Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 155: Neowise County Comet

Episode Date: July 17, 2020

A blood omen in the night sky during a time of pandemic. Except make it boring Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 dude i don't think i've completed a single task in like three months with the exception of my taxes and i waited to the last minute to do that and um once i finished them i felt such a profound sense of productivity and it was unreal it was like i know i'm just dumping what little a little bit of my money into fucking our imperial adventures but yeah good i'm gonna hit record here so we can i'm i'm recording anyway so okay um no i it was the first thing that i've actually accomplished in months it was the first thing that i'd actually followed through to its end does that make sense like started and actually finished it i've probably started like a dozen different books in the last month and a half and i can't finish any of them i cannot focus on anything like and it's the same thing with writing i i mean i guess everybody's probably experiencing this to some extent but it just feels like i can't focus on anything and i think
Starting point is 00:01:20 the reason why is because it's like what's the point like what even is i'm having an existential crisis i think i let me ask you a question is there any connection between that and wanting to go look at this comet tonight i think there is yes you know how rare it is to get to watch a flaming rock fly past you? Every 6,800 years, man. Exactly. You get to be, it's kind of like an eclipse in some ways. It's like in the grand stretch of time, millions and billions of years, like you live maybe 80 fucking years i mean it is just it's really comical the develops me the developments we've made the insights we've had into the
Starting point is 00:02:14 universe the intellectual analytical progress in these bodies that last a fucking, just a blink of an eye. Truly a vapor on the water. Truly, truly. And to be present when something that comes by just, you know, rare, just so rarely. There's something profound in that. And I guess this is why people base religions and even death cults off of the idea well i guess the only difference between the two is which one gains mainstream acceptance first i'll be honest if heaven's gate would have came around in 2020 as instead of 1997
Starting point is 00:03:02 we might have been looking at them and remembering them a little more charitably. Yeah. Honestly, I wonder what's going on out there in the alternative religion community, we'll say. I think they don't like to hear the word cult anymore. Well, think about this, Tom. I didn't even think about this. The comet NEOWISE, this is the one that's currently flying over the earth
Starting point is 00:03:27 and it's a near parabolic orbit around the earth and you can see it with the naked eye right now currently but it was discovered so this comet coming tonight you can see it through the naked eye yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:03:43 it depends on where you're at in the world um okay you can't see it everywhere obviously um but it was discovered on march 27th 2020 now think about this think about this this comet really almost perfectly aligns with the coronavirus. It appeared at the very beginning of the pandemic, and now it's raging through the night sky as the virus is at its very worst. So far. It'll probably get even worse. But these are the signs and omens, my friend, that were foretold. Signs and wonders, that's foretold.
Starting point is 00:04:23 They were foretold. Well, let me ask you a question the more we get into this thing the more it feels and i don't know maybe this is some sort of folly and somebody with a better grasp of historical materialism and and anything else can can you know correct me on this or rather point me in the right direction on how to feel about this but doesn't it feel like there's something more
Starting point is 00:04:54 cosmically doesn't it feel like there's some fingerprints on these going ons or I mean yeah I get it I know somebody's going to chime in from the peanut gallery and say it's fucking it's capitalism man yeah i know that okay that's it's the whole point that's why we're here okay that's why we clock in twice a week i get that but is there something more
Starting point is 00:05:19 i don't know sinister going on in this? You know what I mean? Like, is there true malevolence in this? You know what I mean? I think so. And I think the interesting thing about it is that you have, for the first time in a long time, the first time in a long time that american leaders are openly um both admitting to and quite frankly cheering on the deaths of other americans um i feel like this hasn't happened in a long time in american sort of like public common uh mainstream consciousness probably in the 1860s
Starting point is 00:06:10 for a little bit usually it's behind dog whistles and all the other things right right but now we have something very real a virus pandemic and people dying in connection with it and you have leaders just openly saying yes for the first time that's okay it's all right it's just the cost of doing business that's exactly here here is the thing it's something i've said for a while but it's like and i listen i'm not trying to get on some like sam, blame the Christians, blame religion kind of stuff. Because we get it, Sam. God's for dummies. Fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:06:51 But it is interesting to me that I see church people whose worldview is centered on this idea that every life's valuable. I mean, they even say it in their dog whistles, right? All lives matter and whatever. But you have people that have basically said that, well, I see this. And when I say this, trust me, I understand wanting to squeeze any little bit of happiness you can get out of this existence.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I get that. But I think it's interesting that people that have staked their worldview on this idea that they should sacrifice any temporal pleasures to play the long game of eternity who also can't quit going to the beach right now because they're going to live their life.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And like, if you're going to die, you're going to die. What can you do? If it's your time to go, it's your time to go. And like, those two things are just so wholly incompatible to me. You know what I'm saying? And then when you take going to die what can you do if it's your time to go it's your time to go and like those two things are just so wholly incompatible to me you know what i'm saying and then when you take it to to to looking at what's going on and at the level of the country it's like man we used to say shit around 9-11 you know not one american life if one american life is gone that's worth going and bombing the ever-loving fuck out of, you know, Afghanistan or Yemen or wherever, you know. But now it's like, our tune is like, well, you know, thousands are going to die.
Starting point is 00:08:17 That's true, you know. But, like, we can't stop living, you know. We can't. The virus will not, you know, it will, if we give in to it, it's just not going to, you know, respect our resolve. And that's just going to cause a whole host of other problems. And it's going to look bad for us. Well, listen to this. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:08:41 There's an article going around in the New Yorkork times that everybody needs to read i thought it was very fascinating um it's why we're losing the battle with covet 19 the escalating crisis in texas shows how the chronic underfunding of public health has put america on track for the worst coronavirus response in the developed world and in it it talks about this is it's very fascinating essentially it's about how we've just yeah stripped the public health services in this system for parts over the last couple decades and how every once in a while the public health system gets a injection of cash and it's always in response to when there's like a new bioterrorism scare. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:27 The only... Think of it, anthrax. Yeah, anthrax and shit like that. The first SARS. Do you remember when they were pumping all that money into Cipro? Yeah. Phloxin? Yeah. Like the antibiotic that treated anthrax?
Starting point is 00:09:38 Because like fucking Tom Ridge got some white powder meld to his eye? Yeah. Well, these systems just like I said they get an injection every time there's like a bioterrorism scare. But mostly yeah they're completely
Starting point is 00:09:55 hollowed out. But it was pretty fascinating because the article also talks about Greg Abbott. He's the governor of Texas. His response to everything. And here are just a few things that he did. He outlawed local municipalities from mandating masks. Just a classic one, you know, like one that you've seen a lot around here in these days.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I mean, like, just literally saying, if you want to save your constituents, you can't. I'm sorry. You will not. That's literally what he's telling them, right? Right. He's telling them we want people to die, essentially. He accelerated the timeline for reopening the state
Starting point is 00:10:44 when a Dallas-based hairstylist was sentenced to a week in jail for opening her salon in defiance of his shutdown, of his own shutdown. So he caved, basically, when someone who cuts hair got pissed about having to close down. Which, again, I totally understand that that makes sense. But this is all wrapped up in the larger failure of not paying people to stay home and not shut down and all this. And then he, I'm trying to find this one.
Starting point is 00:11:18 The Texas Health and Safety Code gives the local public health authorities power to act in times of crisis to protect the community. But in May, Abbott suspended those powers so that leaders like, you know, the public or the county judge in Houston could not issue any rules that were stricter than those he issued. Dude, he suspended the health and safety code during a pandemic so that the local authorities could not respond to the pandemic now tell me if that kind of behavior is out in the public uh affecting people being talked about well known and you see a comet arcing through the sky something that passes by the earth in 65,000
Starting point is 00:12:18 years tell me would you not come up with some kind of divine explanation for why those people who are literal demons, I mean, there's no better definition for them. They delight in suffering and blood and carnage. They want death. They crave it with every fiber of their being would not you come up with some kind of i don't know well thought out corpus of understanding for why those people persist running the world and nothing bad ever happens to them. And meanwhile, people die every day. Wouldn't you think it's a little connected, like I said, to the frozen rock passing through the heavens at the moment? Yeah, I would think there was some sort of correlation between the two things.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Absolutely. Well, it's funny, because I was thinking about that episode we do with Anna Merlin. I guess that's, God, it's probably been what, a year and a half ago now. And it's interesting how like people, like the stories we tell ourselves
Starting point is 00:13:37 to make sense of our own like sort of finite existences. And like sometimes it's rooted in some like crazy like not not crazy i shouldn't say that it's like rooted in real pain and real experience like the you know it's just like we've talked about with like you know conspiracies and all that stuff the general contours of them are absolutely correct and rooted but it's just like you know it's not like lizard people or whatever it is
Starting point is 00:14:08 or any other like sort of like weird protocols of the elders of Zion thing you know sometimes it's just like real flesh and blood not doing this one another my question is though, is like, why?
Starting point is 00:14:28 Like with sociopathy, for example, like the idea that certain people, you know, granted a small percentage of the population, but can be born, or not even born, or maybe born,
Starting point is 00:14:44 or even develop a personality disorder to the point where they're incapable of feeling remorse. Right. I mean, that has to come from
Starting point is 00:14:59 some sort of like little imp that lives in the fires in the middle of the earth. Like, what's going on i don't know man i really don't know i mean if i knew i wouldn't have a podcast i'd be running a cult if i had the answer for why there are bad people and why they continue i mean obviously it's capitalism right but then you walk it back
Starting point is 00:15:25 farther and you're like well where does it capitalism has to operate on some kind of uh you know it i don't know it has to operate on some kind of logic that predates the modern world and if so how far back does it go i mean is it is it is it all just the like centuries-long chain effect of someone 10 000 years ago saying no this is mine you can't have what i have in fact you have to uh labor for me man maybe that's the bargain that was made long ago in exchange for our sentience.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And for our... Maybe the trade-off is when our brains are capable of grasping things to that magnitude. Maybe the trade-off is that certain brains are also programmed to just destruct and destroy. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I want to trade it back. Sentience is not worth it. I look at my cats. I'm like, that's the sweet spot on the intelligence sort of spectrum of development. That's the sweet spot. Perhaps pointing to a creature that literally has one purpose, and that's to kill small woodland creatures. Maybe not the best example, but I know what you're going for there.
Starting point is 00:16:58 All right, my bad. Dolphins, octopuses. That's the sweet spot, seems like to me. Yeah. I don't know, man man but i will say this neo comet neo wise it's going to be brighter than hell hell helly bop helly bop my question was how did marshall lapwatt and the and the boys and gals think they were going to catch the tail of that thing. I mean, I know, like, the whole, like, suicide group, suicide thing was, like, you know, like, how they thought they were going to do it.
Starting point is 00:17:34 But, like, there's just some, like, logistical quandaries there, if you think about it. The thing is, it makes total sense. I mean. You don't see anything wrong with that. I'm abandoning all analytical frameworks, all dogmas. It's all back to neutral, baby. We're starting fresh. We're wiping the slate clean.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm with you. there is an interesting thing uh hold on a second let me look it up real quick the the tail is blue and made of get i'll give stats on comet neowise while you look this up the tail is blue and made of gas and ions wouldn't you love to have a tail made of gas and ions? There's also a red separation in the tail caused by high amounts of sodium. The second tail is a golden color. Hey, I'm there, man. I understand. I have high amounts of sodium in me.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Sodium getting hypertension. Not fun. And a red separation. The second tail is a golden color and is made of dust like the tail of comet hail bop this combination resembles comet pan stars the comet is brighter than pan stars but not as bright as hail bop was in 1997 um according to british astronomical association the comet brightened from a magnitude of about 8 at the beginning of June to negative 2 in early July. The motherfucker is getting worse like the virus is.
Starting point is 00:19:12 It's passing over us and through us, everybody. Say it with me. Over us and through us. Over us and through us. Over us and through us. You know, there's an interesting thing that came out of the Heaven's Gate story. And it created a fashion for a shoe called the Nike Air Decade. Or the Nike Decade.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Uh-huh. Just a normal, like, kind of dad shoe. Just like a pretty sort of standard-looking running shoe. But if you get on eBay right now and go just type in Nike Decade, like the cheapest, like, new pair or dead stock, as they call it in the sneakerhead community, they're going for $4,000, $5,000. The cheapest used pair is like 800 oh my god you're right i'm looking it up right now jesus christ that's incredible but it's kind of interesting that like just a normal basic ass like not even special running shoe that wasn't even remarkable in its time out on the market is now like this like weird collector's item i think it has to do with frank ocean wore them
Starting point is 00:20:31 in a music video more than anything but i mean it is kind of interesting that something that culturally significant i mean like if you were to ask me, I grew up in the 90s, so I wasn't fully aware of the entire thing. But, like, what were some of the cultural icons of the 90s? It's like the OJ thing, Haley Bopp. Like, you think of those sneakers. I mean, it's pretty fascinating that they are now a sort of fashion icon it's so weird man but i remember i remember i'll never forget i was watching wwf monday night raw and they would break to do like the little news briefings or whatever
Starting point is 00:21:19 and i just remember i was up you know and it was like probably 10 o'clock at night or something or whatever. And I just remember being so creeped out by these images of like these black Nikes sticking out from under these purple sheets. And I was like, God, man, what causes like the 90s was like the golden age of like death cults. Yeah, it was the last death definitely. Well, I think it was like the last gasp in some ways yeah i guess they kind of went out of fashion now basically what you're left with is like jared leto's nexium thing right is jared little nexium um no he was not uh the actress from Roswell was. From Roswell. Or Smallville, wasn't it? Or. No, I think it was Roswell.
Starting point is 00:22:10 But maybe Smallville too. There was a lot of actresses in it, so. Yeah. Who knows? That wasn't a death cult. That was a sex cult. That was a sex cult. Different thing. Totally different thing.
Starting point is 00:22:19 9-11 flipped our sort of like libidinal polarization. And so we went from death cults to sex cults. Wanting to die just to want to like bone it down. Something about seeing those massive phallic objects getting destroyed made us be like, fuck it, man. Why are we doing the death cult thing? Let's fuck. I think about this, man.
Starting point is 00:22:42 We collectively went through a moment. Y2K is not talked about enough, man. We collectively went through a moment at Y2K. Y2K is not talked about enough, I don't think. But we've faced down shit. We've faced down... We've had our own annihilation as a people sort of several times just in our short, brief existence,
Starting point is 00:22:59 if you think about it. Uh-huh, yeah. You know? And I think... I was hearing somebody talk about or something maybe it was somebody that listens to the show had messaged me after we had kind of briefly mentioned it but y2k should have been like a much bigger deal than it was yeah like y2k was not much to do about nothing y2k was actually we avoided crisis just because like we got out in front of it by
Starting point is 00:23:27 five six years i remember being in elementary school and read about y2k and being just so hopeless and so scared and everything fucking scared you as a kid in the 90s was that the first thing you were blackpilled about probably but i mean i just you know it's like satan came back into the public consciousness there was like all this like y2k shit didn't help that my mom loved these fucking apocalyptic tv preachers yeah i mean that's no goddamn wonder i turned out how it turned out fucking afraid to goddamn do anything um well on july 13 2020, a sodium tail was confirmed by the Planetary Science Institute's input-output facility. Sodium tails have only been observed in very bright comets like Hale-Bopp and Sun Grazer C2012S1 Ison. There's one called Ison.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Uh, coal camp. The name of a little coal town in eastern Kentucky. God, now that's the last thing we need is people to cling on to that one. See, I told you. Comet UZ. Man,
Starting point is 00:24:43 it would, I mean, we've said it before, but it would be the wildest goddamn thing if jesus just came back and we were just like fuck bro you know as well as i do that if jesus came back they'd kill him tomorrow bro yeah damn man god damn it nah but really anyway what else is going on in the world well to
Starting point is 00:25:13 follow this thought to it's logical conclusion and then we can move on cause it's what I'm doing these days I'm doing my taxes and I'm trying to follow thoughts all the way through to their very end what I'm doing these days. I'm doing my taxes and I'm trying to follow thoughts all the way through to their very end. Okay, I'm sorry. There's weird things afoot.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And when a comet circles, a comet brighter than one of the most culturally and historically significant comets in our collective conscience one brighter than that at a time of mass death and suffering it doesn't indicate that there's some larger metaphysical forces
Starting point is 00:26:00 at work or that there's some malevolent evil at work that will never be able to influence or or get under our control all it indicates is that a large ball of rock is orbiting the planet and uh the only hope you can take away is uh that the universe is really maybe it hits us yes maybe it hits us and maybe it delivers us all from this stupid fucking bullshit man man you know it's probably one to have Ken Lane back on about
Starting point is 00:26:47 but like you know if we can't trust our government to do yeah I was talking with my cousin I'm sorry I don't mean to I know you're trying to finish thoughts no no please that's just not my thing right yet
Starting point is 00:27:03 I was talking with my cousin and you know he was talking about like oh man well now No, no, please, please. That's just not my thing right yet. I was talking to my cousin, and, you know, he was talking about, like, oh, man, well, now's the time to buy AstraZeneca or whatever, other, like, pharmaceutical companies or whatever. Yeah. Which is a whole different thing. I can't engage right now. It's just so incredible. That's what you're taking out of this a stock tip yeah people see sickness like yes fuck yeah we are incapable
Starting point is 00:27:37 of even coming to a consensus on like wearing masks as an efficacious like sort of method for like controlling this thing right like dude we're probably going to be like the the vaccine will probably be available early next year but we'll probably be fucking 2023 getting it like how can you expect a government this incompetent to like they bought totally botched this was totally caught flat-footed on this and not because they didn't know that it could happen or wasn't a possibility to actually like distribute this vaccine they're going to do like some well it's we're going to make it affordable that motherfucker will be six thousand dollars you know what i'm saying like
Starting point is 00:28:22 we're all going to go into debt getting the goddamn covid vaccine yeah I mean it's making everything literally worse I mean do you remember back in March when people were like this is the thing this is finally gonna be the thing that pushes you know like initiates some kind of crisis process you know like we have a revolution things get better and it's like oh actually never underestimate the idea that there are no absolutes in human misery i don't want to be blackpilled by listen i listen i ain't trying to go there i have plenty of sources of hope these days i'm taking up knitting but but i just have, I just, it's, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:29:12 It's so, it's so, I feel fucking crazy. Well. Worse than I ever have felt. Well, yeah, me too, for sure. It's pretty tight. But here's the thing. Is that it's not really, and I think this is usually what helps me, but it's like, I'm reading this New York Times thing.
Starting point is 00:29:42 It's like, it just made me realize, like, you can get so far up shit creek before you realize you don't have a paddle and how this is an amazing lesson for life we've all done it we've all seen other people do it but now we're doing it as a society yeah um but reading that new york times thing about like why this is you know why it's so bad in states like texas and florida specifically texas it's like it doesn't matter if we had a president or even an obama president because what this means is it's such a larger systemic cultural and political failure that it it can't even be chalked up to one person or one administration
Starting point is 00:30:34 and we don't even have a consensus on what the common good is you know what i mean like nobody like there are people that you know what i mean like nobody like there are people that otherwise intelligent people will tell you that like you know maybe this person deserves to die like which is a particularly strange posture for such a death defying culture right well we spend all this fucking money on self-improvement and like fucking anti-aging elixirs and you know the cosmetics and everything else and all just to like to look good marching to the gristmill well i will say that it is important to look good marching to the gristmill i don't disagree um you don't want to look bad you only you only march to the gristmill once in life and you don't want to look bad doing it there that is better
Starting point is 00:31:32 have a good fit too you know so i understand that um but uh i think what you're trying to say is that when you read in school about the Nazis or slavery or any bad thing they tell you about in school, you sort of think like, those people those were some bad people they were sociopaths like they did bad things but times like now make you realize that like those people are always with us and they're always able to be activated to do bad when there's no good in the world no good none and so uh you kind of just like it reveals the lie at the heart of america which is that like we are fundamentally good people like we know it's we're not and all the victims and um people who have been on the
Starting point is 00:32:46 receiving end of our fucking terror worldwide and here going back i've known this for some time have known this for some time yeah um but i guess if that if you can take away anything from that it's that like there is something at the heart of american america that is just as dark as any other and and i'm preaching to the choir people actually i'm so much preaching to the choir that the choir would probably be saying like you're underselling it a bit like um but it's like can't be overstated yeah how bad are. But what is so bad about it in this current moment, and this is the thing that has really been fucking with me all week, is that some people who need to hear this message
Starting point is 00:33:35 won't hear this message ever. It'll never even cross their mental plane. And this is connecting it to what we were talking about before we started recording. This is kind of how I was feeling with the chronic Lyme thing. So before we... I was waiting to see how you were going to thread this. I'm here for it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:59 All right. So the WNBA MVP, Alina Deladon, requested to have a medical opt-out from the WNBA MVP Alina Deladon requested to have a medical opt-out from the WNBA season this year. Because she claims she has chronic Lyme that puts her at vulnerability to COVID. Is that correct, Tom? You know more about this than I do. I think that's my understanding of it, yeah. But she, like, in the article I read, talks about speaking with her Lyme doctor. And this is a
Starting point is 00:34:35 thing. There are Lyme doctors. They're called Lyme literate doctors, I think is what it is. LLD. That's what people in the chronic Lyme community refer to as LLD. Which are... What are they? Like your modern day, like, fucking
Starting point is 00:34:51 plague doctors? No, they're like... There's a word for it. Like naturopathics? Natural, like homeopathy? Yeah, like naturopathics and stuff. Is that what they're called? Dr. Sebi, that kind of shit? People who prescribe you herbs, essentially. Or ozone treatments.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah. Get a good ozone treatment. But a lot of them don't even have to be... They can get some kind of certified that's not even... I don't even know what the fucking term for it is. And I'm sure people listening to this know exactly what i'm talking about um but you can get certified to be a sort of naturopathic doctor in a state like washington and present yourself basically as a doctor but you can't prescribe like opioids or amphetamines or anything like that so on the surface of it you look like a
Starting point is 00:35:42 doctor you're actually taking advantage of people, but, you know, that is, people still have to call you a doctor. Anyways, what I've been thinking about with all this is that because we live in the world where there are a million different realities, really more like 350 million, really more like 7 billion different realities.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Because we live in that world, you can find anyone to tell you anything to verify your interpretation of the world. And now, you could say that it's always been this way. Because of course it has. It's always been this way. Jesus wouldn't be Jesus without his disciples, etc. Right. But now, that sort of basic schematic format has been reversed. If Jesus were alive today, he would have his own team of, like, therapists and Lyme,
Starting point is 00:36:47 Lyme literate doctors and et cetera. People no longer have disciples. They have, uh, you know, a team, a team because no one wants to listen to anybody else these days. They only want to listen to it if it's a podcast or something that makes them laugh or something,
Starting point is 00:37:01 but nobody actually wants to be told what to think anymore. There's no i mean some some people could say that's good some people could say that's bad maybe if you're more of a sort of like libertarian mindset you would say that that's good i kind of think it's bad because in times of crisis some people need to be told what to do some people need to be told what to do. Right? Yeah. Well, I mean, it's also what you do is sort of
Starting point is 00:37:28 contingent on what happens to everybody else. Yes. Right, right, right. Repeat that. No, I just like, you know, what you do, the reason that it's important
Starting point is 00:37:39 that you sort of like, you know, sort of abandon this individuality that's been pumped into your whole life. Uh-huh life as if you had some sort of choice in the matter and you are flowing from within. You're not. It's just it really is the libertarian dream, man. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:38:07 So I had posted something about, you know, this story that broke this week about the Trump administration. It's no longer letting the CDC like keep tally of like the coronavirus stuff. They've he's charged his administration to do that, for example. And I just posted made a little joke about it. Just, you know, something dumb, like, you know, totally normal country or, you know, whatever Twitter cliche I came up with or didn't come up with. And this guy I went to high school with, I'd probably loosely consider him a friend now, I guess, because the last time I seen him, I was with him. And I wasn't doing the gas huffing, but he was huffing gas out of a 2004 Toyota Tacoma in front of the Sycamore Hotel in Williamson, West Virginia. He was telling me how that I was believing a hoax because he works in a lab at a hospital in eastern Kentucky. in eastern kentucky and that he sees that like he said never before in human history have we seen a virus that has produces this many asymptomatic people and that the tests have a
Starting point is 00:39:12 up to 20 something percent false positive thing and you know he's like and i work in a lab and i see this you know what i mean and it's like well I mean if you were working in a lab in say Orlando Florida would you be having the same experience you know was my first thought but it's weird that like this is even getting institutionalized like the people that are in charge of like reading
Starting point is 00:39:40 your test results believe you know that coronavirus is just i don't know and what if it is man what if coronavirus is our collective chronic line dude the thought has occurred to me i mean it would you'd have to be crazy for it to not occur to you like again how do you know what to believe in you don't you have no idea what to believe in if no one is telling those stories like what are you supposed to latch on to you just watch i guess you watch comets and you try to develop some sort of i I don't know, elaborate mythology out of the world.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Well, man, I mean, the phrase epistemological crisis has been thrown around too much. But it is truly the most dangerous situation we could find ourselves in, in terms of like, it is the perfect antidote to collective action. Because it's like, it's almost a Tower of Babel situation. Yeah. Honestly. It's so weird. It's so, but you know, it's like nothing that, nothing anybody believes about the world is live in a country where probably the third biggest medical discipline, the founder of this discipline, had the precepts and techniques transcribed to him from a ghost? You know, we are sort of a Potemkin Village nation. We are sort of a cargo cult, pseudo-scientific, whatever you want to call it. Just like we're...
Starting point is 00:41:41 I don't even know, man. I don't even know. It's disturbing to even think about. Yeah. Well, sorry I brought us down this road. It doesn't seem like... No, no, no, no, no, no. It seems like you...
Starting point is 00:41:56 There's another thing I... Do what? Go for it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, I was just apologizing. I'm sorry. It feels like this was not a road we should have gone down and i apologize
Starting point is 00:42:06 well man listen that's a it's something we had to because i've been thinking about the website message a lot lately just because it pops up on twitter from time to time but it's like we almost knew that like this was a possibility a possible ending and nothing good is here yeah turn away and I'm just you know what else does it say
Starting point is 00:42:35 however it goes like somebody at some point knew that a distinct possibility is that we destroy ourselves. You know? I mean, that's always a possible ending. And it seems like that is what's on the menu currently.
Starting point is 00:42:58 We cannot release this to the public. Man, this is grim. Maybe even massage this part a little bit. Oh, fuck. What do you want to do? Do you want me to read more about comets? Let me see what the people of Wattsburg, Kentucky are saying. Why don't you tell us what the masses are saying?
Starting point is 00:43:21 Because I think we might have hit a wall, my friend. Comet Ison is a sun-grazing comet discovered on 21st of September, 2012, by Vitaly Nevsky. Oh, shit. I think Comet ISIN is no longer with us. It disintegrated. Sorry to tell you that everybody. August 2nd. On 2nd of December 2013.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I'm sorry. It was announced that Comet ISIN had fully disintegrated. Sorry. 2013. I'm sorry. It was announced that Comet ISON had fully disintegrated. Sorry if that was your favorite comet. There's quite a few other ones, but I will say that NEOWISE, great name for a comet,
Starting point is 00:44:19 you can now view it over your night sky. That's right, everybody. It's free entertainment. It's a free entertainment, a free source of entertainment if you don't want to go to the movies.
Starting point is 00:44:37 You can look up in the night sky. You got any speaker pieces for us, Tom? The inmates are now officially running the asylum when it comes to four-wheelers and side-by-sides and the other ATVs that are out on our county and state roads. I've actually seen police cruisers, both county and state, completely ignore these unlicensed vehicles that are slowing down our traffic and creating danger for those of us who actually pay license fees to drive on our roads i have seen the police here in letcher county nor four wheelers that are being driven on highways 119 and 15 and other roads by kids who are obviously younger than 12 how's this been allowed to happen well there's a number of reasons for that buddy i refer to uh chiropractic hillbop comet uh y2k can anyone explain to me why i can't find a single can of diet mountain dew in white's bird
Starting point is 00:45:37 i was told it was due to an aluminum shortage probably needed a little aluminum for these vaccines, if you know what I'm saying. Oh, fuck. Aluminum shortage. Yet all other sodas seem to be in abundant supply. What's going on, people? I need my diet do fix. Wow. I have a question for all you Trump and Mitch supporters. What happened to the prison we were supposed to get that would have injected desperately needed funds into this area by way of increased housing needs for the employees increased numbers in the schools from said
Starting point is 00:46:10 employees and the increased revenue through buying gas groceries etc etc since mitch is the second most powerful person in washington you all think he does so much for you then why hasn't he gone ahead and given you this prison you know he has the power to do so what has mitch done for you then why hasn't he gone ahead and given you this prison you know he has the power to do so what has mitch done for you the past 36 years name me one thing dude people are so fucking stupid you vote for him because you like the idea of having someone from our great state in the number two spot why do you think the next six years are going to be any different totally so you think covet 19 is a hoax and why don't you google the name thomas massey is the california truck driver refused to
Starting point is 00:46:51 wear a mask and then died of coronavirus that's that's dark um you want a little bit of uh crossfire i got some cometOWISE stats for you. The comet is about three miles across, and most comets are about half water and half dust. It's about 13 million Olympic swimming pools of water. That's a lot of water. It's currently about 70 million miles from earth or about three quarters the distance from the earth and sun and on an extremely elliptical orbit that carries it far out from the sun
Starting point is 00:47:35 imagine for a second if you were a star grazing comet i mean it would probably feel pretty nice, right? You are a frozen hunk of gas and ions, and you're nearing a big hot sun star. It probably feels pretty good. The himbos of celestial bodies. Exactly. Unfortunately, there's no risk to the planet from this. It's very far away from us, and it's not coming anywhere near us. So there is no threat.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Oh, man. I'll tell you where there is a threat, though, in the public schools if they reopen. in the public schools if they reopen. I'm so glad my children are grown and I don't have to worry about them being exposed to the COVID-19 disease when school goes back in session. Any parent knows children, especially the younger ones, are a cesspool of germs. They wipe their noses on their shirt sleeves,
Starting point is 00:48:39 sneeze openly without covering their mouth, and wipe boogers on their shirt sleeves and anything else handy. I pray for the teachers and the staff who are worried about their safety, not to mention school bus drivers who are forced to be in an enclosed environment while taking kids to and from school each day. This is just not going to work. Not even a little bit.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Well, if I could just chime in here. Well, if I could just chime in here. My mom is a school teacher. And some states are making it to where they will not give you funding if you don't go back to school in the fall. So you will be punished, in fact, if you do not reopen your school. So, once again, just, you gotta love it, folks. We want to die, apparently. Trump's campaign manager is a felon. His deputy campaign manager is a felon. His national security advisor is a felon his deputy campaign manager is a felon his national security
Starting point is 00:49:48 advisor is a felon his foreign policy advisor is a felon his personal lawyer is a felon his longtime advisor is a felon it's not a campaign it's a criminal enterprise thank you oh damn it's not a campaign. It's a criminal enterprise. It is an absolute crime that Hillary Clinton had to testify 11 hours for the deaths of four Americans and was never charged for any wrongdoing. But our Cheeto president hasn't had to testify one minute for the deaths of more than 132,000. Damn. When you really think about it dog so true it's so crazy and true man i love this i love that there's somebody in the world that is thinking about this while all this shit is going on what today's generation has gotten entirely too used to our cell phones i no longer need to memorize anyone's phone number
Starting point is 00:50:53 because all i have to do is click on the person's name and the number is automatically dialed that's why i sent this to you yes it's lack of memory you just can't be good for us years down the road. That's it. Last one and we can shoot this dog between the eyes. Oh, shit. A 37-year-old veteran with no underlying health issues died on the 4th of July of COVID-19. This man survived two tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, a total of nine years of military service. In April, he posted, let's make this clear. I'm not buying a mask.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I've made it this far by not buying into that damn hype. Two months later, he was dead, all because he didn't buy that mask. I saw that one going around. I saw that. That went viral you could say um man i'm sorry i just didn't bring it today i'm well you know tom that's uh it's the way it goes it's probably my fault too maybe maybe no. No, you carried us, man. You carried us. This is like, you know, Pippin didn't show up.
Starting point is 00:52:12 You know, I'm sorry. I apologize to the fans, too. I'm on day three of 16-hour stretch workday. Well, folks, thanks for listening this week. Our last episode on the Patreon was really great. It was great because we refused to talk about the world. And if you want to hear content where we're not talking about the world, you can go to the Patreon. It's less depressing over there um people have better drugs and um
Starting point is 00:52:49 the music is better uh so go to the patreon um you won't be disappointed uh slash true billy workers party and you should see see Tanya Turner back in action a year older. So if you haven't, go wish her a happy birthday. And any last thoughts? Pray for the two of us. I have none. I have none.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I have none. I'm so shot. I'm washed, man. Alright, thanks for listening everybody. We'll see you soon.

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