Triforce! - Triforce! #103: Super Sexy Nerds

Episode Date: September 18, 2019

Triforce! Episode 103! Sips has been playing a lot of Twitch Sings, Pyrion's getting too stressed and Lewis is getting a lot of propositions from the ladies! Support your favourite podcast on Patreon...: Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:15 Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the Trifles podcast. Hello, hello, hello, hello. How are you guys doing? Great. Not bad. Just great. Been playing XCOM. It's nice to be back playing that. I saw that. Man, I haven't played in a long time and you almost wet my whistle. But sometimes when you're in the middle of something else and you're just like, I can't start playing that. I can't invest all of my time into that game that I would love to invest more time into, but it'll happen. I want to do a long war playthrough, but it's such a long like i know it's the clue is in the name but it's literally hundreds of hours to get through it's so many missions yeah and they're bringing out a
Starting point is 00:01:54 long war of the chosen which is like a sequel that incorporates war of the chosen yeah and that's they said 200 to 300 hours for the playthrough that's as much time as i have in x-com there's gotta be something new for x-com coming soon right the ending of x-com 2 was uh yeah like definitely pointed towards more x-com action there's probably more they could do with like dlc and stuff like that man x-com 2 has been such a great game it has it's everything they've done with it yeah yeah it's really good so and there's phoenix point is coming out later this year which is made by julian gollett so people call it an ex-karma like game i just want to point something out julian gollett practically invented this genre with rebel
Starting point is 00:02:36 star raiders back in the 80s on the spectrum okay that game was very simple rebel star raiders 2 was much better it It was amazing. For its time, it was absolutely groundbreaking. And Laser Squad and games like that, these XCOM games should really be called Laser Squad style games. But of course, Laser Squad is a game that has been lost in time. People have forgotten about it, but it had turn-based combat. And on the Spectrum, you had to aim with a cursor.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And so the bullets wouldn't travel in up, down, left, right, or diagonals. They would actually travel on a vector and hit the target. It was really amazing for the time. And it was just, it was really tense. It was one map. You start on the left, you were humans, and you had to get through this jungle area, across a river to the drop ship
Starting point is 00:03:21 and get on the drop ship and escape. And if you could, you needed to go into the alien hive, steal some eggs and take them with you for extra points. Now you could play it two player. One person plays as the humans, one person plays as the aliens. The aliens were obviously based on the aliens from the movie Aliens, but for some reason they were equipped with bows and arrows and spears, which I don't understand. But it was a legendary game. It was so good. Me and my friend William just played it for hours and me and my friend william just played it for hours and hours and hours and hours so julian gollup i'm looking forward to phoenix point
Starting point is 00:03:49 because he's a legend that doesn't mean anything what do you mean like well inventing a franchise 30 years ago um and making it doesn't mean that you will still be able to make something make something like sometimes people only have one ever one original idea ever in their whole life do you mean i'm just saying yeah i'm waiting for mine and you know one day hopefully i'll have that and you know it'll be it'll be huge um but but i think that i have played the phoenix point i played it last week on stream with Ben got a nice backer build it's actually
Starting point is 00:04:27 looking pretty good it's pretty cool it's quite different stands out on it's own from XCOM it feels like XCOM you know you've got
Starting point is 00:04:34 a globe you've got a base you've got interceptors you've got dudes you equip them you send them out to kill aliens they kill aliens
Starting point is 00:04:40 you bring stuff back research it do autopsies I liked it so what's your point well my point is that you know just because julia gollum's attached to it doesn't mean it's going to be any good or not though could be terrible still yeah but i like i like i like um i respect him for making x-com and founding it but you know i think the new x-com games are amazing well you
Starting point is 00:05:02 know what guys as much as you like him just imagine him taking a shit that's what my grandma used to always say yeah you think that guy's great just imagine him taking a shit i bet she doesn't seem so great now yeah you're right exactly it's imagining somebody taking a shit really does sort of dispel the mystique around the person because you just realize he just takes shits just like i do do you know what kids are probably better than mine though my eldest story yesterday we my kids are talking about farting because they tease each other about farting a lot and my eldest was teasing my youngest that when she's drifting off to sleep she farts a lot because they share a room at the moment right so she was uh defending herself but they were kind of laughing and stuff like that and then i said to them look everybody
Starting point is 00:05:38 farts even the queen and my eldest daughter's head sort of snapped around she said what she goes you told me that the queen didn't fart and i said when did i tell you this and she said you told me that they have to do a special test to see if you can become the queen and if you fart you're not allowed to become the queen so the queen doesn't fart and i was laughing because it sounds exactly the kind of stuff i would have said just to wind her up she still believed that she believed it for years like she genuinely thought that was the truth and i realized the power of parenthood oh man it was so funny i always imagine that the queen does fart a lot but because she's not really a normal person you know like in the media and stuff they always like you know like like the daily mail and the sun and all those like papers they always try to make the
Starting point is 00:06:19 royals seem like normal people right but they're they're not they're just like they live on their own fucking planet like they're completely different and stuff so i always imagine that yeah the queen farts but she probably has like some weird like uh perversion that she thinks is totally normal uh but that if anybody else like found out about it they would be mortified right like she probably like farts into a pipe that's like attached to like uh you know like jeeves's face or something in like five rooms away or something like that. You know what I mean? Like it's probably something.
Starting point is 00:06:48 But she probably thinks it's normal because like Mama always did it or something. I must find my farting pipe. And then she has to like shuffle over to the pipe and fart. She just thinks that that's normal or whatever. But like, you know, visitors and stuff like they have to like hide her away when when there's like guests over and stuff so like oh fuck no not the fart pipe again like jesus christ like how are we gonna break this tour you know what i mean like i i feel like all the royals have like uh isms like that maybe not as extreme as that you know what i mean but like you know in the paper they're always like oh oh william and kate are
Starting point is 00:07:22 starting to show real signs of being parents no they're fucking not like they have fucking like 20 nannies like there's no fucking way they're doing anything other than just like putting on a tuxedo and going to fucking dinners every day or whatever they do you know what i mean like yeah that's that's what i think's making them far all the fancy fucking all the fancy dinners and shit you know they're probably eating loads of random fucking shit you know every day there's probably some weird fancy shit like oh you know today we'll catch up to you you know every day there's probably some weird fancy shit like oh you know
Starting point is 00:07:46 today we're gonna eat like you know humongous giant rabbit steak or whatever it's like oh fucking hell the queen's like oh Jesus Christ what am I eating today
Starting point is 00:07:54 yeah like some fucking some fucking weird vegetables have been gifted to me by you know someone some Pacific island nation coming over and visiting
Starting point is 00:08:02 yeah you know oh hello yeah I'll eat your weird thing oh god I know this is gonna give me the farts later i'm gonna have to fight in that pipe yeah jeeves is gonna love it yeah i reckon they do have all these weird traditional royal weird things that they they they you don't realize they do yeah you see this whenever you go around like any old museum or house or like noble place and they're like yeah so this is where the family would get
Starting point is 00:08:25 together around the the shared whipping post yeah and they would always as centric as fuck isn't it because they're not grounded in any sort of reality they're just so filthy fucking rich that they've just set themselves apart from everybody uh and then isolated themselves into their manner and then just develop these weird fucking things. Like a kid would do with a game or something, right? If you leave a kid alone in a room for 10 hours with a battleship, you're going to come out of that situation after 10 hours. That game isn't going to even look like Battleship anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:08:59 They're just going to have invented all these fucking weird rules and shit like that around it. And there'll be some pillows and hitting and stuff involved and like all sorts of crap. It's the same with rich people in their mansions. Do you guys ever wonder if we could go 100 years into the future, what would games be like? Would they be the same? Because were we playing in 1919 similar kind of games to the ones we're playing now what were people doing as games probably that's what i want lots of dice stuff right like when did they invent dice it was
Starting point is 00:09:31 a long time ago it had to have been when did they invent dice that's how you want me to ask alexa i'm looking it up alexa i'm already on it when were dice invented the romans had dice been used since before recorded history and it's uncertain where they originated. It's theorized that dice developed from the practice of fortune-telling with the talus of hoofed animals, colloquially known as knuckle bones. The Egyptian game of side was played with flat two-sided throw sticks, which indicated the number of squares a player could move, and thus functioned as a form of dice.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Wow. Well, there you go. Bet you couldn you couldn't google that i'm literally reading it now i'm reading exactly what she just said the stuff about knuckle bones and all the rest of it all right there was a 20 sided die from ptolemaic egypt they played dungeons and dragons back then they had dragons back then and dungeons yeah i think people who use dice were like the hardcore gamers of the time um and then everybody else probably just threw rocks into like hoops and stuff you know what i mean like um or or like you know fired in a pipe and then like took turns yeah i don't know when cards would have been invented but i think they would have been more like a casual a casual gamers go-to i mean i think
Starting point is 00:10:46 one of the things is with with with cards and card games of course you would have had to have a consistency so you would have had to have for cards to be widespread like the playing cards that we have you need to have consistency of game because you want to go when you play poker in texas you want it to be the same as the poker that you play in london barring whatever minor local changes there would be so i think maybe that required a bit more development in terms of communication and travel before that kind of stuff but dice i mean you know that's it means you know you just have a dice it has numbers on there's no rules you can just say hey let's roll the dice and the highest number wins just keep doing that and then you know you could go from there there's always been an element of gambling in games though even back then right
Starting point is 00:11:28 like like i'd imagine that most people would play games with like wagers of some description right like dice games or card games or anything like that but you know like nowadays we have like you know these big elaborate board games and stuff like that sure you could still maybe do wagers on them or whatever but yeah i don't know i guess part of the appeal human nature i think we want like an element of risk and gambling in a game right and like well yeah i mean otherwise it's not a game like there are there are there are certainly there are games that don't involve that are pure skill like chess and poker and stuff like that yeah that people play for serious money and treat almost like a sport because i think any time that you arrive at a game where it's like we can actually play this
Starting point is 00:12:08 competitively the main thing that's missing is is randomness like if you think about most of the sports there is always a slight element of luck if you like but not in the same way that there is with say dice because dice are so unpredictable in a way yeah you need to build your strategy around mitigating against that rather than sort of really relying on it um i think you know if you think about something like like uh scrabble there's there's luck to there essentially where you might draw good tiles or bad tiles yeah true but uh yeah there's no fun in a game where it has a solution i mean that's just sort of a rubik's cube isn't it really um or whatever like you know i mean that's obviously a complex solution but i think you're
Starting point is 00:12:49 right like i read that playing cards has been around for fucking ages like i remember that i think i read i was reading something about agincore um like in the middle ages and like the troops were like playing cards then that kind of era yeah and also what else are they gonna do there's no tv i think it was like i think it was just like a thing that was a substitute for money in a sense the cards but also i think they were just something like ship says like just people were bored like being a soldier even back then i think was just high level boredom a lot of the time yeah what they call it like like overexcited boredom or something that there's a there's a phrase they use to describe it but it's like a lot a lot of doing nothing
Starting point is 00:13:28 like something like trying to figure out ways to distract yourself and i think like sitting around in a you know communal area with with cards has been going for thousands of years so yeah ancient china in 9 ad there was because this was a big thing printing technology wood block printing means that you can have a consistency. So the cards are the same. So when you go play with someone from another town or whatever, and you're playing, you know, your deck of cards is recognizable to them as certain characters. And if you think about a deck of cards now, the pictures of the king and the queen and all that are pretty much,
Starting point is 00:14:01 unless it's the Oxcast brand deck of cards, which is available. And then you don't know who was who on those yeah oh it's different but there needs to be some consistency so printing presses and and stuff like that obviously had to come in whereas a dice is just a lot easier i think that's why i think dice obviously came first it is weird to think that we that there are so there is obviously a real drive in people to play games yeah like it's a it's such a consistent thing. People get bored. They sit around and I think,
Starting point is 00:14:26 well, look, we could just talk to each other for hours. Most people can't play musical instrument. If I could play the guitar really well or, or sing really well, I'd just do that all the time. Like that would be great.
Starting point is 00:14:36 But because I can't do anything, I play games and, and it's just, it fills my time. It's entertains me. It gives, it gives you a chance to, to hang out with other people and do something. Cause you're just sitting there and i think night after night
Starting point is 00:14:47 of the night talking to people yeah actually you'd run out of shit to say as we do often on this podcast we only have to talk once a week yeah that's true yeah well it's because we i mean i don't know about you guys but like we do nothing not much happens in my life like i i don't really go anywhere i don't really do anything i don't change it up much you know what i mean because we don't talk about politics and stuff like that obviously that's a changing thing we don't really follow politics much to like enough to to talk about them anyway like i know so little about politics like you know like i only hear like major things and even then i never look into it like the thing is most people
Starting point is 00:15:25 don't follow politics people like to think they do that they follow it and they understand it i follow it i don't understand a lot of it understand it's just just you just have to stand at the side and hope it all works out and and you know that's pretty much the best we can do but i don't even think about it i find it's very stressful i think about i think about it like um i think about gaming and well i always i always think about it like the Sims bars, right? You have like these needs in your life. And ever since, you know, we asked the same animals that we've been since the Stone Age. You know, you're always hungry.
Starting point is 00:15:55 You need to have like, you need to pee. You've got like a bladder bar that gets slowly filled up. You need to like, you know, go to the toilet sometimes. You've got a hygiene bar. You know, you feel much better after you've had a shower like and then you've got like an energy bar you've got like a social bar you know and then you've got like a sexual desire bar yeah like exactly that sort of builds up and then you need to you know release that sometimes it's it's you've got all these like things you have to kind of keep in in balance and i think sometimes you know
Starting point is 00:16:23 you want to read a book and just be a left alone but sometimes you want to fucking you know do something socializing with people and i think that doing that physically is something which we don't get so can so easily as as people in our in our world now with with video games and kind of the you know netflix and you know mobile phones it's so easy to kind of yeah like it's it's it's tough to like get that social interaction i think board games are a great way to do it like i was talking to daft just this morning and he was like oh man i've been away and i really want to really got itched to play a board game and i was like we should start doing
Starting point is 00:16:57 board game nights again because we did them quite regularly when you were down sips we played a bunch of when we're out to a friend's house last weekend, actually, we played a game called San Francisco Streetcar, I think it's called. Okay. Which is like a tile placement game. Like, I remember I used to play a lot of board games because video games weren't very good when we were kids. Like, they were okay, and there were some great ones, but they weren't great for multiplayer stuff and hanging out.
Starting point is 00:17:21 We used to play a lot of board games. It's great to me that even though video games have had a massive growth board games have also come back in a big way there's loads of board games i think settlers of katana is a prime example of a game that i think is great i played it at the weekend and i hadn't played it in years it is such a fun game like it's really nice and relaxing in katana yeah i mean it's just a good game like i think i think it's fine to play it once these games are not I can't play them over and over again or else you go fucking insane
Starting point is 00:17:48 every time if I go to my nan's and I have to play Scrabble I just grab my head and I'm like I can play Scrabble my Scrabble bar only needs to be refilled about once every six fucking months I can only play one game and it's completely refilled
Starting point is 00:18:03 I do not need to play multiple games of Scrabble. My wife's grandmother said to her one time, because she loved Scrabble, both of my wife's grandparents, they loved Scrabble. And I remember one time she said to me, do you play Scrabble at home? And I said, oh no, Maddie doesn't like it. She turned to her and said,
Starting point is 00:18:23 if your husband wishes to play Scrabble you must play scrabble and i thought that's one of those queenly things i bet you that's exactly a thing that the queen has and she's like the idea that philip wishes to play scrabble one must play scrabble that's what a good wife does and i'm thinking maybe in those days you know playing scrabble was like code for something. And she was, you know, reading into it. Look, if your husband wants to play Scrabble, you got to let him play Scrabble. Yeah, he can go to pocket Scrabble if he wants to fucking Scrabble. On the topic of Scrabble, but without any innuendo, My dad really likes Scrabble and always has. He's always played like Scrabble against like our neighbors and everything from like as far back as I can remember.
Starting point is 00:19:11 But now with the Internet and Facebook, he can play Scrabble with all sorts of people. And not only that, he has like I'm not even joking, like 100 games of Scrabble on the go at any one time. Like I saw his any one time like i i saw his ipad one time when he was over here and i was like oh what are you doing he's like i'm playing scrabble and in the sidebar i'm not even joking there was like a hundred open games with like my uncles and aunts and like old older neighbors and friends and like he's just kept in contact with this like scrabble network throughout the years like despite moving a bunch of times and stuff oh is that the app where you can just play and then you
Starting point is 00:19:50 wait for them yeah you do your turn and then you just wait and then like the game might last for like a year it's like he said he's had a couple where he's like oh yeah this person just never did their next move it's like a year old okay like it's pretty i just i just find that pretty funny it's just like this graveyard of scrabble games yeah it's like imagine like imagine if you did that in real life right and you had like a fucking like a sports hall filled with tables and like chess games and like all of your friends at different chess table and some of them are just like you know fucking left to go on holiday for two weeks. Other people were there like, like hanging on, like checking, checking the app like every day to see if you've made your move yet.
Starting point is 00:20:31 You know, oh, that's crazy. And every once in a while there's a table with somebody like hanging over it. Like, like, you know, like a noose, like a hangman noose dead. And those are people that he's beaten at Scrabble in like some weird fucking alternate reality. I thought you meant they'd like looked at the Scrabble Scrabble is a very high stakes game it's like this room god that's morbid as fuck isn't it that must happen actually like people must realize on the app that they've lost and then there's no point in carrying on you know but they they don't want to press retire they just just let it yeah that's the other thing that's the thing about people like
Starting point is 00:21:02 I found on myself doing this too like if I find something that I'm not sure what to deal, deal with or like it's awkward in some way, I just won't respond rather than giving them like talk, telling them straight. You know, it happens a lot in life, in like a lot of situations where someone comes to you and says something and you're kind of like, I got a lot of emails that are like half hanging like a guy came to me and he's like oh you know i've come up with this board game idea and i was like oh yeah let me let me have some details and he sent me this huge long thing and about his board game design it sounds really interesting blah blah he wrote all this stuff anyway and i've replied and i made a draft and i realized i'd never said tix he sent me an email this morning again like it's
Starting point is 00:21:43 just the only by the way did you get my blah blah and i just i just sat i sat there this morning looking at this draft and just thought i don't know how to respond and i so i just didn't i just didn't respond again it's just half written draft and it's just gonna stay there do you know i mean i feel a little bit bad about it but not really because i can't i don't know whether to sometimes i don't know whether taking action is worse and shutting down someone's idea or telling them like it is, or being like, yeah, we're not really interested. You should probably just, here's my advice, you should don't do this. I know what I want to say, but I kind of sometimes just don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I get you. Yeah, I get it a lot, like a lot of the time. Sometimes a lack of response is the default no right because if I'm passionate about something I'll reply
Starting point is 00:22:29 and I'll be actively oh yeah definitely reply to this and they're like oh coming up with ideas like filling out the email thread but then sometimes I'll just like go cold
Starting point is 00:22:37 and go silent I think most people will realize that that means no but sometimes you talk to people and they don't get that no response means no do you know what I mean I guess yeah but i guess some people just think like you're busy they just
Starting point is 00:22:49 need like a yes or no sort of thing so they'll just keep trying because sometimes you know people are just busy and they haven't replied for whatever reason you just keep trying i guess like i can see i can see both sides it's like there's like unwritten rules right like for example one of them is um when you meet somebody new okay um and it doesn't necessarily have to be of the opposite sex but it can't but it usually this usually is right and at a certain point you have to drop into conversation that you are you have a partner for example right okay yeah um obviously you guys have wedding rings so it's it's easier yeah i just i just whip that bad boy off in before i start social situations though it's a thrill of the hunt you know what i mean like i like to still
Starting point is 00:23:40 play the field you get up to your hotel room you leave all the bedside table when you get really really close to hanky panky that's when i do the big reveal uh awkward right i wear it around my penis yeah that's me too so if it comes to the crunch they're like oh sorry like yeah i mean the thing is i i haven't had any i don't know if it's because because i'm obviously married or because i'm just so hideously unattractive I haven't had a woman approached me in any way shape or form for such a long time I would say for me in my whole life. So it's yeah, I mean it's literally mrs. F Yeah, and like a handful of other women and then they I think the rest of them the message, you know news got out This guy's hideous ignore him he's uh he's
Starting point is 00:24:26 ugly he's definitely gonna go bald yeah probably a nerd don't don't go near him and yeah when they all got the memo and that was it no no women have ever hit on me since at any event i've ever been to any any any time it just doesn't happen the same i've never like had a actually i i have i have done but it's always while i've been uh either with my my wife or uh not married or married to my wife uh like like a couple of like little things have happened where i've just been like nope and like walked away sort of thing you know like before like you know i mean you don't want to like ever even like uh even chance it right like if somebody like is trying to talk to you and you know that there's like uh some like intent behind it or whatever so you're just like uh just i'll just like not put myself in that situation at all
Starting point is 00:25:15 sort of thing well that is it like it's that being it's aware of that being awkward it's happened to be like a lot less since i've been older but certainly when i was younger it was a thing where like you know i'd be hanging out with some group of new new people that i'd met and i'd be chatting to a girl and she'd you know just drop in to but just she'd just drop into conversation like as a sort of before before it got like before we sort of sort of bonded too much i don't know that you know like you meet someone at a twitch party or whatever you start chatting to them and this happened at gamescom you know i was chatting to this girl and like at a certain point um she just sort of dropped in like oh yeah me and my boyfriend do
Starting point is 00:25:53 this and it's kind of out of the blue it was kind of not it was almost like a very hard segue into it right yeah um and it was like wasn't really didn't really fit as to part of the conversation and i was like oh oh yeah yeah and then i i did like a hard left as well and i was like oh yeah me and me and my girlfriend do this thing as well oh yeah we really love to do this you know and it was it was kind of like both and then we just carried on and had like a really nice chat after that like for a while but it was it was kind of like i don't know like did you do you ever i i don't know how like those types of social weird like kind of interactions it's all because you don't know how, like those types of social weird, like, kind of interactions. It's all because you don't want to be the one who says it first necessarily,
Starting point is 00:26:29 but you kind of, you don't want to lead someone on or whatever. Like, it's a bit of a weird, I don't know. It just happened to me at Gamescom and it was a bit weird. I don't really socialize much. So like, it's not a problem for me. I just, you know what I mean? Certainly not with people I don't know. Yeah, that's another thing. I don't really talk to, like know certainly not with people i don't know yeah that's another
Starting point is 00:26:45 thing i don't really talk to like if some like people i don't know i'm very sort of like uh you know surfacy like i like i like i'm like polite and stuff like that but you know what i mean like i don't want to like i don't know i'm like i'm older i don't need people i don't need more people in my life i've made my own people i've got my crew and stuff like i don't i don't need new friends like i don't need new oh it's really nice to meet new people though i had a really nice time chatting to some new people at gamescom because they they haven't heard all of your stories before i find it exhausting actually yeah but you're you're incredibly lazy sips that's true yeah fuck i am super lazy and you they've got new they've got new insights and stuff into stuff you could tell them about the bathtub sips you know just think like there's
Starting point is 00:27:29 this whole fertile ground of people who haven't heard the bathtub story and you know you could just regale them with that you know make their day like a raconteur holding court so i found the bath plug simply wouldn't come out listen to this okay and i hate to give i hate to big up people for doing this because it's not very nice but okay listen to this i've been doing karaoke recently i don't know if you guys have noticed me and raps doing uh karaoke amazing really fun we've been and uh so there's this so at one point early on i was you know because you can do duets right and the way the duets work is you you record your side of a duet it gets posted and then anybody else can then uh do like part two of your duet so duet with you but it's not in real time
Starting point is 00:28:17 like yours is pre-recorded then they have that as like a guide for the rest of their part of the song right and then those get mashed together posted up as one duet sort of thing it's really clever the whole system is fantastic so um i so i was i said early on i said fuck me it'd be so funny if like you posted the duet and then you saw that a new duet come up in your feed and you went to watch it and it was just some dude like totally not interested in twitch things he's just like eating his lunch like during his part i saw that video that was funny uh like it was just like a like a like a you know like offhand comment like oh that would be pretty funny right so this guy in my chat
Starting point is 00:28:55 called thunder underscore five five five five five five five five um does that to me right i post a duet he's like and there's a whole bunch of new duets the next day I watch it. And when his part comes to sing, he just starts eating yogurt. He's just like fucking staring into the camera, like not singing any of his parts and like eating fucking porridge or yogurt or some shit. And it was really funny. So like it became known as thundering somebody. So like me and Ravs would occasionally thunder each other on songs that we didn't know or whatever, you know, like Ravs would just like go to bed during his parts or like i would just like leave the room during my parts and stuff and it became known as a thunder right and so these things have become more and more elaborate right like like anything they've evolved so it's evolved from uh thundering
Starting point is 00:29:38 to like like super thunders okay so this guy yesterday uh Dale K posts a duet against one of my songs and it was rhythm as a dancer which was a troll pick anyway I did part two because there's like these long ass parts where there's no singing right so I picked part two because Ravs had to do the chorus bit but in between of course there's like 45 bars of just dance music and no singing so you're just sitting there twiddling your thumbs right so dale k uh does a duet on this song right and during those long 45 bar things he fucking tells the bath plug story as he's done it i'm fucking real like and like there's this big lead up like so there i am you know i'm feeling pretty dirty and stuff and so i decided to have a bat and like the whole fucking story like all like condensed into 45 bars of techno music with no say fuck me so um so so
Starting point is 00:30:32 dale k and thunder if you're listening thanks for the laughs but you're both banned i'm sorry i've had enough yeah it's fair get out i think it's fair isn't it i think it's fair no yeah i think like i think you're justified in that bad I love that side of it though I love that that something like twitch things exists and that you could have like these Little fucking like things within it like like almost like little memes or something in it like that your community I mean that to me is what I hope that twitch does more of that kind of stuff that innovative You know, it could just give it a go if it doesn't work out nobody likes it what have you really lost it's not that much technology to set it up sure it's like a video and then it plays back and yeah you see it live and do yours it's not it's not i mean
Starting point is 00:31:12 obviously work went into it i'm not saying it didn't but that's not impossible so there could be more stuff like that yeah that could be for sure like it's it's it's awesome though it's such a funny it's just such a well thought out thing and you you know you can tell that like the people behind it have like put a lot of like thought and effort into it man you know you know what i i actually uh i want to talk about about streaming a tiny bit that's funny we should talk about twitch last night uh i got really angry playing cs go with a guy i played his name is bob i play games with him all the time yeah and bob skinny bob skinny yeah he's a top lad i make fun of him being a jury all the time and doing that stupid accent we're bob even though he's from sunland oh yeah i never had him pegged
Starting point is 00:31:55 as uh i didn't know where he was from but he's a macum so he's from sunland he's a really nice lad played games with him for years really got angry angry with him. And I feel like, I mean, first of all, I apologize. And anytime I get angry with people, I apologize. I play games like Dota and CSGO, they're very intense, concentration-based games. And you're not really, I'm not myself when I'm playing those games. Like when I'm playing XCOM and I'm alone,
Starting point is 00:32:20 way more chill because it's just me and the computer. And I don't care if i lose it's not that bad it's fine often it's funny and the story that emerges is funny and i like that sometimes when you're playing a single player game i feel like the failure is part of the story whereas when i'm playing multiplayer games i get very competitive right and my brain switches and i stop acting the way i normally do i i don't find it relaxing and chill i find it very stressful and uh i sometimes get angry with people and And the other thing is, is when you're streaming, your failures are being watched by people, like having someone over your shoulder, but having
Starting point is 00:32:55 rooms full of people over your shoulder, all watching. And when you mess up, they're all laughing. That's what it feels like sometimes as a streamer. Now, part of it is that that's the point. And I like that. And when I mess up and chat is going, you know, having a laugh, that's great. That's the point of it. But it's like tiny little attacks on your brain, I think. That's the only way I can explain it. That's exactly what it is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:16 It's just like little micro, what are they called? Micro aggressions, right? But it's not aggressions. It's just people laughing the way they would at anything. I wouldn't stream if I couldn't handle it, but my brain is obviously having trouble with it. It's like this for everyone, right? Like I got angry with Ben a couple of times this week
Starting point is 00:33:31 and I looked back at it like yesterday and I was like, oh my God. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing. But it was because like there were, you know, he obviously was doing this thing. He was like, I'll save you some time by doing this. And then because he didn't really like run any of it by me it caused all of this extra work for me and all this extra drama
Starting point is 00:33:49 for me and he didn't realize any of that and so I was like oh you know I was like and I was also like very much a lot of it was just like extrapolating out possible possible worries you know like when you have anxiety and things like this about things often someone will get a little bit worried about something but then they'll extrapolate that worry out to oh you know so oh but but obviously if we don't paint this then what happens if it all gets filled with mold and then all the insects will come and then the house will fall down and then we'll have to live in a sewer and then i'll get bitten by rats and then i'll get fucking rabies and then i'll be foaming at the mouth,
Starting point is 00:34:26 and then no one will want to kiss me. Do you know what I mean? Like, it kind of runs down this mad line of, like, well, you don't, like, it's not, you know, like, don't worry about all that. But that happens in your unconscious, right? And, like, often you can forgive people who seem to be irrationally mad about something
Starting point is 00:34:43 because they've got these all these unconscious anxieties that they don't even necessarily realize they're holding on to because they haven't had a chance to to to digest that stuff and like just give it a bit of time and let that heal and like get put into boxes in your brain anyway sorry pflax i'm interrupting no not at all gone so so you and bob fell out you and bob Bob fell out. Yeah, I just feel like part of it is, it's weird because from a viewer's perspective, I find that when I'm watching Twitch streams, I fall into the same attitude that viewers generally do.
Starting point is 00:35:16 But when you're doing it, it changes your mentality a little bit, even if you don't realize it, especially depending on the game you're playing. So I kind of think like I've're playing so i i i kind of think like i've been playing so much doter and cs uh-huh that it's actually just it's just too stressful to do it every day so that's why i've started doing x-com uh because you know the panic attacks and stuff like that much distressful x-com is way less stressful well the other thing with x-com
Starting point is 00:35:40 as well is that it's a single player game so you don't't, you're not, it's, it's not as competitive. You know, you don't have other people that you might just start like screaming at because you're, you're mad or, or whatever. But the main thing is time. For me, it's time. The reaction time in XCOM is as long as you want. You can sit there and plan out your turn and think, and you can take your time and look at what everybody's got and plan everything.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah. And I like that. Whereas in Dota, there's no time you have no time as someone who's a parent i'm sure you you definitely value games where you're not under the pressure of people constantly waiting on you you know i i've uninstalled wow classic and one of the main reasons i did was because i realized that i was playing with other people and they were constantly waiting on me you know like it's like if i if i want to go and have a break for five minutes i kind of have to you know say goodbye to someone and awkwardly let them go or like i can't
Starting point is 00:36:29 just stop because i've got all these people waiting for me to like go through this instance or whatever like you know i think when you play dota when you play like these multiplayer games that you sign up for an hour or whatever to like give your 100 of your attention to them yeah and you feel bad if you don't you know it's not as convenient as something which is pauseable as almost every other game is but I think that's partly why those games are so addicting
Starting point is 00:36:53 like WoW and Dota how they hook you in because of that I just need to play it for another hour to finish off this and then the more hours you've sunk in the more you realize that you you you you want to come back and wait and it's what my mate um ken was he he used a term i hadn't heard before i'm sure other people have heard it it's like time to reward right i've never heard so how much it's just like it's like an equation
Starting point is 00:37:19 like time over reward so how much time before a reward on screen in the game? The example he was using was Dota Underlords. The time to reward ratio is insane. It's such a short amount of time between rewards. So the reward might not be anything amazing, but when you finish the round and you see your units pop up in that moment, it's like opening a loot box or opening a mystery envelope or something. You don't know what's in in there suddenly you can end up with a level three slark or whatever or you know a key unit you've been wanting appears the the time to reward is very short and in world of warcraft it's the same every time you kill something you open that little loop thing and there might be something cool in there yeah and you're leveling up and you're getting new skills i mean it's a classic
Starting point is 00:38:02 gaming thing but i mean actually in world of warcraft interesting you say that because there is an example of you know you are trying to kill a boss for six hours you don't kill him or you finally do and then you have this incredible kind of you know reward at the end at least originally it was like that you know you used to bang yourself bang your head against it for a long time to try and get this thing and you eventually would i think some people are much much more susceptible to that high but it's human nature like these games are designed especially mobile games they're designed around yeah time to reward like candy crush yeah i see my wife play that it's just constant flashing lights and wow aren't you amazing for pretty much every few swipes like there's animations some of my friends
Starting point is 00:38:44 don't play don't like regular games because they they don't think that they have they they just don't like them and they only play games where they do get this high time to time to reward kind of kind of thing actually i have noticed it before yeah it's really it's crazy right but yeah with dota the time to reward might be 45 minutes because the only real release in dota is when the enemy fountain goes down. Because up until that point, you can lose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Like, that's the stress of it. With CSGO, it's a bit easier because you can win a round. Even with pistols against full stack guys, you can win. So the reward is round by round. You're getting a win. And when you win, you get more money,
Starting point is 00:39:20 you can get the guns you want, and all the rest of it. You pull off a sick shot on the next round. All right, you might die the next round. But in two minutes, you'll be back on your feet and you can get the guns you want and all the rest of it. You pull off a sick shot on the next round, all right, you might die the next round, but in two minutes you'll be back on your feet and you can play again. So it's quite, it's faster time to reward to Dota. Whereas Dota is very much, all right, you hit a creep, you get some money, there's a little reward there. But in the back of your mind, you know, you're playing this for 40, 45 minutes, maybe an hour, maybe more.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Yeah. And all that hard work might be for nothing because the loss is so crushing because it's so much time invested and so much concentration and teamwork and effort and then you lose sometimes based on one error so it's it's brutal it's absolutely dota is is one of those games where you can get these incredible highs but uh equally these incredible lows like i don't think i've ever felt more depressed playing a game in my life than at points it's incredibly harsh it's brutal it is brutal yeah i mean it is it is fun when you get i think it's definitely a mirror though you wouldn't have you wouldn't have the highs without the lows weird thing about it but it does are the highs high enough to warrant having to go through
Starting point is 00:40:19 the lows and i think a lot of people think they are they are since we talked about gaming so much this podcast let me just say quickly before we end uh man rust is fantastic they've changed it a lot of people think they are. Since we talked about gaming so much this podcast, let me just say quickly before we end, man, Rust is fantastic. They've changed it a lot over the years and it's really good right now. When was the last time you played it? Probably the last time we all played it. So it was like two years ago or something?
Starting point is 00:40:38 Popularized it. Yeah, it's great now. I've actually got a new computer coming before the end of this month. It's a beast. It's an absolute beast. I got overclockers to build it for me and I got my friend JJ to design it. So it's like a proper monster computer. Nice.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Because this one is like three and a half years old now and it's starting to creak a little bit. Yeah. And I can't stream Rust. And I really want to because it's like in terms of community games, when I play that with my Discord lads, those were some we still talk about and post memes from that time because it was such a good time. It was. It was just so much fun. Well, they've added like helicopters and hot air balloons.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And oh, dude, the hot air balloons are so high. Electricity. I was like an electricity cabinet yesterday and like fucking hooked up lights and we got like a wind turbine and solar panels and shit like there's I like how they've just added a bunch of shit so that you don't have to necessarily just do rust stuff. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, we have a safe base. I could just sit in the base and like fucking organize shit and like, you like plan out like we've got like uh food planters in indoors like under lights and stuff like fuck me there's so much awesome stuff in it now it's really good it's really fun we were we've had our own server and we've played on private
Starting point is 00:41:56 servers that we've had and we've said it and all the rest of it and there is a problem and the problem is i would rather play on a pubby server yeah because there's nothing like the spread of skill that you get on the pubby servers there'll be a group of three or four lads that are like elite rust players god gamers at rust and taking them down with 30 poorly armed people that's some goon shit right there you know what i mean that is real goon shit yeah so that was like what we did we were the orcs and we would just rush people with with with whatever we had until they ran out of bullets we'd be part and sleeping bags just so we could get back in the fight everything was crazy it was so much fun it's fucking awesome when everybody pulls together though and then you just
Starting point is 00:42:39 have you're like okay we're ready to raid we got like 30 guys and you have like 20 chests filled with spears and like axes and shit and you're like you know we got like 30 guys and you have like 20 chests filled with spears and like axes and shit and you're like you know everybody's got 30 people you can just chop down yeah absolutely it's crazy too many people for them to shoot sort of thing but yeah it almost breaks the game and that's fun we're on a we're on a pubby server because it's populated so it's a lot more interesting there's you know there's there's always danger around every corner sort of thing and there's a really big base not far from us just across the lake from us that's all completely walled off but they've walled off an entire uh npc area like this like supermarket
Starting point is 00:43:14 so they just get free barrels and stuff all the time or whatever and they've got like a recycler and whatnot but um they've got this huge helicopter like that fits like i don't know 10 people and every once in a while you just see this helicopter like fly out of their base and you're like oh fuck i wonder where they're going and then like maybe two minutes later you just hear in the distance like boom boom boom boom and i just think like fuck those guys are living the life like that is the greatest shit isn't it like imagine being so organized with all your buds that you have like a fucking helicopter and you just go out on these little like missions and we can do that we're gonna do that fuck it once i get the new computer we're gonna do rust again and build a helicopter that's our plan build a helicopter it's fucking great we did deep sea
Starting point is 00:43:57 diving last night like sea diving is great yeah we're diving wrecks and stuff we're just like we we're collecting scrap so that we can tech up. We've got like a pretty safe base. It's all honeycombed and metal and everything. So it's just like, we're just like every once in a while going out, grabbing blueprints, killing people that we see. Like, it's been great. We had a neighbor that we were like harassing like one night called Tony La Bamba.
Starting point is 00:44:28 one night called tony labamba we ended up using like that you know those like those those shitty like uh old pistols you can you can shoot a door 45 times with it a wooden door and it'll knock it down so we're just like standing there for five minutes shooting this guy's door and him and his friend are inside like fuck you guys fuck you like there's nothing they can do and then but they were trolling us the whole time. They had nothing. So like, we were like desperate to get in. They're like,
Starting point is 00:44:48 uh, fuck you guys. You'll never get in. And we got in and there's just like a chest with a stone in it. And that's it. Nice. Fuck. It was pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:44:55 We had like, we had two crews. We had the day crew and the night crew was all the American guys that would log in and play until, so you'd wake up in the morning and they'd be like, Oh, people acts quickly before I go. And they, they built some new tower or they'd acquired some new blueprint or something like that and it
Starting point is 00:45:11 was it was it was almost like you log in and you know wow you guys have done all this cool stuff so it gives people like in in the community something to do when you're not streaming they're still playing rush yeah i know it's great it's really fun yeah it's such a good game we've had a good time with it so shout out to russ yeah okay we talked a lot about stuff today thank you for listening this is a bit of a short one uh but we'll be back next week yeah uh with more more podcasts yeah until then thank you we'll be back and goodbye

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