Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 256: If You're 15 Minutes Early, You're 30 Minutes Late

Episode Date: July 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well, for a man that got struck by lightning 24 hours ago, you look pretty intact, I have to say. I always assumed... You ever heard about what happens when people get electrocuted? They become immensely more attractive to everyone in their community for having survived a heroin experience. If they survive. If they don't.
Starting point is 00:00:23 I'm kind of... Dude, I'm treading dangerously close to being there's every community has one of those guys that's been struck by lightning like five times are you gonna be the town lightning guy i'm gonna be the town line i dude two times in the last four years, I'm averaging one harrowingly close lightning strike once every two years or so. Right now, you've got Tim Cook, not the Apple guy, different Tim Cook, to compete with for Whitesburg's title.
Starting point is 00:00:58 He's been struck four times. Granted, three of those times while roofing a garage with sheet metal during a lightning storm. See, I don't even have an excuse. I'm just hanging out outside. You just like to drum in the open air during a lightning storm. You like to hold two sticks toward the heavens while thunder and lightning rains down. while thunder and lightning rains down.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I'm just saying, like, people that get struck by lightning have a reputation that I think is unfair. People see them as kooks or, like, fringe wackos. Eccentrics. Eccentrics. And they didn't ask for it. They didn't ask to be struck by lightning most of the times anyways. Well, the odds of getting struck by lightning once are not good so multiple times gotta say you might you might be special well the first time oh yeah you're right i guess
Starting point is 00:01:56 statistically dude i'm dude i was like within 20 yards now as i as i've told this story over the years the distance has shrunk it used in all actuality it was probably like 100 yards but over time the distance has become 50 and then 30 but it was right next to me i could have reached out and grabbed it i could have reached out and grabbed it. I could have reached out and rolled the light into myself. Well, here's the kind of circular logic I've always posed, and not to turn this into playing fast and loose with AC and DC currents, but if water is the best conductor of electricity, right? Yeah. And our bodies are 80% water.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Don't we kind of, by that logic, have a better chance of being struck by lightning than not? Probably. And those of us who... Add some mercury feelings in there, you might as well be a goddamn lightning rod. You're right. And all the steel plates I have in my head from the accident.
Starting point is 00:03:06 From the accident. And my massive steel cock. Like my 12-inch long. Your 12-inch steel prosthesis. Cock prosthesis. The doctors are like, there will be some side effects for this. All right. One may be you may become more attractive to electrical storms.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Somebody will come to a Trubel show in like seven years, the last person showing up for those. And I'll say, Terrence is a lightning rod. They'll say, oh, he's a controversial figure around here. I'll say, no, he's a literal lightning rod. Literally. The man's mostly metal and water, and he gets struck by lightning all the time. He's kind of our lightning guy.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, I think that the lightning guys are unfairly maligned. I don't know. There was, like, tall tales. Like, wasn't there't there like some cowboy that rode some lightning or something like that am i thinking of uh i think you're thinking of the prophet muhammad again ah yes peace be upon him right happy arafat to all those that celebrate uh yeah when i used to lifeguard at the pool in high school we used to play fast and loose with light and we'd get out there with a a shepherd's a shepherd's crook you know a shepherd's
Starting point is 00:04:33 crook is is it like what you it's like what they used to use to like pull people off stage when they yeah right yeah yeah i guess that was probably its earliest use, but now they use them in pool settings. So it's a big metal rod with a little hook. Now they use them for shepherding sheep. For sheep. It originated as a device to pull an entertainer offstage, but now they mostly use it to... It's a staff for a shepherd.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Right. It used to go along with tomatoes. You'd pull a guy off stage and throw tomatoes at him yeah but now it's a life saving a shepherd saw that and was like that would be great for my practice let's call that a shepherd's crook instead of uh i don't know what you'd call it get off the stage buddy stick and we'll have to workshop that one a little bit anyway so what we would do is it would come a lightning storm. You'd blow the whistle, get all the kids out of the water.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Uh-huh. And then, like, you know, like, you're supposed to be setting a good example for, like, lightning safety with the kids. But in the back of my mind, the harsh reality is if lightning strikes that pool, we're all dead anyway. I've always wondered how that would look i mean like i've always tried to mentally visualize would everybody just sizzle on top like a fish i don't you know what i mean like on land out of water like what's the what's the mechanics of that
Starting point is 00:05:56 i hear it shoots through you and then like a lot of people get like it has to go somewhere a lot of people get like holes blown in the bottoms of their feet. I want some of those. I heard of a guy that worked for Kentucky Power that happened to. Doesn't seem pleasant. I think he survived though. Holes blown through the bottom of your feet. Actually, no, that sounds like what I want because then I could use those holes to put like stilts in.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And then I could get like free, I could be 10 feet tall with a 15 foot metallic cock and head you know skull plate uh metal plates i'm trying to be frankenstein i guess or frankenstein's monster i guess just a just a sort of piecemeal man. What happens when Frankenstein gets shocked with lightning? Because you know that motherfucker was a lightning magnet. Like, he had all... I mean, he even had the steel bolts coming out of his neck. Oh, you mean like a literal.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I thought you meant like he's just a controversial dude. Frankenstein. He was pretty controversial. Controversial, yeah. He killed a lot of kids. That's pretty controversial. Yeah. Yeah, well, America does too, if you think about it, man.
Starting point is 00:07:19 If you think about it, you're right. That reminds me, I had an idea for a movie i'm just cranking them out over here at the studio lightning bolt that's my movie studio um i had an idea it's a movie like saw but we get like and it's not a movie at all it's real life it's like a thing that we just do for fun we get the five supreme court or the six supreme court justices that you know voted to overturn roe v wade or whatever and you put them in a room and you know and it's like a tiled room and there's like a drain in the middle and what you know they all wake up like where where am I? Whatever. Where am I? And then you hear my voice like, are you ready to play a game?
Starting point is 00:08:11 And then they know they're in Saw 9. They're in Saw 9 where I have impregnated one of them. And to get out, not only do they have to abort me, they have to, not only do they have to abort the baby,
Starting point is 00:08:27 they have to write the best formulated opinion as to why it's a, that would be the hardest part. Like, they would abort it, but they would have a really hard time writing the opinion, you know, justifying it, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So who would you impregnate let's see this is not problematic because the the conceit here is that you're an insane sociopath anyway i'm a mad scientist who's been struck by lightning who is 10 feet tall who is a grotesque monstrosity due to society's making him an outcast and a pariah you stroll in there and you're like i used to be somebody but now i'm just a piecemeal man made of steel and glass and insanity uh-huh i think that like i think that cavanaugh would be the best one to impregnate, I think. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I got to think about this. I got to think about this. Because, like, no one knows, I guess. So, ostensibly, they're going to have to stay in that room for nine months to figure out which one of them starts to get pregnant. And then you're just like, wait no food and water either and they're just all dead anyway this is yeah no this is an interesting um we can have a this is an interesting premise right like they have to be in there for nine months and no one knows who the one is that's pregnant it's like a movie well it's maybe it's not even like a real pregnancy because well i guess
Starting point is 00:10:05 if we're just doing this as a thought experiment no it's a real prank i fuck clarence thomas in the and get in and bear a child well how about we do this how about we put a bomb in their stomach that's to stand in for a baby for a bit okay all right but the bomb represents the baby but the bomb looks like a baby like they all give birth to it and they're holding it yeah it's like a creepy like squid game like thing that's just doing this in their stomach it's just saying dad and shit uh-huh all right i mean you could make a sequel out of that like the men three men and a baby but it's six men and a baby and like that's their backstory we all met because this mad scientist who had been struck by lightning six times locked us in a room he was this little town's lightning guy. You know, every town's got one.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Oh, god damn it. So, I don't know. I mean, like the... You think that's got legs? You think that's got some legs? I think it's... I mean, the right studio, you know? We could get that made. That studio, I think,
Starting point is 00:11:23 would be like our own studio we make ourselves, but I think it could get that made. That studio, I think, would be like our own studio we make ourselves, but I think it could get made. Because there's got to be an item in the middle of the floor. Because in the original Saw, I only saw the first one. But in that one, they wake up and there's a saw. You didn't see the Donnie Wahlberg one? No, I didn't. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:11:46 You fucked up. I guess that's why it's called Saw. There is a saw in the middle of the floor. Is that the thing? Like every different entry in that film series, there's a different kind of saw. One of them is like a miter saw. A pole saw.
Starting point is 00:12:03 It just goes like everyone is like saw seven the steel pole saw like are you ready to play a game this week you're gonna craft me a 12 by 9 uh chest of drawers and if you if it's if it's not if it's not done in six to eight months then i'm then you're gonna die like a horrible miserable death they should have six to eight months to take the miter saw just craft some tasteful furniture that's very it's like here's a funny one it's like saw but the guy's reasonable yeah no it's like the new show on geo uh the hgtv it's like it's like they take they yeah you have to craft some yeah some tasteful furniture yeah the consequences are fatal yes Yes. Yeah. But like you have a ton of time to get it right.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah. It's like five reasonable saw. Like the guy's not like, well, if you don't figure this complex game out five minutes, like your head's going to get like blown to bits. It's going to be like, well,
Starting point is 00:13:21 you ready to play a game? And then they put you in this like horrible dungeon with like a miter it like it looks very stark there's like a miter saw but then he cuts the lights on and there's like it's like a beautiful workshop on the other side and and like a door like you can leave anytime you have about five or six years to figure this out to figure this out. To figure this out. You need food? Drink? Ha! Too bad. You're not getting that here, but just down the road is a nice cafeteria. Here's a credit card.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Go knock yourself out anytime you want. But just... Then he just goes, but just know if this chest of drawers is not up to snuff in five to six years, I will disembowel you in front of you i don't know the townspeople or something there is a bomb inside you it will explode if this chest of drawers is not completed in the next five years the bomb is also a baby. You could give birth to the baby
Starting point is 00:14:25 and ditch it somewhere and give it to someone else. And then they have to make me a chest of drawers. Right. If I can find it. Reasonable saw, I think, has legs. Reasonable saw,
Starting point is 00:14:42 yeah, that's totally... Yeah. Oh, shit. You see that? You ready to play a game? In this corner, you will find a standard 40-watt light bulb. Package of standard 40-watt light bulbs. You have one week to change all four of the light bulbs that have gone out in my house
Starting point is 00:15:06 if they're not done in seven to ten days there'll be terrible consequences to pay it's just like something you can do in five minutes you just do it like alright I'm gonna head out alright see you later.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Oh, shit. Reasonable saw, yeah. Yeah. Reasonable saw, one, two, three, we'll just make a whole franchise out of it. Every time is a different household chore. The most complex one is you have five years to build me a chest of drawers.
Starting point is 00:15:54 What's going on in the world? Nothing good? Well, the former prime minister, how am I going to finish this sentence? This has been a week of prime ministers the news could be anything what i'm about to say next where are you going you going are you going bojo or shinzo curveball bitch the prime minister of ghana has has decided he is pleased with his landscaping at the palace. He just survived reasonable salt, too. Or he had to build a koi pond for Jigsaw.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And he did so with plenty of time to spare. did so with plenty of time to spare. Everyone's covering the prime ministers of UK and Japan, but no one's covered prime minister of Ghana who just completed reasonable saw too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Did you see the gun that that dude used to shoot the Japanese prime minister dude it's the most hillbilly shit ever it is i mean it's like the gun version of a prison shank i mean it really is just too perfect yeah what did he make it with looks like it was just a like a bunch of like electrical tape taped over top of it's all i saw but it's just well they they also removed another gun from his house they had like nine barrels on it he like took nine shotgun barrels or something and put them one on top
Starting point is 00:17:37 of the other not like nine but like rows of three and it had like an electrical trigger and like that was i guess activated with iphone this shit looks crazy it looked uh this is the nerdiest gun ever it's definitely the nerdiest gun ever i mean you make them work you know yeah it's an interesting imagine okay imagine that you hate a man so bad that you fashion a homemade gun that's connected to the iphone somehow a man makes his own gun to assassinate you with dude it really is becoming we're we're so close to someone like grafting a gun making some sort of gun like videodrome like making their hand or arm into some sort of gun like completing the major laser that cartoon yeah exactly yeah that would be so tight not something that would happen on Reasonable Saw. It's a little unreasonable for Reasonable Saw.
Starting point is 00:18:47 A little too unreasonable. Or reasonable. Depends on how you ask. Yeah. And if you finish painting my barn in the next six to eight weeks, I'll pay for your gun arm surgery. He's just a hillbilly. If you finish stacking that hay, I'll... Yeah, just very normal chores.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Just normal chores around the farm. Once you mend them fences and fix them colt, them horses. Then we'll talk. Then we'll talk. But until then, I suggest you get your ass out there and start bailing hay. The Cowboys kid from last week that had the sex ed plan, his son goes back to him and says,
Starting point is 00:19:52 well, we don't usually do armed guns before you get your nuts unclipped, but we'll make an exception here. You can bail that hay. The Gaucho, yes. What we just described is a Cormac McCarthy movie, basically. Saw meets the Old West is Cormac McCarthy.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Yeah, that is true. Yeah, if you throw Cronenberg in there for a little B.H. Or body horror. That's how we say it. That's how you say it in the biz. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we got reasonable saw. What are we doing
Starting point is 00:20:32 with Shinzo? Well, I guess we ain't doing much of anything anymore. He's kind of done. He's unresponsive at the moment. Yeah, I don't know. That was... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:47 It feels kind of interesting. It's the... I am comfortable saying it's the highest profile assassination of a public figure in... When's the last time? Well, it's something we talked about on the show. You don't really see assassinations much anymore.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, right. My thing that I'm curious about is if inspired by the Japanese, we see a proliferation of homemade weapons, what does that spell for the gun debate? You know what I mean? Where do you think the Republicans would you think the republicans would land on homemade guns yeah it is interesting because like the nra is probably you know like in the
Starting point is 00:21:32 mining industry there's like the nma or whatever the fuck the national miners association it's just like a trade group it's like we're all the capitalists it's probably all like the gun makers uh hang out and lobby for whatever so it's like i guess homemade guns would be kind of a threat is there room in the nra big tent for the homemade gun makers that's a good question here's another question guns for all the sort of worship of them really haven't come into the 21st century have have they? Like, I mean, like, is there, I mean, I could be ignorant of this just because I'm not a gun guy, you know? I'm not, I just don't, I'm not like a gun nut or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:22:14 That's what I'm saying. That's not my thing. But I wonder if there's any that like, oh, you can like connect, connect your whatever to this app. You don't really see that so much in that industry for some reason. You're right. They haven't disrupted it. It's not been innovated.
Starting point is 00:22:32 There's not an Uber for guns. There's no Uber. You're right. They haven't innovated it yet. Yeah. I want to scroll on Instagram and see an AR-15 with clean lines like scandinavian design and like nice colors you know and i want it to cost 29.99 and i want to pay for it or four easy payments over uh uh a firm or clarna of 29.99 gets you the the instagram influencer gun there's no conventional
Starting point is 00:23:08 trigger you do it all on your cell phone um right you set up your gun point it at your target and then get over there and control it by app or something by by your app that's correct yeah that will that will happen before we know it. This is one of those jokes we make, and in six months we will see that. You're right. Dude, that is a great point. The gun industry has not been innovated. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:23:34 You would expect that at a certain point, like Lelon Musk with his Neuralink thing, they're going to be able to do it to where you can have a gun grafted into your arm and then you can just control with your mind when to shoot it or if you walk into a certain social setting you don't want to be in you just do the bud dwyer thing and yeah yeah i don't know it is it's interesting to think about because you see like sporting goods you know like golf clubs have all this crazy ass technology now tennis rackets etc etc guns have just not
Starting point is 00:24:13 really went there and it seems like this guy went there this guy went there he he dared to dream honestly maybe the guy that assassinated shinzo Abe will launch that company. Yeah, like, he dared to dream in two aspects. One, being that this is the first major high-profile assassination of a political figure in a long time. And two, yeah, that he decided to do it with a non-conventional weapon. It was non-conventional weapon it was non-conventional and that's we we should be rewarding minds like this have they talked about this guy's motive any is he like a radical is he i haven't heard a single thing about it is it just one of those things it's like i was talking to joe saka the other day and he said that uh greg fisher the mayor of louisville uh-huh was a was accosted somebody
Starting point is 00:25:11 like ran and jumped in there and punched him out the other day because they were mad about bike lanes in louisville oh wow there was all it's like of all of greg fisher's crimes the bike miss henley brianna taylor david mcatee all the shit that happened in 2020 in that town It's like of all of Greg Fisher's crimes, mishandling Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, all the shit that happened in 2020 in that town, the thing that was somebody's breaking point was Fisher's stance on bike lanes. Were they pro the bike lane or anti the bike lane? Like, was he not doing enough?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Were they trying to pull him to the left? I forget. Yeah, they were trying to pull him to the left? I forget. They were trying to pull him. I dropped Greg Fisher to pull him to the left on bike lanes. I just don't know who shot Shinzo Abe and why. For the record, I didn't know much about Shinzo Abe Prior to just a few hours ago Um He was like a really
Starting point is 00:26:10 My biggest Abe memory Was when Trump was showing Classified information at Mar-a-Lago On his phone and he let Abe get a peek And then it came out that he was Not supposed to show that to anybody. There's also the classic meeting between the two where Trump is just dumping his entire box of fish food into the pond
Starting point is 00:26:34 and Shinzo Abe is watching him. Like, what the fuck? It's, uh... That is funny to think about. I would be interested to know this dude's motive, though. You don't hear so much about the Japanese left, you know? Mm-hmm. But what's the guy we were talking about the other day?
Starting point is 00:27:00 The new theorist out of Japan. It's like thex expert at the moment i can't remember his name it wasn't shinzo abe i think we can say that for sure um i i think they get safe to say shinzo abe is not japan's marx guy uh-huh uh what is his name let me see real quick he had gun wounds in two locations and died of heart failure and heavily damaged arteries footage of the assassination was caught on camera i didn't see it saito kohei is the guy's name i see um the guy that shot him 41 year old tetsuya yamagami um man i don't know it would be interesting though i would imagine that the united states media
Starting point is 00:27:58 well maybe they might call him a leftist after the highland park shooting there was like this story in npr that was like we don't know anything about why people shoot anywhere this is this it's kind of a full circle thing that that guy's name is tetsuo and then tetsuo obviously and akira has the metal arm the metal arm. The metal arm. Yeah. It's, no, yeah. Yeah, I was talking about this NPR article. Why the Highland Park suspect represents a different kind of violent extremism. I didn't read this. Did you read this? Do you want to read it?
Starting point is 00:28:39 No, hit it. We got nothing to do. Moments after law enforcement authorities disclosed the name of a person of interest in the deadly shooting at a July 4th parade in Highland Park, extremism researchers, journalists, and some members of the public rushed online. They discovered an extensive trail of digital activity believed to be linked to Robert Bobby Crime-O III. Bob Crime, a.k.a. Bob Crime. Bob Crime. Now the named suspect in the mass shooting.
Starting point is 00:29:09 All experts agree, though, after sifting through all of this shit, there is no clear political or ideological motivation. Instead, many experts on extremism and technology say this suspect's activity fits with a still-emerging profile of mass shooter. Well, why don't they read an article about this, about Tetsuya Yamagami? I need to know what the extremism experts say about him.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I'm curious to know a lot of things about this cat. But also, too, what's the profile? like like what's the profile of like it's just anybody that like has slept some like sort of like insane ramblings on the internet and has incoherent politics it just fits the profile of a mass shooter now like how do you suss that out well also a lot of these shooters are really young where this guy was like you don't have any coherent anything. Your nuts haven't even dropped yet. Your brain hasn't stopped growing. Yeah, I don't have.
Starting point is 00:30:11 My nuts haven't dropped yet. My brain hasn't stopped growing. That's because you're the lightning guy. That's not. Right. That's why they put the steel plates in my head to stop the brain from growing. They were like, it's fucking, it won't stop. His nuts haven't dropped and his brain won't stop growing.
Starting point is 00:30:27 He's way too smart. He's all brains, not enough cock and balls. Which would explain the 12-inch long steel shaft. You know, it's the backstory. You're getting the backstory of Reasonable Saw. That's how it all started. I have a kind of a theory about this. I think America's not ready to have this conversation.
Starting point is 00:30:55 But just my hunch is this. Is this is kind of America's commitment to like individualism and cultivating the cult of self and uh and keeping us separate from each other trying to atomize everybody and all this stuff i think it's that's these like sort of like lone wolf gunmen with incoherent politics i think it's just their chickens coming home to roost here what what would you say it dude it's because everybody's aggrieved you know in the in one way or another and like legitimately i'm not like saying oh you're a bunch of whiny babies i mean like there's legit grievances i think that manifest in certain bad outcomes like this
Starting point is 00:31:37 stuff right here and nobody's willing to engage that like we saw this i mean it's well-trodden territory and fucking lame to talk about the pandemic anymore but if you recall like there was a time and i mean we're still in the throes of it here but there was a time when everybody just got tired of everything and i think it's like i think it's kind of like how like you know there's an acceptable amount of like rat turds and coca-cola and uh and and like you know like these like late night lawyers like when the fda approves a new drug they know that there's like an acceptable amount of people that are going to die or be maimed from taking this medicine or whatever right but like
Starting point is 00:32:19 they've absorbed and like accounted for all those costs in this country decided that we can handle this and that's why these things happen like this and just nobody seems to like know how to deal with it like like this debate goes much further than like gun control i think that uh it's interesting because you can actually use the pandemic as a kind of control in the in the debate or your hypothesis of like why this is happening because like didn't this really is this really is a fast and loose episode now isn't it yeah oh yeah we are about to dive deep into the mind of madness we're about to psycho dude honestly us trying to figure this out wouldn't be any crazier than these fucking extremism experts. What the fuck? You're an extremism expert? Okay. Yeah, that's a thing that exists.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Like, you study extremism? It's just a completely made up, you know, like, what is extreme? Like, who gets to determine who is the center? You know what I'm saying? It's just a fucking... Let me go ahead and save you a lot of time, buddy. What causes people to go extreme is they're living in extreme days. We're living, we're living, we're living in extreme days.
Starting point is 00:33:30 We're living in extreme days. A. Or B. On a serious note, they're so fucking beat down by the system and the world that we live in that, dude, I've experienced this this week i'm on my job shit this week you know i mean there are long time listeners recall time maybe during the pandemic if i recall correctly that i was on my job shit i'm back on my job shit again like the world's kicking me down and i've had temporary moments of insanity not where i was
Starting point is 00:34:02 going to kill anybody or threaten violence, but it's like you get so worked up and it's like, what is the outlet for it? You know? The Job story is interesting because it does kind of have an individualistic thing to it. See, if you're on some Job shit, I watched Benedetta
Starting point is 00:34:20 last night, and I'm on some we're all damned shit. Like, every human soul. Like, damned as in, like some we're all damned shit like every human soul damned as in like we're irredeemable and we're going to hell not so much that just that just that like to fully experience god's love and a spiritual community we have to experience suffering that the only way to understand anything is through affliction in that case we are all dance yeah we're all experiencing affliction now i really don't believe that but at the same time like i look around and a lot of things kind of feel like they verify yeah yeah oh yeah totally i i went to a comedy show last night and then i came
Starting point is 00:35:07 home and uh when i got home that was like i saw that fucking tweet that was going around after i'd already been in a room with like 70 people you know what i mean like all because i'm thinking like i'm on my vacation shit like i ain't gotta worry about covid for an indeterminate amount of time then i flip it on it's like oh i got covid when the ba5 came around that just reinfects you like a couple weeks later i've not even been paying attention to the severity my eyes glad just completely glazed just don't just don't just don't just don't just don't just don't it's fucking it's all it's all bad news folks anyway we're all damned benedetta well you uh which is basically also the same story of job job had to suffer um to understand that he what what it is is a it's a question of faith. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:36:05 Like, how much can you go through before your faith is shaken? But I feel like the Job interpretation, you could interpret the Job story in such a way that says only select individuals will undergo some tests, while a different interpretation of that might be that all human beings we are all worms we're all job we're all job and god and satan are just shooting dice for our life up in his celestial court yeah while we get covered in boils and our family struck down right right right um but wait so back up let's back up the car a little bit
Starting point is 00:36:47 we were talking right before joe we were talking about the mass shooter in society like as my first reaction i i was like on the phone or whatever on Monday. That was July 4th. And I was with my girlfriend and literally my first reaction upon seeing that Highland Park thing was like I was like talking to my girlfriend. I was like, you cannot tell. You know, obviously this is in the first minutes. before the discourse is all unraveled and people have gotten online and become like detectives and have you know completely parsed everything out about the shooter and who he is and everything my first knee-jerk reaction was like you cannot convince me that this is not coordinated in some way just because i feel like statistically it just seems so preposterous to assume that all these
Starting point is 00:37:50 disconnected people all arrive at the exact same conclusion conclusions on their own independent of anybody instructing them to do so or encouraging them to do so and you know what i'm saying it just seems too it just seems that to me seems too fantastical you know what i mean that it's spontaneous that it's organic that it is just a emergent property of living in the society we live in that to me just seems too i don't know why it just seems hard for me to believe it could be the case I don't know but I just it just seems to me that like when you're talking about like mass violence it just that that is a political act that's an ideological act to to or submit or a large group of people to a mass violent go ahead yeah it is or or which i guess this would
Starting point is 00:38:47 qualify under the heading of political act the program to kill well i mean you could have that i don't know because like this npr article comes down to the conclusion basically that they did it for the lulz and it's just like are you fucking kidding me like this is not it's weird dude it's it's this insinuation that there is no political content behind the act which is a completely different interpretation of political terrorism than was popular 20 30 years ago yeah can you imagine could you imagine like 20 30 years ago and on back just suggesting that uh assassinations and mass shootings are just apolitical like just the whims of mad men right like exactly like the mental health thing like that it keeps going back to
Starting point is 00:39:42 mental health and if if only osama bin laden would have been alive in the time of better help you know we would get we would give him 15 off you know what i mean with code trill billies way this is what i'm gonna do listen osama bin laden if you're out there then earshot here's an exclusive promo code for 100% off better mental health better health whatever it is you know what I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:40:13 yeah it just like to me you okay there are so many shootings that like it's almost seems impossible for me to universalize it almost seems impossible to say that it's one thing like it's just mental health or it's just the readily available you know the abundant availability of guns or it is just a domestic gladio like terrorism operation i mean it's like you say all the time about politics
Starting point is 00:40:45 man people's politics are actually under a microscope are all over the place and the reasons for these things are not one thing or the other or lonely isolated kid playing video game there's a lot of factors you know what i mean it's a lot of things that play i tend to think personally again knee-jerk reaction i tend to think that a large percentage of these shootings, I don't want to say I'm not going to say 90 percent, but I'm also not going to lowball it at like 30. I would say like maybe half 50 to 60 percent of them are probably coordinated by some entity group or something like i i realize how that sounds but at the same time like ask yourself does it make sense that like 60 of them don't listen we don't forge ahead with that thought because one thing that drives me nuts is when everybody tries to like you talk about a real thing that happens like leftists are the world's worst for this but the rational ones that are like what you all like when we were on like the fast and loose shit
Starting point is 00:41:50 like something something somebody would say from time to time was like oh this is just capitalism there's no like boogeyman behind the curtain like pulling the strings nothing it's like how the fuck do you know about the cia and say that with a straight fucking face like what you're saying is true i mean we do live under a system and there's not just like one grand oz character that's like meddling everywhere yeah but like there are coordinated killings carried out by this government and there are conspiracies that are real it's just like we said a few weeks ago the the universal condition is the class struggle yeah but like the capitalist or the elite or whatever i mean various factions in that class
Starting point is 00:42:31 struggle will try to advance their own agenda and they will use conspiracy to do so that's also the case for working class i mean a conspiracy by its basic definition could be like unionizing the workplace it's people getting together and plotting out a collective you know like a plan that will advance their own position i'm curious if if um i'm curious if like there's some sort of like sort of folklore thing that's, that's sort of, um, sort of been able to like persist into modern times that had its origins in like political struggle,
Starting point is 00:43:16 like back in like the brothers grim times or something like that. I think so. Like Hansel and Gretel is rooted in class struggle. I'd like to, I'd like to, I'd like to tease that out a little bit. Yeah, man, it's like, I don't know, man. It's just one of those things because there could even be factions. Okay, it's not even that there could be.
Starting point is 00:43:41 There definitely are. There are definitely factions within that ruling bloc who probably engage in their own conspiracies so like let's just say as a fucking like theory that it is a specific ideological group or block within the ruling class that that both sponsors, facilitates, and enacts a mass shooting or act of mass violence. Like, that, it doesn't have to be the entire FBI. It doesn't have to be the entire whatever. It can be, like, groups within them. It doesn't even have to be within the FBI.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I mean, I don't even, again, it's like we've come back to again. It's like even if this is true, I'm not sure what exactly you could do about it because so much of the discourse around it has solidified around the idea that it is because of the abundance in guns. But that is a part of it too. I mean, it's just true that there is a, it is a factor that, like, there are so many fucking guns. Wherever you land on the gun debate, it's, like, you're just, it's just willful ignorance
Starting point is 00:44:55 if you say that, well, more guns doesn't equal more shootings. Well, I mean, because... It's just like COVID. It's like, you're just in sort of denial if you just think that more infections doesn't equal more deaths more hospitalizations right but it could also be because of our particular history as a like settler colonial nation that like those two factors added together create this like emergent phenomenon where people go and enact that kind of violence. Again, it's possible.
Starting point is 00:45:28 It just seems to me very, it's, you know, admittedly difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that it is an emergent phenomenon based on both our like violent settler colonial warfare society and the abundance of guns and all these other things. Like it seems that there has to be some forces shaping that in the direction of mass violence. I don't know what they are or to what extent. Sometimes. Sometimes you're just mad about bike lanes. Sometimes you're just, but sometimes you're just mad about bike lanes. But sometimes you're just mad about bike lanes.
Starting point is 00:46:06 There is that. There's people that have carried out acts of violence that when you hear the rationale, it's like, that was it. You got a very low bar for what warrants an assassination or whatever. Well, like I was just saying, 50% to 60 percent of them could be coordinated or something then you could have like 25 of them that is just a result of
Starting point is 00:46:33 like copycat uh shooters people like taking influence from that uh people that do just you know lose it and because there's a gun readily available they just waste someone because of the bike lanes or because you know people like in traffic like this is a big deal like i don't know how many videos i've seen on the internet of people just like getting in road rage and just unloading a fucking clip on someone in traffic oh you know what i mean like yeah there are like weird little phenomenons like that you know but to me to me like a july 4th parade schools like these are these seem to me to be like intentionally targeted areas of like like in order to achieve like matt mass symbolism and terror like you go after schools you go after you know
Starting point is 00:47:28 like fucking public gatherings you know like fourth of july parades and stuff and obviously like the result is that it just creates more police it just beefs up the fucking security state even more right you know what i'm saying like yeah and that's i think that's probably the end result of a lot of this like anytime that i've thought about like god i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore you know i have my network moment uh you think like oh like what am i capable of i think this is something like everybody's kind of engaged a little bit even if just like in their own head you know what am i capable of and then it's like okay if you think rationally about like the end result like sometimes like if
Starting point is 00:48:21 if you got uh you know cadre and all that kind of stuff, you could have revolution. But usually what's just going to happen when we get in ourselves and think, oh, I could do some political violence. You're just going to get cuffed and stuffed and then, like, police is just going to beef up. You know what I mean? Like, sometimes I think, like, I don't know, when you're talking about these things like i think there's like something to be said for having discipline and stuff like that and not just like going around trying to like crack every skull you see and well i think that the i think that the left traditionally has never been with the exception of like russia in the late 19th century and maybe even the
Starting point is 00:49:06 United States in the late 19th century, like the left has never engaged in a lot of political terrorism. I mean, even like get blamed for a lot, right? I think that even that like by Bader Meinhof shit was a lot of those bombings. I think we're done by the right and blamed on the left,
Starting point is 00:49:23 but that, but that is true. I mean, there also was the weather underground and stuff like that but it just uh i mean it is also entirely possible and in fact likely i think this is a part of it like i don't know this npr article again it seemed to kind of be saying that we had just for the lulls what did it say? Rather than falling neatly into categories familiar to law enforcement and the public, such as white supremacists, radical Islamists, or anti-government militants, it requires an understanding of dark online subcultures that overlap and feed into each other in ways that glorify violence and foster nihilism. I mean, again, that description, glorifying violence and fostering nihilism, that is kind of what fascism is. You know, you've kind of just defined fascism.
Starting point is 00:50:10 You've defined an ideology just now. Exactly what it is, yeah. Yeah, right, right. Say what it is. Like, right. I'm not one of those say what it is guys, but, you know. Well, I think that what it is is that a lot of us look at this stuff and it's the same with like 9-11 or jfk or whatever like a lot of us see this and like we our knee jerk reaction is like come on like something something else is going on here but then like
Starting point is 00:50:37 they work backwards to like prove to you that it's uh i don't know why i don't know i mean what would be their purpose in doing that why are they writing articles like that says alarmingly these experts say these online milieus have been tied to an increasing number of mass shootings over time is it because they're diagnosing like the symptoms like online chat rooms and stuff like that, rather than diagnosing the actual root issue. One day you're on there saying age, sex, location, and the next day you're plotting how to kill Shinzo Abe. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:51:14 It's that seamless. Yeah. I don't know, man. Unless fascism, white supremacy, whatever you want to call it whether this art what this article weirdly uh separates white supremacism from fascism but it's like it's like yeah you can you can have sort of equitable fascism right like you exactly like
Starting point is 00:51:40 that you're exactly right but well like regardless until that is finally uprooted from american society and you have a complete and total social revolution with reparations and you know land back and fucking soviets and worker controlled proletariat dictator whatever the fuck you want to call it until that happens you're probably going to continue saying more and more of this uh yeah we could put a stop to this tomorrow if we wanted to yeah because like this says this has a whole header called a mass shooter culture researchers who've come through crimo's digital footprint i think it's actually pronounced cremo say the content is strikingly unoriginal it's just like a zoomer spin on zoomer trends and
Starting point is 00:52:31 mass murders that have already been done before since sarah hightower using a term that refers to members of gen z hightower is an independent researcher focused on the extreme far light far right and online cultic movements for example example, Hightower noted one video that shows a cartoonized version of the suspect with a long gun in a bloody confrontation with law enforcement officers. He's not the first mass shooter to animate himself into a Columbine Massacre-type animated music video.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Extremism researchers said the suspect's online content offers to the public a carefully curated persona that fits with an image of mass shooters styled on the killers in the 99 columbine massacre uh back to columbine huh yeah an emphasis on aesthetics over ideology isn't that wasn't that walter benjamin's definition of fascism?
Starting point is 00:53:25 The aestheticization of politics. Of politics, yeah. The visual language that Cremo used. Like they're hitting at some things here just by slipping on a banana peel. Right, but they're going to great lengths to depoliticize it. To depoliticize it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Because it's just easier that way. Is that why they do it? Because it's easy? easy rather than like do you think that there's some there has to be some ideological commitment here to uh i don't know maybe they're partisans in the sense that like i think what it is is they're partisans towards the view that the problem is the guns themselves, which again, I'm kind of sympathetic to, but our society is so completely insane. It's so rooted in white supremacist assumptions and settler colonial presumptions that like,
Starting point is 00:54:18 that like it can only like that, like the ground is fertile for a gladio type operation that like yeah yeah if if if if some of these things are not that they're missing a good opportunity exactly that is exactly right you're right like the the the ground is so fertile the soil is so so fertile are you really telling me no one's gonna take advantage of that like of course they can fucking use the resources and history of this country to run an operation like that if it would be massively successful as it's shown yeah uh you know and to be clear i'm not endorsing one i mean i am okay i am endorsing a a conspiracy theory in the sense that like i think that like something is going on here beyond just an ideological commitment at the individual level
Starting point is 00:55:15 it's beyond that i really do think that there is some larger apparatus at play that is kind of making strategic strikes or something. If you just think about what we know about Charles Manson now. They found him that he's in and out of the juvie system, sexually abused and all this stuff and essentially groomed by the FBI
Starting point is 00:55:39 to do these things. It's like you mean to tell me that we have a whole, like we have a whole and this was the 60s, right? So like, we have a whole rash of those similar type crimes going on now. Not, I mean, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:55 our matinee idols aren't getting knocked over like that. But like, and everybody just cannot countenance any sort of chicanery from the federal government in any of that. Honestly, you could say, well, you guys, if you're right, what does that prove? Like, how would we change it?
Starting point is 00:56:14 The only thing that it proves is that if shit ever did hit the fan here and we really did have some sort of opportunity to change things, what it proves is that you have to go all the fucking way you have to go all the fucking way you have to complete reconstruction and or otherwise otherwise this is going to come back to me that's this i don't know i mean well and and in our own minds and the way we see things, it's like, like, is this stuff helter skelter or is it chaos? You know, right. Right. Well, dude, you can kind of see how like I wanted to show you this article that was in The New York Times the other week.
Starting point is 00:56:58 You can kind of see how this is being deployed here. This is The New York Times. Schools are spending billions on high tech defense for mass shootings. The market for weapon detectors and crisis alert badges in schools is booming. All right. So I'm going to go down here. I'm not going to read the whole thing. But in 2021, schools and colleges in the US spent an estimated 3.1 billion dollars on security products and services compared with only 2.7 million dollars in 2017 so that's in four years they jumped from 2.7 million to 3.1 billion i mean and this is this is this is not just shit that like the text if you've got like gun detectors and uh you know
Starting point is 00:57:48 more cctv cameras this is like facial recognition technology this is ai you know what i'm saying like this is sophisticated software that will track students everywhere they go and i mean i mean that's like what we were kind of hitting that with the row episode i mean maybe we didn't you know do it so eloquently but like buried in the window dressing of all the abortion stuff which is you're right and i'm not trying to make it not about women's health when i say this but kind of nestled in there is this issue of personal privacy and all that kind of stuff so it's like this continual assault patriot Patriot Act, all this stuff over the last 20 years or so, 20 plus years, that's like really ramped up surveillance state and all this stuff. It's just insane to just punt on the possibility of that kind of meddling. The end goal is the complete erosion of any personal liberty liberty you may have other than to commit mass violence.
Starting point is 00:58:49 I mean, you will have that, I guess, if you have a certain ideology. It's like you might have a liberty if you're right. It's really dark. But yeah, that'll be your freedom. It's like, yeah, we'll give. I mean, it's it is. I mean, it's fascism, but it is our own unique american techno fascism you know what i'm saying like it is crazy because you see this like when we were kids they had started putting more
Starting point is 00:59:18 cops and cameras in school but imagine if every thing about you like down to how you interacted in the hallway to like other friends what you were doing when other people weren't looking in the hallway like you scratched your butt or something or you fuck you know what i'm saying like or yeah or they like put the infrared on you they see your heart's beating a little bit consistent with somebody that's like angry or something then all of a sudden four guys cuff and stuff you know what i mean yeah they do the infrared on you and they see that you actually haven't had your vasectomy reversed like you told all your boys you did.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Yeah, yeah. They do the infrared on you and they can see that you're trying to use a single notebook to hide your boner. It's like, oh, God. Tale as old as time. But, like, from a young age, all that information will be collected about you and stored somewhere. Like, this is just happening.
Starting point is 01:00:14 It's just, it's not something that, like, you sit around and, like, people on Twitter are like, it's crazy how society is becoming more like this. It is here. Like, this is just happening now. Like, we are collecting all this data about here. This is just happening now. We are collecting all this data about them. There is no privacy anymore. I don't know, man. I was talking to a friend of mine. They were talking about
Starting point is 01:00:36 people making the pilgrimage to Mecca this year. Did you see this? For the first time, Saudi Arabia has started a lottery. You have to register with the saudi government really yeah and all this kind of for the first time ever and it's like you can see that like oh you know like oh uh millions of muslims a year ago make the pilgrimage to mecca and oh now we got to turn over all of our personal information to this kingdom that is cozy with the people that have been doing the same thing in the united
Starting point is 01:01:11 states forever you know what i mean yeah it's like just starting like it's just like selling your own people down the river to start the world's largest muslim registry just to turn over to the united states dude that is so fucking crazy it is so fucked up that like the holiest sites in the islamic religion are in fucking saudi arabia uh yeah a place that's only existed since the 50s that we carved up you know uh-huh yeah um anyways this article i thought was pretty wild it just basically goes know, this is also interesting. There's little hard evidence to suggest that safety technologies have prevented or mitigated catastrophic school events like mass shootings, according to a 2016 report on school safety and technology.
Starting point is 01:01:57 There can be a tendency to grab the latest technology and make it appear that you are doing something really protective and very innovative. We really have to take a step back and look at it and say, what benefit are we getting out of this? And again, you know, you get civil liberty. This is the thing. Civil liberty experts warn that the spread of surveillance technologies like gun detectors may make some students feel less safe. It's this weird naturalization in journalism, I've noticed,
Starting point is 01:02:20 where they say, they quote a civil liberties expert who's like, this could have grave consequences for the future and it's like no this could have grave consequences for yesterday like you don't have saying it's like the the the world we've all been afraid of and again it's a trite point it's like a point that you would put on fucking twitter for like 20 000 retweets or whatever it's like the world, that world is here. I don't have to tell the,
Starting point is 01:02:48 the journals of the world. Like my old ball coach told me, if you're 15 minutes early, you're 30 minutes late. It's, it's, it's so insane how like your old, like the coaches from your childhood either had
Starting point is 01:03:06 the most like either had the greatest wisdom that you took well into your life or they were the most insane racist you'd ever met it was like only those two were the options i'll never forget fucking uh fucking coach whitaker coming into our room during a trip and we were watching g-string divas on hbo and without missing a beat he goes well we got here boys a little g-string divas and i'm thinking about that as a 36 year old man now i'm thinking about how that is such a weird thing to say to a group of teenagers he knew like dude he fucking saw it and knew exactly what it was in the same way that you or i would like walk in and see like a you know like oh uh what is it today boys murder she wrote yeah yeah he knew exactly what it was i love the startup that some of these school districts are using video
Starting point is 01:04:06 analysis from a startup called zero eyes that scans school camera feeds looking for guns oh my fucking god dude oh my god um i don't know, man. It's just... It is just an interesting... interesting set of affairs. Man, we didn't even touch Boris Johnson. Uh-huh. I don't even know. That all happened so fast. Them's the breaks.
Starting point is 01:04:38 I tried to read some stuff and immediately got so bored. Even the craziest shit in British politics bore me. I'm just like, there it is. So far, I was on the way here, I'd heard on the radio that there's like eight or ten guys that are vying to replace Boris Johnson, and they're all names
Starting point is 01:04:56 like Cornwall Hurston the, you know, Greenwich Mean Time the Third. It's like man like brits are like fucking cartoon characters like they really should not exist yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well um so yeah, so anyways, in summary, in summary, anything else you want to tag on to any of that? No. Did we get to the bottom of the mass shooting phenomenon?
Starting point is 01:05:36 I mean, probably, probably not. We probably got some holes out there to plug, but you don't have to do it all in a day. Like I was saying earlier because you know the covid the pandemic in many ways again it's like the defining event of the now whatever remember how like shootings completely dropped off in 2020 so like that that tells me several things that that tells me several things uh you know i could verify the the argument made by like the you know hardcore strict anti-gun whatever that like that the guns are the problem i don't know does that pass muster in that theory
Starting point is 01:06:21 because to me again i think this is the control in this experiment the fact that mass shootings like drop the fuck off in 2020 like yeah is it because like people weren't hanging out in public anymore or is it because like the fbi workers were all like doing work from home and they were like you know not coordination's a little tough these days to do our gladio stuff you know it also i mean even darker it could be the idea that when you all are able to meet with each other be around each other talk to one another there's this we always have this looming threat of violence for you but if you're good little people and you stay inside and you don't commiserate, you don't talk to one another,
Starting point is 01:07:08 and you don't do this thing and that thing, you don't engage in what it means to be human, everything's safe and okay. Uh-huh. Dude, that is true. It is so phenomenal to see NPR write stories like this. If anything, yes, yes if anything the pandemic proved that what these shooters hate the most is society they hate people i don't know either coming
Starting point is 01:07:34 together for education you know learning fellowship or whatever it they hate society which is again a fascist impulse it that has political it's yeah it has political content uh but i don't know because we didn't have so much of that going on in 2020 it deprived them of deprived them of that they can keep us inside keep us scared i was and i'm not saying people should been out mingling during the pandemic or anything like that. I'm not saying that either. But it is awfully damn convenient. And whether intentional or not intentional. And I'm not barking back up that tree again. But it does have the unintended consequence,
Starting point is 01:08:19 or maybe the intended consequence, depending upon your perspective of having kept us from doing the one thing they hate for us to do which is to be with one another right right right yeah basically it is what it is saying it is sending a message to society which is that you know being together uh should not be fear-free it should be done under pretenses of terror in the and the looming threats of something bad happening which is again fascism right well i mean it's the same thing with all this shit too right if like crime rates are spiraling out of control and all this kind of stuff and all these cities are unsafe and everything and i have friends that you know think that there's some truth to that and i have friends that think that's absurd and i see things on twitter and in the news
Starting point is 01:09:14 and other things whatever but like that's not that's that's intentional too though you know what i mean like we know the world overall is getting as safe as it's ever been you know what i mean but i think i heard something i don't know if it was on like one of those ira glass ass npr programs or whatever but they were talking about this family i think that uh had kids that when they were growing up the kids would like go and run through the forest behind their house and like they really didn't have any boundaries and they would go like wherever they wanted to go basically and that was a much more unsafe time in the world and then like fast forward they become parents and they sort of like hem their kids into like a backyard i remember i remember this it was like
Starting point is 01:10:03 under the perception that the world is so much crazier now so we have to like kind of like you know not let them have as many freedoms in order to protect them and all that kind of stuff but the funny thing was is that the world is safer now than it's ever been but it feels more insane you know right well they just learned a lot of shit in the pandemic they i think they i think that again you're talking about this like class struggle i think they learned a lot of shit in the pandemic um uh and we've pointed them out in the last months and then you know and obviously we talked about it having to do with him overturning roe but another thing dude i was thinking about this the other day like i i read that profile of ron desantis in the new yorker and the craziest thing to me about that article was like early on in the pandemic like ron desantis supported masks and he was also a big supporter of vaccines like florida
Starting point is 01:11:07 is where they you know begin uh you know running the vaccines and also early on in the pandemic florida was doing something that new york or they weren't doing something that new york was doing which was sending infected patients into nursing homes which is like what happened in new york and it's why so many people died there um but the point being is that like i was reading all that and it is so wild how much of the pandemic response came down to individual state entities it was all displaced onto the state agencies and institutions. And by extension, us. Yeah, and by extension, us. How can you modify your personal behavior to serve this purpose?
Starting point is 01:11:55 You know what I mean? Which is like, and in a way, I don't have any problem with that, but why is the onus on us and not people in power, you know? Mm-hmm. Well, I think that for them, seeing that happen, told them that, you know, again, this is another part of our specific history that has to be abolished and done away with, but you can really see how they are have used states rights once again as the vehicle for this uh you know both for the abortion thing but also for
Starting point is 01:12:35 uh the response to covid and everything else that's happening um but like i think in their minds i don't know man i don't know it's just to me it feels like they learned during the pandemic that like there is no federal government anymore really that like it can only exist to uphold various federative agreements and laws and rules like you know how you can and can't move between the state lines but it has no like liberating or uh ameliorative uh properties or mechanisms anymore it only exists yeah it doesn't there was a time when like you had sort of uh the push and pull of like well does this favor people workers workers, et cetera? Or does it favor people in power, rich people, whatever?
Starting point is 01:13:29 Right. And the whole pretense of that is just blown away now. Completely. This is not how the world is ordered anymore by politics. You're right. That's why we see this push toward a society that is apolitical, you know? Right. To put it most generous
Starting point is 01:13:47 as a generous forecast yeah no that's much darker probably in reality yeah that's why like if you're obsessed with like do it if you have the brain worms that make you obsessed with doing something in the electoral realm it's like i was saying earlier like the da thing there could be something there maybe not i don't know i had some person say that i was stupid so maybe i am but because everything is devolved down at the state i have a huge steel cop so who's really stupid so it was really stupid but like because everything's devolved down to the state level maybe a more um fruitful pursuit of your time and energy would be like electoralism at the state level not not not governorships but
Starting point is 01:14:32 like state houses and stuff just because just because that is apparently becoming the site but yeah everything's so atomized that's becoming becoming the site of struggle. But also, you see some things happening, and it's so weird that we're so fucking housebroken that, like, did you see today Biden's announced that he's going to use executive power to put Roe in the law or whatever? I saw that, yeah. And it's like, it's so weird two weeks ago this guy was striking a deal with mitch mcconnell for a judgeship in kentucky and then you saw bashir
Starting point is 01:15:13 and yarmouth you know what i mean like liberals you know like raising a stick about it so you're seeing like an inch and i'm not saying like oh we need we need to go support Andy Beshear or whoever, whatever. That's not what I'm saying. But like, you are seeing some interesting things happen as like people in power are trying to foist the responsibility on the states to decide stuff like that. Abdicating their like federal responsibility. Like people start acting in ways
Starting point is 01:15:39 that they wouldn't have acted a year ago. Dude, you're right. And the thing is, is that when that happened before, obviously it resulted in civil war. Everybody's talking about that. Like, oh, civil war, civil war. It's like, I don't think that this will result in civil war.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Like, this is going to have to result in... I don't know, man. I assume it would have to be some sort of coexistence, some sort of confederative arrangement or something where the national administrative state only knits together the states through controlling movement of people. And I mean, obviously,
Starting point is 01:16:24 they're not going to do controlling the movement of people and yeah i mean obviously they're not going to do controlling the movement of goods uh they're trying to completely make sure that that is removed in any way but there's a contradiction there perhaps um i don't know man it just seems to me to be uh teetering in several conflicting directions where there's no obvious resolution in sight, which is not a great thing. It's also not a bad thing. It just could be another opportunity. It just depends on who's going to be able to insert themselves into the breach and coalesce a set of forces and individuals and groups to hold the balance for another short time before the baton gets passed off to someone else.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Before the big one comes, as you say. Right, before the big one. She said last night. Right, right. I don't know, passed off to someone else. Before the big one comes, as you say. Right, before the big one. She said last night. Right, right. I don't know, man. I do not know. It's an open question. It's just interesting to watch it play out.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Yeah. And a little scary. Yeah. Well, stay tuned for this fall you've got reasonable saw you know reasonable saw coming hgtv uh yeah jigsaw is the new face of the network it's like a jigsaw and antiques road show it just becomes Star Effect TV. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:18:11 All right, well, check that out. We have a Patreon. We would really appreciate your patronage, your business. Gas prices are going back down. So you don't have an excuse. You don't have an excuse anymore. Gas prices are going back down. That's good news. You don't have excuse anymore. Shit. I see this.
Starting point is 01:18:32 It is funny to see all the, everything we've been gouged on the last several years coming back down after everybody, present company includes, oh man, they just never get better. Like some stuff will just continue to ebb and flow forever then other things will just keep getting worse and worse yeah you're right yeah um the revenge i saw at brendan gallagher said brandon's revenge watching the the oil market just plumb Um
Starting point is 01:19:07 Yeah well maybe Hopefully Prices will go down and that'll free up some money That you can put over to our Patreon P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com Slash Trillbilly Workers Party For the price of
Starting point is 01:19:23 As it stands today a gallon of gas about it yeah for one gallon of gas yeah maybe just fill up three quarters of the way you know jesus all right that is so much money for a gallon of fucking gas that is insane oh my god Um Alright well Um up yours Up yours woke moralist Uh We'll see you next time Later
Starting point is 01:19:54 Peace out

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