Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 247: The Fifth Trumpet

Episode Date: May 5, 2022

Let's hope it at least has one of those cool jazz mutes Link to the Antifada episode: Link to the Subliminal Jihad episode: And please subscribe to our Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay i think it yeah oh you know how dolly did five to nine yeah i was thinking if johnny paycheck was still out he'd be like take this job and love it i'm just gonna work here forever more i like my co- coworkers and I like my boss. The benefits ain't too bad. Don't come around me with a union petition. I won't sign it. We don't need that negativity around here, y'all. Take this job and love it. Yeah, if Johnny Paycheck lived long enough to sell out.
Starting point is 00:00:44 That's the thing, dude. You want to die before circumstances change and you have to sell out. Yeah. Tupac and Bob Marley are kind of viewed as international freedom fighters. People have heavily commodified and made money off of and everything. But if they both had made it, who knows? It could be NFT, guys. You never know. Which is crashing, by the way, this week.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I saw that. Dude, this cowbell rules. It's like the exact same pitch as that war song, Lowrider. And I've got a tambourine. War song. Lowrider. Do-do-do-do-do-do. And I've got a tambourine. This, from now on, this show is me, a tambourine, and a cowbell.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Hey, you gotta give me something. I need... You can have the cowbell. Here. You really trust me with it? Yeah, you can do it don't come around here with take this job and love it don't want to see no car drive go down yesterday yesterday i was driving in norton and i saw something that i hadn't seen before surprisingly a truck decal i had never seen before what it was was it was on the back of a truck it was the american flag and a hand was reaching over to pull the american
Starting point is 00:02:22 flag back to reveal a confederate flag beneath it so it's like wait which side which which side of that they fall on that's what they were they speaking truth to power or are they saying like that the south's rising again that's what i'm they're here for that's what i was trying to figure out it could mean several different things yeah you could just you could just put that up and then depend upon who you were talking to just be like yeah man the south's rising again you talk to somebody else be like i'm just showing this bullshit country what it's really what it really is when you pull the mask back yeah yeah i mean that that that's that's kind of how I felt all week. It's like, man, this whole time, we should have known it was actually the stars and bars beneath ruling this whole time.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Man, why did we see that? Let me truly, though, if you are a racist, what does that imply? You're pulling back the stage curtain of the american flag to reveal the confederate flag like i'm just gonna assume this guy was probably racist broken broken like what kind of vehicle was it i mean if i'm being honest was it a racist was it a racist truck you know a racist truck when you see one it was a racist truck all right all right i drove a semi-racist truck for a while and i i can kind of pick them out sometimes the driver will surprise you but usually not well maybe this bumper sticker was yeah like yeah man it's white supremacy all the way down man yeah i'm just here to
Starting point is 00:04:05 i'm just here to sound the alarm right which is now cowbell but if you are a racist like the message i guess is that like, this is my true mask. Like, I wear the American flag. Yeah. But, like, my true self, the non-occluded self. When I'm by myself, the real me, when I'm in Marvin's room, like, Drake, when I'm, the real me is when I'm sitting at home and lamenting the fall of the real me is when I'm sitting at home and that's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Lamenting the fall of the, the stars and bars. The public me is just kind of racist. The real me is really racist. The real me, God, but you wouldn't want to be around me when it's just me alone. Left to my own devices.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I'm a regular hate machine. Yeah. I don't know the interesting thing about racism is nobody even racists don't really believe they're racist right right right i mean they just i mean they are racist but that they call it something else well all of them are having to make up for the fact that the white race just on just on like that's its own merits hasn't really achieved a whole lot i mean no really when you get here's the fun i guess me being essential essentialist about it like that is probably not helpful though i guess like no we're we do essentialism on this show that's all it's kind of wild when you think about nowadays you see a bro that's reading the classics
Starting point is 00:05:47 like Marcus Aurelius or some Greek stuff. But when you really think about it, Greeks and Italians are basically just like North Africans intermingled with... You know what I mean? That's kind of interesting.
Starting point is 00:06:03 In their schematic, yeah. that's kind of interesting right in their schematic yeah like it all kind of falls apart but and here's you wouldn't watch the northman last night i did yeah yeah my first thought was well i enjoyed it but my second thought was this is going to carry on the tradition of Fight Club and 300 for a certain type of guy. I thought that was in the first five or ten minutes. There's a certain type of guy that's going to take all the wrong lessons from that film. Well, to be honest with you, if I'm being completely honest, T-Ray's movie corner. Dude, I'm really in a corner right now.
Starting point is 00:06:39 This is the first time recording here. I have to say, I don't know what lessons you could take from it. Me personally, I didn't really... I thought it was a cool movie. I thought it didn't suck. I wasn't ever bored. But I didn't know what lessons. It's kind of a blank canvas in a way.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Which is fine. Art can just be that. It can just be that, but the lesson I took from it is your mom can too be a bottom bitch. Not mine, but I'm sure a lot of you out there have mothers that aren't great. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:16 You and I grew up in a world and are attuned to a certain way of life where usually the father is the bad one. Father's usually the bad parent. But let me tell you a goddamn stupid tale. I didn't know that there were native Norwegians and Native American, like tribes. I see.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I thought that the Vikings were like the natives of. Wait, so what were the Vikings? It begs the question, where do white people even come from? That is a great question. We gotta go back to the history of white people. I used to know the answer to this, but. I think the prevailing theory at one point, at least according to Nell Irvin Painter, was that we just kind of showed up in the Caucasus one day,
Starting point is 00:08:03 hence Caucasian. But that doesn't make any sense, really. It would make sense if we were like a COVID-like virus that just showed up and just spread rampantly through human civilization. If you think about it, our origins are so in debate, you start to look at something like Nation of Islam, you know, theologian, and be like,
Starting point is 00:08:26 well, maybe we were made in a lab by dr yaka honestly it's of all the things on the table it's not the craziest one right but i did that blew my mind when i found out about the the native peoples of the different nordic countries and i was like so wait it's not blonde haired blue-eyed berserkers that are now the it's funny to think of vikings as being like this fearsome thing when like now like there's like no scandinavian dude that i'm just trembling my boots for unless it's like unless it's like one of those world's strongest men dudes that are like six'5 and 300 pounds and like 4% body fat. I wouldn't fuck one of those guys. But John Q. Swede, I'll square up with him any day of the week.
Starting point is 00:09:12 You know what I mean? Yeah. That's no disrespect to my Swedish and Danish and Norwegian brethren. It's just that I'm a surly Scotch-Irishman. Right. They don't command the same fear that they once did. That's true. People used to look at...
Starting point is 00:09:31 It's funny to think. People used to look at them as like a sign of the impending apocalypse. When they'd show up, their villages were going to be burned. Their women were going to be enslaved and worse. Now they show up and they're just gonna... You're gonna get tasteful furniture from these guys. You'll get made a mistress to someone who's in like a, you know, sort of like middling,
Starting point is 00:09:55 but like sexually liberated middle-class marriage. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're gonna get great pop music, clean line furniture. But at one point, it's just that, you know, people change over time. People change. That should be a lesson to anyone. At one point, these guys were hopping off ships and howling like wolves
Starting point is 00:10:19 and like eating people alive. And now? It's a lesson for how people can change and now abba i think the nell urban painter the nell urban painter book was like i think the point was that there is no real origin to white people that it's always kind of been a socially constructed category. Right. Right? So, which I can get with just until you look at, say,
Starting point is 00:10:54 Benedict Cumberbatch. And then it kind of falls apart, you know what I mean? Like, that guy is so white, he's clearly... Yeah, he's clear. Biologically white. Right. There's white, constructed white. Italians, Greeks, the aforementioned.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And then there's just objectively white. The rest of them, they're like formed by budding. They're not the OG. They're not the patient zero. But even when you go to that extreme, you got the Irish who are so white that they weren't white for a while. Right, right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Like freakishly white. Oh, yeah. You know, so. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, I think the point, though, is that, so, wait. think the point, though, is that... So, wait.
Starting point is 00:11:47 So, the Irish, though, really were, like, considered... They really were slaves. They really were. As far as I understand it. The Irish slave myth. Yeah. The much debated Irish slave myth. Is it much debated?
Starting point is 00:12:04 I think so. Is it much debated? I think so. Is it not settled? I think they've put it to bed. It's to bed? They put it to bed? I think it's a myth, man. It's not still up for debate? I think it's...
Starting point is 00:12:14 No, dude. It is up for debate. Well, I mean, it is, but I think the science is in on it. So you're saying they did put it to bed. So it's not up for debate I'm not going to say nothing They gave it a bunch of NyQuil And Benadryl
Starting point is 00:12:29 And put it to bed No you've always You've always had upward mobility Well the movie The time frame that that movie takes place in Race did not exist Right Well I have to kind of push back a little bit on that because uh anya taylor joy's character uh-huh they call her a slav whore like
Starting point is 00:12:54 four or five times so i do but i don't think that was uncommon i think i think i think that nell everett painter talks about that it was perfectly acceptable to do misogyny to Slavic women. There was a kind of prejudice that was based on regional and ethnic differences, but I think the idea of race, like a biological category, was non-existent. Obviously, they didn't even really have biology. Man, you have motherfuckers like going around in boats just like trying to get spices and pillage yeah they just you didn't have time to sit down and do a taxonomy of what humans look like you know what i mean uh-huh you're right
Starting point is 00:13:37 my question with the berserkers and stuff is like how did you know you were adequately like berserk berserk like yeah you know what i mean there's gonna be a threshold how do, how did you know you were adequately like... Berserked? Berserked. Yeah. You know what I mean? There's got to be a threshold. How did you know you were just going to run roughshod over Europe and parts of North Africa and the Middle East? It's a question everybody should ask you every morning, especially if you're a grinder. Like, am I going to run roughshod today?
Starting point is 00:14:01 Yeah. Am I going to run roughshod today? Yeah. Like, that's the thing i'm saying though like what what did you have to weigh your badassness against though well i guess in their case it was like the wolves and the bears they were like because they were like but i mean that's the funny thing though that like the modern hustler like grind set guys no different like if you're truly about that life like me you wake you already were waking up every morning and howling and barking and screaming.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, howling at the moon and eating just flesh constantly. Shooting up steroids and not working out, which is what I love to do. Just doing a cycle of tests and wind straw, but just, you know. I just take steroids recreationally, but no actual. Just walking around with that tire on your back just for fluid retention. You have to do something for this to work. Like, no, I'm waiting. Just wait.
Starting point is 00:14:54 All right? They said it'll take a couple weeks. Oh, man. I don't know. The movie was fun. I mean, I didn't hate it, but it's like with so many movies I watch now that have been made post-2020, even like by directors that I like, like I liked Licorice Pizza, but it didn't like hang with me for a while.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I thought it was very mid-PTA. Everything is in one ear and out the other. See, I liked it. I thought it was more than mid pta but you support different aged union died you know you know i do only when it's the one like described in that movie right right right like if heim was approaching you and you were 16 you were probably gonna try to spit game see the thing like that's the thing like that movie opens up with him spitting
Starting point is 00:15:50 game people don't talk about that yeah he's not she's not the predator she wasn't the predator he he singled her out he was he was spitting game right honestly i thought it was great yeah it was good i mean i liked it i'm just i didn't like it as much as phantom thread now that shit that shit goes yeah i fucking love that movie yeah uh but i don't know the northman was fun it was like it was i was it was like me and one other dude in there dude movies are fucking dead like the movie theater i don't know if it's like this where you go but i've gone to two movies since everything like opened back up once was like one was the batman and one was the north man i went to watch the batman but i was like i'll catch
Starting point is 00:16:37 the 9 30 show and then i saw the run time was three hours and i was like I can't do this tonight. Yeah. Nah. It's, that shit is, you want to talk about mid? Is it mid? It's a little less than mid. It's sludge, definitely. Really? Yeah. I didn't like it. But nobody goes to the movies now.
Starting point is 00:16:58 In Norton, anyways. When I go. Yeah, the run of the pice. Yeah. No one's there. Everybody's sitting around. All the games are completely empty. Dude, it is a ghost town.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I cannot describe how depressing it is. What do you think that has to do with where the industry's at? Where it's like, there's no mid-budget movies made. I guess like the Northman and Licorice Pizza. Everything else is either like a low-budget movies made. I guess like the Northman and Licorice Pizza. Everything else is either like a low-budget indie or like a Marvel movie. I think it's the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I guess. Or I'm saying like why people don't go to the theaters anyways. It's got to be because of the pandemic. It just killed it. It was already a natural trend of people just watching at home and not really going to that movies but like you think people are too
Starting point is 00:17:49 excitable for the movies now you think it like they like like entertainment is just like little bitty chunks like tiktok for example right like sitting down watching two to three hour movies like an undertaking for people where but they they must be doing it, right? Otherwise, why would they be making these three-hour movies? I mean, I think you're... I mean, somebody is. I mean, it's still viable enough, but it does seem like it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:16 some places, I guess, it's just not what it was. I didn't really like The Witch, though, to be honest. I know that's sacrilege, but I didn't like The Witch. I don't really know what it is I'm missing about this director. It's because you hate women. That's your right. That's what it is. Do you have to like witchcraft to appreciate that movie?
Starting point is 00:18:35 That's what somebody tweeted the other day. It's like, Robert Eggers got in early with the women, and then later on he goes, a little something just for daddy, a little something for the boys. The Northmen. The lighthouse. Was that a thing that I did not like the witch because it's like a gender does that show my white male
Starting point is 00:18:54 ass privilege? You didn't set your white ass down and watch it. I walked into a trap just now. This whole fucking time I didn't realize that wow. Well kind of a quiet news week uh-huh uh you know it's uh it's just one of those weeks when things are happening i don't know. You want to get into it?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Where to start? Where to start? Yeah. Where to even jump in at? Really, where to even jump in at? Well, here's what I've been thinking about. I've been thinking about how... I guess this is probably my naivety about the certain situation but i just automatically assumed that the culture wars would
Starting point is 00:19:50 just always be used as footballs you know what i mean like nobody really wanted to overturn roe like really you know what i mean because i thought well and i've said this on the show before i was like well when bush had control of congress and the Supreme Court and they had the executive branch during his era, they could have easily did it then. You know what I mean? Right. Just as easily as the Democrats could have, you know, like the big rallying call. And I was like, okay, let's overturn the filibuster and codify it into law, whatever. And they could have easily done that several times,
Starting point is 00:20:26 like when Obama had a mandate, for example, when Clinton had a mandate, you know. Right. So I don't know. I guess I just automatically assume, oh, this is what, the culture wars are the things that powerful people are just going to continue to use as footballs to keep us all, like, distracted while they, like all distracted while they pillage the coffers or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Right. That it's like a game or sort of not even really a game. It is a game, but it's also sort of like a duet or something. Yeah. They kind of operate in coordination with each other because they need each other. Right. On a fundamental level right
Starting point is 00:21:06 and you know i don't know it's it was there was kind of a craven element to um biden's uh like sort of posters like uh memo about it or whatever you just press release about it oh that was incredible yeah i mean the the last line was like, get out there and vote. Because here's what we've been saying for the last couple weeks. Like, what the fuck is this guy going to run on next time? Right. Numbers in the toilet. That's why, like, when we thought, like, okay, it's going to be canceling student loan debt.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And, like, I don't know who leaked this thing, right? But it feels like maybe a happy accident, maybe no accident at all. But it feels like they're like, a happy accident, maybe no happen, maybe no accident at all, but it feels like they're like, ah, yeah, that's right. We can go play the hits. We got,
Starting point is 00:21:51 we got to protect row. And it's like, the funny thing about it is, is like their situation is not going to be more flush than it is right now. Right. You know what I mean? It, it definitely redounds to their benefit in the short term well
Starting point is 00:22:05 here's what i'm saying absolutely if you think like that you're going to go uh in the midterms and they're going to favor the democrats like that's a pop dream well i should say it they think it redounds to their benefits in the short term like i don't think it actually will who the fuck knows well because it could galvanize their right-wingers and say good i mean like assuming that this was... Because, actually, that's an interesting thing. Like, I had been caught up so much in the larger big picture of this that I hadn't even thought about, like,
Starting point is 00:22:32 the question of who leaked it and why. Very interesting question to wonder about. Because, like, the right-wingers have made a big deal about that, right? Like, this is an unprecedented disruption they said it was like an insurrection like as i think is what they judicial insurrection is how i think one of them referred to it that eric erickson guy i think a judicial insurrection yeah i mean obviously they don't believe any of this no no no um i like in in it is saying they get i really truly don't believe any of this. No, no, no, no. I really truly don't even think they give a fuck about what happens with abortion.
Starting point is 00:23:09 It is crazy that it was leaked. I mean, I don't want to like... That is insane. I think that that's pretty significant. What's your theory about it? I don't know. I think that it could be potentially like a clerk of one of the more progressive judges
Starting point is 00:23:24 who thought like... I need to sound the alarm like a clerk of one of the more progressive judges who thought like i need to sound the alarm like yeah it'll be like a civil disobedience thing or and or like yeah even maybe like a daniel ellsberg thing something like that you know like i gotta leak this this is like my profiles encourage moment right right right could be could could also be what you kind of hinted at a second ago maybe more cynical like planned thing by the democrats to sort of like leak it i don't know when they would just save the midterm try their best to save the midterms that's a good question when would they have even announced it if it hadn't been leaked like june or july i think they said interesting all right interesting yeah so i don't
Starting point is 00:24:00 know what happens i don't know what happens now I don't know what happens now. I do think it's significant that it was leaked. I do also think it's extremely significant that it is going to be overturned because that doesn't happen a lot. These landmark cases, even when they swear them in through the senate hearings or whatever like well you will pull roe v way or whatever and obviously they just bullshit and lie their entire way through it and that was the whole kavanaugh thing he not only
Starting point is 00:24:34 lied through that part but through every part of his hearing um but i but but i do think it is interesting and says a lot about the current moment we're in that you have a major reversal on a major case like that. It feels so. Well, and as a result, what happened online and the discourse around all this was. So like that Jurassic Park, that new Jurassic Park movie was like, I felt the same kind of like bleak emptiness that I did when I saw the Joe Biden, like get out there and vote. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:11 It is. It's very comparable. You mean to tell you what I think it pertains to? I think it pertains to this sort of like eternal childhoods we find ourselves in. This sort of arrested development. Yeah. Where like, you know, we're just eternally 14 and 15 years old now that's why they keep selling us this shit to keep us in that nostalgic sweet spot right before we had any
Starting point is 00:25:30 responsibilities or duties or had to become adults uh-huh whatever it is uh i i can't articulate that connection properly but i think they're related the two things are related well what it is yeah it's it is you're absolutely right it's just that sort of surreal uncanny feeling before the real world slaps the shit out of you yeah like uh i don't know let's keep them hopped up on spider-man and fucking uh you know i mean every day like sometimes it's just craving what they bring back you know but yeah uh i don't know man it is strange i've been thinking about this too i've been thinking about this sort of idea this longer project i guess ever since i've just been trafficking in the world of leftism i think i've adopted that like well this is just a
Starting point is 00:26:17 football thing before i was trying to think how i thought about this before right and i remember very specifically i've told i think i've told this story on the show before it was when we did that uh bethel the episode about bethel the christian hogwarts place yes i had this dude sam that i went to high school with that we were lifeguards of the pool together in the summertime and i remember him saying to me that do you remember anything called the ramp like it was like a christian around here no no no no i think it's like a national thing yeah it's like a rant like they were like somebody out here i'm probably jumbling like four or five different things together but like they were like the kids
Starting point is 00:26:58 that would go with like the tape over their mouths and stuff to protest like abortion and like pretend to be dead fetuses like on the front of the Capitol and stuff like that. Well, Sam was into all that. And he came back and was like telling me that like, and this is like 2004, 2005 when he's telling me this. Just been to college. And he was like, yeah, man, he was like when Bush named Sam Alito to the Supreme Court, like that was a prophecy. I was like, wait a minute. It's like it's a prophecy that they're going to end abortion.
Starting point is 00:27:30 So like there's a whole generation of those Christian Hogwarts people that view Sam Alito as like God's man that was sent to end abortion. Right. And now they've been proven correct. And they've been. They're not. They weren't wrong. But here's the here's the crazy thing like this shit got into the muck weird man because he'd be like yeah man he was like and the other prophetic sign that our pastor was telling us about was like i think it was like something called the u.s bank building or some building they had
Starting point is 00:27:59 built across the street from the supreme court building. And they said, it's no coincidence that Alito was, like, named to the Supreme Court when they built this building, which is in the shape of an arrow. So think about it. And I was like, no, the arrow was pointing at the Supreme Court. So, like, Alito is, like, God's man that's pulling the arrow. And it's like, you think this building named after, like, a bank or something that might have a point
Starting point is 00:28:27 in it. That's crazy. Yeah, but like, they took all these like, just innocuous things or not, you know, just banal things and just sort of like,
Starting point is 00:28:38 in the aggregate, said like, these were all prophecies from God that like, abortion was gonna end, which is like, why did they drag that out so long? They could have did it under Bush. I mean, look, this tweet I just saw.
Starting point is 00:28:53 If it's possible, I would love to be living through less history, fewer history if I could. If we're going to change anything, we're going to have to stop fucking living. Afraid of the moment afraid of history ultimately dude that's what we're talking about here these people aren't afraid of history no i mean i think they are but in a different way i don't i've been having such a hard time articulating like so when we talked two weeks ago about the jd vance thing like are these people
Starting point is 00:29:27 for real are they really fucking about this life like are they when they say they want to overthrow the government are they fully prepared and um you know prepared for what that entails or like because i do think that the same sort of inertia that keeps us all scared of history might also be present on some parts of the right. Yeah. But I don't know. They're not afraid of history. They are afraid of history in the sense that they're reactionaries, right?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Which is like just living fear of your power being taken from you. Uh-huh. You know what I mean? And then now it's like, Corey Robbins got that great quote in that Reactionary Mind book where he's like, that conservatism is the felt experience. And I'm going to botch this, but basically the essence of it is like having power, seeing it threatened, and then like, what are you going to do to win it back? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:22 And what they do is scapegoat and all these things. Not treading any new territory here. But they are afraid in that sense. And this could be a moment for the left, right? Because this feels like, where do these people go from here? And I know we like to get on our doomer shit and talk about, well, there's no absolutes in human misery or anything that and that's certainly true to some degree but there's also possibilities that you know i'm just so fucking sick of having the same goddamn 10 debates over it was amazing it
Starting point is 00:31:02 was amazing yesterday of this whole it's like thing that everybody's been wondering is this ever going to happen you know like this very historical thing and all we could muster was bernie hillary susan saranda depending upon what what your band was it was one of those people's faults as if this hasn't been a project for the last 70 years at least the threat of it anyway yeah you know it's phenomenal i just didn't say anything well i mean so like you could take that several ways and say like look um because i saw people sharing like various, you know, quote tweets from various politicians. Like they still just won't get it.
Starting point is 00:31:48 They still refuse to learn. And I'm like, I know it's cliche to say this, but I don't think it has really sunk in with a vast majority of people on the left. I do think this is sunk in with working people. on the left i do think this is sunk in with working people working people know this but the vast majority of the intelligentsia left still holds out some bit of hope that the democrats might do the right thing this is what it's it's so phenomenal to watch this just like they still don't get it they're still not learning they don't give a fuck it helps them if for this to happen that is beneficial to them in the short term and that's all they fucking care about no yeah no it is it's like how do you get past that yeah i don't know dude yeah they it's amazing
Starting point is 00:32:40 that they can't it is you know it's kind, I was thinking about this on the way here today. It's like, you know, like the Democrats, the reason they fail is like, I mean, to use a biblical allegory, it's like they're double-minded people, unstable in all their ways. You can't serve God in mammon, and they want to try to serve God in mammon.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And that's why they've rendered themselves completely ineffectual. Conservatives know who they serve. You know what I mean? Right. There's no doubt about that. Now the left has to ask the question do you want to be a liberal and be torn between you know trying to serve god and mammon or do you want to have a very clear articulation of what you want to do and what you want the future to be and um and that's and i don't mean to make that sound like just like a...
Starting point is 00:33:25 Call to arms, boys. That's a very hard question to wrestle with. Well, it's ultimately... It's really frustrating to just even talk about it on a one-on-one basis with just you because nothing we say has any bearing on anything whatsoever. It's just two people pissed off ranting. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Because ultimately nothing I say fine which is fine that's fine i mean it's like you know everything doesn't have to be insightful i do this for me too you know so that's true that is true i guess i just keep coming back to that question though of are you afraid of history yeah because like it's i think you're probably right certainly the q people aren't afraid of history yeah because like i think you're probably right certainly the q people aren't afraid of history yeah yeah now like i don't know i just thought that like and i don't want to like pick on the person that tweeted that who the fuck knows who even originally tweeted it's like got a million fucking retweets so they probably picked plucked it off tumblr and they
Starting point is 00:34:25 probably stole it from someone else on twitter like so who the fuck even knows but as a sentiment i do think it's interesting it's like a graffiti scroll in an alleyway like i wish history was not asking to me like happening to me like at what point is what it is to be human at what point do you fucking look history in the eye and just say like, all right. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's, I mean, you know, we were talking earlier about that being perpetually 14 years old. And I think there's a paralysis that happens with that, that, that has to do with this, right.
Starting point is 00:34:56 That has to do with like, I don't want, I have to fight the future. I have to fight what's coming because somehow it's going to be bad because we've been led to believe it's going to be bad because we've been led to believe it's going to be bad. Yeah. You know what I mean? These big disaster movies, the year 2000,
Starting point is 00:35:09 like everything suggests that history is just going to keep dwindling and getting worse and worse and worse and worse. When people think about the future,
Starting point is 00:35:15 they don't ever think about things getting better. Right. Rarely. You know what I mean? Like, I've lived my whole life just waiting for this
Starting point is 00:35:23 big boom event to happen. You know what I mean? Well, dude, I i don't know a lot of people like in the ngo non-profit left i think probably do have to have some sort of conception of history as like a a linear path i guess well here's what i think i think that's interesting to think Like I said, it's maybe why I had so much stomach indigestion when I worked at an opera. Well, you know what I mean. It's like that, it's conception of history kind of like
Starting point is 00:35:53 as a principle or as its fundamental root kind of clashes with it. I was thinking about the Bob Dylan quote about you have to serve somebody. That's what I thought about the serving God and mammon and all that kind of stuff. But there's something else I've been kind of thinking of tangentially related to this about the temptations of Christ. So what does he do?
Starting point is 00:36:17 Fundamentally, strip away all the religious context and what that means for your eternal destiny and everything. What happens is Satan takes him out and he shows him all the kingdoms of the world and he says, this is all going to be yours if you'll just kneel to me. So the first temptation, he rejects power. And then the final temptation, he accepts powerlessness. Right. And so I feel like there's ways that events unfolding can be provable kind of using that as sort of a reference point, because it's like, if your heart and your will and everything lies with the powerless, then what happens? Then your numbers, something happens to your numbers and they can't kill all of us.
Starting point is 00:37:02 your numbers, something happens to your numbers, and they can't kill all of us. So you kind of get access to power that way. But that takes a rejection of power. And in my mind, this is where liberals and where the NGO left fails because they don't try to ingratiate themselves to the powerless. They try to ingratiate themselves to the powerful, thinking that it's going to be. They do a double motion.
Starting point is 00:37:21 They try to appear to the people in power that they have access to the people in the streets, and they try to appear to the people in power that they have access to the people in the streets. And they try to appear to the people in the streets that they have access to the people in power. You don't need the people in power. You need to become the people in power. Right. Right. So I think, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:38 I've been thinking a lot about that question about where power lays and what that that means for our enemies here particularly in this situation and then what does it mean for like the left going forward i've been thinking about that too because as we pointed out on the patreon a few days ago or not pointed out but like we're asking like what even is the nation state yeah you know what i mean like what does it mean for it to have a substantial transformation of its political system? Yeah. Like, I'm not talking about political economy. I'm talking about like a constitutional quote unquote crisis.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I mean, like a lot of people talk about that. And it's probably like the topic du jour at all the salons. I wonder if anybody busted in the doors of the salon today and was like, by God, we've got another constitutional crisis. I thought that died out with Trump. What's funny is that I don't think the left is engaged. It's such a weird term to use because it's just, you know, it refers to a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:38:46 and I don't want to paint with too broad a brush, but I've been thinking about, like, if the Trump era has taught us anything, it's that, like, these institutions are rickety as hell. So why can't we leverage that? Like, why do we have to obey the Supreme Court? You know what I mean? Like, really? Well, it feels like the one disconnect where it's like oh this is the ultimate authority but do you think john q guy in the military gives
Starting point is 00:39:09 a fuck what ruth bader ginsburg has that interprets the law i guess it's i don't know i don't know it depends because in states like texas they are setting up institutions to actually or reef retrofitting institutions to go after abortion providers. Right, yeah. So, like, it depends, I guess, on the state itself. What is so stunning, even to me... Well, that's the other issue, is, like, what are we gonna do about the states? Well, that's the thing, like, I keep coming back to. And so, like, so, you know, I was telling you, like,
Starting point is 00:39:39 you see the same arguments in everything. And, like, one of the memes I saw from various people on the left is like, you know, quoting like a Democrat account of Joe Biden telling people to go out there and vote or something like that. And just, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:52 with the no country for old men, like if it, what is, is this the road? Yeah. Yeah. The legend or whatever. So it's like,
Starting point is 00:39:58 I guess that could be an expression of powerlessness and an inability to affect the Democrats or anything like that. Um, but if that is the case like i think it probably also necessitates then some rethinking of what our institution on the left is because for it to be the the biggest one just off the top of my head dsa for it to be the organization that was started to pull the Democratic Party to the left, I think we need to come to terms with the fact that that's obviously never happening. And so it's like, I don't think that you can also
Starting point is 00:40:36 quote the account with the meme about if did the road that you took got here or whatever. It's like, we also probably should be asking ourselves that and i don't know i you know i don't know it's it's it's just difficult for me to say and you'd hate to sound like preachy or whatever but it's difficult because it's like okay well then the solution is like bombing stuff but like does it have to be that? Does the alternative have to be, like, some sort of violent, I mean, or are those the terms that the state has set before you? It seems like the terms that they've set before you is, like,
Starting point is 00:41:15 you can either go within the proper channels within DSA and these other approved, we'll talk shit about them and get pissed off at them when they write critical articles about our policy in Ukraine, but ultimately it's okay. Or you can blow up pipelines. Why does it have to be just those two options? Like, what? Why can't the DSA bomb pipelines, for example? But why can't there be another option, whether it's a social form, a specific institution, a rethinking of our relationship to political economy itself?
Starting point is 00:41:58 This is what I was getting at when I was saying that I think that there might be a transformation in social property relations going on right now. And maybe we should start rethinking how we can resist that if that is the case. rethinking how we can resist that if that is the case yeah because like when we read that article like we read about jd vance in them last week i don't think it's a coincidence that peter till is funding them and i don't think it's a coincidence that elon musk is now making a move to acquire twitter and you know like there are larger things going on behind the scenes that show that the powerful people in silicon valley with a vision of the future beyond this crisis that we all know is in front of us but that no one can articulate or name or say what it is we all have our own individual small piece of their net worth they can acquire all of our thoughts over the last 14 all of our published thoughts over the last 14 i think for them the resolution of the all of the contradictions that the impending climate crisis brings, the impending economic crisis brings, because, again, watching that Jurassic Park trailer with the dinosaur, Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and Goldblum. You know what they should do? They should bring back the original dinosaur because it's probably all rickety as hell
Starting point is 00:43:07 and they're just like put it there in the picture. Someone has not made a joke. Someone needs to make a joke about the dinosaur actors. Yeah, who are the dinosaurs? But like that trailer gave me
Starting point is 00:43:22 just the sinking feeling like talking to Rich last week about the music industry. Like, at this point, these corporations are just paying themselves with their own money. Yeah. Because, you know, they're just setting up shell corporations, stuff like that. So what they're trying to do now is, because I guess there's no productive capacity left in the economy. Well, that's my question. They can't
Starting point is 00:43:45 find five million more workers to proletarianize yeah yeah that's my my question is like do we need a critique of like of immaterialism because it seems like that's like what uh what they're like at least prescribing value or ascribing value to. I think that they're saying that like, you, Tom Sexton, the person, what do you have control over on a day-to-day basis? I guess you can go out, walk to the post office box. You've turned your key in it. You get your mail.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Pull a couple death threats. Death threat, death threat, bill, death threat, bill, bill, death threat. But like what makes you you? I guess it's just like your physical form. Yeah. But like I think they're starting to, and traditionally, there was this distinction between private property, as conceived by Locke and these guys,
Starting point is 00:44:42 something that's created when you mix labor with it and create exchange value. There was a distinction between that and personal property. Your personal house, your gadgets, your pictures, your photos, your cherished memories, your health, even that. And I think that they are starting to say, no, actually, that all belongs to us too. Your house belongs to us. Your health belongs to us. Your reproductive all belongs to us too that your house belongs to us your health belongs to us
Starting point is 00:45:06 your reproductive rights belong to us it all belongs to us and i think that honestly if you want to talk about like with it was covet and op or not it kind of doesn't matter ultimately because it served that function it redefined the boundaries between what is you and what isn't you with this like argument over vaccines and all this other stuff that happened at this time. So it's like I think that this I think this is a transformation going on right now in like our sort of social property relations. No one can name it, but everybody is trying to get out ahead of it. have sort of landed on monarchy because they like, all right, well, we'll just manage these contradictions by a strong man bringing back futile social relations. And I'll live forever
Starting point is 00:45:52 because I do the children's blood infusions. Right. Your obsession with living forever should tell us a lot of what they're afraid of. Yeah. History. They are afraid of history, too. No matter how much they fuck in front, they're just as fucking afraid of history too well no matter how much they fucking front they're just
Starting point is 00:46:06 as fucking afraid of it as anybody else yeah well i mean it's like this is the whole conservative project too is because like all of these people's intellectual forebears are people whose whole worldview and their like approach to jurisprudence was informed by their fear of what the Haitians did to the French what the Jacobins did to you know what I mean so it's like like you know when we were talking a little bit ago about like their fear they are afraid they are they are ultimately afraid and that's why they've sort of like if you want to talk about like what they've done infrastructurally with the mainstream, they've padded up the judiciary for generations with all these reactionary minds, right? They've, like, given police, like, unfettered rain in the streets and convinced otherwise well-meaning people that these people are honest brokers for the most part, except for a few bad apples.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Uh-huh. And basically, it kind of pertains to what we were talking about last week with like the liberals build out the infrastructure and then the real psychopaths get a hold of it and run roughshod again like the berserkers over it. But really these people are ultimately afraid of subjugated people cutting their fucking hands off. Yeah, they truly are. That's what they really are afraid of.
Starting point is 00:47:27 The problem of the left, though, and the reason why we just keep circling around the drain here and nobody has any answers and nobody, even us bitching about it, everyone from us bitching about it to everyone in the NGOs and even in DSA and even up to Bernie, is that I think this is a big part of it. even up to Bernie, is that I think this is a big part of it.
Starting point is 00:47:51 In the sort of development of the internet and social media of the last 20 or 30 years, like you see these articles all the time in the Atlantic, like how the internet ruined everything, social media ruined everyone. They are correct, but not for... Not the reasons they think. Not the reasons they think they are. I think that a big issue here, at least as it pertains to the left, I can't really speak to what it means
Starting point is 00:48:09 for like when George Packer at the Atlantic writes an article like this, which I feel like he has. But I think for the left anyways, what you're talking about is space. And I said this on the show two weeks ago when we did the Vanity Fair article, but I think it's a problem for the left, which is space and i said this on the show two weeks ago when we did the vanity fair article but i think it's a problem for the left which is space where do you go like space like or like actual
Starting point is 00:48:33 like places you can occupy the place of agitation this the like the space of agitation yeah you know what i mean like as so obviously there is the workplace, but I think the natural drift over time, like the trends are less and less people working together and more and more people working isolated, algorithmically segregated silos, even down to the fucking workers at like walmart and stuff i mean it's still going to be a lot ways off uh because obviously they still depend on each other and work on and work with each other and talk to each other and can build a common you know sort of world shared worldview about the world and maybe organize for the things but over time i think that with computers and robots like they will eventually each of them will not work with, you will never see another coworker. It'll be like you and a robot working somewhere.
Starting point is 00:49:31 You know what I mean? Like, I just think that like through that fragmentation of the production process, that it's, it creates an issue of space. Like, where do you go to organize then? And like I said,
Starting point is 00:49:44 the Bernie thing was kind of a way to get at that because it acknowledged that like unions and organized labor had been just demolished yeah over years but at the same time if you're trying to build a grassroots movement where do you go okay well we'll go to people's front doors like and that's why canvassing was kind of fetishized for a while right you know what i mean like people love to fucking talk about it like it was it was kind of fetishized for a while, right? You know what I mean? People loved to fucking talk about it. It was kind of like the political version of going to a faux Old Tommy barbershop. You know what I mean? It kind of was.
Starting point is 00:50:13 You're right. I mean, it really kind of was. I mean, people, of course, did that even back in the day. I remember people doing that for various environmental causes and stuff, even back in the 90s and 2000s but this seemed to have a more it almost kind of like seemed to have be like praxis people talked about it like that yeah yeah yeah it's just like that but that was getting at a real issue here it's like what is the space you go to yeah but the fact of the matter is is a lot of us don't have uh i don't
Starting point is 00:50:42 know we just don't have like street corner i guess you could scream at people on the street corner and and hang a sign for your neck and ring a bell but that is ultimately why it's equally frustrating to like criticize the left because the tools and the spaces that you go the tools you work with and the spaces you go to organize they're just not the same that they were 20 30 years ago so it's like it's almost unfair to criticize any of us because things have changed so rapidly and so fast we don't even have a grasp on any of it and that's why like the social conditions just aren't ripe yeah and that's the social conditions are ripe for reaction obviously they're ripe for i mean no this is the gun this is the hot for
Starting point is 00:51:25 them right but i mean it's it's just um it is interesting it is an interesting uh thing that like i wonder how you would explain to yourself if you were a kind of liberal who still has trust in a lot of these institutions and organizations how you would explain it to yourself the fact that the democrats had control of the white house in both chambers of congress while abortion was essentially uh banned yeah how would you yeah okay i like it yeah i had it's just so it's so maddening dude because it just nullifies everything they've been screaming at us yes it's like i mean i honestly it would not surprise me if they lost big time in the midterms and then lost in 2024. If you won't see a kind of like gradual falling away of like those kind of like mid-level voters, people who, you know, they're not like the suburb voters. They're people who just like vote diligently for the Democrat.
Starting point is 00:52:23 I mean, I don't see how you wouldn't look at that with some sort of disillusionment. No, and you're not attracting, certainly not attracting any new people, you know. Another thing is too, it's just like the politics of fear. It's like, well, you better vote for us because this thing has been taken away from you, but they never tell you like how they're gonna add value
Starting point is 00:52:42 to your life in any substantive way. That statement from Biden was truly sociopathic. It was a threat. People did not read it that way, but it was. It was a threat. Like, better vote for us. And then it's so schizophrenic because, well, the same time that you're yelling this,
Starting point is 00:52:58 like Nancy Pelosi's actively voting for anti-choice people. I mean, as comrade Susan Sarandon pointed out, Tim Kaine was anti-choice people i mean as as comrade susan sarandon pointed out that tim kaine was anti-borsh anti-borsh you know it's like you can't that's what i'm talking about like how long are we going to entertain this delusion that like these people literally don't care yeah i mean when i look back at like all these old like edmund burke and all these like what we're talking about the ideological forebears of the samolitos and all these cretins doing this shit right now like and you read look what they had to say in the 18th century and 17th century and stuff like that where they were like certain professions should not we we have to make sure that certain professions and they name like
Starting point is 00:53:37 you know thatcher goat herd whatever it was at the time like these people like we need to have them suppressed like they can never be allowed to like that's their that's been their whole project right you have to have a subordinate class of people that do certain jobs and then you have a ruling class of people that do other types of things and it's like left like marxism well you know like our conception of marxism leftism all that stuff is the only antidote that addresses that head-on. Liberalism doesn't do that. Liberalism instead tries to neutralize Marxism in a way.
Starting point is 00:54:14 You know what I mean? It's like a stumbling block. Liberalism is satanic in the sense that it is adversarial to a left project. If you really want to take the Greek definition of Satan, which means stumbling like a stumbling block they are they are satanists you know in the most literal sense the liberals are satanists well it's like i said before actually if we set our sights on them it would be a good appetizer yeah for the actual well main course i mean but see i mean but really though i don't know how you say that and like do it it's one thing for us to say it but i
Starting point is 00:54:53 don't know how you actually do it yeah i don't have that that's that's the game that they've made and it's really maddening because they've they have all encircled us in a trap and said like you can't get out well it's like okay we could write and take to the streets but then it's like they've conquered our attention spans right it's like the george floyd thing had great energy and then kind of dissipate and i'm that's i'm being self-crit included i wasn't out there doing any sort of counter insurrection after like a couple of nights you know what i mean both of them run on a fear motive the i mean the republicans are like we're coming for you we will fucking murder you we're coming for your ass and the democrats are also running on a a fear platform which is like we'll let them do it
Starting point is 00:55:36 but we'll let them do it they're playing not to lose yeah right if you don't vote for us we're gonna let them do it but they're gonna let them do it anyway yeah right that's effectively what biden's saying with that statement right right right you don't vote for us this is your fate right and the conservatives are saying we're gonna fucking kill you if you like get down or lay down you're either with us or not and then the left is saying no we can imagine other futures other than what the two sort of dated things that y'all are saying but it's like but it's like all of our tactics are sort of they have like a they've figured out an answer for you know billion dollar police forces in the streets like that's the most obvious thing right right you know so it's the democratic party though and
Starting point is 00:56:16 it's sort of like ngo adjacent you know and corollary groupings is also a tactic though i mean it is in the same way that policing is the you know the hard thing that hits you over the head it's the soft power you know the democratic party and everything else like it's really an insane a really truly insane phenomenon like when you look at it just on its own terms just on the face of it just that you have one party that is insanely genocidal and the other party that is insanely nihilistic and says like you know we're gonna let them do it just keep voting for us and there will always be people who make that bargain we'll stave off the barbarians at the gate but it's gonna cost you one at the ballot box right and. And then like, they just like let a few, instead of letting all,
Starting point is 00:57:07 let the gates bust down and all of them rush through, they just let like. They let a few through at a time. And so it's like, just enough to keep things shitty but not like.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Right. Overran. Well that's the thing, that gets back to what we were saying earlier, like if this is, if this leak was planned, if it was someone who was like,
Starting point is 00:57:23 they're doing their Profiles in Courage moment. Or was it like Jenny Thomas? That'd be a curveball. Yeah, I heard somebody float that. It was like, because you remember like a couple, remember a couple weeks ago
Starting point is 00:57:35 and everybody was like, I guess people had found out that she knew about like, January 6th. Yeah, all that stuff. She's like a true believer in all the QAnon stuff. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Isn't that she's a full she's like a true believer in that in all the q and on stuff oh yeah yeah yeah isn't that wild we have somebody that's a true believer in the
Starting point is 00:57:49 q storm that is married to supreme court justice dude i'm telling you it's it's uh well the crazy thing is sam alito has their has his way jenny and clarence got to break up in a racial marriage the insane thing to me about this is like, and I know it's kind of getting at the whole argument around hypocrisies, but it's really not because it's also, it's just a fascinating thing. Like when you talk about privacy and obviously when you're talking about abortion and medical data and information that is privacy,
Starting point is 00:58:24 it is so incredible to me and again maybe this just shows how much of a rube i am that these like stalwart like you know originalists whatever lawyers supreme court justice or whatever from thomas to alito to scalia like they don't see it in those terms obviously they I mean it's like it's I don't know I don't know it's like they don't have they don't see it in those terms they don't see it as like that you have a right to privacy
Starting point is 00:58:56 in that regard to me that's the thing like maybe that's I don't know this kind of gets back to what we were saying earlier well they have to do it right they have to make sure that we're not gonna be like the Jacobins or the Haitian slave revolt. And that's like part of all this.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Did you see the article going around about Till and like basically his data companies had funded this like spying on like the Navajo Nation? Dude. Did you see that story? Dude, that story is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Not only were they doing that, dude, they were giving money to, I think, what was it? Oh, this is a different story. It's not Teal, but I did see the Teal thing that you were talking about. Hold on, let me find the Teal thing real quick, bro. It'll take me just a second. CDC, no, it is the CDC thing.
Starting point is 00:59:45 CDC bought location data tracking tens of millions of people from a Peter Tillbeck spy firm. Use cases included hourly monitoring of activity in curfew zones, activity in schools and houses of worship and monitoring the Navajo nation. Dude, it is exactly what I'm saying. Like they are trying to redefine the limits of like what is property and so like private property wasn't enough for them now they are going even further
Starting point is 01:00:12 and i think that this has this has implications for what the mode of production is yeah like when people say like oh neo-feudalism with capitalist characteristics like i think it might be capitalism with neo-feudalist characteristics, but that is true. If you have a surplus population and all of them have to have surplus, their own amount of surplus extracted out of them and kicked up,
Starting point is 01:00:37 what do you call that? It takes place under the capitalist mode of production, but it is a feudal relationship, whether it's your own health kicking up health premiums or the data on your phone that isn't yours anymore, the pictures of you and your family, they don't belong to you. All your dick pics.
Starting point is 01:00:54 All your dick pics. No longer your own. Not yours. Yeah. That's just, and it's, I don't know, it's just really astonishing to see, I don't know, I's just really astonishing to see. I don't know. I think that this decision falls in line with that.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I think that it is consistent with what we're seeing across the board right now, which is that they have to start figuring out ways, in the same way that John Locke and them were seeing changes in the English countryside in social property relations, and they had to start sort of working backwards and justify it in the moment with things like private property and enclosure and exchange value and everything they were also doing this even at the supreme court and i think that's why that case can get through now well when it couldn't 20 years ago you know well they're able to roll roll back roll back row now than they couldn't 20 years ago he just like
Starting point is 01:01:46 considered the hit list of the supreme court just in the last 25 years yeah they stole an election uh they like gave unfettered amounts of money allowed unfettered money amounts of money to flow through politics so it's that's another thing actually now that you think about it our friend katie mentioned this to me the other day she was like an interesting thing to think about in this regard if we are talking about a like change in property and not only that we're ultimately talking about a transformation in how we view ourselves and what humanity is and what a human is but like when you're talking about like yeah yeah, corporations being people, it is an interesting shifting of the goalposts of what we consider.
Starting point is 01:02:31 And it's, and it's crazy. Like they act like them now. Like corporations do act like people. Like, did you see this thing? Like where Amazon is saying like they will pay for abortions for the workers? yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:41 yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, like, I don't know. There's a lot of things I'd like to get in a time machine and go back and, like, tell Marx about.
Starting point is 01:02:48 But could you imagine the look on his face when you told him that? That, like, they're trying to cynically appropriate social justice causes in a way to bust union, like, worker organization. Nine, nine, nine, nine. In a way to, like, bust worker organization. nine nine nine in a way to like bus worker organization that is phenomenal yeah and again that's the trap that the liberals have sort of encircled us in yeah it's fucking crazy oh man yeah it is true it's like yeah it's like uh yeah liberals have
Starting point is 01:03:22 set the trap but now it's like we're just waiting to get picked off from the real monsters. Yeah. I don't know. That's kind of why, like, J.D. Vance is, I can't believe. I can't believe I'm saying this. I mean, it's an amazing feat, dude. But I made this joke on the Antifada. Everybody go check that out, by the way.
Starting point is 01:03:48 We did a sort of revisiting Arrighi's thesis. Oh, I was telling you about it earlier. But I was talking about this joke on there. It just entertained me for a minute. Could you imagine J.D.ance like makes it through the senate like and like makes it through all the halls of power and he does become our next adolf hitler like that would mean that his mind comp was hillbilly like people three four hundred years in the future having to like talk about that and explain it
Starting point is 01:04:28 explain like this was the start of he laid it all out yeah god it ultimately is speak it would speak to just how even cruder and stupider things are yeah like that hillbilly elegy is this world shattering document just this milk toast like like just totally signs were all there man everybody's like wow i don't really get it it's kind of just a middling memoir just becomes a world shattering document well people like like its reputation precedes itself. Because I see, like, I saw Silas House tweet this today. And it was, like, J.D. Vance's, in 25 years in, like, literature, J.D. Vance's book is the only one I've publicly bashed
Starting point is 01:05:18 because him and his ideas are dangerous. And it's, like, it's almost like the legend around that has propelled him to higher heights in a way. You know what I mean? Because in the same way that we always wheel our way into disaster, just our conception of this disastrous end in the future. Adam Curtis talks about the big disaster films like Portending, like 9-11, and so forth. In a way,
Starting point is 01:05:47 we've like gassed J.D. Vance up to such a degree that like we have created like the character. The character. You know what I mean? Well,
Starting point is 01:05:58 it's why when I look at him and think about him and reading about him in that article and he's dangerous. It's like, if we just shut the fuck up, he probably would never have. No.
Starting point is 01:06:07 The thing that gives me the same uneasy, bleak feeling in the pit of my stomach that I get watching the new Jurassic Park trailer with the dinosaur. That was really formative for you. The same thing that fucks me up
Starting point is 01:06:23 about that. Your 30s will be marked by the time you saw the jurassic park trailer when you think about your 30s you're gonna be like it wasn't the same after that the reason why is like you see you see the sadness and bleakness behind the production. You know what I'm saying? Like, so we know JD, right? Like, I've never met him personally, but we have friends that are friends with him. I remember.
Starting point is 01:06:58 We know him, like, through our social circles. Through friends of friends. He even sent me a message one time like that when we first came out. I don't think I've ever told anybody this. He even sent me a message one time like that when we first came out. I don't think I've ever told anybody this. He sent me a message one time and he was like, it was when the Lexington paper said that we
Starting point is 01:07:11 eviscerated him on our first podcast or whatever. And then he had tweeted, I don't know about eviscerated, but he sent me a message. I always wanted to eviscerate when I watch those like Christopher Hitchens videos at like 22, like, can't wait to eviscerate somebody someday. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't wait to eviscerate somebody someday. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Yeah. I can't wait to get into the evisceration business. It's, it's just means dis, but that sounds so much harder than just dissing someone. But he was like, he sent me a message. He was just like,
Starting point is 01:07:38 drinks on me next time I'm in Weisberg or something like that. And it's like, God, I don't want to lie. You know what I mean? The thing about him that, he was playing that good sport thing about it. Yeah. It's like, God, I don't want to lie. You know what I mean? The thing about him that... He was playing that good sport thing about it. Yeah, the thing...
Starting point is 01:07:48 And he does that with James in the Vanity Fair article too. Yeah, yeah. The thing is about him that gives me the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach is A, he's obviously like a blank canvas. Like he has been the vehicle
Starting point is 01:08:06 that various people have pasted things onto, like Peter Till, for example. But B, it's like he's ultimately a pathetic figure. He's a pathetic, cowardly human being. And I know this personally. And so what is crazy is watching a pathetic coward be dressed up in all of the uh attire and given the scepter and all this other stuff like this like tyrant king yeah of someone who is an embodiment of a specific
Starting point is 01:08:37 like era and set of social forces yeah you know i'm i'm kind of like overselling it here just because uh i don't think you are because of perception's reality the way people have talked about him in his book and everything is like to the uninitiated if you were just to drift into the the average like appalachian studies sphere right like you tuned into appodlatcha and you didn't know who jd vance was or anything you would think we were dealing with a mind comp hitler situation you know what i mean and i mean and we we were on that tip early i'm not gonna say we weren't i mean we weren't we weren't that sensationalist about it you know what i mean but i feel like the collective like what we've just
Starting point is 01:09:20 been saying like the collective sort of um i don't know the way we've ascribed all these like superhuman abilities to him like he he's going to destroy the and it's like i never could have imagined him being like this kind of figure three or four years ago uh-huh i can see him running for office or something like that that's's not it, but I'm talking about like, you know, like we all the time take a victory laugh about J.D. Vance. We called it, bro. We called it. See, we called it.
Starting point is 01:09:51 We called it. But I probably, if I'm being honest, I probably wouldn't have guessed this. No, no, no, no, no, no. If you would have asked me four weeks ago, I would have told you he's going to lose miserably. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The thing is, is he is entirely a creation of Peter Thiel. Yeah. And he's got all that
Starting point is 01:10:05 till money behind him and um we got we got jp mandel in ohio it's doing very well it's like i saw jp mandel i saw someone say and no hate if this is one of my friends. I'm not being belligerent or anything. But I did see someone say J.D. Vance winning is proof that Trump still runs the party. And the GOP is Trump as long as Trump is alive still. And I do think that that is somewhat true. But I don't think that that is entirely... I don't think that's all the case. I think that it's also emblem I don't think that's all the case. I think that like,
Starting point is 01:10:46 it's also emblematic of Peter Thiel's power and of his sort of ascent. And I don't think that you can talk about Peter Thiel without also talking about Elon Musk and all of the tech overlords. Well, you can draw a straight line through them. I mean, Peter Thiel and Elon Musk have PayPal together. I think, yeah, I think that as Marxists, a lot of leftists kind of have this very rigid construction of how the American economy works.
Starting point is 01:11:10 There's capitalists and there's politicians. And they kind of get together sometimes and they conspire to do things. But other times the economy just sort of like runs on its own and other things like that. But I do think there are moments in history, and I think that the origin of capitalism was one of them, when the powerful people at the top of society looked at how the political economy was running and said, this isn't going to do. We're going to have to maybe change some things.
Starting point is 01:11:37 And I know that process is one of class conflict. It's not a one-way thing. Elites don't just sit down and say, we're going to do capitalism now. You know what I'm saying? Because it's not a one-way thing. Like, elites don't just sit down and say, like, we're going to do capitalism now. You know what I'm saying? Because it's more complex than that. It's an organic process that takes place both at the micro level and at the macro level where these larger things are going on. But I do think that Peter Till, Elon Musk, fucking Bill Gates, all these other guys, they all realize, again, as we've said, that we're at a crisis both in terms of climate and the economy.
Starting point is 01:12:08 All this shit's probably going to bust any day now. And they probably are trying to figure out what the next sort of mode of governance. I won't say that they're looking at the mode of production because no one even has control over that. There's not a conscious thing that humans have control over i don't feel like unless it's communism i don't know i guess you can like literally will communism into existence through a whatever but anyways like do you see what i'm saying though like i think that they
Starting point is 01:12:39 are looking at ways to reformulate some of our ideas around like property and social um even human conception like self-conception and they're trying to do it in a way that not only redounds to them but you know like sometimes literally because i think this ties back to their what we're talking about like their insane fear of death and death particularly at the hands of their their uh their their subordinates it's true dude they can't even acknowledge you're so right when we talk about when you're talking about like their conception of themselves like what all these guys want to do they're so afraid of death their their whole grand plan is to upload their consciousness into like something else or figure out some sort of like longevity treatment which
Starting point is 01:13:20 is what they're all working on too yeah dude Yeah. Dude, you are so right. They refuse to grapple with even the reality of our own humanity, mortality. And their obsession with space travel. It's like, why the hell would you really want to go to space, like this hostile place that's not conducive to human life? Yeah. You know what I mean? Unless you're just so hated at home. That factors into that.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I know part of it is just they want to be like you know the cowboys of space or whatever but like i think part of it has to do with like an escape plan they're gonna i mean they will because they have to seek out new markets constantly they will get down to the point to where like the parts in your body like you're gonna have to like deposit like x number of digital currency to keep your pacemaker going or something, probably. It's like that dude. Did you ever watch that movie Repo, the genetic opera? No. They take people's transplants back,
Starting point is 01:14:13 like this group of people. Jesus Christ. It's going to be like that. Every part of you, though, but the thing is, it's all subscription-based. Everything is a fee. Every motherfucking thing. You want to keep that new heart you have? It's going to cost you $. Everything is a fee. Every motherfucking thing. You want to keep that new heart you have?
Starting point is 01:14:27 It's going to cost you $9.99 a month. If you want to do it without commercials, it's going to be $14.99. That's the thing. Ownership is never a thing now. They'll probably even get that with cars eventually. You can have the car, but you'll never be able to own it.
Starting point is 01:14:42 You know what I'm saying? Ownership will never be a thing. It'll always be- They just want to take ownership from us. Now that, to own it. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, ownership will never be a thing. It'll always be. Like, they just want to take ownership from us. Now that, yes. Like, the concept of, like, you know what I mean? Right, right, right, right. Like, because, like, the Spotify model and the Netflix model and everything implies,
Starting point is 01:14:55 if you're talking about spatio-temporally, specifically temporally, there is no end point. Would you stop paying the subscription? You never stop. Technically, it goes on forever i think that they would like to realize this shit sucks and you're just like okay right i think that though they would like to set up a system where that is the case for every item every single thing yeah you never own any single thing including it is your own body and they have to start figuring out how that is. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:25 That's true. I think this has been in motion for a long time. Because you talk about cybernetics and Norman Weiner. The guys that came up with cybernetics. Fitting. It's the wet CPU idea. It's the idea that the human is nothing more than just a computer, like a processing system. It's like, I think that we are currently undergoing
Starting point is 01:15:50 a rethinking of not only social property relations, but the idea of humanity itself, the definition of it. And it's playing out on this backdrop of just insane, I don't know, capitalism eating the world alive. I don't know. I don't know where you stick your shovel in. I think that that is the issue we were talking about earlier, though,
Starting point is 01:16:11 with this idea of space. Yeah. Like, not in the air space, but... It's just renting your body. Mm-hmm. Like, I mean, it is true in a sense. Like, if you can tell a woman that she has to have a child,
Starting point is 01:16:26 that's like all that stuff is just ripped away. It is kind of an audacious thing to even propose. I think that that's what they're setting the stage for. I really do. I think that they're setting the stage for saying that like your bodily organs, including your uterus, including your kidneys, including whatever, it all belongs to us. None of it will belong to you at a certain point.
Starting point is 01:16:49 I think that that's what they're working towards. And I don't know how you stop that. I think that one way is probably to destroy the internet. I really do. I really think that that's probably, I'm just saying. Yeah. You know, the day the internet goes down seems like a terrifying proposition,
Starting point is 01:17:04 but it would be like it would be like a sense of revolution and it's like terrifying and liberating you want to know the funniest fucking thing that ever happened one of the funniest things that ever happened to me at the doctor's office one time you say one of like there's a list there's a list of funny things yeah it's always one time i went to the doctor here at ARH, and it was like, it was like, it was during that time when like their entire computing system got taken out by like Russian malware or something. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Ransomware or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So all their computers were out. So I went to the doctor here at ARH, and I was telling her like what was going on with me. I was having some stomach issues and other stuff. This was like in the early stages of IBS my belly and my nuts hurt what hurts my belly my belly my nuts in my ass those three things are you can you can bet on it are going to be bothering me but I went to like and I was like telling her my symptoms and
Starting point is 01:18:03 everything and she was like, our computers are out. Could you take your phone? You want to take your phone out right now and, like, just type those in to Google? She made me Google my fucking symptoms, dog. She made you Google belly nuts and butt pain? Yes. Like, she had me do the WebMD thing. The amount of times I've been in a doctor's office Where they've like looked stuff up
Starting point is 01:18:25 Like in front of me I was like This is awesome I'm paying you for this I just think that I'm paying you so I don't have to do this I just I think that
Starting point is 01:18:39 We're never going to We're never going to have I don't okay so obviously i don't think the internet could ever end i don't think that um it's gonna go out at any point maybe unless there's like an insane solar flare that sets off like a nuclear holocaust or something but like i at the same time this these larger questions of humanism, I don't know what else to call it, like pan-humanism, trans-humanism, these larger questions of that, they're never going to be settled as long as there is an internet, I think.
Starting point is 01:19:15 Unless we can develop some sort of shared collective praxis, this way of sort of fighting back against that yeah but people would say log off but that's not going to do anything no so what do you do you blow up servers you blow up servers blow up satellites back in the day when they would just lay that fiber optic you just go out there and dig a little hole and just saw right in. You can snip it with scissors. That's really, that's fucked up. They used to run lines that you could snip with scissors. Now, the lines, they're like as big as you.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Do you think? Now you have to have big scissors. Really big scissors, like the ones they use. Do you think the sort of, you know how people have been making landlines and stuff in rural places, like, sort of, you know how, like, people have been making, like, landlines and stuff in, like, rural places, like, prohibitively expensive and trying to get, like, people, like, you know, it's kind of under the guise of bringing, like, older generations into the 21st century or whatever. But do you think that's just, like, has to do with, like, trying to keep tabs on, like, you know, rural folk. It kind of makes it if you look at it. Like,
Starting point is 01:20:26 rural people have, you know, have made a lot of history. Saddam Hussein. They're like, we cannot allow another Saddam Hussein. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:20:42 we have to get these people off the landline. Otherwise, we're going to have another Saddam is saying on our hands but oh fuck oh shit i don't know it's uh it's an interesting future to even conceive of but man god damn it is uh jd vance is gonna win that election probably oh yeah people are like oh this i've dude i know i know in my heart more than anything else when my friends that have the worst political instincts in the world say people hate him up here you can just go ahead and say they're like reverse barometers yeah yeah yeah you can mark it in i'll
Starting point is 01:21:23 just go ahead and tell you right now and say that J.D. Vance wins that election. I'll call that right. I'll go ahead with 0% of the votes in. I'll go ahead and call it right now for CNN, Wolf Blitzer. Yeah, the more I start to think about this, the more I'm starting to think that I'm correct i'm starting to think that what began after world war ii as a method to fight communism as an anti-communist like counterinsurgency method like the internet for example cybernetics what began as that got thrown into the meat grinder of 9-11 with its taking away rights
Starting point is 01:22:05 or challenging what we can and can't know or report to the government or whatever. And it's been spit out the other side as this. And that's why I think that, like, they didn't repeal abortion during Bush, but they can now. Because we have all now just sort of naturalized the fact that yeah our bodies can be sold wholesale basically like or no not even wholesale component as components you know what
Starting point is 01:22:36 i'm saying that like each and every part of it exists to i mean but i don't mean to like now that i'm saying this out loud now i feel kind of maybe like I've gone way too hard down there. Because like there is a culture where element like these people hate women. Yeah. They are like patriarchal. They are very deeply indoctrinated with the ideology of patriarchy, patriarchy values and everything. And I think that is part of it too. But I don't think that like by sheer will alone they are a they were able because
Starting point is 01:23:07 they've always felt that way you know what i mean they felt that way for 40 years so why why again i just keep coming back to the question of why now i think that like that patriarchy that patriarchal ideology has now collided with a kind of longer well it's a natural extension it's like okay if we can subjugate women, right, and we have all this history on our side and, like, these prevailing attitudes. God, forgive me for saying it, the patriarchy. The patriarchy.
Starting point is 01:23:35 But all these prevailing attitudes, this might be a good test case. Uh-huh. You know, so what we're effectively in is, like, if you're not on the side of women on this then like it's going to be like at first i said nothing nothing because i was not a woman situation right because they're coming for our bodies it will no that's i guess that is right that is what i'm saying everybody it manifests right now yeah in this current form over, over this issue,
Starting point is 01:24:05 but it will eventually spread towards all of us. And I, and again, I think it's just a part of, um, a, a larger transformation and, uh,
Starting point is 01:24:19 you know, these ideas right now that say like, I don't know. I don't know, man. It's just, I think that that is part of what's going on. It's not good, though.
Starting point is 01:24:29 No, no, no. Yeah, this just it's it's crazy. You know, I'm trying to see if I saw any other crazy news or posts about any of this. I've been mired in the muck of Hillary, Bernie, Susan Sarandon, so I don't know. I've not saw much outside of that. That was so good. The Gateway Pundit says that the Roe v. Wade leak was the left's answer
Starting point is 01:25:05 to the 2000 Mules documentary release that proves the 2020 election was stolen. So, it's a thing, like, they don't even care anymore. They've moved on to, like, that's the thing. Like, they're all whining sore winners. All of them have been bitching and moaning about the like that eric erickson guy or whatever in atlanta he's like i want you to just that feeling of powerlessness that you feel right now it's just like okay okay
Starting point is 01:25:38 jesus yeah i don't know it's really hard because because it's, I don't know, it's really difficult to know where to direct your rage and what to critique. Because you fall into so many traps in either direction. Like, you don't want to, like, go and say, like, this was a concerted thing thing an effort that these people sat down and consciously did because it was that they did have that intention in mind but it is also being absorbed in these larger social forces and trends that have been occurring over years and years and years and i think that the united states is fucking done dog like i think that like that people ask why now i mean we're fucking done bro let me tell you something great satan i'm telling you it's like as we pointed out on the episode of the antifata, it's just like, the United States right now, it's just going around the globe,
Starting point is 01:26:47 just like looting central banks, you know what I mean? You know what it's like? Free seizing assets. It's like when I got a garnishment against me and I just ran to take all my money out of the bank and all kinds of stuff. It's a little like that.
Starting point is 01:27:01 We're just like, this is us, this is us, this is us, this is us, this is us. It's hard to see, it We're just like, this is us. This is us. This is us. This is us. It's hard to see a way out. But yeah, we're cooked.
Starting point is 01:27:13 There is no way out. This is just dying empire shit. This is what it's like. Yeah, we're fucking done. I don't mean to say you're powerless to do anything about it, but maybe just right now in May 2022. Doesn't mean that'll be the case in June 2022. Doesn't even mean that'll be the case in two weeks.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Doesn't mean that'll be the case in May 7, 2022. Right, but this afternoon, May 4th? Oh, no. As of right now? Doesn't really do about it. So, anyways. it's nothing we do about it um so anyways you know i don't think it it's uh there's there's not a way to do anything about any of this stuff without coming across as like depressed or i was gonna say groomer i was gonna say groomer bro i've got to you you've got to me dude god you're gonna be out here calling me groomers damn well they
Starting point is 01:28:05 have been grooming us for this for a long time it's true it's impossible to not be not feel completely insane but sometimes you just got to go insane sometimes you just have to go insane same characteristics man they're trying to make us all insane but here's the thing they here's the other thing too i was talking to felix biederman about this one day and we were talking about just you know different like how paranoid should you be if like a deep state and all that stuff and it's like you know you could you can riff forever and and and and oftentimes there's a good reason for that. But, like, one other thing, too, is, like, don't, also don't always think these people are competent actors either. They could, in essence, like, must, till all these people are fallible, they could create a situation where they got, oh, the hoary masses of insane people ready to, like know so i mean it's i don't know it's
Starting point is 01:29:09 a hard it's an interesting question because like they aren't infallible as humans as like people who make mistakes but i do feel like kanye west proves that if you have a certain amount of money, you can be as imperfect or sloppy as you want. It doesn't matter. I think that once you've got a certain amount of power money, it doesn't matter anymore. create a social circumstance a social a set of social conditions to where the money and power that they have doesn't get them out of their own infallibility you know what i'm saying so it's like and i guess that's where we have to come in so it's like i guess i don't know i don't know does that make any sense yeah yeah it does I don't know Yeah I don't know man This
Starting point is 01:30:07 What were we saying Just before that We were saying that Oh man This is take three So Oh This is our third
Starting point is 01:30:19 Shot at this Episode Which went better than I thought So We're gonna go with it But It means that i'm significantly brain dead at this point yeah well let's just call it there um all right well anyways
Starting point is 01:30:35 um you know nothing is fucked nothing is fucked so just keep that in mind. Nothing is truly fucked until... Why don't you read this? You can read that. We'll close out a couple. There's no good... That's the only good one, I think. Just read that one. Unless you see another one you like.
Starting point is 01:30:58 The words Democrat liberals are saying about Elon Musk buying Twitter are totally ignorant. That's pretty good. or saying about Elon Musk buying Twitter are totally ignorant. That's pretty good. Some Bible scholars say we are in the fifth trumpet right now. This might be a fitting note. That's why I wanted you to read it, because I think we're on the fifth trumpet, honestly.
Starting point is 01:31:18 But it ends on an interesting note. There's always a twist with theseological, speak your pieces. Some Bible scholars say we are in the fifth trumpet right now. The learning trumpet where the whole world can find out right now about what's going on with our Lord Jesus Christ. The trumpet has already been sounded because there's going to be a nuclear war. Let's hope that idiot Putin doesn't sell it off. Let's hope he goes to hell thank you god bless it seems to imply that perhaps the fifth trumpet is blowing but you can put a little bugle um mute on the end of it you know what i'm saying yeah imagine the fifth trumpet blowing in revelations but they put like a jazz mute on the end Imagine if it's that fifth trumpet
Starting point is 01:32:08 You always imagine it's going to be a menacing Like sound but With just a little twigs It could do you Like a goofy car horn That's right Oh god Well alright guys
Starting point is 01:32:23 Yeah two plugs Go check out the episode I did on the Antifada Oh, God. Well, all right, guys. Let's all... Yeah, two plugs. Go check out the episode I did on the Antifada. We did a Patreon episode as well. So go check that out. Also, Tom and I were recently on the Subliminal Jihad podcast talking about goblins. That is also on their Patreon.
Starting point is 01:32:38 So go check that out. I think it's pretty good. We learned a lot about goblins. And we went goblin mode, honestly, which is honestly, you know, it's kind of reminiscent of your,
Starting point is 01:32:51 uh, righteous gangstories mode with insane. All, all goblins have had righteous gangstories mode with insane characteristics. So, uh, uh, so you definitely going to want to go check both of those out.
Starting point is 01:33:04 So please go do that. Also go check out our Patreon. P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Trillbilly Workers Party. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. We've got to stop because they're mowing the lawn now. Motherfuckers. That's the fifth trumpet.
Starting point is 01:33:18 Motherfuckers. My fucking allergies. God damn it. Thank you.

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