TRASHFUTURE - *PREVIEW* Can The Nephew Speak feat. Jathan Sadowski
Episode Date: February 7, 2025Jathan Sadowski joins the gang to talk about DOGE and the destruction of mass produced, population scale knowledge in favour of the mythical folkways of Uncle Knowledge. Also - Silicon Valley p...utting out cash prizes for stochastic terrorism, Starmer gets the PartyGate treatment for his voice (?) coach (???), and our favourite Portuguese politician Miguel Arruda ACTUALLY makes the government more efficient. Get the whole episode on Patreon! *MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s UK Tour here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)
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If you speak Portuguese and you see something about Miguel Arruda, then you say something.
You say something to us.
Because the following was translated by a Portuguese speaking fan on Twitter and sent to us.
And I have been thinking about it for a couple of days.
Because of course, at the beginning of the show, we have to introduce Miguel Arruda,
the officially endorsed Portuguese politician of the podcast, the Portuguese guy with the royal warrant that we gave to as our official Portuguese politician.
He's joining the likes of Greg Stubbe, Matt Hancock as people we endorse unironically and want to form a political party as all of them, a global political party.
He was caught using the Portuguese Parliament's post office to sell all of his ill-gotten luggage gains.
Like at work?
The reason for this is that he was able to save several cents per stamp.
I mean, we found one government employee who knows how to save money.
Appoint this man to the head of DOJ.
Portuguese DOJ.
Portuguese Water DOJ.
I mean, Portuguese is just an inherently funny language and I mean no disrespect to Portuguese
people or Lusophones, but what I'm saying is that when Jair Bolsonaro is an insane person,
but him posting, okay, a golden shower is just extremely funny. Something about like
the, just the, the, the syntax of it or the fact that, I mean, uh, racism in Portuguese
is I believe, oh, racism. Oh, and it it's just something funny it's like an invocation it's like Oh
Racism like there's something that sounds like the fucking lyric like
libretto to an opera so this is this is the official announcement call to action
Miguel Laruda information you must give it to us we need to know everything else
about this man.
As this case develops, I know he's a fascist, I don't care, don't tell me about his political
I want to know about the silly shit he gets up to.
If he has like a funny party he's been a member of like, oh Partido de Rosismo or like the
angry motorists party or something like that.
There's always one of them, the like the parking lot party or something.
I want to know if anyone's had a fight with him on vintage.
Oh yeah.
If you can find his vintage account
and you can sort of like get into his messages
or like his feedback.
I love it when there's deep lore with people
who are like resellers or selling on eBay
and stuff like that.
And you imagine a guy this messy must have someone
he's burned and he's gotten a bad review for it.
Sorry, who's saying it's pronounced Grinted.
It's pronounced Grinted. It's pronounced grinted.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So this is just my cross to bear for the rest of my life then.
You have to realize that even if the bit was great and the fans love it, our brains do
the men in black fucking laser light thing at the end of every episode and we can't remember
That's right.
The fuck is grinted?
You talking about the grinch?
That's look, Miguel Arruda, he's the best seller invented because he uses the resources
of the state to actually give back to people.
It's Keynesianism, right?
Like, you do government spending to subsidize Grinted and it works out quite well.
Welcome to TF, of course.
That has been the obligatory Miguel Arruda segment.
More on this as it, genuinely genuinely more on this as it develops.
We can't wait to hear more about this guy from all of you.
It is Riley is Hussein and Nate in studio.
Nate making a rare in studio appearance.
Yeah, like a character in a John Le Carre novel.
I've come back from Central Europe to Britain to settle some debts.
Actually, it's sunny. I can't even make it up.
You know what I mean?
I'm going to go make some cryptic phone calls, spend some time in a phone box pissing because
the phone doesn't work anymore, but you can definitely piss in them.
And then we don't know what's going to happen at the end, but it's going to somehow reify
the concept that while England sucks, it's also good.
The spy who pissed in the cold.
And of course we have November up in Glasgow and we are rejoined by TF Returning Champion.
One of our, I think probably most frequent guests, it's This Machine Kills is Jaythin Sadowsky. Jaythin, how you doing? I'm doing very well. Coming to you hot from the
Bay Area. I am in the belly of the beast right now. Yeah. If you were listening to this and we
all sound a little bit less annoyed about the time we're recording, it's because Jaythin is not in
Australia. So you've got a new book that you're talking about, The Mechanic and the Luddite. One of
the things the book deals with, like the book deals with a lot of things and we're going
to sort of focus on some of them today through the lens of the Department for Government
Efficiency. Not the one that involves Miguel Arruda, not the real one that Miguel Arruda
was in charge of.
Not the one that was doing actual savings.
Yeah, not the good one in Portugal. We're talking about the bad one in the United States.
I mean, he'd saved pennies on each envelope franked that way. And you know what?
Like that's like in a span of a month, that's the tax savings, a full salary of what a dude
like him declares on his taxes in Portugal every year. So like he has saved the Portuguese
government quite a bit. I mean, he is, that's the, I know I don't, I don't want to do too
much mayor talk, but it's some mayor-ass behavior to be doing
I misremembered this as a no gods no mayors bit, just because I thought we did one Portuguese
guy and for me now the entire nation of Portugal, it's in the mayor box in my head.
Perhaps the most mayor-ass part of this is that he will never be prosecuted for any of
these obvious crimes of corruption, because as we know, all mayors
are Teflon in the eyes of God.
But what I was alluding to, right, is that we're going to be talking a little bit about
quite, I would say, overt relationship of the state and sort of techno and capital mediated
via the aesthetics of the technology industry that you can just look at with sort of horror in what's going on with like everything
from knowledge creation to like people's livelihoods and so on and so on in the US government.
But before we get to that, I do want to talk a little bit about the UK because it looks
like things are great. I don't want to alarm anybody, but it looks as though Keir Starmer
is getting the Boris Johnson party gait treatment, but
as a man who has never had a party in his life.
Yeah, we're kind of noticing things about Keir Starmer.
Articles are getting written about him, about things that clearly everyone involved has
known for some years, but that's now sort of like something that is permissible to rise
Including the quotes that stuck with me, which is all of the people like Lord
Ali saying, oh yeah, we just firmly bought influence.
Keir Starmer thinks he's prime minister, but we put him in the head of the DLR, like he's
pretending to drive the driverless train.
The quote here I have, and this is the clique of the four people who actually ran the Labour
Party at one point, two of which have been muscled out.
So there's only two of them left, Morgan McSweeney and Lord Waheed Ali. But Lord Waheed Ali,
by the way, the guy who bought the Starmers by giving them clothes and letting them just
letting them hang out at his house. Just incredible.
The kinds of kindness guy from when I was doing all the kinds of kindness bits. That
guy. Yeah. Yeah. Those kinds of kinds of those kinds of kinds of kindness bits. Occasionally
they even spoke of their leader as if he were a useful idiot,
said one referring to the Darklands Light Railway that wound its way through East
London, a driverless train. For those of you who don't know,
Keir's not driving the train. He thinks he's driving the train,
but we've just sat him at the front of the DLR.
Do you have to confirm it's a real fun trip when you're sitting on the front of
the DLR? Like your life really does feel different.
Keir Stahmer is like riding. He's like riding the top floor of the double decker bus, but
he's sitting at the front and he's having a great time.
Also having a great time.
He also said, and again, like things that just are, everybody knows even casual observers
of British politics would know that there's no such thing as Stammerism.
Then he gets quoted as saying, I don't have any ideology at all.
And he's like quite angry saying this to Len McCluskey, saying, I don't have any ideology at all. And he's like quite angry saying this to Len McCluskey. Say, I don't have any ideology at
all. There's no such thing as starmarism and there never will be. I am an empty suit. How
many more times must I tell you people?
It's really inconvenient to be asked to have any kind of principles. I mean, the other
thing is the other story that came out was his voice coach that he hired.
My f- a voice coach!
The world's most adenoidal man!
What did he sound like before?
Is Starmer doing gender affirming care?
He's definitely listened to this show.
This is the thing I was gonna say, right?
Like Starmer hiring a voice coach despite sounding like the least voice coached person
in Britain after me.
And supposedly she broke lockdown rules by traveling to meet him during the tier 4 lockdown,
or whatever, and it's like, this is party gays again.
It's never gonna stop.
It's all gonna be like...
D&E- Wait, the voice coach was a woman?
Was he trying to feminize his voice?
Luke- Heat from fire.
Fire from heat. D- What did it sound like before?
It's not even Matt Hancock style breaking lockdown rules to shag
It's like no he broke the rules so he could hire someone to make his voice more annoying
I guarantee you he must someone has played Milo's impression of him
It's just he can't say I believe we have lathed this.
If we don't want to get sued,
we have to say that that's what's happening
and it couldn't have been anything else.
Yeah, no, of course.
I mean, I don't think, I mean, if he sues us,
because like actually it's libel, it's defamatory.
Oh, that would be funny.
For you to say, I hired someone to make my nerd voice
even more annoying.
Like that's a really funny thing to prove in court because you have to establish the baseline of what the nerd voice is
Sorry, what I was saying is that we can't say he that they were fucked
I just say they were okay. No, he he saw an online ad for the throat goat and he was like great
Are we talking about our prime minister Tobias Fungi?
Are we talking about our Prime Minister Tobias Fugate? We might also be discounting a period of time where he forwarded doing an ASMR kind of Star
It might make him more appealing to the youth.
I have been trying to think in my head how would that work?
Would it be like Star Mu, ASMR?
It should work, but it doesn't.
Much like Star Mu in that way.
You just say Cure SMR, I think that would work.
That kind of fits.
I'm so off my game today.