Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 147: Trump's Treason Movement

Episode Date: May 21, 2020

Another week with Speak Your Piece, Harry Truman, the Iron Stache, and the Holy Bible. Support our show on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you were a teenager and you would have to defrag the computer at home. What does that even mean? It was like this thing that you did when you had been downloading too much shit in the computer. When your computer got porned up. It would get so bogged down with porn. Well, the funny thing is watching the the defrag process which took like six hours but you could see the computer churning through all the content that had been put on it because it went like a graph and it would be like light blue and white for a little bit but then it would
Starting point is 00:00:38 be like black and red you'd be like that's while the computer is eating all the porn. That's the porn. That's the computer digesting the several. At that time, I guess it probably just would have been like kilobytes. I don't even know what computers did back then. I guess they were doing gigabytes. Let me ask you all a question. Veterans of video pornography on the internet from the late 90s early 2000s might be familiar with a little site called dream zotic which was like dream zotic was like uh it was like porn hub before porn hub was porn hub pretty ambitious for a time when most people had $56,000.
Starting point is 00:01:30 So by that you mean it had everything and it was free? Well, yeah, I mean, it was free. But, man, when we discovered it, we thought we were in high cotton. But the thing about it was that you had to wait 30 minutes before you started jacking off because you had to load it up. And then you'd only get about a minute and a half out of it. I know. You'd have to click load on something, and then you'd go outside and play for a while, and then come back in, and it'd be loaded.
Starting point is 00:01:59 You couldn't just sit there. We're spoiled now. Speak Your Peace is so good this week. How do people who claim to love the Lord and go to church sell drugs? Does it not bother them? Does it not eat at their heart and soul and mind? I'm going to go ahead and say the last word about drugs. They're not sinful.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Who cares? Everybody's doing drugs now. That's the final word. Your body is a temple, Tom. Nothing you put in it can defile it. That's doing drugs now. It's the final word. Your body is a temple, Tom. Nothing you put in it can defile it, though, is what Scripture says. Wait, wait, wait. You know more than I do. So you're saying that because as a Christian with God inside you, he makes your...
Starting point is 00:02:43 That's what it was, Tanya. Jesus, when you accepted him into your heart, you literally accepted him to move into your corporeal being. He would move into your heart like the little alien in the head on Men in Black. It's a slippery slope.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Hi, Tanya. I'm moving into your heart today Y'all ain't got any Crystals around here do you Get it cause he'd be small to live in your heart He'd need the small burger White castle crystals Any crystal burgers
Starting point is 00:03:21 Y'all got white ketchup in it? Any corn pops? Oh. All businesses should have a sign that reads, no masks, no shoes, no clothes, no service. You have to name all three, or some of these morons here in Kentucky would come in with shoes and masks,
Starting point is 00:03:41 but otherwise stark naked. They are that stupid. in with shoes and mask but otherwise stark naked they are that stupid i like how people some people's entire politics boils down to everybody's really stupid everybody's stupid except me and i won't be told what to do what to do yeah don't tread on my dumb ass i will not be assessed assessed i saw rc day sitting dairy queen one time and pound the table and screaming that what did he say they were talking about that new city tax and i was well this is the one that i famously was ousted from office over yeah i was about to say was he screaming that at you directly no i kind of sat over in the corner by myself
Starting point is 00:04:32 eating gravy and biscuits and i overheard i overheard them talking about it and uh not many arguments in favor of it over in the corner but rc day took it to the next level he pounded that table he said i will not be assessed oh fuck that's too much oh man um tom i just sent you a speaker piece i want you to read i'm gonna send you another one too. I want Randy Frazier to know that I'm so sorry that I just found out you are not the commander of the American Legion anymore. I want you to know that I think
Starting point is 00:05:13 you did a wonderful job up there. It won't be the same without you. You are a wonderful man, Randy. And you ran the Legion in a professional and loving way. Very important. You respected the veterans, and that's
Starting point is 00:05:30 what means so much to me and my husband. We are both veterans. When we get back home, we will get your address and look you up. Thank you. Damn. Ran the Legion in a loving manner. I don't know if people are familiar away from eastern Kentucky that, like, the episode, like, if you were to go dance, like, most people want to go dance.
Starting point is 00:05:51 They go out to a dance hall. They go out to the clubs or whatever. We go to the VFW and the American Legion. And I never really understood how ridiculous that is until just now. And I never really understood how ridiculous that is until just now. Like, you literally have to go, like, support the troops in order to go dancing. Or to shoot pool. That's the only pool table in town.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Well, you know what? The only time I've ever heard of, like, an out-of-town male stripper come to perform in whitesburg anywhere that wasn't summit city was at the american legion do y'all remember that yeah i don't remember them coming to the legion yeah like um little magic mike situation yeah no i remember it was an all-male review. Which is pretty interesting. Our Nashville people, now I know Billy Wayne Davis and them, they like to, they know what we're talking about
Starting point is 00:06:51 with going to the American Legion and VFW. That's the only other people I've ever heard of doing that. I guess just because you can drink on Sunday. There's no fairness in this world, especially when it comes to the $1,200 stimulus payments.
Starting point is 00:07:10 You can't believe a word a politician says. Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Andy Beshear are the three blind mice or the three musketeers because they're all in this together. God damn. The people now in the White House are nothing but a bunch of crooks who don't want to help the poor people. They just let the rich people have what they want. Thank you. i like how whoever wrote that the illusion that andy basheer is like better than the liberal than the conservatives just like it just blows right through that guy he's just like no i see right through it that's like they're all a bunch of dear speak your peace this doesn't make you want to get up and call our state legislators
Starting point is 00:08:08 nothing ever will i've got a friend who lives in detroit owns a legal marijuana business there makes about 30 000 a month see what's being done to us they want us down. Down in quotes. They want us. Here, scare quotes. They want us down. Something that's even worse. The DEA has heroin and marijuana in the same schedule. Schedule one. Right on, man. Everyone knows it's a lie to say that marijuana is as dangerous as heroin.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I like it because maybe I selected that one because, I like the simplicity of your politics being legalized marijuana. I mean, it is a grave injustice that it is not legal. Well, everybody's got their one thing you know what I mean right right right or their eight things Tanya's reproductive rights
Starting point is 00:09:20 may have more father's rights yeah right right right when your unemployment runs out just remember who blocked the extension trump and the republicans couldn't care less for the people who need another stimulus check and their unemployment extended until decent paying jobs are available i was wondering why why Walmart is still taking returns on items they sell. I don't think
Starting point is 00:09:50 they should accept returns with this COVID-19 going around. If you buy it, you bought it. I don't think we should have to pick something up that's been in someone else's house. Walmart needs to suspend all returns immediately. Walmart returns is like 80
Starting point is 00:10:06 percent of the scams i know how to run i don't know well they've god damn they've tightened their return policy in recent years but when you were when you were a kid like you just go buy an xbox and play that bitch and take it back you know when you need to make rent well this is one of the great scams um friend of mine who's got a rowdy kid he throws shit at the tv all the fucking time and breaks it and every time she buys a new one she just puts the old one in the new box takes it back say this is broke when i opened it she just keeps getting the same tv she's done it like eight times that's a classic scam. I'll tell you another outfit that had a very loose policy was
Starting point is 00:10:50 Macy's. I'd always go buy my school clothes when I'd go back to college at Macy's and I'd wear them all semester and take them back at the end of the semester. That one's good, yeah. Some of the people at Apple Shop and WMMT are like the carpetbaggers.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Oh, my God. They come in, get a job, and then they take off and do things away from here and pretend like they are at Apple Shop in Whitesburg. Most of the old people at Apple Shop are gone, and the people who stay are very few. The rest of them come in, do a job, then take off and do it remotely. I do... I like the
Starting point is 00:11:31 part that says... I don't give anything to know who wrote that. They pretend like they are in at Apple Shop in Whitesburg. And it is kind of true. It is kind of funny. People will sort of post like they're like they use it for clout you know what i mean some people post it for clout
Starting point is 00:11:52 and they're not actually in whitesburg this has to be about a very specific person that is another interpretation right yeah it probably is about a specific person. But maybe not. Maybe it's just one of the old men at Dairy Queen sitting close, who just happens to sit close enough to notice this shit. Just a general observation and an unhappiness with how they do their business over there. To the Trump fan who commented, To the Trump fan who commented, Sir, sir, there's not been a whole lot done about the Obama bunch, but the American people would like to see some action taken for what they did to you.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Here's a tip for you. A whole lot of other American people would like to see something done, in scare quotes, something done done about oh something done about trump's treason movement i'm seeing more and more of the american people are just about ready to make it happen too just keep pushing buddy there's a reckoning coming i hope wait wait what does he say in the harder y'all push... Oh, wait, wait, wait, there's a side B to that. Uh-uh. Just keep pushing. There's a reckoning coming.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And the harder y'all push, the quicker it's going to come. And the harder it'll be on all you when it does. Today, Machilla showed me a video of Trump talking about Obamagate. Can y'all tell me what Obamagate is? Oh, yeah. Well, I'm not entirely sure. I thought it was just this thing he kept saying, because I watched this press conference
Starting point is 00:13:36 with him like a week ago where he brought up Obamagate and that nobody had done anything about it. I guess that this is what this comment is in reference to and the reporter asked him like what he was referring to like what were you referring to and he's and then trump said something like like i don't even have to say you know what i'm referring to like he it was like this when commonly understood
Starting point is 00:14:00 doesn't know what he's talking about i think he just means the whole obama presidency the whole thing was so bad that it was a gate in and of itself what are we going to call his presidency the trump treason movement didn't you listen gotcha gotcha, gotcha. That is the new election. I mean, really, when you think about it, it is really hilarious that we are having an election. We're not having an election. It's not happening.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Well, let's say for the sake of the argument that we are it is honestly a reprise of 2008 on very more just on very weirder terms like the economy has just crashed and the incoming administration would have to do something to do something about that i mean did you see that article in the new york times that was like looking for it said seeking democrats with big ideas did you guys see that one no i did see that i didn't look at it but i saw it going around the whole premise of it was like was basically like biden and obama's experiences in 2008 after the financial crisis have made them very wary of legislating in the middle of a recession and so they're they don't and so it's made them very timid and like so biden is trying to figure out right now if he wants to debut
Starting point is 00:15:42 himself as someone who's going to propose like a transformative economic uh sort of policy platform or if he's going to just go for those middle of the rotors um you know suburban wine moms it was a very funny thing i'm gonna go ahead and tell you did you see the thing today on his website that he's campaigning against the anti-semitism of the bds movement oh does it wow really so my hunch my hunch is that uh i'm i don't hold out much hope for him going in the progressive direction but not that any of that matters still jesus fuck i think the exact language he used in that release was uh that uh that we were too often hard on the people of israel and that the palestinian people never wanted to take responsibility for their for their wrongdoing oh my god it's just amazing well the interesting the thing that's so fascinating to me
Starting point is 00:16:48 is how far right the israel palestine whatever you know how far right that has gone just since i was in college just 12 in 12 years like bernie's position was basically the same as obama's position in 2008 it was no farther left than that and so now you know everybody to the right of bernie has even more right words um you know position on this that's why like no one you know if biden wins i guarantee you they'll keep the embassy in jerusalem you know like they're not going to fucking do anything no oh they ain't moving that sucker back to tel aviv yeah dude it's it's it's gone so far right just in the last decade it's incredible i saw a hillary stan use hashtag lgb biden t
Starting point is 00:17:46 it can't get any worse folks this is a man that's so tight this is a man that definitely did not support gay marriage in the last 10 years at some point yeah neither did hillary i thought that was the thing about him i thought he was like the narrative i remember is that he embraced it before obama did oh really and 12 minutes before obama no i get what you're saying you're you're he's it's the story about his dad is what you're thinking about how his dad saw him him and his dad saw two men kissing and scranting in 57 and his dad is what you're thinking about how his dad saw him him and his dad saw two men kissing and scranting in 57 and his dad said that's just love joe that's just love joey fascinating um no this is a pretty fascinating article now that i
Starting point is 00:18:42 looked into it because I forgot. Did y'all guys see that? There was a headline a few days ago about how like AOC had been picked to sit on one of these Biden panels about like climate change. Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah. And like she's like Biden's delegate for it or whatever. She's Bernie's delegate for it. Bernie's delegate.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Okay. They're making this concerted effort to like appear to reach out to the left. Biden's delegate for it or whatever? She's Bernie's delegate for it. Bernie's delegate, okay. They're making this concerted effort to appear to reach out to the left. It's just like, who cares, bro? They've gone to AOC, too. If you're still holding out at AOC, got some integrity, just
Starting point is 00:19:21 do yourself a favor. My stance on it is even if they come out and like, we're going to do a Green New Deal, it's just like, okay, man, whatever. Do your thing. I'm not, you know, whatever. Hey, let me tell you all, speaking of Green New Deal, I got a text message last night from a known number. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It said, hold on a a second that's a different thing it said hi alexandra this is terry for with sunrise movement you like it when a green new deal champion when do you like it when our green new deal champions win their elections? We sure do. Do you like hearing them give powerful speeches? I know we do. Do you like music and dancing?
Starting point is 00:20:16 I know you do. So if you can, join us this Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern time to do all those things. Question mark? I said to them, I said, hey, Terry, this isn't Alexandra, but I want you to know I support what you're doing. And then the next text was, you will now be removed from our texting database. If you'd like to reconnect with us in the future, visit.
Starting point is 00:20:48 No way. I'll screenshot and send it to me just didn't even want to entertain me as a new uh potential convert the guy who was text banking that night was just like who fucking cares there was no person behind that. That was all an algorithm. I like to think it's Terry Ratliff volunteering with the Sunrise Campire. The chair maker guy? Yeah, the master of the drawing knife and wood all. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:21:19 He's such a dick. The green... Wait. I like that wait i like that i like that though don't you like it when our don't you fucking like it when our green new deal champions win don't you fucking like it here's my question terry when's the last time one of them won yeah and when they give great speeches, like, what does a great speech do for me? Literally goddamn nothing. Don't you love it? Don't you love it? The way that it reads is so weird.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Don't you love it when we make our great speeches? Don't you love it when we do our great New Deal wins and our champions prevail in the arena? Would thou us like to dance and listen to music? It's like the witch. I know you do. And even saying we sure do, who says we sure do?
Starting point is 00:22:13 We sure do. I might have been ad-libbing on that in a little bit. Dude, that's fucking good. That's good. I mean, that's cool,. That's good. I mean, that's cool, man. You know, I have adopted the mentality that it's all good.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Whatever you're doing, it's all good, baby. Let come what may, baby. Let come what may. Teach their own. Exactly. If what you're doing is where you think you should be doing it and what you should be doing. Keep moving and grooving, Shahid Buttar.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Keep doing the thing. Terrence is a pleasure activist now. Yes, I am. If it's good for you, man. If it feels good, it feels good. Keep moving and grooving, Richard O'Jenna. Keep being wavy gravy. It's the wavy gravy mentality, man.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I had it four or five years ago. Remember I had like a wavy gravy phase. Man, I tell you what, there's nobody more wavy gravy than you in my opinion. Five years ago. Exactly. Five years ago, I had it. It was in my grasp. Now you're sloppy toppy.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Fuck. They sound like ways you can get your fries at Waffle House. That's the secret. Wavy gravy? Yeah, you can get them wavy gravy style. You can get them sloppy toppy style. It's been so long since I've had some sloppy toffee. I know, I'm starving now.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I'd love to have the sloppy toffee fries, please. I'd love if you could do them like sloppy toffee and put them on there. Put them on top of me. So I had a good skeleton tweet the other day it wasn't fully fleshed out but it had legs listen to me here it's like a a movie it's like a christmas carol yeah but instead of being visited by three ghosts you're visited by the losing insurgent campaigns of the nouveau socialist movement so basically it's going to be like iron stash richard ojeta joshua for congress uh who else who else was vanquished in the course of the last few years oh my god i think paul ryan feels like a real dumb ass for
Starting point is 00:24:49 for uh uh retiring prematurely and iron stash ended up losing that race by 12 goddamn points iron stat iron stash is rescinding paul r Ryan home scared to his mother. Two years later. I think I donated to that guy in like 2016 or something. I think I remember when his video came out, I was like, wow, that's how you're going to win. That's how you're going to win over the working class. You got a good commercial. Oh, you sure got a good commercial there, Aaron Stosh.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I like that one of you and Richard Trumpka up there talking. Dog, Richard Trumpka was probably the last good leader of the UMWA, which is really funny. Big Rich. Big Rich.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Big Rich. Big Rich. I was a Jock Jablonski guy myself. Jablonski, god damn damn. They were, didn't they live in Bell County? I think they did, yeah. Jock Jablonski? Yeah. And that way Jablonski. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And that way the Yablonski murders happened. If I remember correctly, that part of Kentucky was like where all the conservative locals were in the UMWA. Like Middlesbrough. That was like the hub of conservative, like pro-Tony Boyle forces in the UMWA. I wouldn't doubt it. And so, yeah, they were the ones who were part of it. I think they were part of it, but I don't know. He might have got hit in, like, Virginia or
Starting point is 00:26:32 something. That's some pretty fucked up history, man. Oh, yeah. Where was he assassinated at? I thought Bell County. Maybe. It might have been Virginia. I was thinking West Virginia for some reason. Didn't that kill his whole family? It was some fucked up shit.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I forget. That's all on Harlan County USA. I forget that. No. That's not in Harlan County USA, is it? Yeah, they do mention it in Harlan County USA. It's not in real time, but they mention it as the pretext for the whole film. Because that was the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Like, this was in the middle of the, like, Miners for Democracy, like, rank and file movement against Tony Boyle. He was murdered in his home in Clarksville, Pennsylvania with, yeah, his whole family. Way off. God damn. God damn. No, his. With, yeah, his whole family. We're way off. God damn. Yeah, damn. No, his son Kenneth found them. Never mind. They left poor Kenneth to find him,
Starting point is 00:27:32 to tell the tale. Yeah. It's pretty fucked up. But you know what? There's a great scene. I think it's in Harlan County, USA, but it may be in Justice for All. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:27:43 But when the miners for democracy actually did win that and i don't remember who wound up round up running against tony boyle in jock yablonski's place i should know this um but anyways when they won that uh there's a great footage of like all these miners like storming the umwa office in dc and they're like taking over the office and just like you know sitting in the desk like sitting in the big executive desk and like they just got these shitting grins on their face like hell yeah we fucking did it man it's pretty awesome arnold willer i think that's who it was um tanya tom hit us with another speak your piece man Let's see what we got here.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Oh, hellfire and brimstone. Let's go with... Okay. To the owner of a certain house on Highway 7 in the Jeremiah area, will you please take that dog off the short leash and runner that is connected to the porch? He has no room to move or get much exercise. You should give him or her to someone who will take care of that poor thing. Thank God. It is a big problem.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It is a big problem. There was one fucking dog on a leash in my hauler when i lived on pine creek and it fucking haunted me and i made the mistake one day of stopping and asking the kids who lived in that house what that dog's name was and after i knew its name it was so bad every fucking time i drove by there was just goddamn torture there's a there's a massive rottweiler at the bottom of my hill that's chained up and it's been chained up for like two years. Oh my god. And a cop lives there.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And like darkness exudes from the property. I'm serious. It's so fucked up. Like cops are really just the worst neighbors. They're so fucking mean. Are those the gender reveal people? That just had a gender reveal party? No.
Starting point is 00:30:03 The gender reveal people are actually very nice and cool to me so that's why I had conflicted feelings about it I had a complex set of emotions as a result you thought maybe their gender reveal party might have been nice and innocent because they are yeah
Starting point is 00:30:22 well I mean I figure like if you're nice to a guy who walks around everywhere with a like now gene that has a big like democratic socialist stickers on it or whatever you know what i mean like who kind of has this reputation for being they don't know your reputation they don't know you from no goddamn body are you really you think so they're like my age i mean they know what they know you because they've seen you but you think they're like oh that's that guy that got fired for writing for that that's the podcast guy he's got a podcast damn he drinks out of that now gene i bet there's a whole lore about terrence i bet they probably think that he's a shape-shifting witch that lives up in the cabin on a hill
Starting point is 00:31:13 they probably think oh never mind they what what are you gonna say they probably think i'm a like a pederast no i was gonna say a gay porn star because you just like don't, you know, quote unquote, you're unemployed. I was just going to say a homosexual, just full stop. There are multiple.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Well, you don't have to be gay to be a gay porn star. I was talking like he does male porn. There are actual multiple gay porn stars in Letcher County that are not gay. Married to women. Well, you know, maybe they're gay. Who knows? But they're married to women. Well, I had a...
Starting point is 00:31:55 I'd say you probably have to have a loose definition of what star means with that. Well, if you make a living doing it, I'd say you're a fucking star. Wait, so there are guys who do gay porn in Letcher County who make a living off of it? Yeah, two in Neon Alone. Wow. Are we doxing them? Am I going to have to delete this? Yeah, maybe delete.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Well, if I know it, other people must know it. Shit. I don't know. Well, I had a good friend. I wasn't a good friend. I a guy hey terrence you don't have to disown him just i mean he wasn't a good friend you know it's like no i i knew this guy in high school who went on to be a porn actor. And, like, it was this big thing going around town. It became, like, a rumor in my hometown.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And everybody was, like, sharing the videos and stuff. So, like, I guess a lot of people were just watching the porn. But I watched it. And I was, like, so disoriented. I felt so weird. It was just watching. Do what? Because you knew him?
Starting point is 00:33:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like watching someone you know have sex. It's just a very weird thing. I don't know. Maybe that means I'm like sort of conservative or maybe traditional in this regard. But I do find it to be a little strange. or maybe traditional in this regard but i do find it to be a little strange and like if i don't know if it's i mean if it's like an orgy or something like i guess i would be like okay this is what an orgy is like but like watching two people and they sort of i mean porn isn't really intimate
Starting point is 00:33:37 it's just acting but at the same time it is it was very disorienting for me well if you know people in the porn scene i can see how it would feel a little voyeuristic you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah you know when you watch porn you don't necessarily want to associate the people with anything that anything that's not sexual right right right uh hanging like tailgating at a football high football game. See, no, I'm the exact opposite. I'm interested less in that and more in the interior life. You know what I mean? I always think it's interesting when you have like, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:16 I just want to talk to people that specialize in one thing about something they don't specialize in. What? Well, I just think it's interesting. I don't have a clue what you just said. Well, I just think it's interesting what you just said well i just think it's kind of interesting to like for example talk to an actor about something that's not film or acting you know what i mean talk to a singer about something that's not necessarily music talk to somebody that does porn about something that's not exactly porn i gotcha i just think that's interesting i do have several like porn again maybe not call them stars but porn people well
Starting point is 00:34:55 just sex workers i follow a fuck ton of sex workers and like i love knowing like other things they do and like see their pets yeah i can i can see that i like knowing their backstory the most maybe go ahead sorry the most porn i've watched i feel like are married couples that that like somehow weave in their whole this whole narrative about their lives yeah no that's uh but is that what gets you off the narrative itself no definitely not but i just like i feel like it's wholesome or something i don't know i also just think people they don't need to be married but people who are already in relationship just like i just like that more for some reason it seems more i hate the word authentic that's i'm not going to use that word but it just the real authentic
Starting point is 00:35:41 people it seems more intimate and i don't know i love to watch real authentic people have sex i like to watch them fuck i like to watch them get intimate with one another real authentic fucking that's what i'm into i realized like what i was just saying a minute ago could be kind of like an older thing like i guess in the in the world where like only fans is the thing it's probably not that big of a thing for for people nowadays i guess but in my yeah right but when i was 20 or 21 like you we were still you know we were in the infancy of this. Well, and you were over your praise and worship at your church at the time, so.
Starting point is 00:36:31 By 2021? No, by that time I had definitely become disillusioned with the church. But you're right, I still held on to a lot of that same. That puritanical bullshit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm on another podcast this week. I'm on Season of the Bitch this week, and we talked about
Starting point is 00:36:49 Satanism, and it was just it's, the irony's not lost on me that while you two are doing Sunday service episodes and preaching that I'm doing a Satanism episode. I'll just go ahead and tell you, I'm disappointed in the girls over at season of the bitch for not calling me up for that one i know a lot about
Starting point is 00:37:13 satanism all right well you know where to file your complaints well every time i file one they just fucking don't treat it seriously they said uh trailbillies is their favorite podcast oh god don't try to make it up to me now i don't even want to hear it shit oh all right let's hear another uh wait wait hold on let's explore that for a second is this um oh never mind never mind let's go back to Wait, wait, hold on. Let's explore that for a second. Is this, oh, never mind. Never mind. Let's go back to speak your piece. You want to explore Satanism, Terrence?
Starting point is 00:37:51 Yeah, what's the dichotomy there? What is, so you said the irony's not lost on me. What is the deeper meaning here? I mean, well, I wasn't thinking that far into it, but it just is funny to me that I haven't listened to any of your all Sunday services, so I don't actually know what you do, but I think you do preach. I don't know. Just that you two are the evangelical Christian historians, essentially.
Starting point is 00:38:21 That is true. That is kind of our bead along with Sarah Jones and Scott Denson. That is true kind of our bead along with sarah jones and scott denson that is true yeah and somehow i've gotten tapped for an episode of an hour of talking about satanism and my real only claim to any type of loose expertise on the matter is that I visited the Satanic Temple in Salem and bowed at the Baphomet statue. Right, right. Those are good bona fides. More than I have.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Alright, anyways, sorry. Tom, speak your piece. Hit me, man. I need another one. I got one to close us out on. He's tied off. I'll close this out on. Wait, we got a lot of time left, I think, right? No.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I've only recorded 45 minutes. That's how long our episodes are now, Terrence. You didn't get the memo we sent out? That we're not doing hour and 45 minute episodes anymore? I guess this one probably was probably tailor-made to go out to Terrence the more I'm reading it. In the contest between reality and make believe, reality usually wins. Yeah, you're right. That was a subtweet at me.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Your neighbors wrote that about you. Yeah, yeah. So what you're saying then is now you want to start the actual show now. After doing 45 minutes of speaking fees, let's start the actual show. Here we go, baby. Let's get into a detailed conversation about some political topic we have no fucking understanding of. Yeah, let's talk about something we don't know shit about. I'm of the opinion we know more than we think we know.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Say more about that. Those are non-profits. It's a non-profit. I'm just tired of self-flagellating as an idiot. So you're saying we've got to present ourselves as experts. Professorial. Right. And people will treat us that way.
Starting point is 00:40:32 That's a good mentality. Well, I mean, it's true. It's like if you don't respect yourself, who will? And then in a pinch, you can always go with my classic gambit at a cocktail party. Well, I guess I'm just going to have to see what the Brookings Institute has to say about that. And excuse myself to the gentleman's room. Everyone's like, does he have brain damage? What is wrong with him?
Starting point is 00:41:01 Have you got the palsy, son? Have you got the palsy, son? The more classic way to approach this is to fake it till you make it. Well, yeah, that is the ultimate. That is what we're talking about here, faking it till you make it. The issue with faking it till you make it is you have to have some raw materials in which to fake it with. I don't really have the raw materials. Come on.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Tom, you have a great vocabulary. It's true. And understanding of the Bible. That's true. That's about all I've got going for me. I was telling Terrence the other day, I wish I would have become better versed in a useful text. Yeah. Well, I don't know you said yourself all of the all of the bibles predicted everything
Starting point is 00:41:52 going on right now well even if it has it it is probably the most important book of the last 2 000 years or so for better for worse because of how many people are obsessed with it. Jesus. Literally. Just fucking get over it, okay? Oh, geez. It is pretty... I mean, for as much of a big deal as made about it,
Starting point is 00:42:20 it is kind of mediocre. I mean, look, I'm... I like some of the stories in it just as much as anybody else there's some great stories in it you can't deny that you can't deny some of the great stories it's about 2 000 pages too long in my opinion but that's me my thing on the bible is that if so i was talking to my mom the other, and she was telling me about the book of Revelation. And she said, you know, they didn't have the language for all these airplanes and microchips and everything else going on today. So what they did was they called them dragons and great birds in the sky and other such things like that. And if you look at what's been going on been a lot of plane crashes later
Starting point is 00:43:05 yeah i mean of course the first one happened in september 2001 and then forgotten clearly and then have you noticed there's been this rash of uh coronavirus victory lap plane crashes yeah there have there, there have... There's at least been one. There's two. Those, like, fighter jets that they've been sending around? Yeah. Those are the F-35s. Those crash all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:31 That's like... That's just like... It's Tuesday. One of those is fucking blowing up. Why are they flying those? God damn it. Well, the only thing I can figure is we're a crumbling, failed empire.
Starting point is 00:43:48 But wait, one of them was in... I thought one of them was in Canada. One of them was in Canada. They're not off the hook here. They're a failed empire, too. They never even got started. Where did the other one happen? I think Florida.
Starting point is 00:44:13 That sounds right. Are you talking about the one where just, like, a part fell off of, like, a B-52 or whatever over New Orleans? Terrence, bitch, I might be. Really? Yeah, you didn't see that that was early on in the quarantine that was probably week three I can't I can't look I can't look at the news anymore
Starting point is 00:44:36 it's too daunting my cousin has taken her entire family to Myrtle Beach they're at Myrtle Beach right now wow I just can't level with any of it it's so dark her entire family to Myrtle Beach. They're at Myrtle Beach right now. Wow. I just can't level with any of it. It's just so dark. Well, it went through a few sort of rollercoaster
Starting point is 00:44:51 moments where everything felt really intense and then everything felt really banal and then everything felt really intense and then really banal. It's just kind of gone back and forth like that. But it's intense the whole time. you just can't keep that level of intensity our little our little frail just try me bodies
Starting point is 00:45:12 it results in major anxiety disorders as we see in this specimen thomasxton. I'm fine. I'm fine. I've tried to maintain a certain level of intensity my whole life. I think Tom's doing better at this than I am. I'm telling y'all, I have adopted a stiff upper lip.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Listen, I am wracked with anxiety, but it's usually irrational. But in the pinch, when it comes down to it when that plane's going down and the goddamn band's singing David's song
Starting point is 00:45:50 I'm a rock well look I am kind of like that too man I'm cool like that I'm stoic like that too man you can't deny that I'm like that cause I am I'm at brian's song
Starting point is 00:46:08 that's like david's song you did my bad um did you guys see this tweet i think it was from like the it was from the UN it was yesterday um if you don't know someone's gender or when talking about a group use gender neutral language um they have they put landlord on here and then cross it out and put owner
Starting point is 00:46:37 yeah cause that's general neutral what's landlord landlord's male lord it's got the word lord in it so it's it you'd be you'd be gendering them if you called them a landlord oh god wait wait wait wait wait wait landlords are concerned owners pronouns now, they're owners now. Well, my landlord is a woman, and she calls herself my overlord,
Starting point is 00:47:10 so I could see that. Whereas some people are distancing themselves, yours is leaning into it. Yeah. Interesting. No, overlord still has the lord in it. Tanya Problematic. She chose it herself, okay?
Starting point is 00:47:29 They also have policeman on here. You're supposed to call them police officers? How about pig? Gender neutral. Didn't occur to the UN, I'm afraid. Wait, the UN tweeted this? Yeah, the UN tweeted it. Are you joking? UN, I'm afraid. Wait, the UN tweeted this? Yeah, the UN tweeted it. Are you joking?
Starting point is 00:47:47 No, I'm not. It's on the United Nations from two days ago. I don't believe it. That's what the UN is concerned with right now? Yeah, dog. Tanya, this is serious. It matters. You can't be calling your fucking land...
Starting point is 00:48:03 You can't be misgendering your landlord, you asshole. Dear God. Tonya, I'm disappointed, to be honest with you. Yeah, I'm a little disappointed in myself that you don't take this matter seriously. Well, why don't you both line up and spike me for it, okay? Yeah, in your dreams, lover. Oh, Jesus, man.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Dimms, seeking big ideas. Who are the Dems seeking the big ideas right now? Yeah. Well, the Kentucky Dems backed Charles Booker in an unprecedented step in the right direction. Who fucking knew? That was pretty cool. Right. They turned their back on the highly nationally funded Amy McGrath Marine campaign.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Wow. That is an interesting pivot. It is because Amy McGrath, she obviously has the support of the National Democratic Party and the Kentucky Dems, which I guess that's not new. They try to distance themselves from the Kentucky Dems anyway. They try to, they're basically trying to convince everyone in Kentucky that they're Republicans. But then they supported Charles Booker. It's a shock to me, honestly.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I'm going to have to... What do you think is behind that? Do you think it's some behind-the-scenes thing that we just don't understand? Like maybe they just don't like McGrath's personality or something? I don't know, because Charles Booker is... I mean, he's pretty clear about his stances, and they're all very far left of the Kentucky Democratic Party. Well, I know that he's worked with Angie Hatton before and I knew that they had a relationship,
Starting point is 00:49:52 like, you know, a sort of working relationship. And so I... You think Angie led them all? I think she led the ship, her and... I'm sure a lot of it was Attica Scott. Maybe it was Angie. Angie and Attica led them to glory. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:50:09 Well, it's interesting. Or maybe Amy did something to piss them off. Maybe it's not about Booker at all. Yeah, that's a safe bet. Well, that's what I was thinking. Amy McGrath pissed them off somehow. Told them she didn't need their goddamn help. I think what it is,
Starting point is 00:50:29 it's because he's in the House. And he's only endorsed by state House Democrats. Yeah, he's one of them. But even Matt Jones, when he was on, was telling us, I mean, just an extension of the story he told us about how national Dems pick candidates is just literally based on their ability to raise money. But he said, they literally do not care what you think about anything. They will never ask you your opinion about anything.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Your only. Makes sense. Yeah. your only ticket is money money well the funny thing is the funny thing to me about that is that like uh didn't bernie raise like more than any other yeah unless you're not even good at it unless you're bernie it's pretty funny at it. Unless you're Bernie. It's pretty funny. He raised double what Biden had raised when he had dropped out, hadn't he? Wasn't it like that? Big a landslide? Oh, yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:51:33 He wasn't even close. I mean, maybe Biden made up for it in corporate donations, but even then, a lot of people donated to the Bernie campaign like a fuckload. A lot. And now we're all just pissing in the wind. But you know what? That's cool. I'm just, I'm cool about it. We're all wavy gravy.
Starting point is 00:51:52 We're wavy gravy, baby. We don't give a fuck. We're planting tomatoes. We don't give a goddamn. I kind of, I kind of care. I mean, in the sense that um my takeaway and i've been telling you i've been telling everyone this my takeaway is that we sometimes when as a comedian you read the room wrong well we might have read the room wrong like maybe we just did not understand the
Starting point is 00:52:21 world we are engaging with and that's my takeaway from 2020 we did not adequately understand the world and we have to we got to get back to fundamentals we've got a tanya you're muted i can't hear you tanya if you're trying to speak you're muted yeah got it oh sorry guys i was on mute wow sorry about that uh we still don't understand the world Is all I was trying to chime in and say And we probably never will Tanya I'd say there's a little text That we could read to get us a little perspective
Starting point is 00:52:54 On this I think that there's We can get close to understanding it You're right we'll probably never fully understand it But We can get close Well I'm not reading the bible so kiss my ass i'm a goddamn psychist
Starting point is 00:53:13 that's so funny that that's not even the book we were probably gonna say oh that's the joke okay always fucking up my bits um look the un says that what you say matters what you say police officer it is sorry um what else we got going on this week um i've been oh i have been gardening is the shit gardening is great and you know what I've learned about gardening you know what I've learned through the process of gardening
Starting point is 00:53:52 Taylor's more garson I've learned that things just really want to live you know living things just really want to live and you know, living things just really want to live. And all you got to do is just create the right conditions. Just line up a few of the elements and they're good to go. They're just fucking,
Starting point is 00:54:16 you know, they, they want to grow. You in Kentucky, you cannot stop a cucumber. A cucumber will grow on the side of a building in Kentucky. That's the truth. Both literal and
Starting point is 00:54:28 dongs. Yeah, and dongs. Terrence, did the plants start talking to you a little bit? Did you create the conditions and then they just said hey, thanks, but I got it from here. I got it from here. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Get out of here. Leave us alone. They do need a little bit of water every now and then but it rains so fucking much where we live they're probably gonna drown next week luckily i i've built my garden up high um good drainage system good drainage i have yes um i'm like the man in Good drainage, I have. Yes. I'm like the man in the Bible who built his house on the hilltop. I guess it was made of sand. What is the parable here, Tom? Now, you're like the man that built his house on the rock as opposed to the sand. That's right.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Holy fuck, you all. I hear a whippoorwill loud as fuck outside my window. When's the last time you heard a whippoorwill? One used to live outside of our apartment when I lived with Tom and it used to drive me fucking crazy. I camped for a weekend under a whippoorwill and I almost killed myself. They are that fucking terrible. But I haven't had one in years. Kind of like living in downtown Whitesburg during Christmas time. You have to hear Perry Como
Starting point is 00:55:47 around the clock. Y'all are missing out. Downtown Whitesburg is the shit right now. Because no one's around. It's just been taken over by four-wheelers. I know. Last time I was there, it was all four-wheelers. It's just all four-wheelers. Is it really?
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yeah. Oh my god god everybody's going native people really just are using it as an excuse to just be like i'm trying to buy four wheeler right now i'm having to deal with the fucking worst men alive trying to buy a four wheeler right now on the internet it's terrible they um yeah i can't imagine the people you'd be buying a four-wheeler from are just nice people. Oh, my God. Just fucking dumbass for days. What are they saying to you, Tanya? Well, I asked him how many miles I had on.
Starting point is 00:56:33 He said, I don't know how many miles. Well, does the odometer work? Yeah. Well, how many fucking miles does it have on? Have you known on the motherfucker? Go read the number. And then, listen, this recent recent one the one i'm trying to deal with right now is impactful and he keeps telling me it runs everything's great with it
Starting point is 00:56:50 except it needs a paint job have you ever heard of anybody painting a four-wheeler have you ever heard of i said what do you mean it needs a paint job he said it just needs a paint job i was like well what's that what's the issue i mean is it covered in graffiti have you like what do you mean it's plastic my man i've never heard of anybody paint a four-wheeler except for doing some fucking dumb camo leaf shit to it i've got to agree with you there so i just can't get it out of it because the pictures it's it's just regular plain white four-wheeler. Honda Four Trax. Anyway, if I go look at it, I'll let y'all know. That's, uh... It needs a paint job.
Starting point is 00:57:35 What the fuck do you mean? What do you mean it needs a paint job? It's a four-wheeler. Well, if you get it, write it down in the town i will absolutely write it downtown that's first place oh shit it's um it's been taken over by the four-wheelers and atvs they're flying the whitesburg flag half mass because poor one out one of the Whitesburg City workers passed. Fuck, really? Yeah. From COVID?
Starting point is 00:58:07 No. No, Lanny Day, who was, I talked about him a little bit on the last show. He was, I used to work with him. Oh. For a long time. Yeah, he built those fountains out in front of the city hall, and that was his last gift to us. Literally, that's the last. He built those fountains and then died like a week later two weeks later jesus isn't that crazy there's lead in the water terrence i don't know what to tell you um and then the city the fire department has new letters
Starting point is 00:58:36 that ended up being on the cover of the paper that looks so fucking tight at night. It's tight. It looks badass. That reminds me of Sarah's Black Lives Matter sign. Wait, what about it? Just the way it lights up downtown at night. Lit up in downtown at night. Oh, my God. What a blast from a dark past. I was trying to explain that story to someone recently and the layers are so fucking funny because it's unbelievable that how that all played out
Starting point is 00:59:11 oh my god i thought i have not fully unpacked it more than five years later it's one of the funniest things to ever happen to me in my life truly because that, like an hour after she did that, that shooting happened in Dallas. Yeah. It was very... At the BLM rally. Just fucking mania. Absolute mania. Remember when somebody dropped Cop Lives Rule or something like that? It was like an early...
Starting point is 00:59:38 Like they did a banner dropping. Off the bridge. It was in response to that. It reminds me of a lot of the weird fucking like what does it take to move people to action truly what does it take because right now you're seeing a lot of memes that are like you know people holding up signs about how flint michigan hasn't had water in 10 fucking years clean water in 10 years and then signs that say i need a haircut it's just like what what really moves people to action it is pretty fascinating to think about um and like of all the bullshit that you could be mad
Starting point is 01:00:15 about in whitesburg there was never any banner drops off of that bridge which is a very easy action to make easiest banner drop come on i I've fucking climbed buildings on UK's campus to drop banners. Easy dropping off that bridge at Overpass. Easy peasy. And what moved them to do it was a Black Lives Matter sign in somebody's personal window. little window it was pretty um it is it is always fascinating when the right wing like thinks that they're gonna do a little bit of direct action you know like non-violent direct action that is very weird to me that they're like we've got to make a stand here we've got to take a stand it's so fucking Go ahead, Ty. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:01:05 No, you go ahead. No, no, no, no. You go ahead. Well, I was going to ask if that little militia outfit in Michigan was managed to take over the Capitol. Oh, I think they called off the legislative assembly for that day. They wound up not even coming in because they thought it was going to be too insane. Since the Supreme Court wouldn't ban weapons
Starting point is 01:01:30 from the prison. But I haven't checked it. You know, I haven't looked into it again since then. The only news I've seen about Michigan is the last few days is this goddamn dam that fucking blew open oh fuck to the drug dealers who are still selling their dope during this coronavirus pandemic that's gonna sound like a clean cut don't you fear anything not even god you still sell your drugs and you make families miserable while you're
Starting point is 01:02:06 sucking them dry like a vampire jesus people do their drugs now more than ever i wish somebody would suck me dry for selling drugs all you want is the almighty dollar you don't care not one thing about the person you sell to or the families you destroy it's all about your ill-gotten gains you think money's everything don't you you're either too sorry to work or too sorry to live within your means and don't tell me your family members don't know what's going on they do you need to think about this and what's going on you don't fear anything but looks like you would fear god that's a twist at the end i don't really understand that's where they were going with that but hey you just suck them dry like a vampire
Starting point is 01:02:57 wow all you gotta do is sell drugs to families to get sucked dry like a vampire. Solid text. Take notes, kids. Take notes, teens. If you want to get sucked dry like a vampire, sell drugs to the community. That's the secret sauce. Oh my god. Damn.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Alright, Anything else? I mean, do we need to make up time that we spent trying to hook back up the Zoom? Time doesn't matter, Terrence. Time is canceled. I mean, do you guys want to talk about Mount St. Helens exploding for like the next 30 minutes? What? Did it happen again? Did that happen?
Starting point is 01:03:44 No, it's just the 40-year anniversary did it happen again did that happen no it's just the 40 year anniversary of it oh is that what we're doing now it blew this week yes we're on the anniversary circuit all right well the thing that caught my eye was that someone had posted on twitter about it that was like i guess it was kind of a similar situation to the coronavirus in some ways because the governor closed down all that area and wouldn't let people up to it and so right-wingers started protesting with guns and stuff to be allowed to go up there i want lava to fucking fucking burn my balls off god damn it and you're not gonna stop me and some people wound up going up there and they in the fucking blue um and took them out with it it killed like 57 people it killed this
Starting point is 01:04:37 guy named harry truman who sounded like a total fucking asshole wait wait a second harry truman the harry truman all right didn't harry truman actually have something to do with mount st helens i mean he didn't truman did truman did mount st helens no it was um it was he was a resident of the u.s state of washington who lived near mount st helens It was... evacuation orders. Truman is presumed to have been killed by a pyroclastic flow that overtook his lodge and buried his site under 150 feet of volcanic debris. What if he was like the guy at, what's the place in Italy? Mount Vesuvius? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Remember the guy that got immortalized is jacking off and he's just frozen? What if Harry Truman was like that too well i don't think he he was ever found it says it is likely that he died of heat shock in less than a second too quickly to register pain before his body was vaporized i just think it's just what they say. I think that's just what they say. That's just what they say. That's what they tell the family. They just say that. That's not even a real thing, heat shock. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:06:13 Heat shock. Heat shock. He went into shock before it even hit him. It was just so scary he died just from looking at it coming his way. No, heat shock is a real thing. It's a cellular response that increases the number of molecular chaperones to combat the negative effects on proteins caused by stressors such as increased temperatures. Grow up, you ass. Prove it.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Prove it. He sounds like an asshole, though. He was a piece of shit. He would illegally fish on like native land like reservation lands and stuff he was a fucking asshole god it was just like like the og fucking crotchety conservative yeah and he just refused to do what the I'll do what I want guy. Pretty much, yeah. Literally. He just thought, like, he had a very, yeah, he had a very, I guess the Wokey Mons would call this settler colonial mindset. He had a very settler colonial mindset, my friends.
Starting point is 01:07:20 The Wokey Mons? All the way to the grave. All the way to the grave. All the way to the grave. What's that movie? Was it Dante's Peak? It was about the volcano. Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, that's a good one.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Dante's Peak. I never saw it. Speaking of of movies do either of you have an HBO hookup to share with me I don't know yeah I do bitch I
Starting point is 01:07:58 yes I can share it with you a generous Tribblies fan gave me I can share it with you. A generous Tribblies fan gave me their cable login like a year ago that I've been using, but I guess they don't have HBO. That's Tanya's way of saying
Starting point is 01:08:20 improve your package. Upgrade! Can I get an upgrade? Very generous of you to tell her she's going to go home tonight and find that her login doesn't work anymore.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Please don't change the password on me. But please do upgrade to HBO. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. incredible absolutely incredible wait i'm trying to find this guy who died in this explosion was it this guy this guy i found the story this guy who died in the explosion who had a camera with him and right as it was exploding he took a fuckload of pictures and then threw his body over the camera and like allowed himself to be sort of like fossilized over the camera or whatever i don't know you need to put
Starting point is 01:09:16 this back in the pop and make this a profiles encourage well i will if you just if you guys just hum a few bars For like 10 seconds I can find it The thing is I'm typing with one hand And podcasting with the other hand Don't you masturbate? You know I don't fucking multitask Well
Starting point is 01:09:36 Switch hands Okay hold on Are you holding your mic with your dominant hand? I'm holding my mic with my left hand. And I'm typing with my right hand. Tom. Yeah. Give me a little background music.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Man, I'm sorry. I'm racing against the clock here as my phone's dying. Oh. I was trying to kind of tone it down. Fair enough. You were ready of tall it down. Fair enough. You were ready to close it down and I was keeping it going because I'm lonely and want to hang out with my friends
Starting point is 01:10:11 who I miss so much. Aww. Okay. Alright. I guess we will go. Guys, what do you you say Till we meet again Yeehaw Alright well I guess we'll see you next time
Starting point is 01:10:33 If you want to go to the Patreon and support us There's content there Every Sunday P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com Slash Trailbilly Workers Party Please do I hear the content there is Piping hot slash trailbillyworkersparty. Please do.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I hear the content there is piping hot. I hear it's good as fuck. Uncensored trailbillies. Nothing to say. Tom, you got anything you want to say? We might have lost him. Did we lose Tom? Years ago. we might have lost him did we lose tom years ago all right well fair enough well we'll see you next time folks thanks for listening bye

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