Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 105: I Just Wanna Die

Episode Date: July 11, 2019

This week it's a fun journey into the world of Kentucky Democratic politics as we roast Amy McGrath, war criminal extraordinaire and latest candidate to try and defeat Mitch McConnell. Support our pa...treon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I was leader of the free world for eight years. I was leader of the free world. I was up there on the... That guy's funny. I've heard the fucker talk so many times I can't even do a bill clip. I was leader of the free world for eight years. Oh, now I'm here. My best friend.
Starting point is 00:00:14 I was best friends with Doug Bann. What does he do now? Does he run his foundation or some shit? I think he hangs out on Jeffrey Epstein's island. Okay. Well, he made a statement. Talk again, Tonya? I'll make sure you're...
Starting point is 00:00:31 She's on. She's live. He made a statement about the Epstein stuff. A statement? He made a statement about the Epstein stuff. Going after Daniel Dawson He's like I've not talked to Jeffrey Epstein
Starting point is 00:00:51 In at least ten years He was at his house when he made that statement He's texting it from the bathroom He's writing it on his notes app Now Jeff close your eyes when I come through there so you technically i won't be lying that's a good one um i am i was later there's that um there there was like a profile of doug band in the new republic that's what i was talking about in that tweet. The Doug Band profile. Yeah, like maybe four or five years ago. And there's this really crazy,
Starting point is 00:01:29 there's this really hilarious anecdote in it. I guess Doug Band, was he Bill Clinton's chief of staff? He was kind of just one of his hangers-on. Yeah, one of his handlers or something like that. He was like one of the, you know, candidates always surround themselves with people. But there's this statement, or this anecdote, where I guess they were all sitting around playing poker. Bill Clinton, Doug Bain, and a bunch of people.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And they just caught Bill Clinton staring off into the middle distance, just kind of with this forlorn look in his eyes. And somebody asked him what was wrong, and he said, I was leader of the free world for eight years. That was it. Billinton's a maniac he was just like i get like he was like um really torn up over the fact that he no longer had power right i mean i think these men complete you know except for jimmy completely lose their mind after they peak yeah you know it's like no one wants to peak too early and really they didn't peak early but no in their minds they peaked and then they're just they have nothing to do but die after that and they can't handle it that's why bill was so clamored to the to uh hit the potential of being the first lady oh yeah yeah he wanted back in the end oh yeah he thought
Starting point is 00:02:48 he was gonna run that show another eight well this do y'all remember this this has been buried in the recent history but do y'all remember this that it was like this thing that liberals bragged about all through 2015 and 16 oh bill clinton talked to trump into running y'all remember that it was like they acted like oh to so that she would win yes they acted like he was playing like eighth dimensional chess or whatever these people have owned themselves so many times over that how do they show them how do they show up every day they cancel themselves every day and then just show up the next day like nothing happened yesterday it's like 50 first dates with the democrats i'm gonna i'm gonna say this i'm gonna say this it goes without saying that we
Starting point is 00:03:33 should push all the republicans in a wood chipper but we just we need to go and just systematically murder every democrat in a wood chipper however it has to get done but we have we have to clean house they're completely insane they're maniacs they're absolute insane people yeah and not because i think there's like potential for some bigger political point there i don't i just think they should die that's where it ends right there yeah i just think i just don't think they should die. That's where it ends right there. I just don't think they should exist anymore. President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago. No idea. For those with which he has been recently charged in New York.
Starting point is 00:04:19 When I was on that plane, we were just going to Africa for a number of reasons. My friend Bono and a few others. There weren't no such thing as the Lolita Express in those days. We were building toilets in the outback, making the world a better place. We were providing affordable, not free, but affordable HIV AIDS drugs in the most poverty-stricken regions. Affordable HIV age drugs in the most poverty stricken regions. Staff supporters of the foundation and his secret service detail traveled. Okay, this is how you know he's lying.
Starting point is 00:04:55 This whole past week has been. First off, you know he's lying because it's Bill fucking Clinton. Because he's speaking. If his mouth's open, he's lying. Bill Clinton would lie if the truth sounded better. He really would. He's forgotten. These motherfuckers have rewired their brain to be a focus group.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Their brain has become the focus group engine. That's true. They actually don't hear reality anymore. It doesn't. That's right. I play well in Mississippi. I'll go ahead and say it. Yeah, you know how people retrain their minds to do like positive
Starting point is 00:05:28 thinking and you know like that kind of stuff you mean cults yeah well Democratic Party is no different they've all trained their minds to think of things in terms of focus groups they've trained their minds to never take a nail they've never taken a nail they think
Starting point is 00:05:44 in their minds I've never been owned they are the quintessential They've never taken a nail, they think. In their mind. In their mind. I've never been owned. They are the quintessential I've never been owned. It doesn't matter what the scoreboard says. They're winning. They've won some bigger victory. It's going to come together just like the old ball coach drew it up.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Yeah. So this whole past week has been a, what would you call this a workshop um a a demonstration in what lying looks like um because so this is how you know we've not seen such since the kavanaugh hearings exactly this is how you know in 2002 and 2003 president clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane. One to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation. Staff, supporters of the foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip. He had one meeting with Epstein in his Harlem office in 2002.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Basically, if you've got to go into incredibly minute detail like this, you're definitely lying. That's all there is to it. If you've got to reassure everybody that there was staff with him at all times, that he met with them on four occasions and they have a time stamp for every single time
Starting point is 00:07:03 that they met with him. That's a lie. That's a lie. Dershowitz also. I was going to say that. Definitely a lie. Did you see that Dershowitz thread about this? Yeah. I was lying my ass off.
Starting point is 00:07:15 These smoking gun emails and unpublished manuscript prove that my false accuser, who I never even met, was told to include me in her manuscript describing her alleged sexual encounters in order to help her market her book despite her admitted knowledge of my
Starting point is 00:07:29 total innocence. Anytime you say my total innocence. If you have to describe your innocence as total or complete you're lying. You're lying.
Starting point is 00:07:40 It's like something a character in a movie would say. Like a parody character in a movie would say like a parody character in a movie would say yeah anytime you if you deny something categorically you did it almost always you did it exactly oh fuck yeah well jeff repp dershow going to roll on us, Jeff. We got to get to him first. This can't happen.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I'm physically addicted to the good times. Oh, shit. Wow. Well, welcome. Welcome to my house. Welcome to the show. This feels nice in here, huh? Yeah. It feels nice to record in the morning.
Starting point is 00:08:28 It's nice and cool. Yeah. This is a trick we've... I didn't want to... Took us too long to get. I didn't want to turn on the AC because I know AC is sexist, as they say. It isn't. It isn't?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Somebody had a tweet about that this week. What was the rationale for? Well, you know how... Bad for the planet, for sure, but how's the sex? Well, it's like this... Apparently, I've heard this for years now, that men traditionally like things freezing cold. And so, have you all...
Starting point is 00:08:59 You've never heard of this, Tanya? That women in an office are always cold. Yes. Yeah. And they're just they have no control over the ac right right right i mean this this happens at apple shop but opposite that was what happened to my job too caroline always comes out sweating she's like you gotta get this air up this is outrageous
Starting point is 00:09:20 yeah i was trying to think of the most interesting not contrarian but interesting take on this that i could possibly conceive of there's not one um well i think i might have gotten close i think that men like to have the ac on full blast cold because it shrinks their penises and they like that why do they like their penises shrunk because you didn't know that men actually like their penises small dicks rule you got a big one what a loser they're all just trying to have a pussy that's right we're trying to that's what we're trying to do. Get in line, bitches. I'm such an ally, I'm trying to go innie.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Exactly. All right, I'll give you that. Yeah. My mom used to like to, they used to complain on her at the office because she was the queen bitch of the thermostat
Starting point is 00:10:19 and she would always put it ice cold in there and then they'd put her on them blood thinners and everybody hated going to her office because she'd keep it ice cold in there. Then they'd put her on them blood thinners. Everybody hated going to her office because she'd keep it on 78 in July. She says, I get so cold, they got me on that Coumadin.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Oh, my God. We all been doing this summer. So I can't see Indians in a month of Sundays. It's just been two weeks. It's just been two weeks. I had to go back to New Mexico. Oh, that's right. been out of town yeah and then um how'd that all go it was it was fine i mean you know i carried my grandfather's dead body you ever done that oh paul bear they don't let women do
Starting point is 00:10:58 that really yeah i guess they don't i guess you're right yeah it's kind of a gender role that you get to partake in and i don't damn well you don't miss out on much's kind of a gender role that you get to partake in, and I don't. Damn. Well, you don't miss out on much. I've been a pallbearer. Not fun. Especially when somebody's not holding their weight on the other side. But you bitches have never been a flower girl, I bet.
Starting point is 00:11:15 That's true. Hey! That's true. Very true. They have flower girls at funerals? No, those are at weddings. Walk down the aisle. Throw rose petals in front of the pallbearers.
Starting point is 00:11:25 That would be nice. Yeah, that would be nice, honestly. That's a nice gesture. I want to be cremated myself and I want to dust bomb Mitch McConnell with my ashes. That's what I hope. Pocket sand.
Starting point is 00:11:37 But if I were going to go out in a $10,000 box, hell, I'd want some rose petals out there, too. That's the thing. Coffins are so expensive. Have you ever been coffin shopping? Not lately. Not recently.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Well, I have. I can tell you it's truly demoralizing. I talked to my parents about this. I mean, because they've had two major funerals in the last six months. Just like, it adds up.
Starting point is 00:12:08 It's so expensive to die. Your grandparents didn't have like, leftovers or whatever they call it. They might have. Inheritance or something to cover it, yeah. My grandpa worked for Chevron for like 30 years. I highly doubt that they left him
Starting point is 00:12:23 with much other than a pension. That's supposed to cover your funeral arrangements. Oh, okay. I've never had a pension. Fucking Chevron. I don't think anybody's had a pension since the 70s.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I'll never have a pension. No. Podcasting, we don't have pensions. Pensions are extinct, in fact. You know how there's no 401k for a hustler?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah. According to Paul Wall, there's no 401k for a hustler? Yeah. According to Paul Wall, there's no retirement plan for a podcaster. That's the down shot here. That's true. Well, what about you? How have you been over the past? I've had a great time. I wish I could tell you about all of it.
Starting point is 00:12:58 You look fresh. You look happy. You glow. You've got a nice base tan. Well, I got my hair and my nails and my eyebrows done yesterday, so... For my birthday. And for prom this week. We have pride prom.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I see. I love how you take a birthday month. Like, I know your birthday ain't until the 16th, but you're like, hey, for my birthday... It's July, bitch. It's my born day. Jesus. You know what I'm doing on my birthday month? Going on a fucking tour. That'll be nice. I think. I'm doing on my birthday month? Going on fucking tour.
Starting point is 00:13:26 That'll be nice. I think. Where are we? Yeah, we're going on tour. Big September boy. Yeah. No days off for me. For the hustlers.
Starting point is 00:13:38 The full moon is on my birthday this year. Wow. So nice. Yeah, I've been at the beach. Before that, I was at chicago pride that was that rolled i went to the dock march in chicago it was killer anyone in chicago who doesn't go to the dock march is a dumb bitch what was what was so fun about it somebody stick their finger in the dock to save chicago yeah we marched marched through the streets of Little Village, just like a bunch of half naked, beautiful
Starting point is 00:14:11 queer people with a bunch of signs that mostly said like, fuck capitalism. Yeah. It was riveting. And then there's, I just feel like there was like this, a ton of like little Latina mammals like giving us thumbs up out the window and shit. It was just like I was living. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Hell yeah. It was tough. And then it was just like a bunch of really cool performers at the park all day. It was so, so good. Popsicles galore. I found a new band that we should definitely use for intro outro music. What? Glitter Money.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Okay. It's a two-piece rapper duo. Money with three Y's. Okay. Like, why, why, why, why? Damn. Glitter Money. Check them out.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Well, we didn't have a Dyke Mark here in Whitesburg. Unfortunately. Me and Tom walked down the street, you know, showing our pension checks to people. Just being real dickheads. I was trying to dial up your 1940s voice. Yeah. Look here what I got for working for GM. I make good decisions early on.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Your kids don't know that. I make good investments. None of y'all want to work these days. That's why you're not getting a pension. And I sent you all pictures of Mayor Pete
Starting point is 00:15:32 in the pride parade. Oh, yeah. What a fucking dumbass. You know who else was in the Chicago pride parade? Mayor Pete's from Illinois.
Starting point is 00:15:40 That made sense to me. You know who else was in the fucking pride parade? Kamala Harris. She's really she's leaning's laying an end to she she had to get the most run out of that rainbow jacket she could before she returned it because it still got tags on it is mayor pete from illinois i thought he's from indiana oh yeah i fucked it up whatever illinois indiana oh you're like oh yeah he was pandering yeah he was pandering, too.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Okay, well, fuck Mayor Pete. Fuck Kamala Harris. Fucking. She's probably going to, that's my bet for the nominee. I will say for Chicago Pride, it was less corporate-y than I thought it would be. It was less corporate-y than Louisville Pride Parade. Really? Louisville Pride Parade's like Walgreens and LG&E.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I shit you not. She's like just the lamest, like. Yeah, but the Chicagoago pride parade i mean it was a fair amount of politicians but it was like a lot of schools and a lot of gay bars was big floats a lot of just drag queens everywhere and there weren't i mean there were a couple corporate floats that i remember unless i missed a bunch but there was a mcdonald's float that actually had a bunch of really cool looking french fries on it. Was Rahm Emanuel there in denim and leather? No, he's not the mayor anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I know. He didn't show his ugly mug. I figured he might be trying to ease back in. I think Lori Lightfoot might have banned corporate. Well, no. McDonald's was there so I guess she couldn't have. Is that the new mayor? Yeah. They got a queer mayor so they had to really amp it up. I'm going to pee real quick before we get into the meat of this
Starting point is 00:17:04 discussion. She was the Grand Marshal. But, I mean, honestly, the best stories I have are ones I can't tell because they're on my family from my family vacation. I saw some Insta footage of Fox Sheila moving that thing. Oh, my God. Well, I feel like I can tell this. He wouldn't mind. I'm just going to keep saying that.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I don't think they'd mind if I told this. I'm going to end up telling it all. No, I can't tell everything. But my Uncle Michael J. shows up. Fox. Yeah, Michael J. Fox shows up. And Terrence is laughing from the bathroom. And he's got a huge suitcase and he like lifts a beer that he'd brought from the car you know and he says my divorce is final
Starting point is 00:17:54 duck toasted himself and he had such a big suitcase we're like do you think you're moving in here buddy like what is your second deal because it's my aunt's house in charleston that was his next thing and i'm moving in no and we all just looked at it we were like what are you talking about he's been with my aunt dawn for 30 years they've been together 30 years they got divorced in the in the fucking dark at nine didn't tell nobody really i mean no one was really shocked but it was pretty crazy so he just shows up he just shows up did he make the did he make is this your mom's brother yeah okay so at least he was like on on the home field side of things at least yeah i thought that'd been pretty weird if it was yeah he showed up my divorce is final. You don't just fucking run him out to sea. But what was in the suitcase was a huge amp, a two amp Fender karaoke machine.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And this motherfucker set that up and that became the karaoke castle for four fucking days. My mom sang Strawberry Wine three times this is for fourth of july yeah it's for fourth of july and i mean just when you thought it couldn't get any worse my my cousin uh jimmie dale showed up and he's like more distant oh jimmie dale there's a lot of stories I can tell about him. But I'll just say congratulations to him because he showed up with his girlfriend that no one had met. Asked her to marry him with a ring he bought from Kentucky Derby Money. Because he won at the Kentucky Derby. Thanks, one of us.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Yeah, so he popped the question and then presumed, along with the fourth of july celebrations as his engagement party well you're way to go jimmy i guess i had to die so jimmy dell could live you need to consolidate as many events as you know kill as many birds as one yeah i mean it was really as brilliant honestly if he hadn't taken too too manyquila shots, it would have all been fine. Well, it was his engagement party, Tonya. You got to let loose. Is that the part you don't want to talk about?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah. You know, you normally don't want to have to put a chokehold at your engagement party. Ideally. Ideally. In a perfect world. But not Jimmy Dale. party ideally perfect world but not jimmy dale but you say your uncle michael j fox got your uncle michael j fox got divorced then promptly choked your cousin out at his own engagement party that's what happened oh while somebody was singing strawberry wine. Your mom's singing strawberry wine in the background.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Who sings that? Dana Carter. Oh, I saw her. We saw her, didn't we? What? She opened for Dwight Yoakam. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was my ticket. You saw that on, you bitch. Why'd you give that to me?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Because I'd wrecked my car the day before. I was laid the fuck up on Vicodin. I was like, damn, that sucks for tanya but i get to go see dwight yocum oh yeah strikes and gutters let's do this um so all right um did y'all see that story this week about the woman who slipped and fell and had the steel straw go through her eye oh are you is the metal so this is a oh fuck me so this is this is when keeping it what goes wrong yeah it is it literally is it's fucking is this is this is what this is going to be plastered this is gonna be a sponsored ad for the plastic straw industry that's right well um this is amazing so that happened and i was i was
Starting point is 00:21:48 thinking about it and yesterday right around yesterday right around the time that um amy mcgrath announced that she was running against mitch mcconnell i just had this fantasy of grabbing two of those metal straws shoving them both into both eyes that's how bleak it is my friends i mean i think we knew this was coming didn't we yeah oh yeah didn't you suspect this was gonna happen definitely suspected it was gonna happen yeah someone tagged me on twitter and said there's still time to run there's still time to run please what i didn't expect you're our only hope i'll be one well what i didn't expect though was her coming out as the pro-trump democrat that's a curveball from hell i did not expect her to say mitch mcconnell is the reason trump can't pass his policies. Ergo, vote for me. I will help Trump.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I will help Trump. That tells me one thing right off from Jump Street. This is just blind ambition. Yeah. That's all this is. Right. She would say literally anything. Literally anything.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Here's the funny thing. She'd probably gouge out her eye with a fucking metal straw. You want me to do it? I'll do it. I'll do it. Here's the thing. Here's the funny thing. She'd probably gouge out her eye with a fucking metal straw. You want me to do it? I'll do it. I'll do it. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. Okay, so electoralists on our side of things, you know, and I know that strategies had mixed results.
Starting point is 00:23:17 You know, I mean, we've got, you know, AOC. You've got, you know, presumably Bernie, if he could pull this out or whatever. Tiffany Caban, et cetera, et cetera. I. That has some like at least if you're like intellectual politics, at least like, you know, going left has some. It's had some proven, you know, results. Right. some it's had some proven you know results right honestly i think that democrats prefer this strategy because they feel like they're in on the on the joke they're in on something
Starting point is 00:23:51 you know what i mean like trump supporters are going to get hoodwinked into electing her but we're all in on it we all knew all along because you know when you know when you say, because so many fucking liberals on my shit have been like, Oh my God, Amy's running. Yes, Amy. Yeah. Well, let me just back up real quick. What the fuck are they so excited about? It's, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Here's my question for the liberals that are fucking getting off. Tom, you already know the answer. No, I don't. I really don't. I, you already know the answer. No, I don't. I really don't. I really don't know the answer to this. What is the answer? I'm not asking this in bad faith at all, okay? Maybe a little bad faith.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I don't know your question, but I'll tell you the answer. She has to say that to get elected. They literally want her to say that. That's what I was going to ask. That's what I was going to ask. Okay, so maybe you did know. I know the answer. But I want to go just a step further with that do they think she's going to pull some like switch them when she gets in there like she's actually going to be like this
Starting point is 00:24:53 real left candidate when she gets in there yeah they do they do think that even though that has never happened in the history of american politics or any. It's never happened. Literally fucking never. The only progressives we have in office ran on a progressive platform because they're not fucking lunatics. Totally removed from reality. Well, after
Starting point is 00:25:17 Alison Lundergren Grimes ran against Mitch in 2014, I remember I voted for Alison Lundergren Grimes. I even went to one of her campaigns. We stood out here in the parking lot for 30 minutes. I threw a goddamn party for it in Summit City. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:25:34 She's your typical sort of Obama type liberal, but she made an attempt to court the unions and made much more of an attempt to actually campaign in Eastern Kentucky than Mitch did yeah so for that reason i was like you know i'll vote for her i saw her in three locations in eastern kentucky i saw her in harlan at summit city and her bus rolled into the parking lot over here one day
Starting point is 00:25:53 paul patton yeah paul patton come off with 18 rings on his head he let it go i love it like a hillbilly liberation i love this about paul patt. It don't matter if two people are standing. He waves. He does a broad wave to the crowd. Two people standing right in front of him. In the fucking Family Dollar parking lot. In the Family Dollar parking lot. And he just waves to the people in the back. Ain't no people in the back, Paul.
Starting point is 00:26:16 That's because he's sundown and he actually thought there were 400 people there lined up to see him. And that he's still the governor. Oh, shit. lined up to see him and that he's still the governor oh shit no i i distinctly remember saying this this is so sad i remember saying this out loud during allison's campaign i said this to someone you know i've seen her speak three times now and she said the word women more than she said the word coal so i'll probably vote for her that's the that's what i said that's the how low the bar is but even at that time um my takeaway from that election was that you can't win by running as republican light because she was still at the end of the day she ran as basically a nicer mitch mcconnell she done that dumb ass commercial she was like
Starting point is 00:27:03 shooting a rifle and all that stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah, right. And she sent out a fucking mailer against immigrants. Right, right. That's when it was like, that was her biggest controversy in that. She sent out a mailer that was not even a PAC. If you're going to send out a racist mailer, you let a fucking PAC do it, you dumb cunt.
Starting point is 00:27:20 You tell your fucking PAC to do it. She sent out a racist mailer thinking she was going to pander to all these people that said paid for by allison lundgren grimes you dumb ass because then she had no wiggle room out of it um these people are making so much money to make so many mistakes also also let me say this let me say this that you've hit on my second point and why i really think that people do this shit okay so many liberals that don't live in Kentucky, but that like pinpoint and perhaps rightly so that Mitch McConnell is what's wrong with Washington. All this bullshit. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:56 They can't vote here, but they damn sure can pile the money on. So if you're challenging Mitch McConnell, you're going to raise a fuck ton more money than if you're taking on fucking uh claire mccaskill or who the fuck ever yeah yeah this is probably like what mayor pete said about running for president it's what did he say it's low uh low risk right right running against mitch mcconnell's low risk yeah yeah it's low risk you just raise a fuck ton of money expectations are not terribly high yeah well the thing that's driving me insane about it and i was talking to tom about it last night like i thought i like i it has my last night he meant all night long because he couldn't sleep because he was staring at a picture of her zoomed in face all night long well that's not he means four hours ago yes yes and your point just glad it's a clarifying point the the craziest thing to me about it is
Starting point is 00:28:56 that after 2014 i remember talking with people and being like okay so can we all agree now that like it's there's no utility in running as republican light especially against a guy like mitch doesn't i mean like he'll win that game any day of the week what makes you think you can out republican mitch mcconnell yeah i i no idea but they have taken the exact opposite lesson like you know they're they're moving to the right the kentucky democrats not only are they not like actually lose learning any lessons they're they're not only are they just keep doing what they're they've been doing they're actually actively moving to the right yeah like the the only thing that she has any progressive
Starting point is 00:29:46 merit on is being pro-choice that's it and and supporting gay marriage but that's just an like that's already that's not a position anymore that's already legal and everything else it's not a position to support that anymore that's her position yeah yeah she's running on the support of gay marriage which is already legal well that's just one of her bona fides that she um touts like what did she say in that tweet that i replied to yesterday that i stupidly replied to yesterday i should not have done because my oh yeah people start calling you a hillbilly my mentions have been filled for 24 fucking hours like daily cost readers like oh look at this guy fucks his sister oh my god really seriously i love
Starting point is 00:30:27 this like one someone sent me like uh how closely related are your parents that sort of stuff that's amazing parents every time they call you hillbilly reply with an asterisk that says trill billy please there's nothing there's nothing I love more than when people that are just objectively dumber than I am make fun of me for being dumb. I just get so fucking hard to that. I love it. I just love that kind of slobbing. Pop it into his veins, people.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Look, this is what she is running on. Since McConnell first went to D.C. to join the swamp, I've graduated from the Naval Academy joined the u.s marine corps flew fighter jets served in iraq and afghanistan 700 confirmed afghanis dead most of them innocents served in the pentagon and then at the very bottom of this long list of just genocidal yeah it's the entire list military at the very bottom of that entire list of just genocidal... Yeah, it's the entire list, military. At the very bottom of that entire list, it just says, got married and had three kids. Husband's dick, very average.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Like, the craziest thing to me about... Is every single thing military except for got married and had three kids? Every single thing. This person, like Mayor Pete, went to the military strictly out of future political ambition because they think it's like 1978 and you have to have served to win office or some shit.
Starting point is 00:31:51 She got 80,000 likes out of that. This is the thing, as I was telling Tom, 21,000 retweets. People are so horny for the troops, it's insane. It's really depressing. Here's my counterpoint about the thirsty for the troops. I think that's partly true, but I think the other part is too, liberals have this complex
Starting point is 00:32:07 where they want their own version of something. So they want to be able to suffer. but equal. Kind of. But for the troops.
Starting point is 00:32:17 But for the troops. So what they want to do, basically, I think, is they want to have, like, oh, well,
Starting point is 00:32:24 all the people that go fight wars aren't all Republicans. Look at these Democrats over here that go. And, you know, it's just like that's very that's a really good point. You know what I mean? Like they they just want like the liberal analog to whatever. It's it's why that there's been this like weird, almost kind of borderline creepy objectification of organizing the south yeah right do you know what i'm saying yeah it's like uh there's there's not objectification a fetishization yeah and what what that how that translates to me when i see stuff like that like people just like
Starting point is 00:32:57 we got organized south and all that stuff and like you know like all this stuff so yeah everywhere needs organized okay apparently now it's in the midwest what do you mean oh yeah the maria's fart thing yeah she was like we we got the numbers in the south we can pull but we literally don't have the numbers unless we organize the races in the midwest what are you talking about for bernie what was she saying that no for dsa yeah i forget what the comment was that was I hope she's thought long and hard about that. We don't need to get into it. Fuck it. Well, so there's something I want to say, though, about this.
Starting point is 00:33:37 And it kind of goes with the fetishization of organizing the South. And it has to do with all these dumb motherfuckers who live in Cincinnati and not in Kentucky. not in kentucky who are like look at the dumb hillbilly saying blah blah blah like first of all these motherfuckers um for a group that loses year after year after year after year you sure have got a lot of fucking confidence awfully damn confident why don't you come say that to my face bro yeah no but seriously i get so fucking annoyed by people who um again you're right like they diagnose like oh mcconnell is the problem with washington therefore we have to get him out by all means necessary um but let me just go ahead and say that if you're coming at the gate by just scolding everybody in the state which is what liberals love to do with kentucky they're scolds liberals
Starting point is 00:34:32 are just scold they love to scold people in kentucky like oh you're the reason we have mcconnell you dumb fucks like why do you keep voting for him every year blah blah blah and then but someone asked me you know in good faith like why do why does mcconnell keep winning and i think it's an interesting question that is a genuinely um interesting question to explore why does mcconnell keep winning and why can't he ever lose and it's a really hard question to answer um i think there's a couple of obvious things right off the top. Yeah. I think Alex Preen had this beautiful sentence in that piece,
Starting point is 00:35:09 the nihilist in chief, and it was like, he is the errand boy for an errant billionaire class and an errant billionaire president. Yeah. So right off the top, he's got unlimited resources. We live in an oligarchy. Exactly. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So I think that's the most obvious point to make. Right. Second point would be that we live in a very poor state, a very poor state that's incredibly undemocratic. Incredibly undemocratic. Not a ton of big tax bases. Not a ton of political organization. Right. Not the right kind, anyway.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah. big tax bases not a ton of political organization right not the right kind anyway yeah and um i mean that that affects these things and then the third i think is how truly abysmal the kentucky democratic party is like if you just look at who they're offering up i mean i mean like there was that headline in the washington post yesterday that was like we finally got a real challenger on our hand mitch has finally got a real challenge i'm gonna say this i swear to god i will make good on this i will give anybody 1 000 american dollars i swear to god i swear to god to your fucking 10 if amy mcgrath comes within 10 points of mitch mcconnell yeah she's oh my god because whoever wants that action i'm telling you fucking dm me i'll take it that's the thing
Starting point is 00:36:34 this is the thing with mitch with amy mcgrath it's not even a question like there's no there's no conceivable universe in which she wins and people keep saying well mitchell's poll numbers for he's at 30 percent approval i don't give a fuck if he's at 10 he will keep winning as long as we have a senate and as long as we have states yes those two institutions do more than any other institutions to hold up the oligarchy and until you fucking abolish them you're gonna have mitch mcconnell democrats if you want to win if you want to win a couple things abolish the states abolish the senate and fucking you know maybe go get some people out here that have never voted to come show up to the
Starting point is 00:37:17 fucking polls for you they're not even interested in gaining enough power to do that they've put nancy pelosi at the top seriously the biggest coward in the history of the fucking congress yeah this is this is a really interesting point because you know yesterday interested in having enough power to do fucking anything yeah like they love they love losing and they love acting like they never lose it's so bizarre like we were saying earlier well that's the money part coming in right they i I mean, does Amy McGrath really give a fuck? She's going to get so fucking paid off of this. If she comes up short, she's still a feel-good story, and she got fucking rich off of it.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Yeah. Also. She tried. She tried, Kentucky. She's going to have an un- She couldn't save Kentucky for themselves. Yeah. She's going to have an unbelievable amount of empathy after this.
Starting point is 00:38:04 You know? She's just going to be like fucking Kentucky's little sweetheart darling. When in reality, she should be at the fucking Hague. Exactly. No, that's not even an exaggeration. If we held people like Amy McGrath to the same standards we held Nazis to in the Nuremberg trials trials they'd be hanging from a fucking gallows that's the truth but there's also
Starting point is 00:38:29 um yeah I don't know um yeah yeah she's a dumb ass uh do you think she'll make it out of the primary though let's put people in my who else is in the primary nobody yet but the whispers are Rocky and Matt Jones could get in there matt jones mike
Starting point is 00:38:47 jones you mean mike jones so those are those are the two people that are do you think that who's the other one well rocky this is the thing i was telling Tom this yesterday. In all fairness to Amy McGrath, who the fuck would run against Mitch? I mean... Can we just pause here for Rocky Atkins? Cocky Rocky. Cocky Rocky. Cocky Rocky couldn't beat... Your mate.
Starting point is 00:39:20 He couldn't beat fucking Brashear. Well, there's a thing. Amy McGrath couldn't beat andy barton the sixth we have to talk about this we have to talk about this okay because i've likened it to the beto thing like the democrats love running losers hillary clinton lost to obama in 2008 but she there's this sense that she was destined for something bigger so they ran her again she got fucking beat beto beto fucking lost to ted cruz one guy that everybody hates nobody likes ted not one person likes ted yeah okay and then and then and then and then maybe he should run for president
Starting point is 00:39:59 amy couldn't fucking beat fucking snobbing little andy bars dumbass in the sixth district in lexington lexington which is liberals talking about lexington you're not gonna win the state senate seat okay if you can't win lexington hold on a second she might have but anyways go ahead no that's that whole district right it's It's like Fayette and Jessamine. Is it Maria, too? It includes some rural places around Lexington. But I don't think that far. Fucking Nicholasville?
Starting point is 00:40:33 Is that rural? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. Well, it's funny. It's funny because... Couldn't get Versailles. Versailles. If you can't win Lexington in the greater Lexington area as a Democrat, what makes you think that you're going to go to northern Kentucky,
Starting point is 00:40:52 where you had the little fucker with the MAGA hat on taunting Nathan Phillips, huge conservative stronghold. Eastern Kentucky, where you despise everybody that lives there. Where you fucking have talked down to everybody for years, even though you used to have a stranglehold on the place but you don't know how to fucking act western kentucky which is super republican total mitch country because mitch has done a lot for them in terms of pork they're not gonna fucking turn on mitch no hell no he brought a fucking nuclear power plant to that motherfucker yeah this is what i'm saying i've heard this multiple times maybe it was when allison ran or whatever dumb dick before that it's like they say you know
Starting point is 00:41:30 mitch sucks he does but he has he's in the most powerful position and that's the only power kentucky has oh that's the only political power that kentucky has is mitch but this is people abolish the states. Fucking abolish them. I'm serious. If you want to keep them as formalities, whatever. It's just like arbitrary lines. Sure, do that.
Starting point is 00:41:53 But seriously. Abolish state governments. Yesterday. Over it. Name one functioning state government, honestly. Yeah. I don't know of any. Well, one thing I wanted to say when Terrence pointed out the second thing like in that little formula of why the democrats never win here there's a reason why these like particularly malevolent like republican characters hold power in like
Starting point is 00:42:16 kind of marginal states when's the last time there's been like this like super powerful republican character that like dick cheney, Wyoming, Mitch McConnell, Kentucky. Right. Uh, if you, if you want to go to the Democrat side, Joe Manchin in West Virginia, right?
Starting point is 00:42:30 Like there's a Democrat. Yeah, exactly. There's a reason why they pick on these places where again, not a lot of, uh, not a lot of big tax bases, not a ton of political organization because they know they,
Starting point is 00:42:43 that's where they can fucking win and hold stakeout power for generations there that's why we gotta abolish the state and also what's the common denominator in a lot of those states just resource extraction on a massive scale yeah that's the thing like that's the thing like you've got these little mini oligarchies in each of these states people are sick poor and completely just exactly and those people don't vote dehumanized yeah yeah they they can't vote they don't vote yeah i mean they literally can't vote you can't blame them i mean yeah they can't vote that's the thing they're not getting off work for to vote they're not they're not getting a babysitter to vote they literally cannot fucking vote yeah that's yeah that's that should be the most obvious thing.
Starting point is 00:43:25 It's just voter disenfranchisement. Exactly. The entire political economy of those states is oriented around a handful of resources. And this bothers me about the electoralists so much because they don't seem invested as much in fucking those structures up and removing like, you know, doing something about gerrymanderingering doing something about voter disenfranchisement doing something about whatever as much as they care about just running like candidates that might be you know better policy-wise but there's so many stumbling blocks you have to remove for that strategy to be effective a grand full 85 percent of letcher county which is not even that many people but 85 percent of letcher county did not vote for trump yeah that would be like let's see did not vote for him how many people are in letcher county 30 80 did not vote at all so that's like 20 000 people yeah
Starting point is 00:44:21 just about and and somehow so it's just like every journalist who refers to this as Trump country has reprogrammed their brain for lies and focus groups. Right, yeah. It's like they're on the fucking Democrat tip. I wonder, to me, if you looked at this from the sort of like grand historical perspective you would see a party that is in just terminal illness decline because they're on hospice care democrats they are essentially a party that continues to run losers after they have lost is a party in decline is a party that has outlived its historical
Starting point is 00:45:08 role and necessity and yeah you're right and it's effectiveness this brings up an actual good question at what point do they get violent that's the this is what i'm wondering this is because the nancy pelosi thing this week really made me wonder that like this not if they get violent but like how long they'll keep putting up with this because Nancy Pelosi said you know we are uh not gonna pursue impeachment of Labor Secretary Acosta I guess this was after the Epstein thing like and even if you can't go after a guy appointed by your sworn enemy who is implicated in a child pedophilia ring who the fuck can you go after and this is the thing like they use
Starting point is 00:45:50 this Pelosi in her statement said we have work to do for the American people what fucking work are you doing you can't get anything done and even if you could you wouldn't you wouldn't fucking want to you may as well impeach these bastards what What else do you have to do?
Starting point is 00:46:06 What else do you have to fucking do? Raise money! Send them to the fucking Hague. I'm serious. Dude, it's insane. That's all they do! Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are lucky I'm not the grand fucking potentate. Because I'd have them on a one-way fucking trip to Belgium.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Or where is it? Denmark. The Hague is Netherlands, I think. Somewhere. Even the resistance people were like, this is your job. Like, what else are you gonna... The resistance people.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I don't understand this. Like, how long did the resistance people like, put up with this? People like Pelosi saying like, oh, we're not gonna pursue impeachment and all this like i just don't i just don't understand it i really i really don't i'm absolutely i mean this is like a normie point to make but if you if you voted for the iraq war i'm dead fucking serious you shouldn't be you should be hung out to dry you're a war criminal you're a war criminal
Starting point is 00:47:01 well since to the fucking hay i mean million I mean, it's open and shut. Yeah, there's not even a question. No, you're done. You're out. If you vote for the Iraq War, you fucking go to hell and fucking rot. I'm serious. It's true. It's, oh, God.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Yeah, it's. I mean, to say nothing else. I mean, just right off the top, you've got bodies on your hands. You deserve to fucking burn in hell. You deserve the worst possible thing that could happen to a human being. Like, we'll put you in a room and drop white phosphorus on you. Because guess what? There are six-year-olds who have had white phosphorus dropped on them.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And that's on your fucking hands. Let's move them all to Glomar. What's Glomar? Here in Letcher County? Yeah. The worst possible. Carp and Glow. Yeah, possible. Carp and Glow. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Carp and Glow. No, Glomar is in Hazard. Hazard, that's right. Let's move to Glomar, yeah. That's what we'll do for those. That's what we'll do. Let's build a prison. We'll build our prison, but it's only for congressional war criminals.
Starting point is 00:48:00 It was only a matter of time before we came back around and decided to build the prison that we stopped. Let's build this prison. Bring it back. We actually do have some reason. We have some people we want to put in there. No, we don't need a prison. We've got enough mine shafts at this point. We have endless, endless prison cells.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Put them in mine shafts and just put old-y like bars, metal iron bars over the entrances. Just drop them. Just drop them into sinkholes. We have enough sinkholes at this point surrounding mine shafts. Just drop them. We'll drop them in the fucking separation of the brand new $8 million bridge they just built on Pine Mountain. We'll just drop them down under that. Fuck them.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Well, they'll no longer be the bridge to nowhere. they just build on pine mountain let's drop them down under that fuck them well well these the they'll no longer be the bridge to nowhere but bridge to fucking hell be the bridge to the democratic party yeah they're they're um i'd say that unless and you know unless bernie in that sort of wing of the democratic party can actually pull it left and make it about politics again. Which I don't even really support six days out of the week. Just because of where I live and all the other things.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Unless that can happen, then this party is actually done, and I'm not just saying that as a take or whatever. I'm saying that a party that refuses to internalize any lessons and keeps literally making, this is what's breaking my brain
Starting point is 00:49:30 so much about the Amy McGrath thing is that like six years ago Alison Grimes was a better candidate than Amy McGrath is. They have they have not learned their lessons so badly that they're, not only are they repeating the same mistakes, but they're leaning
Starting point is 00:49:45 harder into into those mistakes yeah there really is nothing less left to defend of the democratic party i mean even nancy pelosi has even thrown under the bus every progressive congress person like that they have which are all women of color yeah almost all women women of color they've literally thrown them under the bus at every fucking turn, every chance they get. Yeah, didn't she? She had something last week about AOC. She just threw them all under the bus. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:10 All of them. She said, oh, they have their online thing. Yeah, they have their own little online thing, but that's not. So salt in her fucking fields. fields i'm telling you take her home and move skid row into it and fucking tie her to a tree and make her just watch fucking homeless people fucking enjoy the amenities of her huge sprawling property i fucking hate these people so so bad i'm the same way it's hard it's hard to actually get mad about it because it's um our blood pressure can't can't withstand i got a little dizzy there just for a second i swear to god yeah i had a headache all day yesterday because i'm
Starting point is 00:51:00 pretty sure my blood pressure is bad really bad It's just through the roof. We're just through the roof. The thing is, it's just like... Nancy Pelosi is the Jimmy Dale of the Democratic Party. She needs to be choked out at her own party. Yeah. Look, you're not going to beat McConnell. The quicker you realize that, the better. I mean, I could... There is...
Starting point is 00:51:31 I'm so confident of this that I'm even hesitant to add a sort of, like, hedge my bets thing. I'm so confident that he will never lose that I'm hesitant to hedge my bets on it and say, well, it could happen. Well, the thing people would probably point to is the what was the guy in virginia eric oh canter canter that was like supposed to be untouchable and he got beat that's true and like i mean not nearly in mcconnell's field but still you know pretty powerful guy yeah so it's like conceivably he was a senator too huh i think so maybe can't remember if he was in the house or the senate who and who did he get beat by did he well here's the
Starting point is 00:52:11 thing here's here's another thing that weren't i mean like it's hard to make sort of general whatever but um most people's voting patterns and ideologies and stuff are pretty completely incoherent. And they sort of flip from election to election. Yeah. But I'm pretty confident in saying that Mitch is going to stay in office probably until he dies. Either from a guillotine or from a heart attack. And probably a little while after that. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Or he'll just, he'll be getting he'll be getting i'll prop him up like weekend at bernie's or some bullshit i mean he's too he's too um valuable i mean um he he is the reason that they it's like that perrine set piece he's the only reason republican of republicans owe a great fucking debt to Mitch McConnell. Seriously. This is true. Well, and it's like someone had pointed this out recently that Mitch McConnell actually is the only person to have understood. Mitch McConnell is the only person in the last 20 or 30 years to have understood that political parties are no longer these
Starting point is 00:53:25 sort of weird collection of interest groups. They are now, for the first time in American history, ideologically coherent parties. And therefore, there is no such thing as working across the aisle. The system actually was not built for that. Mitch McConnell is the only person to have understood this. You can't work across the aisle. There is no aisle. No. You play to win. That's it.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Hello. You play to win the game. I don't know. I've just, I think that seeing people make the same mistakes over and over and over and then having to be beholden to those
Starting point is 00:54:06 mistakes and having to argue with people and then also like we're the idiot pieces of shit right you know you're the in-brand motherfucker you dumb fucking hillbilly how closely related are your parents dumb bitch oh jesus christ like that that would make anybody any reasonably stable person you say what you want about me say i'm dumb this i at least understand what power is about at least understand the politics about the allocation of power and resources and uh you know what facet of your life is not dictated by the allocation of power and resources like grow up grows it's not it's not fucking tv i just i do think there's a question there about how long i mean are the democrats so out to see
Starting point is 00:54:52 that they'll just eventually merge into republicans and we'll just give up their well they already are for all intents and purposes i think right i mean yeah i guess they're all beholden to the same people take money from the same people i mean i think as republicans know how to win and know how to and know how to win while also being deeply unpopular yeah yeah i mean i think that um if you have a candidate running as a pro-Trump, I just can't get over that. I mean, like, we've seen it with Manchin, obviously. Well, that's their playbook. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Joe Manchin. Right. But it's just hilarious to me to think that... It's hilarious to me to think that you can be... Like, the hubris, I guess. The hubris and the ambition to think that you can beat Mitch McConnell at his own game. It just shows me it just reveals to me a society that is absolutely in decline or if not in decline, approaching some sort of cataclysmic breaking point that will create a new kind of um society and i don't mean that in an optimistic way i mean i mean that in a very bleak way
Starting point is 00:56:15 yeah yeah no we're headed for something yeah something is on the horizon like if if you have a political system that can't get anything done when it does get something done it is purely in service of reactionary um policies the few things that they can get done are tax cuts for the you know funneling more and more money up to the top you're you're you're talking about a society that is heading towards some kind of confrontation now um and um if you're listening to this and you still think that uh that maybe the i don't know why you'd be listening to this and you know think that people shouldn't be going further to the left but But if you are,
Starting point is 00:57:06 I'm just saying you need to wake the fuck up. Start stockpiling weapons. This is just choir practice. Here is what we're doing. A little choir practice. I don't know. Anyways, nothing really else to say about that.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Amy McGrath. Madcap. I'll tell you one thing now. I'd like to. Amy McGrath. Madcap. I'll tell you one thing now. I'd like to see Mark McGrath running instead. You know? Every halo, every morning there's a halo. I know who you're talking about. Every morning.
Starting point is 00:57:36 My mouth, gun, wrist. I'd vote for Mark McGrath. Do you think Mark McGrath or Amy McGrath is pulling better in Eastern Kentucky? Mark. By a factor of three at least. One time my ex-boyfriend literally downloaded the entire Sugar Ray discography on my laptop. Wait. Expert trolling.
Starting point is 00:57:58 How old? How old what? Were you when this happened? This was five years ago. This is literally five years ago this is literally josh did this josh did this i found it i was like what in the hot goddamn hell is wrong with you they have a huge discography a one gigabyte yeah was it was it was it like a joke or was it like his guilty pleasure no he i have no it was not a joke every morning every morning the democrats run a loser and it makes me insane i know he's gonna lose and everybody's gonna tell me i can't poll
Starting point is 00:58:36 within 15 but guess what i'm gonna wake up on November 6th. You know who they should run? And everybody's going to tell me I have to vote for them. Who? Paul Patton. They should just run Paul Patton. Against Mitch? Let me tell you who they should run against. I'll tell you who they should run.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I don't like this guy. They should run fucking Greg Stumbo against him. At least that would be entertaining. At least that would be entertaining. At least that would be entertaining. At least Greg's like... He's got funny fucking idiot...
Starting point is 00:59:11 He's got funny witticisms and anecdotes. He could win Eastern Kentucky, possibly. I mean, he'd lose, but it'd be... He would lose.
Starting point is 00:59:16 It would at least be entertaining. We're Coach Cal. This isn't even fucking entertaining. It's gonna get worse. Yeah, it's gonna get worse. This is only week one
Starting point is 00:59:26 and you're already out to dry yeah well i guess what it another another insane thing about this country is that elections drive people insane they change people into fundamentally different people so i guarantee you that in 15 months half of your fucking friends are gonna be like well i'm sorry you're just gonna have to vote for her anyways you just gonna i promise you this i promise you this i might be able to be guilted into holding my nose and voting for allison london grimes i might be able to hold my nose and be goaded into voting for whatever milquetoast democrat they want to roll out. Just an off chance that you knock Mitch McConnell.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Not happening. I will not vote for somebody that could be in the Hague. I refuse. I refuse. As a moral imperative, I refuse. And if you don't like that, then fucking run somebody with some goddamn moral courage and conviction. That's the thing. They expect us to rally behind this bitch because she's flown a flotter jet.
Starting point is 01:00:32 She's flying it right through the glass ceiling, baby. This is the thing. Like, there's no one with any conviction or any just moral courage even at all. Oh, my God. No. But I'm with you. you i'm gonna clock and count i'm gonna start a count of how many times someone between now and november says to me next it's next november next november that's the thing we have this is 15 months of this well so hopefully we can milk some content out of it we might have blew our load too early this episode.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Tom went off. I'm sorry. Keep it rolling out. It's a stop. I don't think I'm the smartest guy in the world, but I don't know why people can't see obvious things. I mean, you don't really have to have any sort of great political schooling to see how horrible of a candidate she is. Well, I'm going to clock how many times people say she has to say that to get elected. She has to say that.
Starting point is 01:01:32 That's the thing. She's just saying that. People, these same people who, this is the thing that just drives me insane. that just drives me insane. The same people who insist on running losing candidates are also the people that tell you that you have to vote for them
Starting point is 01:01:51 or else apocalypse is coming. And it's like, if you have Nancy Pelosi in office saying that she's not even going to do her job, I just feel like I'm slamming my head against the wall. I don't give a fuck. What they want is they want some sort of like, you know, bait and switch when they get in office.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Like, oh, well, they're going to be much more to the left once they get in office. That just never happens. In fact, usually the opposite happens. They go further to the center or to the right. I know. It's never. It's never happened. What are we gonna get what we're gonna get if amy mcgrath
Starting point is 01:02:25 pulls the upset she's just gonna like be like well i might as well lean into the trump thing now well and this is what like what's the net result of it i i don't know this and this is why and this is directed specifically to people on the dsa left this is why when people say um insist that like oh um electoralism does work, we're proving blah, blah, blah, well, come live in my fucking state. Because that is not the case. And the reason why, there are other ways to chip away at that sort of hegemonic power, whether it's union organizing or other kinds of grassroots organizing. Elections in this state are just it's a non-starter.
Starting point is 01:03:12 You're not gonna get, you're not gonna I don't know, you're not gonna accomplish what you think you would be on in other places. And that's fine. Where you live you have the ability to affect change through elections. You should do that. You should definitely do should definitely absolutely do it but in this state look at what we fucking got look at what's in front of us yeah it's it's
Starting point is 01:03:32 fucking bleak my friends when you're when you're hoping that a guy like greg stumble runs just so you can get some entertainment value out of the whole fucking thing and then i guess you could conceivably say well why don't you fucking run well we're trying to convince tanya to no that's it would be here there's no risk for amy mcgrath to run right it's all risk for me this would suck every bit every ounce leave you in the poor house ruin your reputation i'd be canceled 20 times over drive you insane i would be a complete i wouldn't be able to leave the house for years and this is the basis of our critique of elections they would drag every skeleton yeah literal skeletons out of my basement because like people like us or working people whatever can't run in those fucking elections no it's inconceivable
Starting point is 01:04:23 yeah well why don't you run well one motherfucker i don't have a these wealthy patrons with millions of dollars i don't have a paw to piss in i have i have uh about 1500 individual donors with an average donation of five dollars a month literally that's what i have but two there is a social capital aspect to all this which what you're just saying which is that they will ruin your fucking life yeah totally they would absolutely ruin my life yeah and i guess you could reply and say well that's why you have a sort of grassroots movement a social movement backing you up well we're just not there yet and there's a lot of reasons for that but
Starting point is 01:04:58 look at the political economy look at the resources that come out of the state, the things that are made in the state, and why the people who run the state are who they are. Can you imagine me coming out on Twitter next week like I'm announcing my run against a war criminal and a turtle. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Actually. Hashtag TBT. Why don't you just lean into it? For Congress. Do it, Amy McGrath. TBT for Senate. Do it. Amy McGrath did, and just tout your... I'll just troll every single post she makes.
Starting point is 01:05:35 I'll just make one in the same template. Yeah, yeah, but do it in a way that touts how prolific you are in the bedroom or something. While Mitch McConnell was in office... Blowjobs, handjobs, rimjobs mcconnell was in office while mitch mcconnell was in office i was born went through puberty i lost my virginity lost my virginity three times i got several stds that's a joke that's a joke that i would make on twitter fine i'll be happy with that jesus i survived gonorrhea goddamn that's a true hero story heroin tale not all heroes were okay baby mcgrath i just can't even fathom it honestly i just don't understand what kind of
Starting point is 01:06:22 hollow life you would live if your whole existence was just putting beats together to get to this moment where you're going to lose to mitch mcconnell by 15 points well they need something to keep the wheels on this is the thing they are stalling for time um because i think even they know that this Republic thing that the founding fathers loved so fucking much, this whole Rome Republic thing that they had a fucking hard-on for is absolutely falling apart at the seams. And like I said, they're stalling for time.
Starting point is 01:07:03 I'm completely... I have no issue saying, don't vote for Amy McGrath. Don't put any amount, any ounce of energy into it. No. No. Run for...
Starting point is 01:07:19 I don't know. Focus on the fucking local level. Do that. That seems to me to be a much better strategy. If you're trying to get Mitch out, we need a long-term strategy. Well, yeah, county judges and so forth, those are the people that make these guys move anyway. Jesus, man.
Starting point is 01:07:35 My brain has been fried. Any parting thoughts maybe for me? I don't know. Tonya, you you gonna run as a no no i'm just i'm just feeling like i'm getting my work situation figured out so that i'm not underwater all the time yeah i'm yeah i got my sex ed stuff. Getting some funding. Thank God. Iron's in the fire. I'm on a path to not chewing my nails down to the quick
Starting point is 01:08:11 every day. I'm trying to just keep my head above water. Running against Mitch McConnell would ruin my sex life. I'll just put it that way. It would ruin your life. It would ruin my life in general. And that's the thing. Anybody
Starting point is 01:08:27 whose life it would not ruin to run in an election like that, you should be at least a little bit fucking skeptical of. This is the like, I mean, we could do a whole show just about this. About the actual non-democrats, like the just cloak
Starting point is 01:08:44 of this bullshit is like when i say no one who wants to be president i want to be president i say that because no one who could even run for president you know what i mean like anyone i would want to be a one fuck presidents obviously there's that but there's this whole there's this whole behind the scenes fucking wizard of all shit where it's like we literally cannot run for these elections yes that's the thing ideally we would like to live in a system where people like us make the decisions you know what i'm saying just like uh regular ass regular ass joes but no i'm not i'm i'm i'm not just saying that like i mean literally workers like um workers regular ass joannas the marginalized the you know what i'm saying
Starting point is 01:09:33 the downtrodden etc like those are the people who would theoretically run the society in this democracy that you have such a hard-on for well you can can't. I mean, like, if you look at it, it's like you're saying. It would ruin your life, first of all. Second of all, like... Couldn't raise enough money. Who even has the fucking resources to do some shit like that?
Starting point is 01:09:52 You know what I would spend all my time doing? Fielding journalist calls. That's the only thing I would have time or, like, money to do. Like, I would just be talking on the phone all day long. They would also just gaslight you. It's just like, oh, that's a a cute story but we're going to go for people that the the democratic party is going to throw their way yeah six generation bartender
Starting point is 01:10:12 right and so it's a mission and so guess what what do you got what do you as a result what do you get you get people who fucking bombed villages and and that's the easy path to this and and it allows them to stave off we are heading towards crisis and that's how you know yeah that's what i'm saying it's like even the dems i mean i guess they they can just keep merging and as republicans but it seems like as history would have replayed itself they would eventually just like lose it and get violent well i think they'll wake up in 15 years and be like oh shit i guess we're republicans and in 15 years most of their home most of their second homes on the coast will be underwater in 15 years and they'll be like oh well they've got
Starting point is 01:10:58 the money and resources to stave off judgment day it's and you notice i said their second homes yeah right right this is nothing to them they'll just get insurance money paid back well and this is why this is why it concerns me that the left is so hesitant to build long-term strategies like there was that there was that article in the new republic by dunn doug henwood about DSA right now. And my main takeaway was how the vast majority of people in DSA, or on the left, I'm not picking on NIFSIM in particular,
Starting point is 01:11:34 are so hesitant to make long-term strategies, to make a long-term base-building strategy. And that's the only way that we're going to stave off this crisis that is fucking coming up over the horizon. I mean, obviously, we're already in it. Obviously, there is a crisis that we're already in. But I feel like if you've got parts of the political system that is so obviously and blatantly just stalling, you know.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Right on the clock. Right. Then that means that we're not quite there to that point. And so I don't know. We just really, I don't know. I just really hope we're not fucking just sleepwalking into a, into the wood chipper,
Starting point is 01:12:14 as you say. Yeah. Meanwhile, we have like all these notable leftists coming out. It's Nazis. It's just bizarre. It's bizarre time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Yeah, I know it really does. It really makes bizarre. It's bizarre, Tom. Yeah. Yeah, I know. It really does. It really makes you wonder who your fucking friends are. Anyways, all that to say, yeah, any closing thoughts? If you're not grappling
Starting point is 01:12:39 with U.S. imperialism and the legacy of U.S. imperialism vis-a-vis a candidate like Amy McGrath. Get fucked, go to hell, eat shit, whatever you need to do. To me, that's rudimentary. If you don't recognize the humanity
Starting point is 01:12:55 of the people we terrorize overseas every fucking day and your grand antidote to the people you feel are in charge of that is the person that directly did it i don't know what the fuck to tell you get fucked yeah it's like her way to humanize herself is that she's had three kids even then the craziest thing about her is that she puts that at the literally at the bottom of the list which is telling like even hardened like sociopathic politicians usually
Starting point is 01:13:28 say the best decision i ever made was marrying joanne in 1947 it's literally it sucks because usually i spend no time on facebook i'm not on there at all but i've have a fucking birthday fundraiser going right now and i've had to be on there and that it's been so much amy mcgrath people are so excited oh i know it's disturbed it's truly disturbing it's gonna be bad um literal just go amy and 20 exclamation points it's so dark it's so truly dark if you If you're a person who thinks that you're progressive and you say that, go fuck yourself. You are welcome in no serious political country. You should be laughed out of every single night.
Starting point is 01:14:12 It's sad that you... My question is, I don't understand why you're so beholden to this party, this infrastructure that was so fucking stupid. They were operating in the red after fucking obama second election uh can't win anything anymore really okay we now i have a pool that we really should get in on we really should put some i got cash in my wallet right now we should put some cash down on this that kfdc endorses her oh there's not even a question i'm not even i'm not even... I'm not even... Absolutely. I can't even laugh at it because it's so fucking despicable.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Leftists need to sort of decouple their minds from elections. I mean, vote in them. If you want to go canvas for specific candidates, and obviously I want to see Bernie win, but we need to decouple our brains from elections because they rot them out. The whole thing is a spectacle. And honestly, I'm starting to think that the whole thing is designed to sap all of the energy out of the left. That it's designed to... That's not a bad take, honestly.
Starting point is 01:15:23 To send us over, completely over the edge yeah um because i don't know they they uh it's bad folks it's bad um well there is hope though um you know i don't know what it is but i wish I wish I did. God, I'm serious. I need some hope right now. Well, look, things are bad. They're going to be bad for a while. Like I said, we need long-term base-building strategies, and I will die on that hill.
Starting point is 01:15:59 We should not be chasing short-term... Electoral wins. That is the same... Just the most craven individuals. Look, that is liberal. that is the same with just the most craven individuals look that is liberal that is the same liberal obsession with symbolism that got us in this thing with in the first place this ultimately this is all symbolism and aesthetics yeah there is nothing symbolic or or or you know shifting the overton window or whatever about long term base building strategies and that's what we need and there are people doing that
Starting point is 01:16:28 and shout out to those people that you know that is what we need in my opinion is what we need to be doing but anyways welcome hopefully you've gotten something out of it
Starting point is 01:16:45 I'm depressed hydrate my friends But anyways, welcome. Hopefully you've gotten something out of it. I'm depressed. Hydrate, my friends. Drink water, swim. Get eight hours if you can. Yeah, do what you can. I like a good nine, personally. If I don't clock in a good nine hours, I'm unhappy. I'm unsatisfied.
Starting point is 01:17:03 My man had her nine. Ain't nobody happy. I need my my mom we have some shows coming up um you want to plug them you know the dates time where tom will turn into an actual watermelon and explode all over the audience i hope not yeah i'm talking about amy mcgrath yeah it'll be like gallagher tom will be the watermelon that'll be the water it's going there in the big mallet i think the first show kicks off either the 27th or the 28th of here it is um the 28th of july um we're at the Big Hunt in Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 01:17:46 The 30th of July, we're at King's in Raleigh. No, that show's been canceled. Okay. That show's canceled. But there is a replacement show in Chapel Hill, but I'm not sure what the date is on that. Okay. Stay tuned. I'll tell you, the easiest way to do this is check in with the Street Fight or Tourmate
Starting point is 01:18:03 Street Fight and District Sentinel for the updates on this. The third and fourth are in Atlanta. We're just a silent partner. The fifth are in Nashville. I'll be in Atlanta. You'll be at the Atlanta shows? There's two. I know. I haven't decided if I'm going to do both yet.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Tanya's a lock for the Atlanta show. I'm a lock for the Sunday Atlanta show. That's also the DSA convention weekend. Come out and hang. Is that why there are two shows? Let's argue in good faith and then hold each other afterwards. Do you feel held?
Starting point is 01:18:35 Do you two feel held? Have you watched Midsommar yet? No. Okay, then you don't get that. I watched Toy Story 4 with my nephews. It's pretty similar. And then also don't forget to go support the Patreon.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Patreon. P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash TripBillyWorkersParty We've got good content there. The last episode we did was pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:19:00 We talked about Chris Klein. Oh, that was so a low point in my family vacation is that they mourned his death why did what did you do i said nothing i had to keep quiet kevin reverence i had to keep the free bourbon flowing sometimes you've got to be you've got to choose your battles wisely oh yeah i learned that a long time ago with these motherfuckers i mean they are on their way to being a billionaire being billionaires yeah they're millionaires for sure damn well sure and yeah they like read it well and what i love
Starting point is 01:19:30 is the the uh the headline that i saw was billionaire coal tycoon goes down in helicopter or whatever it literally used the word tycoon And she read a headline of whatever, whatever nude cycle she got that was like billionaire. Philanthropist and entrepreneur. Yes. Yeah. That was New York Times, baby. Gotta love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:54 And she like read it. She was like reading it to herself. She's like, this is so sad. His daughter and her friends. Like he grew up, he went into the mines at age 22. and like he grew up he went into the mines at age 22 and look if you if after the whole hour and a half long depressing ass episode you need a little bit of hope here's what i've been pulling some hope from over the past week the fact that this motherfucker had just enough time before his brain brain just splattered all over the rocks to think about his just blood-soaked selfish existence like oh my god
Starting point is 01:20:27 i mean all i can ever think about is that final scene in the patsy klein story it's brutal what what happened there i mean patsy died in a helicopter too and then the final scene of her movie of her biopic yeah Yeah, but she's good. Patsy Cline is good. I know. Patsy Cline is incredible, but when I think about a helicopter crash, that's all I can see
Starting point is 01:20:50 is like that last scene where they just cut out as soon as they like see the mountain, the next mountain, you know, that they're about to hit. Jeez, yeah, that is dark.
Starting point is 01:20:58 It's awful. But let's not think about the bad stuff. Not with billionaires inside, though, I guess. Let's think about the good stuff. Let's think about the bad Cline dying in the good way, not the good Cline dying in the bad way. Not with billionaires inside, though, I guess. Let's think about the good stuff. Let's think about the bad Klein dying in the good way. Not the good Klein dying in the bad way.
Starting point is 01:21:08 And since his kid died, too. Oh, shit, that is a weird coincidence. Where's that billion dollars going? Probably his wife. Or his other kid. Who probably hated him anyway. She already has a mistress. She's about to be living large with her mistress.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Yeah, she's definitely already getting fucked. Yeah, oh, yeah yeah she's been railroaded since his burial i fucking love i hate that motherfucker you know she did too you know she did wow uh anyways um well yeah go to the patreon check that out and we'll see you next time or you're out next week huh
Starting point is 01:21:46 yeah it's my birthday it's full moon and I'm gonna be on the river on the new enjoy yourself see you in the funny papers we'll see you next time

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