Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 118: God Is Right And Man Is Wrong

Episode Date: October 17, 2019

The title of this one says it all....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. Oh, hell. The greatest card game in the mountains. Tanya, I can't get hired anywhere. Why do you want a job? Who wants to work? I've been trying to get hired at Lowe's for months.
Starting point is 00:00:20 And I think that I can't pass the pre-interview screening process. They take one look at you and know you can't lift a two by four. But I can operate a forklift. I mean, I know how it works. I used to be really good at the forklift. Did you just go... Yeah, he just emulated a forklift. And his hands are moving back and forth.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I'll go ahead and tear it now. You ain't loads of material. Well, the thing is, is like the screening questions they have, I can't tell if, so I can't tell if they're trying to determine if you are an easily exploitable worker or if the corporations are woke now and they're trying to see how hip you are to worker rights and safety. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Does that make sense? Probably the first, I'd say. Probably a combination of the two. When you hear the word union, what's the first word that comes to mind? Well, because a lot of the questions are like... Scab. A lot of the questions are like,
Starting point is 00:01:21 do you work well with others? If production needs to be sped up, what do you need to be doing with your team? You know, stuff like that. It's also questions like- These manager jobs? No. Is that what you're applying for? No, this is just like an associate lumber stacker.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I applied to be a part-time package handler at UPS. And I never saw a job I was more qualified for just by the title. Not even full-time. Just part-time package handler. Well, I don't know. So the questions are, I don't remember them now, but they're like, do you like talking with other people? Do you get along with others?
Starting point is 00:02:09 So what are you saying to these softball questions that ain't getting you through to the second round? I don't know. I'm answering them truthfully. And so I think that like by answering them truthfully. You're writing three paragraph fucking essays about how one time you really just couldn't get along with this motherfucker and you had to bury him alive well they're they're they're the kind of questions the to which the answers are like one through five one being you know strongly disagree five being strongly agree and so just like comedically overplay your hand just like hey mr ray how do you work do you work well with others i hate unions
Starting point is 00:02:48 good job you're hired good enough well don't the same people own walmart and lowe's now sam walton could be Sam's dead Oh It's his offspring I think they own Lowe's too Because they always share a parking lot I was listening to that Did y'all listen to that
Starting point is 00:03:16 Did you read that thing in the Atlantic About Jeff Bezos That Franklin Fowler I'm gonna level with you I've never read the Atlantic So the answer to that is no for her. I'm a level with you. I've never read The Atlantic. So the answer to that is no. Most people have. I'm not taking a stance on anything here. Tanya doesn't read Airport Rag.
Starting point is 00:03:37 She only reads highfalutin stuff. I used to read The Atlantic in college a lot. I was like, this will make me smart. That and foreign policy. And Slate. Now you're just reading Jacobin emails. Now I hate read Jacobin and Ditch Mitch emails.
Starting point is 00:03:55 That's it. You really are the, you're the, you're peak hate read. That's true. You love a hate read. I love a good hate read. I'm too lazy for a hate read you don't even read for pleasure yeah i can barely muster a pleasure read at this point i i will do a uh a hate twitter dive occasionally yeah good hate thread man good hate threads good
Starting point is 00:04:22 yeah no good hate read is good i mean i don't know twitter threads um i lose my attention with twitter threads pretty easily but um that's about my attention span yeah 120 characters well anyways i was thinking of that jeff bezos thing because they were talking about like amazon's cloud computing system and how it's envied all over the world. People love Amazon's cloud computing capabilities. And all kinds of corporations store their data on it, except for Walmart. Even the CIA stores their data on it,
Starting point is 00:05:00 but Walmart will not because they're paranoid about putting all of their personal information or whatever on a server that all their other competitors are also storing. I mean, how many bodies have they buried? How intense can their data be? There's Vegas casinos like that that have security protocols
Starting point is 00:05:18 for their vaults that they're better than what the Pentagon has. True. Sure. Damn. Well, if you're Al Qaeda and you're listening to this, go to the Amazon cloud. You'll have to tune in.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Bust it up. Yep. Well, what's going on this week? I got to be honest with you i read all about uh boeing i was not prepared to do anything else this morning well i've been sitting on one from the weekend from friday night i've been wanting to tell you all about it is with it i don't know if it's you you think it's right. I went to this fucking, okay,
Starting point is 00:06:06 so this is a follow up to the App Harvest article that I melted down about. Was that a Patreon? It was. It was a Patreon. A good Patreon.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Well, go ahead and click on back then and pay your $5 and listen to that Patreon episode first for your background reading for this but i believe i somehow caught trying to hawk sex ed i caught myself as an extra in a hot video of a man clearly going through a midlife crisis crisis do tell so uh pilfered around somewhere i don't know how i found it but i come across this
Starting point is 00:06:50 like big nea funded summit that was happening in breath at county which you know tom has said is the center of culture in america right now truly but it was all about art and healing like health and how arts can make people healthier and you know breath at county is one of the by the numbers unhealthiest place in america and so i figure that's why the nea's throwing money at this also it should be said i consume a lot of art and i'm wrestling with a heart ailment right now so well anywho breath of county is the place for you to be yeah yeah well you know i use a lot of art in sex ed and i've been trying to figure out the new places to kind of hawk it and i was like oh shit well if the nea has got money to throw around here let's go see what this is about it's just like a free conference
Starting point is 00:07:42 i registered and um i went with the teenager who's who does some other birth control work and we get there and it's like just like four or five round tables set up in an old gymnasium which is now it's like an old high school or middle school turned into the local community college it's a it's a satellite campus of hctc hazard community technical college and we get there and you can just immediately size up the room and see who's from who's from out of town who came in from out of town to run this show it's amazing and so i'm looking around and uh've got, there's a couple quilts hanging and then they've got a big flat screen TV. That's where our art's going to be, I guess, on this flat screen.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And then there's a couple of like scribbled trees on the wall. And I wonder how that's going to come in. Anyway, this, well, first this guy like himself, and this is one for Terrence. He says, until recently, folks, I thought that I was a seventh generation breath at county and, but upon a recent journey, I found that I'm a ninth generation breath at Kellyanne. From then I was hooked. I was like, oh, this is good.
Starting point is 00:09:13 This is going to be thick. And this guy doesn't sound like he's from breath at Kellyanne. I'll just say that. And he's slick as a whistle. I'm a ninth generation breath at Kell jd vance oh my god it was so good so you know fast forward a little bit we find out this guy lives in louisville and he's been doing all this great community work in ashville and louisville i'm curious how
Starting point is 00:09:42 you're a ninth generation but you yourself aren't still there I don't understand that it'll make a look it's but this motherfucker is standing in front of this room full and it's mostly just like old people that work at the bank or something in this room I don't even know but oh we do have a listener that was there which she didn't talk to me she met I left early and she messaged me on Twitter like did you just leave and I was like who the fuck is were you in that crazy ass meeting I was just and so she I mean she never responded I think she was in there though but I didn't realize who she was um so I'd like to hear her take on how that went down anywho you all know the Georgia L.L. Lyne so for our non-Kentucky listeners Georgia L.L. Lyne
Starting point is 00:10:21 was once uh you know she's one of the most infamous Kentucky poet laureates. She's from Harlan County. And she wrote a poem called Where I'm From that she has used and millions of people have used to do little art, little poem activities in their fourth grade classrooms across Kentucky, maybe even outside. This motherfucker puts in huge letters and it's on the agenda and puts in huge letters on the flat screen tv interactive art experience oh that's awesome and he whips out his where i'm from poem that he's written and so this is just like every fourth grader from has done absolutely and i tried to explain this tay Taylor Taylor's like, oh yeah, we do this in AMI every summer. This is like just a little, just a little,
Starting point is 00:11:08 just a little like icebreaker activity that everyone has done in Kentucky. It's just like a Kentucky specific one. And so you just write, you rewrite this fucking poem that George Ella has written with your information in it. This man has printed out 25 copies of his own
Starting point is 00:11:24 where I am from, where I'm From poem and passes it around. Just if you want to take it home and frame it. Oh, my God. He passed them around? Gives it to everyone. And on the flip side is a blank. It's like a, it's like a, it's the Where I'm From poem with blanks for you to create your own. And this is an interactive, that's the whole art for the whole day.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And he thought he came up with this. The whole Friday night. It's a three-hour session with dinner and everything. That was the interactive art experience wow and we got to do this while the ceo of a local health clinic was talking about how bad health and all indicators of life quality of life indicators are for breath at county but this is the best part while he's explaining this interactive arts experience which i can't he's he's reading he reads us his poem and he starts crying reading his own words i swear to god god damn i just didn't even know and that's when i realized that
Starting point is 00:12:21 there are cameras everywhere oh fuck okay So he's crying on cue. Is this for like a campaign? Is it for like a... I don't know what this motherfucker's long game is. I think it's because he's like co-founded this ideas lab thing in Louisville. And he's like hawking it and making money on this. What the fuck is an ideas lab? Well, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:12:42 It's just not what we call this. We ourselves are sitting in a little incubator here. In an ideas lab. What do you call it? I wouldn't call this the marketplace of ideas. This is where you grow the ideas to take to the market.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Well, maybe he's got his own. This is the idea farm. Yeah, he's got his own little idea farm that he's farming out. And he's got a three camera set up in there, catching him crying, reading his poem to this like small, but I'm sure they'll make it look bigger group of people in this video. And I immediately just start thinking about that goddamn App Harvest video. Because after he cries reading that he like tells okay now you guys have about 10 minutes to like work on your poem and we'll hear from some people who
Starting point is 00:13:30 want to share then he starts walking around and shaking hands and hugging people and and i noticed that the camera is following him you say not not really a hugger bro if he never come to me because i probably didn't know but he's like i believe i know everybody in here i'm probably key and half of you no you know it's always all i gotta say is this all i gotta say is this if you think you're gonna get your name on the fucking kentucky 15 sign for breath of county you got stiff competition now chad warks was on that bitch for years but he's been supplanted by not only J.D. Vance, but Sturgill Simpson.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Did they put J.D. Vance's name up there? You're on down the queue, baby. Yeah. Oh, he quoted Sturgill Simpson. He had Sturgill Simpson's face in a PowerPoint. Oh, my God, dude. You all would have had to tie off your arm for this. It was so thick.
Starting point is 00:14:22 It's like I couldn't even make it up. I couldn't have made this up. Jesus Christ. But he cried twice over his own words he cried over a picture of him and his grandma on his own powerpoint that he put together so it's like man you know you saw that before you came out here you know what i'm saying it's so emotional they like somebody just presented you with that and then you had a and then then he pulled this shit. He was like, you know, I learned early on in my career trying to climb the ranks in business, in the business world, that, you know, there were two things about me I really had to hide. I really had to bury deep and hide.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And that was my Appalachian identity and my gay identity. Well, speak... Let's talk... Okay. This motherfucker equates this and says that it has like kept him back and he's had to like hide that he's that he's Appalachian and gay in the corporate America. I was just like. If we've learned nothing, it's that J.D.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Vance proves that you can be both Appalachian and gay and succeed. So. God damn. I should have been like, what do you think? What you think about jd vance i never mentioned his that way yes i was looking at the um website of the ideas lab and they i think they're trying to go for like a tedx thing because yeah it seems that way ideas x lab yeah i forget this guy's name already what the fuck is it with these people and their yeah obsession with the x but uh it was definitely it was like he was making a hot video for himself that's dope and i hope i'm not in it i didn't sign any release forms i'll tell
Starting point is 00:15:58 you that your face just we'll see tanya with cole smudged on her face they went in and doctored it tanya thought they're just putting makeup on well the best part of the whole thing was that during dinner i went around to all the tables and handed out postcards with pictures of kids drawing vaginas while people ate dinner just thought i'd let y'all know about the sex ed work i do they just looked at me because i went because i looked through this like whole two-day thing about arts and arts and healing and there was nothing about sex education and it just like boils my blood that we are just like refusing to talk about being having the highest rate of unplanned pregnancies in the country.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It's just like that has nothing. You don't think that has something to do with our economy and our health and our ability to do literally anything. Well, speaking, this is a good segue into something I want to talk about. Speaking about Appalachian identity, but also childbearing. You've heard the new Dolly podcast jad abram roz is that how you say his name jad abram run yeah hey this is jad abram run uh today we're talking to dolly pardon i didn't hear it well i'll just go ahead and give you a couple of spoilers from this. Okay. One is earth shattering for a lot of people. Tom called me. I don't usually lodge a call to Terrence, truly.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Oh, is it over how she said Appalachia? She says Appalachia. And I just saw. Tom just called me. I was like, is everything all right, man? He was like, dude, I've got something fucking crazy to tell you. And it was that doll he says Appalachiay here's the weird part the day only got kookier from there so i was like this is gonna break everybody's we've been having a real normal one it was like in a movie when a an investigative reporter finds this smoking gun leaking the CIA crack smuggling in LA's neighborhoods.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Tom found out that Dolly says Appalachia. It's amazing because people are so committed to this sort of Appalachian chauvinism. They have a fucking bumper sticker with's with the pronunciation on it. T-shirts. Which I told you I don't give a fuck, but when I worked at KFTC, almost all the old timers that just came out of the hauler to get KFTC
Starting point is 00:18:35 to get the company off their fucking property, they said Appalachia a lot of them. And I was just like, fuck it. That's because it's a construct. Nobody said Appalachia before Ron Eller wrote it down yeah literally I literally had never heard the word Appalachia until I went to college nobody said that's the God's honest truth I came to consciousness about it only because
Starting point is 00:18:56 like when we they would come show Apple Shop films in high school and see I never knew I did not have Apple Shop where I lived yeah so i had no idea i guess you did yeah around your backyard yeah we had no apple shop films and i could probably couldn't have told you what arh stood for no no i had no idea yeah so appalachia is the johnny come lately so you can tell the people that knew about Appalachia, you know. Early in their lives. Early in their lives. Or actually the gatekeepers.
Starting point is 00:19:29 The people that all get off my lawn about the pronunciation are the people that, like, had that consciousness. And guess what? Foreign working people. Where are you from? They ain't saying Appalachia. It just pisses me off. I mean, when people try to, people have tried to correct me when I've said it before and i've just been like dude ah well see you know i said dolly's the number one most unimpeachable hillbilly you're a close second i'm a close second to dolly
Starting point is 00:19:56 it is unimpeachable hillbilly yeah like you could you just, nobody can tell you shit about Appalachian, you know what I mean? Sure they can. But have they? People try to tell you things all the time, I'm sure. Oh, yeah, people try to shit on me all the time. Today, in fact. Don't care. And then here's that kind of weird, like, witchcraft symmetry that carried on into debate not in America.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Kamala Harris says Appalachia. Appalachia. Yeah. That's not. The first time I ever even heard about it, living in New Mexico, was in A Rage Against the Machine song. The kids in Appalachia. I remember that shit.
Starting point is 00:20:41 People were first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, damn, man. There must be bad hunger In fact In fact In fact Maybe when I heard Battle of Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:20:50 When I was a freshman Or something I was like I think I'm from there Yeah From Pittsburgh Appalachia I think that's me
Starting point is 00:20:56 With my distended belly So it was a banner day For Appalachia And Appalachia Yesterday Yeah I wonder if Dolly Don't go back and forth Cause I've seen Plenty of videos So it was a banner day for Appalachia and Appalachia yesterday. Yeah. I wonder if Dolly don't go back and forth,
Starting point is 00:21:10 because I've seen plenty of videos of her performing, and I feel like I would have noticed it, because she talks about the mountains a lot. Maybe she just don't say Appalachia. She really just says the mountains. Yeah. Like, she says it at first, like, she's like, oh, I don't know if people know what I'm talking about if I say this, so I'll just say the mountains.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And from then on, she just says the mountains in the podcast. You know what I mean? Which is what most people would say they are from, the mountains, not Appalachia. It could have been a solid code switch. We don't know. Yeah, who knows. Anyway, it was worth a call. Maybe she was dolling it up for Jad Avonrod.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Yeah, I'm sad you didn't call me to tell me about it. I wanted to, but I didn't. Dolly, are you familiar with Rage Against the Machine? Yeah. What do you think about Zack DeLaRocca? Is that problematic, Zack DeLaRocca's appropriation? No. Mountain culture.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Any other gems from the podcast, Tom? There are a lot of gems um dolly says there's two types of women you meet in the mountains one that get married and have a bunch of kids and ones that don't get married and have a bunch of kids she's talking about how her herself had she had never been pregnant before but she wrote a lot of songs about women that do get pregnant. So she just kind of de facto took up that cause. It's kind of like I was thinking about it. And Dolly and the Golden Girls are two sort of cultural sort of artifacts, I guess.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I don't want to say artifacts. Dolly's forever young. But you know what I'm saying? I don't want to say artifacts. Dolly's forever young, but you know what I'm saying? Like, I don't want to say products either, but you know, things that people, like in the women's reproductive justice movement and the gay community both took up as icons.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And I thought that was... Yeah, it's kind of strange because i don't feel like dolly writes a lot about having a bunch of kids i guess a little bit her earlier stuff this is yeah yeah because it's it's interesting i feel like a lot of artists well maybe not because you know a lot of people are just like emailing it out on the one hard breakup they ever had running five albums on that but a lot of country female country artists didn't write about their lives because it was like too fucked up like if you look at tammy winette and um loretta lynn they sang about almost about each other's lives which loretta did have a lot of kids but they kind of sang the opposite like stand by your man tammy sang stand by your man and she never kept a man she never
Starting point is 00:23:51 like she was never with one dude like she well george jones was her love but yeah well she was george jones but was george jones yeah while loretta sang all the time about you know fuck these dudes you know go on take the pill whatever she's married to the same guy married to the same dumb dick for her whole life she stood by that idiot tomberly jones yeah that's weird yeah oh dally that's how we are though we say dumb things on this show
Starting point is 00:24:29 but we're actually incredibly smart we're just dumb it just never comes to us when we have to put it to type well no it's that we're personas
Starting point is 00:24:37 you know what I mean non grata yeah we're personas well this ain't saying much but I feel like I gotta stretch it to sound smarter than I am on this fucking show. Y'all are coming down and I'm coming up and we're meeting in the middle.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Meet that old Georgia Pine. That's what I think's happening. No, no, I'm not. I promise you that of the three here, I'm the squeaky wheel that needs the grease for sure. Well, speaking of, did you watch the debate? Did either of you watch the debate?
Starting point is 00:25:15 Was there a debate night in America this week? There was. There was. What the hell? My internet went out. It's funny. It's out here and then it's out there. So I've really been internetless except for a short window this morning.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah, there's literally no, you can't even get a, oh, 3G's back, but that don't help much. I did watch it, though. I did not watch the debate. And I think this is a pretty sad story of what my timeline is. I've got to figure out, I've got to get my algorithms going better because most of the videos I've seen are videos of e-war owning joe biden and i wish i was getting different content honestly can i get a different curation can i hit a reset button please joe biden's the best content in the business right now is that just all the content is somebody owning joe yeah felix from travel had the funniest
Starting point is 00:26:03 fucking tweet yesterday he was talking about it'd be funny if joe biden got up there and he thought beto was the gay one and pete and pete buddidge was the like the young hot one and he just went for a grandstand about i don't give a damn who beto loves i'm here to win the presidency man i would love, I would love that. Yeah, I like Biden, and Biden's fun. Harris is also good for content. I mean, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Tom Steyer are the three that I can't do, like, not even content-wise. They're just not fun.
Starting point is 00:26:38 It's bad. Like, someone had edited together this two-minute clip of Amy Klobuchar saying the exact same joke at every campaign stop she went at. Oh, that's rough. She's got to go, too. Dude, it is fucking bad. What if someone did that for us at our live show? Oh, I'd be mortified.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I would be, too. Oh, it's like that. You repeat the same shit every night. But, you know, we're also not running for president. Yeah. We are on repeat, though. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Khloé Bouchard could be fine. But she's such a fucking bootlicker that, like, you can't even, like, do anything with her, like, funny stuff. Isn't she, like, the kooky witch one? No, that's Mary Ann. Oh. She's gone. Bye-bye. Oh, yeah, this is Amy well she's a minnesota she's
Starting point is 00:27:27 still doing the debates but from her insta feed i think okay oh so this you mean you must mean telepathic you're right i'm mistaken this is the one who stands lizzo because she's from minnesota global sure right probably that could be yeah she stands lizzo i mean probably pandering that is weird as fuck i hope you're right about that she does that's lizzo from minnesota yeah i don't know i mean i'm trying to imagine amy fucking clobashar standing lizzo yeah she's the corniest fucking she's the corniest i mean i love cory booker though i do i love to watch Cory Booker. He's such a fucking dumbass. I forgot he existed, honestly. Cory Booker's great. I honestly felt like I had not seen
Starting point is 00:28:08 hide-and-er-tell of him since he was, you know, talking about starting from the bottom and now he's still eating Hot Pockets and shit when he first announced. I just feel like he's been totally under the radar, which we've talked about this before,
Starting point is 00:28:21 of how he's just been lost in Rosario Dawson. I don't blame him for that, honestly. My favorite thing Cory Booker does, Cory Booker's running on nothing but the high road right now. Yeah. He's not saying anything interesting, but when they get into that little cartoon scramble where it's like claws are flying and stuff over here, Cory says, Hey, let's rein it in a minute. I'm sick to death of seeing this.
Starting point is 00:28:43 This is the division that's going to make us lose to Donald Trump. And like, I know everybody up here and I've worked with you and I admire you and we need to stick together. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's like, what the fuck? That's why you're pulling. He's running for vice president. Him and Castro are very much running for vice president.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Uh-huh. Amazing. And then occasionally he'll drop in And interlude about Probably a made up friend And a made up circumstance to illustrate a point Drug somebody out of a car at 3 o'clock I think we need to bring back the Like back in the old days
Starting point is 00:29:16 If you lost you became the vice president Nick could you imagine if Hillary Was Trump's vice president You know like 1700s. Folks, if I could get rid of her, I would. No ball and chain. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:29:34 I get it at home. I get it at work. You really do do a good job. She's just going to put his vice in fucking prison he's running on locker if hillary clinton's his vice president he would still be running on locker up and like uh we gotta just undo everything obama he wants to be okay did we predict did our prediction come true that they've withdrawn the impeachment inquiry
Starting point is 00:30:06 predict did our prediction come true that they've withdrawn the impeachment inquiry am i crazy no they're still they're going for it okay yeah who knows what will happen with that it was funny to hear like liz warren and them talk as if that was like a done deal last night because she was like if we end up running against mike pence or whoever the republicans tried out there like she was kind of speaking it into existence a little bit that Trump would be impeached and would not be the person that whoever won was going to run against. So they think they're going to be running against Pence. I 100% think
Starting point is 00:30:34 that if he got impeached he would just run again and just get elected again. As an independent? Maybe even just as a Republican. He's going to form a Teddy Roosevelt. What are the rules? if you're removed from office can you just do it again you'd probably fucking win yeah that would be the most demoralizing
Starting point is 00:30:54 the democrats at that point if they lost to a successfully impeached Trump that's how you know you're dead in the water listen folks they say a woman's place is in the Senate. There's nothing I can do about it. She's the vice president.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Fuck. I can't even. I never hear anything about Pence. What's his ass up to right now? Last thing I heard about Pence was he was flying to Ireland for some kind of summit. And Trump encouraged him to use federal money to stay at one of his golf courses in Ireland. That would happen to be three and a half hours from the place where the meeting was happening. So you imagine you go up to a meeting in Weisberg and you're going to stay in a hotel in Louisville.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Dude. Or probably even worse, you're going to something in louisville they put you up in white raven rock oh fuck did he do he stayed there yeah he did i think he did yeah that's what i heard that was that was one of those uh things that got quote tweeted with everybody saying emoluments. Dude. Well, today. Okay, so for the longest time, my favorite Trump story was when he took the guy and his son golfing. And the little kid was beating him. And so he was.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Wasn't he cheating or something like that? Do you remember this, Tom? To beat a child? I remember this time to beat a child i remember this to beat a child yeah or was like talking mad shit to him i still just love him by getting all them hamburgers bringing all them hamburgers that was a classic house that was very best trump the best trump happened 30 years ago. He apprehended the baseball bat wielding maniac in route to a Paul Abdul concert. He saw a guy in Central Park beating somebody up with a baseball bat, and Trump hopped out of the car, stopped the fight, and then said something so goofy. I forget what it was.
Starting point is 00:33:03 It was like, now kissing kissing makeup and apparently there's like one bloodied guy pummeled and the guy with the baseball bat is like, hey man, you can't do that here. You're not gonna do that. And he takes the bat from him, I guess. Breaks the fight up
Starting point is 00:33:14 and then just gets back in the car. This can't be real. No, of course it didn't happen. Then they go to a Paul Abdull concert. Well, today he's got, he has, in my opinion, something that tops even the golf story what oh god damn this is the best this is this is i mean this is you already know this is coming as a shot to me so buckle up let me tell you there are these are these two people from Great Britain whose son was killed by an American diplomat's wife.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Hold on, let me put that together. Brits who killed a U.S. diplomat's wife. Reverse that. Reverse that. U.S. diplomat's wife struck with a car and killed a 19-year-old motorcyclist. In Great Britain. In Great Britain. And so she ran away to America
Starting point is 00:34:12 and hasn't been sent back to Great Britain to be held accountable. The diplomat's wife. Yes, for her crimes. And so the parents came to America to... To harass them?
Starting point is 00:34:24 No, to lobby the government to send her back to Great Britain so that she can be charged for her crimes. Et cetera, et cetera. But she's just chilling at home right now. I'll tell you where she's chilling. She is apparently chilling in the White House with Trump
Starting point is 00:34:39 who had organized or arranged this meeting between her and the two parents without telling the two parents. Like this is an episode of fucking Big Brother or something. Yeah, I'll read it from the article in the Daily Beast. Does he truly have nothing to do? This is the president of the worst country in the history of the world.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Hold on, hold on listen listen to this i love this paragraph just taking out of context it's one of the it's one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen written trump it seems thought he could convince the duns who are the parents of this child to meet the woman who killed their son and would do so by opening a side door through which she would walk the whole scene would be captured by a pool of photographers who had been summoned for the meeting. Like it's a goddamn Dr. Phil intervention. He had her come in and surprise
Starting point is 00:35:34 the parents? He was going to, but the parents got hip to it right before it was going to happen. Because the whole thing was supposed to be like a reality show. Because that's the only way he thinks about things, right? He only thinks of things in terms of how it would look on TV. Right, exactly. So he was going to arrange this sort of reality TV-esque thing between these two people.
Starting point is 00:35:56 And then I guess position himself as the sort of mediator or something. Listen, Dunn, she's not that bad. Great gal. Oh, my God. or something. Listen, Dunn, she's not that bad. Great gal. Oh my God. He was going to play me. Your son, your son, he died doing what he loved to do.
Starting point is 00:36:16 What else can you say? He had a great last day. Your sons, they make them every day. Fuck. Fuck. I mean, personally, I wouldn't recommend riding a motorcycle, every day. Fuck. Fuck. I mean, personally, I wouldn't recommend riding a motorcycle,
Starting point is 00:36:29 but, you know, that's just me. He would throw in something like that to cut them down. Yeah, yeah. I don't let my son ride motorcycles.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Just weirdly, like, subhuman comment. Trump is the king of that. Yeah. Like, just saying the weird thing that nobody would ever say about a situation. He's the Joker.
Starting point is 00:36:49 He's the Joker. He is. He had a good 19 years. 19 is a pretty long time. I think, was the movie The Joker supposed to be... You saw The Joker, right, Tom? I saw The Joker, yeah. Were they making some sort of, like at like the jokers of the president
Starting point is 00:37:07 i don't know did you get that subtext of the joke i didn't get it until just now like maybe that could have been because like he's not like a villainous mastermind in this movie he just plays someone who just sort of ambles from event to event and just ends up this criminal villain by the end of it yeah this leader yeah it's so funny to see like how did this end what happened what the parents do they ran out of the white house to get away from this maniac they just took off they realize that she's like waiting to come out they're like no get us the fuck out of here wait wait come back let's get it on let's get it on film
Starting point is 00:37:50 we're not ready to face our son's murderer he probably thought that was funny just get him filming he's like no you heard the folks turn the cameras off keep it rolling keep it rolling He's like, no, you heard the folks. Turn the cameras off.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Keep it rolling. Keep it rolling. God damn. Let's see. So I don't know. Fuck me. Dunn family said they were impressed with trump before he tried to bring sackle sakula's on them dunn's mother charlotte charles described trump as quite respondent and then he tried to comfort her um blah blah blah all while he's got their murderer in the wing just waiting
Starting point is 00:38:41 this is a this would be a great plot for a horror movie it's spooky season uh it's like a goddamn some kind of perverted goddamn magic show you have to leave the white house the murder he's a perverted magician i bet trump here's how he's gonna set that up he's gonna bring him in? It's like a sort of Spingali. I bet Trump, here's how he's going to set that up. He's going to bring him in here. He's like, if your son's murderer was here, what would you say to him? And then they would say this stuff. And then he would just say.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Turns out. Turns out. You can say it to her face. You can say it to her face. Yeah. She's right here. And then like a camera crew opens the side door and follows her in. I mean, you can see that on a reality show, can't you?
Starting point is 00:39:26 This whole scenario was like straight out reality show. Yeah, yeah. The camera zooms in real fast on the parent's face. Like the worst kind of like catfish style. Chris Hansen, whatever. Literally. It's like the worst possible type of TV. He's doing this in the White House.
Starting point is 00:39:41 A man who's like being impeached. He's doing this in the White House. A man who's being impeached. A man who's just single-handedly responsible for the deaths of tons of people in Syria right now. And America. Just by his phone call. Do you imagine a show that's like To Catch a Predator, but it's to catch a diplomat's wife who hit and run someone's cabinet? I mean, I would watch... It's him setting up...
Starting point is 00:40:04 To Catch a Predator, but white-collar crime. I will promise getting it. I mean, I would watch. It's him setting up. To catch a predator, but white collar crime. I will promise you this. I will promise you this. If Trump wins a second term, there will be a concurrent reality show. He will have his own show. While they're in the White House.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Didn't he try to do that? Weren't they going to do Trump TV or something like that? I don't remember if that. That sounds right. I think so. Maybe. But they shut it down.
Starting point is 00:40:24 But yeah, if he has nothing to, if it's his last, he doesn't have to run for re-election. He'll have Trump TV. Trump could do that. Look, I would be fine with him doing that. If we could get Bernie as the president and Bernie as the grand bargain to everybody. It's like, we're going to keep Trump in the Oval Office and just film him all day like he is the president. And that's what gets broadcast to the chuds while Bernie actually does shit.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Like, they can have their pretend presidency and all this stuff. That's what it is anyway. This is your peak ninth-dimensional chess. Yeah. This is twelfth-dimensional chess. That's right. God damn. What a mess.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Well, he's the first American leader to really act like a king, which is really fascinating to me. Because, you know, during monarchies, they would do shit like that all the time. You know what I mean? You'd have court gestures and you'd have just the king deciding, I'll go out to the public today. Yeah. What kind of amusement? You know, everything's for his amusement. Everything is for his amusement.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Exactly. He literally is just entertaining himself all day long. I mean, he has, what is it, like, over half the days of his presidency, he's been golfing or something? Yeah. At least a third of his active presidential days, he's spent golfing.
Starting point is 00:41:43 He's the first president to actually enjoy the rewards that come with running the empire. You know what I mean? Yeah. All the spoils. Bush was a dumbass, but he also had this weird, conflicted, self-internalized conflict where he was always trying to live up to his father's image and all this. Daddy complex. I'm well aware. He had a daddy complex.
Starting point is 00:42:11 The real ones. We see each other. But Trump has none of that. He has no inhibitions. No complexes. Nothing holding him back. He's the supreme ruler. It must be kind of nice to be a sociopath.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Like, you don't have anxiety or depression. He's living large. He's living large. He live... You just have one gear and it's just to do stuff that, like, gives you kicks. He saw this story on Fox News
Starting point is 00:42:43 and was like, let's get the the parents we can do this you know arranged it with the they had this name in there the national security advisor like any work that he actually does it's probably him just reacting to fox news like him seeing things on fox news and being like so then it's just like that's absolutely what it does i bet i mean you could run a completely false they probably already are just a completely you could just run completely false stories and he would pick them up and then run with
Starting point is 00:43:13 these just like totally bizarro this is wild but he's just flat out the White House still is just like what impeachment inquiry? Never heard of it. It's been impeached.
Starting point is 00:43:29 What type of people are working at the White House right now, you think? You think these are people who are kind of mortified and just trying to lay low until somebody else comes in? Uh-uh. They parted ways. He's parted ways with everybody but Stephen Miller. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Right hot off the presses.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Trump says, Kurds, they're not angels. What? Oh, shit. What? Trump just said the Kurds are no angels. It's like when the New York Times did that Mike Brown was no angel. God damn. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Jesus Christ. This man just signed off on a mini-genocide. It just isn't. There were no angels. Well, honestly, dude. Yeah, he's the chosen one one turkey's invasion is not our problem actually it fucking is your problem a week ago he said folks i'm gonna slap the sanctions on them if they goose step i've done it before and everybody was like done it before yeah he said
Starting point is 00:44:40 this about everything he's like i've said it before, I'll say it again. When did Trump take the Turkish economy? I've done it before. Well, he tried to take the Nevada economy. Yeah, tried to sue them, tried to disband the NFL. Last night, while Michelle and I were holding hands in a cold funeral home and being preached at about how we were going to hell and going to burn for millions of years. Millions, that's just a drop in the bucket.
Starting point is 00:45:10 That's right. Eternity shit never ends. Well, honestly, a lot of it was entertaining to me. I mean, I've been to several church services, but it had been a long time since I had been to a true fire and brimstone, like hell and brimstone. Like hell of a brimstone. And this guy.
Starting point is 00:45:28 I didn't know I was still dead, though. Over a dead body, too. This is at a funeral. This was the wake. This wasn't in the funeral. Pentecostals. Free Will Baptist. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Very. I didn't understand. She was a free will. There were like six different nominations that are preaching. I don't know. We don't have to get into that. I don't understand. But this comes back to trump so bear with me so that there were some some parts of it were entertaining some parts were upsetting
Starting point is 00:45:55 but there were a few times that i really was like this is really sad this is all like this is nearing toward this is a mental illness you know what i mean it's like nearing toward like this these people aren't well oh they aren't well they're definitely not well they've ran across that line a long time ago i used to suffer from this mental well actually so carrie was there and they had music and at one point carrie was like that was terrence in high school because there was a guitar playing a guitar like praise and worship. That's where I learned to play drums. I'm not kidding. Praise and worship band.
Starting point is 00:46:29 We know. We know. It's well documented on this here podcast. But the motherfucker, he's like, we're going to live forever for millions and millions of years together. We'll live happy and bliss for millions of years, healthy and happy. And I just thought, what person? I've never met anyone who wants to live for millions of years healthy and happy and i just thought what purse i've never met anyone who wants to live for millions of years how are you selling people happiness for millions of years how are you selling people anything for millions of years nobody will only elon musk wants to go on for millions of years we need him to go
Starting point is 00:47:02 on for millions of years it's true i was just like when that guy was saying millions of years i was just like i don't want millions of years of nothing how are you using this to sell people on this it's wild it's just wild but anyway he got into america and what his whole thing was like people don't want a preacher people People want a motivational speaker. They want someone to tell you how good you are. We want a preacher, not a belly itcher. They want you to get up and tell them how good they are, how smart they are. But I'm here to tell you, you're a sinner. God is right and man is wrong.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And I was like, and women rule. I just wanted to just like fucking heckle his ass. I was not not gonna do it but he's like though i'm i'm keeping it real with you people will lie to you but i'm just gonna fucking tell you you're a sinner you're a sinner you bad news buddy he god is right and man is wrong okay can't disagree with you there but god is like right wing at this point so anyway he gets into america he's like america and that's when it's just like such a such an alarm it's like if well and this is at
Starting point is 00:48:10 a funeral keep in mind keep in mind over a woman's dead body this guy's feeling himself right now over a woman's dead body he's on one he's on one and he starts talking about america he's like it's either democrat or republican liberal or this and he said no no no it's right and wrong and i'm telling you right now god's right you're wrong it was this shit and then finally he gets into talking about america a little bit about how anybody you can he said i don't care if you watch fox news or cnn like those are the two polar opposites whether it's fox news or cnn you can look at any news right now and see it's the end times. You can see it's coming. If you go to church, you know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:48:52 And then there's a few like, mm-hmm. A few backing him up. There's a few backing him up. I would back him up with that one. Yeah, you're right. You're right. He's like, America is going to hell. Like America's, i can't remember what
Starting point is 00:49:05 he said but he said america and it's always to me just like how how is it possible america is not even a spiritually america is not real you know what i mean like in in god's eyes this should not be there aren't america is truly the construct of all constructs absolutely America is not a thing construct episode absolutely yeah but anyway then this motherfucker says absolute real subtle and the trumpets will sound I shit you not he pulls out a trumpet do you think he was making he... He pulled a trumpet out? An actual trumpet? No. No. But right after he says America, he says trumpet.
Starting point is 00:49:49 And you know that this is like imagery he's pulling to support the president. Oh, of course. This is not even subtle. Did y'all do rapture drills at church? Where they'd have somebody in the back play a trumpet? What? And then, okay, what's a rapture drill? What do you do?
Starting point is 00:50:06 We did, well. You hit your knees? Ours never went well because the guy couldn't play and it just kind of sounded like the AC unit was going out. Mom. And everybody was like, what are we supposed to do? Well, theoretically. What do you do in a rapture drill?
Starting point is 00:50:20 And then the preacher kept acting like, oh, did you hear the trumpet sound? And then everybody'd be like, no. No, we hear the trumpet sound? And then everybody was like, no. No, we didn't. You can't do anything in a rapture. I mean. Yeah, what do you do? I remember my buddy's house growing up in his garage.
Starting point is 00:50:34 They had a huge painting that it was so great. It was ostensibly portraying the day of the rapture. And it had cars all piled up on the freeway planes painting in their home oh yes planes blowing through buildings and falling out of the sky and fires everywhere and jesus was just floating over it all and you see the soul oh yeah yeah we have that the paintings yeah you see the souls lifting up the head oh my god we had that uh brother glenn gross had that at his church over in Pistol City. And Tyrone would go preach over there when we were little.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Tyrone was like a teenage preacher. Tyrone was a teenage preacher. Yeah. That was a lot you just dropped on me. He would take us aside. He'd say, okay, you can preach on anything you want except cigarettes. That was where they drew the line. He was like, you can preach anything you want. We'll sign where they drew the line it was like you can preach
Starting point is 00:51:25 anything anything you want we'll sign off on but not smoke you can't damn that you can't damn nobody for smoking he goes my whole congregation smokes i love that that they like have to give them a precursor yeah it always it would have sucked so bad if you're the person just drilled by a downed airplane during the rapture because if you live through the rapture you get a second chance you know right because there will be like another one or whatever god will come back yeah all you gotta do is just like lay low for seven years and you're back in the money right but if you don't get fucking just completely destroyed by an 18-wheeler that runs off the highway, then you're pretty good. But if that happens, you're fucked because you've got to go to hell.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Because the driver's been taken to heaven. Because the driver's been taken to heaven. Gotcha. There's no one at the wheel, not even Jesus. Woo! Jesus is not at the wheel. Jesus is not at the wheel. Jesus cannot take the wheel during the rapture.
Starting point is 00:52:23 That's true. He's hands off during the tribulation period. the rapture that's true he's hands off during the tribulation period yep he has to be seven years hands off i'm sorry i drug us here honestly i'm sorry it was just such a wild event and i was just like so i almost wanted to take notes so i was like so enamored and it's like there was just like a cat a gaggle there were like six men singing and preaching over a woman's body a very like a very bad bitch independent woman which she had put all this in her will i guess that she wanted all these motherfuckers to come in here and preach over
Starting point is 00:52:54 i don't know but but this was another funny part too is that one of the guys who got up all he did was say a prayer all he did was lead one of the prayers and the guy who was like emceeing the whole thing was like uh go ahead and say a prayer for Brother So-and-so. He's going to come up and lead us in prayer. So he wanted us to pray for this man who was about to pray for us. Lead us through a prayer, which I thought was okay. I can't keep up. But then before this guy prayed.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It's very meta. It's like inception. It's so meta. It's like inception with prayers. Yeah. And before he gets going, he off just so such egos on these motherfuckers he takes off thanking all the people who prayed for him recently and i guess maybe he was sick or something but like this is a funeral for a woman and he's like i got letters
Starting point is 00:53:37 from all over the country all over the world of people who prayed for me and i just can't thank you all enough i know you all prayed for me and i'm like but this ain't your acceptance speech people from all over the world let me know they were praying for me thousands of people have been praying for me folks they got more prayers than anyone has ever seen this young woman just dropped dead yeah she's in her 50s in her 50s and this motherfucker's sitting here taking a victory lap all of them this was a different one than the guy that was preaching the trumpet. Let me tell you, this is the same pathology. Let me tell you what happened to me one time.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Now, granted, this would have been something I would have done, probably. We'll sign off on anything but cigarettes. My whole congregation. Well, let me tell you something. The big schism in my church growing when I was coming up. Well, it wasn't even when I was coming up. I was plenty old enough but at that point i would still like go to church with my mom when i come home you
Starting point is 00:54:28 know what i mean just it was just kind of like a family thing the pastor's wife got a vision from god that i was stealing money from them i remember this and when told my aunt sheila about it man she Aunt Sheila went and obviously told my mom and my Aunt Carol and everything about it. This woman said that she had a vision from God that I was stealing from the offering plate. Which, again, would have been something maybe I would have done had I not been living in fucking Arkansas. You weren't even there? I wasn't even there to have done it. What did your mom say?
Starting point is 00:55:04 She quit the church. The whole she quit the church the whole family quit the church wow but that's the same kind of people like these are the people that are like molding the minds of people in the community like spiritually yeah like motherfuckers are like hinging their eternal destination on the word of people that say stuff shit like that you know what i'm saying dude that's using jesus to frame somebody who's in arkansas yeah that's that's an angle i never thought of they were probably like shortening the the teal up and then wanted somebody to be the fall guy but we're so fucking stupid they didn't realize i didn't even live here at the time it's oh amazing yeah having one of those like visions it's Tom it's Tom
Starting point is 00:55:45 the vision's coming to me there's the seven headed whore of Babylon and there's Sexton popping up sticking his hand in the fucking piggy bank wads of cash in both your hands you're laughing maniacally
Starting point is 00:56:01 burning church dollars with a cigar as the OJ's for the love of money queues up Just burning church dollars with a cigar. As the OJs for the love of money queues up. How much money can even be in an offering play? The big dollars are checks. I don't know what ended up. Picking pennies. Here's the thing that was funny about that.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Eventually, I was exonerated and all that stuff. Did you have to come back to Kentucky to defend yourself? No, no, no, no, no, no. Did he stand on trial? I guess she confessed that she had no basis in that and she was wrong and all that stuff. But she only told that to me and my mom and her husband, the preacher. After she had told everybody else. After she had told everybody coming and going. So your name is still and my name is tard i go to joe pack's chicken i get side eye from the woman there that knows that things i stole money from the church i go get
Starting point is 00:56:53 my goddamn flu shot the other day which she probably just put a blank in there and shot she shot you full of syphilis bitch he wonders why he's got heart palpitations fucking put lead in there that whole fiasco is so crazy i remember i came back from our i was back i didn't come back that much but i came back like maybe for like a week or two at one point and the guy who's the father of the person that gave me the flu shot the other day came up to and he was usually the most like sweet like humble man like shake my hand and just you know great country people he came up to me and the one thing i always remember about this guy is that he always had the weakest ass handshake just like the fucking dead fish handshake. You know, which I don't
Starting point is 00:57:45 advocate the fucking vice grip either, but this is the worst, you know. It's the worst feeling in the world. Oh, Limp Red. They put their hand into your hand. Yeah. See what you do? How's it go?
Starting point is 00:58:01 He comes up to me and gives me the vice grip. And I was like, that's the first thing that clicked in my head. This something's not right here. This motherfucker don't shake. He looks at me. He goes, you better be getting right. And I thought to myself, has the man had a stroke?
Starting point is 00:58:18 Oh, that's. What's happened? The nerve. I was like, he goes, because the end times are coming. what's happened the nerve i was like he goes because the end times are coming now mind you this mind you mind you this is happening this is happening at the fucking butcher shop at food city and i was like yeah yeah right on i had no fucking clue what was going on like maybe a couple a few days later before i left the shit popped off and i was like i just got back in town i've been in town three days i couldn't do that much embezzling
Starting point is 00:58:51 it was wild anyway my point being to all that is these are the same types of people that would uh you know stand over a woman that just passed tragically young to make it about themselves. And Trump. And Donald Trump. And would support Donald Trump. Who in their minds is them? Like, Trump allows them to live out all of their... I mean, this man told us his whole testimony.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Like, he was a drunk until this cold day in January. Like, this was a full-on... And it's always the most mild shit. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like the motherfuckers that got like shot in the chest point blank with a sawed off and like lived to tell the tale. Okay, man, you believe in God.
Starting point is 00:59:35 That's fine. I got you. You're fine. You've seen a thing. But the guy that just like, you know, you know, has diabetes. I'm just like, not even the bad kind what i'm saying is what i'm sorry that was that was totally wrong that's i mean you're referring to the kind that i have the type god terrence Terrence thinks he has. That I think I have, yes. But I'm saying like a very minor tribulation they went through that led them to God.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Yeah. But yeah, it was wild. It was intense. I can tell you the moment I think I stopped believing in God. Well, not God, but the moment I stopped believing that church was... They stopped trying to sell you on millions of years. Yeah, that was part of it. That was legitimately part of it. But it was when Hurricane Katrina happened.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Pat Robertson said that it happened because of the gays, which just was the most absurd thing that I could possibly. A few years later, the same man would say that the Haitian earthquake happened because of voodoo. Yeah. Oh, my God. Damn. How much can they blame on the gays though really yeah good question like that ain't even like a thing anymore you know
Starting point is 01:00:53 i'm saying the rest of society has moved past those prejudices well that's essentially what he was getting at he was like it ain't they pulled the like very typical right wing underdog shit they love to be the underdog. But saying, it's not cool to be a Christian no more. Yeah, the most powerful religious and cultural force in the history of this country has positioned themselves under grieved minority groups. Yeah, your God's on our dollar bill, bitch. Yeah, so he was just like, oh, it ain't cool.
Starting point is 01:01:22 It ain't cool to be a Christian no more. At a funeral. At a more. At a funeral. At a funeral. At a funeral. Not even the funeral. Awake. This was awake. Visitation.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Just the visitation. Yeah. Amazing. I was floored. I was like, wow, wow, wow. Well, last night, the president's debate wasn't the only debate that happened. There was also a debate between our governor candidates, Matt Bevin and Andy Beshear. They scheduled us on the same night.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Yeah. Poor planning, frankly. Yeah. So, like, I think we kind of— Wait, did Bevin come here Monday? Saturday. Bevan was here Saturday oh it's in the paper
Starting point is 01:02:08 yeah I ripped down one of his signs in front of my house nice like an angsty teen oh have they been putting them up did they put them up on Saturday they did
Starting point is 01:02:16 I was like fuck this man like an angsty teen hey man I mean I told you I was gonna offer to pay my haulers Marilyn Manson known as Greg to snatch the big Trump sign out of my haulers marilyn manson known as greg to snatch
Starting point is 01:02:26 the big trump sign out of my hauler yeah oh yeah charles y'all has to have a marilyn and a charles i'm the marilyn manson of the haulers no so there was a debate last night it is fucking crazy um i've thought a lot about this today but um basheer is like obviously the civility guy like he keeps going back to the whole civility he's the cory booker he kind of is yeah and he's eating hot pockets yeah and bevin is just destroying him i mean like because you know bevin has quips and he's and he's like kind of he's got a rhetorical gift even in this picture look what he's doing in this picture bevin in this picture with terry adams and the mayor neon what is he fucking doing he's got two thumbs up pointing at both of them on both sides of him looking like a clown oh they love that shit they love everybody loves the trump let me see if i can give him two thumbs up but the thumbs are
Starting point is 01:03:23 pointing to the two people standing on each side of him. And he's just like grinning real big. Like, hey. Well, he announced a bunch of funding. I'm sure it's not a bunch, but. Oh, my God. I love this so much. They literally worked into this.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I mean, I'm sure Bevan said this. He worked into his speech in Eastern Kentucky. A story about 9-11. I shit you not. I'm just glad there's candidate that's not forgetting struggled to balance the budget after that because of the recession that began after the 9-11 terrorist attacks he had to work in the 9-11 terrorist attacks like somehow that because those are the type of like visuals that make people scared enough to vote republican yeah this isn't you know this is tried and true it's so clear listen to this from um the harold leaders coverage he's blaming that on the pension system that's
Starting point is 01:04:17 what he's blaming the pension system 9-11 he's literally blaming the pension crisis kentucky's on 9-11 a recession caused by 9-11 terrorist attacks. Man, they're getting a lot of mileage out of 9-11. Wow. Sending stocks plummeting and further damaging the pension system. Let me just paint you a picture of what that would be like. Okay, let me tell you what that would be like. That would be like if Bill Clinton was running in the 90s on like, what's something, like Iran-Contra.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Right. Or something. You know what it was like using that? It's like, we never rebounded from Iran-Contra, folks. Or Watergate. Yeah. Really? It's almost 20 years ago.
Starting point is 01:05:01 The same amount of time has elapsed. Almost, yeah, 20 fucking years. He went on to blame a $3.8 billion deficit in Kentucky's fund on cost of living increases that were approved by the General Assembly in 1996. I don't know. This man's insane. Yes. Do you have anything to say about him not paying his taxes no didn't mention that's bizarre though because wow i don't know he claims to be the only guy he said it's so it's such a he's such a trump i'm the only governor to ever fully funded the state's
Starting point is 01:05:41 pension system folks yeah only one he kept saying that in the debate with bashir too yeah um what he means by that is that uh i guess he's i don't fuck i'm not gonna try to understand it i've tried to understand the kentucky pension crisis it's fucked it's hard to wrap your head around it's like get your money out folks you know what i'm saying roll it over to something else i know i've got like sixth grade in there where I worked for the schools. I need to pull the plug. Let me read this to you, though, from this article. Just to give you a sense of what this debate has been like. Bashir tossed out a line about how his father and grandfather grew up poor.
Starting point is 01:06:20 If you have to brag about how poor your father and grandfather were, that's a bit of a stretch, Bevan said. Bashir said he respected teachers so much that he made one his running mate you love public education so much that your kids go to private school bevin said after bashir accused bevin of attacking his children bevin retorted i'm just saying you're a fraud and if you've ever watched these debates bevin does it very convincingly like he's very he has good delivery and he's charismatic. He doesn't have to have any plans or legislation. He just has to have good comebacks.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Exactly. And it's the same thing with Trump. I mean, and people love that. They fucking love it. It's the reason why he's going to win. If you run the civility guy against Trump, you're fucking losing. Yeah, exactly. And that's Biden?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Biden's a curious mix of the civility guy. And the character I like to call Scranton Joe. Who just, you know, has this rough nose, you know. Yeah. Rough and tumble kid
Starting point is 01:07:20 from the streets of Scranton. Biden's not the civility guy. You're right. He's too much of a wild card. He's too erratic. He's from Scranton. No. not the civility guy. You're right. He's too much of a wild card. He's too erratic. Bun's from Scranton. No. Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Tell me it ain't true. Blake Buttigieg would be the civility candidate. Yeah. Anybody that's not, honestly. He was in Kentucky too this weekend.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Anybody that's not Bernie is going to have a hard time against Trump. Because all Bernie has to do is beat the broken record. Well, he's the only one also that can take the moral high ground because trump could just use the old oh you're off taking my money before line on anybody else you know what i mean has elizabeth has a war taking trump's money i
Starting point is 01:07:54 don't know but i mean like you know she's not she's not clean 100 she's took plenty of beginner money but i've been wondering about this as it relates to Kentucky government, gubernatorial elections. Because, like, I don't know. I could sensibly see someone saying, well, okay, hasn't your argument been, if that's the case, why didn't Edelman win against Beshear? And why isn't Edelman, therefore for the candidate running against Bevin? Because he was to the left of Bashir, right? Right. At least a little bit.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Yeah, I would say, yeah. I mean, he picked a gentrifier for his running. That never helps. But I can conceivably see someone saying that if that was true, if leftist candidates can win, why is Bashir our best shot? Because he is this totally wooden guy. He has no personality. It's so brutal to watch him
Starting point is 01:08:50 just get absolutely mopped with every fucking thing. Here's the funny thing. Here's what I want to ask the king makers of the, or the queen makers even, of the Kentucky Democratic Party. You ran Jack Conway.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Recycled rich kid. Dad was in politics. Fucking lost the most winnable election in history. Allison Lundgren-Grimes, same thing. Jerry Lundgren. Recycled rich kid. Dad in politics. Political broker.
Starting point is 01:09:18 That's all they know. And now they're doing the same thing. The same exact fucking thing. The Kentucky Democrats are the, they, I mean, they should win awards in losing. Well, it's fascinating. Olympic, Olympic level losers. Here's the thing. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Absolute gold medal losers. Bevin has done the one thing that, that can shore up his weakness. His one weakness is the pension thing. And he's just going to beat this talking point that he's the only governor to fully fund the pension crisis, no matter how true or not that is. Yeah. Okay? He doesn't have...
Starting point is 01:09:50 No one has to tell anything. There are no fact checks anymore. It's just like, you don't have to tell the truth. They just do, like, dumb shit. You don't have to tell the truth. Somebody fact-checked Bernie last night for saying that, like, however many people went bankrupt because of medical debt, and they said it wasn't just because of medical debt.
Starting point is 01:10:11 It's like, yuck. But yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, I'm sure they were also buying yachts. Yeah. I'm just going to go ahead and make a bold prediction. ahead and make a bold prediction. The Kentucky Democrats will run after
Starting point is 01:10:28 Bashir loses to Bevin. They will run. Who will they run? Like, who is, like, the next, like... You need a son. It's Rocky Atkins. How many kids? They're gonna run a 12-year-old
Starting point is 01:10:43 Atkins. Greg Stumbo. God damn, I'd love to see stumble bevin but stumble stumble's trying he's taking out the safer territory attorney general yeah very safe um and you know it's just gonna be a long list because now we're finally up on this election it's upon us that election's a few weeks away. That's why they're in the crunch. Oh shit, that is. First week in November. It's like right around the corner.
Starting point is 01:11:14 This is the most quiet governor's race. Dude, that also doesn't bode well for Andy Beshear. No. I was way into Conway and Bevan. He is absolutely going to lose, no question about it. And after that, there are going to be an endless number of national articles about how this was the telltale sign of the national election. And Trump's going to win.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yeah. Well, the thing that kills me so much about governor gubernatorial fucking hate that word elections it is a no zone for leftist politics like it's a or a no-go zone you know you just leftist politics or populist politics have absolutely zero valence in a governor's race and and honestly at the state level not too much much, really and truly. Think about it. I mean, just historically, if you look at what state governments are about, it's that. It's about facilitating business. But if you're trying to provide some sort of counterweight to what the governor does, that's the only place to do it.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Yeah. I mean, you would hold it up through budget hearings and all that other shit. Yeah, that's true. But the point being is that after every fucking election like this, what was the thing you heard from liberals, especially after the Bevin election? Bevin got elected and immediately dismantled Connect, the health care exchange.
Starting point is 01:12:40 And so then you started seeing these articles pop up, put forth by all these liberals who would say, why would people in Kentucky vote to do away with this health care thing? It's the same Trump stuff. Do you regret your Bevin vote? Yeah. And I just want to say that, like, maybe for the president, you can get away with that argument. But you cannot fucking get away with that for a governor's election because nobody fucking votes in governor's election. Nobody.
Starting point is 01:13:07 No one. No one fucking cares about that. God, if you carry- Except rich people. Only people with money. Except rich people. So rich people are choosing this and they're always going to vote for people who protect him. If you carry Langston, Louisville, and a handful of Dairy Queens, you can win the governor's race in Kentucky.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Well, and it's like I was saying on that Patreon episode, where was the first debate held? The fucking Paducah Chamber of Commerce. Yeah. Where was this one? This one was at UK. The one last night was at UK. Oh, that is right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Old education. Which is funny because Bevan got just booed. He got absolutely booed. But it's the thing is, it's like you have a guy like bashir who can't feed off that energy at all no they could do something with that he's like oh no everybody quiet down we gotta be civil man we gotta be we gotta be civil this guy this is a
Starting point is 01:13:56 shame because what bevin has done in office is i mean if you go down the list at all the things he's done made kentucky a right to work state basically made getting an abortion in this state even harder than it ever was i mean like everything he but you can't but but but but these democrats can't take a hard line on any of those obvious winners you know what i'm saying yeah like they have to tow around the right to work thing because they don't want to piss off their friends and business and then have to tow around the abortion thing because they don't want to piss off their concert these mythical conservatives that are going to vote for them. Yeah, so they've just become pod people. They literally can't do anything.
Starting point is 01:14:29 They've become Hillary Clinton, who won't say her favorite ice cream flavor because it ain't been fucking focus grouped. You know, I think maybe the saddest thing about this race is that it's so pitiful is that Bevan is from like, what is it, from Indiana or something? I think New Hampshire. New Hampshire. Somewhere in the Northeast. He's from the Northeast.
Starting point is 01:14:52 If nothing else, Kentuckians are known culturally for being like witty and charismatic. You know, like storytellers. Are we not? Look at all of us. Tanya Turner. No, I'm serious. Jimim varney think about your family people in your family i agree i know what you're talking about cultural stereotype that is fairly true that people are just like you know amiable and like
Starting point is 01:15:18 a bunch of cut-ups yeah they could they could put anybody's aunt up against this motherfucker. You know what I mean? If you just put a witty fucking character up against this dumb dick. Yeah, they insist on running a goddamn cabbage patch. Yeah, any of these teachers who went on strike this year could have probably beat him. But they can't. They cannot. It's too much of a wild card.
Starting point is 01:15:43 They can't control them, people. And the Democrats are all about control all about all you gotta do is go find a teacher and throw a bunch of money behind when you beat bevin absolutely that's it absolutely there's a if there's a pbs frontline documentary about the pension crisis that i watched and they profile a teacher in that story um who gave this really impassioned speech to one of the hearings in the general assembly go fucking run her she she got all these people in this uh meeting riled up and like totally and instead they put all of their like teacher eggs passion into the fucking rocky atkins basket and ran his dumb dick and he's just up here playing banjo in front of these motherfuckers that's right well that's all he's got to show what they do is
Starting point is 01:16:30 this here's what the democrats do in essence is they've allowed the republicans to shift there i say the overton window so much to the right that all the discourse takes place on the republicans terms first of all absolutely and then the only other thing they have to run on is new deal era nostalgia that doesn't those policies don't even exist anymore when i think about it i don't even know what the fuck bev basheer is running on i don't either no here's the thing like i've watched these debates and i've kept up with this race i couldn't tell you a single fucking thing basheer is running on because he's not running on putting right to work back in place he's not running on abortion access not work back in place. He's not running on abortion access, not necessarily. He's running on this vague sort of I'm going to tackle the opioid crisis
Starting point is 01:17:10 because I sued Pardue, whatever the fuck it is. But, like, that doesn't – I mean, what can you do there? I don't understand it. It's just a weird – It's also one of those things that people pretty much see it as a loss because they recognize what a fucking piece of shit country this is anyway. Here's the thing. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:17:24 A lot of people haven't. a lot of people are still under the illusion that this motherfucker actually can present some kind of challenge to bevin i don't fucking i don't understand this no i mean i feel like i'm crazy because andy basher has like granted it's not many but he has a couple of things he could run on but he's ashamed of him yeah that's just weird i don't know bizarre yep um mean, he's been suing Bevin since Bevin got elected as the attorney general. He sued him six or seven times, I believe. It's so embarrassing. It's like all we do in Kentucky, we're in a pension crisis and we've spent millions of dollars suing ourselves.
Starting point is 01:17:59 It's unbelievable. Well, Bevin's running on that. And he has a point. Yeah, he's not wrong. He has a fucking point. Because that's how the Democrats see conflict. You'll see me in court. I'll see you in court.
Starting point is 01:18:11 You'll hear from my lawyer. I don't know if y'all have been paying attention to what's happened to the judiciary. Not that it was ever of sound mind and body to begin with. But now it's occupied by a bunch of bonafide sociopaths the whole country over. So, yeah. See you in court. Keep hugging your head on that one, Dems. Well, we should put a boat in this. I got my dog in the car.
Starting point is 01:18:36 We should. The windows are down, people. I forgot about that. The windows are down. Cut that out. We'll get a lot of hate mail on that. God damn it speaking of kentucky elections though to uh round us out i want to give a shout out to kftc workers uh who
Starting point is 01:18:53 who got there shout out to kentuckians for the commonwealth workers who organized a union and got it recognized this past week congratulations shout out shout out i want to open invitation for you guys to come to a patreon episode with us tell us how you did it i also have a shout out our buddy trava uh uh is working with an outfit in new york city called no new jails who's working on prison abolition in new york and kind of connected to what we were talking about last week and so we want to shout out No New Jails in New York. Nice. Shout out to them.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Shout out to the KFCC union. Once again, I just want to reiterate, if you work for a nonprofit, you better unionize. Or quit. Make our routes and quit. You end up living in a cab and working at a pizza stand. Tom's in a union. You are expendable. I'm on the bargaining team.
Starting point is 01:19:46 I'm going to be a steward. That's awesome. Yeah. But speaking of no new prisons, our prisons on the, our ghost prison, it's back from the dead again. I feel like, I told Terrence, this needs to be our Halloween episode needs to be like the ghost of prison, past, present, and future. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:04 The Letcher county prison it has elwood walks in the door wearing like uh bells and shackles on his feet he's a he's a fucking and he ain't far from that he's a zombie looking motherfucker anyway he is a zombie driving a cadillac through town that's absolutely the truth every time i see him i'm he looks so scary oh shut the fuck up god damn tom's been recording us wait we're recording us this episode's gonna hit cooper t now yeah i'm gonna have to end it at that that was siri that was siri bye

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