TRASHFUTURE - Second Life Finds A Way: TF Live in Melbourne feat. Tom Ballard

Episode Date: November 22, 2022

For this week’s free episode, we present to you: a horse-racing NFT metaverse startup, founded in Australia, that is definitely going places. We recorded this episode with special guest Tom Ballard ...(@TomCBallard) live at Comedy Republic in Melbourne, Australia. We very much hope you enjoy! If you want access to our Patreon bonus episodes, early releases of free episodes, and powerful Discord server, sign up here: *MILO ALERT* Here are links to see Milo’s upcoming standup shows: *WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here: Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, Trash Futures Australian Rationality Correspondent, Mr. Brendo O'Neill. Good day. This week, the chattering classes of this once great nation have been all over flutter. Is it about the rabid kangaroos terrorizing our rural yoke drivers? Or the crocodiles tearing people to pieces in North Queensland? Struth no. They are cracking the shits about nothing more than the cryptocurrency crash. Yes, the pistachio-pissardists of Fitzroy are furious that Sam Bankman Freed of the FTX crypto exchange has run it into the ground.
Starting point is 00:00:43 So, enthused are these drongos to mock a man making money from cryptocurrency that they've even stooped to pillaring him for living in a polycule. Where everyone is on amphetamines all the time. But is that not the kind of hyper-alert man you want watching the markets? Did it not work for the Luftwaffe? These questions remain unanswered. The fennel fundamentalists of Footscray would have you believe that cryptocurrency has no use cases. But to them, I say, have they never tried to buy drugs or child pornography on the dark web? Indeed, it is nothing more than woke dogma that sets them against the crypto pioneers.
Starting point is 00:01:32 But the business case for crypto will never satisfy the harissa-hesbola of Malvern, who are savaging Mr. Bankman Freed for using the money of FTX customers to prop up the cash flows of his hedge fund, Alameda Research. They would have you believe that this is so-called fraud. Which is the so-called crime. But should they not be rejoicing? Is this not the very redistribution of wealth which they claim to expand? Their silence speaks volumes. And yet the remelad red army faction of Q
Starting point is 00:02:07 will not even forgive Mr. Bankman Freed for his love of charity and his interest in effective altruism. But then again, when have they ever supported charity? Just this week, they've been criticising a 50 Jetski parade in Sydney Harbour to raise awareness of violence against women, calling it tokenistic and offensive. But if men are indeed such a danger, is it not safest to have them at sea where they can do no harm? Are these brave men not risking life and limb before the crocodiles of Sydney Harbour to raise awareness for their sisters? As ever, the Jetski owner is a societal outcast.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Dear reader, as Jetski parades continue to be cancelled and yet further woke attacks amount up upon our Australian way of life, the value of doge coins and gamer tokens and so on and so forth are sure to sink further. I cannot say exactly how far, but I fear the value of these coins may fall as low as 0.01984 Australian dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, Josh Ucher! Hello, Comedy Republic, for the last show in the 2022 Rack Off Trash Future Australian Tour! That's a new tour that is starting and ending tomorrow here. They will be playing the Green Room and the Stage two shows. And it is of course myself, Riley, you may remember me from every other episode of this podcast,
Starting point is 00:03:56 as well as possibly last night for those of you who are here twice. If you were here twice and you're like, Oh God, are they repeating stuff except for the first bit? No, it's all new. And I'm here, of course, with Milo, Hussein and Nate. And joining us on stage is comedian Tom Ballard, who you all like more than us. So it has, it has been a fantastic two weeks in Australia. My main takeaway is, God damn, your food is amazing. Fuck me. On the way here, I wanted to get like a hot snack and it ended up the place we walked past was a casino that sold pies and the pie was good.
Starting point is 00:04:49 This is Australian culture, as far as I understand it. You get a sausage at the tool store, you get a pie at the casino. It's all topsy-turvy, mate. That's your accent, sorry. Are you saying that we have been a food than British people? Is that what you're saying? Oh, the baseline level of the food is, it is high. Don't you ever been to a football match in the UK? You can be served some, save a drunk a mug of gravy.
Starting point is 00:05:16 They wouldn't give you a mug. You might hit someone with that. They give you a paper cup, a paper cup of gravy. I feel like Australia is less likely than Britain to take some fries, put that in a bun and say, it's a sandwich. Fuck you. Don't like it. There's a tool. That's right. So that's like, that's basically my review of Australia is Jesus Christ, I want to stay. It's so good. You can't fuck off with all. And that's the most respectful thing Australian can say to you rather.
Starting point is 00:05:55 That's right. Yeah, unfortunately, Riley committed a crime while he was here and he's being transported back. I've inverted it. Off to England with you. No, please, anything but that. Sadly, like being a podcast, it doesn't like really fare well on the point system. I can't go anywhere. I've applied for a job with Bob Catter. That's some cheap heat right there.
Starting point is 00:06:19 So can just just for context, if you were also here last night, can you give me a whoop or a cheer? Okay, you know, that's embarrassing for that one. Unless it's Jathan Sudowski of this machine kills who we did just walk in yesterday. So then if you haven't been here last night, you haven't necessarily been keeping up with the podcast, then I guess you're a fair weather fan. But you may know that we have well in Australia have discovered a new segment of Australian excellence things because I I Riley. Hello have been reading your local news and letters to the editor and comment sections. That's right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:06 We've been reading the things written on the pie box in the casino. And we have had such wonderful stories as gender reveal who charged with 260 offenses. I was in Victoria, so you can be proud. And we also we also had like lots of other fun hoonings, mostly hooning neighbors from hell. These kinds of things. One I have a very short hooning one today and this is in Victoria, which is a high and I gets G E T Z. I see some people in the other. A Hyundai gets has been issued with a defect notice.
Starting point is 00:07:50 That's right. I've been issued with multiple defect notice says after the police alleged the vehicle was fitted with a PlayStation controller instead of. But the but the driver did offer the highway patrol an excellent meat pie sort of hot rack he has on the on the dashboard being being arrested because your ride wasn't pimped enough. The PlayStation goes in the back. That's a fucking PlayStation can to controller. What do you lose there? You got upgrade, man. Is that even dual shock? And I just I just really loved that one.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Also, it was fun. That was the article or sorry. An article that I found just after that one, which was an interview with a recently released. Which contained contained that when the press in Australia seemed terrible and because he was like I know they arrested me for just looking like I do near a store that got robbed. I didn't rob the store. They were like, oh, sorry for robbing the store. He was like, I didn't rob the store and then they were like, you're going to you're going to drive off in that thing and he was like, I'm a hoon. What do you expect me to do?
Starting point is 00:09:19 I'll apologize, but I won't take off my glasses. And that was the that's really not the focus, though. The focus for me of that article was that an image posted on tiktok reproduced in the article, which just had the text top text skid where you like Kings bottom text jail is temporary. That's right. Legally jail is temporary for most things, not for everything. Be careful. Do not smoke a cocaine to Indonesia. I know guys are into that.
Starting point is 00:09:53 They love it. How long was he in for hoonan? What was his hoonan sentence? I think he was. He was in because he was accused of robbing a store and he was just held overnight and then let out and then the press were hassling him. Oh, I see. Right. He was a suspected hoon.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah. Not like the gender reveal hoon. No, okay. Oh, no, no. Confirmed hoon. Aiding and abetting a hoon. Look, look, I had a little bit of Australian excellence, but I have a quite a bit of I'm afraid Australian not excellence. Now the thing is, I think most of you in the audience are going to know about this.
Starting point is 00:10:28 My co-hosts won't and the people listening back home in Britain won't. And so this is a little bit for them, but I discovered what is essentially a very TF story that has been kind of in headlines in Australia. Which is, are any of you on stage familiar with that? Don't spoil it. You in the audience are any of you on stage familiar with red group? Sounds hot. It's like the blue man group at hotter. I just had an R nine brand of the Communist Party of Australia.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah, they're doing a digital marketing agency now. Making your own fun in that segment. You don't need to be here at all. You could be at home having this kind of fun. You could have saved the money. Oh, sorry. Fucking hell. You're first against the wall.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Don't worry. It's never happening. Okay. So red group is and this is from their website. Red group is a Melbourne based consulting and recycle organization who has developed. I hear a few more moans of recognition was developed and implemented the red cycle program, a recovery initiative for post consumer soft plastic. They're trying to professionalize the bin man, the noble work of the bin man. I was I was saying it's time that I was very impressed by how well dressed all the Australian bin men have been, but I've seen like they've got really good drip.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And yeah, I don't like I want that. Like, yeah, they've been ability needs to be respected. I'm very much against this. So this is going to be half the stuff I have prepared and half just us being like man, Australia was great. So we have, and this was several years ago, teamed up with Coles Woolworths, other of most Australia's most loved brands to make it easy for you to keep your soft plastic packaging out of the landfill. It is a true product stewardship model where manufacturers retailers and consumers are sharing responsibility and creating a sustainable future. And I'm sure it works. You're listening to Good Future where we review companies that have done the thing that they set out to do and everyone's happy.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah, most of all the investors. Oh, it's the bizarro world podcast. This is insane. Well, we're upside down right now. So any of you on stage, have you been following what has happened with this particular organization? Nope. It was quite good to do. Yes, people were betrayed.
Starting point is 00:13:09 One of the greatest Australian values is effective recycling that we're all very much invested in. We always separate all the shit and whatever a council introduces a new bin, we no way call them cunts. Well, cunts brackets respectful. That's just what you call your mate as I understand it. Ah, cunts. Boxes lit in the recycling bin. I'm really friendly with the local council. So is it going to be something like it's not going to landfill because it's going to now root to be incinerated with diesel fuel or something like that?
Starting point is 00:13:39 Power electricity or something like that. Hey, those kids made toys. So instead of being taken to companies to use the plastic to make other items, which is what you would sort of expect. Apparently for the better part of a year, they have just been taking every plastic bag in Australia and putting it in a series of big warehouses. Oh, this is never going to be a problem. We can pretty much keep doing this indefinitely. What do you got in that warehouse, mate? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Can I see? No. Can I put something in there? No, what's all that rustling in there? That's right. That's right. Yeah, so apparently what has happened is that their process basically stopped working. That implies that it worked.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It didn't work to begin with. I think it's one of these things that works only if everything else goes perfectly kind of like just in time supply chain. The moment something else goes wrong, then immediately just like that overnight 30 giant warehouses filled with plastic bags. Which apparently can just explode. Oh, no. If you if someone hoons near that warehouse. Oh boy. Mate, do not hoon by that warehouse.
Starting point is 00:15:01 If you value your 2001 Ford Falcon, do not hoon by that way. They don't value it. Don't threaten these people with a good time. What do you mean? What do you mean? My Holden Commodore was damaged so the Melbourne based company, which claims to collect up to five million plastic items a day. That's how many items are just going into warehouses that are now basically taking time bombs. Great that bet that that was a government's other companies and so on.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Everyone promoted this thing turned out it didn't work and then they just didn't say anything for months. When you said that it did work like it worked because you put they put it in the large Hadron Collider once and that caused it to burn and they're like all right as long as we can replicate these circumstances it'll be fine. Something like that or is it like a I don't know like a digestive process or something like that. How is it supposed to work? Oh, well, it's supposed to work where like you just they need lots and lots of people doing lots and lots of labor and burning lots and lots of energy from coal to keep this recycling process going. It's almost as though all of these little things that we like so much about neoliberal capitalism really just can't work at all. There is no little magic process that you can put in place to make it all fine. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:23 So I thought this was good future. Really bringing the time down. What is very funny though is that the CEO of the company that again turns out to have been lying for a while sort of played a bit of a victim when confronted about it stating that the material is being stored by the company quote at great personal expense. It's really hard when your recycling system doesn't work. Do you know how much we're spending on warehouses and anti rustling device? All he's thinking about is the warehouses filled with plastic bags. His wife like doesn't even know who he is anymore. She's a she's a shell of a man.
Starting point is 00:17:06 The CEO is a lady. I lost my kids in the bag. They're in there somewhere. Great personal expense. All the kids suffocated. I should never let him into that warehouse. She's so she's so fixated by plastic bags but she feels like a plastic bag flossing in the wind. All of Australia gets to be American beauty.
Starting point is 00:17:33 This is so this is just very funny. This is two bits of text from their website. So we collect more than five point four billion pieces of plastic that quote will never end up in landfill beaches or waterways because they're in warehouses. As long as we keep paying our rent. So that's right. We've had to implement a red cycle tax to keep the rent on those warehouses paid. That's Austria and economics baby. We're excited to announce the plastic bag museum that we're now opening when you could come and say the plastic bags.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Do not drive there. I think an Austrian system would be storing them all in a basement. There you go. Which might be underground but it's not technically landfill. They say don't ask me what else is in the basement. So and this is on the same page they say will never end up in a landfill beaches or waterways. They now say as an addendum to that please dispose of your soft plastics in a landfill. We can't take it anymore.
Starting point is 00:18:39 People are swine. When will it end. I just the funny the fun thing is right. I am right. I'm from vis-a-vis your Brendan earlier. I am reminded a bit of FTX right where what happened was they started losing money in their hedge fund. They were like OK we'll just can use a few customer deposits that are exchanged just cover those losses and it's fine. It'll be normal.
Starting point is 00:19:00 It'll all get back to normal soon. And I feel like if your plastic bag recycle and obviously it crashed and burned and fell apart. And if your plastic bag recycling company just rents a little bit of warehouse space just to put the plastic bags until we can find a way to recycle them. It's kind of the same thing but much stupider. You know before you know it you know either you know your polycule is under indictment in the southern district of New York or you've got for Amazon fulfillment where Sanders worth of Kohl's bags. You're just hoping don't explode. I mean that being said though if someone doing a sick burnout could cause your polycule to explode that would at least that would get me on the side of polyamory a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:19:41 You get to go to polyamory Valhalla. Anti polyamory hoons just ruining people's private lives. Soldiers of justice. You get you get seventy two people of a sort of spiritually virgins but it's like not technically but so look folks. I've got a startup for us and this one's real annoying. It's called virtually human studio. I hate it already. I leave its main product is something called Zed run and I'm afraid it's an Australian company.
Starting point is 00:20:21 The second Australian company we've talked about on the tour. So starting from Milo going to Nate virtually human studio. We can just assume that they are a company that makes things right fine. Sure. Let's guess Zed run. Well so going off the basis of the original name of the company I feel as though maybe they're making some kind of sex dolphin zoomers. No. Zed run you say Zed run virtually human studio.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I'll give you another hint please. It's connected to something that all of Australia seems deeply in hawk to coffee. Racism. These races are virtually human. That can't be the first applause break in the show. The rare grown and applause. It was good. Polarizing comedian Tom Ballard.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Polarizing the same people. Polarize yet one person. My face is groaning but my hands are clapping. The duality of men. Wasn't Zed a cool DJ who died? Zed's very much alive and doing crypto conferences. So he should be dead. I mean it cool DJ.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I think he makes sort of like how so not cool. Okay. Zed's dead baby. All right. It's a program where you watch that DJ run. You do watch something run. It's not that DJ and it is connected to crypto. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So I'm going off the basis of the fact that it's an Australian company. Okay. So it's a game where Zed a character Zed runs and is running from various swooping birds. They love the swooping bird material. We're going to go back to London do a live show and be like hey who got hit by a swooping bird. Empty crickets. We're going to be like we're going to keep doing it till you become more Australian. Anyone here destroyed in 1996 holding comedy.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So yeah getting up on stage in London being so hooning. Am I right? Nate Zed run. They've made a Nissan 350 Zed but it's coal powered. Yeah baby. All collapse. No groans. Nate's on the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I never considered honing before but so virtually human studio develops cutting edge immersive experiences in web three. A thing that totally is still around. It's funny. I was looking at Instagram and I got an ad on Instagram that I just kept up which is from entrepreneur magazine because you know I need to keep following the content. It's like what five jobs could you get in the meta verse. Seven warehouses you could keep plastic bags in.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I'm actually going to bring that up for us now because it was just very funny. So five metaverse jobs that could make you rich again. Have you looked at the economy probably not one inventing legs. And one was virtual real estate agent. Oh yeah. You got it. You got to have the virtual liveried mini Cooper virtual ill fitting suit. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Is that a thing with you guys? The state agents have bad suits. Yeah. We found a crossover tie. Huge not. Yeah. Virtually saying stairs up to the bedroom virtually knocking off at six. To have some lines and clap them.
Starting point is 00:24:27 You guys all live there in London. No. So met a real agent with metaverse property sales topping more than 500 million in 2021. It's no surprise that becoming a real estate agent is one of the best ways to make money in the metaverse. What do they do in 2022. Fucking rent in the metaverse. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yes. Yeah. How do you keep all the imaginary plastic bags. I got no legs and I'm fucking renting. In fact, that's right. Renting in the metaverse does play into what this startup does. Another one. Call it fake estate agent.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Another another fun one. He'll fuck you. Is there another way I can pay the rent on this warehouse. Believe me. I can bag it. Thank you connector with more than nine and a half million gaming developers on Roblox. I don't know what the fuck any of that means. None of these words are in the car.
Starting point is 00:25:31 There's no there's no shortage. I only really hear of Roblox when you have a story in the news which is just like another kid got groomed in Roblox. Well this is the making it safer than Britain. This is this is the job description for a connector. There's no shortage of creators who need help with funding to create and launch a game. So you could be a real estate agent, a money lender. You could be a trader of 3D gaming assets. Or a met fluencer.
Starting point is 00:26:06 That's guys here on fishing talk. It's just wild because the first one is sounds like you're a real estate agent selling properties in the Sims and that's the realest sounding one of all the ones you've described. What I'm confused about with the job title net fluencer is it's a presumably a portmanteau of influencer and internet met fluencer metaverse and influencer, but influences are already on the internet. Yeah, I'm not on this internet. This internet's fake. I've got him.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I would post a picture of my ass, but I have no legs anyway. So that was a brief a brief. That was a brief diversion. That was a brief divert. No, not your own making. Zuckerberg took your legs. That was a brief diversion. All those legs, keeping them in a big way.
Starting point is 00:26:58 From the same page. It's on you. So virtually human studios is developing cutting edge immersive experiences in Web three with an endless wave of technological breakthroughs. I'm sure achieved delivering products into your hands. Our objective is clear. Remove the barriers and pull the metaverse within reach. We broke into the metaverse with Zed run and are increasing our velocity with our latest title the human park.
Starting point is 00:27:25 You've heard of the dog park. Well, what if people were allowed in activate human park initiate fulfilling memories. Do joy now. So that's right. Zed run is their main product. It fuses. What is the human park? Well, I'm getting to it.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yeah. Don't worry. Okay, human park comes next. How fuck is this company of your brushing past human park. So I apologize. It fuses media e sports and live streaming twenty four seven and that delivers horse racing like never before. I love it. I fucking simmer down.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I love how you could not have predicted any subsequent word in that sentence. They gave a horse racing. Yeah. Well, so how it works is so presumably in the metaverse the horses don't have legs so they can't break them and be like snakes. So using NFTs we are making a horse racing resonate with a younger audience and providing a more accessible route to horse ownership. Guys, imagine if you lived in sports bit. So you could be metaverse John McCrary.
Starting point is 00:28:49 That's exciting. So a brief description of how it works is this. They Zed run has a bunch of NFTs you can buy and those NFTs have characteristics like any NFT would. Ape. Yeah. Oh, like just like 48 just like the like the apes have like the background color and whether they're making the post eating gesture or the shutter shades. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:09 All of that's just in the code and expresses it expresses itself through like that way. The horse NFTs similarly have different characteristics and then you can breed them and run them and so on. None of them have legs. Yeah. And then you can watch the horse race happen and bet on it and win money and stuff. Yeah, like I said, it's in in and related to an industry to which Australia appears to be deeply in Hawks in Brisbane. They built a new bridge that just goes into a casino for the meat pies. So this is from the ominously named horse racing website blood horse dot com.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Many horses will enter only one will leave Saturday Saturday Saturday. Blood horse. Welcome to the blood horse. Losing horses will be fed to the French Zed run users initially come into our ecosystem without much knowledge of horse racing. After a while we think they'll begin to have an appetite and go experience a real horse race down at the track. So what if we could on board more Australians to gamble go touch grass and and have a flutter. So basically if you can use like your computer to own a legless horse that looks like it's rendered in a game cube game that I'll make people want to go and actual watch real horses.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You were actually very very prescient to say it looks like it was rendered in a game cube game. It looks like shit. It's awful. I went on Twitch and I watched a Zed run horse race for you. Low polygon count slug like horses just slithering across the field. No legs to be seen. I presume gamekeepers are appropriate because these horses can only move like metroid prime. So so this is this is further from blood horse.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Horse racing is extremely popular down under and the CEO got the idea for Zed run one night while picking up some take away. He saw a newspaper ad. This was delicious. He saw a newspaper ad offering a race horse for fifteen thousand dollars upon closer inspection. However, he realized the price represented only the horse's stud fee. So he did what any true Australian CEO would do. Realize there was gambling to be done create some low poly count horses and then you know sell them for more than that still. So more than thirty million dollars worth of race horse NFTs have been sold by said run today.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Oh boy prices for the digital race horses started a hundred and thirty dollars back when this article was written and range up to forty five thousand dollars back when this article was written and users pay like up to a hundred dollars to enter a race and then Zed run takes a cut and then the winner takes home the rest of the prize and the company has a witness in this right ladle everybody loses answer. So the and our one of our favorite stew ever since soft bank basically like went belly up. I found Andres and Horowitz is the place to find stupid companies boy did they invest in them. And let's see what I find very funny as well right is that especially now that pretty much everybody who is in crypto has lost enormous amounts of money except like the one guy in charge of finance is just looking back at all of the just ridiculously irresponsible like crypto promotion that where like the mainstream media just talks to one guy who owns a blockchain thing and are like what an opportunity to get into race horses if you're like don't have a lot of money and then all of these people because they just get like basically tricked
Starting point is 00:32:47 in a second order by a journalist who got tricked by a flim flam man then you know gets all fucked up. So I know that's not like usual live show shit but I'm very angry about it. But also bears mentioned that at the top of this food chain is Mark Andres and a man with the pointiest head known of all humankind. And so like there's no way to look at anything he does without seeing villainy and that you also you're reading from an article in a magazine called Blood Horse. So it's just there's this element of it where you just imagine him kind of lording over saying hold the dark one has come well Mark Andres and is very invested in there being a lot of horses because if he ever falls off that wall and needs putting back together again all the kings men might not be enough. So much looks like Humpty Dumpty if you don't you not see Mark Andres and he didn't he never looked normal but once he went bald it was very obvious his head looks like a traffic cone like it's genuinely disconcerting he actually invented VLC media.
Starting point is 00:33:45 So thing is right I didn't actually find this startup if you can believe it in Blood Horse I found it in Sydney Morning Herald just having its claims just repeated link to Blood Horse because there's a part of me that's like if I was browsing a regular news site and it linked to an article in a magazine called Blood Horse I was like what am I going to find when I click on this. It's just part of my part of my process. Riley is just opening up his weekly copy of Blood Horse magazine. I don't suppose I'll find anything for the show in Blood Horse. This is just for me. This is Riley's time. I just read Blood Horse for the articles.
Starting point is 00:34:25 With the fold out like nothing. So virtually human studios plans to develop the Zed run game so that player it can expand beyond horse racing and players can play to go to work in professions such as stable owner racetrack owner breeder accessory designer and more. You got like you have to buy like the PlayStation controller. It's like the big fake horse's ass. I'm just imagining just smashing the Madcats pad like you're in Metal Gear Solid to try to make the horses fuck faster in the metaverse. I just wait to get into the horse racing industry. I do. I do just love that like every time like a metaverse crypto guy does anything like we've invented jobs again and of course they're adding functionality that will allow you to rent a horse.
Starting point is 00:35:15 So you can basically get in debt to someone else for a gambling with crypto. You can also be a horse landlord or by extension a horse real estate agent. So I know I know what you all want though. You want to know about Human Park. So Chris Laurent the founder of the popular digital horse racing game Zed run envisions a future. Where people will spend their free time developing their own unique narratives within the metaverse which is a sentence that means quite a bit. The virtual world Human Park will contain a mix of gaming entertainment and social experiences right. He says my perception of the metaverse isn't just a meeting of people.
Starting point is 00:35:59 It's coming home after work and not turning on Netflix but seeing what happens to yourself and your friends in some type of storyline that is flexible. Was this written by an AI. No just not very I. Back in my day me and my friends used to go out and have flexible storylines and now kids are just on their smartphone. So what if we lean into that and gave them a flexible storyline on their smartphones. So what you they might still be asking quite reasonably the fuck is Human Park. Well we haven't it's a mosquito bit a human years ago and they extracted the day that it was trapped in Amma you see that's right. Dinosaur Jeff Goldblum going my God you did it.
Starting point is 00:36:56 And there's just like a fat guy called Gary over there. The Millwall tattoo on the back. It's majestic. We second life finds away. Nate for when you edit that probably make second life finds away the title. Thank you. We just know when in the audience we can put edit notes whenever we want. Nate cut that. We've we've built Human Park to become more than just a gaming experience but also a platform for digital ownership to flourish and own another human.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Oh my God. We disrupted and we innovated slavery once again. This goes beyond this goes beyond that that isn't actually what they're doing. I'm sorry. This goes beyond this goes beyond one single game. It's the beginning of blended experiences and unforgettable stories told by your community. Again no community has ever told an unforgettable story before. In the near future you will be able to take your central avatar in the platform called a nude.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'm listening and experience all kinds of world games and entertainment experiences without your clothes on. We are storytellers at heart so we're here to empower players to tell their own stories and what it actually is is it is your you correctly say it is second life but it has like themed seasons like fortnight. So what if second life had like the most inconsequential part of fortnight attached to it and was Australian and is related to a horse nft somehow and got the money to start it from the horse nft. Yeah. So it's a decent and what they basically say is look we're building a game where if you make an nft hat that you can take it to a different game and wear it as a hat there. We would like millions of dollars please. And again like just trying to nft trousers though because that's not going to that's not going to work. So the elements are nudes of course a blank slate completely uninfluenced by the greater world.
Starting point is 00:39:22 I cannot believe that this dumb motherfucker got paid millions of dollars by Andreessen Horowitz to be like I'm going to create a nude which is a blank slate uninfluenced by the greater world. Yeah. This man's mind is a blank slate that's not been not been influenced by the greater world as a new be studied by science as a nude. You have the opportunity to choose your identity from the beginning tattoos. Okay. The first identity options for the humans of the park. You can show your loyalty to a cause or a sign of rebellion against those who would buy and sell identities. I can go get.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I can go get it. It's a Hindu one. I can get tattooers as hoons for justice. If you really like my screen name that much you can get it tattooed on yourself. Can you hoon in the meta verse we established this well we'd have to build a meta verse game where we could we could build a meta verse game where you hoon and the NFTs are terrible cars. I want to be able to take my nineteen ninety six holding Commodore into fortnight. Why can't I take my nineteen ninety six holding Commodore NFT into fortnight. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And then of course the identities the legends of the park who help nudes piece together who they want to be. It's basically a very very strange way of saying second life where you have a character without a face that you can put tattoos on where the main selling point is and don't forget they were paid millions and millions and millions of dollars to make this and again written up with constant just like slob job pieces in like like the Sydney Morning Herald and stuff. The main thing about it is that if you paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for an NFT of a hat you can wear it here. Cool in the human park in the human park. Yes with all of your friends we're going to create stories together but mostly it's about a way to wear the hat. Mostly tattoos as well. Yeah and tattoos of course pay for each new identity bit.
Starting point is 00:41:28 You know that here's the thing this is it might shock you to know that this is doesn't exist yet. But I want it now how many how many hats and tattoos you have to have to be a legend of the park. Because like when you know I when you grow up in Britain I don't know whether this is true in Australia but like you know if you grew up in a small town in Britain and there was like one park there would be like legends of the park and they would like have like the worst weed you could smoke ever and it would fall so we know what sometimes they would be and they drove Nissan Micros. Nonsense Davey pulled over a bus shuttle once. The difference is they drive the Nissan Micros responsibly. That's one of the problems. I can't I can't fuck up me my crop go go and pick up the kids from school.
Starting point is 00:42:17 No not my kids. No bus services round here terrible. So I stare it in it. So look that's that's virtually human studio Zed run in human park without a hard working pedophiles. The backbone of Britain's transport system. It really would never get from school to McDonald's. You know it really sucks that they are but there's a I have a new a new segment. I'm debuting a new segment right now and Tom has been.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Tom has been been very helpful in helping with this segment that I'm just calling the cooked units of the papers. For for the final twenty or so minutes of the tour or at least of a bit of the tour where I'm on. I don't have object permanence. I assume that this will go away when I'm gone when he's going is going to get sick. Thank you. We can say anything. We don't have. We're not in note prison.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Tom is going to help us learn a little bit about the history of some of the worst weed. Help us learn a little bit about the history of some of the most cooked columnists in Australia. I also if we have time have found a Joe Hildebrand article. I think Hildebrand's emerging as a new one but I do. Yes I've got some a few cooked units as you say that I thought might interest the good people trash future was kicked off. I mean there are a bunch of dumb cunts writing throughout mainly the Murdoch media and I thought I'd run them by y'all. Greg Sheridan heads. We got a Greg Sheridan people in the room.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Where my shares is at. Greg Sheridan is the Foreign Affairs writer at the Australian the big Murdoch Broadsheet. I'm sure he's got some real normal opinions. He's always right. And that's I think that's the best that he's both both correct. He's the most influential foreign affairs analyst in Australian journalism which is a huge title. Amanda once wrote I love Australia because of all the nations on earth. It's mine.
Starting point is 00:44:32 That's really gone to the nub of it there seems to it that seems to could be construed as damning with faint praise of all the nations in the world. It's the one that's here right here. I feel about it exactly as I feel about my family of all the families in the world. God chose this one for me to be part of and look after of all the families in the world of all the wives in the world. You're here. You're the most here of any of them is turning to your wife in the night and going you're nearer than any other woman. I feel so close to you literally. I have to love you.
Starting point is 00:45:12 God says so. God says so. Yeah, there's nowhere else. I'd rather be because that's far. It could be annoying to get to you'll do. What a surprise. You know, even though he's the most influential foreign affairs analyst in Australian journalism. Great Sheridan had a few whoopsies when it came to the Iraq War.
Starting point is 00:45:32 No, I know. I mean, everyone in Britain who had a few whoopsies when it came to the Iraq War, none of them just sort of have continued. Yeah. Having influential positions in journalism and pretended nothing happened. Yeah. No, it's it's weird. He's still working. March 2003.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Greg Sheridan wrote today. The enemy is clear. It is not the Iraqi people. It is Saddam Hussein's cruel and murderous regime. It's deadly weapons of mass destruction and the support it gives to international terrorism. All war is terrible and should be treated with reverence and or what excuse me because it involves the disposition of human beings. But some wars are necessary. They are not only just but constitute the lesser evil of all available alternatives.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I'm sure glad he still has an opinion. Also, is is he a myth retardist? Well, he's taking little bits of poison. It's not my favorite war, but it is the nearest. What other what other war could we reasonably declare right now? Malaysia. Don't be stupid. So that was March 2003.
Starting point is 00:46:38 So, you know, when you're jittering up, you get excited for the war. March 2004. The Iraq invasion is going to be judged on its results. Yep. Sure will be. Yes, it will. At least specialists will worry about its legitimacy. If the outcome is a stable Iraq that represents its citizens human rights, much better than Saddam did.
Starting point is 00:47:02 That could be the biggest if in journalist history. I think I think that that if might be like the biggest load bearing. March 2006. The Iraq war was the right war against the right enemy at the right time and waged for broadly the right reasons. Did you notice the broadly sneaking in there? He was a lot more confident in 03 and 04. There is no need to apologize about it. George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard deserve praise for their courage.
Starting point is 00:47:35 The coalition soldiers overall have performed magnificently overall, overall, broadly for all these things. That's Greg and Greg loves the F 35 fighter jet. I'm not sure. Just one of the bet. I mean, in terms of a piece of anti-colonial technology. Yes, it is very passionate about decolonization. It's very funny, by the way, that Canada looked at the experience of Australia with the F 35 and was like, we'll take 100. We never learn.
Starting point is 00:48:12 What are we going to do? Not buy it. It will have an F 35 a. That's exactly what we said. Strength. Sorry. If Greg had his way, we'd have a million F 35. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:48:29 It's a great honing vehicle. They're very easy to destroy. Much more dangerous. The sort of operative principle here is that it's a piece of shit that you crash and drive very poorly. So it's like, I don't know if a 1996 Holden Commodore has like downloadable content. You have to buy to stop from crashing because your helmet doesn't display things, but we hadn't invented that yet. Police have chased a Gold Coast man who's doing burnouts in an F 35. Tragically, they were unable to recover his body from the scene.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Morton Bay District Council bringing a new policy about F 35s. An F 35 gender reveal has gone terribly wrong. This is Greg Sheridan in 2013. I met my first F 35 in a hangar at Fort Worth. I remember my first. I never thought this would happen to me. Though I will see them in full flight. He misread Reddit and he thinks it's 35 F.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Though I will see them in full flight at Eglin Air Force base in the Florida Panhandle a few days later. This first meeting is a powerful encounter. Got a metal gray. The F 35 looks like some giant bird of prey from the dinosaur age. It's wings half. What the fuck are you talking about? It's too much. We don't have time.
Starting point is 00:49:57 We need to keep moving. It's wings half folded back in an arrogant pose of cruising and diving. It is like an anger. It is to freely self contained. Eight thousand kilograms of fuel. Several thousand kilograms of weapons all tucked quietly inside. He's doing like Marie condo shit for a fight. It's so tidy.
Starting point is 00:50:23 And so like did they have to pull him off of it? He's just kissing it. He did fuck the jet. Well, I mean, buddy, they won't even let me fucking. The next line is I touch the wings. With their mysterious coatings and cannot believe how slim and light they are. Though they are made of titanium at every point. This plane is a work of style and grace.
Starting point is 00:50:49 The Raptor is the king of fighter aircraft, but the F 35 will be the prince. Anyway, this the new title and the new title of his memoir, which is I've nonster fighter plane on audible shortly. It's so horny. Very horny. And then in April 2014, he wrote if I believed in reincarnation, I think I'd like to come back as a joint strike fighter. That's just something Ralph Wiggum would say.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I want to be a plane. That's good. Finally, Greg Sheridan on the 7th of November 2016, he wrote you can take it to the bank. The American election is effectively over. Clinton has won Trump. Trump cannot pull off victory from here. The pathetic Greg Sheridan keeps.
Starting point is 00:51:38 He's talking me down in the failing Australian newspaper. Man, he wants to fuck a plane. Look, they don't want me to say it. They don't want me to say it, but he's horny for a plane. No pussy, Greg Sheridan. He wants to fuck the plane. He would probably say the American plane, by the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I've got to get to share this with you. I think you'll enjoy this. This is Prue Goward. By your reaction, I know we're in for something to have fun. Yeah. This was at all time last year in October 2021. Prue Goward is a former Liberal NSW government minister, sex discrimination commissioner,
Starting point is 00:52:17 and the professor of social interventions and policy at Western City University. Now, just keep that in mind as you read this piece. This was titled, Why You Shouldn't Underestimate the Underclass. They are damaged, lacking in trust and discipline and highly self-interested, but the poor are still a force that Australia needs to properly harness. They keep destroying cars.
Starting point is 00:52:39 What? As though everyone who doesn't live, like, immediately on Bondi Beach is some kind of moorlock? Yeah. We could get them by polishing up our F-35s for a horniest columnist to bust on. Get your hands off my girl. Now, Prue is, like, really well read.
Starting point is 00:53:00 So, actually, there's a few references here coming up that you guys might just... Excited for this. If you have any questions, let me know. If there is hope, it lies in the proles. So... So said one of the 20th century's greatest philosophers, thinly disguised as a novelist, George Orwell,
Starting point is 00:53:15 in his spookily-preciate work, 1984. It took the whole tour, but we fucking got there. I believe my lifelong fascination with the underclass began when I pondered... Oh, Jesus. She just keeps saying it. When I pondered that declaration of independence against a futuristic form of government oppression,
Starting point is 00:53:41 which has turned out to not be so futuristic, as a shopkeeper's daughter, I understood poor people. Oh. Well, like, she, like, had, like, a jeweler's loop? Like, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm really sorry for writing this. I thought it would be funnier than it is. They obeyed the law, worked hard,
Starting point is 00:54:02 sent their kids to the same primary schools I attended, and were equally ambitious for their children. But the underclass, smaller than was, behaved differently. Like, the stoats and weasels of the Wildwood... Like, the poor are there like a stoat or a weasel or a pole cat or even a mink. You can make a coat out of them. That's what I'm trying to say.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Like, the stoats and weasels of the Wildwood in the Wind of the Willows, yet another English children's book on the topic of class, they reject... Is she implying 1984 as a children's book? Sort of accidentally saying the quiet part loud there. They rejected the rules and lived by their own. They would be feared and were, to use my mother's words,
Starting point is 00:54:49 not very nice. So, I think I can sort of piece together what actually happened here, is that she's horrible, and people aren't nice to her. And then she says, well, this must be because of the economy. Yeah, pretty much. I think, yeah, everyone calls me a cunt. God, the poor are weird, are they?
Starting point is 00:55:10 It took all world to turn the noble Marxist proletariat into the proles. Okay. What did he do? He just took off like the last couple of syllables? Since the 1950s, there has been a remarkable growth in the number of proles. Oh, I hate this person so much. I know. Check this shit out.
Starting point is 00:55:30 The welfare state is not entirely to blame as the world of Dickens attests. Government... Professor of social interventions at the Western Sydney Union. What interventions does she favour? Some... Soylent green.
Starting point is 00:55:54 So much it was given a ghost, and it turned him into a layabout. We may have found the one person who's excited about the human park, though. Mmm. We're gonna get him on little wheels. Government agencies view them with alarm as huge cost centres. They are overrepresented in the use of government crisis services and are always the last to give up smoking, get their shots, and eat two servings of vegetables a day.
Starting point is 00:56:20 What is he, the nation's terrible aunt? I feel like it stopped being funny at this point. No, sorry, Ryan. That was a typo. Ah, you're quick, you son of a bitch. That's why they pay me the median bucks. Despite the billions of dollars governments invest in changing the lives of proles, their number increases. She just keeps saying that.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Their birth rates far outstrip those of... Oh, I'm sorry, triggered by the truth. This is not a safe space. As another children's writer, Gregory Malthus once said... Despite the billions of dollars, their number increases. Their birth rates far outstrip those of professional couples, and they now a significant potential contributor to our workforce. But there's a limited number of professional jobs you can have
Starting point is 00:57:17 in a single account of Jesus Christ. Learn anything. Riley, listen and you might learn something. More management consultants. But all was right. Or well, or well. The underclass, I can't read. The underclass can smell a fake at 50 paces,
Starting point is 00:57:36 distrust conceptual rhetoric, and cannot speak a word of news speak. The language of lies made famous in Orwell's 1984. I like how she clarified that. Is this product placement? Are they doing a reissue? They know what they want and they see no reason why they should take notice of some man or woman in a suit
Starting point is 00:57:52 when they get in their way. That's right. Yeah! Fuck suits! The underclass is not always a happy place to be, and bumping into the rest of the world mostly does not go well. People with chronic mental illness, cognitive disabilities and childhoods of trauma
Starting point is 00:58:06 are mixed together in a sometimes brutal way... Usually called the newsroom of the Australian. Anyway, yeah, they live in public housing blocks or caravad parks. Oh, or human parks. And this is... We're always at the end, everyone. You've all done very well.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And yet, I like them. I will commune with the shrine. I will eat from that trough. I like them because they call us out. They are honestly self-interested, and you always know what they think. I know many of them. So many clever.
Starting point is 00:58:43 So many of them have called her a cunt. That's how you know in Australia that people like you. I assume, anyway. I know many of them. So many clever. Actually, very clever. Kids and adults, although often damaged and almost entirely lacking discipline.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Trust in the system. Trust in anyone who represents the system. Like you, you dumb fuck! I'm convinced we can do this. I'm convinced we can do better to harness the force that the people of the underclass represent. Perhaps by attaching them to harnesses. We need to make it a focus of the social policy.
Starting point is 00:59:18 So long as we keep looking at the billions of dollars they cost us, we will continue to dislike them, reject them and write them off. Yet in an age when cultural hegemony is now as strong as it was 70 years ago, only different never have we needed them more to challenge modern meekism. The child who cried,
Starting point is 00:59:34 look at the king in the emperor's new clothes, who is surely a member of the underclass. She would have got paid six figures to write that shit. That's insane! And that's a cooked unit. So we have five minutes left. So shall we, shall we finish off with a little bit
Starting point is 00:59:59 hearing from possibly Joe Hildebrand? Now, we can't do the whole article because there's a thing on after us, but we can do some of it. And you know what? The beginning of this article is much more fun. The article by Joe Hildebrand, another guy by the way who basically in 2016
Starting point is 01:00:19 was like, yeah, Hillary's got this, is entitled, constant shopping trolley vigilance is the key to lawn and order. Lawn. Just as, just as the physical act of smiling actually improves your mood,
Starting point is 01:00:38 you can bet that physically improving the appearance of our suburbs will boost people's pride in them. Yeah, you know where he's going with this. When you grow up a poor boy, you're always a poor boy, no matter how much money you have, I think these two columnists could have talked to each other. He's one of those underclass cunts.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Reading these two columns, one after the other feels a lot like the song escape by Rupert Holmes, you know, the two people writing love letters to each other in the newspaper. And so do you hate poor people? Yes, I do and want to privatize the mail.
Starting point is 01:01:15 And so every week or so I have a habit of driving a few extra kilometers to get the cheapest LPG I can for my mighty falcon. He's a hoon. So he's more of a hoon of the mind. The servo I usually go to is in a suburb just like the one I grew up in,
Starting point is 01:01:33 big, sprawling, vibrant, multicultural and often poor. It feels like coming home, but being poor doesn't mean it's not proud. And this is why there is one thing that really pisses me off every time I go there. I know gears are being grinded here. It's just on the right as I drive down one of the major roads leading into the giant shopping center,
Starting point is 01:01:51 a long stretch of nature strip along what appears to be some vacant and adjacent to it are separated by cheap cyclone fencing. Both sides are hopelessly overgrown and it's covered by my overturned shopping trolleys. And the reason it pisses me off is this. This street quarter is no backwater. It's effectively the gateway to a commercial center
Starting point is 01:02:09 and a major suburb in the heart of the metropolis. And then so basically, after complaining about that, he goes on to say, Rudy Giuliani was new to the team. Oh, greatest city in the world, baby. He says,
Starting point is 01:02:28 stop and frisk the trolleys. So he says, as the originators time for the real trolley, as the originators of the term broken window, some day a real rain's going to fall and wash the trolleys away. I'm sick of people leaving their trolleys in front of my plastic bag.
Starting point is 01:02:45 As the originators of the term broken window policing explained for an article in the Atlantic in 1982, entirely discredited. This article was written last week. Repairing one unrepaired broken window is a signal that an unrepaired broken window is a signal that no one cares. So breaking more windows costs nothing.
Starting point is 01:03:04 The flip side of this theory is that when it was put into practice by New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani, again, imagine favorably writing about Rudy Giuliani now. So basically what he says is, look, what if we gave the police high mars so that if anyone tried to overturn a shopping trolley, we could shell them.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Going anti-hoon how it said. Yeah, there's a predator drone, and if you miss the bin with your, like gum or whatever. Oh, you're describing Singapore. And with that, I noticed that we're about to run our light. So for in fact, not just comedy, the Commodore of this show is about to run our light,
Starting point is 01:03:51 for not just you tonight, comedy or public Melbourne, but to the for the entire rack off 2022 trash future tour. I want to say a big thank you. You

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