Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 187: Working the Steps

Episode Date: February 25, 2021

We take a look at yet another interesting 12-step program, then talk about the new Springsteen/Obama podcast, COVID deaths, Democrat ineptitude, and finally Speak Your Piece, featuring what is perhaps... one of the greatest pieces of all time Support us on patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. I'm rolling. You rolling? Jesus, yes, I'm rolling. Okay. So. What? What was it that finally, finally, finally broke your brain?
Starting point is 00:00:12 I was scrolling. Before you tell me, before you tell me, before you tell me, I just want to point out a couple things you've lived through. There was the great, if you don't like beyonce you don't like beyonce facebook skirmish of 2013 one for the ages there was 9-11 uh what else was there you've been through some shit but this is well this is the kicker. Yeah, well, I was just perusing this story because there were some Letcher County people in it. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Politically opposed groups find common ground through conversation on CBS News. this trading places type program where like rich liberals from the northeast come down to appalachia and get trump supporters and then take them back to their environs and have hard conversations common ground yeah yeah they have they ask the tough questions of one another yeah um they eventually talked politics people on both sides felt insulted, misunderstood, but the gun lovers and tree huggers all survived. That's pretty good. This isn't what broke my brain, though. You would think that this would be the thing that broke it,
Starting point is 00:01:34 but this is not it. Okay. So this story is part of a larger series on CBS News called Unifying America. It's about bringing people together through common conversation. Well, one of the installations in that series is about something called Racists Anonymous. So let me just play you the opening clip this is the first thing i heard okay hi i'm tiffany i'm a racist it's surprising to hear
Starting point is 00:02:12 shocking to hear it's surprising that's that's funny like even if you were racist that's such a hilarious thing to like lead to lead, to identify with. Yeah. Like, in terms of your identities, that'd be like me saying, like, I don't go and say, hey, my name's Tom and I'm a Pentecostal. Or my name's Tom and I'm a Marxist. My name's Tom and I'm, you know, whatever. That's so weird. Like, you know, whatever. That's so weird.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Like, you lead with a personality trait of yours. Hi, my name's Tom and I'm an optimist. I mean, so, but it's weird. It's like weird to see someone who's not like in the KKK saying that. You know what I mean? Hi, I'm Tiffany. I mean, well, maybe they are. Maybe this is the point. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Let's not assume they're not. But yeah, it's a very strange thing for like somebody that's not like pretty explicitly a white supremacist to lead with. Right. As their defining character of who they are yeah uh well let me go ahead and play you the uh the next part of it so the people who are in racist anonymous are as you can see the audience can't but you can just look this up wait wait wait wait wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I didn't know this was a group. I thought that was the name of this segment. No, this is...
Starting point is 00:03:52 There's a group called Racist... Racist Anonymous. So it's a... This pastor... It's group meetings for racists? It's like AA for racists? It's AA for racist there's a pastor in like california who's applying the methods he learned in aa which by the way i love this idea and i feel like we're
Starting point is 00:04:14 starting to see more of it but i love the idea of applying aa to literally everything any problem well also too it's got to be at least three times as effective as like surge like where surge is just like uh you know you should really we need to be confronting white supremacy and all that kind of stuff and they never like do the work in themselves at least aa says there's like a religiosity attached to it that you might not like. But it does center on working on the self so that you can contribute to the whole. More importantly, that's exactly right. Surge is intensely individualistic.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It says you have to stand up as an individual and call it out where you see it. Whereas Racist Anonymous says anonymous says no you are just another cog in something much larger than yourself you have to give up a part of yourself you have to give up a part of yourself you have to give up the white supremacy that lives within you yeah and then like all the rising tide lifts all boats and once we've all dealt with our internal white supremacy then we can i then we're good i'm more sympathetic to this than yes surge or where surge is like surge is like you should uh you should uh be weird fake nice to black people right right right right um but i anyways let me play you the next part
Starting point is 00:05:45 and even harder to admit nobody really likes owning or being referred to as a racist doug who asked us to use only his first name is a member of racist anonymous a 12-step program like aa i'm doug i'm a racist pastor ron Buford started Racist Anonymous six years ago. CBS News visited his Sunnyvale, California church in October of 2016. There are a number of black people, and some of them have these weird names. And somehow, I just can't remember those weird names. And I'm very, I feel very bad about it. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:06:29 This feels, this, dude, this feels like a 2002 Dave Chappelle show bit. That is exactly, I sent it to my buddy Jack and said the exact same thing. I mean, like, you couldn't make this up. No, it feels exactly like that that said it's not the dumbest thing in the world let me play you the next small part and then and then i've not watched the whole thing i can't make it past like the first two minutes without just completely losing it here at home amid one of the most racially turbulent times since the 60s losing it. I can't breathe! No justice, no peace! Here at home amid one of the most racially turbulent times since the 60s,
Starting point is 00:07:10 Racist Anonymous is more relevant than ever. I have come to admit that I am powerless over my addiction to racism. Nancy joined six months ago. Dude, that killed me. Here's my thing about that it's like
Starting point is 00:07:27 does racism feel good to you like like do you get the same jolt out of hate that you do from i don't know pills i that was the quote that for me, I mean, if you take that sentence out of context, it's the funniest sentence in human history. I am powerless to racism. I am powerless to my addiction to racism. Powerless to my addiction to racism. I mean, it's kind of true. This country is addicted to racism, truly. I mean, it's kind of true.
Starting point is 00:08:03 This country is addicted to racism, truly. Yeah, it's, it's, it's, uh, well, it's interesting because I think, like, the idea that, like, but this is, this is almost like saying, like, you get high off racism, you know what I mean? It's like, I feel like racism, the reason I don't feel like it's a one-to-one, I feel like racism is more about not wanting to like cede your power, your hegemony as a group in society to other people as a white person. And I just don't know that that's transfer, like I can see some utility in it, but I just don't think it's transferable to the AA model overall. Well, remember we did an episode about this, a Patreon episode about under-earning anonymous or under-earners anonymous.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Remember that? Yeah. I mean, is this the thing? Is people are just like, like just ascribing any sort of societal ill or perceived societal ill to the aa model well it makes sense my own personal experiences with aa recently kind of yeah they have kind of informed this in a way it kind of makes sense for this reason if you're a person who's troubled about the state of the world and social problems and social issues, let's say 100 years ago, what you would do is you would go get involved in politics.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Well, politics is ostensibly dead. And so it's kind of like in the 70s how everyone retreated into these sort of subcultures and worlds of fantasy where they couldn't plug into politics in a way because you can't affect any change through the proper channels that way it's sort of similar but now we're using aa because there are things in aa that do make a lot of sense and that i agree with and i think do make you a better person they help you navigate life easier but you repair relationships they help that like a lot of people get sober and that's absolutely true right can't discount it that's right but i have a lot of critiques of it as well um right and so it's it's a grab bag for me but but that's a whole different issue for chemical substance addiction or behavioral like gambling uh sex those things impulsive behaviors exactly that's exactly right impulsive behavior
Starting point is 00:10:27 so i don't know i guess is racism an impulse i guess it kind of is i i think it i don't know but it's i feel like i feel like i i mean i don't know because i like i i just i don't know how intoxicating hate could be to me it feels just more like um like even if you were a racist right like i just i feel like that has more to do with um i don't know though man because i'm i'm a gossip and i imagine like if you are reactionary you know what i mean if you have had that experience of like having power seeing it threatened and then like you need to scapegoat somebody i could see that being as addictive as like gossiping and like sort of the right i mean just like the blowing off some steam that
Starting point is 00:11:25 we all do like shit talking and all that kind of stuff which is like toxic but like we all do it because it like makes us feel less bad about our own failings and shortcomings you know right right call somebody else usually somebody we love a piece of shit behind their back so i don't know i mean maybe there is a little more related there than i think but still it feels like a uh it feels like not every like intervention works for certain things you know what i mean yeah i think like with the under earners anonymous the most you can say about this without passing any kind of value judgment on the uh the substance ofearners anonymous the most you can say about this without passing any kind of value judgment on the uh the substance of no pun intended of the uh thing itself but you can say that it at
Starting point is 00:12:14 least is an indication of where we're at societally where we've all acknowledged that there's nothing we can really do about problems anymore and so we have to just pathologize our own problems and try to like work through them in therapy session form you know what i'm saying yeah yeah that's true it's like uh there's a like a paralysis of collective action or whatever you know what i mean like which is such a strange thing to say because less than a year ago we were you know all out in the streets and burning down police stations and everything like that but it feels like where do we go now that you mentioned it this feels fascinating in the sense that we're coming off of a phase of intense like street activism um non-profit organization uh even volunteer groups and stuff like that but because there's been no substantive change in
Starting point is 00:13:04 the last 10 years i guess this is what people are resorting to now you know what i'm saying like it's not literally nothing has changed since tamir rice was killed or you know anything like that it's it's i don't know yeah it's it's um yeah i mean yeah it's I don't know, it's really interesting to think about. Because, okay, you know, if you're a white person in this country, you've been around, like, racist people. You know what I mean? Family members, so on and so forth. Like, you know the things they say about people, the people they scapegoat about whatever. Right. You know what I mean? Family members, so on and so forth. Like, you know the things they say about people, the people they scapegoat about whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Right. You know what I mean? It goes one of two ways. It's either, again, you're in that position of power, you see it threatened, and you need somebody to scapegoat in order to sort of keep the encroachment of certain groups of people at bay. Or you indulge that because your life all of a sudden as a white person sucks because the factory's closed or your jobs are left, whatever the case is. And you're like, well, it's the Mexicans, it's whoever, it's the bankers, whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:24 That type of race is like it usually goes one of those two ways the third type is like this sort of like the way in which we've all been led to believe that like because it is true white supremacy lives in all of us you know what i mean it's just that's just codified in in us at this point yeah it encourages certain normative behaviors that then get sort of reproduced and practiced subconsciously on a day-to-day basis right correct correct and then the other part to that is like to do this like sort of like absolution, self-flagellation thing. The saying like, I am a racist, like, I mean, yeah, in the sense that white supremacy lives in all of us.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And like, yeah, the lady that was saying the thing about the weird names, like that's racist, obviously. But like, you know, like when like liberals would be like well we're all racist if you think you know what i mean like it's just tribalism it's like this that's like i don't know if i buy that in that sense that feels to me like just some like typical like liberal self-flagellation bullshit yeah i mean this what concerns me about this is it freezes people into, I don't know. I don't know really where I stand on it, honestly. Because when you talk about race, like, theoretically as a radical, a communist or whatever, you would like to live in a society where race-based differentiation and punishment based off of that does not exist
Starting point is 00:16:07 and correct and so i guess you have to ask yourself does racist anonymous get me there it probably doesn't prevent you from getting there so i guess it's not a negative but it's also maybe not a positive i don't know it it i'm probably just going to lean on it probably doesn't go far enough but like you know it's fine keep doing your thing reverend and uh you know you could you could do worse than have aa as like a guide post i think yes no i agree i absolutely agree um but goddamn dude just that opening it's shocking to hear hi my name's whatever i'm right that's amazing dude okay all right i'm gonna play the next amazing i'll play the next 30
Starting point is 00:17:03 seconds i don't know what else is in it, and then we can move on. She says she learned from her parents. Do you think you still have some of those racist tendencies? I do because to this day, if I see someone with a headscarf, Oh, no. Oh, no. My heart just kind of clenches. How do you feel when you react that way now? Now terrible, but also better. It's helped me to identify all of these feelings that I had
Starting point is 00:17:35 just bottled up. They're challenging racial turmoil by first confronting themselves. So I've made a calculation in my head that this is worth it. Outing myself here so that others can see it and maybe be inspired to do something about themselves and potentially transform society. Oh, that's good. I don't know that guy's name, but he looks like Paul. So it's good, Paul.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Thanks for that. At the very least. Paul see if you need to out yourself you know that's a good thing um well anyway anyways i'm gonna have to think on this more see where i really land on it concretely but right now my brain is a little little shoddy too i just like it's in this cbs series unifying america and like literally two of the titles in this series politically opposed groups find common ground through conversation and then the next one liberals and conservatives find common ground just shit like that oh my god you know that's good shit man
Starting point is 00:18:47 yeah it's good shit i wonder if when we did that america divided with nick offerman did uh were people like in their home shocked like oh my god there's people that identify as socialist and you know what i mean like and it was just this jar like kind of weird to hear for them as like these these people just saying uh my name is anita i'm 37 from pittsburgh pennsylvania and uh i'm a racist that is kind of interesting to think about because in aa you know i'm an alcoholic uh i'm an addict you know didn't you talk about your experiences in your drug so i wonder if some people have like their racism you know what i mean like their specific yeah yeah man we're gonna be going to uh aa for socialism at some point we will eventually yeah we'll get there my My name's Tom, and I'm addicted to a compelling vision of the future.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Son, there is no compelling vision. There is no future. That's what you will have to go to AA for. You'll have to get that impulse beat out of you. Idealism. I'm going to AA. Idealism, AA, yeah. Right. Goddamn, man. out of idealism i'm going to idealism yeah yeah right god damn man um well uh speaking on the uh
Starting point is 00:20:21 note of idealism and racism um the hot new podcast out on these streets uh Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen. Have you checked it out, Brother Tom? Man, I'll be honest with you. I ran to that shit. And once I got there, I was like, I just don't know if I can do this. And the reason I don't know if I can do it is i mean yeah i consider it say the neoliberalism the neoliberalism but honestly it's just that like i've kind of done the thing with springsteen that other people do with dolly
Starting point is 00:21:03 that i've so harshly criticized, you know? Right, right. In print and online. They're like, I just, like, can't accept that Bruce isn't who I, like, wanted him to be in my head. Well, I think the thing about, well, by the way, I listened to some of it. It was god-awful. And it's very hilarious to me that a person would go, their trajectory in life would be constitutional lawyer, author, best-selling author, state senator, president of the United States,
Starting point is 00:21:35 podcaster. Yeah, I know, man. Amazing trajectory. You don't go from a noble calling to an ignoble calling. It's just, you're taking a few steps back. I mean, you know, I guess probably I should look at that the other way, is that the presidency is an ignoble calling and podcasting is the highest calling. That's right.
Starting point is 00:21:56 It is the highest calling. Well, I'm just glad to see he didn't peak by winning the White House. The president to podcast pipeline, my friend. It is very real. are we going to reverse engineer it and what are the odds of either of us becoming the president of the united states well dude here's the thing a lot of political leaders have got their start most of them reactionary of course like mike pence but also our own our very very own Hal Rogers started as a radio DJ, man. Really?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yep. I never knew that. Was he like kind of a talk radio guy? No, this was in the 50s before, I guess there was Father Coughlin, but before drive time radio, I think was a real big thing. So I think he was just playing. So Hal Rogers truly has not had a real job his entire life. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yes. So what I guess what I'm saying is that there's a not, there's a non-zero chance we could become a leader of men. I probably, I think my ceiling is probably, well, at this point it's probably Notary Public, but like, stars perfectly aligned, everything goes just so.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I think I'm probably topping out at Alderman. That seems like a good job for me, Alderman. Well, that way, you have been city councilman so you've gone through the same trajectory my friend you and obama are on this both probably interned at the clinton foundation you know that's true that is true god if i would have stayed the course man i could have at least been like i don't know like fucking Secretary of State of fucking Rhode Island or something. Right. Well, on the Bruce Springsteen note, I too feel that way in the sense that I attributed things to the boss that were never really there.
Starting point is 00:24:05 However, in our defense, and in defense of anyone who defends 9 to 5, which is a great song with a great message, the same is true for some of Bruce's stuff as well. I think the truth of the matter is, regardless how you feel about it it's an indication of how badly things have decayed really in the last couple of decades that like those those celebrities used to be uh liberals you know what i'm saying and now what passes for liberal is basically right wing like that's how bad things have gotten yeah man i i was um i was like kind of getting caught up on like all the confirmation hearings and everything like this and like it's funny how they cast it it's like bernie sanders and six like ultra conservative
Starting point is 00:25:03 republicans are the only people that like voted to voted against Tom Vilsack as, like, Ag Secretary. Then it's just like, man, everybody's just giving up. Like, if you can't beat them, join them. Right. Keith Ellison today, like, talking about Neera Tanden deserved to be confirmed. It is like when the Bible says in the end there'll be a great falling away what we're noticing is a great falling away of even like people we even put a little bit of hope into right you're right it's just easier just to it's just you know what
Starting point is 00:25:41 liberalism feels good feels good to the flesh you know yeah i mean it's bad for the spirit but like it's it's just it's just easy you know what i mean if that's the case then you can go to aa for liberalism as well i mean if that is what you say god damn dude now that's now that could work what would that look like though dude people really are addicted to liberalism truly i mean oh man no you're i mean it's like it is give them a drip baby yeah give them give them brunch give them clean nordic lines uh for furniture i mean like give them like a uh give them mayor pete i mean like they are i've seen people i i it's funny because you spend so much time trafficking and left twitter you'd ever know what's like real or not out in the real world anymore but like like i saw somebody posting
Starting point is 00:26:43 like screenshots from like dating profiles of people now like talking about how they love neoliberalism as like identify with like neoliberalism it's funny because i always hear like people even people that like truly are liberals you know what i mean like say oh neoliberalism sucks man because it's just like so pejorative right to think about that now but like they're like it's funny to think about a subset of people that like have like probably just as like a contrarian thing against leftists just like have embraced it like yeah i love neoliberalism that's how fucking goofy shit is right now i, neoliberalism isn't really even an ideology.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It's just basically capitalism on steroids. Maybe that's a cliche to say that, but... Well, it's just... Well, it's absolutely one of those things you just know it when you see it, and it really kind of means nothing anymore because everything's a neoliberalism, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I mean, I say... I say that people are addicted to be being liberals but i don't really have any space here to talk i mean it ultimately doesn't matter that's that's the kicker here i mean like it has it doesn't really matter whether you are liberal or socialist or communist or whatever i mean but at the end of the day it's just a label you basically put on yourself i mean it's just a set of beliefs you have and yeah yeah like like none of us are like i mean we could be like communists in the world of ideas or the life of the mind or whatever but like in practice like there is no party apparatus there is no like exactly way to actually practice communism like in like a as like a mass political project at the moment you know
Starting point is 00:28:34 what i'm saying right that that is i'm not talking about before people jump down my throat about like mutual aid and other things that's not what i'm talking about. I'm talking about like actually being a viable like political entity with like the party faithful and everything. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I mean, because at the end of the day, I guess the way I look at it is like me here sitting on this chair talking to you. I can say, oh, so and so is addicted to being a liberal but it doesn't really matter if either of us have the correct set of beliefs and opinions and worldview because both of us are ultimately powerless so right right your ideology actually doesn't mean shit
Starting point is 00:29:23 until you get power yeah i don't i guess i mean you could be influenced and build power right you know what i'm saying like the panthers or whoever like you want to use as a test case for sure but like when the rubber hits the road until like you're you have power i'm not sure that it like matters much like if you're a communist or a Whig or a Democrat or whatever you want to call yourself. Yeah. Yeah, I can already tell this is a segment I'm going to regret having. Weigh it in on.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Yeah. Yeah, just got away from us. It happens. Well, anyways, the obama podcast uh pretty boring i mean it's it's really not even offensive or anything it's just really fucking banal and boring yeah it's like what do they talk about well on the second episode they talk about racism and so obama just asks the boss about clarence if he's if he's been to if he's been to racism a.a yeah pretty much i mean he he asked him about like uh what was his name clarence the saxophone player in the east street
Starting point is 00:30:46 band clarence clemens yeah i think that's right obama just asked him a bunch of questions about clarence clemens and then the boss is like well yeah we know we we played music together i don't know something like that i don't know something like that yeah yeah well when did clarence die he died a few years ago right yeah i can't remember is this is clarence the one him and bruce would kiss on stage so yeah yeah did uh president obama asking bruce about about his latent homosexuality. Not in the part that I listen to, but you never know. There's only two episodes so far, so it could get into some really... More adult themes.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah, some more adult themes. You imagine Barack Obama just saying that. you imagine the brock obama just saying that's like um bruce you um put some of your feelings out there on on on main street uh yeah um well speaking of dolly speaking of having heroes um, the latest news in Dollyland, at this point we might as well literally have a podcast about Dolly. Kentucky Kingdom is being sold to Dollywood owners. Man. I wonder what that's going to look like.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Is this going to be Dolly Kingdom? Is this like... Is it going to undergo a rebranding? Or is it just like the Herschel Family Foundation just... Like just buying it? I think so. I'm sure that they just acquired it. So they're just like going to turn Kentucky Kingdom
Starting point is 00:32:43 into like one of those giant Christian bookstores that you see on the side of the interstate. Yes. That's exactly right. We would be so lucky, honestly. Exactly. Exactly. Well, let's see. What else do we got?
Starting point is 00:33:03 We've got 500,000 COVID deaths. Biden held a moment of silence for half a million people dead. You know what was kind of weird about that is they kind of preemptively did that. Like they started planning for that before we actually hit 500 000 uh-huh that didn't find that weirdly macabre besides me well yes it because they weren't doing the things to stop it from stop us from getting there you know so it's like it's like it wasn't a foregone conclusion that we would hit 500 000 you know what i mean Exactly. What if all those people recovered? You know?
Starting point is 00:33:48 So dark, man. Well, I mean, but they still haven't passed checks. It might. Dude, we're getting to the point with checks where I start to feel like an asshole for bringing it up. Does that make sense like we are like i now have internalized my own shame and guilt over not getting the goddamn checks that were owed to me that's how fucked up it's gotten it's that christian guilt of like i guess i guess i didn't do anything to earn that two thousand dollars exactly and furthermore i feel embarrassed for even bringing it up like the annoying guy
Starting point is 00:34:23 at a party or something who keeps bringing up something that nobody wants to talk about. Oh, yeah. It's like, man, it's like we just get on Twitter anymore to just like do me and the boys when the vaccine comes jokes and pointing out. pointing out it's like the the true hallmark of our like political paralysis is that like we've reverted back to like mid to early 2000s style point out hypocrisies right like biden knows and does not care that he didn't get those checks flying out the door right he knows that we know that we've been had, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. He secured his place in history, which is what he wanted.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Just because these people are just like, don't have anything. You don't believe in anything but their own ambition. And it's like at this point, it's just like. Log on. Funny picture. Me and the boys when the vaccine comes. Log on. Where picture. Me and the boys when the vaccine comes. Log on. Where's those two?
Starting point is 00:35:27 Man, Biden owes me $2,000. It's been 60 days, and those checks ain't flying out the door like he said. And then, like, the other thing is, like, oh, he said he wasn't going to deport anybody, but he's already deported 30,000 people. I'm not against bearing witness. That's not what I'm getting at. What I'm getting at is that they don't care. They don't give a shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:58 I have noticed this. I had friends who all throughout the primary, the election, well, they didn't say this to my face because nobody says anything to anybody's face anymore. Both because of the pandemic, but just in general. And also we're just a bunch of pussies. Right. Exactly. Mostly I'm a coward. Right. Exactly. Mostly I'm a coward. Right. But all through the election, it was basically. I mean, people are putting this itself is pointless because I am pointing out a hypocrisy, but literally all through the election, people were talking about kids in cages.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Now, if you go to their TL, they haven't mentioned a thing about Biden in weeks. Because everybody knows, deep down, it's this secret that no one wants to acknowledge. Right, right. Man, you know the hardest pill to swallow of all that is like, all of a sudden, man, I'm never voting for the Democrats again. 2016. We were resolute in that. And I'll be god damn if we didn't vote for the Democrats again. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:37:13 I sat in the Kroger parking lot today because I had to move my car from the Jackals at Lex Park. And I sat in that fucking Kroger parking lot today and I said, man, i swear i'm never voting for the democrats again and i just i just want to keep this for posterity i'm gonna say that yeah because fast forward if by some miracle we're still doing this show in 2024 and we and i'm out here pining for it. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 00:37:47 I don't like her either. Okay? Dude, that's the thing. She's Coppola Harris, okay? No, it's going to be. Here's the thing, dude. It's going to be even worse because it's going to be AOC. And then you really will have to have that inner conversation. And you'll have to do the same fucking dance you did in 2020 about Bernie.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Like, how much is my time? They're not going to do me like this again, are they? But they will. Once it gets here, 2024 gets here, and they run AOC as a Democrat, you can come back to this episode and then mash it up with the episode i'll be doing in march 2024 and being like well guys we just gotta go hit the pavement for i'm sorry that's just the way it's gotta be we're gonna do it man we're gonna keep falling for it rinse wash and repeat you know why we're stuck man it's that paralysis. It's paralysis.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Exactly. We're just fucking stuck. We're just stuck, man. Just no new ideas under the sun. We are the ones who need the AA, man. We keep going back, and there's nothing there. We keep going back to the well. There's nothing ever fucking there.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Bro, as soon as you said ALC, I lit up a little bit. That's how much I want to vote for. Oh, fucking shit. Well, yeah, there'll probably be something. We'll like re-litigate 2016 because it'll be like Joe Biden will have probably by that point succumbed to consumption or something. And it'll be like the whole neoliberal versus the progressive wing of the left or whatever you want to call that sort of the Ilyan Omar, the squad, plus Bernie, plus whoever, like coalition. And then we'll just relitigate this all again, man. And I'll make the case. case i will i can see myself aged
Starting point is 00:40:08 what will i be then 37 or so 38 yeah and i'll be i'll say yep we got to get out there man because change happens at the ballot box even though i know full well and you know i can i already know what's coming i already know what's coming you know what i'm saying well um so if we don't if there's no you know indication of how to get out of this then perhaps the people the good people of ledger county might might know what do you think let's go with the tape on it well say what you want but they've got some strong ideas about collective action christian people
Starting point is 00:41:03 you need to read your bible especially the book book of Daniel and the Old Testament and his prophecy. Some of what is in the Bible has been fulfilled, you see. So you have to quit your sin, and then you need to make it right when you do. Also, quit voting for evil. Dude. I want to tell you something, man. That's a sign. that's strangely applicable to this discussion i don't think we need to read the book of daniel or anything but we should quit voting
Starting point is 00:41:34 for evil and i think that's a good episode time you're right at the very least you can just quit voting for evil yeah i'm sure a certain school official thinks he's hit the jackpot with the married woman he's seeing I want you to know buddy this isn't her first rodeo and it probably won't be
Starting point is 00:41:54 her last so don't get too comfortable I know you have been a very decent man but you have stepped over a line you're making fools of yourselves
Starting point is 00:42:03 damn a little moralizing but whatever But you have stepped over a line. You're making fools of yourselves. Damn. A little moralizing, but whatever. I think it's a shame. Oh, my God. They're going in on this couple. Dude, they really are. There was two this week, and there was one last week. I think it's a shame we have two school officials one a woman and one a man
Starting point is 00:42:26 if i was editorializing here because we have to make that distinction these days who are having affairs what is this world coming to these are supposed to be people our kids can look up to and yet that here they are setting a bad example. One, even at ballgames. I think this needs to be checked in, too. Dude, what the fuck? What is going on at Letcher County Cougar ballgames? Buddy, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Well, one, they're just out there not wearing masks. That's one thing you can say about it. they're just out there not wearing masks that's one thing you can say about bitcoin has increased 22 000 per coin since biden took office in trump's first month bitcoin increased 60 dollars per coin thank you president biden for saving the economy man wait what did he say again how much did he say biden under biden it increased 22 000 per coin oh so he's saying it was just 60 per coin interesting which kind of makes sense because like the democrats with their whole like innovation and you know whatever whatever like they would be totally comfortable so long as like if they just change the national currency to like facebook bucks or
Starting point is 00:43:45 whatever i didn't think the democrats could be so stupid but once again they've proved us wrong they're dumber than a coal bucket damn good one scorcher but kind of weak i gotta be honest that's pretty sweet to a certain grouch you think you can go around giving me dirty looks, but guess what? When you die, you think you're going to be able to walk up to God with a big smile on your face and shake his hand, but it might be the other way around, buddy. You mean God's going to die and walk up to him and shake his hand with a smile on his face? Damn, dude. God might have a trap door
Starting point is 00:44:26 for you and you'll get nothing but fire and brimstone for your tormenting of everybody think about it you're going to pay for what you've done and your money well hell you can't take it with you when you leave oh man um That's an interesting... Classic warning. A classic warning, yeah. Also an interesting concept, though. Where does God go when he dies, man? Does he come here? When God becomes flesh.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Well, the Democrats failed again in trying to persecute mr trump 74 million people voted for him and now he's acquitted and we do know he will who will be running for president before long and we do know who will win the presidency before long so you democrats go ahead and change the world as much as you can because it will be changed again every time they switch. I say God bless America and God bless an honest vote. Dude. Dude, this could have been written by one of us. This is exactly what we've been talking about.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Wait, look. The Democrats failed again in trying to persecute Mr. Trump. 74 million people voted for him, and now he's acquitted, and we do know who will be running for president before long, and we know who will win the presidency before long. So you Democrats, go ahead and change the world
Starting point is 00:45:56 as much as you can, because it will be changed again every time they switch. Oh my god, that's what it's gonna be, man. I say bless america and god bless an honest vote man for the next 30 years we're just going to see saw between donald trump being president and and uh well what it is it's like cruder and cruder versions of Reagan and Kennedy. They just get more fucked up and deformed with every new iteration.
Starting point is 00:46:30 It's like, oh, then there are Carter and a Bush senior, but then there are Clinton and a Bush junior, but then there are Obama and Trump. You know what I mean? They just get more and more decrepit with every fucking iteration. Oh, my God. You're so right. Oh, man. Ooh. I hope all people of color don't think all white people are racist.
Starting point is 00:46:57 We are not. This is the firmest rebuke of racism anonymous I've seen yet. Absolutely. I have a lot more in common with people of color than i do the legions of trumpian racist supremacist skinhead morons who are following donald trump off a cliff or maybe he's a graduate of racism anonymous i don't know seems a little too confident for me he needs to go back and if he if he made it through he needs to go back wait this just made me think if there's racist anonymous so then there's a 12-step program so do you have to go
Starting point is 00:47:31 back and like make amends that makes sense if you're a racist to somebody you know you go back and make amends with them oh my god i to give good money to see some of that. Dear Speak Your Peace, don't watch CBS, MSNBC, and especially not CNN. They're communist sympathizers, and they spew lies. YouTube is trying to take our right to freedom of speech. They are socialist criminals of the highest order. These people need to be ran out of the United States.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yep. I mean, I literally unironically agree. CBS, MSNBC, and CNN should all literally be run out of the United States. I'm with you on this, buddy. When Joe Biden was a young senator, he'd never have signed these destructive executive orders. Now he'll sign anything put in front of him. This is somebody that's pining for the halcyon days when he was a segregationist. This is exactly... This is someone who only reps Joe Biden's earlier works.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Someone I didn't know existed. Only reps Joe Biden's earlier works. Someone I didn't know existed. But I like Joe Biden up to about 2008. Exactly. I don't understand what is coming to this country when cartoons can't even be cartoons anymore. Now we have Mrs. Buttersworth taking off the the syrup bottles because it is racist what about the indians what about the jews look how bad they were treated people have to quit digging up things from the past well that's an interesting way to uh
Starting point is 00:49:22 to arrive at that conclusion. Okay. Over the course of these speaker pieces, I'm becoming more and more convinced that everyone needs racist anonymous. There's a lot of people in here that either need it or have graduated the program. Stock market indices are up from 7% to 19% just since Election Day. Thank you, President Biden. This guy in the big... I'm just like, who in Letcher County says that? Right.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Right. People always talk about how the right-hand fork of Doty Creek is bad for drug dealing. But everybody knows the left-hand fork has drug dealers, too. Bet the police are afraid of them. I thought that that was a good analogy for politics. The left-hand fork has drug dealers, too, but the police are afraid of them. Yeah, I thought it was going to go in the biblical direction. If your right hand causes you to sin, then whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Damn you, republican traitors oh that's that's me funny if it's a damn you republican traitors you six that voted not to confirm ag secretary nominee tom vilsack damn you republican what if somebody in eastern in leicester county just felt very strongly that tom vilsack needs to be the Ag Secretary? So much so, they called Speak Your Peace to air that grievance anonymously. Damn you, Republican traitors. You six who voted to try former President Donald J. Trump, who is now a private citizen in the Senate for impeachment. It's just unconstitutional the way Democrats and even some Republicans think.
Starting point is 00:51:07 The Republicans who voted to hold that trial should be thrown overboard. Hold your head high, Mr. Trump. You did nothing but state how you felt, and a lot of Americans felt the same way you did. Hold your head high. Hold your head high. Go rest high on that mountain, President Donald J. Trump. I saw a poll this week that said nearly half of Republicans, I think it was 47 or 48 percent, said they would join a third party if Trump started one. 27 percent of them said they weren't sure if they would or not, which means they probably would.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Oh, my. So basically, he almost single-handedly could take over the party yes he could like he could like he could like he could bankrupt the republicans if he really wanted to he could if there weren't controls in place for that to happen right okay okay all right this one you have to hold on to the end this one is is very interesting. I threw this on the list, and I almost bailed halfway through, three quarters of the way through, but then it gets to the end and delivers.
Starting point is 00:52:12 It drops a bomb on you, so just be looking out for it. Big payoff, huh? Yeah. Here we go. Close it out. Wait, wait. I think there's another one or more after this.
Starting point is 00:52:25 No, I think you're right. No, you're right. This is closing it out. I've out. Wait, wait. I think there's another one or more after this. No, wait. No, I think you're right. No, you're right. This is closing it out. I've been jumping around, yeah. No, no. This is the last one. This will close it out.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I watched the beginning of the second impeachment of Donald J. Trump. Again, the House Democrats subverted the Constitution to fit their embellished and destructive agenda the bigoted democrats in congress mainly from new york and california and democrat controlled cities aided by the propagandist big media big teach and they're over big teach i'm talking big Teach. Larry Hoover. Let's see. And their over-friendly relationship with China and their willingness to defund the police and misuse and purge the military and open up the border are jeopardizing the health, safety,
Starting point is 00:53:19 and welfare of this republic called the United States. For the first time in my life i am glad that my time in the military defending the constitution in this nation rendered me unable to father children for our nation as we know it will end thank you I've never looked at me, you know, being rendered unfruitful as a blessing until I saw how bigoted these Democrats from New York and California are being and how they subvert the Constitution. Oh, my fucking God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:54:01 That might be the best one I've ever read. Oh my God, that might be the best one I've ever read. The war injury that left me impotent is preferable to how big the Democrats are. Bro, I'm going to tell you something. Oh my God. If you ever needed any evidence that the Democratic Party is going the way of the wigs. There it is. A man... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Anyway. Oh, dude, it hurts. I'm laughing so fucking hard. It hurts. I have never been happy that I was rendered unable to have children in the war until now
Starting point is 00:54:46 dude good shit we call that one back home good shit that's the good shit people oh man oh well i'm sorry i've my brain's been rattled and this had some low points but in the end it paid off that's right that's right um well you know it's like you said we weren't planning to record tonight so it's not every day that racist anonymous just lands in your lap you know that's true i had a show planned and it took a detour because i opened it right before we came on so uh this is what happens when you improvise baby oh yeah um hell yeah well thanks for listening everybody um i want to plug the patreon because we have a new segment on the Patreon called Getting the Goods. It's all about DA, man. It's all about how direct action gets the goods.
Starting point is 00:55:52 And our most recent Patreon episode has it. And it's pretty good. As we were recording it, we had to take a break in the middle of it. And I brought up that i just watched i tanya to tom and um and i think that tanya harding is a pretty good example of how direct action gets the goods i mean she didn't win after after they kneecapped nancy kerrigan but it was pretty funny and so it's just an example of how taking matters into your own hands sometimes can deliver and that's what our segment is about tanya harding struck the earliest blow against the neoliberal order when she kneecapped nancy
Starting point is 00:56:42 had nancy kerrigan kneecapped in order so she could win that's the way i look at it i agree it was the earliest sort of salvo in the rise of the white working class i agree just letting the neoliberal order know hey we're here you uh so while we were breaking though you told me that you partied with tanya harding in more i did i partied with i partied one night with tanya harding and uh tommy morrison from the movies who is also like a real pro boxer and uh had to retire after testing positive for hiv and later claimed for many years that he had uh cured himself of hiv just by being him but yeah they were very sweet very nice we uh we uh here's how it happened okay an old professor of mine dale greer a lot of people that went to moorhead remember
Starting point is 00:57:41 dale greer he's a legend there. He was perhaps most famous for being Nick Clooney, George Clooney's father, co-host on the morning show at WHAS, NBC affiliate. called the people's clinic which provided like low cost like kind of health care stuff like you know blood pressure checks like dental work you know standard medical routine physical that type stuff for people that were uninsured and underinsured and so forth in the community and in order to raise money for the people's clinic he had uh you know called jimmy page who was a former world heavyweight champion, also from Louisville. A lot of people obviously know Muhammad Ali, but don't know that Jimmy Page, who was his best friend, was also the world heavyweight champion at one point. Not the guitarist from Led Zeppelin. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Different guy. Hold on one second. I'll finish the story um i'm sorry why did i say jimmy page i meant jimmy ellis sorry dude it threw you off when i said that i could tell in your mind you're like wait the guy i'm thinking of doesn't have a name similar to the guy in led zeppelin jimmy ellis yeah i'm sorry uh jimmy anyway jimmy ellis apologies everybody jimmy ellis was muhammad ali's best friend also former world heavyweight champion dale brought jimmy ellis and also uh tommy gunn morrison and tanya harding and a number of people they were doing like some kind
Starting point is 00:59:25 of boxing exhibition this is when like tanya harding was like trying to sort of uh get into the combat sports it's like a right second career you know right and uh yeah i we went out to the city lights the delta gamma house with tanya Harding one night and had some cocktails. And Tommy Morrison was there, too. And then afterwards, I took them to Taco Bell and then dropped them back off where they were staying. Just bullshit for a little while. That rules. That was not anything super crazy that happened, but, you know.
Starting point is 01:00:04 That's not anything super crazy that happened, but, you know. Still, I mean, it's not every day you find yourself at Taco Bell with Tanya Harding and what? I have driven a van a couple of times in my life. And every time I drove a van, let me tell you, the only three times I drove a van, one time I had Tonya Harding and Tommy Morrison in there. Another time I had Tonya Turner in there. And then the other time I had Chelsea Clinton in there. Yes. So every time I drive a van, somebody noteworthy is in there.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Oh, man. Didn't you drive a golf cart one time with Hillary Clinton's brother? So, man, you're a great chauffeur. No, actually, that was a van, too. Yeah, I drove Hugh and Tony Rodham around, too, in a van. Well, if you ever have the opportunity to make Tom Stegs in your chauffeur, definitely do it. It'll raise your status up a few notches a few pegs and you never know who might be in there with you that's exactly right exactly right all right well
Starting point is 01:01:14 thanks thanks for listening everybody please go to the patreon slash trail bully workers party and go support us listen Listen to the episodes there. Listen to the new segment. You'll think it's funny. And we'll see you next time, yeah? See you out there, folks.

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