Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 157: The London Review Of Holes

Episode Date: July 30, 2020

This week we talk about Senate candidate Amy McGrath's visit to Whitesburg, and then discuss the ultimate Kentucky Devil's Milkshake. Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't even like for our B-roll to escape. I'm recording. We have so little content. Wish you would suck on my big dick, my friend. Cut ties with all the guys that you've been sucking on that classic sound check we all know and love I'm recording yeah I seem to be
Starting point is 00:00:41 I'm recording now too y'all know y'all remember that show Early Edition? About the guy that got tomorrow's paper today? What? It's like a show in the 90s. A guy got, like, tomorrow's paper today, so, like, he got, like, the winning lottery numbers
Starting point is 00:01:03 and all that shit, like, a day early. Sort of like how on Back to the Future. I about to say you mean back to the future marty mcfly yeah that same concept but yeah early edition was a short-lived i think cbs show well when you subscribe to the mountain eagle it's late edition i get i get last week's paper exactly a week to the day late. Honestly, in 2020, it probably isn't bad to live in the past. No, I'm not mad at it. I'm just... Live a week ago.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Not that I would ever take up for the mountain eagle. That's true. You have a long-standing beef, Tanya, but I don't mind getting my news a week late. You know, the only unsettling thing is I'm here thinking that, man, we only got 12 COVID-19 cases. But in reality, we got 40-something now. Yeah. You make a good point, Tanya. You make a good point, Tanya. If you are a week behind, the news that you read is always going to be better than the news you read in the present.
Starting point is 00:02:13 In 2020, that's how it is. Every day is worse than yesterday. I guess that's how a pandemic works until you're over it but I mean for the past week I've been pretty convinced that the U.S. will never be beyond this and every other country will move on and we'll never be able to travel abroad again and we will forever uh be wearing masks and not touching each other. At least for the next five years. Or we'll all be... I mean, it's probably going to be some version of this. Like, it's just going to be a worse flu from now on or something, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Like, there's always going to be a COVID season. Or it's just always going to be like... Well... Yeah, just cut me off. I got some good and bad news. We'll take only the good news. Which one you want first, the good news? Only that. I don't want the bad news at all.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Okay, well, the good news is the Russians are developing their vaccine in two weeks, but skipping some of the usual safety protocols, I'm told. Shocker. vaccine in two weeks but skipping some of the usual safety protocols i'm told shocker any vaccine we get is going to be skipping some safety protocols we can all guarantee bad news is tanya i'll just go ahead and give it to you is that we're going to continue to see a rise in all sorts of zoonotic illnesses and also illness is not endemic to certain places becoming endemic in other places where they typically wouldn't be because of changing climate patterns. Just take one look at the weather events of 546 to, wait, what was that? I believe it was 535 to 536.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yeah, we'll get to that later, though, but yeah. Point is, this shit ain't letting up. Yeah. If it ain't kobe it's gonna be something fucking else yeah yeah if it ain't one thing it's a goddamn another it is weird that as long as we've been strapped into the environmental movement plagues were never something we were telling people could be a result of climate change. Probably should have mentioned that 10, 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Well, I've been fascinated. First time I went to New Orleans a couple of years ago, I was reading up about like they have a center. I don't know if it's through Lsu or tulane or something that studies basically like tropical illnesses and sort of things that from there typically you'd find like in you know south america or the caribbean that have gradually made their way up to southern united states chagas disease is one of them. That's pretty nasty. It's a mosquito borne thing that gets into your heart
Starting point is 00:05:10 and fucks you up. That's what they think Charles Darwin died of. Oh, really? Yeah. Well, I think the extreme weather events of 535 and 536 A.D. were caused by volcanoes.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Which is a player in the ecological game that we haven't really heard from in some time. Volcanoes, man. Just kind of been keeping their head down a little bit lately, haven't they? Thank God.
Starting point is 00:05:42 The world hasn't busted a good nut in a long time. You think that'd be good or bad for us? Like, you think if we just had one volcano, just go ahead and blow and everything would kind of line itself out?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Releases are usually good. I don't know about when it comes to the Earth, but with most species, a release is usually a good thing. Blowing a load, highly recommend. Yeah. Speaking of ancient history, I was thinking the other day. Do what?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Wasn't me, I'm ancient history. You are ancient history. Oh, word. You've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage, haven't you, Tanya? All three in unison. I was thinking the other day, what if by, like, some quirk of history that things get so bad and intense that you know most of the world's architectural and infrastructural features are raised and destroyed but one of the few things remaining is trump tower and so in like 4 000 years future civilizations will be like wow this
Starting point is 00:07:02 great monument to human ingenuity and architectural prowess and greatness. Like, they would have no idea. And so then it got me thinking, like, well, maybe the person who built the great Sphinx in Egypt was the Donald Trump of his day. And today we're all just like, wow, this is great. This is incredible. That's a good point, man. Maybe there was some industrious Egyptian guy that probably rose unexpectedly
Starting point is 00:07:31 to the upper echelon of Egyptian politics. Wait. Never mind. Did he talk like Trump at least? We've got great harvest history. It's going to be like a big dog's head with that headdress that the king wears. It's just going to be on all fours, like a lion. Sarcophagus, folks?
Starting point is 00:07:59 My sarcophagus is going to be... I'm going to be buried with 20 concubines? All the beautiful lapis lazuli and gems you can imagine? Lapis lazuli. Oh, my God. It's funny because the only thing I've ever heard that in reference to is King Tut's sarcophagus is lapis lazuli. Or lazuli, however you say it.
Starting point is 00:08:23 That's what you wanted back in the day. If you were the one guy on the block with lapis lazuli, I don't know how you say it. People were like, they took note. Man, that's a man of respect. Yeah. One thing I did love about the Egyptians is they all booby-trapped their fucking tomb sites. Like, that's what I want.
Starting point is 00:08:49 When I die, I want to, like, rig up to, like, if you come to fuck with me, you get pocket sand in the eyes. Show up to piss on Tom's grave, yeah. You get electrocuted. Knives shoot up and just cut your Achilles tendons. Yeah. Coach shoots you right in the prostate. You've come fuck with me, you get to experience the pain I felt while I walked this mortal coil. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Just get a knife right in the gooch. You get to scope up your urethra. Oh lord. Oh, Lord. Mm-hmm. Well, welcome to the Tripbillies show for the week of July 30th, 2020. I am your host, Terrence Ray, joined by my other hosts, Tom Sexton and Tanya Turner. We're getting formal with our full government names.
Starting point is 00:09:47 That's right. I like the episode you guys did last week without me. I was writhing in pain on the couch. Tell us about it. We love to banter in your misery. Yeah. Well, I had to have a cystoscopy done, which if your doctor ever mentions that word to you,
Starting point is 00:10:09 run away and don't ever talk to them again. At least explore every other treatment option before you go there. It sucked pretty bad. Did they prepare you to be in unbelievable discomfort? Did they tell you that's what was going to happen? They played it down. I think they didn't want to scare me out of there. They were like, it's going to be a little uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Granted. They didn't mention that I'd be pissing blood and that it would feel like razor blades every time I'd piss. Just walking into a doctor's office is a little uncomfortable. Just being there physically. Well, you know, I mean, I sat next to a guy. I told Tom I sat next to an old man who held his piss bag in his hand as it trailed the catheter tube up to his upper shorts. And I thought, you know, like uh life is ultimately all pain and misery and there and the greater thing about it is that there's no purpose there's no larger
Starting point is 00:11:15 existential purpose for the pain and misery it just is you know you like to think and tell yourself oh this will make me a stronger person this will make me a stronger person. This will make me a better person. But no. It just hastens what's the inevitable. Kill you makes you stronger. Yeah, except it doesn't work like that. It makes you riddled with trauma and regret and doubt. Yeah. And in the ancient world, syphilis. Or the not-so-ancient world.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yeah. But anyways, that was my week last week. And then I was kind of depressed and didn't want to do the show at all. Shocker. And thought about quitting it entirely. And then I read in the Bitter Southerner that, oh, I said I'd be doing this until I was literally dead. And I was like, oh. He's just meeting his contractual obligations here i cannot fathom that you said that i don't
Starting point is 00:12:12 know man you know multiple times i read something i had to stop and look just gaze off into the distance like what the hell's wrong with us sometimes i I fully, I know Kanye's a dumbass, but I fully empathize with him sometimes. Because sometimes you get on one and you just keep going. And before long, you're saying shit that you don't even believe in. That's true. You just get down the road. It gets away from you. Every episode of Trillbillies is what you just described.
Starting point is 00:12:42 After 10 minutes in, we're just on one, and we can't stop, and the train's rolling, and we're crashing, and we know it, but here we are. The momentum's behind us. What are we going to do? Now we've got all these new listeners tuned in. Hi. Good luck. All seven of you.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Welcome. But, no, I really did consider finally ending this miserable bus ride that we've been on since early 2017 and i'll tell you why because when this pandemic first started like i was like every episode every week we were like taking all the news items from the week and trying to condense it down into like a sort of we tried it we were trying to contextualize it and trying to make it make sense for people because things were insane starting in march and you know trying to make things make sense for ourselves we often are talking through things just in real time it's not you know when it's like we decide we're going to talk through this thing, we just
Starting point is 00:13:45 need it. It's not prescriptive so much as it's We just need it. Yeah. But then I realized that at a certain point, and I can't really pinpoint when exactly it happened, I'm going to say maybe
Starting point is 00:14:00 late June. I'm just throwing that out there things in the words of Tom Sexton quite literally got away from us I I realized that there was no point any longer in trying to make sense of anything that it was like it was like kind of like here's the metaphor I came up with. It's kind of like after you've been drinking all day. And so in the very early stages of the day, while you're still relatively sober, you can kind of like attach a narrative structure and coherence to events as they occur and developments as they occur.
Starting point is 00:14:41 But by the end of the day, while you're like browning out and blacking out, there's no coherence to anything anymore at all. And it's just mass confusion. And I feel like that's where we got to a few weeks ago. It's just like blacking out every day. And like literally and metaphorically, because I heard a story the other day
Starting point is 00:15:02 about how like liquor sales are like astronomically through the roof since this happened. We really have been broken spiritually as well as emotionally and mentally and all the other ways. And now that's not going to change now with the loss of Herman Cain. Did y'all see Trump's tweet eulogizing him? No, I didn't. Did he take responsibility? Let me read this to you.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Let me read this to you. My friend Herman Cain, a powerful voice of freedom and all that is good, passed away this morning. Herman had an incredible career and was adored by everyone that ever met him, especially me. He was a very special everyone that ever met him, especially me. He was a very special man, an American patriot, and a great friend. I just got off.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Dot, dot, dot. What? He left it hanging like there was another tweet to come. He never read it. But it just reads like he just nutted thinking about his friend Herman Cain's life and career. He literally said, I just got off.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yes. Oh, my God. Look at this. Listen, folks, we're going to bury him with lapis lazuli in the sarcophagus. We're going to bury him in the great sarcophagus, folks. I just got off. I just got off. I just got off. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:27 He's going to ride with... Tom, I would have loved to have seen your face when you first read that. I didn't know there was a second part. I was like... Amazing. We're going to booby trap his grave, folks. We're going to surround him with DiGiorno pizza. We're not getting anywhere near his body.
Starting point is 00:16:52 He's going to rise with the stallions in the heavens now. Trying to mess with my friend Herman's sarcophagus. What was Herman Cain's when he ran for president? He was the 999 guy, right? Yeah, I was trying to remember this morning. What year did he run? Was it 2008? No, it was 2012. He was gonna
Starting point is 00:17:07 he was challenging Romney for the Republican nomination, I thought. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's right. And his big initiative was the 999 flat tax. The 999 flat tax. Everybody's paying 9%. And I think it was based on, like, the Domino's
Starting point is 00:17:24 5 for 5 for 5. He's a pizza guy. He owns his own pizza chain. It was a 9% personal income tax, 9% federal sales tax, and a 9% corporate tax. 999, flat folk. The replacement of all taxes with just those three taxes. Well, corporations would end up paying more than they are now. Should be fine.
Starting point is 00:17:49 That's that. Oh, man. Well, rest in peace. He's not the only high-profile conservative that died from coronavirus this week. The founder of TPUSA, Turning Point USA, is that what it is? Tool and Paper USA died from coronavirus as well. I don't know, man. Was he also at the Tulsa rally?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Herman Cain basically got sick after the Tulsa rally right that's the theory I mean he's he was there he was hospitalized not long after that right like a week or two weeks yeah he's been in the hospital for like a month less than two weeks later he was hospitalized and it's a what is it a 14 day yeah I mean basically in all likelihood unless he had gathered after that with another hundred thousand people i don't know how many people were there twenty thousand i think it was like they said twenty thousand but everybody says it's more like six uh well still i wonder how many people like of course we will hear about herman kane dying but how many dumb how many people at that tulsa rally are dead now that we don't even know about?
Starting point is 00:19:10 I'd be interested to know, just by a head count, how many people died that, how many people have died since attending that Tulsa rally? And I don't mean that, like, in a ha ha ha, let's scoff at somebody's death kind of way. I would just be interested to like just to know i mean it's awful it's like it's like thinking about how many people have died from drinking bleach this is like literally death because of following the president i was looking at the the death toll for vietnam last night because me and terrence were just talking about like basically for those killed in action not talking about like vietnamese citizens or vietcong or anybody else you mean the war yeah just straight up because they're
Starting point is 00:19:58 doing great with coven mostly they don't have any more they they got one new case and evacuated an entire city when i'm talking about the yeah the war not vietnam itself uh but basically we've lost is we've lost triple the amount of u.s soldiers that were killed in action in vietnam to covid 19 in just what six months seven months whatever it's been the last stat i saw was like this is the equivalent of a plane crashing and killing everyone in it like three times a week or something well it's it's going to become like smoking cigarettes or environmental pollution it's just eventually it's going to just become another one of those things you have to accept to be an American. Like, here's the thing, Tanya. Like, you're worried about borders being closed.
Starting point is 00:20:48 They'll order. Everything will open back up once everybody just gets on page with the fact that, like, oh, we're just going to have to accept about 200,000 extra deaths every year from this thing. And then everybody's like, okay. And then we'll just, you know, place it right back there up on the shelf with every other part that makes it like this gruesome violent terror to be an american yeah we can't do it we're not doing anything about it we can't do shit about it like like i tried to go get tested yesterday for covid and it's they're just like do you have
Starting point is 00:21:21 any symptoms i was like i was just here a month ago and i got a test they're like no we're not doing that anymore sorry oh the same thing happened to me last week and i had just gotten tested four days before that y'all don't know how to get health care in this country you gotta hustle them you gotta say yeah man god damn i've been coughing like a damn well now i know next time i go i was going every week and tell you can't smell or taste anything. They can't prove that. Why wouldn't we? Shouldn't we get tested every week? Like, isn't that what everyone should do just responsibly? Like, if you have to leave the house, you just go get tested?
Starting point is 00:21:55 Well, like, I guess if you're going to be around other people, yeah. Well, it's like I have to go to the grocery store. You know what I mean? There's like, I don't know a way to fully, like, I live in a place, I can't have things delivered to my house. Like, I can't get, you know what I mean? It's like.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I don't think you should get tested every time you go to the grocery store, but like, you know, at a decent interval, I guess. I'm going back to March level quarantine, I think. I really am. Yeah, we've been talking about it, too. It's fucking, it's too bad it's like it just keeps getting worse but it's getting worse in Tennessee where my family is they like want me to come visit I'm like I just can't anymore we can't do this it's just really bad but um but our very own uh opposition candidate Mitch McConnell, Amy McGrath, was in Whitesburg over the, or I guess, what day was that?
Starting point is 00:22:53 Tuesday, maybe? Monday or Tuesday. And she got a goddamn test. Yeah. She got a fucking goddamn test. While she was here? Yeah, it's in the newspaper she got tested in whitesburg she got a fucking test man that's my test i want that goddamn test that's so fucking
Starting point is 00:23:14 dude imagine you're a senate candidate you come to a poor place that's like has very little health care resources and you going to take up a test. She is maniacal. I've come around on Amy McGrath. I think she rocks. Whatever. I thought, I imagined her while she was in town driving past your house and like throwing her fist out like, yeah, because you got
Starting point is 00:23:40 that McGrath sign out in your front yard. Yeah. She blowed her horn as she passed your house in support. Just a disclaimer for the audience. My landlord's put that there, and it's not mine. Whatever helps you sleep, pal. She rocks, though. I mean, really, though.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Maybe I can splice in an interview from her. But she has such a Will Ferrell quality to her like vibe to her she's a tall goofy motherfucker and she even sounds like will ferrell um she sounds really robotic i guess it's the military training i don't really know but she does sound like a robot well or maybe it's the polit like politics training hell i don't know well i was thinking about this and i thought like because i've already got friends who are like oh fuck it all right we're just gonna have to suck it up and vote for amy mcgrath and joe biden i'm sorry i don't i don't want to do it any more than you do, but it's the best form of harm reduction we've
Starting point is 00:24:47 got. And so I was like, okay. All right. I will vote for Amy McGrath under one condition. This is it. This is my one condition. New listeners to the show may be unfamiliar with this concept but it's called the devil's milkshake and it's and it's when a politician as a pr stunt of some kind publicity stunt will
Starting point is 00:25:18 uh imbibe eat inject snort whatever uh keep going i'm sorry i got a question about this though i'm sorry okay um a a toxic substance um or a pollutant or some some kind the classic example would be like obama drinking the flint water that's the classic example of the devil's milkshake. They have to prove that they are willing to live as low as their constituents. So I got a question. I got a question. What?
Starting point is 00:25:57 Is COVID trutherism the ultimate example of the devil's milkshake? She has to get COVID and then we'll vote for her. Like, did Herman Cain meet his end by a devil's milkshake? Well, if he did it as a publicity thing, like, I'm going to drink this big glass of COVID, then yeah, that's devil's milkshake. Well, but technically, showing up to Trump's rally in Tulsa in the middle of a pandemic, maskless, would that be? That's a good question. Mask noncompliance, in my mind,
Starting point is 00:26:32 is a form of devil's milkshake, is what I'm arguing. Agree or disagree? See, as the progenitor of this term and concept, I think that the I think it has to apply to it has to be progressive facing does that make sense so like for example it has to be it has to be a politician trying to
Starting point is 00:26:57 gain legitimacy with their constituency over something real they're experiencing whereas okay so herman kane's mask trutherism might not be the devil's milkshake but louis gomero's might be what tell remind me give me the broad strokes of that one well he just never wore a mask and now he's got COVID-19, the Texas representative. See, for me it has to be... For me it has to be... A... More active than passive? No, it has to be...
Starting point is 00:27:39 Not wearing a mask is passive? I've got it has to be an attempt to foreclose on some kind of justice or or reparations or retro or you know what i'm saying like it has to be an attempt to foreclose on that so not wearing a mask again in covid wouldn't be a devil's milkshake but like snorting a line of like crystallized isolated covid virus would be the devil's milkshake it has to be something that affects i don't know that doesn't seem 150 000 deaths man what else what else is affecting constituents right now i'm struggling to define this but covid is a conspiracy or i mean not like actually
Starting point is 00:28:31 he's coming around i love the message five minutes ago he said i I'm going to march levels of lockdown. And now he had a Freudian slip of COVID-19 spirits. Okay, fair enough. All right, just because I'm too lazy to articulate why you're incorrect, I'll let it fly. But just keep in mind, Nick. Okay, well then you owe me one of those later down the road okay if tom's getting if tom's getting a slip i do too
Starting point is 00:29:09 you have no idea yeah you have no many idea how many slips i've given you just not told you you had to stop keeping kale. Alright. Alright. So the devil's milkshake. So the devil's milkshake. Alright. And if you want to learn more, there's previous episodes. I think there's one called literally the devil's milkshake.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I've muddied the waters here, but yes. Anyways, Amy McGrath, if she wants my support and the support of the Tribilly Nation, she has to drink the ultimate Kentucky Devil's Milkshake. And so there's a few ingredients to the ultimate Kentucky Devil's Milkshake. And these are mine.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And you might have some, too. Imagine this to be one of those cooking shows where, like, there's a panel. We all bring our favorite ingredients. Yes, yeah, there's a panel of, like, five judges, and we all make our own cocktail. And, you know, a British chef's like, this is shot. Get it out of my fucking sight. I didn't want to say it. But instead of food, it's the devil's milkshake.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Okay. So here's mine. Here's mine. And you can have your own. I mean, obviously, the baseline for all this is going to be like, you know, like the tonic water ingredient is going to be mine runoff right i mean because every kentucky devil's milkshake cocktail is going to have a little bit of mine runoff right yeah so i've got mine runoff um nuclear waste from the paducah nuke plant. Nerve gas.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Just drop a little bit of nerve gas in there from the Bluegrass Army Depot. Okay. Yeah, okay. And there is a black sort of fungus pollutant called baudoinia, and it's a byproduct of whiskey distillation. Yeah, it's the fungus that gets on people's
Starting point is 00:31:26 houses. Yes. So then you put that in there and you crush it up, you know, with the pistol or whatever it's fucking called. Pestle. With the pistol. No, a pistol in Amy's case. The man.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Yeah, you should. This man is not a witch. Now we know. What's it called, Tanya? Pestle and mortar. Okay. All right. I have an addition.
Starting point is 00:31:55 That's mine. That's mine. I'm putting it in front of the panel. All right. All right. Well, this is shit. Get it out of here. No, I just want to add to it.
Starting point is 00:32:02 It's good. This is a good base. You got a good start okay i think we also have to add um water drinking water that has been polluted with an actual gas well it's a fracking fluid fracking fracking fluid why didn'tacking fluid and that one peak wattsburg water with diesel in it from diesel spill and my third is like the worst food from a state prison from one of our prison okay fair enough you have to mash in some prison bologna got it i don't like i like that all right all good and for good measure we'll throw in an expired rape kit. A backlogged rape kit.
Starting point is 00:32:49 All right. I don't even know what's in that. Not edible, I don't think, but we'll take it. Okay. Okay. Yeah, well. All right. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So I think I'll go with classic, right? I think I'll just start with some classic acid mine drainage, orange runoff water. Good. Okay, I'm just going to get something from every region, from the east, west, southern part, and the northern part. Got it. So you're creating an original. I was just adding two Terrence's.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Are you adding or are you just creating your own new one? We've got a whole new devil's milkshake coming. Yeah. All right, all right. It is a competition after all. We'll taste test, I guess. I'd take some acid. From eastern Kentucky, I'd take some acid mine drainage, okay?
Starting point is 00:33:34 From the southern part of Kentucky, I would take some water from Hal Rogers Water Park that they built there in Whitley County. Got some good brain-eating amoebas in there. Yeah, definitely fecal matter. Fecal coliform. For sure. For the western part of Kentucky, I would take, you know, they've got that nuclear water thing in paducah yeah so i'd take some of that like nuclear waste water whatever's used in that the treatment of water out there and to top it off i'd go to northern kent good measure why not let the covecath kid
Starting point is 00:34:32 uh blow a little 16 year old spooge in it or something okay let him put that too yeah catholic come and maybe yeah maybe to top it off, just get Central Kentucky involved, we'd just get some horse cum in there. Whatever's not used to make soap as part of Appalachian revitalization. Yeah, inseminate a horse and then scrape off the shit
Starting point is 00:34:56 off the side of the condom glove they make you wear into the glass. Yeah. That's good, man. Alright. So three good milkshakes. Three good devil's milkshakes and McGrath has to choose which one. All she's gotta do
Starting point is 00:35:14 is drink one and I'll fucking do it, you know? Because I've voted for war criminals before. I've done it. Hell, I've made love to war criminals. Every! Yeah. Yeah, for those of you who don't know that one, that's a... You're only getting that story on the Patreon, folks.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Yeah. Good lord. Yeah, I mean, probably almost everyone we've voted for is a criminal absolutely technically it's just the laws of the land are garbage these laws are but anyways yeah she came to whitesburg and um she volunteered at the cane kitchen i'm gonna say i know you guys talked about it on the episode last week the cane she's supplying farm-to-table meals for the incarcerated in letcher county she is yes i believe what's crazy is she stood she on the news she stood in front of a children's
Starting point is 00:36:21 feeding program very specific and said what what we've really learned here is about the gaps and how our senior citizens just aren't aren't getting met we have fucking more senior citizen centers than schools in this county i guess most of them have been shut down now but it's continuing education for them. This is the Democrats' new strategy. It's like they understand that young people aren't voting for them. So now it's all... Oh, yeah. She has to get the seniors.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It's contradictory, really. Like, COVID puts the elderly at risk more than anybody else but that is the constituency of the gop and the democrats and they obviously don't give a fuck about young people it didn't really there is not a lot that makes sense right now it's it's just becoming harder and harder to feel like everything is conspiratorial but i guess it is listen to this speaking of hal rogers from a second ago i got an email from him the other day oh i got an email from tom perez i meant to tell you all about too uh hal rogers is fighting for police reform um while democrats dangerously pursue policies for a lawless socialist
Starting point is 00:37:46 nation, and Echo cries to defend the police, we need to focus on rooting out bad actors with badges and rapidly reform weaknesses in our law enforcement agencies to help protect our citizens and our communities. That's why Echo has sponsored the Justice Act,
Starting point is 00:38:02 which would provide the most significant police reform in 25 years through increased training, accountability, and transparency. The funny thing there is that that's all the same things that the Democrats are calling for. What's also funny about it is, like, basically he's calling this police reform when he's just trying to figure out a way to funnel more money into police. You're exactly right. Listen, guys, we're going to call it reform. into police you're exactly right listen guys we'll call it reform and what that means is we're gonna say more training all this stuff because that's like the code word for like how we're going to appease the savages out in the streets but also keep giving y'all more money to you know
Starting point is 00:38:36 take care of my properties right yeah okay to take care of my properties which he has many yeah well that brings me to my next topic of interest I wanted to bring up so as I'm sure you all know the federal eviction moratorium has just expired,
Starting point is 00:39:06 which is ending protections for approximately 12 million renters. And expanded unemployment insurance guaranteed by the CARES Act is also going to run out by the end of the month, eliminating $600 a week to millions of unemployed workers etc but uh fear not because it's not all doom and gloom it's fine it's fine because uh the democrats are on it baby they're on it um a new bill from representatives ayanna presley rosa delaro and kamala harris called the help act um help housing emergencies lifeline program will provide funding to those at risk of eviction eviction get this not by just giving them the money to pay the rents or make you know for
Starting point is 00:40:08 extending the eviction more can't do that can't do any of that but what they can do is provide 10 billion dollars in emergency solutions grants which would provide funding to states and localities for programs related to things like homelessness prevention and outreach and to give people access to legal representation for if their landlord is trying to kick them out so basically they're going to get some money to hire a lawyer. Let me tell you something. There's something I've learned about America. It has to benefit wealthy people who are already wealthy. They cannot.
Starting point is 00:40:57 They are so. This is so diseased. They are just like so morally against giving poor people money. I heard Matt Chrisman say this one time on that episode of pot damn that he did and that's kind of stuck with me a little bit is that lawyers are strictly for navigating like the distance between people and capitalism and like the way that plays out is like you see joe kennedy saying something, nobody should have to face bankruptcy because of COVID-related healthcare expenses without a lawyer. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:41:34 So it's basically like, your life has no value or meaning unless a lawyer can make a man off of it. It's like, no surprise, this is who runs the country. I used to work for a legal aid non-profit it was very much in many ways that whole the expansion of that non-profit that sector of the non-profit industrial complex has been a way to bust unions and tenant unions because it puts another barrier between you and either your employer
Starting point is 00:42:10 or your landlord. Another mediation, another form of mediation to compromise so that both parties win. But you're going to lose. As long as your landlord or boss gets something out of the deal, you lose in the long run.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Right. About a month ago, I was in a, like a text chain with a, like 14 year old boy in Harlan County. Oh yeah, oh really? I'm a youth organizer, you cunts. Alright, about, let me finish. Oh really? Youth organizer. This kid is caring for his mother.
Starting point is 00:42:52 They live in low-income housing in Harlan County. Most of his neighbors who live in the same complex are black. He is black, and most of his neighbors are. And they are all dealing with the most like insane landlord treatment his mom's sick he's trying to take care of her it was just like a what's what of everything that could go wrong and and terrorize people that's what they're dealing with like racism poverty illness just like so much all on on this 14-year-old kid. And they had reached out to one of the nonprofit legal places to help them to get a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And because there were multiple neighbors needing representation, they were like, well, our firm can only represent one, or it's a conflict of interest. They wouldn't record they wouldn't they wouldn't um represent all of them it's just like at every step of the way and these are the type of organizations that this bill is trying to send money to exactly it's like every step of the way, life is just harder and more maniacally against you. Even when you're trying to like, even be the least bit problem solving. Yeah, it's like that. Well, it's like that Chuck Schumer tweet yesterday.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Did you guys see it? So I don't follow Chuck. so i don't follow chuck thanks guys so trump had that gloriously amazing tweet um which said i'm happy to inform all of the people living their suburban lifestyle dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low-income housing built in your neighborhood it's amazing he's so goddamn dumb he thinks that's something you can just say well you can't just say he can he can i mean yeah i mean i know but i'm just saying like that like he doesn't see anything sort of like like of course everybody wants their property values to go up because that's his only context in this life you know what i mean yeah i mean he i think he really does just like every time he tweets something like that He's like oh this is gonna get him going
Starting point is 00:45:06 Oh this is gonna get him I just imagine him As this old maniacal DQ Papa at this point See I think he just views it Through the lens that he's I don't think there's a calculation there
Starting point is 00:45:22 I don't think he sees that as anything I think he sees that just as an extension of his worldview that says that like all these cities in this country are pieces of shit because we got homeless people like not dealing with the causes of homelessness or anything like that but just that like it's aesthetically unpleasing and like not conducive to like this sort of opulent you know image he's cultivated of his properties or whatever yeah i think that's i think that that's both true i think they're both true um but what i found even funnier than trump's tweet was chuck schumer's tweet he said
Starting point is 00:46:00 this is can i guess guess? Can I guess? Was it something about, like, we're going to make sure that there's low-income housing. We're going to make sure that they're pushed to the furthest corners of the city so that they can do their own thing and so that our other property owners can be unencumbered by them, but they can also have their own. Was it something to that effect? It was much more succinct. Conciliatory to the people worried about their property values? He said, this is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:46:32 President Trump is actively working to gut fair housing laws and legalize housing discrimination. Every American deserves access to the American dream. We will fight this. So it's just the exact same thing as the help act it's just that like we're not gonna fight for you we're gonna put some things in place to
Starting point is 00:46:53 improve your access to tools to help we're just going to fight to create a climate where you might be able to if you do enough well Well, you know, I think that we... You know, y'all, we... Go ahead. I think often we, like, stumble into aha moments that we don't even realize until we spit it out here. Or, like, you know, we've often predicted the future on this podcast. And we joke about being tomorrow's people but the root of so much of our own personal misery coming from non-profits and then non-profits manifesting in the police like this like non-profit um i don't even know what you call it, like organism, the whole like the whole thing manifesting in the police.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Like how they're gentrifying neighborhoods, like using non-profit language and lingo and systems to even make that happen. That's how they think. And it's just like it continues. This like non-profit disease is how they continue to pretend to fix problems to get votes well it's a it's a function of how they have seeded politics to the technocrats everything uh requires an innovative solution you know it's i mean there's no actual politics in any of it and i think that even bernie and i mean iona presley is one of the co-signers of this bill even bernie and aoc fundamentally don't understand this, which I think just goes to show you how...
Starting point is 00:48:49 I mean, they do kind of understand it, but they haven't fully come to terms with the implications of it because if they did, I think they would have already spun off a new institution or party or something by this point. Maybe not. I don't know. But it just seems to me that, like, what few leftist leaders we do have lack any bit of political imagination or creativity and more importantly bravery. And so that so like that to me is just another function of how bad things have gotten, like how bad things have declined.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Where not even, yeah, not even our sensible leaders are willing to take risks any longer. And, I don't know, it really does feel like the Wild West in the sense of, like, I mean no there's no linkage between us and the people supposed to be representing us you could say that that's all been an illusion forever and that's never existed um and that electoral politics is you know pointless anyways but um and that'd be fine whatever you'd be right uh but it is interesting to just ruminate on for a minute that there's no one even marginally looking out for your interest i don't know i don't know i don't know i watched this stupid rom-com last night and jack nicholson was in it and he actually had a pretty funny character even though
Starting point is 00:50:27 his character was a like corrupt businessman whatever he was like pinning his son for his years of uh illegal business business I don't even know he anyway Anyway, at one point he screams, cynicism is sanity. And I was just like, maybe that's what we're clinging to now. It's actually going to keep us sane and cynicism. Well, I mean, it's not been a very easy week for me. I'm sure for most people, because if you look at what's going on, there's not a whole lot of signs of things letting up. The darkest shit, man, was all those pictures of the school kids
Starting point is 00:51:19 getting on the bus with the masks. Yeah. And, like, going to schools and stuff. It literally is like the story of malik in the bible almost in like a creepy creepy way monday was a horrible horrible like so much bad if that uh with michelle's sister tested positive for covid our fucking neighbors have covid our you know covid numbers are soaring a woman died on the floor of our local jail and they still haven't told us what happened to her on 150 bail all this learned on monday
Starting point is 00:52:00 all took in all this info on mond. That shit is insane to me still. We had somebody on the fucking cold hard floor of our goddamn county jail that died there like a damn dog and was in there on a $150 bond. Like something any of us could float, could have floated for or whatever, if we'd just known about it.
Starting point is 00:52:25 It really makes me wonder about a community bail fund here. Because what sucks about bail here, one, they shouldn't be posting bail in the middle of COVID anyway. They should just be letting people go home. But here, often they're not that low. They're usually really high. And what's so truly fucked about bail here is that most people here don't have almost people anywhere don't have any cash
Starting point is 00:52:51 liquid don't have any fucking liquid like cash they don't have any money but they might have property that they've fucking inherited or whatever and but they will not let and a lot of places will let you put up property for bail but not in lecher county they most often demand cash and will not take property like putting up property because they don't want it they don't want to end up with somebody's fucking property to deal with even though that's all the wealth that anyone has yeah well i mean i feel like i've talked to multiple people who are like, is this, and we've been, ourselves have been sort of, I don't know, progenitors or facilitators of this idea that America is in a sort of terminal decline. the more i think about it i think that like what's actually happening is like we're in crisis obviously but like any crisis the worst people in the world are using it to reconstitute our institutions and norms um on grounds that are even more fucked up and repressive than before.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Because, like, when you look at all the headlines that you've seen in just the last three weeks, especially as it relates to Oregon and other stuff, isn't it pretty mind-blowing, like, all of the norm-shattering things? Not just norm, but, like, law. Like, I saw this thing about a judge prohibited protesters from going back to protests um i saw this thing about kavanaugh um trying to persuade his fellow supreme court justices to rule one way the other on abortion and other stuff. Like, I mean, these are things, in one instance, it's the First Amendment,
Starting point is 00:54:52 so it's a law, and in the other instance, it's a norm. But in both instances, it is a case in which the very fabric, institutional fabric and social fabric undergirding society is being stretched to its absolute limit and so we are seeing some very qualitative some very serious qualitative changes in american political life um and obviously that was going to be the case from the minute Trump created this whole new task force and sent them into Portland. But it is interesting to see the ways in which all these like, and here is the common bond between the Kavanaugh thing and those protesters being told that they can't attend any more protests. attend any more protests it's interesting to see all these people who um for years you know made their careers off of being these like constitutional originalists people who interpreted the constitution for its original meaning and being fundamentalist about it and it turns out they actually don't give
Starting point is 00:55:58 a flying fuck about the constitution and and that's a very liberal thing to point out the sort of hypocrisy of it but i'm just pointing it out from a sort of scientific standpoint, from a sort of, you know, I'm not a liberal or conservative. I'm a leftist. I'm outside of that process. I'm an independent. I'm an independent. I'm a free thinker. Libertarian.
Starting point is 00:56:21 But you do have to register and acknowledge that it is happening oh and another thing uh just this week to file in those same categories is trump talking about delaying the election and again this is there aren't rules there are no laws here this is all norms and so let me ask y'all a question let me ask y'all a question Y'all think this is trial balloon for a coup coming to... You think it's that as prophesied by the writer? Who I guess was just a Google guy, right? Yeah, I think it was just some tech worker who had a Medium account. Wait, tell me that?
Starting point is 00:57:00 I don't know. I'm not following. Do you remember the deluge of like articles after trump got elected about like all this is like uh creeping fascism and everything else and and one of the more famous ones was uh called trial balloon for a coup they called it a head fake he kept calling it a head fake trump being elected yeah well it was at that time if i remember correctly it was the flurry of executive orders that steve bannon and trump had initiated in the first couple of months in office um and believe the autocrat was another
Starting point is 00:57:39 one of the popular ones yeah yeah people were writing about how trump was like the quintessentially eastern european autocrat victor orban basically well i mean the the thing is is that the liberals because they love the law so much they love the law and they love norms they are correct in the sense that all those things are being stretched and diluted. But they're incorrect in their assumption. Their assumption is that with the right person in there, the right administration, you can write all that. More importantly, their analysis is that our system of checks and balances is so resilient that it can withstand that kind of stress and duress. Well, Montesquieu's rolling over in his grave right now.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Whereas I guess my analysis, and maybe perhaps I don't claim to speak for the rest of the left, but my analysis is that our institutions are not going to be able to stay in that kind of quote-unquote duress. I don't even think that that might be a mischaracterization. Regardless, I think that they'll absorb and adapt to that kind of, whether you call it duress or input or whatever. Because here's the thing, folks. No matter who you get in the white house you're still gonna have governors like the dipshit in florida and georgia and texas who have made
Starting point is 00:59:14 the coronavirus so bad in those states so it's like it's not like you're gonna be able to vote out the coronavirus as long as there are dipshits like that still running large municipalities in this nation like we're not gonna be able to escape any of the any of the sort of uh chaos and and uh you know lunacy that has been unleashed since the coronavirus started really since trump was elected but i mean really since the coronavirus started. Really, since Trump was elected, but, I mean, really, since the Constitution was written. You keep walking in the background. Really, since the Magna Carta
Starting point is 00:59:53 was signed. Really, since humans crawled out of the slime. Oh, God. I don't know. I don't know. I guess the thing is my biggest disappointment with people like Bernie and etc is like
Starting point is 01:00:12 they just don't there's no willingness to take risks anymore there's none I mean because you know say what you want maybe a third party would be doomed I know for a third party would be doomed. I know for a fact it would be.
Starting point is 01:00:26 But you still need somebody out there molding a large public narrative in the mass and mainstream consciousness about what's going on and why it's happening. And if the best you can do is Joe Biden, then things are just going to reconstitute on even cruder and more fucked up terms for the next time the next Trump rolls around. But I don't know. That's not an original insight by any means.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Let me tell you, let me echo that sentiment with a good sports allegory. with a good sports allegory. In the 1999 French Open, there was a sort of a disgraced former world number one by the name of Andre Agassi that challenged a stern but, you know, upcoming young Ukrainian named Andre Medvedev for the title, singles, men's singles title. Agassi got down a little bit in the set. Medvedev had a strong finish. And I think, I'm not sure, I think Agassi was down a little bit in the set. Medvedev had a strong finish. And I think – I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I think Agassi was down either two sets to one or two sets to nine. And his coach, Brad Gilbert, and his trainer, Gil Reyes, took Agassi aside and said, listen, I don't give a fuck if you go out there and this guy beats you 6-0, but you need to let this motherfucker feel what it was like to play the best player in the world, the best player that's ever existed. And that's what we need.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I mean, more so than victory or anything else, we just have to have people that fucking want to win. You know what I mean? Fuck it, to keep pressure on them at all points, and especially the choke points, man. We don't even have that. Well, you need a movement that can articulate mass demands, and that's currently what we don't even have that well you need a movement that it can articulate mass demands and um and that's currently what we don't have this is not to criticize by any means what's
Starting point is 01:02:11 going on because i not only you don't feel like medicare for all has been articulated as a mass demand you don't feel like that's like what more could we do to articulate that as a mass demand i don't know it has to be in some sort of um i mean medicare for all is not happening now obviously well i know i know that's what that's what i'm saying it's just like they know that's what we want it's not all our eggs in the democratic party basket here's how they repaid us 12 motherfuckers voted for it yeah truly they it's just like i just don't think they care like i don't know i don't know what more i mean i don't i don't think that we should necessarily take that on as our fault
Starting point is 01:03:01 like these are like fucking reptilians or whatever these are fucking psychos they like we have articulated very clear demands the fact that my mom has heard that and agrees that we should defund the police tells me that we have articulated some very clear demands you know what i mean no you right. I'm not trying to say that they haven't heard us. What I'm trying to say is that we need leverage. Yeah. No, I'm with you. We need some
Starting point is 01:03:34 way to um I mean, because, like, look, um it's back to what I was saying, like, no matter who is in the White House right now, if Hillary Clinton would have been in the White House, this virus still would have been as bad. Because when you've got lunatics like Greg Abbott who have a large degree of power and influence over public health systems in this country, that's the scourge. That's the disease that's going to make the disease worse.
Starting point is 01:04:07 But we don't have anybody to go to bat for us against those people. We just have the streets, which is good. We need to keep the streets and make sure we don't cede it to anybody else. But we need some sort of leverage at the same time. And again, I think this is what perhaps Bernie's biggest error was, was he basically forfeited that position. He forfeited that role. Granted, I don't know if Bernie staying in the race would have given us any more leverage
Starting point is 01:04:36 than we already have or don't have. But I do fundamentally think that, you know, and this is ultimately a fool's errand, trying to do a what if, but I do still think that there was maybe a two or three week window in March or April where things were so insane, before anything had been normalized yet, while sports were still canceled and everything seemed so novel and disorienting, that he could have stepped aside and said, we're peeling off from the Democratic Party. disorienting that he could have stepped aside and said we're peeling off from the democratic party our our demands are separate from theirs we want different things and our constituency and class composition is different from theirs um and the thing is i don't think that would have i don't think that would have been like even like a revolutionary gesture to be quite honest do you know what i'm
Starting point is 01:05:26 saying well like i think that might have been better received than we even think it would have been like having some distance from that now well seeing like how they're how they're treating medicare for all and all that sort of thing the reason i say this is because everything's normalized now we've all normalized the hundreds of thousands of deaths we've normalized the quarantine and the masks and the no sports and the no potentially no elections and maybe no elections but for a very very brief window there we hadn't normalized anything yet everything was still like what the fuck's going on and that's the fertile ground in which to plant new seeds and that was not done and uh and i think that was a missed historical opportunity yeah i mean it's pointless now to say shoulda coulda woulda uh and you're right
Starting point is 01:06:13 tanya we've made our demands known and they've said fuck you we're gonna do what we want um i feel like we're surprisingly unified right now i mean i know it doesn't always feel that way but like i feel like i'm more on like i feel like my i mean maybe i'm just like in a bubble but i feel like there are more people like me and my sister have like independently almost come into a very similar same political like politic you know what i mean like we don't live together we haven't lived near each other and obviously we communicate but it's not and it's not just about my family i just often use them as examples but it's just a lot of people are on the same fucking page right now that i feel it feels that way to me you You're right. I'm not saying that they aren't. I think you're misinterpreting what I'm saying, Tanya. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:09 I'm not trying to do that. Sorry. Me? Confused? When? Where? Now it looks to the audience like we disagree. Well, we're trying to sell.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Like they always do. We're trying to sell papers here, Terrence. Will you just give in? Just go along with it, man. We'll finish this out on the Patreon on Sunday. In case anybody was wondering, Andre Agassi went on to win the 99 French Open. That means keep you on a cliffhanger there. Oh. Could we win? that means keep you on a cliffhanger there oh does that
Starting point is 01:07:48 could we win does that is it possible what I'm saying is is that we need to win the 1999 French Open you're right at all that's not a big ask not at all it's not a big we need to win the
Starting point is 01:08:04 French Open, people. Well, what else? Any other news from this week? I mean, there was John Lewis' funeral and Bill Clinton basically saying he was one of the good ones. He was one of the good blacks, is what he basically said. My God. I'd love to see it. He literally said, we almost went too far down the stokely car car
Starting point is 01:08:28 michael route but then john lewis pulled us back oh my god dude why is bill clinton still able to show his face in public hey hey we almost went down the stokely car michael route that is a good question i mean this man has been put on public ridicule more than anyone possibly could. Yeah. Hey, we almost went down the Jeffrey Epstein route. What if he had that Freudian slip? Just disgrace the man at his own funeral. I mean, seriously, dude. didn't slip just disgrace the man at his own funeral i mean seriously dude imagine bill clinton saying that at your funeral that's my biggest fear of dying people saying things that
Starting point is 01:09:15 i can't control after i'm gone yeah that can't be your biggest fear well i'll tell you right now you can just about bet the mountain eagle is going to print every awful any any awful things you've ever done they're gonna make it into the paper my entire arrest record rest assure your arrest records if you've had a if you've had a sti std they'll probably print that too they'll get your medical records print every fucking dumb fucking thing you've ever done they can't wait to print it they actually they've already got it topped out terrence they're just waiting on your death right now that's why i see i'm a step ahead of them that's why i reveal it all on the podcast this is how we get out in front of it that's right yeah yeah you can't the truth will always set you free or you know we're not. Or entrap you forever.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Or further immiserate you. They'll never be able to reveal I had a prostate the size of a fucking lemon. Because I'm going to tell you now. You will not hear it first in the Mount Neagle, by God. My man had a prostate the size of a tournament legal bocce ball, but... There were others that... Have you ever cut open a stretch Armstrong and the gooey stuff comes out?
Starting point is 01:10:37 That's what my man's cum looked like. Listen, this is... Terrence has the best Clinton and Tom has the best Trump Tom's got a good Clinton actually Tom's Clinton's better than mine Oh okay well I've forgotten Give us your Clinton Alright hold on a second
Starting point is 01:10:54 I've suffered from something called Peyronie's disease for a number of years That's when the plaques harden up in your penis and causes it to bend about a 45 degree angle. Paula Jones described my penis as a roll of dimes. I was looking like a roll of dimes but i was looking like a roll of dimes tom's leg up here is that he's been around the clintons don't tell him it's true it's funny drake put a picture on instagram the other day and it said saint james is like the place and it's like man the last place you need to geotag yourself if you're accused of being weird with
Starting point is 01:11:49 underage girls is saint james seriously and not even being accused there's footage um well speaking of that speaking of drake did kanye ever drop his new album hell no that motherfucker never drops one on time he just keeps he just keeps saying my album's coming out on friday but friday never comes right three fridays later it'll come but he'll have to throw like a big party and give everybody COVID-19 for it to come out. Uh-huh. I was going to tell something on myself, but we're already 12 minutes over.
Starting point is 01:12:36 I don't have to. Yeah, I want to. Fuck it. I mean, I mean, I've been sitting here doing the Birdman hand rub with this rescue bomb for the last half hour. My hands are slicker than a goddamn ribbon. Well, that's actually, well, that's a good layaway. I'm so desperate for joy and something good that, and about the only routine I've kept up this year is my tarot and my skincare, my face, like keeping my face moisturized.
Starting point is 01:13:10 So, and I do love Rihanna. Reduce, reuse, recycle Rihanna. And all of those interests, mostly a shred of joy, converted last night when I tried to attend a Rihanna launch party for her new skincare line a virtual launch party house party I thought that I was going to tune in and see Rihanna dancing in her own living room or swimming in her own pool and applying her own skincare I can assure you that's not what happened. And I ended up in a Sims. In some kind of Gen Z hell. Were you like one of those virtual fans that the baseball games have? But in Rihanna's bathroom while she's taking a shit?
Starting point is 01:13:57 Yeah, basically. That's how it felt. Wow. Anyway, I can't recommend it. So maybe just pass on the next virtual launch party you know about just don't bother although i did order the skincare line i ordered her uh moisturizing sunscreen note taken next time tanya wants to tell something on herself cut it off i told you and just move on i tried to tell you.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Move on to the London Review of Books. The London Review of Books. London Review of Books. Man, I reordered my subscription. They didn't send me none yet. I thought you all were always joking when you said you were looking at the London Review of Books. No, it's... I've been pissing my girlfriend off because I've been like, London Review of holes
Starting point is 01:14:45 send in your holes and I'll review them is that come on I'll review it laughing laughing laughing it's like god damn it he's doing the London
Starting point is 01:15:00 review of holes again laughing classic bit London review He's doing the London Review of Holes again. Classic bit. The London Review. Send in your hoes, I'll fucking review them for you. God damn. Well, we're out of time and inspiration, folks.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Thank God. We're at the London Review of Holes. Thank God. We're broke and our hearts are too. In Rihanna's fucking digital Sims hell. It's a very spacious hole. You can live in it. If you want more hole content, subscribe to our Patreon at slash Trillbilly Workers party we're for five dollars a month terrence will
Starting point is 01:15:46 keep doing the london review of holes and tanya keep going to launch parties and i'll do uh bill clinton asking his proctologist questions yeah i now try very hard not to kill this show trust me i've uh i've tried very hard to kill it. It's not been accomplished yet, but pray that I will not be successful. Not dead yet. Our show is out wearing a mask. Yeah. Surviving. Make sure you wear a mask.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Be safe. Have fun with your friends. Take care of one another. Dr. Anthony Fauci is saying that we should maybe wear goggles now. Maybe get some goggles over the weekend. Oh, my God. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Are glasses fine? Can glasses just substitute? I think the idea is to cover your tear ducts because COVID can get into your tear ducts and find it in your respiratory system. That's all Tom needed to hear to wear a full fucking face mask, full face guard. You've got to cover your holes. You've got to cover your holes. You've got to cover them.
Starting point is 01:16:56 And that's a wrap. All right. We'll see you next time. Bye-bye.

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