TRASHFUTURE - *PREVIEW* Nick Land Acknowledgement feat. Ed Zitron

Episode Date: August 1, 2024

For this week’s bonus, we’re joined by friend of the show and astute tech commentator Ed Zitron to discuss the recent CrowdStrike update debacle, the resulting infinity blue screens, the fact that... this doesn’t seem to have an impact on Wall Street’s assessments of these kinds of companies, and the Marc Andreessen / Nick Land handshake on the topic of banning…corporate risk management? For being ‘woke?’ Check out Where’s Your Ed At here: Get the whole episode on Patreon here: KJB LIVE ALERT Kill James Bond are doing three nights at Conway Hall in Central London on 9th, 10th, and 11th August, and there’s also livestream tickets available if you can’t make it! Details are available here: MILO ALERT  Milo’s special ‘Voicemail’ is premiering on YouTube on July 10th - check it out here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and November (@postoctobrist)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's a great natural experiment you can do about the usefulness of AI. Is you can say to a computer programmer or survey computer programmers in general and so on and say, Hey, has computer programming gone 10 times faster in the last year? Has it been 10x? Has it? No, it has not. It has not been 10x. It has not gone faster. We are limited by other factors at best, even if it is making programming faster. The thing has not happened. The natural experiment happened! We've done it already. Generative AI has been widely accessible for a long time and what happened with it?
Starting point is 00:00:32 Klarna fired all their customer service staff. Yeah and I made like three shitposts. Like I got a picture of Garfield with a gun so I mean burning the rainforest is good. Yeah I made an image of an XL bully wearing a kefir and a poppy waving a trans flag in front of the Santa staff. That was kind of worth it, maybe. Maybe it is worth it, then. The end point is really just like overproduction of Pregnant Sonic, right? That's when you've reached like unified intelligence.
Starting point is 00:00:56 This is like the most perfect. The empreg revolution. The most perfect Pregnant Sonic. Finally, Chris-chan has been automated. No, I want to go back, I want to go back. No, don't we all. I want to go back to saying hello again to the Bitcoiners. So Trump says, will the legends please stand up?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Oh, everyone's standing anyway. That's nice. I used to say sit down, but it's nice when they stand, including Tyler and Cameron. You know who that is? Winklevoss. And the way he says Winklevoss. Tyler and Cameron, you know what that is? Winklevoss. And the way he says Winklevoss. Tyler and Cameron, you know what it is?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Winklevoss. Winklevoss. Light-beard Armageddon, a very hungry guy. Oh, he could eat him up. These are great guys. They look like male models, but with a brain, you know? They're male models with a big beautiful brain. He's so gay!
Starting point is 00:01:45 You know, I take back the stuff that I said about him being sourceless. When he turns it on, you know, it's on. Yeah! That's what I mean. That's why I watched this speech. I was like, hey, you're seeing a little of the old razzle dazzle. The musical theatre razzle-dazzle. ALICE Why does they put, like, a Cassie elderly gay man in the large flabby body of a property developer and ostensibly heterosexual?
Starting point is 00:02:12 RILEY See what it is, they crossed Stan Chera with John Waters and now we have this guy. ALICE Yeah, yeah, yeah. RILEY With Graham Norton. RILEY Yeah. ALICE Graham Norton, like, diving into the machine from the fly at the last second, you know. Says, but Bitcoin, it's already bigger than Exxon Mobil and soon it'll be surpassing the
Starting point is 00:02:32 entire market cap of silver. That's not bad. That's not bad. But how about gold? How about gold? I said, let's go gold. He's cooking. I mean.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And one day it probably will overtake gold based on the way that's going now it could very well be a possibility in the wings of this don't like working some bronze give me the bronze material bronze we've left bronze way in the back we've gone for gold with Bitcoin here you say Bitcoin is really fun I said pain and I don't think you've ever seen anything like it and most people have no idea what the hell it is! You know that, right? So, just as a note as well, I just went and watched the bit where he says, Winklevoss,
Starting point is 00:03:13 when he says Tyler and Cameron, he does this like, ooh face. He does like an O face? Tyler and Cameron are gonna be at the party. He should just have a talk show. He would have, you could have completely defanged him in a lot of ways if they had done that, you know. That was the plan if he lost 2016, right? Like he wanted to, he was gonna do the whole big media thing which would've probably included
Starting point is 00:03:34 talk show and unfortunately he won. Well he wanted to lose, he was horrified when he won. Yeah, he didn't seem happy. No. We lost the show. But he goes on though. He says, I love this, he says, they have no idea what the show. But, he goes on though. He says, I love this, he says, they have no idea what the hell Bitcoin is, you know that,
Starting point is 00:03:50 right? They don't know what it is. So what happens when they figure it out? Well that's really gonna be something. Okay. Just, I love a Trump speech where he's just like, you fucking idiots love this shit, right? And they all go, yeah, yeah we do! It's the Crispin Bing Bong Theory, Bing Bang Theory tweet where it's like, you love this shit, right? And they all go, yeah, yeah we do! It's the Crispin Bing Bong Theory, Bing Bang Theory tweet where it's like, you love this,
Starting point is 00:04:09 don't you? And they're like, our life is for you! He says, if America then doesn't dominate Bitcoin, then China will. And it's like, I don't think China's gonna introduce Bitcoin. China's already dominating Bitcoin, they already control most the fucking hash rate. Yeah, but they're not, but he says they're gonna like introduce it for use? That people in China are gonna be like able to, they're all gonna have anonymous currency in China? Yeah, I'm sure the government will love that.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Well, they've already been pushing the digital one out. I'm shocked that Trump hasn't read up on this. He usually does such a good job on his research. What I like though, here's, it's like the little bits, he's like, he says, you're not gonna have to go to China though, you're not gonna have to learn to... How do I learn Chinese or wanna learn it very quickly? I have a little granddaughter, she speaks fluent Chinese, do you believe it? Really?
Starting point is 00:04:56 Do you believe it? And it's a wonderful thing, but it's not easy, but don't worry, you're not gonna have to do it. We circle back to an actual use case for AI, which is videos of Donald Trump speaking Chinese. All of which are insanely funny. I've been learning Chinese, the little owl in my phone, very angry, very unfair. Duo! Duos are very happy with me. Should I talk to him? Should I bring Duo out? Shall we talk to Duo?
Starting point is 00:05:22 Also, one of my other favorite bits was, I have an uncle, Dr. John Trump, he was the longest serving professor at MIT, I think many of you would have liked him. I IQ individual. ALICE Also Dr. John Trump is fully Donald Trump trying to make up an alias in the moment, right? MARK Yeah, the only hint is that it doesn't include Baron, because all of his aliases were like John Baron. So he named his son-
Starting point is 00:05:44 NICHOLAS That's so weird that he named his son after his fucking alias as well. Yeah. It says, you're going to need to double the entire electricity that we have right now in the United States to dominate and we'll get that done. But what we have to do is produce tremendous electric for AI as well and all the other things. Tremendous electric, including the things that you're doing. It's an old Bolshevik slogan, right?
Starting point is 00:06:04 Like tremendous electric, including the things that you're doing. It's an old Bolshevik slogan, right? Like tremendous electric plus Soviet power. But we'll be creating so much electricity that you'll be saying, please, please, President, we don't want any more electricity, we can't stand it. Well it's great, someone on Twitter commented on me posting that, and they were like, well, does he not understand an electricity bill? I'm like, when has he ever fucking seen a bill? Like any kind of, like, even a receipt feels like like it I'd be shocked if he's like seen one It's like they left me a little piece of paper with all these numbers. I didn't look I just left
Starting point is 00:06:32 I did I took it but I didn't read it. It's pretty you could use it You could use it. You could write on it. You could write whatever you want another deal for me you want another deal for me. Donald Trump, somewhere in Trump town, there's like a reinforced floor holding up an archive of every receipt this man's ever been handed in his life. With notes on it. They threw in the paper for me with the deal. It was free. He puts it in his pocket with a big smile.
Starting point is 00:07:05 They said, Mr. President, we'd be honored if you had this, if you took our paper from us. We bought it ourselves, we'd like you to have it. Also, I like the, you know in the Midwest, they just opened, it was very interesting, they opened up two chargers, a charger for electric cars. And I love Elon, he's great, he endorsed me, and it was a great endorsement and everything else. But not everybody has to have an electric car Last thing last thing maybe some of the people on top of the military are woke, but it's not a woke military Not a woke military. This is not a woke. I got to see that firsthand when I looked at what this is not So what this is not a woke?
Starting point is 00:07:38 I got to see that firsthand when I looked at what they did or what they did for me. They were unbelievable They did things nobody thought was possible. Our great generals and our soldiers, there's no woke. They're trying to get them to be woke, but these people are not going to go woke. And I guarantee you that. They're trying to get them to woke. They're trying to give the generals blue hair. It's true.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I've been trying to do this for a long time. Sad to say it hasn't been working. Sneaking into military operations like Jade Helm, being like, alright everyone suck each other off, and I'm like, no, not gonna do it. ALICE Yeah. No, no, no, they're setting up to do some training and I just like, very quickly go, and what's your pronouns?
Starting point is 00:08:17 SEAN No! My pronouns are she her, sir! And whose land are you on, sir? Sir, we are on the Ascended Born land, sir! We acknowledge the land of the ancestors we are on, sir!" Oh boy. I don't want to be thinking about that for the rest of the day. Yeah, woke military. Private, I want you at the Apache Renaming Ceremony at 0600 hours. Throwdown checks at 0530. ALICE Kind of did this when they renamed a bunch of
Starting point is 00:08:48 the military bases, y'know? Cause woke! Cause they're woke. RILEY Yeah, they renamed Fort Bragg, and that was the last thing they ever had to do about Fort Bragg. Nothing bad ever happened there again. ALICE It's good now. It's good now.
Starting point is 00:09:03 We are trafficking these drugs... MARK Yeah, so in Vegas? ALICE...on, uh, sort of ancestral land, which we respect, as we traffic the drugs over it. MARK There's no woke, there's no woke, they're trying to make him woke! MARK Who? How? MARK They're trying!
Starting point is 00:09:19 I don't know, the Chinese, the Democrats, whoever, you know? You're, like, he- ALICE Noted Chinese Democrat Mark Milley. MARK Milley your wiener kids are trying to make the military Well, I saw this AI video of Mark Milley speaking Chinese, so I think he's woke I saw this AI video of Mark Milley speaking Chinese He had cat ears and pronouns and I just stood up and sort of pacing around the room. It's like a whole my good God so mad. I had to go outside. Oh, oh my goodness. I got so mad I had to go outside. Oh my goodness, oh good gravy. I had to open the Bible and read a bit to calm down. Oh Carl Leviticus, you always calm me down.

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