TRASHFUTURE - *PREVIEW* Britainology 100: The Life in the UK Test (feat. Trashfuture)
Episode Date: February 27, 2025It's a Britainology episode, except it's every member of TF on this one, so in a sense it only makes sense to give the show guest billing. And Milo has created a suite of test questions to determine w...hether or not we know enough of the actually-relevant details about the UK. Let's just say that the final scores... are something of a surprise to us. Get the full episode on our Patreon here! *MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s UK Tour here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
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Seven, Vinny Jones is best known as a movie hard man, but he started out as a football
player for AFC Wimbledon. In one famous incident in 1987, he got Paul Gascoigne's attention
on the pitch. How?
Question eight, Mr. Blobby, a demon beyond all human comprehension and beloved children's
entertainer spent the nineties tormenting which British TV presenter?
I'm not feeling good about pretty much any of these.
I think I have one maybe.
Okay, all right. Well, we'll see, won't we? Are we ready for the answers?
Yeah, I thought this would be like a quite good rant for you, but it wasn't.
Oh, really? Okay. I would have picked you to do well on this one.
Yeah, I would have thought, yeah.
Okay, so question one.
ITV gave Tom Daley a diving themed celebrity game show, but what was it
It was called Tom Daley.
So go ahead, November.
No, no, no.
I had an actual answer you guys.
Oh, I was saying it's called Tom Daley Presents Who Wants to be Michael Barrymore.
No, Michael Barrymore didn't die in the pool.
It'd have to be Presents Who Wants to be Stuart Lubber.
Yeah, no, it's Tom, uh, fucking house. Tom Daly presents who wants to be Howard Holt.
Yeah. Harold Holt rather.
Harold Holt. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I knew he was diving pool.
It was, it was, it was called splash and I think Katie Hopkins was on it.
Yeah. I think she was. Um, did anyone else get that? Or was it just
the splash the flash? I
just made up a name for it. I call it swans dive. Like it's swans way from Proust, you
know, because why the fuck you dive into this swimming pool, the chlorine sends you back
into your childhood back, back, back to the, back to the, the, the, the Carmel swim club
pool in Carmel, Indiana on September 11th, 2001. They didn't cancel prep.
The pool that makes you remember nine 11 pretty good. I mean, it's a core memory. It's why
they call it a reflecting call. Surely. Yeah, that's right. Also, I just realized I forgot
to do the scores. The end of the previous round at the end of the end of round two,
Nate's on zero still. Wait, no, sorry. Nate is on cumulatively to Riley is on cumulatively 2. Riley is on cumulatively 13. Nova is on
cumulatively 12 and HK is on 8.
Yeah fuck you all.
I'm gonna get you on this one Riley.
So round three question two.
I assume this will be equally strong of a round for me.
Well yeah that's right. What was the name of Major Charles Ingram's coughing Welsh accomplice?
It is on the tip of my tongue and I can't get it and I hate you for it. So I just wrote
down Triss from Shandy. It was 50-50 between that and David Llewellyn.
I don't know, but I do know that Major Charles Ingram is related to the Hanna Ingram Moore
of the Captain Tom Moore Fund.
What a dynasty. What a family.
I think it's Llewellyn something, right?
Inside Llewellyn Davis.
Okay, well then I'm wrong as fuck because I just picked a name.
I said it would be really funny if his name was Hugh Stagg, but H-U-W and Stagg with two
Something about that is funny to me.
I have no idea.
Did you get the stand?
Yeah, Stagg, like the music stand people.
Yeah, but Hugh Stagg. I could do the thing like. Stag like the music stand people. Yeah. But Hugh Stag,
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I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I a fucking brand on Amazon. You see where I got Tristan Shandy from?
Oh, a hundred percent.
You would dance around it.
Yeah, Blen Trowixy.
Tech hole.
Tecwin Whittick is, that's a guy who led like a doomed peasants revolt.
That's like Lambert Simnel for like making like Nick Griffin Curry's times old timey
like peasant names.
I bought an HDMI to USB-C adapter from Techwin Whitick.
It was nine pounds Amazon Prime delivery.
My dodgy HDMI splitter from Tech-hole Whitick.
So question three, garlic bread is a famous routine by Wish British 90s comedian and where
is he from?
Well, that's Peter Kay and I don't remember where he's from so I've guessed Sheffield. I's Peter Kay. And I don't remember where he's from.
So guess Sheffield.
I did.
I did get this.
I didn't know where he was from.
Is it Peter Kay from Cambridge or am I thinking of Tim Key?
You're thinking of Tim Key.
He's not from Cambridge.
Oh, no, no, actually, no, he is actually.
He's from there, but he didn't.
He didn't go to Cambridge.
I think the answer.
Nate, did you get that?
No, not in the slightest.
Not even close.
I already have a funny joke. Is it reasonable to mix up Peter Kay you get that? No, not in the slightest. Not even close. I already have a funny joke.
Is it reasonable to mix up Peter K and Tim Key?
No, they're very different class valences there.
One of them is like on Taskmaster and stuff and like panel shows.
And the other one is having to like have his security guards fight the drunkest fans in
the world doing his own bits back to...
Is it okay if you'd put down Jason K instead of Peter K?
It's the guy from Jamiroquai did a garlic bread? Yeah, very different. Is it okay if you'd put down Jason K instead of Peter K? Is he the guy from Jamiroquai
did a garlic bread?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He's a K coming out of a big fur hat.
He's from Bolton. So congratulations if you got that at home. So in November 2017, what
did Olly Murs claim to have heard in Selfridges?
He thought he heard a bomb in the underground. A shooting, a shooting in the underground. I just wrote ghost.
It was gun, it was gunshots. Yeah.
Like you didn't see a ghost, you just heard a ghost. He heard like a,
like a rattling of chains or something.
I figured I just do... The ghost of Limmie Walsh.
I'm going to do poorly. I might as well just have a fun answer as a callback and I put homonculus flaming lips.
I don't think I can give the points to Riley either because he claimed to have heard the
gunshots in Selfridges.
So he was like, you know, we're all, we're all hiding out.
All hiding out from this ghost who appears to be like popping off with a spark.
It's crazy.
Jacob Marley has gone violent. Jacob Marley has been updated for the 2020s. He has a gun now.
If you're a ghost in central London, you've got to pop off a few shots to keep the rent low.
These are the Blickies I forged in life.
Question five. What singing based TV show did Michael Barrymore present in the 90s?
Tom Daley presents, who wants show did Michael Barrymore present in the nineties? Tom Daley presents who wants to be Michael Barrymore.
I've just written down the word. What I decide.
I figured it would this kind of dramatic ironing often happens in Britain.
So I decided the show was called heads above water with Michael Barrymore.
A guy will never drown in my swimming pool with Michael Barrymore.
Twigs have a hundred percent survival rate in my backyard.
HK, did you get this?
No, I didn't.
That was my kind of music.
No shot I would ever have gotten.
Yanis, please edit in here.
Ten seconds of audio of Michael Barrymore singing Coolio's I'll See You When You Get
I don't even know what his voice sounds like, so I'm just going to do it like it's Michael York. I'll see you when you get there, if you ever get there.
I'll see you when you get there if you ever get there
Yeah, what what TV show talent show did Lamar win Oh Christ was it the X Factor? No, it was um, it was Fame Academy wasn't it? Yeah. I was I I yeah
It was Fame Academy. There we go. HK's on it. Anyone else get that it won't surprise you
No, I did not get this one.
Okay. Yeah. Classic.
I got the next one though. I got the next one dead to right.
So question seven.
I don't.
How did Vinnie Jones get Paul Gascoigne's attention on the pitch in 1987?
Grabbing his balls.
Sorry, I was thinking of the next one, not that one.
Oh fuck. Did he actually?
Yeah, yeah. He grabbed his balls.
Oh fuck. A dumb luck then because I wrote grab by testicles.
You just understand Britain so well.
I understand the game of football to an extent where I'm like, well, how would Vinnie Jones
grab like...
But he's doing it from behind.
So basically he's reaching behind and not making eye contact and just doing it.
And you can see the look of agony on Paul the Gascoigne's face.
It's very, very funny. Yeah.
H K. Did you get that one? I put shit himself. Yeah. Which is not, which is Gary Linick.
Gary Linick. Yeah. Shit himself in front of full gas to get his attention. How'd you like
that? You fucking slack. It's kind of like the SV bid option of insulting your football rivals. You kind of have to
go with it. You know, awesome. It's weird that we have, it's, it's, it's funny that
we, uh, that the teams really changed ever since we got our new offensive coach, Gigi
Allen. Yeah, this is the thing, right? The thing that you choose to do out with the rules
on a football pitch decides your post-football career.
Gary Lineker shits himself, job at the BBC.
Vinnie Jones grabs the balls like movies, right?
This is the thing.
So yeah, congratulations to Nate on what a first question to get right that round.
And so question eight.
Mr. Blobby, which British TV presenter was he tormenting throughout the 90s?
I just put Andrew Marr because it's the only one that I know from that era.
He's still around and he sucks.
It's Noel Edmonds.
Yes, that's right.
I thought Noel Edmonds was Mr. Blobby.
No, no, no. He was Mr. Blobby's like straight man.
Yeah, he was his handler. Or keeper. Yeahbby. No, no, he was Mr. Blobby's like straight man. Oh, he was his handler.
Or keeper.
Yeah, handler.
No, Mr. Blobby was his asset and he was trying to run him in Morocco.
We did the episode of Ritnology about Mr. Blobby, but like any bits on the show just
go in one ear and out the other.
I have no retention of any of it.
I'm still thinking about the Maitless voice at this point.
Oh, Mr. Blobby, you are ridiculous.
Blobby, Blobby, no, you can't do that Blobby. It's not allowed.
I can't believe it. Mr. Blobby has agreed to be interviewed by us.
Yeah. You can't come to New York with us Blobby. Not after what you did.
Explain to me where you were that day.