when did they ever want to design it or think it to be hospitable to people from fucking Bradford? They never thought that this idea, oh, it was supposed to be heard. Nobody gives a shit about Bradford. Raising my hand hand the three years between 1997 and 2000 when they built the London Eye and the dome. Yeah, that's true. That's there we go That's a true fact. That's what Joshua Trevino is actually nostalgic for he's nostalgic for the fucking dome
Starting point is 01:05:34 Yeah, aren't we all they used to be a big boy and now there's no boy And you know what and you know what that big boy was white He's be a big white boy that overlooked London and now all the boys are gone now Now it's just one small white boy looking at London and being sad, you know Small soulful white boy named Joshua Trevino who's gonna use the word undergird. Mm-hmm The one whose culture and literature and language utterly dominated the consciousness of mankind, to talk about England here. Not merely by the fact of empire, as some would have it, but by reason of its enduring
Starting point is 01:06:09 genius. This is not even wrong, we need to be more of a Francophile. France won the culture war, sorry. It is the one whose green hills and tall trees and cool summers remind us of Eden when the sun goes low. Fucking A! You never left London, except to go to Oxford! A house man, also gay.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Just for the record. William Blake, something weirder than gay. Like... fuck off! It is the one where the sense of humanity reached profundities unknown and impossible elsewhere. Where the bones of Anne Boleyn and Thomas More lie mere feet from one another in a common chapel, somehow fused into a common heritage that transcends the cause of which killed them both."
Starting point is 01:06:47 Two dead fucking idiots who have absolutely no bearing on my life. I don't care. This is the like- Bones dissolve in 20 years. They're gone. Shut up. This is the futility of conservatism as an ideology, right? You're trying to justify yourself to dead people.
Starting point is 01:07:02 You're wandering around a cemetery knocking on tombs like a fucking Jehovah's Witness. And it's like, it's absolutely pointless, not least because they can't fucking answer you. Like, do you want to care about the people who are here now and the people who might be here tomorrow, or do you want to just like go and bother some like long dead Queen's collection of like, bone accreted heavy metals? C. Well, it's also, although bones of Anne Boleyn and Thomas More lie feet from one another, a common chapel somehow fused into a common heritage. Hey, if you cared about anything to do with English history, as you seem to claim to, maybe you wouldn't use the word
Starting point is 01:07:33 somehow. Maybe you would know how that happened. It is one where we stumble across a wall and it's a Norman battlement for the suppression of Anglo-Saxons. It's one where we come across another wall and it's a Roman rampart from the suppression of Britain. You didn't make it anywhere near that far. Very, very easy to visit. Well, I mean, relatively considering the trains, you know. Yeah, you're getting there in seven hours. And you come across another wall
Starting point is 01:07:56 and it's a mosque for the suppression of white England. Hey, wait, how'd that get in there? Yep, where are the Romans now and where are the Normans now? England remains. Cunt, the Normans now? England remains. Can't the Normans own all the property still? There's so many of them around. They're baronets and shit. I feel, I, I, the reason I wanted to read this article is I was worried that like this species of, of like writing had died out, but like it is, it is still very alive
Starting point is 01:08:22 and well on the sub stack of Joshua Trevino. Like I say, it's a treadmill. And after him, there will be another. And we are doomed to continue repeating this over and over again, never learning a fucking thing. Tolkien would have hated his ass as well, you know? The only person who wouldn't have just fucking hated this guy is Lord Ha Ha. That's basically it. Anyway, Devin, thank you so much for coming
Starting point is 01:08:46 and hanging out with us today. That was an absolute treat. Thanks for inviting me on, man. Now that we've introduced you, I guess we can start the show. We've done the cold open now. Yeah, have a complimentary cup of blood and have a complimentary cup of piss. I hope we're telling all the guests that going forward. You stand before a doorway, two guards guarding. One holds a cup of blood. The other calls a cup of piss. What do you do? The illusion. Blood forward. Yeah. You stand before a doorway, two guards guarding. One holds a cup of blood, the other holds a cup of piss.
Starting point is 01:09:07 What do you do? The illusion. Blood first, obviously. Free choice. Blood and piss. All right, all right, all right. We got to get out of here. Blood and piss.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Thank you so much for listening. Don't forget, there is a Patreon, there's a bonus episode. Five bucks a month. It's going to be our live show from Edinburgh. Yeah, it was a great time It was it was all bangers like no skeps. That's right. That's right. That's right. So do check that out on the patreon You know what else you should check out is you should check out a little podcast called kill James Bond There's a live shows coming up on the free feed in a minute or two as well
Starting point is 01:09:41 We should be nice. I'm hoping that gonna be good I should listen back to him yet, but like, I'm pretty sure. You can also, if you want, check out the Twitch stream that Devon and I are on. That used to be Trashfuture Associated, and no longer is, called Traditional Scratch. Yeah, that's right. I think Joshua Trevino should write an article called Johnny English Has Fallen. This used to be the land of Mr. Beans. This is not the Johnny English of my ancestors.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Edmund Blackadder. Now it's the land of flicking bean. People are masturbating. And did that bean in ancient time. No jobs and no fucking bean. No bean. Am I right everybody? No beans. All right, we gotta get out of here.
Starting point is 01:10:27 10k posts, I produce it, it's pretty good. Well there's your problem, I do that shit too, it's all right. It's pretty good too. Check out all the stuff that is happening now. The whole galaxy. I'm a gander, I'm a little gander at that. Go to a protest, please. In the love of God, I don't want my good news section to be like another pension fund assault of Israeli bank
Starting point is 01:10:47 bonds or whatever. Go to a protest in London if you can, or if it's there, and then you can go to the British Museum and shake your head to show that you disagree with it for like lots of different things, whether it's to do with the stolen artifacts or the lack of air condition. Or the gift shop. All right. We got to go. Bye.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Thanks everybody. See you in a few days. Bye. Bye. Goodbye. Bye. Goodbye. Bye.

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