TRASHFUTURE - The Question Answering

Episode Date: May 8, 2018

Asked and answered - you sent us your questions on curious cat, and we answered them to the best and worst of our ability. The band is back together. Riley (@raaleh) on bass, Hussein (@HKesvani) on th...e drums, and Milo (@milo_edwards) replaced by a colourful fish. Ably produced by Nate (@inthesedeserts).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm going to charge right in we have an amazing new substitute host for Hussein who is still he's still off on his vision quest to find the lost episodes of Evangelion where you can see Captain Katsuragi naked captain major Katsuragi naked. I've heard that he's collected four of the five chaos emeralds necessary to unlock the DVDs, but that they're actually of the wrong region. So before Hussein gets back, I'd like to introduce our guest host for this week, Raheem Kasam. Hello, welcome. Thank you. Thank you for having me on this on the show to talk about my my passion of free speech and free dialogue and free and you know, I love free speech. I love free speech so much. My parents came into this country and when they went to get their get
Starting point is 00:01:03 their passports so that they could start their small businesses in the town square before the days when you would get threatened with being beheaded by ice cream men who are actually ISIS jihadis because we're in the Tower Hamlets, which by the way is a no-go zone. And I wanted to thank you by the way for that wonderful episode where you reviewed my book about the number of no-go zones happening in London. It's a very scary thing and I'm glad that you've survived. It is. Raheem, I would just like to congratulate you on speaking so fluently on that topic despite being silenced by the tape over your mouth. Thank you. It's taken a lot of practice. It's taken a lot of practice, but I follow in the examples of many free speech warriors in this beautiful world,
Starting point is 00:01:46 Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and of course, Dougie Hauser. Yeah, sometimes you've got to put a piece of tape over your mouth to really have free speech, you know, because it's true. Exactly. A lot of you got... Is there anyone who believed in triggering the Libs? It was Martin Luther King. Well, sort of he kind of did, but if anything, we're all so lucky that people like you and Miley Annopoulos and Sargon of Akkad and that gamer that said the N-word once, we're so lucky and so fortunate as a society that you guys have these huge national platforms that you could access anytime to reach multiple like millions of people
Starting point is 00:02:30 to actually let them know that there is this threat to your free speech. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, when I think about the mission that we're trying to accomplish on May the 6th, when we're going to go outside of Twitter and we're going to demand Twitter, we're going to demand at Jack, we're going to at Jack. We're going to at Jack and we're going to say, Jack, you must get rid of Krang. You must get rid of Krang. He's... He's infringing on your free speech. He's infringing on our free speech. He's threatening. He is the leader of the ISIS super army.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Silence Krang in the name of free speech. The ISIS army that is threatening people like Lauren Southern and the man with the dog. What we want is for Jack to get Krang off Twitter. So we're tweeting him this, it's the hashtag is Jack Krang off. It's true that in the legacy of sort of free speech and enlightenment thought, you can't forget everything from Plato and Socrates getting renewed by like people, thinkers like Machiavelli in the Renaissance through the English liberals like Hobbes and then through the French like Voltaire and that is all culminated
Starting point is 00:03:36 in Count Dancula making his dog do a Nazi salute and then protesting Twitter because no one follows him. I sometimes think that Count Dancula belongs in a different time. He belongs in a time when he can drink with Voltaire and Hobbes and Machiavelli and all those great philosophers, all those great thinkers that defended free speech at a time when free speech actually had some value. As Voltaire says, I may disagree with training your dog to do a Nazi salute, but I'll defend to the death you're right to do it. You make a good point, Milo. You make a very good point, Milo, that just because I don't like your podcast, I don't like for music. Why does Jin, why does the music play on the podcast? Why can't it be something classical and authentic?
Starting point is 00:04:25 Have you heard? I brought a CD for you. I brought a CD for you and it has this wonderful song. It has this wonderful song, which I think would really, really up the quality of the show. It's by this beautiful band called Disturbed. You know, I really thought it was going to be about Kanye West. Have you heard of Down with the Sickness? The Sickness is freedom, I heard. Yes. Yes. When they say Down with the Sickness, when they say Down with the Sickness, the Sickness is liberals of the PC elites. I heard that. Crang, it's Crang.
Starting point is 00:05:03 May the 6th come down to Whitehall and demand at Jack. Delete Crang's account. Delete Crang and maybe open the DMs of more attractive women. We need more attractive women with their DMs open. We do. I have said to Jack, I have said to at Jack, I've said at Jack, I've said at Jack, my DMs were once open and I would have at least five women, five beautiful women and at least three of them were real and I verified them on their Facebook accounts. You could tell because they have their own live sex chat rooms that they want to talk to you in. Yes. You can't set that up if you're not a real person. Yes. I've met one of them on this website. I don't know if you've heard of it.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Guys, I actually don't have time for this because there are mums in my area who just want to meet me. I'll pick up. If we could wrap this up a bit fast. I met this beautiful woman on and I found her personal website on this beautiful website. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's called Babe Station. Have you heard of Babe Station? I've heard of Babe Station. It's one of the things that's keeping Britain great. It is like, you know what it is? It's like, yeah, you know what? We're not going to be part of the EU anymore. But what we do have is they're going to come trade with us because they're going to need to call the Nokia phones to talk to the girls
Starting point is 00:06:24 rolling around on the mattresses who are definitely the ones answering the phones. And this is what I called my father. This is what I told my father, Steve Bannon about. I said to Steve Bannon, I said, Steve, if we don't get out of the EU, the European Union, John Claude Juncker, he's going to ban Babe Station. He's going to make it difficult to import Nokia 3210s into this country. He's going to say, but no one deserves a Nokia 3210. Well, I say this to you, Mr. Juncker, everyone deserves at least a Nokia 3310. 3310. Yes, Raheem. No tariffs on Nokia 3310s. That's an official trash policy. Down with the sickness, down with Krang and down with the smart phone. Why my book?
Starting point is 00:07:08 Babe Station are actually a step ahead of Elon Musk because they're already in space with the International Babe Station. All right. Can I ask you a question? Babes from around the world. Why are there semen stains on your laptop? Do you not use a little handkerchief? I keep a handkerchief in my jacket every time I go out. So in case I need to bust one, in the name of freedom, in the name of anti-sharia law, I can always wipe it clean so that when I am doing my podcasts, no one has to ask me why are there semen stains on your keyboard? Just dust.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It's kind of weird that it's called curious cat, isn't it? Because infamously, like curiosity killed the cat. That's not really a very good association. It's like calling an airline like 9-11. I mean, you're going to get noticed. Well, I'm going to say welcome back. Welcome back to an episode of Trash Future, the podcast about, you know, the whole thing, you know, the communism. And if we don't do it, the future will be trash. We have the original, well, sort of the original lineup. We have the canonical lineup. Oh, is this where I introduce myself? Yes. Yes, I'm back. I'm back from the vision quest. Much like our thick boy Fanos, I have found four of the five stones, which basically
Starting point is 00:08:46 means I can't unlock the DVD in languages that aren't French, Algerian, Czech, or the most important language, Chechen, of course, because that's really how Evangelion was supposed to be consumed. It was supposed to be consumed through God's own language, Chechen. You want to watch the anime in the original Chechen? Yeah, obviously. So I would be searching for the idea I had for an anime party with the guest of honor being Ramzan Kedilov. So thanks for that. So I'll be searching far and wide for that last stone. Yo, we have to make sure that Ramzan Kedilov never watches anime because if you ever like think about what would happen if Ramzan Kedilov watched like Dragon Ball Z is he would spend the next
Starting point is 00:09:33 like 10 years trying to genetically engineer his son to be able to do a Kamehameha. Yeah, I mean, the alternative successfully do it. The alternative is to make sure he only watches one type of anime, which is love Hina. Oh, oh, that'd be I mean, that'd be sweet Ramzan, like Ramzan Kaderov and just like, okay, if it depends what kind of anime you expose Ramzan Kaderov to, right? Because if there's anything I've learned about him and his obsession with like MMA and stuff, I'm sure he's watched 10 times. Is that? Yeah, sure. And Kurt Eichenwald is that Ramzan Kaderov is ridiculously impressionable. This is what Kurt told me. I think before MMA became popular, I bet he was like watching pro wrestling and thought that he
Starting point is 00:10:22 could like suppress the Chechen Muslim population by doing a wicked suplex off the top rope. Yeah, so it's important that if he is watching any sort of anime, it is stuff that isn't necessarily like genocide or could possibly give him ideas of like forging a giant bazooka cannon. No, no giant robot and no mecha. I don't know. I think it'd be really, I think he's already he's already too powerful. He's so jacked. He looks like he looks like a sort of if Ed Sheeran had gigantism. So yeah, we're gonna send so as like as a piece offering, because we're so inspired by Donald Trump, like because Donald Trump was able to kind of, you know, supposedly help the South Koreans and the North Koreans find some kind of common ground.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Oh, yeah. I mean, I love I don't I mean, look the extent to which they sat them down and made them watch the p-tape. And after that, we must watch that. I mean, I'd make peace with my worst enemy for that corporate Britain. If I can watch the p-tape, I would totally start getting better at like stuff that I should be okay at. Would if someone said to you that you we can let you watch the p-tape, but you have to become a lip. Would you do it? Is the p-tape worth becoming? What kind of lip do I have to become? Do I do I need to? Okay, on the scale of paying for watch the p-tape. And then you have to tweet Donald Trump and say, sir, sir, this is a disgrace to the presidency. So I could
Starting point is 00:11:59 become like one of those Krasenstein guys. Yeah, the ultimate the ultimate Trump reply Bitcoin evangelists. You're not familiar with these guys? No, they're two brothers who were implicated to the president. There were two. They were just two brothers. Right. There were two brothers. I go to Ed and something else Krasenstein. Yeah. And they like they are like they have like they have like half a million followers. They each follow like half a million people. So like follow back guys and they were both implicated in some kind of like shady business dealing a few years ago. And now they're like citizen journalists who are like, Mr Trump, we are going to expose your lies and and whatever and they're underneath every reply,
Starting point is 00:12:40 but really is his own lies. Yeah, exactly. Like that's that's what it is. It's it's I called the it's that like his whole family just is completely like guileless that when they it's like I think that way like the way they think of the crime being committed is they think you can only do it if you're dressed in like striped pajamas and holding a giant dollar signed sack. Yeah. Like so you would become the third brother fucking Donald Trump Jr. who's linked in page is his job crime. I think Jesse far Jesse Farrah bronze hammer. I think it was him who made a fake Daryl Krasenstein. No, I fucking love those guys, but no, here's what we're going to do with this.
Starting point is 00:13:23 His name sounds like a parody account name. I mean, it's very easily parodyable. He wants seriously reply was like, oh, there are nine accounts pretending to be me. And one was just called Ed Krasenstein's mom. And it was like, dude, he's pretending to be your mom. But we can't just do Twitter this week in Twitter. It's like it's like one of those memes where it's like there are nine, choose one, he will fight with you. The other eight will try to kill you. Choose wisely. No, it's like Trump, Russia, honor, freedom, Bitcoin. That's what it means to be a Krasenstein. Nice. Yo, so but we can't just be Twitter recap. Right. We have to do other stuff as well. And we made a curious cat for all you curious cats out there. So you could ask some questions
Starting point is 00:14:11 to us. So we both have curious cats. And what I found is that people seem to send you very weird and thirsty messages. Yes. Like all the time. Yeah. And on the ones that I choose to broadcast, most of them are either kind of weirdo Muslims asking, like, what kind of Muslim am I? Or they will be people who will find out with this free quiz from Cambridge Analytica. Or they'll just like, well, they'll just like send me these really random messages, which will sometimes go along the lines of coffee is not a soup, which is wrong, by the way. I think that was me. It's a soup. It's in the Hadeeth. I think there was one, there was one really,
Starting point is 00:14:54 there was one like very, very strange one, which I'm trying to find the moment. I'll find it in a second. But yeah, like maybe just like very strange messages. And I kind of, this is very strange golf. And I'm just kind of wondering, like, is it because like on Twitter, do you like portray yourself as like an inherently sexual person? And is this why you're getting these messages? I mean, well, I guess everyone on, I don't know, I don't think so. Unless people think that 90% of Riley's horny curious cat messages are from his girlfriend. That's true. She is very horny on main. Yo, so shall we, shall we, shall we see what, what the people have asked?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yes, let's do it. Let's do it. Okay. How many journalists have turned down appearing on the podcast for reputational reasons? Right. Okay. So we're not allowed to name them, but there have actually been, there have been a couple of people who have turned them down. And one of them actually did say, I'm not going on your show because I want to still keep my job. You know who you are. And that's, I mean, it's probably an all right decision, but also you're a bit of a pussy as well. But I still want to write stuff for you. So please do get in touch. I think,
Starting point is 00:16:02 as far as I know, I think there's been about three. Oh man. I know one of them. There's other two. Plus, plus Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, if I would be off brand. Well, he is too much on his plate. It's a friend of the show. He has too much going on. He runs various newspapers. He's more of like a mogul than anything else. But yeah, so we both know one of them who was like a fairly big dog and he would have been, he could have been fun, but also like he was, he's not a comrade.
Starting point is 00:16:27 So it could have really gone like various ways. And there's been a couple of others who have sort of been like lukewarm. They've kind of been, we'll think about it and then they never come back to you, which I guess is like sort of a throwback to, you know, when we were both teenagers trying to go on dates. Studying the blade instead, of course. We decided to study the blade, which we're still doing. So, okay. Let's see. Will Keith come on trash teacher? Who you? What's a good fun one that we can do?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Can you do a call me? Can you do a call me by your name style switcheroo, where everyone is switched to another co-host's name? I've never seen call me by your name. So I know of, I don't watch like good movies. That's reactionary. So I have literally no idea what this question's about. I think it's, I mean, I think like a call me, but I know that a call me, call me by your name is like a, like a, like a homosexual love story. And there is a scene where a guy fucks a peach.
Starting point is 00:17:24 What? Yeah. There's a scene in the film. Is that like James and the giant peach? I don't know how big the peach is. All I know is fucks a peach. I don't think James and the giant peach is a homosexual love story. On Tumblr, there were just fucking peaches everywhere and I was trying to figure out why, and then I typed in peaches on Tumblr and I found out. It's the, it's the emoji.
Starting point is 00:17:45 A story of forbidden love between a boy and his giant. Society wouldn't accept them. Only the open sea would. James and the giant peach is just war from the perspective of a peach. What's weird is that the peach doesn't decay during the film. Like peaches, they go off fast. Fucking hell. Roll doll. You're on notice, bitch. I think this peach was clearly GMO. Not only because of the size, but because James and the giant peach
Starting point is 00:18:10 suffers from some radical departure, some realism. Milo, here's one for you. I think there should be more in-depth classics jokes. In particular, I would like a riff on the storyline from the Aeneid where he goes into the underworld and meets Caesar and Octavian. Hell yeah. I fully agree with this. I think we should do a whole episode of Trash Future, where we speak to the Sibyl and go to the underworld and we meet like
Starting point is 00:18:36 our progenitor podcasters of future centuries. I mean, we're all like talking about busting in terms that our tiny brains can barely even understand. Well, because that's basically like the most propagand- In terms of the Aeneid being a bit of propaganda, that's the most propagandistic scene, or one of the most propagandistic scenes, right? Where it's like- That and the exorcist of the shield.
Starting point is 00:19:02 You know I hate the shield. Yeah, but I'm agreeing with you that the shield is propaganda. Octavian was like one of the original like Snoop Dogg type people who like changed his name several times throughout his career, according to like current trends, or like Pea Diddy actually is the original, isn't he? Puff Diddy, Pea Diddy, Diddy, Octavian, same thing. Well, it's Octavian fucking Augustus, Caesar Augustus, you know, who is this guy? Well, there you go. There is your riff on the storyline from the Aeneid,
Starting point is 00:19:33 where he goes into the underworld and meets Caesar and Octavian. I hope it was worth it. Nate, turn that shit up. Crank that shit to 11. Let's see. You know how they caught the unibomber, because they recognized his style of writing in the manifesto. Do you think that will ever happen with posting? What they will get caught, like our bad tweets.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Well, because the unibomber, like he actually made the manifesto, didn't he? Yeah, yeah. You can pile stuff, whereas I think in the case of like posters, it's just going to be like someone like recovering an archive of tweets. And imagine like, imagine someone like going through our tweets, right? And just having to go through all the shit that's been on there. And like, you'll have like newscasts about trying to like put these tenuous links between like Evangelion related tweets to stuff about like not peeing.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And like, we'll basically create the subculture just built out of like stupid internet humor that at some point, Newt Gindritch will be on TV being like, we have to burn Evangelion. And we have to make sure that every young person pees at least five times a day. It's turning the people with the time to do that kind of research. Are the follow back brothers? I want to be the person who goes the greatest investigative journalists of our time. I want to be like the forensic.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I want, I'll join the cops as like a forensic cop, but only if I get to go through people's tweets. You're going to, no, you're, you're, you're like the, you're going to join the vampire castle police police department pre woke period division. I mean, yeah, vampire castle police department. We really do get a lot of a lot of blood draining murders. That is the chief kind of crime we encounter. Otherwise it's very calm actually.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah, I love it. If I, if I said the word crazy in 2013, and then I turn up with all my blood drained, I find that so funny that the people who genuinely think you can't call people stupid because it's a boost. If you could replace Milo with either a techno remix of work by Rihanna or an effigy of Ayatollah Khomeini, which would you pick? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Whoa. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Okay. Milo, what do you want to get replaced with? It'd be like a sort of Ben Garrison version of him where he's really ripped. A really ripped effigy of Ayatollah Khomeini.
Starting point is 00:21:55 By the way, it's Khomeini. It's not Khomeini, but you'd have to have Khomeini written after you're after you murdering the pronunciation of Ramzan Kedirov. I'm not going to take anything from you. Well, no, I'm saying it's it. There's are two different Ayatollahs. There's Khomeini and Khomeini.
Starting point is 00:22:08 There are two different ones. Khomeini is like the big badass one. Oh, yeah. Khomeini is just like a bitch. Khoma, Khoma, Khomaini. Khomeini is just a bitch. Yeah, Khomeini. Khomeini is fucking he's he's he number one.
Starting point is 00:22:20 He's tall. He's he's he's tall as shit. He's got a sweet beard. It's for Chad versus. And he's lifting like a huge steel girder that has the constitution written on it. Yo, one is about permanent revolution exporting the spirit of 1979, whereas you can recognize the Virgin by his slumped posture agreeing to nuclear nuclear deal with the U.S. getting cucked by Ben Rhodes.
Starting point is 00:22:46 So I mean, if you get cucked by Ben Rhodes, who is himself the ultimate cock, what does that make? What does that make? Khomeini, the official trash future cut crankings. Yeah. Ayatollah cock, Mani. No, no. Remember Khomeini rocks that you can never forget that.
Starting point is 00:23:05 It's the key. It's the key position of this show is like communism with Islam with communism with Islamic elements like. That's pretty sweet on the face of it. It's what it's what the is what the brave soldiers fighting for free speech on May the 6th are really fighting for. Exactly, so that a giant effigy of Ayatollah Khomeini can hang in Hackney. And do our podcast with us and help us do podcasting.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Getting back to the real meat of this question. It's really if you could replace Milo with a techno remix of work by Rihanna feet Drake or an effigy of Ayatollah Khomeini, pure of heart. I edited that bit in, which would you pick? Now, here's the thing. We have to remember that podcasting is an audio medium. But I refuse to be replaced by anything which contains Drake. So it's got to be Ayatollah Khomeini.
Starting point is 00:23:54 You can put in the like Black Hawk Down music. Yes. Oh, yes. So if we only have the two choices, then obviously I think we're going to. That's what I'll be replaced by. Just that we'll go with Khomeini and no music, which I personally think would make a better show or Islamic and more halal and be more music is more Khomeini. I mean, that's from ISIS techno.
Starting point is 00:24:17 And also, as I've mentioned many times on the show, techno isn't even music. So well, fuck off then. Go back to collecting your chaos emerald. So you can like, you know, I don't finally like, I mean, you can just search Masato Katsuragi naked online. You know, there will be people who've drawn it. It's not the same. It's not the same.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I want to see the Hidaki Arno original. Oh, shit. That actually gets into a little bit of a Walter Benjamin argument, right? Yeah. We're talking about the work of his essay from the 30s, the work of art in age of mechanical reproduction, where he talks about like this idea of aura, right? Where the original where sort of in order to sort of maintain the sort of bourgeois exclusivity of art, you have to it's connected to a certain place in time.
Starting point is 00:25:04 That's what distinguishes like Van Gogh's starry night as Van Gogh painted it from a otherwise perfect copy. And it's through ownership that you gain that aura. So the owner of starry night is allowed to commission copies. Anyone else who copies starry night without getting that permission is a forger, right? And so what you've been done, what's happened to you is you've been taken in by the aura of Hidaki Arno's creation, which is actually a bourgeois affectation that you won't just Google image search, Misato Katsuragi naked.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So you basically just described my entire vision. Does that mean that the start of this episode is technically a forgery of Raheem Kassam? No, you've misunderstood the concept entirely, Milo. That's about normal time to move on. Time to drink exactly one sip of coffee and move on. Exactly one sip of coffee soup. Let's see. Why don't we do a more serious one?
Starting point is 00:26:04 In what way or ways will you guys be protesting or celebrating the impending visit of President Trump? So this is interesting. I don't know what our position is on this. I think largely in the sense that on the one hand, it's going to be a warm Friday. And I would rather sit in a park and drink exactly one can of water and listen to this American life or something like that. But at the same time, big process could be fun because there's lots of people.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And you know, there's a certain energy. Oh, okay. I thought you were going to use the microphones to somehow open your beer. Oh, I like the sound. I was just like, what's the point? But okay, fine. Is that where you're going to leave like open the show? Like the sound of...
Starting point is 00:26:51 I want people to know I'm cool, Hussain. So people know you're drinking exactly one beer. But I sort of feel that we're too sort of lazy to protest, right? I wonder like it's... I have this thing where I think about... So I protest on my own in Moscow. No, you'll be living in the UK at that point. It's July 13th.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Oh, yeah, I'll be back. And I will actually be in France on July 13th. You'll be back or I'll beg daddy. I'll just go out and protest. I'm like, I'm early for Bastille Day. I have a question really, the extent to which going and just protesting that Trump's here is... I mean, look, we should do...
Starting point is 00:27:26 It's something you should do, but I think it's very easy to overreact how effective it will be. Because a lot of these protests, they don't really have a goal other than just expression in itself. My goal is to express how I feel. And I just assume that by some mechanism, that my expression of my feelings will kind of work through to some material change in the world. I mean, you can kind of say that. It's going to be full of fucking libs who are like, oh, my God, Trump is so bad. Trump is so bad for women.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Oh, my God, Trump is so rude. He's so bad. And he tweets all this stuff, he's so bad. And they have no actual real coherent position. I sort of see that perspective. Nicey, nicey, traditional politician. And protesting him is pointless. He doesn't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:28:24 And none of the people who support him give a fuck. And so it's like, you've got a campaign on issues, really. I mean, just saying, going boo Trump is whatever. Like, you're not doing anything. It makes you feel better. So I'm sort of in two minds about that. Because in the one hand, I sort of sympathize with that position. And I do sort of feel that protesting big personalities who are like shitheads,
Starting point is 00:28:46 just for the sake of it, doesn't necessarily lead itself to any sort of material lens. But a couple of months ago, obviously, there were those kind of... You know, it won't be as big as the Trump protests, but they were quite big, considering like of our boy Mohammed bin Salman, right? When the King, when the Saudi Arabian King came to the UK, and there were lots of people protesting against his ongoing war in Yemen, and all the shit he basically has done in Syria and stuff like that. Like, I don't think we would have been so kind of forthright in kind of saying,
Starting point is 00:29:16 well, there's no point protesting this character because, you know, where is it going to go? I think the thing with the Trump thing is that because he's like, he occupies such a huge space in like our pop culture psyche, up to the point where like, and people have said this before, the 2016 election has like not ended. 2016 has not ended. So for people who kind of talk about this, think about this all the time, like it's really exhausting. It's really exhausting for us to think, okay, we're going to stand for a few hours in the sun and basically like make fun of
Starting point is 00:29:47 his orange skin and his like yellow hair and stuff. But my, the alternative way of thinking is this may engage lots of people who do not like, aren't particularly interested in like the nuances of politics. And if you have a certain percentage of those people who kind of say, I've been to this protest, I'm sort of like charged, I feel like a sense of recharge, I'm going to investigate like certain things further. That could actually be really good and bear in mind, but like lots of like a new, lots of like the new generation of like lefty, lefty types,
Starting point is 00:30:18 whether in like the Labour Party or even like the young socialists, democratic socialists in America, like they have, they haven't come as being, you know, lifelong socialists or people who are like well versed in socialist theory. They came because of these like big momentous things and decided to stay. So really, I think this is a good opportunity for like leftist groups and like campaigners and campaign groups to say, okay, we've got potentially this huge pool of people who share our broader goals, but you know, let's not kind of try push them out or like, let's not alienate them.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I think the key, I think that's exactly right. And I think the key is the protest can't just be boo Trump. It has to be boo Trump, but hooray something else. It has to, it has to, it can't, it has to build to something. It can't just be an expression of anger. So I can't go with, I can't go with a sign that says boo Trump. But that is what it will be. It's like, that is creating something.
Starting point is 00:31:13 That is like the vast majority of people who will go to that protest are people who just be like boo Trump, regardless of whether like some people go to it with like actual goals and like tangible plans. I'm really interested in seeing the people who are going out into the pool of Trump, right? Because we know sort of who they'll be. But the thing that I really want to do is see Paul Joseph Watson in the flesh. I mean, that's interesting. Do you think he takes that map with him?
Starting point is 00:31:46 He can't be seen not in front of the map. It's just so he doesn't get lost. He needs like an 18th century seafaring map. He refuses to use any other maps. He's completely confused by the tube. He's like, he's like Victoria. I thought this was the Northwest passage. He doesn't, he doesn't trust Google Maps.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Okay, he's like, he's like trying to get on the Northern line using a sextant. Look, I think ultimately like it's, it's important to protest Trump's visit because he's a, he is the ghoulish manifestation of the worst elements of America of Western democracy and American democracy in particular. I just think that it's important not to get your hopes up for the idea that a mass, a mass protest that, you know, doesn't then say sees anything is going to do much directly. I think what we have to do is hope and not just hope, but try to organize the idea that it will go on to something.
Starting point is 00:32:53 There's a part two. If you listen to this show, I encourage you to go to the protest. If you take a sign that says, show us the piss tape. I'm sure there'll be lots of signs that show us the pee tape and stuff. So I've got a couple, a couple on here that are basically thematically related. Okay. What would you recommend a baby Marxist reads, listens to or watches? I want to be able to say things like materialist analysis and dialectical and actually know what
Starting point is 00:33:19 I'm saying. In the second one, your political and social views as a whole in the podcast appealed to my own feelings. Thank you. However, I don't feel as clued up in the more detailed aspects of it. Where's my best place to start in terms of reading? Capital volume three, right? The Godfather three Marxist literature.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I would say start a podcast with Riley. So I'd go on this website and explain it to you. I'd go on to this website called spark notes. Because that's what I do. I haven't, I haven't read like most kind of like the leftist literature that I assume that you have. And I haven't read classics or obvious reasons that I did not go to Oxbridge. Though I am now kind of, I'm obsessed with the idea of like Virgil being a hack. Like I just think about, I just think about that line.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Like at the most random, at the most random moment, it's like, oh, Virgil, Virgil was a hack. That's, that's, that's like, that's a lot. Okay. Okay. But what, what do you recommend? Someone like, from what materials do you build your point of view? And what do you think someone should look into? So I was very interested in contemporary stuff. And most of it was related to bullshit jobs. So things like like, writes like David Graber is like a really good, really good place to start.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Like a lot of like back issues of Jacobin, which you get online. That was how you came on the show the first time. That was when things were, that's when I came on as a smart person. And now I'm just stupid. Hashtag throwback. So like back issues of Jacobin, a good way to get into subjects without kind of being too, about being too bogged down into like loads of theory, to scent magazine, I think is an interesting, interesting one.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I'm really interested in like, how I'm interested in just like the way that young people live in like cities, cities such as England. Yes. Yes. The famous city, the famous city of England. I'd love a medieval Nick Crompton, where he opens up a pub like called the city, C-I-T-T-I-E of England, of England with another E on the end of it. It'd be fucking sweet. He just gets like, he just gets like Shanghai to board some ship that's going to like America as a social experiment. And there's someone who is painting it really fast.
Starting point is 00:35:45 So you could do a flip book. Well, that's our next trash project. He ends up being tried for witchcraft. And then people can, and then people can say, verily, or, or whatever they'd say for no. And also, and also like this show is a technology show, right? And we very like, Not like half. I always think the way I always describe the show is, is, I mean, it's a comedy show for one.
Starting point is 00:36:06 But it's, it's the way that it's, it's a show about why modernity hasn't been all that it's cracked up to be. And part of that, it's sort of part of that technology, but like a part, it's, it's, there's a lot of other shit too. As to like just why it's, it's like, there's a little bit, it's like, where's my jet pack? But mostly it's just like, there are, there were a series of choices that have been made by people in power over the last 20, 30, 40 years, thousands of years or whatever
Starting point is 00:36:36 that have basically meant that the world is getting better for a smaller and smaller number of people and it's getting crueler and more asinine for everyone else. But the main thing is we want to return to an understanding of anatomy based on the four humors. I've been very biolous recently in terms of humors, although I came onto this show positively phlegmatic. The four, the four humors being a busting jokes, weird online jokes, dunking jokes and cum jokes. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:37:08 In terms of like the big kind of theory books, because this would also be useful for me, mainly to understand what the fuck you'd like to talk about sometimes. What are like the stuff you would recommend? And I'm going to think about, I'm going to try to be a little clever about this, because I don't think a lot of our listeners have time necessarily to like read capital. I think there are a lot. And also like the thing to remember is like capital is full of like charts and graphs and a lot of hard economic evidence from the early 19th century about why
Starting point is 00:37:41 like the spinning Jenny would eventually become too expensive to build. It's a very, very esoteric. A great Marxist prediction. Well, I think again, it's only incidentally wrong. I think the core mechanism he's describing is correct. It's just that when the rate of profit falls, capital is very good at finding other things to cannibalize, which is what late capitalism is. It's when capitalism starts to consume its own.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It's we've run out of other markets. We've run out of other resources. Now we're just monetizing people's like emotions or whatever. Anyway, that's beside the point. I think actual cannibalism is not far from getting disrupted by an app. Oh, yeah. We're about to have like fuel by humans for humans of humans, humans.
Starting point is 00:38:31 It's like cannibal but spell Ellie at the end instead of L. So look, what I read, I mean, at this point, a lot of what I read is just what I get sent for Kami Book Club. I've got, I'm actually really excited. I've got Dan Hancox's book that came through to me today. But what I read, okay, I digress. What I read, what I would read is I wouldn't read capital. I would read about capital.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I would understand what Marx was saying. I'd understand the basis of his arguments. You know what I actually recommend? There's a podcast called The Discourse Collective and they actually have several theory episodes from I think late last year where they actually read through and explain capital for you. I think that those guys, that is like the anime to the manga of the original Das Kapital. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:28 It's the anime. It is the anime of Marx. I'd strongly recommend listening to The Discourse Collective. Das Kapital book of the film. You watched the movie, now read the book. That's the only way that, that's the only way it's going to be sold at like. I fucking, I fucking love novel adaptations of films. I think it's the best genre of literature.
Starting point is 00:39:51 This is so pointless. Okay. So what else in terms of, in terms of like more modern stuff? Look, I think that you can, you can find publishers and sort of begin to just look at what they're putting out and decide what interests you. So do like really good sales a lot. Yeah. So I treat myself like a lot when they do like 50% sales, Christmas sales. Yeah. There's a lot of, there's a lot of like really good,
Starting point is 00:40:24 there's a lot of really good stuff in there. But the other thing was, I think, and this is sort of where I get a lot of just the things that I talk about is I used to like work as a writer of academic books. So I just had to read a lot of that shit. One of the books that I found really most affecting was John Hobson's Imperialism, a study from 1900. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And it's, and he basically just talks about why the ways in which sort of under consumption and over-saving by, well, the wealthy essentially lead to there being no market for their products at home. There is no, but more importantly, not just no market. There's no way to profitably dispose of their capital. Yeah. And so they encourage governments to invade other countries to largely so that they can invest their capital assets there and they're thereby secured by imperialism.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Yeah. It is a very succinct way of explaining why not only this distribution of wealth that we have in the system by which it's distributed is fundamentally illogical, it also is a very good exposition on precisely how that lack of reason doesn't just lead to, say, poor economic outcomes at home, it also leads to fundamental injustice. I think Hobson is a brilliant polemicist and I'm a huge fan. Otherwise, more modern stuff. It's arguably the second best book on the topic after Nigel Bigger's Imperialism,
Starting point is 00:42:07 the most ambitious railway project of all time. Nigel Bigger's Imperialism, a cheerleading squad. There is like one go-to place though, one go-to place for anyone who wants to get into this game, smokes on cigarette. This is a little publication, printed just out of London. I don't know if you've heard of it before. It's called Monocle. Oh, I thought you were going to do spiked.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Spiked is like way above, you know, that's like proper galaxy brain stuff. You don't recommend that shit to amateurs. Redistributing wealth, the working class is actually patronizing. It's an eye with an exclamation mark. You know, I used to work at Monocle. Yeah, you've mentioned. That's why I mentioned it. It was supposed to be a f-f-f-fuck sake.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Monocle, the foremost magazine about having no depth perception. If I like modern stuff, I'll put it on Kami Book Club. So, Psychopolitics and the Amateur are two really good books I'd recommend. Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher is really short. All these books are really short and digestible, and I'd strongly recommend them. Also, that movie Young Marks is really fun. Is it?
Starting point is 00:43:15 Yeah, it's really fun. Okay. It's like, yeah, I really enjoy it. Do we have time for any more questions? Do we have time for one more? And of course, book of the film, Das Kapital. Okay. Shall we do a funny one or a regular one?
Starting point is 00:43:31 I think a funny one. That was, yeah. Let's do a couple funny ones really fast. Will Olga and Keely have a threesome with me? Quickfire round. Probably. Maybe. Next question.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Can I come on the sailor hat? Or a sailor hat, my profile picture. It's your hat, man. It's your hat. No, I lost the hat. The hat's gone. A classic trash-eater game of soggy hats. How far are you through solving racism?
Starting point is 00:43:55 How are we going to solve racism? Yeah. Um, that's an interesting question. I think that we're only solved racism when everyone has their own irony podcast. Freedom of speech. Everyone has, so basically when every other like outlet of free speech dies except for the podcast
Starting point is 00:44:10 and the rule is that everyone is allowed to have a podcast but that is it. Nothing else. That's perfect. I mean, I think that we only will solve racism when we give racists the biggest platform possible so that most people can debate their ideas in the Menchies. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah, right. Like we need, we need to let, you know, fucking Jack Buckby get on and get on the BBC and talk about like, you know, the Italian brain pan or whatever so that everyone can say, uh, actually the Italian brain pan is a fallacy and most Italians have the cognitive function of a normal child. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:52 So we can't be discriminating against them. Oh, wait, was that my Italian girlfriend? No, it wasn't. Good old. Good old. I have an Italian girlfriend. I'm allowed to talk about the brain pan. Yeah, of course you do.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Is Hussein single? I've made very clear in my curious cat that not only would I never date but I ideally would not like to ever like speak to women just just just for religious reasons. I'm sorry. What happened to Abby? Abby moved to the States and we are not able to like time recording with her because when we tend to record she tends to be like busy at work
Starting point is 00:45:27 but we are all still good friends and I'm going to go see her in the States next month. Nice. Let's see. Oh, is this Abby? Yes. How do you edit out all the noise coming from Riley, focus frolicking in his home office ball pit while you record?
Starting point is 00:45:42 I'm a longtime baller trying to start a podcast but so far all my attempts to record have been completely ruined by the sound of plastic frantically slapping against plastic and flash. Not frolicking is not an option. Thank you. We have a guy called Nate and Nate helps us make our shit show sound good. And when he edits the show he often DMs us saying this like just DMs us with pictures
Starting point is 00:46:08 of himself like with his head in his hands. That's like enough to kind of show. So if you listen to like some of the early recordings with like Riley used to edit like I listen to this show like on my commute to work in the mornings and there'll be times when just like listening listening to an unedited record of this show is a bit like watching that video from the ring. Like you will not survive long. My ears hurt because of like this sudden weird sound of like microphones.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Like, yeah, stuff like that. Yeah. Or just like these popping sounds and stuff it and it'll be like. Pop, pop. That's me fucking shooting lambs at the rap game. It'll be interspersed with like really crisp audio from my life. For real? So Nate's the one who makes it sound okay.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Exactly. And I like to also point out I'm not in the ball pit because it's fun. I'm in the ball pit because it helps me stay enraged. And that is and that you have merely adopted the ball pit. I was raised by it. I can't wait until water births. They let trend of like giving birth in a bathtub gives way to ball pit births. So your baby is quirky and fun.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Oh, hell yeah. The most fun kind of birth. The final question. The baby comes out and gets handed a complimentary glass of Prosecco. Oh God. I hate our entire society and culture. I think the final question that we're going to handle on our Q&A episode. Will Hussein be returning for the Q&A episode?
Starting point is 00:47:39 No. Yes. I'm a lib now and I'm actually using this is my last appearance on Trash Future because I will be joining the wonderful crew. I'm going to be a Romanian. Yeah. No. And then we're going to change them to Husaniacs.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I'm going to join the Romania on the basis that like I want part of the living genes universe. Oh my God. Are you going to run off under cover of night to go join the Romania and fight in like in rexom? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I want to stay in the EU because like I need I need smoother anime delivery services. And without free movement, I'm not going to be able to watch the final hidden season of Love Hina. That infuriates me.
Starting point is 00:48:27 What? What? Junko wants to put tariffs on Hensai when that's why he must be stopped. When Keitaro from Love Hina like falls in love with Kauru from Evangelion. Hell yeah, my bitch. How the fuck did you find my fan fiction? How the fuck did you find my secret tumbler? Also, yeah, I should also note for our listeners, I do have a secret tumbler and if you find it,
Starting point is 00:48:51 I'm sorry. But also there might be like a show about the secret tumbler. If you find the secret tumbler, you win a picture of Charlie Palmer in a cowboy hat. That's a really, really old back. Oh, I thought like Charlie Palmer looks like the Walmart kid. What? You know the Walmart kid? No.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yodely Walmart kid. Oh, I keep seeing that when I never looked at it. Look at famously shorter people in shortness. Charlie Palmer is like the big Walmart kid. The Walmart kid grew and that kid grew up to be Charlie Palmer. Nice. A large son. Charlie Palmer is a big guy.
Starting point is 00:49:31 He's not a small man. He's this podcast. He's like a tall dude. Yeah, he's a tall guy. He's like, man, man is six foot motherfucking five. Um, I'm so I'm going to be. When he yodels, it really reaches the surrounding hills. I'm going to be going to Russia tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Oh, really? Yeah. How come? Oh, yeah. I'm a bitch hanging with Milo's spread comparable. Just so I can, just so I can let Eric Arlen know. Yeah. Well, he'll, he'll make it.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah. We're in search of the p-tapes. That's why Rady is coming. Thank you everybody for listening. Hussein, I'm so glad that you're back from your vision quest. I'm done. I'm done with the show. I'm done with the show.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I'm a Romaniac now. You're going to have like 18 hashtags in your name now, like AC Grayling. AC Grayling, otherwise known as anime connoisseur grayling. MC Grayling on the mic.

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