Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 268: The Forms

Episode Date: November 16, 2022

This week we look at The Forms. If you know you know. If you're wanting to comment on the proposed Letcher County Prison Facility: Submit comments to Kimberly S. Hudson, Site Selection Specialist, Co...nstruction & Environmental Review Branch, Federal Bureau of Prisons, 320 First Street, NW, Room 901-5 West, Washington, DC 20534, Email: Please note that before including your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information with your comment, the entire comment, including personal identifying information, may become publicly available. Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 man uh something happens to me i get reborn every day it's a gift and a curse i wake up feeling like absolute dog shit weird random pains pains, chest pain, heart palpitations. New pain in places I didn't even know you could have pain. Yeah. And then it subsides right here before lunchtime, and I'm so thankful to be alive again. I get that experience every day. I get to flirt with death and at the same time experience rebirth.
Starting point is 00:00:43 It's something else. Wow. Would you say you have thanksgiving? Is it giving thanks? I guess it's giving thanks for this wonderful gift of life, which I'm you know,
Starting point is 00:01:06 we're less thankful for, ironically, during these months, but... Mm-hmm. Damn. I think there's something profound in that there's something profound about finding transcendence from the body reaching a higher plane of mental acquisition reality you know let me ask you a question when your kidneys failed when you were a child like i guess a man really can never approximate what it is to be alive unless you flirted with death at least once you know i guess anxiety gives you a daily approximation of that and if you suffer from panic attacks as i do yeah if i if that would have happened to me if i was like a beautiful little boy in like the 18th century that all the like the pedo aristocrats like to come by and like look through the windows
Starting point is 00:02:14 at like how's he doing today how's he you're right is he all right is he gonna be all right they just peeked through there watching you. Bathe. Oh, papa. Is this the end? And they're bleeding me and stuff. I'm hallucinating. And they're like looking through the windows. They're like, I don't know about those scars. He's gonna knock a few points
Starting point is 00:02:39 off. It's damaged goods. I want him in one of those frilly dresses like they used to put FDR in when he was a child. Yeah, your father's slapping you. Come on. Wake up out of it. Like, you know, you've... We have to sell you to afford potatoes this month.
Starting point is 00:03:00 We have to pimp you out. For our potato rations yeah if that was me i would not have survived you know what i mean like i'm only here with you now because of the advances of modern medicine and about also too i want to say up in the context, it's amazing that we ended up the way we did. And I don't mean this as a good thing. Growing up in the context that we grew up in. Imagine growing up in coal country and an oil patch in, you know, eastern New Mexico and west Texas and ended up as big of pussies as we are.
Starting point is 00:03:42 You imagine, like, I was thinking about this. When I first started suffering panic attacks i didn't have anybody to talk to because i was out working on a goddamn construction crew guys that just chain smoked you know what i mean and like just had the most steely disposition about life it's like what am i going to go do ask landy day who i should talk to about my problems 96 of my personality comes from having been raised in an extremely masculine like brutal environment yeah we're like dudes would just like lose fingers and i lost a finger you know i mean like all the things that could happen to you in that environment happened to me but not because of like hard work or whatever just sheer happenstance or you know luck do you have feeling in the finger where they fixed you not really okay just cosmetic yeah yeah like my grandpa he he didn't have two of his fingers. He lost them on an oil rig.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Oh, God. That's always... And he would always show them to you. Yeah. Imagine your fingering game would be so much... You lose a lot. If've only got like two fingers and they're the like your index finger and your pinky finger like he was missing the middle two yeah so he had like the hook of horns he was perpetually rock on you would be the best pinky finger in all the land
Starting point is 00:05:24 i wonder if there's any guys out there that learned. Because you know how like there are some people that learn to write weird, like they don't write like your normal, like in between the index and middle finger. Some guy out there learned or like how some people play guitar, how like Jimi Hendrix learned to play the guitar upside down. I wonder if there's like a savant out there that learned how to finger with just his pinky.
Starting point is 00:05:46 You know, like that was a big market in the mid two thousands when like, like when all the PUA guys were out there and stuff, writing books, like the game and all that shit, people were actually trying to, uh, improve their techniques.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I guess in the same way you would try to improve your golf swing or your whatever. Which is interesting to think about sex as a craft like that. Someone gave me a book one time that was like it was like She Comes First or something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I hope it wasn't your girlfriend at the time. So it was even creepier it was another man okay okay is it cool was it a cool uncle or that was just like an old a mentor like an older guy oh yeah that's bad that's bad now because like now you can't eat pussy without thinking about like he'll try to coach you up a little bit yeah yeah oh boy well it's fucked up because like i've got one of those rounded tongues you know and they always like led you to believe that if you were one of those people with like a pointed tongue you were naturally better at it the gene simmons effect yeah although i'm gonna go out on a limb and say, if you polled most women today, I don't know many of them that would let Gene Simmons anywhere near that
Starting point is 00:07:13 region. In his day, I'm sure he had his pick of suitors. Uh-huh. I remember hearing him on Terry Gross one time, and didn't he say he would like eat out Terry Gross or something? Didn't he say something really vile to her? I wouldn't doubt it.
Starting point is 00:07:30 You imagine being like a rock star that like never grows up really and just like navigating the world in your 70s like you did when you were like in your 20s. Kind of an amazing thing to think about.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Dude, it is crazy to think about rock and roll stars. Like, in my truck, I only have CDs because it doesn't have an aux cord. And so, you know, I've been rocking the fuck out on some Led Zeppelin lately. I've been going back down to like the Zeppelin hole. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:04 What are you finding down there what's in the zeppelin hole i think we're rock and roll baby nothing but 100 pure unadulterated badass rock that's right dude 100 pure unadulterated badass rock that's right dude it's like it is so funny like i was listening to that song on led zeppelin for rocket it's called rock and roll been a long time since i rock and rolled and it's like you you just put out three albums of nothing but rock and roll nothing but rock what are you talking about i think you're fibbing here a little bit, Robert Plant. It's not been a long time since you've rock and rolled. I'd say it's been just a couple months.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Rod Stewart, after he put out Blondes Have More Fun, he could have put out a song called It's Been a While Since I've Rock and Rolled. Right, that's true. After his disco phase or whatever. Right. Robert Plant can't say that. No, it's like, unless you're so addicted to rock that like just a few hours not rocking you're like fuck man it's been a while i'm getting the
Starting point is 00:09:13 shakes boys boys we gotta rock the fuck out that's how my uncle rerun is every time i see he he always asks me one question every time you listening to any killer rock dude i i love rock guys love it you know no and i love i love the simplicity of it like of course all those rockers were like pedophiles and yeah didn't robert plant did they like what is the like the weird fish story like yeah like all of them like had sex with like teenagers and shit yeah and then they and then they also were like satanist or something yeah i think that was more of a an aesthetic conceit but yeah right right they did that yeah there was there was a. You wouldn't think it now because you think of a guy that's into wizardry as a guy that doesn't get a lot of pussy.
Starting point is 00:10:11 At one time, wizardry was a sin. You're right, Heap. You know, the aforementioned Zeppelin. That's right. Black Sabbath. Black Sabbath, yeah. You think any of those guys wanted for company late at night? Witchcraft is now ascended.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Wizardry, not so much. What if it comes back, though? Like, the fellas got to have theirs, too. You know what I mean? There's got to be, okay, let me just paint it for you there has got to be like a guy that is like ward rackley in that episode of king of the hill but he's just knocking the pussy down right because he's a wizard yeah like do you think that's going to come back do you think like like late 60s early 70s, stoner rock wizard stuff is going to come back
Starting point is 00:11:08 and those guys are going to be cool? If there's anything I've learned, it's that everything has another cycle under the sun. I think that's how the saying goes. Just hang on a little bit longer. Well, dude, here's the thing about that statement. We're the granddaughters of the witches you couldn't burn. The thing is, is that men created magic.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So you actually owe the magic to the patriarchy. Oh, no. You went there this early.'s right dude that's it's uh i'm i've been reading so much philosophy lately like that's all it's in my brain right now is like the most the dumbest shit you would think that paradox you would think that reading a lot about philosophy would make you smarter, but it's literally making me dumber. Well, so I saw a tweet about this, but one thing I've been doing is making up,
Starting point is 00:12:17 inspired by this tweet. This is not something I cooked up, but I thought it would be fun because I'm in a group chat with a lot of guys that are really into the Rogan sphere. And so i hit them with fake marcus aurelius quotes that are actually bible quotes again not my idea i stole this from i don't want to be clear i stole this from somebody off twitter but it is a funny exercise just to see who's like hell yeah i love the stoics right you know what i mean yeah it's like which is just to say that's like, hell yeah, I love the Stoics. Right. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Which is just to say that you can get into philosophy at such a level that it makes you, it impedes your growth intellectually. Yes. Dude, the thing about the Stoics is that they were kind of, there is a line, I feel feel like this would be an interesting episode or series to do like a history of self-help yeah yeah yeah there's like a through line that goes all the way back to i feel like aristotle and like the nikimakian ethics that like the whole premise is to teach you how to be a person it It's like how to show up in the world.
Starting point is 00:13:27 It's like how to be intentional about showing up in the world. Listen, I'm not mad at that on its face, right? But it is weird that it morphed into a pseudoscientific sort of cash grab, particularly in the 80s. But I guess it's probably been around for a long time and it's still persistent to today you know yeah there's some of it i could fuck with if they're like if there's generic value in something like and it helps you in some way i mean we talk about this with like something like aa for example there's a certain religiosity that i'm not particularly attracted to but like it's undeniable
Starting point is 00:14:05 that it does help people get sober that need to get sober or whatever right so like what's wrong with that you know right the the thing about stoicism versus aristotle's ethics stoic ethics versus aristotle's ethics is that aristotle's ethics basically just applied to mayo ass slave owning aristocrats basically this is basically about how to be like a virtuous aristocrat because like you know him and plato believed in you know like the uh that that man could achieve greatness they could be philosopher kings i don't know maybe this isn't quite what aristotle believed but it's definitely what plato believed but it was about like the nicomachean ethics like how to be a a virtuous aristocrat and this
Starting point is 00:14:59 fucking dumbass was aristotle is the genius who came up with everything in moderation. And everyone's like, this is fucking, this is like, this is brilliant shit. Yeah. The golden me. Then like one guy got diabetes from having too many figs one day, and they're like, God damn, he was right. If he just ate less figs, this shit wouldn't have happened. My man is figged up.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. He loves it. Can't get enough of those goddamn figs. Eats an entire tree in a day. Yeah. Yeah. Now he's going blind and peeing a lot.
Starting point is 00:15:43 God,otle was right well where's stoic ethics differed from that was like stoic ethics transferred that to the everyday man like the common man like you can be like an aristocrat if you just adopt his virtues, you know what I'm saying? Right. So, it's interesting to think about. Yeah. Dude, I'm telling you, it's making me, could,
Starting point is 00:16:12 could dude, is it like, I was thinking the other day, like, how fucking funny is it, that like, they had to reason out, over the course of like,
Starting point is 00:16:20 two millennia, that, the way you perceive an object is like you see the object and it exists in space and time and then like there must be something in you that perceives the object so that there there is like a almost kind of like dialectical dynamic there right like to be able for the object to be able to exist you have to be able to to see it and for you to be able to see it an object has to be able to exist and they had to reason this out over the course of like 2 000 years like without science or anything and it's
Starting point is 00:16:58 like could you imagine how insufferable how absolutely annoying it would be to have been in ancient greece where like everybody is trying to one-up everybody else on yeah yeah it's like everybody's just trying to like you remember have you ever been around guys that got into trying to invent things yes or like know about like those type they'd like try to get patents and stuff it would be like that but like times 10 absolutely yeah i love it just that like you know you you say like uh peter was an apostle there were 12 apostles peter was 12 you know what i mean and someone saying you know by that logic this is false i mean just how insufferable that would be to be at all times surrounded by people making statements like, football exists because there are football players, but do football players exist without football?
Starting point is 00:17:57 Right, it's the chicken and egg conundrum. Exactly. But like, played out in antiquity where everybody's kind of dumb and just trying to figure everything out. It is still one of the one of the great things I've plucked from us doing the show over time is that I have to be smarter than all the ancient Greeks just by virtue of what I know to be true now. Yeah. Well, and also, you're not getting 600 calories a day and working 14 hours a day.
Starting point is 00:18:30 But also, thanks to Aristotle, I'm not getting diabetes from eating figs. That's true. Oh, man. The whole reason I got interested in the first place in this, it comes from a weird source. But I was thinking one day a few weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:18:57 why did Lyndon LaRouche think that the world was divided between Platonists and Aristotelians. He thought this was the big... The classic divide. The classic divide. Not the haves and the have-nots, well, I guess in a sense, but with a twist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:17 It's like, in his conception, Platonists, believers in Plato, believe in pure reason and ideals and forms, right? Right. That exist outside of time and space, outside of our own reality. There must be Platonic ideas or whatever. You know what was so funny is I just thought Plato was a guy that got no pussy for the longest time. Because you always heard Platonic relations. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:44 That's true so like i just thought i just associated play-doh getting no pussy for the fact i mean i was embarrassingly old oh man maybe that's correct maybe yeah i would say it's probably a guy who's really his only function was to transcribe Socrates, right? Most of Plato's output was committing Socrates' words to paper, I guess. Right, who may not have even existed. Who might have been an alter ego of Plato. Yeah, to the extent that he did exist, he was probably executed for being annoying. He might have been the
Starting point is 00:20:25 the first person to have been executed for just being annoying just let me tell you how annoying socrates is i used to say the word socratic a lot when i wanted to appear smart i think because i heard cornell west say it uh-huh cornell west big big socrates guy i love socrates oh really oh hell yeah i like cornell west that's what i'm gonna be i'm gonna be big Socrates guy. I love Socrates. Oh, really? Oh, hell yeah. I like Cornelius. That's what I'm going to be. I'm going to be a Socrates guy. Yeah. Plato transcribed a lot of. It would be basically like if someone came after us, like Socrates never wrote anything.
Starting point is 00:20:59 He only just talked. So it's like if someone came after us and transcribed our conversations and we became the leading you know like thought leaders of our time right like in 2500 a.d they're going to be like to have been platonic meant to have been celibate to get no yeah I don't know. You know, so that idea of Plato on one side and Aristotle on the other, according to LaRouche, that meant like, again, like I said, Plato believed in these, you know, forms that existed outside of time and space. That like everything adhered to and everything was trying to achieve like every physical object in the world even humans were trying to constantly work towards the ideal form like in a kind of evolutionary development but but aristotle on the other hand he said and and that's how you knew knowledge because if you if you were one of the lucky people to have been grace the divine knowledge of platonic forms it's kind of like a it's kind
Starting point is 00:22:14 of like a joseph smith looking at the reading the plates thing it's like trust me there are these forms they exist like to be a philosopher was like you were initiated into that knowledge um which says some very interesting things in my opinion about like occult societies and secret societies and shit but i digress but then on the other side he said that aristotle said that you knew knowledge by empirical observation by like the senses senses, right? Like you see something, you hear, you smell something. I know that would have been thoroughly debunked by the eighties when
Starting point is 00:22:52 Belle Biv DeVoe said, you can't trust a big butt and a smile. Yes. Then Michael Bivens came along and put all that to bed for us. It's like, I i mean that's i don't my understanding of aristotle is that that is not quite what aristotle thought i think he did believe more in sensory data than plato but at the same time, he still believed in the forms. He was still... You know,
Starting point is 00:23:30 in the back rooms and stuff, he would go up to me and be like, bro, I'm going to tell you something. Low-key, I still believe in the forms. And Plato's like, you son of a bitch. Why aren't you? goes bro relax i gotta do
Starting point is 00:23:47 the sensory thing out here but like between between me and you and the and the flies on the wall the form yeah yeah well i've been reading a lot of this in in bertrand russell's history of western philosophy and that's probably there's probably all kinds of problems with that too i mean it's bertrand russell right like that guy why did why did he decide he was not a christian in the end because christians got no pussy okay they're too platonic they're too platonic right yeah i don't know man uh interesting interesting stuff there another interesting thing that i was like reading about so like in like you know how i mentioned about like pythagoras
Starting point is 00:24:48 and geometry and this was proof to them that they could use deductive reasoning to like gain knowledge about the world yeah um rather than sort of like empirical observation like some of the ways that they proved this was through shapes. And there were like five divine shapes. Like the octahedron or fucking the dodecahon or hedron or whatever the fuck they're called. Imagine the ass on a dodecahedron. How divine that form must be. That's right. She's got a dodecahedron on her. She's got that dodecahedron in the back, bro.
Starting point is 00:25:26 That 12-dimensional ass. She's got that 12-dimensional thing working. It's like, dude, it is weird to really consider this because the dodecahedron was composed of pentagons and in their formula like the pin and traditionally like throughout western history the pentagon has been a symbol associated with magical properties i mean this is what it makes you feel crazy right right it's like like if you follow this if you follow this enough this is what this is what our friends in al-qaeda knew and if they could just take out one wall of that then the magical properties would be gone yeah then you have a tetrahedron
Starting point is 00:26:17 or then you have a tetrahedron that shit ain't got no that shit got no cosmic abilities. Exactly. You knock out one of the legs underneath the magical... You're right, dude. But like... Well, that's LeBron James who was on that flight. He saved who he could by parachute and out of it. Him and Amy McGrath do have an affinity
Starting point is 00:26:44 for lying about where they were on 9-11 i think that that should be the next honestly i think that should be the next ticket like a lebron mcgrath ticket in 2024 yeah one one was could have done 9-11 and the other the other is one of the greatest basketball players of all time which one is it yeah right take some liberties with the truth uh-huh but like dude seriously though
Starting point is 00:27:16 I mean I feel sometimes like this shit is purposefully designed this way to drive you crazy because like at the end of the day what fucking purpose did it serve to build the centralized military command center of the united states in the shape of one of the most widely accepted like magical esoteric it's like i looked up the history of it, and they say it's because
Starting point is 00:27:46 this plot where they wanted to build it had five highways around it. It's like, okay. Couldn't they just put it somewhere else? Come on. Yeah. And where it gets weirder is that, again, this is kind of common knowledge at this point,
Starting point is 00:28:02 but construction began on the Pentagonagon on september 11th 1941 like 70 years to the fucking day or 60 years my bad yeah i don't know dude that's that is just i don't know i'm again just speculating but it's it is a weird thing that like is it really just coincidence that like the same day it's this building with this specific shape i don't know man it's fucking weird well i don't think it's any accident to be perfectly honest well here's what i know about the founding of this country and i say this as a former fraternityhuh but basically fraternity guys ran this started this country yes you know what i mean like if you look at even like the earlier iterations like the flat hat club the hellfire club and others like that these guys were like just a bunch of like just
Starting point is 00:28:58 hedonists that also just believed in like magical properties of shapes and stuff like they did they hadn't advanced much past aristotle and the boys well dude part of the reason it makes sense that like they would borrow from like these different esoteric traditions and whatever and we look at that today is like insane but like in the 1700s like if you just like made a guy get naked in a dark room and make him do weird rituals and stuff. Put your dick in his armpit. Yeah, to prove his worth. Like, you know, I was initiated into a Greek.
Starting point is 00:29:32 There are, like, weird esoteric things that I still don't know what it's about, but I took an oath. You know what I mean? Dude, it's entirely consistent. If you read Plato's Republic republic it makes total sense it's entirely consistent with their concept of like virtuous leadership and who gets to govern because in plato's republic it was like a lot like leaders should be philosopher kings and they should be initiated through the mystery process through uh you know this purification process into the divine knowledge and that those people are the only people who
Starting point is 00:30:10 are fit to govern and rule and that's why so many of them were in secret societies it's because you know this ideology going back to ancient times you know said that if you were to govern to rule you you had to be above not just in material terms but also in like ideological terms you had to be in the hidden knowledge of the ages which is really which is really just something we make up and imbue with our own meaning it doesn't there's no real cosmic force you know exactly it's governing all this stuff you're exactly right so i don't know i mean i don't know man it's uh it's a mystery it's tantalizing to get into a little bit but like at a certain point you kind of have to steal yourself and realize that like okay knowing what i know like there is probably nothing to Novus Ordo Seclorum and all this kind of stuff. What that really was, was a bunch of hedonistic slave owners and former slave owners getting together and saying, yeah, listen, check this out. out we all have like a basic under like a rudimentary understanding of latin right like what if like the triangle on the pyramid has like a fucking eye in it bro
Starting point is 00:31:30 and it's like it's the all-seeing eye out of many one what's that a uh uh who were some of the framers throw me a name out there hancock hey hancock what is you know latin come over here you know like and then it just gets a bit but like i think that you know we can sort of you know read into some of that stuff a bit more than what's what's there but yeah no you're right if you study it too much at a a certain point, you go insane. And I feel like that's part of the point. It's like, you will go insane because you don't have the hidden knowledge. You don't have the hidden knowledge, no, because it died out in 1524 on a Portuguese fucking schooner.
Starting point is 00:32:19 You know what I mean? Like, that's where the sacred knowledge died when De Soto and the boys were, you know, lost it en route to the new world or whatever. Right. Right. You know, they went and pillaged it from somebody and then brought it here, but they lost it en route. So I guess we'll never know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:39 You can imagine, though, like to their minds, they're extremely like superstitious, occult imbued minds that like when they had found those artifacts, like the black obsidian mirror and shit in the Mayan civilizations, like to them, that was further proof that they could commune with the other side and that justified their, you know, like John D and shit,
Starting point is 00:33:04 like doing these like scrying sessions yeah like talking to angels or whatever uh just like weirdo nerd dudes hyping like working themselves up into this like frenzy about their weirdo nerd knowledge i don't know it's basically like yeah again to reference the witches of east orleans episode of king of the hill it's like if About their weirdo nerd knowledge. I don't know. It's basically like, yeah, again, to reference the Witches of East Ireland episode of King of the Hill, it's like if you took the coven that Bobby joins of those teenage boys and the older boy that works at the video store, but you gave them a lot of power and money.
Starting point is 00:33:42 No different. I saw this thread one time like john d was this practitioner of like enochian magic and are you familiar with like the lost book of enoch in the bible i guess in the like crowley talks about that yeah um yeah i think it was like a lost book of the bible that said like humans descended from titans and stuff oh no no no no no no yeah enoch yeah it's like an apocryphal bug that i think is yeah yeah yeah which is not not in the catholic apocrypha i don't i'm not sure if it is or not is it i don't think it is because enoch was he and el, the only two guys that ever lived that didn't actually die.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Exactly. They were called up. Yeah. They got to receive, they got to do what every human wants to do, what every man wants to do. Yeah, only two guys have ever done it. Yeah. You get to ride the lightning. I'm going to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:34:43 We're due for another one of those experiences. That is true. We're due for another person who gets to ride the lightning it would be so much sick it would be so sick if one of us got to ride the lightning uh-huh it's gonna be sam bankman freed that guy's on so much coke he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna ascend to a higher plane just vibrate right off his chair into the stratosphere we're like well there he goes well there is something sort of like we're talking about like a cult aesthetics there is like you know we talked about with with noah a little bit about that not that specifically but about
Starting point is 00:35:18 crypto and stuff on the patreon but that figures heavy into the crypto world. I don't know why. And it makes sense because there are a bunch of fucking nerds. Yeah. You know. So. Oh, yeah. Well, like the John D thing, like the Enochian magic. Like, I saw this thread that was like, this person was like, I'm going to try it. I'm going to try the forbidden magic.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I'm going to do the Enochian magic. And people were like no no don't do it that's dangerous that's dangerous stuff and they were like you want to end up a crypto billionaire stop and they were like you know even just after repeating a few words of it like crazy things started happening in my house and so me i was like all right i'm gonna go read it i'm gonna repeat a few words it's like i didn't want to have nothing absolute my my cat took a shit oh damn you said oh yes you saw your cat shit you just strummed your beard and said yes this is this doesn't need to get out it's like it's a fine line because you don't want to be like one of those like deep debunkers like the amazing randy or whatever no no i'm not a skeptic i believe i believe in certain things
Starting point is 00:36:33 i just don't believe what i'm saying i don't believe is that uh george washington and john hancock and ben franklin at all had any special cosmic revelation that i don't have that's what i'm saying i'm not saying i don't any special cosmic revelation that I don't have. That's what I'm saying. I'm not saying I don't believe anything spiritual or whatever. I don't know. Well, they all caressed the sides of a Pentagon and probably jerked off in the middle of it. Well, if you think about what they've done, if you take the, you know, the thousand yard view of it.
Starting point is 00:37:08 They, in a way, creating the United States was an act of magic. Magic. You just sort of scattershot fucking experiment in colonialism and turned into what it turned into. Dude, truly like the darkest, most evil magic. No, you're right. I guess I'm agnostic. Maybe it is like the, was it the, I don't know if it's Einstein or what. The Einstein question is like, I guess either everything's magic or not. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Maybe we're just so well adjusted to magic that we just see everything else is boring and yet the fact that we're here and in exactly this arrangement and everything is in a way magic well it does seem to be true that if you get enough people together in a room and get them completely fucking worked up into a frenzy over uh like you know work them up into like an ecstasy over you know and everybody's on the same page that the magic is working it's like as you said on the
Starting point is 00:38:17 episode with no on the patreon episode like that becomes a kind of magic it becomes like because it becomes imbued with the power that all these people with their heads do what with just a share yeah you know yeah that that i mean i guess it depends on how you define magic i don't think that like people can shoot fire you know lightning bolts out of their fingers and then you can ride that lightning into the sunset there's only one man built for that sbf
Starting point is 00:38:51 oh man he's he's yeah they just show up getting to indict to arrest him and indict him and he's like see you in the next life but just rise to life oh shit See you in the next life, but just rise to life. Oh, shit. Thank you. man what a fucking week yeah yeah yeah speak yeah so this is like some weird things went on this week um you know the crypto ftx crashed we had a patreon episode about that then um for 12 hours everybody thought russia fired missiles into poland but then this morning they were like our bad those were actually shot from ukraine doing doing nothing for all the uh you know the perception the perceptions of you know never mind people want world war three they want people are straight up pining for war yeah like people are so bored
Starting point is 00:40:36 they won't they won't they won't war in the highest form of it too yeah not just like not just like musket loaders like or trenches they want a total annihilation yeah but the thing is they want to be able to sip tea on the veranda and watch it but they don't understand that that you don't really have that luxury in this kind of warfare uh-huh oh yeah they fucking want and then trump declared presidency which was like did you watch this did you watch his speech man to see him defang kind of makes me sad i don't know why you know it's like it's like when you see you know when you see when your favorite basketball player is just going out there and shooting fadeaway jumpers and you know the only reason he's doing that is because he can't really create his own shot anymore right it's he's not glenn roberts he doesn't have my girlfriend refuses to believe
Starting point is 00:41:34 that glenn roberts invented the jump shot she's like i i just refuse i can't accept this even though it's painted right there on the wall before you get to your house. I hope it's written right there on the wall. Lynn Roberts, inventor of the jump shot, was born in this town. She's like, I refuse to believe. And honestly, she she might be right. But as we know, all great ideas are stolen from someone else. So there is a platonic jump shot out there.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Like Plato was right. There is a, there is a platonic basketball player out there who invented the platonic jump shot and Glenn Roberts stole it, man. Yeah. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah. If there's something cool that happened, you can, you can bet that it was stolen from a cool, from a much cooler guy that just didn't need all the fanfare about it exactly like once it started getting popular
Starting point is 00:42:32 he was like oh shit yeah Glenn did that I moved on I got something else now but could you imagine though like how that completely broke the game you know what i mean like all of a sudden now you've got a guy who can jump over everybody and shoot it while
Starting point is 00:42:52 he's jumping that's fucking great it's funny to think that nobody thought of that you know what i mean it's like just kind of crazy to think that before that guys were just like running up like shooting underhanded from their crotch yeah you know what i mean like yeah he was like this is bullshit you can just get blocked like that that that is the stupidest fucking way to shoot a basketball like why what were they thinking how many other things in american life or just life in general where there's like an obvious easier way to do this but we just don't an obvious easier way to do this but we just don't i don't you know i i uh i don't know i it's like it depends because like i've worked in workplaces before where there is a more obvious solution that would get it done quicker but the game is to slow down the clock when you're on the work site and so right you have to develop the most insane complex like complicated solution like oh we're gonna need
Starting point is 00:43:50 at least 20 pulleys and levers to solve this yeah this yeah that's one of my favorite is the procrastination because we don't have the right tools to pull it off yeah like yeah sure we could do this with our bare hands if we had to but yeah so let's place the order wait till it comes in we'll hit it next week in the meantime i'm gonna hide when the boss is here and when he is here i'm just gonna act like i'm doing something yeah um but yeah no trump i mean it's the fire's gone the spark is gone and it's it's like what i keep coming back to is like why the funny thing about this if it's true i don't know this you got to assume a few things here you got i guess working from the assumption that trump is what caused the
Starting point is 00:44:45 republicans to underperform in these recent midterms if that's true you have to assume he'll lose in 2024 and if that is also going to be the case and he does lose it'll be funny that they i don't think they could win any way even with desantis i don't think they would win well i've seen that that like desantis actually does not perform very well against joe biden who is as we know is functioning about a couple meters above one of those zombie pigeons that gets that thing that makes them not at the wheel i thought my man did look fresh as fuck meeting xi jinping this week did you see that video of him i don't know where the fuck he was i guess he was in poland or something they were like it was in a field i never got the context of this he was in a field with a bunch of men and he goes who's that man is he on our side and and his his aides are like he's russian sir and he says i
Starting point is 00:45:46 don't care look look at his guns niggas look at those biceps we call those guns if you were like if you were like the leader of a country that's hostile to the United States, I could see how you would be disarmed by that. And also, like, you would think it was some sort of Machiavellian scheme because you're like, truly to God, they didn't. No, there's something else going on. There's some level. And actually, there's not. It's just folksy Joe.
Starting point is 00:46:23 But, like, it puts off a vibe of this has got to be some sort of elaborate side exactly well it's interesting that like he accidentally tells is he because he says is he on our side and his aide says no he's russian it's like yeah we're at war with russia already basically he just walked up squeezing the gun how cavalier they are about all this is fucking insane it's astonishing it's really astonishing like we're we're fucking hours away from doomsday and they're just like filling each other's guns and joe biden's just out there say what is this boy's a union job got five working and about 20 standing around and it's like sir we're in a war zone bullets whizzing past his head yeah man i yeah i don't know where i was going with that is you can tell that trump isn't really in it anymore and that's and
Starting point is 00:47:27 that's why i keep coming back to like why is he even doing this like if i was him just fucking retire you know what i mean like just see out the rest of your days uh as you know the exiled cult leader um you know you don't have to run against you don't have to lose again like i guess it all depends on if biden runs like he's very old i don't know all this is there's just so many hypotheticals but um maybe trump is betting that biden won't run again and they'll they will run like someone like kamala which they won't, but maybe Trump is betting on that. I'm going to go ahead and tell you that anything higher than PTA board president,
Starting point is 00:48:16 I don't think Kamala's going to win. She's kind of... Something happened to Kamala. You want to talk about someone who believes in the forms. That's the person that believes in the forms. She's on so many drugs a day, that's all she sees are forms. It's all like she just walks through life. It's like Mr. Burns in the forest.
Starting point is 00:48:39 That's who she sees. Exactly. She's like the wheels on the bus are going right cackling about a school bus who doesn't love a school bus oh boy no it's the forums man uh it's uh yeah it's uh it's uh i don't know how to say it it's like, like we talked about in the midterm episode a little bit about sort of, you know, a vote to like the,
Starting point is 00:49:11 the normies being ascendant, like sort of a vote to return to normalcy where, you know, um, I think was kind of the thing, but like, I don't know. Is that,
Starting point is 00:49:23 I think was kind of the thing, but like, I don't know. Is that, is that good when you've got like the specter of nuclear war looming? Right. I don't know. Yeah. I don't, I don't think there's any outcome that's good. I don't think that the midterm results were good. Even if they fully wiped the Republicans out and they had the Supreme Court, there's no outcome that's good.
Starting point is 00:49:58 We are in a standoff with someone with a nuclear arsenal that is just as sophisticated and well beefed up as ours. There's no good outcome here. Yeah, it's like the thing that we're cheering is John Fetterman won
Starting point is 00:50:19 and the Republicans didn't do as good as advertised. Right. So now it's like we're marching out to the battlefields and you've got Achilles, who I guess is Joe Biden. And then I guess in this scheme, what would it be? Basically what I'm getting at is like John Fetterman's the giant.
Starting point is 00:50:47 The giant, yes. Who's going to be the Republican Achilles, I guess. Like our big trick is John Fetterman, you know? Poor bastard's not in good health. Well, that's the thing that. That's the thing that like the Republicans, this very weird contradiction of theirs is like they're so obsessed with the alpha male that they are in this kind of goes in line with your Achilles thing. They would need like an Adonis. I bought the hell out of that.
Starting point is 00:51:23 But, you know, I know what you're saying they would need like an adonis brad pitt type who with long beautiful blonde flowing locks and he's fucking they need the guy that trump said look at our beautiful boys in uniform go back and find the beautiful boys in uniform and try to was that guy's name? The giant. Fetterman. No, man. Oh, you mean like in the fable itself, in the myth itself? You've been spending a lot of time with the Greeks.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I figured you would know that. All I know is Goliath. Well, we could also, we could use that too because it's the same story right yeah dude the greek giant must have had the tiniest dick like by ratio comparison you know because like all those greeks statues and stuff had tiny dicks like do you think that the giants like had normal size dicks but they looked tiny. That's probably why they trotted them out to war because in ancient Greece like if you were hung like weren't you thought to have
Starting point is 00:52:30 like lesser intelligence or something? It's like they just made you cannon fodder if you had a big dick. But they said it was because. You know what? If we lived in a just society we'd go back to that too. In my opinion.
Starting point is 00:52:46 They said it was because of intelligence, but really, they were like, we gotta get these guys. They're fucking all our women. We gotta get them the fuck out of here. Yeah, it was like a David and Bathsheba moment, where they like, you know, King David marched his friend Bathsheba out to war to get him killed so he could fuck his wife. That's what they were doing, except for the whole military wide.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Uh-huh. Maybe you're thinking of Cronus. Cronus was a... Who's the giant that fought Achilles? That fought Achilles. Achilles. Bogrius.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Bogrius. Justus just a big bald guy with with pecs um anyways all of which is to say that like i was thinking about this with blake masters and even kind of like with josh holly and stuff but like this like this alt-right like conservative drive to find the alpha male means that they're constantly trying to identify male archetypes that kind of do resemble like uh archetypical alpha like cut jawline uh you know like handsome men but they're never handsome no all these guys look like okay for one i always thought this term was disgusting even in its day because it's kind of stupid to like try to not discuss it but it was just kind of goofy like but do you remember like the metro sexual era yes yeah like it's like all those guys are some of us never left yeah it's like josh all those guys are stuck in that era but trying to adopt conservative
Starting point is 00:54:33 politics while like looking like he just bathed in like fucking aqua digio or or you or high karate or some shit and then like he's wearing like a goddamn um structure suit yeah and like those real skinny like from express like the real skinny lapel suits or whatever like yes they're dressing like those guys but trying to be out here acting like kevin costner and yellowstone or something exactly like motherfucker like you do you probably do like cucumber face masks like oh dude these dudes skin is so dewy like i mean like it's like there is nothing like traditionally masculine about josh holly or what's the fucking freak like masters in arizona yeah come to my part of the world where like every man but you know under the age of 35 is so weathered by the time they're like
Starting point is 00:55:31 i've had crow's feet for fucking 10 years motherfucker yeah it's like and like these guys are like 5 10 10 years older than us. Yeah. But it's weird. Like the reason it's so weird and off putting is that they try to force those individuals into that archetype. But it just in the end manages to highlight their own monstrosity in grotesquery. I know. It's like in the end, it's like, wait, no, that doesn't work. Like you just make blake masters look like yeah look like he fucking murders hitchhikers you know what i mean you make josh holly look like he you know visits underground like gay sex dungeons but right you know what i mean it's like it does
Starting point is 00:56:19 it highlights the contradictions too much right be better off just like rolling with like like it is weird man how like that how pervasive that is even madison cawthorne was like that right you know what i mean it's like just a little too pretty for what he says he believes in and then the videos you know what i mean i'm not saying like oh these guys are closeted gays like it's the lazy thing but there is something about it like you're right that just highlights the contradiction so much that it makes them look even more grotesque than they really might be if they were just normal yeah yeah because the truth of the matter is is that there is no alpha male there's no ideal like masculine other than me other than me when i was 12 present company in the speed other than present company there is no
Starting point is 00:57:05 ideal male like there's no platonic form that you're going to achieve yeah and and trying to embody like political like principles or like grass movement like grassroots movement energy into that form will only result in just hilarious consequences, which may be why JD worked in the end. As you pointed out, he's got the breath that counting genes. People are like, he looks the part. He looks like a real Blake masters and all those guys don't like he looks the part and i guess it's telling that he's we're about to deal with this motherfucker
Starting point is 00:57:52 the rest of our lives now yeah he he does look like a real authentic person i'll give him that yeah i yeah like the whole sort of anti-jd establishment needs to cool it with the jd vance is not a real hibba and stuff. I'm telling you. Genetically, that man's the real good. I can tell. Because he suffers from all the same sort of familial
Starting point is 00:58:14 afflictions that I do. Lousy cheeks. Holding a little too much water in. It just happens. Uh-huh. Yeah. I resent all he stands for i accept him as my brother we'll meet again on the long road you know yeah when he's president and we're in a death camp we're doing a podcast episode. The funny thing about that is that someone brought that to his attention.
Starting point is 00:58:48 So if he's president, that will mean the president listened to us roast him. There's proof of it. Remember, he said it on Twitter. They seem like nice people or some shit like that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's like, I wouldn't say eviscerate. Somebody said that we eviscerate.
Starting point is 00:59:04 And he goes, I wouldn't say eviscerate. Somebody said that we eviscerate. And he goes, I wouldn't say eviscerate. I wouldn't either. And he was doing that whole nice thing. He was like, next time I'm in Wattsburg, beer's on me. Well, now that you're a U.S. Senator, J.N.A. Come buy me an N.A. beer. Yeah, come buy me a 0.0 at Guinness.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Bring your checkbook with you. We didn't eviscerate them because i've never eviscerated anybody unfortunately i've always wanted to and tried to like i finally got them with logic there's been one or two times i have eviscerated somebody you have they didn't deserve it but i just kind of slipped on banana peel and did it i see i'm kind of like chronos in that way yeah i see yeah like chrono i'm a destroyer of worlds right but i do that yeah so as mentioned i've uh i've been watching yellowstone yeah how is it your people fascinate me cow Cowboys. Cattle rustlers. Yeah. An interesting group.
Starting point is 01:00:09 What's so funny, I was just texting Brandon Gallagher about this, friend of the show, and I was like, it's like Taylor Sheridan who made this. It has so perfectly dialed into what the rural American man wants to see on TV. Uh-huh. So much so that this show is a one-to-one carbon copy of Sons of Anarchy. It's like swap out bikers for cowboys, and you've got it. So much so that I can even point to storylines
Starting point is 01:00:37 and show you what their analog is in Sons of Anarchy. I mean, almost nothing changed. Wow. Did he write Sons of Anarchy. I mean, almost nothing changed. Wow. Did he write Sons of Anarchy 2? I don't know if he wrote it, but he was in the first season when he was the sheriff's deputy that got domed at the funeral.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I got you. Okay. But there's like a dumb hot guy that puts his family in unnecessarily dangerous situations. Sons of Anarchy, J taylor yellowstone casey i mean the archetypes are exactly the same uh-huh that's what i'm afraid of of that's why i haven't had a family yet because i'm deathly afraid of being a dumb hot guy who put because i am dumb and hot but i don't have a family yet so i'm i'm worried about putting
Starting point is 01:01:23 my family in it that's why you've that's why you've not had children to this point. Exactly. You can't be trusted not to put them in dangerous situations. Exactly. You can't take the chance of having them kidnapped by the IRA and the weird sons of anarchy season where they go to Belfast. Exactly. So, yeah, so it's good?
Starting point is 01:01:46 Yeah, I think it's great. So you don't want to... I just sit here roasting it for 20 minutes. I'm like, yeah, it's the best show on TV. I need to watch it because all I've been watching is The Shack. You've been re-watching The Shack? Yeah, it's like I've watched it probably 20 times now. It's like the entertainment in Infinite Jest. what are they doing to you in that program
Starting point is 01:02:07 is this some kind of mk ultra shit it's my mk trigger i see the check and i have to go dj a bar mitzvah in bowling green yeah I'm just kidding. I haven't watched it anymore. But... But... I don't know. I'll take your word for it. Yellowstone. It's like... You know, you're right. It's my people.
Starting point is 01:02:37 It's my heritage. My culture is not your costume, Taylor Sheridan. That's where you need to put that out there, first of all. Yeah. He also did Sicario. You remember that movie? Yeah, I remember Sicario.
Starting point is 01:02:52 I'm trying to pinpoint what his politics are. I don't really have a clue. It feels like all I know is this. All I'll say is this. I'm starting to see more and more of a specific type of person wearing like Dutton ranch merch from the show. Like it's the,
Starting point is 01:03:08 you know, the ranching family. That's the sort of Kevin Costner's, the antihero or whatever. Uh huh. And I think some people are taking the wrong lessons from this program. Interesting. I don't know that you're supposed to be on that side thanks i see um
Starting point is 01:03:29 well in flood relief update i learned today that you know i don't know how this is gonna work out but in the office space downstairs they're putting a preschool so does that mean mean I can't podcast up here anymore? Bad words? First of all, okay, that's where you're at. First of all, I want to just clarify that Terrence is not a pedophile. He doesn't have to, by law, move a certain amount of feet from preschool. I don't know. I was just talking about the framers jerking off into a pentagon
Starting point is 01:04:09 i mean i don't know if i could talk about that stuff anymore this might be a g-rated show from here on out god i'm about to pod when they're when the school let out um well they're building it right now maybe they're trying to shoot for next semester open what's the preschool gonna be called i don't know maybe we can rebrand the show as whatever the preschool's name is after dart like after the kids go home and uh-huh have dinner and go to bed. Right. Yeah. You want to talk about rural living. There's no room for anything. Spatial wise.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Everything is just next to everything. Well, literally, people think I'm joking, but from our office, we can reach out and touch a prison, a library, a Presbyterian church, now a preschool, and a tire store.
Starting point is 01:05:10 All right there together. Uh-huh. And a decrepit or dilapidated hotel. An empty hotel building. Yeah, that people have been squatting in.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yeah. Yeah, that people have been squatting in. Yeah. Well, listen, before we go, a little bit of local news. Did you see that the memo from the scoping thing for the prison tomorrow? I did, yeah. It says they're looking to build a prison camp. Yeah. That's what they call it. Is that just like a generic name for prison or is it going to be like an like a thing where like they're like like harvesting crops and shit for like
Starting point is 01:05:54 companies for pennies on the dollars actually dude that's a good question they really might be and it might be like a hybrid they're like we're going to put a hemp farm on top of a strip mine but in the fine print it's like the hemp farm will be operated by prisoners at the prison yeah we swear no MS-13 just mid-level corporate criminals
Starting point is 01:06:18 you're right I don't know man yeah that's I'm interested how that's going to strike out. Yeah, so there's a comment period open for that that just came open. And I said on a previous episode I was going to let people know
Starting point is 01:06:35 how they could send their comments in. So maybe in the description of this episode, I'll put that in there. If you feel so inclined to send just something absolutely unhinged. But if you don't want to send something unhinged just all you have to do is point out that uh it is very unsafe to build a prison on a strip mine not just because or anything for that matter or for anything for that matter but like also point out
Starting point is 01:07:06 yeah it's not safe from a geological perspective it's not safe from a ecological perspective because there's polluted water mine runoff and shit but also just that our impoverished community deserves more than a fucking prison and you've got all that money and we should be able to use it for something else. And so, yeah. That's a good talking point. Giving us a raise, for starters. Giving us a raise. I could use $444 million.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then, you know, point out that nuclear war is imminent. And so it doesn't matter. That fucking prison is going to be... Listen, pal. We're all going to be crispy by the time this thing gets built anyway. So why don't we just
Starting point is 01:07:51 put our matics down and dance while we still can? That's exactly right. That's exactly right. Well, I'll put that in the show description. In the meantime, I guess that about covers it for this week if you'd like to go support us on Patreon we have an episode on Sunday
Starting point is 01:08:11 with Noah Colwin from the Blowback Podcast about crypto and I think you'll like it so go check that out and there's all kinds of other episodes over there as well so go check that out anything else?
Starting point is 01:08:29 I think that's it go with God and we'll see you next time alright well adios I very much worry about this guy's biceps his biceps are as big as my calf. Look at this. There's a man.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I hope we're on the same side. He's Russian. I don't care who he is. He's got some real biceps. We call them guns. Thank you.

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