Triforce! - Triforce! #206: Old, Out of touch, Scared of the future

Episode Date: February 9, 2022

Triforce! Episode 206! The nostalgic origins of NFTs, AI generated podcasts and Deliveroo exclusive restaurants. Are you feeling old, out of touch and scared of the future? Because Sips is! Visit http...:// to get Honey for free. Go to today and get an extra 3 months free on a 1-year package! Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Please play responsibly. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Triforce podcast. Here we are. For all of your favorite gaming news, comedy, dad chat, and general thoughts and meandering ramblings from three people fairly out of touch with the world. I wouldn't call it gaming news like we're not we're not giving you hot scoops here no no we're just we're giving you old scoops old scoops and with cobwebs all over them yeah some of them are definitely out of date
Starting point is 00:01:15 but um i thought we could start off because i've been reading about this thing called axi infinity right which is an online game right which is a little bit like Pokemon Go, right? But it's also like partly an NFT economy. Oh my God. I don't want any part of this. So listen to this, right? This is taking over in certain countries. The most popular countries it's in
Starting point is 00:01:39 are like Philippines, Vietnam, and I think Venezuela venezuela right okay where they have very dodgy economies right and people are looking for work and so there's this kind of weird colorful like game where you have these like floating blob monsters okay there's like hearthstone style cards in it like it's part of the gameplay is to do with that um but in order to play this game in the first place you have to buy in three you have to buy three pets basically to start with okay to have to be able to do anything in the game and then you you play with these pets you do games with them, you earn this sort of currency. There's a couple of cryptocurrencies built into it.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Okay. And each pet is effectively an NFT. Right. You can breed more pets with your pets and sell them. But because so many people want to get in on this and because it's like linked to real world currencies you know you can sell the currencies from the game and these nft pets for real money it's very quickly become like this this weird kind of like corp like um because they're so expensive to get in like this is this is what what's happened because it's so expensive to get in. This is what's happened.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Because it's so expensive to get in now, because these pets used to be like, you know, five bucks or ten bucks or whatever. They're now like 1,500 bucks, right? Wow. People aren't able to play the game. They have to apply to basically some sort of pet landlord, right? Right. This is so ludicrous.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Yeah, it's nuts. So you have to rent the pet. Well, no, they don't rent This is so ludicrous. Yeah, it's nuts. So you have to rent the pet. Well, no, they don't rent them. They call them scholars, okay? Because renting is, I think, illegal or something like that to stop people being scammed. But what it is is basically anything you make from that pet, they get like 70% of the profits, right?
Starting point is 00:03:42 And so it's kind of like having, and so what you've got is you've got these kind of barons who are hiring all these, who are so popular that people are willing to, you know, apply to work for them and give them 70% of the money, basically to play some sort of Pokemon Go CryptoKitties thing. This sounds insane. It's, what world are we living in? It's mental.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah. It's not got that many actual players in the player base. That's the thing. It's because it's like, the thing is, it's obviously, there's only so many of these like CryptoKitties things, right? And so to make more of them it's quite expensive and hard to in the game because obviously creating new nfts is like you have to spend a certain amount of gas or whatever like ethereum fees right you know about this how
Starting point is 00:04:38 this all works it's confusing i hate this i hate everything about this i hate this so much this is what i said i was so passionately i was looking at this before we started and i said i hate this i hate everything about this i hate this so much this is what i said i was so passionately i was looking at this before we started and i said i hate this and i knew i knew you would also hate this which is why i'm delighted to share it with you please tell me more yeah maybe this is like the great divide you know like in all the science fiction that that features like mars versus the earth or whatever and you know like uh mars is colonized by humans but uh they don't get on with earthlings and stuff like that maybe it's all down to shit like this you know all the people that went to mars decided hey let's fucking make uh video games about uh nfts and stuff and then and and anyone who liked
Starting point is 00:05:21 that stuff went there and then all of the normal people just stayed on earth you know and i just i just hate it like i've been reading about how games now want to like they want all of the games to have nfts and shit like that shoehorned in but like like like the new loot box sort of thing yeah but it's it's all like yeah oh you get to earn money while playing the game i have a fucking job for that all right that's the way everybody should be thinking about this is i do not want my leisure time to also become me worrying about the fluctuations of Ethereum. Can we just not? Can we not?
Starting point is 00:05:52 Please. Let's not do this. It's a horrible idea. But to some extent, right, we are aware that the WoW gold or RuneScape gold or whatever has been a more stable currency than some of the currencies of the countries in the world, especially places like Venezuela where the hyperinflation has meant that it's been very difficult for people to –
Starting point is 00:06:15 basically everyone in Venezuela has a friend, a.k.a. them, who has set up a digital US dollar account or PayPal account, and they pay for everything out of that. And they've put all of their money into US dollars overseas digitally. And so the country is still ticking over, even though the hyperinflation is ravaging anyone who's stupid enough to try and use the actual official currency. But it kind of has exacerbated the problem, right?
Starting point is 00:06:45 Because no one wants to use this currency. It's so unstable that it's just unusable. And trying to pay for anything is basically, the way it sort of works is people, you want to buy a hot dog and it's like 4,000 Venezuelan dollars or whatever, you will get that converted on the fly, pay for it, and then they will convert it immediately back into dollars again.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So the transaction stays in Venezuelan dollars for like two seconds because people don't want to ever, because by the time that, if you left it for a day, it would then be 4,500 Venezuelan. Do you know what I mean? It would be worth less. You better eat your hot dogs in the morning folks because once the market's open they're gonna triple in price um but no so there's there's this this there's this this madness where i i feel like it's this incredibly i'm worried about the idea well but then again like a lot of these people are saying you know i didn't have a job i applied to this thing and now i come i i spend my day breeding digital fucking blob blob things and now i can pay my rent isn't this all just awful
Starting point is 00:07:58 like this is the worst future that you could imagine. I thought it would be cool, but it's just getting shitter and shitter. The flying cars future was the one that I was up for, you know? Now it's people making a living breeding blobs. What is happening? I know. It's terrifying. What you've got is you've got people like venture capital firms investing billions into the into the top end right into the companies that make these and in the bottom end you've got basically
Starting point is 00:08:30 armies of people in a pyramid scheme right because they're all you know you've got scholars who own their pets and then you sorry you've got like like these guilds, what they're called, who are managers who manage their and whip their employees into getting as much money as they possibly can out of their pets. And then they keep some of the in-game rewards and eventually they can buy their own team and become a slave master themselves. I mean, it is like a little microcosm of the real economy, though, right? And it's weird how quickly that happens as well.
Starting point is 00:09:13 This thing's pretty new, but already it has the rich people taking advantage of everyone else, right? There's no way for you as a little guy to just get in at the bottom and start doing it on your own. You have to subscribe to one of these big scholars. You're blocked out. Of everyone else, right? There's no way for you as a little guy to just get in at the bottom and start doing it on your own. You have to subscribe to one of these big scholars. You're blocked out, you know? You have to take on this life debt.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Well, that's what mortgage is, isn't it? Or death debt, I guess. That's where it comes from. You're paying off your mortgage until you die. Yeah. And it's this idea of just the modern way of capitalism. I mean, it's funny really to see these little things happen because it's kind of like, I was thinking about this the other day,
Starting point is 00:10:00 where someone said, he saw this kid at a music festival right and um the kid was like going around the music festival grabbing up empty cups and taking them back because they were being paid 10p for them right so there were kids running around uh yeah plastic cups it's like an it's like an eco initiative right so they wanted to like you know encourage people to bring back their plastic cups right and what happened was, of course, capitalism took hold and the kids who were not being properly supervised were flitting about this place, grabbing up all the cups
Starting point is 00:10:37 to try and make some money. And obviously what happened was this enterprising youngster, so a man had left his pint unattended briefly and was walking back across the field, and he saw this kid looking, eyeing up his pint, and he was like, what's this kid doing? And of course, what happened was the kid went for the pint, pulled it out under the table,
Starting point is 00:11:00 looked around, thought no one was looking, and then ran off with the empty cup. So obviously that is not the ideal way that this is supposed to work no okay you're not you're not supposed to be wasting perfectly good cider um or basically kind of cheekily stealing other people's pints because they've just popped the toilet you know but that kid saw an opening okay for an opportunity and that i think is the definition of capitalism in a nutshell right like people will do what they can get away with they'll test their limits because this is what people do yeah this is what your kids do this is what my friends do this is what people in relationships
Starting point is 00:11:41 do this is what everyone and monkeys do it you know and your pets will do it they will test their limits and they will see what they're not what they can get away with right and that's what capitalism is and so often it's pushing the the line of morality especially if it's on if there's no guidance if there's no rules you know no one's obviously told this kid yeah pour away a full pint or you know but but it was it almost didn't felt like it didn't need to be said because why would people do that um to make 10 out a whole pint for 10p that's crazy it wasn't his money you know you know what also i think he thought it was an abandoned pint.
Starting point is 00:12:25 The thing that you're talking about with the Axie whatever, that's a good demonstration as well because most people think they're getting rich by fucking breeding blobs, right? But the ownership and all the money is still at the top. And as with all of these fucking things, like these fucking NFTs and all these cryptos, there's a very small number of people getting rich off it. The venture capitalist firms don't get involved because everybody's getting rich because that's not how anything works. There is nothing out there, whether it's the stock market or NFTs or crypto or some fucking video game where you could all get rich. Nothing exists like that. Yeah. Once it's based on the idea that some things have value and there can be ownership,
Starting point is 00:13:10 that's it. Some people are going to have all of it and you're going to have a tiny slice of it. And they're going to fool you into thinking, oh, you can get your slice by just breeding fucking blobs 12 hours a day. You can't. not that simple all of this stuff saying look how easy it is to make money it's bullshit it's absolute bullshit yeah and by the time it's become that hyped up where it's like look at this and everybody knows about it's too late it's too late all the people that were ever gonna make money from it it's kind of like streaming in youtube nowadays right like everybody's like oh my god that's what i want to do and it's like okay well so it's sort of like a million to billion other people like you know
Starting point is 00:13:52 what i mean it's just like if you if you weren't around like way way way back sort of thing it's you know what i mean like it's it's impossible to to to get even in the door nowadays. Unless you come up with something brand new. Yeah, yeah. And you manage to make that popular and explode for that reason without your cool brand new idea being nicked by a big streamer and then it becomes their thing. Like, that's the biggest issue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Because you have to come up with something brand new and do it better than anybody else. And nobody's spotted it. And you blow up as a result of that. And then you become known for that thing and that's how you stay big but if you come up with some cool new idea and someone else sees it they'll nick it because you can't you just like v tubing for example there's a million v tubers now they all think they're gonna make it but who's the biggest one it's
Starting point is 00:14:38 right isn't she like the biggest vtuber no it's probably it's probably me now. She's not a VTuber. She's a Twitch streamer. I thought a VTuber... I mean, Hololive have some enormous streamers. I thought a VTuber was someone who streams on Twitch with an avatar. Yeah, it is. It's like an animated avatar, right? I thought Code Miko was the biggest one that does that. Oh, maybe on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I think there's some youtubers especially hollow live which is this enormous talent agency it's i mean they've got they they made like a billion they had like a billion dollars last year seriously it was nuts like more than that yeah they have like yeah so i mean hundreds of employees they manage like 50 vtube v the youtubers vtubers it's huge it's's huge. I had a billion and one dollars and all I did was breed blobs all day long. Oh my God, this is absolutely horrific. Hollow live.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it's mental. I mean, this is the world we live in though. And I'm not saying that you can't do it if you do your research. Like, I think that you do need to. I mean, there's constantly stories of people being scammed out of their
Starting point is 00:15:45 NFT apes or yeah being hacked or losing their passwords or just being stupid putting their hard drives that are filled with bitcoins into the dump and then So much money like this literally well the thing is worse every day, isn't it? You know, it's worth so much money. Like, there's literally millions. Well, the thing is, it's just worse every day, isn't it? You know, it's like in Venezuela. It's like, oh, no, my hot dog is now worth $15 billion. If I had a penny for every diaper I've had to sift through in order to find my hard drive, I wouldn't need to find my hard drive anymore. His hard drive is gone, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I mean, I don't think he'd be able to throw it and find it in just the garbage i've thrown out do you mean oh man i mean let alone the millions of people in the entirety of wales i don't know if you guys have ever had experiences around people sifting through garbage but it is it's um it's it's it's a weird one i throw something in the garbage and i don't want to get it out yeah well i'm like fuck it's gone do you mean or like i i struggle like i i man like god have you ever had to touch your bin bag for something never yeah it's horrible i don't it's stupid uh it's mostly just tea bags but you don't know what what you see like what's this gross brown stuff well yeah i mean i got probably i got three kids there's no
Starting point is 00:17:00 way i'm sifting through my garbage i'm emptying like tubs of chocolate mousse in there. There's like no one. Once something enters the garbage, it's gone. It's dead. It is basically dead. I consider that to be an unholy ground. Do you know what I mean? That's like cursed ground. Do you reckon the guy that has his Bitcoin wallet buried under a pile of trash is going around telling everybody else,
Starting point is 00:17:21 maybe recycle more of your stuff, guys, and like trying to cut down on waste just because it's piling up day by day. He's one of the biggest advocates. We've got to get rid of these landfills. We need to clear the dumps. Everybody help. We should set aside all the USB sticks we find very carefully. Anyone finds one of those, just put it aside. Imagine though, imagine this.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Finds one of those, just put it aside. Imagine though, imagine this. His little celebrity that he's gotten from that, if he had, if he's done, maybe he's done like things like Graham Norton. I don't fucking know who watches that shit. But, you know, maybe he's done like these things and he has got enough money to like buy back. No.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Like the same amount. No buy back the same amount. Not the same amount. Not now though, right? Imagine his Bitcoin's worth a thousand pounds when he lost them. Has he got a thousand pounds back from that now? Do you see what I mean? You know what he should have done? He should have live streamed.
Starting point is 00:18:20 He should have live streamed his search every day. He's at the dump with a GoPro on and another camera set up while he's going through the rubbish. And it's a combination of him showing things he's found at the dump. Look at this, guys. Look at this. I just found it. Oh, look at this.
Starting point is 00:18:33 This is a plastic cider. I can take this all for 10p. Yeah, this co-hanger is in great nick, guys. And he's got like a little wheelbarrow there. He's got a separate box filled with he's got a shiny pokemon card that's worth that's worth two quid because they do there's loads of youtubers do this thing where they buy a load of junk gold jewelry yes and they melt it down and refine it i was talking about that on on stream the other day i think but i i was watching this
Starting point is 00:19:02 thing i can't remember what i was watching but somebody mentioned that you can buy it's it's it's kind of like buying like a loot box like for a game but you buy a pallet unwanted stuff and it's just a mix of of crap that you know like you know retail outlet doesn't want or something like that so you buy the whole pallet for like 400 quid but you might find something in there that's worth like you know three times that if you're lucky i don't know but oftentimes it's not it's just a bunch of crap yeah yeah like like like someone is going through that though and naturally looking and i did hear a bit about this because remember logan paul recently bought some he announced that he'd spent like three and a half million dollars on pokemon cards yeah that were like sealed and authenticated first edition pokemon cards do you remember this
Starting point is 00:19:52 no i don't remember it but it like it rings a bit of a bell well it's a meme isn't it obviously obviously there's a whole thing about like you like with youtube and mr beast and people doing these grand wild things right and some of the like first edition pokemon cards are genuinely worth a fucking shitload of money yeah um but the one that he bought he bought it from like a collector okay so he bought his from a sports card collector for who bought it for $2.7 million, apparently. But that guy had bought it from this eBay seller who bought it from another eBay seller. And because it's sealed, right, and inverted commas authenticated, it turns out that March 2021, so not that long ago, So not that long ago, this same box that Logan Paul has bought for $3.5 million was sold for $71,000.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Because it was sold on this auction where the guy who was selling it told three different stories on where he got it from. They had absolutely no reason to trust him. He had no provenance on eBay. He had a brand new eBay account. Basically, it turns out that Logan Paul's first edition $3.5 million thing that he paid for, this authenticated whatever, blah, blah, blah, Pokemon, is probably just a box with nothing in it. Really? Or fake.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah, because it's sealed, though. That's the point. Oh, right. Has he opened it? No one's opened this box. You can't open it because then it'll lose all of its value right the values in the supposed contents but no no no i don't think it is because they they do that with magic the gathering when they find first edition magic the gathering boxes these guys open it and they're looking for because the thing is like with anything yes it has an inherent value
Starting point is 00:21:45 because of what it could have like there's a potential there so it has value because of that but then there are also special cards in there that if you get bump the value up right so if he gets like if you buy some of these original magic the gathering cards if you find like the black lotus or whatever that card is you find a couple of those in there you've made it like you've made back the money and then some on what it costs you there are loads of videos of people opening with scalpels and surgical gloves on very carefully opening original packs of magic the gathering cards hoping to find some rare cards in there where how they're centered makes a big difference all that kind of stuff i mean in my mind it's crazy this is so scammable right because these things are not
Starting point is 00:22:27 fucking currency and even then people have made incredibly good currency like like wasn't it like north korea or someone had been making the super dollar have you heard about this like there was a thing recently where um that there were actually like so good fake dollars. So they apparently North Korea has produced 45 million dollars worth of super dollars at this at this sort of factory in in run by the sort of North Korean military or whatever. And they they they're so good that they were they they've obviously had to put in additional. This is why dollars have always over the years had all these additional watermarks and additional things. But apparently they had like holograms on them and watermarks on them and stuff like this. You know, I mean, like the right paper.
Starting point is 00:23:16 They were like the right the right heaviness and the right texture. They it was like amazingly good counterfeit dollars. Right. And so they can do that with that. Imagine, like, how good is a fucking Pokemon card? Like, and how do you authenticate this shit too? Like, to some extent, like people were like faking like paintings up until recently. I watched a documentary about how these Chinese guys
Starting point is 00:23:41 were like just doing fake paintings with the original like, you know, old ink and old stuff they'd grind up and old paper, and no one could authenticate it because they carbon dated the paper and it was fine. They carbon dated the ink and it was fine. They were like, how do we fucking tell that this isn't real? And obviously they eventually did find out that they'd accidentally used some acrylic ink in there somewhere.
Starting point is 00:24:03 They did find out that it was fake. some acrylic ink in there somewhere and you know that they they did find out that it's fake or else we wouldn't we wouldn't know about it but what i'm saying is that it could very easily be just put nothing like someone could especially when it's worth even like a card that's worth ten thousand dollars not even three and a half million right right like how how much how you know what's the potential value put the work in to get ten thousand dollars for and what you i mean i think the fakers are not faking the high-end stuff either right they're faking the middle stuff right um the people the stuff that people won't notice and does it matter if everyone thinks it's real it's like that guy who had this huge wine collection that was all fake and it didn't really matter because people sort of still believed it was real. So he was still able to sell it
Starting point is 00:24:45 and do stuff with it, right? And sometimes even the fakes were worth money because they became sort of famous. There was this big scam. This guy had all this fake wine, but it was known to be fake wine and it was made by this sort of faker guy. And it was still worth something in a bizarre way
Starting point is 00:25:03 because it was famously fake. There's a documentary about this guy, isn't there? On Netflix or something? Yeah, I can't remember what it was still worth something in a bizarre way because there's a documentary about this guy isn't there unlike yeah yeah i can't remember what it was yeah it was called it was some wine documentary about man but i've watched a lot of these and i i'm i'm terrified of like this whole industry um the baseball cards oh man i'm not terrified of it like i i mean i'm i'm concerned for some of the people who get really, really into it. But for me personally, I'm just so uninterested in collectibles and the value of collectibles and stuff. Like, it's just, it's not something I've ever been into. So, like, I don't mind it personally because it's just something I would never bother to get into or, you know, place any value on or whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:44 But some people get, like like mad into it, eh? Well, I think that the card making companies really have really capitalized on this collectible idea lately. And so what you've got is these obviously baseball cards that are unique or signed or specially like, you know, like it's crazy to think that you open a set of baseball cards and you might have in that set like the golden ticket jimmy the the one baseball card of this one guy and therefore it's the unique and it's it's like an nft i guess in a sense it's only ever gonna be they get you early though i remember even when i was a kid wasn't so much
Starting point is 00:26:22 cards but uh sticker albums with the holograms and stuff yeah and you and like if you wanted to trade for like there's just no way they were so rare you know like you you you might know somebody who had like it was always the the holograms always like formed like a big hologram or there was like a like a set to collect and you like say there was like six in total like maximum anybody you knew had like three right like it was just impossible to especially like back then the world was like a lot smaller if you like because you know you were just sort of confined to like your school or whatever you know like the whole thing had to hook in to a series of psychological tricks right so back then it was mainly about you convincing your friends to buy it so you could trade with them.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. Because that's what you needed. You needed to collect them all and fill up the book because that was like, it was satisfying psychologically to collect them all. It was satisfying to stick them all in the book. And also you had to, you needed other people. You had doubles and you needed your friends to trade with yeah right so you had to it was almost like a viral sensation a clever psychological
Starting point is 00:27:32 trick and now though it's more the loot box trick it's more than you could find a million dollars in your baseball cards right because but without saying that it's amazing how young you are when you it's like a lottery ticket it's like getting around those rules of gambling you know because baseball cards isn't gambling it's not buying a pack of baseball cards isn't gambling but it is you see what i mean it's for kids yeah it's like a gateway into like gambling i think right because it's it's that it it it feeds into that hope of getting something for for that's worth more than what you initially put in right like two dollars for a pack of baseball cards but there might be a card in there that's worth five dollars or whatever you know like it's but that's and this is like the very basic mentality though right this is why
Starting point is 00:28:23 people buy those pokemon first edition sealed sets because they're sealed. And the idea is that it could be worth 10 million. It's kind of nuts though, like how young you are to be conditioned to that. You know what I mean? Like even when I was a kid, like, you know, 40 years ago or whatever, it was still happening. And now it's even worse now because it's it's it's gone beyond just like stickers or cards like uh you know when i was a kid that that's what that was all there there was sort of thing uh but it's it's toys now too like i don't know if you like flax your kids are
Starting point is 00:28:56 probably yeah um not not old enough to have missed this sort of craze of like the you know like loot box toys sort of thing but like lol dolls yeah yeah but you don't know what you're getting you like it's a it'll be a series it'll be like series two lol dolls and you buy a little bag and you don't know what's in it and you're just hoping that there's like the rare one in there or one that you don't have already and i guess the idea is that you trade and stuff with your friends or whatever but another thing like my like my son does at school and these things have become super popular they're like these it's like it's like bubble wrap but they're like these little
Starting point is 00:29:36 rubber trays that have like these like like popper things on them i can't remember what they're called but he's got fucking tons of them they come in all different shapes there's like it's like the new fidget spinner yeah kind of yeah so like they'll be like like one that's shaped like england or like one that's shaped like whatever you know and and some are huge and some are smaller whatever and then there's some that are almost like keychain size right that'll just have like three on them and those are the ones like they're they're like the hot property at school like all the kids trade them constantly like because you can get these big packs off like ebay with like 10 in them or something for like 10 cents and then they they you know they want to like collect all the different colors or whatever and so like it's just like they've got their own
Starting point is 00:30:19 little economy right it's that and pokemon cards they all trade pokemon cards all the time so i'm pretty sure i've spoken about this before uh which is a rarity for this podcast, but I want to get there anyway. Did I speak about muscles? The toy muscles. It's called M-U-S-C-L-E. So it's muscles with all- Muscles.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Full stop. Muscle. Yeah. They were bright pink humanoid figures- With dots between them, like mash. Yeah, so it's like that, but they were muscles. Muscles were, they didn't do anything. It was just a solid pink plastic toy.
Starting point is 00:30:52 So look, if you Google these now, these are muscles. I Googled it, it's weird. They look like little jelly men. They do, but it's hard plastic, okay? And there were a whole bunch of crazy ones. I remember these were so good. Right, they were great. I fucking love these.
Starting point is 00:31:05 They were fucking great. So they were really popular. These were big trading things as well, right? Very big trading. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But when you bought them, you could buy them in packs, but you could also buy them in like barrels. Like you'd buy like a plastic barrel full of these little muscle figures.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah. I think they were popular because they kind of looked like wrestlers, but they were also kind of aliens I mean it was a really interesting idea obviously it's hugely wasteful and these things probably will exist long after human beings have gone but in our school and again, apologies if I've mentioned this before
Starting point is 00:31:36 a big thing that we were into was the equivalent of sort of shove hate me on the teacher's desk at break times that was what we did so you'd get your muscle and the idea was to flick it to knock the other player's muscle off the desk and if you did that you got to keep their muscle man i love these things oh i remember it was like conkers there was like some sort of
Starting point is 00:31:56 they're sort of gambling element where you could lose your fucking muscle right your toys to other people six arms i remember so clearly and the guy with like the fucking uh like the press you know he's like the box and he's got the rollers i remember that guy like uh like like very well too i don't know those are like the hot properties if you look at these images long enough i mean apart from the fact it'll probably break your head you'll find they're all different shapes and sizes and stuff yeah yeah and they've all got their little arms and legs but some of them are look like they're made of bricks they're like solid yeah bricks there's one that's just a guy who's just an arch right there's one that's a pyramid
Starting point is 00:32:33 those muscles were almost impossible to beat because they're flat they've got much more surface area in contact with the table such weird toys like the fucking hand with the faces on the fingers like what the fuck is that who's smoking when you develop that if you hit that thing it's going flying yeah you hit the bridge the bridge was the only muscle that we valued at one pound because you could also just sell muscles to each other and the kids who came in with cash i never had any money because we were broke i never went into school with money very occasionally 30p or something i'll buy a couple of chomps there was a muscle you're right look at these muscles they're mental right it's literally a bridge right so they were kind of hard plastic but like almost a bit rubbery from there was a
Starting point is 00:33:17 tiny bit of give to them yes yeah but but they were basically if you look at some of them are very live skinny little lads those were useless yeah yeah even if the muscle looks cool it had value based on how it would perform in the game of muscles that we would play on the on the teacher's desk at lunchtime but these were eventually either they well and it went out of fashion or we just sort of uh moved on to something else or they were banned i can't remember what happened these things were inspirations for the next generation which was called monsters in my pocket yeah and that was made by mattel and that was the inspiration for pokemon garbage remember garbage pail kids as well like yeah they came in the little trash cans and they had the, like, there was all, like, these, like, snotty-nosed farting.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Absolutely, yeah, yeah. Gross. It was disgusting. It was so disgusting. Garbage Pail Kids, the sticker cards, again, are one of these things that's actually worth quite a lot, like some of the original, back to the trading card stuff, but, yeah, like the original series of them are now worth,
Starting point is 00:34:22 like, hundreds of pounds each. I've got tons of these. I've got tons of these. Another one that was popular for us at school was Army Ants. Do a Google search for those Army Ants toys. They're another like toy from the 80s, but it's really similar to Muscles. Yeah, they're all like rubberized toys that are collectible. Yeah, collectible. You buy like, there's like 200 of them. there's like a guy that looks like a pirate there's a guy with like he's got four arms and
Starting point is 00:34:52 like one of one one is one of his hands holding a gun he has like a beret and stuff and like yes you have a guy with a bazooka and everything but there was a display box for monsters in my pocket right and it was like a pyramid shape i had one of these and the idea was that you would fill it up by trading with your friends right um but i remember some of them were called like i remember at the time being not really realizing this but some of them were called like kali and ganesha and yama and these like hindu gods who were depicted as monsters right it wasn't the most sensitive sort of time i just found all my old garbage pail kids well you have them still i've got dozens of these things oh man i've got you should get in contact with the froggy flips he'll flip them them on eBay for like hundreds of pounds.
Starting point is 00:35:45 These would have been original series. Look up Food Fighters from Mattel in 1988 to 1989. It was like a failed toy line, but it was called Food Fighters. And it was like, it was different foods, like dressed up as like military men with guns and stuff. Oh my God, that was weird. A slice of pizza wearing a helmet. But man.
Starting point is 00:36:12 This looks like a fucking McDonald's toy line. Like it didn't, I don't think it took off, but man, everybody was obsessed with these things. Like I remember, I remember like one of my friends had one of them and everybody's like oh man i want to get some food fighters and then i think something else came out and it was just forgotten about adult swim yeah look look at like the cannon on top of the truck it's a heinz ketchup bottle and stuff like with shake and meatwad and all that you know what i mean that's what they look like they're fucked up now this this obviously led to but at that time and the happy meal toys some of the some of those collections are worth money like people collect these things oh man they used to have all the super mario toys and and like with
Starting point is 00:36:57 the happy meals like they used to have tons of stuff like it was some of the it's interesting because sometimes stuff is hilariously worthless right like oh yeah um a friend of mine was recently at home and on the millennium they had been bought like a stamp and coin collection that was a collectible collection you know and their parents had kept it for them for 20 years thinking oh you know you know, here you go. You can have this. This will be worth thousands by 20 years' time. Of course, it's worth exactly the same as when they bought it in the millennium. It's not gained a single pound. And the reason is because it wasn't that collectible
Starting point is 00:37:38 in the first place. And there were millions of them made, and they were all sold to people as this collectible thing, you know, on the idea that people would, oh, a millennium that's gotta be worth something you know the millennium one it's not actually it's not that those iconic ones that are worth money it's the rare ones it's probably the 1999 and the 2001 one that no one bought are actually way more collectible than these like kind of momentary ones. He's like, I'm just looking through the muscle stuff and there's all these muscles, man.
Starting point is 00:38:08 They were so good. And the masters of the universe toys. I remember having tons of those too. I love them. And GI Joe's men, like the, the, the small ones,
Starting point is 00:38:16 like the fully articulated ones, like the three, three and a half inch ones. Oh God. I had tons of them. I think that at one point i'm pretty sure those are the only toys i had like i did i just didn't ask for anything else i didn't want anything else i had like a helicopter bases i had like an oil rig and stuff oh man it was so good sometimes
Starting point is 00:38:36 things just aren't collectible there was this world of warcraft trading card game oh yeah yeah late late sort of 2000 so i think it launched around 2005 or something and then it got shut down eventually and relaunched because it wasn't very good by a different company blizzard obviously fell out with whoever made it in the first place and got some new people in but um that was obviously very highly valued because of the loot that they'd put into their into the into their packs right so there was this rare spectral tiger mount that was worth i think it's still worth like thousands of dollars um because it because it was it was rare in and you had to buy these packs of cards as a result all
Starting point is 00:39:17 of the cards themselves have had their value kind of pushed down right in a sense because everyone is so desperate to get these specific pieces of loot right that yeah that everything else is kind of worthless it's it's funny what what gets you sales though as well because you can imagine you could you know at the time blizzard being like oh yeah we'll help promote your card game we'll give you some mounts for the game some rare loot cards sure but that's that's what the game became that's why people bought it like people were buying it for the loot cards they were not buying it to play the game and as a result like that's where the value comes from in that and it's it's bizarre that that was originally an aside or a kind of promotional
Starting point is 00:39:58 aside um that then becomes the main source of like. Anyway, fucking hell. Before we continue, you guys already know about ExpressVPN. How could you not? We talk about them all the time. And we cannot stress the importance of protecting your online activity from big tech who want to profit off of you tracking your data, spying on your internet usage, and monetizing you. You should always protect yourself with ExpressVPN. I use it because I can change my country on Netflix. Think of all those Italian soap operas you're missing out on. Mama, why you not make ExpressVPN? I made ExpressVPN last week.
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Starting point is 00:42:28 On with the show. On with the show. Talking about stuff that kids are into, have you guys used TikTok? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I watch it. I don't make TikTok. No, I don't have the app or anything,
Starting point is 00:42:44 but sure, I've seen a whole bunch of them. Wait, what's up? Should I not have it? No, it's fine. Basically, TikTok, okay, the actual company TikTok, this isn't a joke, have announced they're opening ghost restaurants. Sorry?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Run that by me again? Ghost kitchens. So basically stuff for delivery apps, like Uber Eats and Zivru and stuff that don't actually exist, have a premises. They just serve food. They deliver food to people on these delivery apps. They have like a kitchen set up somewhere. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:17 They only do Zivru. Yeah, there's a lot of these around here in Twickenham. There's quite a few. And yeah, it'll be like... Does it just get regulated the same way any food standard place would be... Let's hope so, but probably not. Investigated and stuff? That's got to, though, right? There's a Wendy's around here. And you can't walk into it. I don't see that
Starting point is 00:43:41 you can walk into it, but you can order from them on on deliveroo and stuff like that so i assume that it's just the kitchen and they've realized this is actually good money in this yeah but the thing is it's happening to regular restaurants i went to a chinese restaurant the other day with some of my friends and outside there were like three guys blocking the way in with their bikes and so i climbed all around them and of course they were they were like oh you want to eat inside and we were like aren't you an actual restaurant and they're like oh i guess but they were like almost like surprised to have someone come into the restaurant they've got like tables and stuff in there no one's in there right of course but they're constantly like oh we're so busy well you know we're out of tofu and something. And I was like, just from orders with, like, you know, delivery apps,
Starting point is 00:44:27 which was astonishing. So it's actually, yeah, this is the situation we're living in now. People don't want to eat out. They just want to order in from restaurants. I've got friends who never cook. That's crazy. I've got quite a few friends who they never, ever cook. They're like, do you want to get some food?
Starting point is 00:44:43 And I'm like, well, what do you mean? They're like, yeah, come on, we'll get some food in. I was like, well, aren't we going to cook? And they're like, I want to get some food and i'm like well what do you mean they're like yo come on we'll get some food in i was like well aren't we gonna cook and they're like i don't have any food in the house they don't have food they just don't have any food they don't even yeah they could basically live without a kitchen that's crazy they just order in every meal the thing is that's so fucking expensive it's fucking so bad for you as well. Like, it's not, you have no sort of regulation of anything when you're constantly ordering food in, right? Like, the levels of salt in food, the levels of sugar in food. Like, if you're preparing food from fresh, you can control all of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:21 But you lose all that control, right? If you're just ordering stuff in all the time. It's nuts. it's absolutely it costs me the same to buy a loaf of bread a pack of cheese a pack of salad and make my own cheese sandwich that does to buy like a sandwich yeah i know and i can make seven cheese sandwiches exactly i mean obviously you know you're you're paying for the convenience if it's something like for example if I want to have some food that I don't know how to cook. It's arguably worse. But a sandwich, sandwich sandwiches are great. Shout out to Sandwich Sandwich in Bristol.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Okay. Big props. If we're doing a big props this week, which we said we were going to. If you're buying a sandwich sandwich sandwich, you could buy a fucking, you know, you could go and get bread and cheese for weeks what sandwich are we talking about here just a plain cheese sandwich just a fucking regular sandwich there is no such thing as just
Starting point is 00:46:15 a regular sandwich what kind of sandwich are you talking about here lewis so i just tell me on the sandwich two bits of bread a bit of butter and some cheese in that bitch yeah i make a sandwich for my lunch i'm not adding like fucking truffle oil and meatballs to that shit. Do you know what I mean? I'm fucking- But what would you have? What would be your go-to sandwich? It's just bread, butter, cheese, and some salad. A bit of cheese, some salad, maybe- Another slice of bread.
Starting point is 00:46:40 What about like a slice of like corn ham or something in there as well? Just to like spice it up. Corn ham. Corn ham. Oh, I don't? Just to like spice it up. Corn ham. Corn ham. Oh, I don't, I've never tried corn ham. It's pretty nice. It's called quam. It's delicious. It's all right. It's like, it tastes, I guess it tastes like, you know, like a smoked meat, but it just
Starting point is 00:46:59 spices it up a little bit, you know, if you're just sick of cheese. It's this nice via life coconut cheese and it tastes like cheese and it smells like cheese and i i don't hate it i must admit shout out to via life well i reckon i've got i reckon i've got about uh 120 garbage pail kids cards here okay well let's i mean where when are they from my son collected these toys at one point when he was a bit younger and they were like, I think they were called germs or sticky germs or he used to call them sticky germs. I don't know if that's the name of them. But much like the Garbage Pail Kids, these things came in like toilets. So like the packaging was like a plastic toilet and you would open it.
Starting point is 00:47:41 What's this thing? And then there'd be like that stuff. It wasn't nothing was shaped like specifically like a turd or anything you know it just looked like snot or like a cube of snot or like right you know like it was kind of gross they all look like like like little spongebob kind of characters you know yeah yeah yeah they were just gross they had like snot coming out of their nose or like they were drooling yeah like boglins or whatever you know yeah yeah yeah they were just gross they had like snot coming out of their nose or like they were drooling yeah like boglins or whatever you know yeah but they were like the size of your thumb you know they're just like these little toys and they'd fit in these little toilets
Starting point is 00:48:13 and um at one point i think my mother-in-law bought them like this it was like a truck there's this big truck with like an arm grabber on the back of it and you could like go around just pick them up with the arm grabber and put them into this big toilet that was like on the back of the truck but man he was amazing yeah but again that's exactly those little toys yeah they reminded me so much of like muscles or like army ants or whatever because i like he was too young for any of his other friends to have any or to know to trade sort of thing like now that he's 10 he's more into that but so i feel like those would have been like a like a prime prime real estate sort of thing for for that sort of stuff anyway tick tock are opening these um ghost restaurants
Starting point is 00:48:57 that aren't really it's they're not really planning on making them actual restaurants it's kind of a marketing thing but there's a thousand of them expected to open um by the end of this year and they are entirely serving only meme food man when you when you first said that when you when you said tiktok were opening ghost restaurants i thought you were going to say that they were opening restaurants that are not actually restaurants but they were just places for people to film TikToks so that they don't interfere with the general population of people who don't give a shit about TikTok or your dumb pranks or want to see you filming anything generally.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I think the idea is to buy the weird meme-y food that TikTok are making and then film themselves doing it. And so it's stuff that has been made popular by users apparently one of these baked feta pasta there are pasta chips there are corn ribs and smash burgers i have no idea what any of these things are what the fuck are smash burgers dude um but yeah like it's it there's like a there's like a billion viewers monthly on Twitch, right? It's nuts. On Twitch?
Starting point is 00:50:09 Or TikTok? TikTok's got... Twitch doesn't have a billion, does it? Oh, I guess it could. I guess it could. There is, like, some other stuff happening as well, because MrBeast has got some sort of burger venture going. MrBeast is...
Starting point is 00:50:23 MrBeast Burger. He's a wealthy philanthropist right like he gives away money a lot to people am i misunderstanding this like yeah i think so i i get the impression but a lot of his content is sort of like because he does have a lot of money it's like how many ferraris can i fit into a phone booth like it's like all stuff like that right like he does this same shit right where he's like oh you buy one of my t-shirts and i'm just gonna put a thousand dollars in in one of the orders you know all right uh it's it's it's again like part of this psychological shit where kids are gonna buy his t-shirts thinking they might get a thousand
Starting point is 00:51:04 dollars because i'm buying it from mr beast you know and he that's how he markets and sells stuff in a very clever way man i gotta start doing that shit i mean i don't want to be a cynical trick about mr beast because he he really knows how to play the game but he he like his his whole team sees thing it's like it's, it's definitely raising awareness about plastic pollution in the oceans. But the problem is that the actual initiative is crap. I think there were some stats done where he's raised enough money to pull out a couple of hours worth of plastic pollution globally. Do you know what I mean? It's like nothing it's
Starting point is 00:51:45 like literally nothing um and not only is it nothing but all the people who donated will now not donate to things that actually make a difference right because they think they've done their job they've done their bit yeah and so yeah like like i get what you're doing and i think you're getting a lot of credit for it and a lot of karma for it from the community. And you're seen as being this good guy, but you haven't made any fucking difference to the problem. And in fact, may have exacerbated the problem. But maybe it is just a step towards raising awareness about this issue. And hopefully what actually needs to be done.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Yeah, I guess if it promotes awareness. and hopefully what actually needs to be done. Yeah, I guess if it promotes awareness. It's things like France. France have just put in a ban on single-use plastics for certain foods. So, I don't know, like a lemon wrapped in plastic. Yes, that shit's crazy. That is some dumb shit. I know, it's so dumb.
Starting point is 00:52:39 So that stuff is being blocked in France and some other European countries. And they're sort of with the idea that more and more things will move away from single-use plastics because that is such a huge amount of waste and the other thing is the plastic industry is this enormous scam where they all lie to you about which bits are recyclable it turns out that you know oh if it's got the little icon on it it's recyclable no only things with like a three and a four or whatever, or two and a one are recyclable. Any of the other numbers, even if they got the symbol, are not recyclable in any way.
Starting point is 00:53:13 What does it mean to have the symbol on then? Do they just stick it on there for a laugh? No, it's a trick. Or does that symbol also mean not recyclable? It depends which color light you look at it in. It's called a plastic identifier code they actually can't the plastic lobbying industry managed to get their symbol which looks like the recycling symbol into the into the into the official use and so all plastics
Starting point is 00:53:37 have this plastic identifier which which doesn't necessarily mean they are recyclable and it's unbelievably shitty let me guess it's unbelievably shitty. Let me guess. It's unbelievably shitty. We think the industry should self-regulate because that is the best way to do things. And that's how we get kids pouring out their good, perfectly good, pouring out perfectly good pints of cider on the ground.
Starting point is 00:53:58 But no, it's hard not to get mad about this stuff, right? And I'm not saying we should. But yeah, like MrBeast, I'm sure it's great. And TikTok doing viral food? Funny. It's chill. I'm down with it. I want to buy some fucking pasta chips.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I'm not down with it. Everything you've talked about today in this podcast has made me feel old, out of touch, and scared of the future. So thank you very much. That's how we like to leave our audience fuck uh after after a podcast do you know what you might need actually sips what i've got another little bit of news um there is an ai generated podcast okay are you for real mom an ai generated podcast which generates nonsensical stories. Okay. Completely gibberish.
Starting point is 00:54:48 There's another on the same topic, though. Isn't there like this AI program that paints portraits or something of people and they always look like crazy abstract and nuts? They look like fucked up Cthulhu things. Yeah, there is. I've seen a lot of those. Yeah, I've seen a couple too. So you can input words. things yeah there is you've seen i've seen a lot of those yeah like um input like words and i guess i guess it will google a load of images and then it will combine the images or paint a picture with an algorithm yes of what that thing is that's crazy that's cool and they look really cool and
Starting point is 00:55:17 mad but yes there's this there's this podcast um i don't know i'm giving a shout it's called deep dreams right and the idea is it's like an AI generated podcast with a nonsensical story that has a soothing voice and like synth little synth music in the background the idea is that it just helps you fall asleep with random words
Starting point is 00:55:37 so Mrs F listens to a sleep podcast well she should check out Deep Dreams we're not sponsored or anything involved but basically I listen to a little podcast well she should check out deep dreams uh we're not sponsored or anything involved but right but basically the one i listened to a little bit of this podcast and it's it's it's like starts with like talking about the three bears three little bears right but then they get this ambition to go to germany and become the chancellor okay and so obviously it's wonderfully stupid, right? Like it doesn't, it's entirely just mad because the AIs don't know what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:56:12 but they just sort of automatically build. It's just a randomly built story. But it's kind of so random that it's very hard to come up with this stuff. And so how, is it narrated by somebody? It's AI-narrated. So it's one of these sort of AI voices. TTS Brian is like...
Starting point is 00:56:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, TTS Brian does it. And then the three pigs went to L-L-L-L. Yeah, exactly. So in a wonderful in a wonderful way i i rather than work for some uh slaving pokemon farm in vietnam maybe a breeder yeah maybe you should um fucking come up with some of this shit because i think these are these are they you just you just set them up and you send them out jimmy you you build these stupid things that use algorithms and ai to
Starting point is 00:57:09 generate this mental thing and then you just shit it out you see on tiktok a lot of these people don't even use their own voice they use like the ai brian voice and they're like ah i'm eating my 17th donut of the day. And they have like, you know, them. And then that's it. That's the TikTok. And they just do hundreds of those. They don't even have to use their own voice.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And like P-Flex says, you don't have to use your face now. You could just get a fucking cartoon. You can VTube yourself. You don't have to use your voice. You don't have to use shit. You could literally talk into something that picks up your voice and then translates into a fucking ai brian you could be you could be like and in fact maybe that's the secret right do your research is there anything that does like on the fly translation as you're talking i guess that'll be the next thing if it doesn't exist right like a babel fish kind of thing you say that yeah so
Starting point is 00:58:03 like you you're speaking in english but like on the fly it's just translating into like say i don't know what german or something like that yeah i guess it'd be fucking so hard to do that it's definitely getting there yeah it's definitely getting you know what they really need to make all this shit take off is a cartoon about these crypto blobs that's kind of like pokemon right to brainwash kids crypto blob you know like that you gotta brainwash the kids breeding is uh definitely something which um we want the kids to know about different meanings good good fucking lord holy shit i have got some more shit in this fucking god help us things i've researched you want more oh man there's this pirate right well he's not really a pirate he's an american guy who found a shipwreck um when was it in 19 in 1988 right and he found this
Starting point is 00:59:09 shipwreck in the ss central america off the coast of south carolina okay he retrieved a load of gold um and apparently retrieved more gold than his expeditions investors um that he told them about right so he said i found 200 pounds of gold but he actually found like 800 and yes and he's banking so he was ordered to appear in court and disclose these coins right and where about where the whereabouts of them okay by a federal judge j Jesus. Okay. So this is a really fucking crazy story because there's a guy who apparently found more coins than he told about. Now, I don't know where that comes from or who knows or what the evidence is or anything about it. But the idea is that he says, I've told you about all the coins.
Starting point is 01:00:02 There aren't any more coins. And they said, you need to come to court and tell us where the coins are. And if you don't tell us where the coins are, then you'll be held in contempt. Wow. Because we know there's coins. How do they know there's coins? Fuck me, man. This is like the Mormon document forger guy, right?
Starting point is 01:00:24 He's like, he found all the scriptures in somebody's fucking attic. He found the gold plates. He found the plates and shit. No, they were buried underground. He could only read them. Yeah. With a special magnifying glass with his head in a bag. Yes. Because he couldn't show anyone the plates or some stupid shit.
Starting point is 01:00:33 And then he found all the instruction booklet for the plates in some attic in North Carolina or something as well. But it was all forged in the end, it turned out. So this guy's like a pirate right he's hidden he's buried some gold apparently and he's keeping quiet about it until he gets out of prison um but the thing is he is not allowed so he's been sentenced to prison for he's in prison for burying treasure and not telling them where it is correct yes and he's been in prison six years now how do you prove that and sentence somebody based on that's crazy well they they're sentencing him based on a loophole okay right so every time he goes to court they say to him are you ready to tell us where the gold is
Starting point is 01:01:20 and if he says holy i don't know where the gold is they say you're in contempt of court and you go back to prison and every time every day every day that he's in prison he is fined one thousand dollars as well for contempt of court fuck me man why doesn't that guy really play up to the role like when he comes back into court they're like all right sir now it's your last chance tell us where the gold is i'll never tell you like he's got the fucking peg leg and shit he treasures hidden away where you'll never find it so i mean to do that so the fact that he's holding out means there either is no treasure and he's just stuck in prison going like means there either is no treasure and he's just stuck in prison going like please guys okay but a thousand bucks a day knows that there is treasure
Starting point is 01:02:11 and he's thinking this has to end at some point and then i'll go dig up my doubloons what happens he's in prison and he has to pay a thousand bucks a day if he just runs out of money that's it right like it's just yeah i guess he just doesn't give a shit anyway. You know how it works in America. You can just build up a rack of debt of absolutely ludicrous amounts of money. Fuck me. And so much so that you'll never pay it off. That's just how it works. America is built on this idea of mega debts that you can't possibly pay off.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Like, if you get sick and get an ambulance, you're suddenly 25 grand in debt for that. So the idea is that they they put him into so much debt that even when he does get out of jail and claim his coins and sells them or whatever they're just going to get all the money that's i i don't know what the idea is but basically it's it's a whole cyclical thing so yes either this guy is innocent and doesn't know where the gold is and what there wasn't gold and He owes $1.8 million in fines. And he's just stuck in prison with a mega fine.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yeah. Right. Which is just going to keep getting bigger. Or, you know, he has been keeping stum about this actual gold, but it's going to be worth less than the amount that he's going to be fined. When he gets out as well, his life is going to be hilarious. Right. Because he's going to have to like he's going to have to check into a hotel room under like an assumed name and then change his clothes
Starting point is 01:03:30 in the hotel room and put on a fake mustache and like sneak out the back window and like because everybody's going to be following him around trying to find his treasure right because he's going to have to go unbury it at some point so he's just gonna have this crazy life that like after it does seem like they they are 100 sure he has this gold and is keeping quiet about where it is all right so here's some extra details okay it's 500 missing gold coins from this historic shipwreck he's claiming that he can't remember because he suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome right and this is this right he can't remember right so he's saying i i gave him. And this is... Right, he can't remember. Right, so he's saying, I gave him to some trust in Belize,
Starting point is 01:04:08 but I can't give you any more details on that. I don't know. So he won't cooperate, they're saying. So he said, oh, I can't remember. And they're saying, this is the federal judge, he created a patent for a submarine, but he can't remember where he put the loot. This is what they're arguing,
Starting point is 01:04:23 is that if he's lost it, then how the hell can he still do clever things? Like he must be faking it, right? He owes $1.8 million and he's been in jail for six years. What are these coins estimated in value though? It doesn't say. It says 500 missing coins.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Well, a one ounce gold coin is worth about $2,000. So he's got 500. About a million dollars. So he owes more. And show you the cost of incarcerating him in all these trials at this point. I mean, the thing is that the value, he might be able to sell it to somebody for more, right? Like somebody out there might be desperate to have these coins or something and they might pay more. But even then, it doesn't seem worth it at all.
Starting point is 01:05:03 All right. So he also he's violated the requirement that he assist the parties involved by refusing to execute a limited power of attorney to allow the belizean trust to be examined as required under his plea deal the order isn't intended to solely seek information is to seek information for the purposes of recovering these unique assets that's the point and he is essentially stymieing that process he would be out of prison by now if he simply complied with this plea agreement and cooperated so he's just stuck there it's like this fairly unique case because i guess as long as that he and the coins both exist this is going to continue because
Starting point is 01:05:39 what the you know he's essentially refusing to it's not just that he won't tell them and said i forgot he's also holding out on It's not just that he won't tell them and has said, I forgot. He's also holding out on other things as part of his plea bargain. So there is a little more detail. Right. So he's basically saying, I won't let you... I won't give you my power of attorney to search anything under my name. Right, yeah. In all of these places.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Right. Okay, so it's not quite the same. Yeah. Oh, man. What a story. Holy crap. What a story, man. So that's a modern pirate. Oh, man. What a story. Holy crap. What a story, man. So that's a modern pirate.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Yeah. Amazing. Who's just fucking trapped in jail. Poor lad. Poor pirate. I'm on his side, honestly. Finders keepers, your honor. Finders keepers.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Case closed. This man is correct. Case closed. Indeed. Well, there you go. That was an action-packed podcast. Wasn't it, Josh? What a roller coaster.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Holy crap. Thank you for joining us. Yeah, thanks so much. This week, it's a pleasure. I'll be back. We'll be back next week with more guff. Fun. And things we don't understand, things we hate.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yes. Things we're confused by and things we're ignorant understand things we hate things we're confused by and things we're ignorant about see you then those are the things that we do 200 episodes and still
Starting point is 01:06:58 counting and more take it easy everyone thank you bye dead more just talking about it take it easy everyone thank you bye goodbye

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