Triforce! - Triforce! #15: Feeder Week

Episode Date: July 7, 2016

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Please play responsibly. Hello and welcome to Triforce episode 15? It could be. Yeah, yeah, it is. Yes, it is. Yeah, you're right. Good one. Hey, welcome to Triforce episode 15, he says with assured confidence. Yeah, yeah. So if you're a regular listener of course episode uh 14 which
Starting point is 00:01:07 went out last week now um was the infamous one where all of us were very knowledgeable about brexit and bremain but we're not going to talk about that this week yeah we just had a discussion before we started and we said you know what i think we're too advanced in what we know about it and the average joe just doesn't understand, like they're not on our level sort of thing. I mean, like Michael Gove said, the British people are sick of hearing from experts.
Starting point is 00:01:32 So we're experts. We're going to shut up about it. We're not going to tell you. Yeah. We're going to talk about other stuff. It does feel like a big part of the news, but I'm glad we're avoiding it. In other,
Starting point is 00:01:41 yes. By the way, about episode numbers, someone did actually donate when I was streaming and asked me not to call one of the episodes 13. Oh, yeah, they get triggered. They're afraid of the number 13. Sure.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Is that why it's called Triska Dekafobia? Yeah. And I forgot and just did it anyway. So maybe sorry to that guy or girl, probably guy. Let's be real. So, what has been happening? What does that mean, though? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Can we just backtrack a bit? What do you mean by that? Well, I think if we do a quick straw poll of our audience, I think a lot of them are gentlemen. Well, see, this is where i disagree i think our demographic is definitely 18 to 21 year old uh blonde size eight uh women size eight that sounds tiny yeah it is i don't want to i don't want this no skinny bitches no no no well i mean they're like yeah we want like pammies. We want like 35 to 45-year-old.
Starting point is 00:02:46 We want size 8.5-year-old. Yeah, yeah. Baywatch expert. She's not 35 to 45. I'm not being funny. I'm 40 now, right? 45 to 55. When I see girls that are like hot 18-year-olds, I'm thinking, they're too young.
Starting point is 00:03:00 They're too young. I mean, I'm an old man now. It's morally questionable if I would have anything to add to their life. I'm the total opposite. I mean, I'm almost as old as you and I don't think that at all. I'm like, hey, baby, what's up? In my mind, I say that, obviously, in my mind. I mean, I would never articulate that outwards because, you know, I'm a horrible recluse and, you know, I feel uncomfortable around other human beings. But in my mind, I'm like fucking Casanova. Like, you know, I'm hitting it. I mean, what I'm saying is I'm not into grannies. You know what I mean? I'm not into grannies, but I'm saying like, I think if you can't appreciate a woman in her thirties or forties, I think you're looking at them the whole wrong way and uh i don't think beauty is not just about being a hot 18 year old
Starting point is 00:03:51 nymphomaniac you know i'm saying that there are other flavors to the yeah ladies it's not all about that but in some ways it is kind of about that at the same time because sexuality is very fluid yes yeah you can be attracted to all sorts of things it is if i'm feeling uh ponies very fluid i mean at the very end of that spectrum there's the the guys that are attracted to feeding um their their loved ones you know like 20 happy meals from mcdonald's every day yeah the feeders and keeping them big yeah yeah that that's not cool that's not sanding down like they're like leathery chafed skin fragments and stuff like you know the way you know the way women when they make foie gras they they force feed oh no
Starting point is 00:04:40 i'm wondering if they're force feeding the ladies to make them the sexual equivalent of foie gras yeah maybe yeah no because they sit around lewis they can't get they can't they can't they're not mobile right because they they're fed so much so their skin chafes big time and gets like all like uh hard and leathery in spots and um it's really important to like with it with a like a huge nail file you have to like sand it down a bit just stop you keep on top you're going down this path it's it's cool whatever you're into yeah keep it to yourself um that's you know what that is that is it's so funny that's like the typical response that people have when they talk about other people's sex lives is they're
Starting point is 00:05:25 like whatever you do in the privacy bedroom don't care about it but just just keep it to yourself it's like i don't want to hear or see your alternative lifestyle just keep keep it locked behind closed doors underground go live underground like a mole and just live there and do what you feed your girlfriend and have sex with her like a mole or just live there and do what you love and feed your girlfriend and have sex with her like a mole or whatever and just just shut up i don't want to hear it i don't want to see it or hear it just i think you're completely wrong bunker and live in there and that's fine by me well how fucking generous thank you i can live in a hole now fine in that case let's have a fucking week where we celebrate it.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Let's have Chubby Chase week, right? Oh, you can't say that. It's the Gay Pride month, right? It's not Chubby Chase, it's a feeder. It's a feeder. Well, we've got to call it something nice. Feeder week. They're not cool with that.
Starting point is 00:06:19 We'll have Furries week. No, there already is one. It's not official, but there is one. We'll have a one for everyone okay all right that way there'll be well because look you have to like you know say that you're cool with like these these these minorities even if you're not what a weird thing to say why are we why are we if you dig that hole any further, Lewis,
Starting point is 00:06:47 you're going to bump into some people you've buried under the ground. Yeah, you're going to bump into a weird mole man feeding his wife KFC and having sex with her. Pit me. What did you say? What am I going to dig through to? The fucking mole man place. Yeah. A bunch of mole men in a bunker.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Jesus Christ. You told us to keep it to the bedroom. There I was, feeding my wife KFC and it popped some guy's head. We weren't expecting to see anyone down here in the bunker. Some skinny asshole. Careful. We should have skinny appreciation week as well we should have asshole appreciation week as well exactly we don't we don't big them up nearly enough do you mean people who are assholes or actual physical assholes the anatomical one
Starting point is 00:07:39 can be for the people and then week two can be for literally assholes whether they're bleached or like they're just au naturel or whatever you know let's celebrate those things they work hard i'd like to raise this drink to functioning assholes everywhere congratulations if you're in possession of a functioning asshole i and i appreciate mine on a daily basis when i think i need a poop but i'm not gonna panic because i know that my my bunghole has this covered no problem yeah i'm gonna get to the toilet and then he's like cool we can do this now that's good that's good it's an amazing piece of evolution imagine where we'd be it really is imagine where we'd be if we had to shit where we stood constantly like horses and cows you'd never get anything done oh man that'd be so awkward
Starting point is 00:08:29 horses are worse too horses just just shit anywhere they just stand there and it just just comes out like it's so weird like why do they do that well i i think that if we've met like an alien race okay there's a good chance they're not just gonna be you know the star trek between five foot eight six foot two nice nice teeth you know yeah american accent that's pretty unlikely with some purple paint on their face yeah and a couple of bumps like super glued to the forehead yes it's gonna be it's gonna be like a horse monster that poops everywhere and it's gonna just walk around the ship there's to be poop everywhere like oh my god what the hell is this and they're like yeah we don't have an asshole we just poop all over the fucking place greetings how did you
Starting point is 00:09:12 how did you get off of the planet well you know we enslaved this minor race you go around cleaning up all the poop and they use it for energy i hope they bring back star trek and you use it for energy. Oh, Jesus. I hope they bring back Star Trek and you can write for it, Lewis. That's like some Gene Roddenberry level stuff right there. Pooping horse monsters. We are the pooping horse people of Horse Poop 14. It's like some Futurama level garbage. Kurt Bridge, we have found the pooping horse monsters.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Please help. Prepare an away party all right hands up who wants to go on the away party to the planet of shitting horsemen anyone spock no spock would be all up for that he'd be like it is captain this is illogical i must see these creatures shitting in their natural habitat captain that's my fetish we we better have gay horse asshole appreciation because when i come back is this spock is that spock it's me doing sips is spock which is like a mix of data from time to time and then it like it sort of transitions back to spock but yeah it's just that sort of robotic like you know they make decisions based on every star trek whether it's yeah vulcan or a robot or yeah or
Starting point is 00:10:32 whatever they get like they're all they're not emotional it the key trade is they have no capacity for emotion so everything is very logical it's really easy to act because they have this permanent sort of straight sort of slightly yeah slightly confused or angry look on their face. When you really look at those characters, I mean, everybody loves Spock, right? And Data. And they were like two popular characters in the show. But I look at them and I mean, I get why they put them in there.
Starting point is 00:10:58 But all they use them for 99% of the time is explaining complicated shit to the viewers by explaining it to the idiot humans that happen to be in charge of the time is explaining complicated shit to the viewers by explaining it to the idiot humans that happen to be in charge of the ship. That's literally their job. Their captain's like, full speed ahead! And Mr. Data would be like, wait a second, Captain,
Starting point is 00:11:14 because here's a very reasonable scientific reason why we shouldn't do that. Oh, yeah, yeah. Data's got it, yeah. Thanks for the advice. Full speed, not half speed ahead. He's like,
Starting point is 00:11:23 looks at data for approval data, like, winks, gives him a little thumbs up he's like sweet you know what just fucking put the robots in charge for christ's sake data never fucks up but yeah but occasionally they got to take one for the team as well they got to go on those tricky away missions by themselves where they're very emotionally charged like um like for instance if they came across a race of aliens who um really took a lot of delight in slaying unicorns for example um i mean picard would not be the best man for that job right he'd get down there and he'd just be like a blubbering mess he'd be crying because these people would be like hello humans and just like you know slitting a unicorn's throat or whatever but you send data down there and he would just do that stupid fucking facial expression he
Starting point is 00:12:10 does you know where he's sort of like face goes back a bit yeah and his eyes like open a little bit or whatever yeah peculiar these people seem to be slaying unicorns and then he has to like check check his receptors or whatever and stuff but he'd be able to you know he'd be has to like check, check his receptors or whatever and stuff. But he'd be able to, you know, he'd be able to like put a really good trip report together and present it back to the board and to Picard and stuff in a fashion where Picard wouldn't get too upset. Because he, of course, loves horses. So and and any sort of creature that's related to a horse. But the thing is, Data is always going to uphold the fucking first directive, or the prime directive, right?
Starting point is 00:12:49 If you program Data, don't fuck up the prime directive. He's going to be like, cool. And he's going to have the perfect logic, like Spock did. These are the guys, if Starfleet was real, they would never put Kirk in charge of a ship. In a heartbeat, they would say, get Spock.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Get Spock. He can do the exploration because he's the guy who's going to make them go. It's not logical. We wouldn't do it. Prime directive, y'all, which makes sense. We've got to be chill about this. We can't fuck with the unicorns, guys. Oh, for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I mean, I have a real problem with the Vulcans in Star Trek, okay? It's almost like the holodeck, okay? The holodeck is a liability waiting to happen. It's gone wrong so many times. So many people have almost died. So many times it's almost like fucking destroyed the ship. It's ridiculous, okay? It's super dangerous.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And Vulcans are the same. They're like bullshit. Like there's always every sort of seventh or eighth episode, there's some medical illness or some bullshit that's going on with someone where they've gone crazy for some reason. medical science is is at a loss okay they're like oh their brains chemistry's all scrambled what are we going to do we can't the neural stimulator's not working and the vulcan is like step aside how about we try a minds it's like no mindmelds are universally now is not the time for a mindmeld geez for fuck's sake what is it with you guys are fucking mindmelds you're obsessed with them
Starting point is 00:14:12 so just be trying mindmeld no is that your only fucking suggestion yeah the vulcan death grip is kind of bullshit too because it's just you know i know i understand that like you could cripple somebody if you have like intricate knowledge on pressure points and stuff like that but i don't know like maybe like a proper karate chop or like a drop kick or something would have been better for vulcans honestly like no one has ever got no no captain has ever gone oh my god this man's gone completely crazy does anyone know a vulcan so we could do a mind melt it's like or a death grip on him to capacitate him yeah there's like crew of like vulcan ninjas like you know going around death gripping people it's mental anyway maybe there is maybe i missed that episode maybe holy shit yeah so what else have you guys been doing other than watching star
Starting point is 00:15:01 trek this week well listen i got a i actually thought about this before i came out here to record this with you guys i do actually have some exciting news from my household oh um yeah you ready for this yeah we got a new kitchen sink tap oh you son of a bitch it's fucking nice too it's one of those ones that goes up really high so you can actually get the kettle like right in the sink under it and there's still place for lots of dirty plates and stuff to pile up in there and um the water flow is exceptional god i mean it's you know you really built that up so i thought you were gonna say it feels like i'm in a holiday home we're expecting or we won the lottery it's almost extravagant no yeah no nothing that exciting but i mean we've had this old kitchen sink tap that was leaking for quite some time and um i'm pretty lazy i never get around to stuff right and then
Starting point is 00:15:52 finally i phoned up the plumber and i was like are you guys able to come here and fit a kitchen sink tap and he's like yeah of course so i went and bought one um and then he came down and fit it in like 20 minutes and then when he left i was like fuck i probably could have done that but i was glad that he did it emasculated but happy with the new tap yeah because the thing is he the difference was he left and there wasn't a big mess or a big puddle of water or anything like he put all the stuff back under the sink and and whatever if it was me there would be big mess um there'd be stuff everywhere and people would be mad at me where to start with that like yeah so i'm glad that i just
Starting point is 00:16:31 yeah i've no idea you don't know if you have to turn the water off to change it what do you know there's like pipes that have their own little knobs on them it like under your sink and you just turn those off if you don't like on the tap like if you if you have i've actually fitted taps and changed washers and i can do all that stuff because you can look up how to do it and it's really not like anything involving plumbing yeah like you've got to have the right pressure and the right kind of pipe and it's going to be the right width and you've got to have the right you know bends in and what no way like that's that's super skilled stuff obviously yeah but talking about changing a tap come on now it's going to be the right width and you've got to have the right you know bends in and what no way like that's that's super skilled stuff obviously yeah but talking about changing a tap come on now it's not it's not difficult well in my defense he did come to look at the boiler
Starting point is 00:17:14 primarily and then it was just like oh do you mind fitting this while you're here and he was like yeah okay so you know it was like two birds with one stone sort of thing right but you know if i was really you know if i was really sort of gung-ho about fitting a kitchen sink tap i probably could do it you say gung-ho anymore why can't you say gung-ho why couldn't you say gung-ho what's racist gung-ho against who okay it's like the gungs of manchuria against uh against hoes. I don't know. It's one of those things that we're not allowed to say certain things. We're not allowed to call it Chinese
Starting point is 00:17:52 whispers. It is? Yeah. It's an anglicised pronunciation of, and forgive me here Chinese speakers, gong ho. Which is also sometimes anglicised as gong ho. I'm trying my best here. Gong Ho which is also sometimes anglicized as Gong Ho I'm trying my best here
Starting point is 00:18:07 there was I'm pretty sure that there was a G.I. Joe figure um named Gong Ho let's have a look so there's that as well
Starting point is 00:18:14 I'm pretty sure there was actually I think yeah or did they he was the dude he looked a bit like Blaine from Predator
Starting point is 00:18:22 with the he had the flat hat big burly guy massive yeah yeah yeah when i was a kid i mean this was the 80s first appearance 1983 that was right in my wheelhouse right there i was three at the time but i grew into them i had a whole bunch of gi joes by the tender age of six wait dude i'm about to ruin your appreciation for gung ho. Are you ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Gung ho's real name is Etienne R. Lafitte. Oh, that doesn't ruin it. It does. It's kind of like Thierry Henry. Yeah, but no guy called Etienne R. Lafitte is going to be like, je suis gung ho. Let's go and jump over the top. He's going to be like, maybe we should go have a cup of coffee first. Hey, les garçons, je suis gung-ho, let's go and jump over the top. He's going to be like, maybe we should go and have a cup of coffee first. Hey, les garçons, je suis gung-ho.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Allez, gung-ho, oui. Avec moi. No, he lost his French accent and he became more like the guy who cuts himself shaving in The Predator. He's Cajun. He's Cajun. Oh, I see. The good kind of Etienne Arlefite. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Etienne Arlefite. From New Orleans. Eventually moved to New Orleans, earning a reputation as a bare-knuckle brawler and knife fighter. Joined the Marines at age 18 and was the Distinguished Honor Graduate from Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island. He attended Airborne School, Recondo School,
Starting point is 00:19:41 Marine Ordnance School, Administration School at Camp Johnson and is a qualified expert in all nato infantry small arms most also packed infantry weapons and the xm76 grenade launcher i love the gi joe lore it's amazing it's so amazing and it's not appreciated enough like nobody looks back into the into this stuff like sergeant slaughter remember him and then there was jinx there was a woman named jinx and lady jane and there was duke and who else um there's that guy you know all there's the guy who was the american football player and i think they called him like the fridge or something really and they made a gi joe of them yeah i've got here uh
Starting point is 00:20:22 gi gi joe online exclusive seven packs here's the the assault on cobra island squad snake eyes remember snake eyes the ninja guy he was blind he was fucking cool man holy shit recondo zap recondo chuckles hit and run chuckles i remember chuckles i fucking i remember chuckles he had like camo pants And then he had like a beige dress shirt And he had blonde hair Am I right? And there's a guy just called Wetsuit And then here's the Cobra guy
Starting point is 00:20:54 I think the guys who made G.I. Joe Made Transformers as well Or Americanized The Transformers Was Mattel? I could be wrong It's all so similar though Like, like the names and like that. I'm pretty sure the voice actors and the cartoons were like pretty much the same. Like the guy who did Starscream, I think, did Cobra Commander and stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Was there a blind guy? I'm pretty sure there was a lot of crossover there. Oh, they were Hasbro. They were also Hasbro. So Transformers was also Hasbro. Holy shit. Oh, man. Fucking G.I. Joe was the shit.
Starting point is 00:21:24 But the Cobra team was Dr. Mindbender. Oh, yeah. It just gets a bit shit. Range Viper. Alley Viper. There's a guy called Lampraise. A guy called Bat. Night Creeper.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And Strato Viper. What was the guy? They had Destro and then they had that dude. It was like Man-at-Arms or something. He had like metal arms and an eye patch well he's a bad guy had a guy called man at arms who was like his buddy right but i don't know maybe that's who i'm thinking of but there was definitely a there's a gi joe guy he had like um he had like a like a cobra shaped helmet i guess like if that makes sense to you
Starting point is 00:22:01 but he had an eye patch and a mustache yeah and then he had like two black metal arms um but i can't remember his name now he was he was just thinking of like a guy out of mortal kombat or whatever all the gi joe guys did sort of look like mortal kombat guys yeah like i think there was a lot of inspiration there no no this was way before there was a boxer there was a gi joe there was a boxer guy in G.I. Joe as well. You had Snake Eyes, who was the blind ninja guy. Stormshadow, who was the white ninja guy. Like, his costume was white. Cobra Commander, who was, of course, the blue cobra guy.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Destro, who was the guy with the metal head, I think. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, he had the silver head. Yeah, Scarlet, Duke, Flint, Stalker, Hawk, Lady J. Ah, Roadblock. You can't forget Roadblock. Yeah, Roadblock. And then they had Sewer Rat or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Remember that guy? Tunnel Rat. Tunnel Rat, I think so. He had a really huge backpack, but he was good at crawling through sewers and stuff you know what one of the figures i had when i was a kid was shipwreck who was a sailor and he had a little parrot on his shoulder and the toy came with a little parrot yeah yeah i remember that i had the base i had the offshore um like oil platform looking base it had like the the risers and stuff that that was pretty cool it had like a helicopter landing pad and then one year my uh my grandma bought me this huge helicopter don't leave me
Starting point is 00:23:33 with zips he's just gone to get the door and you're telling me about gi joe gi joe completely for you guys it was action man right you guys had like the barbie sized maybe the reason why i'm a puny like millennial like pussy is because i never had gi joe no it's probably right so i never got given it gi joe's were maybe thought it was too violent or like the way that the toys were made too if you had a small screwdriver like um you know the ones that you use like um to apologies like on on your computer you know when you build a computer you have those small little precision screwdriver things yeah so if you had one of those handy you could unscrew a gi joe from their back and take them apart and they had like little elastics and stuff to like hold them in place so you could like
Starting point is 00:24:21 swap and change them around so you could put like tunnel rats pants on like chuckles his body instead and stuff if you wanted to but people who did that were like nerds kind of weird and you didn't really you wanted them to just be pure you didn't want to have like any weird pure out of the box joe none of this that's right no must none of this none of this messing around with the with the gi joes but yeah we had um we had tons of gi joes when i was smaller and we used to play with them out in it in our front yard right so we dig trenches oh yeah i got in trouble for it and we'd have big wars with them and stuff and it was really fun it was great um and then every every week like every sunday or whatever everybody would be like
Starting point is 00:25:06 super upset because one or two of them would be left in the yard by accident and then they'd get run over by the lawnmower and just like cut into a million pieces so it just looked like a there's like a horror show out there that'd just be like little limbs and stuff laying all over the all over the freshly cut grass but then you know you just get some more the cobra lawnmower yeah they came with like little weapons and everything too fuck they were such good toys they were awesome they were good the weird thing about kids shows now compared to kids shows when i was when i was a kid is that now the toys seem to come along if the show is successful there'll be some toys to go with it. But it does,
Starting point is 00:25:45 it felt like, like back then it was literally an advert for toys. Like the He-Man show, when you watch it, they were like, oh, look, it's a new friend.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And, uh, you know, this guy is now available in stores. They didn't say it in the show, but they may as well have done. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Yeah. All of these things, all of these new characters they introduce and all of these awful plots they come it's all just to shift more toys the thing is as a kid yeah it sucks that they advertise directly to kids like that but i fucking loved it and it's not like it was my money all my parents had to do was say no we're not fucking buying you more gi joe toys you can uh have a book and that's up to the you know what i mean the parents just have to say no you can't have the cobra island play set you're gonna have to have a book and a job well we had to wait for like christmas yeah exactly for big stuff like we i like i we barely got anything
Starting point is 00:26:35 throughout the year except for like your birthday or christmas and then you'd get a couple of like you know big things to tide you over until the next birthday or christmas sort of thing and that was it but and then as you got older it was games instead right like i remember i used to get all of the um like the nes and the and the super nintendo final fantasy games like always get one at christmas somehow how old how old were you when you stopped playing with toys because i can remember the occasion very distinctly i mean hold on a second i never a second i never fully stopped though right because i had a brother well i have a brother still but he was six years younger so as he was coming up he was getting into like
Starting point is 00:27:17 ghostbusters and ninja turtles and he had all these toys and i was kind of getting to the age where it's like no fuck you know toys like i don't want don't buy me any toys but I'll gladly sit here and like play with them with my brother sort of thing because they were still kind of sweet actually honestly that's fucking look literally I can imagine like you two like sitting there as like babies I think as I imagine people like this little bald baby and I imagine sitting as a little balding baby right I can't help it you guys just sat there like on your ass you know with your legs out in front of you and you just look at the, you look at the G.I. Joe
Starting point is 00:27:47 and you just said, oh, I'm, I'm too old. I'm done. I'm done with this shit. Just like sadly, like miserably.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Light up a cigarette. I think I'm done with toys. Oh man. And your first birthday really disappointed. i thought it was for cigarettes i remember it was like yeah jesus i remember it was around the time ren and stimpy came out i think that's when i was like sort of getting out of toys it was ren and stimpy came out and people would come over to my house after school and we would watch Ren and Stimpy. That show was so good, man. That was so good.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And it was, and, and people would fucking raid my cupboards and eat like all of our snacks and stuff. My mom would always get really mad. And that's when I knew that I was like transitioning into just like a fucking dope of a teenager instead of just being a kid who stayed home and played with toys or whatever. That's like the, that's like the hallmark isn't it when random people start turning
Starting point is 00:28:50 up at your house after school and hanging out there until like you know whenever somebody comes to pick them up or they'll get in trouble sort of thing that's that's that's the transition period isn't it that's when you're just like no longer a kid you're just like some asshole who's you know always in your parents house and they're just like they can't wait for you to move out sort of thing yeah maybe yeah i i was uh i i had some best friends like when i was growing up um one of them uh my friend william who was absolutely my my best friend when i was growing up and we were we were colossal nerds together. Right. And he was, he was a kind of an unusual character. I'd have always had friends who were kind of a bit weird, or maybe people didn't really get them sort of thing. And it never bothered me that people had strange personal foibles. Uh, his, his were multiple. Like for instance, if we were going
Starting point is 00:29:39 into town together, uh, and I'd say, Hey, let's take the bus as I'm getting on the bus. I'd say, hey, let's take the bus. As I'm getting on the bus, he'd say, I'm going to walk. So I would ride into town on the bus and meet him in town after he'd walked in. And I'd be like, okay. And we'd go to the shops or whatever. And he'd be like, no, I'm going to go home. And he'd just sort of go. But it wasn't that he was being unpleasant. He just had no social skills whatsoever. And he was kind of strange like that. But it never bothered me. Like, we played all kinds of nerdy games,
Starting point is 00:30:11 played loads of Spectrum games. We played board games for hours and hours and hours, like really complicated ones, like Starfleet battles and shit like that. It's like a fucking textbook of rules. And I was at his house one time, and he had loads of toy soldiers i had loads of toy soldiers and we used to play in his in his garden quite a lot with him because he his his mama dug
Starting point is 00:30:31 quite deep flower beds and around the flower beds it was like an obvious trench and so you could set up your troops in that trench without having to dig it was great and the pond was like the main central for you know we'd have to battle around the pond everything like that i remember one time i went around there with my soldiers and out of nowhere he just goes like i don't want to play with toy soldiers anymore i was like oh like i was crushed i loved playing with the toy soldiers because i and i've realized subsequently that that was me wanting to play like tabletop board gaming and miniatures and stuff like that but i was still there with the soldiers have a little bag of soldiers that i brought over and he was like now i'm done i was like he just reaches his arm out of like out of scene and then you know he pulls back some like 14 year old girl
Starting point is 00:31:10 no he didn't have a girl that was the thing if it had been a girl it would have been like now i'm into girls now i was like oh yeah all right that's cool that's cooler than soldiers he was just literally he didn't want to do it he just wanted to do something else i was like oh okay i was crushed he puts his arm out of scene and pulls in a 14 year old boy i'm done with soldiers oh man i think i think we were probably about 10 or 11 and uh he's right we i was too old for toy soldiers but it was subsequent to that i got into like um tabletop gaming and stuff and he instantly did as well like we we used to play like warhammer
Starting point is 00:31:45 40k and stuff like that yeah but it was when i was 11 at school that some of the sixth formers were playing that game and they were like oh do you want to play and i was like yeah fuck yeah like they were really cool and um nice it was great fucking love it i wish i had the space for a massive i always wanted to have like one of those massive tables that people have and you know you see a picture on the internet it's like taking over their whole basement. It's just a huge tabletop gaming thing. Yeah, yeah. That comes later in life though, right?
Starting point is 00:32:12 People become massive enthusiasts about it or whatever as they're a bit older and they have more disposable income. Yeah, you've got the moolah. And they build these massive nerd layers in their basement or whatever. It used to be a thing with train sets right it used to it used to always be the dad's sort of refuge in the basement where he put together his model train set yeah i guess that'll be replaced by you having a you know g.i. joe battleground no no it's just computer now like you just get a big computer with all your games on it and then well that's me anyway just like sit out here in my dad garage and just fucking play i remember playing tabletop board games and stuff with with my friends just because
Starting point is 00:32:50 i remember we had like a big dining table in my in my dining room um stroke living room which i had in my so we lived in a sort of a big bungalow with a big bit weird sort of place anyway um it was um it was really nice to just sort of hang out there when it was like hot in summer with my friend playing warhammer and we were both like pretty young you know we didn't really follow the rules or know the rules particularly but we argued over the rules all the time we we we were just like yelling at the top of our voices each other about about like arguing away and we had it was it was wonderful time i loved it yeah you liked arguing about warhammer gossips give us your dad basement dreams well i'm in i'm
Starting point is 00:33:33 in it right now i'm living it right now like this is what i do sort of living the dreams pretty nice but i remember with it come back to toys and getting out of toys or whatever i remember get i remember getting out of lots of toys kind of around like 11 or 12 or whatever and then we sort of all collectively decided that it was no longer cool to play with toys or whatever we had to do other stuff but one thing that we still kept doing like really like for years afterwards up until we were like maybe even like 16 um we still played with lego a lot like we'd make these huge huge bases out of lego um and then we'd make like a ball out of lego that we'd throw at each other's bases so you had like a huge base and you had to have like a power core that was like hidden
Starting point is 00:34:18 somewhere so if they knocked out your power core you were dead wow um and we because we all of us had tons of lego so we like at one point i think we just combined all of our lego together just had like thousands and thousands of pieces of lego and we just sit there like it always happened if there was just like nothing going on right like if if nobody had money or we just like weren't doing something or whatever we would just sit in our friend's basement and we just play fucking lego forever it was crazy it was really fun too but it was like it was really hush hush too like we couldn't go to school and be like yeah we played lego for like 30 hours this weekend sort of thing like we just it was it was just this thing where you'd see your friend
Starting point is 00:35:05 on monday at school or whatever and you just give them that knowing look but like we never talked about it again shame buried under the ground yeah yeah it was really fucking fun though it was awesome and that's where like we started a lot of this fucking weird you know chit-chatting when you're not really paying attention and you're just like you know making shit out of lego or whatever and stuff we just do that for hours you hung out with all the moment they were yeah we're just like yeah feeding our girls and just playing lego and stuff yeah it was it was good times do you ever wonder if uh i mean i i don't know if kids still play games that way where they all just play like that kind of really inventive stuff, or if they just go around and play FIFA. And I think it is kind of a shame that as much as I love games, I'd hate to think like a lot of the games are, I still remember them.
Starting point is 00:35:56 They're really founding memories that I've made of the games that I played and I think the toys that I play with, like sometimes I go to my mom's house and she still got on my old toys bless her so i kind of go and go through these boxes and pull out something i haven't seen for 30 years and i instantly recognize it and i remember the games i play with it and the things that we did and i kind of remember p flex when we were kids we were bored out of our fucking mind that's it we had nothing on the telly and there would be nothing on the telly right because you'd have it'd be that daytime you would be able to there was no netflix nothing to watch no youtube no screens you didn't have a mobile phone you had no games you had shit you had literally fuck all you had i remember i remember literally playing outside for like 12 hours a day when i was small like it would it be in the summer it would get dark at like 10 o'clock at night or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:46 And you would just be out like right until it got dark. And then your parents would be like, okay, everybody time to come in or whatever. But that's like all you did. Cause like Lewis said, it was just fucking nothing to do. We'd play baseball in the street.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Because you got the, you know, you weren't allowed to get them all. You only got them like once a, once a one day a week. If you rented it from the local video shop or whatever, if you were lucky. And then the you know you weren't allowed to get them or you only got them like once a once a one day a week if you rented it from the local video shop or whatever if you were lucky yeah and then you know the rest of the time it was like yeah just fucking entertain yourself and so you just pretty much kind of i mean i think we were times were different pflax got remember that oh i know they were different what i'm saying is i want the people the young people of today
Starting point is 00:37:21 to suffer as i did because otherwise how is that fair it's not fair they're just they're just so fucking plugged in nowadays that you know they got everything was a false symptom of mass boredom though it's a little bit like being put in solitary confinement in prison right like your mind will stop making shit up and creating all these amazing like worlds and stuff you know what's amazing is when my kids say how long until we go to so-and-so and i'll say oh it's like a week my kids say how long until we go to so and so and i'll say oh it's like a week they go a week and it seems to them like like the longest time and i i think you're right going back to the whole boredom thing a lot of time i mean they have to go to school and i fucking hated going to school when you were sitting in the lesson just sitting
Starting point is 00:38:00 there just waiting as i got older i started to really like watch the clock and be thinking oh my god i just want to go home and play or i just want to go out or go on my bike or be running around and doing something without people telling me to sit down and having to learn about volcanoes and stuff. All the kind of stuff you got to do at school, you just got to plod through it. It's literally so much that you want to do as a kid. You've got all the energy in the world. My kids just never stop they'll say they're tired and then they'll see something they want to do and then they'll do that for like four hours just bounding around leaping off stuff and i think you said you were
Starting point is 00:38:34 tired two seconds ago what you meant was you're bored you're just fucking bored to tears how desperately sad yeah it's the way it is though, it's just the way that kids are. Like, they just think that they have no concept of time, really, kids. You know, like, we went on vacation last year. We took my son to Disneyland. This is, like, months before we even left. I was like, hey, guess what? We're going to go to Disneyland. He's like, now?
Starting point is 00:39:03 I'm like, no. Like, we're not going fucking he's like now no like we're not going fucking now it's gonna happen in like six months but we're going and he's like oh okay you know he just like he has no unless it's like literally splashing him in the face at that second he's just not interested like it's just yeah it's hilarious but it's really realistic, I guess. It's really living in the moment. It's a good way to live, really. You think so?
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah. Because if it was up to my kids, they'd have the same thing for dinner pretty much every night. And they'd have a huge dessert. It would be literally ice cream for dinner. Yeah, it would be ice cream every night. And then what do you want to do today? Just play all day.
Starting point is 00:39:43 If the world was run like that, Lewis, nothing would ever get done if we didn't play that's how greece and italy work right politics it's a politics joke gosh oh my god if you're if you're from greece or from italy um i just want you to know that i don't share the same opinions about you as Lewis. Um, so don't, yeah. If I see you in like an alley or something, like a back alley,
Starting point is 00:40:11 is that what you think? Greek and Italian people hang out in an alley. Yeah. Pretty much. Hey senor. Hey senor. Yeah. Something like that anyway. That's obviously not Greek or Italian.
Starting point is 00:40:22 No disrespect meant. No, no disrespect meant no disrespect meant okay that's all i'm saying but um yeah i remember when we were when we were kids i remember a big problem for us when we were kids because we had to play outside a lot um was the street lights weren't bright enough to be able to catch a baseball or a football when it was thrown at you so it was like it got to be a bit of a problem like you know sort of as as the sun was setting it's like all of a sudden it's like hey hang on you know this guy
Starting point is 00:40:50 got a home run but actually it wouldn't have really been a home run three hours ago when the sun was out and i could actually see what the fuck was going on sort of thing and that led to like a lot of arguments and stuff too well you try and bring in a rule that says like like as the light goes down the distance you have to hit the ball it was like a technicality right like you know this this guy who never hits home runs would just like you know hit his first home run and it was because of that and then everybody would be sitting in the back grumbling away like fuck this guy's fucking that's not a real home run that's the weird thing kids kids fucking love making up rules like they love everything has to be really quite strict i find
Starting point is 00:41:34 when they play like i you know when my daughters are playing games the rules are so fucking overbearing at times i'm like jesus christ girls give it a break with the rules like you're not allowed to touch this and then this is my one and then you have to come around the side and then you're gonna do this you can only have two of these and four of these and we're gonna split them up even then you can't come over my side and here's my band it's like shut the fuck up and play my son does this thing where he's like all right uh we're gonna be characters from this show i'm gonna be like the main character like he'll he'll always pick the main character or he'll pick the bad guy like the main bad guy like he'll always pick the main character or he'll pick the bad guy, like the main bad guy,
Starting point is 00:42:05 like for whatever reason. Those are like his go-tos. And then he gives me the option. He's like, what character would you like to be? And then I'll be like, oh, I just want to be, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:16 some fucking obscure nerd that like, you know, nobody cares about or something. You know, I'll be Chuckles. He's like, no, dad, no, you can't be Chuckles. You have to be like the right hand man or, you know,'ll be chuckles he's like no dad no you can't be chuckles you have to be like the right hand man or you know somebody that he he can like you know sort of like control
Starting point is 00:42:30 like the game with sort of thing like and every time he asks me i always try to pick like the most obscure asshole character like just to see what his reaction will be it's really funny it's this kind of moment of confusion isn't it when he tries to figure out who that is yeah he says no no he can't be like because he i don't think he half knows who that is yeah he's trying to remember it in his head yeah or he just made it up it's really really good uh it's funny it's funny like like playing like games like that with kids and stuff because their reactions are so genuine they're like so funny too because they don't have a filter right yeah they're just like whatever they're thinking it'll just come out sort of thing so it's like yeah it's it's really excellent god oh my goodness so let's move on to what games you guys have been playing this week
Starting point is 00:43:18 what have you guys been playing that's good oh man i picked up fallout 4 again i started playing it i i created a new character and i started from the start because i thought last time i played it i played it for like 50 hours i didn't do any quests i just went around i dicked around and stuff so this time i thought you know what i'm gonna do the main quest line follow it through and i'm like getting through it and i've been enjoying it actually like the main quest is pretty cool like i like the whole thing with like the institute and everything and just finding out what's going on.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I haven't like read anything about it. So I don't, there's not that many spoilers out there for me about it or whatever. So I'm enjoying it. And, um, there's a whole bunch of new DLC for it too. Like you can make like these factories now in your settlements,
Starting point is 00:44:00 like contraptions, like automate like conveyor belts and stuff. Jeez. So I'm going to check that out that out and there's some other shit there's a couple of like sort of quest-based dlcs and then i think next month there's a dlc coming out where you can manage your own vault so like you get i guess you get a vault and then you can like recruit people to live in it and you can build them exercise machines and shit like that. So that looks pretty fun too.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I like all that kind of shit. So yeah, I've been playing that. And Overwatch competitive play came out, I guess, like yesterday or the day before. Have you played the competitive stuff? Yeah, yeah. I did all my placement matches. And I rank or rating 51. Wow.
Starting point is 00:44:43 So yeah, I'm the best. What don't it's it's on a scale of one to a hundred so not really average i guess bang in the middle no i guarantee that's not average like if you think about dota you'd think that like for instance there are some players who are 9k mmr so you'd think that being four and a half thousand to five thousand mmr would be like the average but it's not it's always like a pyramid like most people that play these games fucking suck and genuinely when you play with them you realize i mean i would normally put myself in that camp so right but i bet you're not like a lot of people play games and are so so bad at them they they put thousands of hours in but they're even worse than us
Starting point is 00:45:23 which is amazing to me but it does happen so i wouldn't i don't think it plays cool though like it it changes the rules of some of the maps and stuff so like um you know like that you know the capture point like leading into payload maps sort of thing um like in the first round let's say you're defending right and or no say let's say you're attacking okay and you you the other team defend so well that you can't even capture the first point right all you have to do um when you're defending is is make sure that that that happens as well but for the attacker all they need to do to win the whole game is capture that first point because you were unable to capture yourself because i was thinking it's it's fucking stupid when there's no benefit to me like you you
Starting point is 00:46:10 need like four overtimes to capture the the point or whatever like that it needs to be it's like saying well we i won four nil in the first leg and you won one nil in the second leg so it's a tie it's like no it's not a tie i should be winning by four to one like you know yeah that's good i'm glad they brought that in it's pretty cool and then they've introduced this new almost like in-game currency now um like every time you play a competitive game or win a competitive game you get a competitive point which you can save up a ton of and buy like cosmetic shit with. So like Soldier 76 has like a it costs like 300 competitive points
Starting point is 00:46:47 but it's like a golden gun. Oh sick. Sort of thing. He's my favourite hero. I love Soldier 76. He's pretty cool yeah. I like him. So just shit like that but it's definitely sort of heading in the right direction. It's interesting anyway. It's pretty fun. So I've been playing that a bit and then Prison Architect as well. Still playing that. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Enjoy it. Yeah I booted that up. I played a little bit of Prison Architect. I think it's good isn't it? playing that a bit. And then Prison Architect as well. Still playing that. It's fun. Enjoy it. Yeah, I booted that up. I played a little bit of Prison Architect. I think it's good, isn't it? It's a lot. I mean, when you compare it to RimWorld, it feels like RimWorld is... Because I played RimWorld first. Prison Architect feels like such a slick, much more polished, well-done version of the engine. Playing RimWorld, it's kind of a bit rough around the edges.
Starting point is 00:47:24 It is a bit, yeah. A little little bit a little bit janky you can you can tell rim world is still like a very well it's pretty polished you know all things considered but it's still a work in progress you can tell that they're still gonna add a lot of stuff to it the polish is like just a hundred times better on prison art yeah i really enjoyed it i picked because it's steam summer sale on and i picked up a bunch of things to try them out and i ended up refunding like three or four things um because they didn't sort of work properly first of all i bought watchdogs so i'd never played that and i wanted to play it and then i couldn't fucking just i couldn't get it to run so i was like what the new watchdogs watchdogs 2 yeah no not new watchdogs i don't think the
Starting point is 00:48:00 new watchdogs is out yet i don't even know when it's coming out no i don't think it's out i think it's out fairly soon i wanted to play the first one before i so i might have to rebuy and try again but god i took i'm annoyed about that and then i bought like a series of kind of um rpg type i just fancied like a dungeon crawly roguelike rpg sort of experience for a change and so i bought a couple of them on steam and on the steam sale and i'm god i couldn't i either couldn't get into them or they were a little bit too grindy but but you know i i i'm happy i spent a weekend like trying out a bunch of different games and you know i had a good time about it so yeah i feel like um i feel like recently i've been playing games a lot more naturally because
Starting point is 00:48:43 like you tend to sort of not do that when you record for youtube and stuff sometimes you're like playing games that you might not necessarily be playing a lot of in your spare time or whatever but i feel like i've got a couple of games now that i'm playing regularly and looking forward to picking back up and playing sort of thing and i think like having two or three games that you you sort of like you know jump around you need like one really grindy game that you you sort of like you know jump around you need like one really grindy game that's like sort of like your overarching game sort of thing yeah so like for me right now that's like overwatch something that you know the progression is very slow and you just sort of like gather these e points or whatever as as you play and it's like
Starting point is 00:49:22 pretty fun bursty fun or whatever and then like fallout prison architect are my more like long brewing games where there's like a story developing and stuff like that so it's like yeah i like those as well i like to just like chop and change in between them and then when i'm done with one of them i'm sure something else will just replace them but it's a nice place to be in um simon came in this week and was chatting to me after we recorded whale lords about how basically he still plays WoW a lot. Do you ever play WoW, Pflex? No, but every time I play Hearthstone or anything involving, I log in and Simon is in World of Warcraft, like, all the time.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And everyone on my stream goes, holy shit, Simon still plays WoW. Like, he plays it a lot, from he does about that stuff so he sits there and pokes around levels of alts does quests he likes the world he likes chatting to people in guild chat he likes doing the fishing that's kind of just his like casual thing to do yeah and i i think he gets a lot of joy out of it i i feel i feel like i've managed to shake that bad habit. So I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:26 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:28 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:28 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:28 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:30 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:30 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:30 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:33 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:36 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:39 I, I, I, can't i do that i don't i do feel like i oh wow but at the same time i feel like i'm glad to not be a crack addict anymore right in a way because that was a tricky one i never know what to do when i get back into it it's a it's such a huge game it's so overwhelming i like i i log into my my whatever my character was that i last played open up their bags they're full and i'm like oh fuck i don't like it's too much i just have to log out i just don't know what to do it's just like there's no organization i'm not like in the flow with it whatsoever sort of thing so like more more often than not like if i come back to play wow i usually just level the character from scratch again just to sort of get back into it
Starting point is 00:51:20 or whatever it's hard to to dip in and out of a game if you if it's that big like yeah like i play i mean i play a lot of games like um like for instance if i'm playing a game of civ 5 say i i very rarely go back and load a game even the next day unless it's like a bit of an amazing game i very rarely finish them i'll play it up to a point i'll be like okay i'm done with this now i played civ for five hours and i'll stop and then i'll never come back'll play it up to a point and I'll be like, okay, I'm done with this now. I've played Civ for five hours and I'll stop. And then I'll never come back and load that up like a week later, ever. It's like while the experience is going on and you're doing it day to day, it feels like it's fresh in my mind. But the moment I step away, I have no idea what's going on. It's gone.
Starting point is 00:51:59 It's like, and that kind of makes me realize that a lot of the time when I'm playing games, it's just stuff that's happening and I'm responding to it, but there's not really anything being embedded in my head. Whereas when I play, for instance, when I play a multiplayer game, because I'm playing it with other people, the experience embeds itself in my head more because it's like a shared one. Because we're talking and I remember the conversations and stuff like that. So when I play Dota, there are lots of games in Dota that i still remember really well or plays that that happen in the game whereas with world of
Starting point is 00:52:29 warcraft i don't really remember much other than i seem to remember things like the music i was listening to while i was playing like there were certain albums i was listening to at the time and every time i hear a song or i hear that album i'll think oh shit i remember i was playing world of warcraft uh when i heard this for the first time it's like that yeah that kind of memory trick yeah that's like a certain smell that does stuff yeah there's there are certain elements in life that do that like the trick that jog your memory from a specific time and place you know when you were doing something but but the game itself it's just so big there's so much it is it's a it's a it's like a lifestyle game though isn't it it's like it's it's for a lot of people it's just so big there's so much it is it's a it's a it's like a lifestyle game though isn't it
Starting point is 00:53:05 it's like it's it's for a lot of people it's probably the only game that they play yeah and you know some people might only play it for an hour a day and some people might play it for 24 hours a day or whatever but like it's it's so big and it when you leave it and you try to come back to it it's it's really impossible i guess that's why expansions are quite good though because you you're sort of forced to restart because there's all this new content you have to go through it you have to do all this stuff and then if you're still really into the game or you want to keep playing you know you're you're just there sort of thing and it and it's fine i'm gonna play legion when it comes out i'm actually looking forward to it i don't know how long i'm gonna play it for but um it's you know it's it's weird that a game
Starting point is 00:53:46 could be so old and you know been around for such a long time and i'm still fairly excited to play it from time to time sort of thing like i always somehow gravitate back towards it even if it's just for two or three weeks or whatever like there's definitely things about it that i miss that like i don't think i'll ever come back know, like having a big guild sort of thing and really like active guild chat and, you know, rating regularly with, with people and stuff. Like,
Starting point is 00:54:12 I don't think I'd ever, I don't know. I don't know if the game is like that so much anymore. I guess it is for some people, but I don't know if it is for us. We've changed. The game's changed. Like it is,
Starting point is 00:54:23 it is different. The way we experience and enjoy games is different i think too like yeah you know i i don't know i have some really good memories in wow you know because obviously everyone everyone has good memories of like playing games as a kid you know i remember i used to work summer holidays in an off license um and i would get to like take home basically guys this is this to all the listeners out there. If you are interested in something, okay, get a job doing that and you'll end up with free that. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:53 So when I worked in an off-license, I got a lot of free booze. Okay. Because it went out of date or whatever. It was getting chucked away. I was like, oh, I'll take it. So I ended up taking like a crate of archers um home because it was all going out of date and i literally spent like a whole summer just in the heat you know basically my pants playing wow with the window open like but beautiful sunny day out there but
Starting point is 00:55:18 i'm playing wow with drinking just drinking arches every night till i got fucking wasted wake up the next day you know going to work sunny day come home play wow and drink archers it was it was a wonderful happy time of my life just a syrupy peachy sugary wow flat well flavored mess man i don't know how i climbed out of that hole but i did eventually i mean there were some wonderful fucking times playing video games i remember like from my past yeah some really good experiences i think it was eve online was the time that i enjoyed a sort of mmo the most like i did enjoy wow but i definitely wasn't in a guild that i liked like they were just convenient because they were about the same level as i was and they were rating the same things as i was, and they were rating the same things as I was. Like, I didn't...
Starting point is 00:56:05 I can't even remember what they were called. They were mainly Danish guys, and they were nice enough, but they took it quite seriously, even though they weren't very good at it, and they weren't much sort of fun. Do you know what I mean? They weren't like...
Starting point is 00:56:15 There was very little social chatting and stuff. It was just... We kind of methodically helped each other with quests, and it was kind of functional. It was business. Yeah, it was quite business-y, so I didn't get much of a social side from it, whereas when I played Eve for like four years it was entirely just a social thing and we just had
Starting point is 00:56:31 a laugh like we'd go on these ops where we'd fly around and we'd all get drunk and one time we did a musical op where we flew around and one guy was playing the trombone one guy was playing the guitar and i was singing and we did stairway to heaven whilst we were flying into battle right we were doing like this little over the internet uh weird acoustic trombone version of stairway to heaven it was the weirdest thing but it was so cool like i remember thinking how funny it was um and that that was great like that was honestly that side of it has always been more fun to me than the mmo grind like i don't want to just sit on my own but i did when i played wow i'd sit sit on my own but i did when i played
Starting point is 00:57:05 wow i'd sit there on my own and do it and i remember thinking man this is fucking boring but i was kind of just zoned out doing it it was just like a thing you did have to sit it was weird though it's just kind of chill wasn't it you just like have a movie on or just have some music on or whatever and you just do this really repetitive thing over and over and over yeah sort of half pay attention to what was going on but you kind of knew that like when you were done grinding like that you would you know it would open up the game so that you could do other stuff like yeah you know i i would level up and grind through it and stuff like that knowing that you know oh it'd be cool to get into a raid group do some raids and do that kind of stuff or you know maybe do some pvp or something
Starting point is 00:57:44 like that and it was always like it always led up to something it always took a little while but it was it was all right yeah i didn't mind it so much but i feel like with the rating once we started because i i did the same thing like i ground up to level 60 and it took forever because i fucked it up and i went back and did it with a different character and it was all it was fine you know you go and get this bit of gear and you'd be like oh i need to get this so i can do that it was like know, you'd go and get this bit of gear and you'd be like, oh, I need to get this so I can do that. And it was like, fine. And you'd get your guild mates to help you out. Like, I'm sure there was a quest for mages where you had to do one instance to get something.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I can't even remember what it was. It was like either something to change your hex from a sheep to a turtle or something. I can't even remember, honestly. And I'm sure that there was just a few things that you do just to sort of, you know, minor things for your character. And that was fine. But then once we started doing the raiding and you realised that with 40 people and not enough loot for 40 people,
Starting point is 00:58:34 you were going to be coming back and doing this exact same instance constantly. And it was hours and it was no fun because it was so stressful and tense because we were rubbish so we wiped constantly and i just i was just at that point i realized that everything i'd been grinding for was actually not much fun and all right it opened it up for me but holy shit i quit once once we did molten core a few times and i didn't get anything and i realized how much time i had
Starting point is 00:58:59 to dedicate to it i was like fuck me this is and there's always someone who has to leave but one of the healers like go go oh no yeah and it was such a chore for people too right like after you'd run it a couple of times and everybody knew the fights and stuff it was everybody was there they were just like oh fuck we're gonna do this again like i'm gonna put myself through this seven hours of molten core again yeah yeah yeah it's a funny funny mentality but like i don't know we were you're younger than too right like i didn't at the time like i played wow i paid a subscription and everything and you know i wasn't buying games like every day or anything back then it was just like okay i'm gonna play this and then when i'm really sick of it, I'll buy something else sort of thing. But like, it's a bit different now.
Starting point is 00:59:45 It's just like, well, I get games given to me for free a lot now too. So like, I don't appreciate them as much. Like I'll play a game that I haven't paid for and I'll be like, whatever. Like I don't even care about it sort of thing. I think you don't value stuff when it's for free though. I think that that was the thing that we had
Starting point is 01:00:00 when we were younger, right? If you paid 50 quid for a game or whatever, even if it was a shit game, you would fucking work to get, to're gonna get every last quid out of that yeah exactly yeah i think the reason i kind of like games where it's the same game but it's like a random start like each time so every time you restart you don't feel like you've gone back to square one you feel like this is just the game this is what it is like there are lots of games i return to like that.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Game Dev Tycoon is one that for some reason I always come back to. I love that. Really? Yeah, I love that game. I don't know why I find it very relaxing. Oh, it feels so repetitive. I've done it as well. I've played it so many times and come back to it and started it so many times. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:40 I just really love it. It's something really weird about it. Yeah. I love the little balls going like that. It's just satisfying love it. It's something really weird about it, yeah. I love the little balls going... Like that. It's just satisfying to me. I like how in one of... Sorry, go on, mate. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I was just going to say something like football manager is the same thing. I come back and I'll manage a different team and it'll be the same, you know, starts in 2015. It's the same thing. But so much different stuff happens because of the nature of the game, it's different every time. I like that. I like the same with Civ. Different start, the game's going to play out completely differently. That's one of the downsides, I think, to Hearts of Iron,
Starting point is 01:01:16 which is a game I know we're all playing a lot, is that there is no random map start. And I think until the mods and stuff and the DLC comes in, like we were talking about having a version where nobody's in a faction and nobody's allied and there's no you know you'd literally build up diplomacy rather than be like a fixed uh okay Japan always goes to war with Russia or Japan and America can never be friends you know you could have a version where everybody's just chill at the start and maybe started in 1930 whatever and then you build up your own politics
Starting point is 01:01:44 and see what the AI does like maybe you build up your own politics and see what the ai does like maybe japan and russia become best buddies and go and conquer america you know that kind of thing i would like to see that rather than the fixed just you know can you change history again it's like i don't know i like the fix though there's lots of you know there's lots of things that you can do with it though you know like there's there's lots of countries that you can you can turn into something out of nothing yeah and and and really change the course of the war like no matter where you are like i feel like there is a limit to it but it would take you a while to to reach that limit sort of thing i'm just thinking like longer term it would be fun to have some other game like that because i do find myself coming back to games like with uh
Starting point is 01:02:24 rimworld for instance where you don't know what's going to happen there's lots of random events and stuff or prison architect you can build a different prison you'll have different prisoners and different problems every time whereas i feel like prison architect you can try different things too you know like you can really you can you can you could almost make like a factory if you really wanted to you know like where they could come out directly into like a shower thing and you know not even give them a way to leave the prison ever sort of thing you know like there's all sorts of different shit that you can try in that game and it sort of caters very well to that like you know um inventiveness i guess it's really cool the
Starting point is 01:02:59 thing about wow is if you want to level a character there is pretty much an optimal way to do everything in that game like it's more about i think the reason people love the new content is because it isn't locked in that this is what you do and this is the order you do it in and this is the best thing for this and this is the best thing for that and i i kind of uh i think with wow a lot of people are attracted to it because it's fixed and you know what you have to do and they just like it's like people that like doing puzzles or coloring in books you know it's fixed and you know what you have to do and they just like it's like people that like doing puzzles or coloring in books you know it's like you know what you have to do it's all laid out before you you just got to complete the task and some people really
Starting point is 01:03:33 take a lot of satisfaction from that whereas i like the randomness like of stuff like rimworld and stuff like that where you have to conquer a different very changing set of circumstances as as the game goes on yeah it's that it's it's definitely different and and and cool too um period's comments about the faction thing in um in hearts of iron four is is off the back of the fact that we've recorded um a sort of game me period and lewis of hearts of iron four which went okay so i guess you'll see it'll be on team double dragon soonish i guess the whole thing is done now and we're planning on doing another one which we might start tomorrow i'm not sure we'll have to see yeah but um it was fun i enjoyed it anyway i think i think you guys
Starting point is 01:04:18 enjoyed it too it was a blast yeah i really enjoyed it it's a fun game and uh it's definitely fun multiplayer too i didn't think it would be so multiplayer too. I didn't think it would be so much fun. Yeah, same here. I didn't think it would be as good, but it was fantastic. Yeah, it was really fun. I wanted to say something else as well. Oh yeah, about WoW.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Sorry, just before I forget. The funny thing about WoW and the funny thing about the expansion model, every time an expansion comes around, I think a lot of the hype for people who have played the game um you know since the start or have played it for a very long time and have been around for a couple of expansions at least i think there's always that hope that you're going to get things back that you've lost along the way in terms of wow right
Starting point is 01:05:00 it's a fresh expansion everybody is gonna get into it everybody is gonna hopefully really enjoy it and stick around and then you're gonna get your big guild back with regular this and that and do fun shit or whatever and it never really does it never works out but maybe legion will be the one maybe legion will be the one to bring them all back who knows i don't know it's good it's a good to have like a i always enjoy these moments when we all pitch in, when everyone gets involved and it's like, Oh, Hey,
Starting point is 01:05:28 everyone's playing this game. And like, you know, you just, you bump into fucking Silas out there or, you know, you're saying guild chat, Hey,
Starting point is 01:05:34 is anyone want to do this? And it's like, you know, you just get together a bunch of random people, like, you know, like some random people from the office of playing and one of hat films, or,
Starting point is 01:05:43 you know, someone, you know, from somewhere, you know, some, someone you went to school with and suddenly you're in a little group and you're chatting away it's i don't i don't know it's like one of those it's one of these really it's really nice when everyone's playing the same game and we get together and have like these it's
Starting point is 01:05:57 like kind of everyone's excited everyone's into it everyone's exploring this new world together and sharing it and and not necessarily competing with each other but i think that's always been an element of wow it's always been an element of you know you put the time and you put the effort in and then you can show off to people you know other people especially when they used to have all that shit like i remember doing like the paladin uh epic mount quest which was like a real ball lake back in the day because it cost like a lot of gold which was not as abundant as it is nowadays and stuff. Remember they had the hunter one as well,
Starting point is 01:06:30 where you had to do those like stupid kiting. It was just, it was a lot of these were a real fiddle and they took you, you know, you needed a couple of mates to take out their time to do it with you. You need to like have a lot of resources, which weren't easy to get, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:44 like it wasn't as, easy as you know back in the day before you could just literally buy gold in the game which you can now because you just buy a token or whatever and sell it for like 90 000 gold or whatever yeah yeah yeah you can actually buy gold in the game legit you know before gold you can pay for your subscription with it now too yeah i mean you can play the game and pay for you basically make the game free to play if you um if you play enough kind of thing which is a nice mechanic in a way but yeah i don't know i mean it's the eve is mechanic as well isn't it that you can pay for your subscription with kind of enough is it isk or isk i always just said i think everyone says isk pretty much i can't remember and so you know i i, I don't know. I feel that it's the social passion is what's exciting for me.
Starting point is 01:07:28 You know, I think that's why people like it. And I think that, you know, when people do start dropping off that radar, it's like, well, who am I going to play with now? I think that's why some other MMOs don't hold the same allure, right? It's because none of your friends are playing them. Yeah, yeah. If you've got a bunch of you together saying, hey, we're going to all play all play this mmo now um you know there's gonna be a bunch of us doing it then and everyone sort of felt like other people were playing it yeah it's a little bit like rust
Starting point is 01:07:56 you know everyone got on board that bandwagon and then it sort of slowly faded out and you know into a couple of people still doing it but nothing anywhere near what it was before no that's it everybody was into it like solid for like a week or two and i think our attention span is is short yeah um but uh that's due to due to us just getting older i think and having more variety though you know i i love i really i haven't got anything bad to say about it really i'm i'm it's it's good i'd rather have new expansions than not i don't think there's a way to return to the old days and honestly if we get a bit of if we get a week of cool social activity and like fun and you know memorable times out of it then fucking cool
Starting point is 01:08:35 you know i'll remember though from drenal that what happened was you basically were so salty that you couldn't play on the eu servers you were so mad that you fucking literally made an account on the us servers yeah and played played there instead yeah well i could actually log in and play so it made sense we couldn't play together which was like super annoying um but you didn't really care did you but we and we gave up about the same time as well well yeah we played for about two weeks didn't we we just like sort of got to max level, did a couple of dungeons or whatever, and then Draenor was exciting and fun at the time, but I don't know. I think as far as expansions go, I don't think it's going to be remembered as a great one.
Starting point is 01:09:15 There is something weird about that new thing, right? Where everyone's exploring for the first time, and you're the first there, and it's almost like, not exactly a race race but everyone wants to play on launch day it's funny how the something being new has such a shiny sort of attachment to it that makes it somehow everyone sort of thinks it's somehow going to be really way better i think you can go back to old games like skyrim or fallout 4 for the first time or whatever and they're fucking incredible games or even older games like you know banjo kazooie or you know ocarina of time you can go back to really old games and and they're still super fucking good today banjo kazooie i don't even think i ever played banjo
Starting point is 01:09:58 kazooie to be honest what a great game i don't think i'd play that now. You wouldn't play that today? No. No. Was that originally a PlayStation game? I think so, yeah. I remember playing it at the time. I mean, these games are super old. They're like 20 years old, literally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Those games. PlayStation was weird one night. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we are often blinded by the allure of newness um in our culture that everyone thinks that because something is new it will be some for some reason better or and and sometimes you know that's not necessarily the case no um i guess not wow what a boring chat no it's not it's not boring at all i'm just this is like the segment of the podcast where we get serious about games. Because games are a huge part of what we do
Starting point is 01:10:51 and how our lives may happen forever. And also, we know that most of the people watching this play games. So, I don't think it's... I mean, I think sometimes maybe we don't joke around about games as much. I don't know why, because we all do when we're playing them. But when we're talking about them,
Starting point is 01:11:07 I think it's actually something we know quite a lot about. Like all of us have played a shitload of games, been playing games for years, have seen how they changed. We've been a part of a lot of scenes and stuff. So I think it's actually something we know stuff about. Well, here's the thing. I think that you could have a lot of fun doing anything with friends right if you know if you if you've just got a bunch of you
Starting point is 01:11:30 around you've got a even like a fucking shit game like monopoly you know it can still be a good laugh if you've got the right people around the table um i guess why we play games for a living and that's kind of a weird thing but one of the one of the things that i've been doing lately very much is playing the games that i really enjoy you know like you said playing hearts of iron playing civ playing certain sort of crappy walking simulators with duncan playing like these minecraft mod packs i've been playing a lot of games that i enjoy what i haven't been doing really is the other sort of some of the other things i i would like to do so i'd like to i'd like to sort of i'd like to i'd like to sort
Starting point is 01:12:05 of i'd like to play some warhammer or not warhammer so much but i'd like i think one of the things we've looked at is the judge dread miniatures game oh yeah and so it's like a kind of gang based thing you recruit like some ape men or some fatties or whatever you make a little gang and you kind of fight with other people's gangs you know you have to paint your models and stuff i want to find a way to to make videos out of that yeah um which i'm really not sure how to do but i really want to do it i want to do another dnd campaign oh i think that's really fun i love i love that and if you want to be in it i'd love to have you well would it have to be something that you did live yeah it's like in bristol we'd have to do it we'd have to do it in person that's the difficulty i mean
Starting point is 01:12:41 if i came down like in the summer um the summer my kids are away for two weeks and there's whenever you're thinking of going down let me know yeah i'll go down to you and then we can fucking do it they're away for like two weeks in the summer the only thing is the weekend i need to be back in bournemouth for just for that one night and then i've got another week free so i could even just come down for a bit we could record a shitload of stuff like i do a dnd campaign and do all kinds of stuff and then i've got another week free so i could even just come down for a bit we could record a shitload of stuff like i do a dnd campaign and do all kinds of stuff and then it's like i could be down for a whole week and do it i'd fucking yeah i think i i'd really enjoy doing sort of that i think that the the we it has to be something that you're interested in
Starting point is 01:13:15 though right because i think that with the dnd campaign i think it has to be you have to give a shit about like are you saying i i that i'm someone who fails to give a shit a lot of the time no the last one we did was was the zombie one right and then i think the next one we should do should be a post-nuclear apocalypse like kind of like a fallout sort of thing you know coming out of a vault and then you know just like having an adventure in a wasteland leading up to something that'd be awesome here's the thing with dnd right i think it's a little bit like a superhero movie if you're not careful where you can't die do you know i mean because it's it would ruin it it's like you know you can't watch a batman film it's anywhere it's basically oh is that i'm gonna die in this bit is he gonna
Starting point is 01:14:01 is superman gonna die in this bit you know that there's another film that he can't die that he's gonna win he's gonna save the day and it's so predictable i can't stand unless you're seven years old i can't get much pleasure out of of watching these things and these stories because i've read i read so many books i read so much better story that when it comes to these these these these films or shows where it's – I'm not invested at all. I'm like, well, you know, so what? He got out of it in an interesting way, but, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:33 I knew he was going to get out of it somehow. So, you know, I'm not fucking watching this as a detective novel. How does he get out of this one? I'm watching it as a – I don't know. I have a problem. And so with D&D, I have the same problem, okay, in that I have a problem where these people do these long campaigns where their characters almost are invulnerable um and i have i have that because the gm one of the gm's jobs is to like you know
Starting point is 01:14:54 balance it so it's challenging for them so they feel like they feel like they could die but they're never actually going to and i i know that it's supposed to happen but i don't like the dnd system a lot like i've got a lot of problems with dnd system i have a problem with combat it's really long it's too dice rolly people don't know what they're doing i think that when you get a group together okay who know what they're doing it makes a really good video the civ is a good example of this okay because we all play civ 5 together and nowadays we don't we all kind of know what we're doing and as a result it's quite an enjoyable experience for everyone. I think if we were playing Civ V for the first time,
Starting point is 01:15:30 or whenever we used to play a brand new game that we're all still learning, it suffers a bit from that. And I think the problem with D&D is that when we do D&D in YogsQuest, sometimes we have to keep the rules fairly simple. Because otherwise, every time we do something, it's like, can I do this yeah okay i'm gonna do this okay well you need to roll a dexter roll okay what's that well look at your character sheet okay what's what's my dex 16 okay what does that mean he needs you to roll a d20
Starting point is 01:15:55 with minus four right d20 that pretty much in a nutshell is our whole thing period so it's incredibly much of a ball like okay whereas what you need to have is people who know the system well enough to say hey shit okay i'm going to shoot this guy roll the dice the way i think there's things you can do is like you can have a time limit on people's turn they can only take like 30 seconds or whatever and but also if people know the system um then they're gonna fucking be like totally they're almost doing they're playing the game themselves and the GM is just sort of there on the sidelines but one of the things we did
Starting point is 01:16:27 with the Zombie Yogg's Quest right was that well basically I think in order to get invested in a D&D campaign you need to almost be excited yourself to make a character
Starting point is 01:16:36 to understand what the world is you're going into to kind of have a come with some prep and I think a lot of the time some of the people we've had on D&D we've said hey
Starting point is 01:16:44 can you come on D&D? And they're like, yeah, sure. I'm not going to prepare anything. I want to come at this. I don't, you know, I'll be okay to RP once I'm there, but give me a character.
Starting point is 01:16:53 It's like, well, I kind of don't want that. I kind of want you to talk to me about how you want, what your character is. I want you to write a little bit back. So I want you to have a thing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:00 A bit of prep. And I think sometimes like, I think that makes it better, right? Because then you're more invested. You're more interested interested i think high rollers are really i don't know if you've watched any of high rollers it's um the sunday dnd stream which mark humes runs as a gm and that's very classic dnd and it's it's it's it's great um because all the characters kind of love their all the guys love their characters and you could tell when they're interested but i feel like there's no...
Starting point is 01:17:25 There shouldn't be such a safety net underneath them. I think what you're looking for is more of a Game of Thrones-y. Anyone could die in a horrible way at any time. But there's some overriding goal that we hope they're going to get to. And if we lose some people along the way, we can replace them with other people. Like maybe a D&D campaign that doesn't pull punches.
Starting point is 01:17:48 And if the DM rolls a crit and, hey, your wizard just got shot in the face by an arrow, you'll have to have another character. So maybe you could even have people bring multiple characters with them that they can sort of go to if theirs gets killed. So they want to see if they can get there with the character that they you know like before they have to go back to another one maybe something like but with a bit more peril involved than the old well me and you miraculously dodge the dragon breath again yeah well exactly this is like i don't know i feel like i feel like um that's just all my characters basically because i don't know how to play so i just like i feel like the problem with dnd is everyone's got so much health and healing and revives and recoveries and all this bullshit that you know if someone gets stabbed through
Starting point is 01:18:32 you know by or bitten by a bear they're like yeah you took one wound you've got 17 left and a shield and a and a health and a renew and a phoenix down and all this bollocks it's like fuck off like some of the systems are different okay where they are a lot more brutal and serious there's loads of those dnd systems out there you know me and tom have played quite a few of them and york's quest was this one where we kind of the idea we had was this left for dead safe room mechanic right so if your character was stupid or unlucky or um naive or got left behind or sacrifice you decide to sacrifice yourself or do something heroic sometimes you know that because in the zombie world it kind of it felt like you could meet up with news new new people along the way and they would be at a disadvantage because they wouldn't
Starting point is 01:19:14 have had the experience that your guy did maybe they wouldn't have had the levels maybe they wouldn't have had the story as well and the the experience is like oh yeah okay you did survive the bear attack so you know now you're you're super wounded and stuff and gross. But, you know, maybe that opens up other options as a result. You know, maybe people will take pity with you and let you in or, you know, whatever. Like, it feels like having a character to start with, but then having that grow and then being sad when they die, but also excited to pick up a new RP role quickly.
Starting point is 01:19:44 So, I don't know. I think maybe some kind of a post-apocalyptic thing but that maybe doesn't just have fucking zombies uh because it's no so we won't do zombies again and we'll never do something again when we do it'll be it'll be a different setting zombies pretty played i think even post-apocalypse is pretty played out but i the thing i like about post-apocalypse is that if all you have is a wasteland of something that once was like you know a thriving normal place or whatever um there's lots of different stories you could have there sort of thing and you're not just you're not constantly running away from hordes of zombies necessarily you know what about like there was a there was a game system called traveler which they then made into like uh kind of like there was a sort of later version of
Starting point is 01:20:30 traveler which is really good but mark will know about it but i think if we were the crew of a ship that would be kind of cool not in a star trek sense but in the the traveler universe is kind of there's multiple major powers and you're just like a trader or like a mercenaries or you know you just go around doing jobs so it's like being elite like in it's like we did that we did a similar one to that the one before was it the one before last year i remember you you guys were dressed up as space people yeah yeah the space one but yeah i know it's like if it had yeah if it had maybe a bit more you need another person b. You bump into an escape pod or you land on a planet and there's a nobleman there fleeing persecution or something.
Starting point is 01:21:09 You could chuck it all together. We did the Star Wars one and I felt like if a character had been killed, we could find another character and it would fit in with the story. But it's the challenge of role-playing games. You want to play, you've built up a character at level 10, you don't want to just be given a level 10 character because you don't feel like you've grown that person to that level no yeah yeah it is tricky i think the difficulty that i have is that when i want to make videos uh for
Starting point is 01:21:35 um on dnd and things like this i want to have it be uh 20 minute videos right i don't want to have it be a four hour live stream every week, you know, because I think that's, I mean, that's, that's what the D&D pace is pretty slow because of the nature of the dice rolling and the mechanics and all that stuff. But I think as you get more adept at it, more comfortable with it, you get better. And I think that with practice comes a bit of expertise. I guess I don't want to stifle the kind of energy and creativity so with rulesiness yeah and i don't know i don't want it i don't want it oh yeah
Starting point is 01:22:13 it's a balance and we're working on figuring out what what the best way to do it is and there's a reason we haven't done a york's quest for a while it's because we're sort of trying to figure out how we want to a good system for it yeah but it is a fucking amazing experience to like just just take it is very fun to do take on like a a skin of someone someone else and play a an exciting and dynamic and good story with actual real fear like if you if you actually are attached to this character you actually are feared of them i think that a lot of the time people in d&D just are reckless. They run around, they shoot everyone, they don't have
Starting point is 01:22:48 any... They're like a psychopath. They don't have any feelings that there's going to be consequences because it doesn't, you know... I think that's what I want to try and avoid in future a little bit because I don't think you need to be, you know, a jester in these games. You don't need to kind of just
Starting point is 01:23:04 be this chaotic psychopath. Alright, point taken. You can be a mong man or fatty or whatever you want. I'm going to be a feeder next time. It's going to be great. I can be the chubby if you want to be my feeder.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Any day. Is that what you're going to Bournemouth for? One night sold out. Purian Flax on stage. Oh my god. Purian eats Bournemouth. It's going to Bournemouth for? One night sold out. Purian Flags on stage. Purian eats Bournemouth. Going to Bournemouth to eat at everything. Just bring me your food. A queue of people offering me foods. KFC master, a hot dog with relish.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Oh, yeah. Feed me. I need somebody to file down my bed sores. Come on. Who's up? And on that bombshell, let's get to the questions. We got and on that bombshell let's get to the questions we got any questions yeah let's get the questions i've got i've got one longish question it's not really a long question itself but the answers might be long and then followed up by a really short one all right so first one is from a guy named andrew markham he asks what type of prison inmate would each of you be
Starting point is 01:24:06 so when i read that i instantly thought of andy defrayne because he's like you know the role model prisoner that everybody thinks that they would be like right you know yeah go in there carve out chess pieces um you know try to convince people that you were innocent and then escape out of a shit pipe he was convicted of the murder of his wife wrongly convicted of the murder of his wife he was wrongly convicted even though he because she was having an affair right and um he he killed her or no no he allegedly killed her but he he went there to he had a gun he had something to drink he went to confront them and the the lawyer says like she was, what were you hoping to do? He goes, I don't know, just scare them maybe.
Starting point is 01:24:48 And then he changed his mind, drove home and went to sleep. And wakes up the next morning because his wife and her lover were killed. And then he's wrongly convicted of it and sent down. The thing about Randy Dufresne is that he doesn't change when he's in prison. Prison to him is not a transformative experience. He's the same when he goes in and he's the change when he's in prison. Prison to him is not a transformative experience. He's the same when he goes in, and he's the same when he comes out. He never lets it break him. And I think that's the message of the movie,
Starting point is 01:25:14 is that you go into prison, and if you're Andy Dufresne about it, you never change, you let on that you've been changed, but you never change, because he always had this hope. Because remember, they said to him at the start, one of the things that red says to me is don't trust hope in here and it's dangerous thing to do don't trust you know and it's like he just goes uh oh geez red uh you know maybe i could uh tunnel out of here buddy wink wink if you know what i mean i don't know what you're talking about any tunnel actually so in the you know he's always had that hope because he's always been working towards getting free.
Starting point is 01:25:47 So I think that's the thing about the perfect prisoner. I would be the prisoner who would go in there and kill themselves because I would be so miserable. It is my greatest fear in life, being locked up, especially wrongfully. The idea of being sent down, no hope, that's it. I'm stuck forever. I would probably be one of the guys
Starting point is 01:26:05 that hangs himself with a sock in his uh in his cell i just i couldn't handle it i could not handle it i i mean i like to think that i would be the guy who went in there who had like a barcode tattoo like mysteriously on his forehead and nobody knew who he was and then i was just you know controlled the prison and through fear and nobody would fuck with me sort of thing but i think it's probably pretty likely that i would either end up killing myself yeah or uh i would just be so fucking um traumatized by the whole thing that i just wouldn't be the same person at all yeah just be like a slobbering mess in the corner sort of thing yeah i think the idea of being treated like less than a human being uh especially especially if you were in there and you you you weren't given time to reflect on your
Starting point is 01:26:51 deeds because you had done no deeds you just shouldn't have even been there and there are people who've spent like 20 30 years in prison for something they didn't do and i think that that is the greatest torture that you can inflict on someone is locking them up, taking away their life. Like, that's the thing. Every five years that goes by, I'm thinking, all those things I've missed, everything I could have done. I think we are very Americanized in this country and this culture by what we see on TV. We have this idea that going to prison will be like an American prison. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:22 I don't think it will. I think it'll be like porridge. Do you ever watch porridge? Yeah. It you watch yeah yeah it's very british yeah it's very british yeah kind of run down slightly you know the room is like some old looking it's all damp castle with like cobblestone walls you know like a fucking iron gate and like you know a big old fucking key and the warden the warden and the jailers are all in like smart uniforms with hats on, you know, and I don't know. I feel like, I feel like a British prison would be,
Starting point is 01:27:48 is a little bit different too, but I'm sure it'd still be overcrowded and gross. And there'll be like, but I guess everyone will have English accents in there. You know, all the, all the other criminals from other countries will be extradited. It will be,
Starting point is 01:28:00 it'll be a bunch of fucking Brits in there. And, you know, I'm sure they, they're all gonna like watch the football and, you know, I think it's not going to Brits in there. You know, I'm sure they're all going to, like, watch the football. And, you know, I think it's not going to be what we think, you know, what we think about it from American TV. Not that I know, you know, or want to find out either.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I think I'd probably be a fucking piece of meat in there. God, they'd just snap me. But, you know, sexuality is pretty fluid. I could probably get used to it. I could get into, like, the Mole Man group and the, like, Ch man group and the like junkie groups and i kind of figure out carve out my niche yeah eventually the mole men will tunnel their out to dig dig the hole out of there the thing is though is prison is fucking hardcore man like the thing is if you're gonna go to prison okay i think that if you're doing something and you're not in prison but it's something that could get
Starting point is 01:28:44 you in prison make sure that whatever you're doing um hooks you're not in prison but it's something that could get you in prison make sure that whatever you're doing um hooks you up big time gives you lots of connects inside prison because inevitably when you go to prison you're gonna be fucked if you don't yeah you like it like omar in the wire when he goes in he's got two fucking old school homies who like you know watch his back give him the phone book so that he doesn't get stabbed that's such a great scene when they come in and he's like preparing to fight and they're like butchie sent us and he's like oh shit and they pack him up with the phone books they give him a little plastic knife that he cuts that guy's balls off fucking duct tape that shit
Starting point is 01:29:18 to him and everything and it's just like oh man that's what you want that's what you want to get you want to go into jail and you want to have something like that waiting for you like the guys that you know are going to have your back if you're going into jail for something really dumb and you don't have any connects in jail and stuff you're fucked basically you're you you are literally going to get fucked and probably just have a miserable fucking time as well you're just going to turn into somebody's fucking meat well yeah you say that like it's going to be awful i was at university with a guy he when we got there the day that we moved in we so i was like uh 19 and he uh was 40 and he'd come that day from prison like
Starting point is 01:29:57 he'd been released that day and he'd managed to get released so he could go to university and sort of turn his life around and stuff and he'd'd been inside for armed robbery. He'd robbed the post office. He'd robbed multiple post offices before they finally caught him. And we were always asking him, like, what was it like in prison? He said, I mean, this would have been in the 80s and the 90s. And he said, it wasn't really what you think at all. It was just mainly fighting, like a lot of people fighting because they're bored and they hate the guards and they're miserable and the food is bad and it's it's a depressing environment and it's kind of hopeless and it's a lot of fighting and so he fought constantly and he said if you're not prepared to fight all the time you're just going to get the shit kicked out of you like none of the rape
Starting point is 01:30:37 stuff like he said he hardly saw any of that at all and to his knowledge like it didn't it didn't happen apart from he said one guy the thing is once you're known as being that kind of person who's like raping in other inmates unless you're part of some kind of gang that all do it you're like you're not cool with the rest of the prisoners because they you know they they don't want that kind of thing happening for obvious reasons yeah so it's not something that happens as widely as people make out i think it's obviously a scary thing and the idea of it is what puts people off prison in a lot of way, I think. But he said the main thing was he just fought constantly.
Starting point is 01:31:10 And he was hard as fuck. He would fight the guards all the time just for something to do. And they'd beat the shit out of him and he'd fight them back. And that was it. It's just rough. It's really fucking rough. And I am a complete softie. The idea of going to prison, I'm going to fight.
Starting point is 01:31:25 And they do things like jugging. I read a book called A Life Inside. And one of the things they do is like when they're making their tea, they'll get a pot of boiling water and just pour that jug of boiling water over someone if they're like pissed off with them. But it could be something as simple as you sat in the wrong seat. Like if there's a, you know, when you watch TV, everybody's got their agreed seats, but they don't just go up and say, oh, I'm's my seat oh i'm sorry i'll move they just go and jug
Starting point is 01:31:47 you because that way the message has been sent if you go up and say excuse me that's my seat and they say fuck off you've then got to fight them there and then you take you got to jug them back the middleman you gotta do you just go bam jugged that's my jug too jug harder yeah exactly you fool i'm having trouble carrying this 16 gallon jug of boiling water, exactly. I jugged you, fool. Get jugged. I'm having trouble carrying this 16-gallon jug of boiling water, but I'm going to jug you, motherfucker. I'm going to jug the fuck out of you. Yeah, we joke about it, but, you know, one day when we're all in jail, because, let's face it, we've all done shit that we're not at liberty to speak about on here.
Starting point is 01:32:22 You know, we're not going to be laughing. This podcast is going to be used as evidence. We're not going to be laughing. Let's put it that way. Mr. Lovitz, so when you said you'd done shit, what was that actually referring to? We would like to present evidence that Mr. Lovitz did indeed jug his lawyer. Therefore, we motion he remain in prison For the rest of his able life This is a second degree jugging offense We got a jugger
Starting point is 01:32:49 We got reports of a jugger It's a 411 jugging in progress You could be like Superman's arch nemesis Bring raincoats Repeat bring raincoats Oh my god We got a jugging in Cellbook 2 We got a jugging going on Bring raincoats. Repeat, bring raincoats. Oh, my God. We got a jugging in Cellbook 2. We got a jugging going on.
Starting point is 01:33:09 So, a recap. Lewis would be fluid with his sexuality. I would be crying a lot, and Perion would kill himself. Those are the kind of inmates he would be. What a fucking horrible question. I'm jugging. I'm jugging people. That's it.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Day one. They're like, oh, hi. We're from the prison. I'm like, jugs, bitch. Just jugging people. I'm they're like oh hi we're from the prison like jugs bitch just jugging people's i really enjoyed watching uh orange is the new black i don't know how realistic that is but i enjoyed watching unrealistic i think but it's a good show i like it but it's a good show but yeah it's probably not super realistic you know what i would love to do i would love to somehow be close with the guards where i could like make a scenario where i was walking down the entire
Starting point is 01:33:45 cell block in the middle of the night whistling like omar used to do like in the streets sort of thing and then everybody be like oh shit the jugger's coming just jug someone randomly like that would be fucking sweet but i would never be that inmate it's like it's like a jug like running on the bars. Everyone like chucks their cigarettes out into it. They can just hear a distant kettle boiling somewhere. You just hear like a couple of little splishes and splashes. He's going to boil the kettle.
Starting point is 01:34:18 He's going to jug someone. Yeah, that would be fucking great. How are we laughing about people getting covered in a jug of boiling water like unbelievable what scumbags no next listen our our last question uh before we wrap up is from jonathan derrida um and he says when are you guys gonna do a hearts of iron game and with who and we can say to you right now, Jonathan Derrida, we've done one, the three of us, and it'll be on Team Double Dragon at some point soon, hopefully. Yeah, it might be out already. We'll find out.
Starting point is 01:34:54 And we're planning on doing another one as well. So if that one isn't enough for you, Jonathan Derrida, there's a whammy coming at some point. Yeah, but I might try and get other people involved or do it for like Civ channel or something like that. Cause it'd be fun to get it, get a slightly different game to the first one we did.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Yeah. So maybe, maybe a competitive one actually. And Stellaris is on the card somehow as well too, at some point possibly. So that'd be fun. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Eventually. All right. Well, thanks for listening and, you know stay stay stay strong folks frosty and stuff the power peace fuck yourselves and bye

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