Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 140: O.P.P. (Other People's Paychecks)

Episode Date: April 3, 2020

This week it's landlords, Joe Biden, the free hand of the market, and trying to avoid nihilism by converting to religion. This week's free episode brought to you by: other people's paychecks. That's ...right, sign up on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So imagine that your entire income, like, so, you know, most of us, we go to our jobs and we get our paycheck from our jobs and we take our paycheck to the bank. And then our jobs, you know, they say, fuck you, whatever. But imagine if your entire income came from rental properties if that was other people's paychecks other people's paychecks you down with opp other people's paychecks no but no opp opp gang down with me bitch. Other people's paychecks. I mean I saw a tweet a week, a month, a year ago who knows now. Sometime since
Starting point is 00:00:55 I've been homebound. That said I've always known I was living paycheck to paycheck but who knew my landlord was also living from my paycheck to my paycheck. Who knew? Or I like the ones that are like i should be able to claim them on my taxes my landlord is a dependent i should get an extra 500 for my landlord's baby ass it is it is it is funny it's it is it adam smith is the uh the one that even found landlords reprehensible adam smith rocks man i like it or not adam smith who was it
Starting point is 00:01:35 who's adam smith not adam smith wealth of nations tanya ever of it? All white dudes are the same. Wow. Wow. Speak coming from a white person. They all look the same. You don't have our audience. You may have our audience tricked, but you don't have me and Tom tricked, Tanya.
Starting point is 00:02:02 We've known you long enough to know that you are in fact white. I think I know that you are, in fact, white. I think I know that, too, most days. No, it's been crazy to watch people post their text exchanges and email exchanges with their landlords, and their landlords are just unrelenting because like total money acts yeah just psychopaths like they as as you were saying before we started to record this tom like they are just not having it they are not accepting having it they are not accepting like no for an answer they're not accepting uh people telling them like i just literally like we today we're recording this on the day that 6.6 million
Starting point is 00:02:56 unemployment claims were filed like 6.6 million today yeah that's 6.6 million people who probably don't know how they're gonna pay rent but also i know for a fact that number has to be higher because i know just two people close to me who were not able to file unemployment claims in kentucky because the fucking site has just been dog shit it's just absolutely crashed two people who weren't able to file their unemployment claims and that's just me anecdotally so that number has to be so much higher than 6.6 well every day when andy gives his presidential address uh from wherever the fuck he is safe uh he says if you just keep trying i know the system is broken down just spend all of your days with your kids at home with you instead of teaching them please
Starting point is 00:03:54 just continue to try to make our broken website work and even when you get an email that says you're not eligible for unemployment, please, we're going to review all those, and you still might be. Have no fear. Don't worry. Stay calm. I'm going to need you to hit the refresh button on the page. Hit the refresh button.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Is that what it says? Have you unplugged your computer? Have you tried unplugging and replugging in your computer? Reset the modem and hit the refresh button is that what he's saying no but i did my internet has been fucked and i had a bubby come in here this week to look at it and of course it was working while he was here so he said he couldn't do nothing and he literally did have the audacity to ask me if i had reset the router question number two it number two is did you stay six feet away from each other yeah i didn't get off the couch
Starting point is 00:04:52 i had a lap full of fucking weird flowers i was trying to de-stem and shit i don't know i'm trying to turn into a green witch. We're all gonna be herbalists by the end of this, eating our fucking kudzu, because we don't have anyone else to fucking do. Hey, kudzu's cool. I like kudzu. Oh, fuck you and kudzu. I had some kudzu
Starting point is 00:05:19 jelly recently. It wasn't too bad. Where were we at? I was getting ready to say something novel. I'm sure. Was it about landlords? Yeah, either that or the novel coronavirus. Which is goddamn. When we get to that, stick a pin in that. That shit is...
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yeah, it was about landlords. What was it about landlords? Was it about the big poopy butt babies? Yes, they're poopy butt babies. Yeah, that was it. Let's talk about this for a second. Any memorable landlords?
Starting point is 00:06:01 Well, my current landlord literally text me and she was like, hey, don't even worry about April rent. I was like, what? And she was like, yeah, there's just no need for anyone to be stressed out right now more than they already have to be. The old cool landlord routine, huh? The old cool routine. She does stay with me every time she's in town. So it's kind of like she has set up her own Airbnb. Yeah, that's the upshot.
Starting point is 00:06:24 No, I think it was about the fact that like they you know lacking any kind of enforcement coercion or mechanism or whatever from states they will they they are unrelentless they will absolutely, guess what? We live in a landlord's economy. We live in a real estate economy, basically. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's true. It's, I got a text from my landlord. This is the funniest thing.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I've been on her for, like, God, since, like, October. Because some maintenance guys came here to fix my hot water heater and then said hey you've got like multiple things on one breaker that's a that's like not up to code you need to talk to your landlord about getting that fixed and so i texted her the next day and was like hey the guy that came said this and he also said that you know i need like a uh the pipe coming out of my heating unit needs to be double wall instead of single wall because over time it'll just eat right through that it could be a fire hazard or something gotta get that double wall dog gotta get the double wall and uh i didn't hear anything until
Starting point is 00:07:41 the other day in the middle of a fucking pandemic hey Hey, got a guy coming over to fix your breaker in the double wall thing. And I was just like, nobody's coming in this motherfucker right now. I hate to break it to you. You should have worried about that three or four months ago. Oh, you shut her down. You were like, not today. No, I said, no, nobody's going to breach my bubble. I've got everything.
Starting point is 00:08:04 No, they come over and this passes bubble. I've got everything. No, they ain't come over in this passes. They ain't come over in this passes in like March of 2022. I'm going to double wall the motherfucker myself. Tom, my personal favorite is when the roof
Starting point is 00:08:24 of your apartment split like the red sea rain filled your living room there you know you know you know he for days let me tell you this let me tell you this he raised my rent like recently it's exciting that the expenses used to like keep up the property are costing me this this and this and like da da da da da da and i just just thinking back you all remember that one winter time this is when we all started hanging out and i got the fucking flu i was like laying in my bed shivering and uh the heat the heat air never worked like in the winter time when me and terrence lived there it was like fucking 50 degrees in the house in the summertime it was 96 like dangerous uh tom i remember that because every every single
Starting point is 00:09:17 thing was shut completely down because i was polar vortex oh yeah it was the polar vortex because i stayed at your apartment so that I could walk to work because I lived out in the county and my office was downtown and so I could like walk to the bar and the restaurant I just couldn't stand the thought of being snowed in at my house for a month and so I was staying there and you were dead from the flu or something and i was literally partying in the living room high as a kite when i won't say his name showed up with a backhoe digging snow off of main street that's how bad it was that's how fucking cold it was yeah i took him coffee and brownies at like 2 a.m that shit was so fucking but i just think about that and i just
Starting point is 00:10:07 get palpably angry at him every day say nothing of having worked for him but like i just get palpably angry that like i was laying there with the flu sick as a fucking like sicker than i've ever been in my fucking life and with the nope the worst thing in the world is to have the chills but the chills and you can't get warm on top of it. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's like 50-something fucking degrees in the house. You come in the summertime and it's 90-something.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Me and Terrence literally had fans in every goddamn window of that house. And to have the audacity to say, oh, yeah, it's just costing me too much. Like, motherfucker, when, when the fucking wall, when the fucking ceiling came down, you didn't fucking fix it all the way anyway. I had to go buy a fucking dry vac to fucking go up there and, like, fucking suck the water out of that pan every day.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I just, I don't know. Anyway, landlords are terrible. There's a memorable one, Terrence, to ask your, to answer your question. That's a memorable landlord. That ask your to answer your question that's a memorable landlord that was tom's question in fact oh answered himself yeah no i mean you can just literally make your rent uh whatever number you arbitrarily decide and like that's your income for the month yeah it must be nice to just be able to set you whatever lifestyle you want and then charge
Starting point is 00:11:34 accordingly you're like yeah yeah how much money do i want to make this month uh let's see, I don't know, $100,000. You fucking adjust accordingly. It's incredible. Yeah. I mean, people are organizing rent strikes all over right now. And in a rural place, I mean, they're not all the same because I have friends in Pike County whose property manager literally showed up to their door demanding to see the money order before they mailed it. They're like, demanding to see the money order before they
Starting point is 00:12:05 mailed it they're like let me see your money order before you mail it because they mail their money order for their rent to florida but the local property manager showed up to say we need to confirm that you actually bought a money order before it gets mailed we're trying to make sure he he actually told her that the the owner the landlord in Florida, listen to how fucking insane this is, said that he's having trouble keeping track of who's actually paying rent and not. That sounds like a personal problem. Yeah. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But think about all the things that that implies. This motherfucker has so much property, he can't make heads or tails of it. He's got so many rent checks coming in he can't even sort it out that is completely fucking insane here's the thing um so if you got 6.6 million people unemployed and And again, that's just the numbers we know of who fucking knows how high that number actually is. Like you have to do some kind of, uh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:14 You have to do some kind of like bailout for the everyday working person. Like, I think that this is apparently the big question right now for like economists it's like how do you make a an economy have low demand because you want people to not buy shit but you also at the same time like it's one of the contradictions of capitalism playing out in front of our eyes like because you have to have people buying shit for the whole thing to sort of function and that's why they want to open the economy back up but like if you can't pay rent you can't fucking pay rent but like it's a public
Starting point is 00:13:57 safety and health issue to where you can't evict people if If you put people out on the street, you're creating more vectors for disease spread. But the thing that is so morbid about it is that if it was any other government, they would probably be able to handle this mostly okay. You know, like, these ghouls are all just technocrats and they live for shit like this where they can sort of administrate but like with the trump administration they're all fucking crooks and so there's no fucking way that any of us are ever going to see any of that money even the
Starting point is 00:14:38 twelve hundred dollars they've already like started adding on all kinds of you know meat tested means testing and other prerequisites and so it's like even if they wanted to like give us that money and stuff which obviously they don't i don't even know if they could like actually do it like because they're so fucking stupid and incompetent and just fucking evil like these people's paradigm is to truly at their core hate poor people to hate poverty to hate literally hate well they can hate poor people all they want but they have to if they want an economy they're gonna have to bail poor people out because they need people consuming again this is this is this is this is the thing too and i heard i heard boots riley say this this it was a smart thing it's like the whole like autumn autumn like like sort of automation thing is really just like a threat to workers you know
Starting point is 00:15:42 what i mean it's like just to keep them like on their toes and like sort of subservient to the bosses because like what what they think we don't know is that robots don't buy shit you know what i mean like you still have to have some sort of system in order for these fuckers to stay rich where we keep buying their shit and like there needs to be demand right yeah yeah i mean it's it's laughable i mean it's it's always unclear to me if they actually believe the things they say i mean most for the most part i just think that can't be but to think that even even giving every single person twelve hundred dollars which they're not even going to do or even saying they're going to do it's very limited already but the this twelve hundred dollars was never going to spur the economy no one was going to use that to buy shit everyone was going to use that just to fucking pay
Starting point is 00:16:33 their bills pay their bills exactly they're going to have to use it to pay rent and debt and that's going to create an even worse problem because again you don't have things circulating through the economy yeah it was never never gonna it was just not happening i'm like i'm just fucking losing it like like the contradictions like the way they're all playing out i mean so like think about this here's a thought experiment all my entire week so i've just had insomnia so none of this is gonna make sense i've not been able to sleep in days but like it's just been thought experiment after thought experiment and one thing i was thinking about yesterday is like so people are saying that this thing is gonna come back in the fall right like it's the covid that is right yeah yeah so like could you
Starting point is 00:17:23 imagine a scenario when it comes back right before the general election and they have to like basically call the general election off well if uh if this was the obama administration you know these people the obama people are are evil but they're technocrats and so i could conceivably see them saying, all right, well, it's finally time to reform the electoral system. It's finally time to do mandatory voter registration and, more importantly, digital voting infrastructure. Basically, they'll allow you to vote at home. You know what I mean? Because that's, you know, most countries are moving in that direction.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It would be like something that the obama administration or any sort of liberal technocratic administration would do but i could see them in in november a if they have to do that if this thing does come back in the in the elections have to be postponed even if the trump administration wanted to do that to make voting an at-home thing or whatever but they don't want to but even if they wanted to b there's no conceivable way they could even fucking pull it off because they're so fucking stupid they can't even get basic equipment to people like ppe and all this other shit like they're so fucking dumb like i i genuinely wonder if we really are just gonna see a shedding of the whole democratic facade in general and we're just like all right well it's just monarchy just because
Starting point is 00:18:51 it's easy just because it's easier exactly it's like hey well i don't know trump's the grand potentate now and the funny part is the funny part is is like even with like the 1200 checks or whatever they can't even give a firm timeline when those are coming. I think most people agree people need cash now or whatever. That was the big thing. The J.G. Wentworth song they were singing a couple weeks ago. And the timeline I've seen has varied from three weeks to four months. Literally.
Starting point is 00:19:26 It's just, it don't make a lick of sense. It's like the shipping time for Trillbilly shirts. Dude, that is so true. I mean, like I'm glad Tom can finally be in on the joke. People dumber than us are running the uh the world and
Starting point is 00:19:48 that should scare you that should give you pause yeah truly everything is an illusion now though i mean everything look at look look like these unemployment numbers like they they released the unemployment numbers two weeks ago and it was like 3.3 and the actual filings just this week were like almost 7 million like so so that we know that's a lie in and of itself but then like i don't know if you guys saw this but on buzzfeed today or or maybe actually this was from a week ago on March 25th, they had an article where they had interviewed nurses and doctors and they were like, oh, COVID numbers are way higher. The death numbers are way higher than they're saying. Because doctors and nurses were noticing that people who had died of coronavirus were listed as dying from pneumonia or some other like copd or some other sort of pulmonary numbers are probably exponentially higher yeah nothing is real
Starting point is 00:20:52 nothing is real it's also if you had if you had like a cold or the flu that was just like a little bit worse than anything you've ever had you probably had it like in january or whatever yeah and meanwhile this the finch what's his fucking name over uh infectious diseases fauci fauci finch whatever atticus finch he's been getting death threats this man has had to hire security he is getting death threats currently the mega people yeah i don't even know i don't even fucking know i imagine but yeah he's getting so many daily death threats he had to hire a whole security team also i fucking had to talk i was on on the phone with a coworker yesterday that's in Alaska. She said that yes, literally just yesterday, which I know this crazy shit just came out yesterday.
Starting point is 00:21:51 The fucking governor, the governor of Georgia that that fucking killed me literally dead. We have to talk about this dumb motherfucker. Yeah. But yesterday, besides that, this I have not seen this in the news feed that she told me they had to fire the ceo of one of the biggest hospitals in alaska yesterday because she was literally sharing conspiracy theory memes about sars and election cycles the ceo of a hospital the trump people don't understand that this is actually beneficial for them like like look just lean into it you'll get your king god king trump like biden has proven that he's not doing a goddamn thing today he was talking where is he talking about where's he at
Starting point is 00:22:43 not today he was talking about meeting with at where's he at today he was talking about meeting with trump and like congratulating him about everything what what well this is what we've been saying the whole fucking time no well you're not far off because the motherfucker was like somebody said to him oh uh uh you think trump has done a bad job handling this and he was like i've not i don't believe in Criticizing the president Or like criticizing this moment Oh my god
Starting point is 00:23:15 This is all playing out Like a science fiction novel It's very difficult to believe Every day What you were referencing a second ago was the governor of Georgia. Georgia? Who clearly stole an election. Oh, yeah, that election was probably stolen in and of itself.
Starting point is 00:23:35 But the governor was like, well, we just found out in the last 24 hours that asymptomatic coronavirus can actually be spread. I found out about asymptomatic coronavirus about February 10th of this year. Literally, literally, fucking eight weeks ago. Explain to me, though, I have to know what's actually happened here. There's only a few options.
Starting point is 00:24:11 There's no way that that was actually the truth right right right there's no right one if that's actually the truth he would have never admitted it he he somehow someone convinced him that it would play ignorance would he knew all this time. Let me just say what was the craziest to me is that he had a literal press conference. Yeah. He stood outside, miles away from the CDC headquarters, I might add. Probably, yes, exactly, literally a few miles. The capital of Georgia is walking distance from the headquarters of the Center for Disease Control. And it's not that they've put out all the information they could have,
Starting point is 00:25:03 but they've been pretty clear about that point since jump. Like, I would imagine if you're a bureaucrat who has spent your entire life working your way up the rungs of the ladders at the CDC. And then something like this happens. And the governor of Georgia, who has been at the fucking state capitol building for the last, I don't know, know two years or so comes out and says that you've got to just be like oh my fucking god dude you have got to be contemplating suicide i can't well this is another thing i have not heard anything i have not seen it have you all seen any news outlets about higher suicide rates this month this past month have y'all seen anything in the u.s i haven't me neither but my mom told me on the phone yesterday after she this bitch pulled a good
Starting point is 00:25:52 april fools that's her favorite day of the fucking year she was a goddamn maniac and so i called her immediately to cuss her out over this april fools bullshit but then she she went off to be like you need to loosen up you're watching too much news you're too stressed out about this and she said that on her local news which is knoxville she gets the knoxville news she's right on the border of tennessee and virginia and knoxville news has reported multiple days in a row about the spike in suicide rates already like local news is already reporting on this and i was like holy shit i haven't seen any reports about that yeah there's gonna be a weird um disconnect between local news affiliates that love the
Starting point is 00:26:40 most macabre morbid shit and the trump administration that's just trying to paint the rosiest picture oh yeah it's so fucking embarrassing dude i mean there are military ships right now that are like are have like coronavirus is running through their ship and they've like begged for help and they're not getting any right the funny thing is, did you see the Trump press conference yesterday on Venezuela? What? Where he was like, you know, he's doing his thing where he was like, yeah, and if, you know, and if they got something to say about it, they'll pay a big price. He's talking about Iran or anybody that was like sort of, you know, an ally of Venezuela or anything. I was like, with what, motherfucker? It's like...
Starting point is 00:27:27 Pay with what? They're digging mass graves right now. Yeah, well, also, it's like, if they're going to get sick themselves and everything, you can't have a bunch of people with coronavirus doing your little imperial fucking whims. Jesus. Yeah, yeah. What army does he have now? Yeah. Well, speaking of coronavirus... We're at the end of history friends let's make no mistake about like let's not i quote the end of history wait the guy i don't
Starting point is 00:28:00 know if you saw this tom but the guy who came up with that term francis fukuyama on his instagram page he posted a picture of like his backyard i guess and it just says cheer up everyone oh my god oh my god it you know what it what it really reminds me of You know what it really reminds me of is the episode we did with Hannah Gaze about just how kind of weird things were in the Soviet Union toward the end and the Soviet psychics and all that stuff. It's just kind of like that and the hyper-normalization thing. We're like, we know this is fucking bizarre. And we just can't stop watching. And just hope that it you know what else do we have to do but to watch this train just wreck further and further this continue to derail that's something it really is well i mean i don't know like
Starting point is 00:29:01 it's it's it's pretty fascinating. Like, well, there was something specifically you were saying that in reference to, Tom. Like, it wasn't just, we were talking about that. What were you talking about that in reference to? Like, there was something really weird. The end of history? The Russian thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Oh, yeah. Arnold Schwarzenegger being cooped up with a mini pony. Yeah, that's what it was. Arnold Schwarzenegger is self-isolating with a burrow and a mini pony. Nobody knows why. For Tribblies fans, that is episode 97.
Starting point is 00:29:53 That's a good episode with Hannah Gaze. You're right. There are a lot of parallels just with how surreal and absurd everything is. Like Elon Musk sending a bunch of CPAP machines to a hospital and calling them ventilators oh my god what yeah that just just yeah it's oh my like what if if we're fortunate
Starting point is 00:30:15 enough to come out on the other side of this in something that's within a range of whole like the first thing we should do is banish people like elon musk like these people should not be venerated any longer no no i'm saying bill gates all these people are sort of they're they retreated i saw a um on means morning news this morning their rich dick segment uh very similar to our deeply deeply diseased segment was about a motherfucker in california who who bought up a hospital in philly only to close it down and is gonna put condos or something on the very like expensive property the fucking city or state approached him asking him if they could open it back up during this difficult time and
Starting point is 00:31:05 negotiations fell through because he wanted a million dollars a month to reopen that hospital damn it a million philadelphia guy yeah he's he's in cali the hospital's in philly imagine that absentee landlords these motherfuckers i'm about to map every single all the rental property i know of in letcher county because in rural places we know most these motherfuckers and that's what i was like if they we could at least at least make their life a little fucking harder at least i mean i would say what is there maybe there's probably like 10 or 15 or less landlords in the in the city limits of Wattsburg. That's how few there are that own everything.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Right, Tom? Yeah, basically you have, yeah, I can only name five or six off the top of my head. And then like, you know, like the apartments that are on the corner above the record store? Yeah. Those are all owned by out of town, absentee landlords. I thought that whole building was owned by that old woman yeah she doesn't live in white spruce that's my point oh gotcha okay i'm about to map every fucking rental i know of in letcher county in 10 years i've had five landlords i've lived in five different places in 10 fucking years and because we literally know most of these people and so instead instead
Starting point is 00:32:26 i'm sorry i was just thinking about the the the general theory of tanya's life which is that tanya moves every two years in the way that you just said 10 five different places in 10 years i was like yeah actually that mathematically adds up. Yeah. Sorry. And it's true. I was like, who have I paid money to to live in the last 10 years? And so, I mean, it feels like even easier, what would be easier than a rent strike where we live is to like rally these fucking landlords and put enough pressure on them to come up with some type of demands or like a community standard that we're gonna push and i can tell you right now it ain't just gonna be fucking waving late fees these motherfuckers are in my mansion like oh i'm gonna wave late fees oh thank you life is full something you
Starting point is 00:33:19 shouldn't be fucking doing anyway and when apparently i've heard also when people have called people who own like a whole fucking apartment complex they've been like well we're gonna still do but we will uh work with people on a on a case-by-case basis no motherfucker you're not gonna make everybody call and grovel to you every single month for the rest of eternity the rest i mean this is gonna be this whole fucking year there's no way this is turning around anytime fucking soon they've already basically today the the governor's going to announce that school's off till fucking fall that's for sure because they're meeting with all the superintendents this year they've already basically said that in tennessee where my sister's kids go it's just fucking this is insane this is going to last at least six months probably a year
Starting point is 00:34:04 if not longer because because of what we've already said we have complete fucking maniacs at the helm and we're not gonna spend every single month of our lives trying to like while all this is going down there is no reason for rent to be hanging over people's head like this every single month like every 30 days it's just going to be the same fucking maniacal i mean it already does but this is just like seven million people are unemployed this is insane yeah like but again yeah like we were saying like they're not really going to have any option because it doesn't look like people are going back to work anytime soon it doesn't
Starting point is 00:34:43 look like this is ending anytime soon um well i'm gonna call a few people and try to write down the name of every single landlord i know in lecher county and get a as exhausted list as i can i know a friend of a friend's mammal owns like three trailer parks almost all the trailers i mean I mean, there's probably what? Ten trailer parks in all of Letcher County? Yeah, probably more than that. Yeah. The thing about trailer parks, it's pretty fascinating. A lot of the trailer parks around here aren't really trailer parks in the sense that you would think of them. they are parceled out pieces of land um that have uh trickled down over the years from like um
Starting point is 00:35:31 basically through generations of like land holding families and um and so usually that land is left to like a whole family and so they'll just put like 20 trailers on it and uh i don't know it's weird there's not like a single landowner for it's like all the families own it it's because they're all they're kind of like their own landlords like all the siblings or something is that what you're saying yeah yeah yeah yeah there's a name for it it's called like intestate property or some i don't know what the fucking word well in the trailer park where my sister lives it's in kentucky all everyone owns their trailer they pay lot rent yeah that's the other way they do it it's like you just pay an
Starting point is 00:36:15 exorbitant fee to park it somewhere because yeah it's like truly it's like 200 a month for a plot that ain't much bigger than the trailer like she doesn't have a yard yeah and then just street parking yeah yeah that's that's the other way that's the other way they fuck you if you're poor it's like you know if you don't even have a piece of land to put it on hey we'll give you about a 25 by whatever however however long you fleet what is to you know yeah well and basically every trailer park i know of is in a floodplain and they and they give them all because they're in floodplains they have to go a little extra mile to advertise so they name them all this cute stuff like riverview and riverside that is a good that is a good point water water
Starting point is 00:37:06 water terrace river river slitterbond all of them the two at the top of my head lecture county river court and riverside are like both yeah like down yeah by the creek at a foot that is a good point yeah it's usually like subprime uh you, land that you're putting that shit on too. It's land you could never sell. Ever. No one would buy and you can't build on it. No homeowner's insurance will insure you to build in floodplains. Can't do it.
Starting point is 00:37:35 They will not insure your house at all anymore. And so they have to do fucking, they have to turn them into trailer parks. This country is just exceedingly cruel to poor and working people like in in like little subtle ways you don't even think about like i was thinking about this when you were talking about usury earlier and what the scriptures in the bible had to say about i knew you would knew immediately i said i told michelle i said when he come up in my mentions talking about fucking uh goddamn late fees i was like like michelle i i guarantee i was like i know this in the bible i'm gonna ask tom right now it's gonna be ezekiel 2029 or some bullshit
Starting point is 00:38:09 and immediately he immediately fucking exodus 2438 usury is a sin well it's funny it's like you know god god uh for all of his you know vengeful and wrathful ways in the old testament really didn't hate that much. He hated a proud look and a few other things. A hairy leg. He really, really hated interest. And it's funny that this whole country is predicated on interest rates and we're a God-fearing nation and all this stuff. Debt.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And, you know, we're a God-fearing nation and all this stuff. Debt and leveraging debt and all these different sort of financial instruments and techniques that I don't fully understand, mostly because they're made up, not because I'm stupid. Thank you. But it's funny that, like, the one God everybody prays to had a lot. I mean, I could show you multiple places in the scriptures where hated hated interest well and it's it just it goes to show it's pretty it's pretty brazen that the first goddamn thing that they did to try to spur the economy was lower fucking interest rates you know it's just like this is this is their this is their bread and butter they know they
Starting point is 00:39:26 know that it's like oh what can we do what can we do that's all our interest rates so people just buy shit on credit they don't need you know and then when i when i tag some local fucking landlords and ask them what they're doing to help tenants this month they are literally in my mentions talking about late fees well we're gonna lay white fees oh fuck you if you've ever charged a fucking light fee you bastard well that this is this gets it like why these recessions just kind of keep getting worse it's like so much of the economy is built on debt but wages have stagnated wages aren't growing and so it's like like at what point do all of those bills come due kind of feels like right now might that might be happening so i don't know it's pretty fucking it's pretty morbid i can't remember what i even posted now but a maga motherfucker was on my twitter recently that and he said literally I can't remember what I said it must have been about rent
Starting point is 00:40:26 because he said oh landlords and banks are supposed to go under I guess yes exactly yeah you're getting it right exactly they've been leeching off all of us for long enough here's what I say to all that let's just see what happens
Starting point is 00:40:41 let's see how the invisible I mean really I, there's a... Let's just see what happens. Nowhere to go but up. It was so funny. I got to a really dumb fight over Joseph Stalin, of all people, in a group DM, my friends from from college and it was the classic like
Starting point is 00:41:08 you know socialism versus capitalism thing or whatever like oh well why doesn't socialism work and all this kind of stuff and these guys pointed out to me that like in the earlier days of of the Stalin administration. Oh, my God. These are literally your frat brothers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, they were talking about, like, about an 18-month period where there was, like, starvation and, like, all these horrible things where they were trying to get central planning of agriculture off the ground.
Starting point is 00:41:44 And they were like, aha, you know, that was their aha, their eureka moment in the debate. And I was like, guys, let me tell you about something called the Great Depression that lasted a little bit longer than 18 months. And it's like, not to say that Stalin is great or good or any of that kind of stuff or to give points to any of that stuff, but it's like, the dissonance when you're talking about this fucking craven ass country versus everybody else like why do we get a longer leash when we've killed infinitely more people with this cruel system and we continue to do it and but at the same time acting like we're this like city on the hill where the light's always out you know it's it's it is it's it's pretty close to unforgivable at this point to um
Starting point is 00:42:30 to dance for capitalism to defend capitalism it's completely it's reprehensible. It's crime and it's monocle. There's no excuse. Well, I mean, we're seeing a very rare thing. Like, very publicly, it's being put out there that capitalism quite, at the end of the day, quite literally is a choice between human life and profit. And you, I don't know, it's becoming harder and harder to deny that. I don't know, the reason I've been blackpilled all week is because I'm not entirely optimistic that we will come out of this having resolved that.
Starting point is 00:43:21 I feel like if you're looking at what some of these larger corporations are doing like amazon and walmart like this is their economy this is exactly what they want these are the conditions they want and the conditions they need this is like this is like to them like i don't know i don't know if it was chris rock it was some comedian i heard say one time it's like if somebody could is paying you minimum wage what they're saying to you is I would pay you less if I could. Yeah, it's Chris Rock. What's funny about that is this is like the optimal conditions that they really do want under normal circumstances.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Do you know what I mean? Obviously, they don't want a pandemic or whatever because they want people shopping and whatever. Like, you know, a little more leisurely than they are now instead of just an emergency. But they basically want these sort of Spartan, like, people that unionize get fired on the spot kind of shit. Yeah, well, they want, if you're Jeff Bezos, what you want is crisis. Like, and that's capitalism's tendency. It tends towards a crisis every 10 or so years because it needs to disassemble and then reassemble.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Because it needs to eat. You've got the vultures on top, and they need to just completely devour. Tarkus. Exactly. They need to devour the smaller businesses and stuff it's really kind of fascinating because capitalism doesn't even really work for the small business owner a lot of the times or even the medium-sized business owner in a crisis those people just get completely fucking gobbled crushed crushed yeah and what's so funny about it is like they more or less believe they're in the same league
Starting point is 00:45:07 with like the Jeff Bezos and the Walton families of the world. Exactly. Until that crisis hits and then they piss and moan about it. Exactly. Like they don't understand that the Jeff Bezos and the Walton families and whoever, they are so far, like it's like I was saying earlier on Twitter, like I was just trying to mentally conceive of the size of Amazon and it was giving me a panic attack.
Starting point is 00:45:30 It's so massive and sprawling. Jeff Bezos is so powerful that our capitalists have now managed to find a way to transcend the bounds of human existence itself. They are almost sort of like like godlike in a way. Like they can almost exit the system if they want. And again, this is why they talk about space colonization
Starting point is 00:45:52 because they understand that the biggest threat to them is the workers organizing. And so they understand like, well, what if we just exit the system altogether and just automate it and let it fucking function on its own? It's fucking bleak, man. mean nothing's inevitable i mean but you know there was like four really important strikes that happened this week um and it was fascinating to watch the the pr of these corporations especially like amazon and instacart, sort of patched together a narrative afterwards that basically was like,
Starting point is 00:46:28 well, the strikes didn't do shit. They like the thing they said about Chris Smalls, the guy who organized the Amazon strike, was that he wasn't maintaining social distancing and all this. Like, you know, they immediately deployed like the sort of moral high ground. And then Instacart says they claimed absolutely no impact from planned workers' strike. The company says it sold more groceries in the past 72 hours than ever before. It's just like, again, they understand what's at stake here.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And so you immediately see them go into just overdrive trying to like, you know, correct the narrative that anybody ever dissented in the first place. And the funny thing about that is, is sort of the contrast in it. Like Amazon citing like the moral high ground of, oh, well, Chris Smalls wasn't social distancing and following like, you know, the CDC's like mandates and all this stuff. And then Instacart on the other hand, who throws their
Starting point is 00:47:26 employees into a situation where they can't social distance to like go fetch our groceries for us and all that stuff just like just taking the whole arrogant like austere nah we didn't really miss anything from that you know just the most bloodthirsty sort of thing. Yeah. Well, you know, it's pretty dark because, like, I mean, I was talking to a friend about this. There are just, like, no protections for workers. There's no one looking out for us anymore. Again, this is the thing that just keeps becoming more and more clear to me. So you talk about the Bernie thing, and you're like, well, the reason we chose the Democratic Party as the vehicle for perhaps an insurgency and perhaps an administration and movement that could get rid of right to work, introduce worker protections,
Starting point is 00:48:28 start a Green New Deal, all this other stuff, is because we thought that they were marginally on our side. We thought that they at least had adjacent views to ours to where maybe we could convince them, either convince them or beat them politically or whatever. Right. But now, you know, as this is all played out, it just becomes more and more obvious to us that, like, no one is looking out for us. Like, we have no one on our side. Bernie.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And that's about it. And that's really the scariest part. about it and that's really that's really the scariest part it's like um you know biden was asked earlier this week about medicare for all if this it convinced him about medicare for all and he was like no medicare for all wouldn't do anything to solve this and you know and if you were to tell me like three months ago like okay even if even if Bernie doesn't win this primary, it still makes sense to go to the DNC convention and try to get Medicare for all on the DNC platform because that affects down ballot races. now of all times tells me that that that even that would be pointless that even trying to fight for the platform would be pointless because they are so committed to not yet to not ever allowing that and the thing is the thing i want to say about that the reason why they are so absolutely resistant to medicare for all is 100% because of Obama and ACA.
Starting point is 00:50:08 That is the reason why Biden cannot embrace Medicare for all, because he understands it would be a refutation of the ACA. It would be like publicly saying it wasn't enough. Yeah, exactly. And that would puncture a hole in their whole return to normal thing my that that's you've exactly hit on it if you wanted to lay a lot of this suffering in terms of like what's happening with the health care system right now at anybody's feet you have to lay it at barack obama's feet yeah absolutely because because make no mistake he is their standard bearer it's not joe biden joe biden's just some dumb ass puppet they've just posted up there oh this is obama's
Starting point is 00:50:51 party and he would rather people suffer and he would rather people not get the help they need not get the assistance they need than to have his like signature piece of legislation with his name on it be rendered ineffectual. That's completely maniacal. Because the thing is, what was the ACA? The ACA was a bailout of the healthcare industry. Nothing else. The whole thing was fucking top-heavy, not profitable, riven with contradictions and errors and flaws.
Starting point is 00:51:23 They needed some sort of government marketplace. Also implicit in it was this idea that some lives are worth more than others, particularly if you can afford it because like they literally had bronze plans on the marketplace. They did. They totally fucking did. I remember shopping for a bronze plan in 2013. And really, and really what it was, it's just not about like getting fucked during tax time like that shit was worthless every time i went to the dog pier i still paid hundreds of dollars
Starting point is 00:51:53 you paid more with that you paid more with the bronze plan than you would have just to pay for not having an insurance on your taxes yeah you, you really did. You really did. Oh, my fucking God. Copper wire plan. I want that copper wire plan, dog. Around here, copper's gold, my man. I want that stripped copper plan. Stolen copper plan only.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Oh, my fucking God, dude. Oh, Lord. But again, like, so, I mean, like, I hate to bring this back to this, but it's the one thing that's preoccupied my mind all week. So I'm somebody who's a little bit skeptical of the electoral process and engaging with it. Not cheating. But I do fully believe that it can't be fully abandoned
Starting point is 00:52:49 because then that would just be seating it if nothing else then just as a holding measure because it would be seated to the liberals in the right but like if you really truly are pro-electoral whatever, I really need you to explain to me what we do next. And I mean that genuinely. I'm not saying this as a gotcha or I'm trying to catch you in some logic trap. We're looking for some direction. We clearly want answers we don't know. need to know because like what this tells me is that the democratic party is so committed to not even implementing or pursuing the most basic reforms like what do you do and again i've been on this fucking kick for two fucking weeks now that bernie needs to like start his own thing
Starting point is 00:53:38 or whatever and again i'm i don't even know if i really believe that still but like i don't know what else to fucking do it's just kind of driving me insane it is very bleak and i don't know i'm about to try to organize at least a shame campaign on all the landlords i know of that's all i know to do honestly let me say this before we get too far away from the health care thing y'all remember a couple years ago when when daddy andy's daddy uh was like praised for like writing that my state needs obamacare now thing in the new york times and he got invited personally invited by barack to the state of the union that year he didn't he give like a like he spoke at the state of the union right yeah he was he was recognized that the state of the union that year he didn't he give like a like he spoke at the state of the union right yeah he was he was recognized that the state of the union stood up and waved i think all he did was wave and say hi actually i don't know if you guys remember this he was chosen
Starting point is 00:54:34 as the person to give the first response to trump's first state of the union that's what i was talking about yeah steve okay he was either state of the union or inaugural speech one of the two yeah you're right that's that's what i was talking about it wasn't the state union it was the first response and the interesting thing i've thought about since then especially in the wake of all this that's popping off is that like the reason that steve beshear like that whole line of thinking about Obamacare got so much purchase here was because Obamacare made room for disposable people to get covered with like the bronze plans, for example, and all this kind of stuff. And like the only reason it's like it was held as a success here is because it literally sold people that couldn't otherwise afford anything a junk plan that was essentially worthless in terms of like covering their like health care costs and everything but offered the
Starting point is 00:55:32 satisfaction of being covered you know yeah so we were able to say that like we got a million people signed up which meant nothing really in terms of health outcomes or nothing significant you know yeah dude i guess it just comes it keeps coming back to the thing that like we just fucking need a goddamn revolution or something because like the the reason i say that i'm not saying that as like a meme or like to be edgy. But like what this has shown me is that Medicare for all is so insufficient because you need a comprehensive overhaul and nationalization of every aspect
Starting point is 00:56:16 of the healthcare industry from top to bottom, from hospitals to specialists and your local pediatrician and whatever. Because, like, and the thing is, though, like, if I'm Bernie, I would seize the moment and say, well, we're talking about nationalism or nationalizing corporations or whatever. Sorry. Walk it back. But, you know, I'd say that's what we need but that would be counter
Starting point is 00:56:47 to this years-long campaign we've been running of medicare for all which kind of points to like the pitfalls of these kind of campaigns i don't know man but like to me i mean you read these accounts from doctors and nurses and it's like it goes so far beyond just people not having health care. It is all based on the fact that our entire health system is completely oriented around the profit motive. Well, that's exactly right. It's predicated on, like uh shortening resources in order to maximize profits you know i mean that's why we get caught with our fucking dicks in our hands and we got a huge crisis on our hands and not enough beds to meet it not enough ppe for the
Starting point is 00:57:36 people on the front lines or any of that shit like your chickens come home to roost and you know like again we come out another end of this the people the health care executives need to be ostracized. And I hope you get what I mean by that. I'm winking really hard right now. They need to be social pariahs so much so that they'll never show their face again. Mm-hmm. I get what you, I'm picking up what you're putting down, my man. All right, man.
Starting point is 00:58:03 All right, man. But you're right. I mean, and the other part, too, is this, is Medicare for All is important in the sense that it gives us that first, like, big leap into something that's, like, more like an NHS, like a national health system. system but like you know even my mother has to like you know still works as you know as a as a custodian at the place she used to work at to be able to afford her medicare supplement like we have to keep pushing on that that question like medicare for all is going to be a huge a huge thing you know if we could get it implemented it's going to improve so many people's lives but i mean it's most important function is it's going to be that first big step toward what we need in health care, but it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:58:49 It's still not without its problems. Right, because people still fight for it. The reason I'm sort of blackmailed right now is that this whole process has just shown me that the Democratic Party is going to be the graveyard of Medicare for all. It seems to me like this whole fucking process has just been a really long execution of Medicare for All
Starting point is 00:59:11 and everything Bernie stands for. Like, at least Hillary and them just beat Bernie and they moved on. It seems like this time it's all about literally publicly executing. They're trying to salt our fields. They are trying to salt our fields. And their capos and their campos are like a list of a lot on whoopie goldberg truly so like what do you do man i think that like i just again i just don't see the point that's why the class question is incredibly important because you know that's how you can't get caught up in all that shit you know yeah well in what way in what sense well i'm just saying like you know it's like why you can't
Starting point is 00:59:52 just be like it just can't be like a matter of of id polls you know what i mean otherwise you don't have motherfuckers saying that we're being rude to whoopi goldberg who's got more money than god you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yep, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. I really did see you watching her interrupt, Bernie. Oh, my God. Just the fucking worst. Like, the intro to that episode of The View was fucking incredible. It was like, how does Bernie respond to staying in the race
Starting point is 01:00:24 and being a spoiler and being a piece of shit my man just walked right into it how does he fucking go on here fucking showing his little dick off and it ain't little but i mean i feel bad for him because like he's got no alternative i mean a lot of people say, and, you know, I guess I, as a person with a leftist media platform, would say, well, fuck the mainstream media. We need to build up our own alternative media platforms. And, like, I agree with that, but it's not going to have the same coverage and reach that these massive, multi-billion dollar media conglomerates are going to have and so how do you infiltrate them i don't know what you do i mean i guess it literally does have to be you have to hold the streets in the factories and the other places i don't know how else you
Starting point is 01:01:17 well that's that i mean you're exactly right we have to make them report on us we have to be so big and so coordinated enough that they can't ignore what we're doing that's the only way it's i mean it's not going to be infiltrating culture or any of that kind of stuff yeah yeah yeah you're right um well i don't know i mean it's they've ignored a lot of huge news stories from the bernie campaign well they're ignoring the fucking their their standard bear's got a goddamn sexual assault scandal and can't get no damn traction that's what i was going to say i mean even i mean when the at the half of these major news uh outlets had to fire people because people started coming forth and they were literally firing people left right you remember this yeah yeah i mean and even then they really weren't covering it when even though even though
Starting point is 01:02:20 they were having to literally take people off air in the middle of a fucking show shit just crazy shit yeah they they couldn't even be brought like they're they're untouchable the fact that they won't even not you know it's and it's not just biden it's the clintons it's all of them they're all fucking pedophile insane fucking maniacs just abusers across the board emotional physical gas lighters huh literally you guys see this um did you guys see pelosi's thing today hydrate hydrate, and dance like nobody's watching. Wash your hands, hydrate, pray, and dance like nobody's watching.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Y'all listen, that's the direction we're getting of how we face a once-in-a-generation well, in our case, we lived through most of the AIDS crisis a few times in a generation well in our case we lived through most of the AIDS crisis a few times in a lifetime public health crisis
Starting point is 01:03:30 oh fuck dude the AIDS crisis didn't have this economic impact 7 million people weren't unemployed right right right it's a different thing I'm talking about in terms of public health
Starting point is 01:03:45 but also also i mean yeah i don't know no it's unprecedented like this is literally unprecedented guys we are living through the defining historical moment of the next century of our entire lives that like 9-11 doesn't hold a fucking candle to this this is on level with the great depression in world war ii everything i do seems so stupid right now every email i send everything everything seems so fucking stupid anytime someone tells me they're busy working i ask them if it's on a vaccine because it literally doesn't make any sense to be working on anything else obviously people i know aren't working on vaccines they're right they're writing fucking grants and shit just the most insane shit
Starting point is 01:04:34 i always feel sorry for like those colleagues of mine that are still working on federal policy that doesn't directly pertain to covid19 because it's like why I hate to break this to you the the world is collapsing and the reclaim act is never going to happen dude even if it did would it fucking matter I mean like no it wouldn't but the thing is is like i still can't get over the fact that as soon as this started their number one like move was to immediately without any public comment period or anything and maybe this shows how sort of liberal i still am because maybe i maybe i'm the fool for thinking that there would even be a public comment period but it's like there's there's no public no public comment period for deregulating the entire fucking
Starting point is 01:05:30 fossil fuel industry they're just like now we're doing that like sorry i love that i do i really do love that your instinct was what there's no comment period give us a chance to organize and turn comments out we gotta raise our voices i mean it's pretty fascinating people don't understand that like you know it's like people don't understand that like my politics has been specifically forged in the irons of watching the bureaucracy try to determine how much a human life is worth whether it's the environmental regulations or prison system it's all about how to triangulate how much a human life is fucking worth and if you're in it turns out if you're uh digging mass graves and right at rockers out of new york city and you're living at rockers island that's about
Starting point is 01:06:32 six dollars an hour exactly exactly no man i i uh it is hard not to be bleak in times like this especially when we're stuck in our fucking houses and we can't seize the moment and do anything about it. But I guess one thing you can be doing is... Carrier pigeons. Carrier pigeons. That's exactly what I was going to say. Carrier pigeons and fire signals.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Smoke signals. Yeah. And if you know any landlords, drag them on the internet. Do the best you can do. Call them. I'm about to start sending texts at like 4 a.m. You're a fucking scud bucket piece of dog shit.
Starting point is 01:07:09 I hate you. I'm just going to troll these motherfuckers literally on their cell phones. I'm about to call them. I actually love that calling for you, Tonya. You're very good at it. I am. I'm going to start text messaging Roger Collins every night at midnight. And say, have you waived rent yet for all your tenants for
Starting point is 01:07:27 the next six months every single night oh my god they would fuck it they would have hemorrhoids and i'm gonna write about it you should have thought about that before you got down with opp buddy i'm telling you from experience all they'll do is just pretend not to know you in public. Tonya who? I've never met that person in my life. That is so funny. For those people that don't know, Terrence is landlord. Now, mind you, at that time, because the WIFX building wasn't even finished, but at that time, the guy literally had two units.
Starting point is 01:08:06 You were one of two tenants. And then years later, when you got into some trouble for writing an article, he acted like he didn't know you in front of his bougie friends. Like, motherfucker, you know my paycheck. Every fucking month for two years. You cashed my paycheck. You cashed my paycheck, but you you know my paycheck. Every fucking month for two years. You cashed my paycheck. You cashed my paycheck, but you didn't know. It's almost like that Simpsons episode where Mr. Burns knows the whole Simpsons family except Homer who works for it.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Homer Simpson. Homer Simpson. Hell, if I was down with OPP, I'd act like I didn't know people. I'd act like I didn't either.. I'd act like I didn't either. I'd act confused. Plausible. Can that be the song we close out with? We play that at the end of this.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Wait, before we go, before we go, it would be, I guess it's incumbent upon us, it would be malpractice if we didn't mention the number one controversy consuming the Twitterverse today. Which is... We got Krugged again. We got Krugged.
Starting point is 01:09:15 God damn it. Just when we thought it was safe to go outside, we got Krugged again. What the fuck happened? Mikey Barbs and the Krug. They rode on us today. Brant. So if you're in a dark alley and you hear drum and corn.
Starting point is 01:09:37 On one side you got drum and corn and on the other side you got Krug and Mikey Barbs. Oh, God. Just the most dastardly foursome. I would rather have I would rather take on Mikey Barbs and Krug because I don't want to fuck with Drum and Korn man. I don't fuck with Drum
Starting point is 01:09:55 and Korn. Those guys are ghoulish. Got nothing left to lose man. Yeah they've got nothing left to lose. Mikey Barbs and Krug are too soft. They're way too fucking soft. They write for the New York Times so you know they've got nothing left to lose mikey barbs and krug are too soft they're way too fucking soft they write for the new york times so you know they've got nothing to lose um the mother jones assholes they are truly blackfield because they are literally dying in front of our eyes and still not supporting medicare for all so you know you don't want to fuck with they are the
Starting point is 01:10:20 people that are going to bomb post office wearing pussy hats. Exactly. Krugman and them are just going to retreat to their place in the Hamptons and ride this out. 100%. Krugman today in the Barb's, the Mikey Barb's said that, so they posted, they had some article in the New York Times about people that weren't social distancing. New York Times about people that weren't social distancing. People that were still traveling more than two miles up to I don't know what, like three or four days ago. Oh, was that him?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah, that's him. Oh my god, that sack of fucking dog shit. And so, the whole South was like the epicenter of where people had traveled more than two miles. And so, I kind of wanted to see what you guys i kind of wanted to see what you guys thought about this you don't even have to have a take
Starting point is 01:11:14 it's entirely possible that they just made up those stats because how the fuck do you even know that's what i said i was like how did fucking, there's no way. This is bullshit. They called like three people in each county or some shit. It's just reprehensible. Fucking all poor people have to travel further than they should to live, to fucking survive. And certainly in the South, we're all spread out. Like, oh, fucking God. You might be surprised to hear this, but there's no public transit in kentucky are you peeing yeah sorry oh my god tom we're at the end of history my friends this podcast is quite literally going down the
Starting point is 01:11:59 fucking toilet sorry i didn't want to pause for a pee break. We were on such a good yarn. We're at hour 13. I'm bouncing if this is what we're doing. I'm going to go pee myself. My man's got a strong non-prostate I don't know how that happened, man. Sometimes it just lets up and you get a break for a spot.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Gross. The audience now sees discrepancies in your story, Mr. Se sexton maybe you don't have a fucked up prostate i swear although i did hear a loud splash which does indicate a small pain so that checks out that was that was that was my dick falling in the toilet bowl interesting very very interesting that's our contribution to the discourse on that issue incredible well i call bullshit on that map for sure yeah Yeah, it's got to. I just don't even know how you would fucking. Because, like, they had, like, counties out in the west.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Like, look, okay, as someone who grew up in the rural west and now lives in the rural east, there's really not a whole lot of fucking difference as to how you get your groceries. So it's like. I was going to say, yeah, it's either Indio Morricone or wow, wow, wow, or Waylon Jennings. Yeah, same thing.
Starting point is 01:13:29 So it's like, did somebody just have a bone they wanted to pick with the South? Did somebody just show up at the NY Times office and say, man, fuck the South. It's time to finally ride on them, these fucking guys, huh? They won't stay in the fucking house. I'll show them is there a national fucking disaster let's figure out a data point that blames it on southerners every fucking time every fucking well well i mean the thing is it's like yeah of course like we talked about the top of the episode it's like guys like brian kemp or bill lee the governor of
Starting point is 01:14:03 tennessee or ron desantis in florida or whatever it's like yes they Brian Kemp or Bill Lee, the governor of Tennessee, or Ron DeSantis in Florida or whatever. It's like, yes, they deserve a million percent of our scorn. And the reality is that a lot of people will die because of them dragging their feet and believing what their fucking game show host president was telling them. But also understand that, like, people in the South, you know, like, there's different types of labor that you have to do. And it's usually, like, most people you know in eastern Kentucky, what do they do? Who do they work for? Dollar General. Dollar General, Double Quick, the gas stations, Walmart, that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:44 And guess what places are open during all this? Dollar General, gas stations, Walmart, that kind of stuff and guess what places are open during all this dollar general gas stations walmart that kind of stuff and so that's disproportionately makes up the jobs in the south and so like that's important to remind too is like and here's the thing about these fucking liberals that say shit like that they're so goddamn stupid what they're trying to signal to you what they're trying to dog whistle to you almost is saying that oh it's these toothless fucking hick coal miners that gave us trump that are now getting us in this jam but what they don't fucking understand what they're doing when they take out when they when they when they take out that equation too is that they're also saying oh poor and working black
Starting point is 01:15:20 folks what did what you in the south is what you're disproportionately talking about when you're talking about people that have to travel to work and all that kind of stuff are the ones that are doing this but they that they don't uh yeah they uh god damn they fucking oh you're right tom even further than that it's that, it's literally Republicans with money not in the South that are getting these people elected, not us. The people in power down here. Mitch McConnell. No one's fucking elected Mitch McConnell. People with money elsewhere have got that motherfucker elected.
Starting point is 01:15:57 And increasingly, Democrats, when you hear, I've had people in Portland, Oregon say they're getting Amy McGrath appeals from here. Oh, my fucking God. Which is funny. They're like, where are the liberal meccas where they have money? Let's just send mailers out there and say we're running against Mitch McConnell. The McGrath campaign is not doing well, my friends. You got an update from the Ditch Mitch campaign, don't you, Terrence? I did. I got an update from the Ditch Mitch campaign, don't you, Terrence? I did.
Starting point is 01:16:25 I got an update. The email says, never happened before, parentheses, not good. There's a lot of things you can say that about right now. Says Terrence, this isn't the news we were hoping to have to share, but we just fell almost $230,000 short of our $2.5 million FEC end of quarter goal and what we need to defeat Mish. I cannot believe they're still fundraising right now. I know. Like, Bernie has completely stopped fundraising.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Yeah. He's fundraising only for charities. Yeah, literally. And I had already committed to give him money every week. Yeah, week. I'm giving him like $20 a week right now. And they're text messaging me to tell me they're funneling my $20 elsewhere. I'd already committed to give it to the campaign, and they're not even keeping it.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Right. The choice is clear. The choice is clear. Go with Alyssa Milano and let her get her tax breaks while you stay immiserated or come with us. Oh, God. Oh, man. It's not going to happen, though. It's not going to happen.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Here's the thing. This is, again, why I was blackmailed at the beginning of the week and why I have reached the state of resolution now. I know what's going to happen. They're going to go with Biden. There's nothing we can do about it. Bernie will probably endorse him. We just need to all accept that and embrace political Islam. That is what I'm going with.
Starting point is 01:18:00 I hope you all join me. I am converting to Islam. You're leaning into the teachings Of Clarence 13X Yes There's worse things you can do I guess I don't know what else to do man I'm so fucking sick of these assholes I cannot do it
Starting point is 01:18:16 Again it's like we were talking about earlier We went with the Democratic Party as the vehicle For doing this because we thought That they were at least enough on our side to get involved but it's just been them scolding us and spitting at us and like sending us out into a plague to vote to stop to do everything they can to stop us and i just can't fucking do it i can't do it anymore it's insane it's bakari sellers calling it toxic when you want medicare when you want health care what do you say to that yeah there's there's just nothing you can say there's just you can't be you
Starting point is 01:18:52 can't reason or bargain with these people you can't reason or bargain with them simone sanders is deleting tweets supporting women exactly we're at the end of the line here we're at we've reached the end of history we've reached the end of history. We've reached the end of a history. Of one history. Yeah, let's not get that black belt to where we don't think. Something will happen on the other side of this. Now the question is, what is it? Insurrection.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Well, hopefully that's it. But I guess all we can do in the meantime is just keep podcasting and praying to Allah. And hydrating and dancing like nobody can see you. I'm going to quit. I'm about to quit this podcast and sign up for unemployment, honestly. Why? You don't want to... What's the matter, Tanya?
Starting point is 01:19:40 You don't want to read the Koran with me? Okay, I'll get my Bible quotes from Tom and my throne quotes from you. It is much more adult religion than Christianity. Yeah. That is true. I just don't know what, I'm blackpilled too.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Now that I Googled it, I know what it means. Welcome, sister. Remote recording is awesome because we can just we can be our own interns it's badass and we don't have to look dumb no i googled it in real time i googled it yesterday when you tweeted it or three days ago i don't know a fucking year ago what is time the sun comes up and the sun goes down that's really on my side of town there's a fucking tick on this pillow god damn it that's the kind of shit i gotta go i gotta go that's
Starting point is 01:20:37 the kind of shit that the universe throws at you just to put you on skates man what if it's pissing and the other one's fucking searching for tics. I gotta go. The other day I saw this article that said, actually, we've reversed our thing. Cats and dogs can carry COVID. I saw that. And the same fucking night, Arrow crawls
Starting point is 01:20:58 in bed with me and fucking sneezes in my face. And I'm like, the universe just did that to fuck with me. She's not even been out of the goddamn house tom what did you do i just said i'll be god damn and looked up at the ceiling all right my zoom battery low i really do gotta All right. Well, join us on the Patreon. This week's episode is a continuation of last Patreon's episode. That's right.
Starting point is 01:21:32 We're in the era of history where you have to listen to the previous episode to understand what's going on in this one. No, I'm just saying that so that people will sign up. Okay, yeah. I was like, what was like really god damn it um hopefully we should go down to only paid episodes we i thought you were for the people is a non-essential service and we need to shut down i disagree um podcasters are the ultimate first responders even in a crisis service and we need to shut down. I disagree. Podcasters are the ultimate first responders even in a crisis.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Oh god. If all goes well if all goes as planned this upcoming weekend we should have an episode for you about the wonderful Steven Seagal
Starting point is 01:22:24 1997 film Fire Down Below. If you haven't watched it, I suggest you watch it before Sunday. The whole thing is completely absurd. But anyways, yeah, we'll probably be reviewing that on our Patreon this weekend. So sign up, Patreon, slash Trillbilly Workers Party. If you don't want to do that, we will be here every week regardless, no matter how little we've slept and how black-peeled we might be. So anyways, thanks for tuning in, everybody. And we'll see you in the funny papers.
Starting point is 01:23:08 We'll see you in there. Bye. Bye. Okay, but y'all don't go nowhere.

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