Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 257: Not Yet A Statistic

Episode Date: July 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome to the true billy's podcast the premier podcast about small engine repair we're we're like car talk like click and clack but this is for small engine repair this is this is uh car talk for the uh not uh not as adept in terms of fixing things dad or uncle or brother maybe yeah because like you can't fix a car but maybe you could like finagle like the dvd player you know what i mean or maybe the lawnmower i can punch uh i can punch an audio system really hard get it to work yeah it probably no it probably won't work after that but i can punch it if you want me to. I just want electronics to be like that again, man, when you had an old TV set, and you'd just slap it, and that shit'd start working again.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I know. Instead of now, you do that, you put your fist through it, probably. Sometimes my car is like that. Sometimes my truck is like that. Yeah. Just got to give it a good slap on the hood. What is the fucking- Click and clack the tappet, brothers, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I heard my co-pilots. Oh, yeah. Why do you have to prime an engine before you can use it? Like, why is that... Ostensibly, what? It, like, floods the engine with the gasoline so that it can then burn? Why is it already not going in there why do you have to prime it no idea honestly i mean maybe
Starting point is 00:01:32 because uh i don't know just gotta give that magic touch man or is that like a is that like a placebo thing does that really work or do people do that like is it like blow it on like a nintendo cartridge that would be funny if they put that on millions and millions of devices just to make men believe just to make them look like they were busy in the front yard when they were mowing the lawn like yeah yeah yeah priming the engine is an aesthetic consideration so it makes it look like men are like workshopping and problem solving on the spot when really and truly it's just window dressing and it'll kick up in a minute you're like rubbing your chin like under the hot
Starting point is 00:02:10 sun take out your red bandana handkerchief uh wipe your sweaty brow men love more than anything men love the prep work that goes into it's it's about the journey not the destination largely exactly small projects it's not about the uh it's not about the pursuit of happiness it's about the happiness of pursuit i can barely remember any roofing jobs i've ever done but i can remember with remarkable accuracy standing around and scratching my chin saying stuff like hell out of hole boys rubbing it back in it give it a deep yeah yeah hey i tell you we need we need more rebar we need some fiberglass insulation uh yeah no i'm really good at prolonging a process that could easily be on the job
Starting point is 00:03:08 side. Anyways, that could easily be, you know, remedied in minutes. If you want a guy to stall for time to take at least a whole day. If you, if you have been contracted and paid by the hour,
Starting point is 00:03:23 hire Terrence. So he can stand around with his hands on his hips, frowning. That's another classic job site gag. Hell, boys, I get paid by the hour. I don't care. I get paid whether I'm doing anything or not. Also showed up and said, hell, what is this, boys? A state job?
Starting point is 00:03:45 We got two working and seven standing around. I like that one, too. It reminds me of working in the kitchen, man. That's how that felt. That would be seven. That's a whole different animal. Two working, two not working. Two on the grill, two on their phones.
Starting point is 00:04:04 One by the dishwasher namely me having done both i will say that working in a kitchen is it's similar to construction except that there's people standing around sitting around being very mad at you for not great reasons yeah not well unless you're washing dishes. That's the sweet spot. Oh, dude, I know, man. You just blast that shit off with the most high-powered shit imaginable, and then you just put it into this big machine that's basically like an oven. Just blast it with the hottest water imaginable. Dry that shit instantly.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Uh-huh. Pull it out clean, man. Listen to some music in the meantime. What's the worst job y'all ever had? Oh, man. Like, I just woke up every day and was just like, fuck this shit. Man, I've had some weird ones. Honestly, I can honestly say every one I've had i've woken up and said
Starting point is 00:05:05 fuck this shit but i don't like to work let me just say that up front yeah i don't want to work the much lauded protestant work ethic was not instilled in me no he passed over you did not take with tom sexton didn't hope i'll always find a way to hide stay out of the boss's line of vision what i put off something till tomorrow that's just me five reasons to call out yes like all right when's the last time i called out i called out last week all right yeah i am not filled with work i'm exceedingly lazy working at the ups store was the most dispiriting job i've ever had bar none and i was a janitor i would rather be a janitor than work at the ups store and i did it for like four years uh but that the weirdest job i ever had was when I was 17. I was like, I must have been, I think I was 16.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I had a job with this old man who sprayed weeds in the oil fields. And I just would drive around with this dude. I don't even really know what my job was. I guess I was just there to make sure he didn't light himself on fire. He didn't die himself on fire he smoked like two packs just in the time i was with him from like 5 a.m to fucking 4 p.m or something that was kind of working man always smoke in environments they shouldn't be smoking yeah yeah true every day i would come home from this job and they put dye in the weed killer so that like you can see where you're spraying it because you're just on these like gravel drilling pads like in the oil film and i guess the whole point i like asked my dad
Starting point is 00:07:02 years later i was like you remember that job i had what the fuck was the point of that and he said it was because they would do it to make sure there weren't snakes like around like the job site keep the grass low so the snakes don't have place to hide out right but there wasn't a whole lot of grass anyways this was the fucking desert man it was like down your way but you you have to worry about more dangerous serpents down your way, though. That's true. I mean, it was a big problem. But they put this dye in it, and it was like a greenish blue.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And every fucking day I would come home from that job, like head to toe, I would be glowing, like green blue. Can I tell you something? can i tell you something can i tell you something i don't mean to scare you at all but you know those late night lawyer commercials yeah maybe just pay it jot a couple of those numbers down next time you see you might have whatever it is, man. You have to take one of those down, though. This is the funny thing about these, like, the cops who say they overdose from fentanyl.
Starting point is 00:08:16 It's like, do you not know why we have skin? That's what I was saying. You're not like an earthworm. You know what I'm saying? We have a porous like a porous like durable layers yeah there's a reason we're just not a bunch of translucent skeletons it's it's honestly i think it's one of the most fascinating things about right now is like the fentanyl scare among police officers like the
Starting point is 00:08:49 the one this week was like a woman who was a wife of a police officer claimed she like picked up a dollar bill and there's a photo of her like laid out in a hospital yeah she's laid out on her back with a hospital bed. I mean, what the fuck is going on there? Dude, it's the same. Go ahead, Tom. No, Aaron, you jump in there. I gotta shake my head a little bit more. He's got an SMH. He's gotta shake his damn head.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I got an SMDH for a little longer, so you go ahead. He's gotta shake his damn head. That smdh for a little longer so you go ahead he's gotta shake his damn head his damn that's my favorite smdh i gotta shake my damn head damn head yeah no i was thinking though it's kind of like uh maybe not the same thing but it seems to dovetail with the the reefer madness that they're trying to bring back you know like? Like, they're trying to talk about how, like, there's weed. Is Reefer Madness back? Yeah, I saw a couple articles, right, sir? There was no, during Reefer Madness, to my knowledge, I don't think, were people walking around,
Starting point is 00:09:55 were cops claiming to, like, touch weed and just, like, seize out? Like, I was kind of like, I tweeted this the other day, and I deleted it just because i was kind of like i i tweeted this the other day and i deleted it just because it was a incomplete incomplete thought but it is so fucking crazy how you get the fentanyl scare thing with cops at the same time you get the havana gun syndrome the havana syndrome on the cia it's like top to bottom like you're you know your top cia alan dolus motherfucker to your very bottom like county sheriff has all convinced themselves of some grand mass delusion you know what i'm saying like some hysterical mass delusion law enforcement from the highest rungs to the bottom rungs are all really parent well i don't know if you call cia law enforcement i guess they just
Starting point is 00:10:43 they just decide who lives and dies in the world. Yeah, they're the executioners. Yeah, I guess, yeah. They're still cops, though, right? I would put them in the same... I would say, broadly, like... What's the word I'm looking for? I would put them all under the umbrella term, broadly,
Starting point is 00:10:59 of, like, administrators of the state, or, like, of state... The faces of state violence is what they are. You know what I'm saying? The CIA guys have to kind of set the arenas and the conditions for cops to do their thing again. So I guess in a way they're like... But there's been no accompanying thing
Starting point is 00:11:21 with the military. Dude, the military, everything is totally in like complete shambles i read this article in the new york times city about how like the u.s military was seeing its like lowest level of recruitment since like the height of the vietnam war like they it was it's like even lower than that like they can't get anybody to fucking recruit and which is kind of hilarious because like there's you know like we've pulled out of It's like even lower than that. They can't get anybody to fucking recruit. Which is kind of hilarious because we've pulled out of Afghanistan now and all that stuff. And it's like, if you were going to join the Army, now would be the time.
Starting point is 00:11:55 But actually, all these kids are wising up and be like, fuck that shit. I am not sticking my neck out for this piece of shit. Yeah, I don't even remember 9-11, man. I'm not joining that shit. Well, dude. for this piece of shit yeah i don't even remember 9-11 man i'm not joining that shit well dude and also i was telling tom the other day like in virginia like their prison system is barely holding on right now because they can't hire new cos and like cos are quitting at an incredible rate
Starting point is 00:12:21 so they're like they're having to move around employees and like the food is absolutely abhorrent like basically the whole administrative aspect of the prison system which was already pretty fucked up and you know what i mean i'm not i'm not trying to be too uh i'm not trying to be too uh uh i guess romanticizing anything but uh i mean it seems like the logical conclusion to like at least like the prison situation right it's like you don't have enough like ceos and shit is that like it would just be okay i don't want to say easier because i've never done a prison break but like we should i would expect that you would see more prison riots and like prison breaks like that you know what i'm saying because the system is over overloaded i guess you know overwhelmed
Starting point is 00:13:04 yeah more than already let me let me let me posit something here i'll go ahead terrence i'm sorry You know what I'm saying? Because the system is overloaded, I guess. You know, overwhelmed. Yeah. More than it already is. Let me posit something here. Go ahead, Terrence. I'm sorry. I'll wait a second and posit. No, no. Go ahead and posit.
Starting point is 00:13:14 This is positing corner. We're posit positive. You know the old adage, it'll get a lot worse before it gets better. I mean, you've heard people say that kind of offhandedly or kind of as a throwaway comment uh-huh what if we are kind of winning a little bit and we just don't know it yet because things are so bad at present like these cretins are kind of losing their mind a little bit the state is a little jittery you know i mean like you see you don't see many signs of it, but, like, they rain down, they're getting more and more oppressive, but they seem a bit shook. And I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I don't know if it's the culmination of, you know, everybody sort of jumping off the – nobody really – I mean, if my sister is telling me, like, three days ago that America's a piece of shit country with no hope that doesn't that doesn't bode well for the right so you know i just i wonder if if things are maybe i'm not saying things are good or things are bad but i wonder if we're due for things to get a little bit better and we've just kind of been underwriting that a bit uh-huh so like we would be not even winning necessarily based on i'm not saying we have a
Starting point is 00:14:34 revolution or anything no no but it's like they're tiring themselves out almost is what it kind of seems like right like it's been a war of attrition and now but then at the same time though i think like in ways that they're doubling down. You know what I mean? Right, exactly. So it's kind of like, yeah. Well, it's like what Terrence said a couple weeks ago. When he was talking about maybe these DA races are actually one place
Starting point is 00:14:55 where you maybe could make a mark. No, you're going to lose probably 100% of the time. I just think it's an interesting site to organize just because... The judiciary gains that the opposition have made. Yeah, and they seem concerned about that particular battlefield, right? I guess I'm saying it's an interesting site to organize because the people that you're going to be doing it with, you're all going to come to a few shared conclusions about the way the system operates which i think is a very valuable thing and i think needs to be talked about more and more
Starting point is 00:15:34 because there's i mean you think you see this uvaldi stuff dude i mean honestly if only there was good leadership right now right if but like you see this uvalde stuff occurring at the same time like there was a headline in the new york times just earlier this week like record number of americans want to like up in the system or something like that right right that's what i'm saying and now it's like everybody we talk about the supreme court stuff and nobody really gives a fuck about the supreme court anymore or their legitimacy right exactly and now we know it's like oh well it's just kind of left up to interpretation because the supreme
Starting point is 00:16:10 court was not always the last word in like making laws in this country that's just that's a fairly recent development the green grand scheme of things i just wonder if like all of those things are sort of rattling the foundation a little bit you You know what I mean? Kind of splitting it up and making it a little bit fractal. And some of these sort of over-the-top measures, like increased police presence, all this propaganda about crimes going through the roof. Yeah, we got to do all this stuff. Nobody believes that shit.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You know what I mean? Uh-huh. I'm just saying, perhaps we have finally reached a boy that cried wolf situation with this piece of shit country yeah and that can that can produce some interesting things going forward is all i'm saying i'm not saying revolution or anything like that i'm just saying like there are they're small but there's some reasons to be hopeful you know i think about a you know i think about the the uprisings george floyd uprisings like two years helpful you know i think about uh you know i think about the the uprising the george floyd uprisings like two years ago you know and how for the first time like so many people were able to
Starting point is 00:17:09 kind of peer through the cracks and see the contradictions for what they were you know where you had like black and white people in the streets you know i mean not even just like poor white people but like middle class like boozy white people in the streets yeah right but at the same time though top i think about like i think about like are like in what way is there this contradiction where all of those things only begin to like kind of i don't know i guess like kind of re-institutionalize themselves or reinvent themselves to cement themselves you know i'm saying like just reinvent i guess like capitalism or the right especially tends to do so i don't know man it seems like they're on like like they're on the rope but they're like swinging and trying to fight back and maybe well they're so far ahead though
Starting point is 00:17:54 is why they're still like clubbing us you know what i mean it's like yeah we still have a long road to hoe but i just think it's interesting and and and a lot of this is anecdotal i realize that but i i see a shift in people's mentality about the narratives that have like sort of kept all this power intact in this country and i just don't i feel like nobody really believes america's bullshit anymore you know i ain't like yeah fewer and fewer you know yeah man i feel i feel that you know but then i don't know man at the same time though it's like you know we were talking about last week where i was talking about like folks like my moms you know and my mom again with the george floyd uprising i mean even her looking at the
Starting point is 00:18:35 cops and my mom is not someone who loves the police but for her to be like you know when i got arrested at the protest and i called her from the jail and she was like oh i knew you were going to get arrested you know and wasn't mad wasn't pissed you know what i'm saying but then you know the the supreme court overturned turns roe v wade and her and a bunch of other liberals you know not just specifically my mom's people like vote so it's like at the one it's like at the one hand it's like shit is getting insane and it's getting tired out but then people tend to like i don't know man they double down on what they're familiar with, you know. Yeah. And I guess like what they've been told and taught.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I think that honestly, again, if there is any kind of leadership that could do something about it, that would be great. But there obviously there isn't. But it might be worthwhile trying to like convince people like earnestly in good faith. I don't know how that could even work. people like earnestly in good faith i don't know how that could even work but it it legitimately i think is probably the best time to try to convince people that we have to in any way possible separate from the democratic party just completely distinguished from it dude we are i mean we're truly in the great breakup like it's fucking it fucking, it's going on. I called Tom the other night, just, like, losing it. Just, like, how bad, you know, just the healthcare system is. Just how it's just pressed.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Like, every, it's just bursting at the seams, you know what I mean? Like, the joints are creaking, and it's just barely held together. And it's like I hear stuff about the, the prison system in, in Virginia and like the food, you know, crisis worldwide. I mean, it's,
Starting point is 00:20:12 it's, I don't know. It's just, I don't know. I just think like, you know, would they really, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:18 I say they, I guess, I don't know, I guess the ruling class, the elites, however you want to phrase that. I mean, I guess I should be specific.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I guess I'll just say the ruling class, the capitalist class, right? Like the politicians as that i mean i guess i should be specific i guess i'll just say the ruling class the capitalist class right like the politicians as well like i mean are they like i really do try to project sometimes in the future and think which is a scary thing to do at 3 a.m when you're stoned out of your mind and imagine like what this country's going to look like in 10 years or some shit and like i'm like man can they really just like you're saying terrence all these institutions and all these things like foundational things that make the society not only reproduce capitalism but also reproduce inequalities right like are they really are they really because i've talked about we've talked about how there will never be another new deal right which maybe that's a little bit pessimistic but no are they really just gonna get a let it collapse or when the collapse will be okay like we're not just talking to him
Starting point is 00:21:05 he's just he's reporting for the he's just our guy on the inside he's just a little spoiler hate to break it to you hate to break the it can happen i don't know man i'm wondering if they're just gonna all let it really fall apart and if all letting it fall apart would mean just like being overtly i mean overly fascistic like i don't know man because what does that even mean i mean this country's already pretty fascist you know but what mechanisms would you have to go to to like really i don't know batten down control and tighten control you know here's what i'm curious about is like it feels as if though we might i mean this is uh something i've said many times it showed quite ignorantly because i don't really know much about it um but like it
Starting point is 00:21:45 feels like we're headed toward a collapse of the soviet union-esque moment but the american version a little bit right where like we all know things are wrong but everybody in power is telling us no everything's great like this we're record jobs this year you've heard every president that's done a shit job has always touted their jobs record and all this kind of shit i wonder what happened to powers like and i'm asking this because maybe you all know but i'm curious what happened to powers like england and france before they sort of became like second tier like world powers like you know like when the ussr i guess in U.S. and countries like that sort of, you know, achieved hegemony. I think that's kind of a situation that we're kind of headed for.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I just don't know. So it's going to be like China and like maybe like, I don't know. I don't know what else it would be. Maybe just a unipolar world and we'll be on the bleachers. We'll be on the bleachers just chilling. It's not a bad place to be. I've been in the bleachers a lot. It's not a bad place to be.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yeah, you have been in the bleachers a lot. It's not a bad place. The bad thing about the bleachers is that your ass will start to hurt after a while. Sitting on those metal... Well, maybe America's ass needs to hurt. Maybe America needs to get the fuck off the field. sitting on those metal you know. Well, maybe America's ass needs to hurt. Maybe America needs to get the fuck off the field. America's ass does hurt.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Let's say so. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. It just feels like it's just not tenable for a player. I mean, you see this story going around about the 10-year-old girl that Kyle Statelines get the abortion just feels like it's just not tenable for a play i mean i saw you know you you see this story going around about the 10 year old girl that carl state lines get the abortion and like last week all
Starting point is 00:23:32 those fucking cretins were saying like that was a left-wing fiction that that's like you know that's not really happening all this stuff and then you see today that jim bop guy's like no actually the law she's gonna have to like carry that to term or whatever and it's like it's just so this country's so far school at this point it's like you have people in power just saying things like not well too bad so sad a girl that had just has to live with the horrors this little girl has to live with these horrors done to her for the rest of her life it no way no how it's uh it feels like you know for all the talk we've had about like the rising tide of fascism all that kind of stuff that like that it's like that's kind of like the death rattle a little
Starting point is 00:24:16 bit you know what i mean like their last play at standing in power is just absolute uh just brute shit you know yeah, just for cruelty's sake. Yeah. Yeah, it's like, it's fear at all times, honestly. But just, like, ratchet it up to, like, 100, man. I didn't mean to make us a little glum here. We were good, and then we were like, damn, man, yeah, it's... Fuck.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I hadn't thought about the rising tide of fascism that's for the last thursday show fuck you're dropping bars bro we're only 10 minutes in no i mean well it doesn't really matter whether it's like a factual thing happening or not what matters is that everyone assumes it is i mean i don't know who the fuck knows i don't really know about polls um if you pull how many people how how close do you think america is to collapsing yeah i mean i think that they only i saw something and maybe it was a right-wing source so who the fuck knows but i think i saw something that said that that new york times poll about the majority of democrats not supporting biden anymore uh or maybe it was a i think it was probably a lib account saying this that it was like based on a sample of like 300 i don't know
Starting point is 00:25:40 there's this like lib account i look at sometimes just to like make myself i dude i don't know. There's this like lib account I look at sometimes just to like make myself. Dude, I don't know why I do it. And I've had to literally like stop myself doing it. It's like a specific like pathological. I know the impulse you speak of. I know exactly what you're saying. Where you just like to be a little pissed off. Yeah, yeah. Like a little pissed off and also just a a little like yo what are these like what
Starting point is 00:26:05 are these weird creatures saying dude it is i don't know why but it has the ability to like strike somewhere within me something that gets so angry and like some primal rage yeah it's called the account is called what biden has done Oh my fucking God. I think that account's blocked me, but I know what you're talking about. Yeah, dude. It is brutal. It's just over and over them retweeting that he saved us 18 cents on our July 4th barbecue last year. Well, their whole thing now at this point... And the reason I care... I don't even know why I fucking care.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I really don't even know why I fucking care. I just feel like when you're going through conditions like we're going through, it would have been nice for some political leader that was leading a massive social movement throughout the mid 2010s understood the moment that and that like in this great fragmentation that's occurring you don't want to be associated with the democrats in any way because that's the fucking thing that's really uh i don't know that's like these are like anti-establishment times like i was talking to a friend about that yesterday. Like I was like, my mom is like the quintessential person who would vote for probably either
Starting point is 00:27:30 Trump or Bernie. And it's just both. It's just because she was kind of into like the anti-establishment thing. And like, that was, uh, I don't know. That was a thing that played well.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I guess it doesn't play well anymore unless it's with the right. That's the only place where that's playing well is the right. Well, it did. It did play well. But they like I mean, I don't mean to relitigate, you know what I'm saying? But like it did play well. But they like, you know, I often think about like, again, not to relitigate, like if Bernie had got like the nomination and if COVID and all these confluence of events didn't happen. Right. That helped Biden even before COVID, right, all these centers dropping out on Super Tuesday and throwing their weight behind Biden and shit. But, like, it did happen, but they, like, crushed it, you know? Like, they stifled it, you know what I'm saying? It was, like, burning in 2016 and 2020.
Starting point is 00:28:17 And then, like, you know, like, thought 2020 came around. We were like, okay, like, you know, people got to, god like wake the fuck up now and understand right because like he would have won in 2016 right and it was like they kind of did everything they could you know not even the right it's the liberals that did everything they could to like stifle that so it's like the right was like oh you're really not going to do anything you're gonna elect like you know i'm saying a dying man for a dying party okay sure go ahead yeah in some ways he's the perfect sort of mascot for that uh for their trajectory it's just strange like the way that that new york times poll was framed they were like on account of inflation and a few other factors biden's numbers are in the tanks with
Starting point is 00:28:59 like young people among democrats and it's like it i don't even know if the article mentioned roe v wade at all i mean to me i don't know that's just that was the one thing left that you're good for right it's like the only service you provide quote unquote the left and this is how you justified it when you worked at the non-profits and everything else the only service you provide is some stopgap measures like some degree of uh what was the last thing that it social sorry terence go ahead no no you're go ahead no it was like dude i mean it was because didn't the civil rights act one of the civil rights act like a couple years ago didn't they repeal it or overturn it or something like that like i might
Starting point is 00:29:45 i don't want anybody to get upset i think it was like a voting yeah voting voting rights act right okay so that and like all of these things that they're slowly peeling back that like one after the other falling like dominoes you know after i guess in the 30 years or 40 years since the new deal is a coalition collapsed right and then like like you said terrence the last fucking thing that they had left was literally roe v wade and it was like literally because it was it wasn't enshrined in law but because it had passed right like you would think that this was like the last sort of example yeah of liberals and a coalition not just of liberal politicians but of activists feminist activists that came together and this would like this at least was something that we could look towards to look back at the democratic party and remember these coalitions and what could
Starting point is 00:30:30 be possible but like i mean we all kind of knew that was not a thing right right that the right was coming for that shit next and now it's gone it's like you're saying what the fuck are you good for what the fuck are you good for what are you what are you good the last like testament to this coalition that you denied repeatedly two times namely namely with Sanders' campaigns, and now this last thing. And it's like, oh, we don't really know what to do. I'm going to sign executive order. You know what I mean? That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:30:54 All of these pundits now sit around and write these fucking pieces. I was telling Tom on the phone the other night. I read a lot of the op-ed pages, whether it's the Atlantic or the fucking New York Times or whatever. And I read these pages. Cowspying that minded soul, by the mind and soul and the heart and soul the tone exactly oh exactly it's all self-destructive punching the button like in this yeah it's like that's my self-destructive behavior that facilitates the existence of this show uh like don draper smoking a thousand cigarettes a day and gb shitface i do that on articles and uh but like the tone on all of these fucking pages is all we need constitutional reform whoa yo it's like that all of a sudden they they fucking
Starting point is 00:31:41 like saw the wall we were all coming towards and they they were like, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. I think we need constitutional reform. Let me grab the wheel. Let me grab the wheel. And it's like, what the fuck? How did you expect that was going to happen? Again, the only service that the Bernie campaign would have provided would have been a conduit towards getting enough kind of like technocratic experts and whatever on the liberal left to institute something like you had mentioned earlier like a great new deal or something like that and that's all gone now so i mean we you know it's all fragmenting and falling apart but uh but it's just i don't i don't know man it's just it sucks to see it because
Starting point is 00:32:21 like we were saying again like all populist energy i mean so like during those during that like when they were storming the gates in sri lanka or whatever there was all these tweets that were like oh wish that could be us wow wish that you know that's gonna happen in i wish that would happen in america and it's like i hate to say it but it kind of did it did happen in america like i mean we didn't capitalize i know yeah yeah and i don't i don't i just think that uh part of the reason why that may be the case is because of the left's relationship with the democratic party like until you're able to sever that you're never going to be able to convince anybody like that that that you're not because it is kind of true in many ways. Like we worked going to quote with them,
Starting point is 00:33:07 regardless of like however much we want to cool face it or whatever. It's like a lot of us still had to interface with that as a player in the political spec or the world. Yo, you're so, you're so right, man. Cause you know,
Starting point is 00:33:22 you got me thinking of, all right, like I don't have the whole, the horseshoe theory thing is fucking bullshit right but if you just want to the only reason i'm using equate like the far right and the far left is their association to like the respective parties right that are like somewhere in the realm of their side of politics right like whatever so the democratic party versus the republicans like whether you call yourself an anarchist a communist a socialist i sorry, unless you're like.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And I mean, I guess, you know, you have those people out there that are like, I mean, I've met them. I guess they're my friends that are like, I do not participate at all in electoral politics, you know. But those people like these like, you know, leftists who like will vote for a democrat in a local election or they'll believe in someone like sanders right versus like these insane right-wing batshit insane nazis who like literally want to also i guess like guillotine conservatives you know what i'm saying like it's like their rejection of them is a lot i don't know i could be talking out of my ass but it feels like a lot stronger than the left who sometimes sometimes realizes that, and this might not be true anymore, this isn't true, that you have to work with this party, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:30 Conservatives, like, people on the far right seem to, like, not even, I mean, if they can use the Republican Party as a conduit, sure, but if not, then they'll just fucking pick up guns and storm the Capitol, you know what I'm saying? Right, yeah, you're right, you're right. But, I mean, the institutions favor them to do that so i mean well it's like it's like january 6th you know no you're right it's like you said last week or whatever like and it's a great point like they you don't ever hear them doing get out the vote shit they never that's not a thing that's not where they went yeah that's true it's just not they would be shooting themselves
Starting point is 00:34:59 in the foot if they did that exactly you said that last week i was like it's right because just i don't know demographically and shit like that just their ideas i mean they would like lose elections you know yeah oh man not that it matters that much with the democrats but still yeah generally speaking you want to stay in power and get power because they still lose elections and get shit done you know right right yeah these people have been deeply deeply unpopular for generations and yet they continue to dictate play you know well that's why that's why that account pisses me off so much because it's an it's a fascinating insight into the psyche of like the dead ender cultists that are still just completely like convinced that this is working
Starting point is 00:35:43 it's they're like the q anon people dog wait they're worse than the q anon people because i think the q anon people have even said maybe trump i don't know what their deal is now but they're like they're like i guess the same and remember after uh jared after biden got elected the q anon people were like oh he's uh trump is puppeteering biden like it's some white hat shit you know what i'm saying but it felt like that fizzled out where blue bag is still like no biden's great he's doing great shit meanwhile like you know yeah dude uh it i don't know like their whole thing right now is that the the administration is doing something about roe v wade and the left by always getting pissed off
Starting point is 00:36:22 that it's never enough is the reason why nothing can get done it's the people who have no power i mean it's they just fundament the thing is is they fundamentally misunderstand that like we're in the drain spiral right now where with the trajectory that the right is going on you can only force them towards a confrontation that's that's that's the only thing to to beat them to stop it you have to force them towards a confrontation that's that's that's the only thing to to beat them to stop it you have to force some kind of confrontation and and obviously the dims aren't going to do that they're going to continue to back down every single time uh and i don't know it's this they just don't you're right they have to do that in order to keep making the dialogue more and
Starting point is 00:37:04 more rational and more and more ecumenical and all that stuff instead of stomping it out. Yeah, it's like this is like ultimately the long term problem of like being within a range of debate or like, you know, let's let's talk to our neighbors. You know, like we're not all that different. It's like I don't want to be like some of my neighbors. Exactly. Sorry. I don't want to be like some of my neighbors. Sorry. I don't want to find common ground with them. I want to beat their worldview. Right, right, right. I want to disenfranchise them.
Starting point is 00:37:34 They have no theory of conflict, though. That's the thing, man. The only theory of conflict liberals have is when it comes to fighting the left. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but I think that there are a lot of people in the Democratic Party who are working party who are working class who like are truly unaware that the thing that they've entrusted some of their social protection to is being run by like we said on sunday like a mlm like a multi-level marketing scheme i think they're i think they're unaware that the people driving the bus are cultists. Oh, no, they're definitely unaware, dog.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Dog, they're so unaware that it's terrifying. It's crazy how much they are truly cultists. You see these videos of Kamala saying nothing, and it's like— And somebody makes a joke about that, and 40 motherfuckers are like— Yeah. Instead of Bob to your house and some shit. somebody makes a joke about that and like 40 motherfuckers you're like yeah and it's like instead of bob to your house it's like no it's like no seriously like seriously objectively that's not good it is it is bad it's a sign of badness when like you can't even articulate
Starting point is 00:38:39 even a uh a promise in any ways it is quite literally just talking to talk to it is it's quite literally running the clock out in real time in front of you no it really it is why that's the craziest part about it that's what makes it so surreal it's like oh oh oh shit don't you know you make me think of that when i used to fundraise for the democrats down here in georgia in atlanta and they used to send us to like neighborhoods like decatur like you know these like upper middle class like mostly white neighborhoods and it'd be a mix but you know mostly upper white middle class neighborhoods and like i would like sometimes these people would invite me in their house you know and i would talk to them and just talking to them i don't know you make me
Starting point is 00:39:20 think about it i don't mean to use a reference tv reference but i don't know if y'all ever seen the good place you know yeah or maybe something like yeah man like ted dancing yeah yeah where everybody because they're supposed to be in heaven everybody is like it's this idyllic like everyone is very pleasant like supernaturally literally supernaturally so right that it almost feels like you know there's something like very dark and sinister deep beneath the surface like right beneath the surface yeah and these people would let me in their houses and talk to me about their like activism which all the activism they did was really how much money they gave right right and i would just be sitting there like yo i don't i can't even i don't can't even the only thing i
Starting point is 00:39:56 could do is like sometimes i would try to talk to people about deeper issues right of course i wouldn't be like hey comrade but with these people i was like we live in two completely different worlds man and i feel like even if like there's someone who's like would have voted for trump a Right. Of course, I wouldn't be like, hey, comrade. But with these people, I was like, we live in two completely different worlds, man. And I feel like even if like there's someone who is like would have voted for Trump a third time, I would have a better chance of getting across to them. Some of these people, you know what I mean? Like even our neighbors. Right. Sometimes then some of these blue MAGA people, because they're like truly cultist, like truly, you know, I don't know, man. It's kind of dark. It's kind of dark.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I'm here and need a good cult. You need a good cult. Yeah, we need the LaRouche people to, like, run Wayne Diamond as, like, the figurehead of, like, a QAnon-style conspiracy. Somebody to match the Queen's bombast of Donald J. So we just need to invent a new grand conspiracy? Is that what you're saying? To rally around? No, in all seriousness, I think it's completely absurd
Starting point is 00:40:52 that it's just impossible to do anything about this. No. Yeah. I mean, I'm saying this as a genuine human being. Yeah. Yet it's just like, why is it so fucking hard to mount some sort of challenge
Starting point is 00:41:09 counter offensive at this point because we're on the back burner man I just refuse to accept that it's impossible maybe it is maybe it fucking is remember what we keep saying you gotta arm the working class with nukes, man. Well, I mean, that
Starting point is 00:41:26 is true. If the dude made the homemade gun to kill Shinzo Abe, maybe we can... Maybe some enterprising working class hero can make a homemade nuclear weapon. Yeah, it's a thing like...
Starting point is 00:41:42 A personal device, personal nuclear device. Right, right, right, right, right. Just one to start. I mean, it's a thing like... A personal device, personal nuclear device. Right, right, right, right, right. Just one to start. I mean, it's baby steps. Just working away... Make a hydrogen bomb in your garage. It's fine. Take out your whole block.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Dude, at any time, like on the roads in America, like I remember reading an article a while back that like you know on average right now there are like 20 000 trucks out there transporting nuclear weapons or something like that like there's a there is an astonishing amount we've driven on roads that nuclear weapons have one thousand percent like the amount that gets moved around in like ordinary track you know what i mean like you could be stuck in traffic with a nuke probably and not realize it but let me ask you a question though like it's like because i know when people think like you could do fast
Starting point is 00:42:36 and the furious like you know it's my shitty toyota tacoma and like yeah it's like you know how like the assassination of archduke uh franz ferdinand kind of kicked off you know world war uh-huh it's like some guys just like man traffic's bullshit today they flip a cigarette out and it hits this truck and just a mushroom take out like massachusetts and shit like yeah well dude i mean you want to talk about a trucker blockade if there's a critical mass of true billy's trucker fans do your own trucker blockade just set up a blockade and or maybe you are a trucker that trucks the nuclear weapons themselves just do a work stoppage man don't go don't go to work well betty had dropped that shit to my house is it illegal to solicit nuclear weapons i think the terrorist activity i might cut that out
Starting point is 00:43:31 yeah damn man yo you know what's crazy too is like how many times i mean i wish i knew the exact number but it has to be hundreds of times over the past like 30 years i guess during the cold war especially that there were near nuclear like accidents man oh yeah they dropped them and shit they would drop they dropped one outside of albuquerque one time just fucking from a plane just dropped it and it didn't explode miraculously like didn't have its warhead hadn't been engaged or something it's like it's like when you shoot your kids with a pea shooter in your backyard or some shit. Right, yeah. Just dropping nukes.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Just, yeah, a fucking nuke drops next to you. That's amazing. We have so many nuclear weapons. Somewhere there's like three dipshits like us that are like responsible for. Oh, yeah. A literal weapon of mass destruction. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I know that the listeners love that story about you tom at the water plant now just imagine tom at a nuclear plant it is when you think about the gross incompetence that is in charge of very important things as a gross incompetent myself yeah i just don't i mean i just don't think what kind of scares me is that I would imagine that the systems in place to administer that department of the bureaucracy is similarly stretched thin. that's the kind of stuff that worries me because i do kind of worry that the only thing that could run the bureaucratic administrative state at this point would be some sort of some sort of like national rejuvenation or ideological recommitment because otherwise how the national socialism yes perhaps perhaps it'd be called something like that uh because how the fuck else i mean how the fuck else are you gonna attract new bureaucrats to run that sort of administrative
Starting point is 00:45:31 state i mean it's uh well i mean you'd have to just have the state like commandeering you know i mean like but then i don't know man i don't know because the state is not capable of doing that so what are we gonna have then just like little like mega corporations, I guess, that just run their own different like, you know what I'm saying? Sphere of industry and influence and shit. Like, I don't know, man. Right. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Go ahead. I guess they could contract it out more and more to private. But that's the same problem. You probably would much rather be a CO with a government agency than a CO with a private Blackwater-type prison staff or some shit. Dude, I don't know. I don't know. It's just the shit I just sit around, just look around. Where are the pressure points?
Starting point is 00:46:23 Nah, man. You got me thinking about somebody that uh that uh some security guard at some nuclear facility man since uh since uh the system is probably stretched man this guy could be falling asleep you know falling asleep when he's supposed to be watching the nukes at like you know 3 a.m you know that'll be our end man you know right yeah i wouldn't take it. I would just sit there and stare at it. He'd wake up and be like, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Admiring. Admiring. You're just admiring. I'm not rubbing your chin, admiring the nuclear arsenal. Just admiring. Well, maybe that'd be a good job for one of us when we wash out of the Space Force National Guard.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Oh, God, man. Can you imagine being a guardsman in space? It's like you'd be a Jedi. Whatever their aims for that are completely nefarious, but you gotta admit, it'd be pretty tight. What's the uniform? What's the fashion like, you think? Oh, it looks like...
Starting point is 00:47:30 It does look like some Star Trek shit, man. I saw the uniforms and people were comparing them to, like, space uniforms. Oh, it's so fucking stupid. Yeah, they look really corny, man. Dude, I'm just... It's just one of those weeks where my patience is so fucking thin
Starting point is 00:47:46 just like just with the conditions you know yeah just but like hey this is the only place in my life that i have to vent about it so that's what i'm going to do i've been a live wire i've been it a little too much i've i've not been doing good boys about got a couple fights damn tom i harassed i didn't harass i guess i kind of uh some doctors came in the other day gave me some very grim news about my mother and i just kind of snickered at them and 48 hours later i was vindicated as being correct so right oh so they their news was false yeah it was right they were way off and i told them that i was like boys i
Starting point is 00:48:39 listen i respect your credentials all that stuff let me posit something though just like i posited with y'all earlier i posited to these two doctors and i was like i've seen this before how about we try this and this and they were like where'd this guy go to medical school you know that kind of yeah two days baby baby listen i want to tell you something you could take that mcat to you blew in the face you can spend fucking goddamn 16 years in med school, I want to tell you something. You can take that MCAT until you're blue in the face. You can spend fucking goddamn 16 years in med school if you want to. There is no substitute for on-the-job training with internet hypochondria. I just know more than they do, really.
Starting point is 00:49:20 You know, at this point. I was right. I was right. I bet that felt good though well it just feels good that that's my mom does not have dementia like they well they posited let's put as much shit into this as possible i'm just gonna yeah let's just let's grab some more crazy shit did y'all see that graph going around that showed the just astronomical growth of hospital administrators compared to doctors like 20 30 years just just this explosion just that's but that's an example of exactly what you're talking about though right
Starting point is 00:50:03 terrence like just this skeletal like i mean at that point it's not even skeletal like it's just like it's too much like excess you know well dude that's like it's too much it's too complex and it's too much and i mean i was talking to tom about this the whole reason we were talking about this in the first place the other night is because i went to a doctor over in like norton close to me and he's just like a family doctor he's like not affiliated with any of these like behemoth just massive fucking health care corporations around here um and you know it was a radically different experience so it's like that's just because i moved over the mountain and i'm closer to a bigger a slightly bigger city in virginia in eastern kentucky if you live in like a town like where
Starting point is 00:50:51 i work and record whitesburg there you can't go see a family doctor here it has all been industrialized the whole thing the whole process has been industrialized and bureaucratized like so i mean it's that's there's no that used to and like that used to be a thing like the the family doctor in town like the town doctor like relationships that went back decades you know what i mean like generations generations and shit like that was a thing that was part of life pre this process of everything getting just completely privatized bureaucratized and hauled out for profit uh and it's crazy how that has that has created a an existence an experience that is horrifying fucking horrifying because as we're talking about unless you have like a severe
Starting point is 00:51:39 trauma wound or something if you have like a chronic disease or a sort of chronic condition or something like that you're fucked i mean the chronic disease or a sort of chronic condition or something like that, you're fucked. I mean, the only thing they can do at this point is just cut people up and sew them back together and, like, you're on your way. Or just pump them full of fucking medicine. Yeah, give you palliative medicine. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:57 It's not really meant to cure anything, you know what I'm saying? But it's just meant for you to come back in, like, you know, like, another two weeks so you can get more pills, you know? Yeah, exactly. one thousand percent and that creates a social experience that like people don't forget like no one's forgotten any of that how fucking horrifying and traumatic that that we just carry around that with us at all times and again that was another utility of like uh bernie at least being out there because at least in this way you talk about that common unifying experience in the fucking horror show in which we all live. But no, no, there's no appeal to a mass condition.
Starting point is 00:52:33 It's not even possible at this point unless it's not having power. And we know who's going to respond to that. It's the people who fucking charge the Capitol. You know what you just made me think of too is like you know like um i used to work on like housing advocacy like um affordable housing campaigns here in atlanta um like housing justice stuff and like it's like you got this you got this re-industrialization of like neighborhoods like mine or the places in atlanta that i was going around or maybe where you're talking about too in kentucky there Terrence, like where you have, like after it's been
Starting point is 00:53:09 hollowed out, you have all these, um, the privatization kind of comes in. Right. And you see the similar thing now just with like healthcare where you would have like a family clinic or a clinic that you could go to. You know, that, that relationship went back generations. But the same thing i would see with like um housing and also food deserts man like it would blow my mind that they would like have build up all these houses or these condos and shit you know what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:53:34 and not even have like like a supermarket you know what i'm saying like they would kick all the and not even have a supermarket they'd have like a corner store right but it's because the people that are moving there have cars so they can drive to the supermarket that might just be five miles away but that's five miles for somebody that doesn't have a car and has to take public transit you know so there's like this weird reinforcement and reification like amidst like this decline you know which is like just absurd and contradictory to look at because it's like yo how y'all got the money to like build these condos, but you can't build a supermarket for these people.
Starting point is 00:54:06 You know? I just had a thought just thinking about that. Like, um, it makes me wonder if those polls, like the one we were just, the ones we were talking about, both the ones that show the majority of Americans when like up in the system
Starting point is 00:54:21 and the one about the majority of democrats selling on biden that makes me wonder like who is polled is it like people active in democratic politics people who are just democratic voters um people first and foremost it's probably a landline so that answers a lot of those questions that's probably true it's probably you're probably right uh so i don't know maybe the data itself is faulty, but I just can't imagine people are having a good time anywhere right now. This shit fucking sucks, and it's absurd that you can't say that.
Starting point is 00:54:55 It's absurd that you can't. It really is absurd that you can't just say that. You have to fucking put it online. You have to fucking in some way mediate it by some form of media for it to mean anything you can't just say that and it'd be like this actionable thing yeah yeah yeah or even say it have people even say it have people like i mean whether it's online or in person call you like and these are the true believers right of the dems i guess they'll call you ungrateful or i guess they'll call you you don't say you're ungrateful but that's almost like the attitude
Starting point is 00:55:27 right yeah they might as well tell you're ungrateful and and dog you just made me think like they send me i don't know why they send me this fucking mail i guess because i live here and i'm registered democrat i guess i gotta be in georgia but they send me mail like postcards and shit reminding me to vote and stuff like that yeah and i mean it's just like this like 1984 like work is good like you know what i'm saying like type of like fucked up shit where it's just like oh like you were saying terrence oh the economy is doing better than it's ever been doing you know i'm saying and da da da da and it's the dream world doesn't exist this is not real this is real dog it's like that clip of what's
Starting point is 00:56:01 his name from uh the next generation it didn't happen never yeah it's a it's a fix It's like that clip of What's-His-Name from The Next Generation. It didn't happen. Never existed. Jonathan Frick, it didn't happen. It's a fiction. It's a fiction. It's a fiction. Not real. Dude, I mean, it's...
Starting point is 00:56:18 It'll drive you mad, man. It will. It really will. And, again, that's why I go back to that account so much. It will. It really will. And again, that's why I go back to that account so much. It's just because like it's not to say that like doing any of this stopgap shit that you say you are doing, whatever. Let's just, you know, we're in good faith here, whatever. It's not that it's not that that's not going to do anything. It's just that like it's now past the crisis point like i thought that everybody could probably agree or uh at least in their own way that uh yeah we could stop talking about like it's some foreboding like thing that's going to happen in the not too distant future yeah i still notice i still talk about things like that like all shit's gonna get so bad as if it's not like currently i'm like a person with a decent income and i'm immiserated right now i mean in some way it's worse than other times my line
Starting point is 00:57:15 well i was thinking about this i was thinking about this like you remember growing up like you were always told that america was like the place on earth. And so for a long time, like you literally thought in your head that people living in Denmark were like fucking like, just, just whiffed in public. Just like locked in the stocks with like tomatoes all over. Dog. I thought everybody wanted to be American when I was a little kid.
Starting point is 00:57:42 That's how my conception of the world was. I'd be like, I'll go to other countries. He'd be like, oh, y'all want to be American? Exactly. I feel like that's most Americans, at least in our generation. And your conception of the average person internationally was either they were misled by the Soviets or political Islam. Or they were unfortunate because they lived in the horrifying, medieval Denmark.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Yes. Um, but like, I wonder now if that, I just wonder the degree to which that is still true in society now, or, or if the average mindset now among most people is that like the global condition is misery,
Starting point is 00:58:23 you know, you know, it makes me wonder or if they still uphold it with all the shit that we were told all right that's a i don't know man i think i think that like lower people are i mean less people are joining the military like that's got to be some kind of sign right yeah yeah yeah that people are like running outs now we're now now yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll tell you what other countries don't buy it definitely uh if they ever did buy our bullshit they definitely
Starting point is 00:58:50 don't buy it anymore man no it's like when trump got elected and my relatives from england were like calling like basically saying our condolences type of shit like like i'm so sorry he was like yeah that's hilarious like me too like no you don't understand the next four years are going to be the funniest thing you've ever seen but then again like in a global context like you're saying terrence they can't talk shit either you know what i'm saying because they were calling talk shit i'm like who do you got you got fucking theresa may at the time nothing i hate worse than English grandstanders. My buddy Greg's like that, and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:59:31 all you motherfuckers should be beheaded for what you just did in Kenya. Just one place. Bunch of fucking cartoon character fucking acne bullshit people. That really is acne imperialism, though, y'all yeah yeah you motherfuckers are dropping anvils on motherfuckers fucking england just painting holes with railroad tracks but it just goes into a brick wall like what they when they when they ban the russian tennis players i'm just like any bad thing that ever happened in this fucking piece of shit rock you can trace back to you fucking goofy motherfuckers in three steps or less
Starting point is 01:00:16 and y'all are talking about like the danger that that these russian tennis players are facing get the fuck out of here. Wait, that just reminded me. That just reminded me. Another thing, like I said, I'm drawing a wide net today, man. I'm feeling fucking wrathful and apocalyptic. But another thing is that New York City ad about nuclear strikes. Dog, you should play that actually you should play that because that shit is the funniest thing i mean funny and all right you know what i think we were getting at too i'll just say this before you let it play you know when the contradictions
Starting point is 01:00:56 widen and the material conditions worsen and some marxist philosopher i'm pretty sure i said this but reality almost becomes a parody of itself yeah you know i'm saying that's why tom as a minute ago was talking about acme imperialism or we're just talking about like this contradictory state that is trying to hold on to like the dregs of what it used to be while like absolutely being like cartoonishly evil you know what i'm saying like this is an example of that you're right you're right because it's funny to actually compare it with the nuclear warning strikes of like the 1960s right it's it's uh i don't know it's another example of like the state telling you what it cannot do because like back in the 60s it was
Starting point is 01:01:40 there was like this sense of like civic participation and like the ruskies are fucking gonna put post-communism on it unfortunately that's what people thought but they did think that because america was also insane back then we are very insane now but in a very different way this one's amazing because i love the play this was amazing because at least back then it would be like okay the ruskies are gonna hit us this one clearly makes it clear it doesn't matter who it is we don't know it could it could come out of anywhere it could come from the big one one of those news galaxies we just saw with the james webb telescope who knows come from the Who knows? Come from them Trillbilly boys kidnapping or stealing a nuclear weapon. Okay, let me play this for you.
Starting point is 01:02:37 So there's been a nuclear attack. Hold on. So there's been a nuclear attack. I know, I know. We beat this up for years. It's a nuclear holocaust or whatever. But it turns out all you gotta do is close your windows. Wash your wet hands.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Okay, dude, I think this might be fake. I might have got got. Nah, it can't be fake. Is it fake? I think it is. Oh, it might be god got god again yo but yeah because i guess the guy that posted it was like slash satire right damn we got god for real i think so i should i don't know why i didn't think to look before see man i'm getting old i would have like when i was like 22 and a contrarian i would have been like all right let me see your source i need to see your site your source yo dog i can't tell you
Starting point is 01:03:31 how many times i've been got though like in the past couple months with just shit online which i guess is another testament to how absurd shit is man because i'll see some shit like that i'll be like yo that's totally real man i think it's not real yeah i think it's like fucking shit well strike this portion from the minutes i'll leave it up i'll leave it up as a warning to all of you who could succumb to the dangers of misinformation the dangers of just now we're statistic boys we're statistic or boys. We're statistic. Or wait, maybe it is real. There's this thing in New York.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I heard this. Maybe it's Israel. It's Israel. Maybe it's Israel. Maybe it's Israel. Who knows? Doesn't matter. I think it is real. I think it's a USA. Here's an article in there Yo this shit is real dog
Starting point is 01:04:27 I told you all it was real This is real bro I didn't let that shit play that Okay it's real it's on the NYC emergency management We did not fall victim To the hazards of Disinformation Not a statistic yet baby
Starting point is 01:04:42 But the fact that Not a statistic yet, baby. But the fact that... Not a statistic. But the fact that we thought we couldn't figure it out, I think is pretty foreboding. Does go to tell you. Maybe it speaks to their disinformation crusade,
Starting point is 01:05:01 you know? This does have all the markings of like a weird ass eric adams thing where he was like looking at the situation with russia and ukraine was like i think our people need to be prepared for a new attack he says we always have to be prepared as new yorkers that's what he said he added the psa was made in reference to the ongoing conflict in ukraine he was correct i was correct. I was correct. And highlighted that New York is still one of the top terrorist threats in the world.
Starting point is 01:05:33 He said there are no imminent threats to the city known. Dog, if New York gets hit by a nuclear weapon, I mean, this is the thing about that video, man. I was saying it in the chat. Is that all of the shit they tell you to do, stay inside, try to get underground or some shit like that, but stay inside and wash your hands. That's the same shit they would tell you when COVID happened, dog. And look where we're at now. Over a million dead. They said.
Starting point is 01:05:53 They're like. You just imagine restaurants saying, we've upped our cleaning protocols since the big one dropped. It's totally safe to come eat it insert restaurant oh my god you know what didn't like guys get like radiation poisoning in the 50s from standing under like nuclear explosions i don't know but probably i believe it you remember that i think tom maybe you told me something about that maybe it was an actor or something well oh that's uh john wayne on the set of gangus khan oh everybody that worked on that got like a weird cancer he got like blasted with fucking cancer yeah but i guess they were doing it downwind
Starting point is 01:06:48 of like what's that place los alamos oh yeah and then they ended up shifting production to utah i think but to keep it authentic they took all the radioactive sand and shipped it up to utah for the set so everybody that worked on that like an astonishing amount including the duke himself got taken out later on like years later but they all got like weird cancers and stuff dude that happened on the set of stalker too right didn't like tarkovsky die of a crazy ass cancer and like i think his wife did like a whole bunch of people did from like fucking walking around that abandoned whatever the fuck plant that was dog this is why to add like the way they're talking about it is like yo how do you how do you what do you do about radiation man wash your hands aaron use disinfectant yeah you gotta have some uh some uh hand sanitizer
Starting point is 01:07:48 for the for the nuclear so you've just you've just had a nuclear attack wait that's so this is real you probably have a lot yeah they're talking about like it's one of those weird so you've been diagnosed with something something it's like you've probably got more questions than answers right you've been you're you've you've just found out your civil at your society's in terminal decline here's what you're gonna have to do next your friends and neighbors have all been incinerated and somehow you've been spared their corpses are still steaming yeah all because sleepyy Joe had to give $600 trillion to the Ukraine. You imagine being that asleep at the wheel.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Oh, my fucking God. Oh, man. Well. The big one has hit. What do we do? Three important steps that I want you to remember. Step one, get inside. Your family, get inside.
Starting point is 01:08:56 And no, staying in the car is not an option. Okay, let me ask you a question. That's inside, though. Depending on the scale of this, that's pretty pretty hubristic to assume there's even any structure standing. That you could go inside of, right?
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yeah. Go inside, whatever ruins and, you know. I like that she said, not your car though. Yeah, get under the pick the ruins up and put yourself underneath them. Just some rubble. yeah get under the pick the ruins up and put yourself underneath they will be have any windows make sure they're closed just play dead and maybe the nuclear radiation will get right they will be doing a sweep
Starting point is 01:09:40 to make sure there are no survivors so So make sure you look adequately deceased. God damn. This is where it helps to practice what we call the possum routine. Act dead and breathe very shallowly through your nose until the marauding death squads have exited and it's safe to reprise.
Starting point is 01:10:01 death squads have exited and it's safe to reprise. We were talking about like, what are they going to do? Are they actually going to keep this shit going? No, they're just going to do exactly that, Tom. Just nuke us and then have marauding death squads that make sure everyone is dead. I love that. You need to get into a building
Starting point is 01:10:21 and move away from the windows like it's a lightning storm. Yeah. Get away from the windows. Like it's a lightning storm. Yeah. Get away from the windows. Don't use any appliances that are plugged into an outlet. And don't shower. Don't shower. The temptation will be great because you will probably be covered in radioactive substance.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Don't shower, though. Probably human ash, but don't shower. Yeah, yeah. So your town just got turned into the next Pompeii. Don't worry, you got this. You just got caught by a nuclear blast in the middle of jacking off and you will be preserved for the next 1,000 years.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Immortalized as a pervert. Meeting the media hand. Impression of a surprise. Just completely shocked. Here's what you're going to want to do. Here's what you're gonna want to do here's what you're gonna want to do hold on i'm trying to play it but it won't let me it didn't like that i was laughing it's like he's like this is serious this is serious take this seriously head of the basement that's right that by the way by the way by the way that's how like the 9-11 buildings collapsed like traditionally you're not supposed to like i think they tell you to like not be close to
Starting point is 01:12:03 the windows because traditionally that's the part of the buildings that fall first. Yeah, they blast it out and shit. In the Twin Towers, it's like the middle fucking core. This is why people think they were blown up because the middle fucking core got just completely collapsed. Yeah. If only they had aired this before 9-11. 9-11 9-11 man
Starting point is 01:12:25 Stay tuned Yeah follow me He said step 3 good luck It's like, step, yes, follow at Mayor Eric Adams. It's just a ploy for him to get more Twitter followers.
Starting point is 01:12:52 You see him flying over a helicopter with his Instagram, his TikTok, over the ruins of New York City. For more nuclear follow-up tips,
Starting point is 01:13:01 follow Mayor Eric Adams on Twitter and Instagram. What did he say? He said, we bring it back uh it's a vibe city dude that that is uh vibe city that guy that guy's amazing man that's crazy yeah notify nyc i'm sure that they won't just take all your data and like give it to the nypd immediately immediately it's probably what it is gonna be the nypd is gonna be the one doing the the deaths uh the death marauds right the marauding death squad early early in the show i almost almost compared eastern Kentucky to, like, Neo-Tokyo from Akira a little bit, but, like, with far less population.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Just, like, kind of the way, like, you know, roving marauders just kind of do what they want, and then, like, everybody's, like, farmed into these, you know, like we've talked about, these privatized health things, all this different shit. And it's funny to see it come full circle with Eric Adams basically projecting a Neo New York type fallout
Starting point is 01:14:10 situation. But just so you know, we've got good leadership. You're in good hands in the event of a nuclear mass extinction event. You know what though I will say? Go ahead, tell. My bad.
Starting point is 01:14:25 I was just going to say, they're just fools if they think anybody's going to just keep calm and adopt a stiff upper lip during a fuckhead after a nuclear bomb hits New York City. Like a nuke hits New York City and like, I'm going to call the NYPD. I'm going to call the police.
Starting point is 01:14:41 My first call is going to be to these cowards that don't even intervene on the subway can't even find one guy yeah um what i will say though is that uh as a native new yorker myself um one thing i could say about my city is that uh new york mayors uh in real life and in fiction tend to preside over uh natural nuclear man-made disasters uh maybe some shit like godzilla i don't know the 2000 1999 godzilla that is that that's why this got made dude this motherfucker bench watched day after tomorrow right all those like late 90s early 2000s disaster flicks he just binged them all his life no not on my, not on my watch.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Not on my watch. Listen, man, being the mayor of New York is like being a comic book man. It's like being the mayor of Gotham. Eric Adams had just expected Rudy Giuliani before him in 9-11 that he was just going to have to deal with the nuclear attack instead, man. But the thing is, the thing that makes him
Starting point is 01:15:41 kind of cool is that the fears that motivate him are fears from the heights of American hubris and hegemony. Like, the part in our sort of culture and empire where the only thing that scared us was natural history. Like, you know what I mean? Like, natural disasters, like tornadoes and volcanoes and earthquakes and aliens. You know what I mean? Like cataclysmic natural. Oh, you said natural history.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Okay, okay. I thought you said something else. I thought Terrence was like just buckered down, worried about the French coming. Oh, shit. But what is the common fear now? Like they don't have those disaster movies anymore right so i mean like the it's always the disaster movies now like i mean because
Starting point is 01:16:34 i've been thinking about this is that like always a reflection of some social paranoia social like concern right that like cold war you know that's why everything was like either nuclear like attack shit or aliens right because the soviets clearly were aliens now it's like like children of men is a perfect example like where humanity can no longer reproduce right so there are no more new babies it's like the enemy is like uh from within i guess right some unexplainable existential dread or terror you know right there's a lot of that for sure i mean they're still aliens and shit i guess too you know well but like you would whatever that is like whatever you call that like the americans like average american sense of his own like
Starting point is 01:17:19 spiritual and imperial destiny and that becomes manifested in these like really triumphant movies of the 90s about disaster and like what it's expressing is the fear that like we beat the soviet union and so the only thing left that can conquer us is the natural world itself like and so that's yeah you get jurassic park and you get fucking Armageddon and all that. Independence Day. Right. But what exactly in Independence Day? Dante's Peak, Twister, all the greats. Anaconda? No, maybe not. Deep Blue Sea?
Starting point is 01:17:53 Maybe. Yeah, we can put it in there. What is the vehicle now for that American sentiment? It's like the comic book movie, I guess. Oh, shit. I don't know what that means That's a proxy for it We used to just like
Starting point is 01:18:09 Paint these scenarios You're right It is the degeneration It's the regression Adolescence Now we're literally like children Where instead of like At least conceptualizing our
Starting point is 01:18:25 fears into like not some higher art form i'm not saying independent state actually independent state's pretty good but not expressing it like that but you know what i mean now it's just like we have to regress like children and hold our little teddy bears in bed at night when we're afraid of the dark you know and those are like uh Marvel or whatever just came out Doctor Strange or some shit that shit was trash I got a different take on the Marvel universe I tend to be
Starting point is 01:18:53 rather satisfied by the older MCU but they just haven't been cranking out the good ones in the last couple years the problem is the saturation it's the saturation I mean i'm not against it on principle i'm not like i don't think that it's stupid a bad concept it's just the the fact that it's not only saturated but it's the only game yeah yeah right it's the only game in town i would
Starting point is 01:19:18 call it hegemonic in the sense that like it demands loyalty and respect and fealty. And it in a way creates a hierarchy where there's that kind of movie. And then there's the other kind of movie. Yeah. You know what I mean? Where like the Northmen or some shit like that, you know? Right. Whereas like American cinema was never like that.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Like American cinema had like regular movies about adult themes that were blockbuster hits. Yes. Yes. And then they also had the, you know, silly, dumb action blockbuster too. But it was never, hegemonic is the perfect word for it, man. I remember somebody, there was this tweet where this dude was like, everybody's clowning on these Marvel movies now. But in like in a decade, they're going gonna be the only things playing at like matinee
Starting point is 01:20:05 theaters and shit and i'm like well it's because all the matinees are gonna get shut down and bought by fucking disney dog you know exactly it's like you're more right than you realize you're right for the wrong reasons exactly and i love comic books man but like i'm not like he said i'm not against it on principle it's just the fact that it's like hegemonic yeah well i mean it's sort of become sort of the uh bob dylan sucks beatles suck of like yeah you're right you know what i mean yeah and it's like you know there's some there's some good movies in there you know but yeah it's right it's like, you know, there's some good movies in there, you know. But, yeah, that's right. It's just the hegemonic only game in town thing that sucks.
Starting point is 01:20:52 I would say like 95% of them suck. I'm comfortable with that. I would say even more than 95%. I would say like 98%, 99%. It's like six movies that don't suck. Yeah, I think I'm... Out of 30. Well, that's the thing. Even the ones I like,
Starting point is 01:21:05 I don't remember anything about them. That's a weird thing. No, they just made me feel good. It's weird, dude. Every time I try to recall a plot line from one of those movies, I'm like, man, did I...
Starting point is 01:21:15 Maybe that could be because I just get baked as fuck before I go to a comic book movie. Of all the movies, there's movies you can't watch while you're stunned or you just get like lost or like you won't absorb the impact but like getting baked as fuck before like that's probably correlation might equal causation there you know i remember those movies i was thinking about this i remember those movies only because
Starting point is 01:21:42 of memes right like the way i remember like those avengers movies is like the thanos snap shit it's because yeah it's fucking me you know like it's like now these movies too i've been thinking about that the relationship between these movies that are crazy memeable because i was thinking about i was i did an episode of my podcast about other podcasts on morbius you know and we were talking about the memeing of that movie and how all of the memes were never scenes from the actual movie. Right. They were just like stills that shit from the trailer.
Starting point is 01:22:11 So nobody ever really watched it. Right. So relationship now with memes and movies where like, I don't know. It's like the, the movie, the movie. Are you saying Morbius was good?
Starting point is 01:22:22 It just got tanked by the memes. No, the memes are better than he's an apologist. He's we have a Morbius was good and just got tanked by the memes? No, no. The memes are better than the movie. He's an apologist. We have a Morbius apologist on the show this week. Very persecuted community. It's kind of the same thing with music.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Everything is made with memes in mind at this point. Already prepackaged to be memeable. Which, whatever, i don't care about that either i just hate that like that's the only game in town and then it's you know it affects everything else yeah yeah i mean yeah because sometimes it's like man i mean i guess i could do a better job of like not being like a dope and sitting there and watching like a marvel movie or something you know i could read a book or something but it's like dude movies are cool i just wish they weren't all full of plastic people you know with superpowers and shit right i mean yeah dude um well anyways
Starting point is 01:23:17 going back to what we were talking about earlier let's let's tie a bow on this thing. Cause I, I just want to return to these polls. Cause like, I think they're kind of amusing. Just the fact that that's what, that's like, you know, that's what the New York times is going with this week. Like there's mass disillusionment in society.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Like there's mass abandonment, like a big part of that article, New York times article about how people are sold on, uh, America right now, or they're not sold on it they're selling on it um is about how they uh you know they think that the constitution needs to be reformed or um i don't know fellas let me americans bipartisan cynicism about government signals a striking philosophical shift here it is this is the way they're kind of naturalizing for generations democrats campaigned on the idea that government was a force for good while republicans sought to
Starting point is 01:24:17 limit it now the polling shows the number of americans in both parties who believe their government is capable of responding to voters concerns has shrunk um so i don't know it's uh seems to me that that's not really news though i guess right people i mean i think we probably have intuitively known that for a while maybe well it's best it's really best summed up. I heard somebody say this one time. We used to have Johnny Cash, Bob Hope, and Steve Jobs. Right. Now we have no Cash, no Hope, and no Jobs. No Jobs.
Starting point is 01:25:02 I think you're right. That does summarize a very distinct feeling. You know, I mean, if we could, I guess, I don't know if I'm undoing the bow, but one thing I think is interesting is that I saw that, so there's that where people vote on both sides of the aisle are more disillusioned. But I've also seen that, like um record numbers of democrats like registered democrats have switched republican and vice versa yeah i've seen that recently and i've even seen something even more recently was kind of terrifying about how many like non-white people um identify
Starting point is 01:25:38 as democrats and that has been like the lowest that it's been at and like i don't know like decades you know what i mean so i'm saying like at the one hand, you have people who are like the contradiction, man. You got the disillusionment in mass. But then you also have people that I don't know where they are, maybe in the middling, this middling, you know, that are like hyper politicized, like hyper polarized, you know? So I don't know, man. Yeah. The problem is, is like, I guess that would seem to imply that like
Starting point is 01:26:07 where do you approach them from because it's like not going to be in a campaign because they're i guess demoralized by that or you know what i mean like they don't see it as a route for any kind of change or anything yeah i don't know uh that's interesting to to hear though i mean i feel like a realignment is occurring for sure for sure well i mean you know or you could be like uh you'd be like a boy chris smalls man you know with the amazon union where he just brought him pizza and weed and got them to join a union that's honestly this is the basic it's like that scene in angels in the outfield he's like we need danny glover he's like we need to go back to fundamentals and that's why i wanted to have
Starting point is 01:26:50 danny glover on the show and i tried really hard to get it oh man i would love that man so it is it is not true that if you throw up the socialist bat signal that danny glover will if you just give him 48 hours notice he'll show up hey daddy there's a brother on the show now, Danny. Come on. Come on through, Danny. Come on through. There's been a demographic shift, Danny. There's been a demographic shift over a year, dog. Come on through. Oh, shit, man. Oh,
Starting point is 01:27:17 fuck. Alright, boys. Well, let's call this one for this week. Thanks for listening and tuning in. If you'd like to hear more, go to
Starting point is 01:27:34 And please God, just want more. Just, you know, just let's we told people last week to start stealing and committing violent crimes. This week, you could steal a nuke. You could sell it to, like, I don't know who's buying nukes these days.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Probably the LaRoucheites. Non-governmental actors. Yeah. The K-Hive is like probably literally buying nukes oh no they would yeah you could probably sell a couple nukes to the K-Hive so go find some
Starting point is 01:28:14 the K-Hive with a nuclear weapon would spell the we've talked about what would end it all that would be no it would be nuclear annihilation that's the thing that fear infuriates me like they're in life it's like you get kind of ostracized or people look at you funny or treat you weird because you're like oh a communist it's like i'm literally normal i'm fine
Starting point is 01:28:38 like the people the people who are insane are people like K-Hive people. Those are irrational actors. Those are people who are bad hombres. Those are the bad hombres you get worried about. You worship a career cop with aphasia. Who dated Montel Williams that's random really? I didn't even know that
Starting point is 01:29:11 that's hella random you should get Montel on the show spill it Montel let us know let's get her dad on the show her Marxist Jamaican father that'd be a nice panel Her Marxist Jamaican father. That'd be a nice panel. Her Marxist Jamaican father and Montel.
Starting point is 01:29:31 So we can just all talk shit about Montel. Mm-hmm. Oh, shit, man. Okay. All right. Well, thanks for tuning in this week. We'll see you next time. Go to the Patreon. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Bye.

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