Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 228: The Analogy Only Goes So Far

Episode Date: December 9, 2021

Today we look at cops, the fentanyl scare, and the wackiest new political ideology to hit the scene Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm just watching this news story, Fox 40. I guess it's from somewhere in California. California Retailers Association discusses retail thefts amid holiday shopping season. shopping season and the the story is kind of funny because in the like footage they include like this video these videos of people just like stealing a bunch of shit like like an apple store in like to do is just going through grabbing every single one of them yeah but she just called it she called it mob retail dude it's weird dude okay so there was this big story in the new york times that i saw like last week and i meant to talk about it on the episode last week but i forgot um thefts always an issue for real retailers become more brazen in recent months
Starting point is 00:01:09 robberies have been more visible with several involving large groups rushing into stores and coming out with arm loads of goods listen to this listen to the first couple of paragraphs of this story this is this is absolutely absurd flush oh sorry flash mobs quote unquote flash mobs swarmed through hold on a second aren't aren't flash mobs the people used to like uh just meet up randomly and like uh middle of oakland and do michael jackson's thriller yeah, they used to like dance for I mean Now they've turned to theft. Flash mobs, it's not as lucrative
Starting point is 00:01:54 as it once was. Don't be fooled. You used to be able to get at least a couple thousand videos or views on YouTube with a good flash mob video. It's not working anymore so now they gotta yeah they gotta rob nordstrom so now they gotta shorten up the stores honestly they've turned to a lot they've turned to a life of crime
Starting point is 00:02:17 that was literally just imagine just imagine you remember the jabberwockies just imagine the jabberwockies? Just imagine the Jabberwockies holding up a Speedway. Just miming? Yeah, just miming. It's like doing a routine and then just shortening the register up. Oh, shit. Just imagine all those people in Filipino prison that did Michael Jackson's thriller,
Starting point is 00:02:47 and they've all escaped. Now they're robbing retail stores, big box stores. All the people in the apartheid jails that Nelson Mandela organized to flash mob Jolene. Have now seized Dollywood. Was that, yeah, have now seized Dollywood. You have now seized Dollywood? Dollywood. That was the first recorded flash mob, probably,
Starting point is 00:03:17 if you think about it. Yeah. Damn. The Jabberwockies. Just a never-ending stream of former Vine stars and probably now TikTok stars just like fucking smashing, grabbing Best Buys. Well, flash mobs are like...
Starting point is 00:03:39 For whatever reason in my mind, I associate them with the Arab Spring. Me too. Me too. It's the first time I heard that term. Yeah, what is that? It's like there was this thing right around the late 2000s, early 2010s, where the power of social media had become this huge think piece.
Starting point is 00:04:01 And it was like it launched the Arab Spring. It launched the green revolution or whatever that dumb bullshit in iran was or whatever like you know or occupy wall street and then but like if you like to have fun and you don't want to overthrow the system you can do a flash mom because you can like say so and so show up at so and so time at so and so place and people would all show up like that's what the that's what and do the thriller dance do the thriller dance and now that i think about it like what was so weird about budaj budaj had a flash mob as part of his campaign bro like he that was that was the
Starting point is 00:04:37 that well that's not the only reason he lost but but it's a very 2010 idea what was their song they did high high hopes for a living i forget is that fallout boy maybe so i think so maybe dude that's bad fallout boy flash mob running for president. In 2020. Right. That's no shade to call out, boy. I'm just saying. It's a very 2010 campaign. You could get away with that, yeah, in 2008 or 12.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But 2020, man, come on. A little stale. That was probably a Liz Smith original. A Liz Smith original. Isn't that her name? She's also she's sort of like embroiled in this cuomo stuff because she was also advising cuomo during his whole scandal she's the one who ran booty judges campaign really yeah yeah and she yeah and she said like if i could fire everyone on cuomo every woman on cuomo staff staff, I would, or something like that.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Like, why can't we, no, it was like, why can't we just fire the women on staff? Like, she said that during the Cuomo, like, scramble for, oh boy. I don't know. Oh boy. Anyways. Back to New York Times, Michael Corkery. If a motherfucker named Michael Corkery shows up in your neighborhood asking questions for the New York Times,
Starting point is 00:06:12 you know you're getting one specific story out of it. Yes, that's correct. Whether it's Appalachia or, like, Oakland, it's going to be the same story. So just beware. Yeah, he's got a template. He just shifts it a little bit depending on the geography. Flash mobs swarm through a Nordstrom
Starting point is 00:06:35 in Northern California and two Best Buy stores in Minnesota running out with armfuls of merchandise. Five thieves steal $20,000 in products from an Ulta beauty store in Pennsylvania in just 40 seconds. A security guard is fatally shot in Oakland, California, while working with a local television news crew
Starting point is 00:06:56 reporting about a recent retail robbery by a group of thieves. Theft is an ever-present issue for retailers. As much as $68.9 billion of products... Damn, that's almost a 69... 68.9... It probably was $69 billion, but they didn't want to put that in the pages of the New York Times.
Starting point is 00:07:20 ...were stolen from retailers in 2019, according to one industry group. But it has become more visible, brazen, and violent in recent months, forcing an industry already buffeted by pandemic lockdowns and fights over mask requirements to deal with the new problem. And this is the good quote. This level of violence has taken it to a whole new level, said Rachel Minchelin, president of the california retailers association no one has seen this before like the
Starting point is 00:07:51 pay the portrait they paint is just like yeah like hundreds of people just like fucking swarming a best buy and like picking it clean like piran basically, and then just moving on to the next place. I'm going to tell you something, though. I mean, you know, in a country where we literally have something called retail holidays, and in certain states we have tax holidays, like in Tennesseeennessee i think they like maybe during the christmas season or sometime they just they say no income no sales tax uh-huh you know what i mean this is this is like maybe and i'm not saying it's a revolutionary
Starting point is 00:08:37 thing but i'm moving the needle a little bit or at the very least it's you know people getting free tvs and shit what you're saying is they all you're saying they get so much free shit as it is they should just shut the fuck up because yeah they do they get tax breaks incentives like they do you know what i mean like well i'm just saying like for a country that has like something called black friday where we like all go out and like you know maul our fellow man for 20% reduction on towels and dishware. Maybe smashing and grabbing and stealing from retail is kind of just fighting back a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:16 To the extent that it's actually happened and isn't completely just made up. Right. I mean, of course, the worst it's ever been is an eye roll. You know what I mean? Right but well that yeah to to to the degree that any of this is real yeah it was what i'm saying that does you make a great point though if you want to end this if you don't if if you don't want like retail flash mob uh you know coming through your store and yeah picking it clean like a corpse like a bunch of vultures you just end capitalism stop selling commodities there you go right it's pretty easy all right if uh yeah uh stop uh displacing people to put uh you know retail stores and used to be like residential neighborhoods and shit
Starting point is 00:10:07 right um did you see the thing the guy on twitter said that was going around i don't know how much you've been on what but some dude it's a tie and some dude named layton woodhouse who bills himself as a writer and filmmaker. Like I'm a goddamn astronaut. And he said yesterday, hold on a second, let me find it. Let me just swim through his never-ending stream of Barry Wise thirst retweets. And Amy Therese thirst retweets.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Leighton? Woodhouse. i think this is one of those guys that you would probably call i don't know he seems like a media washout that's like post left or something like that how do you spell the first name uh like a bitch Like a bitch? L-E-I-G-H-T-O-N. He said, Choppo Trap House millionaires can make fun of people for being upset about the crime wave all they want, but the barricaded security state that's emerging from it
Starting point is 00:11:16 tears at the social fabric. This is a shit way to live in a city. Damn. I don't know. No. I don't get it is it like is the point he's making like that there's a shit way to live in a city is you i guess is what he's saying is man i have to fucking go through a metal detector anytime i go through a CVS. This is just no way to live. They're locking up the Jackoff lotions now. Can you believe it?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Well, to that I would say, sir, they at least brought the razors out from behind the locked glass display case. So that's a win for us. You know, you got to take them where you can get them yeah so they're saying this guy i guess is saying like what about the security guards like y'all are y'all are putting an undue burden on the working class here's a security guard getting maced right nobody held a gun you had told you'd be a security guard right nobody held a gun you had told you'd be a security guard well i mean is that walmart or whatever is that the purpose of this then um because
Starting point is 00:12:33 i guess is that the purpose is that the like the virtue being signaled like i care about the security guard and the and the police officer is it that kind of like working class politics? I think that's what he's saying. I think he's saying like, one, there's a security state emerging out of all this, and two, consider the poor, yeah, the people that work these
Starting point is 00:12:58 security guard jobs and stuff like that. They're working class too. It's weird to, yeah duh like of course they are I mean I don't know is the I guess the point is that like you shouldn't scoff at their miseries or pains in life I guess it's what i'm saying yeah yeah i don't know i mean i guess i understand but uh nah i mean who gives a shit i mean cops are cops well i mean but the other thing too is like like you know uh i guess what he's also trying to say like there's gonna be some undue cost to like people that work retail and service jobs from like the crime wave or whatever oh okay and it's like bro well a fucking like it just it's like such a trap point because like uh everything like like Because, like, the losses that every company sustains is always taken from the workers.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Anyway, goddamn way. Crime wave or no crime wave or anything. But the thing is, is, like, okay, I guess the reason why I have such a hard time thinking about this is, like, is there even a crime wave? I just don't. I don't buy it. Yeah yeah that's what i'm saying first off it see it feels like like you know i think this is just like this is some like stupid ass line like guys like him and lee fong and whoever have bought into because like actually it's as things are as safe like in terms of crime as they've ever been. It's not New York City in the 70s or anything like that,
Starting point is 00:14:47 which is also not for nothing gemmed up by the NYPD mostly. You know what I mean? Right. So I don't know. It seems like one of these fictitious straw man things. I bring all this up to say one thing. This guy also did an article, not in 2016, but two weeks ago, called The Other White People. And it had a picture of a holler girl kicking a ball in front of her ramshackle house.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Is there anything good in it? Is there any gems? You want to break it down? Okay. in it is there any like gems you want to break it down okay well before we before we go on i just want to say before we move on to the other white people if it's good i just want to say first of all um i don't think that there's a crime wave right now and the reason why and this is what i wanted to talk to you about and i think it probably it may tie in a little bit with this but the reason why i don't think there's a crime wave going around is because i've spent a long long time reading about the police reading statements from the police watching how they
Starting point is 00:15:56 operate in my community and in other communities around here i've just spent a lot of time with cops like not like personally like i don't like i've spent a lot of time with cops like not like personally like i don't like i've spent a lot of time with cops as an undercover in other capacities as a you not snitch and other jobs i'm working class i'm a you not snitch i'm working class i'm not saying literally like I go and ride around. I just say that like I've studied them for a while. And they lie so much. And not only do they lie, they're whiny piss babies who, you know, they're motivated by grievance and all these other things. But like the best way for me to demonstrate that, like there's all kinds of different ways. I mean, just look at any way that a
Starting point is 00:16:45 drug war is waged anywhere um but the best most like spot like specific issue like the best way to demonstrate that is this issue over fentanyl and like here's the latest scare story in our region fentanyl laced vape pins among teens concerned after tennessee high school incident did you see this story like they were all fucking dressed up like they were on the fucking moon just are like defusing a bomb they look like the fucking hurt locker like trying to fucking like get this like this okay this isn't real i feel fucking insane it's not real fiction well let me ask you this because i've heard this and i don't know if this is true or not maybe you do know that i've heard that like like basically if you try to like like smoke or inhale fentanyl like it can't be absorbed that
Starting point is 00:17:38 way anyway right do that means is that true i don't know true? I don't know. I have no idea. I don't know. Before maybe one of the 40 chemists or physicists that are in our listenership can. Perhaps one of the millions of STEM majors that listen to us can clue us in on this. The statistically high number of STEM majors in our audience. A particle physicist that listened to this program. The very suspiciously high number of them um but uh i don't know the thing about fentanyl is it comes in different forms there's a transdermal patch you fucking put on some people boil that down and extract it out of there and then shoot that like there's all kinds of different fucking forms but like a vape pen that's like manufactured
Starting point is 00:18:23 by like uh i don't know, probably in China or by some, you know, tobacco company or whatever, whatever, like it just doesn't, and even if it is real, I don't know, regardless, it's all part of- Regardless, here's what you're saying. In 2026, we're going to get an Adam Curtis documentary about, and they retreat into a fantasy world,
Starting point is 00:18:42 but it's going to be about fentanyl. Well, yeah, because like, here's the thing. like i wrote that thing in the summer about like unite and the opioid crisis here early on and um you just watch the patterns in the way they talk about these things in the way it kind of gets ginned up into a moral panic and it's the same thing with this fentanyl because they all talk about it like cops are passing out and like you know they just barely get a whiff of it and they're fucking knocked on their ass yeah they start having seizures and yeah it's it's like it makes me feel insane because it's literally not how that works like there's actually videos of this online there's one specifically by this guy christopher morath who did just a video demonstration of rubbing
Starting point is 00:19:27 uh transdermal fentanyl i guess like on his hands or yeah i guess he was a birdman hand rub with fentanyl yeah yeah yeah yeah like there's a there's like a transdermal patch and that can be absorbed through the skin but like i i think a lot of this is not that it's i don't you know it's like a powder it's almost like it kind of reminds you of like the anthrax scare or something like that it is remember like just after 9-11 when everybody was getting anthrax or whatever sent to their office did we ever get to the out on a limb and say that fentanyl, to the degree that it reaches the streets in the form of street drugs, would not surprise me at all if we find out somewhere along the line
Starting point is 00:20:15 that cops are putting fentanyl out on the streets. Yes. And we will find one day that cops killed Prince, and it's going to be... I don't know. I mean, like, what can you say about these fucking people? It's like a taxpayer-funded paramilitary arm that's hired to harass us
Starting point is 00:20:38 and has no constitutional imperative to even intervene in, like, what they say that their job is. You know what I mean? Like, they don't even have to stop crimes. It's so weird, dude. It's like basically being a cop is like the fake email NGO job of like, but like with a gun.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Right. You know, it's like if you go to work for Earth Justice, but they give you a gun and a badge. Right. You know, it's like if you go to work for Earth Justice, but they give you a gun and a badge. Well, it's really strange because it's really weird, like, to form a politic around, like, that. Just like, oh, look, they're sad, too. Look, you're making them sad by your crime waves. Why didn't you think of the cops' feelings
Starting point is 00:21:27 when you robbed that Nordstrom, you piece of shit? Like, who fucking cares? I don't fucking care. Like, I guess he's, maybe his wage is, yeah, he doesn't make fucking millions or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, but he can do what everybody wants to do, which is murder people with impunity.
Starting point is 00:21:43 With impunity. Listen, I'd punt on a six-figure salary if i could if i could ride on all my enemies with no repercussions exactly or take drugs from the evidence locker whatever like you get to fucking do whatever like it's a pretty sweet fucking trade-off like i mean yeah honestly i know that and then i know like there's like rent-a-cops like security officers like security guards and like prison guards and shit and like that is definitely like i don't know it's like a hierarchy right it's like cops on top and then like prison guards and then like security guards like private industry uh uh cops basically but they're all the same what the lowest what is the lowest form of cop is it like loss prevention guy like is that the lowest form of cop that or
Starting point is 00:22:36 constable because a constable literally just evicts people from their home like that's like how fucking low do you have to be a truly a vestigial organ from, like, England, like, Sheriff of Nottingham, you know, John of Loxley era England. Imagine how fucking cruel and hard-hearted you have to be for that to be your job. Yeah, I'm going to suddenly start caring for that guy as my politics. Like, no, fuck off. Like, no. I'm going to be a constable. What that means is I get to put lights and sirens on my car and just on a whim,
Starting point is 00:23:14 I get to go bust somebody for having like a weed patch in their backyard. Exactly. You get to do ride-alongs with the actual cops, but then they go send you in to like kick you're a bonding cop you could do anything we should do like a taxonomy of cops from like the highest which would be like probably cia to the lowest yeah cia and like fbi and nsa yeah those are that sex day yeah those and then and then yeah like big city cops like New York City LAPD
Starting point is 00:23:50 cops and their like gangs and shit yeah cause they got like organized gangs and shit like paramilitary and are more powerful than the leadership and they get like their budgets are like larger than like some countries and you get to you get to like say that the mayor's
Starting point is 00:24:06 daughter like sucked your dick on like a public forum and like he just like praised you on tv right no repercussions yeah not only are there no repercussions he praises you he's like good job young man for slandering right you you bravely uh protect everybody, even though everybody knows that's horse shit. How did it happen, though? How did cops become so powerful? Oh, buddy. I mean, how much time do you have? I'm ashamed to admit this,
Starting point is 00:24:37 because I'm a noted Jad Abramrod antagonizer, but I listened to that radio lab about the guy that got stabbed by that spree killer on a train. Uh-huh. I didn't read it. And then they went through this whole thing and he got on TV. This guy got on TV and was like praising the cops or whatever. And then like later on,
Starting point is 00:24:59 like met a woman that was on the jury that said like, actually the cops were cowards in your case. Like they hid in like this little compartment on the jury that said like actually the cops were cowards in your case like they hid in like this little compartment on the train while you were getting attacked and only and only came out once you had subdued the guy while you're bleeding from like nine stab wounds or whatever they're like you got this covered right you're good you're good right then then they busted out and got the guy once that guy had like wrestled him but took all the credit for it they're like yeah yeah yeah yeah like did a whole yeah yeah totally and then it came out and then like that guy became like of the low just all of the basis like most virtuous characteristics and
Starting point is 00:25:38 behaviors that like at any other time in history would like drive you to be at exile from a community for having no honor. Those are just, that's rewarded. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's so fucking funny, dude. case that was like um you know that had basically provided the precedence for like cops not having a constitutional duty to act in situations like that uh-huh it was something that happened in colorado and essentially they don't have to no they don't have to they're under no obligation to the constitution so they that's why i said it's the fake email job but
Starting point is 00:26:25 with like a like a gun you know what i mean what the fuck you literally don't have to do anything even until even like a doctor has like the hippocratic oath or whatever you know like has to yeah yeah yeah it's like that these people have no obligation to society whatsoever, but have unreasonable power. And there was like the case that provided the precedence was some, I guess this woman in Colorado had had a restraining order against like some guy that had been harassing her or whatever the case was. basically in court like everybody acknowledged that well actually like because our constitution is like uh i forget what the term they used was but it's like you know essentially i forget what the term was but essentially it's like propped up to protect the wealthy and our like landed people like cops are under no obligation to like act in situations like there's nothing that says that they have to and so they were like so that's why they always win the only way you beat a cop in
Starting point is 00:27:31 a fucking court case is if they like don't show up because they were out like you know doing whatever cops do at night probably hitting on 14 year old girls and stuff yeah right or serial killing serial murder serial killing hitting on underage girls-old girls and such. Yeah, right. Or serial killing. Serial murdering. Serial killing, hitting on underage girls, or just idling in a police car and destroying the planet. Yeah, I'm telling you. I stand by it. We've said this on the show before.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I stand by it. If we abolish the police, everybody talks about, oh, well, San Francisco will burn, and all these stores will get robbed. It'd actually be the opposite. Actually, we would actually might solve climate change because all these motherfuckers do is idle in their cars all day. We would make a significant contribution anyways.
Starting point is 00:28:18 We would take out a large chunk of emissions. So, yeah, maybe California wouldn't burn as much. It would be like an early pandemic when nobody was flying right and they actually noticed things that was crazy that was pretty people said dolphins were returning to the to the to the canals in venice oh how how optimistic we were that would have been like a you know it's just like oh that's crazy no it's like but no like this institutional force it rewards all of your basest impulses and desires and therefore it just like encourages the worst behaviors in society so it's like even if we foot the bill for it yeah and if even if on a one-to-one basis, one of them is like your buddy or depressed or something like that,
Starting point is 00:29:07 it's still like, well, I don't know what to tell you, man. The way the lines are drawn in society, we're on separate sides of that line. So you're never going to cross that line. I just want to make that as clear as possible. You will never cross that line you think you will if that's what they're calling like post left now you'll never they'll never let you into their club you'll never let you be a cop no matter how much you fucking like unless until you put on the uniform and do shit like hide in utility closets while someone's getting stabbed you
Starting point is 00:29:42 might as well you might as well come back and act right because all you're going to be is a bootlicker they're never going to let you in they're exact you'll always be a fucking bootlicker so i'm sorry if that's your politics you've chosen you've chosen a side sure you picked a loser but i mean yeah and the loser is you it's not the cops it's like you are the loser it's oh man it's so weird though that like that's you could see this brewing for a while you know for years like this idea that like uh you know like culture war has made politics more abundant completely you know uh locked with inertia um so like the way to like get around that is like let's stop being friends with the cops in the police state and it's like okay a no one's ever gonna do that because most people are smart and they know that cops aren't
Starting point is 00:30:37 their friends but b like i said you'll never be able to cross the line they don't fucking care about you as soon as it's expedient they'll sell you down the fucking river yeah yeah it's uh what are the other white people oh but is this about melungeons well it's close this is from uh this is this is titled Those Other White People from Leighton Woodhouse's blog. And this is from November 14th. Long-time listeners of the program will hear this and might think this came out on November 14th, 2017, perhaps. But no, friends. This came out November 14th, 2021, as in like two and a half weeks ago. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Okay. So this guy's like, I'm trying to figure out what his politics are. And so the best I can discern so far after looking him up, like it's like what you, it's like post left. This is what it's like. He's like Amy Therese, like Lee Fong, Lee Greenwald to some degree. This is why I got off Twitter, man. Seriously. to some degree this is why i got off twitter man seriously the fact that this even exists
Starting point is 00:31:46 like this this thing that makes no like this is not a thing that would organically exist 100 years ago i mean i guess maybe they would and they would just be called like nazis or whatever but like this is not real this isn't real it's not even that it's like a contrarian kind of like leftism that's completely triangulated by like online discourse nothing in the real world nothing in the real world this is i mean it's just this strain of of the left that i mean i guess is gaining a certain degree of steam post bernie because they would say about us well you all just want all these perfect conditions and whatever and what they're saying is like uh well let's bring the boogaloos in and like you know let's start organizing with people that are like you know white supremacists and all that kind of stuff and blah blah blah blah blah and it's
Starting point is 00:32:37 purely an online fiction because those are two very extremes you know what i mean like it makes no sense oh we gotta we gotta meet we gotta meet the white nationalists and the racists where they're at i mean that's not even like i don't know it's like my brain you know what nationalists exist all right i'm not saying they're not a scourge they're not a problem but i don't know personally that many rabid white nationalists. I know, like, people with, like, you know, some subtle sympathies or that sort of eat up the diet version of that kind of shit and are reactionary in their tendencies and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:33:14 But I'm talking about, like, take to the streets, like, you know what I'm saying? Uh-huh. And, again, I'm not saying they don't exist because they definitely do. I mean, we've seen this with Charlottesville and everything over the last several years. That to me is like if anybody says – I doubt that anybody would just come out and explicitly say that. I imagine that they all kind of just hint at it because like everybody who says stuff like that is too much of a pussy to just actually become a conservative. Like they want to be conservative, but they're too much of a pussy to just actually become a conservative like they want to be conservative but they're too much of a pussy to actually do it well it's it's funny because it's a liberal it's a liberal tendency they have to sort of code it in this sort of like left or post-left sort of
Starting point is 00:33:56 sugar coating or whatever you want but really what it is is the liberal urge of the liberal experience of of like becoming disenfranchised with your own party or whatever so what i'm going to do is start developing conservative sympathies and see what that treats it's like charlie chris you're liberals is all it is you know what i mean it's like jim justice you're just switching parties is all you're doing but you're dressing it up in like this post-left thing where you're like that's what i'm saying the only reason it exists is because it's purely a creation of online like beefs and grievances and shit it's it is a politics crafted completely online mediated completely through online it's weird that's
Starting point is 00:34:42 what i'm saying like that that's this is a main reason why I had to get off. Like, the fact that, like, this website is churning out shit like this at this point, like, just based on the algorithms that were fed into it, like, 10 years ago. This is what's coming out the other end. They're creating political movements based on the algos. But they're not. And what people have been drawn to. I know, but they're not people have people been drawn to i know and they're not even real but like some major writers have latched on to them as if they are real and i
Starting point is 00:35:13 mean and then that gets like kind of sucked right back up through the larger uh just like ecosystem of this media thing so that like before long in new york times opinion section they'll be writing about this when in all in all reality it is something that like started out yeah it's just a turd completely you know formulated with like grievances and like a care you know what i mean like a kind of carefully triangulated set of suppositions it is it is a politics created by media washouts and mediated through twitter beefs and lore and yeah that's basically it it's very strange dude and the fact that that actually does have a bearing on politics because um as we saw throughout the 2020 election like there is a lot of influence and impact that the media can you know uh put on a campaign and and put on people's perceptions of it so it's like
Starting point is 00:36:14 it does have a weird fucking impact it's so bizarre you basically i don't like to use the phrase nothing burger for obvious reasons but you basically would not have this political movement i don't think if that whole dumbass force the vote thing that tore broke everybody's brain wouldn't have happened is it kind of i mean the seeds were there beforehand i mean with kind of the shit uh glenn greenwald was doing and lee fong and other people like that. You know what I mean? But after that, it really solidified into a block, I felt like. Again, made out of thin air on nothing but stupid online beefs and the aftermath of Force the Vote. Anyway, I want you to pretend for a second
Starting point is 00:37:00 that I didn't tell you this came out two weeks ago. I want you to close your eyes, and you don't know anything about this i'm gonna just wipe your brain okay okay all right why i want you to please wipe me tell me genuinely what this reminds you of because to me i will say this right up front to me i think this is like a plagiarization of trying to synthesize like kevin williamson's big white ghetto oh one of my favorites a classic but with every like sort of like left or even like some liberal leaning like you don't understand appalachia piece it's like he tried to synthesize these two things that sounds genuinely fascinating my friends what you what you just outlined is a y'all star it's like of a y'all star collabed but like a native y'all star collabed with
Starting point is 00:37:53 uh nick kristoff i guess yeah or kevin williamson yeah no i gotta show you this i gotta show you this picture look at that picture oh dude okay so, so it looks like there's a baby on the ground, maybe? It's like a girl playing with a dog in front of a house that's like, you know, just like you would see in the holler or something, you know. One of the most pathetic spectacles of contemporary liberal culture is white people trashing other white people for being white. Huh. Okay. Okay. of contemporary liberal culture is white people trashing other white people for being white huh okay okay i understand the motivation which is transparent to show your hashtag allyship by disowning your quote people end quote wait wait wait will you read me the first sentence again
Starting point is 00:38:42 yeah yeah i got you i got you one of the most pathetic spectacles of contemporary liberal culture is white people trashing other white people for being white. Okay, all right, pause. You said you told me to wipe my brain and to tell you what this reminded me of. Okay. Granted, our podcast got started in the murky swamp of the early early trump administration
Starting point is 00:39:08 right but uh there were some people some libs out there denouncing their fellow whites sure but it definitely seems like they've moved on i don't like this this does not seem like something they do anymore. This does not seem like a contemporary issue. It's like my man slipped on some ice and hit his head and is like, well, it's November 2017 and Donald Trump is about a year into his presidency. I have to write something about this. Dude, you're right. So it sounds, you're right. Dude, you're right. So it sounds, you're right.
Starting point is 00:39:49 It sounds like someone was watching the election in 2016 and yeah, fell off their motorcycle and got in a coma and woke up. Someone vaguely on the left, like maybe like a Bernie supporter or something like Tulsi Gabber or something like that. And then woke up in 2021 and just started reading the news immediately after they woke up from their coma and they were like oh yeah okay yeah i understand the motivation which is transparent to show your hashtag allyship by disowning your own people air quotes and renouncing the supposed status attached to your racial identity a small heroic act of race treason
Starting point is 00:40:26 in the struggle against white supremacy but as everyone knows in reality it entails none of those things in the elite over-educated liberal circles in which this dynamic is ubiquitous there is if anything a negative status attached to being white so you sacrifice nothing by disassociating yourself from whiteness is he talking about people in like the privilege audits and stuff in college you know what i think he's doing i think he's engaging in some crt is he doing some critical race theory but But from a different direction. My man is doing critical race theory from a different direction. There you go. There you go.
Starting point is 00:41:08 My man, Layton. Moreover. He sat down. He was like, I'm going to do some critical race theory today. I'm going to put him up on game. Moreover, the people you castigate are not your own. They're exactly the opposite. They're the people you want everyone around you to have nothing to do with you,
Starting point is 00:41:28 your values and your social standing. They're those other white people. So I want to say something because, like, yeah, it's like at a certain point, he might have had a point with the whole, like, whatever. But I feel like even the most like sort of like surge liberals are like basically understand that like they can't disavow themselves of their whiteness in 2021 that's why it feels like such a like a yeah it seems like something that was popular and like a few years ago yeah like in 2016 or 17 but it's like not i mean but maybe i don't know i don't
Starting point is 00:42:08 really hang out on college campuses but i mean does anybody like everybody everything's been locked down i thought yeah i once read a somewhat cynical account and i wish i could remember where of the progressive movement in new york at the turn of the 20th century okay here's where the here's where this gets a little interesting at the time the united states power elite was dominated by wasps but many jews had also found prosperity in new york residing primarily on the upper east side these jews were part of a wave of migration from germany to the u.s that had begun in the 1840s it were part of a wave of migration from Germany to the U.S. that had begun in the 1840s. It's one of those statements that makes you go,
Starting point is 00:42:50 do huh? Do huh? But many Jews had also found prosperity. That's when you go, do huh? Spurred by anti-Semitic persecution in the old world these prosperous german jews watch the next wave of jewish immigrants poor largely orthodox jews from eastern europe with concern and alarm is this white supremacist stuff i think what he's saying is that like what is this like western european jews look down on eastern european jews or something oh
Starting point is 00:43:26 okay so he's saying yeah like first world rich um jews yeah like look down on those in the old world in the old country the peasants and the yiddish speakingspeaking Jews from Estonia and other places like that. I see what you're saying. I'm curious to know where this goes. Okay. The Yiddish-speaking Jews who clustered in the tenements of the Lower East Side were dirty, crude, and visibly foreign, and as such threatened to further inflame the anti-Semitism the German Jews had been subjected to by the WASP elite for decades.
Starting point is 00:44:05 A combination of compassion, embarrassment, and anxiety motivated an army of affluent German Jewish wives to make the trek downtown to work to assimilate these Eastern Europeans as quickly as possible, in part to erase the blight that they had brought upon the precarious image of the American Jew. I suspect something similar is happening now with educated urbane white people and their uneducated ex-urban and rural white counterparts okay let me tell you why he's like just why you should just jump off the boat here it's because the hillbillies of appalachia have not even a faith
Starting point is 00:44:46 in common with like wealthy whites you know what i mean i don't even think that like it's a horrible it's a it's well i don't i don't even want to i don't i don't even want to speak on that going into that whole like i don't think he's talking about about jewish people it's i don't yeah i don't even think that your average white hillbilly even has a sort of race consciousness like that. I don't think he looks at Bill Gates and is like, my man,
Starting point is 00:45:14 he's white. You know what I mean? There's not a hillbilly that's like that believes him and Bill Gates have anything in common. This presupposes that the average American white worker already has this like white supremacist race consciousness fully developed and like maybe they did like 50 or 60 years ago um and all of us still do because obviously we're subjected to a a vast
Starting point is 00:45:42 array of white supremacist propaganda and like programming and other stuff from an early age. But at the same time, I don't think it's gotten to that point. I don't think it's that point where like your average everyday worker hillbilly is saying like me and Bill Gates, we got nothing in common, but at least for white,
Starting point is 00:45:59 like that's not what they're saying. They fucking like that. Is that what he said? I know. I mean that, I mean, i know i mean that i mean that's probably something that was said you know in alabama around the turn of the century or something you know that's not really something that like is that pervasive anymore even though there is systemic racism or white yeah does not look at the wealthy white overlords and be like,
Starting point is 00:46:27 that's just white pride. Right, right, right. That's really only the domain of people that have this weird fetishization of Vikings and the Greeks as avatars of white masculinity or whatever. Yeah, yeah. And I'm not saying it can't or it won't be that again someday it it is very possible and it does look like that is the trajectory this fucking country is going towards but it feels like now that's not as much the case as it used to be and again i don't want to stress that yes there are such things as systemic racism
Starting point is 00:47:04 and that cops fucking shoot you know black people in the streets and they're in cars you know all these things exist but i'm just saying that there's not that kind of like if there's any kind of consciousness it's almost kind of a class one in the sense that they see bill gates and they're like fuck him but then like somewhere along the way because of like q anon and all those other things it gets rerouted back towards like well you know bill gates is uh you know trying to put microchips even the most crazy among that group think that bill gates is trying to kill them with a vaccine you know yeah and not even that crazy i don't even want to say that but just like you know it's basically suspicion of people like that run amok you know what i mean right right before long people are going to be saying that's rooted in anti-semitism right and antagonism toward jeff bezos and bill gates and stuff right suspicion of that
Starting point is 00:48:00 maybe some of it is but maybe some of it well i mean certainly some of the you know uh maybe ideas about uh this thing or that thing but i don't know that like you know yeah well it's also i don't want to imply that like like the q worldview or heuristic is the like, you know, representative model, like standard belief system of the average American white worker. Like, cause like,
Starting point is 00:48:32 that's the thing. There is no like consensus ideology there. There's no, I mean, it's like most people are still completely apolitical at the end of the day. Like again, it may be changing.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I don't know, but it seems like most people are still political pretty much this is this is such a hack move and like one of the hallmarks of like a hack writer okay because he basically acknowledges that that that analogy falls apart and as a hedge he goes he goes the analogy of course only goes so far so this is your whole thesis and then like in that one sentence you admit that it's bullshit but you had to occupy some space oh man you know the other day i was bragging on people who use substack because i do think everybody needs an editor but no it actually
Starting point is 00:49:18 is still good because people like this stay on there and just completely like you know they make their own case for why their ideas are stupid the analogy of course only goes so far unlike the jewish progressives there's no compassion whatsoever at work in the way affluent middle-class white people regard poor and working-class whites there's no will to shape them into respectable versions of themselves and the motivation to shun them doesn't come from some deep anxiety about mounting anti-whiteness the embarrassment condescension however is there in droves and then he like screenshots some like david o adkins tweets from twitter tribune of the plebs, David O. Atkins. Yeah. No, seriously.
Starting point is 00:50:07 How do you... This is a David O. Atkins tweet. No, seriously. How do you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook? We have to start thinking in terms of post-World War II Germany or Japan or the failures of the Reconstruction in the South.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Dude, I don't... So I think what he's saying is taking David O. Atkins to task or whatever. I understand where all of these people are coming from, and it's a question that I think if you're on the left, you've probably asked yourself at some point or other, which is, like, why isn't our message resonating? Like, why is the right winning? Like, what is the extent of the popularity of their
Starting point is 00:50:45 ideas and etc. But like I just fundamentally disagree with the, I don't disagree with it. People do need to be deprogrammed in a way, but at the same time I think that like the way they view it is that like most people walk around with like sort of rigidly programmed with that like in their minds at all times when i think in reality the truth is much more nuanced it's more like i think the underlying fundamental assumption of it all is more one of powerlessness and helplessness right that's correct that's correct i think too like also this stuff stays at the forefront of like guys like us who like talk about this twice a week and guys like this guy woodhouse that writes a blog about
Starting point is 00:51:34 presumably about stuff like people that think about politics as like part of their livelihood yeah which is not which is not john Q hillbilly or anything else. Like I think about like even the members of my family who have some reactionary tendencies and it's different because politics is always at the forefront of my mind because it's what I like kind of do and sort of make a living off of and all that kind of stuff but it's that's not the case for for them you know what i mean yeah so it's like it's like it's just it's like we need to deprogram these people and this that and the third and it's like well they're
Starting point is 00:52:17 really not thinking about this stuff as much as you think they are exactly exactly the most that they're thinking of is yeah um just they'll throw out like a stray bullet they heard on facebook or fox news or something like that but like the majority of like people it's not the animating force of their lives right basically correct yeah and and again like that does hint at a need for some sort of deprogramming. But like for me, it's more like until there is some sort of like organizational vehicle or something that comes around and proves that can actually help people.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And not only that, that if you join them, you can actually make your life better too. Until something like that comes along, it doesn't matter. It's all abstract and that is just as true for the right wing as the left wing the right wing does have an advantage in the sense that they are letting anybody into the fucking republican party don't fucking take anybody right but um and and and so you know but but even then though it's not even a
Starting point is 00:53:22 um even then though it's's not even a traditional organization. There's no membership. There's no way to flex your membership or your organization's power or anything like that, other than in the ballot box and in the Facebook comments section. So until then, all of us are all just kind of managed and corralled and moved around by various algorithms and other things. And so it's all just like noise but it does have an effect though because like i was thinking about this the other day the thing that really boggles my mind is um and and the thing that really makes me wonder like what is gonna
Starting point is 00:53:58 happen here because something has to give is these like fights over school boards and um like the whole critical race theory you know and all that i mean like like here let me tell you let me tell you about this dude i saw this fucking tweet the other day let's see if i could find it damn i should have had it readily available it was like a tweet of all of the like terms and words that conservatives are trying to ban in like the wisconsin school system i guess you know what i'm saying just let me just say this i don't know before you even say it none of these words would have been on anybody's tongue in 2010 exactly this is nuts read these ban terms um in testimony before a joint meeting of the Assembly and Senate Education Committees in August, Representative Chuck Witchgers. Republican Muskego, one of the co-authors of the bill to ban the teaching of critical race theory,
Starting point is 00:55:09 outlined a list of additional terms and concepts he said violate the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. There was one that I read yesterday that was like, that's a pure fiction. Nobody had even thought about that word till yesterday. Right. Here's some of the words. This is critical race theory, obviously. Action civics. Social emotional learning, or SEL. Diversity, equity, and inclusion, DEI. Culturally responsive teaching. Abolitionist teaching. Affinity groups.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Anti-racism. Anti-bias training. Anti-blackness. Anti-meritocracy. Centering or de-centering. Collective guilt. Colorism. Conscious and unconscious bias.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Critical ethics. You know what Chuck did? Chuck put on the music band t-shirt and turned his hat backwards and threw the skateboard, you know, the Steve Buscemi meme, and went to, like, Power Shift or something, and then just took the itinerary home and just picked all the buzzwords out and said, we're banning these too. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Oh, man. and said we're banning these too oh fuck oh man neo-segregation multiculturalism microaggressions dude all of these intersectionality obviously uh hegemony but we've joked about this before though just the idea of these guys like talking about hegemony and intersectionality like these like big kind of clunky words that like you're i don't know it's um i don't know uh equity anyways the point i was trying to make a second ago is that like i read stuff like that and i'm like what is the end goal here because obviously this has now gotten lumped in with the anti-mask anti-vax stuff and all that which is also like roiling local school boards so it's like what is the in what is the end game like this this eventually something's gotta give like what happens like or or i don't know i guess maybe there won't have an impact maybe they can just
Starting point is 00:56:58 keep going to school board meetings and nothing will happen but like i've i assume that like with a nuts enough pressure and agitation like something will one of these things will wind up getting passed and even if it even if it does it may not even matter because i highly doubt that they're actually teaching kids about like abolitionism like again this goes back to the very beginning is there a first person you ever heard was an abolitionist uh frederick douglas high school like like that kind of stuff yeah like that was the first yeah high school we read the uh narrative life of a slave yeah yeah that's that's it like we weren't taught like we weren't taught like there's an ongoing system of like mass incarceration golden gulag or any of that yeah we were just taught that like slavery happened in the
Starting point is 00:57:50 past and it's over and everyone's good now like that was what we everyone's good now and you wouldn't believe it but some some slaves were even happy then they they taught us that too literally so i don't know i mean i guess it varies from school district to school district obviously but um but what's hilarious is we were we've always been taught that like in places like where all these guys are you know what i mean yeah like we've always like so why do they think that like is it that they feel like their revisionist history has been is encroached upon by these like sort of SJW type buzzwords or I don't know. I think it's, um, it's several things. One, they're racist, but they don't want to admit it. Um, and, but two is like, they don't have a way, I don't know, like two, they're equally
Starting point is 00:58:40 poisoned by the culture war. And, um, so they, they see this as their way to plug in in a political way because right they're just as hopeless as we are in the realm of politics and they have to put the shovel in somewhere all right um but i don't know it is also about control though because like on the list there's anti-meritocracy like i mean i was really surprised they didn't have communism on there that actually that's tight they didn't have communism on there that actually that's tight they didn't have communism so you could teach communism baby like let me just show you the parallel to this though i think and probably part of it is like this sort of liberal
Starting point is 00:59:17 conception of social justice that you see like sort of like championed in like the like the nba bubble last year where all the players instead of putting their names on the back of their jerseys, they put like equality. Like, you know, I mean, words that range from like generic SJW words like equality and fairness and whatever all the way to the granular. Like one guy, I think, put participatory budgeting on the back of his jersey. Oh, man. I want that jersey.
Starting point is 00:59:43 I'm sure it made Tanya smile. I want that jersey. I'm sure it'll make Tanya smile. I want that jersey. Yeah. So it's just interesting that, like, the war being played out is not anything of substance. Like, on the more liberal side, it's just like, you know, just like you know uh athletes uh putting like you know just you know sort of liberal buzzwords and then like on the other side it's like these conservative politicians trying to ban certain buzzwords from being mentioned in the classroom and it's like when you see some
Starting point is 01:00:19 substance actually injected into that sort of like ted-à-tête, like when the NBA players were going to strike. Then you got the liberals like Obama that go in here and whisper in like prominent ears like LeBron James and Chris Paul says, no, you don't want to do that. Just play. You don't want to let them beat you, you know what I mean, or whatever. And it's just like that's what ultimately that's what that equation, I think, is about.
Starting point is 01:00:43 It's like, that's what, ultimately, that's what that equation, I think, is about. It's about, like, liberalism's job is to neutralize, like, that sort of, like, left actual action. You know what I mean? Yeah, well, what it is, is it's like, this is what I don't understand about the post-left position. It's like, if it's not your thing, then fine, but that's not the point, like, because these people are probably paid by the CIA. Like, let's just face it, let's say it, what everybody wants to say, they're probably on the payroll of the CIA, because, like, what they say is completely antithetical to the left it's like the you know the marxist view is a systems analysis it is a long-term view and a heuristic of like how history moves forward and when why certain things happen under capitalism etc and so it's like they've taken that kind of supposition your
Starting point is 01:01:39 your boy layton boathouse or woadhouse or whatever the fuck his name is. They've taken that formulation, but they don't like where the lines are drawn. They don't like that the cops are in the security guards are excluded. They're just trying to redraw the lines. It's just like, well, okay, then call it something else. I guess that's why they call it post-left,
Starting point is 01:02:00 but that's why I'm saying it's not a real thing. That's not... They only did that not as a way to win because they can't win numerically statistically they just did it because it was motivated by a grievance because someone they didn't like didn't invite them on the podcast they like yeah it's everything every move they make is motivated by a grievance that's exactly yeah yeah yeah it's all because they wanted to have podcasts and be the voices of the left in 2016. It's like such a
Starting point is 01:02:28 weird thing to say, Chopo Trap House millionaires. You know what I mean? Just offer that up just to stir shit. It was so funny. Well, what else does he have to say? When college-educated city-dwelling white people express
Starting point is 01:02:44 their deep disdain for white America on Twitter. By the way. Wait. Just to recap, he did just admit that the entire first half of his missive, his bon mot, was completely... He threw it out, right? He said the analogy only goes so far. Only goes so far, of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Let's just keep that in mind. Anyways, he just said that. So continue. And then also right here, he's just admitting, like, basically, Act 2 is about Twitter grievance. When college-educated city-dwelling white people express their deep disdain for white America on Twitter, they don't have their educated white spouses or their white kids or their white co-workers or their white roommates from college in mind they're talking about the white underclass the new unworthy poor oh this is why this is why i respect kevin williamson's
Starting point is 01:03:37 position way more than this shit because kevin williamson just says just fucking let them all die fuck like you know like that's what we believe. They're a blot. They're useless. You're right. Exactly. This is like, well, he just comes out and says he's a genocidal insane person. Like, this guy, like, doesn't actually mean this.
Starting point is 01:03:54 He wouldn't be caught dead with any of these people. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Didn't you say he's like a filmmaker from L.A. or something? Yeah, a filmmaker from the Bay Area. The new, I like this oh i like this like the affluent american jews at the turn of the century of of my analogy that i admitted fell apart that's an editor's note why do leads on both the left and the right are eager to wipe the stain of their vulgar ethnic cousins off of themselves. That is,
Starting point is 01:04:28 that is, I mean, they don't even really say that though. Like the most they'll fucking do it is say that like JD Vance is good. Like, I guess like, again, after 2016,
Starting point is 01:04:39 they really were, some of them really were saying some crazy shit just like, you know, about like the you know besmudged coal smudged faces uh you know what i mean that kind of i am i am the smudge i am that smudge no you're not motherfucker you're an affluent router like get shut the fuck like yes yes they're you're right especially from him um there was a definite like yeah there was this kind of like fuck them fuck
Starting point is 01:05:06 the trump country people like they're worth saying that but like they don't like i guess none of them really say it explicitly anymore and even if they do uh i don't know man i i mean but unlike the progressives they're not interested in assimilating them but instead in relegating them further into the margins as an alien class of potential treasonous compatriots i get i get it now all right i get it why i get it why like you mentioned for anybody listening to this who's not on twitter they'll have no idea what any of these names were. But I get why you lumped Greenwald in there earlier, because he is also recently kind of tacked to this line. That, like, the average American white worker, whatever, has been forgotten.
Starting point is 01:05:55 And if you're not appealing to him, then, like, what? You know, that just reveals how elitist and coastal and shit you are. Right? Isn't that basically the line here, even the line of this writer? Yeah, basically what it seems like, and I don't want to belabor this because this is just like, it's just basically just warmed over 2017. Exactly. With a couple of these like newfangled posts left
Starting point is 01:06:18 or whatever you want to call it, opinions. And because only like 13 people in the world see the world this way and those 13 people are on the payroll. Those 13 people are Glenn Greenwald, Lee Fong. I don't know about any of those guys. I don't want to like defame them or anything. But like the low tier accounts, the ones that aren't blue checks, just kind of sus to me. Anyways. Yeah. Yeah. I have no idea about these guys. tier accounts the ones that aren't blue checks just kind of sus to me anyways yeah yeah i don't
Starting point is 01:06:48 yeah i have no idea about these guys uh basically let's see as the journalist alec mcgillis oh wait hold on a second yeah as the journalist alec mc McGillis pointed out in a 2016 essay, social breakdown among low-income whites has begun to, quote, to mimic trends that had begun decades earlier among African Americans. Rates of out-of-wedlock births and male joblessness were rising sharply. McGillis quotes Josh Marshall. Let's just see where this goes for a second. Is this a white birth rate thing?
Starting point is 01:07:24 I think it's where it's headed, but I don't know where he comes down on this. McGillis quotes Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo making what's become a typical liberal diagnosis of the problem. Let's put this clearly. The stressor at work here is the perceived and real loss of the social and economic advantages of being white. Josh Marshall is the son of a marine biologist.
Starting point is 01:07:49 That's just like, he attended a private college prep school in Southern California, which currently has a $37 million endowment, charges $32,000 yearly tuition for its day school students, and $45,000 for its boarding and school students. He went to Princeton for college and Brown for grad school before founding a company that brings in millions of dollars in annual revenue. And yet Josh Marshall's analysis of what's killing poor white people at a rate more than 20 points higher than the national average is distress over their loss of their white privilege. When did Josh Marshall say that?
Starting point is 01:08:20 He might have said that in like 2016 or 2017. Yeah, like all these guys. So that's why I'm saying it just becomes more and more monday and it's just like he's just basically what it what this strikes me as is like these people are like they like they've taken a swipe at choppo or whoever else because like they think that they should have been like the ones that like you know are like the voice of like you know whatever you know well it's it's the all the posts left is is people just mad that like the bernie thing failed and that the democrats and the liberals kind of like they acknowledged after 2016 like oh we oh, we kind of fucked up. We kind of forgot about the people in the middle of the country.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Maybe we have to do some large infrastructural spending and bills and stuff like that. And so they killed Bernie off and didn't want to, you know, wasn't going to allow something like that happening here because, you know, they the last thing they want is some kind of like Latin America and social democratic movement here. So they killed that off. But like, you know, salvage some of the core tenants and like that's why they're passing the infrastructure bill and some of these large like government spending bills and stuff like that the post-left people are people who cannot like they just cannot admit that defeat like they're just like no but but we still could have done something like nah we lost, we lost. They fucking beat us again. They fucking beat.
Starting point is 01:09:46 What is that football player coach? What does he say? They came to win or something like that. Oh, oh, oh. Herm Edwards. Hello. You play to win the game. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:01 They came to win the game. You know, and so a lot of this is just cope but furthermore i fucking hate reading stuff like this as an aside because like sometimes like i read stuff like this and i'm like damn do i sound like this when i write i know it's like it almost indicts you i'm like god i hope i don't let me wrap this up here it's the last last point he's making so he's like saying something boilerplate like all these libs like uh you know like marcos melitzas and josh marshall and all these people i have literally haven't thought about since 2017 right are all bad yeah okay right all people who like
Starting point is 01:10:39 these people don't say that shit anymore because like they they realize like the much smarter move because them saying that almost did get their asses thrown out on the street and so they realized the don't say that shit anymore because like they they realize like the much smarter move because them saying that almost did get their asses thrown out on the street and so they realize the much smarter move is to kind of make empty gestures to the heartland and to the forgotten rust belt and all this stuff because like that allows them to get away with infrastructure bills and all this other shit and that's i mean it's it's why you have bruce springsteen having a podcast with barack obama exactly the whole fucking thing was just dialed in from as soon as they realized what happened after 2016 the whole fucking thing and we we didn't know it we were like joe pesci walking into that fucking room oh fuck they saw us fucking coming man yeah To the left of Marshall, it's even worse.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Among progressives, policies are routinely crafted specifically to exclude poor and working-class white people, and increasingly Asians, who are perceived as less deserving of assistance thanks to their inherited racial privilege. The wholesome abandonment of the concept of social class on the left has reached the level of absurdity at which poverty is perceived as purely an outcome of identity-based discrimination. If you're poor but not a member of a protected class, you're not really a victim. It's the old Anglo-American tradition of ranking the poor by their level of moral entitlement, but dressed up as social justice. This is the last paragraph. This is the left's version of the racial grievance politics the right has been practicing for generations. Liberals are rightly disgusted by these
Starting point is 01:12:12 racist tactics, but when they're deployed by their political adversaries, when they're deployed by their political adversaries, but are blind to them when they come from their own side. That's because unlike the Lee Atwater dog whistles the right routinely sounds, the left's classist version is not cynical. It's expressed entirely in earnest. It's what you're left with when your ideology has been utterly deprived
Starting point is 01:12:35 of a materialist foundation and has been transformed by the elitists who have hijacked your movement to a tool to legitimate the existing social and economic hierarchy rather than to subvert it stop that is such a bad sentence i hate it when my fucking ideology gets hijacked bro god dog i i do hate it but you know who who among us has not had the experience of having your movement turned into a tool to legitimate the existing social and economic hierarchy but then subverted it or rather than subverted just such a fucking wrap it up man
Starting point is 01:13:14 wrap it up wrap it up it's just i hate i hate people that write like they're trying to make the word count on a term paper in college so So they just insert three or four useless flowery sentences. Some people can do it. Layton, I hate to break it to you, my friend. You can't do it. Not your strong suit. Perhaps you should lean into your filmmaking. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Stick with the camera, man. Play your strengths, man. Stick with the camera, man. Play your strengths, man. Stick with the camera, bro. This is like, there is a whole fucking cottage industry of this shit, though. I'm trying to find this video, frantically trying to find this video, of, like, this woman who was talking about Rittenhouse. It was on that, like, rising network. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Do you know what I'm talking about? Isn't there, like, a network called, like, American Rising or some shit like that? Oh, dude. Jesus Christ. See, this is the thing. I'm not even online enough to keep up with all of this. Yeah, it's, I know what you're talking about. It's like, yeah, like, every, like, political persuasion is going to have their own like sort of like
Starting point is 01:14:27 like i could see a post-left or whatever you want to call it version of the young turks and it's like jimmy dory glenn greenwald well the young turks late and if late and if they let him out the house jesus christ i apologize to all my friends and hobs back home. I apologize to all my homies back home who have never heard a single one of these names. Oh, yeah, I know. And also, it's not even worth fucking, like,
Starting point is 01:14:57 pissing and moaning about, you know what I mean? But, like, I think it's weird. It's like a group of people that ostensibly believe what you believe, but they want to insert a little bit too much conciliatory sort of concessions to some of the more reactionary elements uh-huh but then also they want to like sort of uh use the sort of uh you know uh i don't even know what you would call it like sort of the uh antagonizing style that might have been you know honed on the left in the last couple years and for good reason but against like people that more or less agree with uh-huh you know it's just it
Starting point is 01:15:55 just strikes me as like a sour grapes bunch i was so fucking bad i could find that video but if i can't find it i can't prove the point i want to make and um so i guess i can't prove it because i'm just gonna have to forget about it and move on well no it was like um i think the point was like it was a clip and those of you who know what i'm talking about you'll know what i'm talking about it was a clip of like this anchor basically talking about the written house thing and talking about how like the media portrays you know black men that are killed by the police as like these monsters and no angel and all this but then they were like trying to say that the media has also been doing this now to like kyle riddenhouse and stuff do you know what clip i'm talking about yeah yeah it's
Starting point is 01:16:43 like it's like it's's like, it's like, these people either make like a warmed over point that's been made a million times by people more intelligent than they, or they'll just throw like kind of a, just like a weird bomb in there. Like, you know, Kyle Rittenhouse supports BLM.
Starting point is 01:17:02 You know, like that kind of thing. You know what I mean? And it just makes you scratch your head i don't know it just seems like it seems like they're sort of just there to cause confusion dude the reason i can't know man i'm not again again the fact that you have to be that on line to even know any of this is like what i'm just telling you if you're out there you're interested in leftist politics whatever you are in it already you don't have to pay attention to any of this
Starting point is 01:17:45 it's kind of completely inconsequential but it's really not at the same time I don't know maybe it's not inconsequential I personally have to not look at it because it seems stupid as shit because you wind up
Starting point is 01:18:02 reading a guy named Leighton Wodehouse Wodehouse Well in any case there it is folks Okay Well if you want to support us on Patreon Go to that website It's called Patreon slash trailbilly workers party i also have a show coming up not me not me doing stand-up but my band my band tenure has a show coming up on the 17th
Starting point is 01:18:38 of december here in whitesburg kentucky um I think it's like $10 at the door for like four bands. Pretty good deal. But if you don't want to come to the show, we're also on Spotify and shit, too. So check that out. But otherwise, dude, it's nice having something to plug again. Like, this is our first show since before the pandemic. It's crazy. God, really?
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah. Huh. It's wild. Yeah. That is. God, it's been such a long time. Yeah, almost two years. I was thinking about our tour we did 2019,
Starting point is 01:19:21 and it's almost two years ago. I know, dude. it's so fucked up fucking strange the world will never be the same bro it just won't and i'm mourning for it can't you see yeah me both my man you don't see this the thing you're i've been noticing lately you've not been done enough mourning for The World We Lost. And it's honestly, it's a little... It's a little concerning. It's a little concerning for the lack of mourning you've done for The World We Lost.
Starting point is 01:19:56 So why don't you work on that? I'm going to work on my mourning. Yeah, I'll be working on that. I'll get my head right for the next episode be appropriately mournful that goes for all of you out in the audience as well make sure you've moaned moaned moaned and mourned appropriately for the world we lost never leave your house without your case number and wear black and wailail so much so that your neighbors get concerned. Right, and always have your case number.
Starting point is 01:20:29 And clean up the slop if daddy says to... What was the line from your... Oh. Daddy, you want me to feed them hogs? That's going to be my million dollar line. That's the line I'm going to get red shopped off. So if you're out there and you're a casting director, I will appear in your movie and I will say,
Starting point is 01:20:54 Reckon Daddy wants me to feed them hogs. They're like, why is this guy pushing 40 at times? That's what I'm going to do, dude. I'm going to be like damn near 40. And I'm going to be the guy that just shows up. It's a guy that you don't know who the hell I am, but you know I'm in every movie. In every movie, I say the same thing.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Reckon daddy wants me to feed them hogs. Oh, that's good. Gets me every time. Gets me every time gets me every time all right thanks for listening this week folks we'll see you next time peace

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