Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 136: No New Brains

Episode Date: March 4, 2020

Super Tuesday results. If you came here to find a new brain, you came to the wrong place. Listen to more episodes on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 kiss me i gotta be at heritage kitchen at 12 30 kiss me kiss me tanya kiss me underneath the murky twilight i attended a wedding that they played that during their wedding kiss me i know why y'all know that song cause sixpence none the richards are christian band that's right they were you know that they're not not many not even a lot of Christians know that they were once a Christian band. I watch a lot of pop-up video. Kiss me. I like Lee Baines. If you ask him what his guilty pleasure is, and he'll say S-P-N-T-R.
Starting point is 00:00:41 S-P-N-T-R. Six Pence None the Rich. Oh, my God. Kiss me, please. pntr it's pntr six pincin on the ridge oh my god gets me please well uh my strategy was to not watch any of the returns yesterday i have no idea what happened last night and i because i figured you all could just tell me what happened and i could wow cry real people tears, and it'd be good podcasting. Relying on your peers to do your homework for you. Wow. Wow. That's almost like emotional labor in some ways.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Last night, it was emotional labor. Sounds like emotional labor to me. I'll be sending you an invoice. Please do. Please, I'll return that invoice. With three invoices. With 17 negative balances. Kiss me.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Kiss me, please, queen. Kiss me underneath the murky twilight. Tom and I may have sung that the entire drive home from Norton in that voice. Oh, God. Why did Nicole not wreck the car? She probably wanted to. Kiss me. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Kiss me under the twilight. No, Michelle and I both fell asleep with our phones in the bed. They woke me up vibrating in the middle of the fucking night because we were glued to the results. All right. So before we get into the results, let's rewind. Let's go back. Run that back. Let's go back to Monday, March.
Starting point is 00:02:01 God damn it. First. Second. back to monday march god damn it first second um because a lot of things happened prior to tuesday tuesday super tuesday um so it all it all kicked off when monday sunday night buddha judge dropped out klobuchar dropped out and then beto endorsed biden all three of them and by this brain continue to drop out of his left ear and then all of them wait wait wait go any further i was laughing so hard tom was arguing with somebody on twitter and and she was like no lie i want bernie sanders to take a cardiac stress test on live tv and tom said you can get a new heart can't get a new brain unfortunately
Starting point is 00:02:46 and she said yes you can are the centrist like privy to some new science that we aren't I think what they're talking about remember a few weeks ago we talked about that Italian doctor that put the monkey's head on the they think that's promising new research yeah she watched to get out recently
Starting point is 00:03:06 she's not recovered wouldn't that be crazy if they did pioneer brain transplants and you just come back alive but just as a completely different person with completely different opinions memories memories honestly i might tap in for that um god what the absolute fuck i'm kind of upset that i didn't see this mayor pete amy i could have called amy amy dropping out and endorsing biden yeah i could have called that probably but i thought mayor pete was serious as a fucking heart attack that this dumb dick really thought he could be president i i too too, thought. I mean, like, he's younger. He won a few early ones. Yeah, there was no mathematical reason. Or he won the first one.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Yeah, there was no mathematical reason for him to drop out. Right, right. Delegate. In fact, that had never happened. Somebody that had finished top two in the first two primaries had never dropped out before Super Tuesday. What did the Dems have to promise him? What? Well, just when you see. They offered him children's blood and eternal Tuesday. What did the dams have to promise him? What? Well, just when you see...
Starting point is 00:04:05 They offered him children's blood and eternal youth. They did. They may have. I mean, he'll probably sell for some dumb shit like HUD secretary or something. I don't know. Fuck us all. He's going to be running a diversity and
Starting point is 00:04:21 equity committee. He'll probably get secretary of State. He is CIA. Yeah, that is true. National Security Advisor or CIA. Yeah, Pete Buttigieg will be the one making decisions on who lives and dies abroad. Right. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:04:37 But Chastain can go to Target again without being. Oh, God. Did you see that tweet he put? So I can go to Target again. Somebody said, you always could. no one knows who you are no one knows who you are chastin i still don't know who he is i couldn't pick him out of a lineup no he can't go to target come the fuck on um so yeah on monday all those those three endorsed biden um which was kind of surprising i thought that you know the guy who right can barely string together a sentence. President my guy. I thought that president my guy was done. I did too.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I honestly did. I have never been so... I have whiplash from this. I think it was because his margin in South Carolina was massive. I think that that's one reason behind it. It made him look more viable than he is. I guess. Which, I guess the joke's on us.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Let's go to Tuesday then. First things first, Bloomberg won American Samoa. Bloomberg actually just bought American Samoa. He bought an island for himself. He's going to put a golf course on it. We're offering all so all american samoans amnesty if they want to move to the mountains there from yeah not amnesty from the bloomberg regime god damn um but so biden uh you know we're recording this on wednesday
Starting point is 00:06:19 and while we're recording it there's still not not results for Maine. But apparently Biden's won Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. He did pull out Tennessee. He did. Yeah. Well, oh, I mean, he was even close in Tennessee. Texas, it was close. Texas. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yeah, that was the one. Texas, it was close. And there's a lot of people saying Texas could still be. Is there a big split in delegates in Texas at least? Texas has what, 300 fucking delegates or something? 228. They'll be splitting. Yeah, they're going to split some delegates for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Does Bernie at least get all 400 some California delegates? No, California is not a take all, winner take all state. So they'll be splitting delegates there too um so uh but so there's a few things that are interesting you look at this and you think well biden cleaned up and that's certainly true in some states there there was only one county in virginia that went for bernie there was i think there was one in tennessee that went for was it wise was it wise county where we canvassed no it was floyd county damn it oh yeah very very hippie yeah i could have called that hippies there there there
Starting point is 00:07:36 was about three or four counties in north carolina that went for bernie i mean like every state in the south biden cleaned up like hell this is so confusing well you know what's even more confusing about it tanya honestly i just what's even more confusing about it is that joe biden did not campaign in tennessee arkansas minnesota massachusetts or oklahoma what he didn't have the money to if he won all of those let me ask you a question that that's the thing this is name recognition this is literally just name recognition and the other thing on who though everybody hates barack obama in those states like biden's name everyone knows his name do you know what i mean i think that it's a few things um it's name recognition but i also think that like weirdly enough biden is not seen
Starting point is 00:08:23 as part of the establishment. He's not. I mean, there's no pictures of him with Jeffrey Epstein or anything like he's not like a Bloomberg Clinton type guy. I think that, like, he was, you know, he's obviously Obama's vice president. But I don't think that people see him. I think they kind of see him neutrally in that sense. But I don't think that people see him. I think they kind of see him neutrally in that sense. Well, I think we should also point out that in these southern states is where voter suppression is the worst. The voter voter suppression laws are the strongest.
Starting point is 00:08:54 You see in Texas, the guy that waited in line seven hours. Yeah, it's it's unspeakable. And I mean, obviously, I only canvassed maybe 100 people in southwest virginia but most people didn't know it was election day but every almost everyone i talked to was supportive bernie but they're waiting to like people don't vote in fucking primaries one because they fucking hate the democratic party yeah this is the catch-22 i mean me and tom were talking about this on the drive home last night it's like if you decide to run within the democratic party you're going to deal with voter suppression and the disillusionment of people who don't want to engage the democratic
Starting point is 00:09:30 party but at the same time you can't win if you don't run within the democratic party but bernie beats trump like bernie beats trump obviously and people people go to the polls for a presidential election yeah that's where the numbers are right but no one even knew it was fucking election day right no yeah you're and you know if if it's hard for you to vote anyway you're afraid of someone asking you for an id you don't have you are you're busy it's not a national holiday all these fucking things going to the polls can feel like going getting your driver's license renewed or getting your tax done you know there's a lot of also there's a lot of contingencies there was a fucking massive tornado in tennessee
Starting point is 00:10:12 there was an ongoing pandemic coronavirus like texas poll workers were not showing up to do to work because they were afraid you know i mean gross dealing with hundreds of people a day right and you know At least scary. Well, yeah. We were talking last night, within a few weeks, ASA might even get canceled. Just because of like... The Olympics are going to... Maybe on the ropes.
Starting point is 00:10:36 What? Because they're in Japan this year. Really? I mean, it's just large congregations of people that really... You're saying more schools are canceling their athletic events. You think they're going to cancel the ASA? We were just speculating last night about if that would be funny. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:10:53 That would make my life easier. But anyways, there's a lot of other contingencies that have to do with it. But you're right. Like, people don't want to vote in a primary. They don't even know a primary is happening really no and uh and so this is i mean this has always been the this you know the square that you have to circle or whatever the circle you have to screen that man is you're undefeated i'm botching the idioms um because like it's always the problem has always been that working people don't vote
Starting point is 00:11:26 you know maybe that and it's there's a lot of different reasons for that but that's bernie's constituency and so it's just like the coal miners everybody blame these coal miners for trump and all this stuff and my brother-in-law i was talking to him one day he said let me tell you he said they encouraged us to go vote for trump yeah he said He said, but to do that, I have to come out of the mine, which takes about an hour to like ride the rail out of the mine. I got to get in my car. I got to drive an hour and a half back over to Whitesburg. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And they, you know, and then it's like, I got to go maybe wait in line for a period of time, punch one in, drive an hour and a half back to work. Right. Go back in the mine for an hour. It's like, there's your work day right there, just tied up and going voting. These coal miners weren't going out and voting for fucking Trump. They supported him, but they
Starting point is 00:12:13 wouldn't. Most people don't take the step to vote. I'd asked my mom 20 times yesterday if she had went to vote yet so that she would actually go. Did she? i'm not even positive yet she could have dodged your phone call yeah she's like oh yeah i'm gonna go because she rarely votes well i didn't want to ask my parents i already know who they're voting for
Starting point is 00:12:38 yeah you just told them not to go yeah tell them it's super wednesday is uh do y'all seen this stuff a lot of people talking about like young people didn't show up on super tuesday what's it say i don't know i just saw some people like if you want to criticize the boomers you need to look at yourself and saying the young people didn't show up on super tuesday it's like how do we know actually know that i mean yeah you get exit polling and stuff but we only only get like 30% of the returns in. We don't even know. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:08 We won't even know all the data for like months, probably. Yeah. In terms of like, you know, who voted and where. Well, I guess we know where. If you drag yourself down the dark hole of voter suppression, like active voter suppression in the South, it's so bleak that well they just they they move the goalposts on you while you're doing it it's like south carolina closing all those polling stations hours early yeah i mean we watched it happen
Starting point is 00:13:36 to stacy abrams you know like like you put up one polling machine in the black neighborhood it's just truly you know what i mean And you got like 20 sitting in a warehouse somewhere You could have plugged up This is just going to keep happening until we I'm not going to say it yet I'm going to sit on it It ain't time to give up yet I ain't giving up yet
Starting point is 00:13:59 It ain't time to give up I don't even feel remotely You feel good I'm cool I don't even feel remotely... You feel good. I'm cool. I don't even feel remotely pessimistic. Cool is a cucumber. The sad thing is I really don't either.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Like, I felt like I would be... Like, what's happened to me is I loathe the ground Barack Obama and Tom Perez walk on. And these fuckers. Like, are putting our trust in people like that? Just the most craven just transparently sociopathic people with these i don't know i don't know this fucking pisses me off that we fucking bow this motherfucker's feet and all he's doing the whole time post-presidency is like hanging out with richard branson then trying to figure out how to just like keep us from getting what
Starting point is 00:14:43 we need so his legacy can live on through Obamacare. Truly. Like, really. If you have warm feelings for Barack Obama, other than, you know, him not prosecuting the banks
Starting point is 00:14:53 and, you know, this drone presidency and all this stuff, if that's not enough to get you off of him, consider that he doesn't care if you get the care you need just so that his signature
Starting point is 00:15:03 piece of legislation can live on and not be discredited. Yeah. Fuck that guy. Fuck that guy's polls. That's how I feel about it. But he's not even out here shilling for Biden yet, is he?
Starting point is 00:15:14 No, but he's got this Democratic Unity Fund and all this kind of shit. Yeah, he's doing it even worse. It's even worse than actually being out here. It's more insidious. Yeah, it's like secretly he's doing it undercover yeah well the um so the entire democratic establishment basically sort of coalesced around biden right before super tuesday and i think that that's kind of what pushed him over the edge there was basically no negative media coverage of biden leading up to it and also i think electability is a big i think that is
Starting point is 00:15:45 honestly maybe the biggest factor here i think that people and i know for us it's a no-brainer because the guy's got no brain but but i got a million no brighter but but for a lot of people who aren't really that engaged you know they just uh the democratic party is at the end of the day still the democratic party we can't forget that like it is still this cross-class coalition of capital capitalist landlords middle managers that have somehow conned enough of us into believing in them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so it's, you know, it's not that surprising. This is the death rattle, though.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I mean, if you just take the 38,000-foot view of it, look what they've done. They would rather, rather than give us the smallest concessions to live a dignified life, they would rather throw all their might what little bit they have left into a guy whose brains are leaking out of every orifice in his head daily this man has looked like jeff goldblum in the fly for the last nine months joe biden actually died in january 96 but it makes sense i mean look they're all playing to win and the the front runner two weeks ago was bernie and so they were going to do something to take him down it's really funny
Starting point is 00:17:13 that the guy that they coalesced around is joe biden and tells me that they they don't they playing the long game they're definitely not playing the long game no i think that they're just trying to uh they're obviously trying to win they're obviously trying playing the love game no i think that they're just trying to uh they're obviously trying to win they're obviously trying to beat bernie but that's mostly because in front of us is a battle for the future of the democratic party it's either the capitalist landlords and middle managers on one side or working people the working people on the other side. And then you have the wild card factor. I mean, then you have the, what's it called in the NFL when there's like a,
Starting point is 00:17:54 is that the wild card? What do they call that when the team is like a third place or whatever? Wild card when you get a wild card entry into the playoffs. Is that it? Yeah, like when you don't necessarily, like, in tennis is when you don't necessarily qualify, but like the tournament directors give you a spot anyway. Well, then you've got the wild card factor,
Starting point is 00:18:15 which in my opinion is Elizabeth Warren, which is the most dark and chaotic, fascinating science experiment I've ever seen. I was trying to figure this out. I was trying to figure this out because... It ain't great. Listen, I think at this point it's mathematically impossible I was trying to figure this out. I was trying to figure this out because... It ain't great. Listen, I think at this point, it's mathematically impossible for her to have a path to the nomination.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Just because she's going to split... Even if she wins out, she's going to split delegates. You know what I mean? Uh-huh. I just don't think... There's just no purpose for her to be in this race at this point. What are the conversations they're having today? She's planning events for the next round of primaries yeah she's staying in this thing she's staying in it look this is kind of at this point they whatever the dems have they have that you know they have come to pete amy and elizabeth this is probably what the deal
Starting point is 00:19:03 that she has made is that she will stay in this race i've thought about that because that's probably that probably is exactly the deal this is the deal it's like you two are going to drop out and support biden you're going to stay the fuck in and drag every last vote away from him possible this is the plan i've thought about that because it would make sense because if you're biden i think she would be the perfect vp because you're trying to bring in that like sort of hillary progressive type vote and like those people are holdouts against biden they don't really like him and he picks up the vote he picks up the votes of people who said they would never vote for him because he takes on elizabeth
Starting point is 00:19:35 exactly vp it neutralizes the white old man critique from all those the wokey mons and replace it with an elderly white woman who pretended to be a native for 30 years so i mean it all makes sense but as we stand right now on the wednesday after super tuesday i'm still i still don't really think that she's a spoiler i think she's totally inconsequential i mean like this is the problem with this episode coming out before the patreon this weekend where we really dig into the nuts and bolts of like the elizabeth warren phenomenon i don't think she's a spoiler either and like for the people saying drop out it's like that ship sailed monday night you know what i mean it sailed three weeks ago
Starting point is 00:20:14 like if she was going to do that the time to do that was yeah you're right right after new hampshire after new hampshire lost the state by a massive margin that borders her home state yeah and then last night she lost her home state now she's just now she's just doing this embarrassing con job it's like she's like like you could tell a lot about liz with warren's character like all y'all that were shilling for liz warren look at her character well that that's why her campaign is so fascinating to me i'm telling you it is the most fascinating political development in the last 20 years it is all of the hillary dead enders in a campaign together and they're writing it out till the wheels fall off and what they're what they're trying to do in my opinion now i could
Starting point is 00:20:55 be wrong with this what they're trying to do in my opinion is do what they perceived bernie to having done to hillary yeah except what they don't realize is that bernie was actually actually won primaries he won new hampshire he split nevada uh i think did he win i went on hillary one hour didn't hillary one hour yeah but but anyway very small margin yeah but then like you see like super tuesday bernie gets a couple states and then he destroys hillary wisconsin michigan like liz warren's not doing that. Liz Warren is getting like 18,000 votes. Liz Warren is a loser.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Loser. But this is the thing. Someone had a tweet last night I was laughing about. This is fucking hilarious. It was like what did it say? Bernie backed Warren. Bernie backed Beto. Bernie backed Stacey Abr Warren. Bernie backed Beto. Bernie backed Stacey Abrams.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Bernie backed Andrew Gillum. And they all betrayed him. And it's like, at what point does it click for everybody, including Bernie, that these people want very different things? Like the whole, the vaguely progressive people,
Starting point is 00:22:02 the Working Families Party, even the non-profits, you know, even the nonprofits, they're all losers. Losers. Losers. They've all lost. What is the common thread there? Warren, loser.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Gillum, loser. Stacey Abrams, loser. Beto, loser. Yeah. Working Family Party, losers. Nonprofits, losers. Like, these are the vaguely progressive people. We're getting canceled for this episode.
Starting point is 00:22:29 The vaguely progressive people, they don't want to win. They've never wanted to win. Well, here's the thing about it is, I don't think it's just that they didn't want to win. I think they saw Bernie's wave. You know what I mean? Right. And it's just like, it's kind of like what we were talking about. You know, like, if we wanted to be, like know, like if we wanted to be like talk radio hosts,
Starting point is 00:22:46 we couldn't be talk radio hosts. We have to get into a very niche thing, you know? Right, right, right. Go the Christian rock route. What they did is they utilized progressivism as a brand. As a brand, right. Without actually, you know, adopting really progressive policies or whatever. you know adopting really progressive policies whatever well again they've yeah they they don't understand that like because i mean you see how craving they are of course they're all craving
Starting point is 00:23:13 i mean but but look look the whole they firmly hopped off the burning wave they're saying on this shit now go look at it you got beto at bloomberg shit you got stacy abrams at bloomberg shit because remember bloomberg was buzzing for a second. What? Stacey Abrams takes cap money. She's on their board now, isn't she? Maybe, I don't know. She went to Bloomberg.
Starting point is 00:23:31 But now, here's how they try to spin it, though. They try to spin it like we can't leave anybody out if we're going to win. You know what I mean? It's like they're trying to make taking money from billionaires as a principal position because of inclusivity. And where have you heard that? For the all. Nonprofits.
Starting point is 00:23:47 The nonprofit world. That you have to take their fucking money. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing. It's a dead end. Watching it play out on a national stage is fascinating. Well, we are going to take their money. The nonprofits?
Starting point is 00:24:02 No, all these billionaires. We're taking their fucking money well yeah well that's the thing it's like none of this is gonna go away we're redistributing that eventually my hunch is i'll probably die broken penniless in france like oscar wilde how you gonna get locked in a tower i think it's gonna be more like paris kentucky versailles for sales yeah you're gonna be in versailles kentucky sitting in traffic behind a tractor and have a damn heart attack i i'll drag your corpse to the versailles castle tell everybody you went out
Starting point is 00:24:36 in style as a king at the castle i mean this is the thing it's like we spend a lot of time on the show sort of critiquing electoralism and electoral politics but there are some truths in that uh we got a lot wrong but there's also a lot we got right which is that like regardless of how this plays out we still have to have some sort of strategy or plan for what happens afterwards because yeah none of the problems are going away yeah i mean I mean, honestly, we need to think about whether Bernie's elected or not, what we
Starting point is 00:25:12 do with this movement, how it moves, how it moves forward. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. This is what me and Tom were talking about last night on the drive home between singing Kiss me. Kiss me. We were like, kiss me we were like kiss me but like how do you
Starting point is 00:25:25 actually change things here's the thing you know what's more depressing these people make more concessions for the coronavirus than us
Starting point is 00:25:34 well yeah they adjust their markets and everything to accommodate this virus you know what I mean all this shit they don't even see us fit
Starting point is 00:25:44 or worthy of being able to go to a doctor without you know i mean every all this shit they they don't even see us fit or worthy of being able to go to a doctor without you know dying broken penniless it doesn't they would make no can they would not even have a blip it wouldn't even be a blip on their radar the coronavirus if i mean millions of people could die it would not be a blip on their radar unless it impacts their stock market or them their markets their money that was another thing that happened yesterday or maybe monday that the federal reserve was cutting interest rates to basically rally the markets because the rally the markets are just they're having a bad one folks because of the coronavirus but there's here's the thing tom is that like
Starting point is 00:26:21 what you just said and what you said earlier like they would rather do that like then give us a dignified life and all this is that like there's no point in looking at it from a moral point of standpoint there's no point in looking at it and being like why why won't they give us these things why won't they just develop a heart or conscience like they it's not going to happen well also that's the that's the problem with that framework is we're begging for it from these people right exactly maybe we need to take a page out of coronavirus's playbook and kill one percent of them well no the thing is inspired by the coronavirus the thing is is that like honestly it just goes back it's like danny glover it's back to fundamentals it just goes back to showing
Starting point is 00:27:06 you that like moral appeals are also a dead end they're not going to get you anywhere the only thing is a material appeal which means organized labor that's really the only thing that can actually stop them from doing what they're doing also a full-blown assault on joe biden's faculty like really i want joe at one of the next debate i want bernie to hand joe a piece of paper and a pen time to draw a clock at two o'clock i swear to god i don't think he could do it but i don't even know if it would matter if he's out here saying president my guy which he probably never mistaken his sister for his wife yeah and then and what did he say yesterday the the constitution thing he's like you know oh dude there was and i saw an interview an interview he called the interview the guy
Starting point is 00:27:59 interviewing him the wrong name someone he's a guy that's been on fucking news 100 years he called him the wrong name and he said something about we'll see he talked about getting on uh the fucking debate stage he said we'll see how it goes we'll see who's sleepy or not no like listen to this or more sleepy something crazy here's what we need to do you know how we're talking about like they need to ask joe biden 15 questions about climate change no they need to ask barack obama and all the democratic king makers 15 questions about joe biden's fucking mental faculties doug do you think it's concerning he was your vice president for eight years and he calls you my guy um i was laughing at this quote from biden um it's like that so look it's a little bit like a whole lot of things that people didn't know
Starting point is 00:28:46 before this guy became president until he started to take it away this is him being asked about what he's going to do about climate change and they started to take it away and he said whoa wait a minute man look what he that's done he's changed the cafe standards we're not going to meet those standards well that means boom he's done this it means bang everybody knows now are you sure this this is not felix peterman's parent i swear to god this is ashley feinberg and slate quoting directly from him everybody knows now knows what he has done and it's raised the ante significantly no one can any longer i remember when i introduced that bill back in 1986 they said what the hell are you talking about biden what's the crisis well it wasn't we didn't have super sir i'm sandy at the time we didn't have all these things that are occurring
Starting point is 00:29:29 that people would now know and were predicted that would occur we're talking about two million dollars we should be organizing the world demanding the change that's that's there are things i have done intentionally this is is word salad. Listen, listen. This is word salad. And almost assuredly, there are liberal know-nothings going... Uh-huh. Yep. We do need $2 million to change the cafe standards.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Oh, my God. And organizing these super storms. And then a bunch of onomatopoeia like it's goddamn Batman from the 70s. On how he would tackle racial disparities in health, including the higher rates of HIV among black people. Think about Los Angeles here. If you had a business lunch 18 years ago and there were six or seven people at the lunch
Starting point is 00:30:17 and a gay waiter came up and said something about, identified himself being gay. In fact, if one of the people made fun of that waiter, the vast majority of people wouldn't have said anything at the table. Today, you'd all look at him and say, if you're straight as can be, look at him and say, what the hell is the matter with you? And he'd never be invited
Starting point is 00:30:34 back. The point is, they're not afraid now to stand up and say, because guess what? We learned. Our brothers are our sisters. The girl we went out with in high school. Our brothers are our sisters? The girl we went out with in high school our brothers are the girl the girl we went out with in high school the guy you know no i'm serious think about it the idea is normal it's not normal it's normalized it's not anything strange it's not strange that's the generic point
Starting point is 00:30:54 gay couples are more likely to stay together longer than heterosexual couples he's tanya's a gay how you feel about that oh my god i wish y'all we need a video so you can see process this and he's talking about fucking la check it out jack la 1965 different world back then my deceased wife is a teacher they have every problem coming to them Different world back then. My deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Make sure that every single child does in fact have three, four, or five-year-olds go to school. School! Not day school. Care school. We bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It's not that they don't want to help. They don't know what. They don't know what quite to do. Play the radio.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Make sure the television, excuse me. The record player. Make sure you have the record player on at night. The phone. Make sure the kids hear words. Here's the thing. Biden doesn't know there's been that hipster renaissance in vinyl either. He really thinks it's 1958.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Right. Turn the big bopper on the radio, man. You know? Teach your kids to sing. Teach your little girls and boys to our girls. Throw your Maddox down while you still can dance to the Big Bopper on
Starting point is 00:32:16 WMUX. It's just like Martin King said. Our brothers are our sisters. I can't get over this. Our brothers are our sisters. And we give AIDS with you our brothers are our sisters and we give aids to both of them it's fine girl we went out with in high school the guy you know i'm no i'm serious like this is the guy they've rallied behind i just want to kill i just wanted to remind everybody that again we've said it over and over in every revolution the leading the elite make mistakes and that's what they've done with biden it looks like they're going to
Starting point is 00:32:52 win with this and they might they might it's not over yeah let's be clear it's not but it's not over like i even know plenty of plenty of basketball left to be played i think that like um what is it they have uh there's still like 2 000 or i'm sorry like maybe a thousand more delegates to get i mean they each need yeah how close are the delegates right now like 100 well the new york times doesn't have i'll say this though man oh biden has total delegates 418 bernie is 363 so he's not that far it's no it's like 50 50 transcriptions blow my fucking mind like if you if you were saying is this a felix biederman parody or who said it joe biden or felix biederman i said felix biederman who said it joe biden or trump that's the shit trump would say that's what i was thinking about while reading trump trump's way more coherent than that shit i don't know he's way funnier well i mean because
Starting point is 00:33:52 i was thinking about that one episode we opened where he was doing the speech steve they they waxed steve dude i can't stop laughing basically Trump is like the wannabe mobster version of Joe Biden. Well, like, Trump, yeah, because Trump free associates, and it goes down paths that are genuinely funny. But, like, Biden tries to free associate, and it's like... All of his free associations are focus grouped. He never uses a word that hasn't been like approved that's exactly right all of his free associations come from focus groups whereas trump trump just shoots from the hip trump is just like real authentic person trump is just like it's it's word salad it's like senile
Starting point is 00:34:37 like sundowning word salad but through the lens of a guy that like you know has watched too many like gangster movies and like goes to high school and the guy picking on me says like my uncle's mobbed up you know what i mean like that guy yeah so like let's let's dial back here and like look like let's look at everything that we've got in front of us we've got the guy whose eye exploded on national television who free associates various focus group terms in memories from the 1950s. That's the guy who everybody just coalesced around. We've got that right there. On this other side, we've got, or not a side,
Starting point is 00:35:17 on the other part of the axis, we've got the cult. The celebrity, advanced degree, non-profit academic cult led by elizabeth warren yeah going straight into the wood like they are walking into the to the uh they're like how they're like uh what are the guys that you're like you're like branch davidians with all liberal arts degrees honestly maybe they're trying to make it to the convention thinking that biden and or bernie will just collapse on the campaign trail by the time they get there i think it's possible but i think what's more likely is that that group that class that professional class has zero political aspirations and that's how out of touch they are they are genuinely so out of touch with reality
Starting point is 00:36:04 they are vaguely progressive people who know changes need to occur because something big is coming but they are that's just how out of touch they are and that should terrify you but it should also tell you that like the contradictions are accelerating and this is we're getting ready to get some shit popping really this i mean it's good i think it's good so then you got that and then you got bernie which is just chugging along like it always has didn't do as well as we thought we were gonna do on tuesday but still did pretty good um won the you know world's fifth largest economy you know the most populous state like this is the thing like we make fun of the MAGA people for, like, putting up that map of America with the Sea of Red.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And being like, you know, they're like, see, Trump won. Well, we can't do that with this either. It's like, if Bernie wins California, most of the people in this country are in California. The way that people are distributed in this country is, I don't know. Bernie's winning where the people are at. Yeah, he's winning the population centers. Maybe not, though.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I don't know. I guess he didn't win Massachusetts, but that might have been Warren's fault. That's the one state I'll grant you that Warren was a spoiler because that one was such a close race and the people who voted for warren had they gone for bernie they might have or they definitely would have pushed him over the edge yeah but any other state i don't think she's a spoiler for bernie i think that those people like i've said before they are walking their own golden path
Starting point is 00:37:41 but into the but with the delegates this, she is ticking away at delegates. Sort of. She's only got... I mean, she's got nine. She's got 36 in all. And I'm saying that's the difference between Biden and Bernie. I'll tell you this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It's like 40 or 50. Yeah. This delegate count literally just changed. She literally has 36 more delegates than each of us. That's how good she's done. And we ain't spent millions of dollars. Damn, so true. We ain't spent one dollar.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Damn, so, so true. Tulsi only got one more than us. So maybe she is being a spoiler. I'm just trying to... I just feel like... It is bananas to me that people are voting for Bloomberg. Like even one vote for Bloomberg is a shock to me. I mean, I guess money really works.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I was at... This is some Thomas Friedman MSNBC pundit shit, but I was at a restaurant on Friday night, Thursday night, and the people next to me were talking about how Bernie's worse than Trump and Bloomberg's the only guy who can... Where at? In Buffalo?
Starting point is 00:38:50 No, this was Scranton, Pennsylvania. Wow. Joe's hometown you were in. Yeah, people were saying Bloomberg is the only way to beat Trump. What were they saying about Joe Biden and Scranton? They were just, I don't know, they just thought that Biden...
Starting point is 00:39:09 Scranton Joe's not even popular in Scranton, huh? I thought Joe was from Delaware. He's a senator from Delaware. He's from Scranton, Pennsylvania. I'll be damned. It's like Bernie's from Brooklyn, New York, but he's a senator from Vermont. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I see. Mitch McConnell's from Alabama. He's a senator from Kentucky. Yeah, Warren's from Oklahoma. She's a senator from Kentucky. Yeah, Warren's from Oklahoma. She's the senator from Massachusetts. That's how this works. Hillary Clinton's the senator from Illinois. She's from Illinois.
Starting point is 00:39:31 She's the senator from New York. This is how this politics works. Yeah. I never understood that. Holy dog shit. Well, this is just... Do you guys mind if... Do you guys want to hum a few bars?
Starting point is 00:39:45 I forgot to pee before this episode. Can you do that while I go? The pee break. Pee pee. Kiss me. She goes beneath the milky toilet. Kiss me. Kiss me.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Baby. Kiss me. Kiss me. We're only 56 delegates down. Kiss me. Well, I don't know where to pivot from there. It's just like if I just. They're close.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And if it keeps on like this, it ain't good. Because it feels like if Bernie doesn't have a goddamn landslide, they're going to fuck him out of it. And they might anyway. Yeah. Well, I think that that's part of why there's so much doom today yeah because like everybody sort of knows that if there was going to be everybody sort of knows that to avoid some kind of convention like fuckery that needs to be undeniable yeah and so it's close and i think that that's why everybody's freaking out but um it's also just sad that people are voting for biden well that's another thing about electoralism that and i felt this way right after the uk election which is that like a lot of
Starting point is 00:40:59 the times it just makes no sense why people vote the way they vote, you know, without some sort of like organized. I mean, I often say it's what what the actual shit is, is that people don't vote. And that it's mostly people who like the people who are voting for Biden, by and large, have to be the people who are doing well. Like they have insurance. They have a nice car. Yeah. They can pay their mortgage. Yeah, I guess it could be.
Starting point is 00:41:33 It could be like the middle classes who are a little more comfortable. I mean, because I have no idea either. Without exit polls, we don't know. So I have no idea either. But I don't know so i have no idea either um but i don't know i think that uh we'll figure something out what do we need to be gearing up for next is my question your opinion i think that is the question because there's a movement behind bernie regardless fuck electoral politics like we've talked about this often like
Starting point is 00:42:05 regardless of this election there's been a movement of people behind not just an old dude but a slate of ideas for a livable fucking
Starting point is 00:42:21 a survivable future right and we're not just gonna let it go we're not letting this go yeah we don't have any option we literally have nothing to lose what do we have to lose well so what do you say to the people who say um i saw some people last night on twitter saying that what obviously needs to be done at this point it's like we can't work within the democratic party we need our own party what do you say to that i don't know and generally i'm kind of sick of parties to begin with but i don't know last night at our watch party there
Starting point is 00:42:59 was a guy a guy came from the local dems um he was a bernie guy and he said that there were he said the majority of the local dems there in wise county were bernie supporters but there were some who weren't and he was kind of saying i guess he got the sense from how we were talking that we were further left than the party um he said you know i i hear a lot of frustration with the democratic party and i think those are the people I hear a lot of frustration with the Democratic Party. And I think those are the people who really need to get involved with it to change it. And I was just like, these people have fucked us over so many like, just can't how many times can you ask people to put in an exorbitant amount of work and stress and just give up their life really to change something to fucking shift
Starting point is 00:43:49 or make better something that has just ruined their fucking lives you know what i mean like there's so many places where we could be putting our energy and adding pressure and i just don't know that it's the fucking democratic party. Yeah. I go back and forth. I mean, I was hardline on this nine months ago, but. I do too. But it's like, oh, what are we really doing? We're just waiting out some people to die? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:16 This doesn't seem like. Yeah. A great, hopeful strategy. Here's what I think. Here's what I think. All this shit's been going on is designed to i mean maybe not designed to but has the effect of just stealing our joy stealing what we felt when we two weeks ago when we were riding high on a bernie felt like we were
Starting point is 00:44:37 going to take 47 out of 50 primaries and steamroll for this thing and uh you know there's obviously a fix that's in i mean i'm not talking like you know i don't know if they're necessarily stuffing ballots or pencil whipping the results or anything like that i'm not necessarily saying that's going on what i am saying goes that is they have their controls in place right and it seems like we've stumbled into some of those but there's other we can overcome others, those obstacles. And so I think what I would admonish us right now is not to necessarily lose hope. I mean, I know a lot of people are dejected. I know a lot of people think this is it for us as far as the Bernie strategy goes.
Starting point is 00:45:22 But again, a lot of basketball left to be played. A lot of contests we're definitely going to win. Others that are going to be challenged. And I think that what we need to do is focus on how the Bernie campaign can correct course and try to do what they can to overcome this. And, you know, meanwhile, what we need to do is continue our target harassment of women and people of color on Twitter. And keep doing what we've been doing.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Here's what I think. Here's what I think. I think that if you look at what's happening right now, there is very obviously some sort of class antagonism playing out. In this country, there is a very sizable middle class still. I know that people say that it's disappearing and they're going away or whatever but there are still a large middle class people who own homes have nuclear families they have two cars and three kids and well there are a lot of structures supporting that and there's a lot of structures need right these people well and so i think that those people again i've pointed this we've talked
Starting point is 00:46:24 about this on the show before we live in a bourgeois democracy I think that those people, again, I've pointed this, we've talked about this on the show before, we live in a bourgeois democracy, which means that those people are the engines of the political rainbow coalition that failed in the 80s but that was a totally different time i think that what's happening now is um those class antagonisms are going to become untenable and so i think that regardless of what happens the democratic party regardless of whether you think it can be reformed from the inside out or whether you think that we should start a new party it doesn't matter because i think that what's happening is we've talked about this before too that there is a great realignment coming there are obviously working people who are struggling who want bernie aligned politics call them democratic socialists and anything to the left of that and then there are people who um and there are of course unicorns and exceptions to these rules there are people who, and there are, of course, unicorns and exceptions to these rules.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I'm sure that there are poor Biden supporters, you know, poor and working Biden supporters. Of course there are. There have to be. And so that just shows you how much more organizing we need to do. But regardless, I think that there is a realignment happening that will split the Democratic Party. So I don't even know if it's a question of whether we want to reform it from the inside out. I don't even know if it's a question of whether we want to reform it from the inside out i don't know i think that things might just sort of um it's obviously going to depend on what bernie decides to do with this because like let's play it out and like let's say a few months down the line we head into a convention and biden still wins there's not a brokered convention but it's enough
Starting point is 00:48:03 for biden to win. He wins. Bernie's still got the largest fundraising apparatus. And he's still got this massive base of support. So something needs to be done with that. And I'm not sure if it will be held contained within the Democratic Party. I think that at this point, after a primary season, as sort of antagonistic as this one, after all that, I don't know if those contradictions can be contained within the democratic party i think it's very likely that some organizational structure will either splinter off and start a new party or we might have some hopefully not too violent or whatever confrontation in milwaukee but regardless i just see you know i just see some sort of larger conflict happening
Starting point is 00:48:47 it is driven by class and it is driven by the political aspirations of those classes and so um so again it doesn't matter whether you want to reform it from the inside or you want to start a new party a realignment is coming and you got to pick which class you want to start a new party, a realignment is coming. And you've got to pick which class you want to align yourself with. Yes, exactly. And also, we need to be prepared for the possibility that Bernie could, you know, and this is not a knock on him.
Starting point is 00:49:17 He's brought us this far. He's been our Moses this far. But it's entirely possible he may get to that precipice and look you know look across it and say well you're right joe this is yours um you know i'm just gonna go back to vermont and i'm gonna be in the senate for until i die whatever and that happens sometimes he does deserve to rest i mean that happens yeah and so and this this and he's been trying to say this whole time you know of course his whole fucking slogan is not me. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Right. And so like the thing is, and I think that we've tried to stress this in the show before, is that like every person involved in this movement is smart and creative, intelligent, able to read political developments and chart their way from there and um and so we have everything we need to take it from him at that point you know including our own streaming service because what i was about to say is we need to shovel bernie into means tv yeah you think he would be a good
Starting point is 00:50:21 yeah we need to make bernie a means tv star and that because when you mentioned that funding apparatus it's just like yeah we can't we it is easy and you say this you remind me of this a lot that it's easy to approach to hang on to a scarcity um like framework that we need to like hoard things or we're gonna be without um and that we don't have the resources we need to like hoard things or we're going to be without. Um, and that we don't have the resources we need because that's how we've lived our whole fucking lives. And we're not going to break that.
Starting point is 00:50:52 We're not going to like break out of that mindset overnight. Um, but on a production level, like pull, pulling the camera back, we do have everything we need. We just have to, we just have to move it around differently.
Starting point is 00:51:13 And we, pulling the camera back we do have everything we need we just have to we just have to move it around differently and we bernie has proved that you can fund you can rival the funding that these motherfuckers have in our own with our own base yeah we're pulling resources yeah because ultimately that's what electoral politics are electoral Electoral politics, at the end of the day, are a deployment of resources. So, I mean, even, and the reason why we've been able to get Bernie this far is because we've pooled our resources as a sort of, like, you know, class or constituency. And we've shown that that can be very effective. And more than that, that we can actually do it. I mean, it just depends on administration and distribution, but it shows that when we pool our resources,
Starting point is 00:51:50 we can swing our weight around. I mean, and we're also still growing. And again, this is another problem with electoral politics is that it goes in cycles. And so within four-year cycles, you have to... It's kind of like... I don't know. You enter into the arena. And so it's like you may not be ready in that four-year cycle.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I mean, I don't know if you can grow a mass movement in four years. What started in 2015, I don't know if it can pay off in 2020. But, you know, and so I can see people, though, listening to this. And a reasonable objection to that would be, well, we don't have the time. Like we've got 10 years left to do anything meaningful on climate change. And that's true. And that's true. That's the, that is the glaring thing. We don't have the time. We really don't. Yeah. That's what I told this guy yesterday. Who was like, I feel like he was whispering. I couldn't hear shit, but he was like whispering
Starting point is 00:52:42 in my ear about how we take back over the parties. And he was you know it's just gonna take you know it's gonna take a decade or so and i was like we don't have it we don't have that kind of time no let's just be clear here there we might not have fish in 20 years yeah there's just a lot there's kids being born today that won't know the concept of fish in the oceans they don't have time for my guy to fucking so what i mean but so what that means is um during the obama years you know i was talking to tom about this last night like during the obama years and and all the years leading up to that i was kind of operating under the assumption that electoral politics is not something that you engage with that like and the reason why was because of the sort of brand
Starting point is 00:53:31 corporate driven nature of the whole thing and your inability to actually change it or affect it and i feel like i've come around on that i think that it can be very useful arena for working class interests and etc but i guess the issue is is how does that play out in a biden presidency i still don't think biden would actually beat trump he might but like let's just assume that he would be that he would beat trump that he that he's president like this apparatus this infrastructure that we've built up could be incredibly fucking deadly against president my guy i mean if his cabinet is staffed with people like klobuchar buddha judge and maybe even fucking warren and beto these are the dumbest people alive like even honestly like i don't know it could be it could be a good thing i mean the dumbest
Starting point is 00:54:24 people are alive are actually running the country now they're the republicans but they're actually politically smart they're actually the problem with these people are immediate clear robert beto o'rourke is the dumbest person alive right but the reason that they are hegemonic is that they have resources and again this goes back to that's all electoral politics is it is a deployment of labor and resources and so we we may just we may not have the resources to compete on that level at the moment well i think we've proved that we can we are this is very competitive that's exactly right we've proven that we actually can right right and i think that it's not to be slept on um and we have a lot of lessons to learn to fucking roll this snowball further on.
Starting point is 00:55:08 But yeah, we are competitive. We are. I mean, because look, the gap is not that big between Bernie and Biden. No. And so if that's the case, if they have all these resources at their back and we can still fucking swing you know with the best of them we're doing pretty fucking good and so again i'm feeling pretty sanguine about the whole thing it's like uh at the end of the day it's again it feels like our generation's historical task is to destroy the democratic party yeah yeah and we might be doing there's some down ballot
Starting point is 00:55:42 strategies to figure out here and i'm not just saying that as as like an accelerationist i'm saying that like sometimes something's got to give and so like how else do you think history moves forward like i'm maybe it's irresponsible to say we destroy it and don't have anything prepared to like replace it or whatever but i think that that could just sort itself out maybe not i don't know i mean it's it's i think they're as hard as yesterday was there's a lot to fucking crow about charles booker like in kentucky would you ever tom have thought that we would have someone running against Mitch McConnell who already holds office in our state and endorses Bernie you know supports a green new deal Medicare
Starting point is 00:56:32 for all yeah it's a big fucking deal and we've got Stephen Smith running for governor in West Virginia yeah who also did he endorse Bernie I think so i think so yeah i'm not sure it's very similar platforms and again i just want to be clear it's not at all clear that those campaigns will win but it is interesting like we said we are witnessing a realignment of some of sorts and what we're also witnessing too is the viability of certain ideas that aren't socialism but that could be you know that but that socialists could get behind in that arena anyway and uh you know you know we lost tennessee but uh democratic socialism whatever that means was polling at 47 that's not it's not insignificant but still got work to do you know but whether you do it in this arena or
Starting point is 00:57:26 others that's i mean it's still an open question or both you know i think it's still an open question and not to sound like president my guy here with the word salad but i think that um you know we've we've done a lot that we should be proud of and it's important to remember that it ain't over by a long shot right right i mean there's have a little faith in yourselves i mean it's like yeah keep calling keep keep the robo calls going exactly yeah and keep talking to people people you know and people you don't know we have nothing to lose here everything to gain maybe with a few exceptions question yourself about the class character of the person you're talking to. If they're a middle manager
Starting point is 00:58:07 at a Lockheed Martin manufacturing facility. They're probably not on your team. You don't have to talk to them. You can tell them to fuck off. They're probably going to vote for Biden. And when a guy at Food City said, I ain't voting for no goddamn Democrats. I just said, thank you sir and moved on.
Starting point is 00:58:23 It was fine. It didn't hurt me i wasn't i wasn't crying i didn't give a fuck when the gentleman in tennessee told me said i wouldn't vote bernie sanders for dog catcher move on and judging by the results it looks like he might have meant that yeah kept it moving i don't give a fuck but but i just want to stress that like it used to not be a controversial thing to say that history is driven by social movements i don't know why but for some reason i guess it's because we're in an electoral cycle and we need to have this personality driven um sort of political movement but the thing about bernie is that he is a he will go down as a historical figure don't get me wrong um but the thing about bernie is that he is a manifestation or a representation
Starting point is 00:59:14 of an entire class's grievances political aspirations and goals he's a vessel and and as a result he's going to disappoint us in some ways and then he's going to really make us proud in other ways but regardless i guess the point i'm making is that like as a movement we have everything we need um and that to me is a very uh it's a strong position to start from well yeah and it and it it's very promising for a future that looks kind of bleak again if biden or look if biden or trump it doesn't matter to me i see them as literally the same at this point there's a negligible difference and anybody that tries to tell you otherwise and make a case otherwise is is not is not with us so like
Starting point is 01:00:01 even if let's say biden gets a nomination and goes on to lose and every fucking dumbass liberal on twitter is saying that it's the burner's fault for abstaining you know what probably is fuck them you know they need to fucking die like we need also you might you know that cuts the whole neatest thing cuts both ways fucking worthless pieces of shit right and so um so i'm gonna again i think that uh i never thought i would see changes like this um or or sort of these class antagonisms being played out so openly and that to me is a huge it's a huge development development and um you know if you're if you are invested in changing this country then um
Starting point is 01:00:47 you can't you can't shake a stick at that you can't shake a stick at it is that the good and you know spoiler alert electoral politics aren't fun to watch this isn't this isn't fun some people love treat like a spectator sport. Also, politics in general is not fun. It's not supposed to be. That's the point of struggle. It's what you do. They wouldn't call it struggle if it was fun. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:01:15 So, you know, I don't know. It could get a lot worse. What can be fun is continuing to watch Biden fall apart physically and electorally yeah hopefully he was licking babies in the place that anyway were there coronavirus i don't even want to say it. It's so fucking stupid. All right. Well, I appreciate you all listening.
Starting point is 01:01:48 If you want more content, go to P-A-T-R-E-O. The actual good stuff. slash Trill Billy Workers Party. Got a good episode for you this Sunday. We're in, what did we talk about? Warren? It was good, though.
Starting point is 01:02:06 We did talk about the Warren phenomenon, which I think is a fascinating thing. It will be endlessly fascinating to me, but that's just because I think the professional class is a fascinating thing. I find it fascinating when people can't move, when they are just stuck. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:02:27 Like, I mean, you know, like mentally, philosophically, when they are just mired down. I find that to be very, they can't come to any kind of synthesis on anything, so they just melt down and fall apart. Jesus. Well, I think that's the whole, that's the sort of pathology behind the Warrenites.
Starting point is 01:02:45 And we dig into it a little bit. That's a good one. Yeah. So anyways, go check it out. Patreon, P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Tribilly Workers Party. And we'll see you out there. Bye.

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