Triforce! - Triforce! #274: Sips is retiring (but not really)

Episode Date: January 11, 2024

Triforce! Episode 274! Flax opens 2024 hard with some boiler chat, Sips dives deep into Traitors Season 2 and Lewis is skeptical about Tom Scott retiring! Also, planes aren't real Go to today and get an extra 3 months free on a 1-year package! Support your favourite podcast on Patreon: Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pickaxe 2024. And a brand new 2024 year. This will be our second podcast of the year. Brand new 2024, not that other 2024 that have been trying to palm off on us for years. This is a brand new one. This is not the second one of the year? Well, it's not the second one we've recorded, but it is the second one we're releasing. Really? When are we putting one out there? I don't remember recording one over Christmas. We didn't. We recorded one before Christmas. Oh, clever us. That got delayed for reasons. What won't we think of, us guys? We're so Christmas. We didn't. We recorded one before Christmas. Oh, clever us. It got delayed for reasons. What won't we think of, us guys?
Starting point is 00:00:47 We're so good. We're so good. Wait, does that mean we broke the streak right at the end of the year? I think so, yes. Yeah, whose fault was that, I wonder? It's probably all of our faults, honestly. Yeah, I'll take the blame on this one. We'll take the blame.
Starting point is 00:01:00 We can't complain too much. Anyway, do you have a nice new year? Lots to talk about, I'm sure. Christmas and New Year. Fill me in, boys. I had a bad one, really. Was it because of your boiler? No, it was that, and the internet. I couldn't
Starting point is 00:01:16 stream for nearly two weeks, because Virgin Media were so fucking useless. And... What else? Oh, and I had a terrible cold the last week as well so what are you doing well sneezing coughing we're just playing games and not streaming them yeah i mean so i i uh there was a wipe tarkov wipe on the 27th i don't want to get into a gaming chat in our first podcast of the year but when the wipe comes out you want to kind of get in there
Starting point is 00:01:41 and get going and yeah level up and everything otherwise you get left behind. So I was like, cool, I'll play some Tarkov. And I was DCing like three, four times a raid, I was lagging, if I was on Discord it would lag out, I couldn't stream at all. I did stream, I think I streamed for like two hours on one of the days when it was bad, and the VOD was 15 parts, because the stream kept restarting and stopping, restarting and stopping. Oh, that's so annoying. Yeah, and I got really sick of people... Listen, let's say you're trying to be helpful, which is the pleasant way of putting the kind
Starting point is 00:02:12 of help I was getting. People trying to be helpful. Yes, by stating the obvious. Exactly. It's like, you're attempting to be helpful without putting any effort into being helpful, when you just go, have you thought about trying another ISP? That to me, and I raged about this a lot on stream, where people turn up and if you start a sentence with,
Starting point is 00:02:31 you've probably already been asked this, but stop typing and delete what you were going to say. Yeah, because you have been asked that already a million times. And also, I do this for a living. This is my livelihood pretty much is dependent on streaming one way or another. Do you honestly think in your heart of hearts that I am so fucking dense that there are all these much better ISPs just sat there? Well, now that you mention it.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Well, obviously. I'm just joking. But it's just like, come on, put some fucking, you can't tell me you're trying to be helpful when you're actually insulting me. In my opinion, that's insulting. It would be like walking up to someone whose car is in the dark and you go, have you tried putting the key in and turning it? Or even worse, have you tried getting a different car?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Fuck off. It's not helpful. You can say, I'm just trying to be helpful, but think about what you're saying. And if you're actually trying to be helpful, be helpful. Don't just state the obvious. Like I said, if you're going to open with,
Starting point is 00:03:24 you've probably heard this, but stop. Stop typing, delete, try something else. So that sounds awful. It was bad. But wait, the boiler, you haven't heard the best part. Oh, let's hear it. The day before I'm gonna go pick up Big Mama Flax from Bournemouth and bring her up for Christmas, which is like a thing we do every year, God help us. Yeah, yeah. The boiler stops working.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's making awful noises. What was the problem with it in the end? So, we had a leak- I don't want to skip the story, I just- No, no, no, no. We had a leak. I am interested in boilers. We had a leak.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Right. Yeah. So, we looked at the pressure. The pressure on the boiler had always been- So, the pressure just fucking dropped right out. Oh, yeah. But I mean, it was like zero, right? Well, yeah, it would be.
Starting point is 00:04:04 If they've got a leak in the pipes, that shit's going right down to zero. Well- You'll lose all the pressure. We had two leaks, brother. Oh my God, well, fucking- One of them- That double fuck, there's no pressure. One of them was like a pinhole leak that you could barely notice. So that,
Starting point is 00:04:17 over time the pressure would drop and I thought to myself, it's gotta be some- I know which part of the house it's probably gonna be in. I'm just gonna say this, and Flax, I'm sure you can agree with me when i do say this a word of warning to anybody who has a boiler at home if you've got to if you've got to top up the pressure on your boiler you have a leak you have to find a leak like and they have instrumentation now to help you find a leak like through the walls they like x-ray machines and shit like they they they can do it so we don't hesitate don't be don't don't get caught out because it sucks when your boiler isn't uh working it's gonna be something like one of the pipes leading to the radiators is leaking
Starting point is 00:04:55 especially if you have a wet system for your central heating as well that yeah that's that's a rough one too so we had that the pressure was gone but it previously it just dropped slowly and i thought there's a leak probably in the underfloor heating under the tiles in the kitchen i'm not going to fucking take all those up yeah exactly yeah so this plumber comes and he fills up the system and the water when he turns it on the water just drops out like straight away yeah so i was like all right but this is new this hasn't been happening for a long time this is brand new so the boiler's got no pressure so because i i thought he could have just isolated it so we just had hot water and he isolated the hot water from the central heating, but
Starting point is 00:05:28 he didn't do that, or he couldn't do that, I'm not sure which. So essentially, we were left with no hot water and no heating over the Christmas period, with my mum up. When he turned up and started working on this stuff, did you have a couple of suggestions for him? As in, have you tried maybe calling another plumber? I know you've probably heard this before, but do you think there's a leak? Did you ask him a couple of questions? Oddly enough, he reacted negatively. Isn't he crazy? That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:55 So eventually I got, a week later, because it was over Christmas, the next appointment I could get was after Christmas. Luckily, a neighbor of ours was away. We used their shower every day, no problemo. But this guy turned up, really quiet guy, Darren, right? Which is a good plumber's name. Yeah. And he could find leaks. He plugs a hose into the radiator nearest the front door, has this machine outside, like that, and he pushes air into the system. And that pushes all the water out of the system out. But it also means that if you listen closely...
Starting point is 00:06:27 He had a stethoscope. Yeah, you can hear it whistling. You can hear where the air... Right. Yeah. I could hear... From behind the fridge. I was like, uh, Dan?
Starting point is 00:06:35 He was like, yeah. I said, I think I've got it. He comes in, he's like, oh yeah, that's it. So behind the fridge, in the wall, the pipe coming down from the boiler that goes to the downstairs area, something had come loose. So he smashes open the wall with a hammer, clobbers some of the floor up with a hammer. And there it is. And this pipe, there's just water like foaming out of this pipe. So he fixes that. And I said to him, there is also the chance of a pinhole leak. And while everything was there, I spotted this dripping. He was like, oh yeah, yeah, I'll fix that. Fix that, and now, no problem.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And the heating is good and everything. But it was just like, right then, now the fridge is out from the wall because there's no floor behind it and everything, so it was just a bit of a hassle. And then immediately after Darren's left, I get a call. Caught it from my youngest. I was sick as a dog for a week. Oh, that sucks. Can we have a
Starting point is 00:07:22 big shout out to the Darrens of the world, though? Because I feel like you turn up and you fucking do the job right. You figure out the problem and you fix it. God bless you. Because there's a lot of people who don't. And he accepted. I'm sure you've had people come over and give you the fucking run around because they don't want to do any work. So they're, you know, they're doing voodoo magic on dials and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And you just think you are so useless. I could have done all of this stuff. They're doing voodoo magic on dials and stuff like that. Oh, he was great. And you just think, you are so useless. I could have done all of this stuff. I just need somebody who can actually fix the problem. Please just fix it. Get a Darren in. You need a Darren in your life. God bless you, Darren.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah. Anyway, how was yours? Mine was all right. It was pretty standard, you know. We were all sick. Well, I say we. I was not sick sick everybody was sick leading up to christmas though my kids were sick the day before christmas eve puking and everything it was
Starting point is 00:08:12 pretty bad sorry the two my two eldest so they were in bed all day feeling better on christmas eve but my wife was sick all christmas eve couldn't get out of bed was on the verge of puking probably i thought i don't know i don't think so but maybe and um so we just figured oh well christmas probably a bit of a write-off like we the kids had like you know presents and stuff like that but we just thought it's going to be pretty you know low-key but then uh everybody just felt fine on christmas day so we just went ahead with uh everything as usual and um yeah it was it was all right i mean busy it's like you know it's a it's it's a very stressful busy time of year it's a lot of pressure to do a lot of stuff but um that was fine it was fine everybody had a good
Starting point is 00:08:57 time everybody's back to school now i took all the christmas decoration down yesterday so that's all done i'm happy that it's done and um we've had like three storms and no flooding so that's good too and i also got some uh i got some flood gear you want to hear about this stuff yes holy shit man i got these like these it's a snake it's filled with gel and it absorbs like fucking gallons of water you So you, the idea is that as it gets wet, it turns into a barricade. And then it's not really meant to hold a ton of water back, but more redirect water, right? Yeah. And also give you time to get shit out of the way.
Starting point is 00:09:39 That's right. Yeah. So I'm going to snake this thing when I know that there's some rain coming, I'm going to snake this thing on my driveway because the big problem is where the garage is. It's a little bit lower. Right. So it flows down. So it's going to flow down off the driveway. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to redirect the water off the driveway into the road. Have you thought about getting a new driveway?
Starting point is 00:10:00 Well, I mean, it's... I saw the Twitch comments. I have thought about it, but it is not as easy as it sounds to just simply get a new driveway. Right. I'm going to keep asking this until people understand why it's a stupid fucking thing to say. It is. I'm just going to say. But listen, there's more. There's the snake, and then there's the cubes as well. So I got cubes for the- in front of the door of the garage. Like HESCO barriers, like those ones they have in military bases. Sandless sandbags, baby. Oh, that's just a bag, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:33 They're just filled with this gel shit again that just absorbs a ton of water. Is that the gel shit they put in nappies? It must be, yeah, because it's a similar technology. Because that shit will quadruple, if not ten-tuple. It must be. Yeah. Because it's a similar technology. Oh, I know. It's insane. Yeah. They're like little beads. And I know this because at one point, one of our kids, the nappy was left far too long
Starting point is 00:10:54 and it just could not absorb any more piss. And there was just like little balls of piss gel like all over the place. Yeah. They started spilling out of the nappy. It was really disgusting. But anyway, similar technology technology it's like cubes they look like sandbags and as they absorb tons of water they get bigger and bigger and bigger and then form like a barricade so i feel like those two things i should be good but it's just knowing when the rain is coming you know because
Starting point is 00:11:19 we were forecasted like heavy downpours yesterday there was no heavy downpours yesterday. There was no heavy downpours yesterday. Like I was watching all the time and there was like a little drizzle here and there. Quite a bit of wind, but no heavy downpours. So, I mean, I'm as ready as I can be, but like I need the forecasting to be spot on, you know, so I can deploy. So how do you unfill it? I think you know they're reusable. These ones are reusable. So I think they just dry out. Do they just dehydrate over time?
Starting point is 00:11:48 I think so, yeah. I think you could just leave them in the sun, and then they'll just go back to... Yeah, you can use them a couple of times, apparently, so... There you go, Lewis. What else have you got? There you go. Well, I mean, okay. They don't sound...
Starting point is 00:12:02 Environmentally friendly? Yeah. Well, I'm sure they're probably not, but I mean, what is really these days? You know what I mean? Like, come on. I mean, everything that we use has some sort of impact, right? This is true. You know what I was...
Starting point is 00:12:17 That's how I comfort myself and sleep well at night, every night, with arguments like that. You can look up... Is it called Sky Tracker? Sky Tracker. The one, the airplaneacker? Sky Tracker. Sky Tracker. The one, the airplane one. Sky Tracker. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:30 That is- it is insane. Like, if you look up how many planes are over, like, London right now. Do you want to hear something even more insane? It's Flightradar. Flightradar. So I look at this, just go to right now, zoom out so you can see the whole of Europe, and just look how many planes are in the sky right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Okay, I am- yes, I can see there's quite a few planes. There's like a thousand minimum. Yeah, there's lots. I noticed that there's not too many- So, until we do something about that- There's not too many planes over Russia right now. There's like, maybe five. I wonder if...
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah, that is actually interesting. I was going to say maybe they can't track them, but there is one. The AIC-111 from Delhi to London flying right over Russia. Yeah. There's not a whole lot over- There's none flying over Ukraine. There's really not a lot over Africa either, surprisingly. I mean, you'd expect a couple more.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I think they're either going to South Africa or Nigeria. There's a lot of light aircraft down here, though. This one's going from Joburg to Luanda. Check out Namibia right now. There's like a million little light aircraft. Oh, look at that. There's like a mess. I know.
Starting point is 00:13:42 It's like a little swarm of little tiny planes. What do they do? Interesting, eh? That is... Oh, these are just little gliders. Oh, they're gliders. Look, click on them, they're all gliders. I wonder if there must be some... There must be a mountain range or something around.
Starting point is 00:13:56 This is some tourist shit, isn't it? Yeah, that's gotta be, right? Like, this is like, come and see the savannah. LKN141A probably just had a great view of all these gliders. Oh my God. It just flew over them. Holy shit. If you look out of your left-hand window,
Starting point is 00:14:09 you'll be able to see the bladders of Namibia. Quite clearly down there flying over the plains of Namibia. That is beautiful. Very beautiful. And Botswana also has the same thing, but not as much as Namibia. You head to Windhoek. Windhoek.
Starting point is 00:14:24 You can fly out of Windhoek. You get great views of the Knackloof Mountain Zebra Park and the savannah. You'll love it. It's bloody good. The Plymouth community, sorry, it's instinctive. It's instinctive. Well, of course, if you look at Flight Tracker 24, it's all a hoax, because I've heard a conspiracy theory recently, I don't know if you guys have heard about this one, that planes don't exist. If you see a plane in the sky, it's a hologram. They don't actually exist.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I haven't heard this one. And if you've ever been on a flight before, it was all simulated because they don't exist. Flying has not actually been invented. This apparently is a theory that people believe in. Is this like a Truman Show type situation? It feels like it is, yeah. It's something like that, yeah. I'd never heard about this theory before, but somebody in chat was saying the other day that apparently
Starting point is 00:15:19 it's a thing. And then when we were talking about it, loads of people piped up saying yeah, it's a thing, there's people that truly believe this. So, I've heard the whole birds aren't real thing, where they think they're all CIA And when we were talking about it, loads of people piped up saying, yeah, it's a thing. There's people that truly believe this. So I've heard the whole birds aren't real thing, where they think they're all CIA robots or something like that, which is like, I think that's kind of a meme. But there are people who believe it. But I haven't heard the planes aren't real. So what do they say to people who've been on a plane?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Well, I think it's, we had this discussion after, and it's the age old. You know, if you say, they say planes don't exist, and you say, well, yeah, they do. And then they just hit you with, well, can you prove it? Yes. And, but you can't, though. Well, I mean, I suppose you can, but you have to drive to, like, somewhere where there is a plane, and I guess watch it take off. It'd be pretty easy to prove.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah. Yeah, I can prove it. I live in the flight path. It'd be pretty easy to prove. Yeah, I can prove it. I live in the flight path. I've been on planes many times. But then the argument is that all of these so-called planes that are flying are holograms. So you'd only be, to them, you'd just be watching a really good hologram. Right, so what about the ones that I've been on? Well, again, they think that it's simulated and that you're somehow teleported or something.
Starting point is 00:16:25 So when I get on the plane... There's some fantastical magic that takes place. And can look out the window. Yes. And see the... Yeah, it's basically... It's a hologram. It's like Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, you're just like... You know what would be easier? You're in Star Tours at Disneyland. I think it would be easier to make a plane. It would. It certainly would be a lot easier. Yeah. I think it would be easier to make a plane. It would. It certainly would be a lot easier, yeah, but I mean, not to people who believe this, that it can't exist.
Starting point is 00:16:50 That's incredible, I'm gonna have to look into this. Planes are real. Please don't fuck my recommendations. You're now a conspiracy theorist. Welcome to the team. Yeah. Before I get sucked into this... Don't worry, you can't... I'm gonna avoid it. Flax is already lost, he's completely- he's down the rabbit hole.
Starting point is 00:17:07 It's too stupid. No, it's just, I've given up. There's no point. Everything is not. It's just like, just go, no, really, no. It's like an artist you don't care about has released a new album. That's what it feels like at this point. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Like, I was into their early stuff, it was fascinating. Yeah. Mind-bending and annoying, but now it's like it's like if you told me wickfield had released a new album i'd be like i remember saturday night hated that uh and now you told me she's on her 15th album and it's plain stone exists i'm beyond it i don't care i feel like sometimes i feel like oh i'd love to meet these people and but then i realized you know i think i already have met some yeah you have guaranteed and i actually think maybe some of them might have at one point been in my family as well.
Starting point is 00:17:47 You know, like extended family, like an uncle or something. Everybody's lost friends to this shit. I mean, I had a good mate of mine was a 9-11 denier. Thought it was an inside job. Had all this quote unquote evidence. Had done his research. All this shit. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:18:02 You just talk about something else. I mean, we've had emails to the postbag about this. People being like, oh, my dad's a nut. What do I do? I was like, eh, try to find something you guys can do where you don't talk about this shit. Talk about, like, fucking, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:18:18 something you've watched, like, I don't know, Inspector Morse or fucking What We Do in the Shadows. Talk about Inspector Morse. One of those current TV shows. I tried to think of an old TV show. Midsommar Murders would be the one I think
Starting point is 00:18:34 dads would watch. He's trying to think of an old classic, this guy. He's trying to think of an old family classic that you can enjoy with your old man. Oh, did you see? Speaking of detective shows, David Suchet, as Poirot, was excellent. David Suchet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 My little, I'm a little Belgian man. So, Miss Louise, Eastings, I think it is probably the butler. Right? Did you see Lyd's mail? I know, yeah. She sent me a text immediately after meeting him. When did she meet him? Well, he was a dude, Panto, I think.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And Lids is a big fan of Paul Poirot. We both are. I love Poirot. One of the best TV detectives ever. Way better than that cunt on Midsommar. He is great. He is great. Bergerac. Bergerac I liked. Midsommar I Yeah, he is great. He is great. What, uh, Bergerac? Bergerac I liked.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Midsommar, I do not like. What's not to like about it? It's got Bergerac in it. And I like it. He moves too slowly. Fucking get a wiggle on, son. He's just- he's put on a bit of timber, and now he's just sort of like, sashaying his way around the set, barely doing anything, and he just turns up and they're all in this
Starting point is 00:19:40 one fucking town? Poirot is a jet-setting genius. He's all over the place solving crimes. The guy in Midsommar, what is it, Barnaby? Is that his name? So fucking bone idle. Yeah. He just stays there, he's like, I don't want any traveling. Just film the series all in one place.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I'll do the show, but you can't leave this town. What is it, Tame, I think it's called? My dad went there with his wife. They went on holiday there. They gotta have the highest murder rate in the country. Yeah, it's ludicrous. It's like the Baltimore of England.
Starting point is 00:20:09 The fucking bodies dropping left, right and center. Crazy. But it's just like, why do they never leave Midsommar? Like, come on. Also, remember Poirot is written by I guess a Christie. It's a classic whereas Midsomm Murders is written
Starting point is 00:20:25 by television writers. Yeah. Scum! Scum! I don't really have any appreciation for literature. I'm fucking stupid as hell. I just watch a lot of TV and, you know, like some of it's pretty good and then some of it's pretty bad too. I've been watching The Traitors. Have you seen that? Yeah. My wife and my youngest love, love Traitors. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Having played a lot of Mafia, it's just like watching people who don't know how to play Mafia play Mafia. Yeah, it is. The first season was really tough to watch a lot of the time. It was still good, it's a neat format and stuff, but the um the first season the you this is the uk edition the first season had about 3 000 people sign up to be on it wow um and then season two just started the other day and it had 130 000 people sign up to be on it after watching the first season and yeah getting some idea of how to play the game or whatever but the first season the people are fucking so useless it's insane like they just like they're not even trying to play the game
Starting point is 00:21:30 like they're just like oh you voted for me i'm voting for you like that's it the whole season is basically that like or it's like oh you didn't uh react the way i thought you would to somebody getting evicted oh you must be a traitor that's it do you know what got me about season one and i actually rage quit the show as in i will i will not watch it again yeah there was a guy that they had made a traitor yeah right near the end yes when he got voted out he was like yeah i'm going but uh someone is also a traitor you know you should have a good look at some of the other people i mean at the same like are you doing you don't do that it fucking sucks so bad sorry for the spoilers if you've not seen season one but the end of season one is probably the worst thing i've ever seen in my life it's awful it was so
Starting point is 00:22:14 fucking unfair to the given that there's money at stake i honestly think it's one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in game show history it has to be it was it was but they you know but they, they, you know, they came back and said, oh, he didn't cheat. And I was like, yeah, I suppose not. But like, they can't call him out on it at the time. Cause it would just ruin the whole show. You know what I mean? They should, they should have stepped in and said to the guy, don't worry. We realized the game is fucked.
Starting point is 00:22:38 You're still going to get paid because we can't have that. Yeah. Like that's what they should have done. And honestly, I think legally that's bullshit bullshit will played a fucking blinder as well like he had it he had it i don't know if it was intentional but he had it to the point where he had the three most idiotic people out of the group left who would never have figured it out in a million years like the only way that they're figuring it out is if somebody literally said, it's him, and that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah, it was really fucking awful. They would never have figured it out. They didn't have the capacity between the three of them to ever solve it. So I watched the first episode of the second season last night, or the night before, as I'm sure you did. Let me tell you something. If I was a traitor, that lad with... What has he got? He's got one leg or something like that?
Starting point is 00:23:29 No, no. He's not a traitor. No, no, no, no. But there's a guy on it with one leg, right? Oh, yeah, yeah. You're talking about season two now? Yeah, season two. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I just watched it. I am killing that lad night one. Right? The ex-military who survived the improvised explosion. I am killing that lad night one. 100%. Yeah. 100%. 100%. Imagine you're all in a room.
Starting point is 00:23:46 What do you do? I work as a checker. I work on a checker. What do you do? I sell makeup. I'm a reseller for makeup, basically, an Avon lady. Ha ha. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:23:55 I'm a mechanic. What do you do? I'm a decorated veteran who lost his leg in a war, and I'm a really good lad. All right, you're a dead man. I'm getting rid of you. Yeah, yeah. Because you can't have that kind of stick shit washing around. There are people who are just naturally quite threatening, but he seems like-
Starting point is 00:24:09 Because everyone's going to listen to him, no one's going to doubt him. No, I know. And no one's going to want to vote him off. He can't vote him off, he's got one leg, oh! I would- I would- BAM! He's out. Murdered. Night one.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Did you see- Did you see our version? Our version? What do you mean, our version? The OXCAST version. The OXscast version. Oh, yes. No, I didn't watch it. I was going to be on that, but I was ill in the end,
Starting point is 00:24:31 so I couldn't come down. That's a shame. I think that's a shame. I don't know if we're going to do another one. It was certainly a learning experience, and I imagine that's very similar with this as well. It's a relatively new format. They don't really have a good idea of the rules and what to do to encourage behaviours.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yeah, I think the first season of anything is a bit like that. The UK Survivor was a little bit different, because I think all the people that were on it had seen Survivor. Because Survivor's just been around for a long time, right? So they were aware of how it all worked and what the rules were and sort of how to game it at the various transitional points in the game of Survivor, right? But with the traders, you had none of that.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Like the people were so clueless. It was crazy to see it whittled down to about five people and they still had no concept of who it could be like you know a lot of them would just turn up to the meeting every day and be like i have no idea i don't know what's going on well of course and a lot of them just kind of treated it like it was like an 18 to 30s vacation you know like they weren't actually playing the game it was just like well of course they're not in the first season of anything you know you get you get recruited to do the trait in season one.
Starting point is 00:25:45 No one's ever heard of it before. Right. You don't know what the fuck it is. You can't see it. You can't watch it. Whereas everyone on series two has watched season one. Yes. Because as soon as you got on, you're like,
Starting point is 00:25:56 first of all, you wouldn't even apply without seeing it probably. But as soon as you got on, you'd be like, oh, I better watch this before I go on. Right. So everyone's going in with a completely different mindset. Yeah. And it's going to be with a completely different mindset. Yeah. And it's going to be completely different as a result. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:07 But also, you have got people trying to game it, trying to play it up, trying to do the stupid thing. But I want it to get to that point because I want to see that. I want to see people who understand the game and are there to play the game. You know what I mean? Like, I think that's more interesting than just watching. Traitors is something we've been doing for years and years.
Starting point is 00:26:24 In Mafia, in TTT, in longer form, in slower form, you know, Blood on the Clocktower, all these types of games we've played extensively. And so we have this kind of much deeper knowledge to what it's like to play these games. And this is just a version that takes place over a fucking week or more instead of, you know, the best part of an hour. Yeah. We do it in micro. These guys are doing it in super slow-mo. And as a result, you can't
Starting point is 00:26:56 have tasks in there that could too easily give away the traitors, right? Because otherwise they're gone. They have to be undercover for so fucking long that if you give them... I'm sure they've done test games and things like this because they must have done where they put in tasks where it was actually like you know easy to sabotage but as soon as as soon as they fucking found out who they were it was like oh bam in the in the traders the uh the tasks are all just to fill the prize pot. So the prize pot starts at zero and the tasks are like,
Starting point is 00:27:26 uh, group endeavors to fill the prize pot with money. So there's not really, there's not really any scope to finding out who is a trader, like during any of the tasks or whatever they exist solely to, to just, um, build camaraderie with the,
Starting point is 00:27:43 with the contestants. Um, so that it makes it more difficult for them to vote out traders. The idea is that whoever's working least hard on the task is some sort of traitor. No, because if the traitor is still alive at the end of the game, they win the money. So it's in everybody's interest to fill the prize pot um so there's no point and whittle things down like the the tasks are just i don't know like they it's it's a it's an interesting idea but it's it's kind of like there's no way to find the trade no not through the tasks no
Starting point is 00:28:16 no but then your your day-to-day interactions and your the politicking that goes on outside of the tasks is where you might find out who the traitor is and then every every day there's a round table meeting where somebody gets banished so there's no immunity from that either i'm just wondering how they're supposed to find the traitor well i mean in the same way in mafia if you've ever played mafia after a while you can you can figure out probably who the traitor is based on who they're voting for and stuff but like in season one nobody seemed to remember who anybody ever voted for like the guy who was poised to win as a traitor in season one was instrumental in in getting two other traitors
Starting point is 00:28:56 out and nobody ever touched on that like every nobody ever like cast their mind back to say oh yeah no he was the guy who basically started the witch hunt against a traitor that we got out and then did like uh had the casting deciding vote on another traitor that went out so like he could have just turned around easily and said i'm not a traitor i voted two of them out like what are you talking about but it never came up like it just i see it never mentioned by anybody it's a classic mafia If you think, like essentially you can't trust anyone in Mafia, right? And this is just a joust up version of Mafia. If you have the guts to vote your fellow traitors out, especially when you have confirmation as you did in the
Starting point is 00:29:39 traitors, in Mafia you don't have confirmation. No, no. But I mean- Other than you lose kill power but even then smart mafia will pretend that you've got rid of one of them yeah by killing only one person like it's all kinds of mind games yeah he played it brilliantly he did so that's why it was so annoying when that guy just goes oh he don't forget him on his way out fuck off yeah he's like oh this is this is my this is my parting shot and everybody's like what does he mean why is he being so cryptic?
Starting point is 00:30:06 What does a parting shot even mean? And then they voted him out. They all voted him out because they couldn't risk. Basically, they had no idea that it was him the whole game. The whole time. And then right at the end, when this guy basically announces that, oh, this guy's a traitor and I'm pissed off because he backstabbed me. Yeah. They all got him out and won.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I see. Yeah. Again, it's complicated. And yeah, what he did in our version, it was really cool. I want to talk to you about something, actually, Lulu. Go for it. Because I know that we've done Taskbox. We've done Traitors.
Starting point is 00:30:41 We did something else as well. We used to do all those little card games, too. Remember? Like Snake Oil and what was the other one? Yeah, Fun Employed. Fun Employed, yeah. Those were fun too, yeah. Right, we got all these people.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I'm saying, and I've mentioned this before, but it got poo-pooed. I'm saying that we should do- Poo-pooed. Poo-pooed. A Yogs soap opera slash drama. Oh my God. I've not heard this suggestion. So I thought we could basically do like an eastenders style thing yeah where you have once a week an episode goes out and we
Starting point is 00:31:12 basically script like drama around the office and other locations so we'd have the pub you know like they do in eastenders you'd have the office there'd be a couple of other locations and we'd just have as people come down to the office to visit it's like oh it's my long lost cousin has turned up it's ridiculous the storylines are like classic soap opera absolute gibberish i just thought it would be funny somebody somebody needs to be a serial killer can i of course there's a secret serial can i nominate myself as the dvd guy anytime anybody's upset about anything, I just kind of swan in and say, don't worry, love. Let's go get a bottle of wine and a DVD and then it'll make it all better.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I want to be that guy. I don't want to have any drama. I just want to be like the mediator, the DVD man. You need a serial killer as well. I know a lot of these soaps take place in like small towns, but every one of them has had multiple serial killers come through. Of course. It's like Midsomer meets EastEnders. It is, yeah. The problem is, Sips, you're so rarely in Bristol.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Yeah. Well, I could be the DVD- You can only really come for them once a season. That's okay, but I can also be the killer as well, and I could like, you know, slink off and come back, you know, and then people will start to realize, oh, hang on, this guy, he's back. When was the last time you were in Bristol? I haven't seen him for months, but he's back now and he's probably thirsty to kill again. It's been four years since he last struck.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It must be a serial killer. Yeah. No one's gonna make that leap. He's just laying low. He's just laying low until his next kill. You've gotta be the distant billionaire that we call when we... They're gonna close down the old vent yeah get get on the plow to sips and he's like i could move some money around and keep you guys
Starting point is 00:32:51 afloat but and there's like a catch yeah that kind of thing you turn up when it's raining somebody's having a really heated discussion in the in and it's raining outside and then the door opens and then I'm just standing in the door. All right. Like, that's me. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Perfect. Okay. Yeah, I'm down. I'm in.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Count me in. I think it would be funny. I reckon you could add some, like, Traitor's style drama to it, though, as well. It could even be, like, a fictionalized version. Yeah. Of the Traitors. Yeah, of course. Like a- But it's all set around-
Starting point is 00:33:24 With, like, a maxed out drama. It's all set around the traitors. Yeah, of course. You know? Like a- But it's all set around- With like, the maxed out driver. It's all set around the Yogs. I want a lot of my scenes to be me talking to somebody and then like, an immediately cut scene and then me and that person are laying in bed with sheets right up to like, our necks. Like, laying side by side.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I think that'd be funny too. I love that in soaps, you know? Like, they'll just be talking and then all of a sudden, it'll just cut to the next scene and they've just- they just finished banging finished banging like they're just in bed talking let's watch the dvd it's time to put on a dvd new year new advert going online without expressvpn is like changing while leaving your window wide open you might not have anything to hide but why give random creeps a chance to invade your privacy? Oh, those bloody creeps.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I welcome the creeps to Avagandar, honestly. Right, but you might want to conceal what you've got dangling out. We're not all the exhibitionists that you are, especially when it comes to our online data. Lewis, am I correct? Exactly. If you go online without a VPN, they can take pictures of
Starting point is 00:34:25 you sips and sell them on the internet again so i mean that's that's your boat uh no you might not want that out there so um when you do use expressvpn people can't look in they can't see your online activity your identity is anonymized through a secure vpn server and encrypted for maximum protection it's very easy to use you can use it on phones laptops routers and anyone who shares your wi-fi could be protected i use expressvpn when i'm at home and so please secure your online activity today by visiting slash triforce today all right slash triforce you get three months for free
Starting point is 00:35:06 do it go and protect yourself sips sign up sign up today i will and no one will have to see your dingle dangle dingle dangle at this jingle jangle time of year amazing thank god thank you everyone on with the show so i went to
Starting point is 00:35:21 um edinburgh for new year i used to go away. Wow. Over the- What were you doing there? Me and Smith and Mango and RT rented a little house and just hung out there for a while. We played some board games, played some Magic the Gathering, we walked around, went to Edinburgh. It was really, really chill.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Nice. A nice little retreat for nerds. Would you recommend visiting Edinburgh as like a nice place to visit for a family with three small children? I don't see why not. It's quite nice, quite- obviously, it's a big city. Yeah. You know, it's the capital of Scotland, but it kind of doesn't feel like it, you know. It's got- it does feel big in places, but it doesn't feel big in others. It's weird. Does it really feel like you're in Scotland?
Starting point is 00:36:10 Like, big time? No, not really, no. Even the Edinburgh accent's not very strong, you know. You do hear a few, and a lot of Scottish accent, obviously, but it's not that overwhelming, you know. So, as we walked around the city centre,, which is sort of the Christmas market going on. How was it? Well, it was a bit Santa's grotto, except emphasis on the grot.
Starting point is 00:36:35 You know, kind of just it wasn't the best. Right. Because it was all a bit damp and old and it's been going for a bit too long. The place is nice, though though it's very pretty lots of lots of nice places to walk around and look at you know we just next to where we were staying was this old ruins of an abbey from about you know 1500 and they've got these nice signs saying oh you know the monks used to walk along this route this sort of footpath you know and i don't know it's just very very nice it's all very nice lots of countryside that actually is quite pretty and clearly been lived in for
Starting point is 00:37:10 hundreds of years and someone's taking care of it in some way right so yeah i had a really nice time even though obviously freezing cold and gets gets dark at 4 p.m know, don't love that vibe generally. But, you know, it's, I think next year I'm going somewhere hot instead. Yeah, where are you thinking? Bolivia? Venezuela. Nice. Anywhere not north of Bristol, I think.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Unless I'm going to go skiing, which is a different vibe, you know, which I'm not sure I'm looking forward to. But yeah, it was nice to get away. And then obviously in the last few days of the holiday, you start thinking, oh God, I'm coming back. And then it's like you start, everyone gets back to work in the new year and they start
Starting point is 00:37:58 emailing you things to do. Did you travel there by train? Got an airplane from Bristol to Edinburgh. Good shout. Good shout. Did you feel like you were in a simulator the whole time, or? Didn't notice that. Did you look out the window and did it seem real? It did, it's just a short hop, it's fine. Although, you know, there's always the old scare stuff that happens on a plane, you know, when there's suddenly a lot of turbulence,
Starting point is 00:38:24 you're like, Jesus, what's going on here? Yeah, yeah, you feel like all your insides kind of, like, jump up, you know? And turn into jelly. You feel like, yeah. It makes your heart, like, jump, doesn't it? Because the air lifts you up. It's a bit of a fright. Is that your organs not moving at the same speed as the rest of you?
Starting point is 00:38:41 Well, you're not really moving while you're up there, so it must be... they must spray some gas or something into the cabin to make you feel like that. It's probably some nerve... it's probably just like one little spritz of nerve toxin or something like that. Like, I know that my organs aren't just hanging like Christmas tree decorations inside my body, but they're not like, specifically... No, mine are all hanging out of my ass. But like, when you...
Starting point is 00:39:10 They're all dangling out of there. When the plane suddenly drops and you feel that feeling of your stomach going up, is that your organs sloshing about a little bit inside you? Email us in, because we do mailbag episodes. I'd love to know. I know there's some movement. Your organs do jiggle a bit in there. They don't like, strap down.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yeah, we're interested in the effects on the human body of sudden changes in altitude and pressure, and I guess there's like some g-forces at play there too, maybe? Must be, yeah. Because I know your brain is in a fluid in your skull, right? Like, it's not touching your skull. There's like a fluid around it, and like membranes and shit. So when you get a hard hit on the head, or your head gets knocked, your brain is bonking against the inside of your skull.
Starting point is 00:39:55 It's one of the problems that you have with whiplash and stuff like that. I haven't seen the new Top Gun movie, but I was watching Gogglebox the other day, and they were watching it, and there's that bit i i think it's the top gun movie when he's in the jet and he's like trying to push it to like you know mock whatever a million or something and he gets a million that's correct he gets up to like the the the threshold and everybody's like pleased that he's done it and then but he like keeps going, he keeps pushing it, just to get some more juice out of it or whatever. And he's up there, he's in that plane and he is like, total recalling. The fucking eyes are bulging out and he's shaking and everything.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Maybe there's some information in that movie about what we're talking about right now. That'll be my primary source for sure. That was actually a really good movie, the Top Gun movie. As an action movie. Yeah, they don't make action movies that are nice and straightforward like that as often as they should. No, no, no. Just good solid action movie with a good solid action lead. All the usual bollocks you see in an action movie, just solid. We watched a couple of classics over Christmas. We watched Die Hard, which was really was really really good i hadn't seen it in years
Starting point is 00:41:08 really good action movie we watched that too we love that we watched both uh home alone one and two in the i watched one didn't watch two what's two like two's great it's really funny like the uh in the theater yeah they they they had them um in the movie theatre in the lead up to Christmas. They had a whole bunch of old movies. Yeah, they had Scarface, Die Hard, Home Alone. No, not Back to Back. Home Alone 1, Home Alone 2. Loads of other ones.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Those are the ones that we saw, but I didn't see Scarface though. Did you take the little ones to see these movies? No, we took them to see Home Alone 1 and 2. Not the baby because she's not ready for movies yet. And then we went to see these movies no we took them to see home alone one and two um not the baby because she's she's not ready for movies yet um yeah and then we went to see die hard just me and me and my wife my wife um it was really good like he a lot of these old uh a lot of these older movies uh like particularly ones that did really well in the box office in like the 90s and stuff, man, they're so good. Like they just nailed a lot of them, right?
Starting point is 00:42:11 Just like the format, the pace, like the... You get like just a really decent story into like that allocated time and you don't feel like it was rushed or you know, like... I watched Groundhog Day the other day. Oh, that's a good one too. Great movie. Where are the Groundhog Days? Where are these movies?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Well, there is a new one. No, I'm not saying I want another Groundhog Day. Who did Groundhog Day? I'm saying where are the movies that are obviously mid to low budget? Groundhog Day was Harold Ramis. Harold Ramis. Yeah. And he did, was it Caddyshack?
Starting point is 00:42:44 No, not Caddyshack? No, not Caddyshack. Stripes. He did Stripes. Right. He did a bunch of films. And he was Egon in, uh, in Ghostbusters as well. He died.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Yeah, he did. He did die. But, um, my, my point is where are these mid-range, mid-budget films? Where are they? They've disappeared. It's all or nothing. It's either an indie movie that costs nothing, or some huge fucking $200 million production. They're all swinging for the fences.
Starting point is 00:43:07 They all want that one and a half to $2 billion take. None of these executives in studios are like, let's just make a film that costs like $25 million. Yeah. It has good actors and a good script, is an hour and 45 minutes long. Even less. You could probably do a movie like Groundhog Day for way less than $25 million, right? Yeah, you'd think so.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Everything costs a lot these days, though, so I'm saying 30. I suppose. But once you basically have an area that the movie's set in, and a couple of set pieces, you don't need... There's not tons of effects and stuff. There's no special effects in Groundhog Day. Most of your expense is just talent, right? Well, I don't know, guys.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Actually, I honestly kind of think that netflix and amazon prime and these platforms have grabbed up these middle market movies and you see them all the time and some of them are actually okay yeah i'm sure i don't think any of them have been good enough to really set that as a as a you know like a reliable place to watch these things right like they they are kind of just okay for the most part. Like, well, the,
Starting point is 00:44:08 um, the one I watched lately with the one with the hand, what was that called? Talk to me. Talk to me. That was a cheap movie. That was good. Um,
Starting point is 00:44:17 that costs 4.5 million. Right. But that's, that's what I'm saying. That is very low budget. Talk to me. Right. That is very low budget.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Talk to me. I'm saying middle in the low budget talk to me right that is very low budget talk to me i'm saying middle in the middle well okay how about palm springs that was from 2020 that was actually the groundhog day one i was thinking of with andy sandberg palm springs it it cost five million and it made it was sold to netflix it's a good movie whatever so hulu netflix is too focused on series that's the problem nobody's like every time someone's like oh have you seen so and so i'm like let me look check it out it's like oh 27 part series i don't want a fucking series i heard that the squid game reality show is really bad apparently they there's a few things wrong with it mrs f said it's just kind of not great
Starting point is 00:45:02 and they kind of have then they have all these other bits in between the games where they're all fucking talking about each other all that shit but apparently it's just when they filmed it it doesn't matter okay it doesn't matter that it's bad okay or shit or when they filmed it was really freezing cold and blah blah blah right who cares like it's made a million on made it's made loads on netflix and that's it they push it to the side it's like it doesn't matter that that Ricky Gervais' new fucking thing is bad. It's on the top chart. Everyone clicks it. Everyone watches it. It's not very good.
Starting point is 00:45:32 It's not classic Ricky Gervais. It's modern Ricky Gervais. Do you think if he found out you said that about one of his stand-ups, he would roast you at an event? No, I don't think he'd care. I don't know. All this stuff is... We know it's bad, right? And it doesn't matter that it's bad,
Starting point is 00:45:46 because if it does well on Netflix, that's all that matters. It's like everything on YouTube. As long as it goes viral and gets enough views on it, they'll make another one or they'll do more of it. It's always been this way. It doesn't matter how... All mobile games that are bad, of course they're getting remade because everyone's playing them.
Starting point is 00:46:04 They don't care about... There's no incentive for them to make good ones certainly not on netflix it's more clickbait it's they want incentive there's incentive to make things that are people talk about like oh you know like the thing like that classic thing that you say about squid game that i've heard a hundred times from a hundred different people is oh it was freezing cold whether you did it in a warehouse and everyone had a horrible time. It's like, that makes me want to watch it more. That's not actually a bad thing. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:29 You want to watch people in a warehouse having a horrible time? Just go to a Hot Films warehouse. Yeah, just watch a Hot Films video. So, I mean, what's interesting that happened this week was Tom Scott, the famous YouTuber, he telegraphed him retiring from YouTube a year ago yeah and stopping making
Starting point is 00:46:47 basically he's stopping making videos on his YouTube channel he's not stopping making videos or content or podcasts or any of the stuff
Starting point is 00:46:53 he's kind of carrying on I think 99% of the stuff he does and you'll see him everywhere hopefully he'll get some deal on Netflix or something
Starting point is 00:46:58 anyway I don't know him personally but you feel like you do? as a casual viewer yeah I kind of feel like he's probably a nice guy. I've watched all his videos for 10 years. He's made a video a week for the last 10 years.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Every single week I watch his video. Tom Scott, every time it comes out, YouTube knows me. It's right there. Bam, you Tom Scott. And I watch it. Yeah, and they're short too. They're like three to eight minutes or something. And it's like, it's generally speaking, I'd say 80 to 90% of the time the video is interesting.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yeah. It's not long enough that I'm bored. He doesn't do this long form content. It's usually some sort of infrastructure project or something. I'm here in Austria where they've got this and there's like some metal box. It's the only one in the world. And it does, it goes up and down a bit, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:42 but you watch it and you think, oh, that's actually quite interesting. And then he has he has some guy yeah we're here at the giant austrian parks we move it up and down a little bit of course to the left it's quite unusual it's like that every week and then he explains why it's exactly like that and then he's in a town in australia i'm in the most remote town in australia it's like it is amazing the dedication he's got to travel in places and explaining things sometimes he makes mistakes he does videos where he explains i got that wrong and i'm sorry but these things happen okay well no but here we go this is the this is now this is what i think he obviously is a is an expert grandmaster of the game of youtube right he has
Starting point is 00:48:22 spent 10 years and and even in his goodbye video he talks about how he's been playing the game and how he he talks about his podcast the way he mentioned spiff actually on his podcast oh wow as as someone who plays the game well and he wants to learn from him he has played he has he is someone and this is cynical me um who who is who is really become used he's a bit of a nerd like us who makes these fun videos but he uses youtube so well his thumbnail creation that his content style his snappiness you know he's learned from the best mr beast and everyone and he's always tried to play the game first sometimes i think like like that is his thing like him telegraphing his goodbye and his
Starting point is 00:49:05 the way the goodbye video is done and all these things and this oh this apology thing we've talked about this a bit before but cynical me kind of feels like tom scott has and i can't really talk having i mean you see our thumbnails on youtube we we we try and hit clickbaity titles as well and things that are relevant and things that are going on and and we do a b testing and we we care because you got it right but he is someone who has played the game spectacularly for so long and yes it's good good for him to to retire but i kind of feel like i kind of feel like is this just a ploy do you mean is he gonna launch his new thing tomorrow do you mean is he is there something upcoming? How long is the optimum wait time on YouTube before
Starting point is 00:49:47 everyone's seen that video of him saying goodbye and clicked on it, and then they see the next video of him launching his new thing in partnership with someone else? I guess I'm a bit cynical about the idea of him retiring, because he's not retiring, he's just stopping making a video a week on this channel.
Starting point is 00:50:03 He's got other channels. I know that he does stuff with other people. I can't stand it. His other content, to me, I find a bunch of people are all trying to did you know one another. Oh, well actually, did you know? It's like, it's a bit like- Is that the name of the channel? Sitting down with people and they just-
Starting point is 00:50:18 Yeah, they just talk facts. Did you know? It's like, here's an interesting fact. It's just like a fact dump. Yeah. It's like QI, but without even the minimal charm of QI. It's like the little kid from Jerry Maguire. Yes, I suppose it is.
Starting point is 00:50:31 It's like a four person podcast where they're all just did you knowing each other, and it's just a bit fucking... I find it tedious. I like the stuff where he was like, here's an interesting thing, bam. I'm at the bit in Iceland where the world is apparently splitting in two, I'm there. I like that. No, I mean, that's the best stuff. You know, that is the finest three minutes of content that you're going to get that week.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Because it's not three other people going and and trying to one up each other with some interesting factoid. Well, some people like that. I mean, I don't hate it. Boring people. Boring people. I don't know what this says about me, but I actually like watching videos where people don't talk a lot. Like, I don't want to really hear anyone talk that much.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I agree. That's why I like watching poker. They don't say shit. Yeah, I just want to, like, sometimes I just want to watch somebody playing a game. Even like, sped up sometimes as well. And not talking. Just put some techno on or something. The videos of like, some street guy, some street guy in
Starting point is 00:51:26 like Korea cooking eggs fried rice or something. Oh, I've watched those. Yeah, I watch those all the time. Don't say a word. He's mixing the eggs. I've been watching a lot of no commentary farming videos recently. Not like farming simulator videos, but
Starting point is 00:51:41 you know, like people just doing like farm chores. So like they'll go feed the ducks and then like it'll cut and they're riding a bike and feeding cows and like occasionally they're just like oh hey harry like talking to like one of the cows or whatever but not like there's no commentary nothing it's just like very peaceful they're outside like doing a bit of gardening doing chores you know whatever building a like a trough or something like just shit like that i like i like watching stuff like that i also like i also went down a rabbit hole the other day where i was watching tons of videos of people that keep an excessive amount of guinea pigs but they have like these incredible enclosures for them and uh like this
Starting point is 00:52:22 guy this guy turned up he's like hi everybody there's like a fucking million guinea pigs and he had a full watermelon and a machete and he just carefully sliced the watermelon the full watermelon into four segments put them on the ground and then the rest of the video was just guinea pigs eating watermelon and it was like half an hour long this video probably has millions it does yeah yeah exactly because of course it does because this stuff is fed to all of us because it's it's it's again it's the it's this is just the way it is i like that it doesn't have to be high budget that doesn't have to cost millions it just has to work for me that's anyway tom scott um rest in peace he's not dead i think
Starting point is 00:52:59 that's the whole thing though it feels like if people it doesn't feel like that it's like, imagine he made a video saying, you know, I have died. Do you know what I mean? Because that's what it sort of feels like. But actually, of course, people who retire on YouTube in great drama don't actually disappear at all. Well, maybe they do, and I haven't moved. I just think I'm a bit cynical. There's been a couple of people-
Starting point is 00:53:24 As much as I like him, I'm just holding it at arm's length. The latter part of 2023, I think Stampy's retired now or he stopped playing Minecraft or something, like my son was saying. Yes. And I think CaptainSparklez is also retired from making Minecraft videos. There is a theme of retirement um amongst like certainly the the latter the latter legacy youtubers 2023 there's been a lot of like it's it's like i'm retiring but it's not actually like i'm stopping it's just i'm not making these
Starting point is 00:53:58 kind of videos anymore or something like that you know that seems to be the theme you know so captain sparkles normally gets five five five you know he normally gets 50k views on his on his content right but then he announced he's retiring he gets two million views on the video and then does a final let's play okay so he's now doing a final minecraft let's play which is gonna obviously have an unknown number of episodes doing this all wrong like i should have made i should have done like some hype retirement announcements and stuff Minecraft Let's Play, which is going to obviously have an unknown number of episodes. I've been doing this all wrong. Like, I should have made, I should have done, like, some hype retirement announcements and stuff. Usually, I just, when I'm sick of something, I just stop. I'll make an announcement.
Starting point is 00:54:33 You should just do an announcement that you're retiring from Cities Skylines 1. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I finally decided. I'm never going back to that one, guys. Sorry. Anyway, you should definitely announce that you're retiring for sips from the next fucking i just feel like a lot of this stuff just requires some effort which i'm just not willing to put in you know like i know that doesn't sound very nice but like i i'll maintain uh i am very lazy and i only started doing all this because i just wanted to play
Starting point is 00:55:01 more games i feel like now i'm in a spot where i am just playing games and that's that's perfect like it when i'm done with the one i'm playing now i'm just gonna play another one and i'll just keep going until uh until i can't do it anymore you know what i mean the steam did their um steam awards which were all just trolls did you see these no no so the winner of the labor of love Award was Red Dead Redemption 2, which has been abandoned for the best part of a year. Okay. The best game on Steam Deck was Hogwarts Legacy that barely runs on Steam Deck. Nice.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Stuff like this. So yeah, it was the most innovative gameplay award. The designers of this game were at the front lines of creative experimentation. This game delighted, inspired, and entertained with newness never played before, won by Starfield. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Oh, wow. So, yes. So, basically... How can Steam be flaming the games on its platform? Chill, bro. What the fuck? Well, that's the thing. These guys, Rockstar are going to receive a trophy from Steam
Starting point is 00:56:04 saying you've won the labor of love award for redemption 2 that's fun for the fans but geez yeah that is that is fun so that's that's the thing and everyone's you know i'm i'm looking through a bunch of games i want to play ready or not is a lot of fun the new version of that that's come out it's really that's really good i've been playing that's like a swap game you go in ready or not ready or not yeah you go in as like a four player swap did you play uh very hard chat were telling me the other day that you played some lethal company did you like it oh yeah i really really love lethal company yeah we played a bit for the main channel with mods as well i was gonna play
Starting point is 00:56:36 with tom and rams the other night but my internet was so fucked i couldn't no no yes it's it's it's been a lot of fun yeah um so yeah there's a lot of games i want to play i want to play a lot of fun. Yeah. So yeah, tons and tons of games. There's a lot of games I want to play. I want to play a lot of Tarkov. I want to play more Dodes. It's actually frightening. Yeah. I played the System Shock remake. Dreadful.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Really bad. It's just not a good game. It's too much like a game that came out in the mid-90s. It's like, why would you do that? Well, I think some people want that. Some people want a remake. You don't want to go backwards. It's like saying, cars were better when you had to crank them to start. It's no no well i know but i i feel where you're coming from but some people
Starting point is 00:57:10 want that tedious authenticity of how games were like back then i did not some people like that like maybe they weren't there or they were there and there it's like old school music or wow classic you know some people want to experience what they experienced 10 years ago, 20 years ago. Yeah. I feel like a lot of Wow Classic is just nostalgia hijacking, honestly. Like it's people who weren't there, who are trying to experience it for the first time, which is fine, I guess, but like- I think people that weren't there, you can't claim nostalgia.
Starting point is 00:57:44 You're just playing an older game from before we learned things. It's like saying, to me, it's the gaming equivalent of being an anti-vaxxer. Well, listen, though, you say learn things. The problem is, is that what do you change to bring it up to date? And then how far do you go? Like, you know, World of Warcraft, WoW Classic are adding the fucking WoW token or some shit for you to be able to buy gold. I can't remember what they're adding.
Starting point is 00:58:06 They're adding some nonsense garbage to it. And it's kind of like, well, why are you adding this but not the quality of life stuff that actually would... That's what I'm saying. I mean, it's literally going back in time to before we had solved these problems. Who decides, I guess, because everyone's got their own preferences, right? And so it's sometimes easy just to do nothing and upset no one. Because everyone's got their own preferences, right? And so it's sometimes easy just to do nothing and upset no one because then you can be like, you know, you're like,
Starting point is 00:58:27 yes, this is at least an authentic remaking of what this game was for people who want that. Here's what people remember positively about older games. The setting, the style, and, you know, the sort of at the time, the uniqueness, the look and feel of the game, perhaps what they do not fondly look back on is, oh, shit, the inventory management was shit, wasn't it? Honestly, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:51 We'll keep that true to the original. Don't. A lot of that stuff I remember, I think back on negatively, which puts me off wanting to play classic. But when I think of classic, classic WoW, not like the one that's out now like as it was when it came out uh i'm i'm remembering my initial sort of like uh thoughts on just how the game was the social aspect of it but but more than anything um i'm remembering me at a time where i had far less responsibilities far more time to sit around and play a game like that, you know?
Starting point is 00:59:26 And it's sad in a lot of ways because like you start playing and you're like, yeah, I just can't really do this. You know, like I don't, I can't be who I was with the amount of time I had and, or, you know, even the amount of interest I had at the time for it. You know what I mean? Like there was nothing else at the time that was really anything like it. So it was, of course, everybody that was playing, it was having a great time because there just wasn't anything else really like it. You didn't have a wife and family and responsibilities and a flood situation. Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:02 And you didn't have... And I know a lot of people are like, well, you fucking sit around playing games all day. Yeah, I do. I know. But I don't sit around playing WoW all day. It's completely different. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I used to be able to.
Starting point is 01:00:15 You used to use that as an escape from the hell, the hellish world that you lived in. Well, like working and stuff. Yeah. Like, if you took a day off work sick. Yeah, fuck. I would sit around my undies and play WoW all day, of course I would. If I take a day off work now, I'm not sitting around in my undies playing WoW all day, I'm sitting around in my undies playing Farming Simulator all day.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Hell yeah! Moving forward, always! I used to play WoW a lot when I had a job I hated, or I didn't have a job. Yes. I would smoke some weed, put some fucking bob dylan and play wow that's what i would do yes but i don't want to do that again no same as i enjoyed when i played eve at the time loved it at the time it was great fun but i would never go back i think all this danger of constantly going back like people are going to say you played for 11 years
Starting point is 01:00:59 it's constantly changing it's constantly evolving it's not the same game. It really is not, no. They're improving shit. They change it all the time. And it's also a competitive game. Like CSGO at its root, CS2 as it is now, CSGO, CS all of it, is essentially the same game, but slowly evolving, and the core gameplay is so good and simple, and you're playing against other people. Yes.
Starting point is 01:01:22 In System Shock, I'm playing against the same stupid AI that it was in the 90s and they play the same fucking way. That's the problem. There's been no evolution. Anyway, I've got to go. I've got to meet Mrs. F for lunch. Right. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Well, thanks, Preflex. We're all going into town. Thank you so much. It was good to be back. Happy New Year. Yeah, Happy New Year. I hope you had a good Christmas or holiday season.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah, enjoy yourselves and we're back. We're back. Let's get another streak going. I've got a good Christmas. Stay frosty. Or holiday season. Yeah, enjoy yourselves. And we're back. We're back. Let's get another streak going. Let's do the streak again. Let's go. Another full year. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:01:52 All right. Until then, goodbye. Adieu. Bye. Adieu.

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