TRASHFUTURE - Failure to Launch feat. Hasan Piker

Episode Date: February 13, 2019

We did it. We streamed our podcast live. Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), and Nate (@inthesedeserts) managed to successfully host a live video podcast while speaking with Hasan Piker (@hasantheh...un) on Twitch. We discussed the abortive (to put it mildly) launch of Turning Point UK. Just who are the weirdos that fund it and support it? Why are they all part of weird Oxford racism societies? And why is Candace Owens praising Hitler? Please bear in mind that your favourite moron lads have a Patreon now. You too can support us here: — and if you do, you’ll gain access to our Discord server, where you can talk about soup with us all day. *LIVE SHOW ALERT* We have an upcoming live show -- with comedian Josie Long -- in London on February 21st at the Star of Kings (126 York Way, Kings Cross, London N1 0AX) starting at 7.30 pm. You can buy tickets here: *COMEDY KLAXON* *COMEDY KLAXON* On 13th February at 8 pm, Josie Long and a number of other comics will perform at Smoke Comedy at the Sekforde (34 Sekforde Street London EC1R 0HA). Tickets are £5, and you can get them here: Also: you can commodify your dissent with a t-shirt from, and what’s more, it’s mandatory if you want to be taken seriously. Do you want a mug to hold your soup? Perhaps you want one with the Trashfuture logo, which is available here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Nate. Welcome to this week's episode of Trash Future. As you might imagine, I'm giving you a little heads up about the sound quality. Yesterday, we accomplished a Trash Future first. We recorded our episode live on Hassan Piker's Twitch stream. Whether or not this leads to future gaming, I can't say, but we did record a live podcast episode and we were not libelous, or at least that's what we think right now. So it was basically a hundred times easier for me to pull the audio from Hassan's feed, and since Riley was recording remotely through a laptop microphone like a huge genius, this might be something of a throwback sound to the original Trash Future
Starting point is 00:00:35 for the old heads. Regardless, I hope you enjoy. Also, check the show notes for a link where you can get tickets for our upcoming live show on 21 February at the Star of Kings in Kings Cross. What's going on, guys? Hey, what's up? How's it going? Um, pretty good. Pretty good. How is the, how is, how is, uh, how's the weather in London, in London, is Stan, where you guys are reporting from, even though a lot of you aren't even there right now. Uh, cold would be a fair description. Cold, cold and dry, slightly overcast. The, um, the studio looks as great as ever. Oh yeah, we got, we got our boy, Elon in. I can't see. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:01:25 I can't see Elon. I feel like, uh, wait, where is everybody? Is Hussein going to be on or? So Hussein had to give a speech tonight at a university about his amazing journalism work. And so he's on the train right now. He's timing people Muslim at the university. Riley is actually in a different city for his day job and I am working the boards, but I can move into the frame here in a second once I'm convinced that things are not going to explode on me. First of all, let me just say I'm disgusted by the fact that you guys call yourself socialist and yet you're talking about work. Uh, as a matter of fact, not only just like work,
Starting point is 00:02:00 but work on top of work. Like you have, you're doubling the amount of work. I thought this was all about a bread lines and not working at all. But then again, maybe I'm, maybe my take was incorrect. No, I mean, it's fair. It's, uh, we, we are an anti-work podcast and yet somehow we use things that are made in the world and that cost money and we actually have to, we have to wear clothes. If we wouldn't, if we could get away with it, but sadly those are the rules. Wait, someone, can someone tell Riley that he's muted, that he's still muted himself?
Starting point is 00:02:28 We can't hear him. Oh no. Let's, let's get my muted. He says, damn it. He says, all the things that you write come up right in front of your face and also are just warning you guys. Everything you write, you can see. Okay. Unmute yourself. Riley, you can't type the N word for a whole hour. Don't, don't do it. Don't fucking, this is which I will get banned. Riley, unmute yourself or forever hold your piece. This is amazing because, you know, we've, we've made the comment that what would an episode of trash future look like if Riley
Starting point is 00:02:59 couldn't talk. Wait, how can, why can't he just on, just get out of the call and call back in Riley. Holy shit. Just, just, disconnect and call back Riley. You can probably do that. I don't think I have you muted. You're definitely not. All right, there. Okay. You guys have a sweet camera over there though, Nate. I like that. Yeah, it's a, sometimes for other things that are bad under socialism like work, I have to shoot video. So we managed to get it rigged up and it's a lot more held together with
Starting point is 00:03:31 shoelaces than it looks like right now, but it's, No, you are, you, I remember, I've, I've been to your studio. I've shot a podcast with you guys. I know, I know what it looks like in real life. I'm just saying that this, this image, like the way you've been able to, with the, with the camera equipment that you're using, I don't know. You've just, you've created this narrative that, that this is a lot more professional than it actually is, which is, which I appreciate. Okay. Meanwhile, we're looking at our, this laptop that's we're, we're bracing it against the
Starting point is 00:04:01 heat by, or like trying to save battery by putting it on some books and we've got some cables running through it. Like it's a, it's amazing. And there's so many things plugged into my laptop that actually we can't charge it. So we have, we've got 79% of my battery to get this podcast done. This is fucking cool. Can you hear me now? Yes. Riley, we can hear you. If you're watching, if you're looking at the Twitch chat, don't listen to them. I don't know if you're on the Twitch chat at all. They will fuck with
Starting point is 00:04:24 you. They will tell you if they can't hear you. That's like, It's amazing. Yeah. I, I, I, I've never looked at chat. I will, I will never look at chat. Don't ever look at chat because I'm, because I'm in a hotel in Leeds for my day job. See, we just wanted to get used to this because Riley has this dream that being a gaming streamer would be easy. And he's like, it'll be the sweetest job ever. I'm totally going to do it.
Starting point is 00:04:48 But we know for a fact that the first time people made fun of him in the comments, it would hurt his feelings so bad, he'd never be able to continue. So you have to be the one gamer who never reads any comments. But I do, do you using a laptop built in microphone? What the fuck? Your pods, you've got to respect Crash Bandicoot more than that. It's god damn it. Yeah, being a gaming streamer is not as easy as one would think. Okay. Honestly, everyone thinks it's just all glory.
Starting point is 00:05:17 It's all fucking getting dubs in the marketplace of ideas and also in the marketplace of video games. It's not, it's a lot more than that. Okay. I've, I've alienated myself from all of my friends and family members. I'm sitting in front of the computer for eight hours a day. I started saying Pog and, and Omega lol and Omega yikes. These are things that are like, uh, in the gaming communities are, these are words that no one else will understand. Um, you know, I'm at the precipice of losing my job. It's not,
Starting point is 00:05:45 it's not that easy is all I'm going to say. Omega lol and Omega yikes remind me of like scene kids speak from like 2007, like the kind of people who have like a pink fringe that covered one eye and we're wearing like a studded belt. Yeah. It's, uh, it's, it's a road. I don't want to go down, but, but hey, Riley's, he's the aspiring gamer here. Me, I just, uh, I sit behind a desk all day and edit podcasts. So, you know, that's the life I've chosen for myself. Absolutely. So Riley, you've got, you've got some stuff you want to talk about,
Starting point is 00:06:15 or did you mute yourself accidentally again? No, I don't think I muted myself again accidentally. You don't like that. So you can say. So, uh, so yeah, we, we were recently graced on these British shores by an awesome organization called Turning Point UK who managed in the span of 24 hours to, uh, say Hitler was, had some good ideas and Riley has done some homework to prepare some discussion points about it because we love Turning Point in all its forms.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah. You got to do the homework. If you want to talk about Turning Point. We love it. We love it. They're all about academic references and citations. Like don't, don't talk about Turning Point unless you've like read everything they've ever written. Yeah. No, I mean, it's, it's very, it's very easy to take. I'm going to say bottom line up front. Riley, you've got a huge lag, I think.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And, uh, yeah, I don't know what's going on there. So, so, so, so, and you, you, you were about to say something. Um, yeah, I was going to say it's very easy to take Turning Point out of context. I mean, they're just the level of intellectualism presented. Whenever Candace Owen says stuff like, uh, Hitler did nothing wrong and that actually he was good. Actually, if he just kept it, if he kept the ethnic cleansing to Germany alone and never expanded, he was too ambitious.
Starting point is 00:07:36 These are all, these are all things that we simply cannot understand with our feeble minds or, you know, when Charlie Kirk says stuff like, uh, capitalism is good, socialism sucks. Um, you know, they're, they're really, I mean, he could be right about some things, you know? Yeah. I mean, they're, I mean, or all things for that matter. And I, I happen to think that he's right all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I mean, I, I debated him, as you guys know, uh, at Politicon two years in a row and he, he, uh, wiped the floor with me on both years. Uh, he definitely was not triggered by the end of that screaming, uh, like a madman, uh, like a man who had doodled his diapers. Um, yeah, I was going to say, when you, when you scream, I always have lived as a capitalist. That's the trophy you get for winning a reasonable debate at Politicon. That's actually how you summon the spirit of Margaret Thatcher back from
Starting point is 00:08:29 the dead and she arises and she steals all of the milk. I just, the only comment I can make about Charlie Kirk is I had a coworker, uh, who, I mean, we didn't work together, but she worked in the same company who had, was obviously very right leaning and had a lot of like important thinking to books by conservative authors and a friend of mine, once I'm hurt, she was out of her office and my friend brought me and he's like, dude, most of these are bad, but there's one used to Jim, you've got to see this. I don't know how you can stoop this low.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And you think it's going to be like mine comp and she peeples out. It's time for a turning point by Charlie Kirk. He's like, who the fuck actually buys this? Old people. Oh, no, she wasn't old. She was my age. I mean, granted a little old, but still old people and easily fooled marks. So easily fooled marks, the lesser known of the Mark brothers.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah. Okay. So, uh, here's, here's basically what's gone on. So little table setting turning points, UK and USA are reactionary university campus organizations that are all about free speech and making it okay to be conservative, which as we all know, is the greatest thought crime of all. I think they're also pretty fundamentally like politically unimportant that seemed to me to mostly exist to like build donations from aging boomers who
Starting point is 00:09:43 hate their kids. A lot of what they do is like inflammatory statements in public to push their insane reactionary agenda about like, um, getting mad that there's a vegan day in the cafeteria. It's basically a shell game distracting us from much more urgent issues facing our policies and we're mostly talking about it because it's a comedy show and they're hilariously stupid. And they're moving from the US to the UK.
Starting point is 00:10:05 They're globalizing nationalism. Speaking as a conservative, I'm very oppressed by vegan day as I actually consume an all meat diet to ensure that I maintain the peak of my masculine powers. Thank you. Oh, so, um, basically the, they, they've launched this, uh, this venture at an event at the Royal automobile club in London, which is like a Palm all private members club. And, uh, I've got sort of the launch event, uh, people who were at it included,
Starting point is 00:10:37 uh, James Dellingpole from Breitbart, uh, and a guy who famously just said he really didn't know what the economic benefits of Brexit would be when he was passed on, uh, question time recently, uh, a pickup artist and anti-feminist Peter Lloyd, Paul Joseph Watson, Nigel Farage and Aaron Banks, as well as one of the digital campaign members from the taxpayers alliance. So it was really just a who's who of who's worse. Wait, so they couldn't bring in the A team. Like they couldn't bring in Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Damn. That's the, that's the A team, isn't it? Yeah, they got like, um, this was, this is like, this is like, this is the point of the music festival where you're basically just killing time between the top acts. I was going to say so bad that Paul Joseph Watson gets to be the smartest person in the room, but I think genuinely leave his flat in the first place. I mean, because he's famously a shut in and like, so the idea, you could get
Starting point is 00:11:29 him to come out for something like clearly it's got to be a place where they play praise Hitler. I mean, he's not going to come out for some bullshit. Okay. James Dellingpole is like, for the record, Paul Joseph Watson can't leave his house because he would fuck too much. Okay. That's why he doesn't leave his house.
Starting point is 00:11:44 You soy boys simply can't understand. And you're over here making fun of him for being a shut in when there are women lining up outside of his apartment to have sexual intercourse with them. They love maps. They're so they maps make them wet, like nothing else on this planet. Oh, and those lips that might imagine those lips on your person. Yeah, exactly. Not, not a drop of moisturizer around just fucking sand.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah. We excited talking about Paul Joseph Watson is like this weird hobbit shut in, but I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I'm sure there's some terrible conservative young conservatives who would absolutely be down to bang with him. Yeah, yeah, like low tax, Chloe. So, so, so at this point, though, Charlie Kirk has, has he gotten involved? Is he speaking at this event, Riley?
Starting point is 00:12:27 Or is he just well, yeah, he is. These are some of the British, the British attendees, including, of course, the founding members of Turning Point UK, who I'll get into later. But Kirk was speak basically Candace Owens spoke first. And she said that Turning Point sees itself as quote, in the midst of World War Three, as a grassroots resistance against the, the perceived left wing bias on university campuses. And Charlie Kirk said there's a silent majority of conservatives whose views
Starting point is 00:12:56 have been stifled and are crying out for freedom. He said that he, you know, is a tremendous success at pushing back against the left, and they have no doubt we prevail in British campuses. We will highlight, isolate, and debunk all radicalism in 30 seconds or less. That's not, you've met these people. Tier one, seven of operators. Highlight, they're just debunked. They're just fighters, you know, fighting the real jihad, which is like you guys
Starting point is 00:13:24 pointed out earlier, vegans on college campuses, transgender, antifa, super soldiers, and safe spaces, which should only be limited to straight white students. And if that doesn't exist, then, you know, then no safe spaces should ever exist on campuses. I mean, look, you guys nailed it originally when you said these guys are exclusively, they, they've, they're exclusively catering to, to boomers who are reactionary and very upset and scared that the future is changing.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And, and they'll spend as much money as possible to, to prevent that from happening. And, and I think Jordan, you, I know you guys are probably familiar with him. He found out the turning point USA ad spend on Facebook by looking at their, by tracking their marketing campaigns. And in those marketing campaigns, they realized that turning point USA was not targeting 13 to 17 year olds was not targeting anyone under the age of 25. And for the most part was targeting people over the age of 65 and between the ages of, you know, I think it was like 45 to 60.
Starting point is 00:14:38 So it really goes to show what their, what their actual target audience is. Cause they know that like, you know, 13 year olds who are getting laid or busy playing video games, which are way more productive activities are not going to focus on with the, the quote unquote culture war, right? So they, all they need to do is like put up a couple of waspy looking young clean cut kids to say that they're, they're fighting the good fight against, uh, you know, anti-fascists and then people with blue hair. So then, and then the donations come in and they brought in $15 million last
Starting point is 00:15:17 year, I think, if I'm not mistaken. I can only imagine like the scientific recording of each individual, like step broken down to milliseconds for how long it takes from a kid slamming the door and saying, fuck you, dad, to his dad getting online and seeing a meme and donating money to Charlie Kirk. Like they must have it down to the nanosecond because like clearly they found their target. Imagine that though.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Like your kids, your kids hate you. So then like you, you start donating to Charlie Kirk and then before you know it, Charlie Kirk is fucking your retired wife. I mean, I just love that idea though, because when you get down to it, it really only exists as online sort of provocation and then some events on college campuses, but by and large, like we know about them, not because of like what they've done on, on their events, they, it's because of their presence online.
Starting point is 00:16:02 So really all this is doing is making boomers post more on Facebook, which is a crime against humanity when you get down to it. Yeah, because their events are always like famously very poorly attended, right? Like you, like they have their events that are like their big conference that they just had in Miami, where like all of the turning point representatives from all of the universities will like get together. But generally, like when Charlie Kirk goes and speaks at your school, you
Starting point is 00:16:26 know, he's going to be, they're always going to be more protests than actual attendees who want to hear what this like 24 year old with a face this size of a billboard has to say. Listen, the turning point event, there weren't that many people there, but the quality of the retired pussy on offer, unbeatable. Yeah, if you're into GILFs and some MILFs, turning point USA is for you. No, my favorite thing is whenever they'll be like, Charlie will like every now and then put up a tweet like, oh my God, we sold out this auditorium.
Starting point is 00:16:56 And it's like a lecture hall, like a mid-sized lecture hall. And you look at the audience and it's all balding, like boomers. Every single person in the audience, like there's like four fucking students there, probably like the, the, the libertarian party or the, uh, the young, the young Republicans or yeah, for, you know, those guys who are like, you know, this turning point thing, like, let's just take a look at it. We're not getting late anyway. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Um, and they, they go and attended, I guess. Tell me about these GILFs, Charlie. Yeah. This guy's cool. Kanye West shoes on Kanye West shoes on and the smallest teeth I've ever seen. Um, I also, uh, I want to go back into that. We will highlight, isolate and debunk radicalism in 30 seconds or less.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Like, what does that mean? They're just going to have to dominate the track. Wait, have you not seen the dot? Have you not hit me? None of you guys have actually seen my political debate, I guess, because he demonstrated that, for example, when we were talking about, uh, redistribution of wealth and how America doesn't have a, a, an abundance problem, but a redistribution problem, he turned around and said, Venezuela.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And that was it. And the crowd literally, the crowd literally lost their minds. I think there was someone like throwing a broad Charlie. They were like, this is it. Fuck it. Have my white babies. Charlie Kirk was the reaction from the crowd. Hasan, how did you recover from the strength of that own?
Starting point is 00:18:21 Did you, did you have to go through a few weeks of contemplation? Like, what? I had never heard that before. That's the beautiful part about the Venezuela argument is that it's, it's like just as good as it knew every time you hear it. It's like, it's the first time you've ever heard it. So I mean, that explains Charlie, that Hasan's absence online for a couple of weeks when he went and did an ayahuasca healing trip to just repair his
Starting point is 00:18:43 subconscious after being so devastated in person by a man who definitely doesn't wear a diaper and definitely didn't storm out like a huge baby when, when you guys had that discussion about money. South American problems have South American solutions. That's what I say. So the one thing that the turning point does additionally to like doing various kinds of behavior, like sort of a six month old to a three year old in public and making terrible memes is they also are really well known for trying to make
Starting point is 00:19:11 a professorial watch list, which is set up to monitor academics. It deems to be sort of too radical or too left wing, which is like the only actually kind of slightly intimidating thing they do. Yeah. And I mean, but, but it seems that it's all open and self reported, isn't it? Like you can report whatever you want. Yeah. Like Professor Snape was one of them, if I'm not mistaken, like they had a
Starting point is 00:19:38 bunch of like fake accounts that were reported. And also, I mean, when I think about freedom of speech and defending freedom of speech, I go back to that one era of US politics when they defended freedom of speech so hard, the McCarthy era. That's like, that's usually my, my frame of reference for how much I love free speech. Thank God, Turning Point USA is doing that. Well, I can't imagine how they're threatening these university lecturers. Like, yeah, if you keep saying this left wing propaganda, there'll be no more
Starting point is 00:20:05 granny pussy for you. We've got a whole list of women who have confirmed that they will not have sex with you. Let's get smaller and smaller every year when some of them pass away. Yeah, I guess I look at it too, that most people who teach in universities are, are casualized in the US, I mean, they're adjuncts. And so the idea that, I mean, yeah, obviously there's going to be, you know, tenured people on that list. But if you take any cross sampling of instructors in any liberal arts
Starting point is 00:20:32 institution in America, most of those people are going to be people who don't know if they're getting a job the next semester or not. And so the idea that you're adding to that stress because I don't know, somebody made you read the color purple and you're like, this is anti-white racism, like it just drives me nuts. Because I mean, Charlie Kirk and his, his like weird fucking code to read. They've already like their intellectual forebears have already won. They've broken the back of what used to be the job security of tenure in universities.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Because I mean, obviously not, you know, the tenured people can't be fired. But now nobody gets tenure, basically. And so the idea that that's, that's somehow not enough that you've got to stop people from, I don't know, like stopping the people who, who, who complain when you have like weird racism parties and like, no, this is oppressing my free speech and we need to get you fired. I'm going to call your boss. I'm going to call your mom, who I already have her number because we're fucking.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Well, how else would Virginia get its democratic politicians if they didn't have racism parties? Absolutely not. I love that guy was in the position of literally having to decide whether to say he was the guy in the black face or the guy in the KKK costume. I think we can all agree, no matter what, we were something was stolen from us. And that, and that was when, when the governor almost moonwalked for a brief moment to apologize for the black face.
Starting point is 00:21:55 After deciding that he was the one who was in fact in the black face and not in the KKK rope, probably after a sequence of means testing, he decided he was the black face guy and then he turned around and said, Oh, well, I was doing a Michael Jackson black face and let me moonwalk to prove it until his dastardly wife stopped him. Oh, it would have been the greatest moment Jackson was doing. Like, fuck, I don't even going to say that. I was like, what, what, like, I need to pick an unproblematic black person to
Starting point is 00:22:25 say I like, let's go with Michael Jackson. Well, I mean, I just love the idea that that's how you explain it away. You're like, yeah, but I mean, it was, it was meant as emulation. It was flattery when I put on black face. Like, this was the good kind of black face. Not, not the bad mean, you know, mocking kind. I just like Michael Jackson that much. He really likes Robinson's jam.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah. Yeah. And so, um, go ahead. Don't go ahead. No, I just said yes. I was agreeing with you guys. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:52 You know, moving slightly on, uh, we can ask, we know how it's behind Turning Point USA, uh, you know, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, their network of dark money donors and agreed boomers. Um, and we'll get to Candace Owens again later because who boy, did she let some do'sies go at this particular event? Um, but the actual, like people who are behind Turning Point UK are, uh, a group of, uh, let's see, very interesting, uh, folks. The UK chief executive is Oliver Anisfield whose family owns a salmon
Starting point is 00:23:21 smokehouse in London. The more interesting person is the chair who's called George Farmer, the 29 year old son of a hedge fund trader and Tory lifetime peer and a former member of Oxford's Bullington club, which is really quite perfect. Can I also just, just for the point, just the point of linguistic enjoyment point out that the, the, what the name George means farmer. So his name is literally farmer, farmer. Well, for, for, for, for some American listeners, you might, you might clarify
Starting point is 00:23:49 what a Tory peer is that he literally is in the house of lords. He, he gets to be called Lord whomever. Like we have Lord sugar and Lord Adonis and we have Lord George, I guess. Well, that's his dad. Lord sugar and Lord Adonis are from, are from the fake house of Lords. They do all the poor in the house of Lords videos. I'm shocked that Lord sugar has not gotten a piece of this action. I feel like, isn't he the guy who was, who was claiming that he would
Starting point is 00:24:13 leave the country if Jeremy Corbyn was elected? He, he did. Yeah, he's a labor peer. He's a labor peer. Well, the thing about Lord sugar is that we can't survive without him because he invented the Amstrad email a phone and like, I, I use that every day. Like, I don't know if they, if they stop making the spare parts. I don't know what I did.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I don't know about him. I just think it's funny that his name is literally sugar, but, you know, that's the kind of intellectual headline. And you're like, wow, Lord sugar and Lord Adonis are in another, another grappling battle over Brexit. And you're just like, does this country even fucking exist? Like what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:48 What is, what would that swore an enemy? Baroness insulin. All, all of Britain is just fan fiction at this point. So basically this guy, um, yeah, his, his dad is like one of the richest people in the country, um, and, and is like appointed for his life to basically be an R version of the Senate, uh, by the conservative party, uh, which is basically, uh, yeah, the party famous for, of course, uh, you know, Thatcher and, and means testing and all that nonsense.
Starting point is 00:25:20 But I've also want to point out that he is a former member of the Bullington club, uh, which again, if it's, you don't know, is a club of some of the richest students at the University of Oxford, whose whole shtick is that they go to a restaurant, cause tens of thousands of pounds of damage, and then just pelt the owner with cash as they leave. That's who this is. And so that's, that's like part of the committee, the chair, the board of directors for Turning Point UK.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Yeah. Right. Please stop kink shaming the Bullington club. It's a valid, it's a valid kink. But different, uh, entry requirements to the Bullington club have been different at different times. So you used to have to, as I recall hearing, uh, go and burn a hundred pound note in front of a homeless person, uh, or the 50 pound note or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I can't tell if you're being serious or wait, I hate to stop you. I'm not joking. I'm not joking. That's what that was. At least that was the rumor. One of their, um, uh, uh, uh, joining ceremonies at one point was to go and burn the highest denomination pound note there is in front of a homeless person's face while wearing, um, their special, uh, tailcoat and yellow, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:26:30 silk vest, uh, outfit. Okay. That's incredible. That's, that's incredible. This is just like when Howard Schultz, uh, ran successfully for president here in the U S like the mere existence of these people or these, uh, ridiculous rituals is, uh, probably causing people to, and, and I, I mean this unironically push further and further to the left.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Right. I mean, yeah, I feel like turning more power to them. Yeah, we're all accelerationists now. Um, so the answer thing is like the turning point, people are constantly claiming like, ah, if you call us racist, then I promise you we're going to get more racist, uh, and meanwhile they're out like radicalizing people by just basically like being 18 year olds with unlimited credit cards acting like they would do. Were they in that situation?
Starting point is 00:27:26 Because they are, um, well, the thing is, right? Racism was invented during the Great Depression because of the shortage of granny pussy and that's why they needed something to do. Notably, other, other members of the Bullington club have included Democratic party, by the way, just so we can put that out there. So that history knows. And still to this day is advanced by the Democratic, uh, plantation. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I mean, when you get down to it, Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. He was Republican. Republicans have done, done no wrong ever since and nothing has happened in America since then. So when that's how you can tell that Donald Trump really is Dinesh D'Souza. That's my white face. That's how you can tell that Donald Trump is like a pro, you know, pro America deep state agent who is actually draining the swamp because he has never fucked
Starting point is 00:28:14 a woman his own age. So, you know, you can tell the deep down he's actually trying to stop all of these people. That's how they get you. A little more information on the Bullington club, uh, other famous members of the Bullington club who were all in it at the same time, uh, David Cameron, George Osborne and Boris Johnson. You know, I don't know what any of their particular initiation rituals might have
Starting point is 00:28:35 been. I just know some of the ones that have been supposed to be the immigrant initiation rituals at the time, but you can imagine it does some stuff like this. He fucked the pig's head, right? Allegedly. Yeah, there may have been something with a pig's mouth. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I think that was supposed to have been at the Pierce Gaviston Society Party, which is like a big sex party in a field that happens once a year. It's a different but equally rich people society. This is why the last time I was speaking on a panel there, I said we had to abolish Oxford and Cambridge. They're awful. We need to abolish Oxford actually. It's just Oxford, really.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Yeah, Cambridge is so much more normal than Oxford. I really reject Cambridge being lumped in with Oxford, but I love that people like, no, there's a different weird sex party and insane, you know, just like massively inflammatory ritual that's involved. It's like, no, that's that's that's for a different white society. There's the pig fucking one and then there's the burn money in front of homeless people one and you shouldn't get them mixed up. The pig fucking society actually has an access program for disadvantaged students.
Starting point is 00:29:33 This is this is what I love when people in the UK snobbishly look down at American politics and they're like, oh, you guys over there, you're you're in a league of your own without crazy things are. And I'm like, OK, dude, well, you guys are fucking pigs and shit. Like the difference is that like Trump will just fuck the pig on camera if he thought it would down the lips. He'd be like, yeah, I'm fucking a pig. You know, people you speak to people in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:29:58 They say I fucked a pig. My family's done it. My father owns a jet ski dealership. You know, he talks about that. You can see pigs there. You can see them all over the place. I once saw a pig in France and that reminds me, actually, that Vanity Fair has really gone downhill recently.
Starting point is 00:30:14 The other thing to remember is that the person who made George Farmer, George Farmer's dad, Lord Farmer, was David Cameron. So it's not like people are all in a ridiculously incestuous, just basically a mutual backpatting society, which may also have been an initiation ritual for the Bullying Club. Of course, he related to the pig and you QAnon conspiracy. So basically what you're saying is that, like, this is an old sort of a familiar circle of people involved in either reactionary
Starting point is 00:30:43 or just like insanely rich politics. Oh, yeah. So this is this is like, like we imported. I think the UK imported it to the to the US with the founding of the US. But then we're we're taking it back in our very own style of just like weird internecine pig fuckery or note burnery or whatever it is. All of these people in the Bullying Club have done. So I have actually have a quote here from from Farmer.
Starting point is 00:31:08 He says, why is it that all young people feel obliged to vote for the Labour Party? Just talk to some of my friends. If you tell them you're a conservative, it's like you're banished. That's not freedom of thought. That's thought control point of order. This man doesn't have friends. I love this, dude. I love it when they accidentally tell on themselves all the time.
Starting point is 00:31:28 That's precise. That's the whole point of why they built this club to begin with so they could actually have friends or at least fake it as though they have friends. I think that's literally it in a conservative's life. That is the single most important thing is the fact that because of your shit ideas that that that exclude people on the basis of their identity or on the basis of things that they cannot change about themselves. You all of a sudden lose all of your friends and people start alienating you
Starting point is 00:31:58 because you act like a gigantic moron and and no one wants to be around you anymore. And then they're like, Oh, this is the same as like when, you know, black people were being lynched. So we should we should do something about this and, you know, give me friends. You're like, you know, who else they didn't believe Galileo? I must be on to something. I don't tell the world's first conservative. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:32:21 It's fucking intolerant socialist. The thing to remember with this, too, right, is that like is that if they are campaigning to like just be basically be horrible to people on a political level. Like if you have at least any modicum of critical thinking, then you would never want to be friends with someone who was just horrible to you on a personal level or like treated your whole group of friends badly. So why on earth would you be friends with someone who just kicked that up a notch and made it a whole a whole social policy around basically being as
Starting point is 00:32:52 much of a dickhead as possible. But it also seems to me like what they're trying to do is appeal to the weird, twisted, like just malformed young conservatives that do exist. But the Joker Conservatives, the grammar school conservatives exist in small numbers. And I'm just wondering if it seems like this has already fallen flat. Like it's supposed to make it so those people can come into the light. But instead, now it's just sort of like anybody who identifies with Turning Point UK is going to get made fun of more because of than they would have
Starting point is 00:33:20 previously because of what's happened in the last week. Now, they must love it. They did the only reason they could openly be a member of a society like this is that I think they probably just enjoy it. Just huge hogs for punishment. They're hogs for punishment. I have a little more about George. He was the social secretary of the University of Oxford's Tory Association
Starting point is 00:33:40 in his first year at the end of that year. Social secretary. Hi. And you're in the glittering social event. At the end of that year, the society fell into scandal after asking candidates at a husting to tell their most favorite joke and name their least favorite minority. What?
Starting point is 00:34:01 I was that favorite racist joke, right? That was the. So you're supposed to say you're like, this is I really like the aristocrats. And I hate Bangladeshis. Like, that's how you got into their society. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's you say you tell them your most racist joke and then you just you decide which of the minorities is your least favorite.
Starting point is 00:34:20 And the point is to really showcase about yourself. Like, don't just give them some facts. They want to know about you through the medium of telling them about your least favorite minority. This is like one of those college application essays about like I went and helped the poor people of ex-country. So but you're like, I was really racist in an organic farm. I went and did the kind of racism that you just can't build overnight.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I wish we like about slavery plantations. They were organic. I went to Italy and personally called everyone a day ago. You know, I mean, that that is that doesn't count. You're doing oppression towards white people. Or I mean, I guess Italians are not white, right? Or according to I mean, you're going to get this on kicked off Twitch, because as you know, no one is had received more racial prejudice than the Italians.
Starting point is 00:35:06 All right, they are absolutely protected category, right? You fucked it all up. Yeah. I thought you guys in the UK were a little bit more sensitive about hate speech. And turns out these leftists, these British leftists, are just fucking destroying white people. Charlie Kirk was right all along. Leftists do hate white. Maybe it's time for maybe it's time we had a turning point.
Starting point is 00:35:27 It's important to add that George wasn't necessarily at that meeting, but the society was banned from using Oxford University's name for a year. But Liam Neeson was there. Of course, the idea. I've got one minor idea. Oh God, you know that Liam Neeson would have a really easy time answering that question. It's one particular man. Down the street, I'm going to fucking find him.
Starting point is 00:35:49 It's going to fuck. Oh, hello, Colin Farrell. Thank you for joining us. I don't necessarily agree with what Liam Neeson did, but look, he's done it. You've got to get over it. OK. You sound like Brad Pitt in Snatch now. You like Dags? Yeah, you like Dags Day. Yeah, come here, boy. Hey, Dags. Leftists on campus are forcing us all to like Dags.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Leftists on campus are doing terrible Irish accents on podcasts. Oh, and apparently now, according to A.C. Brailing, A.C. Brailing, A.C. Brailing, we're all going to have to eat dogs after Brexit because the government has brought in this new law like criminalising eating dogs. And apparently this is specifically related to Brexit, which is like if A.C. Brailing has made up that connection, that's funny. But also, if it's true, that's somehow even funnier.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I don't know. Either way, we went, you know. A.C. Brailing is a man with a high IQ haircut. He looks like Leibniz. So carry on. So I think the idea that conservative thought is being censored on campus is, of course, ridiculous, like that you all of a sudden can't have those points of view. The British universities literally cannot stop giving distinguished
Starting point is 00:36:57 professorship to guys like Nigel Bigger, who basically built his career on saying the former colonies of Britain should be thanking it for the railways sort of every single day. Nigel Bigger, OK, you can't spoonerise my name. Checkmate left it. One man we can't make fun of. Damn, he's got us there. So those are the young people involved and why they're stupid. Another person who's involved with the group is John Mappin,
Starting point is 00:37:22 who is a 54 year old hotelier, who owns the Camelot Castle in Cornwell, wrote to Trump in 2016 to award him an honorary knighthood and is a committed Scientologist and QAnon believer. The kinds of people I think about when I think about young conservatives, 54 year old castle owners who are dishing out lordships for people. I mean, this is this is really a grassroots movement, as Charlie Kirk mentioned, man. And now he's international. I'm so happy for them. I mean, he may seem like all an old castle owner, but actually,
Starting point is 00:37:58 it's just Dan Nain, and he's just purchased himself a home in Cornwell. I also just imagine that even QAnon people look down on Scientology people like, come on, guys, read a book. Seriously, you can't really believe that shit. Oh, my. So so obviously, a big thing happened, though, Riley. A big thing happened this last week. Oh, yeah. So they're so their launch event, the Tory party. This was the Tory party grandies.
Starting point is 00:38:25 They loved it. Some responses to the launch event include pretty Patel, the former development secretary, saying a new generation wants to bring back hanging. Very normal person. She's so cool. A new generation standing up for political and economic freedoms and conservative values and beliefs. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Another MP, Bernard Jenkins, tweeted, this is the future. And Jacob Rees Mogg says, finally, we're proving the left has no monopoly on the quote unquote young. He does put young and inverted commerce. That's literally anyone born after 1890 to Jacob Rees Mogg, right? That man, I've said this before and I'll say it again, is one bad Tuesday away from wearing two monocles. The amazing thing is we saw a photo of him recently published
Starting point is 00:39:15 when he was 13 and he was wearing a double breasted suit and a monocle. And it's like your little piece of shit. Like he's been this way since he was a child and nothing is ever going to change him. He looks like if you took, is it Bert or Ernie from Bert and Ernie that looks like him? Bert, if you took, if you took, if you took Bert from Bert and Ernie and you were like, how can we make this guy look like more be oppable? That's Jacob Rees Mogg.
Starting point is 00:39:40 There he goes. You heard it here first, folks. There you have it. The left advocating for violence, for a difference of opinion. Once again, dude, this is just like the Trump kids. Just like how the Covington Catholic boys who did nothing wrong were being persecuted. And then Milo just showed up and started banging a drum in their face, like a piece of shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:00 All they wanted to do was blackface, but with a caveat on Blackface Day, which makes it perfectly acceptable and perfectly reasonable to do. So the reason why the governor of Virginia is in hot water is because he did blackface, not on Blackface Day. He did it on Halloween. Yeah. On Blackface Day, it's actually racist not to do Blackface. Yeah. I also have to say this.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I went to high school, like maybe an hour and a half from the Covington High School or whatever. I've never heard of blackout days. I swear to God, they just like they just have a school program for putting on blackface. And like they probably oriented basketball games around it. They're like, how do we how do we preserve this legacy? And they found a way to do it by just being like, no, no, it's a blackout day,
Starting point is 00:40:43 not a blackface day. That's it. Oh, blackout days. You must have heard it like, no, dude, I'm from Indiana. And I've never heard of that shit comes. You've never heard of Blackface Day, dude. I just I'm shocked. I was raised in a liberal bubble. OK, I was raised in an ivory tower.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I don't know what real America is like. Like they'd heard that black people were very good at basketball and they kind of wanted to get some on the team, but they were too racist to actually do that. So some enterprising gym teacher in the 1930s was like, well, maybe if we black up the white kids. Oh, Jesus Christ. It's it's it's in Dickens.
Starting point is 00:41:18 He has screwed lean out the window and say, boy, what is what day is it today? It's Blackface Day, sir. Then run along with the shot. Blackface Day goose you can find. This is what Turning Point UK is about. It's about bringing back Blackface Day, a tried and true, very important tradition. Literally a day in the Netherlands.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Literally a day. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Say what is it? Black Peter. Trots of Peter. Oh, yeah. He's just the point. He climbed into chimney.
Starting point is 00:41:49 That's why I about it. I think it's normal. Hey, you want to fuck my grandmother? So, so basically on the launch day that all the sort of Tory party grandkids were saying it's wonderful, basically every single person on left Twitter then made it in Britain, made an alt account as a turning point, turning point, University of Cambridge or turning point, University of Aberdeen or whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:13 There were all fake accounts that basically just kept posting about how they love to shit themselves with diapers and so forth, which is more or less what happened. So turning points, official statement on the parody accounts that sprang up and made it literally impossible for like the 10 angry uncles who wanted to donate to figure out which one they wanted to donate to. TP made an official statement that says, we haven't fully launched any branch yet,
Starting point is 00:42:38 but we'll make clear how to determine which ones are official and which ones are not. We do find the fake accounts highly entertaining and a sign that some on the left are feeling threatened by us shaking up the status quo. No, it's the ultimate. I'm not owned. It's the ultimate. I'm not owned. I'm not owned. You guys are the ones who are owned really tweet or statement, I guess. Wasn't there one official one?
Starting point is 00:42:59 And then there were multiple fake accounts that were like copying exactly what the official one was saying, but the official one wasn't verified, so no one knew. Yes. And then the official one was arguing. And so the fake ones started arguing back with them. And so like it was just there literally was no way to tell the difference between the two. Yeah, you'll be able to tell the official account because it will just keep tweeting the word, Venezuela,
Starting point is 00:43:19 as it slowly turns into a corn cob. Yeah, that's why I really like this was in the end through the notes that I have. There are like several instances of actually I'm not owned. You're the one that's owned because you're pointing out how just stupid and in public I am. And but let's let's get to let's get to the real doozy. Candice Owens on stage at that Royal Automobile Club launch event
Starting point is 00:43:48 attended by like, you know, a bunch of like disgrace magicians and former pickup artists as well. I don't think they're being a disgrace magician. The real real troops. OK. You forgot to flip the switch. Candice Owens was asked a question about nationalism and Hitler. And I've got the full quote here and for follow up.
Starting point is 00:44:11 This was as reported by Will Summer in The Daily Beast. He was a national Hitler was a national socialist. But if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, then OK, fine. First problem Germany great again. The problem here's the here's here's Candice Owens's problem with Hitler. The problem is that he wanted he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize.
Starting point is 00:44:37 He wanted everybody to be German. Everybody be speaking German. Everybody to look a different way. To me, that's not nationalism and thinking about how bad we could go down the line. I don't really have an issue with nationalism. I really don't. Nobody who speaks German could be an evil man. But also, I love the idea that she's like she doesn't seem to understand
Starting point is 00:44:54 what they mean when they say globalists. It's like it might be a right wing buzzword, but she seems to think that that like, oh, no, Hitler invading other countries was was globalism. We don't like, no, they just mean the Jews, Candice. That's just the word they've been saying. No, that's what I'm always saying. I'm always saying that like, you know, the one problem with Hitler was that he was too ambitious, you know?
Starting point is 00:45:13 If he kept it exclusively within Germany, if he just kept it chill, if he was more of an isolationist and ethnically cleansed Germany, then I'm fine with that. I mean, guys, really, but he got too big for his britches and and tried to go after Poland and stuff. I mean, that's when I that's when I drew the line, you know, the ethnic cleansing inside of Germany I'm fine with. But as soon as you go to other countries, I'm like, nope, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:45:37 It's just, you know, a man, a man who a man who got who was misunderstood, basically. Yeah, Hitler, he wasn't getting up at 4 a.m. He wasn't listening to three audiobooks on double speed as he went for a jog. You know, these are all the things that could have sat him back on the right part. But also, I think what's amazing is to watch as an aside here is to watch folks like Matt Walsh and other, you know, people within that network have just completely brain dead, unable to to to form a coherent thought
Starting point is 00:46:06 but just are perpetually angered by people with purple hair to defend her. I mean, like, oh, I know, you know, that deep down she doesn't actually support Hitler. And it's like, that doesn't fucking matter. Like she said what she said. She said, Hitler was good for all the shit in Germany. Is the other stuff. Well, I have a follow up to that.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I don't like his deep cuts. I have a follow up to that as well. So the beautiful part that most people did not realize, and this is what I wrote about today for my for my video today. So I'm I'm coming in hot with all of the Candace Owens memes. But the part that's really interesting to me is the fact that she then followed up with like, you know, nationalism is good, whatever. And this is all like routine stuff now somehow.
Starting point is 00:46:49 I don't know why, but she continued by saying that, you know, the UK has a problem right now with their birth rates declining and that in order to protect like their UK's national identity, we need to do something like that. And I'm paraphrasing here and you can, but it's the second part of her statement where she's literally saying like, oh, no, like Hitler wasn't a real nationalist. But also something that Hitler really cared about, which was the declining birth rates and how it tied back to identity
Starting point is 00:47:22 and how it tied back to the national identity. I totally agree with that stuff. So it's just love to to be honest with you. Is it Candace Owen would come in and say that because it's like, yes, a lot of racist white people in Britain also think that too. That's why they're deporting people who look like you, who've lived in this country their entire lives. Like the idea that that people aren't the she's able to talk about this as though
Starting point is 00:47:46 she's not just parroting dog whistles of people who absolutely believe in like a white ethno state. Like anybody who walks in the room and says, like, I'm just really concerned. There's not enough white babies being born in this country. Like you understand what they're getting at. Yeah. Like I also like it's so good. Like, first of all, the take that like really what Hitler cared about deep down
Starting point is 00:48:06 and what came before everything else was fucking. He wanted people to fuck. That's what he cared about. Everything else, that was the B game, right? He may have gone off track with some things, but the fucking thing, he was always on the spot with that. And second of all, that like she's getting like dunked on defending Hitler. And she's like, God, I can't believe that my defense of Hitler
Starting point is 00:48:25 would have been construed as a defensive Hitler. And everyone's going like, how dare you say that she was defending Hitler while she was saying, hey, Hitler wasn't all bad. As though they're like, how is it that the left, the damn, the damn libs always think we're defending Hitler when we defend Hitler. Like what? They're like, we just can't stop doing it. Like every time I like, I try and talk about, you know, the weather or Bitcoin,
Starting point is 00:48:48 I just accidentally end up saying, well, actually, Hitler was good. Never occurred to them to be like, just not mention Hitler. Like literally, they could have a massive reactionary press conference where they talk about fucking white birth rates, whatever the fuck they want. And if they didn't bring up Hitler, they would get dunked on at least 75% less. But they have to, they can't stop doing it. It's like crack to them. They're just like, oh, just one last hit of bringing up Hitler
Starting point is 00:49:12 and saying he wasn't that bad. Oh, I'll slam it into the vein between my toes. These people are fucking wrong. I don't even, I don't know how anyone could be like, oh no, I watched that and the leftists are doing that typical thing where they're taking her out of context when she literally said he was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and things have, and have things run well, okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Like what pulling Hitler at national socialist is like saying, well, actually, Jeremy Corbyn is a Republican. So it's just, it's just, it's just playing with the words. Also, it's like, why does everyone always have to say like, oh, well, you're just thinking about what she said. You have to infer what's in her heart. How all I have to go on is what she said, which is that if Hitler wanted to make Germany great, that would have been cool.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Which again, she said to a crowd. Also, what's in her fucking heart? The things that she talks about that are from the heart are usually just more reactionary garbage. Like, I mean, this is a person who made a career for herself by switching over to the right side, obviously, and then going on info wars. And just for the record, I don't know if you guys recall, but there was a point in time when people were like, oh, Candace Owens is far right, or like Twitter Moments identified Candace Owens
Starting point is 00:50:41 correctly for fucking once as a far right figure. And then Jack had to come out and apologize personally to this person who was an info wars correspondent who used to say stuff like Black Lives Matter is actually sponsored by George Soros. And they don't really care about black people at all. Yeah, I mean, the idea that Jack would be, he would personally say, I'm sorry, I called you far right. And I mean, I guess it's one of those things where
Starting point is 00:51:07 even when she comes out and says that she supported Hitler to a degree, that's not going to be enough because there's going to be this perpetual bad faith of like, well, you guys are just misinterpreting. You need to read the whole article. It's like, we just did. We read it out verbatim. We have, there's a video of her saying it. Like, unless, unless you have to play it backwards, and there's a secret message where
Starting point is 00:51:29 she doesn't endorse Hitler like you just bring exactly backwards version. It's like the more appropriate version. God damn iron maiden record, man. But now it's just, I, I watched this, but then invariably, you realize if you didn't notice it already, that the same disingenuous folks who are basically, who are going around saying that, I don't know, that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite, or that Ilhan Omar is an anti-Semite, or whatever the reactionary bullshit thing pushing against the left is, these same people would be like, oh no, you're just not taking into context,
Starting point is 00:51:59 as if context is anything they fucking care about. Yeah. I'm also now just getting really distracted by the thought of Alex Jones on info wars doing that thing. You know, he pulls up like a printout of an email, even though he's sitting there with a computer and he's like, oh, oh, that's just an, um, Hitler was actually a Black Lives Matter activist. That's where I threw it on the source.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And then it's like feeding it into a shredder going, oh, I can't reveal the source. Oh my. So asked by the Daily Beast to explain her remarks. Owens followed up by saying she does not endorse Hitler. Now, people get owned by publications called the Daily Beast. Well, I was like, I mean, I know it is funny to me that like, it's now at a point where we used to be like, they were questioned by a journalist from the Washington Post. That was how people used to go down.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And now it's like, yeah, some, some. Well, no, because Will Summer, who runs the newsletter, right? Richter is like one of the, like the best monitors of far right and insane, like sovereign citizen activity in the state. He writes for the Daily Beast. And so he's like always on this shit. So this is his article that I'm pulling this from. So ask me the Daily Beast to explain her remarks.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Owens called Hitler quote, a homicidal maniacal globalist and claimed her response was simply know why Americans wrongly equate the word nationalism to Hitler. My final comment is that Hitler was the scum of the earth as is the publication you write for. I hate it. I hate it when my nationalism gets a bad name by doing all the things nationalism promises to do. Also, this is, this is, this is also just, I love this. This is the other version of I'm not owned, which is actually you're wrong for criticizing me. Like I'm robbing your house and you call the cops.
Starting point is 00:53:44 You're like, oh, fuck you for calling the cops. Fake news. You're not calling the cops. That's fake. I love the part where she's like, well, I wasn't going to bring up Hitler. And then someone asked me about nationalism and it's like, well, you're the one who brought up Hitler. There are examples of nationalism that you could have used that are not as problematic as
Starting point is 00:54:04 fucking Hitler. You could have been like Greek nationalism was good or, you know, the Haitian nationalism was like very successful in launching the Haitian revolution. You're the one who turned around and was like, you know, Hitler gets a bad rap. She didn't say that. Like, I mean, but, but, you know, she, she just like immediately launched into Hitler and was like, Hitler could have been good if he didn't have, you know, more ambitions of expanding his, his nationalistic pride beyond Germany.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Thank you for all the messages of support pouring in from my fans in rural Argentina. Huge shout out to that. Well, something I'd say too that's funny is at first I thought to myself like, oh, wow, well, they've, they've put the final nail in the coffin here as far as like they, they, they's tripped on their dick, setting up Twitter accounts. And now this turning point UK is a joke. But then I was like, actually, if there's any one thing that's going to ensconce you in the heart of the British, right?
Starting point is 00:55:00 It's saying that Hitler is okay because they all believe that and they have costumes to prove it. So I was, I was at Cambridge with a guy who was literally related to Oswald Mosley and it's like a high touring. Of course. And it's like, I love that. I love the idea though. It's like, it's like, you know, in a country where every third royal has a wearing a Nazi uniform scandal, maybe praising Hitler won't be as much of a dead weight as, uh, as we thought it is.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Oh, you know, actually, that's the funniest fucking thing about the Mosley family is the Oswald Mosley, obviously noted actual fascist. And then Max Mosley, who was this guy's uncle who was like, used to run the F one, what science do with F one. And then he was involved in a Nazi uniform or G scandal where the, and it's like, why, if you're going to have like your or G like fine, whatever, like, why would you do it in Nazi uniform? Given that what like literally your like one of your ancestors was, it was like a prominent
Starting point is 00:55:54 Nazi and your family has been trying to like PR their way out of that for years. I mean, It's like, look, the States has constant blackface scandals. This is the way that the UK has taken it and turned it where we have constant, constant Nazi uniform scandals. Yeah. Prince Harry is just a beautiful moron. He's not like, he's just like, he just doesn't understand why that's a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:56:17 He's like, he's like a dog. Like you, you have to tell him that he's not going to be able to do it himself. Like I think Prince Harry is the mad Hancock of the Royals. Once again, you guys are denying white people their right to respect their heritage. I mean, how else are you going to have an orgy without wearing your Nazi uniform? I'm always saying this. This is a thing I think of all the time. Those poor, those poor Republicans, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:43 They're some of the only trousers that actually have room for you to get a full erection in. So in the context of that, let's just go back to what I said earlier about how a whole bunch of respectable Tory MPs were like, this, this organization is fantastic. Love those guys. So, so yeah, I mean, it seems as though they're having a very normal one when it comes to launching their UK franchise. I have to ask Hassan, you've dealt with the American franchise quite a bit. Does any of this surprise you?
Starting point is 00:57:17 No, the American franchise is very similar, perhaps a tad bit more reactionary, mostly because it's a little bit more successful here in America, where there's constantly news coming out of Turning Point USA, whenever they're like Discord servers get outed, whenever there's any sort of like email listings that get leaked. And it's always like really terribly racist memes. And similar to what Riley was referencing as far as like, what's your favorite racism moment?
Starting point is 00:57:50 You know what I mean? Like what's the race that you love to be racist against? Like it's like shit like that. And it's just mostly like edge lords who learned this sort of behavior from their families. A lot of them are, I mean, I'm generalizing, but like it's the upper middle class white kid who feels like who thinks that it's the true oppression is when you don't have any friends because you can't shut up about how much you love triggering the libs or owning the libs. But it is a little bit, it is a tad bit, I guess, I mean, it is somewhat successful.
Starting point is 00:58:29 It is a little scary that because they have so much money, because they've been able to generate so much revenue for themselves that they can and actively continue to change the outcome of student elections, like student government elections by essentially operating as a super PAC for, you know, elections that they do, like student government elections at colleges and now even high schools. Oh my God. In fact, let's go a little bit into the funding. So speaking to BuzzFeed news, I can pull this from a BuzzFeed article by Mark DiStefano, which is a really good sort of
Starting point is 00:59:09 look at the launch, mapping that Scientologist Hotelier wouldn't reveal shocking who was funding the UK arm. Well, the whole idea is to stay anonymous, he said. That's how they do it in the United States. It actually doesn't matter who funds it because it's just about the ideas. Yeah. And I mean, I guess it's just one of those things where dark money is a thing that exists in the U.S. and exists here too. And it's no surprise that something that's going to basically encourage politics that's going to, you know, try to run cover for dark money and offshoring and all sorts of bullshit, like what happens in politics with rich people and reactionaries in both countries. It's no surprise that they're just going to explain this away. I guess, to me,
Starting point is 00:59:47 it's just hilarious at how poor of an investment it is because they suck at it so bad. Like they're okay, you might be changing the conversation in high schools who are like, actually Confederate Heritage Day is a good thing and we need to respect our elders. But that's not necessarily going to, that's not going to translate to a resurgence of this kind of politics outside of, I don't know, a weird virgin nerd circle. I mean, if anything, I feel like the more insane parts of the kind of right-wing resurgence, like the dudes marching around with Tiki torches probably does a better job of recruiting people because like they feed into this base instinct of just being like to aggressively blame somebody for your problems and like be like, we're going to do
Starting point is 01:00:27 fucking weird, no jackoff jiu-jitsu to train for the time when we can fight and punch these people in the face. Like what the fuck? There's a kind of jiu-jitsu where you don't have to jack the other guy off. Oh, I'm thinking, I'm thinking about the proud boys did their own version of Krav Maga, but like taking out the Israeli influences because they hate the Jews. It's Krav Maga for if you're really fat. Exactly. You don't have to leave your gaming chair. And I'm just thinking, I'm just thinking about it. Like that, at least you could see the appeal in the sense that for people who want to like live out of fantasy where they're going to become some kind of an action figure, as opposed to TPUSA. Like do you really think, I mean, I guess, do you really believe that there's
Starting point is 01:01:04 this potentially viable audience of young people in America and Britain who like all they want to do is be like, I won the debate. And so you have to listen to me because I know the rules. Like if that happens, I think you can tell by watching the economy if like suspenders start to fucking sell in droves. You'd be like, oh, wow, there really is a turning point happening. Here's the thing. Let's go back to what we were starting with the beginning, right? This is not an organization that's designed to actually get the attention of anyone on the campus. It's designed to like just appeal. It's monetizing boomer outrage that they hate their own kids. And secondly, the other thing, and this is particularly true of Britain, is that our media is so obsessed with
Starting point is 01:01:42 balance, which to them means they always need to find it. If we're going to say that the earth is round, they need to find a flatter earth to provide balance, like that's in the Constitution of the BBC more or less. So what this has really done is that this has given them an ocean of people that they can like, like when they put on Ash Sarkar or Grace Blakely or whatever to like on question time, then they can grab some of these turning point UK figures for the sake of balance. Like just save Venezuela. Yeah, just come save Venezuela to Ash Sarkar a whole bunch. Well, they can say, look, a lot of people have said very bad things about the swastika. But what if the swastika was actually the best possible shape for helicopter blades? No one has even
Starting point is 01:02:22 investigated that. The left unwillingness to engage with ideas, it finds scary. It means we might be too afraid to put swastikas as helicopter blades. I mean, it would only crash slightly less than the current UK setup. Petition Trump to make Air Force One have swastika blades. It's very dynamic. So that's the thing. They're never going to actually convince anyone their own age, unless they're like a shut in who no one talks to and then they can like, find solidarity of being generally hateful people. But what they are going to do is they are going to like, completely just hack the BBC. I don't mean hack it like literally, but they're
Starting point is 01:03:08 things going to take advantage of how gormous the BBC is and then rake in a whole bunch of money from guys like an ex-girlfriend of mine's dad who was in Libertas, which was the non-racist version of UKIP. That's who's going to donate to these people. So I have to ask the question, Hassan, because I'll admit I'm terrible about watching the news even when I'm in America and then obviously I don't live there anymore. But have you seen a similar phenomenon take place like where Charlie Kirk becomes or people like the sort of bad faith, dumbass campus conservatives become people that like MSNBC or other network outside of Fox News bring into the studio like for balance? Yeah, Ari Melbour had Candice Owens on to
Starting point is 01:03:47 fucking scream nonsense on his MSNBC show. And the frustrating part for me is that they will never, ever put on an actual leftist. They will always have like random comedians on like that girl who was like, ah, Bernie is not fucking fetch and he needs to shut up. He's just like too old except Joe Biden on the other hand is really fucking cool. Like they'll have like centrists who are mostly apolitical or spineless to come in and represent the young leftist perspective. They'll never actually have anyone who's like, who's even remotely further to the left than like Nancy Pelosi on, but then they'll have someone like Candice Owens on who's a conspiracy theorist and it's incredibly frustrating. It's just overcorrective neutrality that liberals engage in so
Starting point is 01:04:42 frequently that frustrates me to no end. Okay, look, people are criticizing Nancy Pelosi a lot. All I'm saying is if Nancy Pelosi had clapped like that at Hitler, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened. It's just facts, guys. Could Bernie Sanders have done that? I don't think so. I think you guys are running low on battery, so I think it's time for us to bring this to a close. Yeah, we don't want to be that clown, clown podcast that just suddenly cuts off the air, so. The Soprano style mid-sentence. Thank you for having us on your stream and thank you for guessing on our show, which will release to our non-twitch-connected podcast listeners.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yeah, I was going to just say that you guys should do your plugs as well, your Twitter's individually and your podcast, like all of it, just get it out of the way so that people on Twitch can find you. Go ahead, Riley. So you can find the podcast account at TrashfuturePod. I am at Raleh. It's R-W-A-L-E-H. It's a bad name. I haven't said it for a while. How about you guys? You can find me at in these deserts and my name is Nate Bethay. It will show up if you search it. Yeah, and my name is Milo Edwards. You can find me at Milo underscore Edwards on Twitter and Instagram if you feel in sexy. If you like Russian, you can find me.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Yeah, I also have a Russian Twitter account for the real heads, but you can find that via my regular Twitter account. Now everyone's going to know who funds us. And also, if you're a British listener to either the podcast when this comes out or the Twitch stream now, we're having a live show with comedian Josie Long, the star of Kings in Kings Cross. The event-bright link will be in the description of the podcast, I guess, and we can post it elsewhere. But please do come along to that. It's on February 21st.
Starting point is 01:06:38 I'm February the 21st. I never get it right the first time. Otherwise, this is for the podcast people, but as always, we've got a Patreon. You can sign up to it. Second episode a week, five bucks a month. You know the drill. Yeah. Also, February 27th, I'm running another smoke comedy night at the Sechford. That's a Wednesday, 8 p.m. And the headline is going to be Elf Lions, who is very cool and very good. You should come and watch it. I'll be hosting. And as always, you, boy. Amazing. All right. I think if we don't have any more plugs left, it's time to wrap and go back about our normal lives.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Yeah. I'm going to stop the recording and guys. Peace out for you, Hassan, as well. All right. Thank you so much for coming on, guys. Yeah. Thanks so much, man. Thank you very much, Hassan. Pleasure. Yep. Take care. Peace.

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