TRASHFUTURE - PREVIEW: Marc Andreesen’s Meaning of Life

Episode Date: October 26, 2023

Dr. Robotnik has written a manifesto, and before you ask, yes - it cites Marinetti. We also look into the ongoing mass Labour Party revolt against Starmer and the front bench's support for Israel's at...tack on Gaza, which if you recall, Starmer backed full-throatedly to impress Nick Ferrari for two minutes. Medical Aid for Palestinians here: If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here:  *STREAM ALERT* Check out our Twitch stream, which airs 9-11 pm UK time every Monday and Thursday, at the following link: *WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here: *MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s upcoming live shows here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And the last week or so, quite a bit has developed in terms of the labor parties policy towards Palestine, which as far as I can tell, well, as far as I can tell is here, Starmer, made up a policy position to impress Nick Ferrari, which was, let's say, the maximal toughness, right, saying. I would say genocide, but yeah, sure. Yeah, maximal posturing of toughness advocating for a genocide on LBC, leading Britain's conversation in which he says, in which, and asked a direct question, does Israel have the right to cut off power water
Starting point is 00:00:39 and aid to Gaza? He said, yes, Israel has that right, as specifically saying she has the right to defend herself in the way she sees it. Why does he gender Israel like that? It's not the most important thing here, but it really creeps me out the way he does that. It is weird, like it's a ship.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah, and all who say it. Nick Fraury, of course, one of the few people in history to be named after an object that he couldn't fit into. It's also a form of sort of one of the few people in history to be named after an object that he couldn't fit into. It's also a form of sort of activity of Dave Courtney's, allegedly. So, right? This is what happened.
Starting point is 00:01:13 That's right, sorry. You went on. Thank you. He went on the radio and when asked a direct question, gave a direct answer. He was recorded doing this and everybody saw it. And we were all very, we were all mightily impressed with him for doing it. Yes. Well, and of course Nick Ferrari was. Yeah. He was surprised.
Starting point is 00:01:30 He was like expecting him to be, you know, to do the, uh, remember he was a human rights lawyer and do the kind of like, well, you know, uh, you guys laws of war, isn't it? And instead he got, no, killing, start the killing now, uh, and continue it indefinitely. And, and he made up a policy position on the fly because he knows it's what Nick Ferrari and Nick Ferrari's audience and people want to hear, which is that I am going to, I'm going to be grown up and reasonable, which means I'm going to advocate for killing because that is a serious thing to do. To not do that is to be naive.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And it makes me think once again, by the way, this is, was then repeated by David Lamy, Emily Thornberry. Lisa Nandy went on and said something not entirely dissimilar today. I think West Street thing as well, like they were lining up. Oh, not West Street thing, no outside of it. I know. Well, the funny thing is,
Starting point is 00:02:21 Street was one of the people who about face recently because surprisingly, a lot of those comments caused a lot of people in the labor party including elected counselors and stuff to leave it. And so labor has now lost overall control of several councils. I believe one in Wales has now gone independent because of people quitting the labor party. And this is something I sort of, it makes me think of something that we've been talking about for a few months now, which is what British political insiderism does to you? Because I think you have to hear a human rights lawyer
Starting point is 00:02:55 in a couple of cases, thrown praise and stums. Yeah, but it's worth talking, I think, about specifically this exchange and why it's important that it was Starmer saying it to Nick Ferrari in particular, which is that the utterances of a British political and by the way this applies to Rishi Suneck now talking about a two-state solution today on the day of recording which is the 23rd of October, which is the whatever a British political insider says someone who
Starting point is 00:03:22 wants to be in and uphold the kind of when I say the political system, I don't mean the set of ministries and departments and stuff. I mean, the rituals of the elected political class who wants to say that the wants to uphold and be part of it has to perform things that have no semantic content. Yeah, I find it a big. Basically, but basically are part of a kind of ritual where agreed upon enemies are denounced and common idols are uplifted.
Starting point is 00:03:49 It's essentially a way of saying, I am going to be safe in here, but the audience is for about the 300 people, right? That he was going on Nick Ferrari's show, and he forgot that the people who are watching it aren't just the 300 people who have columns in front bench positions. Yeah, what's baffling?
Starting point is 00:04:08 I mean, the thing is, like, what's happened with the Hamas attacks is genuinely unprecedented. And we're living through a time of increasingly unprecedented historical moments. You know, you wait ages for them and now a bunch of them come along at once. And everyone in power, it seems in Westminster, you know, whether that's labor-oconservative or God forbid Lib Dems, seems to believe that none of these things will ever affect them. I mean, it's like, but it's pure chance. I mean, in Scotland, like our first ministers in laws are in Gaza right now. But none of that even registers, none of that cuts through, that this could be your family. This could be something that could reverberate much more widely. It just doesn't figure at all. It's baffling. Instead, it's rituals.
Starting point is 00:05:01 We have to sort of like, the sea peoples might be like knocking over bits of the Mediterranean, but like we're in land, it's fine. So long as we don't need to like learn any metal. Yeah, we don't live in the sea. Yeah, exactly. That's why they call the sea people. So you're going to stay by the sea. Exactly. Kids, Starmer, sort of for me, is like reminiscent a bit of like Manchester United fans who live in Surrey, Like the reason why he supports Manchester United is because he thinks that Manchester United are going to win.
Starting point is 00:05:28 So he's basically like, that's why fundamentally, he supports Israel because we don't want to support the guys going to lose. Like, yeah, I mean, it was really curious too, because the previous, the immediately previous unprecedented historical moment had it not been for NATO and the EU and Boris Johnson's weird idiosyncratic, like Cavalier thing,
Starting point is 00:05:52 we could quite as easily have done the exact same, ah, you know, keeping, keeping out of that one, reaction to that, you know, and just been just sort of watched that play out, you know. Mm-hmm. Well, and, you know, I think that this is, this would be talk about how British political insider is and makes you hollow.
Starting point is 00:06:10 It makes you unable to react to the world outside. It makes you, it makes you unable to understand that the things on the news that you're being asked to react to on LBC are actually occurring. Right. That common up parry ships might be in the harbor, but here's Starmer, he's going to respect the emperor, he's going to expel the foreign barbarians, he's going to polish up that regalia really fucking nice. And it's going to be fine.
Starting point is 00:06:36 They'll just leave. They will just leave. And everything's going to go back to normal forever. And we're not going to have to worry about it. One thing we're remembering was that during the Corbin years, whenever Palestine was mentioned, whenever Israel Palestine was mentioned, whenever Palestine was mentioned in particular, it was kind of always dismissed as something for cranks. I think we were all sort of around when you had, again, commentators on probably Nick Ferrari's show, being like, the Labour Party cares more about, you know, Palestine than they care about like, you know, ordinary British folk, right?
Starting point is 00:07:09 It was always considered to be this issue that was only of interest to, you know, cranks and graduates and, you know, all that type of stuff. It was like considered to be like, a, you know, in their times, like an elite belief. And I think what's happened now is that, you know, where Kirstaama perhaps was hoping that like, you know, a status quo would still exist and he wouldn't really have to address it this much. He now has to look at what is happening and what is happening is horrific and is a genocide. And they're just not really prepared for what they're gonna say, right?
Starting point is 00:07:39 And I feel like the weird reactions of this and the sort of fixations on what columnists might think or what media institutions might think, the kind of attempt to triangulate and then just come off with this bizarre contradictory position. Partly stems from the idea about for so long but it just didn't really take it very seriously. And now they're sort of like left with the tail between their legs and they're sort of also being told that, you know, there is only one position that you can take. But also you have to be much more extreme at calling for it. Like I don't, you know, again, this is all I don't know. I don't know whether this has sort of been demanded of other politicians. But I don't I think that when it comes to care, Starmer, like the pressure on him to be like, yeah, not only is this fine or good, but they should be going further.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Um, I call on them to get further. Well, yeah, kind of, kind of. Um, that seems to sort of be like has far less to do with like what is actually happening on the ground. Even if these people are like, yeah, you know, you should just flatten Gaza and like, you know, do whatever you want with it. It's not, they don't even like that convinced by that. I think they just want to see Keir Stammer Like say I know as a I know I was a human rights lawyer But actually I believe that like you know sacrificing children is good and we should do it more Yeah, I was a human rights lawyer, but I was wrong They want them to be for the puddle they want him to bring from the puddle and and like this
Starting point is 00:09:00 The other aspect to this too is that like as you say Palestine is this kind of marginal issue within internal labor authority politics where it was for like, you know, cranks and socialists and Muslims, right? And like, so they turns out that they actually do vote as well. And now, I'm wondering this for the first time. And I need to post up to that. Because they sent out this very aggressive, very authoritarian pair of letters to labour MPs and labour counsellors. The counsellors, one was by worse and much more aggressive, though it was like if you go to these protests, sort of, you know, you will be deselected, you will be sort of like hounded out of the
Starting point is 00:09:34 labour party. And as a result, they lost control of a bunch of counsellors. I don't know how you how you come to that sort of arrogance, particularly when. Like a few years ago, you did the exact same thing under Blair and like lost a, like lost a George fucking gallow way, like an idiot in the hat off of this exact same mistake and now we're repeating it again. And one of the things that it's worth discussing as well, right, is that one of the reasons it's worth bringing this up
Starting point is 00:10:03 is that there's a whole arc. Now the arc has come to its conclusion, at least with this particular episode, which is that now, the party is frantically trying to roll back the policy that the leader invented on the fly, so that Nick Ferrari would think he was cool.

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