Triforce! - Triforce! #112: Downing the Happy Pills

Episode Date: January 29, 2020

Triforce! Episode 112! Pyrion's got some happy pills, Lewis was in the cadets and Sips has some wise words about mental health! Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Musi...c courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:44 Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Triforce podcast with me, also P-Flax, also Sips. Yay! Good morning. We're back for another week of this. Yeah. How are you guys feeling? You feeling good this week? Sure. You feeling positive? You feeling like you want to take the world grab grip it by the balls and just fucking run away yeah ram it the its balls into um flee with a microwave yeah caribbean
Starting point is 00:01:12 island just embrace it embrace the balls yeah grab it by the pussy and drag it around the room and holy crap fucking take care of business that's that's that's how i'm feeling today yeah flax flax has nailed the summary of how i'm feeling today yeah flax flax has nailed the summary of how i'm feeling today so i uh this week i i went to the doctor right about uh this anxiety i've been having and stuff like that and she gave me some medicine right and it's like a tiny little box with tiny little tablets yeah and it's got listen listen to this this This huge scroll. It looks like something that you would use in medieval times to read a list of heresy charges.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yeah. It's this huge scroll explaining how to use it and what it does and stuff like this. So my favorite part was that one of the things you might have is inappropriate happiness. Right, right. I thought, what does that cover? Like, what counts as inappropriate happiness right right what what does that cover like what what counts as inappropriate right like laughing at a funeral that's the first thing i thought was you know you beat a funeral
Starting point is 00:02:13 when they're lowering the body into the hole and be like what the fuck dude you're like oh sorry it's the drugs talking sorry i'm on drugs inappropriate happiness maybe like enjoying being in a queue yeah you're like you're tapping the person in front of you this is fucking great so much fun man i i feel like you've got like some little pills and a scroll and stuff like that and um i feel like you just get shit-faced and accomplish the same thing like inappropriate happiness yeah because like that's one side anytime i'm drunk i'm fairly inappropriately happy like uh like in general i would say you know what i mean it's when
Starting point is 00:02:51 you when you're drunk you think yeah so do you think the secretly these these pills just get you get you drunk it's like a different kind of yeah that's that's crazy to think though that you're taking something that can alter your uh state of mind uh so intensely you know yeah but it's a it's very mild or it's a it's an anti-anxiety the doctor was like we can go a few ways here we can give you some tablets it'll make you super happy and i was like oh that sounds fun she said but you'll basically be on them for good like you know you and the dose like to keep going up and everything well that sounds shitty yeah then she said i don't want to do that i want to put you on this thing it's a totally non-addictive it's just an anti-anxiety thing rebalances the chemicals in
Starting point is 00:03:32 your brain i can't remember what the chemical is it might have been cortonin that might have something like that was the chemical in your brain that causes panic and anxiety and there's too much of that i mean you know you've seen me play dota it's a it's a mad panic and i'm wondering if hours and hours year after year playing dota has changed the brain chemistry to the point where now my brain constantly thinks i'm being ganked uh or well it's a team game so like maybe you're stressed out about having to deal with like teammates and stuff you know it's my life is like i'm in an unwarded jungle and you know earth is going to come out with an abyssal blade any second oh my god you're so right that is what being alive is like yeah honestly we are in an unwarded jungle that is so such an appropriate metaphor for life and and for humanity it's true yeah and medicine is like it's like
Starting point is 00:04:20 balance changes uh caught me you know what mean? Like they come with positives. There's occasional balance changes. They come with buffs and then there's nerfs as well sometimes. Yeah, you get an item. I can put you on these ones and they'll make you pretty happy for the most part, but you'll lose control of your hands entirely. That's the drawback. Oh, that would be way worse.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Inappropriate hand control. Like imagine if like you were just like every time you were in range of a woman's boob, you just uncontrollably reached out and grabbed it. I like that description. I have to stop myself, honestly. I don't know. There's just this desire to like... In my head.
Starting point is 00:04:57 In your head, you see a woman's breast and you think, I could grab that. That's in range. You're like a Terminator. You're just fucking, you're walking through the hospice with like constant jazz hands. Like you can't stop.
Starting point is 00:05:10 You're just, you know, like dressed as a magician doing jazz hands with a top hat and smiling. I think you can do that. I think you can. I think I'm only a fraction of a second away from like, from like just, I don't know. Well, I've always always humans are right we're
Starting point is 00:05:26 always on the edge of doing stuff that kind of automatically that we don't quite or saying things inappropriately that we don't quite mean i think you are most of the time 99% of the time you manage to stop yourself but you can i can always i'm my fear and the one percent is that time you had a personal training i was just thinking about that i'm thinking most people to that story to most people was like more evidence of shit lewis says and just kind of sometimes like i like the way you lump us in with like you're there's a hair trigger in your brain and you're just like oh i really want to say something super inappropriate and do something really bad here i don't think that's most people a lot of people are like that no i don't know if they are though
Starting point is 00:06:03 that's the thing a lot of people are don't have any filter i mean obviously that's most people a lot of people are like that no i don't know if they are though that's the thing a lot of people aren't don't have any filter i mean obviously that's true most most of the time i do and and i i that's what we i describe it as and i'm always very paranoid that that that my filter won't one day be there and it will i will just accidentally do something i really should never do i don't think you can look at it as a negative because first of all in a way i actually admire the honesty of someone saying something that might be inappropriate but that they actually want to say like sometimes you think there are there is definitely a time and a place but you wouldn't be lewis if you didn't say shit that's other people might not have even thought absolutely like a lot of times kids will say things that are racist or like you know offensive
Starting point is 00:06:43 and without even realizing because they don't either understand that that is offensive or they don't have a filter. They don't necessarily mean it in that way either. Oh, this happened to me two days ago. My youngest was trying to say chicken nuggets and she mispronounced nuggets as the N word. And I was like, you can't say that. She tried to say it again and she said it again. I was like, no, no, no, it's nuggets. She honestly had no idea. She has no exposure to the N-word at all. She's never heard it in her life.
Starting point is 00:07:12 So it's just her mispronouncing. I feel like that would be quite a common thing. Yeah, absolutely. Because of the chicken nuggets being so close. It's like a vowel away, right? It's super easy. But we always do that. We just skip the... When you're doing a phrase like that,
Starting point is 00:07:28 you switch around the first two letters. And that's why, I mean, I was always told, like this one guy who said, oh, you're looking for like family-friendly swear words, just say chicken nuggets. And I was like, oh, chicken nuggets. I like that as like a chicken nuggets. But it's the intent behind it though right
Starting point is 00:07:45 you can't mask like swearing because like you you you are intending to like the intent to swear is there but you're just like sort of covering it up with like with something else right yeah it's like like when they used to dub movies you're still sinning yeah you're still sin like if you're not you're not supposed to swear if you're a true christian you shouldn't be swearing and but masking swears with like pu55y or like the p155 and and all that kind of stuff is you know like your your sinful intent is apparent is all i'm saying like mask all you want but i see through your your your cloak of lies and tricks some of my old relatives are do say racist things occasionally um it's still a thing that that but that was just their generation and you can't really correct them and i was thinking if i had to correct them how i would do it and i would be like i would almost say something like
Starting point is 00:08:33 you know you can't call the germans nazis anymore you know or something i mean i do that all the time but i do it as a joke and i you know right it's when i'm playing hell let loose world war two based game I always like to point out the fact that there are German servers out there that say German language and mic only and the name of the server is like a reference to some legendary panzer division and I'm thinking if they do that I'm gonna call them Nazis like you know I'm sorry that you know if you're being uh if you're acting like someone who's like you must only speak german on this server and we will name ourselves after the famous panzer division that smashed the
Starting point is 00:09:11 communists at kursk you know i'm like hey hang on a sec guys like that's not cool you nazi bastards i love how you're the voice of reason in this as well hang on a sec here guys yeah it's just it's funny to me that there are a lot of um especially when it comes to world war ii because obviously so many people secretly like if you if there's a website called quora that i i i'm i don't know when i signed up to it but i get messages from it's one of these fucking websites that you google question and there's some old woman or middle-aged woman on quora saying like my kid's not eating her eggs for the third day in a row what's going on right you know that's one
Starting point is 00:09:53 side of quora definitely but the other side how does that one end i want to tell us the secret i want to know what happened to the the no eggs for three days challenge no egguary but the the other the other side of quora is a lot of history and military questions right and i would say 90 of them seem to be the germans could have won couldn't they it just they just needed to do this they need to do that and i'm thinking first of all yes it's an interesting question to ask is could they the the nazi germany have won yeah i've read a lot of stuff saying, no, they couldn't have. Like it was essentially doomed from the start,
Starting point is 00:10:28 which is a good thing, of course, but long-term they couldn't have done what they wanted to do. It was too much of a stretch and they lacked the resources that they needed to really do what they wanted as fast as they needed to. But anyway, the point is,
Starting point is 00:10:42 why are so many people fascinated with they could have won? And a lot of of people saying how much better were the german units and how much better with tanks and i'm thinking a lot of it is this wish fulfillment of oh we were so close you know what i mean of a lot of people who secretly crave yeah that order and how much better would things have been if they'd wanted everything i think there is a part of some people where they want it they wanted it i think and it didn't happen i think early on i think i think throughout hitler was totally insane but early on i think he delegated more and i think the problem later in the war for them uh not for the rest of the world but definitely for them was that hitler got more
Starting point is 00:11:21 involved with uh getting in the way of the strategies and making dumb even more dumb decisions sort of thing you know what i mean like i mean he insisted on all kinds of stupid yeah yeah i think his i think his craziness just started enveloping like all levels of command sort of thing whereas early on i think he had strategists and generals that just sort of said we will do it this way and then they just went and they did it and and and it was fine uh for them but then like later on i think he there was there were a couple of blunders that were definitely attributed to him where he got involved and forced something i also think there's the fact that some people didn't want to admit that
Starting point is 00:12:04 things weren't going to work out because you'd have to go and tell. Big H. Yeah, well, they were shit scared of him because he was actually insane. Adolf, Adolf, it's Hans. Yeah, about the Eastern Front. Just a quick update. Yeah, how's it going? Yeah, crinkle, crinkle.
Starting point is 00:12:29 It's great. Wunderbar. We've lost some men. Some men have frozen to death in the cold. Just a couple. It's still good. Yes, we're still at Stalingrad.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yes. Oh, man. Hey, have you guys seen this show that's on i think it's on bbc one on a friday it's called the goes wrong show have you seen this or heard of it no fuck me man it's really funny based on a play there was a play called the play that goes wrong it is yeah but so every week it's like a different play but it's like there's all the it's just it's dumb slapstick but man it is really fucking funny like there's been i think three or four episodes i'm not sure if it's like just the first series
Starting point is 00:13:12 or whatever but i've i've really liked it like it is just like it's very innocent you know like there's just lots of like stupid shit like like like props like being handed to them by like you know some dude you know like some some some like stagehand or whatever but like he manages to like get in in shot and stuff like it's just everything that can go wrong goes wrong you know like you open a door on the set and it leads to nowhere so the guy but like all of the actors are like totally committed to seeing the play through no matter what happens sort of thing it's really it's it's pretty clever it's pretty funny like uh i i you should check it out if you haven't seen it it's it's good i've been laughing a lot i like a little recommendation off the old sips yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:13:54 so you you watch terrestrial tv i like it it's weird it's a weird recommendation fascinating you watch terrestrial television. How intriguing. It's weird because I don't watch that shit anymore. I don't watch television. I gave up on BBC and ITV long ago when fucking Mrs. Brown's Boys was on. I'm done. I mean, I don't watch any of that shit. I'm done with all terrestrial TV.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I've been watching the SAS one on Channel 4. My wife still watches a lot of terrestrial TV. Fucking what? Like, what is that? I'm Ross Kemp, and I'm here with fucking Bear Grylls drinking my own piss. No, no, it's like ex-SAS guys who do this thing where people try out, and they do the same sort of things
Starting point is 00:14:39 that they have to do to get into the SAS. Like, they have to do this shit where they, like, fall off a cliff backwards uh into like into water but does one of the other SAS guys catch them and it's like a trust and faith thing or no no they just they just fall off a cliff yeah that sucks you just fall off a cliff backwards with your arms crossed and if you can't do it you're out like it's it's super unforgiving that's the kind of shit you'd have to get into a gang you haven't done this yeah give me your number you're out like it's just you yeah you're not gonna make it so you've got to uh run across the road right and slap that bloke in the face and call him a
Starting point is 00:15:13 fanny and then run back here yeah you're not oh you're not in the sas you're out of the sas it's interesting though because it's like the hardest it's like i think it's the the hardest like test to of of any it's meant to be the hardest in in any military yes yes we mentioned it last week actually yeah yeah it's interesting i've only like half like been half watching it like i'm not like super into it but it's pretty good it's all right you know you know i do think it's weird it's like the sas for for a long time like and now, we don't really know what they're doing. They're so covert. They're like Rambo.
Starting point is 00:15:50 They're behind enemy lines. We kind of see that as a thing to be proud of. It's like, oh, yes, yes, they're out there. But I'm like, aren't they working for us? I hope they're being used in a good way. Of course, I'm sure they are. And they're not just going out there to fuck up people who say something mean about the sas on twitter they're like right lad's got a new mission this lad from cheltenham slid us off on twitter we can handle this i want a full unit five men go in the front door five in
Starting point is 00:16:15 the back oh gas is cut out that's right and we're gonna get him out here and we're gonna give him a wedgie the likes of which he's never seen i Lloyd. I was surprised by the level of swearing. Coming from somebody who swears quite a bit. Even you're taken aback. Yeah, these guys are on a whole different level. That's an army language that's been going for hundreds and hundreds of years. You'd get some posh fucking asshole officer in World War I hanging out with the troops
Starting point is 00:16:39 in the trenches, and he'd be like, my goodness me, the boys are using some very flowery language in the trenches. Can we stop the effing like my goodness me the boys are using some very flowery language in the trench can we stop the effing and jeffing please it's rather a lot well i think like officers are like that but then the trench boys are like oh get past me my fucking chalk right fucking now fuck you fuckity fuck fuck motherfucker like that's like but like the sas guys even more so like it's actually staggering how many fucks they can fit into one sentence i thought i was pretty good no absolutely it's very very much like that and i noticed that in the cadets
Starting point is 00:17:10 as well i think i think this what what since i went to the sas camp i talked about it last week it's just funny it's just funny the way we're talking about people doing the SCS, you're like, yeah, I was in the cadets. With Tarquin and all of the others. Cadets doesn't sound as cool. No, it doesn't. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I think this is people, partly people envisioning like an alternate reality because people say, oh, look how close we were to nuclear Armageddon, look how close we were to this happening or that happening. Obviously, it didn't. But it's nice to... But people often set kind of alternate reality, like the man in the high castle or whatever, when Germany won the war. And I think there were times when,
Starting point is 00:17:58 if a different decision had been made, which, yes, I agree. It's like destiny. We're frozen. We can't change anything. But people like to speculate also i think it's partly propaganda from wartime when people were like you know hitler's at the door he could he could float over here anytime you know they've got their little motorboats they're gonna come over and fucking invade we need to we need to be
Starting point is 00:18:22 this is this is it you. You have to be on board or we're going to lose kind of thing. And so I think it is still in the popular consciousness that certainly from the speeches and things that were done at the time that it was a dire situation. I get the impression that if we didn't make it out... I think it's much easier to get...
Starting point is 00:18:42 Maybe it wouldn't have. It's much easier to get your population on board with things like rationing and all the young people being co-opted into this war effort. If there is an imminent threat, if you come out and say, lads, we're going to be fine. They can't invade us. There's kind of a lax attitude. And what are we worried about? So I think it was important for the mentality of the nation to focus them on, hey, this could be it. And it really, it could have been, like, especially from their perspective, what Sip said about, oh, I think Hitler was crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I completely agree. And he definitely fucked a lot of stuff up. But even without that, the purely logistical effort required and the lack of resources that they had yeah it would have been impossible like the lack of oil was fundamental they just did not have the capacity to run this vast war machine over this huge distance no and you're just gonna run out of dudes eventually i mean it's just it's just it's like like yeah well that's you know manpower is gonna dwindle well that's the thing a lot of people don't realize, like, in World War II, you know, everybody says that, like, you know, oh, France just, like, just keeled over and gave up sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But, like, France's military were fucked by the time World War II broke out. No, no, they were the best in the world. They had the best army in the world. They were the best, but they had very low numbers that they couldn't afford to lose because they'd had generations of soldiers wiped out in previous wars sort of thing. Like the death toll from World War I itself for France was insane for the army. But it would have been the same for Germany as well. Think about it that way.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It would have been, but I don't know if it was as bad. And I think, I'm not sure, but I think the population of Germany is more so than France, or maybe it was back then. But there was definitely factors involved with France saying, we just cannot afford this. It would absolutely cripple us. I think another part of it was that they'd invested a lot in the Maginot Line.
Starting point is 00:20:42 They honestly did have the best army and really good tanks and all the rest of it for the time they had a they had an army that was seen as unbeatable and they had to because they were worried about getting invaded again they knew that this was coming but they really didn't want it and all the generals were guys who were from the world war one remembered it and were like never again like we cannot do this again and they just did not want another war so when it came they thought well we can win this there's only one way they can come they have to do this we've got all our best units and they did the most unexpected thing and went through the Ardennes
Starting point is 00:21:15 and then just zoomed like the the Germans pushed it so hard yeah the the attack that they took France completely by surprise surrounded a lot of units and it was just like well fuck it rather than lose all these men we'll surrender like um I think that that was a big part of it was this this terror I had a similar experience last summer um I uh I I when you were in the cadets I landed in uh Saint Malo and I zoomed uh straight through to Disneyland Paris and the French were just they weren't't prepared. All the French tourists were like, this blitzkrieg of simpsons has taken us by surprise. This man is incredible. Like I was just,
Starting point is 00:21:53 they, they, they, they, they keeled over for, for that as well. So it was, you were talking about faith earlier.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And this is funny because we had a quick chat on discord this morning with a couple of my lads. And we were talking about David and and goliath right right obviously that's like the the fable of everybody knows david and goliath david was the underdog and all the rest of it right but in classic sort of documentary historian style especially military historians so they i watched this video a while back this lad explaining that actually goliath was the underdog in that fight when you consider the terrain and the range not to mention the fact that the sling was the uh artillery of the battlefield in his day you know explained how a lad in heavy armor trudging towards david across open ground was essentially a sitting duck
Starting point is 00:22:42 and david could just hit him with his sling and these things have like the the kinetic power of like a bullet like it's insane so what so the modern equivalent is like a guy with a gun versus a knight is that what you're saying essentially david was not outmatched at any point in this fight was this this military historian's uh take on it right and when we talk about a david and goliath, what we typically mean is winning against all the odds. But if you look at it, you know, properly in the context of military history, the sling at range on open ground is completely dominant and was the exact counter to these kind of heavily armored units, which is what Goliath was. If you read the verse, he's heavily armored. He's described as being bronze armor. He's got a javelin and all the rest of it and david was always going to win that fight like if he was
Starting point is 00:23:29 any kind of competent slinger which we know he was from the story anyway he was never going to lose like it was it was not a fair fight so i think it is funny when we take david versus goliath you know david always wins that fight so it should people shouldn't use it i just thought it was funny fucking david wins fucking dave is that a biblical is it biblical yeah yeah because then get this it's not enough that david david hits him in the forehead with the sling bullet it sinks into his forehead so it's gone right into his brain what does david do goes over takes goliath's sword cuts his fucking head off and it's like fuck yeah standard you could tell David was in the cadets like that but then I was talking about my favorite my favorite
Starting point is 00:24:11 and I feel like this Bible verse was personally written for me hang on oh it's my reminder to take my tablet already did it anyway I feel like this verse was specifically written for me like if I was ever gonna be converted this is the verse that would be unreasonably happy this triforce episode you shouldn't be inappropriately he's inappropriately happy so here it is here it is so the question is why did god kill 42 lads merely for saying elijah was bald so this is from two kings 223 to 24 and it goes as follows then he went up from there to bethel and as he was
Starting point is 00:24:46 going up by the way young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him go up you bald head go up you bald head when he looked behind him and saw them he cursed them in the name of the lord then two female bears very specific came out of the woods and tore up 42 lads of their number why is this a pflax version of the bible because they make fun of it for being bald and the bears eat them what is this translation i don't remember it saying lads in the bible i like that part of it because i like it but then so the question is surely that's not cool and this guy says first of all you can't be mean to a prophet of god and then get this this is the sign off in this explanation for why this is acceptable.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And this blows my mind. God did not break his own moral law. The Bible says, do not murder. Murder is the unlawful taking of life. But all people have sinned against God and are worthy of death. So God had them killed according to the law. I'm like, hang on a second. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:25:41 That doesn't make sense. Hang on a second. Let's just redo this story. You're walking to Bethel. I'm on the way to Bethel. Yeah. Or Elisha is, but I can do it. You see a bald man and you say, go up, bald man.
Starting point is 00:25:51 There's 42 little lads. No, there's more. Lads in the... No, no, no. More than that. It says the bears tore up 42 lads of their number. In other words, there was a lot of lads. So, okay, let's say there were 60 lads.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Okay. And the lads are there, Baldi, up you go, up you go, up the hill, Baldi. Baldi, go out of here, Baldi.
Starting point is 00:26:15 You suck. And you, go on then, what do you do? I turn and I say, in the name of the Lord, I curse you. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And then, out of the woods comes two female bears. Two female bears come hair and out of the woods. Straight into the lads. And they're like, oh my gosh, two female bears. What are we charging? Two bears.
Starting point is 00:26:33 We shouldn't have called that guy Baldy. They're killing us. But apparently, 42. First of all, that's 21 boys each. Yeah, yeah. If two bears descended on a crowd of boys, those boys would be legging it. They can't chase more than one at a time,
Starting point is 00:26:51 is the way I see it. Once you're close up to a bear, you can't outrun it. Yeah, but they're going to go after one of you. They got long arms and very sharp claws. The bears. Do they have long arms? How long are these bears?
Starting point is 00:27:04 The bears are huge, man. They can stand about double as tall as you when they stand on their hind legs. But here's the thing. What the Bible verse doesn't mention is that the bears were equipped with slings, and all the boys were dressed in heavy armor and were slowly making their way up the hill. So really, the bears just used their slings with their long arms and and killed all the lads right that's what i reckon might happen i mean maybe sure so but how is anybody how how is anybody like the people are just guessing uh about this stuff right like it like
Starting point is 00:27:38 you know like what do you mean i'm a i'm a certified uh historian and this is my hot take on this like nobody knows right like It's not like there was a fucking CCTV camera there. What about the bears? A lot of it is just a fable, right? So the next part of the story is There's no way that bears did that.
Starting point is 00:27:57 No, of course there's not. All good stories are based on something that happened. It could have happened. Like a bear might have mauled a boy. 42 boys, though. Someone in the town might have said, well, he called me baldy last week. I bet he got, you know, and I cursed him.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So I reckon it was God's justice coming down. You know, and that story gets gradually exaggerated. I don't even think it needs that. I mean, it's not like, I don't think stories need to be grounded in fact. You can just come up with stuff. I mean, it's so dumb. I don't know why you would read that and think,
Starting point is 00:28:26 oh, this is definitely true. God, this means something. Well, because these things get bandied around. You know, there's a bald man in the village who doesn't want to be called bald, and he wants it to get out there that if anyone calls him bald, they're going to be mauled by a bear.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I don't think that's true. So he is sick of being called baldy, and he spreads this fucking story. Yeah, so I was going up the hill, and these fucking boys were calling me Baldi. So I cursed them, and fucking God came down and was like, fuck you, assholes. Here's two bears.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Suck this. And 42 of them got torn to shreds. So yeah, if you call me Baldi, that's going to happen to you, you fucker. And then, you know, that's basically it. He's like on his way up the hill and everybody's like, go on, Baldy, go on, go on. And then he's like, right, that's it. And then he takes out one of his pills that his doctor gave him and the Popeye music starts playing and he pops it in his mouth.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And then he starts being inappropriately happy with all the people. And doesn't care that people call him exactly i just think that the explanation that since we are all sinners god can kill any of us and we're worthy of death is kind of that's kind of crazy like and we're all guilty yeah it's like it's it's like the dungeon master with all of the fucking with the bulletproof plan right like nothing it's airtight nothing can get in there's always like it's always like yeah but but what about this oh i have a reason for that one too and this oh there's a reason like you're fucking you can never get around it like you can't you can't fuck with god he just he can just do whatever he wants apparently and just that's it i thought confession and all this and absolution and all this stuff and eating the body of christ and he died for
Starting point is 00:30:03 us since so we didn't have to like, you know, fucking die as well. Like I thought, well, it's got just a fucking just a fickle asshole just squeezing people like bugs to death. Like just because he feels like. No, I just I just think it's not consistent. But also boys, I thought kids I thought kids were supposed to be sinless. No, you're born an original sin. Yeah. Oh, you're born an original sin. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:30:27 So even kids have sin. Yeah, because we inherit the sins. That's why you give them cancer. I get it. Right, we inherit the sin from Adam and Eve. But this is all just made up. Like, obviously, we're saying this is non-religious. No, it's not. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Right. But for some people, I mean, they explain away a lot of the stuff that doesn't make sense. And if they can do that, then fair enough. Go for it. But all I'm saying is I think it's such a big cultural milestone and it's such a huge thing, the Bible and religion, that it deserves a look at. And as a non-religious person, I can look at it and poke at it. And I think that's fair enough. I guess there's got to be some good things that come out of it, right?
Starting point is 00:31:04 But I also think there's some poison in there that makes people behave horribly in the name of some authority that acts like a fucking idiot. A kid with a fucking magnifying glass. But there are certainly bits. I mean, some of the things that Jesus says are, you know, very Zen kind of Buddhist, unsurprisingly, stuff that comes across and says, look, let's just be chill to each other and be nice and treat your neighbors as you want to be treated and all this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And it's like, these are actually quite nice lessons. And it's rare to think of a book written 2000 years ago that actually says, hey, we should be cool. And, you know know we should help each other and stuff that that is a powerful message oh yeah and it's a positive one and it's not enforcing our society through any other way really often but you don't need you don't need to be threatened with eternal suffering if you don't do it i think it should be something that we should just explain why it's a good idea and how it's going to help people but instead obviously at
Starting point is 00:32:03 the time it was much easier to convince people to do things if you said, if you don't, you're going to burn in hell for all eternity. I think some things like modern things are like superhero stories, you know, a kind of this, this, this heroic kind of attitude where you're helping people and saving people and being good to people and, you know, being good to each other feels like these are the modern parables, know that we we take iron man's sacrifice at the end of infinity war when he accepted the sins died for us yeah he died for our sins tears were streaming down my face for that one yeah and i was so moved exactly i don't yeah it's the last few years have been uh been been a lot of tears for blockbusters from me. Han Solo dying in the first Star Wars movie
Starting point is 00:32:46 of the new trilogy. I don't cry when people... I don't cry when characters die. I cry when something epic happens. Right. Like the music comes in. The welling music wells up, yeah. I cry at movies all the fucking time.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Inspirational stuff. I'm such a softie when it comes to films. Really? I mean, yeah. I literally, like I was watching Great Expectations on iPlayer. I think it was last month. Mrs. F was like, watch this. This is like, you know, Dickens classic.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Yeah, I saw it recently. And it's got a very young Obi-Wan Kenobi in it, and it's got like a bunch of other actors in it anyway and it's oh i watched a new one okay i wish the old one it's brilliant and because i'm such a fucking idiot i had i didn't know the story of great expectations like i never watched it or read it or anything like that um it was great and it was very moving and i cried and all the rest of it and i'm just anything anything like that like i've seen commercials that made me cry did you do anything what about like the center parks commercials with the bears does all those ones ever make you cry only the one where the family got torn apart by two female bears yes
Starting point is 00:33:55 that was my favorite killed 42 boys um another one that always gets me is um disney's pixar's uh inside out you know the part where we're bajangles and the fairy are stuck in like the oh that's so sad stolen dreams or whatever and they keep trying and trying and trying they can't do it then the final one mr bajangles or whatever his name is is like all right we got it this time and he fucking does the ultimate sacrifice and jumps off of the wagon. Oh, fuck. That tears me up. Death of Spock in Wrath of Khan every time.
Starting point is 00:34:29 That fucking tears me up inside. I mean, it's weird because I feel manipulated, but at the same time, I want it to happen. Like, I don't feel, like, I think some people get very paranoid about crying at movies because they're like... Man, I think it's good that you're in touch with your emotions, though.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I think more people need to be like... And I think if you were incapable of experiencing emotions uh maybe it's time to get yourself checked out you know like uh do some like uh sociopath screening yeah i think totally you don't have to be all sas cockney hard man oh mate oh you crying there what you a pussy come over here let me give you a wedgie i'll give you so it's your cry about let me give you a wedgie. I'll give you something to cry about. Let me shove this bottle up your ass. It's not weird. I don't do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:35:10 It's just me. I wouldn't normally do this. Flashbacks from cadets again. Yeah, so the TLDR here, kids, is don't join the cadets. Unless you want to have bottles shoved up your ass. I think, honestly, you're right. There are some really cool, epic moments in movies and stories that make you think, yeah,
Starting point is 00:35:29 great. And that's what it's about. It's about those cool, like, like moments where you think, yeah, like, or like someone gets their own back or something.
Starting point is 00:35:36 You know, I think there's two, we, I always, I say this a lot, but like, you know, I've been playing a few more story-based video games and some of those
Starting point is 00:35:44 have some great little, great little story bits in where where it feels like i know stories and video games are not the best and they've always been very very weak compared to an actual book or a decent movie yeah but sometimes it's very i don't know it's a good feeling to like be be well actually you must experience it in dota sometimes when you know you've played against a specific team or something and you've lost to them before and then you finally bring it back and you get a victory in or whatever. Oh, man. You know, it can be like a really emotional moment in all forms of media, from sporting events to like, you know, even like books, you can be like gripped to the page and be like, oh, my God, I hope this gets resolved. And ultimately, the good ones do in a way that is satisfying and not just some sort of
Starting point is 00:36:25 cop out because i mean even in this sort of dystopian attitude where the good guys don't have to win it feels like modern with since game of thrones the good guys don't have to win um apart from at the very end in which case it just doesn't get thrown out of the window just please ignore but like you know certainly in the middle seasons, it didn't feel like... For me, it's all about unpredictable stuff. That's what I like. Do you think that's because... And I hate to seem lofty, but as a modern audience,
Starting point is 00:36:54 I think we are more sophisticated. Not us, but people. When it comes to watching movies and TV shows and stuff, we want our media to be more complicated. And people are willing to sit through Game of Thrones. And it was a huge show that crossed all kinds of boundaries of age and demographics.
Starting point is 00:37:13 It was just one of those things. And people loved it. And it was brutal and unpredictable, but it was also very complicated. And there was a lot to the characters and the stories. Would that have played in the same way in the 50s and 60s? I don't think think it would i think people would have completely rejected it they would have said it's too violent it's too much this is the work of satan right i just think i
Starting point is 00:37:33 just think audiences weren't ready they hadn't been educated and grown up with shows that are more complicated with time our tv shows and our I mean, if you look at the Marvel universe, right? Just as an example, as a blockbuster, that they had a plot thread that ran through, what was it, 24, 25 films? And then the final payoff and people had followed this plot and followed these characters, that's unusual for a blockbuster. Blockbusters didn't used to be like that.
Starting point is 00:38:01 They just made a movie and hoped it made a shitload of money. Fuck, remember Terminator 2? Oh my God. 2 oh great movie i mean good example is avengers 2 like i mean the avengers of that that that story was very much uh it has to be independent but also everyone's been following this thing this story and so they have so you can bring in new people but you can also you know make it very fulfilling for everyone who's watched the entire saga right i think with in some cases like i i'm torn actually about it now maybe i'm wrong because i do like james bond even though i know he's gonna survive till the end or john wick you know even though i know john
Starting point is 00:38:33 wick's not gonna die i want john wick to die fucking hell i i enjoy the john wick movies in that sense and i like like at the same time like you know i can i can enjoy watching like i watched um like dunkirk and the darkest hour and some of these like war movies about churchill and dunkirk and things and it's a very epic tale and you know with the dramatic music going even though you know it's gonna be all right you can still get into that oh no are they not gonna be all right kind of thing you can still lose yourself in that epic moment. I think as long as you can empathize, that's the most important thing. If you can't empathize with the characters,
Starting point is 00:39:10 and you're just... I love how the sound just cut off. You just hear like this fucking plane descending and the sound cuts off. I didn't realize the war was still on. There go our brave boys out there to fight the Nazis. Fuck the Nazis. I pulled a load of Nazis down and put a bottle up their ass.
Starting point is 00:39:30 What? What are you into bottles up the asses today? Yeah, Lewis, what happened, man? What are they doing? I just seem to associate that with the SAS. That feels like the kind of thing they do as a joke. Yeah, that's what happened. When he was in cadets and they visited the SAS training camp,
Starting point is 00:39:45 that's what happened to him. They shoved a bottle up his bum. All right, we need a volunteer. We all do this. Lewis put his hand up. And then we pushed him off a cliff. Yeah, I think they were just fucking with you, Lewis, when they shoved a bottle up your ass and threw you off a cliff
Starting point is 00:39:56 and they told you, if you do this, you'll be in the SAS, Lewis. And you were like, A boy has been found washed up on shore today with a bottle brammed in his ass. Doesn't seem to remember what happened. He says he's a member of the SAS. He's been on a night mission in German territory.
Starting point is 00:40:17 He's got a ball gag and a fucking bottle jammed in his ass. Oh, man. Oh, fuck. It is all that macho he wanked though isn't it it's always led by these kind of people who fucking give you a wet willy and stuff do you i mean those types of assholes people who play sport people who play football or i watched this thing um on netflix at the the aaron hernandez have you watched the Aaron Hernandez? No, I meant to. I meant to. Is he the quarterback? Is he the quarterback? He's the quarterback a few years ago
Starting point is 00:40:49 who murdered someone. Yeah, yeah, crazy. And it's amazing because he was so weird, like in such a jock, and it's surrounded in this world of macho bullshit that he was just sort of lost in that world and his behavior, almost like if we look back to the start of the show,
Starting point is 00:41:07 like today, the show, the podcast, where we fucking were talking about what you consider to be okay, your personal area. He was the kind of guy who wouldn't, you know, you meet these guys who will just fucking slap you on the arm or like, I don't know, push you or do things like physical things to you yeah and they don't even think it's like that it's part of who they are and like their attitude of what's friendly and what's behavior and it's like this learned it's like two gorillas i don't know like just live position you know it's like a weird animal
Starting point is 00:41:38 instinctual thing that they do and they learn in these sports teams to be like so like i don't know so adrenaline fueled and wild and crazy and dramatic and i think that that all became part of his i don't know i think it just changed who he was and he became this weird weird guy like physically violent to people like women and men and other people and it culminated in him just doing this crazily macho things like like like he thought he was in the mafia or something you know do you think part of it is that if you're constantly and i mean day in day out having people screaming at you you've got to be competitive you've got to win everything that it changes you
Starting point is 00:42:16 from being a person who evaluates things to a person with one goal and everything looks like an obstacle so it's like that thing is, you know, what is it? If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I don't know. Well, I think with Aaron Hennant, I'm not shitting on all sports people. I think he had brain disease from sports too. Right, but this didn't help. Serious.
Starting point is 00:42:36 This didn't help. He had 10 years of brain injury from sports that said he'd had like, when they looked at his brain afterwards, he was like, you know, he had the brain of an 80-year-old or something crazy. They opened up his skull. Just mashed potato in here. That's what they said about. Remember that wrestler, Chris Benoit?
Starting point is 00:42:51 He like not. I don't think people talk about him anymore because he murdered his family. But it was the same. He killed himself when they did an autopsy. He was like he had like the brain of a 90 year old with dementia. Like he was, it was so battered from like pile drivers and just, just from, just from wrestling, like concussions, like whatever, uh, over the years. Um, and they, and they think that like that mixed with drugs, he just like fucking. I think that it's a billion dollar industry where these guys are willing to put themselves
Starting point is 00:43:23 through this for the, you know, it's a little bit like i hate to say it but like sometimes when we do like a shoot or whatever like so so for example when game grumps came down they were doing crazy stuff they were just like jumping off a fucking fucking like fence and like just falling on that like twisting their arms and stuff like actually physically hurting themselves for like they seem to have a lot more energy than we did i think yeah i don't know if it's like cultural impression that when but everyone's done it as well everyone gets this this idea to like play up like if you're doing a play you kind of over egg it to put on a good show and you do things you wouldn't otherwise do you like um physically anyway and i think with wrestlers and footballers and maybe they
Starting point is 00:44:05 maybe they push themselves yeah they're gonna like beyond themselves they can't help it I mean everyone could tell them don't push yourself like the whole team could be like the coach and everyone the medical people could be like push yourself do not do these physical things that will hurt you and they do them anyway because they feel they have to or they feel they want to it's like their decision but that ends up giving them these like brain injuries and then they are left alone they're like they're just like put they're like all right go home you're on your own now and they don't have grounding they don't have friends they don't have like they're in this weird world where they've suddenly got money but they don't know
Starting point is 00:44:36 what i think they need more i don't know like if you've if you're gonna be a billionaire sports team who is making money off giving you know teenagers brain injuries then the least thing least you should do is fucking make sure they're looked after like i don't know like or give them proper medical care afterwards i don't know like it feels like maybe the thing i think the thing is when it comes to sport it's it's a very sacred institution like not not just teams but the, because people love it so much, American football or in this country, football or basketball,
Starting point is 00:45:11 that when it comes out that actually this is going to really fuck people up in later years, there is a knee-jerk reaction of you cannot take this away from us. And I think it's weird because I don't know if you guys know, but at the moment in Virginia, in the United States, there is a big, big protest because they want to bring in what people refer to as common
Starting point is 00:45:30 sense gun laws. In other words, background checks and stuff like that. So that not just anyone can buy a gun. Yeah, wasn't the outcome of that like some guy ruled and he just said, only give guns to good people or something like that? Like that was i'm not sure what it boils down to which is okay i mean i just think that they also wanted to ban what they called like assault weapons so like heavy weaponry uh like you know if you do you
Starting point is 00:45:57 need an assault rifle do you need a 50 caliber sniper rifle and i think the attitude from a lot of people in the states is well if i want it i'm an american i i can have it yeah i have a right to have a right to own it yeah it's it's a very tough argument to have especially with people who are essentially really into guns and and uh militias and all that kind of stuff they're like that's a part of who they are they love it it's like trying to take football away from them where you say look this is really bad and people are getting hurt we need to stop this they're like fuck you ah like they're very defensive because this is their thing oh yeah this is what they're into honestly there's a lot of there's a lot of people like just just playing devil's advocate i mean yeah gun laws there there are
Starting point is 00:46:38 gun laws in america and there are a ton of people who responsibly own weapons uh like them go to firing ranges as like a hobby or whatever right that don't rock up to public events and and shoot people and stuff there's there's millions of people like that but the problem is the underlying problem is in america not just america a lot of the west now is that there's this looming mental health crisis that is that nobody is is able to even fathom how to deal with you know what i mean like and it just gets worse like the the the west's approach to dealing with mental health is still terrible and there's a lot of people that are just left to their own devices in a country like America, where it's, even though there's regulations and stuff like that, it is easy to come by weapons and ammunition for those weapons.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Right. And where, where's the, where, like, where, where's the help for people that need it? And how are they getting to the point where they're, they're doing these things? You know what I mean? Like, it's crazy. It is. It is interesting. It's because we have this, we have the English speaking world, you know, we've got us and Australia and Canada and a lot of people in other countries as well who are English speaking. And we consume American media, we consume American propaganda. The internet largely is very American centric. There's a lot of creators and stuff and a lot of the shows we watch. And, you know, we are very associated with the American news,
Starting point is 00:48:08 the American story. They won the culture war in Civ for sure. Like they did. And, and we feel like, I mean, our country, we,
Starting point is 00:48:15 we have these things that work and we just, we look at their country and we're just like, how, like, how are you not like making these changes? Like that are just good for everyone. Like there, there's not,
Starting point is 00:48:25 I'm not saying you have to stop playing football. i'm not saying you have to stop having guns you know i'm just saying like take these steps towards like rationalism like i don't know like like you've won the culture war but you've forgotten about science like come on put some put some points some dudes change some dudes over i think. I think what you were saying about mental health is really true. And a lot of people will compare gun statistics, which is, I think, completely the wrong way to do it because there are lots of countries in the world that have guns. And it's too easy.
Starting point is 00:48:55 If you go down the gun route of statistics and say, look at all these people dying, it's the guns, then people can easily point to countries that have guns and don't all kill each other. And your argument is defeated. But what you said was completely right, which is there is a massive, there's a big poverty problem in terms of the gaps in society between people who have enough and people who don't. You have a huge drug problem in America and you have a huge mental health problem.
Starting point is 00:49:21 And now in a lot of states you can buy extremely powerful uh guns and easily which which is combined together leads to what you have in the states yeah which is not i mean america is not out of control i mean you know most people are fine it's got a huge population like it's you know these are these are these are these are just things that you hear about in the news and it's it seems like it's happening all the time. But really, when you look at it, it's not actually happening all the time. Right. But there are places where there is a huge problem with opioid crisis and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And this is funny because I was watching a clip this morning. It was on Livestream Fails, which is just... They should rename that subreddit. It's not. Most of them aren't Fails. And this guy, I think he's a psychiatrist or a psychologist dr k i think his name is he's a streamer um and he was talking about why there is a crisis in mental health from his perspective as a practicing doctor if you look at why people aren't getting better and why people are being put on drugs so much is because when you go in to see the doctor they can make 150 dollars from the insurance company for an hour
Starting point is 00:50:35 of their time talking to you and finding out what's wrong with you and trying to help you get better and all the rest of it or no i think it was 200 200 bucks for that hour the insurance company will pay out or for a 15 minute appointment you get 150 bucks if you just prescribe that person some medication yeah so the the obvious route is that doctors will prescribe brain pills and after a while they stop giving them to you or the insurance company stops paying out and you then either go back to having mental health problems yeah or you turn to drugs and you have that problem. So when we talk about solving the problem, it is soluble.
Starting point is 00:51:06 It is completely soluble. We just need to not fucking turn our back on people and say, well, money's more important. But that's a very hard sell in American politics because these companies are very powerful. They don't want to hear it. They don't want to hear it. Well, and they don't have the social systems
Starting point is 00:51:19 like to deal with, you know, there's people that have gone on to commit crimes where they they should have probably been in some sort of institute uh under like close supervision like as as some form of threat to themselves or society and like those places exist in america but they're private and they're expensive you know what i mean yeah yeah i mean here's the thing about like that like it doesn't even have to be permanent like these people sometimes people go through bad times and within a couple of weeks or months you don't have to be on these drugs forever you know you just need to like a lot of times you just have to zap something or or you know like
Starting point is 00:51:59 like it doesn't have to be the be all in the end or sometimes people are just having a bad time for a few months because of various reasons or things have piled up or they're in a bad state of mind for unknown situations in their life if people have a troublesome life then that's it's gonna happen i think i think i think there's a lot of problems in our world and i don't think we're gonna solve them no actually i think we're so close like i don't want you to cut like i i think we're on the verge of a solution yeah like i feel like if I just talk about things I don't know much about for just a little bit longer,
Starting point is 00:52:28 we have a fucking good shot at solving them. We'll break it. Yeah, we'll crack it. I think so. And all the presidents of the world will listen to TryForce. We're this close, guys. We were so close.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Does anybody else have any facts that they can't back up? That they just want to spew out? I don't know if we're just... Are just parroting like this popular culture that everything's terrible i don't think it is all terrible i think like there's a lot of really good stuff it's not all terrible that the thing is it it only feels like it's terrible because of is this that world war two thing again it's like we're all saying everything is terrible so that we force people to change for the better like we have to assume that everything is terrible or else we're like oh everything's sorted okay well we won't do
Starting point is 00:53:09 anything then but it could always be better because we're humans right we always assume that some of the grass is greener we always assume that everyone could be better and happier and richer and have more things if if all we do and so that way we're constantly complaining because we're constantly i think it's worked we work to but i think it does work because if you compare the life of the average person even a poor person in britain with the life they would have had a thousand years ago they're arguably better or even a hundred years yeah i mean they're better oh man it was miserable i mean we've had this conversation before. So we are getting there. It's just very slow.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Like, human nature and society is extremely slow to change. But are we ever, as humans, are we ever going to stop complaining? No. Are we ever going to be happy? No, we shouldn't. The moment we say everything's cool, we will never go anywhere. We have to, in our nature, to strive and complain and not be happy with our situation. Yeah. And you should never be. You should always be looking to make things better. in our nature to strive and complain and not be happy with our situation.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And you should never be. You should always be looking to make things better. Otherwise, what's the fucking point? For other people. That's very biblical. That's very biblical, PFLAX. That's like a modern proverb. Like PFLAX 1-1.
Starting point is 00:54:19 You should always be looking to make things better for other people. What's the point? What's the fucking point? See, this is just like the Bible. You misquote me. It's like the sermon of the baldy. The baldy climbed the hill and spaketh to the boys, to the lads, and he spake,
Starting point is 00:54:32 Why, you lads, if thou do not be nice to one another, I will summon upon you two female bears to go savage and loose amongst you, and you will be torn limb from limb and a bottle will be inserted into your butthole. I curse you this. The thing is, they say happiness comes from within, right? And you can truly be happy within yourself
Starting point is 00:54:56 without any external sort of like factors contributing to like your unhappiness, right? You know, like if you're a monk or something and you, and you meditate all day long for like six months by yourself, you're going to be happy, right? You're going to find inner peace and you're, you're, you'll probably be like happy. You're doing this thing. Um, but, but the, the minute you finish and you go to the store to buy a KitKat and like somebody, Kat and somebody buds in front of you or fucking just does some stupid shit
Starting point is 00:55:28 that people normally do, that's going to chip away at you, right? Instantly, you're going to be on this higher plane and then they'll bring you right back down to the normal level of the human psyche, right? I think you're like the footballer. I think you are different, though, if you're a monk. You've had this different brain chemistry going on for too long and it's made
Starting point is 00:55:49 you but i like the idea of the monk spending years in isolation achieving nirvana and going to buy a kit kat and some guy barges in front of him he's like oh the fucking way baldy oh my god and then nirvana is is no longer a thing. You're like, fuck. Yeah, he's just like, oh, fuck. Wasted all that time. Yeah, yeah. Asshole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I think there was like, I was reading this thing by this guy. He's like, he's one of these, he's kind of like a psychologist, but he does like these seminars on like, you know, like self-awareness, like inner peace and stuff. It's fairly interesting stuff. I'm not like massively into it, but every once in a while like whatever uh and he was telling the story like similar to what i just said about this this monk and he was like desperate to find to to reach like this this you know state of mind this this higher state of mind where he just like you know not not nothing in this material world bothered him anymore he was like spiritually attuned and everything and he's like fucking meditated for like six months or whatever
Starting point is 00:56:50 and it was the same he like after six months of meditation he got a letter from like the local council saying that he had to go down and collect something or or whatever so he's like okay great you know like i'm spiritually tuned nothing will bother me or phase me i'm just gonna float down to the office and fucking stand so he gets down there there's this massive fucking snaking queue like out the building and everything he's like no problem i'm fine i'm just gonna stand in the queue wait my turn he's there for like three hours he finally gets to the till or whatever and then the and the person at the desk is like uh actually you needed to fill in form 1c uh and what you've done here is you filled
Starting point is 00:57:31 in form 1f so you're gonna have to go off and and fill in form 1c and come back and at that point he just fucking lost it like it like after six months of meditation everything he's like you fuck i've been in a fucking line for three fucking hours with this fucking form. It took me five fucking hours to fill out. He just went completely nuts. He just melted down. So yeah, I think the problem is other people is what it boils down to. Amen.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Hell. That's what they say. Hell is other people. But we need them. God bless them. Otherwise, who would who would listen to the triforce god bless him everyone all right thanks everyone for listening yeah that's triforce podcast it's over we will see you next week

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