Triforce! - Triforce #310: Are you Smarter than a 15 Year Old?!
Episode Date: February 10, 2025Triforce! Episode 310! We've been doing a whole lot of nothing recently so we're going to take a GCSE level quiz, I guess. Support your favourite podcast on Patreon:Â Music cour...tesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Starbucks. Hello, everyone, and welcome back.
Hello to the Triforce podcast this week in which Sips has replaced his hard drive.
I got huge news, actually.
You'll never guess what.
Besides my hard drive being replaced.
I've been served a summons for jury duty.
OK. Oh, sure.
I've never done jury duty before, and I don't intend to do it ever.
So I'm going to try to wiggle out of it.
OK. But I have been summoned.
And apparently, if I don't turn up, I have to go through the proper channels
to try to get out of it.
But if I don't turn up, I'll be fined. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Why would you get out of it? I don't want to do that. Yeah, but if I don't turn up, I'll be fined. Oh, yeah.
Why would you get out of it?
I don't want to do that.
Yeah, but nobody wants to do it.
Well, that's why I'm going to try to get out of it.
You've got no excuse.
Is it the classic thing where you go there and you're slightly racist or whatever when
they ask you, you know, do you have any, you know, and they dismiss you for being inappropriate, you know.
I think all immigrants should go back to where they came from.
I don't want to go out like that.
Jersey for the Jersey people.
I don't want to go out that way.
I want to just come up with like a technicality, you know, like, uh, my lumbago is flaring
up or...
Oh right.
A magic pulse of a lump to be awake.
Are you sure you want to announce in public that you're going to fabricate a reason not
to do jury duty?
Your stuff now.
I could just be saying that.
I might even be lying about jury duty.
Who knows?
That's true.
You're a whole mystery.
I'm running out of interesting things to say.
So I just invented this.
You might enjoy flexing your, you know, democratic right, and, you know, being a good citizen,
helping society, that's what it is, right?
It's a civic duty.
I mean, I assume it's a trial on Jersey.
Well, yeah, I mean...
So what could it possibly be?
I fucking hope so.
Like stolen some milk or brushed past someone and didn't apologize.
Like it's Jersey.
It's financial crime.
A couple of this been some some financial crime fraud.
There's there's there's drug related crime here.
There has been a couple of murders.
Oh, there was a big one in the news like quite a few years ago where crime, family island. Hmm. There were 3081 crimes
reported in Jersey in 2021. It's a lot of stolen milk. That's a lot of crimes. Yeah.
Well, I mean, it's, it's a place. Okay, I've just googled up Jersey Legal Information Board.
Okay, on the 13th of December 2024 we sentence Pedro Nuno Rodriguez-Cárez, the defendant,
for a number of motoring offences, including drunkenly driving through St Helier, at excessive
speed, during which, crashed into a stationary car, seriously injuring the driver.
He ran from the scene, failed to stop and report what had occurred."
So, stuff like that's happening.
There's a multitude of things like that.
It's no different than any other place.
It's a small place, with a smaller population than most places, but has its fair share of
Wrongful dismissal?
I've got a question.
Sips. This is an've got a question. I've got a question.
Sips. This is an old Sips meme. Okay.
But what was it?
Didn't you say you were going to name your son PoopFart420 or something like that?
No, that's as Lewis referred to him as PoopFeast420, which is an old...
It's an old StarCraft meme, yeah.
So here is from four years ago, a post on the r slash Jersey subreddit by someone called
poop fart 420.
And they say, is Jersey dangerous?
What is the rate of violent crime in Jersey such as muggings and assaults?
I may be going there once COVID is over.
Is it safe to walk at night?
And everybody's like, yes, it's.
They should have said no, that doesn't sound like the kind of person we want over here.
They spell assaults wrong as well.
Well, there you go.
Assaults. Assaults.
I just think it's a funny coincidence.
The poop feast for 20 and poop fart for 20. Poop fart for 20.
Oh, so I wrote a jingle for today.
Why is it about my jury summons?
No, it's a simple intro song for the podcast.
I'm going to do these when I can be bothered.
This is not AI generated.
This is generated by flax.
I did this mucking about with a free website.
We called what's it called?
Oh, I can't remember.
Yeah, I can't remember.
Anyway, it was like something to do with Roland who make synthesizers.
Oh, yeah.
And it's just a little a little thing.
I did it on a density in there.
I recorded a vocal line and I mixed it. It's terrible.
I'm going to pop it in this good.
It's called Intro One. It's a catchy name.
So you recorded it. OK. Yeah.
I'm ready to play. We ready to play.
Lewis, you ready? Mm hmm.
All right. Three, two, one, play.
Did you make this?
Who's saying the Try Force is that just you?
You are insane.
What have you made here?
I love that.
I like the ding-ding. I love that. It's like a Miami sound machine.
It's got that sort of...
It's old school Roland style synth intro.
I gotta listen to this again.
It's like an alien.
It's like an alien voice.
I know.
It's like aliens are listening to, making their own podcasts.
What did you use to loop this?
Did you use like, fruity loops or like?
No, no, no. It's very, very simple.
I want you to Google.
I'll pop a link to it in in chat.
So it's called Roland 50 Studio. Right.
And that's basically the default music you get on it.
So you do.
Did you? I added some bits, adjusted some bits, and then I did the vocal track.
But if you click start on the left.
Oh, I see. It's basically what you've got going. But then you added some beeps and boops
alienize your voice.
You press start.
I changed the baseline and alienize my voice and mucked about with it a bit.
See, I think the baseline is what makes it. I think you adding the baseline to this is
Oh, thank you. It's so funny.
Do do do do do do do do. It's so good.
Oh, bless you.
Oh, I love this. I think you're a talented man.
I think this should just be the intro to the...
When I first heard it, I was like, I don't understand the alien angle, but I think it
works now.
I think we need more aliens in stuff.
The Triforce podcast.
Triforce podcast.
I love the beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.
It's really good.
Well done.
Thank you.
Well, I'll try and make a new one every week.
I don't think you'll be able to top this one.
Oh, we'll see.
You can make a whole album actually would be really good.
Just 20 second intro jingles.
Yeah, why not?
Why not?
Well, there you go.
That's a non-AI generated.
Roland50 Studio.
Well done.
Computer controlled.
Rhythm Composer.
That's amazing.
I can't believe how much music has been made with
these things like the like the MPX, the sampling machine and stuff like it is crazy, staggering
the stuff that people have been able to do with with these. So here's a question for you, right?
And I think this is this is a this is a bit of an odd one. But if you think about music,
yeah, traditionally, you had to learn how to play an instrument
properly in order to be able to make music.
And I mean, you had to learn.
We've definitely spoken about this before.
The guitar or the trumpet or the drums that requires someone to buy that piece of equipment.
And if you want to make music, you have to get in a band, you have to get with other
musicians, you have to write music, you have to convince them to come along. If you have a keyboard and a drum machine and some samples, you alone can make whatever song
you want. And if you look at all these big time DJs and EDM producers, it's like one guy.
Sometimes it's two guys, but you don't need a band. You can just do this by yourself. You can
fuck around in your bedroom for years trying to get to grips with it, and then figure it out, and you don't
have to perform on stage even.
As you just press play.
Not even years.
Like, hours.
The bounds to doing stuff has changed, right?
If you want to make a basket out of little sticks, right, there's tutorials now on YouTube
where you can do it.
You don't have to find a teacher, you don't have to go to a library and get some sort of book and try and decipher it,
or this knowledge doesn't have to be passed on in a physical way, right? Even before, when there was,
you know, I mean, you would be able to record stuff in the 80s on television, you know, in the
middle of the night, open university stuff to learn how to do stuff, right? But nowadays, if it's not
maybe made for you, like this online music stuff, you can absolutely pick up skills quickly
and easily. You'd be surprised how simple some of it is. Like, making your own kimchi.
Apparently everyone's doing that now. It's like a pickled cabbage.
ALICE Oh my god, why would you want to make that?
Oh it's so good, dude.
It's really nice, yeah.
It's not just pickled, it's got this seasoning, so it's like spicy.
Kimchi is amazing.
Really, really good.
I hear the word cabbage and I'm out.
Trust me.
Trust me.
If you tried kimchi, you'd either love it or you'd be like, oh this is so good.
It's so good, dude.
We'll go and get some cream.
My grandma used to boil, she used to come around sometimes and boil cabbage.
And it just smelled like she was boiling up gym socks.
It is a smelly cooking thing.
I don't know why she used to do it, I have no idea, but it's stunk.
It's really tasty!
You put some butter and pepper on there?
Oh my god.
My friend went away for a week and they just
chee in these jars. They should have gone to prison, honestly, because they left me
all these jars of kimchi that I had to burp every day. And so you open these things and
some of them are absolute, like, the whole place, my whole flat now stinks of like, kind
of kimchi farts, like cabbage. It does. That's why they have in
Korea they have these kimchi fridges, especially for you to put your kimchi away from.
Yeah. Wait, who lumbered you with this task?
Well, it's, well, I mean, even Kirsty does it. I was chatting to people on Discord, but
it's a lot of people making their own kimchi, making their own stuff. Cause it's so easy
to do, right? You just follow a little tutorial and it's fun.
But to get you to have to burp this for the whole fucking time there.
Well apparently if you don't do it, they can shatter.
Right, no doubt! But then maybe you make the kimchi after you get back!
What's happening in there? What kind of reaction is happening in there?
Fucking hell.
Yeah. It's like, I dunno, yeah, but I did see a picture of someone's jar that had shattered.
So they were like, this can happen.
And I was like, oh, okay.
Well, sure.
It's not going to be like exploding.
It's just like, you know, it's like you put something in the freezer and it bursts.
We've all done that before, I'm sure.
So I've been looking through these boring cases and Jersey and a lot of them are boring.
A lot of them are like, kind of, people arguing about stuff.
Like four people who are arguing about a will.
Their grandfather or father died and one of them thought that he'd said, I want you to
have it.
And the other three are like, well, you know, that's not what the will says.
And so they go to court and eventually come up with some agreement. There's like, lots of driving
stuff, lots of employment tribunal discrimination cases, that kind of thing. People are mean
to each other and see on television that you could just, ah, you're fired. That's not really
how it works. You can't do that. So there's a lot of that going on. Yeah, interesting. And just people scamming as well. It's not
as much financial crime as I would have thought on Jersey.
It was, because it's all legal over there, mate. That's why.
Oh, I see. A youth court? Yeah, so who knows? It'll be interesting, Sips. And I'm... You
won't be able to talk about it though.
No, I'm not allowed to talk about it.
I just thought-
Afterwards though you can, can't you?
Well, I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Well, I'll Google it.
Can you talk about your jury GTR?
I think you can get a lot of trouble.
Afterwards, UK.
After the trial, oh, do not discuss the trial with anyone until it's finished, except
with other jury members.
After the trial, you must not talk about what happened in the deliberation room.
Why not?
Even with family members, but you can talk about what happened in the courtroom.
So you go to jury duty and then you just have this secret that you have to keep from everyone
for life.
Only about what happened in the deliberation room.
Yeah, but still, like I'm a very open, transparent person.
I like to talk about everything.
And then this is just off limits.
Right, so let's say, I'm sure you could talk to your wife about it.
I'm just saying, you know, don't publicize it.
It's essentially what they're saying.
Don't go on social media and say, can't believe you were 18, thought he was
innocent, you know, it's like that kind of shit.
They don't want that way, cause that way people can speak freely in there, free from some
public repercussion later, because essentially justice should be blind.
And what happens in that deliberation room?
We shouldn't, you know, have some outside influence on it.
And knowing that the things you say in there might later come out, I guess, would
put a lot of people off. Right.
Speaking honestly.
So, you know, I think maybe just don't talk about what happens in the deliberation room
with anyone.
But obviously, you know, everyone says, oh, I won't tell a soul.
But of course you tell your partner.
That's just the way it goes.
But you remember, you can, your partner can't be charged with the same crime.
Double jeopardy, baby.
Your partner doesn't have to testify.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you mean double jeopardy? What is that? You can't testify. Yeah.
What do you mean double?
I just wanted to say it.
It's not nothing to do with it.
It's just, it's one of those ones, you know, like that always comes up in movies.
They're always like, yeah, let's see you try double jeopardy, baby.
I'm sure somebody has said double jeopardy baby at one point.
I'm going to Google double. I'm gonna Google double...
I'm using Google a lot today.
Double Jeopardy Baby!
Double Jeopardy Baby!
That is a freestyle on SoundCloud.
Oh there you go.
Double Jeopardy.
Because you can't be charged twice for the same crime, right?
But yeah, I think the idea is that a husband isn't supposed to be forced to testify against
their spouse.
Yeah, I don't think you can do that.
For whatever reason. Because you'd don't think you can do that.
Because you'd be in more trouble when you got back home, regardless of what they do.
I think there would be quite a conflict of interest anyway there, I imagine.
So, what else you guys been up to?
Anything funny?
I've been still playing a lot of Path of Exile 2.
I'm really addicted to it and enjoying it.
And it's been nice.
It's been nice to get really stuck into something.
I'm working on my third character.
I got two characters that are level 93-ish.
Because from 93 to 100 it takes a long time to level up.
So most people kind of say, if you get a character at 93, it's done.
Just keep gearing up or whatever.
That's when you...
I went to...
That sounds like A Real Pain, which is a movie I went and saw at the cinema yesterday.
Well it's called A Real Pain.
Yeah, it's good.
It's got Kieran Cullkin in it.
Oh yes, yeah.
He's brilliant, honestly.
Oh he's good in...
He is good.
Yeah, he was really nice in that.
He's really good in this.
I really like the part where he was jacking off on the top floor of the building right
in front of the window.
He jacked off onto the window.
Great moment.
Really good moment.
But no, it's basically about these two cousins who go on a tour of Poland to look through
their family history kind of thing.
And man, it's just a really great movie.
I really enjoyed it. I was sorry, in the watershed in Bristol, which is like
this harbour side cinema. And I know cinemas have chilled out a lot now. You can just bring
drinks in and everyone's...
No, no, hold on. No, no.
No you can't.
Cinemas have not. Good cinemas have.
Sorry, good cinemas.
Because we're talking like you're Everymans in your independence, like the Prince Charles,
in Leicester Square. I'm talking good theatres. Because we're talking like you're every man's in your independence, like the Prince Charles. Yeah, you're talking like square.
I'm talking good theaters.
It was a reasonable.
Nice vibe.
Not the fucking multiplexes, which are shit.
And frankly, I think they should fuck off.
Get rid of them.
Well, you don't need to, you don't need to hope for much longer because there, it seems
like they're all on their way out now.
It is not popular to go out to see movies anymore.
The people that you have to sit around when you're in those movies are worse than ever.
Post-COVID, worse than ever.
The problem is as well with a lot of these big chains is they require profits to go up and up
and up and up and up and up and up. So as soon as interest starts dying out, it's very difficult for them to do that.
And then they're done like they're done very quickly as well, actually.
So if you really hate all of those big theater chains, stop going.
They will pack up this really quickly.
They will remember the last time I went to what they occupy.
It's tremendous amount of space.
The buildings are huge, But they're just terrible.
And hard to repurpose into anything else.
Like I will miss in some sense going to the cinema
and having that great cinema experience
with a big screen and the sound.
But I can't honestly remember the last time
I went to a big multiplex theater
and I had a really good time.
Like I always felt like the people around me
were on their phones or talking or getting up and walking around or just fucking yelling at each other in the
middle of the theater. It's awful. The last time I went to a really, really big
theater on opening night for something and it was fun was Terminator 2 Judgment Day.
It was 1990. I know. I was 10 years old. My dad took me to see it. It was like 11 o'clock at night.
It was it was summer. Everybody was like sweating, but like so looking forward to seeing this
movie and the movie was awesome. It was so good.
I thought Avengers Endgame. That was great on the big screen. Oppenheimer at the IMAX.
That was really something. But it was three and a half hours long. So it was kind of a
pain in the in the ass, literally. So those are exceptional. Barbie was fun because it was a fun movie where I didn't care that people were laughing
and kind of joining in and yelling stupid stuff out because it was like it's like a
party movie. It's fun, silly movie.
And everyone's having a great time.
But when you go to watch a movie that you really want to see, why am I sitting with
these fucking people?
That's the question I've got to ask myself.
I can watch this at home in like two months.
These people are all terrible. I want to watch a film in total silence.
I took my kids to see Transformers 1. They do movies for kids or whatever. They bring
movies back. We went to see The Iron Giant one time, they brought it back. But Transformers
1, they did it. It was Sunday at noon. And we were the only people in the theater.
There's no one there. And it's discounted as well.
It was like two quid a ticket.
And there was nobody there.
So even even like at a massive discount, nobody wants to go.
Yeah, it feels like or maybe it's just the movie.
But the movie was actually pretty good.
Like I was expecting it to be really bad, but it was it was all right.
My kids liked it.
But there was nobody else in the theater.
It was just me, my wife and my, and my two older kids.
It just had a good vibe.
The cinema, I think it was cause it's a funny movie and people were laughing
away and like, I don't know, it was just, it was nice.
There were like little ripples of chuckles. I think it was the fact that it was a good, and I dunno, it was nice. There were little ripples of chuckles. I think it was a good movie, and it was nicely packed full of people, at a
nice time. I dunno, it was a really nice cinema experience. I hadn't had it for a while and
I just wanted to share that I enjoyed it. So, I dunno.
I've been building some Lego. I've been working on my little Lego city, like a massive nerd.
I dunno when it happened that I started... I think it was like this weird gradual process
where people bought me Lego and then other people saw the Lego and thought I was into
Lego and now I've got too much Lego everywhere.
But I'm still finding it quite therapeutic.
Just putting some blocks together.
You should try it guys.
Doing some Legos.
Have you played that game I shared with you yet?
Sips, the one I got you for Christmas, the little Where's Wally murder game.
No, we haven't had a chance yet, but it's on the cards for sure.
Yeah, it's called Micro Macro.
Yeah, it's a lovely game.
It's really fun.
It's like a little game where you...
It's basically like a big, huge poster.
You work together to solve mysteries.
Full of little, yeah, little Where's Wally star things. And you're kind of like, everyone's
like searching on the map and so you see this guy coming out of a shop wearing a clown costume
or whatever and he goes on and stabs someone and you sort of try and track him through
the city. It's really cleverly made and yeah, just a fun family game. It's nice to find
a game that you can play with anyone. You know, like my parents came over and we played
it for a beer and it just, I don't know. It's like, it's game that you can play with anyone. You know, like my parents came over and we played it for a beer and it...
I dunno.
It's like, um...
It's fun.
It is fun.
It is fun.
For sure.
Really fun.
Well, that's what we're doing.
Not too much.
I tell you, I went to the house viewing.
Well, yeah, you told us.
It didn't go through.
We very specifically...
And he shouted out the estate agent.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, he gave it...
It wasn't really a big ups, it was more like a big down.
A big down.
Can I give a big up this week?
I was asked to do one.
To my friend Ali, who I play Dota with a lot.
Big ups to you.
Thank you.
Carry on.
Oh, that's it.
That's it.
No more, there's no more to say on that subject.
It's done.
Get well soon.
Get well soon.
Alright. He's got a cult. Oh no!. Get well soon. Okay. All right.
He's got a cold.
Oh no.
He'll be okay.
Oh no.
Oh yeah.
Well, big ups to all of the, um, all of the, the, the people that we don't big ups to.
We got, uh, do you guys want to hear an update about how my, how things are going with my
house work?
This is real mundane stuff.
Yeah, it is.
Terrible. We got the plasters in then. Wow. This is real mundane stuff. Yeah, it is. Terrible.
We got the plasters in now.
And we had to, we had to reboard a couple of ceilings.
So they're in plastering said ceilings now.
And next week we got the builder back in to lay some floors and do some new skirtings
in two rooms.
That's it.
That's all we got.
Have we really done that little this week?
It's been a slow week. It's the new year. You know, it's it. That's all I got. Have we really done that little this week?
It's been a slow week. It's the new year, you know? It's January.
Everybody comes out at the end of Christmas like,
shit yeah, I'm going to exercise and stuff like that.
And then they do it for like a week and now everybody's in the dumps.
You know, they're talking about Blue Monday last week and everybody's just feeling, you know, it's winter, it's cold as shit.
It's miserable out there.
It's fucking raining like every day.
There's nothing to do.
Like what's been happening in the real world is kind of.
Yeah, I think people are just tired of the circus.
I'm trying now not to do, have anything to do with it.
I'm not clicking on articles or reading anything about it.
I'm just completely trying to ignore it now.
I don't want any, I don't want to contribute to any metrics where anybody might be under
the false assumption that I give a shit.
Like I really don't want to feed into it at all.
It's so annoying.
Um, geez, I was going to say into it at all. Yeah. It's so, it's so annoying.
Geez. I was going to say the most boring thing imaginable.
Come on. I'm ready. I'm ready.
Why is it worse? It can't be worse than my house update.
Anything interesting.
Tell you guys what I had for dinner last night.
Talk about the weather for a bit and then tell us about your dinner. Oh my God.
No, tell us what you've got.
This is what is happening.
I'm on the edge of my seat here.
I think we're all just, we all just had a really quiet start to the year.
I genuinely was.
I was genuinely feeling miserable.
It's going to be bread and water.
Wait for it.
So my, uh, so Mrs. F did beef bourguignon in the slow cooker.
Okay. Oh, that's well, that's. F did beef bourguignon in the slow cooker. Okay.
Oh, that's well, that's-
It was really good.
She got up at 6 a.m. to get it going.
And then she got ready for work and all the rest of it.
So I got up at seven because it kind of woke me up.
And I could already smell it permeating the house and all day you could smell this beautiful
beef bourguignon all throughout the house.
And then we had it with the basmati rice because it soaks up the gravy. It was fabulous. It was so,
so, so good. Everybody absolutely cleaned their plate. And we were watching our favourite TV show
at the moment, which is Pop Culture Jeopardy, which is on Prime, posted by Colin Jost.
Jason Vale Right.
Jason Vale And it's Jeopardy, but the questions are all like stupid pop culture shit.
So it's really fun and easy. You can watch it with the kids because there's questions about
YouTube and TikTok and games and movies that they've seen and stuff. Instead of just being
the capital of which state rhymes with pedophile, you know, that kind of thing.
Right. What is that?
What's the answer to that?
I don't know.
Well, yeah, that's I didn't get that one.
Metafile, Arizona.
I guess I'll give some, I can always think of something to yap about, but, um, so I've
been on Sertraline forine for let me see two months.
Right. Coming up on the end of two months.
And I'm about to run out of tablets, which means I will have finished my course.
And I've got one tablet left and then I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow.
And we're going to talk about getting, you know, keeping me on it,
because once you're on it, you got to stay on it for a while.
And I think they need to up the dose, because I've noticed as I've worked
my way through the course that it's having less effect and I'm starting
to feel kind of shitty again.
So I will say if you are on or thinking of taking or might be prescribed
sertraline, it's a bit of a roller coaster initially, but it did help me greatly.
And I recommend it.
Someone someone said to me, I think it was in Twitch chat.
They said that the NHS is defaults setting for someone's either panicky, depressed, overly worried,
whatever it is, surgery. It's like your go to prescription for anything brain related
that your GP just like rubber stamps it out you go. So that's that. But in other medical
news, my daughter had to get a blood test and they don't do it at
our GP because she's still a child.
So we had to take her to a nearby hospital.
She brought her girlfriend with her because she was super nervous and didn't want me in
the room because she was like she just wanted to be her thing.
She goes in there and the nurse is like, well, look, I'm sorry, you're going to have to come
in because they're underage.
I was like, fair enough.
So I stood with my back to the procedure because she was just like, the last time that we had
an injection was when we got her jabs for her vaccinations and stuff.
And she was so scared of the needles.
I was there holding her hand and it was kind of a traumatic experience for her.
So I think she wanted to not see my face again when she was getting jabbed in the arm.
But it was over before she knew it. And she was like, wow, what was I worried about?
I was like, exactly like the GP said to us, look, if you fall in and scratch your knee, it's way worse.
But we talked about it a bit. And if you imagine it, if I said to you that some at some point today, you might fall over and
scratch your knee. That's not too bad.
But if I came at you with something and said, I'm going to scratch your knee up as if you've fallen over,
for some reason that would be scarier and hurt more. Like the anticipation of I am about
to do this painful thing to you that got in her brain and she sort of couldn't shake that
off. But yeah, it turns out vitamin D deficient, just like her old man. So we're going to go
and get some, some supplements. Well, we all are. Everyone's VD deficient.
Yeah, but she's like me severely. Um, because we just fucking gamers. Like we just stay
inside and fucking play video games all day. So yeah, she, she's a degenerate like me,
Everyone should be having vitamin D in the UK between November and February. Cause there's
no, you don't get it outside. The, the tons too low in the sky. You just don't get any vitamin D in that period of time. And so everyone should be supplementing.
And so that's normal, right? That's not just you. But other things do sort of help the
uptake of it. There are certain foods you can eat, which will help you get actually
get it into you. Because it's not just about taking it. It's about like finding ways to actually get it into your system and certain, certain other things
like green vegetables help boost that, that uptake and stuff. So eat your greens as well.
That's another thing. Definitely got to do that. So I mean, good luck to you with this
With what?
Well, it's, it's, it's a bit of a frightening idea that your, I guess, endurance, what's it called?
Wait, are you doing a big up?
No, obviously you're taking this, your body's getting used to it.
Your tolerance is increasing towards...
Oh, you mean the sertraline.
Which I guess, I don't know anything about it.
A friend of mine was prescribed it for a short period of time. It was like
a crisis thing and they were kind of better afterwards. I don't think you're supposed
to take it for the rest of your life probably.
No, it's generally, I think it's certainly, I think about a year is what I've heard is
that people are on it for some time. And then coming off it again is quite difficult. But
hopefully you've fixed the things in your life that are giving you anxiety. Yeah.
So, yes, it's a pretty crazy thing.
Another bit of news, TI this year, the International in Dote fans, is gonna be in Hamburg.
Okay, nice!
Which is, so, it's in Europe again, which is, I don't know if they've ever done that
other than have it in America multiple times.
So it was in Germany for the first one, then it was in Seattle, and then it started traveling
around the world. ALICE And are you attending? ALICE And it was always different for the first one, then it was in Seattle, and then it started travelling around the world.
And are you attending?
I hope so, I have no idea.
Oh, they've announced it but they haven't reached out to the talent.
When's the Climate Pledge Arena supposed to be fixed?
It's fixed!
Oh, why are they not doing it there?
They did it there. They did it there, but then they went back to moving around. So the
one at Climate Pledge, what a stadium. Holy shit.
It's unbelievably fancy. It's beautiful.
Oh yeah, and it's right next to Valve's office. They love doing it there.
Sort of right next to it. You can see it from Valve's office.
No. I was there.
No. I mean, unless you're saying, like, it's over there next to the... Like, it's not next
to it. Maybe it's visible because Valve's offices are very high up.
Yeah. But it's not right next to it. It's away. It's like the other side of Seattle from Bellevue. It's not right next to it. It's maybe it's visible because Valve's offices are very high up. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's a way.
It's like the other side of Seattle from Bellevue.
It's not like next to it.
Oh, really?
All right.
I'm I thinking of something I must be thinking of something else near it.
All right.
But yeah, it's on their doorstep.
But yes, it's like, literally they don't need to travel.
When we went to the Space Needle, Lewis, remember we went to that Nirvana Museum and they had
the Marvel Museum.
That was all like in and around there.
And then when we went to Jim Chihuly's dildo emporium, that was around there as well.
Jim Chihuly.
Jim Chihuly.
What a lad.
I know I got, I got a, I got a, Louis, I don't know where you went.
Was it Florida?
You got a, you got a mini Jim Chihuly.
It's in my bathroom right now.
I look at it every time I piss.
And you pop it up your bum.
I think Jim would have liked that.
I think Jim would have liked that.
It could help the flow, you know. It's slow. Slow flow.
I think he'd like that.
For sure.
Yeah. He's probably spinning in his grave right now.
Is he dead?
Oh. But that's just how he spends his time.
Yeah. He just spins in his grave.
I don't know. Did I tell you about the...
If you're gonna say the estate agent, yes!
The incident that happened when I was on holiday with my partner over New Year.
She had an incident happened.
Are you allowed to tell us?
I don't know, maybe.
Was it criminal in nature?
You judge.
Was she arrested?
I've been watching a lot of 24 hours in police custody. Yeah, baby, what a shot.
Oh my God. Have you watched it recently?
Yeah, I've watched them all.
Did you see the two old ladies who were importing cannabis?
They were just getting packages of it from America and they're like, oh, I don't know.
What do you mean? Wait, did one come out last night?
No, this one was on on Tuesday, Monday.
No, I don't think I've seen that one.
It's this week's one because it's back. It's been I've seen that one. I saw the one in Norfolk.
It's back.
It's been back.
Yeah, yeah.
I saw the one in Norfolk about the guy they find him with fucking crystal meth in his
Oh, fuck me.
The guy with the cock rings, the big bag of cock.
That guy was something else.
He was such a weird guy.
He was so fucking weird.
What a character.
Great episode.
All right.
So there's one to watch.
We'll watch that one.
Okay, Lewis, tell us about your 24 hours in police custody.
So, we were out, it was fairly remote in the countryside in this Airbnb, and I was outside
to eat my breakfast, which was a plate of crisps from yesterday.
Sounds like a dream.
I started hearing about this.
You have it on a plate.
Why did you put it on a plate?
Well, I was just like...
What a gentleman.
What a true gentleman.
I was just like- What a gentleman. What a true gentleman.
I was just saying outside.
I'm having crisps for breakfast, but one must still maintain standards.
And I start hearing this like kind of, um, like kind of moaning or groaning.
And I was like, what's going on?
So, and then I hear like my name being shouted.
Like in moaning?
So I rushed, I rushed inside.
Yeah. I mean, hearing my name being shouted and I'm not there is weird.
Like that?
Yeah, well no, more like, in sort of, in like short, painful...
More like, Lewis, Lewis!
Like that.
Exactly like that.
So I rushed inside and I found my partner who was lying on the bathroom floor.
Oh shit.
Like, covered in sweat.
Oh no!
Like, so, like, and it was like, kinda cold in there.
And like, head to toe in sweat, like, lying on the floor.
Food poisoning?
Like, curled up and fall.
Was her boyfriend in there too?
Was it food poisoning?
It must have been food poisoning.
No, so it was period pain.
Oh my god.
Oh shit.
I know we're joking around, but that's awful.
But I was like, sort of, you know, immediately like kind of shocked and I was like trying
to get her in a more comfortable position or help her like get a cushion or like try
and get some like, try to figure out what she needed
from me. But she was just in absolute agony. Like, I'd never, and she had never seen and
had experienced it before. And I know, so I'm on my, so immediately I'm like, is this,
because she reassured me, I was like, what's going on? You know, do I need to call an ambulance or a doctor?
And she's like, I don't know.
I was like, what do you think it is?
And she's like, I think it's, I think it's, I know, I know it's period.
And so I was like, I was like, it could be like endometriosis or something like that.
Well, this is what I said.
So I said, I can, I'm going to call, call the doctor.
And she was like, uh, don't just let's give it a minute, you know,
I don't think she wanted to call anyone.
So we ended up sitting there for like, I'd say half an hour.
And it was, it was, it went in like, it was like these sort of waves of pain and it was
so bad.
It was like the, it was like the worst idea.
It was like she was giving birth or something, kind of screaming.
I mean, contractions kind of work like that too.
And I just wanted to shout out to all women who've had to experience this.
It's horrible.
It was absolutely crazy.
Oh man, that sucks.
Has that ever happened to her before?
She said it had never happened that bad before, but it was absolutely debilitating.
And after sort of half an hour, because I was obviously on my phone, I was looking at
what it could be. I was like looking at sort of, you know, things
TikToks and just chilling out.
Well after like, after like sort of half, half an hour I was, and it didn't seem to
show any side of abating. I was like, I really should have rung someone half an hour ago
kind of thing. I was feeling like, fuck. Um, and then eventually it sort of started to
get better and I managed to sort of get her into bed
instead and get her to have some ibuprofen and stuff.
Because initially...
Can I just say thank fucking god I'm not a woman.
Fuck that.
Imagine you just suddenly had like fucking huge dick pains.
Like out of nowhere all of a sudden.
Every month.
You just wouldn't be able to cope.
I watched a video where they get this electronic device.
Have you seen this thing?
It's like a pain device.
You put it on certain parts of your abdomen and it simulates period pain and you like
turn it a dial and women are like, women will try it on and be like, oh yeah? That's what it feels like. And then they get their boyfriends or husbands to do it.
And they're like oh turn it off! That's on two out of ten you pussy!
I saw a video of this they had like this big it was like this big burly firefighter and they're
like here we're going to try this on you and see what you think and he's like okay yeah sure
yo strap it on no problem yeah jack it up to ten no problem he's like
Yeah, sure. Yo, strap it on.
No problem.
Jack it up to 10.
No problem.
He's like,
So the instinct of, of managed to say, I think they're, I think they're exaggerating.
Because, you know, you think, well, how bad could it be?
It's bad.
It could be really fucking bad.
So yeah, I, uh, I, yeah. I mean, it was absolutely, I hope she's all right, but be really fucking bad. So yeah, I, yeah.
Yeah. I mean, it was absolutely, it was, it was obviously, I was looking up other people who have
this sort of similar experience where they just, they just can't fucking go into work. Do you mean
they can't like, they cannot stand up is that bad. And it is like kind of crazy really that,
so anyway, we, we, we got back and she's, um, more reminded
me of it because she's gone for a blood test today about, about it, but also we've got
some, um, methamphetamine acid or something, which is like a kind of ibuprofen, like a
stronger anti-inflammatory.
I think blood, blood test is definitely the way to go.
Cause it picks up so much stuff, you know, like it's such a good, pretty amazing, good,
good early sort of indicator, you know, there's levels of certain things they can check or whatever.
They can, you know, check your cholesterol and all that as well.
Yeah, I think that's I think it's a good show, especially if it's not something
that's happened to you before, you know, like anything, anything like that suddenly changes.
They always say this about you, like for some forms of cancer and stuff like that,
you know, like if you're if if you're bathroom, um, you know, whatever,
like you, if you, you know, if you start pooping differently or peeing
differently, anything like that, you gotta go in and get checked out.
And usually they'll just do, you know, blood tests and, and then further on from
that, all the other stuff like MRIs and shit like that. like that. But you get in early, they can find it.
And then...
This is sometimes how people end up dying a bit early as well.
It's because they just, they didn't think something was...
It's definitely an older, ah, it's nothing, kind of like...
Well, and sometimes...
A lot of people don't want to have, don't want to...
It's very easy for you to say, oh, I'm not gonna, I don't want to make a fuss or I'm
not gonna worry about it.
Or like, I don't want to worry about it. It's probably nothing. Let's just dismiss
it. Um, but I think there's usually a tipping point though, where someone is like, okay,
this was weird. Um, I should really, this is, this is really out of ordinary. Um, sometimes
something weird happens and you're like, ah, maybe I'll just take some beetroot or whatever.
But, um, but no, watch out. It's usually not just from eating beetroot.
If you're out there and you're thinking, oh, it's probably that beetroot.
It's probably not the beetroot.
Like lots of people, tons of people eat beetroot every day and there's nothing wrong with them.
So don't, I just hate when people blame beetroot.
Do you guys want a little mini quiz?
Big beetroot is not impressed.
We're coming for you.
Until the help we can get, honestly. We're fucking.
Yeah, we're, we're, we're fucking dying here. We're drowning.
You want a quiz?
If we able to beat root, I think we'd probably be healthy. Let's go.
This is Mrs S company Christmas. Uh, Do they do a quiz like a pub quiz?
This is a quiz.
The office quiz. No problem. Well, this is tough.
All right. So this is found in translation.
That's the name of the round.
So these are film titles
and the translation into other languages.
You have to tell me which film it was.
OK. Oh, for example, in Danish,
which 1971 Gene Wilder film is known as the boy who drowned
in chocolate Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Yeah, it's great. It's actually Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. They didn't call
it Charlie and Chocolate Factory. They called it Willy Wonka. Yes, Willy Wonka from the Chocolate
Factory. In French, what 1990 Catherine O'Hara film is known as? Mum, I missed the plane.
Home Alone.
In French, which 1975 Roy Scheider film is known as The Teeth of the Sea.
The Abyss.
In Hebrew, what 1986 Val Kilmer film is known as Love in the Skies?
Top Gun!
It is Top Gun.
Oh no way!
These are so funny.
Yeah, they're so good.
In Chinese, which 2013 Jennifer Lawrence film is known as United States Cheat Bureau?
Oh, I mean, I immediately think Hunger Games.
I don't think so.
Oh yeah, could be Hunger Games, right?
What else is Jennifer Lawrence in 2013? United States Cheat Bureau. I mean, I immediately think Hunger Games. Oh yeah, it could be Hunger Games, right?
What else is Jennifer Lawrence in 2013?
United States Cheat Bureau.
Bear in mind that these are not the main actors in these films.
They've quite specifically chosen another, otherwise it's too obvious.
What the hell is she in 2013?
Yeah, Jennifer Lawrence is in a 2013 film.
Very good movie.
Oh, is it American Hustle?
Well, well done.
I can't remember that movie.
Yeah, 2013.
In Norwegian, which 1988 Alan Rickman film is known as Action Skyscraper?
Die Hard.
That's Die Hard, yeah.
Which film studio produced the following films known in China as?
Super People General Mobilization, Seabed General Mobilization, Food General
Mobilization, Machine Implement People General Mobilization, Toy General Mobilization.
Is this a series of movies?
Yes, and there's one studio made all of these.
That's what they're known as in China.
Is it the Avengers?
Super People General Mobilization.
Yeah. And Seabed General Mobilization.
ALICE Seabed.
SEAN Yeah, seabed.
ALICE See, I was thinking that might be Aquaman or something.
SEAN So, if you take out the mobilization bit,
I want you to listen to these five categories and tell me.
Super People, Seabed, Food, Machine Implement People, Toy.
ALICE I have no fuckin' idea.
SEAN It's Pixar.
ALICE Oh my god.
SEAN Super People is The Incredibles.
Incredibles, yeah.
Steve Bender is Finding Nemo.
Yeah, sorry.
Food is Raptor 2.
It didn't click for me at all.
Machine Implement People is WALL-E and Toy is Toy Story.
That's a pretty tough one, actually.
I thought it was a general mobilization.
I thought this was a series of movies, though, I misunderstood.
I thought this was like films in a series, not a studio.
No, no, sorry.
Oh, that was cryptic.
Good question.
In Mexico, which 1978 John Travolta film is known as Vaseline?
Good one.
In Malaysia, which 1999 Heather Graham film is known as the spy who behaved very nicely
around me.
Oh, it's Austin Powers.
The spy who shagged me.
It is indeed.
In Finnish, well, 2008 Heath Ledger film is known as the night of the night.
One with an N one with a K.
Oh, it's the Dark Night.
Yeah, the Dark Night.
The Night of the Night.
Yeah. And then do you want to do, since my eldest has got her GCSEs coming up later this
year, these are, are you smarter than a 16 year old?
Oh wow, we are not. These are probably real hard.
Let's see how bad we are. Okay. From GCSE geography, which of the following countries has the largest
supply of uranium, Australia, USA, Japan, or UK uranium, largest supply.
What are the USA, Japan, UK?
I reckon it's probably Japan.
Are we talking in ground or mind?
Just answer the question.
I'm going to say Japan.
Just answer the question. Australia.
I'm gonna say Japan.
From GCSE Biology, which of these decreases aerobic respiration?
Less oxygen, more glucose, less water, or more CO2?
So aerobic respiration uses oxygen, right?
So what was that one of them?
Yes. So less oxygen would reduce aerobic respiration. Yes. So you was, was that one of them? Yeah. Yes.
So less oxygen would reduce aerobic respiration.
So you get a point for that.
You should get this one from GCSE chemistry.
Oh God.
What process can be used to convert long alkanes into shorter, more useful hydrocarbons,
cracking, esterification, polymerization or substitution?
Oh, okay.
I can do that.
What is it?
So you might know this.
How do you break down long chain alkanes into shorter ones?
Oh, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, youuminium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, nickel.
No, no, just iron I think.
Okay, well iron, nickel and cobalt are all magnetic.
Oh really? Iron, nickel and cobalt are all magnetic.
This is all the stuff that they teach at school.
This is hard.
This is hard.
I was not taught any of this stuff at school.
How am I supposed to know what elements are magnetic? Oh, that's tough.
From GCSE maths, express 460% as a fraction in its simplest form.
Wait, was this on your wife's Christmas quiz?
Yeah, dude.
This is such a downer. Like I would leave the party.
This sucks. What a shitty quiz.
Four and three fifths.
23 fifths.
23 fifths.
23 fifths. Yeah. Oh, I fifths. 23 fifths. Oh, I see.
So you have to do it over.
From GCSE history, which English tactic during the Spanish Armada effectively disrupted the
Spanish ship's crescent formation?
Was it using fire ships?
Was it cannon fire from a distance?
Was it Queen Elizabeth's Tilbury speech?
Or was it boarding and capturing enemy ships? Fire ships. Oh my god. No, no, no. Queen Elizabeth's Tilbury speech, or was it boarding and capturing enemy ships? ALICE Fire ships.
No, no, no.
Queen Elizabeth's speech.
At the Tilbury.
ALICE No, it's not that either.
The fourth one.
ALICE Boarding and commandeering a ship.
AARON No, it was fire ships.
What a load, Lewis.
You talked ships out of the correct answer.
ALICE I don't know what fire ships are.
I thought fire ships were ancient things from...
AARON No, no, no.
A fire ship is when you get a ship, load it with flammable ships, set fire to it, and
then you can take it out of the ship.
ALICE Oh, yeah.
So, yeah.
So, no. A fire ship is when you get a ship, load it with flammable shit, set fire
to it and just drive it towards the enemy.
Oh wow, are they still using that at Trafalgar?
Yes, they were using it. So this was the Spanish Armada, which was Elizabeth I, a bit before
Nelson's time. Okay. So this is like Francis Drake, that era. The Spanish Armada tried
to come over. If you remember, a bunch of the Spaniards like this ships sunk and we used fire ships
to sink a bunch of it's very, very famous story. Remember Francis Drake finished his
game of bowls, all that kind of stuff. Anyway, no from GCSE religious studies, which two
sacraments are recognized by Protestants? Oh God. Baptism confirmation and Eucharist.
So two out of three.
The first two. No, no, no. It's which two sacraments are
recognized by Protestants. Go again.
Baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. I think it's the first two.
I think it's the first two probably, yeah. No, it's Baptism and Eucharist.
Your confirmation is a Catholic thing. I was confirmed in Protestantism. Well you shouldn't have been, mate. I think you is a Catholic thing. If you, if you, I was confirmed in Protestantism.
Well, you shouldn't have been me.
I think you're a phony.
All right.
This, this has to be a get.
We're, we, we must know this from GCSE computer science, which search algorithm needs its
input data to be sorted into order before it can be used.
Go that again. NIGEL What?
ALICE Which search algorithm needs its input data to be sorted into order before it can be used?
ALICE There's no way that makes any sense to me, that question.
ALICE Is this a multiple...
NIGEL Yeah, yeah. So it's linear, binary, bubble or merge.
ALICE Linear.
NIGEL It's binary.
NIGEL GCSE music, right? write these notes in order from shortest to longest.
Crotchet, minim, quaver, semi, quaver, semi-breve.
Can you repeat the question please?
No, no, we'll move on.
From GCSE French, if, you've got to get this, Seps.
If ne pas denotes a negative in French, how do you express, I'll give you the words and
I want how you say it each time. No longer.
Plus jamais.
So it's ne plus.
Ne plus.
Ne rien. Never.
I don't, I can't remember.
Ne jamais.
Ne jamais.
And only.
Ne qu'est.
Man! Our parents are going to be very, very disappointed with it.
Turns out Jesus rich a lot harder than I remember.
Oh God.
I think, I think my last answer would count though as well.
You reckon?
I mean, the thing is, I think if you could do, like everyone I knew that did French at
school, even if they fucked up some of the written stuff, it was because they were a
But when it came to the spoken stuff, they could pretty much hold a conversation.
And I think in that case, they're like, I give them a B or whatever.
But most of the kids I knew that did a language got a free anyway.
Right. Do you want more or not?
I mean, yeah, go. It's really hard.
I mean, we are terrible at these.
All right. Maybe you'll get this one.
This this round is called, if you know, will you admit it?
That's the name of the round.
Which combination of Kardashians owned the Dash clothing brand?
Which combination?
Kim and Khloe Kardashian.
Oh, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney.
Oh, they all are Kourtney.
What does Pied Off mean on Love Island?
Pied Off.
I've never watched that show.
P-I-E-D. P for that. P I E D P for pepper pied off.
Why is there a thing on love Island where you get a pie in your face or something?
And you know, sadly not.
Oh, I've never watched the show.
So I have no idea.
It means the contestant has been rejected by their partner.
Oh, right.
What does the acronym?
So this question can fuck off.
What does the acronym L L A P stand for in, and this is their term, geek culture?
In geek culture?
Long live Arnold Farmer.
Long live Arnold Farmer.
It's live long and prosper.
You were so close.
Oh is it?
I have never heard anyone use that.
Fuck me man.
I've never heard anyone use that.
Like that.
Yeah, never.
Live long and prosper. You were so close. Oh, is it? I have never, never, never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever Oh, fuck. Right off. Dr. Dr. Jean, Eugene Tackleberry.
It's Derek Shappard.
Yeah, close.
In the reboot of Queer Eye, which of the Fab Five is the culture expert?
I don't know.
Anyone from the original Queer Eye or the previous one.
I've never watched Love Island.
I've never watched this one.
In Dungeons and Dragons.
OK. What is the name given to the player who takes on the moderator organizer role?
The DM, the Dungeon Master.
The Dungeon Master, we go!
I fucking did it.
I didn't even play Dungeons and Dragons, I knew that one.
These are all weird GCSE questions.
Yeah, they are weird.
What is the final challenge in an episode of The Great British Bake Off called?
A pie down.
He pied me off.
He pied me down.
The final bake.
The showstopper.
Is it the showstopper?
Jesus, I never really watched British Baker.
No, meaning the Mrs F watches it.
Alright, the final bit of quizzing.
I usually put out the showstopper at the start of the show.
They changed the channel.
You know what I mean? This round is called No, Really? Why don't you change the channel?
This round is called No, Really? Or you could say No, Really? Because this is bizarre facts. No, Really?
According to Richard Osman's analysis, in the first five years of the 1980s,
there were 146 weeks in which Bands had the number one single in the UK charts.
In the first half of the 90s, B bands held the top spot for 141 weeks.
To the end of September this year, how many weeks have bands been at number one in the
20s so far?
Or 30?
So bands have gotten the way of the history.
It's three.
Three bands have topped the charts in the 2020s so far.
The Beatles, Little Mix, and the Radio 1 live lounge All-Stars.
The Beatles?
What the heck?
Little Mix!
Yeah, I know.
It's weird to hear the Beatles and Little Mix side by side in the same thing.
Armadillos get around their lack of buoyancy by doing what in order to swim across rivers?
Curl up in a ball and float.
No, no.
They go upside down.
Like a little boat. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no In 1990, Malaysian strongman Ramasamy Lechmanar used what to pull a Boeing 737? You know what
you want to say.
A bungee cord.
His dick.
It was his hair.
His foreskin.
Typical lead pencil.
How did he do it?
A typical lead pencil is estimated to have enough lead to draw a straight line for how
many miles?
A thousand.
Seven hundred.
Thirty-five. L hundred. Thirty five.
Lads, a thousand miles!
If you were to weigh the electrons that make up the electricity that powers the internet,
would they weigh the same as an apple, a car or a house?
Well, if we were to weigh, sorry, the electrons.
That make up the electricity that powers the internet.
It would weigh the same as a house?
An apple, a car or a house.
Apple, a car or a house.
They're not very heavy.
I'm going to say, uh, a car.
It's an apple.
An apple.
It's an apple.
You didn't give me a chance.
I would have just gone for the opposite of Lewis's.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Rank these objects.
Rank these objects by number from fewest to most.
All right. Cells in the human body, trees on earth, stars in the Milky Way.
Fucking hell.
Okay. Cells in the human body, then trees on earth and then stars in the Milky Way.
Yeah. I think trees and cells the other way. I think it's trees, cells, stars.
Okay. Stars is first as the fewest, 100 to 400 billion.
There are 3 trillion trees on earth.
And there are 30 trillion cells in the human body.
I got it totally wrong too.
To the nearest percent,
what percentage of all humans to have ever lived are alive today?
So the nearest percent, I would say 50%. I would say 49%.
It's 7% lads.
I won!
There's a lot though now, right?
There's a lot more.
7% still a lot.
In 1945, a chicken called Mike survived for 18 months after having his head chopped off.
True or false?
A chicken called Mike survived for how long?
18 months.
That's too long to survive without your head.
Well, it's true.
Which British monarch was on the throne when Nintendo was founded?
Oh, it was Queen Elizabeth. I'm gonna say which British monarch was on the throne when Nintendo was founded. Oh
It was Victoria Queen Elizabeth, which wait wait, sorry, sorry Nintendo the company Nintendo No, we're not talking about consoles. We're talking about like the trading card game
We are talking about the company Nintendo when it was founded, right? It would have been the one before
Elizabeth King No, wait the one before that was King, no wait, the one before that.
George VI, you said.
How long was that?
What year are you saying?
I think it's like 1990 or something like that.
No it wasn't that far back.
Because they were making like playing cards, yeah.
Was it?
Okay, go with what you think.
It was Queen Victoria, 1889.
She was on the throne for a long fucking time.
She was.
And they're a very old company.
Alright, last question.
I was on the throne for quite some time yesterday as well.
You should have taken the Jim Chihuly out.
It was blocking it all up.
Which planet has a day longer than its year?
Which planet has a day longer than its year? So hang on. So it rotates so slowly.
Yeah. Jupiter.
What would it be? Saturn.
Rotates so slowly. Oh, fuck. I don't actually know. I would guess.
If you think about it, you'll figure it out. Mars.
Let's say, let's say Mercury. Mercury.
You were close. It was Venus. I don't think Mercury rotates at all.
If I remember rightly it's tidally locked.
I think one face of it.
I'll check that.
Is that why Venus is so hot?
Because it faces the sun longer and gets hot.
I like the...
No, it's its atmosphere.
Of all these questions I like the movie ones the best.
Because I got a lot of them right.
So Mercury has the most eccentric orbit of all the planets.
It has a crazy all over the place.
Axial tilt is almost zero, so it's just rigidly there.
I'm just wondering if it orbits, if it actually turns around.
Does Mercury rotate?
It also has no moons, because it rotates when it's axis.
Very slowly.
Sorry. Taking 58 days to complete one rotation. My bad. So Venus is actually even slower.
But I guess the fact that the sun is there means it's, you know, you can't get up much
momentum and actually rotate because you're just getting dragged by the both sides. All
the sides you get equally getting dragged by the sun. Cool questions. Anyway, I'm well
wrong. Apologies, physicists. I'm stumbling to try and explain what I mean.
I like, I like quiz questions that are difficult to Google up. But then again,
actually you could have Googled up any of these, I guess.
You could, but that was why we did the quiz that we did when I was down at Christmas.
Trivia shots, which is where you have to come up with something like I did this with you guys on
an earlier episode, how many pints of Guinness are sold every year, right? Like you have to come up with something like, I did this with you guys on an earlier episode, how many pints of Guinness are sold every year, right? Like you have to estimate it. So it's not
a fact, it's something you have to estimate. And then you look up the result and the person who was
furthest away has to take a shot. That's trivia shots. Very messy game, but a lot of fun anyway.
This was, listen, none of us have done anything this week, all right? We're all recovering from
Christmas and New Year, just like you are. Yeah.
And we apologize for the fact that we had to fill half an hour of time with a quiz.
That was from Christmas.
It happens from time to time.
Our quiz.
It was Mrs. F's company quiz.
It was.
But I hope you had fun.
It was a good one.
It was a good one until all the hard questions started.
I think it was good.
The movie translate one was was good.
And then that was more like a vibe. Yeah, I think so. I like the movie translate one was good. And then-
That was more like our vibe.
Yeah, I think so.
I like an easy quiz.
I like something that I can feel smart doing.
Of course.
The other half of that made me feel really dumb.
Well, then I can recommend, you know, the show is talking about pop culture jeopardy.
A lot of fun.
A lot of fun.
Yeah. Alright, anyway, I guess that's our episode. Yeah. Yeah. I've got a few, uh, loose news. So we talked about,
did you see Elon Musk has sort of quietly admitted that he did cheat in part of it?
He said he's not going to apologize because why would he apologize? He has admitted to
boosting and real money trading for items as well.
Oh, I thought you meant the election.
You mean path of exile.
Yeah, path of exile.
In games, sorry.
And so he said, was it your intention to take full credit for leveling your hardcore characters?
He said, no, I never claimed it.
The top accounts require multiple people playing to win a race. So
what would I be apologizing for?" So he's basically saying, all the best people pay
for it. So I, what am I, I'm, how am I any different? He doesn't seem apologetic at
all about it.
Why would he be?
No, I suppose he's...
I mean, he's gonna... You could catch him literally doing anything and he would say,
no, no, no,
you're wrong. And his supporters would say the same.
I mean, we just saw him throw a very clear fascist salute and everybody's like,
he's giving his heart to the crowd.
And then I've seen all these memes going around of other people,
like Democratic people doing that in the same pose.
Watch the video of him and watch the video of their wave,
because they're not showing the video of, of say Kamala Harris waving at the crowd.
It doesn't matter.
They've taken a still image of it where they are now.
You can't reason it.
They don't care.
But there's no argument against it.
It was a fucking fascist salute and you know it.
Fuck Elon Musk.
End of story.
Just don't use any of his shit and move on.
Don't buy his cars.
Sadly, I think he's going to buy everything.
It doesn't matter.
Just keep not using it and hopefully it goes away.
Anyway, next?
Next, uh, okay.
Popular indie FPS fortunes run.
Never heard of it.
Never heard of it.
Won't be seeing any updates for a while, because the solo developer is going to spend three
years behind bars.
Oh shit!
So, god knows. What? Oh shit! Yeah. So, God knows what he's done.
But yeah.
That is, I guess...
It's not...
It's uplifting news.
His identity and the crime for which he's been incarcerated are not known to the public.
He's just gonna be away and unable to update his game.
His sentence is the result of violence.
I was a very violent person and I hurt a lot of people in my life.
Jesus Christ.
So yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's, if you've heard of that game,
and you get any updates for a while. A student with zero experience has tried to build a fusion
reactor in his bedroom using AR.
tried to build a fusion reactor in his bedroom using AR.
I wonder if he ordered parts off of...
Tmoo! Yeah, the place from the mailbag. What was it? Aliexpress.
I wonder if he ordered some chargers and...
He just ordered a fusion reactor.
He's trying to keep the costs down.
Please send me a fusion reactor.
It'll be there in a week.
It was three pence.
So yeah, apparently guidance from Anthropix Claude 3.5 Sonnet AI Assistant allowed him
to just fucking do it.
So he's actually accomplished it.
I think he did achieve some degree of fusion, yes.
Isn't it dangerous to maybe...
Very dangerous, I'm sure.
Is it dangerous to do that in your bedroom?
Could your bedroom catch fire, for example?
It depends what he's doing.
What if he opens a portal to another dimension, accidentally?
Look, fusion doesn't necessarily mean it's generating power, right?
Most of these fusion reactors nowadays, for recent years, take more power to run the fusion
reaction than they create.
Do you think that maybe he was inspired by watching the Fallout series that was on?
God knows what's inspired.
Some people do this crazy shit in the hobbies.
It's like I was saying earlier, you just watch a YouTube video, you ask AI and you can make
your own Fusion Reactor.
So there is a little bit more to it.
You can look up the story.
There's a website called News for Kids.
So if you just Google student bills, fusion reactor,
he basically did quite a lot of this at school and had assistance from the physics
teachers. And the teachers were like, yeah, we'll help you.
You had an advisor helping out.
So it wasn't just this kid in bedroom bills, fusion reactor.
And it just got to the point where it created plasma.
But it was obviously a fucking fusion reactor because I'd be insane.
Would you guys agree that maybe this is the equivalent to our...
Do you remember getting that issue of Nintendo Power when you were a kid and there was the
guy who beat...
Had a high score in Super Mario Brothers and he played with his feet?
Maybe it's like this generation's answer to that, you know?
We were so amazed that this guy could beat Super Mario with his feet and a controller.
Who we, none of us know the name of.
No, we don't know the name of him.
And I never saw Nintendo Power, I think it was an American North American publication.
Oh, I used to have a subscription to it.
Oh, it was incredible.
What a great magazine.
Maybe it did come out over here.
In fact, no, it did come out over here, I'm pretty sure.
But yeah, do you think that that's maybe the equivalent?
Sure. The maybe the equivalent?
The modern day equivalent?
It's not as cool. He was hanging around with his teachers. Different times though. It's a different time. Yeah, but good. I mean,
isn't that every parent's dream?
Yeah, but that's not a kid's dream.
He got so involved at school that he created his own fusion reactor in his bedroom.
Other kids have always celebrated other kids' academic achievements. Always.
What's that one? What's that show? Young Sheldon. Fuck off. in his bedroom. Right. Other kids have always celebrated other kids' academic achievements. Always.
What's that one, what's that show, Young Sheldon?
Fuck off.
That's it, it's like that.
Young Sheldon can do that shit in his bedroom too.
I think.
I've never watched it before.
There's this guy...
No, me neither.
There's this guy who, Brian Johnson, he's put a Netflix documentary out called Don't
Die, the man who wants to live forever.
Oh yeah, I remember hearing about this.
He's quit now, apparently.
There's a few of these billionaires who do things.
He died.
No, he didn't die, but he...
I think he realised that the stuff he was doing was probably just going to kill him
quicker than...
Yes, so in fact, that is one of the things he's...
He stopped.
I mean, a lot of people, a lot of billionaires have like blood boys or whatever who they get plasma transfusions from to try and de-age themselves.
People are insane.
I know. And rich. This is the problem. But this guy, particularly Brian Johnson, I think
he's, he's, he's, he's got like all of these different, he takes 54 different supplements
every day. Including some pretty weird ones. And so he's trying to be young as young as he can.
And I think he's obviously living, trying to live very healthily.
But he obviously, apparently he spends around 2 million pounds every year on anti-aging
and health, right?
Good for him.
He has stopped taking one particular drug recently because apparently it was making
him grow older rather than younger.
But I mean, when you're taking that many things, who fucking knows?
It's all just bollocks, isn't it?
A lot of it.
So, I don't know.
I talked to you about this before, but Mini got an offer for a brand deal for a hair transplant
in Turkey.
Yes, yeah, you told us. an offer for a brand deal for a hair transplant in Turkey.
And he did a great fucking vlog of him going there to have it done, which was honestly
very funny.
And we talked about how we wouldn't recommend it.
But off the back of that, someone emailed me saying, would I be interested in a sponsored
hair transplant?
And I wasn't really sure quite how to take it.
Because I think my hairline's
not too bad. Um, I mean, I'll joke about being old and stuff, but I, I'm, you know, I'm not,
you draw the line somewhere and that line just happens to be your hairline.
Or someone has obviously looked at me and thought I could use some work. Um,
I think your hair is, you know, it could be better. Exactly. I wouldn't, I wouldn't touch it.
I do have a vein streak running through me,
like all humans do, and I care about how I look. And so, you know, part of me is thinking,
we get it. Part of me is thinking, maybe I could look better, but also part of me is thinking,
I don't want people to judge me. You know, I do want to grow. I want to look my age and act
gracefully. Who am I kidding? I don't need to do this, you know?
So I will send a nice reply saying thanks but no thanks.
But I'm not gonna, I might get back to you.
If I lose all my hair in the next couple of years, I'll get back to you.
Well, by then it's too late.
You want to get in there before you lose all of it, you know?
You want to try to get in there before you start losing too much of it.
And then, you know, because you'll still lose it anyway, but this will just sort of like...
You won't go from like, I have hair one day to I'm fucking Milhouse Van Houten's dad bald
the next day, you know?
You'll have some more...
There's more like lead up, you know?
More fudge factor.
It'll buy you more time.
Sort of thing.
So finally...
Unless you're James Nesbit.
Some mysterious shit balls have been washing up on Australian beaches in Australian Sydney.
Some weird...
Another reason never to go to Australia.
Did you say shit balls?
Shit balls, yeah.
Apparently nine beaches in Sydney have been closed by authorities this week after white
grey ball shaped debris has washed up along
the shore. Lots of different marble sized balls that have been full of fecal bacteria
and E. coli and gross stuff. Where the fuck they've come from? We don't know. Maybe it's
dumping out of sewage that's gone funny, who knows.
I reckon that Poseidon and the other denizens of the ocean have had enough and they decided
to take all the shit that we dump in the ocean and dump it back on the lamp.
Yeah, go fuck yourself, here's your shit, wrapped neatly into balls, and they just dump
it all back on the shore.
King Neptune and King Trident and the little mermaid are disgusted with your behavior and
they're not having it anymore.
They're protesting down there.
They're saying, Australia, stop taking dumps in our ocean.
We're trying to live down here and have adventures and sing songs.
We can't sing the songs when we've got poop balls stuck in our mouth.
Well, good for them.
Um, there you go.
That's, that's all I got.
So, uh, that's, that's us for this week.
Thank you everyone.
I got some news as well.
Just before me, we go.
My three year old daughter, um, full on puked on the kitchen floor last night.
Walked into the kitchen, said, mama, and then blah, everywhere.
So yeah, it happens.
It happens.
It was crap.
There was this splatter was the worst.
It went everywhere.
It's, oh God, there's little specks of puke just everywhere.
Like it took forever to clean it.
Anyway, anyway, if you think of having kids, prepare yourselves for a gigantic kitchen puke, or even worse.
Let's say goodbye.
Thank you, everyone.
See you next time.