TRASHFUTURE - JDPONorth feat. Liv Agar
Episode Date: February 4, 2025Liv Agar from QAAnonymous joins us to discuss the birth of Canadian nationalism, in that suddenly Albertans are booing the U.S. national anthem. Why? Well, Trump is moving forward with 25% tariffs on ...Canada, threatening Canada militarily (?), and managing to get extremely dumb-guy Canadian conservatives to disavow the US with the same vigor as they supported Bernard the Roughneck. Get access to more Trashfuture episodes each week on our Patreon! *MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s UK Tour here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
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Cicario 2 should have been set on the Canadian border.
For balance.
On the wrong side of the border, gringo.
The maple syrup business, it does things to people, you know?
And what I'm envisioning right now, right?
Josh Brolin, Matt Graver, amoral CAA agent, right?
We're establishing his bona fides as a bad-
Because remember, he was the good guy in Sicario 2 and the bad guy in Sicario 1.
We're establishing his bona fides as a badass.
And he drone strikes an FLQ member's family's house, like in front of him.
This is just infinite jest again. We don't have KFC up here. It's called some weird
acronym in French. They call it KFC in France. Yeah. It's called St. Hubert. The academy
from says there's no jurisdiction here. it's Quebec, Montreal is a French black site.
Where some DEA agent from Vermont gets a Montreal necktie from a guy from the Risotto family.
We don't even call it an email, we call it a courriel.
They don't even do that in Paris, what the fuck!
Chained to a chair rocking.
Welcome to hell in Quebec land.
Bienvenue à l'enfer, Gringo.
Bienvenue à elle, Gringo.
Hello everybody.
Welcome to TF.
It is the birth of like Canadian national consciousness, I guess, finally happening
after like what?
150 years, 175 years of confederation.
As a result, this episode will be overdubbed in Quebec while French.
We are joined to talk all about the, I would say, crazy directions that Canadian politics
has gone by the QAA podcast, Canadian correspondent, former guest of this show as well.
Liv Agar, Liv, how's it going?
It's good.
I'm glad to be back on to talk about the JDPONization of my country.
We're joining the third world, I think. be back on to talk about the JDPONization of my country.
We're joining the third world, I think.
ALICE You know, the imperialist and aggressive will meet
his end in Canada.
You see, like, you know, like, 60s communist posters where it's like a really big Canadian
guy strangling a snake to death or something.
ZOE We're bringing back the FLQ like Marxist Leninism, but it's like also Anglos being like, yeah,
we're also oppressed.
Yeah, it's like the FLQ starts as like a single issue party and then people like, like Anglos
are like, no, we're Francophone allies.
Every Canadian, just like the most middle of the road shitlib Canadian reading the wretched
of the earth and being like, he's writing about me.
That's me. That's Canadians being radicalized into guerrilla units, like
digging pits with punji stakes in Windsor, Ontario for American trucks to fall into.
Yeah, we'll get there. We'll get there. That's a line item on the agenda. When I used to
talk to like American friends when I was young, you
know, they'd be like, Oh, you know, I have no more American friends by the way. I am
now I know spiritually at war with every American. Yeah. Yeah. Riley and Nate aren't even speaking
anymore. Is that bad? Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Well, we would just spread out one Canadian per square kilometer of Canada come get us mother fucker
Just by average so like fight like like a fifth of you are just in lakes
Really treading water fueled by nothing but hatred for America
Just like treading water in the coldest lake in the planet. It's like fuck you fuck you fuck you
You don't understand. I mean you live Liv I think can shed some light on this, but we're booing at hockey games.
That's Defcon 1 for Canadians.
Yeah, like Albertans are booing the American anthem in a hockey game, like that doesn't
This is a new development.
Canadian, Canadian Defcon 2 is like, you bump into the Canadian and they don't apologize.
Defcon 1 is like, building your national anthem.
To understand, I think, what a seismic shift has taken place, not just in the last day,
but over the last month in Canadian politics.
You have to remember that Alberta is a place where the majority of the people who live
there have so bought into
like petro masculinity that they've just are Canadians with like Confederate flags on their
They work 10 gallons.
It's ridiculous.
They're like rolling coal.
How many is that in liters?
These are like roll, coal, coal rolling, excuse me, Confederate flag waving like oil workers.
And now as November said said they're all reading
the wretched of the earth and hating America.
They're calling it the great Satan, we're in the axis of resistance now.
This is the thing, right, the main thrust of what I want to get across this episode
is that Donald Trump is insane and means all of the Hitler stuff, right, and it reminds
me a lot of Putin.
I'm gonna get into this too, But if you remember when Russia invaded Ukraine for
the second time and Sweden and Finland joined NATO pretty much immediately, because it turns
out every Scandinavian, even when they're like a web developer or whatever, has a switch
in the back of their head that says kill Russians on it, and you flip that and they start thinking
about nothing else. I didn't realize Canadians also have this,
right? Like I didn't think so, but apparently hidden under the hockey hair, there's a little
switch and you flick that and every Canadian of every political tendency starts having visions of
the war of 1812 and like sweating through their palms. We burned down the White House once,
we will do it again. King Charles has been activated. His eyes are glowing red.
He's walking across the Atlantic to Newfoundland.
God, I have to protect my subjects.
But we're going to be getting into that in the sort of second part of the episode, talking all about, as we mentioned, what has happened in Canadian politics now that it's no longer able to project half of its political tendency
onto America in the same way. But first, I want to issue a correction. And I know that this is
coming right after our last free episode was celebrating how right we were about Deep Sea.
Unfortunately, we now have to acknowledge how wrong we were about Doge. It was not a busy box.
It was not the Department of Django and Keys. turned out that it because it didn't do what it said on the tin
It wasn't just making recommendations about like IT efficiency
No, it turns out it would they wanted to assume a kind of like cultural revolution
Redguard role where like a 19 year old hits you with a bamboo cane and makes you denounce your old job kind of thing
And ironically the Canadians have beaten them too, there.
There's going to be people renouncing their Ford F-150s in the street.
People friendly to Elon were installed in charge of multiple departments and then just
let in a team of infants named Big Balls or whatever to go and delete all of the USAID
computers. Yeah, the Nazi child from Knives Out was serious about the Nazism, obviously, and has also
just been let into the corridors of power, and he'd done fucking shit up in there, you
Yeah, it's like if Reinhard Heydrich had broccoli hair, basically.
That would've been a look for him.
Well, he'd had face tattoos as well.
Yeah. Well, he'd had face tattoos as well. Yeah.
One of the most goated SS-Sturmbann-Dürfens.
I'm beefing Vince the Czech resistance right now.
I have shooters out here, but they're shooting at me.
He's surely the most cracked SS officer.
He gets killed and he talks about, complains about stream watching.
The Czech resistance just stream sniped Ryan Hudhide.
It turns out that American soft power, much like American soft economic power, America
is rebelling against the system.
We talk about this in a British context as well, right?
Right wingers hating the police because the police who are designed to protect them
aren't being sufficiently deferential.
It's a very similar dynamic of a, I think you can call it like a coup that is occurring,
a sort of self-coup.
Yeah, of course.
It's like, oh, this system that's rigged in my favor isn't rigged in my favor enough.
I'm going to pull all of the wires out of it.
I mean, you talk about this as a genuine fascist moment. And if you're trying to square
the circle as to why it's happening, it's that I often think you have to understand
fascism as a, and also I'd be interested to know what Liv has to say about this because
you talk so much about like these crazy fascist belief systems, but that fascism I see is
like a cancer operating on capitalism where all of what capital wants, the endless wars, the
crackdowns, the brutal punishment of people lower down the social hierarchy, those almost
autoimmune, or not cancer, but even an autoimmune disease, those immune reactions, those things
that support capital get just turned up, the lever is broken off, and then that begins
to consume itself. And I think that's what we're witnessing now.
Yeah, it seems like fascism in broadly all of its contexts
is structured as a thing that is attempts to protect
the ego aims of like whatever political body,
but does so irrationally.
Like there is such a power towards this claim
of self protection for the political body
that it begins to identify threats that don't exist.
Yeah, we're going to paint over all of the like murals at FBI headquarters that say stuff
like corporate values.
Yeah, we're going to have to get rid of fucking anything relating to Hoover because of how
much he loved cross-dressing.
The first D I fed? Yeah.
And this also, this is a reflection of what Elon Musk did with Twitter.
He broke in assuming, as you say, Liv, right, that the threats to his political aims were
everywhere, imagining them, finding evidence of them in like four shirts in a broom closet,
and then, you know, destroying it as a viable business
in the process. I mean the thing that's always fucking me up about this lately,
whether it's with the tariffs or any of the other Hitler stuff right, is you expect as a materialist
that there's the kind of the room from network right where somebody's gonna sit Trump down and
go yeah but you can't do that because of capital and it just seems like that isn't one of those.
Like you say,
all of the business interests, all of the capital that's lined up and bought the ticket
for fascism is always, always surprised when they take the ride and figure out there's
no levers attached anymore.
Yeah, you see this under the Nazi economic policy too, where they basically just think
that they can brute force their way against economic capitalist laws. We can just control everything.
All of these economic contradictions we're introducing, it doesn't matter.
We can just continue to win brutally.
Well, what if I call the contradictions Jews?
What then?
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, I think Zuckerberg, Bezos and Co., the various other American oligarchs, having
pretty much thrown their weight behind Trump and been like, this is fine actually two weeks
ago, are now they're
now left with only one lever to pull which is to post President Xi my
country yearns for freedom there's a lever in Chinese we don't know what it
stands for me it's but we know what it'll do. Turns out they just said develop way better AI?
Yeah it's the Trump singing in Chinese lever it's all we can do. We're going to replace
it with Chinese AI Trump.
It drops like $4.75 and it's just like, here, develop a better AI with this. We could. Maybe
you can.
I really wish I could speak Mandarin because I would love to do the Trump impression in
Chinese. I just think it would be so beautiful.
We're a talented linguist.
It's a bit that requires like one to two years of setup, but the payoff
immaculately. Yeah, well, because also the Mandarin has to be good enough that no one can accuse me
of doing a parody Chinese accent. That's the problem. You have to get a barrier to entry.
Like with your Russian, you have to get like a good enough in Mandarin to win a stand-up
comedy competition in China. Calling all my business partners, I need two years off. You get one stand up show out of it and it's titled whatever the closest Chinese analog
to Pindos is.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Whatever they call your lifetime bitch.
Thank you Chen Weihua for that one.
Yeah, thank you.
But like, this is something that financial markets didn't see coming.
Basically nobody in politics.
They all thought there was still the Room From Network.
They thought they were in the Room From Network and meanwhile Trump was kind of blundering
around outside golfing while Elon Musk was sending 19 year olds into ransack the place.
Well that's what's funny is they are in the Room From Network, he's just not in there.
He's wandering around the golf course caked up.
Doing the monologue to nothing, to nobody.
Also, it's significant as well that this is a group of 19-year-olds.
I go back to talking about elite ossification and elite cycling, where in Britain we have
an incredibly ossified cadre of elites who are very good at defending their powers and
it's very hard to move them. Whereas what Trumpism represents, it represents a lot of things. It represents
a genuine cycling of one half of the elites in America who are able to actually bring
ideas not that will solve the problems of the day, but that will at least confront them
or people think will confront them.
Yeah. I'm not sure why the problem turns out to be trans people, but you know, fuck it,
I guess, whatever.
Yeah. Like, you know, the neocons of yesterday, be trans people, but you know, fuck it. I guess whatever
Yeah, like, you know the neo cons of yesterday all those people they've spent the last sort of several years getting pushed out January 6 Pushed them out. They're gone, right?
And now it's like 19 year old like tech
Gropers who might be in a murder call or whatever who are now the like these are the people who are the conservative shock troops
It's like all of those like Cheney acolytes who put together the Iraq war.
Those guys are out.
The Democrats only have old psychos.
They've got psychos who remember Vietnam.
Okay, we've got very new psychos.
This guy, look at him, he's seven years old.
I put him in charge of the CDC.
Seven years old.
It's beautiful.
Like Biden said to Netanyahu by way of explaining why he had to put a hold on the
like 2000 pound bombs or whatever, that yeah, it's not Scoop Jackson's Democratic party
anymore, right? Which is the oldest cunt thing to say possible.
The inventor of the ice cream scoop.
It's not Holden Bloodfeast's Republican party anymore.
You know, all these old movement conservatives, you know, the core of the movement, whatever, It's not Holden Blood Feast Republican Party anymore.
All these old movement conservatives, you know, the core of the movement, whatever,
the GOP stalwarts are getting replaced by 19 year old gripers.
No one knows what to do about it because they're all like accelerationists.
They're all have a very different view of like what global hegemony means.
Well, this is the thing that strikes me, right?
As we're going back and forth with the tariffs about whether you know something's gonna happen or nothing ever
happens is that we're now on a course where something has to happen right
like there's there's too much stuff has happened at this point and now there's
there's a real like collision course here you know and I don't know where any
of this leads and that's pretty frightening. I don't think they do either
it's just there's no there's no one at the wheel. We're just gonna see where it goes.
Let's just do it and be legends.
He can't see over the dashboards.
Yeah, yeah.
The guy at the wheel can't see.
It's just broccoli hair over a steering wheel.
I mean, to be clear, this is partly because of the ossification you mentioned earlier.
Like, there were long periods where Biden functionally wasn't president, right?
Because it was like, Sullivan, Blinken, and whatever the fucking third guy in the room was doing.
The ghost of Scoop Jackson.
Yeah, the ghost of Scoop Jackson was like ordering things.
Yeah, and so you have this situation where it's a fair judgement to say, if this can
happen as a result of an election that was basically a coin flip, that problem isn't
just on, you know, like, there's a lot of responsibility to go around to that and it dates back further
than Trump, you know?
Oh, always.
You know, it's like, Big Balls is an effect, not a-
Yeah, this individual tumour is like, you know, obviously very very bad, but exists
because of a systemic problem.
Well, they say we've got ossified elites in the Democratic Party, and I say, why doesn't
Ho Chi Minh come here and tell me that himself?
Well, this is why Trump's trying to make Canadian Ho Chi Minh right now.
Just a twinkle in the eye of an Alberson oil rig worker.
But, you know.
O-G-Minh, is that?
But just like using like an Iranian supplied Shahed drone and just shouting,
give her tits before hitting the goblins.
Out for a rip right on the side of the bowl.
We're about to see a kind of snowmobile 9-11 style attack on a series of border posts.
I cover myself with Cent-X and strap myself to this ski-dew.
I cover myself with explosive plastique.
Except, except it wouldn't be, it would be the square-est, it would be like the, it would
be like convenient fucking bonkop badkop.
It would be the most like middle of the road ontarian you've ever seen, decimating his
suicide vest in the border crossing at
like Windsor?
I like a bunch of like Patagonia fleece Vancouver guys are going to run down into that one bit
of Washington state that like abuts Vancouver and just kill everyone in witness protection.
You know, I feel like we're sort of missing like one key component here, which is like,
this is really bad for the state of the world, right?
But this is great for Drake's career.
Because he's been like, you know, I feel like after the whole like Kendrick stuff during
the Grammys, like I've been really wondering how does this guy get his career back? And
if he's able to like liberate the six, like, I don't know.
That's like our version of like the Balkan Civil War music.
I wasn't expecting Drake to kind of form a paramilitary unit, or for him to commit so
many war crimes.
Alaska secedes from the US to become part of Albania.
In 30 years, the UK Labour Party, attempting yet again to win power from reform, uses a
song that it turns out was by Drake about the war and actually
is quite offensive.
But the Doge death toll.
It is bizarre that the modern swastika is an AI generated cartoon of a Shiba Inu.
It sucks.
It fucking sucks so bad.
Not only are these guys little Hitler's, but they're also Cringe and stupid first is tragedy then is big. Yeah. Yeah
I mean it's not like the original Nazis weren't cringe and stupid too
But like there's an eminence to it this time, you know
If the AI generated images and shit where you're just like I can't believe these guys are gonna be the ones who kill all of us
You know, I don't talk about one more thing about America before moving up to Canada, which
is of course that this problem may soon just solve itself.
Yeah, it might die.
Well, well, because Elon Musk is now working directly with Boeing on the delivery of a
new Air Force One, so...
Oh, please.
Let me just say, JD Vance, you are Boeing to be president. To be fair, that would be the most narratively fulfilling way for Trump to die.
Now it would be like an- I've been thinking a lot about Donald Trump's death, right, recently.
For normal reasons.
I don't think there's an unsatisfying way for him to die.
Like maybe nuclear war because we all die too, but like other than that, there's not a bad way for him to die. Like, maybe nuclear war because we all die too, but like, other than that,
there's not a bad way for him to go. Even if he dies of like, disease and old age and
goes out like Stan Chera, that's fine, that's great, I'm having a great time. But like,
him getting like, assassinated by a leftist? Funny. Assassinated by a rightist? Way funnier,
and more likely, they're the only ones who have been putting numbers on the board. But like, dying in an Air Force One crash? Perfection. Magnificence.
Mr. JD Vance, you are one Boeing safety inspection away from the presidency.
As Air Force One is going down, he's like,
I can't believe I'm going out like the former prime minister of Poland. Under mysterious
It's weird, they looked into it and that birch tree was actually a registered Republican, Poland. Under mysterious circumstances.
It's weird.
They looked into it and that birch tree was actually a registered Republican.
So who knows what the fuck.
Like slip and fall funny.
That'd be hilarious.
Like just as you say, gets ill and dies.
That'd be funny.
Suicide by the FLQ funny.
Suicide would be if like he's just been feeling like in his feelings about like
if he sees a really big truck and it's just like, I just want to drive away from
all this.
Okay. Let me, let me go off the step suicide by cop.
If you're president and you go for secret services, that member's service weapon.
They have to let you take it. They leave. That's your gun. Basically.
They work for you. They have to let you take it. They leave it. That's your gun, basically. They work for you. They have to let you take the service weapon.
A cop having to shoot Trump is so the fucking Wesley Snipes crying meme.
Like, can you imagine?
Imagine how they'd feel.
Sir, I will never let you commit suicide by cop.
I will be a Samaritan.
I mean, I feel like the funniest way he could die is like in a heated gamer moment, right?
Well, like he has a stroke, like live on stream. Yeah, moment, right? Well, like he has a stroke like live on stream.
Yeah, like he's yeah, like he's on like Aiden Ross stream.
He has a heart attack.
But when he runs for his third term, that's what he's going to have to do.
They're just going to like wheel his hospital bed to like Aiden Ross's stream.
Trump, Adam 22.
You say runs for he's not going to have to run for shit.
Like this is the point of tearing all the copper wiring out of the walls and stuff is, turns
out all that constitution was real flimsy, you know?
Yep, that's right.
So yeah, all it's gonna take is, oh yeah, all the voting machines, they're cucked in
soy, USAID is cucked in soy.
That's the other thing about USAID, if they knew what fucking USAID did, they would not
have deleted that agency.
That is one of America's top ways to teach, like, police forces in South America
how to pull fingernails.
Yeah, well, what it is, what it is, right, in terms of like the deck being stacked in
your favor is it's like loudly pulling the stack of aces up from up your sleeve out and
throwing them onto the table and being like, they're trying to fuck me over by weighing
down one of my sleeves with all of these useless aces.
It's worth one. It's literally the worst card.
But also I think it's important to remember is that fascism has its own aims and that
like the aims of like national conservatism, the aims of fascism are kind of different
from the, from the kind of thing you can achieve with soft power, right?
Because so many of the aims are about sort of conquest and punishment for its own sake,
not just about the effective exertion of control. I mean, again, I know Liv is one of the people on
this show who actually thinks about fascism specifically most because that's a lot of what
QAA talks about. I mean, I want to does that strike you as correct? Yeah. I mean, I think a lot of it is also just that they're like, they have an especially
dumb guy's understanding. It's like a hoi four brain.
But like, it's like, why am I sending, you know, infantry equipment to this other country?
Like that doesn't progress my A's. I want to own it.
This thing that's like.
This also explains Trump's like map painting thing.
Because wasn't it literally like he saw how big Greenland was in the Mercator Projection?
And was like, we want that.
Same with Canada, too.
This is a thing that I can't say enough, because we've been saying it for months, if not years,
He is serious about all of this shit.
And so when he's like, oh, Canada should just be the 51st state, like he means that.
Oh yeah, yeah, he means that you'll be bigger for America.
It's like they listen to like the kind of dumb lib
understanding of USAID,
but they're like, well it's bad though.
We shouldn't be helping them.
And it's like, no, you'd set up that way for you to dominate.
Yeah, I always say like that one of the hallmarks
of postmodern conservatism is it's all,
it ultimately it's
an ideology that's mediated through media, right?
It's about reacting to marketing campaigns.
So whether that's like a rainbow Deloitte float at Pride, you know, as opposed to being
like, oh, that's Deloitte just marketing itself, right?
You're like, Deloitte is compromised.
This is where I come back to Poussin again, because that was also a case of a guy starting to believe this stuff and seeing like Eurovision one
year and being like Europe's gay now. Yeah. The prophecy has come true. Europe has
become gay and Muslim. There's only one way to stop them. Getting Chechens to invade
Ukraine. But, and it's the same thing with USA, they're getting mad at a
marketing campaign. It's just you're getting mad at a marketing campaign. It's
just you're getting mad at a marketing campaign for America being able to unilaterally rewrite
your mining laws. If you're like Botswana, for example, right? Like it's teaching fingernail
polling in Central America and rewriting African like mining laws. And they're like, no, that's
they're they're helping and helping is gay. We were hurting. We like hurting, not helping.
Like, I feel like I got owned in 2022 when it was like, he's not going to invade Ukraine. That
would be stupid. It's a similar thing where it's like they want everything and they can't like,
half measures like, oh, we'll influence this area isn't enough. It's similar with the Nazis.
Yeah. And like the thing I always come back to, right, is that like, because both Putin and I
guess now Trump have been in politics for a while, Putin much longer, and like, were sure always evil, but like, had, like, you know, sort of like, they were shrewd, right?
And so, for a long time, even leading up to the invasion for a bit afterwards, you had guys who were like, you know, journalists in Russia, listening to this ace-hour speech that was completely off the rails about how Ukrainians are actually more closely related to dogs or whatever the fuck and going
what does he mean by this? He can't literally mean that they're going to invade Ukraine
because that would be nuts. And then he did and it's just like you have to this is going
to be the story of whatever the rest of the Trump presidency is having to grapple with
the fact that this is a guy who is like, fucked mentally and actually thinks this stuff.
Yeah, Putin lecturing Steve Rosenberg, well you say that invading Ukraine is crazy thing
to do but can't draw your attention to the fact that actually history lesson for you,
Mr. BBC Manus.
In fact, there is a proud Russian tradition of being fucking mental.
It's a weird coincidence, right, that between Canada and Ukraine, we've had not one but two nuclear-armed superpowers just decide
that they're going to annex countries that are much less populous, border them, have a population
that's ethnically increasingly indistinguishable in a way that you can make an argument facetiously
that they should be part of the superpower. Has language laws. Has language laws.
Has language laws.
And are full of Ukrainian nationalists.
Both are going to be liberated by Ukrainian Nazi paramilitary.
It's like, this is the shadow war, right?
We're ticking off the two most Ukrainian nationalist countries in the world.
Ukraine and Canada.
The battle on Azov. countries in the world, Ukraine and Canada. The battalion as of. Yeah, it's a dark woke.
Justin Trudeau goes in a helicopter to find Yaroslav Honka.
And it's like, you might have to come back for one last job.
We'll applaud you in parliament again.
And this time, everyone will know.
I wasn't I don't know why the inflection point for the entire world had to be
Ukrainian Nazis, but like, okay, sure.
The UPA is everywhere.
I get, no, it's like you're wearing a bulletproof vest.
You're wearing a bulletproof vest and it's got like two exactly bullet sized pieces of
armor on it that happens to be shot both times right there where Ukrainian nationalists are.
So basically, basically what the politics of Canada in particular have
been turned utterly fucking upside down since the election of Donald Trump in November.
We talked about it a little bit with Luke Savage when it was all incipient. We didn't
know what was going to happen. The liberals were consigned to the dustbin of Canadian
political history with like sponsorship scandal level numbers
right in the absolute toilet.
Comrade Savage can't be with us today.
He's making Molotov cocktails in his bathtub.
And it looked like you were going to welcome in like a thousand year Poliev Imperium, a
guy who's never had a job outside of like Ottawa.
But now Canada and Mexico are joining Iran, China and Russia in the axis of resistance.
But Donald Trump has created the war Canadian, or I guess reactivated the war Canadian.
And so now, like, across the political spectrum you're having, like, I never thought I'd die
fighting side by side with a guy who is, like, parking his truck outside parliaments or whatever.
We're going to send the convoy downstairs to do donuts on the lawn in Pennsylvania Avenue.
Quebec Wild Guy and Mexican Guy both calling each other gringo.
There you go.
Liv, can you just give us a little bit of an update?
We sort of did the basic table setting of who Poliev and Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh all
are with Luke about a month ago.
Can you give us a table setting of just how things have changed
in the last, like, since Trump's election?
Yeah, because before this, it really is like,
it really seemed like Canada was just America.
And I think that's culturally the case,
because we just consume American content online.
I think it's like any other kind of Anglosphere.
Like, the majority of the political content
comes from America.
And so there was this general trajectory
of the last probably decade where things get more and more
And the Canadian state can't force
you to watch a Canadian version of it.
It's like, no, we have our own daily show.
You can't watch the daily show.
You have to watch This Hour Has 22 Minutes with Rick Mercer.
He's our John Stewart.
Due to tariffs, it only has 22 minutes. But recently, that's really been obviously destroyed because of the tariffs.
And it's been interesting to see how different conservatives have reacted to that.
Because slowly and slowly after 2015, Canadian conservative politics has looked a lot more like Trumpism.
You know, especially after the convoy and Playa of getting into power, he really started to embrace that political faction, move away from the kind of old fiscally conservative,
socially liberal Tory sort of ideology, which was already kind of crumbling because Canada
is America and it's, you know, failing in a similar way.
But this has been like a totally like dividing moment among the conservative political figures
in Canada where some of
them are smart enough to understand that they have to now differentiate themselves from
Trumpism. They have to be like, oh no, we're doing Canadian nationalism. You know, I'm
standing with Trudeau. And then the particularly stupid ones are kind of continuing on their,
I guess, like pro-Trump grift, because they understand where their bread is buttered and
it is in Trumpism. So like there's like Doug Ford in Ontario for instance who's a
progressive conservative is obviously more on the right has is much smarter
and he has been like explicitly anti Trump you know in his incredibly stupid
way he's the brother he's the Premier of Ontario and the brother of the previous
crack-smoking mayor of Toronto
Imagine if they put tariffs on crack.
I wish Rob Ford was still alive to deal with this.
I've heard of some podcast you could listen to about Rob Ford.
Yeah, no, I've seen the hats.
I've seen the Canada's not-for-sale hats.
And trying to meet Trump on his own sort of territory of the shittest hat you've ever
seen is like, that's beautiful.
Canada's equivalent of Drake's drum is Rob Ford's crack pipe. When it starts to smoke
you know the policy is in danger and he's going to rise from the dead to defend it.
We never actually saw a body, right? Like he just went over that cliff in the Pontiac
that said Toronto on a license plate.
There was a huge cloud of smoke and flame and we never actually saw.
There was always a huge cloud of smoke around that guy.
It's to say.
Yeah, we did our own Reichenbach fall.
Yeah, he went over the falls hand in hand with his worst enemy and closest lover, crack.
Is this the Scotlandification of Canada? Is Canadian politics going to start
being better because they hate the Americans so much?
Many such cases.
That's the thing about Scottish politics. I hate immigrants, but what I hate more is
the English. That's the ultimate.
We weren't there for a long time. The sort of self-defined difference between Canadians and Americans was always just like,
and this is for most people, right?
Is some people are, oh, we're a little bit nicer.
Your standard Ontario liberal thinks of themselves as a bit European.
And your standard like Albertan conservative is like, no, we're basically American, but we are different.
But when basically told that the one thing that an Albertan conservative loves more than triggering libs is the oil industry
They love the oil industry. They're crazy about the oil industry
They once hired up an actor and covered him in oil and sent him to Parliament
In character as Bernard the Roughneck who then said you mustn't do anything about the oil
You must allow the oil to keep flowing or I will, I, Bernard the Roughneck will be very sad.
What would this guy be called?
I don't know, probably Bernard.
And so now it is a moment of Canadian national identity creation where it used to be.
I always feel like Canadian identity is determined on an East West rather than North South basis
in many cases.
So like people from Toronto are more similar to people from Chicago than they are to people
from Vancouver generally.
People from Vancouver are more like people from Seattle than people from Montreal and so on and so on.
And this is the first instance since maybe 1812 where there seems to be a broad-based
North-southification of a Canadian national identity because it was a fake country until very recently.
Comrades in BC are sending us their bud and we are sending back maple syrup in return. As you say, it is actually fractured the right between
people like Poliev, whose pitch to Canadians has been, I am the closest
thing to Trump you can vote for, but who is in every who is actually more like
Ron DeSantis than Trump, right? Because he exists purely in reaction to Trump and
he's never done a job other than politics for his entire
life. He's never had a real job as PR Poliev. And he's also reacts infinitely to what online
conservatives say he should think. He is Ron DeSantis and he's been unable, it seems to me,
to distance himself from Trump, much in the same way that Kamala was unable to distance herself
from Biden. Yeah. Yeah. Ford is like the case of a conservative who kind of is like Ford is pretty smart and
that he doesn't do like the trans culture war stuff. Like he realizes that that's poison.
Like he and he's he currently called an election because of how high his approval like not
not his approval rating. His approval rating is negative, but how high he is in the polls
because there's, you know, a split between incredibly incompetent liberal provincial
party and an NDP party, you know, a bit slightly a little bit lefter than the liberals. But is in the polls because there's a split between incredibly incompetent liberal provincial party
and an NDP party. It's slightly a little bit lefter than the liberals. But the funniest example are
Daniel Smith in Alberta, who is essentially a part of the new Canadian Quisling Right.
Koliub is around in the middle where he realizes he has to posture as against Trump, but then
he's kind of trying to be like Trump. Daniel Smith is basically like, no, we should just do everything he asks us to do.
I understand that there are no actual demands and maybe he kind of wants to annex us.
But you know, all of this, like these countermeasures, these tariffs are a bad idea.
And it's really fucked her.
I mean, she's very stupid.
She believes in conspiracy theories.
She thinks that during Joe Biden's America, plans were being flown in with chemtrails to harm Albertans.
I don't know if I said that publicly.
Just like we're going to go up and down over the border to try and fuck with Alberta.
The people of Alberta are too dangerous.
Also, because they know the truth.
The people of Alberta are being chemically poisoned, not from the air.
Guy who calls Biden genocide Joe, but specifically about the Albersan chemtrails.
The people of Alberta, they're too free thinking. They're drink driving legally.
I speak Neve Brzezinski just told me that. I don't fly a plane off.
We have to put a cordon sanitaire around legalized drunk driving.
Like now we're going back to Nixon.
Biden believes he's talking to Nixon.
That's how much dimension he has.
Oh, what are we at on this?
This is from the view from a thousand feet of what's happening on the Canadian right.
And also the, not just since like the other contenders to replace Justin Trudeau as liberal
leader, as the standard bearer of darkwoke, have like, again, successfully,
I would say, distanced themselves from him and his government. Mostly because Kristo
Friedland fucking hates him.
Again, it's weird that Kristo Friedland is personally involved in both of these things.
Just like, getting back from my Ukraine war to be like, oh, huh, Kristo Friedland's in
this one too.
It's weird that she's going to have to oppose an art.
Well, siding with some other ones.
Yeah, this is the thing, right? This is what it takes broad based people's war.
Every Canadian is now a Maoist career. Like every single one, whether that's like the
Ontarian cop from bad cop bond cop, the pedophile in Cop, the pedophile in the little like Toronto Raptors
Roger, yeah.
There is no evidence that Drake has owned a Toronto Raptors little car.
Brian Adams.
There are others.
I'd say that on the conservative side, as they're scrambling to figure out how to respond
to us, I agree with you Liv by the way, that only dog, only Ford Nation, as ever, is getting it right.
Is that at the same time, the response on the liberal end is pretty, I would say, combative.
Where, you know, whether that's Trudeau saying-
Justin Trudeau discovering his paternal heritage of anti-Americanists.
Whether that's Trudeau saying, you know, we're basically going to allow the North American
auto industry to grind to a halt if you do this, right?
Cause that's what would happen.
Yeah, like I do have like the Angeman chip in my brain.
Cause like if Trudeau like put a hundred percent tariffs on Teslas and dropped the tariffs
on Chinese EVs, I would die for him.
Like if I could buy a Chinese EP at market price.
This is what it's like.
This is what it's like when you speak to a Finnish person and you're like, oh, I mostly
do software development.
And then you mention anything Russian and they just are transported mentally to like
sitting in like a snowdrift for six weeks, shooting people from miles away, right?
It's just, it's in there.
It is in there.
It's subsisting on a diet of pure meth.
Listen, if Trudeau really wants to like live up to his patrimony, the only answer is to
allow China to start basing missiles in Mississauga.
In strategic areas outside Colona, Thunder Bay, Travier and Dartmouth in Nova Scotia,
we have allowed missile bases to be installed
pointing directly at America.
But what you were saying about the Canadian right
being kind of divided by this,
and opinion polls have sort of ticked back
towards the liberals' favor, it seems.
I mean, I don't know the different reputations
of the different Canadian polling companies,
but two recent polls, I actually cannot believe this,
two recent polls, and this is being recorded, by the polls, and this is being recorded by the way on February 3rd, had the Liberals within two points of
the Conservatives, where the Conservatives had a 20 point lead two weeks ago.
Do you remember all of the different photoshoots Saddam Hussein used to do, right?
Whereas whenever he was feeling like he needed to be a bit Islamist, he'd come out in the
robes, whenever he needed to be a bit communist,'d come out in like the military uniform with the beret, right? I wasn't expecting
Mark Carney to switch from his kind of like, you know, international steward of capitol, like,
suit and tie kind of fit into the like, people's army of Vietnam fit, Mark Carney is Che Guevara.
No one would get that.
Visually, that's enough.
It's visually impossible.
It's just Mark Carney in a hat.
What about Che Guevara, but he's got a Zed on the end of his hat?
But I want to go back to Liv, right?
This is the environment that we're in.
What do you make of these polls that have the liberals
unbelievably after running the brandonist government in North America, even including
Joe Biden, that has them put back in contention? Is it just that the play to Trump, forget we're
kind of forget we're two different countries strategy has blown up so badly? Have the Canadian
liberals managed to distance themselves from Trudeau
in ways that like Kamala never could from Biden? How does this get explained?
I think I do think that it is basically the same as Kamala Biden. I mean, especially if
Freelon wins, Freelon wins, but even with Carney, like they still have a lot of the negative
association in relation to the housing crisis and obviously also like inflation. Things are
more expensive than they were five years ago, what the hell. But like this is
such, I think, a crisis for Canadians that it doesn't matter or it might not matter.
I guess we'll see if the polling, you know, shows that there is a continual change like
this. But like people are when when there are these crises, people tend to like their
political leaders like more like during COVID, like, you know, a lot of approved or during early COVID, a lot of leaders had an increased approval rating, because you want to believe
that the person in charge of this knows what they're doing.
And then Trudeau had a speech yesterday or a couple days ago where he announced the retaliatory
tariffs and people seemed to have received that positively.
There's this yet developing national conscious of national consciousness of buying
Canadian, which obviously, you know, the Canadian bourgeois class are equally as evil as the
American one. You know, that's not doing anything morally. But yeah, I mean, it really is. This
is also because of Paul Yevnot being particularly popular. Like people hate him. He's annoying.
Like he has a negative approval rating already. So like, even if he does get into power, it will be like basically Keir Starmer approval rating,
which will be funny to witness.
But yeah.
Welcome Donald Trump.
Yeah, or Donald Trump approval rating too.
It should be interesting to witness.
I do think that this is like the best thing
that could have happened to the Liberal Party,
barring like them getting their own Obama,
which, you know, there's no way that that is...
I was talking to my mom about this and she's like, I don't think Canadians have it in us
to be that charismatic.
Like, I don't think that would happen.
Like, Trudeau Sr. was in Aberration.
Maybe that's how you know that Quebecer aren't Canadian.
That he was actually...
NARESH And generally generating Obamas.
I guess the other thing I've been thinking about is, if it really gets to the point where
the US tries to annex Canada, they'll have to do, you know, like the Russians in Ukraine,
kind of like war on Canadian culture, right, which means they're gonna be like, taking
all the Alice Monroe books out of libraries.
Being like-
Being like Nickelback, sort of like a revolutionary way.
Resistance takes the form of like a sort of Margaret Atwood short story.
They're going to be like holding big parties of burning box sets of corner gas.
Brett Butt will be like put in jail forever.
But I think it's also worth talking about.
We're talking about like the political reaction to these tariffs in terms of polling.
It's difficult, of course, to see where in such fraught circumstances anything is going to go. I mean, the fact that the Canadian right
has largely spent since kind of Bush, but it's kind of Bush Jr. really has spent largely
aligning itself with the American right on the basis that everyone could agree we're
basically the same place. That's like only has minor formal differences. That strategy appears to be a backfire. Will it backfire enough that it saves a
deeply unpopular incumbent government? God fucking knows, right? But the whole
thing became, I think, more of a toss-up maybe than it was because it was gonna
be like a fucking rout. It was gonna be like 1992 levels of the conservative
party two seats. you know, barely
a political tendency anymore.
But I think it's worth talking also about what will the tariffs that are proposed actually
do and what were the retaliatory ones that were proposed.
The tariff plans that Trump was proposing were going to be okay, well blanket 25% on
everything coming in from Canada, 10% on energy trying to like be like, no, Albert, Canadian
Texas, Alberta, we still like you, please don't like hate us. And they're like, fuck you.
Yeah. The guy with the Confederate flag on his truck is like recreationally shooting
south at the border now.
After NAFTA, right? A huge amount of North American industry became completely borderless.
So an ordinary Ford car will cross the border dozens of times.
Both borders. Yeah, both borders.
And I mean, this is also part of why,
if you look at the situation in Mexico,
that's like how high can one woman's approval rating go,
where every Mexican has like pledged like blood allegiance
to Claudia Scheinbaum at this point.
But that's not just car makers,
it's also food production, construction, all of which rely incredibly heavily on cross
border trade.
It's weird that every prepared sandwich you can buy in an American grocery store has like
one slice of bread made in Canada, one slice of bread made in Mexico, filling made in the
Yeah, one bread comes to the north, one bread comes in the south, they need in the middle.
Beautiful, yeah. The thing you see, I am and will never understand is that this is like a sandwich.
And the dirty parts of the sandwich get made north of the border.
There's also construction where every construction worker and engineer in the US is currently
going to be discovered as the next Harrison Ford rebuilding Los Angeles right now.
All those industries are going to be hugely impacted. But like the Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, the
big three automakers, they would just completely, all production would grind to a halt. And
you know, he said, Trump says all you have to do is build your plant in the United States.
You don't have any tariffs, but like there is simply no way for like American farmers
to produce avocados in any significant number, right? There's no way to build all of those plants immediately.
So I have some more statistics here.
The US imported more than 45 billion in agricultural products in Mexico in 2023,
40 billion from Canada, a third of the softwood lumber used in the US is imported from Canada.
And most of the people who failed to predict this,
the sort of senior economists at large banks, for example, just are saying,
well, what will happen is in all three countries, the burger paycheck ratio will get back out of line. Right?
Well, this is the thing, right? Burger is going to cost so much more than traditionally
you would think. Well, this would make Americans hate Trump. But like there's at least a fifth
of them now who I think are fully willing to eat like wet cardboard in the dark and
be like, I love you President Trump, sir.
Yeah, because like, because like the best way to understand this, like is not I've been
really interesting just to watch like kind of economists and sort of editorial boards
at like the Wall Street Journal be like, this is so confusing. We don't really know what's
going on. Like, you know, how like the first Trump presidency, like, you know, he was at
least kind of a normal governing president, even if he was like charismatic, like as a
character, like a bit nuts.
But now he's just like being really kooky and it must be Elon Musk.
And it's like, well, no, what you've really got to understand is that it's like his sort
of like loyal followers.
They just want to see people get mad.
And if they have to eat wet cardboard to see like their sort of perceived enemies, like
be slight made slightly less like comfortable, they're like really willing to do that.
There's not really anything more complicated than that. Back to the Nazis again, right? Like getting
shot up by the Czech resistance and being like, I am triggering the libs right now.
You're actually mad at me, which means I've been to this argument by the fact of you
shooting me with a gun. What Trump said on TruthSocial, he said, this will be the
golden age of America. There will be some pain, maybe, but maybe not.
We will make America great again.
It will all be worth the price that must be paid.
We are a country that is now being run with common sense and the results will be spectacular.
There may be pain, or there may not.
It sounds exactly like what a dentist would say just before they bring the drill in.
You might feel a slight pressure.
Yeah, but this is an economist, Nina Eischischacher wrote this, this paragraph that I want to read now, which
I think is worth sort of recognizing.
Prior to the 20th century, tariffs were the primary means of raising revenue for the state
in the US, but they were also a greater issue for economic elites who were consuming luxuries
from abroad.
Cheap imports from abroad have risen in prominence due to the relaxation of trade barriers, and
these goods helped subsidize worsening standards of living for poorer workers who is displaced
by mechanization or outsourcing to those same countries.
Blanket tariffs on goods and services at this point look much more like a VAT on goods overwhelmingly
consumed by poorer Americans.
But and I'll add to this, right, with all of the blame in all three countries squarely
on the Trump administration.
Yeah, but do you just have to rely on the kind of messaging operation of the
democratic policy to make that one stick?
It's most likely to be most ineffectively opposed in America, whereas we are
seeing two different kinds of effective opposition in Canada, or two different
kinds of opposition in Canada and Mexico. We're not, we haven't discussed China yet
because that's a whole much larger issue.
Well, they're arming the Canadians, but it, but Russia are arming the Greenland Inuit.
The Inuit Rouge is an outcourt.
Yeah, no, they're not arming Canadians. What they're doing is they're just doing,
they're sending advisors.
Yeah, a bunch of guys in Ontario just being like a great place to wait for winter around here,
I have to say.
So Shine Bomb was just like,
yeah, we'll put some more troops on the border
so it stops migrants and fentanyl or whatever.
But in Canada, there's no migrants or fentanyl to stop.
What are you talking about?
They made like eight seasons of that show, The Border,
which was largely about like,
you know, cases full of fentanyl
being smuggled over the Canadian border.
Maybe that's what he did, he watched the border.
We just have to show Trump Canadian-
Trump's gonna really into like, Can-Con?
They've got these great cops up there, one of them speaks French, one of them speaks
You don't think they're gonna get along, but they get along.
One of them's bad, one of them's bum.
Comfeor, the late great Comfeor.
You heard about the Scorner gas. Comfeor, the late great Comfeor.
You heard about the Scornar gas.
It's made by Brent Potts.
That's right, his name is ass.
He was named after an ass, I know, I thought it was crazy.
So Mexico has delayed the application of the tariffs for about a month, the time of recording,
by saying, hey, we're going to put some soldiers on the border to like stop fentanyl or whatever.
In exchange, you get freed from the bad deal that you made.
Canada appears to be sticking to retaliation at the moment.
Yeah, tying me to a missile and fire at Washington DC.
Oh yeah.
And with provinces also setting their own rules.
And one of the most important ones is around alcohol.
Because Canadian provinces, by and large, have centrally controlled alcohol stores.
It's like Sweden.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
In Ontario, there's a place called the Beer Store.
It's just run by the government.
It feels very post or late Soviet.
This is how all stores should be.
It'd be funny if the Trumpists,
having done their own Bud Light boycott, are actually
brought down by a different Bud Light boycott in a different country.
Little did we know.
I always thought it was really funny how the Lick Bow became like a...
The Lick Bow?
The Liquor Control Board of Ontario.
The store where you buy not just beer, but booze.
For a second I thought it was like the Bowflex.
No, sorry. What's happened is that because I'm talking to a fellow Canadian and we're talking
about Canadian stuff, I am becoming Canadian again.
Yeah, I see, yes.
You're feeling the urge to kill Yankees once again.
You can't see it but like a backwards Blue Jays hat is emerging on my head.
Oh god, it's horrifying.
I've got a Toronto Raptors mobility scooter.
I'm wearing like an oversized button down shirt.
I'm saying stuff like, give her tits.
I've got flannel on.
All this flannel on me, I've got military power.
Canadian advisor at the gender clinic.
Do you imagine yourself as Canadian?
Most provinces now have stopped buying American liquor,
which actually, like the LCBO is the
world's largest alcohol buyer.
But the NHS for alcohol.
Yeah, followed shortly after by one guy who keeps going to it, who is the world's like
second largest alcohol buyer.
Doug Ford, as you mentioned earlier, right?
Doug Ford, no, that was his brother.
Doug Ford ripping up a hundred million dollar Starlink contract between the government of Ontario and Elon Musk, and then crowd corporations
such as BC Hydro directed to stop buying American goods. And also a huge amount of the power
that goes to the Northeast of the USA coming from places like Niagara Falls, the St. Lawrence
Seaway being again immediately threatened as just stop export, right? The whole thing
appears to be yes, it can be turned off.
And it seems as though, just to sort of go back
to something we were talking about earlier,
the Canadian right seems to have no answer other than Doug Ford.
Which is very depressing for them,
if you know who Doug Ford is.
I mean, I guess he's doing well provincially.
But yeah, they really have an identity crisis
that I don't know how they're possibly going to solve.
It's interesting the further right you go, the further you get into Quizlings.
Like I'm trying to think of like a very far right, like the Maxime Bernier People's Party,
which attempted to do like what reform did, what reform is doing in Britain right now
and also what the old Canadian Reform Party did of like outflanking the conservatives
on the right.
They're explicitly against the retaliatory tariffs. The BC Conservative Party, for instance, who are explicitly
MAGA people, are also against it. Rustad was the leader of it, was saying that it was a
bad idea and that we should just listen to Trump. And as the right is rising in America,
or in Canada, Freudian slip, because of America, I don't know how they'll deal with that momentum going
against them. Maybe we'll see some sort of like, you know, I don't think so. I think it really does
just like fuck with the American or Canadian right for a couple of years now. I keep doing
the Freudian slip. So this is from a recent profile of Poliev. Dan Nolan, a former senior
aide in the Harper government said Poliev was excelled at connecting with Canadians who felt worse off. He says what Poliev says resonates. He talks like he's
been in a hockey rink. He comes across as a normal person. Trudeau just seems like he's
from another universe. However, in a recent podcast interview, Poliev told Jordan Peterson,
this is like while this was going on, right? While this had started going on, when Trump
was like, I'll blow up the Canadian economy. Poliev goes on Jordan Peterson's podcast and says, the problem we've had in this country
and all countries offended by this horrendous wokeism is that it's been focused on the grandiosity
of the leadership and not the things that are great and grand about common people.
And it's like to be talking about that at this point, it shows you are so profoundly
disconnected with the gravity of the moment that it would
be bizarre for you to be taken seriously.
They're going to put a 25% tariff on summer of 69.
But this is another, a polling company, Abacus Data, their chief executive said, there is
simply no polyev mania in Canada.
And I can't see how this event does anything but dampen what is already relatively, I'd
say, reactive support.
He's a dumb man.
Yeah, they didn't need an abacus to count all the poly-ev mania.
We mentioned, though, right, that the political crisis in Canada is mostly a crisis of the
governing Liberal Party, because the Liberal Party is to Canada as the Tory party is to
the UK.
Just spot welded into power basically forever because people vote for them without thinking about it.
And, you know, the battle to take it over appears now to be largely between
Chris Jafreeland, Mark Carney, the Zerpist guy that's ever gone to the UK.
I was gonna say, wasn't he governor of the Bank of England?
He was indeed. He was our big Zerp guy.
Yeah, I actually didn't notice that he'd left.
I didn't think he was still big Zerp guy. Yeah, I actually didn't notice that he'd left.
He's still there. Who's doing it now?
Andrew Bailey. Yeah.
What's Mervyn King up to?
Is he going to be prime minister of some way?
Right. Have I been sleeping?
Is he is he leading the Inuit guerrillas in Greenland?
What's going on?
Really wasting for a prestige drama about the inner workings
of the Bank of England, a la Conclave.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, honestly, white smoke goes up from the Bank of England, a la Conclave. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, honestly.
The white smoke goes up from the Bank of England.
They've lowered rates.
So, this political crisis is defined largely as a crisis of liberal leadership.
And it was a big part of the crisis in the Liberal Party was Justin Trudeau failing to
manage the egos of people like Chris Jafreel and Mark Carney and having him turn on him.
But there is another controversy
in the Canadian Liberal Party, Liv,
can you please share this breaking news item?
Yes, so you can vote on the Liberal election
if you join the Liberal Party.
And there's been essentially,
there used to be previously
a conservative spoiler candidate, basically.
He was a, I can't remember his name,
he was a former Liberal MP in Ontario
who actively
disparaged the French language and said that he wasn't going to speak it.
He was disqualified because you need to be bilingual.
But a new one has come along, which is great.
I love the, it's cooler because he's like, I support him doing that because he's South
Like even Anglo says that it's like, no, you're worse.
Fuck you.
But anyone else if they disparage the franchise, I support them entirely.
But this news about, like, conservatives wanting to join the Liberal Party and essentially
vote for a shitty spoiler candidate has led to a former Liberal MP named Ruby Dalla joining
the race.
She's been compared, one magazine compared her to Donald Trump and she supported that
She boosted it.
She said she was going to deport every single illegal immigrant from Canada. She's also
an avid user of Facetune. It's crazy how much FaceApp she's using on her informational stuff.
How could you get-
You need to ask June as you have to go think about that.
She also, I believe her candidacy, her position as an MP
ended because of a controversy about her using
servants essentially as slaves, just incredibly abusing them.
I think that she now says is a conservative party smear.
I believe she also had a brief career
as an actress in Bollywood.
Just like, yeah, listen, I absolutely
respect abusing your domestic servants,
but never the French language.
That's Canadian culture.
That's great politics.
Wouldn't be the first time a liberal politician had dressed up as someone from Bollywood.
I was going to say that you've sort of gone from Justin Trudeau in blackface to this particular
person whose name I cannot remember, doing the Yassified face. so it does seem to be like a problem in Canadian politics when everyone's
afraid of their true faces and their true selves. Except Quebecois. Only the Quebecois are willing
to have their true faces show. Maybe I was just thinking maybe Rachel Reeves could learn from
this you know she's always being criticized for her sort of beleaguered appearance which is sexist
rather than for her beleaguered views and shit politics. But maybe it's fire with fire. Maybe she needs to start yassifying
herself. Maybe Keir Starmer should do it too. Yeah. Maybe Keir Starmer needs to start using
face chin. Yeah. I want him with like the Chad jaw. I want him looking like fucking
salt bae. I want him to make an announcement. You're fucking sprinkling salt on the red
box. You know my opinion on what Keir Starmer should do with his look,
which is full Balenciaga. Of course.
Sock trainers. Yoji Yamamoto. I'm wearing head to toe gym shark.
That's a new one. I've got the porcelain white teeth.
I'm driving a BMW M 140i. I've announced the new home secretary, Bevo.
They have the whole of Downing Street done up in that kind of like orange brick, so it
looks like Barra home.
He's got an Audi A3 parked outside.
So I also forgot to tell you, Ruby Dalla, the spoiler candidate, is also a professional
That's just like, that's the thing.
That's who the candidate of the convoy was.
Not Poliak.
Poliak is way too much
of a political insider.
Whereas like a former Bollywood
actress turned chiropractor who's
obsessed with Facetune.
That's the if you want the
Canadian convoy politics, that's
the person who's going to be able
to like thread the needle of
Canadian right in an era where
every Canadian hates Trump.
Yeah, not a guy who got his pension at 31.
Yeah, it's a shame, you know, we used to have better soft power in the UK because years gone by that kind of Canadian wouldn't have been a Canadian politician.
There'd have been a contestant on Celebrity Big Brother.
Anyway, I want to bring it back around which is just I guess just to ask.
I don't want to ask what's going to happen, right?
Because we genuinely don't know.
We don't know, like, we don't know what any kind of negotiations between Trudeau and Trump
are going to bring.
We don't know if like opinion polls are going to continue swinging against the Tories as
they have to abandon their strategy of imitate American conservatives, which they've done
for now 25 years.
We don't know if like the in a one month's one month's time, the US is going to keep using this threat of tariffs
to try to control its neighbors. We don't know any of that.
So I guess the question is, one, what can we know?
And two, what would the liberals and the conservatives do if they were smart?
Yeah. If they were smart, I mean, the conservatives, it's hard to even think about if they're like
politically astute.
Poliev sort of understands like that he's doing an imitation and appealing to a particular
base, but I think that only goes so far.
So I think if Poliev was smart, at some level, he would just resign.
Like, it's like they would just invent a new form of conservatism.
Because people still do really hate the Liberal Party.
And if you didn't have a candidate that was completely,
already had a negative approval rating,
just from because he uploads clips of him yelling
at the other side in the House of Commons,
and he just kind of sounds annoying,
then it's only gonna get worse
if he actually gets into power.
Because previously I'd predicted that Poliev would get in,
he would get an absolute majority,
and it would just cure Starmor numbers.
And a similar sort of thing where you only really get elected
because of hatred for the other side,
then people see you and they're like,
wait a minute, you fucking suck.
And then you get like negative 40 approval.
If the liberals were smart,
I think they would probably be doing
approximately what they're doing now.
I think they've answered this in a fairly intelligent way.
Not in the sense, like, I'm not even sure if, here's my Angevin ship, like, unactivating.
I'm not even sure if their retaliatory tariffs are a good idea. They're probably not. They're
probably sort of insane and going to like fuck the economy even more. But there's no
world where a national, like, Canadian political party that, like, would likely get elected
wouldn't do retaliatory tariffs unless they
were insane, quizzing Trump people. So that's probably a good idea to garner support. Carney
seems to be the one who's going to get into power that would probably be the more intelligent
one than Freeland. Canadian conservatives have been making conspiracy videos about Freeland
for five years. People already hate her and don't really view Carney as like, establishment, even though he was appointed to be the Governor of Canada
by Harper in 2009. They have a kind of positive image of him. He is also, of course, a content,
a charisma black hole. I don't know if anyone watched him go onto John Stewart. And that
was him at his best, and it was incredibly fucking awkward.
Well, I mean, the thing is, they only hire the most personally cool and fuckable guys to be governor
of the Bank of England.
It's our most prestigious job and we only give it to guys who are really cool.
It's like being lead singer of the Libertines, basically.
Like, that's the thing.
Mervyn King, love him or hate him, he was a dick slinger.
That is true.
That is true. That is true.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But yeah, I predict probably there's just going to be a conservative minority government
now. This maybe bumped them down from an absolute total majority to a minority and still give
starmer numbers, I think, for Poliev. I don't know if here or Mark Carney would continue
to be the liberal leader after the election if he loses, probably he'll
be able to hold on. But I think regardless, you know, really good things for Canada in
the future.
Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, good things for the economy and people's standards of
living. Maybe not. But to have like a Richmond Hill, like Italian hockey bro holding arm and arm with like a BC vegan and like a sort of a guy who
refuses to learn a Quebecois guy from the Travier who refuses to learn
English out of spite and then Ricky from trailer park boys I think is a beautiful
moment like they should make a Canadian heritage minute out of this we finally
got dark Trudeau brackets political yeah Yeah, so this is Canada number one dark woke country in the world.
We're doing real dark wokeism.
I want North Korea to start sending you artillery shells.
Real dark wokeism has never been tried.
Until now.
This is the first time.
Anyway, look, we've gone a little bit long.
So I just want to say number one live
Thank you so much for coming back on the podcast
It's always a delight to have you here and people can check you out on can QAA presumably yeah
It's a QAA. We do like conspiracy theory stuff weird internet subcultures. It's wherever wherever they host podcasts
I also have my own newsletter at and I stream on Twitch sometimes at slash Lavegar.
That's right and this is Monday so this is a free episode there will be a bonus this week which you also can listen to for
A mere 25% tariff for income.
For five dollars or either three Canadian dollars or fifty Canadian dollars I don't know. Yeah we're only we're only accepting payment in Canadian now in solidarity with our oppressed
brethren. Yeah that's right. How much is five dollars in loonies? Five? It's two and a half
toonies if you're counting that and all the other coin names quarters dimes nickelimes, nickels, et cetera, it's the same as America.
But the loonies and toonies are important.
It makes us different in our own thing.
You're willing to kill over that distinction, to be clear.
Canada being forced into the arms of China,
it's going to be loony new year.
You will take my dollar coins from my cold dead hands.
There we go.
Yeah, I'm doing shows. Come see me in
Glasgow on the 12th of March. Come see me in
Leicester on the 9th of March. 9th of February.
That's very soon. That's this week. And Australia.
All the major cities in Australia.
Brisbane, Shikutami, Melbourne,
Dartmouth, yeah that's right.
Kelowna, Alice Springs, Thunder Bay,
Terwumba, St. John's, St. John's, Colona Alice Springs under Bay. Yeah, Riviera Otona
St. John's st. John's
Charlottetown, that's right. Yeah Moncton. All right, all right. That's that's all that's all Let's let's let's wrap it up and we'll see you on the bonus episode everybody Thanks for watching!