Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 109: Doing Crimes To Live

Episode Date: August 15, 2019

We explore the mysterious circumstances and similarities around the deaths of one Jesus Christ and one Jeffrey Epstein. Then we look at Moscow Mitch, Bernie and the media, and that dreaded inverted yi...eld curve.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm a fat, healthy bitch, Tom. All my cholesterol, my blood sugar, my blood pressure, everything's always good. If I could get my anxiety under control, I'd be in good shape. Yeah. And my teeth are impeccable. They're kind of, you know, yallow-y. They're not super white, but they're really healthy. It looks like maybe I'm a smoker, but my teeth are very healthy.
Starting point is 00:00:24 My doctor was like, you have beautiful teeth. beautiful teeth okay well i need a whitener so i mean are our teeth whiteners is that like a scam is that real thing i mean i think they do whiten them for a little while but they break down the enamel it's not good it's not healthy for you just embrace your regularly normal off-white teeth color. Speak for yourself. I got beautiful pearly whites. Natural? Natural.
Starting point is 00:00:49 All natural. It approved. Well, actually, mine got busted out in Little League. So they're fake. So they're fake. Yeah, my mom's got fake front teeth, too. She got hit with a motorcycle. It's worse than getting hit by a baseball.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Yeah, she was playing, like, chicken with one of her assistant basketball coaches in high school who was riding, like, a fucking moped, motorcycle thing. Were they both on mopeds? No, she was walking in the parking lot and playing chicken with him, and he hit her. And he continued. I ain't gonna come back to that. Well, he continued to coach, and she got a few veneers. Damn.
Starting point is 00:01:23 She should have cashed in on school. School paid for it. My cousin gets free dental work for life from Walmart. Oh, fuck yeah. Because he slid and busted his teeth out, and they didn't have one of those signs up. I'd have held out for, you know, hundreds of thousands.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I wonder of all the opportunities I've missed out on being able to sue people for... We should be slipping jimmies I'm here I'm here for it yeah oh yeah I'm getting desperate I'm thinking I just really wish I could come up on 50 grand if somebody would just venmo me 50 g's right quick I'd be sitting I would buy my house and I wouldn't leave it again surely to god we could in an afternoon we can figure out where to get that out don childers if we i mean i would even be i just don't want to deal with the bank i would pay it back maybe
Starting point is 00:02:10 potentially over time we could work out a payment plan but if i just knew one person who could loan me 50 g's and i know you're gonna say my aunt sue rebecca but she talks real bad about everybody who asked her for money to me, so I feel like I can't go that route. For 50K, she can call me every son of a bitch there ever was. Oh, you think I should just eat it? Yeah. Just take the fucking...
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah, who cares? They're talking bad about you anyway, I promise. Yeah, that's true. I mean, what's the worst... But I would still have to pay it back. Really? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah, they've made my mom pay back like sixteen thousand dollars and my mom's like they are so they are so good to me i'm like mom they shit they they make more a minute than you make a fucking year like she my mom really cannot conceptualize how much wealth they have she just like doesn't and they're related by blood, yeah? Yeah, it's her first cousin. My mom, it's not just her. My mom thinks that, she still thinks that hard work equals wealth, even though she works so hard and she's so fucking broke. Yeah, my mom's the same way. Well, I don't understand it.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It's like they can't, it's like if they were to let that go, it would ruin their entire life. The basis that they've built everything on. Because these are women with a sick work ethic. Right, Tom? Yeah. My mom has a disturbing work ethic. Right, Tom? Yeah. My mom has a disturbing work ethic. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:03:29 It's sick. Yeah. It doesn't matter. Like, if their boss called them up and said, I can't pay you this week, they'd still come in and work 40 hours. She has. My mom clocks out because she can't get overtime and then goes and finishes her work. That's insane. Almost daily.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah. I have talked to her about this so many times i'm like mom you they let her work for years without ever helping her sign up on their uh retirement plan that they should have been paying in three percent yeah every paycheck and she kept asking them about it because i kept asking her about it and they kept telling her the computer system was down. She couldn't sign up. Been down for three years now. Three fucking years. I used to have work ethic. Sorry, this is kind of a tangent.
Starting point is 00:04:12 What happened to your work ethic? I don't know. It was bait out of him. I started working at non-profits. I will suck it out of you real quick. I used to, at one point in my life, I had such a work ethic that envisioning a life after work, like retirement, used to give me.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Like, just the idea, like my current life now would have given me anxiety ten years ago. You used to be a boomer? Yeah. You were a baby boomer. Interesting. I used to get literal anxiety thinking about not working. Just having nothing to do. And now it's my life.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Is that what... The concept of heaven really fucked me up for the same reason. I can just get to hang out in this really tacky place for all eternity. Doing nothing. Hang out with like... Well... Sheriffs. Straits of gold.
Starting point is 00:05:00 So pretentious. You do... It's like so tacky. You do praise God for eternity you are doing that's your one activity like your prostrate praising god forever forever let your let your mind go through that like feedback loop where you're like oh forever forever even here's the weird part. Even if I could conceptualize something
Starting point is 00:05:27 I enjoy doing and would be like, this is cool. The idea of doing it forever still is like, huh. That's what I'm saying. It's still. I think, oh yeah, that's over. People need to not even consider it anymore
Starting point is 00:05:43 that you would do something for your whole life. But even teenagers still have this mindset. It's like, yeah, I got to figure out something, you know, a career. And I'm like, no, you don't. Careers are over. Christianity boils down to basically choosing between the lesser of two evils. Because it's basically. Lesser evilism, huh?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yeah, it's lesser evilism. But it's like. It's electoral politics. Pretty much. It's lesser evilism, but it's like... It's electoral politics. Pretty much. It's like you can either spend forever in hell or in heaven. Neither of them are preferable.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I mean, neither of them are great because it's forever. What's the word? It's hell for company, heaven for climate. Oh, yeah. Well, did you ever piddle much in purgatory? What's going on there? What happens in purgatory? What's going on there? What happens in purgatory? She just kind of hang out there to eat to somebody.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I mean. No, we believe, we're Baptists. We didn't believe in that. Oh, yeah. Same here. But according to many Lifetime original specials that I have taken in in my day, purgatory means you're on earth trying to fulfill some last fleeting goal you had or something to save. You're just so close to getting into heaven
Starting point is 00:06:48 but you have to prove one last thing you can do. I see. Interesting concept. You have to do one last thing to get you all over the edge or it's hell for certain. Yeah. Well, I mean, I like the isn't there like a religious sect around here
Starting point is 00:07:04 called the No Hellers? And they believe there's no hell, that this is hell. Yeah, they're called Jehovah's Witnesses. They believe that this is hell? I think that's what Jehovah's Witnesses are. And everybody goes to heaven when they die? Is that what it is? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I thought it was like primitive Baptists. I thought they were the No Hellers. They might. I don't know. I feel like every primitive religion around here is, like, mostly only hell. It's basically every, you're going to hell. That's the only option. There's really no promise of heaven around here.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You got that backward. Yeah, it's like no heaveners, I think. Interesting. I mean, all they talk about is hell, really. Yeah, yeah. You know, Jesus preached a lot about hell. You know, speaking of Jesusesus speaking of jesus tom so i've been really thinking a lot lately about you know how it's interesting like with this
Starting point is 00:07:55 epstein stuff i know you've been fishing for it for an epstein segue but let's get to it like you really can see how like maybe maybe maybe Jesus was like a high-profile pedophile who arranged like child sex trafficking for the roman elite and they disappeared him in the same way to like epstein is this is this what you is this what you've pitched to the network for national treasure three or what's what's that damn brown book everybody lost their damn mind over angels and demons or what was the first one the big one though something code the da vinci code i just pulled the da vinci code off my shelf and sent it to Grace's closet. Why did I have a copy of the Da Vinci Code? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:08:52 You should have let me borrow it. Well, it's at Grace's now. I'm sure you can go pick it up. It's probably in the free section. Well, okay. Where I was going with that is, like i was going with that it's like you can see how okay so with the epstein stuff there's a few theories as to what happened to him right what's your theory how do i say let's get caught up on the news here interesting developments and i don't know if these
Starting point is 00:09:15 are joke headlines or real headlines but who can tell now how do you sparse it is it true that some guard there said he heard like some noises come from Epstein's cell before? Is that real? That was reported by the AP. Some discussion? There was shrieking noises. Shrieking noises come from there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So that's one. The New York Times reported last night that two guards were found. This is the thing about it. This was discovered in an investigation launched by Trump's own Attorney General William Barr. There were two guards that fell asleep. They fell asleep. You can't be serious. This isn't real.
Starting point is 00:09:54 They fell asleep. And so this is what I got to thinking. Watching a man on suicide watch. Yes. They fell asleep. And. This is cartoon. I mean, this is Trump's America.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's all cartoons. It's cartoonsica it's all cartoons it's cartoons because it's raised a conversation about incarceration weirdly enough and then ed pulled out an anvil and dropped it on his own head yeah it's like fucking acme looney tunes or some shit well okay so sorry go ahead i was thinking about this. What if Trump... If I was Trump, I would use this as pretense to finally lock her up. You know, like he ran on lock her up. I would use it on pretense
Starting point is 00:10:34 to lock up the Clintons. He's got his Attorney General looking into it. I mean, fuck it. Why not? If he really does lock up Hillary... If he puts the Clintons in jail. That would be fucking hilarious. Honestly, I think that would send Tom into such a disarray.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I just wouldn't know what to do with it. I swear I just wouldn't know what to do with it. Well, Tom wouldn't come back from that. Well, here's what I was thinking. He would also reign for a thousand years because people would be like, well, he did what he said he was going to do. Exactly. Exactly. People would love that.
Starting point is 00:11:17 They'd eat it up. I'll tell you this. Putting the Clintons in jail is the only way Donald Trump wins re-election, in my opinion. Well, I think it would be, it's the perfect opportunity. That would shore up, like, you know, if his base is sagging, that would shore it up. Golden ticket to four more years. Well, so, there's all this question of, there's the theory that he killed himself, obviously.
Starting point is 00:11:42 That's the accepted reason. Boring! Right. Then there's the theory that he killed himself obviously that's the accepted boring right then there's the theory that someone killed him then there's the theory that his first suicide attempt was he he was replaced with the body double i haven't heard that yeah moved out of this oh wow that's well and so this is what i was thinking about hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on what's your umbrella man? Your honest to God umbrella man scenario for Epstein's suicide. Like what is, for those that haven't seen that little short that came out a couple years ago, what is like the implausible, plausible thing that cause this the thing that is like the the thing that's real and not conspiratorial but
Starting point is 00:12:29 is even weirder than the conspiracy itself yeah i mean i have one yeah go for it that he escaped and left a double a dead body look-alike and now he's in kilargo or wherever the fuck. Exactly. Deep, deep Mexico. Has anybody seen Joe Walsh? Not Joe Walsh from the Eagles, but Joe Walsh at Walsh Freedom and Jeffrey Epstein in the same room together. They look identical. Has nobody ever noticed this besides me? I thought he looked like Rahm Emanuel. I think they look very similar.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Similar. Rahm Emanuel. Yeah, I could see Rahm Emanuel a little bit. I mean, I saw a picture and I was like, well, what's wrong? How's he got back into the fucking... It was... It was just... What did he do? Rahm Emanuel's wormed his way back to the news again.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah, I was like, what's his ass doing now? Well. I have an island with young kids. What if... Here's the thing. Epstein was kind of leaning into the pedo thing. You know what I mean? Remember how the reports were like he didn't think there was any moral quandary with having sex with teenagers? Right, he was trying to.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And also, we should not say pedo is probably not exactly the right word because pedophile refers to somebody that's sexually attracted to prepubescent children. He was attracted to. Right. He's a child molester. He's a child molester. There you go. A child trafficker.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Not that I've died on the Jeffrey Edlund. I sound like I was swooping in to defend Epstein a little bit. He's also a trafficker. Right. A predator. He's a predator. He's canceled. That's safe to say.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah, that's safe to say. And I don't, you know, I shouldn't play fast and loose with that. But here's what I think. It doesn't strike me as, like, any, like, great shame that he had in, like, his crimes or anything like that. Yeah. It doesn't seem like he was a guy that felt like he had done anything wrong or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:34 If he killed himself, it wasn't because of all the shame that had come down on him. He wasn't eaten alive with his own guilt. Yeah. Well, I'll say this. Having been in the periphery of prisons
Starting point is 00:14:50 for over five or six years now, it's very hard to kill yourself in prison. Right. It's not easy. Especially if you're on suicide watch. Yeah, especially if you're a high profile defendant, criminal, whatever it was. Yeah. To hang yourself to? I mean, like like if they would have
Starting point is 00:15:05 said like he just beat his head against the wall and killed himself like i buy that a little bit but well this is why this is why i was earlier saying what if what if i'll go i'll go i'll go with you here look like obviously we don't know if there was a historical Jesus figure or not. We know that there was a guy around the turn of the first millennia or whatever who was, like, mystical and something happened to him in a cave. His body disappeared. Who knows what the fuck happened? But you can see how conspiracies start and maybe cults and then religions grow up around those conspiracies so could you imagine in a
Starting point is 00:15:53 thousand years there is a church there's a messianic epstein's a messianic figure because his death is so mystical? Yeah, like... What if we never get off the bad timeline that we started on with Trump? And it just rains on for a thousand more years. And eventually the world's biggest religion, practiced by billions worldwide. Is the worship of Trump and Epstein. But look, what you've just outlined is really not that far from what the catholic church is right now they practice pedophilia they you know i mean man top am i getting the same on a mass scale on a. They kept it under wraps.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Not that inconceivable, huh? It reminds me of that time I was in the principal's office at Beaver Elementary over in Nottingham and my ex-girlfriend was a teacher over there and I saw this... You weren't even a student there. This is a grown man.
Starting point is 00:17:00 He can tell a story about him being a grown man around children at this very juncture in the podcast. Yes, I'm having trouble following myself. I didn't consider the optics of this. Continue. But there was this woman there that had two children that were obviously black kids. And there was her husband who was decidedly not black and i overheard her say to the principal he was just like like uh because he had he was like oh you uh babysitting or something i forget what he said something like
Starting point is 00:17:38 to imply that those were right she said no these are. She said, they got that disease where they don't get their dad's genes. What? And to my mind, it's like, well, she's not lying, actually. Yeah, she had not only talked this poor bastard into thinking those kids were his. But also. Were they twins? But also had talked this dumb son of a bitch into believing that there was a there was some disease where your kids just show up as if there's a but this is the thing but not actually a lie not actually a lie they've got that thing where they don't get their dad's jeans
Starting point is 00:18:22 but she's literally a really elaborate way of telling there was another guy that didn't really have his dad's jeans and he showed up here that's jesus christ i don't i i guess he did have his dad's jeans because he like turned water into wine yeah yeah yeah retraction it's not a one-to-one. Well, maybe. I thought what you were getting at is maybe it was a hereditary thing where
Starting point is 00:18:52 that Jeff Ramsey is a direct descendant. No, what I'm saying is that in history, there are historical figures who the circumstances around their disappearance becomes very mysterious they're disappearing and there's and we don't know like that person that walked into banana joes in ohio and never walked back out yeah brian shaffer brian shaffer who just disappeared um you know but the thing is he's like that guy's just a random nobody but like you know random nobody but like you know not now now he's on true billies that's true now he's on true billies and about 2 000 other true crime podcasts oh okay yeah we weren't first to that
Starting point is 00:19:33 part um no all i'm saying is that like no one is at the wheel of history right especially not right now no yeah no one is at the wheel of history and Right, and especially not right now. No, yeah, no one is at the wheel of history. And so who the fuck knows who Jesus was? Maybe he was a total degenerate whoever. Maybe he wasn't even crucified. Maybe something just weird happened to him. And he... Maybe.
Starting point is 00:19:58 An entire religious cult grew up around him. Maybe what had happened to Jesus was that he got into some gambling debts in Galilee. He's like, listen, I got to get the fuck out of here. I got to go. So here's what we're going to do. Body double. I'm going to get on this boat, hit the Sea of Galilee, and not look back. Yeah, he could have just hopped, skipped town.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Yeah, he got a little too addicted to casting lots. All the greats. I'm not making light of Epstein's very real crimes, the things he did. And there's all kinds of speculation that maybe, like, this isn't the podcast to parse out the Epstein conspiracy. Our role in this podcast is to point out that history is never a defined thing. It's always up for interpretation and control and possession. And with this conspiracy theory stuff, we're never going to know what happened to Epstein. Never.
Starting point is 00:20:59 People need to understand that right away. You don't think the Attorney General is going to? No. Even if they did, it'll be some narrative that fits Trump. They won't release it. Yeah, we'll never know what happened to Epstein. And this is the thing, we never knew what happened to Jesus. All we know is
Starting point is 00:21:13 the historical fallout. The residue of what we're left with in the end. Could you imagine that if you start out in this life? Epstein just had the strangest life to begin with, right? Nobody knows really how he made his billions. He's supposedly a math genius, but there's no evidence to corroborate that, really.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Right. And then he just ran a child sex ring on an airplane in an island. A hedge fund and a child sex ring. Yeah. A mysterious hedge fund. Nobody really knows how they got their money. And now his death will echo through eternity. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Again, we'll never know. Do you really think we don't know? We will never know. Never. No one will ever know. How will we ever know? This is why this is going to break so many people's brains. It's going to break people's brains in the same way that the Roswell incident broke people's brains.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Something happened, but we'll never know exactly what it is and the interpretation of that will always be up for grabs but we'll never know could we break this down into a uh night silver chart or something like the likelihood yeah yeah yeah what's what's your what's your breakdown what's the likelihood he really offed himself? Here's what I think. I think he was provided with the means to off himself. You can call that murder or whatever. It could have been the situation.
Starting point is 00:22:36 They had some guard on the tack. He walks in here, hands the guy a rope and says, do this or you're going out the hard way. Yeah. Because he was in this weird state where he hated being in his cell so much. He would spend most of his days with his lawyers. He would just pay his lawyers to hang out with him in private interview rooms and stuff like that. God damn, that's dark.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yeah. He was clearly like- Unless your lawyers are like Mark Garagos. He looks pretty cool. He's got that ponytail and dirge, of course. If he's got the money, why not? Why not hang cool. He's got that ponytail. And dirge, of course. Why not? Why not hang out? He's got the money.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Exactly. But I think that his lawyers were probably like, look, you're not getting out of this. You're fucked. They raided your house. They've got all this
Starting point is 00:23:16 information on you. So they probably set up some kind of scenario where they provided the means for him to off himself. That could be. It could be totally innocuous. Maybe for him to off himself. That could be, it could be totally innocuous. Maybe he wanted
Starting point is 00:23:27 to kill himself and like, just like, well here, we're gonna turn the other cheek. Maybe there wasn't anything nefarious
Starting point is 00:23:32 about it. I can't like, but, I mean maybe, but, I don't know. I mean I guess they did hear the shrieks
Starting point is 00:23:38 from his cells and, you know, who the fuck knows. There's also the matter of, in the prison that was just conveniently located halfway between Chippewa and Westchester, homes of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Right, right. And this ex-cop that didn't do the, I don't know. So you're saying it was equidistant? It was equidistant? You could draw, like, a pentagram or something around. Oh, it was a straight line. It was equidistant. You could draw like a pentagram or something around. Oh, it was a straight line. Boom, boom, boom. This guy in the middle,
Starting point is 00:24:08 like the place, like this police station, the guy that tried to kill him that used to work at this police station that was positioned exactly halfway between Chippewa and Westchester.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Oh, yeah. This is... I sound like a guy that's like here in Dealey Plaza. Listen, here's what happened. This is you in front of a map with lots of fun. Like I said,
Starting point is 00:24:27 the same thing with the Kennedy stuff. I don't think we'll ever know what happened there. I think that they say they'll release the CIA documents in 10 or 20 years. But even then, I don't think we'll ever know what happened to Kennedy. We'll never know what happened to Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:24:44 We'll never know. Are all Jesus Christ. We'll never know. Are all CIA documents on like a time freeze? They open up like every year do they open some CIA files? I don't know. I think so. It's mostly on shit no one gives a fuck about. Didn't they like classify some of the Roswell stuff?
Starting point is 00:25:00 That's when everyone decided they were going to Roswell. Right. Well the UFO stuff is like the government purposefully facilitated belief in UFOs. Right. Like at a point. Yeah. Without outright saying it. They were just like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:20 So the government's been trying to break our brains for a minute. The worst thing is. The worst thing is... The worst thing is... It's like their first rodeo. The other thing besides eternity that really sucks is just never knowing. You'll never know. It's fucking bullshit. But this is the thing about history and life itself.
Starting point is 00:25:39 There's all kinds of things you'll never know about. I mean, fuck, shit. I got fired and I don't even know what happened. You'll spend your entire fucking life trying to figure out what happened and you'll never finally, you'll never ever get there.
Starting point is 00:25:50 The closest you can get is, I mean, that's what history is. It's a constant attempt to try to analyze reality, but nobody will really ever know. You know another thing
Starting point is 00:26:01 that's kind of crazy? We spent a fair amount of time together, the three of us, but we'll never truly know the inner mechanics of what's going on up here. Who would want to? Of each other. Or ourselves.
Starting point is 00:26:13 But maybe y'all, because I'll probably turn translucent at a certain point. You can see the actual gears turning. Like that snail? There's a big worm, yeah. You can actually see the toxoplasmosis from cats just like. Oh my God. Reworking Tom's brains. Just like going through mylasmosis from cats Oh my god Just like going through my brain crevices Oh my god
Starting point is 00:26:29 Me acting erratically and saying things Yeah no you'll never know No That's the thing about life there's no closure You ever You know you ever watch that movie What's that movie The Serious Man Yeah the coen brothers yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:26:49 that's kind of the premise of that the guy's constantly worried about his wife going out or whatever it's just best not to know some shit but some shit like the epstein murder or suicide we deserve to know about i mean that's true there's some things i mean i was talking to one of my brothers recently i don't want to dox which one so i guess you have a 50 50 chance of figuring out which one but he was not like we was talking about like uh like he would want to know if his partner was like cheating on him and i was like i don't think i'd want to know fuck that me and tanya talked about this i would not want to know the people that cop to their partners to cheating like you selfish fucker selfish bliss just read their go through life being dumb as
Starting point is 00:27:36 fuck like that what i mean the more prudent reality is to either stop or break up with them. Exactly. And never, never just, just move on. Yeah. Nuts. I love you, baby. I cheated on you. Yeah, I mean, to cop to cheating out of nowhere is honestly sociopathic.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Very sociopathic. Like, you are, you are initiating grief on someone just so you can watch it spiral out all centered on you. That's true. Can't wait to see this pot bowl over onto my fucking face but every every fucking uh puritans like now you have to you owe it to them to say this
Starting point is 00:28:14 about your guilt that's the thing like relationships where people say like you have to know like you have to know everything like that's just our thing like we tell each other everything like i want to tell you something. If you believe that, go fucking bridge. That is the first sign. There's a few first signs of a toxic relationship.
Starting point is 00:28:34 One is how good it looks on social media. And two is that they tell each other everything. I've confided things to friends who have told their significant other shit. I'm like, what the fuck? I told you not to tell anybody. Well, you know, I tell them everything. It's confided things to friends who have told their significant other shit. I'm like, what the fuck? I told you not to tell anybody. Well, you know, I tell them everything. It's like, you motherfucker. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:28:51 You can't do that. Also, you don't tell them everything. You're lying. You know what I mean? You're telling yourself that. Also, let me tell you this you don't get fucking points for being honest either
Starting point is 00:29:08 Tom Sexton A plus liar I've seen this man tell a few we'll say that's the biggest lesson I've ever learned from Tom I talk my way about anything you don't get points for lying you don't get points for being honest
Starting point is 00:29:24 for telling the truth. Tell the truth. They're still going to leave your ass anyway. If you copped that. It's like, what do you want? You want to stay with them? You can't tell them that you went out on them. Here's my line.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You have to just bury it deep, deep, deep down. Compartmentalize it. Then tell yourself you're a good person. We're creatives. We're creatives we're creatives we we our imagination works better than our historical you know knowledge of what actually happened we're making stuff up all the time yes exactly we're a we as tom would say he wouldn't know the truth don't know the truth literally don't if it sounded better yeah fuck
Starting point is 00:30:07 well well i hope you're wrong terrence i hope we find out what happened don't jeffrey i don't think we'll ever know i really don't i don't i think that's just the nature of the reality even if it comes out and we won't know it's the truth i think we live in the this we live in the weirdest country and that we live in the most secret live in the weirdest country and that we live in the most secretive western society but the one that also upholds itself as the paragon of transparency and democracy and everything else i don't know i mean i kind of think that i mean if you let yourself spiral which you probably have into the jeffrey epstein it's like advanced degrees been epsteined out for the last five days yeah i mean it does feel like another like pretty clear
Starting point is 00:30:53 sign that the the powerful few that are literally pulling every chain and pushing every button let me piggyback on what you just said with this one because this is something i've been thinking about a few days i mean trump is not a powerful man you know what i mean like there's he's still a puppet he's he's kind of that snail that had the worm going through you know what i mean who's the worm capital the capitals class this is i have no idea but the trade-off is that like you also get like all these crazybites out of him, too. Yeah, whoever killed Epstein. He retweeted the Clinton body count conspiracy that Terrence Martin tweeted out.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Did he? Yeah. Donald J. Trump did retweet it. Yeah, Terrence Williams. Terrence K. Williams, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. Well, and then later in the day, he was just tweeting about the mooch.
Starting point is 00:31:46 He was tweeting about Scaramucci. Totally, totally incompetent at his job. Well, before we get too far away from it, I want to say something real quick, piggyback on what you were talking about, Tom. And I know this is not an original point, and everybody else that's covered Episodes probably did this, but I just want to reiterate that for a country that's as goddamn ahistorical as this one and for like the loyal opposition party to the root to the ruling party right now are so knee-fucking-deep in russia conspiracies for them to come out and scold people about fucking epstein conspiracies oh yeah tells you all you need
Starting point is 00:32:25 to know about these fucking children dude that is such a great point jeez louise i mean how many times have we heard over the last week um calm down with the conspiracy theories and then like literally 10 minutes later moscow mitch moscow mitch Moscow Mitch. Nits, nits, nits. Nits, nits. But also, too... I can't live. But, I mean, to even go further with that, like, even the, like, most left-leaning of our politicians, like, L.C., Bernie, all this stuff, will tell you the straight face,
Starting point is 00:32:59 this is a great fucking country. This ain't a great fucking country. Objectively, bad country. By every measure. by every measure by every measure it's just a turd that can't reckon with any of its darks darkness that just fucking okay so i'm just gonna like supposedly our our grand claim to fame across the planet is like access to clean water and sewage or something we don't have that hollywood is our only soft power anymore we make good movies that's it and that's even debatable i'd say we make good music and that's it yeah that's our only cultural export that has any in my opinion somebody
Starting point is 00:33:39 i was talking to somebody about that recently like you know have you ever considered moving so think about this country like i hate it but i just love our music they were like you can listen to music anywhere literally they're all touring in other countries literally right now it's also like spotify man they still got spotify in aust in Australia or wherever. Jesus. I'm done. Amazing. But seriously, I mean, it just kind of harkens back to a point I've made on here before, too. About like, you know, about like those guys that scolded Steph Curry about questioning the moon landing. Yeah, I understand that conspiracies frequently slip into racist and anti-Smitic territory and all that kind of stuff but uh i guess what else is racist and anti-semitic is the origin stories of this fine country that we tell every day to our school kids everywhere it's just not celebrate with
Starting point is 00:34:38 national holidays every other month yeah yeah we have like literal mythologies around like the people like about like george washington never telling a lie weird shit weird shit also me and me and uh lee baines were talking about this day when we're working on some of this tour stuff isn't it weird that we think this country started with the pilgrims and the mayflower and all that shit like we know people were here like i mean and i'm not even talking like native americans too but like there were like other colonies and shit like here like it's just on the face of it ridiculous it's insanity i mean even the few uh even the few redeeming storylines they've tried to float of like rosa parks and mlk are whitewashed and just sanitized.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Incorrect. Just completely incorrect. Totally. To wash away any organizing history. Yeah. Well, but anyway, Moscow Mitch. Bring us back. Moscow Mitch.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Okay, so we didn't cover this because we were on tour, but Fancy Farm is last week. That's the Kentucky. Oh, fuck. That's where the chants were? That's the big bipartisan. That's where the Democrats and Republicans all come together in a little barn. So Mitch came to Fancy Farm? Mitch always goes to Fancy Farm.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I guess I figured it was beneath him or something. No, he goes every year. Well, he goes every year that he's campaigning, and I think he goes every year, too. I think he just goes regularly. Because KFDC used he goes every year um well he goes every year that he's campaigning and i think he goes every year too i think he just goes regularly because kfc used to go every year i never had to go weasel out of it always but i just always feared it was more state i mean obviously he's a kentucky senator but he don't fuck with us yeah how often does he make a kentucky appearances really he comes to pine mountain grill about every six years there's a big tada about it they run security and all this stuff and he gives a 10
Starting point is 00:36:32 minute speech and then slips out the back well why don't you can you explain pine mountain grill's only been there for 12 years so he's been twice yeah he's been twice can you explain what fancy farm is tom without i think fancy farm is just like it's sort of like this traditional thing where like they get republicans and democrats under the same shed and they'd have like a little like barn dance cookout whatever thing you mean the kentucky derby the saint jerome church picnic um it's considered a church picnic yes yes um in the spirit of bipartisanship and how k Kentuckians of any political strap can work together and improve our fair commonwealth. So Mitch raised, he pissed off the Ditch Mitch people because he had a picture of Amy McGrath's gravestone at Fancy Farm.
Starting point is 00:37:21 What? They said he's the Grim Reaper. Uh-huh. Yeah. Mitch called himself the Grim Reaper. Mitch called himself the Grim Reaper. Uh-huh. Yeah. Called himself the Grim Reaper. Mitch called himself the Grim Reaper. Yeah, well, that's just the image. And he had an image of her headstone.
Starting point is 00:37:29 You're lying. This can't be true. No, I'm serious. It was totally scandalous for the Ditch Mitch people. They were like, wow, he's advocating violence against women. And then I would just say there is a one million percent chance that an afghan woman met her end at the hands of a at the hands of a regret absolutely probably many aren't are we
Starting point is 00:37:55 yes yes i don't know what you're going to say but yes Mitch McConnell showed up to a speaking event with a tombstone mocked up of Amy McGrath his political opponent who he called Amy McGaff
Starting point is 00:38:18 at the McGaff honestly that's one of my tricks I'll call someone a different name If I want them to know I don't respect them Oh you do that on purpose Occasionally I don't care about you enough to know your real name
Starting point is 00:38:33 Get out of here So their response to that Like I said I sent y'all that video I can't even compute this I mean I occasionally We bleeped out Me saying Me calling for assassinations on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Why bother? Well, just because we don't want the State Department to, or, you know, FBI to. Well, I mean, Mitch is immune from anything. He knew. It's no matter. He could have brought anything out. Literally anything. It wouldn't have mattered.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah. I think Mitch could shoot up a visage of amy mcgrath with with and just laughing monogically the whole time and get reelected that's the thing in politics there aren't rules trump ran on lock her up trump trump was fucking at a rally a few weeks ago talking about deporting ilhan omar like there aren't rules this is the thing with bernie too like this this media stuff it's like bro when are you gonna realize that you could literally get up there and call for beheading jeff bezos and no one can stop you in politics there are rules well what's interesting what's interesting about that is though they would put they would try to put a
Starting point is 00:39:39 leash on bernie like it was like oh that's just class my god he's trumping reincarnate well that's what they've been saying with him and attacking the media this week right bernie attacking the media yeah which is it's just a new it's unbelievable line like here's the here's the thing here's the thing about like all these fucking media jerk offs that think that like they're above reproach i can i know factually there are tons of errors in all the reporting about eastern kentucky i know you know what i'm saying yeah like i know so don't act like you're sitting here like you're this beacon of truth and everybody's trying to fucking tear you down no you're fucking dumb as hell and lazy at your job yeah can you imagine anyone being happy with any cnn report that comes
Starting point is 00:40:24 out about their small town? Anywhere in America. Anywhere in America. Anywhere in Puerto Rico. Anywhere. People act like journalism used to be like, you know, the nation's watchdog. Fucking Ben Bradley. See, war on poverty.
Starting point is 00:40:38 The Washington Post has always been a piece of shit. Like, Ben Bradley was friends with JFK, like drinking buddies with JFK. Like, get the fuck out of here. been a piece of shit like ben bradley was friends with jfk like drinking buddies with jfk yeah i get the fuck out of here these people have always been in the pockets and written whatever the fuck they want to to befit their buddies well so to run down the timeline there was two things that happened um so bernie at a campaign stop was saying that m that the washington post did not like him because he criticized amazon and Jeff Bezos for not paying taxes. So there's nothing more to say about Moscow Mitch?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Oh, if you want to put a... He called himself the Grim Reaper. Is this on video? He can't get over that. No, I got to watch this. I need you to sit here, man. Actually, I should walk back. I don't know if the Grim Reaper comment was in relation to the Amy McGrath thing
Starting point is 00:41:22 or if it was something else. This is what Pelosi said today about McConnell. We've sent our legislation to the amy mcgrath thing or if it was something else this is what this is what pelosi said today about mcconnell we've sent our legislation to the senate moscow mitch says he is the grim reaper they're all running with this they're all running with it they're an entire warehouse hundreds of people chanted moscow mitch at him at fancy farm i guarantee you none of those people were from kentucky they're bussed in fucking Chicago. I know, that's why people were like, the libs were like retweeting the shit out of that. And it's like, you know, I like to see Mitch McConnell get drowned out
Starting point is 00:41:53 as much as the next guy, but not by a bunch of fucking dweebs from Vermont. Yelling Moscow Mitch. Yelling Moscow Mitch. Nyet. Nyet. They had fucking posters that said nyet. Nyet.
Starting point is 00:42:03 It's disgusting. I'm disgusted. I'm literally disgusted by moscow not by moscow mitch by the just the concept of this campaign just nyet in general moscow mitch says he's the grim reaper imagine describing yourself as the grim reaper that he's going to bury all this legislation all this legislation is alive and well in the public like they just fundamentally misunderstand she's helping him brand himself that's true honestly he's probably getting more money just because they are they've picked up this brand right that's so weird and you know what mitch mcconnell does just like alex preen route steps up there does his shit plows through it yeah he
Starting point is 00:42:43 didn't care that video you sent was like people yelling moscow bitch and him stepping outside we live in a great commonwealth yeah he didn't miss a beat didn't miss a beat we even we with a silent protest and a sign that's it silence we at least made how rogers repeat one of his sentences yeah at least slightly shook. Yeah, he stopped, stared, and repeated the last thing he said. Also, that could be the plaque taking up residence in his brain, too.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah. He was also so moved to try to get us all fired from our jobs. It felt nice. Well, he succeeded. He did, yeah. I essentially ran out of my job, too. You recovered, recovered though i'm not here not justice or the long arm of something bends toward justice i can't remember by the arc of the moral universe yeah i didn't look but i didn't try to use
Starting point is 00:43:38 deploy that one and he attributed it to obama he said obama said that are you fucking kidding me? He did. He did. He's like, as my friend Obama likes to say. As my best black friend, Obama. Well, and he fucked up the quote, too. It was like, the arc of the moral universe is justice or something like that.
Starting point is 00:43:59 The arc of Bill Clinton's crooked dick bends toward prison. Lock her up. You will always get a laugh on this podcast. At any room, probably. With a Bill Clinton's crooked dick joke. Bill Clinton reportedly does have a small crooked dick. He's got that painful erection thing where the plaque... Epstein had the small oval dick.
Starting point is 00:44:23 He had a small egg dick. Terrence, how far into this are you? You've got to go... Shake him. Shake him, Tom. Epstein have a clearance? I just saw a deposition where his... Micropene.
Starting point is 00:44:37 He stormed out of a deposition because the prosecutors kept bringing his oval dick up. No way. Is this to prove? He had a choke. He had a fucking choke. Is this to, like, they have eyewitnesses to prove that they were molested by him? Yeah, in all seriousness, his victims said that.
Starting point is 00:44:58 And all of his victims are like, yeah, chode. Yeah. Amazing. Yeah. Yeah, chode. Yeah. Amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:05 This is... I'm not even going to dig into the conspiracies that I'm... Nyet. Nyet, nyet, nyet. Oh, my God. Nyet. How do you think Moscow Mitch is, huh? Honestly, I'm just now processing all this because I've been, like, I've spent two days in the hospital. And I've just been, like, in in I've only been out of the house
Starting point is 00:45:26 twice since Thursday uh-huh I saw you one of those times yeah I said hey yeah I just worked today and Monday and every other day I've been at the house I mean you yourself haven't been in the hospital no Michelle's in the hospital um which she got a good report today at the doctor everything's going good that's good to hear Yesterday I didn't even Deal with anything I worked on my house What right now is troubling you the most? Moscow Mitch I don't know maybe it's the
Starting point is 00:45:56 Honestly You've had the same expression on your face For about 10 minutes now Bewilderment is what I call it I don't want to pull this into a therapy session, but I've been thinking recently. I've been wondering how many
Starting point is 00:46:11 meltdowns is too many. Like a year per se. Let's think of a year. Okay. And I feel like this is leading me toward one, honestly. And I just had one on Monday night. About the state of the world or your life or this is embarrassing but i'm gonna tell it anyway i let two back-to-back episodes of orange is the new black send me into a deep dark place i can't watch it anymore it was first it
Starting point is 00:46:38 was female genital mutilation and then it was ice deportations and fucking little kids having to represent themselves in court yeah and it just sent me so fucking sharp down i started like i just like had i had a complete meltdown and michelle's like are you okay i was like no no no no no no and then she said are you about to start your period and okay that's what it is even worse than the next morning spoiler alert started my period so now i know what's going on very emotional anyway i was just thinking like you know that was my first real meltdown in quite a while i'm usually pretty good in the summertime uh-huh but i mean it has to be normal normal. I mean, let's not use the word normal. But, I mean, what are girls' meltdowns?
Starting point is 00:47:28 How many meltdowns do you have a week or a year or a month? How much time do you got? I feel like we have to be allotted at least one good meltdown a month. You know what I mean? I feel like I have several a week. Okay, see, I'm not there. I just wanted to do a check here. I feel like this could send me into one, honestly. I just feel like maybe it's some of the feeling like we will never actually know what hot hell devils are actually controlling our lives.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Maybe that's what's sending me into the place. But it's probably Mitch. Mitch probably killed Jeff Epstein, honestly. We're dancing around. It's just Mitch. Mitch probably killed Jeff Epstein. Honestly. We're dancing around. This is a conspiracy. You look so serious. You're like, huh? Tell me more.
Starting point is 00:48:12 You're thirsty. Please. Explain your, lay out your evidence. Interesting. But honestly, it's like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. He's just... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:23 I feel like maybe it would be easier if these, like, puppeteers were in plain sight, you know? Like, we knew their names. Because we wouldn't suspect them as much. Psst. Psst. The Bilderberg Group. That's a deep cut. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I'm still not moved away from the Build a Burn group yet. Which Mitch is probably on the board of. Well, I mean, the reintroduction of... I feel like there's probably a reason why the media melted down over the last 48 hours about Bernie and why they've deployed the term conspiracy theory about what he said about the media. Have you noticed that?
Starting point is 00:49:08 Well, it's exactly the, I started to make this point a little bit ago, but like the Moscow Mitch thing pulls double duty, right? Like you pigeonhole Mitch, you like sort of cater to everybody with these Russiagate fantasies, but also you try to stem the tide of rising socialism by sort of red baiting, like a little, you know, mild red baiting like a little you know mild red baiting and it's kind of the same thing with what you're just talking about here right it's an attempt to sort of alienate or sort of isolate socially this group of individuals by saying look at them they're they have conspiratorial mindset which is the nut jobs right the irony
Starting point is 00:49:46 of it is incredible because these are all literally the people who spiritual nut job two and a half years telling us that robert mueller was like yeah going to deliver us from all this and that's and they told us that hillary clinton was going to be the next president like it goes back just like right so many lies. At what point on your bona fides do they get pulled because you have, in fact, yourself lost it where you're pointing at everybody else and saying, I know you're losing it.
Starting point is 00:50:14 You know what I'm saying? There's no checks and balance. Where are they? I mean, let's not... If you honestly think Jeff Bezos gets no editorial editorial saying what the post runs you're fucking crazy i obviously should have showed up here with tequila and not sparkling water the thing is and i saw even two people on the left saying well i don't think that bezos does have a hand in like this is an old argument um i personally don't think that Bezos does have a hand in... Like, this is an old argument.
Starting point is 00:50:48 I personally don't think that Bezos cares enough about what's going on at the Washington Post to micromanage it. Also, it's hyper-normalization, too. He probably just doesn't care because that shit goes so quick through the cycle. So even if something less than gracious is written about it, he probably doesn't give a shit. All it is is it's an argument that goes back to the 80s
Starting point is 00:51:05 that there is a specific established set of parameters in which you have to adhere if you're going to be taken seriously as a journalist in this country. And so,
Starting point is 00:51:17 it's not like a hard influence. It's not like Bezos saying you can and can't say this. Although he might. Well, I would say where Bezos comes in is that, like, okay, let's just use Epstein for an example.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Maybe what actually happened. What? No, go on. Let's just use a topical example. Jeffrey Epstein. Have you heard of it? Have you heard of this guy? Maybe what actually happened here's even here's even more conspiratory is that uh a an amazon factory burned to the ground killing a million people in a village somewhere and he didn't want that to get
Starting point is 00:51:52 out so he killed he killed jeff and made it made sure that that was what was in the news cycle so no one would even bother with this oh that's silly burnt charred factory story. Well, my point is... Head fake. Yeah. I'm like you, too. I don't necessarily think Jeff Bezos is a micromanaging journalist at the Washington Post or anything, but what I am saying is that it is suboptimal for the richest man in the world to own a paper
Starting point is 00:52:18 that's supposed to... It's tagline is democracy dies in darkness. Tom has zero wealth. Look at this broke motherfucker. Broke bitch. Motherfucker. However.
Starting point is 00:52:32 He's wearing his fucking Bobo shoes. Dickie's pants. He's got Mel Gibson on his t-shirt. Mel Gibson. That's Lou Reed. Famous anti-Semite Mel Gibson. Mel Gibson. On Tom's shirt.
Starting point is 00:52:49 You think Lou Reed looks nothing like Mel Gibson? I don't know. I don't know. Anyway. Mel Gibson. Anyway. This broke bitch. This broke bitch over here.
Starting point is 00:53:02 He will still, Tom will still put in a call to try to get out of a traffic ticket. Yeah. You know what I mean? These people. Okay, that's a good point. They have money. It is like, it is a rite of passage. It is a fire in their belly to escape accountability or get their way to throw around their power.
Starting point is 00:53:22 It's very true. I mean, me and Michelle were just talking about this because we've been trapped in the house so we ordered some shit on amazon and it came the very next day and we had like a fucking half hour conversation about how how we thought jeff bezzo conned the post office post service into free prime how prime came to be like how what do you think he had to kill someone or like you know what are the millions of dollars spent figuring out this prime shipping situation that beforehand you couldn't get anything fucking shipped anywhere especially out of eastern kentucky our mail goes through another state right the ask of knoxville yeah we ordered something on saturday and it was here on monday i don't believe it this is crazy well it's like a free labor force for him you know like i don't
Starting point is 00:54:13 know it's like a contract i guess he maybe like contracts out but there's no other thing i could get mailed that quickly from anywhere else nothing right like my mom couldn't rush deliver something to me from tom's mom couldn't rush deliver something to him from down the goddamn street terrence she really couldn't she's she's bedridden right now well you're making me worse into a war spiral anyway sorry cut all that out the bernie people are i'm not cutting anything this was just a deep hole this is my meltdown number two for the week well the bernie people are kind of backed into a hard spot here um this is kind of why i was just facetiously saying they should just start calling for jeff bezos head but i mean really though like they really just
Starting point is 00:55:02 should start attacking the media like full throttle like fuck it i mean because they're they can't win because here's the thing they are right in the sense that there's a media bias against bernie and like you'd be crazy to not be able to see that like why is this happening yeah he said what was that every major editorial board, every... I mean, it's incredible how biased the media is against them. They ran just a flagrant lying... Bernie's clearly on record as talking in front of hundreds of people, this Iowa State parent. This person just said, he just weirdly ate a hot dog by himself and just walked through the crowd. Didn't talk to a single soul. They ran that!
Starting point is 00:55:45 I know. They give him hundreds a single soul. They ran that. I know. They give him like hundreds of Pinocchios every week. Well, I mean, honestly, their behavior makes me think that Bernie is more powerful than he really is. The pants on fire meter you're saying is broken. Well, it's the thing is, is that he, it's not that he's more powerful than he really is. The thing is that he... It's not that he's more powerful than he really is.
Starting point is 00:56:05 It's that if they don't challenge what he's saying... It means they end in there. Well, yes. Here's the thing. The media fundamentally distrusts the masses. They hate the masses. And so they can't just uncritically present what he puts out there because what he puts out there is even though we see it as kind of just tepid and lukewarm
Starting point is 00:56:34 it is counter um to the status quo and so they have to uh try to filter it and and put cast skepticism on it and everything like that. So it's not so much that he has more power than he actually does. It's just that like he's speaking against the status quo. I mean for example you saw him talking about like at the debates like look the debate's gonna
Starting point is 00:56:58 go to commercial and you're gonna see healthcare ads. And they fucking hate that. Like that's where their revenue comes from. Healthcare ads. And they you know like and he's just calling them their shit for what it is and so like they can't um i mean this this is the thing about the bernie campaign is that like i saw some of the people who run that campaign on twitter like belly aching like oh my god it's been a crazy 24 hours of media has been after it's like go after them like go go after them back this is what you're doing it doesn't yeah because what do you think your job is you can't win because
Starting point is 00:57:29 they're going this is the thing they're they're they really are between the rock and hard places because if you point out the bias against the bernie thing the media is just going to fucking do what they've done over the last 48 hours to say oh this is a conspiracy theory blah blah blah so you might as well just i'm telling you this is when we need to deploy some yes men shit and just start putting out a bunch of false headlines about crazy leftist shit happening and make them have to back back back out of it and say no no no no no no no we didn't we didn't run pipelines of clean water to the city what are you talking about that didn't happen no no No, no, no, no, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I don't know. You're coming unglued, aren't you? I really am. Come unglued. You're glued. You're glued, Tanya. It's too hot for this shit. You have the glue that holds this operation together. It's too goddamn hot for this shit.
Starting point is 00:58:23 You're talking about a meltdown, and you were talking about Bernie and the health care, I was thinking about my mom's talking about she's on Medicare now, still has to pay like $200 a month for her health care and shit. She's like, well, I've got to start looking at these Medicare supplements. And I never really thought about Medicare supplements. You know what I mean? That's how, even if we get M4A, that's how this kind of shit is how the insurance companies are still going to stay relevant.
Starting point is 00:58:48 You know, well, you need more to bridge the gap and all that kind of shit because whatever. And today I confronted the healthcare industry head on because. Regular Bernie Sanders here. Head on. So, I stormed into MCHC earlier. I was fucking mad as hell. Same. My mom had to go to the ER the other night.
Starting point is 00:59:15 She's got this skin infection. It's caused her whole leg to swell red and be weird and all this stuff. And they gave her, like, amoxicillin for it. And I was like, you know you know last time because she has like this recurring thing i was like last time like they gave you heavy duty iv antibiotics and it didn't look that bad so i was like let's call your doctor and see what we need to do yeah so i call mchc and my mom calls mchc and she can't hear so she's got this woman on speakerphone and i said you know you know ask to speak to your doctor and say, like, you know, should I be on something different?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Do I need to go back to the hospital? What do I need to do? This woman gets on the phone. She's like, the doctor caught it. I shouldn't say his name. Doesn't speak to patients over the phone. And she's like, I just have a question about the drugs that they're giving me. I went to the ER and she explained the situation.
Starting point is 01:00:05 I was like, Mom, just, like, insist to speak to the doctor. This woman doesn't know the ins and outs of staph infection or whatever. And this woman goes, well, it's hard to do any doctoring over the phone, you know, bringing her in here. And I was like, well, we've made an appointment. And I took off. And I was like, we've made an appointment for tomorrow. we've made an appointment. And I took off.
Starting point is 01:00:22 I was like, we've made an appointment for tomorrow, but this is not one of those things that can just wait like, you know, two or three days and see what happens. You know, this is a serious deal. It's an infection on this stuff. And,
Starting point is 01:00:34 uh, this one would refuse to let my mom speak to her doctor. Like just fought it tooth and nail. And I was like, well, send a message for him and then call us back like if he doesn't you know whatever we just need to figure out like is this adequate medication for the situation and would not i had to go down there and i have a face with that situation every marxist is like
Starting point is 01:00:58 how do you have how much should you blow up on a worker if they're on some bullshit and i kind of let her have it a little a little did you get talked to the doctor no didn't get me anywhere i was just like look she's got an infection that could turn into sepsis or anything like this is not like some like sinus infection that we can just wait and see what happens with you know what i mean like you know you're not to pull rank on you or anything but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I need to speak to the doctor. He said, well, I'll send a message for him to see what it is and have her call you back.
Starting point is 01:01:31 I was like, that's all I fucking wanted you to do. I mean, that place is an absolute goddamn circus. It's real bad. This hysterectomy has felt like she was getting it on the black market. Honest to God. We might as well have just fucking got this done in a basement. That's how it's fucking felt. You want to see something bleak though?
Starting point is 01:01:49 Did y'all see the front page of the Mountain Eagle? No. Fucking two state employees are currently being sued or I don't know, charges brought against them for stealing Medicaid benefits. That's how desperate it is out there.
Starting point is 01:02:05 People are stealing Medicaid benefits. They're stealing, yeah, health care. What do you mean? Yeah, they use computers to steal Medicaid benefits. Like sign themselves up on Medicaid. Yeah, yeah. When they didn't necessarily qualify for it. We're doing crimes to preserve our health.
Starting point is 01:02:23 To live. Right, right. To live. Right, right. To live. Okay, it's not like they rerouted refunds or something to themselves in cash. They were stealing health coverage. Yeah. Well, and so this is why I don't think it's so much that Bernie has the power to actually do something about it. I think it's just that if more people are talking about it...
Starting point is 01:02:45 No, the media fucking hates the masses. Yeah, so maybe it's his organizing base. Yeah. His, like, encouraging of people. And, I mean... I would say that Bernie is someone who... I'd say he is a rare politician who doesn't necessarily
Starting point is 01:03:02 need the hype around him. him like it's like the hops around issues i would say yeah no he said that about bernie yeah yeah for all the things i said about it being a cold of personality i certainly think with any politician that's probably you know partly or if not mostly true but one thing you have to say about bernie he has stuck it with his talking points almost to it yeah to a fall yeah yeah um yeah well i think this is a good pausing spot to um talk about what we're going to talk about in part two yeah okay give us some teasers we'll
Starting point is 01:03:42 take a little bit of a break um uh me think about it. Let's see. I'm going to have a meltdown on this break and come back refreshed. For part two. I'm going to walk out on the front porch of you smoking a cigarette and crying. I'm going to take my pants off, honestly, is what I'm going to dance with. That's how I've got to get comfortable. My God. I'm on high-waisted undies. It'll be like a bathing suit. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Oh, well, we'll switch gears in the part two of this that will be on the Patreon. But if there's any through lines here, it's that it's been a really hilarious week in that conspiracy is all the talk. From Moscow Mitch to Epstein. Well, we've reached conspiracy singularity with Epstein. Exactly. That's what it is. It's very true. They all comeity with Epstein. Exactly. That's what it is. It's very true.
Starting point is 01:04:25 They all come back to Epstein. So if there's anything to tie a bow on it, it's that the economy might be tanking. More good news. Yeah. Actually. Come back at 6 o'clock for more on the tanking economy. It's very market-wise.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I even have a local conspiracy that we're going to get to. Really? I get to tell you all about. I mean, it's kind of a conspiracy. You sure you don't want to just... I'm going to tease it a little bit, and then we're going to talk about it in part two. Damn it, Tonya. That's how we're getting a Patreon.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Okay, fair enough. I'm going to sign up so I can hear this. Yeah. There was a high-speed chase on Pine Creek
Starting point is 01:05:10 last night. And you have a conspiracy about what actually happened? Well, I've got a no, about what could be happening.
Starting point is 01:05:18 They never found him. They never caught him. This motherfucker hit the loop. I live... Come back.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Come back. All I'm going to say is if Epstein's not a part of this, I the loop. I live... Come back. Come back. All I'm going to say is if Epstein's not a part of this, I'm out. Well, they had half a dozen cops up there and this motherfucker has still not been found. I got some conspiracies
Starting point is 01:05:35 about where he's at. Well, shout out to you wherever you are. Yeah, homie. Come stay at my house. I'll cook you dinner, baby. Hit me up. Shout out to that person.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Shout out to the 50-year-old woman who you said looked identical to Michael Moore and sounded identical to Michael Moore. Oh, fuck yeah. I wanted to go talk to her. Like, chop ahead Michael Moore on their show. Let's have the Letcher County Michael Moore. I got her name. They came out because we were in the waiting room. They came out and called her name, and I was like, I'm finding this woman.
Starting point is 01:06:04 I'm not going gonna dox her here but yeah the female michael moore yeah well i don't know how she yeah who knows what her gender is but letcher county the letcher county michael moore letcher county mike mm by visual and auditory yeah she sounded just like him too it was All right. Well, if you want to hear part two, which we are now recording in tandem these days, I guess. It's only the second time we've done it. Well, from here on out, I guess we'll have to do it. Mr. Tom Sexton is now no longer a resident of Letcher County. Yeah, yes.
Starting point is 01:06:40 I am. God. Jesus. Still get the London Review of Books here. You getting the LRB delivered to you? I got the LRB delivered to my door. He's bi-coastal. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah. You got to commute. You have to commute. Yeah, I have to commute. He's carrying dual citizenship these days. Yeah. All right. Well, go to the Patreon, slash Trailability Workers Party and check out the shit there.
Starting point is 01:07:09 We also have some tour dates coming up at the end of September. I'm so excited. And exactly what Tom said we were doing is what we're doing. I'm in shock, honestly, that it worked out exactly the way Tom said. You know why? Because Lee Baines was involved. And Lee is solid as fuck yeah this is my this is what i think well um i i do have to say though i love tom i love
Starting point is 01:07:30 lee baines but um you know how at the end of that first kanye west album college dropout where jay-z is like a first and foremost fuck you kanye for making me do this shit yeah i just want to say fuck you tom and fuck you lee baines for making me do this shit. The first tour date is on my birthday. I'm working for this goddamn podcast on my birthday. Can't we make it a big party, though? That'll be so fun, Terrence. Shut up. You're going to get so much love that day.
Starting point is 01:07:54 It's work. It's work, Tanya. We're the workers' party, Tanya. I don't care what anyone says. I was about to say, everyone's going to be buying you drinks. He doesn't drink. Yeah, well, it's work. It's work to get up there on a to say, everyone's going to be buying you drinks. He doesn't drink. Yeah, well, it's work. It's work to get up there on a stage.
Starting point is 01:08:08 And you're right, it is. But it's going to be a lot easier. No one's going to boo you on your birthday. But what if they did? You should just get up there and moon everybody. Pull out a birthday fucking drop trail, just shit on stage. It'll be awesome. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:08:20 So that means the September 26th is Nashville? Nashville, Tennessee at the East Room. Friday, September 27th, Slugos in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Saturday, September 28th, we're in Green Lantern in Lexington, Kentucky. And Sunday, September 29th, Motor Pub, Cincinnati, Ohio. Nice, nice. I'm excited about all those shows. Especially Chattanooga
Starting point is 01:08:47 because I've never been there. Chattown, baby. It's cool. And that's where Usher's from. I love Chattanooga and shout out to the Mountains. Some of my best friends from high school
Starting point is 01:08:56 now live in Nashville. Can't wait to see them. Hell yeah. This is my confessions. Just when I thought that they caught me jacking, my mom caught me jacking. Goddamn.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Stay tuned for part two, baby. I'll finish that for you. Find us on Patreon. All right. See you later.

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