TRASHFUTURE - Mr. Steube Goes to Washington

Episode Date: August 4, 2020

This week features the full cast of Riley (@raaleh), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum) on the topic of recent tech CEOs testifying in front of the U.S. House of ...Representatives. As you would expect, the Democrats asked anodyne questions about being slightly nicer capitalists and the Republicans asked why their emails are going to spam. It’s a brilliant foray into the world of Big Guys and QAnon running for Congress. You’ll love.   Riley mentions the Clown Motel thing but I didn’t feel like actually making you listen to it at the end of the episode, so get it here:   If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes and powerful Discord server, sign up here: Here's a central location to donate to bail funds across the US to help people held under America's utterly inhumane system:   If you want one of our *fine* new shirts, designed by Matt Lubchansky, then e-mail trashfuturepodcast [at] gmail [dot] com. £15 for patrons, £20 for non-patrons, plus shipping.   *WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind GYDS dot com). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everyone, just a quick heads up. We were originally going to release this episode as a patreon bonus However, we reorganized our schedule for this weekend next and so instead figured it was timely Talk about some tech doofuses. It should come out on the main feed So if you're wondering why we are constantly referring to it being a secret sexy bonus That's why but hope you enjoy as well. The only big guy running in the Democratic primary was um What's his name what the billionaire who wasn't Tom Steyer? Oh? Bloomberg no the other one
Starting point is 00:00:32 Wait, um, the third one No, no, no, no, no the guy who like had terrible terrible deadlift form But he was still yoked anyway the Winklevoss triplet girl who looks exactly like the two Winklevoss boys Who was that guy? Wait, was this state? Do you remember primary? No, no If this was a Democratic primary contender for president was the third billionaire and I don't remember who it was He was the ripped one this guy this guy this guy. Yeah, that's the guy wife guy the bulldoe. No the bulldoe Yeah, but he was also a wife guy Incidentally third billionaire you're forgetting another billionaire you forgot it you're forgetting about the time not big guy
Starting point is 00:01:19 Mike Bloomberg ran for president a whole year and a half ago It's not Tom's. It's the third billionaire You're listening to the trash use your big guy roundup where we tell you the names of all the biggest guys Tom Hardy not a big guy as it turns out. He's like five seven Okay, how about this at Alex Keely with the name of the third rich guy. Yeah, please do bald one with pictures of him looking I'm gonna say it like at the last second and like And Hello and welcome back to this bonus episode of trash future that podcast
Starting point is 00:02:22 You are currently listening to right now unless you turn it off now Welcome to the bonus island whitefish Bonus you absolutely are not listening to the bonus island whitefish You are listening to trash future bonus the boney island whitefish is a different How mad are you that you didn't think of the bonus island whitefish before this? Not mad at all. I will probably use it at some point Um, it is mad. It's a room. It's a very very warm day in the UK. It's toast and Coming to us with his ideas about how to beat the heat. It's Milo Edwards. Oh
Starting point is 00:02:56 beat the heat Every time it's hot baby I'm also we're also joined by Nate Bethea My wife actually asked me today like why why do you want to cycle into the studio? Why don't you just have Milo pick you up and look why the fuck what I want to ride in this car It's hotter than riding my bike. That's right turns out. I was right because his car is Has no air conditioning and it looks like uh, how to describe it It looks like a couple of strong men could carry it in the Mentos ad
Starting point is 00:03:25 It also has a sunroof that you can't open so the whole thing just functions as a greenhouse And it means the temperature inside is somewhere between like a sauna that was built by Johnny Knoxville and Bam Margera and like Bagdad if it was fired into the sun, you know, you know what fuck podcast We're roasting Milo's car now. Tell me everything So and so that's why it's important that you're listening to this on the patreon right now So Milo might not get heat stroke when he drives to and from the studio. Yeah at some point We're gonna get Milo a new car He's gonna buy himself a new car and then we're gonna do a special bonus episode that's films like a side-scrolling fighting game like
Starting point is 00:04:02 Final fight bonus level just beat up a car. That'll be us. Yeah, buy me an e-bussy Milo Milo's van special episode We also are going to we are gonna be hearing from Hussain and Alice out there in internet land. Oh, it's eat mubarak from your favorite muslin podcast Yes, exactly. I have been spending all day grilling. I've been grilling meat. It's been fun. Nice ignoring discourse So I am very upset by now have to engage with discourse. It is really eat. I'll grow pill Or I'm actually I'm advocating for a new movement of Dan Pilled Where you just listen to steely Dan and you read the YouTube comments and you realize that there's like a
Starting point is 00:04:43 Based boomer vibe of guys who are just say stuff like I burned a lot of weed while listening to this cruising the desert highways outside of Arizona State in 65 I still burn a lot of weed listening to this today feeling good That that is the boomer vibe We could have had and the YouTube comments underneath steely Dan or ontology. It's not as it's not as based as disco comments My favorite twister account that is just like yeah, I used to do a lot of cocaine to this in the 70s never gonna do that again sad Some of the steely Dan comments are so wistful You have nothing on disco comments or wistfulness trust me I've told you about my favorite one though is there's an erasure b-side the song called waiting for sex
Starting point is 00:05:26 It's very much like that kind of It's trending towards like it beats a sign kind of like late 80s sort of stuff and every comp like okay Not every but nine out of ten comments on the page are this is great, but I am not gay You are not gay, but you do like this Hmm dudes in Eurasia for my liking anyway, so here's what we're going to do We are gonna do a very very fast startup because it's a Like it's a whisper of a business. It's barely a business. Yeah, but it's kind of funny I'm gonna be saying one word in every two, so try to keep up and
Starting point is 00:06:06 We are then we're gonna talk all about the big tech hearings that have happened in the US the other day Spoiler alert they were ineffectual, but some of them were hilarious. So without further ado, let's talk about this startup It's called gender afar and really not even gonna get a quiz us on that one, huh? Yeah Oh, what do you feel my forehead expanding? I feel like my my my fringe is like becoming a block and my voice is getting higher and for some reason I keep calling people mistress We're gonna do we're gonna do a very fast speed round where I'm gonna say gender afar You tell me what you think it does Milo Does it does it give you a gender if you didn't previously have one sort of Nate
Starting point is 00:06:49 I mean it makes you admit that in the grand scheme of things the witches they couldn't burn also had sons and that Hussein I turns you into a dude, which is why I support it. Yes in some cases Alice It's a it helps you like figure out what you would look like with really like square box-cut bangs Well, basically what gender afar is doing is they're trying to automate Columnists sort of but like for a B2B reason to basically they say gender afar is an easy to use AI based platform That instantly identifies the person's gender based on their email Based on their email like the text of it Yeah, no based on their their email address or their name
Starting point is 00:07:35 Big comes in pussy 69 Makes a guess I mean so is this like in response to people losing their minds at the BBC Suggesting that people might want to have their preferred pronouns and their email signatures. No what this did this is for marketing This is This it's either this or sexing chicks Which I which is a name a very rare skill I mean, I guess I'm wondering if direct like email marketing normally they just use whatever they think either They just don't address you directly or they they suit they use your email address for your registered name
Starting point is 00:08:12 So yeah, is this just so they can do misogyny like they detect you're a girl and you just get spam emails and just start with their bitch This is just so yeah play the clip a bitch hunter from 30 rock now This is This is basically just so they can just they can improve their marketing communications or their customers can improve their marketing communications And decide if they want to send you like a pink or a blue email I mean everything's a gender reveal so many times that I to access something I'm it's demanded of me that I enter in my name and email address and so and they don't actually verify it But I imagine they still bundled that shit and sell it to marketers
Starting point is 00:08:47 So in a way, I appreciate that they want to get the gender correct when they communicate with Aspanic 9-11 I feel like the software is gonna be used by like so the only the only I'm the only emails like spam emails I get from people of like people who are trying to sell bitcoins still or this Yeah, so like I is this gonna be a software like for guys, they're gonna market Bitcoin by being like this is a great way to Look after your family and for women is like this is a great way to show Karen down the street whose boss If I put in that my gender is Apache attack helicopter, I get lots of emails about swords Who's saying that basically is the end result here what they say is that they use an API
Starting point is 00:09:29 So it's like an AI tool that they host provided as a service and you basically just churn your marketing database through it You pay for a certain amount of credits the most harmful thing. I've done to my gender with an API since using twister And so basically the API will extract the name David from your email list and then add and you call him that says gender Man, yeah, it has male or female. It does not like say I can't make a determination on this There are only two genders that does one of those and as somebody found out as panic Tito fan 69 has to go one way or the other If as you start like if you're if your full name is like, I don't know something extremely female like I'm Haley Kiyoka, right? It genders that as female, but if you add
Starting point is 00:10:20 Doctor in front of it it genders it as male even if what comes right is like incredibly feminine, which rules Yes, it actually does do that which is hilarious. It makes becoming a doctor makes you a dude Yeah, that's right. What about so what about people who aren't just called Dave? Well, they say In many cultures gender may generally be viewed as binary recognizing gender is mostly a male and female White-nosed genders There are many more gender identities people use to define themselves and express their gender As our AI models decisions are based on already existing binary name gender databases Our product team is actually looking into ways of improving the experience for transgender and non-binary visitors
Starting point is 00:11:05 Experience what experience is there in like plugging your email into a thing and it decides what your gender is? I think the idea again This is this experience right now It's a box with a light on it and the light goes on when there's gender and so you just plug it in and the light Just goes on and stays on That's right. We correct me if I'm wrong and making this assumption Alice, but there's a part of me And I'm just wondering I genuinely don't know and I'm asking It feels to me like an email marketing thing
Starting point is 00:11:37 Getting assuming your gender and getting it wrong is probably less of a concern than like a person You know in real life making eye contact and aggressively dead naming you while jacking off Which seems to happen a lot Yeah, you know bothers me a lot more than getting my boner pills not addressed as go boner pills in my spam folder is when The entire media class of this country tries to conspire to drive me from public life that bothers me a little bit more Hmm, but what if what if that you're the micro targeting that you received for the t-shirt that says You wouldn't get it a person who the entire born in February
Starting point is 00:12:16 I'd say the t-shirt could actually be I You wouldn't get it It's a person who was the entire UK political and media class has conspired to demonize and drive from public life thing Yeah, my t-shirt which says yes, I'm a guy. Yes. I have girl boners. It's a born in July. Well, this It'll learn how to fucking weld. Why would they need a t-shirt with that many words when they could just wear their Guardian staff Pitnik t-shirt Anyway It's a it's a gossamer web of a company that barely exists and when a legitimate criticism was brought up against it they
Starting point is 00:13:05 When when given a legitimate challenge as to the fact that their product was a useless be harmful and see Useless, yeah, they just said trifecta perfect for the ballroom and the disc they just said Oh, we are actively looking for feedback from the lgbt community to make our yeah gender assignment algorithm. Yeah, here is my feedback Do not do this shit. This is essentially writ small what the The CEOs of all of the big tech companies did at the tech hearing in front of the House of Representatives This week Alice hindered Riley as he was attempting to transition, which is not her intention So
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yes Stop gatekeeping the next you have to live in the next segment for two years before I can really know that you're Alice is for being trans like what those immigrants who move somewhere and then are like immediately well No more immigrants now like Alice wants to be the last pussy in Britain So we are talking now about this. I'm gonna give a little bit of a backgrounder And the reason we're not devoting the entire episode to it is that we've talked about all of the subject matter of this Basically a billion times where it's an antitrust hearing where antitrust for those who don't know is basically looking at Companies that have gotten so big and so integrated and owns so much of their
Starting point is 00:14:25 Distribution network that they can more or less shut out and destroy competition. So it Basically, it's it's the natural endpoint of what happens when you let like the investment run amuck But there are largest and bestest sons America's America's a dealing with its own sons so a lot of the the charges that were brought up against these are charges a lot of the bits of Misconduct that these companies were accused of were things like Facebook bought Instagram in 2012 to neutralize it as a competitor So it would dominate more of the sort of social media marketplace Amazon uses Alexa to prompt people to buy other Amazon stuff by default
Starting point is 00:15:03 Apple drives book publishers out of business by using its market power with iBooks or Amazon with Kindle to basically Eradicate that part of the value chain And if you have a startup generally and you don't sell to them at favorable rates They either buy you and start doing what you do or they copy you and put you out of business Which is what like Facebook is trying to do snapchat and so on and so on and so on to genders none of none of this is news We've talked about literally all of this before just menoply stuff But yeah, there's some reason they decided that in order to investigate this what they had to do was haul a bunch of taxi I was in front of
Starting point is 00:15:38 US legislators. I think just representatives Mark Zuckerberg drove in there in a big shoe and and well it Asked them all of the questions It's within the competence of the US House of Representatives to ask about all of these like encompassing broad issues and so What they got asked was
Starting point is 00:16:02 But why is my emails in the spam files with this disability didn't click on the emails in the youtube How do I open pdf mac answer me that there were there were two kinds of questions asked at this hearing And it almost perfectly fell along partisan lines Where democrats were gently asking them why they felt the need to break the law so much and can they please not be obvious about an Internal company communications and republicans were largely asking why their emails were going to spam So just as a little bit who is emailing my wife? I demand to know Essentially, yes, but there's a little more table setting. This isn't on what we're talking about. It's not exclusive to big tech I mean the ceo spotify just said that if artists musical artists want to make money selling music
Starting point is 00:16:45 Then they have to make like three or four albums a year Spotify spotify has enough market power that they can just decide that that's the case Um, so the big tech the big ceo's we were talking to were uh, facebook zuckerberg amazon's bezos google sundar pxi And apple's tim cook. So the lines of defense were a little bit different per per each one Uh, because they're all worried about their company is getting broken up. Um pick one. They will defend you the rest So zuckerberg basically says look you have to let me do what I want because otherwise shijin ping is going to do it Make a telling argument Yeah, yeah, zuckerberg was the only one that wasn't trying to be like evasive with that answer
Starting point is 00:17:26 All the others had basically evasive evasive answers that were what we're not so big china has recruited the wenkelfast winds Oh, well i'm simply a country I've had revenue farmer. I'm just a simple country phone manufacturer So bezos was basically like what do you mean globe bestriding colossus for just a bookstore And said that their biggest competitor was like Wasn't just online retail, but all retail overall, which includes like walmart. Why here's a book I sold just this here day. The tail's a huckle bear fin little boy Come into the store. He's saying mr. Bezos. Do you sell books in this here apothecary? I say why yes
Starting point is 00:18:05 I do. Would you like a book young boy? Would you like a book that has the n word in it a lot of times? And the republicans were like, yes, we got through to it I'm not censoring the book sundar p shy was like google's not so big plus Have you seen our free resources resources for teachers during the pandemic? Plus we're the largest invention r&d in the usa. Don't ask us why that is How else would people know about venezuela? And then tim cook said we just make phones and not even as many as sundar p shy Meanwhile, if i'm not mistaken like all of the big tech companies just recently released their quarterly earnings and they smashed their targets And amazon's
Starting point is 00:18:41 Case i think their earnings per share was something like 10 times what they were predicted to have like the level of of just The extent to which the pandemic is now not just cementing but also massively expanding their presence in the economy and the information system if you will is so massive that it's just like They should probably be held to account a little more and yet And so what's very funny is that all four of these CEOs basically They would take it in turns to get asked five minutes of questions by either a democrat or republican And it was very funny is like the democrats were like trying to ask questions about anti-competitive business practices
Starting point is 00:19:19 but in many cases it was just like Mr. Zuckerberg you said in an email that you intended to buy instagram so you could so you could neutralize competition You're not supposed to say that when you said i'm really the new president people should bow down to me as a god Do you think that that reflects poorly on facebook? so That was the democrat line of questioning and then the republicans were just like hooting and shooting guns about diamond and silk getting demonetized And the tech ceo's Answered both of these kinds of questions in exactly the same way with exactly as much contempt
Starting point is 00:19:55 Which is oh, i'll check into that for you You're absolutely right. Mr. Crenshaw the distribution of coins in farmville has gotten firmly out of control Yeah, it's where it's it's like because Because the whole the only way that one of these big tech executives could say well I'm not i'm i'm not sort of i'm not falling afoul of antitrust rate legislation Is if they really don't understand their own business and huddles and that's why they always answered each question with I don't know Um, or in one case. Oh, that was a joke
Starting point is 00:20:28 I cool This is so cool that the last form of oversight left to these people is two Like sets of people just like lightly bothering them They just they just um, they're just like small they're just small beans, right? It is just kind of like just weird theater watching is i find myself I get way more annoyed at the politicians than i do at the tech CEOs because it's just so stupid I felt exactly the same way about the dominant comings thing when they kept being like Wouldn't you like to apologize like no he fucking wouldn't he just said he doesn't think he did anything wrong
Starting point is 00:21:02 So why would he apologize doesn't even make sense ask him to apologize just accept that he's an evil cunt You don't agree on this like it's just so weird to be able to go Don't you feel bad about the fact that you just like ruin the lives of millions of people? No Otherwise you wouldn't do it. They're all hoping to get that at long last sir. Have you no decency moment? They all want to be uh, like uh, the just ten year jeff teedrick. Yeah Um, and so i'm gonna do a little bit more like what it all means then we'll go into the two forms of questioning Um, because like I I think if we're going to be a critical program, which I I think we should be Um, we can't just always assume that everything's nice future
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah, but we that means we also can't always just blanket assume that nothing is going to work and that like Every every political every political, um, movement that isn't exactly ours. Yes further to my previous observation What's the name of this podcast that we do? Critic critical, uh, it's vox. It's's Hello, welcome to the slate cultural gab fest. Wait, hang on. I thought it was the romaine I got the wrong room again. Are you not Ian Dunn? Oh, sorry. I was looking slightly back on the graph tree on. Um, so it basically Petty mode engaged just fucking get their asses man Okay, so look it was it's broadly speaking good
Starting point is 00:22:27 That like at least some elected democratic politicians Are taking seriously the idea that they need like broad based interference in the economy To prevent like these companies from destroying more people's lives And it's good that they understand that these company they understand what these companies business models are and they seem to be taking it Seriously, like they understand that like these ceo's have Unprecedented control over like the levers of the flow of information how valuable that is and how much power it gives them Like these are examples of like a market player using their massive power to extract value from everyone Everywhere else in the value chain and giving nothing in return. Yeah, people like Pramila Jayapal like
Starting point is 00:23:06 I have some hope that like she seems quite serious about this and like she's not gonna let it go It's Warren ask stuff, right? Like and that's not to say that it's it's irredeemable That it's useless like a lot of uh, this sort of Warren kind of reform and control of capitalism stuff Greatly inconvenienced banks, which is very good. We like inconvenience in them Um, so like yes, but like the limitations of this is that it's always going to be this kind of uh, Technical thing of like well, you're not playing by the rules of this capitalism thing that we're setting out. Yeah, exactly and so like I I think of this as uh on balance. Yeah, it's
Starting point is 00:23:47 Some elements of this were good like nothing good can come of this for the big tech companies, but like How effective it will be in the long term for actually solving the actual problems that gave rise to them and that they perpetuate Is I think yeah, minimal also it It is just a warning shot like as as you said like the tech CEOs treating this sort of with maximum contempt for both sides is entirely Uh, is entirely like representative, right? Like nothing is directly going to change because of this It is just like some people bother you for five minutes at a time Um, well, I think like the the u.s. Government does have the power to do it does It just it just won't because of these specifically and and so like that's why you don't take this seriously
Starting point is 00:24:32 If you're the CEO of google or facebook or whatever is it at this particular moment. It is just like Uh, like maybe some people on one side ask you some awkward questions And then some people on the other side ask you how to open a pdf Yeah, um, well, I think the the thing right is that because the real the what this turns on is that it depends on America being able to just carry something out at a federal level, which is I don't know I don't think you can't Cecil for joe everybody. Yeah And also like again, there's no concrete plans to do anything And even if there was the president overseeing action to undertake it would be at best joe biden
Starting point is 00:25:12 Um, oh, listen here mac. I recently went on the book face and uh, there was someone there He messaged me to tell you When you said if you don't like me you can vote for the other biden this was who he was talking about this was the other biden Um, so basically right like there is but also don't forget like these these firms basically have infinite money to lobby and so If they need to get votes in congress, they basically can just walk up to a bunch of different like you know, uh Like representatives who represent like
Starting point is 00:25:51 You know fentanyl america and just say i'm going to put a you know technology factory in your town if you vote Not even that they emperor forever. They can just say, uh, hey Do you want to get your office redecorated like aron shock did or do you want to go on a free trip to itch? Like duncan hunter did or any number of these like kind of small-scale grifts Do you do you want apple care for free for an extra three months? What do you think is the lowest dollar amount a sitting, uh, us representative has been bought for I think it's going to be surprisingly low I think it's biden getting bought for like, I don't know a windbreaker and an invitation to a party
Starting point is 00:26:30 1880s by the credit car companies There's a uh, there's a very nice, uh, mosque on an island in the uh in caribbean that you might like to take a look at Yeah, I will say that that's also something that's just like indicative of the decline with how this is enforced and taken seriously in america because As I mean, this is a lip point to bring up But it is true that they made jimmy carter sell his fucking peanut farm because otherwise that might violate the emoluments clause And now donald trump's just like dhs agents put them in the fucking trump express just like It's unbelievable how much corruption is now just completely open and it's like well, you know, like you nobody cares
Starting point is 00:27:06 No one's gonna do anything about it It's that the I think the way to see it is that the corruption is a symptom of of the larger problem And that's the large and the larger problem means that I i'm concerned that you know any antitrust action that's even brought against Um the against these tech companies Even if it can be brought is going to be limited and hamstrung at every turn because of their your lobbying power The argument from um the democrats here that like center left is Once we have the next election and then the rest is drowned out by me laughing at the phrase next election Yeah, I mean, uh, there was a line. I remember um
Starting point is 00:27:44 It's it's hilarious because of the person that came from but I don't know if you're familiar with the director james cameron Right did fucking terrible movies He also determinator too and that kind of thing and one of the things he made When he was asked about why they chose to make uh the cop the la pd officer the the villain The you know the the form that the liquid metal terminator takes in terminator two was basically and i'm paraphrasing He said that you know cops think that anyone who isn't a cop is less than they are They're either too weak or too stupid to do what they do and thus like they don't They basically see the world as a bunch of weaklings who don't deserve protection unless they're also cops
Starting point is 00:28:20 And I feel like that's actually Not only do I agree with that regarding cops But I think that times a million is how billionaires and particularly tech billionaires See everybody else and not just citizens But specifically elected representatives They I mean if if there was like a massive leak of the shit these people say to each other Pre and post these hearings. I think it would be very revealing because they hold the entire the concept of anyone besides the richest person Having any kind of influence or power in such utter contempt
Starting point is 00:28:49 So this is just a dumb theater exercise. Oh, yeah, and I mean also some of some of these people are worthy of your contempt We'll get on to the republicans Oh Whether or not the avatars had big blue dicks And also the some other things to remember about this right is that when micro a similar case was brought against microsoft Like it avoided being breaking up it avoided being broken up by just settling Right and these these companies now have an order of magnitude more money than microsoft did at the time So a weaker a weaker and less committed jurisdiction is fighting a
Starting point is 00:29:25 a basically like a fucking um A swarm battle of much power much more powerful end bosses So I don't really see how this could go particularly well But at least it's kind of sort of beginning to happen Maybe I kind of like the zerg rush comparison because not only does that mean that all of the tech lords are Actually weird bug aliens, but it also implies that they can only build things and live on a huge sea of cum Yeah, what do you think that silicon valley is covered in? It's all creep So this isn't silicon at all
Starting point is 00:29:57 So I'd like to now that we've discussed sort of like the underlying dynamics of what's going on here I'd like to have a little fun. Yeah get into the meat of the episode by talking about some of these fucking dumbass questions I love I love every single one of the republicans The top three superstars the republicans asking questions of the tech of the tech ceo's were uh matt gatz famously nesters, uh uncle Slash father slash employer slash other yeah still in the nephew business
Starting point is 00:30:28 uh jim jordan Perhaps an an old stent an old stentorian. I've said stentorian already. I think yeah jim jordan And uh, then gregs gregs stoiber stube. Who's my new favorite legislator stube is a hell of a name stube is the new trash future character We are adding him to the pantheon of the immortals on this episode. He is so cool Hi, I'm greg stube and this is uh, the shit catapult To be honest if I had to guess with like the way that we typically mangle german names in american english I think he'd probably go by stube
Starting point is 00:31:04 I think it would be stube stube do All right, so obviously we will go with that one because it's the funniest I would like to start with um The only republican who asked like a substantive question Uh, even if it was like case encased in weirdness Which at least relates to an identifiable policy goal even if that policy goal is bad, which is matt gatz Um, he suggested that uh, google the matt gatsby Yeah, the great matt gatsby. Um, so so gats so the great matt gatsby said that google
Starting point is 00:31:41 Canceled a us military partnership program called project maven as a result of uh lobbying by its employees However, it also works with china. So therefore google will you take a pledge to support the police? It makes a lot of sense and we just also say that project maven sounds like The episode name from like an early season of gossip girl. Yeah, that's right They were they were gonna they were gonna get a big coffee cups for the army Um matt gatz is so named because his ancestors were always packing a nine on them. That's right. Well, hey, maybe Uh, so yeah, that was that was his his argument. He was like, yep Uh google has google and he tried to frame it as a big gotcha
Starting point is 00:32:21 When it was widely reported in the media that it was employee pressure that caused google to drop this project So he was like, we're gonna get the c of google to get a blue lives matter tattoo So can we also just point out very quickly that matt gatz is it's actually it's if it was pronounced the way it would Originally be said in german it's gets and greg stewby would actually be stoibe because we are too many goddamn germans in america This is what happens when you let the fucking germans emigrate, okay? So Here's the thing right like fucking i mean like Yeah, google is doing business in china. We don't know exactly what they're doing
Starting point is 00:33:04 I don't know if they're working with the chinese military, but i'll tell you this much We're not saying organs, but she's she's in ping probably isn't dragging sundar p shy up there to like ask if he'll denounce like the That uh, like restlessness in orm chi. Yeah, like they're not really like this humiliates them like this Like the extent to which tech billionaires are humiliated by the chinese government. It's all stuff. They do to themselves Uh when they're trying to like get their business like that time that zuckerberg went for a jog without a mask in beijing in summer Uh, yeah I also love how they're being asked like two sets of like completely antithetical questions as well How like the republicans are like, oh you do these evil things which i happen to agree with
Starting point is 00:33:47 But you also didn't do this one evil thing which i would have preferred if you'd have done it And then they're going like, oh no, no, we only didn't do that evil thing because uh because we were told not to We're not hypocrites. We would totally have done that evil thing. Don't worry. So also, uh, matt gatz Uh, matt gatz demanded that jeff bezos explain why amazon supported the southern poverty law center And he said uh, why well being from the south as i am He said, uh, the southern poverty law center is a hate group. Why are you partnering with them? And then bezos just said, yeah, we we'd like to partner with a better source We could get it, but we're forced to stick with the southern poverty
Starting point is 00:34:25 What what the southern poverty poverty law center does and why they are called that is because In the jim crow south and the even in the postal rights movement south It was legal for the cops basically to arrest black people on crimes like vagrancy if they weren't They didn't believe them. They said they had a job So literally if you were doing anything if you were black and you were on the street They could come up to you and be like, what are you doing? And if you aren't like i'm on my way to clean your house, sir They would literally they could just arrest you and throw you in for the fuck they wanted to
Starting point is 00:34:54 Oh, yes, i'll recognize you from the last time you cleaned my house very good Those are those were poverty laws and so hence the Then like the ways in which they basically extended slavery and then subsequently jim crow like was through these laws So the southern poverty law center is actually pretty lib all things considered Like they're more in line with like maybe slightly to the left of the aclu But even then like they're not some radical organization the thing that they'll never forgive them for is tracking hate groups Yeah, exactly. So they they they are they have been opposed to the klan So the idea that that makes them a hate group is
Starting point is 00:35:27 I mean matt gets is just he judging a man simply about the color of his sheet This is disgusting in my view matt matt gets has no idea what this southern poverty law center does He's basically his role in life Is basically being like the untrammeled unrepressed it of south florida in congress all they're doing they're coming up and they're sitting here And they're just doing like That's what they want these days But like matt guys like gats like they're coming here and just and and essentially just repeating stuff they saw To complain all a too sunder p shy that they learned on youtube
Starting point is 00:36:05 Amazing about like all that the southern poverty law center is in a secret soros plot to make anti to make antifa your um Your health insurance provider or whatever you're gonna take away your fucking nephews man Yeah, and right and that's social doesn't baby redistribution of the nephews and and the republicans they don't care Anything of what these tech companies do like if the if the tech companies could if the tech CEOs said to matt gats I promise you 500 5000 positive interactions on all of your posts And if you publish an ebook about a piranha with a big dick that's also a cop I promise it will get onto the bestseller charts matt gats You will be able to spend the rest of your life with a nest egg and a nest door. Don't worry
Starting point is 00:36:47 I mean to be fair that wouldn't be like the weirdest like self published fiction book on amazon but like has Got quite a good chart position Yeah, it's true But there was the whole thing about the the like erotica about fucking dinosaurs. It did really well My favorite one was like the the sexy furries that like became muslim for some reason Um, who's saying stop promoting your book. Oh, yeah Anyway Yeah, so the other thing right is that especially as we go on to the other republicans here
Starting point is 00:37:17 you're going to see that Around the time of like the talk radio revolution and the contract with america and stuff When the republican party pivoted to like its current strategy of just constantly stoking culture war and trying to win on You know on basically the fox news rush limbaugh axis, right? Is that eventually the people they were making into their voters were going to join the party and they were going to become elected officials Yeah, and I think also something to bear in mind is that what what you see on boomer facebook like the weird deranged nightmare sort of hellscape, you know Event horizon future that they present is no different than forwarded emails and talk radio boomer shit
Starting point is 00:38:00 It's just that when it's you know, magnified Scaled up and then accelerated and allows people to communicate with one another like much more rapidly than they could even Need masks None of this has ever been I'll give you just really quick really quicker a friend of mine Very briefly worked as an intern on capitol hill when he was right out of college And it it made him fucking hate the government basically But he he said that most of what he did working for a democratic representative
Starting point is 00:38:32 Was responding to emails that don't sound any different than what matt gets is saying here Like honestly like that level of just like, you know, take silver colloid or colloidal silver to improve your health You know anti foe wants to turn your daughter gay whatever like that kind of stuff. That's always been out there The chinese are putting come in the cereal. What do you do about this from way back in the 60s? It's just that it's gotten to the point where it's so easily shareable and you know tech has abetted this to the point where It's easier now instead of using the vague dog whistles that kind of make those people happy to make them your voters you just Say the same shit that they say but but now it's getting even weirder because now you're starting to see q and on people win
Starting point is 00:39:12 Republican primaries That's what I mean, right the the guys that they were turning into their base are now their legislators Used to be different than berry goldwater almost being president like you got to realize like it's not that different. It's just that there's The craziest shit in berry goldwaters like like Coterie probably didn't make it to press because there was still that sort of establishment press filter back then now with Instant video and social media that kind of stuff. We see more of it But like that latent completely deranged like like eating lead paint level of boomer crazy
Starting point is 00:39:44 That's always been there. It's not a reference cha foe too much But one thing they did get right is that we're all kind of laroushites now But what what i'm what i'm saying here, right is i'm not saying that that's new What i'm saying is that like there was at one point I think the use of this is a strategy to like manage like chud america And I like the there has there's been a bleed over as just like yeah, like none of the Who started the birth certificate stuff including trump actually believed it, but like that's that fucking snowballed right quick No, but that's a really good reference alice because when you think about like the people going to hearings with guns holding up
Starting point is 00:40:21 Like here's a copy of obama's birth certificate in kenya. I got it on you know, like obama's a muslim Like that was shocking in 2010, but that's gotten more or 20 2009 2010 But that's gotten even more intense because of just the speed with which the stuff is quick question What gender is the holder of obama's a muslim? And that's the thing is that is that that stuff Existed in like You know john birch society style newsletters and shit in the 60s 70s and 80s that stuff's been around for forever It's always been around the difference is that I think it is much
Starting point is 00:40:56 It is the mainstream has moved and that's the mainstream now and we're seeing it in this hearing And also I think too that the extent to which this stuff Uh people connect with it because of the just the state of Alienation and we'll go in We're worse than Brezhnevian decline that's been going on in america and because you've now handed people You know, it's like what if you had a really high speed minitel that was 99 racism all the time? Like they're going to use it for the obvious purpose
Starting point is 00:41:24 Like it's just Even if these people like people that I know in real life have told me about you know Relatives who seemed relatively normal 10 years ago who are now full-on Q and on cultists like this stuff is so out there and Tech isn't going to do anything about it. So all this is done in a lot of ways. I feel Is make it easier for like that psychosis underbelly of american culture to rise to the surface and What what I suppose should come as a surprise is the that it hasn't even gotten that it hasn't permeated more so like You think Sinclair group is bad. Imagine if you had Q and on tv news that was like a publicly traded company
Starting point is 00:42:03 I can't wait, but uh, so this is a little more on gatz. Uh, by the way, congratulations to these people You're talking to of their future appointment as the director of agriculture I'm under president barron So gatz says to p shy will you take a pledge that google will not take the anti the bigoted anti police policy Requested in the letter to scrap project racist against the police P shy says we respect the cops and have a long history of following the law Every question a long history of following the law is some shit that you 100% say when you're about to go to jail What about all the people I didn't murder?
Starting point is 00:42:38 He like he definitely has just did he I mean to be fair he none of them seem to prepare for the fact the obvious fact that like Matt cats jim jordan and greg Stuby Getting mad at them about the internet and so we're just completely taken off guard So gatz was like take the pledge P shy was like we are continued to committee you're committed to continuing to work with law enforcement Yeah, it's I greatly appreciate that and I know it'll be very comforting to the police who use google Exactly
Starting point is 00:43:11 We must secure a future for Oh, yeah, I'm gonna have to start binging venezuela if something doesn't change around google place I'm surprised none of them asked about the uh, the one of the one of the like my favorite conservative Uh rumors about google which is about when you google white people Um, and you get mixed race kids in the first section and it's all the result of you kind of furiously googling white people in like skull shape sizes They only got they only got they only got five minutes each That really does speak to speak to your point net about this being like it's the same shit like uh race mixing as communism signs from the 60s or like
Starting point is 00:43:51 The communist party are organizing civil rights meetings in order to do miscegenation Think it's even more like the like the disco demolition night like the anti disco movement I remember seeing I've never been able to find this again But I remember I want to say it was in like a social studies textbook in high school There was a photo like a news photo of what I would describe as like they were talking about the extent to which Of like homophobia basically was the general topic And it was a photo of like a high school or maybe even middle school aged kid That he and his friends had like formed their own gang and the gang was like a
Starting point is 00:44:23 Like they were wearing white t-shirts with a crudely drawn hammer smashing a pink triangle and their gang was called the gay bashers And like the extent to which were they gay bashers or were they gay bashers anyway? They won the mercury prize in The extent to which like I'm sure this was like a suburb of Chicago Like the extent to which that stuff is always bubbling under the surface. I feel like people are getting uh, uh, you know the opportunity to see this in person but I mean honestly Yeah, if they had had 15 minutes instead of five minutes
Starting point is 00:44:49 Like you would have had some question about like which way western man like soon red heads will disappear The beauty of the white race is vanishing. Oh, no, Nate not red heads I know exactly Uh, so always always overlooks the point that most red heads look like their features were called carved out of butter with a spoon Like we're as a group of people were pretty ugly. Uh, so uh, but moving moving back on a little bit Um, I think the the point here about like, um, about the uh, even the googling white people thing, right? It's it has a kernel of truth that the democrats are trying to dig up which is yeah Google does control what comes up on your search engine. It's just they have no cultural commitment
Starting point is 00:45:23 They have no social commitment They what happens is they always just directs you towards its own services. Yeah, so it's it's true It's just they're This is this is why youtube turns you into a nazi, right? Is like it's actually not uh on purpose At least on on like google or youtube's level It's like a combination of youtube having an algorithm that recommends you more youtube because it wants you to keep watching And people who have been able to game that very effectively because the thing that keeps you watching longest is the race science hour Can we can we do a quick exercise and we can cut this if it goes over time?
Starting point is 00:45:59 But but here's here's a question. I want everybody on the recording And I'll I'll I'll ask Alice to go first What is of the people you know in real life? Like people from your family from your hometown, etc that you're connected with on social media doesn't have to be facebook I think facebook is preferable. What is the craziest thing you've seen one of them post? Oh Or if you can't if you can't define craziest what most recently have you been shocked by in terms of a person posting Madness, I mean the thing is that like this is kind of this is hard mode for me because
Starting point is 00:46:33 Normally in britain the first Response to this is always going to be transphobia and those people don't follow me or have blocked me or whatever Um, I've definitely seen like I think the weirdest thing was absolutely like some demographic shit about the great replacement, right? Like I I have one from like boomer muslim facebook, which is really funny Um, which was about they had like again, it was like very like low res like the standard low res images and like Um, word art stuff. So that makes already that makes it a great post Um, but it was something along the lines of like if you look at the lgbtq flag There are six colors and if you look in the biblical scriptures there are all like of the chronic scriptures
Starting point is 00:47:15 God perfects things in sevens, which means that Oh, yeah, oh, shit, right and it was this kind and and it was very much and when I saw the post And you see like how many people like it and everything and we're like, yeah, that's a good point I never thought about it like that. It's like, whoa, okay, that's um Yeah, it's definitely definitely like a real trip Oh, I I have my answer and it's it's actually the thing I can't believe I forgot this the thing that is uh, the other like first pause of call besides transphobia, uh, which is saying like actively Genocidal stuff about travelers
Starting point is 00:47:49 Yes, and that as well. Yeah, there's tons of that on like my local Am I like, you know, my um my my facebook group that which was at the beginning of this lockdown used for like, um Community aid and stuff Like like in a matter of months has just become this place where they're like, yeah, we should get rid of the travelers Especially since that police officer got got killed, right? There's been this huge uh, like upsurge in uh, just absolutely uh fully
Starting point is 00:48:18 Genocidal rhetoric. It's it's not good. It's not good. We don't like it. So moving quickly Milo. What's yours? Uh, there's a guy who I was at primary school with uh, who's dad was a cop who Posts on instagram eat constantly either about his personal training business or like weird like churchill like Boris Johnson his god memes and I remember during the election He posted one on election day Which was like some like incredibly low res meme that was like, oh well Of course labor will be posted leading in the polls until 5 30 p.m When everyone who has a job knocks off and it's like weirdly I heard that exact same one in 2008. Um,
Starting point is 00:48:54 Riley, what was yours? Oh, I I actually just deleted facebook a while ago. I don't really have a lot of them Mine was uh, a guy who was full on the democrats created the covid hoax There is no virus. No one is actually dying No one has the flu either because actually all viruses are fake and i'm not joking and then they immediately died He lives in arizona. So he's probably gonna die. That's right. Anyway. Yes, uh, so the point of saying that really just to move on was That's all stuff that's basically like that's their business model Like I said earlier, they posted record fucking earnings and earnings per share like they blew through all their fucking targets because this is their business model and like
Starting point is 00:49:30 They created the republicans that were questioning them and as you said like yes They humiliate themselves in front of congress don't get me wrong But like you don't give a fuck of course they don't because there's no power behind the questions. No, it's funny It's funny to watch that that like they have to go and just have these asinine conversations with the idiots that they made Good for content bad for humanity. Yeah, I was like because like yeah, that's I think that's exactly it right That's not a musto for the fucking show Yeah, so yeah, so it's like it's only by chance that those guys aren't republican legislators Or in the case of the british ones because they live in britain, but what a point is right?
Starting point is 00:50:04 Matt gatz is a product of the person. He's asking stupid questions of I mean If I had a conspiracy theory and I mean like I'm not saying this is happening But what I what I really do believe is that if if a mark zuckerberg kind of person Someone along those lines or somebody who was or rather if a leftist politician was actually credibly looking at winning and threatening to You know regulate and break up the monopolies and social media There's nothing there's no actual way they could stop social media companies from just completely down downgrading any content for that person and massively Upgrading all content to basically blow that person out of the water. Don't forget. It's not about content either
Starting point is 00:50:40 It's they there's no what for example all apps basically run on aws. It's all amazon web servers Yeah, exactly most and if you want to like distribute an app to your campaign in the app store Apple apple and they do have a history of doing this can just not let you do it 100 percent I mean I would not be surprised if within our lifetimes we find out that the reason why we sat in this room and had our hearts Fucking crushed in 2019 that that was involved genuinely like maybe that makes me a conspiracy theorist But like flat out they could if they wanted to nothing could stop them and we would never even know So moving on to another moron who's being created by the people he's questioning Jim Jordan, probably one of my favorite ones the big double J
Starting point is 00:51:15 He said he opened his questioning by saying Mr. Cook, do you believe that there is cancel culture online? It's like reading off of a smudge note on his hand. I've been passed this no, I'm all Hand The first old folk horn leg corn congressional. That's right. Yeah, he's he's from Ohio. Uh, yeah, he and then he said I'm a simple Ohio. He said what what what have you done to help the state of Ohio? Yeah, that's right. So he said what have you done to help that nice berry wise? Oh nice
Starting point is 00:51:47 So it's the official position of the republican party that berry wise was right that hanging out loosely with a group of friends Is uniquely Australian phenomenon. That's correct. She is she is now She was all she was just a bit a popular right-wing talking point two weeks ago And now she's been brought into the questioning Of the tech executives. So you think about this, right? The four most powerful people in human history with regard to the flow of information Have been brought in front of the only legislative body that could conceivably really do anything about it
Starting point is 00:52:22 And then the first question from like from one of the people was Do you think it was fair that berry wise was fired from the new york times? I mean, I it's amazing to me how much these people love talking about barry wise someone who is like irrelevant Even to conservatives like she resigned. She wasn't fired. She resigned. She wasn't cancelled. She cancelled herself But people weren't nice to her and that's a problem that needs that we need to talk to tim cook about So this position on barry vices that barry vise is a german barry white tribute act and I will not hear That's the last word on the subject. What was really interesting about that was it kind of reminded me of like So we've seen this before and I don't know whether you guys have but we've seen I've seen this before
Starting point is 00:53:03 And it happened on the joe rogan podcast when joe rogan got jack dorsi and I think a legal executive at twitter to talk to tim paul And tim paul's whole grievance was that people were being mean to him on twitter He was convinced that his posts were being um Uh, what's it called like uh, his posts were being shadow banned or not even shadow banned But they were kind of like being uh, they voted the algorithm was working directly against his post Mr. Dorsey people on your website are saying that my hat looks stupid Jack Dorsey wasn't even there and it's me
Starting point is 00:53:39 About twitter and it's like and it's completely amazing the whole thing was completely amazing because Obviously joe rogan had no idea what he was doing and he was just acting as like a facilitator But if you watch her interview you can kind of see that like jack Dorsey is trying to like be really nice to tim paul But he has no idea what's going on and the like the woman who is running the I can't remember her name But she was running the legal services She's like trying very calmly to explain to tim paul like how algorithms work and it's basically just like no It's because less people are engaging with your posts And that's the reason why we're not getting as much traction and he just like flat out like doesn't believe it and like
Starting point is 00:54:14 I don't know. I it's it's one of those like very long interviews So there's lots of bits that you can like um take out from it But when I was watching that like aspect of the congressional hearing it was very much like oh, okay So like this is how this is kind of like the main line of questioning now And I think like I get you know, we've spoken about this before so many times But it's one where you have a mixture of people who don't understand how these platforms work and CEOs who completely understand But like they can take advantage of that Combined we also have the ability to play dumb and you know
Starting point is 00:54:42 There's no one in a position in that room to call them on their bullshit. Exactly. Yeah, exactly that Also really quickly. I thought it was hilarious because I was thinking about weird memes Hussain and you talking about a muslim boomer facebook Have you ever seen the meme that? posits the idea that an indian-american astronaut went to space but then converted to islam Right His name was his name was hussain kesvani. I won't read the whole meme, but it's incredible. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's true Anyway, uh, yes, his name was hussain kesvani So these are the responses from the tech CEOs to the accusation that they haven't been nice enough to bury weiss
Starting point is 00:55:20 Bezos it appears to me that social media is a nuanced destruction destruction machine And I don't think that's helpful for democracy And complete waste of complete waste of time, you know, it's a fucking new destruction machine is the washington post man Yeah, well, you know what else is a new is a nuanced It's not a nuanced destruction machine, but a person destruction machine is amazon's ability to end again This was brought out amazon warehouse in pro glasco as we speak Or amazon's ability to alter and again, I'm not trying to say that I love small business I've I will never love small business
Starting point is 00:55:54 But the fact that fuck you jet ski dealership But the fact that again amazon amazon is able to make one small Infantismal change that bezos probably won't even be involved in say a change changing a A percent in the split between, you know, it's uh, it's take of someone who's selling on amazon Fulfillment services or whatever they can make that change and so much of the economy now depends on them that they'll They'll make tens of thousands of businesses unviable without even realizing it and without even realizing that it was possible And without it affecting them in any way except maybe slightly positively Right and so but then bezos is he's asked the question about barry weiss who's able to say well
Starting point is 00:56:34 It's a nuanced destruction machine. Well at the head of a literal life destruction machine Yeah, I mean but look like barry weiss. She's the only person capable of nuance and if you destroy barry weiss Then you know what direction western man? Uh, so Tim cook said if you're talking about somebody about where somebody with a different points of view talks about it and they're cancelled I don't think that's good I think it's good for people to hear different points of view and decide for themselves again the man whose company has 25 per person in the world Um, cool was gang around in for the whole world was asked a question where he or the answer he gave was
Starting point is 00:57:15 something a School teacher would say because he's being asked Because it's a stupid question like he's being asked a question by the adults and peanuts. It's like Yeah, he basically Genuinely reminds me of like the terrible sort of character building or like sort of banter dialogue in old movies from like the 70s and 80s Where it's like a mr. Cook do blondes have more fun I just well have asked that and I also got they do can yes I also got to say this too, which is that what the number that Riley just quoted that figure. That's not their total valuation
Starting point is 00:57:47 That's just how much cash. That's just cash on handle has on hand. Yeah, if they if they distributed their cash That's what it would be They would still have like all of their Intangibles and all of their equipment and all of their people and everything and the thing about it is it's 25 dollars That could buy everyone a decent amount of weeds So thus being able to get the answer to the cottonmouth king's question that they posed in the song Peace not greed when they asked what would life be if the world smoked weed? Yeah, Tim Cook has has in his power the answer to that question and he's holding it back from the american 20th of april
Starting point is 00:58:16 2021 4 20 p.m. Tim Cook, you know, you know Every day Tim Cook wakes up and decides actively not to get everyone in the world Quite nicely shaked fucking just completely toasted. Yeah And and there and there and there he is not doing it and no one's asking him about it least of all Jim George Elect Rielly to the fucking house of representatives. He will ask these questions
Starting point is 00:58:45 next next responses from zuckerberg who's like again going hard in on the america stuff I believe strongly that suppress that suppression I believe strongly giving people a voice is an important part of what our services do and i'm worried about some of the forces of Illiberalism I see pushing against free expression. So again China China China China China China China And then P shy says we take pride in the fact that across all platforms including youtube there are more diverse voices than ever before I'm concerned about not just more diverse voices. I'm concerned about not just conservatives getting attacked I'm concerned when anyone gets attacked for expressing a viewpoint
Starting point is 00:59:20 Now when we want to talk about diversity of viewpoint. It's our next just huge fucking chad Greg stewby Giant of a man pure muscle air of a man the stewby brothers. He looks fucking amazing Uh, he's he's a ripped. He looks like a cross bit guy We were talking about this
Starting point is 00:59:40 I'll do it doing the notes right and the thing that I roasted riley with that i'm gonna recapitulate here Is that it's something that he has in common with donald trump that they both like Aesthetically appreciate a big guy Just like a large man. They just appreciate a large well-muscled man. He's wrong. No, he's he's wrong Okay, he's this guy. He barely barely fits behind the desk in the congress He doesn't he's enormous and we play Jamie. Can we pull that up on screen? Can we see the size of this stube? Yeah, he is a big stube to be fair. He's a big fucking guy and like stubealicious He's and he basically said youtube
Starting point is 01:00:19 Uh, he said there's that you say you may you you want to um Have diversity of voices across youtube. Oh, yeah, but there's no diversity of political opinion Oh my god, there's a picture of him on the back of a pickup truck leaning on a chest of drawers Look at his picture on the far right there Yeah, look look at those fucking biceps, man. He's fucking huge. He is yeah He looks tonically horny for a lot, but this is this is your version of the hot general You know, um, basically, you know, you know, greg stewby looks like if gavin mckinnis went to rehab I know
Starting point is 01:00:53 No, you know, you know, he looks like he looks like ted cruise from like the nose upwards and then downwards It looks like like 19th century legislator He's like the hollywood actor playing ten with a cowboy hat leaning at the fence. You found a hot picture of greg stewby Congratulations. That's not hard. Um, anyway, right away. Why are you like a stube simp now? So anyway, what he said right this big fucking chat He says yesterday I was sent a video of doctors discussing hydrochloroquine So he mixed up the name of the medicine and the dangers of not returning children to school
Starting point is 01:01:29 But then I tried to open the link and it said it was removed for violating youtube's community guidelines How can this violate youtube's community guidelines when videos of antifa violent protesters are being posted to youtube every day And so what I hate about this every single day. I hate about this so much Is that this guy is he's enormous He should be like, I don't know getting busted in like a cocaine smuggled like a kaka-mami cocaine smuggling plan Or he brings it in in freeway. He should be lifting my car and crushing it into a small This guy brings in cocaine in the tubes of like a home gym and gets caught by like an obscure federal agency You don't remember exists like the post
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah, the postal inspection service is missing someone to jail and it's this guy Yeah, he he he looks like what he should be doing is he should be involved in like A protein multi-level marketing Somehow on the run from the us forest service He should have like a lawsuit pending from nestly because he called his protein powder nestly quicker or or so like he should be doing so much Hairbrain dumb shit. Yes speedboat scam. Yeah, he should be this guy should be she should be he should be currently Fighting the closure of his crossfit gym by the health department. He should not be here complaining about mods
Starting point is 01:02:54 I'm saying the problem with the problem is the tech companies turned greg stewby into a pussy And that's a problem deprived america of its beautiful hembows, which riley just wants to appreciate This guy should be on the beach getting stubular and what is he doing now? I was going to say that like what riley's describing is a himbo, right? And I don't think that like he's a himbo I think that he's like part of this generation of Like bodybuilders who do spend tons of time on because there are like loads of bodybuilders Who spend all the time that they have when they're not working out and like taking like very detailed precise on time meals
Starting point is 01:03:30 Being online and just like yeah, like thanks to him with the kit typing and then Exactly, right exactly. Yeah, that's cool guys. So he's so he's so he's I love that me so he's one of he's one of those guys that does hang out on and has long fights of people About like the type of whether the pullout method work And what type of amino acids you should take and like it'll be at the end of like a 30 30 thread thing on amino acids He'll like call someone that's like a giant pussy Oh, fuck greg stewby is the brad pit character from burn off the reading For bait him when we were doing the notes
Starting point is 01:04:04 What about it is is that to be a himbo? I feel like Doctrinally, you have to be unproblematic And the problem is that facebook and social media and congress has problematized this beautiful himbo He's we look america's future is in its big guys. Yeah The nature of the himbo is to be both pure of heart and dumb of ass and the problem is like You cut you like previously you could just lift a bunch of weights But now if you try doing that shit you you go to your steroid dealer and you get fucking Cupid or something and then you think hey, I've better run for fucking
Starting point is 01:04:39 House of representatives because everybody who's in there at the moment is kenyon pedophiles And that's right like but the thing is right like that's that's all a scheme to make big guys Be more concerned with being mad at the mods than with doing fun big guy stuff And you know you just want this guy to throw a medicine ball to you back and forth for like an hour He should be he should be lifting google I don't even show how that's possible To give him a high five for a great lift and a good job spotting and then go back to his normal business and not Be in front of congress asking stupid questions and wearing a plaid suit for some reason. Yes. I would like that
Starting point is 01:05:16 No, you just have like a platonic desire to be friends with the big guys. I think that's beautiful Very big guy Riley is the Canadian Dave Courtney I know I have over 500 absolutely gigantic users I just feel like Riley Riley you've talked about maybe someday returning to Canada, but you just need to move to Chicago There are lots of big fucking dudes there I think we need like the thing is right like this there are there are some cool big guys And there are a lot of bad big guys and once again like Greg Stooby. He's he's a very stupid man All of his questions were you know, just complete birdbrain tech support
Starting point is 01:05:54 Say again, you have the four most powerful people in history with regard to information control in front of you Asked why his campaign emails kept going to spam in his parent's gmail account He said specifically I never had a problem with my campaign emails being marked as spam or going to junk folders Anything else along those lines and we have 50,000 people on our email list and suddenly I get elected to congress And now I'm up here in DC and my parents who have a gmail account aren't getting my emails They're not reading them you dumb fuck That's what happens if they don't open the emails the google's fucking emails starts figuring out Maybe you're not interested in this shit and then you call getting arrested by your own parents
Starting point is 01:06:31 And then he calls him and says hey, did you get my latest email? Oh, yeah, I must have gone to Spam, don't worry. I will get to the bottom of this. I will ask some time Fucking subpoena google to get to the bottom of this. We are just some simple country gmail users Well, that's the thing, right? It's big tech has corrupted what could have been just a cool big guy with the dumb stuff Now he has to be a cool big guy who complains about mods And that's all that the republican party is if it's going to turn into just big stupid guys He would have been cool destroying him post Yeah, he should be as parents house helping them pull a tree out of the ground with his bands
Starting point is 01:07:11 Yeah, I mean throw back to the old days with the something awful forums But you don't like you can laugh and point at big peeler You don't want big peeler to be your congressional rep and that has fucking happened Yeah And again, and it's it's I think the the key thing here with the republicans is the tech ceo's or at least the At least some of the tech ceo's here Not less so to cook and bezos more so p shy and zuckerberg They created the people who were embarrassing them with dumb questions
Starting point is 01:07:36 But it's who cares about embarrassment. You can't embarrass the powerful. It doesn't matter Um, anyway, I think cook and bezos is a grocery store p shy and zuckerberg is a law firm So, uh, anyway, let's let's let's move on to the democrats before we go before we go off Yeah, I mean any big guys No, no very small party of tiny guys Need to start lifting Not a big guy not a big guy. I see some of these guys. They're very big Very very big on our side genuinely who's a big democrat this like richard o' hayda, I guess
Starting point is 01:08:10 Bernie sander is tall I know I know of one uh, sponny sander's tall. Yeah. Yeah. He's he's a tall guy. Yeah, he's um I can't believe we made it through the whole big guy section without me using the bane drop I've become aware that lots of people on the internet have been describing me as a himbo Because of my tall stature. Oh, yeah, i am not trying to be a big guy Yeah, okay. Seth moulton's big. Oh, he is a big lad. Very big guy former marine. Uh, I think he's like a democrat in Connecticut, I think he's big but imagine him next to just imagine jesse ventura, though A lot of growth hormone beef as a child. He's got that look. Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:53 Yeah, let's talk about the democrats. Um, some of the stuff right is um rep sissiline Uh, he's the guy who's called jeffrey apstein No, that's that's representative tortaglioni. He's a republican A big jacked guy Another huge man this guy you could snap your hyoid bone folks one hand one hand on the hyoid So sissiline says, um So he accuses uh, he does a the democratic version of the uh, you're sending conservative email into the bin Why do you demonetize diamond and silk the democratic version of that is i accuse facebook of profiting off of fake news
Starting point is 01:09:30 Which zucker version is actually true, but who care? Yeah Yeah, it's true, but it's not the business model like he thinks that he thinks that the mendacity is the business model and like No, it's like you're trying to fight a fire by waving away the smoke. It doesn't make any sense Um, and I think I think the fake the thinking about like all this new stuff It's like it's like what's actually more important for them is that they're able to create their own Is that essentially they have created the modern the young cohort of republicans who will be overseeing them in the future? Uh, that's the important part, but of course sissiline doesn't see this. Um says zuckerberg says no We don't think people want to see fake news. We want to focus on meaningful connection again
Starting point is 01:10:10 This is not interrogated. Sam pours of bridges over here. Yeah Uh, sissiline says, okay How do you explain that the most second most popular post on facebook was a breitbart video making claims about hydroxy chloroquine curing? Covid wait, did she listen to 10 000 posts? What the hell was the most popular if that was second? Uh, it was uh us finding out who john delaney is And then zuckerberg says we took it down within five hours actually which I think shows good content moderation But it already racked up, you know, tens of millions of views and so on and so on again
Starting point is 01:10:41 That individually is not important If anything like the point that actually should be made there is that again facebook is so big It can't possibly even police its own platform effectively. Um, fine. That's yeah barely a point Um, and that's more and then you know the a couple of good examples again Maximum level we're getting here is elizabeth warren Uh is uh primarily premilla jaya paul says facebook is a case study monopoly power because your company harvest and monetize Our data and your company uses that data to spy on competition to copy acquire and kill rivals And lucy lucy mcgrath from regarding apple says our evidence suggests that your company has used its power to harm rivals and boost its own business
Starting point is 01:11:20 It's harm small businesses that rely on you to reach customers and ciphers innovation, which is the lifeblood of our economy Small individual marmin pop jet ski dealerships being driven out of business That's a beauty dead shit, right? Like innovation is the lifeblood of our economy. That's actually right But ultimately she says this reduces competition and the choices that are available to consumers, but like Come the fuck on. What do you want a mom and pop social network? Like do you want to say? Well, we'd know we have to because a social network as now again These a lot of what these companies do is the value that the the small amount of like just usefulness that they that they provide Is that they collect a lot of things in one place?
Starting point is 01:11:58 The problem is is that they're privately owned collectors of things in one place So they can prioritize what you get there you go. That's the problem From an antitrust point of view and oh someone is going to start a mom and pop conservative social network Someone already did Bill Mitchell went to go work for it in florida once people crowdfunded him to move to washington So we get a closer access to president trump. It was a huge scandal on bill mitchell's twitter That's an incredibly riley sent also bill mitchell count as a big guy. No, yes He's a you see his head. Oh, I guess
Starting point is 01:12:29 Yes Yeah, yeah, big guys anyway, but gold is not a big guy. He's just an inflated guy He's like a chumason guy. He's not a big guy So, uh, but however the arguments that mcgrath and jaya paul are both basically making are The activities that you're undertaking uh as your core business model are fine Your ownership structure is fine. I'm not playing by the rules The problem is The problem is is that someone else can't come along and invent a better facebook and threaten your business because you can
Starting point is 01:13:07 It's just you you're going to invent a social network exclusively for big guys Um, yeah, yeah, but anyway, so but this is where the point is that jaya Jaya paul and mcgrath are making a fundamentally conservative argument You know, it's because like that's lucy mcgrath's argument was partly also Well, random house publishers said they wanted to make an app where they could sell ebooks And then apple refused to allow that app on the on the on the apple store And instead made why would they do that if they love the free market instead made its own app for ebooks, which again That's classic monopoly shit. Yeah. Yeah, that's bad. Sure
Starting point is 01:13:43 But the alternative that they seem to be asking for is no We need to let other companies in on this extractive surveillance based business model too And like what about a social network called him book and the and the vision for this, right? Their vision for the future is, which is a more fragmented internet That is not where things are not aggregated into say more intelligent single services But where the internet is just conceived of as buckets where you go to get stuff web rings Oh, get your slop, baby. Yeah, and right. So, you know, it's It's it's this is why I'm so sort of I despair at even if somehow they managed to pull off this warren style plan
Starting point is 01:14:25 You know All they will not vision is its vision is let's go back to what exactly what the internet was Before the big the big tech companies consolidated it all in themselves. It won for one fails to understand that like Amazon has actually made quite a few advances in like In like infrastructure planning and that you can't that that's not That won't work if it's broke if it's broken up But equally it being a giant titan is even worse
Starting point is 01:14:57 Then just going back to a slightly less bad situation where like It's just less convenient for everybody because they can't see they can't square that circle and get through the idea that The private ownership is fundamentally the problem almost as if there was some kind of Ethiology at work And again, I feel like it's um, I feel like it's sort of trite for me for me to say that I mean, obviously it's true It's not a big guy and it's not politically possible Right, but I'm making the like hand motion not a big guy throw something out There's just an example of sniff ideology that I can recall because I feel like this is it's not specifically related to tech
Starting point is 01:15:33 But I think it is tangentially related and also I think it proves the point So as many people in the u.s. May know but people in the uk definitely know the United Kingdom had a nationalized postal service until 2010 it was then privatized It was later than that even it was like 2012 or 13 Yeah, in basically the the coalition government it got privatized and I need that price is doubled overnight after the IPO I need to I need to mail some stuff. And so I uh, I Easiest way was just ordering some stamps and ordering some uh, some what's it called? Uh envelopes from the post office Um, so I did that it's the post office. They have a store. You can order stuff. It's it's posted to you, right?
Starting point is 01:16:10 Except the envelopes arrived sand stamps, which are missing for some reason via ups Because they won't even use the fucking post service the thing they make money off of because they're that committed to Not having things reinvest in the private sector even if or the public sector rather even if Or a vestige of the public sector even if It makes more sense and even if it saves the money So the point I'm making here is that this the way this stuff works like even if you present it with an argument of Common sense wise it makes more sense for there to be more dynamism in the business in the market like small businesses
Starting point is 01:16:40 We should be able to compete etc etc like You can't come at them with that argument because it doesn't fucking matter Even if it actually affects their bottom line long term that doesn't matter as much as consolidating power And they will always do that even if it seems detrimental to them at the time Even if they're selling should it a loss even if it makes no sense. It's about Crushing eliminating extra pating competition. Yeah, and the thing is right at at best At best the democrats in in the house of representatives are going to be able to set that practice back by about eight years But because then they break them up and then they would figure out ways to reacquire one another again
Starting point is 01:17:17 Just like how when when we tried to regulate the banks, right? We regulated the banks We regulated the stuff that was called banks and then the next then two days later lex greensill invents a tech company money printer Another great example in the united states was that they broke up Bell which was the the the phone company in america in the early 80s And since then basically companies like at&t were formed and they just bought up all of the fragmented versions to the point where now I maybe less so with regard to phone operas because there are some local telephone companies for phone connections But like as far as internet cell phones, etc. There's basically two companies america. There's bell and verizon. Well, there's a at&t
Starting point is 01:17:53 Which is the former bell Company and verizon. Yeah, and they also for for internet It's basically verizon to some extent at&t and massively com comcast Yeah, and and right and the thing is again I think the the Someone earlier said there was the metaphor of the cop from terminator two where you the best you can do It was nade, of course It was you the best you can do is you can yeah, you can shoot him and you know
Starting point is 01:18:17 He'll stop for a while you even blow him up and he goes into little little fragments What we're saying is you have to throw big tech into the blast furnace of big communism I think the point I was making too was making that comparison was that like Somebody who doesn't see they don't care about fairness. They don't care about Competition they they think anybody who has to appeal to the rules is weak and deserves to be crushed to the point where they can Never ever compete ever again So the fact of the matter is like you aren't going to win this argument based on fairness or based on some Some high-minded notion. They're not believing any of that and that is the horseshoe theory of trash
Starting point is 01:18:53 teacher in the tech ceo's which is that appealing to the rules is lame and for nuts They'll need to appeal to the rules just shut the fuck up. This is it's called materialism And it's called material and yeah CEOs have to do it in order to stay CEOs and communists have to do it in order to Be communists Yeah, everyone else is just so everyone else is misguided. They have false consciousness Everyone else is just different kinds of complaining about mods. Yes And only we and they will post through it Exactly before we conclude this because it's going a bit long
Starting point is 01:19:30 You know, let's just remember also that all this big tech consolidation Happened while the guy who's running to be president and is most likely to be friendly to breaking them up was vice president All of it happened then instagram acquired. Um, facebook acquired instagram in fucking 2012 Amazon acquiring whatsapp too. Yeah, Amazon web services was Amazon web services was spun up into a globe bestriding colossus in the obama administration None of this is new. First of all all of that like big main core Like drone strike footage data has to be stored somewhere and second of all vice president biden was never gonna like Take time out from his busy schedule of reading his own onion articles about him cleaning a trans am in the in the white house drive way
Starting point is 01:20:16 I like it. Oh, if you if you like your uh, if you like your consolidated web services, you can keep them So, uh, basically, uh, the last clear statement we have from biden at time of recording About what he thinks about what should happen to big tech is he says i've never been a fan of the facebook He's a bit he's an op he has to be an op surely he's not actually just called it the facebook He's just doing He remembers he remembers the facebook when it was just a small server in harvard, right? Yeah for racing which uh, which women were attractive or not I do kind of miss the onions joe biden. I miss uh, my favorite of those headlines was no biden loses control of
Starting point is 01:21:04 Folding knife during speech Look, here's what i'm gonna say no because that is an example of someone lading something into existence And thus we cannot support it only we're allowed to lay dystopia. Yeah, it's us in lex green cell He just doesn't use the lathe um So, uh, biden then goes on to say that online platforms should not should not be allowed immunity for content posted by their users And get ready for this He also clashed with facebook and google over their political ad policies when they refused to take down a donald trump ad That the biden team said contained false claims about hunter biden's dealings in ukraine
Starting point is 01:21:39 The other horseshoe the other horseshoe theory is that biden's complaints about big tech is kind of the same as matt gas Yes, yes, there are two parties. Nice to my son. There are two parties in america hunter biden must be protected at all costs And barry wise must be protected at all costs I actually think the two genders are what about my nephew and what about my son Those are the two kinds in riley's case Like there's an extent to which the uh, the hunter biden story kind of loops into your theory of himbo's needing to be protected Yes, like if i'm he is himbo because i don't use twitter words. Okay. Okay. Okay big guys need to be protected Yeah, well hunter hunter fun, but also again, it's kind of shitty that like
Starting point is 01:22:20 You know the only That he's the the main because it was it's it was scandalous that the united states navy it turns out does not like to party I know the song in the navy was complete not to lie As i said before and i'll say again if you're literally the vice president's son and the son of one of the most powerful senators in america And you fuck up so badly that the navy has no choice but to kick you out for cocaine like awesome You have fucked up so bad. You're so cool Anyway, you're in the navy and you failed to learn science technology I'd like uh, but yeah, so yeah biden basically being like uh, you're being unfair to my son hunter
Starting point is 01:22:55 And that's what he is complaining about big tech. So expect big things from a biden presidency in this regard Anyway, for a little hauntology, let's of course remember that only bernie sanders plan involved mandating employee ownership of big tech And actually solving the problem We couldn't do that. No does the bros for you Yeah, yeah the bro the bros have made it impossible Apologies No, it was that listen they there have not been enough likes on my wife's profile picture And I want to know what you're planning to do about this. I love my wife very much
Starting point is 01:23:29 So yeah, it's from the the burning bros made it impossible the marquis bros are making it impossible now It's impossible forever. Uh, but hey, let's just live in the world Uh, where where big where these four tech tech geniuses fucking awful people the full biggest guys Four biggest guys in the world are able to just create their own oversight board by turning everyone stupid What's the what's the high temperature today? Um, it 36 celsius in london hit 52 in southern iraq today Um, so we're looking forward to my brother's looking forward to yeah, even a barric to those guys And uh, looking forward to a future of that while we all argue about whether hunter biden or barry weiss is more personally
Starting point is 01:24:10 During the stube presidency. Yes, when it when it's 50 degrees in new york city not the lathe Not the lathe president stube president stube And his his running mate will be like a morning zoo co-host president stube I would love that. I would move to america to run his campaign. That would be better than what we're Anyway, um, yeah, but also not only that but also don't forget while they're all complaining about mods in different ways
Starting point is 01:24:39 Some slightly more effectively than others Unemployment insurance is about to run out and the eviction crisis in the states is now all but assured unless something can be done by The 7th of august so If you ever if you want the definition the bare bones textbook definition of too little too late It is everything we've talked about today. 52 degrees Coming We have only we have only seven days to resolve it. There's only one man. They can turn to the stube
Starting point is 01:25:04 All right, uh, that's it. That's it for me. Don't forget that, um Buy buy a fucking shirt to prove you're ripped jacked Get stooped. We are selling the shuttle excel. That's like three left only in double excel. Also. Fuck. We should we should have a stube shirt Yeah, okay. Well, yeah, that's there's the idea for the next shirt. It's all about stube, baby Stooby-doo. Yeah, stoopie brother. It's like jacked goofy, but jacked It's a fractal mess of all of these puns at once Uh, what else what else? Oh, yeah, um, comrade marcus brawn is still incarcerated in austria. So there is a bail fund link for Ham and some other people. Um
Starting point is 01:25:42 Are abolished buffing Uh, let's see. What else? Uh, yeah, thank you for listening to the patreon. Uh, we've been tf. I'm I'm going to be off next week. So, um Well, I'm I'm going to be off next week Which means that the episodes you'll hear the following week at least one of them will not contain me in it So, uh, I hope that, you know, we're gonna get some big guys I hope I hope nate alice, uh, who's saying and milo are able to get a suitably big guest It's gonna be a very sensible episode folks. It's gonna be one of the most sensible people are saying it already
Starting point is 01:26:15 It's gonna be an episode so practical so entirely In a realistic and serious discussion of the matters at hand. I'm not the only one saying it people they're all over the world They agree it's gonna be Before we go and that is this and I I throw this Before the group like the apple with callisty engraved on it as we end Is trump a big guy? Yes, absolutely. Of course he is. Yeah Huge guy
Starting point is 01:26:45 And also I want to thank Our our our theme music our theme music is provided by longmont potion castle It is called the clip from clown motel and it's by luther manhole. So do check that out What? Are you not familiar with this? This is old internet legacy trust me on the longmont potion castle one because it's it's about a big guy Who's going to the clown motel to work out? Hey, that's why those shoes are so big It's called the clowns in congress
Starting point is 01:27:16 Clown shoes aren't too big for the clowns the clowns are too small for their shoes And the french understood that This is why you have to go to the institute for clowning You go to keep all of this for the discord. All right. Bye everyone. Goodbye. Bye. Bye

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