Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 279: Vance Macabre

Episode Date: February 23, 2023

This week we talk Ukraine, the ruling class's fixation on Boxes, and the mass hysteria of Devil's Milkshakes issuing from East Palestine, Ohio Check out Aaron's story here: Tarence's article here: And our Patreon here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 there we go boys i think i briefly tasted the acrid taste of death yeah what happened you had a near-death experience shortly before this program i was vacuuming the living room and i i picked up the cord while i was vacuuming and i got juiced and i like i smelled it you know what i mean you You smelled like burnt hair? Yeah, it just coursed through me, and then just, I was fine like a second later, but a very gnarly feeling for a second. Are you sure you're still fine?
Starting point is 00:00:35 You sure you haven't contracted or been imbued with any superhero, super powerful electric powers or anything? Too early to tell. Too early to tell. What kind of, I want to know what effects electricity has on the gastrointestinal because i mean if it gets things moving i might you know you might do that you would think let me let me vacuum your house a little bit so
Starting point is 00:00:57 so well go ahead you know you know those guys that get that get hit in the head with a soccer ball, and then they're unconscious, and when they wake up, they speak perfect Portuguese? Or a better example, when Meatloaf got hit in the head with a shot putt in high school, and he couldn't sing before that, but he could sing beautifully after. Yeah. So hopefully. Maybe it cures IBS. Yeah. school and he couldn't sing before that but he could sing beautifully after yeah yeah so hopefully
Starting point is 00:01:25 maybe it cures ibs yeah it could or maybe my heart rhythm issue has been resolved because it like shocked it back like it shocked it back to regularity yeah or yeah this goes either one of two ways either i'm gonna become a world famous uh-famous Italian like Luciano Pavarotti motherfucker, or I'll just join Terrence as another guy that got struck by lightning. That guy in town. That's the Terrence. You got struck by lightning, Terrence? Dude, I've been struck by lightning multiple times.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Holy shit, dude. What? I mean, it depends on your definition of lightning i guess it's funny he couldn't podcast before that happened now you can bro afterwards he became a he became a great podcaster you see you talk about being saddled with the worst superpower well it is it is it is a very banal thing to be struck by lightning. I mean, in the sense that it's an amazing thing that only gets
Starting point is 00:02:31 to happen to a small percentage of the world's population, but once it happens to you, you're a pariah from your community. You've been touched by the hand of God. You've been touched by God. You've been smited. You've been smited and you can't join the herd again. It's like it's because you survive that's why exactly like you're supposed to die from a lightning strike and when you and when you survive it's like when a baby
Starting point is 00:02:55 doe is taken from its mother and like given back and the and the mother is like i don't want to like it's been you smell you smell like humid yeah i smell like god now or a or a cia hit squad takes a shot at you and they miss you know yeah same thing you look back and you see your assassin in the eyes and then you can't they can't go back home it can never return from whence you came dude speaking of shocking I just saw I just saw this tweet
Starting point is 00:03:32 is making the rounds today I think Aaron's the one who first brought it to my attention posted from the NATO account Ukraine is I love the emoji at the beginning of this it's got like one of those emojis of the person like speaking you know what i mean like sound coming from its mouth ukraine is hosting one of
Starting point is 00:03:51 the great epics of this century we are harry potter and william wallace the navi and han solo we're escaping from shawshank and blowing up the death star we are fighting with the Harkonnens and challenging Thanos. Okay. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Yeah, okay. Tom's plugging the vacuum cleaner back in and he's holding a fork to the socket.
Starting point is 00:04:18 To the socket. Putting it at the fullest power possible. Make sure it don't just course through this time. Make sure that shit is wet cover it with water first yeah obviously this is insane for a number of reasons you know the least of which is that we're like i mean like the least of which is like it's accompanying with a photo of just absolute like urban devastation like buildings leveled rubble probably dead bodies that you can't see in the rubble definitely blood splattered on those buildings
Starting point is 00:04:49 fucking psychos that in and of itself is insane but i like i like the fanfic here like because like there's like one of these things is not like the other. Like, Harry Potter, okay. William Wallace, okay. Navi and Han Solo, Death Star, Harkonnen, Thanos. Shawshank Redemption? What the fuck? Shawshank Redemption? Like, it's like...
Starting point is 00:05:16 That wasn't in the Marvel Extended Universe. What the fuck are you talking about? He wasn't in Avengers, dog. It says, we're escaping from Shawshank and blowing up the death star like could yeah could you imagine andy dufresne crawling out the bar shawshank prison the great epics of our time you know oh shit man he had to find the port he had i'm trying like a morgan freeman accent like a morgan morgan Morgan Freeman impersonation. Gravelly and smooth.
Starting point is 00:05:50 He had to use the force. It's hard because you venture into Picard territory. Yeah, you do. Riker. Yeah. All right. Yo, dude, also fucking stupid. Also, dude, it's like, I don't know man like i feel like this data would count like i mean like i feel like during the highlight of the war they've like come up with some really good bangers like they had another
Starting point is 00:06:16 one where i mean you don't know all these pictures like i don't say all but a lot of these fucking pictures whenever they're uh featuring ukrainian soldiers there's always some guy with like it's not a swastika but it's like a black sun or it's like some other fucking like nazi insignia and i mean they did this last year where they had to end up deleting the post because they posted a woman with a black sun on her chest during women international women's day uh-huh and it's like dog like maybe you should never tweet when you're in a position of power but maybe if you're nato you especially shouldn't fucking tweet you know what i mean this is this only supports my theory which okay let me also just say it i'm not like a big dune head but aren't weren't the harkonnens
Starting point is 00:06:57 the bad guys in okay so i think he was saying fighting with as in against them i think they're trying to say against them not sided with them because somebody brought them. I think they're trying to say against them, not sided with them. Because somebody brought that up to me. They're like the Harkonnen are the bad guys. Like, what the fuck? Okay. You fight with your girlfriend. You don't fight with your enemies.
Starting point is 00:07:16 You fight against your enemies. You don't fight with, I mean, I don't know. You fight against Hitler. You don't fight with Hitler. Like, I don't know how else to fucking put it. You know what I mean? Right. Yeah, you're right, Tommy. Like don't fight with hitler like i don't know how else to fucking put it you know what i mean right yeah you're right time you like you fight with your friends you you fight against your parents your whatever right right right right me and hitler just had
Starting point is 00:07:34 a little tiff just a little argument just a little argument just a little spat i think like i you know yeah because you've got william wallace running around in the same cinematic universe as andy dufresne which andy dufresne which i appreciate but like this tweet only goes to substantiate my budding theory that the war in the ukraine is more than just a geopolitical military conflict it is in essence the implosion of meaning itself it is where meaning goes to die i think you're right you know what i'm saying like it is a vacuum of meaning yeah it's it's a vehicle to like desensitize us to these things yeah yeah you know what i was gonna ask you why do you think that this war is like the first maybe 21st century war to do that but i think that i think that you're right tom by them comparing and bringing up all these characters like you know like um
Starting point is 00:08:38 harry potter william wallace and also just like like i don't know it just seems like this war is very very disneyfied right like i don't know if it's because they're trying to attract support on the cause of Ukraine or because like, all meaning has collapsed and we can only make referential, like, you know what I'm saying, comments and shit like that. But you're right. It's like, it's like you're posting that. I mean, the dichotomy between, you know, posting that and then having a picture of rubble. I mean, the dichotomy between posting that and then having a picture of rubble. Like, you obviously don't think this war is serious. I'm not saying that they don't take it seriously, but it feels like you don't take it seriously. You're right. It's the juxtaposition of that hyperbolic language and those characters that are meant to evoke this epic civilizational struggle with this you know with the juxtaposition of that with this uh actual war this actual military conflict where people are dying right like what the fuck
Starting point is 00:09:35 well and it's like it's go ahead tom no no no i'll just say it's like i feel like this is the logical sort of end point of the books where Joe Biden and Barack Obama hop in a 57 Bel Air and then go ride on their enemies. That kind of stuff. Like a William Patterson. Yeah, William Patterson. Yes, exactly. It's like a liberal fan fiction thing like y'all were saying and then you know
Starting point is 00:10:08 the disheartening well I mean there's a lot of disheartening parts about it but the disheartening part is it's like I can see a world where in 20s too, there's going to be a Zelensky Marvel movie. The first man to actually matriculate from the real world to like,
Starting point is 00:10:35 he's going to be like the real life. You know what? You are right. Because that is the, that is the whole point of those movies. Like they're demigods and like that in the celebrities playing them too. Yo, it's, it's like there was some, uh forget his name i forget what his title was but he's like some uh royal like uh monarchy dude from uh from god what country was it man i forget what country it was from
Starting point is 00:10:58 but from jordan that's what it was and he had a cameo on star trek like in the diabetes like he didn't have a talking role or anything like that but it was just like yo he really loved the show and he really wanted to get put in it so they put him in it and it's like yeah man like you're just gonna start seeing this bleeding over because that's what they are they want to make these people look at the way they treat Obama
Starting point is 00:11:18 or Biden you know what I'm saying I mean we have it with Dark Brandon they're making these people into characters you know what I'm saying into caricatures, man. And infantilizing caricatures, you know? Yeah. And also, I mean, I think this is connected if you look at it. I think it's probably connected to what social media ostensibly does for us.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And that makes everybody famous for a little bit. You know what I mean? So it's like everybody can sort of you know have their 15 minutes or whatever it is you know what i mean and it's like it's i don't know it's just this outgrowth of celebrity culture that like is really really concerning because like you said there's like you were seeing videos of people get bombed and shrapnel lodged and passersby, like all the horrors of war. Like, we've seen it play out with this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:07 But it doesn't quite feel like other stuff because we've been so desensitized to it and just sort of normalized it, you know? It's like this weird disjunction between, you know, dude, I've spent too much time reading that that zz compact mag thing because i'm using words like signifier and signified but it's like it is this weird disjunction between your art shit yes even speak with a bit of a lisp it's like it's like this is just weird disjunction between like signifier and signified that like doesn't make any sense i mean you know what i'm
Starting point is 00:12:46 saying like it's like putting these uh fictional characters onto this real world terrain in in such a way that it implodes any meaningful distinction between fantasy and reality and it's in some ways yeah in some ways it reminds me of like world war one in the sense that like everybody went off to that war thinking like, Oh, this is, this is, this would be the grand European conflict.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Just like every other European conflict before this, we're going to ride out with our Dutchies, with our flags, and we're going to have our feudal Lords and everything. And they get there and they're like, bro, this war this war is going to be awesome bro it's going to be great bro and they get in like and they get there you know what i mean they ride with horses out on calvary and they get there and there's like 50 cal machine guns and grin and like mortar launchers and just mowing down like old aristocrats on calvary you know what i mean it's like this weird it's this weird
Starting point is 00:13:45 collision of the new world with the old world in a way you know what i'm saying like where no one is prepared for it they're all in this weird where the future of warfare kind of meets warfare where it's at now and like the lines get so blurred yeah yes it's like you know what it's like too man it's like this culture is so this like i mean i don't for lack of a better, you know, there's like two minutes like this culture is so this like, I mean, I don't for lack of a better term, you know, like it's neoliberal culture, right? Of like kind of recursion and slop and nostalgia is a big part of that. And I kind of feel like it's like it's I don't know how to describe it, man. It's like it's like it it's it's span is so wide and permeates everything. Right. That we have to infuse like real world, like, international global politics and effects
Starting point is 00:14:27 that affect people's lives. And we have to infuse them with these, like, and I'm sorry, they're not fucking modern myths. Like, I like comic books, right? But a lot of people like to use, oh, they're like just modern myths. Like, no, dude, these movies are made to fucking sell toys. And that's another thing, yo. I don't know if I brought this up before, but Alan Moore, I probably did. Alan Moore talks about how it's disturbing that many people are going to see batman movies right because that's like this kind of infantilization that's a precursor to fascism and the fact that like you have grown-ass adults who are like making decisions for fucking war who can only use references from children's literature dude it is weird that like yeah like you're right like jake like all these
Starting point is 00:15:03 people who waged like the second world war they were like and i'm not saying this is good either but they were constantly quoting like thucydides and like herodotus and oh you know what i mean like odysseus and and and all this and it's like now it's like oh it look and it's harry potter and the voldemort and they're casting spells civil war avengers and we're gonna put you know take off iron man's face and put on biden's face it's like yo you're a fucking psycho what are you doing yo but like i have like i have my nephew my like my older nephew like he loves this shit too but he as like you know a teenager approaches the stuff with more maturity than these fucking people do he knows that shit is fake yo yeah i mean and also but like also like to get at this idea that it's like an
Starting point is 00:15:44 implosion of meeting in any consistency i guess that's like to get at this idea that it's like an implosion of meeting in any consistency i guess that's the thing when i mean by that it's like an implosion of any consistency or coherence like i was reading that vanity fair article written by james pogue about these you know wealthy uh right-wingers who are into wellness now and they think that like our bodies are poisoned by the environment and they're basically like running away to these enclaves like these sort of like prepper communities in the west you know the biggest of which is becoming jackson hole wyoming which is like all these all these wealthy people have flocked there and have made it like the
Starting point is 00:16:21 richest zip code the wealthiest zip code in the u.s um probably not a good idea for the coming uh the coming bad shit everyone knows where you are but okay you're just all gonna gather together the richest the people who have caused and perpetuated all this misery and we're just gonna chill here in wyoming like okay yeah but it's like part of that article is like he goes through uh and talks to a lot of them and he also talks to a lot of these people on the new right. Like we talked about this on a past episode about this like convention he went to by this this till Peter Till funded convention of these new right people and how a lot of them view Vladimir Putin as like this world historic like like um dictator like in a good way type figure like a napoleon type figure who can like yeah reconcile all these contradictions and he's like fighting waging this battle against like global homo and all this and it's like you see that and it's like
Starting point is 00:17:18 global homo that's what they call it and i know it's global homos what that's what they say that's what they call it who calls it like clearly it just sounds funny it's like i'm not supposed to take that seriously yo i'm not supposed to still fear me dude that sounds like delightful i don't know you're right you're right it's like it's like that's another weird disjunction right but but anyways it's like okay it's like okay i can see how these fucking freaks think this but then it's like then then like i read that i fucking closed the app and i log into twitter and the first thing i see is this story about a guy who like 36 year old died he's part of the azav battalion and died like starved to death in a russian prison and like like libs are like boat boosting it like this guy was a brave hero and it's the
Starting point is 00:18:10 classic shit where like you zoom in he's got the pepe frog patch on his like yeah he's got like he's got an ss tattoo on his forehead you're like oh man that brave young man like it's so bizarre like both sides like libs and conservatives are going to slow walk like backwards they're going to reverse engineer themselves into two like competing fascist like factions but infantile fascist fascist like you know factions you know what i mean because we've talked about this before it seems to be this obsession to like with like childhood and with perpetuity but also to revert to childishness yeah so again man like yeah like like you know i'm stealing a quote from
Starting point is 00:18:51 gibson here but he talks about how thailand is actually a disney disney disneyland with the death penalty like that's the future right that's like the future of western technocracies is disneyland i mean we're already there but like they're like you know what i mean like we're gonna be seeing like we have Vietnam like I guess in the 70s when the 24-hour news cycle became A thing and people were watching the sleekness of death all the time Yeah Like this time you're gonna see a chyron with like Flowers and hearts and shit like that and rainbows and puppies and shit while motherfuckers are getting drove to no no no Yeah, they're gonna be like face-tuning like corpses like with like Disney character
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's like like B like corpses like with like Disney character. It's like like Bambi's mother. It's like, oh, face apic them like putting them up with like dog cheeks on the lolling tongue or some shit like that. Yeah. I do. Yeah. Oh, my God. Features.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Awesome, dude. I do. It's horrible. That got away from us, didn't it? Yeah. Both in the media, immediate sense And in the geopolitical sense It got away from us But yeah no
Starting point is 00:19:56 I mentioned the ZZ thing a minute ago I don't I'm not going to dig into it Because I don't It's profoundly fucking stupid It is hard to read I'm sorry I'm stupid yo I'm not gonna dig into it because I don't it's profoundly fucking stupid it is hard to read I'm sorry I'm stupid yo I'm reading it I'm just like I don't understand what he's talking about well and also
Starting point is 00:20:11 it has one of the all time stupidest sentences I've ever read which is that the use of puberty blockers is yet another case of woke capitalism it's like... That almost sounds like a deep fake, like, AI shit that Jordan Peterson,
Starting point is 00:20:29 someone would make Jordan Peterson say. That doesn't sound real. Yeah, exactly. It's like, do you know what capitalism is? I mean, truly, I'm asking genuinely. Like, do you know what it is? Fucking Z-Jack. Well, all right, boys.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I think I got an article for us, maybe. Hopefully we can ride this one out for the rest of the episode. I don't know. I don't know for a fact if we can. It's really long, and so I didn't finish it. Well, that's the best. We all come inside unseen, you know. That surprises me.
Starting point is 00:21:10 We're all in it together. Exactly. I just want to preface this by saying something weird is going on in the ruling class, and we've talked a little bit about this before. I mean, obviously, a lot of weird things are going on. Yeah, I was going to say, which one? You know, because I read this article right after I read the aforementioned Vanity Fair article from James Pogue about these, you know, heiresses. Like, one of the main characters in that article is a great-great-granddaughter of John D. Rockefeller. She worked in the Trump administration, and she moved out west.
Starting point is 00:21:53 She's extremely paranoid that Globo-homo is going to fucking throw her into a camp. There's all these weird scenes of her watching documentaries of her family on Netflix and stuff. It is a bizarre. So that she can, does she watch them so that, like what? Because she thinks that these documentaries are unfavorable to her family? No, no, no. She has this critique and a lot of these right wingers do that what's wrong with the world right now is that our uh the the forces of woke capitalism and and our capitalists in the tech industry and everything
Starting point is 00:22:31 are the ones responsible for ruining everything and that is true but she thinks that we have to have a return to like the john d rockefeller days it's like it's like i just saw i just saw benevolent billionaires i just saw a fucking photo going around on twitter where like an 11 year old was cleaning like a slaughterhouse in like alabama did y'all see that like no what the fuck this is what these people want to go back to though to them these are the good old days that are whitewashed like you were saying tom benevolent capitalist that's the thing like it never went away it's like it's not it's still here yo um you can have that now except you can also have it with the you know modern conveniences of the 21st century you know
Starting point is 00:23:15 if that's what you want um okay so but yeah anyways it anyways, it was a weird article. And like I said, there's a lot of heiresses and heirs of former magnates, captains of industry and everything, kind of like surveying the landscape of America and coming to that conclusion. Well, this article that I'm going to read is sort of of that in that vein this is also about an heiress of a wealthy scion captain of industry but earlier when i said there's something weird going on in the ruling class what i was referring to was that a lot of them are obsessed with boxes i mean okay we talked about this with the sam
Starting point is 00:24:09 bankman fried episode i don't know if y'all remember this but like sam bankman freed like in his pitch about his cryptocurrency like to use the metaphor of a box do you remember this no tom do you remember this yeah yeah it was like his sort of convoluted way of explaining Crypto or whatever Yeah and it's kind of got like It had a weird like Schrodinger's cat thing too It's like the crypto is both in and not in the box At the same time
Starting point is 00:24:37 Or something like that It's like he has this weird obsession with boxes Okay Now you got me thinking like this motherfucker's like a cat well he got a bunch of car empty cardboard bags boxes at his home he just curled it up inside these shits man okay well this this um rich person is also obsessed with boxes so what's in the box man i gotta know what's in the box in the box what's in the box um horror's in Pandora's box? Horror is unforetold.
Starting point is 00:25:11 This is about Elizabeth Coke. This is in the New York Times. It's about Elizabeth Coke who is the daughter of Charles Coke of the infamous Coke brothers. Perhaps you've heard of them. One of them dead. I've heard of them. Is Charles Coke perhaps you've heard of them yes is charles coke the one that's dead i think it's david there's charles i don't know charles is still
Starting point is 00:25:30 around because his daughter is obsessed with boxes he's like i'm not he's like you're not putting me in a box lady i'm outside the box um this is the new york times this this article also falls into a category of a recent the new york times isn't the only place that does this but i feel like they're they've been doing it most recently and also like fuck the new york times like their reaction to the the the glad letter and like all this other stuff right now like they're cracking down on any journalist who criticizes them and their issue their handling of trans issues and everything else like as trump said fail they're failing it's the failing failing the failing new york times folks um but this falls in a similar category of other recent articles where like i'm starting to think that
Starting point is 00:26:25 new york times writers might literally have been created in a kind of like goo in the matrix and they like come out with a completely like 11 year olds like view on the world you know and and and on like object permanence because there was that article where the guy like talked to the ai bot being the sydney or whatever did y'all hear about that no i heard about it i didn't read it though like object permanence, because there was that article where the guy talked to the AI bot, Bing, the Sydney or whatever. Did y'all hear about that? Nah, I heard about it, but I didn't read it, though. I heard, yeah, like fell in love with him and then said all kinds of crazy shit or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:56 He got really spooked by it. He was like, oh my God. And it's like this article is kind of like that, too, because the writer of this kind of like takes her at her word and basically lets her lead him on into this – into her box. Before you start, before you start, I'm going to give you – Right into the box. Right into the box. Like this is what I think like the best way to think of the people that write these articles.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And I've used this reference before for, like, Chris Hayes. It's just, like, a completely joyful, stupidly happy, like, Labrador retriever, right? Yeah. Like, just the most impressionable, young, not even human mind that you could imagine thinking of. Their minds are not even lizard brain, necessarily, because they do have some sensations and feelings. But they just react to stimuli, like, I don't know, like puppies, man. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:44 That's what it is. They take these people at their word man it's like come on you would grow that's a dope it yeah come on man grow up all right peekaboo oh would you go would you go go ahead this is called elizabeth coke knows what you're thinking um by brooks barnes um i really hope elizabeth coke does not know what I'm thinking but even as a young girl Elizabeth Koch was keenly aware of her family's extreme wealth my beloved parents
Starting point is 00:28:14 they were paranoid about raising spoiled pieces of well you know and so I heard about it a lot come on man you in the New York Times oh you can't curse the New York Times okay fair my bad turns I'm like come on you a grown ass adult adult you can't say shit but all right i mean i feel like you can curse in the new york times yeah you should be able to use the new york times and i could see how other people responded to us she said i sensed it everywhere i didn't get that
Starting point is 00:28:40 it was about the family i'm just seeing that it's about me so i must be bad she decided to dedicate her life to one pursuit to not be hated she said well your parents well give it who your daddy is this is an interesting insight too because i've always wondered that do these people are they really afraid of being hated you know very much so i went to that too i don't want to get too into it but the show succession i love that show because it shows like the weird uh neuroses of these incredibly rich people and it's just a show but one of the characters is obsessed with checking his twitter to see if people are talking shit about them so if anything i hope these very powerful people don't sleep at night because you
Starting point is 00:29:24 know i'm talking shit about them yeah uh i think i think that's a big part of their psyche postings riding on them at 3 a.m exactly try to give elon musk ulcers hell yeah let's go um miss coke 47 is the daughter of charles coke 87 the billionaire industrialist climate change boogeyman and far right political force his wealth is estimated at roughly 66 billion i feel like you could just in the article there right because it's like she's like i want people not to like me my dad is worth 866 billion dollars well you failed sorry article over here not off to a good start i'm gonna be honest with you there liz the family is close everyone spent christmas together in las vegas staying at the wind resort and taking in a mentalist show
Starting point is 00:30:12 well okay um but miss coke at least by her account has been driven to the brink of insanity by her last name no in a 2007 if you do a lot of that you know in a 2007 essay. If you do a lot of that, you know. In a 2007 essay for Smith Magazine, she described her young adulthood as panic attacks and meltdowns and doctors and pharmaceuticals and terrifying my parents and staring down that dark well of nothing you do will ever be good enough, you privileged waste of flesh. Yeah, that's about right. That's about right yeah that's about right um a couple of years later she lied to classmates at syracuse university where she was working on
Starting point is 00:30:52 an mfa in fiction insisting that her name was pronounced cotch no relation to those cokes the ones they may have read so you don't like the bear like a bear of New York? Koch, like, no, my dad ran the independent record label that all the rappers signed to from 2005 to 2009 because they got fucked over by the majors. Yeah, that's my dad. That's my dad, yeah. And you're going to have one goddess like, actually, I do hate you even more now. I hate you as equally as if your last name was Coke. Yeah, or you're right someone thinks that she's ed koch's daughter and they're like you fucking you ruined new york city you ruined new york city he's like 19
Starting point is 00:31:34 um uh blah blah blah a public blah blah blah blah blah let's see let's see let's see um okay miss coke's okay a publicist named scott rowe had called to propose an article on mrs coke this is the journalist talking and her non-profit organization unlikely collaborators which is all about self-investigation according to its website the organization is dedicated to the creation of, quote, provocative experiences that help you face who you think you are. The site adds, our experiences use a process of self-investigation that encompasses principles and practices from Eastern and Western thought, meditation, psychology, neuroscience, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You can kind of. I'm going to keep it a buck if i was going to something called uh what was it called it's unlikely collaborators is the name of the
Starting point is 00:32:30 group but it's provocative experiences that help you face who you think you are oh okay yeah so if i'm going to something if i'm going to uh examine myself for a provocative experience i don't i'm thinking i'm going for a very specific thing, and spoiler, it ain't that. It ain't that. I'm thinking we're going to get some Eyes Wide Shut shit or something. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Miss Coke started Unlikely Collaborators in 2021 after emerging from years of depression, OCD, eating disorder, and a stint in a mental institution. Serious people have joined Unlikely Collaborators in leadership roles. Blah, blah, blah. Your perception is wrong, Mr. Rowe said. Just come meet her. Okay. Unlikely Collaborators occupies a sunny loft in Santa Monica, California.
Starting point is 00:33:25 The community once described as where liberal ideology meets the sea. On the afternoon I visited... Wait, who described it that way? What? Is that like a plaque when you go there? Like a town plaque? Who described it that way?
Starting point is 00:33:41 The Christian Science Monitor. You know. All right. Okay, CSN. We got you. On the afternoon I visited, candles flickered here and there. Someone had put out
Starting point is 00:33:51 what looked like 20 pounds of charcuterie. Ms. Gregorian, the nonprofit's president, was tucked into a stylist chair. Ms. Gregorian, by the way, is a executive at Warner Bros. So, was tucked into a stylist. One of the finest people. Yeah, was tucked into a stylist... We're the finest people. Yeah, was tucked into a stylist chair
Starting point is 00:34:07 near Zach Gorin, a former investment banker and private equity investor who is Miss Coke's finance and operations chief. Suddenly, Miss Coke stood before me without stretched arms, soliciting a hug.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Before we began, she said, would you like a blanket? I declined, and we settled into a conference room i expected her to be guarded in keeping with her father's approach to the news media instead she spoke excitedly a blanket the fuck you mean guarded you didn't take it either historically i mean like historically it's such a loaded thing like historically like people offering blankets is like you know usually there's like smallpox in them and stuff you know what i mean it's like
Starting point is 00:34:49 it's like 1920 chicago and it's like cold as shit or something it's no story instead she spoke excitedly for nearly two hours telling me about her circuitous path to middle age salting her sentences with profanity and referring to herself as a privileged pasty white girl from the midwest i would argue i would also argue that your path to middle age is linear not circuitous i mean it's pretty you're right cut and dry you know what i mean my reincarnation here who the fuck do you think you are yeah yeah we did that episode a couple weeks ago get the fuck out of here. She talked about exploring. This is weird.
Starting point is 00:35:28 She talked about exploring quote unquote pain holes with a therapist and going on two week silent retreats. She insisted she is apolitical. What is it about? What is it about these freaks? I saw Aaron Rodgers quarterback for the packers is doing a silent retreat where he like goes and pays like a lot of money to stay in a room for four days or something like that with no light and just a toilet and somebody like hands him like dinner every couple hours
Starting point is 00:35:57 through like a hole in the wall what is it with them to try and do shit like that i guess it's because like i mean I don't know. I'm being generous here, but, like, I guess, like, their daily lives, average lives, they don't have a moment to the. Don't fuck out of here, dog. If you Aaron Rodgers, you definitely have a moment to yourself. You could fly on a private island. Ain't nobody wants to be around you. Especially in the off season.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I think that they're so deeply alienated, but it's kind of weird and paradoxical, but because they're so wealthy and detached, they are cut off from any kind of community at all. And so they think that the problem is that they are beset on all sides by expectations and assistance. You know what I'm saying? They always constantly have aides and assistants, like press agents asking them to do this, that, and the other.
Starting point is 00:36:50 So they need to just get away from it all. It's like their cure for their alienation is more alienation. And it just shows how absolutely detached they are. And it's not even... Go ahead, Tom. Go ahead, Tom. No, just the funny part of it is it's like they still have to spend money to get unalienated right yeah it's like i'm gonna go spend money on
Starting point is 00:37:12 this like half-assed like woo woo retreat uh to like quiet the voices of modernity in my head which is really just aaron like saying they deserve death at three in the morning i'm doing i would love you it's like listen to you go ahead well no it's just like i for once i would like to see one of these people say you know what i'm gonna forsake all of my inheritance and go work at a uh a uh uh coles and humboldt tennessee like that would be at least interesting you know what i mean like but they're never gonna do that because what they do they they really love everything that life has afforded them but they have to sit here and like like him and haw about it so they appear likable or whatever yeah it's really just exactly no gone are the days there's that cormac mccarthy novel century and like the premise is like this this guy who's an heir of this wealthy southern family,
Starting point is 00:38:10 kind of forsakes his entire family and just goes and lives on the Tennessee River. I think it is. And in Knoxville, whatever river goes through there. And he's a fisher. That's his life. You know what I'm saying? It's like no one. I guess they do do that. They go to wyoming they go to jackson hole and they like have fishing guides and they like snowboard and stuff like that but like
Starting point is 00:38:33 but it's but it's it's like it's like we were saying tom it's not unfiltered alienation even that alienation is filtered and mediated through money power access patronage yeah yeah patron so you are you really like alone like i can go alone and go to the park down my street and i feel like i'm alone but i'm also surrounded by a community and people like these people don't have either they don't have any sense of community and they can't really be alone you know they're like in this fucking limbo um well now we get to the box so this is the limbo in the box we're limbo in the box um mostly miss coke wanted to explain something called the perception box a term she trademarked in 2021 she's trademarked i don't know Does that mean we can't They should probably Always Clive Barker Some royalties for that Basically what Hellraiser
Starting point is 00:39:31 You know Yeah Yeah What they call that shit What they call that shit I can't Yeah what is that Hellraiser
Starting point is 00:39:41 It's like What is it called What is it called In the fucking book It's such a good name, too, yo. Oh, the box? The Hellraiser box. The Lament Configuration box.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah, the Lament Configuration. Yeah, this will help you commune with demons. Except minus all the kinky sex, you know? So not even the cool shit. Not even the cool shit, yo. Yeah, all the coolinky sex you know so not even the bds yeah not even the cool shit yo yeah all the cool shit divorced from it um yeah like yes in those but in those movies or books it's like isn't the the layman's box isn't like the portal to like pain and suffering basically it's like it's like pleasure that's so overwhelming that is painful
Starting point is 00:40:25 or some shit like that yeah get the fuck out of here perception box like you you can't even hold a candle to the it's cloud parking um unlikely configuration unlikely collaborators is built around the concept of the perception box which miss Koch wants to use to prompt a global movement of self-investigation. A global movement. We all live inside an invisible but ever-present mental box, a perception box, Ms. Koch began. This box distorts our perceptions of everything and everyone around us. It distorts our ability to understand each other, to see them clearly, to connect with them. And it distorts our ability to really even know ourselves. them clearly to connect with them and it distorts our
Starting point is 00:41:05 ability to really even know ourselves she adjusted the blanket on her lap most of the external conflict messiness and miscommunication in the world in corporations relationships families every aspect of our lives is caused by internal conflict miss coke continued and most of the internal conflict is caused by unconscious beliefs that we have been carrying around since we are very young, like zero to five, and that we project on everyone around us. In addition, unlikely. Okay, so yeah, it's pausing there. Any thoughts on the perception box, fellas? Any?
Starting point is 00:41:41 Like, the perception box just sounds like a feeling. I think she should stop complaining and leave the box because apparently the perception box is not class it's nothing material with the social reality it's just it's just a vibe so you know grow the fuck up yeah it is vibes it's vibes box but i'll tell you this another way i think i would take my chances with the cinebots before i'd take my chances with charles coke's progeny you let a demon shove some shit up your ass before you go any day of the week i'm letting uh butterball fucking blow my back walls out let bees above let bees above break you down
Starting point is 00:42:21 dude what am i looking at this is fucking wait i'm just i'm just still kind of amazed with this perception box thing because like like it's it's it's amazing the contortions that these people go through to avoid like i mean i don't even think they can think about class you know what i'm saying like i mean if you ask most people what class is i think they would just say what your profession is where your parents came from like i don't think most people have a conception like i mean even i think about class i'm like well is it a strictly marxist definition like i don't even fucking know for myself but when they talk about these things it's so it's so alienated from social reality you know what i'm saying like she's like yeah like the relationships
Starting point is 00:43:00 between corporations and like your family members like what the fuck are you talking about man right um so there's a weird you're right aaron they uh i would i would imagine that she could probably well it's kind of like the resource generation thing it's like you might be happier if you just bought a nuke and then put it in the desert and then said like working people of the world this is pointed at charles coke's house yes that man's my father but he's terrible listen as i've said before she would do a lot more good these people do a lot more good with supplying a small nuclear arm to southwest atlanta you you have to look at that this you have to look at her her her ideology that way her perception box that way it's like it's like she can't she can't reconcile that fact in her mind that her father is responsible for at the very least like he was doing hitler
Starting point is 00:44:01 numbers right he probably probably he's probably done Hitler numbers, like, six million or so. You know what I'm saying? He was definitely wrecking up Hitler numbers. It's like, he has put an evil so deep and sinister into the world, like, wrapped its tentacles around it. It's like, she'll never be able to reckon with that. And, like, that's the weird paradox, though, because, like because like she gets to it later one of her issues is daddy issues it's like dog you could both end a lot of pain and suffering in the world and ease your own conscious if you just did like a fratricide or what's it called a patricide thing patricide i mean or yeah i mean listen yo listen like you
Starting point is 00:44:42 do the right thing the that guilt you're feeling, that internal conflict, it's because your father is one of the most evil organisms that has, like, walked the earth. Yeah. He's like Thomas Midgley Jr. level of evil. You know what I mean? Like, seriously. This is a weird detour.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I had to look this up. But in addition, unlikely collaborators invest in companies and non-profit organizations that are aligned with its mission she uh miss coke helped fund and hopes to develop curriculum for moral courage college you ever heard of that so is this like the resource generation this is like resource generation shit all right well but it's not like it's not social justice oriented in any way. This is like a philosophical thing. Sort of like effective altruism. Okay. I was going to say it's like Trump University, but woo-woo.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Pretty much. It's Moral Courage College. I can't even say that. Moral Courage College. Moral Courage College. I can't even say that without... Moral Courage College. Moral Courage College. MCC. Moral Courage College. Yeah, the other MCC.
Starting point is 00:45:54 The other MCC. Moral Courage. You should have went Moral Courage University. That way it's MCU, so that way... Yeah. ...the time you Googled MCU won't marvel. This would pop up. It would certainly be easier to say than Moral Courage College,
Starting point is 00:46:07 which is much like Rural Juror. Rural Juror? Yeah. Moral Courage College, which describes its purpose as training people to, quote, lower their emotional defenses so that contentious issues can be turned into constructive conversations. so that contentious issues can be turned into constructive conversations. This is based on a philosophy called moral courage.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Learning how to be soft. That's what it's called. Learning how to be soft. Soft as hell. Softer than a freshly dusted Kleenex. Soft. Learning how to be soft. Millions of dollars have gone to SIY Global, a firm that provides mindfulness and emotional intelligence training.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Ms. Koch and unlikely collaborators have also donated money to the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, which, among other things, conducts research into the mental health benefits of MDMA. I could fuck with that. One cool thing you've said so far here's the here's the part that i was talking about where like it is kind of like this journalist like i said his mind was like cryogenically preserved from the ages of like 10 to 33 um and so uh this is this is what this is the example i know this is a lot to throw at people miss coke Coke said, apparently reading my mind. Let's go back to the perception box.
Starting point is 00:47:27 That's where it begins and ends. She jumped. She really is like the Hellraiser. Like this is, this is where it begins and ends. You live and die in the box. She jumped to her feet and started writing on a whiteboard,
Starting point is 00:47:46 calling out each word with a flourish and a demonstration of one of her workshops. I don't matter, she wrote. I'm not good enough. I'm bad. She asked me to envision a person, a writer perhaps. This person misses deadlines because they are constantly worrying about making it perfect. It has to be better. It has to be better.
Starting point is 00:48:04 No, no, no, not there yet. That has to be better. It has to be better. No, no, no, not there yet. That thinking can be painful and ultimately even professionally paralyzing. That person is running a perception box story in their head, she said, and it's an obvious one. I'm not good enough. I grimaced and told her that I could be that writer. Who are you still trying to please? And who are you still rebelling against, she asked me,
Starting point is 00:48:24 now firmly in teacher student mode i squirmed and thought about how it was really stupid of me to say no to that question probably daddy i said almost in a whisper daddy oh no bro bro you're posted dog you've said this before terrence these op-ed or whatever, it's not even an op-ed, I guess. It's just like a fucking feature. This is our journalist. Yo, they're always posting L's, dog. Always posting L's. Daddy?
Starting point is 00:48:52 Daddy? Motherfucker, you have to waterboard me to put daddy in a fucking essay, dog. I am going to tell you something. There's not a torture tactic in their playbook that can get me to say that. She broke him down that easily. She wrote a few
Starting point is 00:49:09 things on the whiteboard, talked about a box, and within ten minutes, he's squirming and saying, Daddy! Well, sometimes I think if I'm built for shit, these people are not built for shit. She is a cinemite. She's a cinemite.
Starting point is 00:49:24 She is. cinemite. She's a cinemite. She's a cinemite. She's a cinemite. She is. Like, straight up. Okay. Probably daddy, I said almost in a whisper. She sighed and sat down. I have that issue too, she said.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I've done a lot of work on it. A lot of love there, but yeah. too she said i've done a lot of work on it a lot of love there but yeah and then we move to it then we move to a uh you know a boring section about how she can read science papers and how smart she is and um that shit's funny as hell daddy oh my god um but anyways uh this you know this is pretty much It she also there is also a section about Life with father Miss coke's fascination with
Starting point is 00:50:12 Self-identity and perception started when She was growing up in wichita kansas She attended private school It's not like growing up in new york city where a lot of People are wealthy she said we were very different In wichita i had so much fear that people would hate me. You know what this reminds me of too, man? Like, maybe I'm wrong here, but this reminds me of sort of a companion to effective altruism,
Starting point is 00:50:37 but only it's focused on the self and the individual. You know, whereas the effective altruists are like, okay okay we need to worry about people a million years in the future i mean and do everything that we can do now to mitigate any possible suffering instead of worrying what's about what's happening now these people they're still not really worried about what's happening in the larger world of course but the way they resolve those contradictions those inner contradictions within themselves that are kind of echoes of like oh shit like yeah maybe my dad is fucked up the way that they do it is just by spending fucking loads of money to pamper themselves like fucking children yo i hate these fucking people dude you're absolutely right just be a fucking adult yo just be like my dad sucks maybe i suck maybe i should smoke some weed and
Starting point is 00:51:17 like well she's getting there with the mdma shit but do more of that shit you know i'm saying well like this is weird it's like um the reporter tries to like probe about her relationship with charles coke with her father um during one of our conversations she spoke about him pushing her to join the track team in the fourth grade and personally coaching her for a couple of years no matter where we went on vacation he was getting me up at 5 a.m to run the reporter asked was his expectations too high she responded with some still in her voice there is no blame there i was just confused and i was putting things together in a really distorted way and then i had so much shame about it that i couldn't talk about it
Starting point is 00:51:54 dog aaron dude it's very weird it really is like you mentioned succession it really is like the stockholm syndrome of like having this fucking psychopath father and like at the end of the day like their offsprings like interests are going to align with them ultimately like they're they're never going to be able to bridge that like psychological and material gap no because it's like it's like yo like i'm trying to draw on something that tom has talked about before where these people are like, they're worried about legacy, right? You know what I mean? And withstanding in the way of legacy, like, I mean, maybe I'm wrong here. Maybe I'm talking shit.
Starting point is 00:52:32 But I think for everybody, it's like, when I say God, I mean like nature, right? The inexorable march of death itself, right? And all returning back into that stream of life, right? But their God is their fucking parents, right? They have to destroy the same way that in the fucking show yeah and roy has to destroy his fucking father because his father is like a godhead right that's what these people have to deal with well i just have to deal with this omnipotent fucking being that may or may not but very well does exist but at least that's okay these people have to deal with a concrete person that's physically their corporeal you know what i'm saying so of course their minds would fucking
Starting point is 00:53:04 break unless they kill their fathers which they should do well and it's also an interesting it's also an interesting look it's also an interesting look at like how in this case you have someone who constructed a literal like metaphorical tool like a literal
Starting point is 00:53:19 metaphorical philosophical tool to help them escape that guilt and self-loathing called the perception box where it's like where you have no perception actually apparently bro how can you be in a box and have perception dog the point is pretty pretty short-sighted for somebody that's hawking perception as their product. Well, here's what she should have done. She should have joined up with, I don't know if it's her brother or her cousin, but White Coke. Remember the one that was selling those Hawaiian shirts?
Starting point is 00:53:56 Yes, the Hawaiian shirts. With the dollar signs on it? Absolutely. I have a magnitude more respect for White Coke. He knows who he is in the world He knows what time it is He knows he's a piece of shit He's gonna live with it and rock it
Starting point is 00:54:10 I'm gonna still get you But okay, respect though 1000% Well okay, you're right Tom We'll end on that What she should have done instead Instead of the perception box Hawaiian shirts.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Come on. With dollar signs on it. Yeah. With dollar signs on it. Way more noble pursuit. Hey, before we bounce, what did you all think about Trump getting his fastball back again
Starting point is 00:54:35 in East Palestine, Ohio? Dude. Oh, man. I wanted to talk about that. Has Biden even been there yet? I wanted... He's not. He went to Ukraine instead.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Yeah, he's been a key if I was listening on the radio this morning like the Russia was like bombing Kiev like as early as this morning again and his motherfuckers taking buses Thomas the fucking engine I fucking Steve mentioned to go to Ukraine oh my god I want to talk about that real quick because I want to do I want to plug real quick I read an article in the baffler about the devil's milkshake. Okay. And I debated doing it, but at like, because, right. Because it's like, well, okay.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You see this from time to time. Like this is, you know, this pops up, whatever. But like at a certain point I reached a point where I was like, you can't ignore this any longer. What we have before us, what we have in our hands is something we've never seen before. This is like a veritable, like mass hysteria of devil's milkshakes.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Like this is, dude, it is beyond the proportions of anything anyone has ever seen. It's like you've got the airborne toxic event and the poison itself, but then you've got all these like little, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:43 blips, these little mini devil it's like it's like it's weird it's like getting like a uh being a fly on the wall in one of these back rooms of these good old boys instead of them sitting around like popping champagne and stuff they're all like laughing hysterically drinking tap water but may or may not give them cancer 20 years while the oj's for the love of money plays in the background it's absolutely bizarre it has got to be unprecedented i've never seen anything like it no i just say real quick too i know i said to the chat but yo like you know
Starting point is 00:56:25 i do think like uh they are they are uh firsthand not firsthand but they're going to uh contract probably some diseases cancers like hitherto unheard of and you know i respect them for that man i respect them for looking out of the community of East Palestine by saying that, hey, we're going to kill ourselves first. I respect that, man. I have to say it's very fascinating, though, because, yeah, so, like, there's all these videos. There was the congressman from Texas. No idea why the fuck he was in Ohio in the first place. From Texas, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:02 From Texas. Then there was, like, the blue there was like my god i'll drink it pulls up an f-150 king ranch and hops out with two six shooters on his pockets give me a glass of that yeah anti-semiti sam showed up in ohio and started begging for a devil's milkshake um and it was served to him by bugs buddy yeah and and then like the lieutenant governor of ohio had a a video where him and some epa officials and other people were like tossing back shots that's when i was i was like okay this is kind of weird we might be this okay this is still like this is still in the realm of something we've seen before but it's getting a little weirder someone pointed out by the way on twitter that you could still see the
Starting point is 00:57:49 bottle of smart water in the corner of that video so it's like they weren't even they weren't even drinking the fucking so they do the obama shit but on a mass scale so and then but but then but then like like i said those are I had to text Tom last night. I was like, what's it called in boxing when there's fights before the main event? An undercard, as Tom dutifully noted. Those were just the undercard. Because then you had this video of Governor Mike DeWine, an EPA official. I think his name is Michael Regan.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I think Bill Johnson might have been his name is Michael Regan, and I think Bill Johnson might have been his name. He's a congressman from Ohio. That video was insane. They're like, it's like, the best way I can describe it, it's like a, you know, like in medieval, like the Seventh Seal, like that Ingmar Bergman film where, like, death travels from, like, in a caravan from like town to town like that's what that video was like it was like a Don's macabre you had them like going from
Starting point is 00:58:52 town to town like or like you know house to house drinking people's tap and like they're they're gleeful they're hat they're toasting man they're fucking clashing their cups together Tom is right like it's fucking cups of goblins of meat isn't shit like that yo they're not even they're not They're toasting, man. They're fucking clashing their cups together. Tom is right. Like it's fucking cups of goblins of meat or some shit like that, yo. They're not even sitting in a smoky back room. They're just going to people's living rooms and toasting on their fucking carpet. Just like they're dabbing on you. They're like, hey, can we use your water? Actually, you know, you really should.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Because when we even try to boil it, it just bursts into fire. You probably shouldn't. Yo, dog, like what they need to do is that they need to go the full fucking they need to go to full monty they need to they need to make a water park right they need to fucking make a water park wherever the derailment happened make a fucking water park with that contaminated water and fucking open that shit up and let biden somehow rogers that's That's something our congressman would do. Yeah, you're right. By Tuesday, they're going to be playing beer pong with it, and then by next weekend, they're going to break ground on the water park.
Starting point is 00:59:57 And, like, the absurdity of it is that, like, in the Colorado River basin right now, like, you've got, got like the beginnings of water wars right like you've got like all these states california arizona new mexico nevada like all utah they're all like fighting because none of them want to come up with this water rationing plan and it's just like the the the absolute absolute morbidness of it. But I will say, what was fascinating, Tom, you mentioned it. What was fascinating, who was the one guy who did not do the devil's milkshake?
Starting point is 01:00:36 It's fucking Trump. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. I'm not drinking that shit. Listen, I'll drink Coca-Cola. I'll drink that garbage, but I drink that shit. No, actually, I'm good. No, I'm not drinking that shit. Listen, I'll drink Coca-Cola. I'll drink that garbage, but I drink that shit. No, actually, I'm good. No, I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:00:49 This has been pointed out a lot on Twitter and shit. But, like, literally the only thing that might have put him back in this race in a meaningful way, and all he had to do was beat Pete Buttigieg to that fucking place yeah dude dude if if in a year and a half or whenever the election is if he ends up winning because of this i'm pretty sure that liberals are gonna like they're gonna do whatever they did last year where they go around to like you know the southern states and shit in red states and they try to like they try to uh read the tea leaves and see what's there but nobody will ever mention that if he won it might
Starting point is 01:01:30 have the same way that hillary called the all this all these places fly of a country and just had no interest in going to these places and the fact that he's fucking there i swear to god man maybe i'm wrong but i swear to god if he was to win i could see them burying this and forgetting about it and meanwhile people like well actually like yeah I remember he came here after the derailment. Well, the weird part is all the liberals are already saying that it's like Susan Sarandon and Bernie's fault that this happened. Oh, that the right is like taking the narrative? And then they're also saying this is the weirdest thing and this is the thing where it really makes me want to drag liberals out and fucking hold them underwater
Starting point is 01:02:05 to the point where they get ready to pass out and then bring them back up, let them gasp, and then repeat. Is there all like, this is the result of all of Trump's deregulation as if just mere weeks and months ago, Biden didn't fuck over all the Norfolk Southern workers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Dude, whose principal demand was seven fucking days of paid leave? Are you fucking kidding me? Yep, yep, yep. And you know what? I'm sure, yeah, they wanted to avoid, prevent derailments and shit like that. Of course.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like you said, Tom, that's literally what this was fucking about, yo. Yeah. Jesus, man. It's an interesting thing um the new york times did have a like we're we're in a weird place now where like even environmental disaster has now become like a culture war thing because the new york times had an article that was like right-wing commentators raised the alarm about like um i think
Starting point is 01:03:03 it was about like polluted water or something like that but it was like it was like trying to fit this thing into the weird culture war schematic of everything else um but that's i don't know that's just an aside but i just want to say that like there's been a lot of speculation over like whether trump would win the primary or not and to me the fact that trump did not do the devil's milkshake to me that proves that he would win the primary and why is that because at the end of the day the devil's milkshake is political theater it's kayfabe right like it's the it's the whole thing is upholding the illusion. What was Trump's thing from day one? It was all about breaking down that illusion.
Starting point is 01:03:49 I don't think he was doing it. Your water's not clean. Your water's not clean. And it's like they're going to get you to try to drink it, but it's dirty. It's still dirty. Well, they even asked him directly, right? They said, like, is the water safe to drink? And he said it will be. Trump said it will be, as if electing him again will give those people clean water.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Drain the swamp. This guy was probably dead in the water with Ron DeSanctimonious, but I got to tell you all, him beating Buttigieg and Trump there and then him switching from DeSanctimonious to Meatball Ron. He denied that, though, by the way. He may be on the verge of being more powerful than ever, especially with how short memories are nowadays. He's walked back the Meatball Ron statement.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I wish he went with Miss Florida instead. That's a little funny. That's pretty good. Yeah, Miss Florida. But it is truly weird because Ron DeSantis is the embodiment of that kayfabe. Ron DeSantis would do the Devil's Milks like kayfabe Ron DeSantis would do the devil's milkshake 1000% I feel like yeah yeah yeah like he would drink the Kool-Aid I mean we're
Starting point is 01:04:51 talking about the devil's milkshake but yeah he would fall into that Trump though nah man which I guess like I don't know if you're I don't know if you're inclined to vote for him you might be like well this guy's telling me that the water is still bad you know he's not trying to like pull one over on me like everyone else is you know right I can see that the water is bad this guy is telling me that the water is still bad. He's not trying to pull one over on me like everyone else is. I can see that the water is bad. This guy knows it too. I don't know, man. It's insane.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Well, time will tell. Time will tell what diseases these men develop. Well, that's ultimately the other just objectively cruel thing about the devil's milkshake or whatever is you really won't know what the health effects of that are for years and years and years. You know what I mean? It's like you could say, oh, yeah, today. Look, watch me drink it. Watch me drink it.
Starting point is 01:05:36 But I'm sorry. Like even drinking Benz. Like we had that in Whitesburg, right? Like we had the diesel spills that our local oligarch was dumping all his diesel waste into our river and and this is another thing i want to say to all those people it's like i used to work at water plant i'm a certified water plant operator when that diesel spill happened in white spur you know what their like sort of like bulwark was against like people getting sick and contaminated it was my happy ass going out
Starting point is 01:06:05 there once an hour and throwing a red bucket down in the river and pulling up the smallest sample of water you ever seen and checking it for sheen and smell that's it that's all it was me and i'm gonna tell you something i did that about four times a night i was supposed to probably do it every hour but nobody did nobody did nobody did so it's like could you so jesus all you liberals flexing about like oh y'all just denying science now or whatever well you know dude the interesting thing and i and i want to harp on it too much um because i wrote about it you don't want to like give away give it away for free but i mean articles free whatever anyways by the by the cow if you want the content, man.
Starting point is 01:06:46 You gotta read the shit. But the interesting thing to me is that like, the interesting thing about those videos is that they're trying so hard to convince you that the water is safe. And the thing is, is like, I don't know anything about East Palestine's water supplier, the watershed, or if that water is safe or not.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Who knows? Who the fuck knows? But the fact that they're out there i mean it it could very well be safe i don't know but the fact that they're out there releasing these videos like every other day like trying to force feed it to you it's like well even if it is safe like i kind of don't trust it now like you've been fucking i don't want to drink it now because why are you going so hard to make me want to drink it kind of mirrors it really kind of mirrors what went wrong with the vaccine rollout yeah yeah you know what i mean like the i don't
Starting point is 01:07:35 want to say over politicization because i sound like sean hannity or something but like that kind of stuff makes people think well maybe there's something to it you know i mean if they're trying so hard to refute this you know what i mean yeah it's yeah yeah it's just there's just no trust at all i mean and that's what makes it tying this back to the kind of ukraine thing it's like there's this disjunction and like in that disjunction there's like these weird like manifestations of the disease of the hyper reality of it that's very strange that's no man that's a i don't know it's just like the the people like i think like this distrust and people just like not like like anything that you push at them they retrench like more uh closely
Starting point is 01:08:19 into their own positions you know so even if this is something that's scientifically proven or factual i mean like you also just saw like their town like this derailment in east palestine i mean that's like why would you ever believe anyone that ever tells you anything again you know like you're looking at something that's so cataclysmic you know almost apocalyptic like people are taking pictures of the sky and you think there's a thunderstorm and no it's just from the chemicals and it's like yeah man like why would they believe not only that the water is safe to drink but that anyone gives a shit about them is going to do anything about it you know fucking fucking oh man fucking pete bootage is going to be remembered as just such a uniquely heinous figure in american politics you're talking about a guy that fucking crucified
Starting point is 01:09:01 his generation to get 14 heartbeats from the presidency and do the absolute most dog shit job that you can imagine at it i mean like what does what does everybody criticize people for the number one thing people criticize politicians for in a crisis not getting to a place fast enough yeah this dumb son of a bitch has let 19 days elapse and he's like well you know we had 2,000 of them last year these are just it's just the cost of doing business while every goddamn newspaper in the country's shown something that looks like a fucking nuke drop dude that was an incredible statement like who the fuck would say that like he he he said what what his quote was, was, well, why would we focus so much on this? There's like 1,000 or 2,000 train derailments a year.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Stop you bitching, stop you whining, drink your slick oil-filled water. You want me to tell you who says something like that? A fucking McKenzie sociopath that boils everything down to fucking market share and fucking- And statistics yeah yeah one thousand percent you're right you're right dude a dead-eyed psychopath who cannot see humanity just sees the number just like that that bald guy at the new york times said you fixed bread prices dude you are so new york times telling you that you are so right like only a literal psychopath would just look at the number and say like well that i mean this isn't a big deal this there's
Starting point is 01:10:31 2 000 other of these a year so like why are you getting your fucking panties in a one plus do you know how many other small towns there are across america they can just move somewhere else there are so many more i mean dude it's just, it also makes me think too that these people, last thing I'll say, these people like, like as things get, as we increasingly have that lapse in meaning, as you were saying, Terrence, you know, I feel like, like it's either going to be absurdities like, you know, fucking devil's milkshake, right? Like mass devil's milkshake or MCU Ukraine war, or it'll be just motherfuckers that are gonna come out and just tell you right what they mean right like in a cold inefficient way like i know booja judge is doing that because he's like a fucking moron but i mean i don't think about the ruling class like a lot of their comments during the pandemic a lot of these pharmaceutical companies like they're just coming out and just saying it they're like you know what are you gonna do about it right the world we're
Starting point is 01:11:23 headed to you're not gonna do shit no they're dead they're dabbing on us that's the thing it's been said and it's true they are dabbing on us all right well um i think that about covers it Go check out the article in the baffler I wanted to I wanted to call it a brief history of the devil's milkshake But sometimes you gotta Introduce the concept first
Starting point is 01:11:55 Go check that out It's in the baffler The devil's milkshake Go check out our patreon P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com Slash trouble at the workers party Anything else fellas Nah man Go check out our Patreon, slash Tripoli Workers Party. Anything else, fellas? No, man.
Starting point is 01:12:09 And you got peace floating around out there, too. Oh, shit, man. Yeah, yeah. I've been trying to get back in writing fiction, man. And I wrote this short speculative fiction piece that I just tried to submit it to some literary magazines, but I don't think it was a good fit. So if you're down to read it, it's up on my sub stack, sub stack uh space light dot sub and you can check that bad boy out hell yeah um go support your your true billy boys who are trying to be writers we're trying to be actual respectable writers the hardy boy the not the tardy boys but you know i don't know something like that we're getting to solving crimes independently
Starting point is 01:12:48 everybody's been wondering what's the the uh you know the uh the answer to the police state well it's the three of us going from small town to small town solving crimes exactly exactly how did this derailment happen? It's the first case. All right, guys. Well, thanks for listening this week, everybody. We'll see you next time. Peace out.
Starting point is 01:13:16 See you out there.

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