TRASHFUTURE - The Tears of Lloyd Blankfein feat. Josh Androsky

Episode Date: August 8, 2018

In this first episode of Trashfuture’s second year, Riley (@raaleh), Hussein (@HKesvani), and Milo (@Milo_Edwards), speak to DSA Los Angeles activist Josh Androsky (@ShutUpAndrosky) about public ban...king, liberalism’s inability to provide answers in a rapidly worsening world, Tommy Robinson's total madness, and right-wing freakouts online. And on that note, this podcast is effectively a piece of evidence in Hussein’s upcoming soup malfeasance trial. You can commodify your dissent with a t-shirt from You can also purchase useful kitchen implements from our socialist cookware sponsor, Vremi ( Nate (@inthesedeserts) produced this from Brooklyn, but in less than a month’s time he’ll be producing it while living in London permanently, just in time for [#FBPE voice] B  r  e  x  i  t .

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, sir. This is 999. What is your emergency? Hi. Hi, officer, officer, officer. This is an emergency. I'm panicking. I'm panicking. Sir, please calm down. Please tell me the nature of your emergency. Okay, I'll try. I'll try. I was on this website, this very normal website. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's called Sir, we have heard of before here at the American division of the London Metropolitan Police Department. I was on, definitely not looking at photographs of girls that I went to school with 10 years ago. Affirmative. Affirmative. You stand down the squad. He was not looking. He was not thirst trapping. Repeat. Caller was not thirst trapping. Go on, sir. And I saw this man, this
Starting point is 00:00:42 man, this brown Asian man with beautiful skin. I don't know how he's able to get that kind of skin. Maybe it's some sort of elaborate skincare routine. Sir, that has been noted. And he's tweeted, he's tweeted, I for one love to discriminate against white people at the cafe that I work in by charging them for soup when they order coffee. The owner of this cafe has known about it for years, but he won't discipline me because he is afraid of being racist. Sir, what is your location? We are going to establish a tactical nuclear position, sir. He says on his Twitter profile that he is based in London, England, and I would be careful, officer, because I've read many things about how London has been taken over by Sharia
Starting point is 00:01:33 police. Sir, I would suggest you get to cover as we have deployed a, the tried and tactical nuclear device that the trader Corbin has tried to remove and do not worry, sir. We will eliminate not only this particular Sharia compliant cafe, but every single business person and land animal within 37 miles of this place and that angle will finally go back to what it was before it was taken over by the cultural Marxists and the Islamists. Thank you, officer. This is a very rational response. God save the Queen, sir. God bless. God bless, officer. God bless. Thank you for keeping our streets safe from Sharia compliant cafes. Hello and welcome back once again to the first episode of the second year of trash future,
Starting point is 00:02:35 the trash future about how the pod is cast trash future to electric. Lads, before we begin, I really enjoyed that skit. There's only there's only two things I have to doc you points for the first of which is not saying that the strike would be deployed via Elon Musk tactical submarine and the second strike not accidentally missing and destroying a Yemeni wedding instead. I also have to doc you points for not saying pod save the Queen. Rebrand the Romaniacs. Your Romaniacs fucking Ian Dunn. You hear us. That's your new fucking name, bitch. Oh, no, he done. Yo, no, so hi, it's trash future. We had a week off because I was in Berlin, but I'm back now. And yeah, guys, today's been a really regular day online, huh? It's been the
Starting point is 00:03:30 most regular day I've ever been on. John was into just ever since I've been on the Internet. So yeah, it's been regular as hell. It's been positively grand day by the Starbucks system. Just just just a normal one. I'm gonna introduce everyone. Then we're gonna explain what the fuck happened because it's hilarious. I'm Riley. You can find me on Twitter at Rala R-A-L-E-H with me is Hussein. At H-Kizbani. My username right now is famous super muslim. On the phone from Edinburgh, we got Milo. What's up Milo? Yeah, yo, it's me, your boy. I've driven like 10 hours today and I'm feeling fresh at Milo underscore. You know where your boy at. We know what to do. And then joining us today is not follow me joining us today
Starting point is 00:04:15 is Josh Androski, who's an organizer with the DSA LA and generally a funny guy. What's up Josh? Hi, I have no opinions on soup or muslim. You are about to get some. You're about to get some. Hussein, I'm in the perfect place. You want to tell me a little bit about what happened today? Okay, so the story really begins last night. Yo, I'm sorry everybody who were doing Twitter review before, but we can't not do this. It's too fun. So last night I went to go pick up my sister at the train station and I was a bit early. So I decided as a normal person should to just go on Twitter and see what everyone was getting up to. You wanted to catch up with your friends on Twitter. It was a normal day. And you know what Jack Dorsey says Twitter is a great way. It's a great way.
Starting point is 00:04:59 It's a great way to just have a normal one. So the serious thing was there was a case of Sarah Young, who is a writer and lawyer. She used to write for the Verge. She was selected to go on the New York Times editorial board. And when she was selected, a bunch of like right-wing people, Jack Posobiec, Mike Sanovic, they basically like Jack Pryla sack. They went through like all her old tweets and she had made a bunch of jokes about white people. So they were like pretty milk toast jokes. They were stuff like, you know, basically like white people be driving like this. Yeah. You know, white people can't jump. White people smell a bit of wet, like wet dogs, you know, stuff that is true. That's how we did imperialism. Yeah, we stand out the place.
Starting point is 00:05:45 You know, Hussain, what you don't understand is the years of systematic oppression behind those words. I'm sorry if I offended you at your culture. So years of being cocked by strong black men. And I find those words offensive. So yeah. So everyone was sort of talking about, you know, what the limits of like race discourse was, right? Whatever the fuck you want to call about. Like, you know, at what point could like a person of color make a joke about a white person online, especially when the people who are supposedly getting triggered by these jokes are the ones who have basically built careers out of left-wing people supposedly being too sensitive to jokes. Yeah. So what do you do? So me being a broad genius idiot, I tweeted, I mean, I said it at the
Starting point is 00:06:26 beginning of the show, but I basically tweeted that I worked in this cafe and I've been working at this cafe for a number of years and I've been charging white people who order coffee. I've been charging them the price of soup. It's the same thing I did with the fake pee pub thing. Yeah. And I said that if you want to know about the pee pub thing, please at Alex Keely or wait for no pee pub January. Alex Keely is A L E X K E A L Y. He will tell you all about it. So I said that the boss of this cafe had known about my tricks for a very long time, but he wouldn't say anything to me because he was afraid that he would come off as racist. So, you know, if you were like even remotely intelligent, right, you could probably understand that this was a pretty stupid
Starting point is 00:07:09 thing, right? Yeah. It's pretty unfeasible. Hell yeah. Even by our standards, it basically feeds into the whole like coffee is a soup trope that I've been like pushing every episode since I basically joined the show and it was really just for our listeners, right? Yeah. It was a joke for the listeners. So then what happened was this guy, friend of the show, David Vance, friend of the show, like fascist Mr. Clean, Mr. Ethnic Clean, Mr. Ethnic Clean, friend of the show, David Vance quote tweeted it saying a racist rights and that's when it all started, right? So like all his followers, I'm going to bring it up now because all of this is just stupidly done. So all his followers were basically like tweeting me stuff like where is this cafe? I feel that we need to
Starting point is 00:07:51 write a letter to the owner now. You know, there was another... Well, I'll say this. I'll say this. We didn't do a skit about calling the police for no reason at the opening of this show. I'll get to that. I'll get to that. There was another one, which were send the owner a beast and desist letter. The cafe is at 10 Downing Street. There were other ones like, you know, you live in a white country. You must respect white people. There was... No, they signed for an AF. So Mason were like, ha, if it was reversed, if I was overcharging black people for coffee by giving them soup prices, you would beat racism and discrimination. But when it's over white people, it's fine. And then, I don't know, it kind of
Starting point is 00:08:42 descended into like some real like dumb shit. There's a bunch of people in my mentions right now discussing whether coffee is a soup, why they hate soup, why they will never drink coffee, because in England tea is the only... The great irony of this is, if you advertise some New Age coffee delivery product and you put up an ad saying, coffee today at soup prices, people would totally buy that shit, especially white people. Well, it's because conservatives get mad, libs get like ambitious. So that's where it ended last night. And I was like, okay, that was fun. But then this morning, someone else tweeted it. Who was it? No more than our good friend,
Starting point is 00:09:22 Paul Joseph Watson. I was going to say that prank really put you on the map. What we call a QT from an original QT. Paul hit me up with those red rose lips. So then when Paul Joseph Watson tweeted it, my mentions just went into this massive flurry of people just getting mad about soup. Getting mad and calling the cops because the coffee is a soup. And that's the thing. And then that was the thing. It was all just like real mad stuff. It was all just like, I'm going to report you to the police. There were some people who like acted like my boss, Solana Levinson. You need to fire this man because he's overcharging. Did they not put together that she's the editor of a magazine and she somehow also is your boss
Starting point is 00:10:03 in a cafe? They emailed the guys who are publishing my book. It's just like, this man, this man who's publishing, he's overcharging white people. We've been in touch with the editors of the Gazpacho Gazette. You, sir, will not be a freelance writer anymore. And it all sort of like came to a climax when this guy here that you were selling people paperbacks but charging white people for a hardback. So this guy ends up sending my tweet to the Metropolitan Police Twitter again. So he took this message and he literally sent it to the Metropolitan Police and screenshot it. So I have now been reported. And the thing is when you have a tweet that's locked, when you have a tweet that's sent to the police, it gets automatically
Starting point is 00:10:49 locked regardless of whether they're going to investigate it or not. So a really dumb joke that originated on this stupid show is now recorded forever at the Metropolitan Police headquarters. I mean, but that's the thing. And I'm going to steer hard into serious here from this, which is, I don't know if you guys know who Josh Adam Johnson is. Is he the Twitter guy? Yeah, he hosts citations needed. It's a wonderful podcast everyone just subscribed to. So writer like about like he's a media critic. Yeah. And so he said one thing a while ago that really stuck with me, which is that what defines conservatism in our moment is a combination of white grievance, inverted power dynamics, the imagination that only some good
Starting point is 00:11:42 minorities exist and that sort of white Christians are under siege by sort of secular multicultural thugs driven by hatred of God and whites and that it sort of exists by manufacturing this false inverted Nick victim narrative where the privileged few are under siege and those with power are spat on and cast out. And that's really like why Usain's tweet resonated was because everybody already believes that they're in a world in which everyone is conspiring to fuck them over. Well, that's the thing they are, but it's their boss that's fucking them over, not some soup employee. I don't understand why so many people are this mad about reasonably pricey. But I mean, it shows like to me, right, like in America, it's always the guys that are
Starting point is 00:12:35 complaining about chemtrails whose like groundwater is being poisoned by fracking. Yeah, you know what I mean? They're so close. They understand that their lives are being destroyed by something. And it's like QAnon. It's like, yes, you know, like, I don't know if you saw the CNN thing where that loser from CNN went and like interviewed QAnon people. Did you guys see that? He went to some rally and he was like talking to QAnon people and they were like, well, the press has been weaponized by the CIA. And they were like, Oh, really? You think so? And it's like, well, actually, if you think about it, yes, the press has been weaponized in order to protect wealthy and powerful people from like losing the status quo. But that's too boring. So they have to invent the idea that
Starting point is 00:13:21 Hillary Clinton has a fucking ankle. Surely the press would never do that. Like, but it's we're so these people, I just wish that there was a way to get through to them to be like, you know, you are right, you are under attack. But it's not by a guy who's wearing a Sean John sweatsuit. It's by a guy wearing an actual suit. Yeah, it's not the fucking chum gang. It's not by Pauli from the Sopranos. Well, in fact, that kind of brings me quite tidily on a major development in British politics that well, not in fact, you know, I'm going to correct myself, not a major development, an utter damp fucking. Can I just throw something in on the suit? Yeah, go for it.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Go for it. My favorite thing about this is that he's reported to say into the police because like there is always like a bright red alt right weirdo at least once a week complaining that like the police gave him a speeding ticket when he was doing like a hundred miles an hour in his Audi estuary because his like irritable bowel syndrome was playing up. He needed to get to the toilet and he's saying like, oh, don't the police have better things to do. And then immediately he starts reporting people to the police for charging people for soup when they ordered a coffee. All of these people are so like incredibly regular. These people are just they're utter. They're complete psychopaths who are sort of shaking
Starting point is 00:14:47 with rage at every other person in their life because everybody they know hates them except their friends who are all kind of people who would own an Audi estuary. They all go transit sport. Who's buying those? They all go meet one another in the pub like I don't know in like Luton or whatever and then just you know get super drunk and convince themselves that everything was better before the Browns showed up. I mean for curry they all like curry. I was convinced for a long time of these guys like they had limits right like I sort of knew that they were a bit dumb but I like that tweet is so fucking stupid but like I wouldn't have expected anyone to bite it right and the fact that like there are people who are still like sincerely DMing me right now
Starting point is 00:15:29 asking where I work and why I overcharge white people for their like liquid beverages. They're not doing white identity politics. They're doing really really stupid guy identity politics. That's what they're doing. I know what it is. Brainforce plus is like the limitless pill but it makes you dumber. Limited. Unlimitless. Stupidity. And you know it's all been like very fun and I mean it's still like going on and I'm just finding it absolutely bizarre but it kind of like does indicate where like I don't know. I kind of want to get on Tommy Robinson offer this to be honest because it's kind of the same thing. Josh you don't know who Tommy Robinson is. He's into the same milieu. He's our short king. All I know about Tommy Robinson is he's an adult
Starting point is 00:16:14 presumably who still goes by Tommy. Yeah he's the baby from Rugrats. He's the baby from Rugrats. You get about 50 mil of Tommy Robinson and then you fill the rest of the glass up with water and you get a pretty tasty drink. Yeah so basically Tommy Robinson real name a surprising racist one real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon is a sort of football hooligan narration like racist campaigner and he's now the face of the desire for a British ethno state more or less. Oh okay tight. Yeah. What a terrible face for an ethno state. Yeah I was going to say is it full of crags. It's basically a potato based ethno state and so what he did. If anyone's visage does not embody the superiority of the white race it's definitely Tommy Robinson's. Oh yeah that
Starting point is 00:17:08 man has no chin or nose. Small king. No he does now. He does now because plastic surgery. No so basically like because he was because like he didn't want to eat the food that the Muslim cooks were making he basically like didn't eat at all. Yeah so I'll finish explaining the story just so we don't jump ahead. He basically kept on invading courtrooms to try and fearlessly report on how the SJW Muslim judges were going to let off Muslim criminals because they feel white guilt but that's illegal and so he kept on getting charged the contempt of court for breaking into courtrooms and then got among us got sent to jail because he broke a bunch of laws and then there was this huge outcry that he was basically being sent to jail for being too intelligent
Starting point is 00:17:50 and speaking truth to power. It's like you know fathers like think they get discriminated against by family court for being you know too honest and a good dad. He's the Mrs Doubtfire of like petty crime. So all of these like right wing figures they're all the answer to a particular question. It's just a very weird question. For example, Tommy Robinson is the answer to the question what if fathers for justice but Nazi so Tommy basically what Tommy and there was this huge campaign to release him from jail because they were like oh he's been an anti-Muslim campaigner quite rightly they said for his whole life so he's going to get murdered in Britain's Islamic hell jails even though he's been campaigning for his entire life the prisons are quote like holiday
Starting point is 00:18:30 camps holiday camps and muslim the hodge camps prisons are like hodge the most important thing for Tommy like we got to get him out of jail so he can get more gel in his hair he can't they don't let him have hair gel in no it's true he had to be free to have a flat style that's not hype based no you and everyone knows that that sharia is all about having fucking bomb ass style and being fucking dipped and ready for the gram we all know that Tommy is using his time in prison to do the Charlie Bronson fitness program and get ready jacked so that he can come out and arm wrestle Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to decide whether the muslims are your business is being crowded out by muslim competition get swole welcome to welcome to my store to play a game of soggy biscuit with
Starting point is 00:19:16 Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi so he's now been real he's been released and like the entirety of the British right is saying this is a victory for freedom of speech because you know Tommy Robinson being allowed to do slurs at a corner shop owner is freedom of speech yeah um and that kind of that reflects online like just in the sense of I don't know because like it's it's just become so stupid and I think it's just become so openly stupid as well so like the idea that you know there is a very legitimate reason why he was in prison i.e. he breached like his bail conditions that took place not in a sharia court but in a english like common law court right things that like you would genuinely accept everyone to accept i.e. you broke the law you get punished for it
Starting point is 00:20:04 but it's became this huge freedom of speech it became this huge issue that was masqueraded as freedom of speech but it also kind of gives permission for like stupidity to kind of just go around lawlessly and you know the Sarah Jung stuff was like a really good example of that i.e. like basically having no nuance in terms of discussions about race but at the same time like these are people who like have built their careers on the idea of like you know the great like you know when you have guys like Stefan Molliny who's like built a career on like the concept of like the great replacement talking about how like he you know you shouldn't make jokes about any race because every individual like you know stands on their own merit like it's bullshit right and it
Starting point is 00:20:43 goes for this one as well which is like you know when you put the dumbest possible tweet dumbest possible joke out there people will get outraged and it's just so stupid but like it's just kind of part of where we are at this current moment in time. I have a question about Tommy Robinson real quick so if i am correct this guy basically Kool-Aid manned his way into courtrooms to just yell about Charlie Hebdo and everyone's like you're the best. That's basically correct yes. I forgot about the Kool-Aid man. Yeah and so like that's that to me says it all right about the right is that it's not a free speech issue it's a let me talk whenever i want to issue. Yeah absolutely that's precisely it. Let me talk to the manager. I want to talk to the manager
Starting point is 00:21:31 right now. Yeah that's true like Tommy Robinson wants to talk to the United Kingdom's manager because he and this the thing is it's I mean we talk about right like how people need to blame their bosses right but people when people don't realize that is they know they're mad like they know that their life isn't going well right and they know kind of that that things kind of suck for them and they know they're mad but then they turn on most of the media and most of the BBC or whatever and even like a lot of like sort of liberal identity politics people are telling them don't be mad nothing's wrong everything's great society's never been better and you should be so lucky to be living now in our wonderful society but that's not true to them but what
Starting point is 00:22:18 and even if it's a lie the shit that Tommy Robinson pedals which is you know the not worth repeating here even though it's wrong it feels true to them because it emotionally resonates because he's saying no there is a malefactor there is someone making your life bad it's just he's saying that you know it's it's the guy who moved in down the street not the guy who's cutting your hours to 20 a week and you know make now we know it's the guy is charging you for soup when you ordered a coffee right solve that problem white nationalism is over we just need to deport Hussain when i got into shit with the fucking proud boys like yeah you want to talk about that for a bit like these so for those that don't know i uh i have a no nazis are allowed to have fun in
Starting point is 00:23:05 los angeles policy it's calming crazy um so i i just like you know i found out that these guys were coming around and hanging out in this bar and intimidating and harassing people and i got some friends together to be like hey don't do that and then they shoved my girlfriend madison uh and a fight broke out uh and in the middle of the fight or may or may not have snatched one of their maga hats and thrown it into the street i can't remember who could remember a thing like that um yeah allegedly i maybe allegedly you filled it with coffee you disrespected the flag and drosky and that's the death penalty i disrespected a future us army soldier so like the the the thing about these proud boys right is they're they're effectively just sad idiots like the the thing is that exactly
Starting point is 00:23:58 if you were saying liberalism has completely failed to provide an answer for why all of our lives are worse and you know you have some fucking you know greased up scumbag with gel in his hair going hey it you don't look around you what has changed and the first thing you see is like uh well there's people that don't look like me that have big beards and you're like okay it's them they it's them it's their fault or are you talking about little common and have jobs now i get that like that's what it is it's like like if you're an idiot the easiest thing to see that's different is like oh hey women are allowed to talk now without getting hit in the face and you're like well maybe that's the problem and instead of like going like well actually it's because uh the people
Starting point is 00:24:47 that are in charge of all of the things that happen don't want you to have stuff and it's only collective action that will change that it's a lot easier to get a red hat and be a dick in a bar that's true and it's it's a lot easier to like when tommy robinson says something like it when tommy when tommy robinson says something like i remember when england lot used to be great we used to be like take care of each other spirit of the blitz or whatever you know even though he's like a 35 year old dipshit with like expensive dental work but he's genuinely working class um you know everyone's like oh yeah of course that's obvious because no one's giving him a fucking counter narrative if anything the bbc then explains the tommy robinson phenomenon by having
Starting point is 00:25:30 raheem kasam come on unchallenged your cousin who's saying ah yes my my my strange i was just remembering the times when we used to play stickball together in the in the in the nude because we were both circumcised by the same man absolutely right so it's so and and the thing is like the liberal the liberals don't know how to fight how they don't know how to fight fascism because they're not able to name a malifactor because every liberal party under the sun thinks its goal is to have a hundred percent of the electorate vote for it so yeah it makes sense like i know they've talked about this on chapeau and another place is the idea that like it doesn't make sense that the democratic party is a political party when you think like oh well
Starting point is 00:26:16 the goal of a political party is to take political power but the it makes sense if you think of the democratic party as cbs america's most watched network which is run by a bunch of sexually assaulting creep lunatics scumbags and all they care about is getting the fewest people making the best pizza they can getting the fewest people to hate them and making sure that as many people are allowed on private airplanes to eat pizza of course pete delicious mushroom pizza omg papa john to join comet pizza i think we we talked about we talked about a little race and now from the listener's perspective anyway we're going to get into a little bit about how we can transform things for the better and the kinds of things we can do maybe to make
Starting point is 00:27:09 people not turn to charlatans like tommy robinson and paul joseph watson and maybe make it so that who's saying won't get written up in the fucking independent next time he makes a goddamn joke on twitter yeah because it's just not good guys like come on guys he doesn't deserve this level of coverage if you're gonna like at least like you know put some of my better better things in you have so many better tweets yeah anyway um so josh we're going to transition to the next half milo uh i hear you're going to be doing a sign language for the next half and won't be joining us i must go now my planet needs me all right milo died on his way back to his home planet see you thank you enjoy our talk about public banks everyone and uh we will see you i don't know
Starting point is 00:27:52 later this week next week um me and milo we're going to be at the fringe we're going to be talking to a bunch of comedians who's saying is going to go dark for a little while while he works on his book unless he's been fired for the coffee thing yeah yeah um yeah i'm still i'm still waiting to find out but i'm i'm anticipating that like the publisher will get rid of my book in which case you will not be able to read my memoir from the time i worked at my first ever restaurant um comet pizza all right see you in a minute everybody we are we are here we are still here me and hussein milo stuck in traffic somewhere outside edinburgh with joshia and drotsky like from before organizer with dsa la and la public bank public banking
Starting point is 00:28:45 public bank public bank la there we go that's the correct answer yeah i knew i'd get it eventually what kind of perks do you get with the public bank like do you get like a coffee cup a soup spoon a soup spoon a headband you get it you get a sweet tote bag that has a picture of uh loyd blank fine the ceo of goldman sacks crying it's pretty tight don't oh nice you know i heard that every every single time uh that you lie uh to the tv licensing board take tv and don't pay for it in britain loyd blank fine actually does cry a little bit that's a joke for the british audience it's it's good that he cries because that's the only way that his head gets any moisture i don't know if you've noticed but he has a very sandy head yeah desertification is a real problem
Starting point is 00:29:39 specifically for loyd blank fine scalp there was a love island trope about um about sand dick what it's this thing called sand penis right and it's the idea that like some guys penises taste like sand and i was just thinking about if it's related to the idea of having sandy a sandy scalp and i mean crying is it related to the idea of sandy hook liberals are you covering it up this is this is what q and on actually is like a crisis actor this is where q and on like ultimately leads to right it ultimately leads to a conspiracy theory about whether sandy hook is linked to sandy penis my dick is a crisis actor and that it always seems to show up when something horrible happens yo guys this is supposed to be the smart segment shall we do the smart thing yeah sure why not
Starting point is 00:30:27 yo so okay josh we talked about we talked briefly about like that you're involved with uh la public bank can you start by explaining like what is a public bank and then we're going to get into later why it's better sure yeah a public bank is essentially just um a public institution that holds public money so that's just tax dollars fees stuff that um in the case of public bank los angeles the municipality of los angeles has so it's just for taxes fees public money that's owned by the entire city okay so it's basically a bank account yeah essentially i mean a bank does two things right yeah it accepts deposits and it makes loans and so this would do the same thing okay um now hang on a second uh don't businesses need to compete with one
Starting point is 00:31:21 another to offer the best possible service josh yes if we lived in a fake fantasy world where uh the profit margin and intense exponential growth wasn't the only thing driving these skyborg scumbags so tell us a little bit about like what's the current situation in terms of la's finances because really that's what we're talking about we're not talking about the delivery of a public service that people experience we're talking about like the fundamental if you like plumbing that goes into supplying those public services with resources exactly so like when a city collects taxes before it spends those tax dollars on you know uh street cleaning or firefighters uh that money sits in a bank all that stuff that
Starting point is 00:32:12 socialism is yeah yeah joy bayhard uh so um like that money is sitting in a bank and it doesn't just sit in a bank you know what i mean like it doesn't just like sit in a vault where scrooge mcduck goes and swims inside of it it is being used by wall street banks to invest and profit off of um just the worst possible things that destroy our planet so everything from pipelines to the very cages that um separate immigrant families to weapons and all that shit how how can you explain how that happens sure um uh our money goes into a bank and that fills up the banks coffers then banks get to basically invent money uh by like loaning it out god they're so smart yeah this money is like spoken for like the city is going to spend it on shit but in the meantime
Starting point is 00:33:06 when it's in the system of wall street and wall street's like hey we got another three billion dollars or six billion dollars or whatever and so they immediately invest it into the worst possible things so all of our tax dollars are against our wishes and unbeknownst to us being used to make twelve wrinkled sociopaths exponential wealth yeah but josh i think you're forgetting the juicero how would we get the juicero if not for this this is true if this ended we would lose every hilarious app and uh tech company so unfortunately like if we did move to public banking then there there wouldn't be a bunch of silicon valley blank-eyed reptilians who accidentally come up with a bus that would not happen anymore i mean what makes you think that
Starting point is 00:33:55 elon musk won't make his own his own bank he's working on it right now oh really is he yeah yeah he's working on his own bank right now it's um it's a bank that is inside of one of those of a cave in thailand like a submarine please it's you don't make a deposit you make a wubba lubba dub dub deposit a wubba lubba dub deposit and you can spend epic bucks it'll be like it'll be like um you know you'll you'll deposit like a certain amount of money in and then he'll give you like a free flame thrower absolutely um you know if you get like a particular account and then if you like deposit all your money in he'll give you a free one-way trip up to space no questions asked i've always said like there are tons of people who would spend their entire
Starting point is 00:34:42 life savings to be elon musk's like first experimental learning cadaver so he could learn how to give humankind an extra appendix yeah um um okay so one thing i also kind of want to think of is like we've got this system where there is like a wall street bank that handles all of la's money takes an enormous amount off the top of it because why not because they need like german dick sucking machines right oh yeah so can you tell us a little more i don't know we specifically talked about it but um like for the privilege of being able to profit off of the billions of dollars that we put in their banks um wall street doesn't like give us any money back or any of the profits that they make they in fact charge us in fees and interest
Starting point is 00:35:30 over three billion dollars a year for this how much is that per i mean i'm interested to know i'm not that fast at math do you know offhand how much that is per angel angel angelless angel lino angel angel lino how much how much is that per perfect angel uh per perfect angel it's roughly like 7500 bucks so like we owe 7500 bucks per person tight and that's for the privilege of making the money yeah that that's for the privilege of of just letting them uh get another hovercraft that they use to crush a sex slave i mean you know what like the alternative is venezuela guys exactly yeah yeah they have all sex slaves no hovercraft as we know hovercraft the natural predator of sex slaves the population's going crazy it's okay okay so this we have this
Starting point is 00:36:32 situation um and earlier when we were talking you were saying actually the the model you're looking at is modeled on my favorite country in the entire goddamn world iran iran it vassal you know ideologically i love the 1979 revolution but on a day-to-day basis i'm all burghine baby yeah so germany it turns out isn't just full of leather pants wearing uh techno freaks um they will be one day they also uh are pretty good at um public finance they've had uh the spa causa uh which spa causa spa causa uh which is uh a network of municipal public banks since i want to say like the late 19th century and um it's a federation of municipal banks and this federation uh is responsible for 75 percent of the funding for making germany go renewable so this is okay this is
Starting point is 00:37:35 basically like it illustrates that public ownership of finance is the only way to allow for spending on things that you cannot profit insanely off of like public housing or climate infrastructure you know shit that like no developer is going to touch because it doesn't make them 40 million dollars that they could spend on hovercraft yeah well this is i mean i think this would be like incredibly applicable to the uk as well right like if you think about it like a bank at any bank in the uk is more than willing to help some zillionaire finance their purchase of a townhouse in mayfair yeah that they've bought from some other zillionaire that no one's occupied for 20 years zillionaires and zillionaires the zillionaires and zillionaires are buying all of the townhouses in mayfair and now
Starting point is 00:38:28 only all of the uh sex workers that follow riley on instagram can talk about how they are clip clopping down the street doing hooker business yeah one of one of one of my friends did post that she was clip clopping down the street in mayfair doing hooker business and i've been unable to stop thinking of the words hooker business for weeks now um but yes right like it's that's the thing right like it's it's private speculation fuels private wealth yeah which means that like if we had public financing of say like i don't know house purchasing since that's what everyone in the uk fucking cares about yeah like we wouldn't have this insane ridiculous property bubble where all of a sudden every sort of you know insane ballroom in mayfair is just a place to park money
Starting point is 00:39:13 that you stole from like the oil reserves in the niger delta i mean you've got a banking system which is like leveraged off of like huge amounts of private money like lots of shadow money as well stuff it's like coming you know i think i sort of think that the proper like proper like london property market but i guess the uk property market more generally is like a very different kind of beast it's like it's like a complete example of like what happens when you really kind of cave into like the speculative financial systems right because that's really what the whole that's really what like property and land ownership in this country um has been about right um yeah you know but it's also like you know it has its historic roots in like feudalism it has you know
Starting point is 00:39:55 you can kind of trace examples back to medieval periods well it's like it's like there's one guy that owns most of central london and he's our age sounds pretty cool yeah he sounds like a cool dude he owns most he owns most the free is the uh i think he's the new duke of gloster oh shit yeah so he inherits actually he's a friend of a friend the fucks of course he is so he's like he's like a fail son right in the sense that like he basically inherited all his wealth after his father passed away and he didn't really he hadn't really done anything before then so like his father passed away suddenly but all of a sudden he's just like this really rich dude which in the dc universe would mean that you would become you know you would become a caped crusader he's like batman
Starting point is 00:40:36 but for fucking models in club toilets yeah but that's the thing like i don't think in london in london batman wouldn't work because everyone would just tell you to fuck off and then you'd be like mugged by some drill wrappers oh sorry tony blair um and if you did go and if you did go if you did go save if you did go save someone they would they would probably mug you you know and then you would end up where all superheroes do end up in london which is in the corner of infernos in claff i'm crying yo but this is this actually like this leads like like the thing is i think there's a fundamental thing here right which is that in the world in which we live finance is the enabler you know until we create communism finance will be the enabler even in a democratic social
Starting point is 00:41:20 system right and when private finance is lending to private individuals for private means then they're going to be more at then there is all of the incentives are aligned as such to make sure that the this fucking you know duke of gloster born as he was soldered into white tie can own more and more of central london until basically the uk is his private party island and you know that we have lowlita expresses flying in and out uh presumably so if i had a private plane i would call it lolita yeah one one thing right so um in california right now it's gotten so bad that um for every infrastructure dollar we spend half of that pays back interest so 50 cents of every dollar we spend on infrastructure goes directly into a banker's pocket and a public bank would be
Starting point is 00:42:12 able to create a system where uh we just set the interest ourselves based on like you know the lowest possible interest like and and that's something that that can absolutely be a spread to housing you know um a public bank could buy up housing stock and drive down prices by setting like the prices as low as as possible while still making a modest return well because to a public bank housing is not an investment it's a public good exactly it's there there's a fundamental mismatch between the provision of public goods and private financing yeah and so like a public bank would in its essence like in its charter this is the biggest difference right is um private finance is all about uh that beholden to the shareholders right and so we make these citizens shareholders
Starting point is 00:43:12 so thereby the public good is written into the charter and like community betterment is the number one priority so thereby in in a sense in a sense i mean like because i like i frequently sort of run into this issue especially at holidays with family trying to explain what socialism is but that's more or less it right we're trying to create a system in which the public are shareholders yeah yeah it's public ownership of the means of production you know we're in this case and and this is also something i talked i've talked about before like if you're working at facebook or google or whatever what are the means of production that you would seize were you to seize them you know you snack creams climbing walls scooters but right like in the sense in
Starting point is 00:43:59 a late capitalist economy the means of production is finance yes absolutely and the thing and here's the other interesting thing you're not even voting to create a public bank the ballot initiative that your spearheading is something entirely different yes so so what we're doing is um we're we're taking it very uh pragmatically uh we're being uh pragmatic uh progressives who can get things done um and and we this this first ballot initiative would simply lay the groundwork it would make it legal to create a public bank so we're using it to educate people about public finance so it's it's currently illegal to make a public bank yes it's it's not like you would be arrested it's just not in the city charter although here's something great if you want to talk about
Starting point is 00:44:51 fucking housing it is it's not like being white it's like owning a public bank it's not like it's illegal to be white yeah exactly but no no so it's literally illegal to impose rent control on um like any new building in california that is on hardworking landlords yeah yeah yeah like landlords are so tight and uh we love them so much and it's all landlords going out from the landlords like so there's two things that are happening in california right now that are really important and especially for like a weird ass midterm election um and it's the public bank initiative in los angeles and then the prop 10 in california which would repeal the law that makes it illegal for rent control and these two things uh totally intersect because yeah you know it's like where
Starting point is 00:45:39 is the money going to come from well uh how about reappropriating the billions of dollars we give to wall street for no reason that's the other major thing about public banking that i think is why at least i have devoted all of my organizing energy to it is because it's the only coherent left policy nationalized finance with a clear hated enemy wall street that gives us more money for our other programs without raising taxes so that's why i think it's like the most important issue uh kind of as far as like building movement power goes we need to attack money but the thing is uh i'm i pull up an article here the libs have another idea entirely ooh tell me the libs do you remember a little a little guy called tim geitner a certain treasury
Starting point is 00:46:32 secretary under a certain president certain barack hussein the husains important people forget that obama uh let me tell you right now uh tim geitner i'm a big fan of uh getting teitner in geitner i i have an alternative idea for a public bank and that would be a shriek bank okay we're going to geitner after this what's your shriek bank idea so i haven't really thought too much about the shriek bank other like all of your ideas other than that it would be like a hype beast shriek bank so so so like you know you would have certain rules like for example no interest uh no interest on loans that's a good thing also we wouldn't give out loans to women generally um they can't be hype beasts unless they are hype beasts unless they wear like supreme
Starting point is 00:47:20 trainers uh um we'd only give out money if you were going to make good investments for example if you were going to go buy a needlessly luxurious sports car to drive around drive around the city center um while you smoke hookah at the back yeah that's how you meet girls is how you're the window of your luxurious sports car in a halal fashion so these and out of these bro and you know some people say some people some people say like shriek is like barbaric and i would want to like dispel those myths so instead of cutting your hand off if you miss a repayment on your mortgage you're just trainers we would we would we would we would say um we would just remove one piece of streetwear from your collection um we don't accept azix because apparently azix
Starting point is 00:48:05 are not streetwear yo are you are you suggesting a sharia compliant bank specifically for east london yes yes uh so we're going to be opening at best no green uh let's put opening it we're dropping sharing back in sharia no we're we're we're dropping our first collection of loans like you got a cue around the block for the boat for the box logo loans box loan goes no i want to talk about tim geithner arch lib um no this is something that many some of our listeners might have heard about before but i feel like it's important to bring up again because it's a reminder that basically liberals can't be trusted to bring this about so this is an article in splinter by liby watson uh which is about sort of tim geithner's post obama administration lighting the lips
Starting point is 00:48:51 yes liby is only liby is owning the lips um it was about tim geithner's sort of post obama administration life where he is actually uh a part owner of a company called mariner finance which basically he's president of private equity firm that owns and controls it um and what it does is it also lends money actually which is great to the poor it lends money to the poor what it does is it mails checks for like a couple thousand dollars to the absolutely desperate and destitute hoping that they'll cash them without reading the fine print and then they have to pay sky high interest rates of like some hundreds of percent um and then they're chased by lawyers and liens are put on their house thanks tim so it's a payday loan company yeah it's a payday
Starting point is 00:49:40 loan company but that doesn't mean it it cuts out the middle man of you don't have to seek out the payday loan company the payday loan company seeks you out dope don't smart so you know you know what payday loan finds you but but but you know what would stop this right a sharia bank a sharia bank yeah because the hype be sharia be sharia bank they'd be like yo this loan fucking corny this check doesn't even have a palace trifurg you know what else would stop that a public bank no i was gonna say the unabomber but that's a good answer too absolutely it would right but this is just the thing which is this is illegal in the states i just want to make a quick point the unabomber ted kazinsky is the only good thing that's ever
Starting point is 00:50:28 come out of harvard you may continue john rolls came out of harvard he's pretty cool now it's cool is the unabomber he's a cool guy does he fuck as did the unabomber you know rolls fucked apparently um yo so that's but right that's just it that it's when you have private finance the incentives are in place to ring money out of the poor just because finance has power over them yeah so like a thing that a public bank would do that that would stop this and and in the future this is a huge part of it is is fighting payday lending because a public bank would be able to serve the unbanked and underbanked folks that are being targeted by these insane schemes and because it's about community betterment and not about exponential profit growth
Starting point is 00:51:18 they would be able to create things that libs actually like that i personally don't give a fuck about like small business loans you know what i mean like but there it would also be able to do shit that's like legit important which is bringing credit access to people like people of color uh oppressed minorities poor people and the like that have been fucked over by this and thereby actually creating equality because without credit access people are able to purchase houses or you know cars or even hovercraft well yeah it's because like there's this there's this concept i'll sort of bring up which is uh consumption smoothing which is basically like the reason consumption smoothing i love consumption smoothies that's when you get a tuberculosis smoothie
Starting point is 00:52:10 where basically what happens is businesses will only be able to stay open for periods of time it's gone some economics um if they can predict demand but because of the sort of boom bus cycle and employment and unemployment consumption is elastic it goes up and down which in some businesses just because they have running costs won't be able to survive busts that's not really good for anybody and that's just a fundamental like contradiction of capitalism and one of the ways in which capitalist systems sort of stay afloat is through consumption smoothing which is to make sure that in the bust people have enough money to keep buying and so how that used to happen under like the new deal with roosevelt and stuff was that there
Starting point is 00:52:53 was just a fairly generous sort of unemployment insurance scheme that sort of got phased out and we replaced it with what um wolfgang streck in this book uh how will capitalism end which i heartily recommend to everybody uh calls private canzianism where those things were removed but cheap access to credit was given out which means that instead of just consumption smoothing being sort of taken on as a public service it was repurposed as a private good and created an incredible amount of rich people but sort of just kicked the can down the road for the contradiction and so really what we're doing is we're saying we're going to understand that we need consumption smoothing but we're going to bring it back as a public good this has been your riley economics
Starting point is 00:53:33 mint corner i have an idea for another bank yeah it's called phase banks is it a gaming bank it's a gaming bank for the phases it's a it's a bank that will double headshot you um and yeah you have to like you know to get money you have to like compete you have to like play levels you have to build you have to you have to like tfue you have to like build double you have to do a little luxury for yourself and build double ramps you're gonna like steal steal your roommates go it's called chinese steel your girl my josh do you want us to highlight some way that people can contribute or pitch in or help yeah um i mean we're not fundraising quite yet we're gonna start fundraising efforts but if folks want to follow public bank la on twitter go to public bank
Starting point is 00:54:26 or you can absolutely give money to dsa la because dsa la is taking you know a leadership step in this and we could always use your money in order to make the second largest city in america equitable sick all right um i think that's going to do it for us here at trash future with you our lovely listeners with mylo having formerly uh been in this episode in a way we're about to record and uh yeah josh thank you so much for coming on this has been a real pleasure hell yeah uh i hate anime and i hate video games thanks for having me i can't anime is good man it's good it's an art form and it's a beautiful pure art form i hope one day you find some beauty in it more like beautiful pure art form nailed it good night good night everybody
Starting point is 00:55:22 hi everyone this is nat the long-suffering producer with a quick message for you if you're going to be in edinburgh during the fringe festival you'll have an opportunity to watch mylo perform with two other russian comedians in english of course their names are antan borisov and evan yavits they're going to be performing at levita which is on queen's fairy street lane basement room number one every night between august 4th and 26th at 1815 so come hang out and see mylo perform with his friends you might also potentially run into riley who will be there he'll be sweaty but it's a great chance to support some trash future comedy and to have a great time hope you enjoy

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