Episode Date: March 23, 2020

If you had told us three months ago that, in the aftermath of the election result that didn’t go well, we’d soon be witnessing the utter collapse of financialised global capitalism… we might hav...e believed you? But as we all try to parse the absurd world we suddenly live in, Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum) convene from their respective bunkers to discuss what’s next. The answer? We don’t know. But we do have a soundboard and a fleeting hope that something better might emerge. If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes and powerful Discord server, sign up here: *WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind If you need web design help, reach out to him here: 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There comes a time where the world needs a man, a man who is able to, in the face of overwhelming circumstances, be the most reductive, infuriating, stupid contrarian, and that man is Brendan O'Neill. This week, the chattering classes of this once great nation have been a flurry and a flutter about those disrespecting their precious safe space, or as the guardian easters of the People's Republic of Islington are calling it, Quarantine. The hullabaloo began when a video emerged of proud British holidaymakers trying to enjoy the last of their trip to Spain, drinking beers in the street and comparing stomach
Starting point is 00:00:40 tattoos in the time-honoured fashion of Brits abroad. The SJW Spanish police, however, or policía as they call it over in Duce España, were trying to impinge upon their rights by asking them politely to return to their accommodation for their own safety and the safety of others. The sandal sand and easters of Stoke Newington, though, took to Twitter. Not to defend these pioneers, these ambassadors of the stiff upper gut, but to admonish them. To say that they were responsible and embarrassing, but how can this be? It is an Englishman's fundamental human right, since the dawn of time, to drink 18
Starting point is 00:01:14 Stellas and sing DJ Otsi's 2000 hit Hey Baby at Bewildered and Weary Spaniards. Can this right be curtailed just because of a global crisis? Could these champagne polybureotypes even drink 18 Stellas in one sitting? Their silence speaks volumes. No. This is an issue of freedom of speech, a fundamental clash between the right to say that you are English and contract a virus, and the desire of the quinoa Khmer Rouge to make everyone stay home and read marks.
Starting point is 00:01:43 We must take a stand. They say people should work from home, and we must close schools except for the children of key workers, but surely the free market can offer us a solution. Since children are immune to the disease, is this not the time to reconsider child labor? We could have hospitals, supermarkets, pubs, and so on, staffed entirely by children aged zero to nine. Would this not be the safe space these people crave, a system run without the danger of any workers contracting the disease?
Starting point is 00:02:14 But will they accept such a bold solution? Of course not. We are brainwashed by anti-child labor propaganda about steam looms and Nike shoes and such like, too brainwashed even to save lives. No, indeed, they will continue instead to curtail our freedoms and our speech until they have what they want, a version of the Soviet Union where you cannot say you are English. We are at a critical moment. I realized today as I glanced over at the news and saw that the number of confirmed cases
Starting point is 00:02:44 of coronavirus had risen to one thousand nine hundred and eighty four meetings from quarantine. Welcome to this all remote, all, all separate, all quarantine, all safe episode of Trash Future season three premiere. Yes, we're starting a new season because time is moving faster now. You might have thought it was season two mere months ago and you would be right. But months ago was a decade ago. Now we're on season three.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah. It's a new era, baby. Things different now. All of it. Yes. We have a different vibe and the vibe is that we're all calling in from different secure undisclosed locations. We're all wearing hazmat suits.
Starting point is 00:03:51 We're all wearing gas masks under the hazmat suits and we're all just you have to imagine all of us individually cleaning rifles. Yeah. Are we finally safe from Hillary Clinton's hitman? Time can only tell Alice, Alice, I want you to hit me with the castle thunder after this because I'm saying yes. We used to say, line go down, line go down, line go down, the line is done going. We have a soundboard now.
Starting point is 00:04:21 We can totally destroy the podcast. It's Riley, Alice, Milo and Nate. How is everybody from our secure bunker locations? Yes. Do not approach the secure bunker locations. We have the trash you just sniper nest set up. We are fully online, a 360 degree situational awareness and we're ready to make a fucking podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I've got an assault rifle, 15 tape to a Roomba approach with extreme caution. That is the soundboard. It's very hazardous to use. You have to chase after it to try and hit a button. How are we all feeling in this, the first post capitalist episode of trash future? I'm thriving, man. I'm wearing a gas mask over my gas mask. I just have kegs and kegs of purified water and iodine tablets.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I was born for this shit, man. I'm great. Milo? Yeah. It's fine. I'm at Maddie's parents in Sussex. I'm not wearing a gas mask. Maddie has been shouting at her dad for going to B&Q every day for car parts.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I'm not going to tell him he can't go to B&Q. It's the man's only joy. Nate? I'm fine. I mean, I'm trying to reinvent myself as the British Army officer and what's it called? Slaughterhouse 5, who is just like every day I work out. I pay attention to my appearance. I have to take care of myself, otherwise you rot away and become a fucking horrible creature.
Starting point is 00:06:04 But it's absolutely this being the British Army officer who's in prison in a German POW camp. But unfortunately, it's a battle between two wolves, the wolf of wanting to work out in my backyard and the wolf of not wanting to put on pants for the entire day. So we'll see which one reigns. Most of these wolves are Australian. You're doing apocalypse now. Every day you're in the podcasting basement, you get weaker and Charlie's out there getting
Starting point is 00:06:29 stronger. Maybe I'll grow a quarantine mullet. That would be a fun Australian thing to do instead of going to Australia. Trying to cancel a pod for slurs around here is like trying to charge a driver at the Indy 500 with murder. So only Alice would get that joke, of course. So Charlie is indeed everywhere. The Charlie virus seems to largely is this is this inferno.
Starting point is 00:07:00 The free market seems largely to have collapsed and Matt Hancock has gone on TV and said, it is because we are human that we are vulnerable to the virus. Matt Hancock is why Matt Hancock is becoming a parkour cyborg, the million pound man. Incredible. Yeah, we are gearing up to all become post humans. No, it's it seems very interesting. The neoliberal state appears to just have largely collapsed as a concept. I'm so into the idea of Matt Hancock just going out and like grasping the podium and
Starting point is 00:07:36 imperfect Matt Hancock voice going, give up your flesh and a new world awaits you. Awesome. So welcome to the start of Trash Future Season three. Season one was just whatever it was that we did. Season two was us responding to the idea that, well, socialism or barbarism, we pick barbarism. Season three is our response to, well, that came true quicker, quicker than we thought. You wait ages for a barbarism and then to show up at once.
Starting point is 00:08:07 So it seems it seems like yes, season season two was more of an interlude. But no, so we have a few things to talk about today as your your introduction to what the fuck is going on. And then we're going to talk about what different people are doing about it. So I want to start out with this with a section I've called Oopsy Doopsy. We destroyed the state, Alice. You my number one thing, which is that I wish we'd started training more doctors and nurses earlier because it takes seven years to train a doctor, three years to train
Starting point is 00:08:40 a nurse and we need more doctors and nurses in the NHS. Social care is another one. Without getting into the politics, I did believe that it was necessary to make very painful cuts in public spending in 2010. But in retrospect, I can see that the cuts to social care were in a way the most silent, but also the most devastating. And, you know, and I think that when the government comes forward this year with its plans for social care, I really hope that we put it on a sustainable footing going
Starting point is 00:09:15 forward, because I think it's desperately important. Jeremy Hunt's silent, silent, but deadly, deadly. Yeah, him just Jeremy Hunt, just ripping ass in the cabinet office. But also just like I love when he goes not to get into the politics of it. Oh, yeah, not to get into the politics of it, Jeremy, you're only a fucking politician. Yeah, you are only what health secretary at the time, but not to get into the politics of a small health secretary doing self care and that's valid. Yeah, no, honestly, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:09:50 At this point, at this point, yeah, at this point, yeah, that is valid. I'm starting to see in the last sort of week, I've begun to interpret electoral politics as like just all kind of like a bath party shit and be something that's worthwhile for someone who's just, you know, finding themselves for a while. But like this is the thing he's doing this on national TV at the same time Boris is trying to like brief people kind of. And so it's like this is the most Tory thing of being like national crisis. Time for a plot, I think it is the most Borgia shit.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And I think that's I think we can all understand politics on that level. It feels more honest somehow. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Speaking of bath party shit. Did anyone see the John MacDonald interview today in his living room? And because that chandelier he has is deeply Saddam Hussein's house. Just a big mural of himself in John MacDonald's house. It's a huge moustache that he doesn't have.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Just just for just for setting things up a little bit, right? We have we are facing an almost certain eventuality where our health system is going to be swamped many times over by people who are sick and desperately in need of care. And a lot of those beds are taken up by people who are have no places to go in social care and so the NHS can't discharge them. There's tons of beds that are blocked and the there is now a generation of politicians who have been just taken taken seriously by people whose job
Starting point is 00:11:23 it is to well to be honest, those job it is to be seen to question them, but to take them seriously, making the system we live in fragile enough and fragile enough and fragile enough that any crisis would have toppled it over. And I think the issue isn't that people like Jeremy Hunter, like individually villains, although they certainly are, but rather that everyone just see who just went along with the idea that nothing bad would ever happen. And we could just continue to stretch things thinner and thinner and thinner have been shown to be rude.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yeah, well, no, no, not even rude at the controls here. It's totally hollow, right? Like, I can't I keep coming back to my Borgia thing, where it's just power for its own sake, because like, yeah, there used to be people who were like ideologically wedded to Hayek or Mises or whoever and just wanted to reduce the state and on and on and on in the eighties. Now you just have the dregs, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Hunt, whoever. They don't actually have any like sort of animating ideological thing here.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It's just it's reflexive. You cut the thing. That's what you do. You make the line go up. Yeah, but nothing bad will ever happen. Causes Britain, nothing bad's ever happened in Britain, except for the Blitz. And we sent them packing, packing, packing German fucking swats. Look, we got kind of virus. We dodged a bullet with Corbin, all right?
Starting point is 00:12:50 We could be having this exact same thing, but he would be trying to like praise the IRA to the virus or something. I am a serious journalist. I love to go to the supermarket where the shelves are empty under a Boris Johnson government, point at them solemnly and just say, Jeremy, my cropping. Well, this happened. Yeah, if we did, we see the the various sort of freaks and haters and losers who just were posting photos of empty shelves in Britain and going to Venezuela.
Starting point is 00:13:24 No, that's not where that is. That's in Stoke, Newington, which is not in Venezuela. It's almost as though external factors fucking matter. Damn, I'm going to go into Los Infernos on Caracas, common. But yeah, I was I think that's true. It is it's reflexively doing and redoing what we did in the 1980s, because what did we do in the 1980s? Good about make money, have jobs.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Well, what happened a big time wash out pussy in the sea? What happened was that like that's when global capitalism hit like hit a major crisis, because line go down because there's a tendency of the rate of profit to fall, line go down, it caused a crisis that caused like a secular stagnation. And then we decided in order to make line go up again, that we were going, that we had to turn exploitation harder onto a formerly protected working class in the West. We all know this story, the erosion of the state, the steady erosion of the state
Starting point is 00:14:28 begins so that line go up and now it is in the entire economy is then Virgin presents line go up factory, which works fine until it doesn't, which is now. Yeah, I yeah, it would take less time, but we we got there in the end. We finally killed the damn thing. It's it is over and we should all be glad this is yeah. If it look, hey, you if everyone out there who prayed for authenticity, you got it.
Starting point is 00:14:57 We also got a lot of all we got an end to capitalism as we currently understand it is that's why everything's so weird. We we have lost our sort of our defining or even just reflexive ideology by this point and it's cool. We're learning we're learning a lot of things really hard. Number one Landlords won't just be nice if you ask them to because they're not going to predict that they're going to need to like they're going to they're going to just suck all the blood from their tenants because they don't have
Starting point is 00:15:29 an internal mechanism telling them to stop that they need tenants next month and next month and next month. They don't have that internal mechanism and so much that we seem to to build in this giant social edifice is based on the idea that at some point that mechanism kicks in and the exploitation stops, but when everything every single fucking thing is fungible, every single thing is fungible. Every moment is is accounted for everything is and means tested. Everything is targeted.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Eventually that that tendency, it pushes you too far and makes your system too brittle and then the world looks at you sideways and then it breaks. Well, like I was very I was very taken by the idea that we've built our our society on this idea of rational self-interest and then thrown thing after thing into the way of obscuring that kind of rational self-interest, if such thing even exists, just in the sake of the line going up. I was like, I saw a guy on Twitter who I think was like somebody asked him about like, do you think you have any responsibility to like the next generation?
Starting point is 00:16:39 And he said, I have one child. My responsibility ends at one. And I don't know what else you can you can say to that. That's not rational. It's not even particularly ideological. It is just a purely it is a hindbrain. Nervous. Yeah. It is it is it is just this reflexive like someone's like a doctor has taken the
Starting point is 00:17:02 little reflex hammer and hit that guy on the knee and it's activated the sociopath lobe that is like my child doesn't have to live with anyone else's children. They can just wear a fishbowl over their head while the rest of the fucking earth burns down around them. Yeah, like an old timey diver. That would be fun. I mean, the problem is the problem is when line goes down, it's very bad because we all remember what happened to the Roman Empire was, you know, line goes down and
Starting point is 00:17:26 then Visigoth. And and so we're now we're beyond we're beyond the line. We're beyond everything being fungible. We're beyond things like GDP and unemployment numbers being meaningful or money for the map for that matter. Like, yeah, it might matter for a while yet in terms of you not starving. But like in economic terms, you can just throw trillions of dollars into the economy, have it do nothing.
Starting point is 00:18:00 It doesn't it doesn't mean anything and never did. But now it's just undeniable. Are you saying my collection of Chuck E. Cheese Box is worthless? No, I'm saying it's actually probably soon going to be worth more. Do you want it's memorabilia? Do you want some? I don't even know what kind of
Starting point is 00:18:18 hontology this is. This is like double reverse hontology. No, hontology is gone. It's a concept now. Hontology and nostalgia have become annihilated. There is one soul artifact and that is did you know that when the Dow Jones industrial average past 20,000 for the first time, traders were getting hats made up that said Dow almost 20,000. Dow 20,000, Dow above 20,000 as as a celebration.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And somebody pointed out, I think it might have been live at live posting on Twitter. Oh, hey, all of those guys can wear their old hats again now. Meeting it again on the way down. I did actually see a photo of a guy who had saved his Dow 15,000 past 20, 13 and was wearing it on the trading floor. I'm like, I normally reserved contempt for people who work at Wall Street, but that's good. I appreciate that. What's going to happen to the Wall Street bull?
Starting point is 00:19:18 Is he going to have to be replaced with a bear? No, he's going to be Russian intervention. It's it's good. There's going to be no animal anymore. That's just going to become a normal street, maybe like a market garden. But yeah, that's the other thing, right? We're just we're now like we've realized that we can just magic trillions of dollars just out of nowhere and just pay every pay everyone's cost.
Starting point is 00:19:42 And that's going to be sustainable for like, I don't know, a minute. Money prints ago. Come but like, you know what? So now what? Everyone's getting paid by the government to do nothing for a while, right? Like I thought this system was supposed to have to never stop and constantly grow. And here we are sustaining. So sustaining something akin to life on on earth, something akin to a civilization.
Starting point is 00:20:09 But like nothing is happening. Ah, it's it's got it's got me feeling you've got to be feeling all kinds of you've got to be a Marxist Leninist by this point because the class analysis why there's no point there is there is. And the point is that Marxism, Leninism tells you that this stuff is inevitable. Those contradictions were going to come to a head no matter the personalities or the little fripperies around it, like the failures of Corbin or of Bernie Sanders, whatever, doesn't matter because eventually you will get to a point where
Starting point is 00:20:42 the most conservative government you can imagine is going to have to do something like universal basic income and it's not going to matter. It's not going to work because it's going to destroy it, but it's going to be inevitable. It's just like like that kind of like, oh, man, I want to go I want to go break quarantine and lay some flowers in Highgate Cemetery. There's just. Honestly, I mean, I'm no I'm no Marx head in the sense that I've never really read any Marx, my understanding of Marx is purely from like the Wikipedia summary thereof.
Starting point is 00:21:14 But I occasionally get berated by like intensely divorced people who just hear that I'm left wing. I don't even say I'm a Marxist and they go, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, if you're left wing, why didn't Marx predict 9-11? And then you're like, well, he may not have predicted 9-11, but he did predict the exact economic circumstances we're experiencing right now, like 150 years after his death, so maybe shut the fuck up. But here's the here's the thing, right? We often talk about like late, late state.
Starting point is 00:21:43 What like late stage capitalism again, doesn't matter what that means now. It's something that used to be happening from some point to two weeks ago. It's like arguing when the Middle Ages ended in like 1860. Like late state late stage capitalism was something Marx predicted. And that was when we were rearranging the deck furniture and the Titanic. We have stopped rearranging the death for the furniture on the Titanic. And what we're now experiencing is the like last firing motor neurons of like a system that's now drowning in the North Atlantic.
Starting point is 00:22:15 We were rearranging on DMT right now pretty much. I mean, like I don't it's the DMT rush before it dies. I don't love Zizek, but he was right when he said that the coronavirus and the like accompanying crash were the five finger death punch from K.O. Bill, where capitalism is just it's walking. It's already dead and it's just it's just sort of walking and until it takes enough steps to keel over. Now, that is the man who touches his face.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I kind of disagree to be honest with you. I think they're going to they're going to it's going to continue. I think that you're going to see every effort put forward to salvage investment and investment vehicles and securities and things like that. But what I think is going to be as weird as I think perhaps more interesting is you're going to see a complete reversal or at least a significant pullback from global financialization. So in a way like I think you're still going to see, you know, securities,
Starting point is 00:23:18 you're still going to see shareholder control of things. But I think it's possible whether it happens quickly and thus save some turmoil or whether it happens at the end after a fuckload of turmoil is to be seen. But I think you're going to see going back to state monopoly capitalism in a lot of ways, because I think people are realizing that we've been told our entire lives and I'm almost 36. Oh, I've been told my entire life that it doesn't matter that everything is
Starting point is 00:23:48 rotting out and decaying from the inside. You can get cheap TVs from China now. People are also like, yes, but you applied that same business logic to surgical masks and respirators. And now you're you're basically you're dooming you're a significant chunk of your population to a painful death because you wanted your fucking hot cheetos five percent faster. And I think you're going to see significant changes because it's just going to be
Starting point is 00:24:14 untenable. I mean, there's going to be a point at which the government is either going to employ a fuckload more people or we're going to see 20 to 40 percent unemployment rates in Western countries. And that's just that's completely unsustainable. That's 100 percent fall of Rome shit. So when you talk about sort of the hegemon of global international capital, I do think that that's going to change. And that's going to go away.
Starting point is 00:24:40 The power of the universal power of that is going to be diminished significantly. But I'm yet to be convinced that we're going to see the complete death throws of capitalism just because I feel like we are about to enter into a period in which the power that people have is going to be pitted head to head with against people who have a fuckload of stored up capital. And when people start getting hungry and getting homeless, things are going to get weird. The Erik princes of the world are suddenly going to be a lot more like feudal
Starting point is 00:25:12 lords than they were before. So I don't want to put any bets on capitalism's death. But I do think that in a way we may go back to something that seems like a refraction of like the pre oil crisis, big, statist economies and maybe I think that is a death of capital. I agree with you. I think that I agree with both you and I think it's a it's a problem of definition. Right. When we say the death of capital,
Starting point is 00:25:40 that doesn't necessarily mean that everybody gets Thanos snapped, who has over like a hundred thousand dollars in the bank. But what it does mean is that we go back to a time where we don't organize our society around what the line says. But instead, we we do something else and that can go in any number of directions. Whether the line, whether there is still nominally a line or not is there kind of doesn't matter, right? Whether the security still exists, whether stockbrokers and stock markets still exist.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Doesn't matter because they're out of the driving seat now. Yeah, that's the line. The line is like the pope now. Yeah. People will pay attention to it, but it no longer can march in the Romagna when the line is going to preside over a bunch of like pedophiles and hiding would not for the first time. I mean, gunner. Oh, fuck, yeah, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Epstein was a finance guy. Is that why? Wait, hang on. Can we collect a bit of Red String from Epstein dead to line go down? A Red String has to go down and then plateau and then go up a bit and then go way down. It just it feels to me like global global returns against investment now. Also, like if this has been happening in the last few years, this is almost the whole basis of our show where it's based on stuff that's just so obviously fraudulent and so perfectly removed from any kind of production.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Like that it's based on like what like investor like it's based on what like marketing, for example, Facebook's ability to micro target ads is a big percentage of the US economy. Elon Musk is going to build ventilators, guys. So I want to talk about ventilators. We're going to talk about ventilators because you didn't think in our first post capitalist episode or post capitalism as we know it episode. We were going to only mention precious, precious Labrador boy Matt Hancock once.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Oh, no. So is there is there going to be a van full of robots? And while the van is coming to your house, because you're dying, the robots are building the ventilator that the van then delivers to your house using the robot. Fuck it. Fund it. Billion dollars. Why not? Four billion.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Because money's fake now. We're doing we're doing like interest rates are now point one percent from the Bank of England and it will not make a dent. It is I'm like, of course, it's very bad that like the reason why this is happening is this cataclysm, right? That's I'm not going to do the Vanessa Hudgens thing and be like, and people will die and that's inevitable.
Starting point is 00:28:20 But it's very funny to me that we've just like we've been vindicated when we said we don't say we didn't warn you, right? We did try to tell you that none of this stuff would work. And now it doesn't work. So yeah, guess what? You know, speaking of, yeah, you have to listen to some podcasters. Yes, you do. Speaking of which, speaking of which,
Starting point is 00:28:44 I want to talk about Matt Hancock here. Matt Hancock, because because of that thing Jeremy Hunt said earlier, where he was like, oopsie doopsie destroyed the state. Oh, no, society that society did exist. Then we pretended it didn't and ripped out its organs. And now we're desperately trying to get it to like run a marathon by shooting some adrenaline into a fucking skeleton. Matt Hancock is now called
Starting point is 00:29:11 a note. That's a cool T-shirt for the next T-shirt. Matt Hancock has called him British manufacturers such as JCB of backhoe fame, Rolls Royce of rapper fame and Jaguar Land Rover of middle aged pervert. Sorry, Alice, you go ahead. We need to investigate the role that JCB plays in the like modern Tory mindscape, because like Boris went there to drive a JCB like backhoe through a bunch of boxes marked Brexit. Oh, yeah, I want to know what kind of what the vision is that keeps bringing us
Starting point is 00:29:47 desperately, desperately spray painting coronavirus onto those boxes. But I don't know, I personally would like to I can't wait for like JCB to build the world's biggest wrecking ball. And then like Prime Minister Elect Rishi Sunak to smash over an old art museum that has the word 50 percent unemployment written on it. Honestly, May, the last time I was on JCB, I was convinced I was on the moon looking at the earth and that I saw Brexit become the coronavirus. JCB.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yeah, to JCB. I'm just going to say it does not escape notice that you have recent Tory MP arrivals working or alongside Matt Hancock. People like Bimaphilami getting on Twitter and being like, and I'm reading from his tweet, the Prime Minister is calling for a national effort and ventilator production. If you know of any business that might be able to assist, please call the BEIS business support hotline on X number. A team are in place to take your calls.
Starting point is 00:30:47 So basically we're like, whoops, we're going to kill a third of our elderly population. Well, I'm an up and coming government and one RT really changed my career by hooking me up with some artisanal ventilator production like quick. So in a way, the moves that Rishi Sunak is making are big headlines to hide from the fact that Matt Hancock is going on TV to reassure people, but then also getting on Twitter and being like, I don't have a fucking clue and we don't have shit because we disassembled every factory and we just turned it into a vape shop.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And that's Britain's economy. Commissioner Johnson having to shine the business single signal into the night sky. Our NHS. Our NHS is basically the same situation as an uninsured American who needs a surgery where we're going on Twitter. Yeah, well, go fund me. Yeah, basically this is good. This is good.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Go fund me to build ventilators. Yeah, go ventilate. Imagine if you had to go fund me and you were rather you were trying, you were trying to you were trying to get surgery and you were really, really good counter fitter, but they just didn't have room like they didn't have the capacity to perform surgery on you. So even though you literally had the money printer that went burr, you couldn't spend enough to actually be able to get your way into a fucking
Starting point is 00:32:05 surgical operating room. I'm really excited to get respiratory illness and get hooked up to the Amstrad Ventimaler. Well, here's the thing. It could send a fucking email while it helps you breathe. There's there's a reason that you can't that no amount of money printing in the world is going to solve this problem because we've read because we've retooled ourselves away from being able to accomplish anything collectively.
Starting point is 00:32:30 You can't build a ventilator and a we work, right? Like you can't even you can't do that. You can't even really build a ventilator out of a JCB. There is cucumber flavored. Yeah, I love I love the idea. It's like we've we've with British gumption and daring do we put together a crack team of ventilator assemblers. We're now putting out ventilators, you know, 10 per day.
Starting point is 00:32:53 They fill your lungs with malt vinegar and chip trees. But hey, you know, those are the two basic commodities we have in this. I love I love to like have the right. I will be letting you change. I love to have the last vestiges of manufacturing, which are all like heavy industry, aerospace, weapons, shit like that. I love to get the BAE laser guided ventilator. No, I won the fucking film of the crack team of British like
Starting point is 00:33:19 legends coming out of retirement to build ventilators like led by Michael Cain. Just be like, you're only supposed to inflate the bloody lungs. Well, here's the thing, Milo, right? Like what what the fuck does Matt Hancock know about ventilators? Nothing. He doesn't know anything about anything. He is a dog. He's there. He's there to be the friendly Labrador that winds down the state for the purposes of line go up.
Starting point is 00:33:43 And now all of his line go up activities have made the line stop. And so he's like he's watched Apollo 13 and he's really hoping that he actually that's what he says. The UK has five thousand ventilators that needs many times more. And Hancock said anyone who can should turn their engineering minds and production lines to making them. We need to produce more as though. Yeah, you can just all factories, all heavy industry is just a big box with a
Starting point is 00:34:10 dial that says like toys, cars, ventilators, and we need to turn the dial to ventilators, because from the point of view of finance, too many companies are leaving the dial USP cop cages. Well, because from the perspective of finance capital, because everything is globalized and all of these relationships are fungible and uncontracted. From the point of view of finance capital, you basically can do that. So long as there's not a global crisis and everyone else is trying to.
Starting point is 00:34:40 That's why it's so funny when you apply nationalism to this as our favorite wet-brained boy Donald Trump has and be like, well, there's a ton of material for masks, but it's all in China because that's where the factories are. Well, who put the fucking factories in China? The Chinese line go up. Line go up. Very nasty people, very bad Christmas party. That soup, not tasty, not hot.
Starting point is 00:35:07 When they used to say, you know, you see this, the tweet online about like, you know, people with American troops are in Iraq defending our freedoms. And it's like, what the fuck did my freedoms do to get turned against put to Iraq? Like, how do they wind up in Iraq? And it's the same. It's like, OK, facetious argument, but it's the same sort of thing. It's like, where are all the auto parts factories? Where are all the medical manufacturing facilities go to?
Starting point is 00:35:30 Oh, damn, they went to China because, you know, as we've learned, you can you can make them for 40 percent less and then sell them for 10 percent more year on year and make a killing. And that can all go into, I don't know, whatever the fuck billionaire. No child rape islands. And but then all of a sudden something comes along that makes it so people can't work in fucking GameStop and the entire economy falls apart. We're a very press officer.
Starting point is 00:35:53 We're a press officer approaches the microphone. We admit that calling it child rape island was a mistake. GameStop is petitioning to be essential infrastructure. They don't want to give anybody time off. Well, here's the thing, right? Like, again, Nate, you're you kind of you asked this question. Where's it all going? We work because all of this capital assembled back in the States on the basis
Starting point is 00:36:16 of these like massive oligarchies forming then had to be invested somewhere. And so they're like, well, the ventilator, all the ventilators and surgical masks are fine being made in China or Germany. So we're going to invest it in the high return monopoly seeking stupid as fuck tech sector, and we're going to put like half a billion dollars in a dog social dog walking startup and another forty seven billion dollars into into like a place where you can go hang out and have some water. And again, not to be smug, although I am,
Starting point is 00:36:48 but we fucking told you like every time we did a particularly dumb thing. A particularly dumb startup that we talked about. Yes, we made fun of it. And yes, it was all very whimsical, but we made a great deal of chaos of the fact that this money was going to that because there was too much money. And like it was sort of anathema to invest into anything useful. This is what you got instead. You know, people that you know will die, you might die.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And it will be for the fact that somebody thought it was a good idea to invest in like a doorbell that tells you what time it is and also gives all of your search history to Amazon. Get angry. Like I know I know me saying that doesn't mean anything because like I said, inevitable going to happen anyway. Well, the last five years of the economy has exclusively been what if X was the cops?
Starting point is 00:37:46 That has just been what it's been asking. And now and now like two million people are suddenly unemployed. That people are having to text their landlords and their landlords like, oh, well, actually, it's quite important to me that you do pay the rent on time. Smiley face. I don't I don't have to say anything. I don't have to use any true and non sound effects here. I think we can all kind of see the class character on the sound board labeled see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Laser eyes now is happening and the independent of anything that we could say. And the thing is when you treat when you spend 40 years recalibrating every single thing that happens is the sum of individual choices. When you see renters as just failures who should be punished with continuing to rent. When you see doctors as a regrettable drag on a dynamic economy that could have more startups, that's the price you pay for line go up. And the longer line go up, when you do more of that, the more likely line is to stop. At least that's what it's like in my brain president.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Hit me with the thunder. Are you are you worried? Yes, yes, more doctors and nurses in the NHS. Social care is another one. I've lost control of this. Man, I've been hoist by my own petard. Hold on. So there I killed Jeremy Hunt with that one.
Starting point is 00:39:35 We have as a sound. Yes, a parody parody and on a sound board sound effects. So the other thing is that again, the fact is they're not the people who we thought were in the driver's seat, the people that we thought it was important to either elect or keep out of office or just not. There's not there. They haven't been at the controls for a while. Like the way we introduce a three much more good mortgage holiday for landlords
Starting point is 00:40:01 so they don't have to be paying for their mortgages, including by the let landlords. The official guidance from the government to landlords was consider not charging rent, but you still can be nice. Yeah, be nice. My favorite one that I saw because I think one of the things about the age we live in that frustrates me the most is how just like everything has become meaningless and everyone is taught to speak in this kind of like meaningless bollocks, corporates speak at work so that no one is ever offended.
Starting point is 00:40:31 But it becomes so much more offensive under like strange circumstances. It's like someone was posting on Twitter about they'd emailed their letting's agent saying they've lost their job and they can't pay their rent because of this and there's nothing they could do to them. And the letting's agent reply being like, hi, yes, I understand. The situation must be very difficult for you. I've looked into it and I can confirm for you that the rent will still be during full on the first of the month.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Hope that helps. Cool. And it's like, can you read that back? Hope that helps. I really hope it helps. It helps. I hope that helps. I hope it helped.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Hi, I'm happy to give you some extra information. Fuck you. Yeah, I mean, today my my my letting's agency was like, oh, by the way, the landlord is sending builders to do some work. Please make sure to keep the place clean and stay out of the way so we can protect each other during this crisis. And I I politely responded with like, hi, my wife is asthmatic and this is a serious issue, so I'd love to know what kind of work you're planning on doing
Starting point is 00:41:28 because I would strongly recommend we not do this. But I had to calm myself down because my initial response was to go like full white guy from the Midwest named Kevin and just be like, you better fucking bring a bailiff and he better have a gun because motherfucking like that kind of thing, because it's just like, why and why are you saying to email it's just a text from the back of one of those t-shirts generated by an algorithm. Yeah, I feel like we're getting into this point where we have this contradiction between hope that helps letting agency emails and the power
Starting point is 00:41:59 that they might wield versus the power of a guy named Kevin who has decided to turn his hallway into an improvised bear trap. Just yes, I'm with Kevin. I'm quarantining at Kevin's place. Look, that's if we what we talked about contradictions, the world is now replete with them. It was replete with them before, but they have become fundamentally undeniable. Yeah, money's worthless because it's infinite now, apparently.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Like all of the stuff that you thought was cliche, right? Like crime thing or whatever being like, damn, there's a lot of brands or whatever. Or as Nate mentioned, the how did my freedom get in Iraq thing. All of that is like the dumb stuff is all true now. It's it all happened. And like being like the one thing I will concede about Marx and about Marxism is that I think Riley, you were right when you said that this is like a thing that has already happened, right?
Starting point is 00:43:00 It's it's a fate, a complete and I think understanding Marxism and having a Marxist view of the economy and of history at this point is sort of like having an understanding of the theory of gravity after you've fallen off the ledge. Yeah, nice to know, I guess, but it's sort of sort of been overtaken by events. You know, yeah, we've been proven right. But like doesn't doesn't feel as great as what happened is happened. Yeah, yeah, does not feel as great as I hoped it would.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Awesome. Would have preferred to have done this the incremental way. But no, you had to vote Tory. So, you know, I mean, I'm going to be honest, I'm going to know if I'm going to win a lot of praise from our listeners. I think a I think that a Corbyn government would probably be doing this nicer. Would probably be handling it more competently and would probably be like have more protections for like tenants and workers and stuff. And I think that would be a better six months.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Sure, it would be a better next six probably like the way that these things work. That would probably save several, I don't know, hundred thousand lives made, which is do you want to do you want to hear a really blackpilled theory I have about if we were doing this under a Corbyn government, which I genuinely believe they would have shot that obviously. Obviously, like Corbyn and Macdonald would be doing the good thing, right? But that there are so many fucking your damn motherfuckers in Britain who hate Corbyn so much and would do anything to own Corbyn
Starting point is 00:44:32 that they would all be aggressively ignoring the government advice as a fuck you to Corbyn and the situation would actually be worse. Starting to understand the idea of a Kulak now. No, I might my pet theory on this one is if if the Labour Party had won that election, whether the coronavirus happened or not, but this would have been a useful, a useful reason at some point. Like BBC News is just the army now. And hey, there's no more politics.
Starting point is 00:45:01 So remain indoors. Yes, all hail Krol. Signed little girl. Don't blame me. I voted for code. OK, but let's let's also talk about this. Right. Boris Johnson would ask, are you worried about people people profiteering?
Starting point is 00:45:18 Johnson said, please be reasonable. He really does not want to see any profiteering. You hate to see it. Nobody wants to see that. It really is like, you know, everyone should be focused on the game. And you know, when profiteering wins, it's the game that loses. Because that's the thing, right? We've been profiteering since like the last 40 years.
Starting point is 00:45:40 We don't know how to do anything else. There's there's no other way that really that something that really hammered at home to me was the fact that N95 masks, which they use a different acronym here for like the kind of protective that those are a free mosque. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I turns out coincidentally, I proved for doing some sanding and work last year, I bought a bunch of whatever be one masks, which are kind of OK, but nowhere near as good as surgical masks. But these masks, like we don't have the capacity to make them in the United States
Starting point is 00:46:16 right now. All the manufacturing is done in China. All the polypropylene that's used to make them is in China, which is not to like point the finger and be like, boo, China, you're the enemy. But more to say, gosh, how does that happen? It's shocking to me. Exactly. How did that happen? It's shocking to me. It's utterly shocking to me that this stuff has been this has been allowed
Starting point is 00:46:36 to happen to the point where nothing that you need to even respond to a health crisis is available in the United States to be made in the United States or to be made in Great Britain or to be made in the European Union to the point where it's just like apparently, Taiwan is coming to our aid because they have the capacity to make it there. And so they're planning on donating like 100,000 a month to the United States. The US needs millions right now and they don't have them and they won't have them because because once again, you know, you could say you could make them for 40 percent the cost and you could pocket that money and it could go towards, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:47:13 buying a huge Jeff Koons sculpture like dog sculpture that looks like a balloon and you and putting it in the like, you know, stacking it into a huge fucking sandwich of like Ferraris and Jeff Koons sculptures on top of each other. Like it's just all of the waste, all of the stupidity. I mean, the United States isn't just vulnerable to something like this. You also have the fact that, you know, we have natural disasters. We have hurricanes. We have earthquakes.
Starting point is 00:47:37 We have problems. We have potentially huge problems. You know, like the whole I-5 corridor in Washington state is probably going to fall into the ocean when a big earthquake happens. This is one of those weird situations where it's like because of the fact that it's going to affect everywhere in America, they can't just Katrina and be like, everyone died. We destroyed all like, there's no public institutions in the city. And it's a matter of faster time scale than climate change, which is going to do the same thing and probably should imbue the same sense
Starting point is 00:48:05 of urgency. But everybody thinks, well, I'll be dead by the time it gets bad. Can't be like that now. You know, and if you're not actually, you're more likely to be dead by the time it gets bad, but like if you're not angry at the idea of doctors being told to wear one surgical mask until it falls apart or make their own out of a bandana or a T-shirt, then what are you doing? Like, what else can we? Dr. MacGyver.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Yeah, what I don't understand, what else we can we can display to people? Do you think now with the kind of the Chinese having all of the expertise in making masks, we're going to get to the point where like, you know, guys in the US are making their own surgical masks on YouTube and the comments are going to be full of Chinese people telling to go fuck themselves and that's not an authentic mask. Basically did happen. They're going to become the Italians of Asia.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Libertarians have been doing this. There's a guy who's like, the owner's regulation of NIOSH is like stopping me from 3D printing a bunch of masks that all have the age of consent. How dare you? How dare you to force me to make it good? But if we want to talk about the US, unemployment claims to the US next week are like 30 times what they were at the peak of the 2008 recession.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Huh. Yeah. Basically, Goldman Sachs published an estimate that they think they are going to there's going to be 2.25 million unemployment claims next week. Yeah. And last week there were something like 300,000. However, based on some of the layoffs in states, just states alone, people are looking at the possibility of there being more like a 40 percent unemployment rate.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Incredible. Almost overnight. Oil employment now. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean, the in a way kind of proves the sort of the case being made by a lot of I remember this happening in 2012, people saying there was no recovery that, you know, people were working in shit jobs and working multiple jobs and that the unemployment rate was artificially low.
Starting point is 00:50:11 But in a way, it probably is because the fact that you can't claim unemployment in most Republican states. It's like in Florida, they cut it in half of what it was in 2008. And you can only get unemployment for 12 weeks. And you can only get it if you go to five job interviews a week. Well, I'm like, I'm not joking. I'm also thinking Florida man right now. I'm also thinking about radicalization, right?
Starting point is 00:50:33 Like how many of those workers who are now going to be on unemployment at some point voted against the union, either because they were scared that they would lose their job or because their management was like, well, we're actually more of a family, really. And or they were like, oh, you can buy a PlayStation. No, you can buy a PlayStation. But also we'll take care of you. We're a family.
Starting point is 00:50:56 We don't want like a mediator in between us. And then like in the last week have gotten a text like, hey, we're firing everybody, your boss is fired, your boss's boss is fired. Don't come in ever. Um, yeah, buy. Yeah, don't don't don't call us bosses, bosses, rollerskating around throwing grenades at you and eating hamburgers. That's the thing, right?
Starting point is 00:51:18 Like, um, the specific number of the unemployment claims no longer matters. We're out of the realm of that being relevant. This is now purely academic information. You know what it is that leftist Twitter take of is it socialist to even measure things because you're kind of a scribe. That came true. That actually happened.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Numbers don't mean anything anymore. It's pointless. Like, what do you what the what the fuck are you going to do with 40% of the people in a consumer economy? Art there helping other people consume things or aren't consuming. You do this. You pull all of the levers that have been installed to like manage our society as it previously existed and you go on MSNBC and you say,
Starting point is 00:52:06 oh, well, actually we fact check this and it's really more like 39.9% than 40% before the mobs storm the studio and tear your arms off or whatever. Well, you pull all the leave, you pull all those levers as you turn around, you see that they've been disconnected since 1979. Everyone, they've pulled, they've pulled every, every lever in the cabinet office and it's done nothing. And then they start, it's like, quick, try the racism, but it's already fallen off. It's just been taped down since 1960.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Like, that's why we were talking about this idea that we're no longer like lying who down doesn't matter anymore. Line end, line over, you can't just pause an economy based on constant frantic, endless growth in every direction at every opportunity. It's not a beast that can stop. It's a shark. If it's up swimming, it fucking dies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:01 On a side note of one thing that hasn't stopped, which is incredibly tiresome shit-lib identity politics, did you see Amber Rudd this week was posting how disappointing it was that there weren't any women in the fucking like emergency cabinet, whatever thing. It's a shame there aren't as many black people in the country. Thanks to you. Yeah, did you see the flip side of this, which was like the anti-identity politics thing, which was very nearly your Brendan, which was in the spectator.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Will the coronavirus stop the NHS from its jolt the NHS out of its trans obsession? Oh, fuck yeah. Which, yeah, I guess, I guess I might find my surgery. All the ventilators have been converted into deep segmenting machines. That's the problem. My surgery was canceled a while ago. That's fine. I don't care where this point who would.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I think it's very funny that I was like, man, I should really get on this and get this referral and everything before antibiotic resistance makes it totally impossible to get surgery was worried about the wrong microbe. But the spectator has given this more thought than I have. And it's my fucking dick. I have not written a column about this. I'm only mentioning it on here in passing, but they have a whole ass column about, oh, you're not very woke now.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Are you? Because you have to now is the ventilator doesn't have a 72 different gender settings, does it? It's like, what? What? I love, I love. I was like, you were you spent all that time identifying as a healthy helicopter when you should have been identifying as a ventilator. Checkmate, no, only the snowflakes can save us now. They have to do it by his ventilators.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I fully predict that will be something that gets written by one of these extroval humorous I love to have that happen. And I go into hospital unable to breathe and they just hand me a mask that's hooked up to a tube and like a Durham University geography student in Dungaree is just blowing in and out of it. That's cool. No, we're not going to cure your pneumonia, but we are going to change your gender. Yeah, like I said, it is kind of weird that the Dungaree
Starting point is 00:55:19 people were right about basically everything. I mean, I preferably not about killing me, but no, I'm sorry. Loading the shotgun like oldie Ella is only one. Only one lever we have left to pull. Well, look, I want to go back to the line for a sec because we've like we've only been looking at the line. When we say the line, we mean the rate of profit. We've only been looking at that for the last like, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:46 couple hundred years or so. It's measured since what 1860. I think that's where the famous line go down. Like at that point, it's like guys in coffee houses screaming at each other. Yeah, like that's when this that's when the line was still based on the choices. That's why we still let a society that was structured in a way where there were guys that own stuff and the line measured how much stuff they are. And like even where the line destroyed societies by going down too much,
Starting point is 00:56:13 like the South Sea Bubble or Tulip Fever, it still didn't like control that it wasn't the tail wagging the dog, right? Yeah, the line the line has been more or less in charge for the last, again, approximately 40 or so years and that state of affairs is done. Yeah, it's over. Similarly, mass movement, electoral politics. Who the fuck are you going to vote for? Are you going to vote for like the Democrats or like labor under Kirstar
Starting point is 00:56:45 Hammer, who's going to be like what the last like arid dentist holdouts of neoliberalism or like bailing the conservatives for spending too much money? Yeah, I just I'm so glad I don't have to pretend to be excited for RLB anymore. But like also, yeah, no, it's it's fake. And also all politicians are doing another great Saddam Hussein thing of just hiding like Boris Johnson just like was not doing briefings for the longest time. Was just kind of like having people text Robert Peston.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Like nobody's fucking seen Joe Biden in a week. So like somewhere out there, there is a secret lab that is constructing a Joe Biden body double and like I cannot wait because like it's it's all but it's because what the reason that one of the reasons the bath party was in power for so long is that it just even though is institutionally creaky and around a lot of the Arab world, like a popular uprising sort of at least shook the foundations of their power depends on where you look, but where bath parties were in power.
Starting point is 00:57:49 A lot of it was just sort of sclerotic. It was just because they were there. It's just they had institutional moment when they realized they didn't have to do much. Yeah, it's just the government. The government's just now another thing. One of my most one of the things I'm proudest of is like a politics tweet as a Wong tweet and that's very sad to say is a political compass I made which has a different Saddam Hussein in every corner.
Starting point is 00:58:11 So he's like he's got the AK in the top left and he's got like a Lee Enfield. He's wearing a suit in the top right. It's totally, totally elastic. Bath isn't can be whatever the fuck you want. And and so politics now so to the conservatives doing UBI or Trump giving you Trump bucks or Joe Biden vetoing Medicare for all. Nothing none of these things mean anything anymore. It's just it's just government, right?
Starting point is 00:58:40 It's just the blood of it means anything to Joe Biden, who's already forgotten it and has no idea where he is. Look, it used to be again, it used to be hacky to say, oh, yeah, politics is just entertainment now. Well, do you want the the aphorism version of this is Julius Nyer's. The United States is a one party state. It just with typical American extravagance, they have two of them. So I want to talk about the Republicans of the party, if we're going to make
Starting point is 00:59:09 sure bad things happen and the Democrats of the party, if we're going to make sure good things don't happen, and that's the choice. Yeah, and that's and that's the thing that choice used to be like it's become less and less meaningful over the last 40 years. Now it's completely non-meaningful, but we've been talking about everything that can't all of the things that aren't the non-happiness, the line that doesn't move, the government that doesn't govern, the politicians that don't politic, the workers who don't work, the things that are stopped, but not
Starting point is 00:59:37 everything is ground to a halt because there are centers of power that are still moving and still asserting themselves. And I'm talking about the massive and upcoming wave of the Amazonification of everything because they've just started. And now this is small, but it's going to grow. They've just announced a hundred thousand new jobs and warehouses around the world on a quote unquote unquote unquote temporary basis to take advantage of this huge available labor force and meet spiking demand.
Starting point is 01:00:05 And remember David Mims, the guy who is like, I'm 60 and I love my Amazon job. That guy's dead now. He's being used to it. That guy's fucking ballast and Jeff Bezos is submersible. They will seal him into a big Amazon box and like flights of angels will sing him to his rest. Like, it'll be a box that's way bigger than him, like unnecessarily big. Rattling around and they're dead.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Yeah, that's cool. Like this is the thing right Nate earlier. You said that no capitalism, capitalism as we know it's going to end, but like we're not going to eradicate everything. And that's where you're right because Amazon is going to become much more powerful. It's going to control a lot more people's livelihoods and Jeff Bezos is going to get personally more like, I don't know, a feudal Duke than he was three weeks
Starting point is 01:00:57 ago. Yeah, but looking at possible futures and I'm seeing like one kind of like one where we kind of just reinvent merchant princes and like Jeff Bezos is the doge of America, another one where we just do fascism. We all know about that one already happening piecemeal. It's a classic one. Yeah, we do volunteer border guards friend of the show fascism, but we also we also still have we still have the fucking off ramp.
Starting point is 01:01:29 We did socialism or barbarism and we did barbarism doesn't matter. You can still turn right? There's still there are still socialist possibilities, which is what we want to explore. Yeah, but first, but first, before we get into those, I want to quote a friend of the show. I'm sorry, not friend of the shows follower of me on Twitter. I close enough friend of the show because I haven't talked to.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Okay, sorry. I'll start that again. So friend of the show, Brian, rally's disciples. Shut up friend of the show, Brian Merchant writes a really good blog about like technology and work and stuff called one zero and he had this article called Corona virus is speeding up the Amazonification of the planet. And I want to read a quote from that, which is if restaurants, bars and local shops close permanently, well at based monoliths.
Starting point is 01:02:18 So not just Amazon, but also shipped and Dordache and whatever. Over up both yeah, who were up both the customers and the jobs, the trend line may be very difficult to reverse as we wade out of the wreckage and this is not a future we want because and this is me again all the the the people who are most like these those and the owners of like delivery and stuff who are most in place to take advantage of what's going on, what specifically is going on because of of alienation and casualization and the hyper hyper speed of alienation and casualization is going on right now.
Starting point is 01:02:56 They're able to they have incredible bargaining power and they're able to remake the world in their image, which is one of servitude of just of just enough just in time for everyone and that's and you don't want to live on just enough calories just in time for you to not keel over like this is also the thing why we're living in the most reductive future and why I don't know there's like a gas leak or something on this planet, I swear, but like is like the same reason the is measurement not is measurement even socialist thing has come through the same reason the George W. Bush just loves drinking oil thing
Starting point is 01:03:33 has come through is that like all of all of this like all of our future merchant princes of Deliveroo or wherever else they're they're processing off of alienation and alienation in the in the Marxist sense is just you you feel alone you feel like an individual you do not have a class identity and then what have we done but the stupidest most obvious take the hint already making the subtext text of social distancing you all have to stay two meters away from each other or you're gonna fucking die stay in your house stay isolated it just it just it feels so reductive and I want to complain to
Starting point is 01:04:16 the writers it just it's so fucking obvious yeah well something that's been blackpilling me a bit this week in the sense of talking about like if there are like socialist alternatives to this is just like you're walking around the supermarket and like people have been stockpiling everything and it's been getting worse and worse the point where people are now stockpiling milk it's fucking milk it goes off in like five days you fucking morons like you're looking at and you're just like people like enough people are too dumb and too selfish that you're never like you're never gonna get enough people on board
Starting point is 01:04:53 with something sensible like it's like we cannot vote for the insane we cannot be trusted with Tesco as a private entity right we cannot be trusted to like have this responded to by the sage on Twitter going well actually there's enough food if you just don't get scared meanwhile everyone fucking terrified buying boxes of like old MREs and shit Steve MRE is the only guy like that guy's gonna be fine that guy's that guy's gonna like climbing out of the wreckage with like a quarter of like a 19 19th century Bo War biscuit just eating an Austro-Hungarian schnitzel
Starting point is 01:05:41 that's the thing right like the new jobs that seem to be available are like surf for an app or a youtuber you thought you thought that the fucking gig economy was bad try that but also you can't go outside here's the thing right here's the real thing like we will be able to go back outside again but what kind of outside we go back into I'm not sure but the app economy as we know it uber and automated ordering McDonald's and stuff it didn't come from nothing it didn't come from no economic foundations it came out of the financial and debt crisis which created an enormous amount of people desperate for work who are
Starting point is 01:06:22 willing to like just get enough to make ends meet and it was just disguised as this lifestyle alternative for board middle-class people who wanted to earn a little extra money and when those jobs are automated or casualized or outsourced when they get worse because it's in the interests of the people who are making it worse and benefiting from it getting worse and owning it to make you work harder more and faster for less of a reward it doesn't just snap back like those Amazon jobs that that are being created to like how's the people like to take to take on the labor force that's been created by the closing of
Starting point is 01:06:57 like every bar like that's not going back no those jobs are those jobs now you can't unring that's what there is yeah the bell like there is this there is no there's going to be a new normal it wasn't whatever we're familiar with it unfortunately it's going to be a new normal well this is the thing right we get to choose and I'm I'm not just saying that because as I've as I've mentioned me what any of us say about it doesn't matter it's just it's it's gravity it's a thing that's happening right it's a it's an economic inevitability but like what normal looks like is not something that has to be
Starting point is 01:07:41 dictated to you by Jeff Bezos from his moon base or Elon Musk like hanging out with Grimes or celebrities singing you imagine or Jennifer Lopez who lives in the house from parasite for some reason doing live streams because it turns out that like the leverage that the one lever that is still connected to anything is labor right is is like people working and we we kind of can see some some traces of this like Amazon unionizing Amazon workers shut down a fulfillment center in in New York because Amazon was trying to make them work in basically like a coronavirus hive people are already getting sick and they shut down
Starting point is 01:08:34 whole thing so that there is there is a possibility here something I always find really interesting about Amazon is do they not realize how evil it sounds calling it like just just call it a warehouse like it doesn't sound great but no one would give a fuck but fulfillment center is deeply once again the reductive thing of like we just live in a poorly written a poorly written thing is true of like one of the photos that I saw when I was reading up on this was the empty fulfillment center and it was rows upon rows of empty pallets with a little stapled on sign with the Amazon smile and underneath in
Starting point is 01:09:14 like aerial just fulfillment and it was like the debt the most we live in a society thing so I was just like please please be like be less obvious that it's it's like just I don't know but like the other thing the other thing is that we have to talk about the CWU the communication workers union which is which organizes Royal Mail and who voted overwhelmingly for strike action but also to essentially demand to become an emergency service and to put that labor force of Royal Mail at the disposal of the government in order to do what we would recognize as mutual aid of delivering food delivering medication
Starting point is 01:10:01 checking in on people and I feel like that's tremendously powerful I feel like that's a vision of the future in and of itself and it's probably the only one that isn't terrible so earlier when I kept I because I've been throughout this saying the line is done going normal as a concept is not one that we're going to be familiar with anymore I was very careful not to say it's definitely going to be worse I'm not going to lie to you we're not going into this about into this probably going to be one we're not going into the struggle with an advantage we're not going into this into this with an
Starting point is 01:10:37 advantage where we're finding bright spots where we can but there is everything to play for there is there is there's nothing else left I mean on the one hand on the one hand sure like I get the kind of like half time dressing room talk that you're doing here on the other hand part of me is just like that it doesn't it doesn't matter it's it the thing is going to happen because it has to and whether that's just wishful thinking on my part or whether that's from a materialist analysis I don't care to speculate but at some point it should just become like as we've seen that the failure of capital
Starting point is 01:11:21 right is now undeniable and I look forward to a great many other things becoming similarly undeniable in the near future and look the thing is one of the other things that's undeniable right is that we have the last sort of x amount of years has been an attempt the point of it the point of stripping back the state just because the point of of turning of destroying every union the point of turning every job into like an app transaction the point was to isolate divide and undermine people and the explicit admission of failure on behalf of governments to protect people who can protect themselves along with
Starting point is 01:12:03 the apparent eagerness of Amazon uber and other vultures to capitalize in the misery they created to extend this vampirism into a whole swath of the economy it's what happens when we're divided up and alienated and relate to each other to the market and you know this was also line would go up but it destroyed the line and no matter how many fiddly UBI's the Trump or the Tories promise I mean they all like don't look good they're not going to get us out of it because the paradigm they're trying to save has died and like it's been twitching for the last few years and now it stopped twitching and all we have
Starting point is 01:12:37 left at this point all you could possibly do is depend on one another because the line is no longer going you can't depend on it anymore you can't say you're going to depend on one another but like kind of still live for the line that's that's gone it stopped it's a cargo cult now it's over yeah and I Johnny cash should live to see this I want to I want to end on this diary entry from Italian autonomous thinker Franco Berardi who's also called BFO I have one more thought on the economics of the line which is go go go what if it was Rikishi Sunak and he did a sort of economic but slam what would it be like
Starting point is 01:13:15 that I was gonna go to Yates and I was I was gonna say all changed changed utterly a terrible beauty is born it's a moment of I was just gonna make I was gonna say that BFO sounds like you're trying to both us someone and you got yes Joe Biden trying to both us somebody hey hey Mac you ever see about BFO these two guys BFO come around the pool BFO and corn pop yeah Lord heat miseries upon us he had entwined our arts with laughter slow okay let's go season three from March three baby season three lot of James Joyce this is from March 13th workers are on strike because despite the general
Starting point is 01:14:12 quarantine they must go to factories and work on the assembly line with no sanitary mask and no safety distance nobody can say what will happen next in one month or six months it may be a techno totalitarian state is the future in black earth Timothy Snyder explains that there is no better condition for the emergence of totalitarian regimes than situations of extreme danger in which survival is at stake for all the AIDS crisis prepared virtualization by spreading a fear of bodily contact now we might step to a condition of permanent isolation the new generation might internalize the terror of the
Starting point is 01:14:44 others body and terror is when the imaginary is totally prevailing on the imagination but here we find the possible split we might come out from the nightmare by the imagination of a possibility that yesterday was unthinkable frugality reduction of work time equality abandon the paradigm of growth investment of the social resources into research health education and pleasure we cannot know how we'll come out from the pandemics whose conditions have been prepared by the neoliberal cut to public health by the pollution of the air and the exploitation of nervous energy we might come out of it in a
Starting point is 01:15:16 condition of extreme loneliness and aggressiveness but we might also come out of it with the desire for embracing caressing and laziness the virus is a condition for the mental jump that no political preaching could produce equality is back and at the center of the scene so let's imagine that it is the starting point of the coming time what these are all the life sausages I told you the sample was a good investment yes so look look look this is I think I don't know I think this I don't want to speak for all of us so I say this is our way of trying to say to you everything's changing we're we're still
Starting point is 01:15:59 here we're still with you we're still in your ears be we're still going to be in your ears for the foreseeable be excited be scared be whatever you need to be to get through this it's yeah talk sick people out your life yeah do positive vibes only but like yeah don't go and see your grandma cuz you might give her coronavirus and also she's a bitch remember to follow medical advice and if you do end up parody redacting before the summer make sure to keep a two meter distance between you and everybody else throwing parody redacted that the parody redacted wash your hands before pulling the release cord on the parody
Starting point is 01:16:39 this is why the black block was so ahead of its time was masks okay okay look we got we've been going for quite a while I follow me on tech talk no no don't really yeah follow me on tech talk fuck off doing it yeah yeah and don't forget check out follow Milo and take talk check out hell of a way to die Nate's Nate's other show check out well there's your problem my out the show check out well there's your problem because you know what else we want to be here with you this whole time we will be but also for some of us this is our full-time job so please do the other thing on that page the other thing that
Starting point is 01:17:19 like that patron but the other thing that we said was that this was going to be our coronavirus episode right like much like the brexit episode we do one we talk about it we come to some kind of a consensus about it and hopefully you get some catharsis out of it and then like maybe like obviously it's gonna still be a thing and we'll just reference this in passing and say hey go listen to the coronavirus episode yeah we said everything that we needed to say about it there correct we covered all of the bases everything else that we do is gonna be not coronavirus based even as we understand that it has like totally
Starting point is 01:17:59 remade our society yes you find that episode they weren't just coronavirus anymore they were little women still won't see it well not now you definitely fucking wait imagine being like the last movie that you saw in a movie theater and it was little women and you hated going oh my dudes rock baby that's the one thing is not changed dude still rock sure let's see jackass on tiktok yeah we are no we're um so we're still gonna be here with you we're still gonna be here in your ears we're not gonna talk about coronavirus all the time because we're
Starting point is 01:18:40 not like simps like the fucking dr. Katya Adler brexit cast which became the newscast for as long as we had season two we don't out the coronavirus cast we don't chase headlines we don't care we're ahead of the curve on this one fuck it let's do a let's let's release that belt is our speedboat for the beat for the bonus episode I think everyone could use it you know what else we should do we should do some like we should watch a movie again for another one I think that's gonna be let's do Charlie Wilson's war oh I regret this decision yeah fuck you
Starting point is 01:19:16 the only way to build a better society society is to depend on each other and to rediscover kindness also Riley Quinn tormenting his friend with a terrible movie okay I got a run this is I don't know about all of you I found this personally extremely cathart yes yes it's up there with the post-election us getting owned season 2 premiere yeah we really saved the heavy emotional stuff for season premieres yeah you may have won this round corona but we'll be back a little life coronavirus alright hit me with that and theme tune but give me a little castle thunder before it goes

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