Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 261: Internalized Misophonia

Episode Date: September 15, 2022

This week we get into a bit of melungeon and diet talk, and then turn to a new entry in the Getting The Goods segment Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 People are great. Everything's great. God is great. Beer is great. People are great, too. People are also great. Had to get my last drink of water out of the way so we don't lose any more subscribers to Missiphonia.
Starting point is 00:00:21 You stepped in it. I knew it was gonna happen. I had a bad week. me eat my god damn ice cream People were so Fucking They were ready to burn this motherfucker down All the good graces we earned From having experienced a world historic flood
Starting point is 00:00:39 People were ready to burn this motherfucker down Unraveled in a moment By this knots Enjoying some fucking dairy free Ben and Jerry's ready to burn this motherfucker down. Unraveled in a moment by this knots enjoying some fucking dairy free Ben and Jerry's. Mm-hmm. That's how the world is, man. People will turn on you like that.
Starting point is 00:00:54 If they hear you smacking, if they hear you... It's what have you done for me lately. It's what have you done for me lately. Yeah. Yeah. I'm joking. I'm sorry you're so repulsed by
Starting point is 00:01:11 the one thing brings me to god damn joy anymore yeah what are you apologizing for exactly my misophonia My misophonia. You, is misophonia when you are, you really, what does phonia mean?
Starting point is 00:01:34 What's the suffix? I guess the sound, sound, phone, earphone, phonia. Does that mean you're like hyper aware of the sound of miso? Well, I think, yeah yeah i think it's you go into a restaurant and you're like what the fuck is that sound are they in the back cooking with fucking miso what's funny about it is i don't know if i just never learned any table manners or what it was but i used to go to my buddy's house and his dad would jump down my ass as like an eight-year-old because i would be like chewing like smacking my lips or something
Starting point is 00:02:12 and i've i've never paid attention to that to like how anybody eats i've just never been that dialed into watching people eat or whatever yeah Yeah. But it brought back a little PTSD from Marty Mullins getting down my ass. See what you did to this man? You not only... You produced me to rubble. You... All because you couldn't fucking hack it
Starting point is 00:02:42 for five minutes of an episode. I don't even know if it was that long. It might have been the whole episode. No, it was about 20 minutes. I was really getting into it. Little mea culpa. I'm sorry. Come back.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I won't do it again. Well, look, state officials are coming to Letcher County on Thursday to answer questions about permits required to rebuild flooded homes. This is the number one podcast about permits. Yeah, we really do deep dive into permits. Permitting, right of way. We should be car talk, but for permitting. People call in and say, listen, ask us all their zoning questions.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I want to build a privacy fence to keep my neighbors out, but the city ordinance says this, and then we just say, well, listen, here's a workaround based on a precedent from 1968. The statute says technically if you board cattle at least three days out of the year, this rule doesn't apply to you anymore. Instead of click and clack, we're tick and tack. We're TNT. Tick and tack. Tick and tack.nt tick attack tick attack the tacky brothers the tack
Starting point is 00:04:09 show you how to skirt zoning and permitting laws yeah i love that they had they probably got so many questions and uh people pissed off in the comment section. They were like, we gotta get state officials down here. Is that what that concert is? The state officials are talking about Chris Stapleton, Tyler Childers, and Dwight Yoakam? It's about permitting.
Starting point is 00:04:38 They set up a concert with popular country artists so they could educate the masses about permitting. Yeah, yeah. Or it's like Dwight Yoakam shows up as a permit guy just to check and make sure of things above board. You're like, wait, aren't you multi-platinum recording artist
Starting point is 00:04:59 and sometime actor Dwight Yoakam? And he says, yeah, by day, but by night, I'm just your local neighborhood permits guy i'm the fire marshal of this town you're the winner you're the lucky winner of our new kentucky division of water celebrity permit technician contest and like they all have varied reputations. Stapleton is a little more like, well, technically, that ain't 40 feet from the house to that fence, but
Starting point is 00:05:32 between me and you, it is. He just wakes up and signs off. Right, right, right. Dwight Yoakam is like the hardliner. Who's the one that takes bribes? Tyler Childers. Yeah, Tyler one that takes bribes? Tyler Childers. Yeah, Tyler Childers takes bribes.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah, I'd say for the right price, we can... We can make this work. We can make this happen. We can make this work for us, Jeff. Yeah. He just does a little hand gesture. Yeah. They did mention that, actually.
Starting point is 00:06:08 The story has drawn outrage from residents still recovering from the disaster. That outrage has, in some cases, turned into threats towards county officials. Dude, they heard the podcast last week where you were like, I'm going to kick Terry Adams' ass, metaphorically. I rallied the troops, didn't I? You did, dude. You were like the organizer at the start of every, like, niche interest organizer meeting from, like, the 1970s.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And also probably union meetings. Who, like, holds out one stick and says, see this stick? And then he cracks it and says, see how easy that stick is to crack? By itself. Yeah, by itself. And then he holds out a handful of sticks
Starting point is 00:06:51 and he tries to crack them. And he does, and then he says, well, this metaphor falls apart because I'm very strong, but what I was getting at is together we're harder to break. I'm so weak that I would probably have a hard time with just the one stick.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I'm like, bending it over my knee. Terrence, sit down. Give that pencil so somebody can break it. So that my metaphor doesn't fall apart. No, dude, that's literally what happened. Because of the public outcry, the Letcher County Fiscal Court requested No, dude, that's literally what happened. Because of the public outcry, the Letcher County Fiscal Court requested that the state DOW Division of Water
Starting point is 00:07:32 have a physical presence in the county to answer questions about the law. That's hilarious. They were just like, can you send someone down here and get these guys off my bank? That lunatic Sexton's roused anti-me sentiment. I need some reinforcements.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Can you send me some officials and or a smattering of country music stars? Okay, this is interesting. If you're interested in hearing about the permit details itself, listen to last week's episode. This is part two. Truly the most riveting content we've ever done. And I'm not going to apologize for it. Sometimes all you can talk about sometimes the only content you have
Starting point is 00:08:28 in the hopper is permitting content um so the court requirement for permits to build in the floodplain is part of state and federal law and was part of a county ordinance passed by the ledger county fiscal court about 20 years ago but while the law has been in effect for years county officials since then have never actively enforced the requirement in addition many of the homes destroyed in july's flood were decades older than the law and had never flooded even though there were even though many were in the 100 year flood plain delineated by federal flood hazard maps there's a 100 year flood plain delineated by federal flood hazard maps. There's a 100 year flood plain? I think, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:08 God, I used to know about that stuff. I want to see the 3 million year flood plain. What's that? That's where that's where David Naramore's office sits. That's the 3 million year flood plain? Yeah, it's gonna come. It's just gonna
Starting point is 00:09:23 wipe out only him. Just one person. Just one person. That's the three million year floodplain. Yeah, it's gonna come, it's just gonna wipe out only him. Just one person. Just one person. The three million year floodplain. That's how you know God has a real vendetta against you. It's when it singles out one person for absolute annihilation. But everybody else is untouched.
Starting point is 00:09:41 That was the Moses thing. I mean, that's a common misconception like the flood only happened to moses everybody else was totally fine they just see this crazy guy going down their street on a massive arc and it's got two of every animal on it they're like they're there goes fucking no again did i say moses yeah i think you said mo well It's easy to be confused because Moses traveled downstream as a baby. Moses and Noah. They were both involved in water. Yeah, Moses and Noah were like the Gary Busey and Nick Nolte of the Bible.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah, easy mistake to make. Moses was a bit more. Moses had magic, really. I mean, dude, he could do some magical shit. He talked to the flaming bush. He could do all kinds of stuff. Noah was just like a guy that was like a prepper. And then it just so happened he was right.
Starting point is 00:10:42 You're right. There is... You're very right, man. The prepper archetype is one that's been with us for a long time. As old as the species. Exactly. Don't slander it. Well, as long as we've been around,
Starting point is 00:10:56 I wonder if the first humans were concerned with Doomsday. They're like, whoa, what the fuck? We're here. Is this shit ever gonna end? Uh-huh. Like, has man just been hanging out until the inevitable collapse
Starting point is 00:11:16 from the beginning? Definitely. Well, at the beginning... Why were we selected to be part of it? At the beginning, we were fresh off a collapse. You know what I'm saying? I don't know what that collapse was. That collapse being we stopped fucking apes and...
Starting point is 00:11:36 We stopped... That was the collapse. We were all bereft. We were like... Yeah, we were drowning in simian pussy for too long we had too good for too long this early humanity started off with a massive depression not an economic or an ecological one but like a psychosocial one where we were all collectively sad we could no longer fuck our simian cousins anymore. And then it's like, okay, you evolve,
Starting point is 00:12:07 and eventually you get to the Neanderthals. Can you imagine being one of the last Neanderthals? The stigma that would hang around on you? Uh-huh. The rest of your kind is dying out. Well, you're of low intelligence. You still share a few too many traits from the olden days but you clean meanwhile everybody else is like homo sapien and you're like fuck man
Starting point is 00:12:32 i'm stuck this stupid fucking forehead she's never gonna like me i think you would clean up. I think that like being the last of your kind would get you all kinds of pussy. Neanderthals would be like the himbo's of their day. Yeah, like the homo sapiens are, yes. Like dumb as shit, but like chiseled out of stone, like physically fit. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Wrestle tigers with their bare hands and shit. Yeah, maybe that's what you want in a mate. I think that's what you want. Where's the rest of this story? Man, I hate the newspaper. Actually, I love, honestly, I love reading the newspaper.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I do the fucking crossword in it. Is there a crossword in the Mountain Eagle? Oh, yeah, dude. I do the Mountain Eagle crossword every week. Do you? The famous Mountain Eagle crossword puzzle. Yeah. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Weeks after the flood, county officials said they were told by the state that residents have to get a permit from the local floodplain coordinator the state division of water and possibly the army corps of engineer before rebuilding i saw a guy a guy that nobody knew existed before last week that's because no one has that job i just saw like they had a special court hearing this week and one of the items on the agenda was like hiring the floodplain coordinator they they had not done that so uh they were like uh yeah let's let's just do that real quick you know it's it's kind of a hell of a thing to think that like
Starting point is 00:14:22 terry adams is running for re-election. He's thinking, okay, the one thing that's going to galvanize my image as a competent leader is tying everybody up in a never-ending stream of red tape in their moment of need right before the election. Right. Right. That's what's going to get it done. That's what's going to separate me from the pack. That's what's gonna get it done That's what's gonna separate me from the pack
Starting point is 00:14:44 Dude So Read Check out this story This story was in the Mountain Eagle this week This is crazy Buried in
Starting point is 00:14:57 This has to do with permits Cause if it doesn't I'm just not really interested I'm kinda on the permits beat right now It has to do with bureaucracy and paperwork. That's a close second to permitting. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah, this is like buried in the back of the paper this week. Stream of open records requests creating havoc for county clerk's office here and elsewhere in U.S. So check this out. Some supporters of former President Donald Trump are clogging up the
Starting point is 00:15:31 Letcher County Clerk's Office with requests for years-old election records, just as the office is gearing up for the election in November while dealing with the biggest flood in the county's history. I like how the subtle liberal bias of the eagle slips in there. Yeah, I do too. Or they're like, oh yeah, they're tying just as everybody's dealing with the hardest tie ever. I like that impartiality. Or that partiality.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Right, yeah. Rather. That is the best part about the editorial voice of the Eagle. You know? Yeah. It has that slightly MSNBC liberal. Slightly late 80s, early 90s liberal. That's the house style.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But this is a crazy story about direct action it's a story about da and getting the goods well i also think this is hilarious for a couple reasons one is because the guy that encumbers the most is the biggest is like the biggest mega guy terry adams do you think he's doing this well i guess it would probably actually be like winston meade but still terry i guess by extension it is it's the clerk um so actually
Starting point is 00:16:55 terry adams has nothing to do with it right because if it's the clerk that's a whole other office in the county right right yeah i was just saying that like maybe because it's the clerk, that's a whole other office in the county. Right, right. Yeah, I was just saying that maybe, because it's all kind of got to go through. The buck kind of stops with him. But maybe he's the one that's egging it on. Maybe he's saying, look, we have a right to see all these elections. What if my election gets overturned? That's kind of what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah. He could be behind us. What if it's, yeah, what if it was widely reported that the coin was tails, but it's actually heads. On both sides. It's a two-sided coin with heads on both sides. And they make me give back my Councilman Tom Sexton plaque.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Sir, you never served. As far as we're concerned, you never served. As far as we're concerned, you never served. So, okay. Again, sorry about getting the goods. Every county in Kentucky is receiving the requests after right-wing activists took to the Internet and television promoting a coordinated email and letter writing campaign. At least three polling places in the county were flooded and two longtime poll workers died in the July 28 flood. Probably a poor choice of words there.
Starting point is 00:18:16 No, they've been there literally. Oh, it was flood? No, I'm like, actually with water. It was flooded with water. Not inundated. Flooded as in inundated. Flooded as in inundated. Flooded as in actual water got in the mail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:28 It got into the slots on the voting machine. Started spitting out chads from the 2000 election. People were like, oh, this is wacky. Yeah, I'm waiting for somebody. You know how the stream brought you a box of old Ned Beatty photographs? Yeah. I hope there's, like, a MAGA guy who claims that he found a box, like, in the same way Joseph Smith found those texts in the woods.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah, the tablets. Yeah. Like, he actually found some, like, redacted voting tallies, and there's some inconsistencies with how it shook out. This could be the origin of the new Q cult, you know? Like this area. Could. That would be interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:19 We need a good homegrown cult in the mountains. I agree. That seems like something we should have had by now. I need the most chaotic thing. Like the most chaotic right-wing conspiracy theory I could think of would be QAnon that had somehow managed to work in the Melungeons. I need
Starting point is 00:19:45 Melungeon content in my QAnon. I need Melungeon sprinkles. In the lore. Yeah, I need Melungeon sprinkles in my QAnon dish, you know? Yeah, I'm with you on that. That seems like fertile soil, too. The right-wingers
Starting point is 00:20:04 nationwide, they don't know what they're missing by not incorporating the melungeon lore you know that i think that's the uh yeah that's the thing that's gonna like well that's it they're trying to figure out how to unite and win at the midterms this november and i think the way you do that is going a little melungeon on them just fucking going going a little bit melungeon on them these are people prone to race myths anyway so it's like it wouldn't be that big of a stretch for them to start adopting it. Yeah. But what would it look like? Dude, J.D. Vance, it would be... You're not in the right.
Starting point is 00:20:50 It's like, discover your hidden Baltic ancestry slash native ancestry slash Scots-Irish. What is the political value or valence to the Melungeon myth? To what side does it lend advantage? I guess the right wingers? It's hard to say. It really is hard to say. For the longest time, I just thought it was some sort of kooky,
Starting point is 00:21:23 kind of like that Mountain Witch shit that people get on. It's like something that just, oh, yeah. But instead of like a great grandmother that could talk to animals, it was like, you know, I had a, my great great grandfather was half Cherokee, half Turkish. And then they kind of wait wait around for somebody to say, huh, that's interesting. They go, well, it really is. Let me tell you about my family history. It's just totally made up.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Oh, damn, I don't, this Wikipedia article treats it like it's not made up. Melungeons are an ethnicity from the southeastern U.S. who descend from Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans brought to America as slaves and indentured servants. Well, that's correct, though. Okay. The sub-Saharan
Starting point is 00:22:12 African part. The rest of it. Wait, what did it say now? Descended from who? It just says Europeans. This was in the middle. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That is the truth of it. But what the Mlungin people say, which is funny we're bringing this up because i was digging for this self-saved tape measure i'm holding my hand right now earlier and found
Starting point is 00:22:32 a sticker from the american melangeon society in that same bag but no what everybody else gets on is like there's like a hint of anti-blackness to it because what they really want is for pocahontas to be their great great great great grandmother and for them to have descended from like some combination of native americans and shipwreck turks but really they're just descended from partly from african slaves that were brought here to labor. I see. But they don't wanna accept that. Yeah, so this is the famed tri-racial isolates. Yeah. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:23:15 It's been one of those things I've always wanted to dive into. I think if you're JD Vance, you could use it to your advantage though in in some way what's how do you think jd's gonna utilize the melange myth well it doesn't have to be jd i guess it could be anyone in the q anon universe so like what is the central like like uh epistemological basis of q anon is it that reality itself is false is that is that the entire sort of philosophical premise that reality as you know it is that will be 100 honest with you i've i got lost in the q storm a long time ago
Starting point is 00:24:04 you like you got lost in the q song i don time ago. You got lost in the Q sauce? I don't know how the sausage is made. Also, I just never really took an interest in it in the same way a lot of people did. Wow. Sounds like... I mean, it's not that I wasn't interested in January 6th or anything like that,
Starting point is 00:24:18 but when I just saw friends and neighbors taking the oath on Facebook Live, I got really disinterested because to me i was like okay well this is going to be like the time they were into a pampered chef or throwing tupperware parties like it'll just be the fad of the day and then it'll be something else right maybe i was wrong about that or maybe it just comes back as something else you know it comes back to the malignance something else. It comes back to the Mlungens. That's what it comes back to.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Getting back to what you're saying about J.D., if J.D. Vance came out and said he was Mlungen, he cannot be racist because he is himself of Mlungen ancestry. So all these spurious claims of him uh hating blacks and immigrants and uh everybody else like what if he says listen i can't be racist i can't be anti-semitic i can't be this or that i myself am descended from shipwrecked turks and Cherokee Indians. See, in the mountains, those groups intermingled with the Scots-Irish and created what's called the Melungeon. People are like, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:36 All right, JD. I know Fiona Apple's probably the most famous person that claims Melungeon ancestry. is probably the most famous person that claims Melange and Ancestry. Well, dude, if you claim it, it's hard to disprove it. And that's its genius.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Because it throws you off. It's more complex and honestly more clever than claiming to be Native American when you aren't. Because it throws in some other... I see what you're saying. You see what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah, it kind of obscures the paper trail a little bit. So you can actually make a claim to it without getting ridiculed as trying to... The oppressor is now trying to become the oppressed. Yeah, like what it does... Like if you were to say your grandmother was Cherokee or something. Right, what it does is it comes at you from three different angles, and it throws you off.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Hence the tri-racial isolate. That's why it's called that. That's where Dolezal and everyone fucked up. If you're going to try to do that, you have to get creative with it. You have to. You gotta make a whole new race. You can't say you're black or you can't say,
Starting point is 00:26:51 who was the Jewish girl that said she was Jenny from the block? Was that the? Jessica Krug. Krug, Jessica Krug. Yeah. Yeah, that's where they all fucked up at. Yeah, because like. That's where they all fucked up at yeah because that's where they all fucked up at yeah
Starting point is 00:27:06 you um because let's say for example you do say oh i'm x race or ethnicity it's not that hard to go back through and disprove it using all the great resources provided to us by the Church of Latter-day Saints and their genealogy project. We don't accept any money from them. We're not sponsored. We just appreciate their work. Appreciate their work. But if you do that with the Mlungin thing,
Starting point is 00:27:38 then you say, all right, you disproved my Cherokee heritage, sure. But now you got two more to go bitch I'm throwing three kinds of smoke baby Well let's see you disprove the other two Well done You've passed the first trial This is yeah
Starting point is 00:27:58 You thought you had me I didn't believe in us A video game Where you're trying to disprove somebody's somebody's claims about the ref and this and it i mean it'd feel very bad if malungin really is a thing i mean it's a thing like that's why i've never been able to get into it because like generally everything i've read about it like the first or second sentence is like now this is not like a widely agreed upon thing like it always front lows the skepticism so i'm like all right well i guess i'm not gonna continue reading well hold on a second is there a list of famous melangeons um i mean i know fiona apple claims
Starting point is 00:28:44 it most famously, but are there others? I'm trying to see what we're working with if we were to do sort of a racial draft type situation. And we got some heavy hitters that some other cultures might want. Maybe Abe Lincoln. Abe Lincoln might have been. Famous Melungeons.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Basically, like any hillbilly whose features don't really add up they says melange like if you're a little too swarthy a little too olive skin if you have like black hair but like blue eyes you know one of the first okay
Starting point is 00:29:19 most of what is shown in this search is a list of non melange counterfeit melange if you will one of the first sites to show search is a list of non-malunctions, counterfeit malunctions, if you will. One of the first sites to show this is the Facebook site Malunctions. Wait, fake? People that have been disproven?
Starting point is 00:29:31 I guess so. Claim bitten or not? Someone did the work and again, they. Holy shit. So they've got to the point where they're actually rejecting people's claims of Melungeon. I think so.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I got, I have now, I have the perfect thing to do with, with some of our podcasting revenues after flood. We're going to start a Melungeon scholarship fund and it's going to go to the biggest liar. That's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:03 the kid that's just like says, yes, my great, great, great grandparents shipw the biggest liar. It's like, you know, the kid that just says, yes, my great-great-great-grandparents shipwrecked here from the Ottoman, from Ottoman Azerbaijan in 1538, and then they married chief something-something of the Eastern Band of Cherokee. What it does... And then, and then.
Starting point is 00:30:27 It really posits a very fascinating origin myth. I mean, because like a lot of the racial myths in America, they do date back to actual historical like waves of immigrants to North America. Yeah, there is like, you know, like a lot of, there was black folks in the South that claimed to be Indian or Native American to escape Black Woman Trial Clause and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:30:55 So there are like, I mean, but those are for very specific survival reasons too. Like this, this just is like, you know like weekend this is almost like joining like a motorcycle club or getting active in the kiwanis or something it's like anybody like anybody that's into racial myths and phrenology have i got the group for you if you're also from oak ridge tennessee well they're all equally ridiculous like i guess if you make up if you make fun of the melungeon myth well but the thing is is like you have to have a massive community i don't know because like all ethnicities in america are based on a myth in some respect all white ones anyways
Starting point is 00:31:39 the melungeon one has like a white ethnic identity at its core right scotch irish isn't that part of it that's there's three parts scott's irish is 33.3 percent native american usually cherokee is 33.3 percent and then the other 33.3 percent is some sort of mediterranean baltic And I've heard everything from Italian to Turkish to people from the Caucasus to Ukraine. We're Melungeons
Starting point is 00:32:16 enlisting to go fight alongside Zelensky and the Azov Battalion against Putin. I'm sure if you dug into it you'd find some guy some war tourist that also claimed melange and ancestry that went over there because he believed he had a shipwrecked ukrainian great-great-great-grandfather that married a cherokee princess that also married a you know a scotch-irish fucking frontiers I'm saying, like, this story as the myth itself is, like, if you track it geographically,
Starting point is 00:32:52 it's like the Turkish merchant shipwrecks on the shores of North America. Which, listen, let's just call it what it is. The shadow of the Ottoman Empire cast a long shadow and continues to cast a long shadow and continues to cast a long shadow that's true it continues to this day i mean really and truly we're all turks if you really get down to that's why it's also believable because it really you can't really sequence a genome past a couple of generations but if you could, I bet all of us have the fruits of Islam
Starting point is 00:33:25 vis-a-vis the Ottoman Empire in us. I'd say you're probably right. Like, let's say... Just my opinion. No, I agree. Our theoretical hypothetical Turkish merchant who shipwrecked here, he had to work his way slowly west
Starting point is 00:33:44 across the South. That's the other part. He touches down in Virginia Beach, but he has to get to Kingsport. Yeah. That's still a ways to go. In the process, he romances a Cherokee princess and... It's always got to be a Cherokee princess. It can always gotta be a Cherokee princess
Starting point is 00:34:05 Can't just be a standard Cherokee It's gotta be royalty Actually the chronology was probably he romanced A Scots Irish princess Well our women weren't sexualized Until much later And when you know You had Little Abner
Starting point is 00:34:23 And the Mountain Dew commercials and Daisy Dukes. Right, right. The mythical Scots-Irish princess, smoking marble reds and listening to Lil' White. Yeah, she'd be, like, fine as hell if, like, she had good teeth. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you keep going west. So then that produces an offspring, right? right like that's the first branch on the family
Starting point is 00:34:47 tree it's the turkish merchant and the scots irish princess and then they they have children and then is it the offspring of that that then meets the cherokee or are we talking like a threesome type situation you You know what I'm saying? The essence of what you're asking is how are tri-racial isolates made? Is it some sort of wife swap deal? Exactly. Or is it just like, because how do you form 33.3, 33.3, 33.3? Hard to do, honestly.
Starting point is 00:35:25 It is pretty hard to stick that landing. They needed to incorporate another 25%, and the strongest candidate would have been sub-Saharan Africans, but that shit ain't gonna play. Well, this Wikipedia article says that sub-Saharan Africans are. Well, that's the truth of the matter. Oh, so that is the truth?
Starting point is 00:35:44 Okay, so you're saying... Yeah, to the degree that you can sequence these genomes, people's ancestry actually comes in the Southeast, actually comes, but people can't really count the fact that they're like 164th black like that. Like that guy that went on Oprah in the 80s that just, when Oprah's like,
Starting point is 00:36:02 your great-grandfather was black, and he's just like... No! Okay, I understand now so this was a myth made up to assuage the psychological frailty it's kind of the inverse of like black guy is pretending to be Indian just uh to you know to escape the one drop loss it's the inverse of that it's like we're making up this ridiculous origin story to so we don't have to look in the face that we're like closely more closely related to black folks than we think yeah so it is racist in its origin therefore 100 it better serves the right wing but also democrats could very conceivably pass off
Starting point is 00:36:49 there was like did you see that video going around today that was basically about how every food is healthy every single food is healthy oh yeah i was gonna talk about that oh my gosh it was so... Like, everything is... The discourse on that was some of the worst I've seen from everybody involved. Everything is on the table now. So, Melungeons is back on the table. So if you're like Coca-Cola,
Starting point is 00:37:16 you should have a Melungeons campaign. So if hot Cheetos and Takis are part of a balanced breakfast, so are Melungeons. We're in... That's on the breakfast. So are Melungeons. That's on the table. That's on the table. Oh, my God. That shit was so funny because it's like everybody that weighs in on that kind of shit annoys me to no end.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Uh-huh. From, like, you know, the people that, like, are, like, really quick-tr quick triggered about calling out fat phobia all the way to the people that are like uh get on a treadmill fat ass you know like like everybody and everybody in between is so fucking i don't know just so annoying in that whole that whole deal yeah what it was if i remember it wasn't in a video they were showing at a school in California. Is that even true? I think it was literally a video from someone who works as a consultant to like sugary food,
Starting point is 00:38:15 probably like Nabisco or some shit like that. I think it was like Mondelez. I think it's like one of those big international conglomerates that I think they make like, I think they make hot Cheetos and Takis actually. It's weird because that it's weird that like the same people who would be insane about misinformation that flies past their radar.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Like if you, if you're like, here's how I feel about all this. Okay. If you are incensed, okay. And say that something is fat phobic because you're saying uh because somebody points out that again hot cheetos and takis are are if you're somebody that's incensed that like
Starting point is 00:38:56 the idea that like injecting bleach to kill covid 19 is just like so crazy yeah that's what i was like you also have to look in the eye that like and listen i love little debbie cakes i will tell you this i love little debbie cakes but you really have to look in the eye and say uh fudge rounds are not good for you like that it shouldn't be a big leap but apparently for some people it is what's the monster combo from last week right right right you know like the monster combo should be illegal it should literally not be legal to give that to people people were offering us money to eat one on on the live stream that's how bad it is for you when people try to goad you with money to eat something it's generally not good for you uh-huh my heart would literally explode if i if i drank a monster energy drink
Starting point is 00:39:50 or i ate two whatever what was it like bologna sandwiches or no it was a biscuit with egg fried egg hash browns sausage bacon and bologna and it was two of those right and then a monster energy and then a monster energy drink yeah i would be i would be in the icu they literally might as well be serving you like they might as well be going to like an irradiated like chernobyl and getting the uranium rods and like slicing them like bread into little patties and selling you uranium patties under this it's a lateral move to be totally honest yeah you show up to the hospital it's like yeah it's the third monster combo guy we've got this week my god he's got to stop selling those things yeah i mean that whole all that shit was ridiculous i mean there there are there are
Starting point is 00:40:53 people that are like uh you know heinous to fat people and everything like that and all and all the that equation and it the whole shit is tricky man i've struggled i mean i used to i was a former division one athlete i'm a fat boy and i've struggled my way my whole life and it is a tricky thing but i think it's like that is a separate question like you know like like giving people their basic dignity that's a separate question than being honest and candid about certain foods are not good for you well i think it's what makes it so egregious is like if someone was saying that on tiktok i wouldn't really give a shit but if it's being shown to kids i guess maybe that's what makes people angry is that like if you're an adult you can make your own decisions sure but like if we're just giving kids if we're letting kids eat like 12 oreos in a sitting
Starting point is 00:41:51 and being like that's all right like it's it's bad for more reasons than just what they were pointing out in this video like weight issues or whatever. Like, you're also gonna consider, like, the whole holistic body. And so, I don't know, man. It's just another, it's just, I guess it's just another example of being an issue that's really not gonna be able to be addressed under current political economic conditions. Well, one thing I thought about when I was hearing about that is, under current political economic conditions.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Well, one thing I thought about when I was hearing about that is, you know, fresh vegetables and fruits and so forth are generally not conducive to capitalism, perishable goods. You know what I mean? Yeah, right. Like if you're going to make a ton of money, it's generally not going to come from stuff that doesn't have a very long shelf life. So they have to sell you the canned stuff and the boxed stuff
Starting point is 00:42:44 and the packaged stuff and the stuff that's packed with preservatives and sugar and you know everything i mean i don't have to tell anybody this shit's jammed down our throats our whole life in this country but you really have to think about in terms of like wasn't it ronald reagan that famously deemed a packet of ketchup as counting as like a vegetable in like public schools i mean that should give the whole game up about like what we're sold is like oh this is totally normal add to the fact that our knowledge of nutrition is like i mean maybe given a a bit of a point to certain folks on the other side of the argument is like our knowledge of nutrition is where surgery was in the 1700s
Starting point is 00:43:28 yeah it's so individualized yeah like some people could probably eat fucking you know sleeves of Oreo cookies and live to be 97 but like I would my hunch is those people are the exception
Starting point is 00:43:44 not the rule but like there's got to be a way to have that conversation that does not veer into oh you're a fat lazy degenerate piece of shit because you're overweight or you you you're whatever you know like that shit is like to me it's it's dead wrong too. It's weird. I was reading this story in maybe the New York Times or something a few days ago about how the government of Canada is about to release new,
Starting point is 00:44:14 like its health agency is about to release new guidelines on drinking. And they're basing it off of a study that says that anything more than two drinks a week is bad for you and like two beers or two glasses of wine or yeah anything more than cocktails or whatever yeah it's bad for you and i actually probably do agree with that but what was crazy about it is that like they were comparing it to the u.s government's drinking like guidelines like i guess the cdc or fda whoever the fuck issues those and in america i think it's 10 drinks a week for
Starting point is 00:44:52 women and 15 drinks a week for men like that's what they say is bad for you it's like man that's a lot of fucking drinks a week but like 10 oh i guess the rationale is two drinks a day during the week right i guess so i mean i was well what was interesting was like i was reading that and then i was in the microfilm the other day and i was i saw like i was looking at a newspaper from like 97 or 98 and there was literally a story in there that said, two drinks a day reduce your possibility or your risk of cardiovascular disease. And you see this all the time.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yeah, that old canner, yeah. Dude, you see this all the time. There's always these stories that come out there. It's like, coffee reduces your risk of early death, or wine. Yeah, it's some sort of counterintuitive thing. Like, actually hitting a bump of cocaine in the morning has some cardioprotective benefits.
Starting point is 00:45:53 You wouldn't think that, but, yeah, putting a homemade concoction that includes kitty litter and battery acid up your nose is actually, could be conducive to a healthy life. One monster combo a day will have you. Just one in the morning. Not going to hurt anything. That is the thing.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Every time someone lives past the age of 100 or 105, they're always interviewed, like what's your secret to long life? And it's always like an epic like lad Bible article that's like one bourbon, like one bourbon a day, that's your secret. Like,
Starting point is 00:46:35 and that's probably, that might. Willie, they always talk about Willie Nelson. Willie, yeah, exactly. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:46:41 Willie Nelson smokes nine pounds of grass a day, man, and he's old as shit. But you never ever see anyone say one monster combo a day. Well, until now. That's what we're promoting. Right. I'm going to live to 102. Mr. Ray, how'd you do it?
Starting point is 00:47:02 I had one monster combo a day. I feel like this man. Mr. Ray, how'd you do it? I had one monster combo date. I feel like this man, wow. Wow, that's the secret sauce, huh? Fried bologna on a goddamn biscuit and an energy drink. I know, energy drink. The thing is, my point being though, is that it's validation of what you were saying earlier. I think that, and this is, I don't know anything about this, literally fast and loose shooting
Starting point is 00:47:30 from the hip here, but it seems to me that, like, a lot of the methodology and quantitative research in nutrition can probably be, you can get a large amount of data and you can probably push that data in any direction. It's probably very fungible is what I'm saying. Because human beings, like individually our bodies are so varied. Are so varied. Our metabolisms are.
Starting point is 00:47:57 You could find a subset of people that are gonna respond to, there's some people that'll live to 106, eat nothing but gummy bears and Fiji water. You know what I mean? And other people would diet 37 with that diet on to there's some people that'll live to 106 eat nothing but gummy bears and fiji water you know what i mean and other people would diet 37 with that diet from malnutrition the other thing too i think and all that is like um try to think of how to like phrase this without like sounding totally insane but
Starting point is 00:48:29 like i don't think like listen as a guy that struggled with his weight for much of his life and who has been like as fit as fit can be and uh you know not in the opposite of is of the exact opposite of fizz if it could be like i just really not interested here at anybody that's never dealt with weight like weigh in on shit like that yeah like that whole issue because it's like yeah motherfucker because like here's what i know about you motherfuckers y'all can eat like uh goddamn six packs of m&Ms, but because you're thin, you make everybody think that you just eat fucking lean turkey breast and brown rice
Starting point is 00:49:10 and, you know, broccoli three meals a day and you work out diligently. It's like, no. Like, we all eat bullshit from time to time. You know what I mean? Some of us live off gas station food,
Starting point is 00:49:22 present company included. I eat so much every day it's insane how much food i eat and like old people are literally always like we gotta put your weight on them bones you know what i mean like always trying to feed i'm like i fucking eat i eat like four fucking meals a day and i particularly in the south where we eat for entertainment yeah when we're bored, let's go eat. You know what I mean? Like other places, it's like, oh, let's go for a hike.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Let's go for a bike ride. And we're like, let's go get, let's go to that barbecue joint. It's a tough question, but here's the other thing too. And it's the thing that I kind of hate about the people that are like being a little pedantic about like and preachy about like food choices and personal responsibility and all that kind of shit it's like like what man like we're a country that like they're like the state food of every like state is called something like big don's belly buster or something you know what i mean and like every every we all go to places that would have been on diners drive-ins and dives and
Starting point is 00:50:29 it's like nobody wants to be told like what to eat or like from a political perspective how do you feel like how do you feel like that's a winner you know what i mean right i think it's different there's people that like very have pointed out like we should be honest and candid about like these big corporations and like them trying to sell us that oh actually having 200 grams of sugar a day is perfectly healthy and you know like they have bottom lines that are yeah you know tied to all this kind of propaganda we've had shoved down our throat like even the low fat debacle of the 80s and 90s you know right like where you just like you took out fat because fat was the bogeyman but then you just replaced it with a bunch of sugar and people were eating them snack well cookies to uh you know north of 200 uh cholesterol right high blood
Starting point is 00:51:19 pressure and everything else uh but the whole question there's plenty of room for debate on and it's all individualized you know so like i i see like people rightly calling stuff out but then i see other people being like yeah fuck you it's like uh yeah like uh kidney failure and high cholesterol is totally normal we shouldn't that's just a construct and it's like it's a little more complicated than that and also that that shit is tired yeah because there's people that run 12 goddamn miles a day that have high cholesterol because of hereditary issues and have to take statins and everything else like this is a very complicated thing yeah yeah well i think like what's not complicated is that the there are corporations that stand to i mean it's just like when they came up with oxycontin like they literally marketed it as something that would be good for you like right they even came up with this concept of like pseudo addiction.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And... Same with benzos and stuff. Yeah. For the erratic housewife. It's just, dude, what it is, like we just attach morality to fucking everything. Whether it's food or drugs or whatever. When in all actuality... Misophonia.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Do what? Misophonia? Misophonia. And it's like there's just corporations that are making massive fucking bank off of all this stuff there's no moral valence to there's no moral weight to doing a drug or eating a specific food it just is what it is do what yeah no yeah no you're right it's just like it just is what it is and yeah sometimes we eat uh asparagus and turnips and sometimes we eat the monster combo from yeah double quick yeah exactly and uh and and so that makes it because we're americans i guess
Starting point is 00:53:24 i don't know maybe politics is like this in every other country i have no idea but here And so that makes it, because we're Americans, I guess, I don't know, maybe politics is like this in every other country, I have no idea. But here, we have to attach morality to every single thing. There is no materialist analysis to anything. Materialism is not a thing that is prevalent in American society. No, it's just, here's the topic du jour. How can I get fake mad about it?
Starting point is 00:53:49 Exactly. And ascribe some sort of moral standing to your choices regarding it. Exactly. And how am I a good person for having X position on it or whatever? And here's why you're a piece of shit for locking uh poutine all right poontang uh
Starting point is 00:54:08 yeah whereas like i i think like as adults as materialists which is which means you're an adult truly like materialists are the only truly. Materialists are the only. Marxists are the only adults in the room. I think we can just say that there's massive forces out there trying to cram this shit down our throats. And a lot of us do it willingly, myself included. You know how many drugs I've taken and it's bad for me? But I do it anyways because pharmaceutical companies make it very easy to do.
Starting point is 00:54:47 And fun to do. And fun. Doesn't mean it's good for me. Doesn't mean I'm a bad person for doing them. Unless I'm hurting other people in the process then I have to step back and look at it. But there's no moral weight to putting the thing
Starting point is 00:55:03 inside of your body. Yes, and what it is is people yelling at a video collectively. Yeah. And just throwing out a bunch of just piecemeal takes that don't really equate to much. Yeah. I need to watch the video. I've not even watched the video.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Sometimes some videos give me anxiety. I would literally have an easier time watching a beheading video than a video like this. I could watch an ISIS beheading video much easier than I could watch a viral video that everybody's weighing in on on Twitter. I'm not exaggerating. In the slightest.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I have a much higher tolerance for snuff films than I do for the video du jour that everybody's mad about. Literally, last week, it was like, there is, like, video, oh, there is video
Starting point is 00:56:01 of Steve Irwin getting killed by a stingray, and I was i was like hell yeah let's fucking find that shit shut up i want to see how the king matters in oh man i gotta finish this article um about the the maga the trump train the q anon warriors patriots um doing some da some some getting the goods finally i love getting off their ass and doing the thing they're getting the goods um so anyways back to yeah they supporters of president donald trump clogging up lecture county clerk's office with requests for years old election records open records requests that's the funny thing like i filed those like just as like a journalist or like a sort of lefty concerned
Starting point is 00:57:02 citizen or whatever like it's something that you traditionally associate with leftists i feel like like filing like open records requests and like foia requests and shit yeah um like against okay so three polling places in the county were flooded and two longtime poll workers died in the July 28th flood. Oh, I didn't even know that. That's fucking crazy. Some other poll workers lost their homes and cars, and clerk's office employees had similar damages. Against that backdrop, Meade's office is receiving multiple open records requests per day, seeking information from elections as far back as 2015.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Some of the requests are from people claiming to have plans to file lawsuits and demanding preservation of voting records as far back as 2019. Federal law requires that information be retained for 22 months. It's killing us because we're already limited on workers and all this flood disaster stuff we're having to deal with. It's five or six times as much work each one of them is having to do, Winston Meade said, the county clerk. Under Kentucky law, public agencies are required to respond.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Add a little color real quick. Winston Meade's also an amateur veterinarian. He used to be the go-to guy to get your cat fixed in the county before there was a vet here. Really? Yeah, he had emus and ostriches run around on his property too it's pretty wild that's tight that's pretty tight isn't he a trailbillies fan i don't know maybe i just make that up we should get him on that would be so tight or one of his family members
Starting point is 00:58:42 like is it might be. Yeah, maybe. Shout out if you are, if you're listening. We'll come help hold the line against the Patriots. I will, yeah. Dude, they're going to do a January 6th on our county courthouse to get the records. That would be so fucking tight. That would be so... Dude dude it would be so fucking it would be it would be the stupidest thing you can imagine they're gonna
Starting point is 00:59:16 they're gonna have the q anon shaman come down i want to know listen god damn it i want to know, listen, goddammit, I want to know the real result of the 1986 Constable District 2 race. And if you don't provide me that information, I am not leaving. Hey, would you go be the local QAnon shaman in this equation? I would do it. I'd be the QAnon shaman. You would show up with the horns and if you'd be like winston i don't know what to tell you that they want the records you're kind of like the uh the reasonable shot i'm a reasonable q and i listen i don't want to unleash these beastly
Starting point is 01:00:00 hordes but listen they do make some cogent points. Under Kentucky law, public agencies are required to respond to open records requests within five days and with a short staff and a looming election, the requests are taking time away from other duties. Well, the Patriots didn't know that, guys, that you
Starting point is 01:00:21 can't hold this against them. They did not know that the county would be, unless they did, unless this was a coordinated attack to gum up the works of the administrative state, man. Man, they are laying their bodies on the gears, man. What you gotta do, that's what you gotta do. That's what you gotta do, It's what you gotta do. It's what you gotta do. You gotta grind it to a halt.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Some, I guess that's what it says. Some experts say that's the point. Matt Crane, head of the Colorado Clerks Association, told the Washington Post that the requests are a denial of service attack, DOS, a term normally used to describe hackers who access a computer system repeatedly to max out its resources and crash the system crane told the post that mike lindell
Starting point is 01:01:12 i knew it i knew mike lindell would show up here the pillow man a pillow man and the towel man i've talked all i've talked on some past episodes about his towels. Pretty good. His towel technology. Yeah, his theory that China is making cheap towels bad so that the average American won't be dry enough. So we're going to be a bunch of wet boys. We're too wet. That's true. Yeah, you can't win the battle against communism if you're damp.
Starting point is 01:01:43 His towels make you dry as fuck, dog. Okay. Mike Lindell, pillow company owner and Trump supporter who put out the call for requests to be made, could have made the requests himself. Instead, he called on thousands of supporters to send them in. They put out this call to action for people to do it, and they know it's going to inundate these offices, especially medium and small offices who are understaffed and overwhelmed
Starting point is 01:02:09 already they know exactly what they're doing he said in an interview matt crane said that the requests here are coming from outside the state or from other parts of kentucky what the fuck dude they're targeting our fucking county government from like the calls come from inside the house. That's right. Like Elizabethtown. Some fucking MAGA asshole in Elizabethtown is causing... is calling Winston Meade to get records on the 2016...
Starting point is 01:02:40 I guess. Also hilarious because Trump won pretty easily here. Wouldn't these obstructionist efforts be better served in, I don't know, Massachusetts? What the fuck are they looking for exactly? What smoking gun are you looking for? Your guy won. The requests here are coming from outside the state or from other parts of Kentucky, including a request from a Republican state senator who has already drawn the ire of the Republican secretary of state, who dismissed her in an interview with the blog Kentucky Fried Politics as having no reputation or credibility in the legislature.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Southworth, Republican from Lawrenceburg, is well known as an election denier, traveling the country, spreading conspiracy theories that the presidential election was stolen. Southworth sent emails to all 120 county clerks requesting precinct names. Is this the person that tweeted, stop teaching kids pronouns and teach them grammar? I think so. Which is the best thing I've heard since Jamal McGlore famously said the 98 Kentucky Wildcats were starting to show spurts of consistency.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Southworth sent emails to all 120 county clerks requesting precinct names and codes, sample ballots, recapitulation sheets for each voting machine and its total votes voting center plan documents and spreadsheets
Starting point is 01:04:12 showing every voter who voted including supplemental that includes Tom Sexton of the socialist workers party god I'm fucked dude I'm the only SWP voter there I bet that time they're gonna find your ass in the back of the book
Starting point is 01:04:27 they're like we knew it the smoking gun we were looking for this whole time the smoking gun we were looking for only long term listeners of Trillbillies will get that one that's a that's a deep, deep cut. If Assuming Apple Music hasn't taken it down,
Starting point is 01:04:49 go find the back of the book, one of the earlier episodes for context. She wants that information for both the primary and general election in 2020. Secretary of State Adams told the Mount Eagle on Tuesday that Southworth has a right to request documents the same as any other citizen, but said she should not be using her public office to further her political agenda. Reached by email, Southworth said the request is for a legislative purpose and focused on previous election bills she introduced which did not pass this particular
Starting point is 01:05:33 request was inspired by a constitute by a constituent asking for a specific data in a certain county i had not looked at yet i then decided if I do both my whole districts, both old and new after redistricting, what about all the other districts who have legislators with the same questions? God damn, this person is a fucking idiot. Adam said, Southworth has partnered with the pillow guy. Referring to Lindell,
Starting point is 01:06:05 who called on his supporters to send the request. After Adams was quoted by the Washington Post, Lindell posted a video on YouTube insinuating that Adams stole the election, which he won in 2019. Oh, this is their... They're turning on their own. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I don't know if Secretary of State Adams is a Republican or a Democrat. It depends on... Oh, I thought it meant Terry Adams. No, it's kind of confusing because Sam Adams wrote this. Terry Adams is our county judge and the Secretary of State is named Adams.
Starting point is 01:06:40 I don't know his first name. So it's confusing. A lot of Adamses. Just like at the founding of America. Just like the founding of man. Yeah. It's like the founding of our species. Southworth denied coordinating the request with anyone else,
Starting point is 01:07:00 but video available online shows she appeared with Lindell on stage and appeared eight days before her request on Lindell's website, Frank Speech, along with Stephen Knipper, whom she described as her election expert. Knipper ran against Adams in the 2019 primary, an election expert. expert. Another request came from Yehuda Miller, a county Republican committee member in Teaneck, New Jersey, who asked for a spreadsheet containing, quote, in the sequence processed by the county, every ballot, its sequential ID, its timestamp, its method of voting, the specific votes for all races, and other information for every election beginning with the primary election in 2015. To be clear, I'm not requesting a summary report of votes, Miller wrote. I'm requesting a pre-ballot report.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Okay, this gives me an idea. I feel like every time I've gone to file a request with the archivist, every time I've gone to the archivist, I always feel like I'm annoying that person with my request because I always feel like they're thinking of me like, oh, this lefty commie hippie bastard thinks he's gonna take us down. Well, it's probably not that so much as it is you get into that role thinking
Starting point is 01:08:23 that you're never gonna going to work a day in your life and then somebody comes in and it's like makes you work a day multiple days yeah um but with this situation like the right wingers are pissing the archivists off and the clerks and so we could get in there we could worm our way in there and be like, you know, we're the good guys here. You know who's not annoying? The American left. Right, right. Now I'm going to need to see your landholding documents,
Starting point is 01:08:57 1973 to 1991. I'm going to need to see property tax records. A good one would be to get all the... It is kind of heartbreaking when you see... You can go back and look at records of people getting fucked out of their land and mineral rights by these coal companies. A lot of times they can't even sign their name because they're illiterate. They just, like, put a mark. Uh-huh. That happened to me just yesterday.
Starting point is 01:09:27 You got fucked out of your mineral rights yesterday? Just yesterday, yeah. I got fucked out of my mineral rights. What did you have that was valuable underneath the ground? Diamonds. Diamonds and lithium. Diamonds and lithium and uranium. And monster combo biscuits I'd been bearing for years. Have now enriched into uranium.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Someone came by and stole those minerals out from under my feet. Those precious minerals. Can you imagine during that time, though, those people probably thought, this dumb bastard wants some rocks out back here. He's gonna give me $20
Starting point is 01:10:07 to dig around. It's an honest mistake to make. Yeah. A request from Bobby Sue Coleman of Vine Grove in Hardin County contains the identical wording in Miller's request. It's hilarious. She just copied and pasted it.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Likewise, the request from Nancy K. Wood in Conyers, Georgia, while formatted differently, contains the same wording as requests by both Miller and Coleman. A request from Kimberly Fowler of Morganfield in Union County asked for a number of computer system reports,
Starting point is 01:10:42 including a log showing quote, all actions performed on the system and all log entries, information that national experts have said would compromise the election system. Yet another email sent to all clerks in the state is from a woman named Mackenzie Hardue, who identified herself as concerned citizen of Kentucky, member of Kentucky Stands United.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Oh, God. It's always some variation of that. Anytime you get a concerned citizen, that's no good. Concerned citizens are no good. It's like, yeah, it's really a coin flip if you're going to get, like, you know, like the Martin County concerned citizens. Good. But then, like, usually it's just the Martin County concerned citizens. Good. But then, like, usually it's just somebody that's, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Trying to make some paperwork for somebody. Right. To conceive of yourself as a citizen requires a very interesting kind of ideological sort of formulation, right? Like, most people, i feel like most poor people you know because we've all sort of internalized the capitalist realism or whatever don't really conceptualize ourselves as quote-unquote agents of change and so to conceptualize yourself as that as like a concerned citizen you have to have some ideaize yourself as that, as a concerned citizen,
Starting point is 01:12:08 you have to have some idea of yourself as someone who actually can make some degree of... A very specific type of brain disease. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not to say that every person who is in those groups is of a certain class, but... Anyways. I don't even know what the point i'm making i do like her label though concerned citizen of kentucky member of kentucky stands united that request has a
Starting point is 01:12:33 subject line that reads notice of prospective litigation demand for records retention and includes an attachment titled evidence demand i love these boomers just attaching like word documents that just says like evidence demand on it yeah and it's like all garbled because it's like windows xp version's not been updated all right like they they conceive of themselves as like hackers in the dark room in the green screen in front of them like they're like i'm about to fire this torpedo they're not going to be able to maneuver out of this wait wait wait till they get knocked off their ass with my documents and meanwhile these are the same people that i'll show you like a obviously doctored video is like irrefutable proof of
Starting point is 01:13:21 something you know exactly like a photo of this guy that they think they seen queen elizabeth's silhouette in in the car remember that guy that guy that showed us that he kept in a ziploc bag and it was like an obvious like he did yeah he's like you see that angel in the clouds and then you're like oh for sure man oh he kept he was proud of that photo he kept it in the ziploc bag because he was worried yeah to protect that um just yeah firing off the torpedo that'll take down this whole system man just uh an attachment of a Word document that just says evidence demand.
Starting point is 01:14:09 God grant me the confidence of just like a QAnon person with outdated technology. Oh, shit. Hard you did not. It's kind of amazing. That is like, much is made about that generation,
Starting point is 01:14:24 about all the wind they had to their back and all that kind of amazing like that is like you know much is made about that generation about like all the wind they had to their back and and all that kind of stuff which is not necessarily true in a place like eastern kentucky but probably a lot of other places is true but like like that also emboldened them to think that like they could overthrow the government using nothing but like a fucking gateway laptop Windows 98 on it. You could get on Facebook, but it's all pixelated and shit. You know, like then they, in that whole package, they have the tools to lead an insurrection. Well, and like the idea of them getting this information and then spending any more than five or ten minutes looking at it before their eyes glaze over and they just get up to go fucking turn the tv on and you know what i mean like yeah there's no way they're sifting
Starting point is 01:15:15 through this fucking data like they're woodward and bernstein or whatever just like we're going to crack this case man but that's it that that But that's what they fashion themselves after. And then the other thing is, like, these are the same people that, like, if their husband left their Facebook, like, didn't log out of his Facebook, they'll get on there and say, hacked by your wife. Those kind of people. You can always tell that the husband's not cheating if it says hacked by the wife and if he is cheating the next day they have a joint facebook account that is true they yes it's a truism like cause and effect yeah uh-huh um hard you did not give an address. However, her email indicates she is the tennis coach
Starting point is 01:16:05 at the private Sayers School in Lexington and lives in Richmond. She's a private school tennis coach, man. Damn, Sayers. It's like where all the rich kids go here, too. While the clerk's offices have to respond to the request, the request here may be moot. Meade said the records they are requesting were stored in the basement of the letcher county sheriff's office the building flooded on july 28th
Starting point is 01:16:32 destroying all the documents stored there that's what i misread earlier i thought i love that that's you know sometimes sam adams knocks it out the park, and he knocked it out of the park with that one because he could have put that paragraph as the second or third, but he put it as the last paragraph, and that's a great payoff. Yeah. Props to my man on that editorial decision. You probably don't get the props you deserve, Sam, but here we are giving them to you. That is pretty funny. Just all the fucking files just wiped out by the fucking fun just man i mean mike linda it's just it's just kind of like it's kind of like the rufo thing but it's also like with lindell or rufo like they can just bring down chaos on like private members of
Starting point is 01:17:28 society on well i guess like you know winston me at the county clerk that's a government office that's not a private individual or institution necessarily but like we are dealing with a fucking you know legendary flood like we don't have fucking time for this shit like you know what it is kind of funny that like these people like if these people are so mean-spirited that they pick a town ravaged by a natural disaster once in a thousand year natural disaster to like pull that bullshit on yeah you know what i mean like that like no sense of like tact or decorum or anything yeah because they feel like they've got like a mandate from god to reveal some truths about the world or something and they're all a bunch of fucking losers with brain disease where we're
Starting point is 01:18:14 really where we're really going to be in trouble is when they start asking for birth certificate records because they're looking for melungeon proof of malungin descent yeah and they they won't take uh they they won't take uh family records tracing the the the progress of the ottoman empire into the appalachian mountains anymore if they used to like when i was going to college all you had to do was point out that your great-great-grandfather's name was Mamet. Won't work anymore. They need irrefutable proof. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Well, so I guess that about covers it for this week, right? Do you have anything else you would like to bring to the class? I don't think so. I think I tried to keep my, I tried to check my misophonia at the door. I also tried to check my misogyny. A lot of me-so words that I check at the door every time I come to do this now going forward.
Starting point is 01:19:20 You were right to call me out, take food out of my mouth to do it, but hey, you had to learn a tough lesson. Check your misogyny. You had to take food out of my mouth to get me to quit putting food in my mouth during the show. To come in this room, you are going to have to check the three misos at the door. Misogyny, misophonia, mesothelioma. Those three.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Misinformation. The big four. The four. Misogyny, mesophonia, mesothelioma, and misinformation. Yeah. Get those out of here. Get those out. If you want to do a good podcast
Starting point is 01:20:05 You can't bring those in Well if you're wondering Where this comes from Where this particular Grievance of Mr. Sexton's Comes from Go over to a little website called and listen to the
Starting point is 01:20:26 most recent patreon episode and decide for yourself if the ice cream if the non-dairy ice cream eating was prohibitive i edited it i feel like i'm kind of sensitive to that stuff i mean i don't really care like maybe it annoys me for like five minutes but that's just because it used to annoy my mom and she used to just like slap the shit out of us if we were fucking eating with the pavlovian with you yeah that might bother you but like when you hear somebody smacking their lips you just remind you of your mother exactly hitting you exactly exactly so like i'm pretty sensitive to it already but uh i didn't even find it that uh whatever but if you would like to judge for yourself with five dollars gonna cost you five big ones to be annoyed
Starting point is 01:21:17 slash trail billy workers party go sign up uh i i thought i thought the episode was good regardless. I thought, I mean, you know it's a classic when somebody smacks their lips for 20 minutes and you still turn out a banger. That's right. That's exactly right. So go check that out. slash Troubly Workers Party. Thanks for listening this week. We'll be back on Sunday with a Patreon episode. And if you aren't
Starting point is 01:21:46 over there, we'll see you right here. Alright. Bye-bye.

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