TRASHFUTURE - Chud Dawn Part 1: Immortan Joe Manchin feat. the Trillbillies

Episode Date: January 12, 2021

This week, we've brought on Tom Sexton and Tarence Ray of the Trillbillies Worker's Collective podcast (@thetrillbillies) to discuss the recent events in Washington: the US Senate flipping to the Demo...crats (and thus empowering Joe Manchin, the West Virginia Democratic Senator who never met an opioid company he didn't love), and of course some other stuff that happened involving guys in red hats. If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes and powerful Discord server, sign up here: We support the London Renters Union, which helps people defeat their slumlords and avoid eviction. If you want to support them as well, you can here: Here's a central location to donate to bail funds across the US to help people held under America's utterly inhumane system: *WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind GYDS dot com). If you need web design help, reach out to him here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is from Laura Kuhnsberg, at BBC Laura Kay, and Laura Kuhnsberg is the BBC's, BBC News's political editor. Yeah, low-energy Laura Kay. And she's tweeted this at 7.51pm on January 6th, 2021, a very uneventful time. Who are playing with they worm? Looks like scuffles inside the capitol. That's right. This was after the first gunshots had been fired, by the way. That's what they're calling this here, it's not a colour revolution, it's a scuffle revolution.
Starting point is 00:00:35 I love a scuffle revolution. The CIA is backing rough housing in certain decolonised countries. Backing horse fly. Yeah, I love to get in a room with a cop and lightly shove each other back and forth. Letting off some steam by funding the contras. Absolutely, our media class is so good, I love how good they are and how switched on and just not completely, psychotically disconnected from the events of trying to cover. During the election season, Laura Kuhnsberg tweeted about Matt Hancock,
Starting point is 00:01:14 one of his advisers getting punched by a labour thug, and then the video came out and they just walked into a guy. Yeah, he got cooed. He got cooed by the labour thug. That's not a scuffle, though. This was a scuffle, this was a serious scuffle. When you walk into a guy, that's him doing Stalinism. Yeah, that's right, that's what that is.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Stalin walked into millions of Kulaks. That's right, yeah. This is the highest death rate for a scuffle, I've ever seen. All right, I'll introduce. And I've been to all bar one. What's the body count threshold between the scuffle and just you now? If another person dies, they're going to escalate it into like a brouhaha. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:01:55 What's the KD ratio of gas to the nutter from your local weather spoons? Yeah, exactly. Oh, you can't throw us out. This is a nationalised weather spoon. That's right. You can't throw us out, that's stealing the election. It's demanding a recount of the all bar one tab in Beckenham at like 3.46am. Scaling the wall to get back in.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Hello and welcome to this. The first of the year zero post scuffle episodes of Trash Future. That's right. The world has now seen the world has seen a scuffle. I have become scuffled. All changed. Changed us a little. The falcon can't hear the falconer because of the scuffling.
Starting point is 00:02:58 We have moved beyond the need for commotion. It is Riley, Milo, Nate and Alice. And we are very pleased to be joined up by Terrence and Tom from the Trill Billies. Terrence and Tom, how are you doing? What's up gang? Doing good. Yeah, excited about this. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:03:20 It is a real pleasure to introduce you to some of the best brains in journalism from the top here. Oh, speaking of good brain, though, we have lost work. What's going on on the recording table right now? What's going on is good brain and as much as I've written down all of Trump's best tweets because they're gone now, which sucks. I hate it. Tears and rain. Wait, wait, wait, Riley, do you want to see you again over you reading the Trump tweets?
Starting point is 00:03:58 Let's do that for the outro. It is genuinely a tragedy to posting. It will achieve absolutely nothing politically, but it has just deprived us of his great posts. The best take I saw on this was somebody posted a photo of Barney Frank when Trump was talking about his protruding nipples, and honestly, he was fucking right. It was very disrespectful. He don't miss. The other other, but I guess we could say, you know, the it's been a four year long contest,
Starting point is 00:04:31 but Kristen Stewart, Smokey Bear, Graydon Carter, they all won. The haters and losers won, basically. But they only won by default. They won by like teacher intervening. Yeah, they got the mods. Yeah, they didn't win, honestly. Trump went out like fed smoker. He'd done what he needed to do.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Sissy, Chomo, Graydon Carter. Yeah, that's right. Very sloppy. Very bad, very bad cops pulling me over. Very sad people, actually. Sorry, sloppy, Chomo, Graydon Carter. Yeah, Chomo is on the other side of a fence. He's saying I can't come in.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I'm saying, why is that? Is that because you're a pedophile who likes having sex with children? So before we get into the events, the events of the capital steps, the capital steps newest triumphant show. Why those are capital steps. I want to also congratulate our dear friends, the Trill Billies on their very own Joe Manchin becoming the effective Senate Majority Leader. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:05:35 You're very welcome. I think the thing on this is that Joe Manchin is basically like what they call like a blue dog Democrat, but he is essentially, you know, called to all corporate interests in America. His daughter, like, hijacked the price of like EpiPens up by like $1,000 or something. Yeah, because I'll motivate you not to have an allergic reaction. That's right. That's right. It's called the mall cat.
Starting point is 00:06:00 There's a DuPont chemical called C8 that, well, you fellas might have dodged it, but everybody in America has it taken up residence in their tissues right now because Joe Manchin struck a sweetheart deal with. He's made Americans non-stick. We got to trade for this. We traded for like beef prions. So we've got those, but like you guys have all of DuPont chemicals. This is for UK trade, Guga.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Right. I was just thinking that between Joe Manchin and Mitch McConnell, y'all on the sort of spread between Kentucky and West Virginia really can't catch a break. Can you? No, I mean, like they really are two sides of the same coin. I mean, but yeah, everybody's joking about how like even though the Democrats took back the Senate this past Tuesday in these runoff elections in Georgia, Joe Manchin will still basically be the deciding vote for all major legislation that comes across Biden's desk.
Starting point is 00:06:58 So yeah, nothing's getting done. So there are a few things about this, right? Like number one, this is another instance of history repeating itself, because if you cast your mind back to 2008-2009 when Obama was putting together the Affordable Care Act, it was Joe Lieberman who just single-handedly scrapped the public option. Constitutionally, you have to have one crank dipshit upon whose whims the entire nation's well-fed pet. Name Joe.
Starting point is 00:07:31 It has to be name Joe. I don't know who the next one's going to be after Manchin, but yeah. And Morton Joe. That's what Jimi Hendrix was talking about. Morton Joe Manchin, yeah. Episode title. Do not become addicted to 2K checks, friends. Joey Essex Manchin, how about that?
Starting point is 00:07:48 There's also a funny side note to that, Riley, that I don't know if you were following at the time, which is that then Teddy Kennedy died, and the Democrats were like, don't worry, it's a seat in Massachusetts. We've got this wrapped up. But then they nominated a Massachusetts Democrat who didn't know who the Red Sox players were, and everyone was like, what a fucking idiot. And she wound up losing to one of the dumbest Republicans to ever walk the planet. Like just the guy, I'm forgetting, is Scott Brown, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Run for anything in Massachusetts, then. I didn't see you down. You have to learn all the Red Sox players. She just said something obviously demonstrably false about the Red Sox. I was trying to sell herself as a Red Sox fan, and like, yeah, that's enough to sink your career as a Democrat in Massachusetts, apparently. All my life, I wanted to be a baseball. In the game of baseball, there's one quarterback.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And his name is the Affordable Care Act. So specifically, right? Manchin says that he's wavering. He's doing kind of like what John McCain did about the rollback in the ACA. Where he's like, I don't know. I don't know if I'm going to support 2K checks or not. Saying that untargeted relief is quote, not who we are, which to be fair is right. He's doing the Roman emperor thumb thing.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Waiting for only with a higher potential death toll. So that's good. Could go beyond a scuffle. America's scuffle with COVID. Scuffle for healthcare. Would also throw in there before you move on that if I'm not mistaken, Joe Manchin, not just as his daughter involved with EpiPen's price hike, but also isn't he pretty deeply implicated with opiate companies and opiate distribution
Starting point is 00:09:19 and allegedly allegedly. I mean, like you see these stories where like these Appalachian towns, they got like 10 million Oxycontin pills flooded into them over a course of like 400 people. Yeah, that's Joe Manchin. A hell of a weekend, though. I mean, I have a personal theory, though, that basically because Joe Manchin now controls one of the most important resources for Democrats, which is the vote. The adrenochrome.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's the vote. That's important for all of them. Because he has occupied the ceremonial role of the one crank dipshit who controls everything. And I think that could be only one. What they're going to have to do is they're basically going to have to like turn West, he has the opportunity to turn West Virginia into like a Gulf oil monarchy. Where Joe Manchin, yeah, exactly. We're basically he's the Amir, right?
Starting point is 00:10:18 And he gets to like, I don't know, murder three domestic servants a year. And every and the West Virginians then all get like do nothing jobs in the federal bureaucracy that pay like $200,000 and they bring other people in to actually then achieve the things they're supposed to be done by those jobs. They get to spend a bunch on boondoggle projects. You get a Joe Manchin University in Huntington. They can make the McElroy Brothers ambassadors to the UK. I love the burge wheeling.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yeah, I was going to say, I was going to make that exact joke. I was going to say, maybe we can get a new studio in the Burge all mansion. But yeah, well, it'll be there. So I think that they have this real opportunity to just turn West Virginia into like a one of the minor Emirates. That's very cool. There's, do you all know who Jeff Hoops is? He's like an American like Colbert.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I do not. Please enlighten me. He's building this place. It's like a hotel resort place in this little town called Milton, West Virginia. It's going to be called the Grand Petition. And to bring it full circle, there is a life size replica of Red Sox, the Red Sox baseball fit in my park. Yeah, as well as the Roman Coliseum.
Starting point is 00:11:27 So he's just so basically what you're saying is that West Virginia politicians are mad and have all of the material support to get much crazier. No, this is just neom. It's just like it's building a city just dedicated to you and all of your like fun bullshit in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, it's all shocks neom. We're going to we're going to we're going to build the moon in West Virginia. That's what's going to happen, you know, to just I hate to like throw a wet blanket on this,
Starting point is 00:11:55 but you know, Obama kind of beat you to the punch. Obama famously referred to West Virginia as our internal Saudi Arabia because of its coal mining. What? Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. Make the point for us. Why don't you?
Starting point is 00:12:08 And because women can't drive. Yeah, and their religion for D.R. Bells. Get to wear a burqa. Absolutely. And the one thing I think to put a sort of a bit of a serious points on the end of this is the Democrat group. Just remember when you think it's Joe Manchin's fault, the Democratic Party does not need Joe Manchin or Joe Lieberman's fault to suck shit.
Starting point is 00:12:29 No, they really don't. They don't. They don't need the assistance. They're going to do it by this. They're going to do it by themselves just fine. It's just very funny that we can now make this guy a Sultan. Yeah. He's now the victor all about of America.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It's also going to make me laugh because there's there's also another wild card Riley and that is the the Blue Lives Matter Democrat from Arizona, Kirsten Sinema. Oh, yeah. She used to be a communist too. She used to be. She used to be on the left when she was a teenager and she repudiated that and like you can go back and look at her old, old post in there. Kirsten Sinema with Kirsten Sinema.
Starting point is 00:13:03 So it's it's basically she does. She did the spiked route. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Some of her appeal is literally, well, she says she's bisexual. There's never been any bad bisexuals in history. She and John Ossoff are going to get along so well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So yeah. All right. So I want to move on though, Tom, from sort of you might say a Senate antics, the official antics of the Senate. Clowns in Congress, if you will. What a bunch of clowns. I want to move on from the official antics of the Senate to the unofficial antics that happened in the Senate, the scuffle that we discussed.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So this is obviously a dustup of sorts. It is it is a huge event. It's one that I don't think it's worth talking about as though it's in the past. I think it's it's just the reality that the U.S. is living in now and probably the UK at some point. Time is a flat circle, really. And on the pedestal, these words appear. Listen, Jack.
Starting point is 00:14:04 So I've I've got a few I've got a few directions to go with this. Obviously, this has been discussed by you guys very well in your podcast. It's been discussed by by lots of different people all very well. So I'm going to take a little bit of a different route in. I kind of want to start by talking about XR vision, and then we can get into the details of the of the protests and stuff after that. So I don't know if you're not familiar with XR vision. It is a is Singaporean facial recognition and video analytics company.
Starting point is 00:14:35 And they were cited as a source in the Washington Times, one of America's sort of psycho crankiest newspapers, saying that in fact the people at the protest once it started turning bad turn into a scuffle. Yeah. Once turning scuffling, the people scuffling were Antifa. Yeah, they did facial recognition to prove the people scuffling were Antifa. It's just this Singaporean startup that kind of freelanced the info. And now that's a there's now this story is going around the right sort of right wing
Starting point is 00:15:10 media ecosystem and it won't go away. Well, in Singapore, they had a lot of experience where they use that software on CCTV cameras to give people the death penalty for chewing gum. That's right. So, Tom and Terence, have you seen sort of much of the XR vision saga? No, I mean, I guess I've seen the opposite end of it. I didn't know that this is what they are basing it on. This is the evidence they are using.
Starting point is 00:15:33 But I have seen plenty of people, you know, Trump Facebook friends saying that Antifa infiltrated the crowd, the mob, and they push people to do this. And so I guess this is where they're getting that evidence from. Ted Cruz, I think, read it into the record from the Washington Times that this was Antifa. Very close to the we're all trying to find the guy who did it. Is it a bit late to raise this? But I don't understand why Republicans started calling it Antifa and not Antifa, which seems to me to be the much more logical pronunciation.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Because you're an Antifa just, you know, like it's an island in the Caribbean somewhere. I've just come back from a week in Antifa. It's the same thing where they... My girlfriend, Antifa Moneycoots. My nephew, Antifa. Yeah, well, it's the same thing where they always recall the Democrats, the Democrat Party. And I think it's kind of the same emotion that also makes you like not be able to say Obama's name and have to say,
Starting point is 00:16:43 like, you know, Barf Sacko Crumbo, which is... Jiminy Grubbins. Yeah, which, or yeah, and here, Jiminy Grubbins. Where, yeah, you just, you hate the thing and so you say it a bit weird because you'll try anything in your arsenal to like irritate the people that you hate. But all you can do is communicate because we really despise people. I also feel like among Trump Facebook people, it needs to be said that the level of Antifa derangement that they've been on for the last four years, I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:11 is to the extent that I recently had... I saw some discourse where a bunch of pro-Trump military veterans were basically saying that the officer corps is all Antifa because they, I think they voted 60-40 Biden-Trump this year or last year. And it's just like, so the extent to which that's like their bugbear, you can't even overstate it. I mean, and so, of course, if something bad happens that makes Trump look bad, then it must be Antifa.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And I hate stealing... The officers are Antifa because they're like, private, you should destroy the evidence of that war crime. During the protests over the summer last year, there were literal towns in small town America that had convinced themselves busloads of Antifa super soldiers were coming. And I'm serious, they literally would like get a militia rounded up and then post up at every entryway into town. And the buses never materialized, obviously.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Guys, as if the left could organize a bus, come on. They had this in California in wildfire season. Yeah. People started saying that Antifa was starting the wildfires. It was actually on Chicago police scanners. They were saying that they diverted resources from their efforts to crush protests in Chicago in the spring and summer because their police scanners were reporting that a caravan of buses of Antifa were coming from Indiana.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Now, I'm from Indiana. Now, I don't think that you could fill a single bus on short notice of Antifa from Indiana. Maybe, maybe one or two. And also, you couldn't find a bus in Indiana, so. So, the idea of a whole caravan coming up on an I-90 into Chicago boggles the mind, but the cops themselves were convinced of this. So, I think with that in mind, that Antifa is just this basically boogie man that conservative Facebook people deploy to scare one another.
Starting point is 00:19:00 And I think you think about this, what this startup has done. But it did. And it says it is trying to, quote, ensure safety through its AI-based technology and recognizing faces while extracting actionable data to maintain public order. I like it when a company does that. It doesn't sound ominous to me at all. And so. What were they comparing these faces to though?
Starting point is 00:19:20 Magic. Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, that's my question answer. Thank you. So, effectively, what happened? So, what actually happened was the Washington Times said it was provided a copy of the XR vision Antifa photo match by a, quote, retired military officer who let's just call Pykel Flynn.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Oh, hell, let's just go. Because XR vision, what they did was they basically, they saw this was going on. They were like, we got to run an Antifa scan on these, on this protest. And then it was requested by a, quote, retired military figure and then printed in the Washington Times. It was all about Antifa because he was a U.S. Army officer. To tooth it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And Michael Flynn loves it. Michael, Michael Flynn's just a weedy Antifa guy. So, basically, what, so the thing here, right, is, is that, yes, that this photo was, this analysis was shared and just, again, freelance on the basis of nothing because this, their, their technology for facial recognition, it's not been calibrated by the Institute that actually does that called NIST, uncalibrated, might as well be magic. It's been funded to the tune of several million dollars. And they say, right, XR vision didn't generate any composites or detection inventory for the
Starting point is 00:20:39 Washington Times, and nor did they authorize them to make any such representations. The image analysis that we performed was distributed to a handful of individuals for their private consumption, not for publication. But that means because private select reserve. Yeah, the VSOP. Grand Reserve, yeah. So, basically, right, what this means is, if they were 5% less venal and stupid, then this story probably could have taken off because the proliferation of stuff like
Starting point is 00:21:09 facial recognition in the security state basically means that you can just say, I did magic to the photo and proved that it was Antifa that shit your pants, right? It sounds authoritative to say facial recognition and everybody thinks, oh, CSI, you know. Yeah, and that's just what your eyes do. And so, what you really have here is this situation where there is a whole ecosystem of companies that are very, very, very right-wing, by the way. So, we'll get into some of the background of this one that can essentially just say whatever and have it be authoritative because they can say, well,
Starting point is 00:21:48 I did some magic. Well, it's a good thing we don't have easily deep-fakeable videos now. So, I also, I've grabbed, so Yakov Applebaum, no relation to Ann, who is one of the two owners of the company and another guy called Guy Ron. Guy Ron? Yeah, as opposed to Yakov Alizon. Yeah, and you've got Ann Ron, you've got Guy Ron. What's better than this? Just Guy's being Ron's.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So, I'm going to now read you a list of titles from Yakov Applebaum's blog. Oh, no. It takes a village to fuel a Biden binge. Our new family, it's about Joe Biden. It takes a Biden binge to bung a bob for Big Ben to bung for Baxter Brexit. That's right. So, he is one of the big pushers of the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy, where Hunter Biden basically was like, I love being in blackmailable by the Chinese
Starting point is 00:22:51 in a very fake, real diary. I'm a dick, where he's like, I'm having a relationship with a 12-year-old girl. I love to be addicted to drugs and being blackmailed by the Chinese is my favorite hobby. That's right. And only the middle one of those is true. That's your kink, being blackmailed by the Chinese. That's the only way I can get off is if I read a letter from the Chinese security agency telling me to send them Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:23:15 What happened was that Hunter Biden sent his laptop to get repaired a few months ago, and then the allegedly computer tech just released a bunch of files from it that were just basically might as well have been marked crimes. Crimes.xls, yeah. And so, this company was one of the major pushers and people saying, yes, this is real. We verified it. We did magic and we verified that these are all real Hunter Biden blog posts. Here are a couple others.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Our new Tammany Hall bosses, the smartest guy Joe knows, the Biden rat years, Hunter Biden's Finger Lakes tattoo, Hunter Biden's personal, yeah, he got a tattoo of or in or about the Finger Lakes. Okay. All right. Or maybe he got the word Lakes tattooed across his knuckles when he punches you, he knows favorite body of water. That's right.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Hunter Biden's personal fixer service, how Hunter Biden solicits with a mouse click, Hunter Biden's pornhub page. That way that one just that previous one just sounded like an ad like how Hunter Biden solicits with this one weird trick. Republicans hate him. Yeah, they do. The Hunter Biden text, beware of the Chinese giving bearing gifts. No Russians need apply.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Operations snort. Justin Coleman from the Hill is a manipulative media hack. The Hunter Biden laptop images are authentic. That's all right. Well, this seems like a well adjusted man. Just a normal company. Yeah. Now, again, I think...
Starting point is 00:24:48 Well, no, no company from Singapore has ever been right one. I mean, I think this is very funny. I think it is a part of a very pretentious trend and one that's going to be sort of growing in danger, especially to like social justice activists and so on in the US and UK. UK, especially. We're like the most AI watch city in the country in the fucking world. But it's very funny to me that everyone involved in this, just like everything Pykel Flynn does.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Again, I assume it was him. It's just a total fucking shambles. It's great. Just a bunch of Coen Brothers characters trying to pull something off. He was the guy who tried to kidnap a Turkish diplomat, right? Yeah, very much so. Yeah, cool. Cool guy.
Starting point is 00:25:32 He was going to try to get him in a... He's going to try to bundle him into a car or something. Again, just freelance. I love this freelance NatSec work. Just guys do look at some kind of domestic or international political problem and are like, yeah, I could do that. Yeah. It's like the tragedy and fuss of like, this is Olly North, but again, and with a serious
Starting point is 00:25:53 Ed Injury. Yeah, so that's... Do you see this kind of thing cropping up elsewhere, sort of directed towards Terrence and Tom? Did y'all hear about the... It reminds me of the Jeff Bezos... Or not Jeff Bezos, Peter Till invested company that was like a similar deal that got the rapper Bobby Shmurda locked up.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Was that Palantir? Yeah. Yeah, I didn't know that Palantir ended America's long love affair with the Shmurda dance. That's true, man. It's a disturbing trend. It's still ongoing. The Shmurda dance is an act of resistance. That's right.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I mean, it's weird. Do you even have to like use all these like fancy surveillance techniques and like... I mean, it sounds to me like they kind of tried to pass it off like actual science. Like you would just tell the Washington Times anything and they would believe it. You know what I mean? Like do you even need like a Indonesian startup or where it was from to convince them that Antifa's behind this? Like they would believe anything at this point, I think.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I think for this, the important thing is that it's just believable enough that you don't have to confront the truth. I don't know, Riley, because I mean, I got to be honest with you, man. I remember when the Freddie Gray protests happened, the uprising in Baltimore in 2015, and I saw some of the shit that was crossing, you know, folks that I was in the military with on their Facebook fees they were sharing. And like you literally, you know, Freddie Gray was beaten to death by Baltimore police and like they beat him up and then drove him around knocking him back and forth in the car,
Starting point is 00:27:29 in the paddy wagon that like went up severing his spine. And I saw a Facebook post being shared where someone was like, actually he was treated on Medicaid for a spine injury and had was told, don't go out and commit crimes after your surgery for your spine. But he did it anyway. And then because he was committing crimes, he did crime so hard because he's aggravated by crime. He defied doctor's orders and he committed crimes. He defied doctor's orders and his spine just snapped all on its own.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Cops did nothing wrong. And folks were treating it like it was this kind of bombshell. And what I'm saying Riley is just that, like I get where you're coming from that obviously like the tech angle is, but I mean, it could have been anything else. Because I mean, it's an art of the, he anything like this that makes the president look bad or that makes Trump and his supporters look bad, it can't be real. It has to be the libs lying somehow. And like absolutely worse surgery you could give Dave Courtney.
Starting point is 00:28:21 He's aggravated by crime. Are you trying to tell me that I can't participate in any highly illegal activities? All right Dave, no crime. I think Nate's right that like it doesn't matter that in this case, it would have been believable if it's anything. I think also though that like for the next time and the time after that and the time after that, we've like introduced into the public sphere this idea that like I did computer magic and now I can tell that it was Antifa who planted a big cartoon bomb, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah. Yeah, for sure. So I want to move on a little bit to going from the tech angle to just sort of thinking about the protests more generally, which I think you could describe as a cross-class alliance of Americans and small business owners who descended on Congress to be led in a square dance by Baked Alaska Nancy Pelosi's office. They were waiting for the next Q and on cut scene to drop and it didn't start and so they just kind of got bored.
Starting point is 00:29:20 One of them took a podium. In other news, I got a great deal on a podium on eBay. We were laughing about me and really me and Tom were laughing about like could you imagine the Visigoths like you know ransacking a city like Rome, they sack Rome, but instead of like defiling any of the holy places, they just take selfies and you know get post reports. They pretend to talk on the phone. Yeah, that's right. I'm riding on the Emperor Helio Gavlius' white tablet.
Starting point is 00:29:50 It seems like once they got in there, right, their main priority was to incriminate themselves as much as possible without doing as many crimes like Derek Evans, who was the West Virginia local state legislator who got arrested by the FBI. I read the indictment that was prepared against him and it had the best piece of evidence I've ever read in any criminal case, which was they cite him live streaming himself going into the Capitol on the mob and saying with his mouth, Derek Evans is in the Capitol. It's an op. It's an op.
Starting point is 00:30:27 First name, last name. This is me, this current date, doing crimes. My social security number is 147, Fairborn Drive, Charleston, West Virginia. So, I think it's worth sort of trying to go over, right? American Dave Courtney, we found him. Yeah, Derek Evans. I'm illegally entering the Capitol now with all these flat-nosed lovers of democracy. So, let's take it a little bit back.
Starting point is 00:31:01 January 6th was promoted as like the day of insurrection for about, for basically since it became clear that Biden was going to win. Or if you're an Orthodox Christian, Christmas. As we saw, they had shirts prepared with like MAGA Civil War, January 6th. You have merch. A guy set up a merch table in front of the Capitol. Is that a deliberate reference to like Captain America Civil War? Oh, yeah, yeah, it was in the Marvel Civil War font.
Starting point is 00:31:31 That's the cadence. Yeah, incredible. Yeah. So, why they went in? That's so lame. How did they manage to do insurrection and make it lame? That's incredible. Like it is truly like first as tragedy, then as fast in the sense that like the Nazis back in
Starting point is 00:31:50 the day had like cool aesthetics. Like they at least had that part down, horrible views. But now the Nazis are just like doing like comic book guy shit. Well, it's funny you bring that up. I was thinking about this last night. Like I wonder if there were any diehard Nazis in 1923 who thought that communists were behind the Beer Hall Putsch. They were like, no.
Starting point is 00:32:12 This has all the hallmarks of the Communist Party. The whole idea that right was this was the stop the steal that was being promoted by elected Republicans and right-wing talking heads as something that's the patriotic duty. The talking heads who were a much better band. That's right. On about the same amount of cocaine though. Love life during wartime. This ain't no party.
Starting point is 00:32:46 This is a revolution. So, basically, right, I've got some, I've got some, what is it, I've got some food, some black rifle coffee to last a couple of days. So, why they went in was basically every senior Republican has been saying, you must stop the certification of this election of the Senate confirming the electoral votes. They then went, they went, they just all walked over there. Again, like a North Vietnamese loyalist, you know, like, like, they had some weird ass flags.
Starting point is 00:33:24 They had, they had Israeli flags. They had North Vietnam, I mean, South Vietnam flags. There was a South Korean flag that was there. There was the flag of Georgia because a guy Googled flag of Georgia and bought the first one and got the, like, Caucasian Republic. And you know what? He was right. He was right to do it.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Bringing the plurian to the rotunda for the first time. That's right. There was a, there was a Hobad Lubavitch flag also, which is a Hasidic movement founded in America. So obviously, strange bedfellows all around. Not, not, not, not far from where men to answer at. There's like this like little sort of like farm community in East Tennessee. And then this one guy's yard is this like giant flagpole and it's got the American flag,
Starting point is 00:34:09 the Confederate flag, the Israeli flag. At one point it had the Filipino flag. I'm not sure if that was like Duterte, like support or whatever it was. And perhaps most fascist of all, the University of Tennessee Volunteers flag. That's like, that's like a deranged British centrist like Twitter bio level of flag combos. So basically what happened is they, these guys just got together and kind of broke the banks of their ideology and then flooded into the Senate rotunda to, as we said, you know, square dance, the break, bake the last gun,
Starting point is 00:34:52 take selfies and must mess up like Dianne Feinstein's mail. The one guy was like, I have come here from Tbilisi to make wine in a clay pot on Nancy Pelosi's desk to teach her a lesson about traditional winemaking techniques. I love Georgian wine, dude. And so here's a question I kind of have for the quorum here, which is this was, no, it was not a heavily policed event. My goodness, no. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:18 And the, okay, it was like, they actually just discovered restraint for the first time, which again, it's like, except for the time, of course, when they literally killed the person and a lot of liberals started celebrating it. Oh yeah. But like, they killed, these chuds, they killed two cops, right? And still the cops are still kind of preferring this narrative of like, oh, well, we didn't get owned. You didn't see us get owned.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's actually preferable to us that you believe that we were like more complicit than with this, than that you saw us just get fucking owned. So the cop, the cops have basically just been like accumulating, I don't know, like F-35s for like, what, 20 years now. They had those in the back. They're like, there's, I made a joke at the time about like a Capitol police officer staring, sweating at a big red button that says, activate miniguns with using case of left only taped over it.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And so what I want to know is, like Terrence and Tom, what's your opinion on why, sort of, why the sort of enforcement of this event was so lax? I mean, I have my own theories, but I'd like to know what you think as well. You know, I don't know. I think, obviously, like the simplest explanation would be that they're not leftists, you know, they're not black. These are mostly, I don't know, the class composition anyways, but they represent a political force that isn't really a threat to power in any ways.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Like, I was kind of joking. I love them were cops. Yes, some of them were actual cops, it looks like too. I mean, the the leader of the Chicago police union, like release the statement on the day afterwards, basically defending the protesters. So yeah, I think that there was on the Venn diagram of protesters and cops, there was for sure some overlap. But I also think that they just the leader of the Chicago police union was quoted saying,
Starting point is 00:37:14 listen, not a leashman were cops. They just were components, man. Just very good on the riot police line, like I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top. I think I think the most obvious explanation is that Derek Evans has an awfully honest face. And so he is honest. Inspires a lot of cops. He did not lie about that.
Starting point is 00:37:41 And right. And I think this is again, this is a very sort of confusing and baffling thing to look at. I think if you want a little symbol of what the tone, as much as this is fucking unimportant, of the tone of the Biden administration is going to be, it's going to be we're in charge now. And now we get to punish the people we hate. So you can see, you know, like just classic dunces like Jenny Jardin calling Ashley Babbitt, who was murdered by the police that day, a dumb slut. And so on.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah, it's like you got to like navigate this kind of balancing act where you're not like waving a little pen and saying FBI on it, but also you're not hugely sad about like fascists trying to do fascism, like experiencing consequences. Weirdly, like, I don't know. To me, the biggest thing that I saw from watching that was just, well, fucking imagine, imagine dying over some posts, because that's really what it is in the grand scheme of things. Yes, I could imagine.
Starting point is 00:38:46 In a way that I'm that I'm kind of like maybe less sympathetic than some folks that I know that, you know, I share politics with just because for one, one of the talking points has been like, here's this this Air Force veteran who's been deployed. It's like, well, surely if she was, you know, that had that background, she must have known when you get to the point where you're breaking into the room where they say, don't come in or you're going to get shot, they are going to shoot you. Like you probably have seen guns used before, at least on a range. And when a guy in a suit inside the sanctum or whatever is pointing a gun at you and saying,
Starting point is 00:39:18 don't come in or I'll shoot. And then you do, you can't really be surprised that you got shot. And I mean, like, I fucking I don't want to defend, you know, I'll be like, hell, yeah, I'm happy the cops killed someone. It's more like, what did you fucking expect exactly? And that's the thing, I mean, if anything, the thing that gets me is more, I wish that Libs looked at this and took away that like, the cops response being 10 fold stronger, whenever it's like anything, a protest opposing, you know, unlimited power of police,
Starting point is 00:39:46 they would take a lesson from that like, hmm, it's weird. I wonder if these cops have politics and what those politics are, you know, like one of the problems is we've seen and we've seen like a million tweets saying this, oh, so the cops know how to deescalate now. And the problem is that like, they've just had a massive example handed to them, that when they do in fact deescalate, because they mostly agree with people and they're white and so on and so forth, they just get owned anyway. So the future is just now cop zone and that's cool.
Starting point is 00:40:16 But also a guy tases himself in the balls to death, which is something we can all enjoy. And a woman, a woman, a don't tread on me flag gets trampled to death. What you, she should have paid more attention. People should have paid attention to the flag. Specifically requested the opposite of this. Some people said that the subtext was heavy handed. So look, the thing is right, except for the guy who tasered himself in the balls, because I just really enjoy a bit of slapstick.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I mean, I think I don't, I don't see these sort of as particularly, you know, comical, largely because I see these people as they have been basically like, you know, bamboozled by everyone from Sean Hannity to Ted Cruz to Roy Watkins or whatever. Basically saying, if you just get to the rotunda, you'll trigger the cut scene. So you say, what do they expect is they expect that this is the climax of the movie they've been living in for the last four years. I take your point and I agree, right? Like it is radicalization of a form that we're very familiar with.
Starting point is 00:41:14 But like also as journalists have like dug into these people in their backstory, one thing that comes out is that like every single person around them, like in their personal lives, whether it's like Facebook friends or whatever, has been like, yeah, they got really weird and I tried to talk them out of it, but I just could not get through to them. And at some point, it's just something that they chose that they were going to do. And so that's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:41:40 The reason why they chose to do it was overwhelmingly like white supremacy. It's not purely a case of just passively consuming media. It's something that you're invested in because you believe that something is being stolen from you. And what you believe is being stolen from you is like your, I guess, racial prestige or like honor or whatever. I got to ask Terrence and Sean because I really want to know what y'all think about this because it's just, to me, and I'm from the US, I'm from the Rust Belt.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I know a lot of people like this who are insane, but they didn't, to my knowledge, go down and participate in this. I feel like to be at the point where you're willing to go and get shot in the neck because of posts, you're pretty far gone. There isn't a lot of, in my opinion, it's going to take a lot of deprogramming from people that they trust before that they'd be willing to see anything, but that is the truth. And I just was interested in what you guys think.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah. I mean, Tom, I don't know if you had a, because we've been talking about this a lot. I mean, over the course of the past few days, you've just seen multiple explainers, which is like what you saw after the 2016 election. Like who are these people? These explainers that try to dig into the psychology of people who vote for Trump or who live in places that are in decline or who are just psychically demoralized or politically demoralized or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:04 And I don't know, I don't really have any specific answer for that. It just, I think that there are some people who are willing to, I guess, risk their lives for it. But I do know a lot of these people as well who, as you said, Nate, who are just kind of run-of-the-mill Republicans. This is kind of what they've always believed. And yeah, they've been taken for a sort of wild ride. I mean, to be honest, fellas, I really don't have a whole lot of profound things to say about this because at the same, like, there's like so many different forces, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:40 sort of coalescing into this event, into this scenario that it really does feel just sort of like a cauldron or something, like a boiling cauldron. It's just, I mean- Can I share the absolute funniest liberal take I heard about this? And it's not funny- It's from your ex-girlfriend's mom. Look, we're not going to say who is. It's someone that I may have almost ended up related to at a dark point in my past.
Starting point is 00:44:05 And she was in the mentions of a well-known sane and normal person, Charlotte Clymer. Charlotte Clymer was saying something about how they're all traders and they should be tried for treason or whatever. Charlotte Clymer loves to identify who should be killed because they disagree with her about imperial management. She wants very much to, like, be authorizing the, like, bombing of these people. Yeah. Treason to me is like such a funny crime.
Starting point is 00:44:28 It's such a, like, 1500s-ass crime. Like, just it shouldn't even exist in people's minds anymore, the idea of trying people for treason is just so funny to me. Anyway, so, and this person, who we're not going to say who, we're not going to say who it was, but it's someone that I am familiar with, was replying to her saying that, like, yes, well, wasn't one of the protesters there an ex-military person, even though they're no longer in the military. This means that by going into the capital, they betrayed their oath.
Starting point is 00:44:56 The oath doesn't stop working just because you left the military. And it's like, is this the take? Is this the take that, like, the only reason it's bad? The primary reason it's bad is because you said some words once. Well, look, it's like the Nazis took oaths. Like, there's nothing good about oath. But look, there is, I think, a fundamental liberal belief. And I think it's all, it's a belief that also exists in the right as well.
Starting point is 00:45:18 You broke your promise. Which is a promise not to do treason. Yeah, the posting samurai. These people have no honor anymore. Mr. Joppo. I just think about it, too. It's like, it wasn't just a single Air Force veteran there. There were guys who'd graduated from West Point in the Air Force Academy.
Starting point is 00:45:36 There's a guy who's been identified. It's like a retired, like, Lieutenant Colonel or full Colonel from the Army. There were apparently, were folks trying to get in showing their active duty military ID cards. I mean, like, it's, yeah, I mean, like, it's just the idea that you're like, oh, what an unthinkable event. A veteran was a chud. It's like, have you fucking met us? Like, for crying out loud.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I think there's a chud right now. Well, I think that there's like a culture in this country of, you know, right-wingers, militia types who are basically mobile. I mean that, like, geographically, they go around from event to event. Like, last summer, there was this event in the neighboring county of ours in Harlan County, which is this storied coal mining county. And last summer, a bunch of miners had set up a blockade on a coal train so that the coal train wouldn't leave until they got paid.
Starting point is 00:46:33 And I went down there for like a week as these miners were, you know, set up down here. And you would not believe how many right-wingers would come through. Like, would drive down in their big rigs from like Massachusetts and upstate New York and shit who were like three percenters and they're all carrying guns and, you know, I mean, they're ready for shit to go down. And I think that these are partially- We went over there under the assumption they were teamsters and they were definitely not teamsters.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Yeah, definitely not. I mean, and these were partially some of the people who were there at this thing on Wednesday. Some of those people are veterans, some of them want to be veterans. I mean, it's just, but I think this kind of gets into the class composition of it as well. And I don't know, I saw that you had put that on there, like why people are so fascinated, by that question. And I think it's partially because liberals couldn't, they can't imagine the two parts of this argument.
Starting point is 00:47:27 They can't imagine that poor people would support a Republican in his policies and all that. But they also can't imagine why like an upper middle class person like them would also want to support this person and, you know, even risk their lives for it. And so it becomes a sort of headscratcher for them and it becomes this sort of hot topic of the media and why half the left is involved in arguing with each other over it. Yeah. Well, I think there's this, there's this tendency, right? I think, and something that we talk about, like with the, with this XR vision or whatever,
Starting point is 00:47:58 providing that Antifa story, which is at this point, you know, look, one of my favorite things that's ever been said about America is said by the director, Takeshi Kitano, who in 2008 said that Obama was a fitting president for the U.S. because he looked like he was a TV guy and America was quote, an entertainment nation. And that's really stuck with me. It's a great director too. And, you know, the idea is like, you want your entertainment to be something you like, you want to identify with your entertainment, which is why these stories
Starting point is 00:48:33 about, well, nothing that's, nothing that doesn't go with my little narrative, with my little fun spectacle that I'm watching could be happening. And so, and so the class composition of this, you know, thing that people are having those same long, boring fucking argument about, oh, do you call it a coup or not? Who cares? Yeah, because liberals are Alec Baldwin guys and Republicans are like Gary Bucey guys now. There is a difference though, which is that like, there's so much of this that is alien to that, that kind of like entertainment thing, because it's participatory.
Starting point is 00:49:05 That's the whole appeal of QAnon. And that's why you're waiting for this QAnon cutscene to drop. It's like, you're finally, you're like, posting has become real life. You're a little alternate reality game that you, that you're doing. Instead of just like passively consuming politics, you are actively involved in it, but like in a deranged way has now become real life. It's you, you're, you're a prize winner and you got to like have a walk on part in friends. Yeah, you got to be there when Trump was going to stop the steal.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And now it hasn't happened. And there's some real prophecy fail shit. But, and so, but I think in everything from the stories about this being infiltrators to the stories about the obsession with identifying the exact right class composition of this, of this, of these actors, right? I think it goes back to people wanting this to be the movie they want to watch. Right. And, and, and I mean, look, I think I tend to see.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I want this to be Spencer confidential. Yeah. I want this to be a different movie. I tend to see, I think if you could, it's easy to think of, if you want to think of the class composition of a fascist movement as a cross class alliance of an identity group where that alliance, the benefits of that alliance are in proportion to where you are in the hierarchy on it. Well, that's the thing too, right?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Is it, I mean, you look at some of the comments and I, and I, and you remember numerous comments made when Trump won and a lot of the stuff you saw from, from liberals in the U.S. was, was really kind of like, well, these, these dumb ignorant rednecks, you know, blah, blah, blah, how could they do this, that kind of a thing? Or it was a very kind of, in my opinion, very patronizing view, like the, the diner, you know, like the staring out the window of the diner photo articles that you saw a million of in the New York Times. But I mean, were there poor people there on Wednesday?
Starting point is 00:50:50 Yeah, absolutely. And also there were also a lot of business owners. I mean, Ashley Bavitt was an Air Force veteran. She also owned, I think, a pool company or a pool cleaning company in San Diego. And she opted to get on a plane and fly from San Diego to Washington, D.C. to be involved in this. You know, there was a guy, it was like a general counsel for some, some tech firm. There was a guy in Georgia that ran, I want to say, like a lawn care business. I mean, you know, there are these, when you see this stuff, you just think like,
Starting point is 00:51:19 all right, it's not as simple as saying, well, these poor folks are dumb or these poor folks have been lied to. Like in a lot of cases, some of these people aren't poor at all. I mean, do you think that a guy who's, I mean, a guy who was in the, in the army, either enlisted or officer, but now has a guaranteed pension for the rest of his life, you know, at 50% of his pay grade salary, you know, that guy's not poor. That guy's got universal basic income. A lot of it.
Starting point is 00:51:43 He's making like 30, 20, 30, $40,000 a year, you know, for being alive at this point, and has disposable income to run around. Like you said, tear, it's going, you know, going to, to whatever, whatever Patriot rally they're having next, going to the Bundy Ranch, going to the Mallor wildlife range, all this shit that they do. Like, you know, it's, it's not, it's not convincing enough, in my opinion, to look at that and say, okay, well, these are, these are, you know, rust belt, you know, shitheads and rednecks who have been, have been fooled by too much disinformation.
Starting point is 00:52:16 It's like, at a certain point, you just want to believe what you believe. And, and it's fun. I mean, you look at these photos, I hate saying it. Some of these people are having a blast. They're having a really exciting time punching cops in the face. This is like Chuck E. Cheese for QAnon people. All they needed in there was like an animatronic AOC for them to like throw baseballs out or something, and they would have had a great time.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Right. I think that's like, it's one of these things where you tell the story, you tell the story about this that you want, so it, so it reinforces what you already, what, what you need to believe to continue believing in the American project. Right. And I think to sort of, what I think is very funny as well is the, now there is a grand repudiation of Trumpism that has happened a scant four years into his presidency, where Olive Garden has now released a statement. Olive Garden? No. Axe Body Spray too. Axe Body Spray posted that they were committed to a peaceful transfer of power.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Chevron is what, Chevron doing the, At least the Axe Body Spray thing made sense because it was like someone had left Axe Body Spray like in the thing, like in the rotunda somewhere. And so they were like, well, we're better distance ourselves from this. I can kind of get into the psychology of that, but like Olive Garden being like, by the way, it's because in fact, Mouthy asshole, Anderson Cooper went on TV and was like, they're just going to go back to their low class olive gardens and so on. Just showing, like it's showing just again, if you want the tone for the next four years, it's going to be ha ha,
Starting point is 00:53:57 you poor idiots, we beat you. Anderson Cooper goes to Wendy's like a cultured individual. Anderson Cooper looks like he was manufactured where they make Playmobil. So basically making fun of their consumption choices, but that then prompted Olive Garden to release it because to be clear, that's fucking awful and that is hateable and should be hated. Olive Garden, I released a statement at Olive Garden, we're all family here. Our traditions like unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks have been enjoyed by many guests all over the country and throughout the entire political spectrum.
Starting point is 00:54:44 It has come to our attention that a few of our guests had taken part in a vicious attack on our nation's capital. We have, Olive Garden has worked with the FBI in the holiday in DC to identify several guests who both frequented our restaurants and participated in the violent uprising against the government. I had to read, when you sit that out, I had to read it several times. I was like, are they releasing a statement about their patrons, their guests, people who pay the money? Yeah. Olive Garden seems to have forgotten the Italian code of America. We believe in unlimited breadsticks, but limitations on civilian protests. When you hear your family, when you leave, we will be calling the FBI.
Starting point is 00:55:31 In response, Olive Garden has invalidated the never-ending pasta pass for several guests. That cannot be real. Again, just imagine. Riley, Riley, fuck you, you wrote this. You're a disgrace to the uniform of Olive Garden. Turn in your badge, your gun, your pasta pass. Yeah. And has turned in your big pepper grinder and has now revoked Sean Hannity's lifetime pasta pass. Like, do you think that? Why did he have one? Do you think they give those out? Do you think that they did this for, like, Ludendorff after the beer haul push? Yeah, fucking hell. Your Baccala membership has been revoked by an L. Yeah. The darkest part of the Nuremberg trial was when they took away the Nazis on limited pasta pass. Olive Garden is dedicated to creating a
Starting point is 00:56:29 safe and delightful environment for our guests with what we call hospitality auto. This year has been difficult for many of us, and we cannot wait to see your family smiling at our restaurants once again. Until that time, your favorite dishes for Olive Garden are available to order online. Cool. Awesome. Thank you, Olive Garden. Yeah. You also see Chevron, which you should remember, I believe, had a many night company. Well, it has a history of having a lot of, let's say, instigating some political scuffles in Nigeria, for example. But again, with the attitude of, well, that belongs over there, not in here. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Coca-Cola, the same thing with Columbia, and they had the union members murdered by right wing death squads.
Starting point is 00:57:17 But yeah, they're against fascism at home. Yeah. Well, they're against it because... It's a cultural difference. Yeah. I think partly also, right, this is the thing that everyone has to be afraid of now is right wing domestic terrorism. Yeah. We're going to go full Janet Reno again. The FBI is going to be doing Ruby Ridge again, and that fucking rules. A whole... Essentially, the U.S. was going to be a country-sized Jonestown until this happened, and now it's going to be a country-sized Waco. Yeah, cool. Here at Olive Garden, we believe that El Fascismo is uno tradizione italiano that doesn't belong in our great nation of America. But we talk about domestic terrorism. There's this whole big furor about
Starting point is 00:58:11 domestic terrorism, all the same like just coterie of perverts and murderers who support every piece of the NatSec Blob expansion, all got on TV and penned another column in the New York Times to demand, again, that the security state be increased. But they're already taking the metadata from every phone call you make and every email you send. You're already being watched constantly. The only thing that could happen as they crack down on domestic terrorism, whatever that is poorly defined, they make a new law. The only thing that's going to happen is it's going to become more like Britain, where if you talk to the wrong person, or in one case, this is true, say you are an anti-fascist in the school class, you can then be legally harassed
Starting point is 00:59:00 by the police for the rest of your life. It's code, but in English. And if you don't like it, there's a door. But I don't know about you guys. This is what I see happening in the U.S. is you guys are going to be a bit more like us, because what else could they possibly collect? I don't know. What do you guys think about this? Yeah, I mean, I think the Democrats are really good at cracking down on Democrats are really good cops. I mean, we were talking about this earlier today. I mean, they're the people who went after whistleblowers under Obama. I mean, they're going to be really effective at going after people who they think are so-called domestic terrorists. And yeah, so I agree. I think that this is going to be the next four years for sure.
Starting point is 00:59:44 And Kamala Harris is VP and possibly then president. That's going to be fun too. Yeah. And I think calling these people domestic terrorists is an insult to people who've put a lot of work into domestic terrorism over there, like Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber, people who actually achieved some terrorism. These people did a year 11 mock-up day at a girls boarding school. Alice, you have a clip, I believe? Oh, yeah. Here we go. When the Biden administration comes in, I urge them and everyone else to understand that the greatest threat to us now is internal. And if we do not do that work of trying to reconnect those two Americas, the threats are not going to have to come from outside. We're going to do it
Starting point is 01:00:25 to ourselves. We're going to hurt ourselves. We're going to do the work. We're going to do the work. We're going to listen. We're going to grow. We're going to put in the work. We're going to stop gaslighting ourselves. And we are going to put a CCTV camera on every corner and criminalize half your friendships. Cool. Yeah. We're going to put... Olive Garden is going to tell... Olive Garden is going to have an anti-radicalization program where they can just put you in jail. Olive Garden is just going to control the jails, right? I hate it when I go to the Olive Garden and the only starter available is the de-radicalizer douche. That's right. And you don't need to... The thing about this, right? You don't need to really trick people into
Starting point is 01:01:07 doing right-wing terrorism. Like someone with violent tendencies, they get all the instruction they need from prevailing ideology. They are acting on the nation's id and the nation's super ego basically failed to discipline that energy into its reactionary project. The reactionary project becomes uncontrollable. It's the same thing with banning Trump's tweets. It's like assuming that Twitter is real life. It's like he's the president. He can just go on TV. Way more people will hear what he has to say on TV than on fucking Twitter. All the journalists are on Twitter. Yeah. It's just the idea that the way that blue checks consume the world is how everyone else does is so insane to me. And what they say, right? This is more like
Starting point is 01:01:53 NatSec people as well. They say Wednesday's riot, this is from Javed Ali, who is a former director of counterterrorism at the NSC. By the way, COIN, that's now all coming home. Counterterrorism is now primarily an American activity. It's going to be carried out in America. We're going to fucking go to West Virginia. We're going to do Ashura and a diner. Yeah. I mean, it's... If you want to know what the future is, it's going to... Yeah. You get invited for Ashura at the NatSec Olive Garden by... We're having an Olive Garden summit. You're having an Olive Garden summit because there's one EpiPen in your town and two people have had to share it. And by saying that this should probably change, you're now on a list
Starting point is 01:02:41 and you're going to get fucked with by the Olive Garden employees for the rest of your life now. They're going to take away your pass to pass. They're taking away America's entire pass to pass because they can't be trusted with it. And it's one of these things where also... I say it's not useful to talk about, oh, whether this is an op or it was planned or whatever, because the effect, the net effect is the same, which is that the Democrats are going to do... They are basically going to do a kind of superficially woke occupation of their own country. And it seems to me that, again, as someone who's sort of... I'm still arrested by the FBX. As someone who's sort of already... I feel like you're missing the point on that though,
Starting point is 01:03:24 to be honest with you. If this last year proved anything in America, it's that the Democrats are terrified of the cops. They're absolutely terrified. Democratic mayors can't have any control over their cities because the cops can just riot. And the cops will literally... You got queuing on folks among the cops, threatening to kidnap mayors of their own, the people they work for. The idea that the Democrats are going to go after this hard, I mean, I just strongly doubt it. I think that... Oh, no, they're not going to go after it. Under the guise of going after it, they're going to go after all the people they can get. They're going to end up going after BLM people and BDS people and anti-fascists and stuff. Don't go off to BDS, either. The
Starting point is 01:04:01 stands will come to you. And this is just going to end up being the piece of theater that justifies many, many worse things down the line and gets sort of speculated about forever. That's what I'm saying. Anyway, pretty hyped for this year. Yeah, we're having the epic presidency back. We're going to have ice cream in the White House. It's going to be fucking polkas, lads. Before I go into our last section, Terrence and Tom, do you have any sort of thoughts about the creeping militarization of everything? No, I think it'll probably, as y'all are all saying, I mean, it's going to feed paranoia. I mean, expanding the police state, I think it feeds paranoia. It feeds alienation.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I think that the whole thing that we're discussing here is... I mean, we're all perfect neoliberalized subjects at this point. And that's why everybody's beliefs are incoherent. And that's why none of us can get a really firm grasp on what actually happened on Wednesday, because everything is completely incoherent. And I think that that is a function of three or four decades of eroding institutions, of our lack of faith and trust in any of it and in each other. And so that's why I kind of just look at what happened on Wednesday as just kind of like coronavirus, just like, well, just sit back and enjoy the ride. What are we going to do about it? I don't know. It's just another symptom of how fucked up everything is, I guess. Yeah, are you saying that we are in the
Starting point is 01:05:27 time of monsters? Look at it this way, right? Not a monster energy, baby. One of the New York Times' perennial bug bitters, right, is how are we going to retrain, say coal miners or also plant workers? How are we going to get them to do jobs that fit into a service economy? And the answer clearly is, you all become counterinsurgency specialists. There's going to be so many jobs for cops. And so that's, we just retrain that workforce, entire towns full of cops. We jest about that, but I can remember like, so this is a deficiency, I apologize for it, but my brother is the chief of police of our town. And I used to go swim laps at this recreational center every morning. And I was going in just like I would normally do and
Starting point is 01:06:23 pay him my three bucks or whatever. And the guy says, you're here for the pops training, which is like the police physical fitness test or whatever that you have to take in Kentucky to be a bonded police officer or whatever. I was like, no, I'm just going to swim some laps here. And he said, oh man, I thought you were here for the pops training. He pointed down the hall, and there was like in this like little like, I don't know, like 16 by 16 room, there's like 30 dudes in there just like doing push-ups and like, but they're clamoring for these jobs because that's all that's left in these towns is like, you know, and if you're like, you're an out of work coal miner, or you're an out of work, you know, whatever, you know, and you want a job that sort of has,
Starting point is 01:07:07 you know, a low barrier to entry, but has some prestige in the community. I mean, that's what you, that's what you turn to. And it's, it's, you're, you're, you're out of business. And there's plenty of funding for it. I mean, there's, I mean, police, you know, a little police force here in our small town of 2000 people has like a several million dollar budget. I mean, there's plenty of money to hire people for it. After this, if you think the Democrats are going to take, even if you thought that you were one Democratic mayor might have done a little, a small token to all of the protests after George Floyd and just not increase the budget of the police in their town that year, this has fucking wiped that off the map of possibility. Well,
Starting point is 01:07:51 I think they are going to be getting all the money. I think this is the solution that earlier, Nate, you were saying, I don't see how Democrats could do that with regards to how they acted to cops over the summer and vice versa. I think that maybe that's the olive branch to say, oh, we don't get along. How about we give you several more MRAPs and a couple of tanks. And then, you know, we're friends again, but I don't know who knows. And an unlimited pasta pass. Well, they got a couple of unassigned pasta passes right now after they revoked them from famous talking heads on Fox News. It's used to belong to Sean Hannity. The unlimited pasta pass is like dead man's shoes, shit. Like they could only give you one
Starting point is 01:08:32 when someone dies. Oh, we only open the books once every 20 years. All right. He's fucking straightened out. You have to sign in bloods to get the unlimited pasta pass. So this wouldn't, Britain wouldn't be Britain if psychotic centrist didn't find a way to make this about Corbin. Oh, fuck. Hell yeah. So conservative peer and lifetime droopy dog impersonator Ian Austin, who was a labor MP who then like his whole thing was hating on Corbin and then was made a conservative Lord for his services, said that this is what would have happened if the left in Britain lost an election. Yep. Yep. Sure. Yeah. Like, you know, like just like fanfic at this moment, like samples of the left in Britain losing elections
Starting point is 01:09:23 recently. No. No. Yeah. And but I'll tell you what did happen is that the right-wingers who have been winning the elections, they murdered a sitting MP in 2016, which again, all of the, well, the entire British commentary. That was Corbin's fault because he wasn't opposing Brexit enough and that made that guy murder Joe Cox. That's how that, yeah. But the, and a lot of, again, they just dimmest wits in the country, which is a very high bar to clear. And we're saying, oh, well, Anarchy in Britain. No, it's when you walk on the grass. It's when you have a pint at that, you know, with lunch and you don't tell the missus. Oh, you're putting the milk in first and you'd see. What are you, some kind of maverick?
Starting point is 01:10:06 We have just, and the idea, the smugness and the making this about what if it was Corbin and the BBC getting a Trump campaign advisor on immediately to say that this was the same thing as campus social justice activism? Just again. I mean, we, this whole summer in Britain, we had some Black Lives Matter protests, but we had an even larger wave of anti-Black Lives Matter protests of basically the same way you were describing with the people thinking that bus loads of Antifa were coming to their small towns. People thought any statue of, you know, problematic historical figures in their town. So basically like all of them, they're like, well, we're not, we're not going to let the woke social justice lefties take down our statue of
Starting point is 01:10:47 Lord Baden Powell. He, all he did was create the Boy Scouts and stare at naked boys for one third of his life. Anyway, they formed these fucking like militias that had nothing to do because no one was coming to take down the statue. So then they just started roving around the streets looking for Black people to beat up. Like Britain might be the one country on the planet that had like more anti, anti-social justice protests this summer than pro and. Yeah. And Gaz and Baz, who own an army surplus warehouse in Basildon have come down to the Senate of wearing full Geogoi in order to drink 18 pints and then accidentally piss on the grave of a dead policeman. This actually happened. A dude literally like the mob came down to be like, we're going to defend statues. And the guy
Starting point is 01:11:30 was just so black out. He just pissed on a memorial dedicated to where a cop had been murdered a few years prior. And I mean, and this is why this couldn't happen in Britain. That's why the retunda thing couldn't happen in Britain because those people would be like 10 pints drunker. They would be way too drunk to even take selfies. They would just be like in the redundant guy like, it's fucking heavy. Well, it's because everyone in the in the in the American protests, I mean, everyone was there being very business like they were there making their content. They were all starting their trigger the libs direct to customer mattress brands or whatever. Like this was a lucrative this is a lucrative day for the ones that don't end up getting,
Starting point is 01:12:10 let's say, banned from all of garden for life. The Black Rifle mattress company. Black Rifle mattress company. This is partially why there's so much outrage over the parlor ban. And it's I mean, it's obviously a free speech thing. And if you're a right winger, and you know, you have your beloved platform taken away, then yeah, I could see how you'd be pissed. But most of the outrage is from, yeah, people who have created careers out of this kind of right wing hysteria. And earlier we were talking about, you know, we were talking about how like, they've been fed all of this hysteria and this narrative and entertainment for the past couple of years. And then it culminated in this event on Wednesday. And, you know, this is who did that.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I mean, like, there's a there's just such a massive industry in this country of right wing pundits and in grifters and everything. I mean, there's there it's all across the board. It's not just right wingers. It's liberals. It's even leftists. I mean, but I mean, it's what a leftist pundit club. No, come on. Never. But yeah, we love our entertainment. Yeah, I guess that's it. I don't I don't know. That's right. America, the entertainment nation. Yeah, entertainment nation sounds like a production company that would have made a really bad show in the 2000s. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. But I think I think that's about all we have time for today. I think we've we've made a good a good showing over ourselves. And
Starting point is 01:13:36 also you'd like to claim you're unlimited pasta. We are the podcast. This has ended up being sort of a two parter where we will be going into like the QAnon implications of this with Julie and an Annie from QAnon Anonymous on the bonus episode. Julie and Annie from QAnon. Yeah, Julie and an Annie from QAnon. So the those from QAnon Anonymous, they're coming on on Thursday. So do look out for that when it comes out. But for now, I want to say to Tom and Terrence of the Trilobillies, thank you so much for calling in and being here with us today. Thanks, gang. It's fine. Thanks for having us. Yeah, it's been a pleasure. I've had an absolute blast. You should listen to the Trilobillies if you don't already. You should listen to the
Starting point is 01:14:18 Trilobillies if you don't already. Don't live in America. Are you one of our British listeners? Listen to it anyway, because it's a good show and it's very fun. And much more soothing voices than this podcast, I have to say. This one just says, other than Nate and I, you just sound like a bunch of angry geese honking and honking. That's why that's why honkball is so important. That's right. Getting voice therapy to sound less like an angry goose. So yeah, I think that's about it. Later, everybody. See you later.

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