TRASHFUTURE - UNLOCKED: In Search of an Even More Racist Facebook

Episode Date: January 11, 2021

Unlocking this episode in light of Parler et al being banhammered by the rest of the internet. This episode is all about the history and economics of one of the most strange and resentful subsectors o...f the tech industry: tech companies started by right wingers and grievances. Original Copy: Have you heard the story about right-wingers who decide to build their own social media, crowdfunding, or even ridesharing sites? We're talking Parler, Gab, Hatreon, and the like. Why do they all fail? Why are they so poorly assembled? And why does this keep happening? Riley, Milo, and Alice attempt to decipher this riddle for our times.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, welcome back to God, fuck off with your sound board, hello and welcome back to TrashFuture, the podcast where I'm looking for new co-hosts. Every week, baby. No, it's Riley Allison Milo. We've got some fun stuff for you today. Yeah, for instance, I'm going to be making Riley homicidely angry with a sound board. That's right. We've got sound bites of all Riley's least favorite childhood bullies. I'm going to be playing them during the show.
Starting point is 00:00:55 No, it's yeah, it's myself, Alice Milo, Jerk Bedrickler, Father McMurphy, Michael York. It's a pleasure to be here quite frankly. That's what they want these days. It's a cue in Equatorial Guinea. That's what they want these days. That's a lot. I'm doing a thing where I'm asking you to do it now as a kind of a first psychology. You're trying to take the other ear away.
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's what they want these days. I've done it twice just to throw you off. It's like hostile podcasting. Yeah, this is CrossFit. It's CrossFit podcast. Yeah, we're doing podcast confusion. Yeah, truly, it is the chaos configuration. Your ears are going to be huge after listening to this. Can I bring you Hannes von Kitten?
Starting point is 00:01:42 That's the real question. It's great to be here. I love to talk about the honk ball. Okay, it's a great game. It's your Hannes von Kitten. It's a tremendous game. Okay, it's one of the greatest games in all of Holland. I'm banging my gavel in a way that's probably going to annoy Nate and the listener,
Starting point is 00:02:03 but I'm banging my fist gavel. I have a new pair of corduroy pants. I'm very happy about it. Congratulations. Thank you. In that pair, a very nice kind of elevated corduroy pants. It's my dick. It's my dick and balls.
Starting point is 00:02:19 That's a lovely pair of dick and balls I have to see. A fine cock he's got on him. While wearing that pair of new corduroy pants, I decided to do a little bit of research on a subject that I have long found very interesting. Yeah, corduroy pants. You did the thing. You just researched the thing that you're wearing while you're wearing it.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I want to make sure I bought the right pants. Exactly. You don't want to wear a pair of pants and then not know what you're wearing. Welcome to the Trash Future episode about corduroy. I decided to research the history of corduroy. It means cord of the king. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Corduroy. What I actually researched was one. Another one of my favorite pot. Another one of my favorite topics. That thing sucked off by a twig. That's what they want these days. You want to be a permanent cast member of Trash Future. Basically, I did a lot of research today
Starting point is 00:03:27 and other days on the right-wing alternative internet that is constantly being built and falling down. We made it into the segway four minutes in. Because its creators are deeply inept, weird people who are driven by resentments and just assume that... I don't know anyone like that. No, I've never seen anything like this.
Starting point is 00:03:52 It's hard to code with one hand. We're talking about stuff like... When we see the right-wing internet, it's like, oh, you mean Facebook? No, we don't mean Facebook pages. We mean stuff like Gab, Parler, Bitshoot. The shit that they do when they're like... Bitshoot?
Starting point is 00:04:08 We're getting kicked off of this platform, so we're going to make our own. Yeah. I'm going to make a version of TikTok where you can do analysis salute. Oh, wait. Yeah. They do that constantly.
Starting point is 00:04:22 The one day... I can't find... Maybe it does exist. The one I wasn't able to find was Instagram, but there have been quote-unquote free speech by which we actually mean, Nazism is fine. Yeah, you can say the word version.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah. Of various kinds of social networks and websites and so on that have been created throughout the fullness of time. And the vast majority of them have been hilarious failures. My particular favorite is right-wing Uber. Oh, amazing. You can see your drivers...
Starting point is 00:04:55 No, Uber just does that already. These days, you try and make an Uber, take a route that says English, drawn out in the streets. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So, basically, what I think here, and we're going to talk about this
Starting point is 00:05:10 in different examples, but I think what happened is, and you'll see this get played out, is that a lot of... Sort of resentful reactionaries have tried to create a version of the Internet that reflects super right-wing principles. Things like unfettered free speech
Starting point is 00:05:29 or perfect free markets or whatever, and accidentally created a version of the Internet that is basically just scammy pyramid scheme companies that are all trying to grift one another where all the owners basically betray and sue one another all the time. Oh, so the Internet then? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:49 It's trash huge, baby. So, they basically made... They tried to make a Gulch Internet and accidentally made an Internet that reflects what the right is, actually. Oh, no. Yeah. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Who's Patard is this I'm being hoisted by? Oh, no. It's worse than I thought. And so, before we get into the silly ones, I'm gonna put the vegetables up front in this one. Okay. Because there are some companies that have actually done pretty well out of this,
Starting point is 00:06:22 and it won't surprise you to know that... Racist Uber is not gonna be one of them, is it? No, it's the companies that provide the underlying services to Racist Uber. Oh, Racist Amazon Web Services. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, they just call it Amazon Web Services.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah, more Racist Amazon Web Services. So, the main kind of infrastructure upon which this version of the right-wing Internet is built is called Epic with a K. Oh, okay, good. So, you know, it's 2009 sort of like action movie. And a K could never be bad. No, let alone several of them.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Yeah. Hell, let's have more of these Ks. What could go wrong? K, K, K. K, K, K, K, K. So, basically, Epic is both a DNS registrar and a host of content, which you have to understand is like
Starting point is 00:07:17 the way that the Internet is structured generally is... Most of it's not just on, like, people's computers, although there is a certain subculture of the Internet that we'll talk about in the next company that kind of wants it to be a bit more like that. Most of it is created in these very large, centralized companies, whether that's registrars or hosts or whatever, quite a bit of it is Amazon Web Services.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Either way, your website lives on someone else's server. Yeah. And so I think the one of the ways, just also before you go into this as well, it's like one of the ways to think about a lot of tech companies, especially those that interact with consumers, but even then, not entirely,
Starting point is 00:07:57 is different deployments of Amazon Web Services and Salesforce. It's usually some combination of those two things. All of the different flavors of Duff coming out of the one pint. So, for example, because Amazon Web Services is... And again, I think this is, again, something people should know. Amazon Web Services has different things
Starting point is 00:08:17 you can hire from it. You can just get storage. You can genuinely hire an Amazon truck that will come and suck up all of your data into it with an armed Amazon escort. That's right, for Mad Max data. So based the way it works, right, is you can either have what's called an S3 bucket,
Starting point is 00:08:35 which is where you upload stuff, or you can have an EC2, which is a cloud computing server. So it's not just storage, it's processing as well. And so if you wanted to... And you can have the family bucket. If you wanted to create a startup, what you could do is you could say,
Starting point is 00:08:51 all right, I'm gonna write a bit of JavaScript that stands in front of some computing on Amazon and just scales up based on how many people are using my company. This is too much vegetables. Okay, fine. What I'm learning from this is Amazon owns a bucket and owning a bucket is very profitable because it means you can dump racism into that bucket.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You can come in their bucket and they can charge you to do that. With a ladle. That's right. Anyway, look, most companies are just this. So if you want to know who's making money out of the dot-com boom, the people building the picks and shovels, what are the means of production?
Starting point is 00:09:30 It's this. It's data centers. It's computing. So the means of production of the right-wing internet is this company Epic. Everything is built on Epic. If you're using regular Uber, you're drinking karma of Amazon's bucket.
Starting point is 00:09:43 If you're using racist Uber, you're drinking karma of Epic's bucket. More or less. And the comma is spelt with a K. That's right. We finally achieve like a lowest common denominator understanding of this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:54 So that's just what I'm talking about. The internet has to be understood in terms of infrastructure. The normal internet is AWS. This is Epic. Yeah. The Epic. It's the racism bucket.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Yeah. Epic was, yes, that's right. Epic was a small DNS registrar and host founded by a man named Rob Monster. Yeah. Yeah. Get it, son. Dude's fucking rock.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Rob. Is that his real name? Yeah. He's Dutch. Rob Monster. Okay. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah. So Rob Zombie created Epic. Yeah. Rob to bank. So many websites in the back of my Dracula. Oh, yeah. A surf in the back of Mount Dracula. I wish I was standing on the home honk one day
Starting point is 00:10:41 when I thought, how could I monetize this? Yeah. How could I monetize it? Well, not taking off this black face. Yeah. Exactly. So anyway, Rob. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Hold on a second. What advantages if I am trying to fill a bucket with racism, right? If I'm trying to create my racism website, what advantages does it have to me to use this guy's patented racism bucket instead of AWS's just regular bucket? Yeah. I can't imagine AWS taking exception to my racist website.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Well, they do and they would. So again, there's too much vegetables for this right now, but suffice to say there's a relationship between your domain name registrar and your hosting service. And if your hosting service uses, say, something like GoDaddy or something like AWS, an enterprise usually use AWS,
Starting point is 00:11:29 something smaller could use GoDaddy. It depends. It's kind of on a sliding scale. It might be worth talking about in more detail another time. But usually these companies have terms of service. And so, for example, if you, you can't host the Daily Stormer. You can't put racism in my cum bucket. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:47 You can't host the Daily Stormer on AWS. It will be taken down. Because that's illegal to have up basically. And so it's, there's two things. There's the law of the land where it's like, you can't say something illegal. So if I say, you know, I'm going to plan a terrorist attack or whatever on AWS.
Starting point is 00:12:02 AWS can take it down. Yeah. If I say that on, and they can take it down because it's illegal. I can also say, I don't think gay people should be allowed to, you know, do whatever. It might not be illegal depending on what country you're in. Sure. Might not be illegal,
Starting point is 00:12:17 but it could be against their terms of use. It could be taken down. Yeah. Epic is they say, our rules are the law. That's it. We only do only what we are legally required. And that all our websites are hosted in Bulgaria. Show the law is pretty permissive.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So Rob Monster is American. I think he's just a Dutch. As long as you don't say anything about horses, you're pretty safe. So basically what happened was he was this, just a normal relatively small independent DNS registrar. And he spotted this opportunity among the far right, having already described himself as quote,
Starting point is 00:12:50 a conservative and a Christian who believes in free speech and that he will host any legal content at all. I mean, famously Christians really don't believe in free speech. Well, I mean, they do. Again, this is one of these things, right? Where if you pay attention to the development of politics, if you pay attention to the development of politics, We do not.
Starting point is 00:13:06 They do now because most of this has just all been covered for like different kinds of reaction, especially racial in the US. It's the pretending you're oppressed thing. Yeah. Nobody pretends they're censored like the right wing. And so even when most of what AWS takes down, due to like the law or its TOS is,
Starting point is 00:13:29 I don't know, stuff that like sex workers use or you know, just regular normal non-racist stuff, they will still be like Laura Luma being banned off of Twitter is the greatest program of our time. Was Galileo the original alt-right? And was the Catholic Church the original Amazon web services? Yes, to both. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So basically, so if you want an object lesson on how this works, Gab, which was a hotbed of nothing but say, racial animus and... Gab is more racist Twitter. Gab is, I have been kicked off of Twitter finally, which as we know, takes years of accumulating like strikes against your being... Alice, how do you know about that?
Starting point is 00:14:17 The biggest danger in the world. Wait, so Gab was trying to out-compete mum's net. Yes. And more. Gab's from Gab. I'm amazed that Elena has not got on Gab yet. That was Milo's next move after he was Milo Yiannopoulos. It's not this Milo.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah, no relation. Was kicked off of Twitter. His first move was Gab and he was going to be one of their big draws and instead he just kind of like faded into obscurity, which gives you some clue of how well Gab is doing. Yeah. Any case. So basically, Gab was also a place where if you're not familiar,
Starting point is 00:14:51 as I'm sure many people listening to this will be, like the Christ Church and I believe Pittsburgh mass shooters, before they shot up a mosque and a synagogue respectively, both posted their manifestos. Right? This is what Gab is. And so Gab, it took that. It took mass shootings for Go Daddy,
Starting point is 00:15:09 which was Gab's DNS host to take them down. Which again, is an indication of how high the bar is to get kicked off of using just the regular existing services. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So the bar is already very high. So Epic exists for the people who get kicked off of Go Daddy. Now admittedly places like Go Daddy and stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Like you thought that Go Daddy would be cool after they posted all of those heavily implied there's going to be porn if you follow the link. We didn't see Danica Patrick topless ads that they ran in 2009, but nevertheless. Right. You sound like you were really burned by those ads. There was a real sense of pain in that.
Starting point is 00:15:45 It's frail. Yeah. I feel like those only aired in Canada and the States. Yeah. Just trying to enjoy a microclimate and see some titties. Yeah. Yes. Anyway, that's right.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Epic came to its rescue. So this was what Rob Monster wrote on Gab. Okay. Dear Gab nation, I slam in the back of my drag. Dear, dear Gab nation, as a number of you know, since became the registrar for Gab, I have made an effort to engage both the extreme right and the extreme left as well as everything in between.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Well, what is the extreme left of Gab? Like, I really want to test their free speech thing by going on to Gab, logging on, getting an account and saying, would I actually believe about cops? But like, I will not because I know I would be banned instantly. Yeah. So based on what you said-
Starting point is 00:16:38 Let's have beliefs about cops. I have done this in part because I think Gab has been wrongly depicted by the media and also because I bet my reputation on Epic's decision to serve as Gab's registrar, which they still are. Imagine calling a company Epic and then having to keep saying it. Like, he's really like ruined his own working life there by just, it's an albatross around his neck now.
Starting point is 00:16:59 He has to keep unironically saying the word epic. You think that bothers a guy called Rob Monster? That is true. That is very true. How are we spelling monster? Normally. You have to commit to that as your brand so deeply. That's not a Dutch name.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Dutch? If it was a Dutch, if it was like M-A-A-N-S-T-A-R or something. I'm going to google this guy. I want to find out what he looks like because I have a strong image in my head of what a guy named Rob Monster who works for Epic. He doesn't look like what you think he does. He looks like Tom Steyer. Rob Monster is the tune of Rock Lobster.
Starting point is 00:17:31 He has that thing where he has the like Dutch fat child face on a regular man's head. Yeah, he looks like a treat. He looks like a little treatment. He looks like a little kissy treatment. He looks like Michael Goves, what he looks like. He's very jolly. He's very jolly man.
Starting point is 00:17:48 He's got a very like, you know, one of the kids at schools, dad's kind of look. He's very ordinary looking man. Anyway, so most of these social networks and so on, we're going to be talking about after the next company are accessed via Epic. The only, the Epic's only limit appears to be 8chan or Infinity Chan.
Starting point is 00:18:05 They won't host chans. They're so toxic that even the fucking racist, like... Racist, go daddy. Go Führer. Go Führer. Will not touch 8chan. Go Fatherland. So that's...
Starting point is 00:18:21 So this is like the underlying architecture and all of the people are pay... More many of the people here are paying Epic. Because again, like it's important to have DNS and hosting providers who are very concerned about privacy and so on and so on, which Epic's like brand is built on. Where's my illegalist far left version of this guy? You know?
Starting point is 00:18:43 Unfortunately, that got the illegalist far left version of this guy. That guy is being shot five times in the back of the head by the FBI is where that guy is. Or has like, yeah, been, is currently getting shot by rubber bullets in Portland. Anyway, so that's like one of the bits of infrastructure. Hello to that guy.
Starting point is 00:18:59 The other one, the other bit of infrastructure that we have to talk about as well is Brave, which is a strange one. Which is a Disney film from a couple years ago. Yeah, exactly. It's a browser, but it's also a Disney film. It's about a little ginger girl who shoots arrows. Yeah. And on Gab, you can say ginger.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah, you can say that. They don't care what the fucking, what the Rangas think. Yeah. So essentially, I forgot, I forgot about the term Ragnar. Yeah. That's funny. This is the other one of the companies that's like actual, like a couple of these companies are actually profitable.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Most of them are hilarious failures. Brave is a strange one. It's a browser created by a man called Brandon Eich. Oh, okay. Who is a man? Yeah. And this was after he was removed from his position as CEO.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And by an Argentinian named Senor Hielter. So Brandon Eich was removed from his position as just, America is just all of the worst of Germany. There's two great Germans in America. Yeah. Please remove three. Yeah. Brave.
Starting point is 00:20:01 So Brave is, yeah. It was a browser created by Brandon Eich after he was fired from his position as CEO at Mozilla, who makes Firefox for a phobia. Okay. So what about this guy? Is Brave a bit like Google's I'm Feeling Lucky? Like you'd think you're going to a regular website, but just one in 10 times it randomly navigates you to something illegal,
Starting point is 00:20:18 like child pornography. Not quite. Because that would be, you'd have to be a brave person to use that. I would agree. That's what I think the dark web is. It's why I will never use it is because as far as I'm concerned, like I read BBC news too much. I'm like the dark web is when you click a button and it takes you at random
Starting point is 00:20:37 to like an auction page for a Glock or child pornography. A friend of mine was buying some illegal drugs on the dark web. You said illegal drugs. Like it was. Which were illegal. I'm my ad officer. He was buying some unlicensed firearms for which he did not have the legal permit to distribute to critical drugs.
Starting point is 00:21:04 If you know what I mean. Yeah. For the purposes of murdering his enemies in the criminal underworld. No. And also I say a friend of mine as though it was me, but it actually was a friend of mine. And upped up on goofballs. Well, I actually, I'm not tech savvy enough to use the dark web,
Starting point is 00:21:24 but he was telling me that he was pleased with the drugs that he received. However, during the process, he was alarmed at how much hard sell there was for child pornography on this one, on like, on like the kind of trading forms that you also use to buy illegal drugs. And he was like, yeah. What is the guy who like goes to buy illegal drugs and is then upsold? Like, and is like, why didn't really want any child pornography?
Starting point is 00:21:52 People who bought this also bought. It's like getting the like custom mats when you're buying a car. You're like, well, I don't really need it. Custom mats that have a picture of Matt Hancock on them. I guess if I'm that high, maybe we're talking about brave. Brave is a fork off of Chrome. And basically when we say fork, what we mean is when software is written, a lot of the source code we put up and then you can base another piece of
Starting point is 00:22:18 software by adding features of that source code if it's open source base. Yeah. And the main thing about brave is in addition to like blocking ads and being very privacy focused is that it is like. It pays you to surf the Internet using a cryptocurrency of their own invention called the basic and attention token. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:41 The bat. Yes, the bat. What's the bat exchange rate to Dogecoin right now? I don't know, but apparently its exchange rate with dollars was spiked up by some other cryptocurrency relating to it being financialized recently. So its value is essentially random. Very quickly. This reminds me of my favorite Reddit post, which was on the Reddit legal
Starting point is 00:23:03 advice for a great Reddit page where the title was I am suddenly four million dollars in debt. What can I do? And I was looking for illegal drugs when the first words of the post and I did not read any further than this, I was trading cryptocurrency and basically like a lot of these companies will create a hash that again usually is a fork off an existing blockchain and they'll say, okay, we've now got a cryptocurrency.
Starting point is 00:23:38 We're going to declare it to have a value and if people start exchanging it for goods and services, hey presto, it has a value. So brave has this thing called the basic attention token. And with your old browser, this is their marketing copy. You paid to browse the web by viewing ads with your valuable attention. Again, this is not an incorrect criticism of the way the web is structured. Yeah, their solution to this, of course, is when you join brave rewards, your browser will automatically start.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Sometimes the rewards are child pornography. That's what makes it broad. Note to brave lawyers. They are not. They are not legally. They are not. The rewards are the tokens. Your browser will automatically start tallying.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Change those tokens for the child. You do not do that. This is based on the attention you spend on sites you visit. So once a month, brave rewards will send you a corresponding amount of bot divided up based on your attention from your local browser while it decides you visit it. The tie basic attention token. It's worth about as much. And so the idea is that ad revenue, they give you some of the ad revenue of the ads
Starting point is 00:24:44 you're looking at, which is like perfect hyper capitalist Keynesianism. It only makes sense to someone who is the CEO of Mozilla. It's the Auroboros. You're the fucking human centipede of the internet. It's a bunch of money gets exchanged where no production. If you want to know why you think that's weird, it's because money is being exchanged where no production occurs. Yeah, it's a weird libertarian instrument fashioned into a browser.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And also, if you want the experience of being an online human centipede, that's something you can pay for with a basic attention token on certain parts of the document. Keep brave in your mind because it's going to come up again later. So let's go on to some of the actual websites. We can't talk about this. Now, I'm going to miss a bunch. Okay. I've categorized them into the thing that they're replacing.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Right. I'm going to miss a bunch because there are a ton of these. I've asked our listeners to send some through. You know what? Just do quick hits. Just name the thing and ask us to do what it's a racist version of. Okay. Conservapedia. Racist Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I mean, presumably racist Wikipedia, but I just conservapedia just sent me down a different path for a second. Rightapedia. Same thing. Metapedia. Same thing. The last two are like splitters from one another and hate each other. Oh, amazing.
Starting point is 00:26:01 They made racist Wikipedia's that now hate each other. Awesome. But you know, like the Splinter groups on the left, like how the Trotskyists hate the Stalinists and whatever, do you think that the Nazis have the same thing as like the Himmlerites and the Gervilists? Yeah, but it's like it's all individuals. They all hate each other. So here's the next one.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Steam it. Poupon. What's that one, Alice? Racist steam, like gaming. No, racist YouTube. Oh. Oh. Spreely.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Isn't that just YouTube? Again, this is more racist. More racist live leak. Like if they won't take down your live streamed terrorist. Spring leak, did you say? Spreely. Spreely. Is it a shopping platform?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Facebook. Oh. Everyone, this is from about Spreely. Everyone has been asking for someone to create a site that is like Facebook, but that is dedicated to preserving freedom of speech. Everyone has been asking this. Yeah, they have. Well, we have some good news.
Starting point is 00:26:56 We did it. And it's now here introducing, which is a portmanteau of speak freely. Okay. Yeah. And it doesn't sound bad given the tendency of these people to do mass shootings. No. It definitely didn't lead me to think that it was like Live League,
Starting point is 00:27:10 but for Spreese. Yeah. For shopping Spreese maybe. Well, it's just such a wrong headed concept because the only people left on Facebook are the boomers, and the boomers aren't tech savvy enough to pick up on a new, small racist Facebook. They'll never hear about it.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Here's one. Mention spelled M-E-N-S-H-N. Oh, that's Louise Mention's website. Yes. Yes, it is. She will block you instantly if you mention... Well, mention it to her. It is fake conspiratorial Twitter.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Zephyla, spelled with an X. Is that a body part? Yeah. There's something bones would like fine. The victim Zephyla. Yeah. No, it is... Oh, if I had to have my Zephyla removed.
Starting point is 00:27:52 It's another... Didn't even know I had one. It's another racist Facebook. Okay. Ruckus spelled with Qs. Oh, is that ISIS held territory? Yeah. More racist racket.
Starting point is 00:28:05 More homophobic racket. Is it Reddit? It's Reddit. Yeah, that's right for it. Okay. Yeah. Those are only to name but a few. To name but a few.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So let's start with Conservapedia. Cool. Conservapedia is an interest... It is a bit of an anachronism on this list because it was... Unlike the other... All these other forums which are started to replace traditional social networking platforms largely,
Starting point is 00:28:33 whether that's gig economy platforms like racist Uber, which we'll talk about later, or various kinds of racist Twitter, or what have you. Also, there was Hatreon and other... However, it's expensive. It's making $420 a month. Yeah, hilarious.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Conservapedia is older. It's more mid-2000s. It's more obsessed with mid-2000s culture. It exists. It seems to respond to the Daily Show and call into question but not openly say if Barack Obama is a foreigner. It's a relic of...
Starting point is 00:29:09 In my head, Conservapedia is like a relic of the sort of George W. Bush era leftism bot that you stand with now. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly it. So it also... In other status about it being a relic, it was started by a young man named Andrew Schlafly.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Great name. The son of... It's my son. The son of Phyllis Schlafly who invented the American culture war more or less. Schlafly invented Honkball. Yes. Schlafly invented Honkball.
Starting point is 00:29:37 The Schlafly monster nexus. Yeah. So Schlafly started Conservapedia. He's a lawyer. He was also one of Barack Obama's classmates at Harvard. He's also a character from Rick and Morse. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. So he started Conservapedia to counter
Starting point is 00:29:52 what he perceived as liberal bias and Wikipedia. And it was specifically connected to the homeschooling movement that took off in response to evolution in... Sorry, go ahead. This is why it's such a relic, right? It's the phrase liberal bias, right? When was the last time you heard liberal bias? Now, nobody cares about liberals.
Starting point is 00:30:12 All of the people who would be founding things like Conservapedia think that everyone to their left is absolutely a Stalinist. Yeah. They think that it's... Ultra cock shit lips. They think it's Antifa and like pedophiles. And we need to fight the Antifa pedophiles by getting on Gab. So essentially, it was created as part of the wider homeschooling movement
Starting point is 00:30:32 that took off in the early to mid-2000s, which was then eaten alive by the charter school movement. But that was all about reaction or it was claimed to be about reaction to teaching evolution in science textbooks in Texas public schools. That means that some of the kids on Gab will have been homeschooled based off of Conservapedia, which rules. Yeah, that's so awesome. They are unable to refer to Barack Obama
Starting point is 00:30:57 without saying his middle name. Yeah. And in a weird tone of voice. Oh, you mean Barack Hussein Obama? Yeah, and not even making another point about him. Just ask who the last president was. It would be really funny if you'd picked up on that linguistic tick from your parents, but actually you yourself had no negative views about Obama,
Starting point is 00:31:14 but you just thought that was what you call him. Conservapedia is saying... Oh, do you mean Barack Hussein Obama? And then like one step further from Gab is just saying the N-word. Yeah. Well, no, one step further from Conservapedia is saying Barf Sack or Crumbo. And then one step further than that is like doing a discharging firearm. Different stages of syphilis.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah. So you might be asking, as Schlafly was once an interview, if anyone can contribute to Wikipedia, then what gives it a liberal bias? The establishment problem. Yeah. It's that everyone's establishment. Jimmy Wales asking you for donations.
Starting point is 00:31:52 But you're actually not a libertarian at all. Yeah. So named after the country of Wales where everyone's a dolphin is on heroin. So his answer was, it's the framework that makes it liberal. It's the difference between a legal proceeding that uses a jury and a good set of rules, which is what Conservapedia is compared to a mob, which is what Wikipedia is. Oh, the Wikipedia mob. Yeah, Antifa Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Yeah, always changing the lengths of my penis on the Wikipedia page. Anyone can serve on a jury and anyone can join a mob, but the outcomes are very different. A jury is guided by good rules to promote truth finding. A mob is guided by the biggest bullies. So. Okay. Conservapedia basically then says, look, if you have an art,
Starting point is 00:32:32 then they literally, this was notable with them. The article on Wikipedia that says that America might have aided and abetted a genocide in crimes against humanity in the Philippines. That's mob rule saying that it was a good and just active. It was a good and just and necessary intervention to protect America's sovereignty and the freedom of the Philippines. That's a jury. That's a jury.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah. Yeah. This was a big thing of like, was that Wikipedia was, and Shlafly said Wikipedia is too negative about America's intervention in the Philippines, which was the event. If you remember, Wikipedia is too negative. That inspired a friend of the show,
Starting point is 00:33:09 former guest Vincent Bevin, to write the Jakarta method about how the left tends to get slaughtered. Wikipedia has got such a downer on the holocaust. All the Wikipedia is okay. Keep using these words like, cry him against humanity. Can't wait. What would a balanced jury of our peers think?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Yeah. So, a conservapedia speaking of is also like, it's just a hotbed of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, reactionary birtherism. What? Yeah. What happened?
Starting point is 00:33:39 How did all this, how did all of this conspiratorial racism get into my right wing? All they wanted was a balanced view. And then all the views that were balanced turned out to be the racist. No, they turned out to be the right ones, obviously. Oh yeah. Damn, I guess racism is just right. Everyone looks to camera in the TF Studio.
Starting point is 00:33:57 So, the main other thing about Andrew Shlafly and the other Shlafly children, is that when they're not trying to, again, literally trying to do, make a translation of the Bible that's free from liberal bias. Oh, wow. Famously, ah, the ultra-cut shit-lib text, the Bible. Famously, famously extremely left-wing diatribe.
Starting point is 00:34:17 What you've got to do, is they've been stuck on this for 10 years, because they're trying to find a different metaphor for eye of a needle. Well, the other thing, right, I think, again, it's like, no, you just have to understand that they like their, they like to be padded on the head by stuff, and they like to be congratulated by stuff,
Starting point is 00:34:37 they don't want to be challenged by stuff, and they're pretty sure that what they've got is the right thing. So, if the bits of the Bible are gonna, like, Christianity, in order for a victory for, you know, white Christianity, we need to flex Christianity, because the real thing is whiteness in my wealth,
Starting point is 00:34:53 and the idea of America. And if Christianity has to flex around that, then we're gonna re-translate the Bible, to say that Ronald Reagan was somehow involved. In the beginning, there was the word, and there was the word was with God, and the word said, Yeah, in the beginning, there was the word,
Starting point is 00:35:08 and actually, anyone could say it. Yeah. So, the other big thing that Schlafly children do, is they like to sue each other and others as well. Oh, awesome. Oh, just dudes just suing each other, because they're not gay. So, Andrew Schlafly was involved in a lawsuit
Starting point is 00:35:25 over the Eagle Forum, which his mother Phyllis Schlafly started to continue conservative. You shouldn't call a conservative, you shouldn't call a conservative organization, the Eagles something, because it's associated with a certain nest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Eagle Forum. Anyway, the Eagle Forum, and there was a big lawsuit over that around who gets Phyllis Schlafly's life insurance payout. Amazing. And then, Amazing. And then, Andrew Schlafly sued his cousin Thomas,
Starting point is 00:35:55 because he brewed a beer called Schlafly Ale. Awesome. In St. Louis, Missouri. No more stuff. No connection, it seems, to conservative politics at all. It's just Andrew was like, Fuck you, cousin, I'm gonna sue you, because no one should be able to use my name,
Starting point is 00:36:11 if I don't profit from it. Look at my Bible. Someone, no one should be able to take a name this stupid, and put it up here. Anyway, as also the head of the American Association of Physicians. Can we from Robb Monster to sue Monster Energy? Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, that'd be dope.
Starting point is 00:36:25 How dare you steal my monster? He also has sued to try to get all publicly, and to block the Affordable Care Act, the meager provision of public medicine, that America ever received. The only medicine he, according to his lawsuits, wants people to be able to get for free, is hydroxychloroquine,
Starting point is 00:36:41 because it triggers the wolf. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. That's actually what happens when you get injected with it, it just triggers you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So, yeah. So, conservative pedia is interesting, because it's just, it's a right-wing Wikipedia. It's got like, you know, some 10,000s of page views, and like they never go as far as the people on GAB. Like, they'll heavily imply that Baron Trump is a genius, but they won't, like, list his chess victories.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. It's like, there's a generational divide at work, but on the right here, that you can trace quite neatly. But for example... What I will say about Baron Trump is he's fucking huge. So, here's one. By the way, if you wanted to,
Starting point is 00:37:18 bringing that up earlier, I've just logged on to conservative pedia. Here's the front page. The Biden riots in American cities have a parallel. The Biden riots. Hold up, hold up. The big part. The Biden riots have a parallel,
Starting point is 00:37:30 and that we should not miss. What is the parallel? Alice, quick guess. Uh, scope funky trial. 9-11. Crystal knocked. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Oh. Oh. Oh. Making... Oh, that's... I have one comment. Oh. Yeah, that was...
Starting point is 00:37:51 That was a... Yeah, I said, yikes for me. Yeah. Fam. Woo. Wow. Jacob Blake was armed.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Let's see. Democrat rioters destroyed Denver. Biden terrorist arrested in a Sultan seven-year-old boy. It's a link he's making genuinely that windows were broken. And he's trying to do, like, an equivocation between,
Starting point is 00:38:18 like, if you break a window, he says it's always bad, regardless of what the circumstances are. He says it has the same degree of advanced planning. Like, if you look up now, like... He's a pro window guy. They think Joe Biden is capable of advanced planning.
Starting point is 00:38:34 He says it only advanced in one respect. Um... So, yeah, if you look up, like, if you look up, Pizzagate, it says it's an alleged conspiracy theory. So, like, conservapete is moving. Listen up, listen up, Mack.
Starting point is 00:38:48 No, no one called it a knocked then. It was, uh, it was a swimming hole. It was, uh, where... Oh, what am I saying? Oh, I'm sorry. Um, anyway, so that's conservapedia. And then also you have to know that metapedia was a European right-wing Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Metapedia sounds like it's sex ring. It was much more about, like... They have two American liberal values about the age of consent laws. It's an internet inside my basement. It was Nordic, not Central European. Oh, it's an internet inside my basement. I don't really have one accent.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah. So, uh, conservative metapedia was... Metapedia was started by some, like, Odin Rune Nazis, and then it was split off of by some other Odin Rune Nazis who had, like, some, you know, just nonsense disagreement with the other ones
Starting point is 00:39:35 that is completely indistinguishable to anyone but them. You took a lot of my items in the RuneScape. That's right. That's exactly what I mean. I do not agree with your use of the RuneScape server. Uh, anyway, they hate each other, and that's funny.
Starting point is 00:39:49 So, let's talk about the YouTube clones. Uh, there are four of them. Of course there are. Steemit. Steemit, maybe. Bitshoot. What do you feel more fucking cool like? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Stick it in your Bitshoot. Here's another one. Gorka voice. Here's another one. Stick it in your Bitshoot, Mr. Chapo. Here's another one. D-Cube. Um...
Starting point is 00:40:11 D-Cube. Stick your D-Cube in my Bitshoot, Mr. Chapo. It is spelled with a Q. Um, and then QubeTV. QubeTV. Okay. The Nintendo shit. Qube.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Now, QubeTV. Why is it about like Qube so much? QubeTV has gone offline. It was founded by some former... It was founded by some former Reagan aides. Reagan aides. In order to counter... Reagan aides.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Vibral bias on YouTube. Um... Okay. It was basically... It was to give specifically Michelle Malkin a platform. Oh, awesome. So much like Gab was like tied to Miloianopolis. It must be upsetting that if you were a Reagan...
Starting point is 00:40:58 If you were one of Reagan's aides, when someone Googles your job title, the first thing that comes up is Reagan's biggest policy fuck up. Um, yeah. So essentially, yeah. So QubeTV was described to give Michelle Malkin a platform. And the thing is like, this is QubeTV... Remember Michelle Malkin? What's she up to these days?
Starting point is 00:41:18 Probably, I don't know, selling stuff on Instagram. I imagine. Michelle Malkin, the French Macaulay Culkin clone. Because she was like a blogger, which is like... Oh, yeah. She was doing the Ben Shapiro Act before he won. Okay. Here's what she's doing.
Starting point is 00:41:32 She's organizing against... She's organizing on behalf of Shopify. Cool. She must have been old by now. For serving as a payment processor for people buying shirts, glorifying Kyle Rittenhouse. Awesome. Yeah. So anyway, the point about these four different alternatives to YouTube is that all of them,
Starting point is 00:41:50 their entire time they were up, some of them are still up like BitShoot, which is actually like financially successful, at least for now for reasons we'll get into, to QubeTV, which is now off the air. Let's say... You've got your BitShoot and there's nothing in it. Well, there is quite a bit in it. You're looking for a DQ to put in your BitShoot. You're looking for a VTube to put in your BitShoot and then steam it.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And I... Look, I'm not happy about these lyrics either, but put this wet-ass DQ in my BitShoot. So, effectively, all of these websites are just links to YouTube videos. Cool. What? They're all just like unlisted ones. Well, no, it's that they have little videos and links and so on, but the videos quite frequently just contain links to the creator's YouTube page where they'll say, I'm being censored.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Check out my links on BitShoot and then on Bit... And pay me via cryptocurrency on BitShoot, but then they still just have a YouTube page. Give me a token, baby. So, these are... What you have to understand, these all are, is basically like right-wing... Yeah, I'm on spread. ...specific community-supported Patreon, right? Patreon evaporated the other one, which was called GoiFundMe, which is a specifically anti-semitic
Starting point is 00:43:03 Patreon, like an extra anti-semitic Patreon. But that doesn't even... Okay, that's not even like following the logic of anti-semitism because... No, it is because their whole thing is like, we, the Goi, know what the others are doing, so the other Gois have to find one another. That's why it's called that. It's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Of course it's stupid.
Starting point is 00:43:24 It does just sound like Jewish people making fun of something dumb that white people have done. Because these are sites that are created by these stupidest, most malicious people who have ever existed, and they can't stop being angry and scamming each other. It's why conservative jokes don't work. They get too mad in the setup and can't get to the punchline. But anyway, so BitShoot is basically right. It is growing incredibly fast.
Starting point is 00:43:51 It's run by a guy called Vehe. Incredibly fastly growing BitShoot. Run by a guy called Vehe. Re-Vehe. Re-Vehe. He also likes to talk about... It's not a name. He also likes to talk about Disgust, which is like a comment section platform.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Lots of newspapers use it on the comment section. Yeah, so it's a bit kind of like LiveLeak, kind of like YouTube. It's sort of one or the other. Will they take down your mass-shooting headcan footage? Yeah. No. It's a dashcam footage that happens to be of you doing a Nazi salute.
Starting point is 00:44:23 No, because it's based on more of a BitTorrent peer-to-peer thing. So they can't take down your mass-shooting headcan footage. Sorry. We can't. So that's why it's a little bit LiveLeak, a little bit YouTube. But it also has a payments infrastructure. So you can use cryptocurrency to support your favorite creators. I can't make them take down the headcan footage, but I can tip the guy while he's in jail.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Why is it critical? Surely that's an easier way of doing that. We just like that. All these freaks love cryptocurrency. It's libertarian, plus you can buy your child pornography directly, rather than having to transfer it. Yeah, no need to convert. So you have to understand that most of the...
Starting point is 00:45:01 Because they tend to get wrapped up with cryptos, and they tend to be like based on Bitcoin and stuff, they tend to have... You just call me a fucking crypto. They tend to have... No, they're very much not crypto. They're very... Just openly.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Yeah, they tend to end up functioning as kind of payments and support platforms. Okay. Because like I said, most of the links to actual contents on YouTube, because Bitshoot's infrastructure sucks. All of this stuff sucks. And nobody's getting kicked off of YouTube anyway. Like as we've established, the bar for actually getting locked out of these things is so high that you may as well keep using it anyway,
Starting point is 00:45:40 and then just have this sort of archipelago of like weird payment infrastructure as a way of like getting money for stuff on your... I am Dr. Wirecard. Welcome to my archipelago of weird payment infrastructure. I'm sure you will be quite happy here, Mr. Bond. Why is he going increasingly gorka? It's a join me on the archipelago of taxical payments. It's very funny.
Starting point is 00:46:11 That's podcast, baby. So basically, Reve, he said, yeah, the website is growing too fast for him to moderate. Oh, damn. And that they're, quote, working hard to introduce new policies and processes, which blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, as a small platform with limited resources and encourage organizations like HopeNotHate. We're sorry about the buffering in the mass shooting video. We understand it was very important.
Starting point is 00:46:33 BitShoot is also British and so is subject to the online harms bill. Oh, BitShoot, is it? Oh, you're on camera for a shooting video? Oh, you're trying to shove it... Oh, you're going to shove it at me? BitShoot, oh yeah, you dirty bastards. So BitShoot is accountable for the online harms bill, which basically is a broad...
Starting point is 00:46:54 It's a broad platform that holds a broad bit of legislation that holds publishers like platforms accountable for what happens on them. Broad legislation. I'm sure this is never misused. That's not going to get misused at all. No. Anyway, so he says that the problem is that bands by online platforms push people onto other networks with no accountability.
Starting point is 00:47:15 So if you're going to drink with your friends, I'd rather you did it with me. I'd rather you did it in this basement where there'll be no accountability. Yeah. So yeah, you have to under... So that's kind of the point of these, right? Is all of them are very stupid and most of them are failures, but they're not failures at what they intend to be, which is just like auxiliary payment processors
Starting point is 00:47:34 where people can talk about how they're not allowed to say the things that they say on YouTube, but they just link to YouTube anyway. Let's talk about the Facebooks. That is exactly how you will call Facebook in 20 years. Yeah. The different Facebooks. So Spreely, we've discussed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Zephila, we've discussed, I've mentioned. Zephila was ejected in the explosion. Yeah. I'm sure that Nicholas Tartaglioni. Nicholas Tartaglioni knows what Zephila is. So Mines as well as another one that uses blockchain and like you get... We've covered before. That doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah. Like you get like made up token. You get made up money for likes, basically. What? One of these people wants to go to racist Chuck E. Cheese. And so it claims to be a user owned social network, but like generally speaking, like a lot of them just do initial coin offering.
Starting point is 00:48:35 They raise money through a... Actually, an Obama era bit of legislation that startups are allowed to like do their own GoFundMe's and stuff. Awesome. And also it's mostly been funded by, which is an internet retailer that sells like betting. It's funded entirely by sales of Saddam Hussein on Wish. It's basically funded by
Starting point is 00:48:59 And you largely, it's a place where again, it's built on cryptography rather than like AI and centralization. And... Why does this Facebook keep trying to sell me Renaissance portraits of my dog? I don't even have a dog. And basically again, you like get fake cryptocurrency for likes and engagement and things of that nature. And every...
Starting point is 00:49:23 And again, people are like, huh, the social network that's this alternative to Facebook that's purely about free speech, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and is based on cryptocurrency seems to keep attracting a lot of freaking Nazis. Weird. Huh. What a head scratcher. You got Nazis in my right wing version of Facebook. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Et cetera. That's mines. And like it raises lots of money, especially because it's very funny from Why not? And then of course we've talked about this before. ThinkSpot.
Starting point is 00:49:56 ThinkSpot. Oh yeah. Jordan Peterson's Facebook. Oh yeah. Yeah. All of this is basically like... How's Jordan Peterson doing? How's he keeping up with the updates on that, by the way?
Starting point is 00:50:07 Oh, he's posting again. Oh, could we get Jordan Peterson to go on the Argentinian YouTube show where they eat meats and review them? Please. I want to see Jordan Peterson get botulism from some Argentinian mold steak. Sure. Yeah. God.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Gross. If you don't watch the stream, don't. Yeah. As we said on the stream, this is no longer a podcast with a Sunday YouTube stream. This is a Sunday YouTube stream with a podcast. Wow. That's right. So, ThinkSpot.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Again, we've talked about it on the podcast before. I'll re-summarize it quickly. It's Jordan Peterson's network design for Jordan Peterson type guys where it's like, the minimum post is 50 words long. You must have this many brain parasites from eating nothing but red meat to post. So, you might be wondering, wait a minute. Most of these are either just like different people externalizing different schemes against one another or getting people to like look at ads to get stage for fake cryptocurrency.
Starting point is 00:51:05 It's not cool to post on So, what I'm saying is, you might be wondering, how does ThinkSpot make scam money out of idiots? What is its Rube conversion? Because yeah, on mines and bit chute and brave and so on, the conversion is like... Every page you read, it gives you a small morsel of steak. Are they after your data? So, you have to pay $2.50 a month to contribute, but every single thing is pay walled on the site.
Starting point is 00:51:37 It's like a libertarian paradise where if you want to access someone's posts, you have to pay them a monthly fee. That rules. Yeah. Unlike this, for reasons we won't go into. We won't be going into it. If you want to access my posts, you should pay me a monthly fee. That's my opinion.
Starting point is 00:51:54 You should mail it to me. I mean, you need to be as good at Twitter as like Michael Hudson to warrant someone having a paid for Twitter feed. That's like the bottom news. Or just news. That's like the bar. Yeah. Look, mail me out of date Belgian currency if you want to keep reading my tweets.
Starting point is 00:52:12 That's what I demand. Like cop memorabilia and challenge coins. Krugerans for me. Thank you. Yeah. I've got the few dice. I'm a simple man and I just want Krugerans. You can do this.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Right. But like only if it's a private snap. Imagine trying to sell people on a private snap, but like what you're showing off is your brain. So basically. Patreon dries up and we have to stop private snap costs $120 a year to subscribe to Jordan Peterson and Jordan Peterson's own social network. I will show you my bit shoes.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Oh, that's right. $120 a year to subscribe to Jordan Peterson and his own on his own thing and $70 a year to subscribe to his daughter who is giving him munch house in my proxy. Alice, do they have it? Do they have a bit shoe in the folder full of purses at the gender clinic? Yeah. Trying to get my shoes installed. I can't believe women still only make 77 cents on the fucking libertarian thing.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah. And all the other people seem to have some kind of like it's like Jordan Peterson's friend, like Dave Rubin, who also said at the website, it's just Jordan Peterson and his friends charging a user base of a couple thousand people, a lot of money to read their posts. Women are making less money for the same job simply because they have a bit chute and that isn't right. They don't have.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Here's the next one. They don't have a Yipi. Oh, that's the next tech company that we're talking about Yipi. Racist Yelp. Racist Yelp. Something with a dog. No. Racist Airbnb.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Nope. I looked for Racist Airbnb. I really wanted there to be one. Racist search engine. Yep. That's it. Oh, okay. It's like yahoo.
Starting point is 00:53:54 No, it's not. It is more effectively. So it's. You're going Frank Sinatra. All invited commas. It's one of these very weird ones, right? Again, a little bit of explanation here is a lot of tech companies, what they do is they will purchase IP from like a university or something.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Okay. That's how Google started, right? Yeah. They got a page rank algorithm and they built a business off of that. Yeah. So Yipi basically was this guy, Rich Granville, whose name, his pinned tweet is him meeting Vincent Fusca and saying, I'm going all the way with you, man, which is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I mean, like I'm taking this fight all the way with you. And you don't know who Vincent Fusca is. I am going to fuck Vincent Fusca. Yeah. That's right. Going to home base. I'm going to home base with Vincent Fusca. Every woman, you meet them and like.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Yeah. Every woman you meet, they're all just like talking about how much they want to bang Vincent Fusca. Vincent Fusca in a pot. Vincent Fusca is the guy who is supposed to be JFK Junior's secret identity according to QAnon. Yeah. He never claims this.
Starting point is 00:55:04 He just keeps showing up to QAnon stuff and being like, yep. And getting congratulated by people. Like wink. Okay. Yeah. Just normal. Just being, yeah. He's an international JFK Junior impersonator who never admits to be.
Starting point is 00:55:18 The giant mask protest in Berlin saying. Yeah. He was there. JFK, my dad, like, said that Berlin was like the front lines of freedom in the Cold War. And now I'm back to do the same thing again. Here's the thing, right? My father's JFK. Do you guys, do you guys like dick?
Starting point is 00:55:39 That doesn't sound anything like Vincent Fusca. Here's the thing. Here's the thing, right? Like JFK. I believe that Vincent Fusca fully believes he is JFK Junior. With any of you girls like 200 euros. What do you think of that? What do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah. That's right. I think he knows. I think he knows that he is not JFK Junior. So Yipi is, it says Google, the guy Richard Granville says that Google is the most successful search engine in the world, but can we trust it? No. Does it give us what we want?
Starting point is 00:56:13 No. No, we can't. And it doesn't. Or what Google execs want us to have. I mean, it's the thing where they think that the tech company has a secret woke agenda and that Google executives want us to, like when you search, they say, EG, why is Donald Trump's the first face, the first thing that comes up when we type idiot into Google images? Because it's a highly suggested search result.
Starting point is 00:56:36 And also because people keep doing blogs where they say people call Donald Trump an idiot and post a picture of Donald Trump. That's what I mean. You can tell because you search idiot, it's a picture of Donald Trump's face. It's guys getting owned by Google's algorithm that they don't understand. Google's algorithm is like extremely proprietary. But the gist of it, as I understand it, is the more times that something links to something else in the context of something, the more it like boosts that as a thing that's related
Starting point is 00:57:01 to it. So if a bunch of people are calling Donald Trump an idiot, then of course it's going to be like those two things are going to go together. It's not a secret. It's a secret plot. Oh, okay. It is a secret plot. It is a secret plot.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And again, no, it's true. Whenever I Google pizza. The thing is, he's right that Google is showing you what they want to show you. We did a whole episode about that, like about how they privilege their own products and stuff. But again, they're so consumed by their own resentments that they start competitors on the basis of something. They start to start competitors to Google on the basis of something they imagine Google
Starting point is 00:57:37 to be doing that they aren't. Yeah. Why is it that whenever I Google open jacuzzi. I get all these pictures of illegal firearms, which are illegal to own and use. Everyone should go to Dave Courtney's house. It's always open for a party. Open jacuzzi, baby. So Google says obviously, anyway, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:57:56 So that's what Richard Granville says. Google, Amazon, Apple and other elitist alphabet companies are controlled by global entities working in collusion. Yeah. Echo. Yeah. Through major stakeholders and executives for the benefit of do that again, foreign and domestic globalist agendas.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Foreign and domestic globalist agendas. And not for the protection of their clients or user base or their people or their white children. Sorry, I added that last bit. Their neo-nazi ideology proliferates one world governance through technology. One world governance. It's a kind of tech socialism mixed with big brother in the cloud along with other mentally unstable ideas.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Thus, independence from these ideologies, individuals and companies are required to maintain security and loyalty to our clients, our people and our white children. Extra steps. Yeah. This is like the, I don't know. The phrasing is very Nazi. This is like the 80 words. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:56 There's a lot of like tricolons about, yeah, it's very mmm. So look, we talked about, I mentioned how like the companies buy stuff from universities. They bought something called a clustered search algorithm from a university and they've been trying to turn it into a company for about 13 years. It's never worked. It's always lost money. Okay. It's a real thing that you can buy that is useful and said they also have like a Google.
Starting point is 00:59:22 They're just also catastrophically incompetent. Yes, that's exactly it. And it's been around for 13 years. No, it seems to be an actual product. No one wants to buy it. Rich Granville basically now just posts himself doing QAnon stuff, like holding guns and pointing them at like Biden's eyes and loving Trump, loving Vincent Fusca. And there's a Bill Mitchell connection.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Oh, amazing. There is a Bill Mitchell connection with this company because. Bill Mitchell. Bill. So I don't know if a lot of people, I don't know Bill. No, they're a race scientist. I don't know. I don't know if a lot of people know this.
Starting point is 01:00:02 But Bill Mitchell, he like he did a big fundraiser because he lived in, I think Virginia. I'm not really sure. I think it was Virginia, but he said, I know it wasn't Virginia. That'd be too close to DC. He lived somewhere. Yeah, something like he's one of these guys. He's a Sunbelt guy. He said, I want to move your voice America to Washington DC so I can be close to the action.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Investigate the swamp. He raised $15,000 to do so. And then said, having moved to Miami, I'm very excited to blah, blah, blah. And people were very upset. He said, what's going on? He said, I'm going to turn the world upside down more effectively. Washington DC of the South. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:00:53 That's right. So what this was, was he was going to enter into some kind of poorly defined consulting agreement with Yipi. They will make you a powered search engine. Yeah. Oh yeah. It has a better predictive power than a lot of Google software. So this could have been quite powerful. A search engine where you could find a condom that just covers the tip of your penis.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And other amazing Bill Mitchell ideas. A search engine that really can make you feel more at home with the idea of death and dying than any pre-psychiatrist or therapist. Because you just like... Oh yeah. Bill Mitchell loves dying. He just wants to be martyred. He is like the only thing keeping him from joining right wing ISIS is that he's too secretly fat. Secretly fat.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Do you know what he's secretly? He doesn't look fat. I saw another picture of him for another angle. Fat guy. He's quite jawline-y. He's a fat guy. Is he using like... Is he like...
Starting point is 01:01:55 He's using like bulldog clips to like hold it all on his back. He's like the other kind of crypto. Yeah. It's crypto-fat. Crypto-fat. Anyway. Yeah. So this is a company that again is like...
Starting point is 01:02:06 It's a penny stock. They're also engaged in a lot of lawsuits. Awesome. With people who they think are... All of these people are like suing each other and all of their attorneys dress in like 18th century garb all the time. It rolls. Yeah. I love that.
Starting point is 01:02:22 What I like about it as well is like this is also clearly people who always go to court and neck braces just in case. Oh, nice. Yeah. Yeah. So no, they sued basically... Also, his beer company gave me a whiplash. Oh, the beer company.
Starting point is 01:02:36 I forgot about that. You know, the Yippie sued a company called Magna, which they accused of manipulating their share price. Oh, okay. And... I literally tense of a penny. Yeah. We're no longer allowed to be classified as a penny stock. We have to be a hey penny stock and it's all because of you.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Our stock is not only expressible in BART. Yeah. So what they sued was a company called Magna Group, which offers property development and luxury asset management services, which financed them in 2012. They just sued a bunch of condo guys. This is a strongly Miami vibe here. The condom guys versus the condo guys. This is the real...
Starting point is 01:03:17 And then essentially they say, yeah, it was run by a 27-year-old called Josh Saison. Everyone involved... I'm downgrading my 18th-century guard thing. Everyone involved in this is wearing slip-on loafers. Yeah. Josh Saison. Okay. No.
Starting point is 01:03:32 So basically, here's the opening of a Bloomberg article about Josh Saison, who Yippie sued. 2000 people cheered as Josh Saison walked up to a boxing rating at an arena in Providence late last year, trailing the actor Miles Teller. The crowd was made up of extras. They were shooting a boxing movie directed by the guy who made Boiler Room, and Saison got to make a cameo in the fighter's entourage because he's producing the movie with Martin Scorsese and put up the budget. After the December shoot, Saison took a Christmas vacation in Malaysia with his majeure model girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Cool. And yeah, and basically so... This is just like such a collection of guys. I'm so pleased you brought up movies there because this is exactly what a producer does, is talk to and find guys like this. And they're all so fucking weird. Yeah. He's Chris Maltesante.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Yes. So basically, at this point also, this is too stupid. This is too stupid for me to want to understand it. But like it's too small time. It doesn't affect the wider economy. It's just guys scamming each other in different ways. Yeah. But I think these are all like just different kinds of huckster scamming one another.
Starting point is 01:04:52 And it doesn't affect anyone but other kinds of hucksters. So go for it. It's like proper like Carl's and Ostrich style crime, where they're just, you know, they're ganging up on other criminals. You know what it is? It's idiot on idiot crime. Yeah. And I'm fine with that.
Starting point is 01:05:06 It's idiot crime vertical that we're doing. Yeah. And so basically, yeah. So Magna floated a bunch of yippie shares. They defaulted on their obligation to purchase them, blah, blah, blah. And then somehow made a lot of money on that. I don't care. Penny stocks are stupid.
Starting point is 01:05:24 It's all scams. And yet they all just continually have money, despite how stupid they are and how failing most of their business are. Right. And it's not, it's the playing, it's the being a conservative is playing on easy mode. Like you just, you all, you always have a Mercer or a Coke or whoever else to like fund your latest cockamamie scheme that then like within a week is broken
Starting point is 01:05:50 up by an obscure federal law enforcement agency that only I know about. Yeah. Yeah. Well, also the other thing, right, is you need to know these guys. NST police are at my door because of my plan to like re, uh, like re-measure the standard kilogram in a more conservative way. So, oh no, not the federal glassier mint inspector. They've been on my ass for years.
Starting point is 01:06:18 You're getting arrested by the copyright police for making a glassier mint that has an S in it. Yeah. That's worth millions of dollars. Yeah. Everyone we've talked about is currently being tased by the Bureau of Engraving Printing Police. So, um, the other thing, my theory about this, right, is that like these guys have been
Starting point is 01:06:38 intellectually living in a zero interest rate world for a while, right? Where the zero interest rate world we talked about is like, none of the money lenders expect the projects are going to pay off at all. They're lending money. Sandbox mode. It's, it's so, so easy. You can just do whatever you want and like you can grift all of these people and then just disappear and like resurface somewhere and do your next thing.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Like putting the cheat codes on the Sims and now they're building a house entirely out of jukeboxes. You know, it's like, it's like, for example, like all of these wonderkins who are like 27 years old and like start companies or whatever, generally they're just grifters. I mean, this is like, this is true of the successful ones. Like the reason Clearview is successful isn't because of like, uh, evil twink honed on that. It's because like it was useful to, I don't know, the fucking forces of darkness or whatever to have this.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Shucked off by an evil twink. What do they want these days? Yeah, it wasn't. But they can tell. They have image analysis. Evil twink genius, right? He would just be another one of these guys if there hadn't been a need to have this kind of algorithmic AI recognition thing.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Yeah. I think the way I'm thinking about it, right? Also is like, they always seem to have money also because they've always borrowed it from someone or got invested by someone who's actually super rich. And they're just sort of running around having fun. Um, anyway, guys having fun with each other. Dude's Rock episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:03 So let's, uh, let's big swords. They don't care. Let's move on. Let's move on to the last couple. Twitter of the big one. Gab, which we've mentioned earlier. Parler is the other big one. Functionally indistinguishable.
Starting point is 01:08:16 I don't care. Parler is like more popular though, right? That's been the one that people have actually been. Yeah. It's not tainted by any mass shootings yet. We'll see how well it holds up. It's interesting you see the word tainted there. I'm not sure they see it that way.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Yeah. So gab. Very good. So gab basically is, yeah, it's racist Twitter. Fuck it. Who cares? But the thing is Andrew Torba, who's the, uh, one of the keys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Like he literally is. For you. So basically now here's where we go back to brave from earlier. Gab after the, um, many mass shootings had inspired had an Exodus of users who went on to other platforms where they could plan mass shootings in peace. Cause each of these platforms is good for like one or two mass shootings.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Then you have to go to another one. Yeah. Yeah. It's like doing that thing where you, you know, you create a new mass every time, every time you do, um, a Netflix account. So you get the 30 day free trial. Same thing with machines. Decentre was set up as a internet browser as a fork from brave,
Starting point is 01:09:22 which was set up as a fork from Chrome. Okay. Brendan Eich. There's no e in Decentre. Right. It's just, uh, no, it's the whole word. Oh, that's upsetting. It's nice for them.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I've left it on the table though. They've left you an e. E. E. E. E. So Decentre was a fork for brave. E.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Decentre, uh, essentially was, uh, uh, number one, Brendan Eich, uh, got really mad for some reason, even though he forked off another thing, um, that, that, that, uh, created a browser. Only I can fork only I fork. I'm the forker. Mr. Chubbo. Only I possess the forks.
Starting point is 01:10:01 You can't, you can't fork me. Decentre describes itself as a free open source utility that allows people to dissent from orthodoxy and express what they're really thinking without fear of reprisal. Uh, Milo, do you want to guess how that actually cashes out in real life? How do they, how do they, how do they execute that promise? So this is another web browser, right? Every page is child pornography.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Uh, is it? No. Does it make words into the n word that aren't? Almost. Okay. It allows you to put any word you want anywhere you want because it allows you to like overlay a comment section on any website. What we've done, what they've done is only visible to people with your browser.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Just, just scam some fucking racists out of inspect element. Uh, effectively. Yes. Um, and so it's, it's the same thing in every other respect. It has its cryptocurrency function, all of that. But, uh, yeah, basically if you have a gap where you can write the n word. So if you have a gap account, except people who already agree with you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:04 So if you have a gap account, you can use dissenter to like go onto the guardian and be like, ah, the cucked guardian at it again or whatever. And then all your friends can see. It's a literal echo chamber. Yes. Except though that I presume there's actually, there's a technical issue with this, right? Because it means that they have to like store all of this data,
Starting point is 01:11:24 all these comments on all of these websites. So if you were really Machiavellian, you just go and leave, leave really long comments on like millions of websites and. Do not do that. Do not do that. I'm afraid that also. Distributed denial of service. That's stupid idea.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Yeah. There's like 10 people who use it. It's just, it's, it's pretty stupid. Um, because GAB has always claimed that it has this huge user base, but analytics have been done before that are like say that it has like 10,000 users. None of this stuff is popular. Like Conservapedia, probably the most so.
Starting point is 01:11:56 And like, uh, amusingly because it's like the uncut version and it's like, well, because Rob Zombie is like too cuckpill to actually host it. 8chan genuinely is popular. Yeah. Like. The other thing about none of these are. The thing about all these websites, right, is the only one that was really, that was actually overtly connected to a real political movement and not just
Starting point is 01:12:19 ethereal resentments about mods is conservapedia because it was connected to the homeschooling and everything else is just complaining about mods. Today's movement is on 8chan, which after all, gave birth to Q, right? Like an 8chan needs its own episode because it's not of these things. Uh, these are the kind of like spoofs and goofs that like. No, you talk about eight. No, you talk about stuff you see on 8chan on GAB and you ask for money on
Starting point is 01:12:45 Twitter to support you on GAB talking about stuff you saw on 8chan. Yeah. It's like. That's the ecosystem here. Yes. 8chan, love, love, racism, simple as. That's right. Um, so basically right.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Um, yeah. So, uh, GAB does that. Um, and also they've just, they've used an Obama era law that allows startups to basically sell funds by like raising money. I think you mean a Barack Hussein Obama era law. Sorry, Milo. I think you're right. I think I do mean that.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Yeah. Sorry. I'll check my conservapedia to be sure. Sorry. I'll check my conserver privilege. Yeah. Sorry. Um, and you know, I said.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I was my father. Please just call me boss. Um, yeah. And, uh, British equivalent to barf sack or crumple, which was Zanu P. F. Lieball. That's so cool.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Uh, but you can also like pay for GAB pro and buy verification. But I, what I think the really funny thing is, right? Is to get on this like equity platform crowdfunding thing, uh, with GAB, they had to submit documents to the SEC, which means they had to submit their business case to the S like who they are and what they do and why to the SEC, which means that Andrew Torba had to waste this guy of the
Starting point is 01:14:04 SEC's time reading his innate conspiracy theories to have signed off to be able to accept money. This is the only thing that the SEC still does. Like what it should be doing is arresting every billionaire and instead it's just like reading policy proposals about triggering the libs. Yeah. So they say, um, as censorship undertaken by major platforms
Starting point is 01:14:26 like Twitter and Facebook grows, particularly with appears to be done at the behest of authoritarian foreign regimes, there is a, you know, people are really, really Jane. People are really, really into, um, like Assad, I guess. There is a risk that competitors, social media networks need to curry favor. There's a risk that computer competitors, social media networks need to curry favor with foreign governments will
Starting point is 01:14:50 effectively limit the scope of free speech rights of American citizens who use those same platform. Every American deserves a safe place to engage in public national security resource now. Yeah. And we're necessary anonymous legal expression. Uh, and so basically what happens right is someone at the SEC had to read that awesome and sign off on it and be like,
Starting point is 01:15:13 yep, you can accept investor money and they did. They've gotten, they've gotten like some millions of dollars, but there still have always lost money and their revenue has gone down by like, I don't know, like 95% in the last couple of years because everyone's moved over to parlor. Yeah. Yeah. Because after those mass shootings, they moved over to parlor.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Parlor is going to do the same thing. Mass shootings are going to happen based on parlor and then people are going to have to move on to another platform or the authorities are going to say, actually the mass shooters are good and justified and there are auxiliaries and then parlor can just stay, but it's never going to be successful as a social media platform, aside from the horror of everything else we're talking about, because the point of social media is
Starting point is 01:15:53 to engage with the population at large and even if you hate the population at large, like a lot of these people do, to trigger the population at large. That's why they kick and scream so much when they do finally get kicked off of Twitter. It's why Laura Luma handcuffed herself to their office door. Like one half of a double door. So people just opened the other half and walked faster.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I mean, if you want a metaphor for right wing tech company alternatives, it's Laura Luma handcuffing herself to the door without looking into how the door opens first. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. They don't know. They think the business model of like Twitter and Facebook and
Starting point is 01:16:30 Google or whatever is, we make money. However we make money, we are here to advance a globalist Libcock agenda. And so they make a business that's designed to compete with incumbents where that's their weakness, but they're just inventing the weakness of their competitors and then pretending that that's what they're playing. And they can never fully rid themselves of those incumbents.
Starting point is 01:16:53 I was thinking about this. It's the same reason why Libs, like why there's no Lib Twitter, right? Because they don't want to ever seed that ground of being the mainstream. And so that's why every blue tick journalist is quite content to like log on to Twitter. And even if they get owned 500 times a day by people with
Starting point is 01:17:10 horse emojis and hate it, and they do hate it, they want to make replying to them illegal, they will still log on the next day near a tandem will still post on Twitter because they're never going to give up that incumbency of being on the mainstream. Yeah. We're the sensible adults. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:17:28 So here's the next one. Let's talk about racist Uber. I was looking forward to this one. Is this a Laura Luma thing? Because didn't she get banned from Uber? She did. No. I think this might have been built off of that, but no,
Starting point is 01:17:42 it's not related to her directly. Hand-gugging herself to an individual Uber. No, it wasn't based off of that directly because it predates that event. You can see your driver's haplogroups. Essentially, yeah. So they say driving and they've respelled replace the eyes with Ys in driving is a rideshare 2.0 company that uses
Starting point is 01:18:02 high-end technology to defeat Lyft in Uber. Okay. When the plus point of your company is that it defeats other companies, I'm questioning what the consumer utility is. So it uses advanced security, superior service and profitability and features similar to Google. Why would I care about how profitable it is? Well, this is a picture investor, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:18:25 So it's big challenge is a few things. Number one, driving accepts cryptocurrency because all these things you can do. Of course. Okay. Number two, you can see a lot more information about your driver. Like you can see their Facebook profile and stuff.
Starting point is 01:18:39 You can see if they're Antifa basically. Just to avoid getting the long good Friday done to you. Yeah. But the real pillar is that you can see the pricing model is the every trip is the product of a back and forth negotiation between the driver and the rider. Oh my God. It's like hailing a car in Moscow in the 2000s.
Starting point is 01:19:01 You just stick your hand up and a guy in a Lada pulls up and you say what you want to go and you argue with him about how much it should cost. Libertarian hellscape, man. Yeah. And so yeah, it's basically like more libertarian Uber. It's so exhausting. Imagine fucking spending all day negotiating prices.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Liberals think people want to do that too. Yeah. Liberals don't actually... They want to be in a position of bourgeois strength where you can rate people on the app or whatever. Not where you actually have to be in the back of the cab arguing with the dude. They're all too callow to do that shit.
Starting point is 01:19:39 They're all posting on Twitter about how my Uber driver tried to start conversation with me three times. Is this misogyny? They're not going to be able to fucking haggle with these people. But of course the libertarians are going to be like, yeah, no, actually I think it's good that I can get into a spirited argument about how much I should have to pay this
Starting point is 01:20:01 guy. It's because they like to argue. Yeah. They're just pranks. The other big thing about this, obviously it didn't go anywhere. It projected itself $1.8 billion in revenue by 2018. Cool.
Starting point is 01:20:13 I found their investor pitch that obviously didn't go anywhere. But Craig Britton, the guy who started driving, was the founder of a revenge porn website called, Is Anybody Down? A website that posted hundreds of nude photos of women where he then, I believe, I'm not sure about this, he then took on the alias of David Blade Esquire, who was a lawyer
Starting point is 01:20:35 who specialized in takedown law where he paid him 250 pounds. He would file a special injunction to take it down. So basically the idea is, I'll post your nude photos, pay this guy, quote unquote, David Blade, $250 and he takes it down. It's just a small time extortionist term. This is the David Blaine biopic where he's played by
Starting point is 01:21:00 Wesley Snipes and he's in that box because they're a vampire, so we're trying to kill him. That's exactly it. So, Britton apologized on his blog for a series of poor decisions. Sorry for committing a series of serious crimes. That's the bad thing to me, though, about the revenge porn website is like, okay, well, this is just illegal.
Starting point is 01:21:19 This isn't like a terms of service violation. I think what he did was much like the CIA. He got out of the game right before they made it illegal to do. Ah, okay, it's a classic. He was just as I was getting out. He was also a big proponent of Gamergate, shockingly. Anyway, he claimed that his business, which is like
Starting point is 01:21:37 libertarian and also allows you to be more racist. Uber would be worth millions in its first week of operating billions after the first year and any VCs, a venture capitalists, mind that word, who questioned his math were derided as quote communists. Cool. Okay. Famously communist people at the venture capital firms.
Starting point is 01:21:59 So he says in a leaked email, too many bakers spoils a cake quality over quantity, supply side, Keynesian quack, leftist, socialist economics. Socialist or leftist? Black Lives Matter. That's just one salad. That's called one salad. It's a recognized symptom of psychiatric disorders.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Anyone who votes Democrat or believes in Keynesian bullshit is a fucktard. If that's you, I'm not surprised. You use the technical term. Yeah. Leftists and socialists, his words not mine. Leftists and socialists have continually assaulted this ass fuck this economy with their ridiculous shit economics.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Yeah. We're pegging the economy. That's right, you bitch. They have asked fuck the economy with their ridiculous economics. They've got their strap-ons in the economy's bit chute. Yeah. The fastest solution to regulatory interference is open
Starting point is 01:22:47 defiance. You get people to realize the government and all governments are worthless and proceed to openly resist them. We have connections inside the government that want to see the American empire fall. They will pull the strings for us as we proceed towards the society where the federal government is abolished. We have a team of six companies.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Wow. We have a team that has taken six companies including Applebee's public. Cool. Applebee's is a lynchpin in the fall of American empire. Yeah. As goes Applebee's, so goes Russia.
Starting point is 01:23:17 The domino meme where it's like Applebee's going public is the small domino. Yes. Yeah. You should be glad. You should be glad you have the luxury of talking shit behind a computer screen. If you're not a fucking coward, let's meet face to face.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Yes. Yes. Okay. Yeah. It's awesome. Yeah. This is basically him talking to venture capitalists who say, wait, you think you're going to be worth 1.8 billion because
Starting point is 01:23:42 you let people negotiate prices with drivers? He's like, why don't you come fight me? We're going to bring down America. I will fight you outside in Applebee's and the Applebee's is going to have my back. Yeah. This is like the purist of the right wing tech companies, right?
Starting point is 01:23:56 Where it's just, it's a guy who's just got a history of doing crimes who made a company based on his own resentments without doing anything. His research was just, he reflected on his own resentments and then he basically just yelled at everyone who didn't immediately give him everything you wanted. My favorite Viggo Mortensen film, A History of Doing Crimes.
Starting point is 01:24:17 He says, investors should be honored even to be in my presence. I'm a genius and a legend. I mean, this is the kind of thing you do get away with if you're just like slightly luckier, right? Like if you're Elon Musk. Yeah. So Elon Musk is not any smarter or less evil than this guy?
Starting point is 01:24:36 No, it's just this. So Elon Musk, I think is like, we're going to bring down America. I think he, that's what we're going to do, Groms. Elon Musk is 10% more just like AB reasoning rational than this guy. Like he understands like what you need to say to get the stuff in order to do your stupid thing.
Starting point is 01:24:57 But he doesn't have any kind of- Unless you insult his submarine. Yeah, that's right. No one asks, what if you plugged the Uber app into your brain? Anyway, all the Reddit clones, they're boring, not going to talk about them. The last one, last one is the LinkedIn clone sort of, which
Starting point is 01:25:12 is a job board called Unwoke. Oh, wow, getting kicked off of LinkedIn. Now that has an energy. Yeah. The idea was that most companies are too full of activists and keep- And like the concept behind Unwoke is off. All of the people hiring on Unwoke seem to be the police
Starting point is 01:25:29 department. No, so they had an open job board, then people just trolled it into non-existence. And so now you have to be invited by a trusted person to either post or view the ads on Unwoke, which if you want to make a social network, which by the way derives value from how many people are on it for a network effect. You've got to get the advice.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Yeah, what you want is you want to basically make an exclusive invite only racist job board. So yeah, the idea behind the anti-woke culture website appears to be a YouTuber called Mr. Reagan. Mr. Reagan. His channels, his channels of videos are all about like impending race war and why you can't remove Confederate statues.
Starting point is 01:26:15 And he likes to link to on YouTube, by the way, not bitchy and he likes to link to like Unwoke and so on and so on. The site caters to companies who are quote free market minded and quote aren't looking to fill diversity quotas so they can concentrate on working. Again, like solving a problem that you invented. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Solving a problem you invented for everyone else. Drunk your own flavor aid. It's a thing that you decided that you were being oppressed like as a rhetorical tool and now you actually believe it. Yeah. Look guys, why do you think I'm on Trash Teacher? It's the diversity quota.
Starting point is 01:26:47 And now. Yeah. One Russian speaking man. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And so basically, I don't, we've been going for a while and Unwoke is stupid, but yeah, it's just all of these companies.
Starting point is 01:26:59 It's just a bunch of cultural resentments that like accidentally filled in the forms for a small business loan. Awesome. And in many, many more cases, quite intentionally filled in the forms to file a lawsuit. I'm so sad there isn't a racist Airbnb. I look for one. I mean, there is one.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Please let me know. That is just Airbnb. But what I mean is like in the mold of these. And no Irish. The closest thing, I'll tell you this. The closest thing I found was Rod Dreher wrote a blog post about how first Airbnb came for the whites. And that's the closest thing I could find.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Rod Dreher writing about how they will not let him turn his spare apartment into an Airbnb unless he takes down all of the Francoist banners. Exactly. The only people making money from this are Epic and to a lesser extent, Brave. The rest of them are making money, but like not through any kind of production through just scamming, which fine.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Yeah. But yeah, that is the weird and wonderful world of the right going alternative tech company. Reading a mid-career James Alroy novel. Yeah. This felt like applying. This felt like dipping my eyes into sludge. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:13 I really want to read an Airbnb review that's like really cool place, great host, awesome banners in Spanish. No idea what they said. Thanks, Jill Filippovich. Anyway, so I think that about does it for this Patreon episode of that podcast you're listening to right now. It's TF. You know what it is.
Starting point is 01:28:33 We don't know what the next thing after bail funds is. Watch that space. In the meantime, we're going to ask people to do. Marcus Brown is still locked in a basement. Marcus Brown is still locked up. Yeah. Unfortunately, we are having one of those weeks where decades happen.
Starting point is 01:28:47 It's another one of them. This is happening more frequently these days. Weird. Anyway, also t-shirts, also London renters union. Yeah. That's what we're doing for now. Just London renters union. Put money there.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Also the YouTube stream on Sunday. Oh yes. The YouTube stream on Sunday, which may have a special guest. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Gabbo, Gabbo, Gabbo. Yeah. All right. That sounds like that's about enough.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Yeah. Join us. We'll be joined by Vincent Fusca. All right. That's it. JFK Jr. himself. That's nice. Welcome to the trash YouTube stream.
Starting point is 01:29:23 That's right. That's right. I'll talk to you all later. See ya. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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