Triforce! - Triforce! #80: Artisan Donuts

Episode Date: October 24, 2018

Triforce! Episode 80! Pyrion is Global Warming ready, Sips wants some artisan donuts and Lewis has some great ideas. Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Please play responsibly. Behold the DQ Freezer, an extraordinary freezer holding all the Blizzard flavors of the past. It's opening to bring back rollo and brownie batter grab them before the dq freezer closes only a dq happy tastes good hello everyone and welcome back to the Triforce Podcast with me and Sips and Perion. I was a fucking, there was a full stop between me and Sips. Full stop and Perion. I didn't leave any space. I think I just fucking go for it.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You've got to leave room for the applause, that's why. You have to imagine that you're on a stage in front of a crowd of about half a dozen people. And you know know when you say the names the crowd erupts. Yeah true. With applause they love it. So I'm hungover. Woo! Hungover? Yeah I was still a little drunk when I woke up this morning. Oh my god what did you do last night? I just went out to the pub. Oktoberfest. Well jeez. I went out to the pub with my mates um who hadn't seen him in a while oh yeah and uh because you know they have real jobs and none of us live near each other we're all over careful
Starting point is 00:01:49 lewis might get jealous just careful tread carefully okay so i've been cutting down on the old uh midweek drinking right which is something i would drink like pretty much every day to have a have a couple of ciders while i was streaming just to unwind and everything sure and uh and i was like you know what this probably isn't healthy so um i've cut back on on that so i've i've de-fortified my body um towards alcohol i guess so i had like i think i had like five pints um in fairly short order and then i got the train home and i bought a burger and i couldn't eat it on the train because i hate eating in front of other people in public transport so i thought i'll have it when i get in yeah so i got home and i was having having a bite of my burger i was like jesus i better go to bed so i had like two bites of it went to bed woke up still pretty drunk when
Starting point is 00:02:34 i was looking after the kids in the morning which isn't a good thing um so i'm feeling a bit delicate but i haven't been hung over in ages and i've forgotten how fucking crappy it is was the burger half eaten like on your bedside table? I had a little bit more this morning. Of course, yeah. Jesus. That's where it goes, yeah. Was it one of those burgers that they just overfill
Starting point is 00:02:52 and like everything runs out of it? Where you take a bite, just like a bunch of shit falls out the back of it? Sadly not. It was a Burger King burger. There's a Burger King at Waterloo and I got it from there. I don't even remember buying it, honestly.
Starting point is 00:03:04 They do a pretty tight burger, actually. They they're like all contained like nothing really drips yeah it's all very very uh manufactured well you know what i was thinking about this the other day burger king is probably one of the most depressing burger chains that's still left they don't feel like the king somehow do you know i feel it's a it's a The honorific needs to be adjusted to just burger. Burger pauper. Burger peasant. Burger peasant. Burger peasant. They've definitely entered this world of burger hipsters, though, right?
Starting point is 00:03:33 Or at least it felt like that. Like Five Guys sort of felt much premium and gourmet burger. Yeah, Burger King did feel like it was a better quality burger than McDonald's, even though it's probably not. Back in the day. It seemed like it. But now it's been surpassed. And their menu doesn't seem to have changed in a very long time.
Starting point is 00:03:49 It's been squeezed down. Yeah. And also now, I mean, the Burger King in Twickenham is just the most sad place. There's like two people in there ever. It's big and dingy and dark. There's only ever one person working on the counter because they're so quiet.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I just feel like, you know, McDonald's at least listened to people saying the McDonald's. person working on the counter because they're so quiet i just feel i feel like you know mcdonald's at least listened to people saying the mcdonald's mcdonald's was like burger king is now a few years ago and then they thought you know what let's jazz everything up and they've got like it's much brighter in there now when you go to mcdonald's it's quite fancy looking compared to the way it used to fuck me i i had a mcdonald's birthday when i was a kid. Wasn't it special back then? It was really special. It was so special. Yeah, back when they had Ronald McDonald,
Starting point is 00:04:30 but now where's he? Everyone in my class wanted to come with me to that McDonald's birthday. That's when I had friends, guys. That was the last time. That's what it takes. Remember they had Grimace and Hamburglar? Yeah, Hamburglar. They just wanted to come with me for the chicken nuggets
Starting point is 00:04:46 yeah whatever yeah i used to like uh mcdonald's chicken nuggets back in the day chicken sweet and sour sauce they're still good honestly yeah now it's now you can get chicken selects which is just breaded chicken but the nuggets are still still pretty dank yeah i mean again like it's funny how we talk so fondly of burgers and nuggets when they are kind of the epitome of of manufactured meat oh it's horrible yeah gross processed meat yeah it's like um why why do we have i mean even the word gourmet in front of a burger feels like it does it has no effect on some people though some people just don't don't give a shit like i went to hollywood with um
Starting point is 00:05:25 terps to do this thing for hearthstone and we were there with trump you know uh trump the yeah not the president the streamer and uh trump and terps bought 50 chicken nuggets in a huge box these are the best chicken nuggets yeah and they and they ate them together uh and i just i drink in a milkshake and watching this happening. And both of those guys are just completely, they don't give a fuck about processed meat at all. They're just like, yeah, whatever. Give me the nuggets. The thing is, it is fucking delicious. Well, yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 But they put a lot of like different shit into them, right? Like there's sugar in there and stuff. And like, you know know there's even sugar in their fries or at least there used to be and like nature can't compete yeah you know yeah nature has had plenty of time to try and make a chicken delicious over the years right yeah over millions of generations people think things have been eating chickens and we've been breeding them to be more and more delicious uh you know domesticated we've been plumping them up yeah we've been feeding them all sorts of stuff different things yeah i know we've been plumping them up yeah we've been feeding them
Starting point is 00:06:25 all sorts of stuff different things yeah i know we've fucking fed if we could feed chickens like i don't know if we could feed chickens like dog shit okay and it made them even more delicious that would be on the fucking fucking shelf in in fucking wait wait chose it says organically fucking there'd be legislation that stated like the moment a shit leaves your dog's asshole outside it becomes property of the state as well exactly, and people would be scooping that shit up
Starting point is 00:06:53 you'd be able to put it in a little doggy bag and instead of a doggy bin you'd have a post bin, right, where you'd post it to the fucking factory where they would sell luxury made dog shit, and people would eat the shit out of it. Well, that would be a lot better than people who leave their dog shits in the park
Starting point is 00:07:09 for my kids to fall face first into. I hate that so much. It's so annoying. Like fucking, I get that people like dogs and they want to have dogs and stuff, but holy shit, if it takes a shit outside, just clean it up.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Like do the trick where you put your hand in the bag inside out and then, mean i know i know some people use the bare hand like i get it like that's gross use the little scoopy thing or a piece of card if you touch dog shit it's what that's not even that's not even an urban myth go going blind from touching dogs it's dangerous yeah cat shit is bad too cats are i think cats are the worst because people let their cats outside and their cats just roam around everywhere shitting. They shit all over my lawn. Like, every fucking day there's cat shit in my backyard. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I think you can get toxoplasmosis. That was in Trainspotting. The guy got toxoplasmosis from all the cat shit lying around. We're not meant to live next to poop it's a bad thing and that's the thing these animals like well i don't even know like dude did dogs live in the wild like before we started breeding them and stuff like what what were dogs before they became ultra domesticated and bred for domestication they were just wolves like well what about like jack russell carriers like that're man-made right they're well they're selectively bred there were no wild jack
Starting point is 00:08:30 russells no yeah that's what i'm saying like it's it's crazy right that they the same thing oh my god look at that in the forest over there a pack of wild jack russells it's the same thing it's the same thing with um with guinea pigs you know little guinea pigs that you buy from the store apparently their gene pool is is super super weak now because of all the breeding and stuff that they've done. And a lot of them seem healthy at first, but their lifespan is like super reduced to like three, four years, where they should live about seven or eight years because they just come with all of these genetic problems because of all the inbreeding and stuff like that. It's kind of sad, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Yeah, it is. They're really cute. They're small and cute, and they're great little pets and stuff, too. It's a ship pet. They do nothing. Oh, come on. If you're going to get a pet, they're the easiest.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You don't really have to do anything. They don't even really want to see you. Yeah, but they don't do anything either. Exactly. They just live in a box. I feel bad because they just live in a box. They should be running wild in Peru or wherever they're from. Oh, no. They're preyed upon by pretty much every other animal, so they're safer in a box i feel bad because they just live in a box they should be running wild in peru or wherever they're from oh no they're preyed upon by pretty much every other animal they're safer in a box
Starting point is 00:09:29 they're used to that animals are used to that they've evolved to deal with the fact that they're just going to get eaten a lot of the time well this is the thing i was talking about to people like i think that for people who have like pets these things is the thing is that these guinea pigs now have been so and birds too like domestic like pet birds yeah i mean so domesticated over hundreds well in some cases thousands of years i mean like yeah but that's it it's been it's been going on for a long ass time domesticated cats didn't they yeah i think it was i think it was obviously like south americans who domesticated guinea pigs and i think it was fucking like thousands of years ago that it happened. Hundreds of thousands.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I doubt it. Not thousands. No one had pets. They had the choice back then of whether or not they were going to domesticate a dinosaur or a guinea pig. And then they just sort of weighed it up and they thought, this T-Rex isn't going to fit in my backyard. Maybe I'll just go for the guinea pig, you know. It's easier. It's easier.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And they're just not good to survive. They can't survive on their own. Not really, no. You know, if it was a zombie apocalypse, they'd all die out with us. You know what I read the other day? That grass was not around when the dinosaurs were around. I assume that's what dinosaurs ate, but they didn't. They ate ferns and things.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Grass is like a thing that became very popular in the 50s, I think it was, when they started making uh big suburbs in america they built for grass um like shot up and it's a it's a european thing i think they they actually started growing uh grass from specific grains to make like you know like lawn grass or whatever uh but then it became like this this this thing in America where everybody had to have like manicured properties and stuff like that. So it was very sought after. And that's why there's so much grass now.
Starting point is 00:11:12 It was the voice of the people. It was the demand. People wanted to have nice Wisteria Lane like houses. You know, they wanted to have these big suburban houses with nice lawns that the guy could mow the grass on the weekend after a hard week of working at the stapler factory back in the 1950s. Middle America.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah, it was, it all came from that, and then that sort of just became the... Hey, Joe! Oh, hi, Mark, how are you? Oh, it became like the norm. How's the stapler factory going? Oh, well, Mark. It became this sort of status quo. It became like the norm. How's the stapler factory going? Oh, well, Pam stapled her face to the staple machine last week. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I'm sorry to hear that. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's just her eyelids are just stapled shut now. It's just a disaster. Poor Pam. Poor Pam. Poor Pam. God damn.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Well, see you. Oh, bye. How's she gonna... This is the 50s, right? How the hell is she gonna do the dishes now? She won't be able to see all the stuff on the... That's right. On the dishes, Pam.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Actually, she wouldn't work at the Staple... Oh, yeah. If she's working at the Staple factory, maybe things are different. I don't know. Maybe. Who knows? But, yeah, that's where... That's the story of grass.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Is grass good? That's my question. Is it good for the world of grass. Is grass good? That's my question. Is it good for the world? Grass? Is it? Yeah. Well, yeah. Is it like, does it stop kind of the dust bowl?
Starting point is 00:12:32 Do you know what I mean? Does it like, does growing grass on this land stop it becoming kind of just. Here's the, here's things that grass does. Okay. Yeah. Looks nice. Yeah. It provides food for a shitload of animals.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah. Yeah. Looks nice. Yeah. It provides food for a shitload of animals. Yeah. Right. Um, it, it binds soil together, like you were saying, to prevent it just blowing away. Cause the top layer of soil would just blow away. Yeah. You get to play football on it. Provides a nice place for wild dogs and cats to shit on. Is it good for greenhouse, greenhouse effect as well? Is it like, well, it's a plant. Is it a good reflector? No,ctor no it's um what do you mean greenhouse effect he means is it does it absorb carbon i guess uh no i mean like does it work like as a does it work as a reflector because a lot of stuff isn't really very reflective like modern urbanization is sort of a heat sink it makes the earth hotter i think clouds are the main source of reflection honestly yeah it's all the gas in the air that's the reflective stuff like the it's all it's it's basically like the greenhouse gases are what are reflecting all the all the
Starting point is 00:13:31 shit down onto the earth where it wouldn't normally so no the greenhouse gases keep the heat in this is the problem no they're like it's like a big blankie yeah i think that's the that i think that's the misconception i think that people, because it's called the greenhouse effect, everybody assumes that it keeps the heat in. But I think the gases in the atmosphere that are there in abundance now, which they never used to be from burning like fossil fuels and stuff like that, they help reflect the energy of the sun down onto the earth more so. How would they do that?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Sort of thing. That doesn't make sense. I don't know, man. I'm not a scientist, but that's how it works. Yeah, but I don't think you're right. Well, look it up! I think you're wrong. I will. Look, I just- Look it up right now, I'm right, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Greenhouse effect. Research- research confirms that- The trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun, than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface. Oh, God, here, hang on a second, let me find this thing. I was reading about this recently, this is why, this is why, okay, the greenhouse effect, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:38 Are you ready for this? The greenhouse effect. Solar, wait, wait, wait, I'm reading it. Solar radiation passes through the atmosphere, that's incoming solar radiation from the sun. About half the solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface. Then it bounces back. Radiation is converted to heat energy, causing the emission of
Starting point is 00:14:53 long-wave infrared radiation back to the atmosphere. Some of the infrared radiation is absorbed and re-emitted by the greenhouse gas molecules. That's what you're referring to, I think. Some of the solar radiation is reflected by the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. Some of the infrared radiation passes through the atmosphere and out into space. If a planet's atmosphere contains radiatively active gases, i.e. greenhouse gases, they will radiate energy in all directions. Part of this radiation is
Starting point is 00:15:19 directed towards the surface, warming it. The intensity of the downward radiation, that is, the strength of the greenhouse effect, will depend on the atmosphere's temperature and on the amount of greenhouse gases that the atmosphere contains. Earth's natural greenhouse effect is critical to supporting life human activities. Mainly the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests have strengthened the greenhouse effect and caused global warming. The term greenhouse effect arose from a faulty analogy with the effect of sunlight passing through glass and warming a greenhouse the way a greenhouse retains heat is fundamentally different as greenhouse works mostly by reducing air flows that the warm air is kept inside oh so why'd they give it a shit
Starting point is 00:15:55 name because fucking people are stupid that's why it sounds better right and it's it's easier for people that don't know what it is to understand right like they called it everybody knows that a greenhouse is warm but they shouldn't call it global warming either because the problem is it's then people say but it's cold like climate change is a better name right here's a question our greenhouse is good for the green greenhouse effect our greenhouse is good for the greenhouse effect i don't think trapping warm air inside a very small building in your backyard uh to help you grow tomatoes is part of the problem really right i don't think it has any you know one of the solutions i'm not an expert though well neither am i because i was dead wrong well let's look it up and read out one of the solutions they had i remember reading this a while back, some scientist, I always imagine when they have these meetings in the government,
Starting point is 00:16:48 they're like, all right, Mr. President, we have our top scientific advisor here, Mr. Nordstrom. Mr. Nordstrom, would you please share your findings? Yeah, I have an idea, Mr. President. We must build a giant mirror and put it in space to reflect some of the sunlight away from the earth It would cost merely 10 billion dollars and 50 years to build this giant mirror But they were thinking of doing it building a big fucking metal disc that unfurls in space to reflect some of the sunlight from the earth back and
Starting point is 00:17:19 Sunlight because apparently if we could adjust up like two or three percent of the sunlight hitting the earth it would counteract a lot of the warming effect. Yeah. But I think the reason they didn't want to do it is because people would stick a big mirror in space and go, problem solved, and just fucking leave it there. Even though there's more problems than just the sun. Like the problem is we shouldn't be pumping all this shit into the atmosphere and polluting and everything like that. Like let's solve that problem rather than build a giant fucking mirror and pretend we've solved i mean jesus christ yeah that's the thing like i
Starting point is 00:17:48 mean there's there's a lot of like very smart people all over this now and have been for years and stuff and like i think they've made recommendations that have pretty much been ignored um there's certain things that they that they changed over the years like the like it was what is it was it cfcs the um yeah they banned those yeah and then they and then instead that they used hfcs which they've now banned as well because of the effect on like ozone which is like you know the the holes in the ozone layer and stuff like that so they've they've made some steps but like you know still the fact that we're just like belching out tons of fucking carbon like you know by refining
Starting point is 00:18:33 oil and you know what driving cars and container ships container ships are a big problem too if you look at the top 20 like the 20 biggest container ships in the world is so fucking big and use such horrible fuel that those 20 ships alone produces much pollution or more than all the cars in the world chuck out so these things are just running all the fucking time yeah huge things think how big their engines are and the fuel they use is like they don't just stick diesel in there or something they're sticking like god knows what in there and we've just got all this shit that we're just thinking you know what it's fine this won't harm anything but i think one of one of the problems with grass as well and i think i think mostly it's pretty good but i think one of the things that people are concerned about with grass is that the amount of fresh water that
Starting point is 00:19:18 grass tends to consume from people like watering their lawns and stuff you know especially if it's dry or whatever it's like it's like a lot of fresh water used for something oh they do that in hollywood a lot don't they that's a big thing just looks looks nice you know what i mean like it's it doesn't really serve any other purpose other than to like look pretty good and you know your kids can play on it your sheep can eat your sheep can yeah your sheep can eat the the grass i mean there's been a the thing is there's been a big move for people sticking astroturf down in their gardens right so i see a lot of people do that now because well you know grass is pretty pretty good looking the thing with the
Starting point is 00:19:53 astroturf is that um it uses um it uses rubber like it uses it usually recycled rubber from like old tires and shit like that which is fine the problem is is that when astroturf um retains a ton of heat right so if it's a super hot day and the sun is is beating down on it the rubber like melts slightly and can be toxic like people people have died from it like not a lot but what eating it or just being near it just being near it like the the like the emissions given off i'm going to rub my face on the uh grass and breathe a lot so i mean it's not like it's not we're not talking about like you know it wiping out the population of a small town or whatever but there have definitely been cases that have been linked back to it um and you know it's it gets super fucking hot like
Starting point is 00:20:44 like like hot like so hot that you couldn't step on it with your bare feet sort of thing, whereas grass, even if it's hot, you can step on it with your bare feet and stuff like that. But it's low maintenance, right? Well, this is apparently why it's better for climate change than, like, actual grass, because you don't have to constantly be using your lawnmower to mow it and watering it and fiddling with it
Starting point is 00:21:05 all the time getting it perfect yeah you know all of that extra it's just poisonous but yeah no it's a balancing act right it's one evil or another they're all we're gonna fuck the world regardless yeah we are yeah might as well enjoy that burger we might as well yeah enjoy that burger while you're sitting on your astrotTurf and, you know, fucking driving your car around your AstroTurf and stuff. I did look at a couple of, when I was looking around at moving recently, I found a couple of places and one of them had this AstroTurf garden. It looked like the cheapest, tackiest shit you've ever seen in your life. So you bought the place. So I'm recording out of my AstroTurf garden right now.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I'm actually outside right now Sitting on my AstroTurf It's got this funny smell though It's quite a hot day Fumes are just Very dizzy Going to my head I feel so good
Starting point is 00:21:54 Might be low blood sugar though It just might be low blood sugar So I watched a movie I watched a movie It was on Turner Classic Movies channel Which I like TTM
Starting point is 00:22:03 I watch it quite a lot Right And it was called Executive Decision With Kurt Russell Oh yeah Right Kurt Russell yeah Turner Classic Movies channel, which I like on TTM. I watch it quite a lot. Right. And it was called Executive Decision with Kurt Russell. Oh, yeah. Right? Kurt Russell, yeah. So this film had quite a decent cast.
Starting point is 00:22:14 It had Kurt Russell. It had Steven Seagal, who I can't stand, but he was in it. Yeah. Halle Berry was in it. It had John Leguizamo in it. It had Oliver Platt in it. And it had the guy who was in charge of, what was the name of it?
Starting point is 00:22:30 Was it Dining Industries in Terminator 2? Where the black guy that they have to go and tell him, you've got to destroy this chip or you're going to create the Skynet. Oh, yeah, yeah. And in the end, he gets shot and he drops the thing that blows up the building, right? Spoilers, but anyway. Him, he was in it. And a couple of other people i recognized were in it and uh this movie is the
Starting point is 00:22:49 plane gets taken over oh david sushi like fucking puero was in it he was the bad guy right nice um so he's he's in it and uh i was watching this movie and basically these terrorists take over a plane led by sushi and um they've got a bomb on board. So the lads decide they're gonna sneak up to the plane on a stealth bomber with a tube that goes between the stealth bomber and the plane and sneak in through this hatch underneath. And this is quite near the start of the film. The hatch goes fwoomp, sticks onto the plane. They've equalized the pressure and they're climbing up this ladder to get into the plane. One of them falls and knocks himself out. So they're trying to struggling to get him out before the seal breaks.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And just as it's about to break, they're like, Stephen Seagal has climbed the ladder. And they say, Stephen Seagal, you're not going to make it. And he goes, you will. And he closes the hatch, sealing his own doom. And the tunnel gets blown off the ship and he flies off into the atmosphere and dies. And the plane spins out of control and the pilot jettisons out so now they're stuck on the plane and they have to figure out where the bomb is defuse it and then kill the terrorists and take the plane back over before it enters u.s airspace
Starting point is 00:23:56 and gets shot down by the u.s air forces the f-17s or 16s or whatever they're flying where does the executive decision come in like when is that one made? I'll tell you. First of all, the president is not in the movie at all. Like, he's obviously... I don't know how they couldn't just get an actor to play the president. It's like the president was out of the country. They could have even done, like, a Steinbrenner sort of thing. Yeah, they could have.
Starting point is 00:24:14 You see the back of him, and he's like, I'm making an executive decision. Exactly. But they didn't. So at one point, they decide they're going to shoot the plane down because they've run out of time. It's going to enter US airspace.
Starting point is 00:24:24 It's got this nerve agent bomb. It's going to blow up. Big problem. But there's going to shoot the plane down because they've run out of time it's going to enter us airspace it's got this nerve agent bomb it's going to blow up big problem but there's a guy on the plane they think they defuse the bomb but then they realize that there's a trigger man on the plane right even if they defuse the the trigger mechanism and the timer this guy can just go boop and push a button and blow the bomb up okay so they realize they have to find the trigger man who's like a hidden passenger kill him and then they can kill the rest of the terrorists and defuse the bomb. So two things intrigued me all right. First of all that to come back to the executive decision why it's called that at one point in the movie a guy says you better get the president on the phone if we're gonna shoot this plane down this is an
Starting point is 00:24:58 executive decision in other words only the president can say yes shoot those civilians to save more civilians that's the the decision that he has to make. So he's got to decide, is it better that we kill the 400 passengers on this plane to stop the bomb? Or do we just let it blow up over Washington and kill a million people? So that was the executive decision. So first of all, at one point, Kurt Russell's like, I think I've spotted the lad, like the trigger man. So they've got all these cameras. In his own words.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah. They've got these little cameras that they've poked through into the, you know, because they are sort of above the main compartment in this hidden crawl space. And they drill, literally with a hand drill, like, drill a hole. Nobody notices that none of the dust falling from the ceiling attracts anyone's attention. Drill holes through the plane's ceiling so they can peek in with these tiny cameras like the SAS do, have a look and see if they can spot the lad. So they spot him and Kurt Russell, they're all ready to go, they're like okay,
Starting point is 00:25:54 because these commanders are like, alright, what we'll do is blow the doors, we'll kill the lights, we'll go in there and hit them hard, we'll kill all these guys, bingo bango, no problem. So they're all on board with that plan, they're ready to do it, and suddenly Kurt Russell just decides he's gonna fucking go in because he thinks he spotted the trigger man doesn't tell anyone his plan doesn't relay this over the radio just hides he literally hides behind hallie berry in the most stupid way he's like crouched behind her and getting her to walk forward like there's no way you would miss him he's walking through the passenger area there's all terrorists knocking about he's's there with his gun, just hiding behind Halle Berry.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Goes to shoot the guy, and it's just some guy smuggling diamonds for some reason. He thinks it was the trigger device, but it was just a load of diamonds in a box. He's like, oh shit, it's the wrong guy. Suddenly spots the real guy. All hell breaks loose. And the other commanders are like, what the fuck? He's just gone in there. So I'm wondering if the executive decisions that Kurt Russell decided,
Starting point is 00:26:44 all this planning, like an hour and a half of build-up build-up he just goes fucking i'm yoloing in and just fucking goes in yeah i was like where's the sense in this kurt russell isn't and he's never shot anyone in his life he's just a fucking uh analyst of some kind why is he rocking in there what's up with that high risk high reward it was stupid he pulled it off it was no he did he barely did he barely did yeah but he still did that's the main thing there was a happy should let the commandos handle i just couldn't believe that the film was quite sensible up to that point and then kurt russell just goes fuck it just goes in what well sometimes that is the decision that you make right sometimes i could
Starting point is 00:27:19 see that in my own life you know sometimes you've been over and over something so many fucking times sometimes you're like fuck it i can't talk about this anymore let's just do it yeah you know it's like who cares yeah but there's not 400 lives at stake and potentially you know there's a nerve agent that's going to detonate i mean yeah uh you're talking about things like having a burger or having some grass in your garden or switching to astroturf those are it's like it's like you're in a restaurant yeah you got a menu you're like you know it just i'll have white i have a burger who cares like i don't care just hungry yeah some is that an executive decision so so so first of all executive decision because you're the executive of your life right so you you say you know what it i've had enough you know i'm having a bad day
Starting point is 00:28:06 i think i think eating this burger is going to make me feel a bit better i'm making the executive decision for myself to buy a burger king burger king burger i'll have to get the president on this one mr president nuggets yeah burger that's what's great about being like even a young adult you know when you get to that point like with a remember the first time you had a bit of money and your parents dropped you off at the movie theater oh man friends and you're just like fuck holy shit like i've got all this money and i can buy whatever i want with yeah so and then you buy like 10 chocolate bars and watch a movie that it's a great feeling isn't it yeah it's like that that that first little it's that first little sniff of freedom from from being oppressed by the man you know the thing is people always think that oppression and freedom and everything can be
Starting point is 00:28:52 achieved politically but i think honestly the biggest freedom you can give people is that they have some fucking money like that's what actually gives people the most freedom to make their own decisions and stuff like that they need some money a little bit of money yeah they don't need billions they just need enough money that they are actually that people give a shit about just to do a couple of fun things you know just just enough money that they like the decision is there yes exactly rather than have everything they'd like rather than like oh i have to do this now you've got a choice now you're a consumer and and the man will actually give a shit about you that's the that's the the shame of it is when people don't have money,
Starting point is 00:29:25 no one gives a shit. Yeah, because they know that you're useless in terms of making profits and stuff like that. You generate nothing. You consume a little. Yeah, that's why having money, giving people enough money to become empowered is so important, I think.
Starting point is 00:29:40 What you're saying is that money buys happiness. I did not say that, Lewis. In the words of Jacob Bronowski. In the context of our society and stuff, thing what you're saying is that money buys happiness i did not say that lewis in the in the words of jacob brunoski in the context of our society and stuff it doesn't buy happiness but it gives you options in the in the words of jacob brunoski a great man if you haven't seen the ascent of man tv series from bbc from like i think the 70s it's brilliant and you should watch it yeah it's fantastic he talks about all the different things that happened in history that really helped mankind become
Starting point is 00:30:06 sort of what it is now bear in mind in the 70s and 80s I guess everything was looking pretty rosy for the future we were thinking everything's going to be awesome obviously it isn't but the thing is he said the good life is not found in material decency but the good life must be based on material
Starting point is 00:30:22 decency so he's saying that once you give poor people the chance to lead a decent life materially, other good things will follow from that. Like, you can't just give people shit and that makes them happy. But that's where the good life begins. Because then you don't have to worry about shit. And mass production of things like, even simple stuff like cutlery and plates
Starting point is 00:30:43 and clothes and furniture has enabled people to have a decent life materially and then happiness can come from that if you if you continue to build it i thought that was really deep i like that a lot so when people say money doesn't buy you happiness it's true but it also but it allows happiness to exist i think whereas the lack of any material decency makes everything so shitty but it doesn't really matter i think it definitely improves the quality of life like in terms of like standards you know like like stuff you said like cutlery and and you know like advances in hygiene and stuff like that means that you're not fucking sick all the goddamn time i mean we're still a
Starting point is 00:31:20 little bit sick but we're not we're not like you're dying in our 30s for the most part and stuff now you know like like all of these things are are very good and probably generated quite a bit of happiness i think like people's living standards generally in the west at least have to contribute some happiness back to them a little bit right like like i would be miserable if i lived in a log cabin with no running water or electricity, for instance. Some people seek that shit out. Some people do, yeah. And more power to them if that's what they want to do.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And that makes them happy. Personally, I would not be happy. I could tolerate it. I don't think I would be, like, a useless mess. Like, I would get on with it. mess like i would get on with it but if i'd if i'd if i'd had the luxury of running water and electricity in the past i would be like fuck this shit like i just want to get back to running water and electricity like this is not how i want to live the rest of my life but i i do understand how some people are attracted to that and they want to do it yeah yeah give people enough money
Starting point is 00:32:22 to buy a burger yeah yeah well well, you know what, though? It doesn't have to be a dog shit fed burger. Give a man a burger and he'll eat for just a day. Give him the means to go to Burger King all the time and he will be a happy man. I think social systems do kind of give people the money for a burger,
Starting point is 00:32:40 but the problem is the bar is set so high, right? It's not the burger that makes people think that they're going to be happy. It's like all of the shit, right? Yeah, they need the fries and they need the Coke as well. You got to have the big TV and you got to have this and that and everything else and the car and like all this really expensive stuff. And then I think that just ends up making people feel miserable as well, right? what and then i think that just ends up making people feel miserable as well right there's like there's definitely it's sort of like a standard that people have in mind what of the things that
Starting point is 00:33:09 they need to have or the things that they feel like and it seems to like it keeps going it keeps going the the bar for where the good life begins seems to keep moving like it rather than just right we got there we're in a good place infant mortality rates are super like historically compared to humanity's 100 000 200 000 years or whatever of i mean apparently i'm reading a book called sapiens at the moment which i really recommend it's very good oh yeah it's really good i mean honestly this this fucking show is full of great recommendations i mean honestly like i'm gonna it is i'm gonna like i watched the vietnam war thing oh that was good did you like that did you watch the whole thing? It's like 20 hours
Starting point is 00:33:47 That's all I've done Over the last week honestly All I do every week Is write down While I'm listening to this podcast The stuff And then over the next week I'm gonna watch the
Starting point is 00:33:55 Ascent of Man again Oh it's so good The same team who made The Ascent of Man Also made Cosmos Which was the Carl Sagan Famous series in the 80s And they also made one before
Starting point is 00:34:03 Called Civilization Which was This guy called Kenneth Clark went around. And it was very British, but he basically talked about fucking civilization, like history and all these. It was very famous and very good. Even now, it stands up as watchable. Even though it was made like fucking 15 years before it was made,
Starting point is 00:34:19 it was made in like fucking 1970 or 1969. Ridiculous. A long time ago. But history. That's when I was born. It's the Byzantium's as far away now as it was in the 70s. You know, nothing's really changed from the sort of the idea of like creating content around. Like we don't know. We're sure we know a little bit more, but maybe we're a little bit better on the details.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And it's coming coming at it from a different angle. But it's still like really interesting to see, like just a different viewpoint. You know, the 70s, the people around there did have a different angle. But it's still really interesting to see just a different viewpoint. The 70s, the people around there did have a different outlook on life. They did have a different viewpoint. There was Canadia and the space race and white picket fences and people go to work in the stapler factories.
Starting point is 00:34:57 It was different. It was a different time. They didn't have Burger Kings. Maybe they did. I think they did. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that they had... But it was a very different outlook have Burger Kings. And maybe they did. I think they did. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that they had. But it was a very different outlook towards Burger Kings. Their burgers weren't even royal at that point.
Starting point is 00:35:10 No. That's what you're saying. I don't even think they were the king at that point. I think it was just burger. Burger Duke. The Burger Earl. The Viscount of Burgers. What's with this craze for like artisan food now,
Starting point is 00:35:26 right? Like people have a burger. People just have more money than they used to. I don't know if they necessarily have more money. I just think people eat out a fuckload compared to what they used to. Like, I think people eat at home. A lot of people like,
Starting point is 00:35:43 I know that there was a, I watched a documentary about eating habits and one of the best tests for people's eating habits is how long do you spend cleaning up after dinner and in somewhere like um america they have incredibly low amount of time spent cleaning up after dinner because it involves putting packaging in the in the rubbish that's it like that's cleaning up there's not washing up or loading the dishwasher or anything like that it's just getting all those containers together and binning them so they spend very little time cooking because they just order like if i know a lot of american people who just order food they never cook yeah they
Starting point is 00:36:18 some they either go out to eat they get food delivered that's it like there's very little cooking i very rarely cook now so yeah i mean it's a it's a very modern idea that you don't cook at home that you apparently we have way less time even though i think i know that in the 50s when the computer was first becoming a thing they thought that we'd all be working three day weeks because everything's so efficient we just don't need to go into work as much obviously that's not the way it worked which is a shame but yeah rather than spend more time relaxing at home cooking dinner with your family people think that we've got to eat fast i've got to eat now and you know i go go go and everything's accelerated even though we have faster communications
Starting point is 00:37:01 faster computers faster everything we're apparently running out of time because i think the system and the man has filled that spare time with work and the the need for for money uh and oh but man having said all that porn has never been better like it's well i don't know man the thing is all of this stuff though like but back in the day you did not have such a vast amount of it too like like like this is the thing, you did not have... There was such a vast amount of it, too. Like, this is the thing. Like, I read this thing about, like, the passing of boredom, right? Like, how back when we were kids, we were bored.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Like, there was nothing to do. And I get that feeling sometimes. But really, sometimes I'm just spoiled for choice. Yeah. I've got, like, I've got a Steam library full of games I've never played. I've got Netflix full of things I want to watch. I've got tons of series. I've got folders and folders of books i've got audio books i've got
Starting point is 00:37:47 fucking books on my shelf i haven't read that i've bought i've just sat there like something some incredibly crazy statistic like 75 of games on steam people have bought and they're never even even loaded once you know yeah and then another 25 they've loaded up for five minutes and stopped again it's like like it's crazy, like the amount. Well, a lot of this stuff you can pick up for really cheap in sales and stuff, though. I think that does skew it, definitely. People think, oh, I might want to play this one day because it's a bargain. They pick it up and then they never do it.
Starting point is 00:38:17 And it's like, you know, it wasn't like that, you know, back in the day. I mean, like, i've been doing this channel with turts where i'm trying to play a new game every day right he's pitching out he's pimping his other channel on our so how's that going are you uh terrible have you gotten to the point now have you gotten to like the the fat middle layer where you're just there's a ton of very samey not very polished um not very well designed games that you're absolutely not so many new games come out all the fucking time like this week i've got like forza horizon i've got like fucking call of duty blackout i played the black ops i played blackout
Starting point is 00:38:58 yesterday i tried that i've played like fucking just people are saying to me stuff all the time there's too much stuff and a lot of it i'm like oh man i'd quite like to spend a few hours in this and i can't because you know i'm just there's so much else i really want to do and i guess it gives you the opportunity to pick and choose though right and i i do enjoy my free time and i you know i watched that vietnam thing but you know it's like it's it's it's different to how it was when we were kids right it's it's you, even with like porn and everything. Remember renting movies? Remember you picked me?
Starting point is 00:39:31 And movies is like a lot of work to go and get a movie out. I mean, did you watch, actually, by the way, did you watch this fucking executive decision on the TV? I did. I watched it on TCM. It sounds like a fucking TV movie. I was tired, so I went and sat in front of the TV. I flicked around. Did you join like halfway fucking TV movie I was tired so I went and sat in front of the TV I flicked around did you join like halfway in
Starting point is 00:39:47 or did you join I joined a half an hour in and I watched it yeah I mean and you feel like you hadn't missed anything no it's a shit movie
Starting point is 00:39:54 because that's what movies used to be like and TV shows still are a little bit like that like I was watching I just turned on the TV and like Burn Notice was on like
Starting point is 00:40:02 this American show and you can fucking join that show like at any point in it and just be be to be dragged along it feels like the kind of tv show that's designed for motels in america where you go into the motel you turn the tv on you turn the shower on you unpack and it's just there in the background there's this noise and it's just such a thinly kind of nothing story that is so predictable and obvious. But it's just background noise telly.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Like, I don't know. Sorry. Like Dinner Date. Yeah. I think that's on in my house like all the goddamn time. It's either that or kids TV. It's kids TV or if we don't know what to watch, Dinner Date. Oh, fuck Dinner Date. Yeah, Dinner Date is like three, like 30, like three. tv it's it's kids tv or if we don't know what to watch dinner date oh fuck yeah dinner dates like
Starting point is 00:40:45 three like 30 like three there's like a channel that only has dinner date on it too which is fantastic you just you know if there's nothing on you just like oh well just watch dinner date it's it's half an hour or whatever but it might as well be divided into three 10 minute it might be 10 might as well be 10 minute episodes you know youtube episodes where you can just run this fucking playlist and it's just the same shit every time except different faces i think that's sometimes i think that's what we do right same shit but different yeah it's like it's comforting it's like familiar but also you know what you're gonna get and also like i don't know it's we like it humans we like to to go through life having the same thing but slightly different it's weird so boys it's uh
Starting point is 00:41:32 apprentice season is back on upon us and i've been watching it last night was uh well as usual just a fucking train wreck a bunch of uh grown-ass men and women uh who are probably successful in their own right or whatever but when it comes to doing uh challenges set out by uh alan sugar they just seem to like that's lord sugar to you completely i i refer to him as alan i we're on like first name basis now i've watched that show all the goddamn time. Fellow businessman. So yesterday's challenge was they all met up at an old flour mill, one of the biggest ones in the world. I've laid on this flour mill for you. Now what I want from you is I want you to grind the grain and the wheat
Starting point is 00:42:19 and make some bloody bread. No, no. I've laid on this bread for you, and now I want you to toast it and make me a bloody bread. No, no. I've laid on this bread for you and now I want you to toast it and make me a bloody sandwich. So the baking industry in the UK is worth 3.6 billion per year. The baking industry in the UK is worth 3.8 billions of dollars
Starting point is 00:42:40 or pounds. I want them. Lord Sugar wants all of his dudes to go out and make artisan donuts, okay? Because there's a lot of room for innovation in that sector, in the donut sector. The future is round with a hole in the middle. Get got him, you mugs. So they set out to design their own donuts.
Starting point is 00:43:03 So they set out to design their own donuts. And then they had to wake up at 2.30 in the morning to go to a bakery and learn how to make donuts. They had to secure orders. And then in the end, they had to bake fucking 600 donuts or something to fulfill these orders. And it was just a shit show, as usual. It was just a fucking shit show. Everyone on that show is a fucking idiot. It's crazy. They're so stupid.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Oh, God. They're so egotistical and backstabby. And they make terrible decisions time and again. Like, I have no experience of business. Like, other than working for them and being a customer. But there's definitely stereotypes around it. And these people seem to conform to every single one of them. Like they're just emulating successful people in the worst way, right?
Starting point is 00:43:49 Like they, you know, they talk the talk in a lot of ways. But do they walk the walk? They don't walk the walk. They do not walk the walk. If thou dost talk the talk, thou must walketh the walk. Oh, it's crazy. I'm not, you know what? It's one of those things like it's the perfect sort of, like, armchair general show, though, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah. Where, you know, you can sit there and go, ah-ha, these people are so stupid. Yeah, you think you know better. But if it was you in the situation, you would probably make a lot of fucking mistakes, too, right? Also, all the good shit you do is probably going to get edited out. Every smart conversation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The one where you look like a mug.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Yeah, because the format of the show is definitely like like certainly in the first couple of weeks it's it's a lot like any other show where there's a lot of chaff that needs to be filtered out so there's a lot of people like making like huge mistakes and oh but this this season has been awkward there's just some really awkward people and there's just been moments where i've had to close my eyes and like clench really hard like it just really hard to watch that's why i stopped watching these kind of shows oh god but but it it's it's still i still like watching it for some reason it's like almost like a guilty pleasure or something like it's is that like is that okay do
Starting point is 00:45:02 you reckon they do i mean this is the thing right Like we talk about when we do these sort of live action-y sort of challenges, right? Yeah. My attitude is always, let's do our best, right? Because if we, because if we do that, we'll probably fuck it up anyway, right? Because we're stupid, right? We don't go into these live action challenges saying, let's make a fucking mess of this, right? We go, we go into it like i'm well i am anyway i'm always like yeah i want to try and do as good as i can here and then if it turns out
Starting point is 00:45:29 shit well that's good that's just inevitable but at least i wasn't true yeah at least they didn't even fucking give it a go yeah do you think people on this show do you think they are trying their best or do you think they are just literally i think they are because i think you know if if if the outcome of the show is an investment into a business that they want to start up that's a pretty big opportunity right has ever fucking gone on to like be successful I don't know I mean they they they have recaps every once in a while where like you know these people are they look like they're on board but who you never can tell. I don't know. Like some of them probably go on to do like nothing. I mean, they're given like such a big fucking opportunity. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:11 It's a quarter of a million that they get potentially invested in. But whether it happens or not, I have no idea. Maybe it does. And a lot of the people on it are already usually people who own businesses, right? Yeah, and are fairly fairly fairly successful well they range
Starting point is 00:46:26 some of them aren't though some of them are just like you know accountants communication managers and stuff like that but they they feel they're entrepreneurial enough or they have a good business case that they think is gonna but the business cases are always pretty terrible as well so i don't know like but again But again, I'm not an expert. So I'm watching this and I feel like if I was on there, I'd clean up and I probably wouldn't. I would probably get kicked out in the first week or whatever. But I don't know. It's just crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Would you go on it? It's crazy. You know what? I don't think I would. I don't think I'd ever go on Big Brother either. Oh my God, that would be the worst. What if you had a moment of madness where you picked your nose and ate it and you forgot that you were on TV? I would never do such a thing.
Starting point is 00:47:12 What if you were really bored and you're just like, oh fuck, I wonder what this tastes like now that I'm an adult. I used to eat this stuff all the time when I was a kid, but now that I'm bigger, maybe I just want to have a little taste. Please stop. So gross. that i'm bigger oh it's just maybe i just want to have a little taste please stop so gross i honestly i i feel sick when people do that or like see it or talk about it oh please stop i don't want to be on on a tv show like that because i think i think you just end up looking so you just end up looking so bad and like maybe you're not that bad in real life at all you know maybe maybe you are a very competent person but these shows definitely make you look totally incompetent right like like you said the editing and everything and and and the nature of the
Starting point is 00:47:56 challenges it's a lot of pressure right they don't have a lot of time to do this stuff you know like people that have never baked a donut before you can can't expect them to make nice donuts or even edible ones in their first five minutes of baking donuts. You donut! That's what he wanted. He wanted to be able to call them a donut. Right, you donuts. Talking of donuts, I've laid on this bakery for you and I want you to bake me some bloody artisan donuts, you mugs. gonna bake me some bloody artisan donuts you mugs uh but only fuck it feels like only in london would they have a big market for artisan donuts and gourmet burgers as well you know this is like
Starting point is 00:48:36 one of the most expensive cities in the world to even visit let alone live in and and it's just like here let's just add another layer of expense. Like, you know, if you want to have, you can have a super nice burger. It's going to cost you, but it's going to be fucking really nice. Like there's an Oreo cookie attached to the top of the burger
Starting point is 00:48:56 because that's kind of zany and stuff. And, you know, we could probably charge you five extra pounds for that one Oreo cookie to be on top of your burger. I don't know. It seems crazy. But I guess, you know, if people buy it and it's popular,
Starting point is 00:49:11 they might as well do it. There's a $100 donut you can get in New York. I saw it on, I think it was Man vs. Food or something like that. Oh, right. Okay. And it's been dipped in gold. All right. Let's do it now.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Okay. Your other donut task. What's your fucking, what's your solution to like some artisan bullshit donut? Honestly, I don't fucking know because like a donut is just a donut, right? Like they all kind of taste the same.
Starting point is 00:49:35 It doesn't matter what you do to them. I got one for you. Chicken donut. Chicken donut, mate. You're going to just shred some like fried up chicken, chicken shredding nugget, but in a doughnut shape with sugar on it Yeah delicious call it you could call it a dough nugget
Starting point is 00:50:04 What are the big donut chains now? Krispy Kremes, and then there's like... Oh my god, I love Krispy Kreme. Dunkin' Donuts is still going, I'm assuming. In Canada, there's Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons? Tim Hortons. But like, you know...
Starting point is 00:50:17 Shout out to all you guys, if you want the dough nugget. What do these places do that's so special? All the donuts taste the same. Hey, hold on a second there, Mr. Man. Krispy Kreme donuts are the best. You get like a Honey Cruller or like a Sour Cream Glaze. Those are pretty nice. I just like the basic bitch donuts.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Just the old traditional chocolate glaze. You get chocolate glaze or vanilla. Oh, I love Krispy Kreme. Vanilla glaze. But you know what I mean? There's nothing like... You get the ones with filling, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:46 like with the chocolate filling and sometimes they have like, you know, like chocolate icing on top with like a bit of white icing, like zigzagged on top or whatever to make it look nicer. But like,
Starting point is 00:50:58 where else can you go with donuts? I feel like that's it. That's like... No, no, sir. Apart from just putting weird shit on top of it, like a full cookie or like sprinkling flakes of whatever on top or whatever. Like, I guess that makes it look a bit different. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Maybe better. But, I mean, the actual cost of ingredients isn't much higher, is it? It's just like a couple of sprinkles and a fucking cookie out of a packet that you paid a pound for. I want you to do me a favor pound for i want you to do me a favor all right i want you to google artisan donuts and look at this shit all right hang on and you tell me that these don't fit the bill artisan of artisan donuts there's one here okay here's a couple of ideas let me swing it by you mate all right listen up all right i've got a couple of ideas first of all let me lie on this look like honestly these look like normal donuts.
Starting point is 00:51:47 No, they really don't. Here is a chocolate glaze with hundreds and thousands sprinkled on it. All right. I've linked it in Discord. Look at this. Look at this website. You can get a little tub of hundreds and thousands for like 35p. So that drives up the price of this donut.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I'm going to pay £3.50 for a donut with chocolate glazing on it. It looks like a five-year-old applied that chocolate. Yeah, it's crazy, right? Like, it does look like kids make some of this. Like, some of it looks impressive. Here at Artisan Fucking Donuts, all of our donuts are put together by five-year-olds. That's right. That's our gimmick.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Do you want a five-year-old to decorate your fucking donut? Custom. Every time. How much is a donut worth? Ugold to decorate your fucking donut? Custom, every time. How much is a donut worth? Ugly face. Okay. Smiley face. Let me find out.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Giraffe. Dinosaur. Anything. How much does one... My five-year-old will draw you badly on a donut. Crispy. Want sprinkles? There's too many.
Starting point is 00:52:37 He's put all the packet on. Cost. Don't worry. Packets of sprinkles only cost us 35p. But this donut five pound all right listen so at crispy cream donuts I can buy
Starting point is 00:52:50 one donut for one dollar and twenty nine cents that's expensive right okay but these artisan donuts on the apprentice yesterday were
Starting point is 00:53:00 selling for four pounds each okay I know so and what's the difference what are they putting on this that makes it worth that much it's like a captive and it's not a lot of extra effort either realistically like you've got the donut with the icing on it and that's like your your normal one dollar and 29 cent donut and then you put like a chocolate covered pretzel on it bearing in mind you haven't made this chocolate covered pretzel, okay? This is one of those chocolate covered pretzels that you just get from like...
Starting point is 00:53:29 You didn't even make this pretzel! This isn't artisan! What kind of artisan are you? So just putting a chocolate covered pretzel on top of the donut drives up the price by like 300%. That's crazy. Do you want to know why this is? I think artisan donuts are a scam dude it's not a scam i'll tell you what it is all right there's a really good book by tim harford called the
Starting point is 00:53:51 undercover economist i recommend it and he talks about why when you go into fucking starbucks the menu is coffee yeah and then super coffee and everything in between so there are there are multiple different kinds of customer. One of them is price sensitive. One of them is price insensitive. Those are the two extremes, right? Price insensitive customer doesn't give a shit how much she pays or she pays for the coffee.
Starting point is 00:54:16 They're going to spunk money on this fucking coffee. They just want the best thing on the menu. No, they don't even care. They'll just go, give me this, this, this, and put this on it and sprinkle these and five of those. The price sensitive customer... They're just like, oh like oh well i'm spending money on a coffee right but they're price insensitive they really don't care if it costs five quid for a cup of coffee they're gonna pay the five quid then you get me cheap flax walks in give me the cheapest shittiest smallest coffee you do so i can fulfill the
Starting point is 00:54:43 requirement to drink a coffee without spending more money on it than i need to that's the price sensitive customer so if you have a menu that just says how much do you want to spend on coffee that's what they desperately want to know is how much would you spend so what you really want as a shop owner is for the customer to come in and slap money down and go i will spend all of this 10 pounds on coffee how much is your coffee and you can say 10 pounds and they'll say perfect and give you the tenner that's what the shop's ideal scenario of course what actually happens is you walk in and go how much is your coffee so rather than say uh and try to gauge how much you can gouge this person for you just say well look at our menu we have everything from a 60p cup of shit coffee we have shit like dog shit coffee for two pounds or fancy ecuadorian thing ground on the thighs of
Starting point is 00:55:31 virgin children for 9.99 i'm a non-virgin child what's wrong with you i could name a few unfortunately god damn so yeah that that's it that that's why they have this shit these artisan donuts you're out your price sensitive goomba like me isn't gonna fucking spend five pounds on a donut but some price is sensitive right now goomba will that's the yeah there you go so that's what it boils down to some people just don't care about how much money they're spending on a donut yeah and other people do care about how much money they're spending and they, and they go to Krispy Kreme and spend a buck and the guys that spend £5 go to... And I guess it makes sense because, like I was saying,
Starting point is 00:56:09 it's not a lot of extra overhead to pass into the artisan area of donatory, right? Because all you're doing is putting on some extra sprinkles or whatever that probably cost you nothing. Exactly. But then you can inflate the price and exploit all these... you know some extra sprinkles or whatever that probably cost you nothing exactly uh but then you can then you can inflate the price and right because starbucks wants to charge you 30 or 40p for a bit of whipped cream even though that whipped cream costs them less than a penny to put on so they make a lot more money from those people that say i'd like the mocha choco pluka plaka
Starting point is 00:56:39 latte please with pumpkin spice and i want the cream and i want the chocolate sprinkles and i want the powder and i want this and sprinkles and I want the powder and I want this and I want that and it's all costing pennies but they're charging pounds that's that's the big margin is the uh it's it's changed though it used to be that street food was this shitty cheap sausagey wank that you would just not want okay you'd avoid it right it would be crap but now it's all artisan it is look at the bristol food marketplace it's weird all the shops all the shops are corporations mass producing garbage and the food trucks are artisan places which one grandma right you know makes all my despite sandwiches contained food that i grew
Starting point is 00:57:17 in my greenhouse i've only got one tomato left and it cost you nine pounds i mean one of those street food places does tartiflette. It's like street tartiflette. Really? Like, I was surprised. I know, you can get fucking crazy stuff. Yeah, it's amazing. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:57:33 But yeah, you're right. But then you've got these middle class people that have money and they kind of want to go to Burger King sometimes and McDonald's occasionally and Domino's and stuff from time to time. But if you're going into your office you don't want to walk in with a fucking McDonald's bag you feel like such a scrub you want to go to the fancy food market and say I got some
Starting point is 00:57:52 Mongolian lentils today sprinkled with donuts oh my god it only cost me 8 pounds there is no hope for humanity is there no there's a lot of hope for us we're fantastic. They're not.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Mongolian lentils sealed the deal. We're done. We're over. Okay, great. Here's my idea for donuts, right? How about this? A donut that is called the Kroggy. Oh, I'm just putting up the Kroggy.
Starting point is 00:58:21 A bike wheel. It's shaped like a handlebar. You've got to jam your foot in this machine and then I'll shove an avocado up your arse. Delicious. Top. So what does Alan Sugar think of that?
Starting point is 00:58:36 Adam Sugar. My brother Alan's a big deal. They call him a lord. But down here at Adam Sugar Industries we make donuts. Nice and simple square donuts oh no square donuts what have i done i'm ruined so hang on the apprentice in the u.s was was just trump right there wasn't another um there wasn't another look how successful he went on to be still slaving away at the fucking i don't know man he does okay like
Starting point is 00:59:07 he's all right he's done well for himself hadn't he that that that trump that's all he's really done well after that tv show he wasn't rich before an episode of goggle box he fucking he fucking was rich as fuck before he went on the apprentice you tune YouTube. Well, allegedly. Yeah, he's not as rich as he says. He inherited a lot, but yeah, he inflated. No, just a small loan. Just a small loan to get him started off. Just a small loan of $10 billion. Anyway, let's end the podcast.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Thanks, everyone, for fucking, for watching this garbage. Listening to this garbage, I guess. Listening to this garbage i guess listening to this garbage yeah i mean there's there's there's there's probably like uh far um technically better podcasts out there but you know what this one fucking owns right like it's the best like where else can you find three miserable people arguing about the price of donuts answer that one guys thanks it's it's it, everyone. We're going. Bye. See you later. Bye.

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