Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 293: The Shackleton Condition

Episode Date: June 1, 2023

Might have gotten a little carried away on this one. Sorry in advance Also, Tom lost his job, so we need your support on Patreon now more than ever:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 rock the cradle of love i'm billy idol peeled i'm just gonna start saying that about everything even the most micro things say if somebody asks you your thoughts on the debt ceiling i'm billy idol film i ain't got time for all that i'm really going going through a Billy Idol thing right now. I'm celebrating the excesses of the 80s in the 2020s. We need a little more of that, man. We need to bring back hedonism. It needs to come back in vogue, you know.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Within reason. Within reason. I've seen it go sideways. What's like a respectable hedonism? What's like a... What's the line i think that's the eternal question actually yeah i think that's that's everybody's lines different i suppose exactly that's where the the the moral uh what am i looking for purgatory i guess right of uh of hedonism right Where does that fine line
Starting point is 00:01:05 between having too much fun and maybe going to jail and maybe spending a night in jail. Not enough. We've talked about professions that are out of style or they don't exist anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Goat herd. Fert trap, fur trappers and chimney sweeps. Thatcher. A profession that's out of style or that doesn't exist anymore is,
Starting point is 00:01:34 is serial killers who are like copycat serial killers. Like, you know what I mean? Like you've got the serial killer but then like you've got the copycat
Starting point is 00:01:45 who's doing the same. If I was a serial killer and someone was copying me, I'd be like, come on, man. Get your own thing. Would you take it to the courts? I would take it to the courts.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I'm the guy that cuts people up and pisses on them. And this guy's stealing my... He's stealing your bit. My bit. This is my whole shit. And you know what? I'm willing to incriminate myself
Starting point is 00:02:10 just to prove a point here. Yeah. But you can joke about it now because their serial killers don't exist anymore. There's like two left. Now they're mass shooters instead. It's just the cops. It's just the cops.
Starting point is 00:02:23 It's just the cops and mass shooters. Everyone's lost imagination. Even the serial killers. It's like, that's why there's a rise in like true crime podcasts and stuff. It's because like no one, no one has an imagination to like write true crime fiction or to be a serial killer and do the true crimes. It's like you just have to like mine real world stuff. You know what?
Starting point is 00:02:45 I know that's a bit, but there is something to that. I think in the modern day surveillance state, you just can't have like a Charles Manson in the family anymore. Yeah, you can't have a Zodiac killer. In ways, that's good. In other ways, it makes for a much less interesting world. I wasn't going to say it.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I think we can all agree we've lost so much. Oh, man. Could be doing better, man. It's said that Manson killed the 60s. I wish he'd come and kill the dang 2020s. This shit's boring. I don't know. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I just saw an article on Rolling Stone. AI deep fakes of true crime victims are awakening nightmare. Like they're doing like deep fake videos of like they're trying to reenact true crime. Listen to this. This article opens grandma locked me in an oven at 230 degrees when i was just 21 months old the cherubic baby with giant blue eyes and a floral headband says in tiktok video what in the hell it's a defect so these are so these are victims that have already died yeah and there are there are, I mean, what is this for?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Is this for, like, is this for me? For whose gratification is this for? It is. It's the true crime shit. It's, like, like I said, like, you can't write mystery stories anymore. James Comey wrote a mystery novel, by the way. Apparently he did. People are saying it's not terrible.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I think he would. Is it about espionage? He's the next Raymond Chandler. Oh, no. He's like... Next Tom Clancy. I wonder if... Yeah, I wonder if it's like
Starting point is 00:04:39 kind of vaguely misogynist like a lot of those old noir writers. I was an old lech with an eye for an ankle. Yeah. Back in the days, motherfuckers would just get homicidally horny over seeing a woman's leg. That's true. Just like six inches of bare thigh.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Oh, man, people would lose their mind for it. Truly. Especially if you'd been at sea for a number of years. In the Pacific Theater. I don't know. I don't think you should read the Comey novel until you've had to crash course in media literacy, honestly. I saw that going around a lot like this week because the and i agree
Starting point is 00:05:27 because the the succession finale resulted in a lot of really deranged takes on succession and people were like we need media literacy and the funny thing is is that i do agree but i'm also laughing trying to imagine what that would even look like. How would you train people in this country about media? How would you even instruct them? I'll start. I'll start. This is how it was passed down to me, this literacy.
Starting point is 00:06:03 The late, great Dale Greer said to me one time in his own inimitable way guys if they said in the paper that they pacified a village using extreme prejudice it means they killed all the women and children next slide it just wouldn't give you half a second to sit with something that heavy next slide I just don't understand how it would play out like if you were doing
Starting point is 00:06:40 like what grade would you teach it at? You know what I mean? Like, how early do you start training kids in media literacy? Well, you couldn't have it in this country is the short answer because everybody's trying to put their goddamn thumb on the scale all the time. That's the truth, brother. You'd have Fox media literacy and you'd have dang CNN Media Literacy.
Starting point is 00:07:05 That's so true. You'd never have an objective middle ground, you know? Mm-hmm. Well, it presupposes that... So, it's like what I'm wondering is, like, would we let high school... If you were letting high school teachers teach media literacy, imagine how fucked up that would be.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Because, like, my high school teachers thought that, like, Hitler and Stalin were best friends and even the same person. Like, they conflated them, too. They didn't know the difference between, like, latitudinal lines and longitudinal lines. They didn't know, like, what a sea was versus a lake was. They were like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Fucking this water, man. That is true. And my hunch is that the Lee County Board of Education didn't do much to dissuade them either. No, dude. We had this guy, Coach Blessing, who choked out a Mexican kid one time
Starting point is 00:08:01 and said a bunch of racist shit. They just left him on. They were like they were like you can't teach anymore we're retiring you from teaching but now you're ahead of the whole history department they let the racist guy they gave him a promotion yeah they gave him a promotion oh damn actually that yeah that's a good point because i've told y'all this before uh you know i mean like you know like the the war of northern aggression you know and taking a class where my professor said that slavery wasn't always cruel yeah i don't know if i would trust like media literacy in the uh in the uh in the
Starting point is 00:08:35 head of these people not sure oh dude it would be so fucked up it would be like i mean basically it would be like giving a serial killer a whole bunch of fucking just innocent victims and weapons and just being like here just giving a small town history teacher like a um like the means to teach a media literacy course it like it would within two days they'd be like and the jews run media, by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They would show you, in their first class, they'd show you Birth of a Nation. Yeah, they wouldn't start out there,
Starting point is 00:09:12 but I guarantee you they would reverse engineer back their way into thinking that. They would start doing the lesson plans, and then on day three, they'd be like, oh, well, there's a small conglomerate of people that own the media i guess it tends towards liberal groupthink which can only mean one thing which can only mean one thing fellas and that's right that's right man i had a, did y'all ever, if you attended public school in the South, you definitely had days like this. But when, toward the end of the school year, you know, when it's basically, they're just mailing it in for the last couple weeks of school.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And they decide to do fun things. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. I had this teacher that did a scavenger hunt. And it was like an organic chemistry scavenger hunt. And he gave you clues, right? And he gave you clues.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And I remember one of the clues being, and I imagine this guy today would be like, you know, I couldn't do this today because of wokeness or whatever. Yeah. You know. Organic chemistry. One of his clues was something about homogenous something. And his clue was a smart guy from San Francisco. Yeah, a homo genie. Just the casual racism of small town teachers.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Like, it's so incredible. This Coach Blessing guy, this same guy took a hat off of a kid's head because it had the Mexican flag on it or something and put it on the flagpole and pulled it all the way to the top. Did this man have CTE? He was in World War II. Oh, God. So basically yes God damn man
Starting point is 00:11:11 Man I have to know though Did he get his hat back though? Yeah he got his hat back Did he climb up there to get it back? No I think the school made him Like the coach Bring the hat back down. But they still let him keep his job.
Starting point is 00:11:29 They were like, it's like he fucked up, like, every single day. And they were like, well, we can't fire him. We're not going to fill this position. Hey, it's Coach Blessing, guys. The man's a legend. The man won back-to-back state titles in 71 and 72. Does that not mean anything to you guys? Man's a war hero.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I don't even know what he coached. He didn't coach anything. I think he was – Did he just hang around when the coach was actually coaching? I think so. I had coaches like that. When I was running track and field, okay, that guy was a coach. But there'd be other – it's like my coach had a retinue you know people that would just be there they they called stupid
Starting point is 00:12:10 teachers who didn't know how to teach coaches that's the name they were like they're like there's there's not a mr baker or mr whatever that's coach baker that's coach blessing like they we we recognize that they don't actually coach anything, but they're also too stupid to be teachers. And they're always wearing, like, windbreakers and shorts and some shit like that, and athletic shoes with white socks. Coach is an aesthetic pursuit more so than an actual, like, educational one.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Doesn't mean you're teaching a sport or a game. It just means you dress the part. Exactly. Absolutely. That is true and i read this thing today in the washington post about homeschoolers and like truly like if you i don't know when i was a kid like when i was a teenager like the concept of homeschooling just even hearing about it like when i would meet someone in my town who i didn't know because you know it's like a small town like you know pretty much if you don't know someone you
Starting point is 00:13:10 know someone who knows them it's like yeah but like every now and then i'd meet someone my age and i'd be like who the fuck is this who are you and it's like yeah exactly where'd you come from my mom would be like yeah they're homeschooled and it would give me so much anxiety i'd be like what the fuck yeah i always felt so bad i was like man y'all are missing out on a lot of fun yeah and they and i hate to say this but they always turn out to be like weird like where i'm from they turned out to be like weird pentecostal kids that wore like long denim skirts and shit yeah and. And I can say that because I'm a Pentecostal. But, yeah. I'm not persuaded there's good social outcomes
Starting point is 00:13:51 for homeschooling, usually. To me, the reason why it gave me anxiety was just the thought of them staying home all day. I was like, damn, y'all just stay home all day? Like, that's really, that used to give me anxiety. Like, I even had a hard time staying home like if i would skip school i wouldn't stay home like i had a hard time staying home like i hated that shit i hated like being at my home throwing up when school was going on like it gave me anxiety for
Starting point is 00:14:19 some reason now now it's actually the reverse now. Now I like being home. Now I'm like, I'm not going anywhere. Yeah. You know, another thing you can be if you just dress the part as a captain or an admiral. That's true. Some sort of high seas officer. All you have to do is look the part. That's true.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It's like, you can't really do that with being a general. But if it's maritime related. Yeah, nobody's gonna ask you when did you serve, what vessel did you serve on, what war. If you got a valid boating license and a yachting cap, you could be an officer in the US Navy cap. That's like, that's a solution to the education crisis. They need to get admirals and captains in the classroom.
Starting point is 00:15:12 You know what I mean? You need wizened, leathery, grizzled old men. Yeah, suntanned. Yeah, they look like leather look like smell like brine vitamin c deficient vitamin c deficient they're sucking on lemons they got a peg leg yeah are we talking about pirates okay yeah the sea is the sea is the sea is hard on people imagine yeah it is hard on people. Imagine. Yeah, it is hard on people. Imagine you're doing your schoolwork, you're doing your test,
Starting point is 00:15:49 and you're copying off of the person next to you. And you're, like, looking over and you're looking over and you're not paying attention. And all of a sudden, a fucking knife comes down right in the middle of your test. And it's the teacher's hand. He usually has a hook, but this time he's replaced it with a knife and he's like fucking set it down in there.
Starting point is 00:16:09 He's like, ahoy. Yeah, he's like, you know, you've not seen what I've seen. You've not seen what I've seen, son. Yeah, be ye cheating. You know, I mean, I'm just saying, you know, when the captain and Tennille were kicking around, you know, nobody questioned, I'm just saying When the captain and Tennille were kicking around
Starting point is 00:16:25 You know, nobody questioned his credentials No They said, no, you're the captain, of course Well, and also, if you're homeschooling You're missing out on all that You're missing out on maritime gossip You're missing out on coach Racist coaches
Starting point is 00:16:41 You're missing out on getting bullied You're missing out on getting bullied. Missing out on getting bullied. All the best things about being a teenager. Yeah, that's true. You haven't paid your dues if you're homeschooled. You took the easy way out. Yeah, you really did. You really did.
Starting point is 00:16:55 What if somebody made it to the age of 18 being completely homeschooled and was like, you know what, I fucked up. I gotta start from the top. Start over. And you started at 18 going back to kindergarten and then they made a comedy about it called called uh uh adult kindergarten or something like that kiddo you know actually actually uh I won't name him but I got a boy who was uh who was homeschooled
Starting point is 00:17:22 uh for I think I mean I want to say until he was like 17 or 16 or something like that. Pretty much when he was an adult. And because of that experience, he's now like the most gregarious, coolest guy ever. Because he didn't get the opportunity to kind of like, I don't want to say normal. What is a normal child? He didn't get humbled as much as I do. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So now he's getting humbled every day now. That's interesting. Yeah, I hadn't thought about that. We had a family of Jehovah's Witnesses that got homeschooled. They turned out fairly normal, except they didn't celebrate Halloween. That was a hard line for them.
Starting point is 00:18:01 But, I will say this. They did put out candy and then with a note attached it said because of our religion we don't celebrate but that doesn't mean you can't oh yeah very nice i respect that very nice man yeah it used to be a country man well it's all it was all the um mennonites where i grew up that were homeschooled. Yeah. But the thing is, the rumor around Hobbes was that the Mennonite communities around Hobbes, they were like, they had a criminal operation.
Starting point is 00:18:41 They sold meth. What? They were Mennonite gangsters. M what they it's like that that's what i heard like one of the main chemicals in so there's peanut farms and one of the like there's like some fucking chemical you can extract from peanuts that you can use in the methamphetamine cooking process. What? So you're telling me meth is a partially organic
Starting point is 00:19:11 drug? Non-GMO biker speed. It's from the earth. You just got me picturing a dude like, yeah man, it's from the earth but it says meth. Yeah, you got these Anabaptist gangsters that say, man, it's from the earth, but it says meth. Yeah, you got these Anabaptist gangsters that say, oh, it's from the earth.
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's good. It's actually plant-based. It is. And the shows like Yellowstone, like that shit is so lame. It's like how much cooler of a show would it be if you were like, if your fucking show was centered on a Mennonite meth dynasty? Dude, that's a golden idea. Do you remember that show?
Starting point is 00:19:48 There was a reality show about that. About some Amish gangsters one time. I thought it was about Amish people who chose to leave their homes. I remember that show. It was on the TLC or some shit like that.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Yeah, but there was one that was specifically geared toward the criminal element in that society. Which is interesting to think about. Well, I mean, I feel like... Go ahead, Terrence. Well, you know how Obama just came out with a Netflix series about workers? And Hillary Clinton had a series about women like they they're like carving out their own niche i'm waiting for like a public figure to like do a series on like criminal criminals and like organized crime syndicates like yeah you know what i'm saying cops yeah like you well like in a in a humanizing and
Starting point is 00:20:46 documentarian way in the same way you know what i'm saying it's like it's like this is jedediah he's a mennonite meth dealer in southeastern new mexico and we're gonna hear his story and he's like missing half of his arm. He's like, yeah, I got in a shootout in 1985 with the chief of police here. We were on horseback. You know what I'm saying? The stories that people tell are so lame now. It's like, there's good shit out there, but you're just not asking the right people. If you want to, like, especially's good shit out there, but you're just not asking the right people. If you want to like, especially make them sympathetic, you got to like, you got to overlay
Starting point is 00:21:29 it with like some piano music or something like that. You know, have them sit in a field. You have a field behind them. Make it look very like idyllic. You know what I'm saying? How tight is it if we have our titular Amish underworld figure just going and meeting with the Sinaloas and getting shaken down. It's like he's in the traditional garb, right?
Starting point is 00:21:51 And he's just in there and they're patting him down. Just saying Orale a lot and stuff like that. This was a show, Tom. Amish Mafia. Yeah, I knew it wasn't crazy. I've seen an episode or two of it. It's produced by Hot Snakes Media. Isn't Hot Snakes
Starting point is 00:22:09 like when you take those shits that you have that are really thin and they're really hot? It's like after you eat tacos. Hot Cheetos. You feel like it's a substantial shit but you look and it's just a big, just stringy as hell.
Starting point is 00:22:27 You feel bad, but you by yourself feel like God damn. What is Hot Snakes Media? Jesus. Is that ran by that guy, David, what's his name? Something Ben David. Lebanon Levi is his name. His criminal record is really kind of whack. He's been arrested three times
Starting point is 00:22:47 between 2000 and 2007 for drunk driving and drunken disorderly conduct. That's not like organized crime activity. That's not organized crime. That's just you being a dumbass. Relative to his population he comes from though he might as well be fucking Tupac Shakur. That's true.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Well that's true. It's like you're Amish and youac Shakur. That's true. Well, that's true. It's like you're Amish and you're drunk driving. That's a carriage. You were driving a carriage. That's true. That's true. Do the Amish drink either? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Imbibe? They're not supposed to. Let's rat them out to Hot Snakes Media. I don't know if you guys realize this, They're not supposed to. Let's rat him out to Hot Snakes Media. Yeah. I don't know if you guys realize this, but to be drunk driving, you have to be drunk. So he disobeyed the rules. They might have to kick him out.
Starting point is 00:23:34 That is true. By definition, he must have bent the rules. There's a black Amish guy on this show. Black Amish people exist? Hell yeah brother How did Can I ask how that happened? Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:52 Did he wander in there? He started curiosity Did they say Alan Byler Is known as Schwarza Amish Or black Amish Why do they call him Schwarza? Is it Stanford? Who the fuck? known as schwarza amish or black amish why do they call them schwarza is that a what does that
Starting point is 00:24:05 mean like is it stand for like they're some like that like what the fuck like why you gotta like if it does then i didn't just say schwarza please blank that out oh man where did the okay this is a whole different other conversation but where do the amish even is this like an american phenomenon is this like from europe like what are they like new england englanders is that where it comes from the anabaptist tradition yeah religious tradition yeah that's a lot of them settled in like you know like you had those like german settlements in texas and stuff like that yeah, Mennonite is slightly different.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I mean, Mennonite is like a kind of Irish. It's kind of Anabaptist. It's kind of Irish. They're quasi-Amish. Pseudo-Amish. Amish-lite. There are similarities, but there are differences. If I was in high school, I would write an essay on the similarities and differences.
Starting point is 00:25:09 That was a classic high school essay move. Like, there are many similarities and also many differences. And also many differences. For example, I always like, man, everybody thought you were like a next level writer because there was like three ways to start paper in high school. One was the, you know, Webster's defines the classic. Two is restating the prompt. And three was in his 1997 tome, former President William Jefferson Clinton said, da, da, da, da, da.
Starting point is 00:25:40 And then your next sentence has to connect to that somehow. Right. Yeah, you just need a leading. I used to tutor in English at a community college, and it was just like a formula, man. It was formulaic, you know? I'm just like, dude, we learned this in, like, elementary school, man. Just bring it back.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Well, listen, if you start in the action, they'll think you're the next Cormac McCarthy. They're like, man, this kid has some talent. That's true. Just dive right in there. Just dive right in, man, this kid has some talent. That's true. Just dive right in there. Just dive right in, man. Shoo. Well, good news.
Starting point is 00:26:14 The debt ceiling has been suspended. Oh, God. Here, I was cheering for it to be raised. Is that the same thing I feel like they they they kind of like glaze that over in the coverage they say suspended but is that the same thing as being raised I'm going to be a hundred percent honest with you guys ever since I heard the term driving off the fiscal cliff in 2008 uh-huh i have not known the difference about debt ceilings or fiscal cliffs or any of that stuff yeah me neither it uh i kept hearing debt ceiling i saw something about benefits and i know i should know this stuff but it just feels so far removed
Starting point is 00:26:58 from me personally but it's not aaron it's not apparently you may tell you what i was doing when i should have been learning about keynesian economics i was downloading uh dip set mixtapes off of problematically titled websites that i shouldn't have been typing into the browser search were you on dat piff remember dat piff dat piff I was on a lot of forums that I had no business being on basically I was doing gay shit on chat roulette
Starting point is 00:27:33 I was on these forums where there was a bunch of eastern European guys pretending to be black and as you can imagine that produced some interesting things to say the least
Starting point is 00:27:47 well those were years when you didn't really know who you were you know I was still watching UFC in those years which was a definite indicator that I had no idea who the fuck I was yeah I was still using slurs you know more so than
Starting point is 00:28:03 more so than yeah man I was racist slurs you know so what is this a good so what, I don't want to get into it, but what is the debt ceiling? Why are we, are we a debt to who? To China? Here's, I'll explain it. I'll explain it to you boys. Just sit, take your white ass seats and take a white ass listen. I'm going to sit my white ass down and listen. Aaron, I suggest you do the same.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I'll sit my black ass down and listen. So there is a limit to the amount. Okay, so I'll describe it like the right wingers always describe like all this kind of stuff. They're like, if you make a household budget, you have an amount over that you can't go over. And that's the debt ceiling. That's the debt ceiling. So you're telling me that the government's purse is like my wallet so basically hell lint yeah basically the government needs to cancel some of its
Starting point is 00:29:12 subscriptions it needs to cancel some of its subscriptions not this one though please not this one i think it works like this yes they have an amount of money that they can't go over because they've borrowed too much i guess from china in the form of bonds and treasuries t-bonds ever heard of those t-bone i've heard of t-bones t-bones that's what t-bone the christ Christian rapper from the 90s, is the Treasury Secretary. So we owe China Salisbury Steaks later. The Demon Killer? Do you mean to tell me T-Bone the Demon Killer is now the Treasury Secretary? I used to make that scrilla, scrilla, scrilla.
Starting point is 00:30:03 But now I'm a demon killer T-Bone the Demon Killer goes over to China every two years to raise money in the form of T-Bones. He sells T-Bones that are like T-Bonds
Starting point is 00:30:17 but that's his version of the treasury bond. They're called T-Bones. Okay, okay. I don't know if you're still with me at home. We have to cut we have to cut spending because we have too many t-bones out there in circulation oh god that's it's clicking to me now okay good that's making some sense so this uh
Starting point is 00:30:40 so part of the wrangling over this is that if we would have defaulted on that debt and not paid it then i guess the whole country would have collapsed we would have we would all become communists they make it sound like the country would have slipped into like a sinkhole or some shit like that you know it would have been bad i'm pretty sure i mean because i guess theoretically if you don't grant the the u.s if congress doesn't grant the u.s government permission to pay those debts and by by in being able to do so they have to raise the debt ceiling if congress would have not granted the the government permission to do that, then the government wouldn't have been able to pay its debts,
Starting point is 00:31:30 in which case its credit rating would have gone through the floor. The worth of its bonds, its T-bones, would have also collapsed. The currency value traded globally, which is the basis of global currency markets the dollar would have collapsed so yeah it might have been like global catastrophe pretty much well well not not for me man because i'll tell you boys uh i got a 10 to 12 bars of gold in my mattress you're okay two steps ahead probably not good to sleep on your back always yeah no i have back problems but you know what i have a future but i'm rich
Starting point is 00:32:11 i have yeah i have spinal cord issues but uh yeah i'm rich so wait terrence can i ask you the the dumb smart question because i feel like maybe there's something to it but i'm an idiot so i don't know don't we know dumb questions there no no dumb questions dumb questions don't we print don't we print our own money so like you know what i mean so like how is it that like because that's what the mmt folks talk about okay i'm throwing out shit i don't even know about but we we have like a soft sovereign currency right like we print our own money so i don't understand this shit so theoretically yes we do print our own currency however um part of the reasoning behind the gop wanting to take us to the limit and basically implode all of that which is really a hilarious concept like that they're that committed to like accelerationism basically they're like fuck it dude i'll go right i'll go right up to the fucking line i'm gonna nuke this shit right
Starting point is 00:33:12 now their their logic or rationale behind that is that the cert the um uh welfare spending like the money and programs that went out during the pandemic, like stimulus checks, child income tax credit, PPP loans, the fucking CARES Act, all that shit,
Starting point is 00:33:35 they think that that caused inflation. So there was no way that they were going to, I mean, I mean, I think that there's a pretty good case that the fucking executive branch could have just done whatever they wanted to and then just let the courts like fucking sort it out but i don't think that well i think that several things is going on right so it's like this let
Starting point is 00:33:59 me just say this this is what the deal would this is what the deal would would do will do the deal will suspend the 31.4 trillion borrowing limit until january 2025 it will cut federal spending by one and a half trillion dollars over a decade by effectively freezing some funding that had been projected to increase next year and then limiting spending to one percent growth in 2025 which is considered a cut because it would be at a lower level than inflation the legislation would also impose stricter work requirements for food stamps claw back some funding for our irs enforcement and unspent coronavirus relief money speed the permitting of new energy projects and officially end the the Mr. Biden student loan repayment freeze. So this is austerity, basically.
Starting point is 00:34:51 So all that money that they're saying needs to be cut in that fat is going to be cut from social services. So this does affect me. God damn it. We're going to turn this upside down, pal. We're going to fucking shug-knight our ass over a balcony and get our shekels right out of our pockets. That's not what the 87,000 IRS agents are doing.
Starting point is 00:35:13 They show up at your house, knock on your door, and say, Sir, do you have a balcony? And you say, well, no. And they say, just come with us. And they take you to somebody else's. If you have your own, they'll just dangle you there and they'll say we need your shackles they take you to new orleans where there's like balconies overlook the you know the street where everybody drinks and they shake you out and then people the
Starting point is 00:35:36 drunks get your coins while your life savings are going down to the hoary masses you just get to see some like titties and stuff for bees upside down titties because you are upside down yeah um so yes it's austerity there was a lot of so there was a lot of uh it was like a lot of analysis around this and a lot of like asking like why the democrats didn't just yes you're like you said aaron print more money or mint the trillion dollar coin or let it go to the supreme court under the 14th amendment or whatever the wait terrence can i ask you because i'm stupid there's a mint a little like i'm thinking of the the coin from the batman cave like mint like a trillion dollars like the giant coin like what do you mean like what does that mean a trillion
Starting point is 00:36:31 dollar coin yeah they tried to bring dang danny ocean and the boys out of retirement with that aren't they yeah they tried one last score i think that's like an mmt thing too that you just meant the coin and it's like this is worth one trillion, that you just mint the coin. And it's like, this is worth $1 trillion. Mint the bat bad coin, the big ass coin from the Batman cave, from the Batcave. Cool. Yeah, I think that like, so there was a lot of debate around this. Like, why don't the Democrats just do any of those things? Are they mean and nasty and nefarious, trying to throw us under the bus? Like, are they stupid and nasty and nefarious trying to throw us under the bus like are they uh stupid
Starting point is 00:37:08 and negligent uh you know what what explains like why they basically caved to the gop on this because they basically did cave they bailed out the republicans like there's literally a lot a paragraph from this article about hakeem jeffries basically like a fucker yes stepping in to bail out the republic like the centrist republicans who were hesitant to vote for the bill because of the hard right wingers like marjorie taylor green and shit that didn't want the centrist republicans to play ball with the white house that's a chump ass move man god damn this motherfucker says he likes biggie smalls god damn it yo take his name out of your mouth motherfucker or straight out of your mouth i'm like what the fuck man uh but so there was like
Starting point is 00:37:58 a lot of debate and analysis over it i think honestly dude i genuinely think you know it's just over it. I think, honestly, dude, I genuinely think, you know, it's like I mentioned a few weeks ago, I had read this article from Robert Brenner and, is it Dylan Riley? About the, it's like seven theses on American politics. And how like, it's like their belief that we've kind of exited the neoliberal era and we've entered a new regime of accumulation i think that if that's the case then i think that the democrats are the quintessential example of historical actors who are still on the stage but they have no fucking clue what the moment requires of them or what their role is supposed to be or what their lines are like they're literally like the republicans know right like the conservatives
Starting point is 00:38:51 and the fascists and everything they understand the historical stage that they're on i think it's why it's like a growing movement worldwide but like libs liberals all of their and you even saw it in that thing from pete budaj, like that interview we read. Like the whole consensus, every ideological presupposition they had leading up to 2008 has just been systematically dismantled in the last 12 years or so. So they don't know what the fuck they're doing at all. Like they're winging it. They're standing on stage being blinded by the spotlights, you know. Having forgotten their lines with their jaws agape like fucking morons, man.
Starting point is 00:39:27 The only ideological conviction they have is to prevent other actors from getting on that historical stage. Like, you know, the left. Like the left. Literally it. That's all they've got. Yo, that we talked about before. It's such a good point because like the right seems to have some conception of a future you know you know what i mean or some like long-term plans and i guess they always have but like yeah man the liberals like yeah besides like swinging at the left you
Starting point is 00:39:54 know i'm saying punching left they don't really have any convictions besides that no you're right so we're all gonna be in the poor house and uh and what like uh and what like what this is a poor this is a poor development yeah which which which part tom oh just the i mean the whole deal i um i don't like the rising tide of fascism i just wanted to be on the record of saying that i think it's important to say in this moment. Yeah, it's... This in conjunction with... I swear to God, I sound like one of these guys that's like, I shouldn't have to pay taxes because I'm a sovereign citizen or whatever. But society is just geared to just bleed you dry at every stage.
Starting point is 00:40:46 If you're not being sold something, they're shaking you down with little fees and taxations. And I was thinking about this. It's just like even to like pay any of my bills, it's just like fees on top of that. Fees, fees, fees, fees, fees. It's just like we're a fee grabbing ass fucking society and in conjunction with well uh we're gonna rein in any semblance of a social safety net it's just not a good they don't party well together you know no and then like you know we kind of talk about this a lot too and a lot of people are now but with the introduction of ai you know and like you know
Starting point is 00:41:24 not this like uh robopocalypse you know that these like tech nerds think is going to happen but more so just like further devaluing like human life you know and like just like i mean yeah i think that these jobs some jobs should be automated but if you don't have like a social safety net or if you don't have like a universal basic income or something like that you know and meanwhile you're still bleeding people dry uh all those things the confluence of all those things uh do not bode well man i was thinking about ai in the context of like thinking about it like mountaintop removal in the in the coal fields and how like the whole industry got automated and all these new techniques were coming around. And all the while, everybody's saying, this is going to be like a boon for this industry.
Starting point is 00:42:08 This is going to actually create jobs. You know, all this stuff. And then what happens? I mean, time passes. 20, 30, 40 years passes. And coal production is going through the roof while coal jobs have bottomed out and all that. I think that's what you're going to see. going through the roof while coal jobs have bottomed out and all that. I think that's what you're going to
Starting point is 00:42:24 see. Essentially, I mean, it's a point we've made before, is that the whole world and the whole country pretty soon is just going to be like eastern Kentucky. And if you don't think that, you're fucking insane. It's one of those things that you can't really
Starting point is 00:42:39 rein in at this point, too. You've got this thing that's we saw the early signs of it industrialized or automation putting people out of work for greater automation has resulted in more reactionary politics it's like it's like i mean this happened with the friends of coal stuff it happens in the coal industry when the friends industry when the coal industry was kind of, like, entering its, like, final stage of collapse. It's, like, you had this widespread reactionary social movement
Starting point is 00:43:16 based off of the loss of all these jobs due to automation. That's a really good point. Like, Friends of Coal really does kind of mirror the like the current you know being toward fascism i think that's i think that's gonna wind up happening as more and more people get automated out due to ai or due to whatever fucking reason they're probably going to turn to more reactionary um world views and more reactionary social movements mostly because the whole premise of the left like the whole thing that it's premised on is that the working class is able to wield its power to enact social change if people don't if they're basically just put out of work or reshuffled into different lines of work or underemployed rather than just unemployed or whatever,
Starting point is 00:44:10 that loss, that widespread loss is probably going to wind up undercutting the message of the left that the libs have chipped away at already for so long. I mean, it's hard to see where we're able to kind of like grab gain a footing there um that's uh that's a really really good point man um i was thinking about like how our entire project is sort of like the left project i guess is um like it's one of its aims i guess central aims is to like for like before you know uh the working class abolishes itself right to recognize itself as a class you know and as you said to recognize like to shape its own destiny you know but if because institutionally the left has no power and the liberals right are signing off on everything that these right-wing psychos are doing, that argument, right, about,
Starting point is 00:45:05 like, recognizing oneself as part of, like, a class of people with a common interest and common goals that we need to struggle towards, yeah, that totally gets undercut, because now a machine has replaced you, and not only that, but the political, I guess, responses from that, right, from liberals, right, and a kind of non-existent left is not enough to persuade people to join into this like you know and join them in this larger historical struggle you know that's really well it's it is a good point terrence and then the other the other thing too that i'd tack on to that is if you look at what how thoroughly defanged the unions were particularly in the coal fields,
Starting point is 00:45:46 I don't think there's been a single UMWA-repped coal miner working in Kentucky in, what, a decade? Yeah, about 10 years probably. And then on top of that, you have... I think this is kind of the thing that plagues rural America. It's like what we learned in the prison fight is they target communities that don't have a ton of political organization, very small tax bases and all that stuff to shove these sort of bullshit projects, landfills, prisons, so on and so forth. And what you're essentially going to have is a workforce with this. You know, nobody's earning any money.
Starting point is 00:46:24 There's no tax base there's no power there not a ton of political organization and um yeah i think i don't know i think uh you know i think there's encouraging signs you know like you see like you know these these big movements to unionize workers and all different kinds of sectors right now, but I think we need a little more deliberate sort of political strategy, I think, writ large concerning all that. Yeah, the thing is is that, like, the liberals, like, what the Biden administration has been doing, I don't think you can quite call it neoliberal.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Like, it's not necessarily, it doesn't fit nicely into the rubric of what that used to mean and so i do think that that's evidence that they don't quite know what they're doing and that like i said they're kind of like just these residual just kind of like artifacts left over from like a previous era where like they understand that the historical terrain has shifted they understand the circumstances have shifted and their need to do various things is no longer what it was 30 40 years ago but they're still quite not sure how to do it and that's why you see them moving in these weird uh sort of like stutter stop uh movements where they like pretend to sort of
Starting point is 00:47:47 buck up against the gop and then we'll back down they'll say one thing and then side with mansion or whatever i mean it's like i just don't think that they know what the fuck they're doing there's no and that that even includes bernie i mean truly like yeah because i think about this a lot like when you talk about like historical contingencies like you want to talk about like windows of opportunity like moments when you have to act like you know what I mean like people like Lennon or Fidel like someone like that like understanding that like the moment requires immediate action it's like there was that moment it was about four to six weeks in early summer of 2020 when the whole fucking goddamn country sports were not on tv fucking uh politics even had felt kind of felt suspended and everybody was stuck inside nobody knew what the fuck was happening dude in that moment you even had fucking right wing a right wing government passing policies that would not that you would not consider like necessarily right wing or born of austerity or
Starting point is 00:49:00 anything that's how fucking upside down and like topsy-turvy shit was yeah yeah trump yeah trump yeah like sending the covid checks and everything like that everything was fucking i mean you also had people like if we're talking about in the streets at least right you had people in the streets right so like you had like like that was i guess like i mean i don't know i can't say it was a lost opportunity i'm not not going to, like, analyze, like, the protest then. But it just felt like there was something was happening. You know, I agree, Terrence. Like, change was possible, you know.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And maybe, I don't know. I would say, like, the only actor that history had provided on a sort of national level that could have sort of unified some of those things and created something new was probably bernie and i'm not saying that in like a hague geographical way nor am i saying it in like a dead ender way either i'm saying it in like a historical materialist way i'm saying that like history that's that's what we got history provided us with that figure at that time and he was so absolutely unprepared for the moment and just fucking failed catastrophically like fucked up the bag like fumbled it just fucking across the finish line it's like that's that's how fucking bad i don't know man like that's just how bad and like um bad. Yeah, it probably has something to do with not seeing that moment for what it was.
Starting point is 00:50:29 I mean, you're talking about the biggest mass movement in the history of U.S. politics since the 30s, probably. And what we got out of it, proportional to what we had, it's like one of these sports teams spending like a billion dollars on a team and getting bounced out in the second round of the playoffs you know it's just but it leaves you on like what if you know like what could we have done differently you know it's i mean he had you know i don't want to be so much about bernie because i mean honestly when i was thinking about terrence and you're talking about the democrats
Starting point is 00:51:04 being sort of a vest like like being a vestige of the past you know i was like yo they're basically like a motherfucker born with a tail you know completely useless yeah does indeed it does it it's like you know it's a superfluous but like with bernie i mean it spent like he spent like his whole career talking about like universal health care and a single-payer health care system you know and it was like during a pandemic man i mean i don't know what he was really supposed to do because maybe we weren't ready for the moment you know like he was neoliberal he was the hill of neoliberal consensus you know what i'm saying like he was like the uh the foil i'm sorry he was like basically neoliberalism's foil like like in those two figures like biden and bernie i feel
Starting point is 00:51:46 like are the twin sort of figures of like late 20th century you know dismantling of the labor movement dismantling of the welfare state uh privatization stock buybacks the whole fucking montage that you could fucking run it's like you had biden kind of being the a central figure behind that story and bernie on the outside being the foil of it and those two kind of collided in 2020 and presented a because i think that 2020 is the year that all that kind of finally uh collapsed and like we're still living in this weird liminal space where it's like think nothing has really been constructed on top of it yet i'm very concerned that what will be constructed on top of it will be a right-wing vision you know what i'm saying even more right-wing than what
Starting point is 00:52:36 we saw with neoliberalism which was a right-wing but explicitly socially right-wing you know what i mean fascist you know yeah yeah i mean fascist in its own like american definition because i mean it's the thing it's like understanding like early 20th century fascism it's like that that was like a like i mentioned it's you know it was created out of like the world wars you know that was created out of like world war mentioned it was created out of like the world wars, you know, that was created out of like world war one. It was created out of like the destruction of the, you know, the communist in Germany and,
Starting point is 00:53:12 uh, Italy and Spain, you know what I'm saying? Like that was a, um, specific sort of historical moment out of which we kind of got like, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:24 a sort of new regime of accumulation that then ended in the 70s and i think that we are now at the end of that one yeah i think it we have been for a while but i think that it's kind of taken a long time to sort of like settle out before it gets kind of put back together again into something even more heinous and insane but yeah i don't know yeah whatever you whatever you think of it you know the winds are not blowing in the right direction and it's like uh when y'all sent that article earlier about the bail funds people yeah now getting locked up yeah that's not that's not uh it's not uh not what i needed today no dude um reicher has just announced they'll no longer notify media when people die heard that too i mean it's the same shit it's just like the the takeaway from 2020 was that, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:25 cops can do anything like truly, like, you know what I'm saying? Like it is a, it is an escalation that I don't even think would have even been possible 10 years ago. Arresting people for fucking raising money for bail. Well,
Starting point is 00:54:39 the thing about that with the Atlanta solidarity fund and arresting those, uh, those, uh, those people is just like, you know, you can't even organize resistance it's one thing to go out and you know camp at the forest right um or to occupy the forest but even the like the the logistics right of like making sure that people can continue to go out there and protest and agitate. Right. Like that sticky stuff, that glue that keeps all of that together, you know, and keeps people safe.
Starting point is 00:55:10 You can't even do that. Like that's going for the heart. Right. Of like Atlanta's like organizing, like kind of sphere and circle, you know what I mean? Because like Atlanta Solidarity Fund, I mean, they've done wonders. Right. For people that get locked up who have no fucking money. Right. To pay for bail. You know, other services for people who are already incarcerated and yeah man that's like that's so i mean i don't really have words for it man it's just so completely evil you know it's like it's not even cop city centric it's like anybody who gets arrested it has a right to bail that is a fundamental part of the criminal justice system
Starting point is 00:55:46 and if you don't even have that anymore i mean so it's like it's like basically only only the only the independently wealthy like deserve to awake trial outside the confines of a prison yes literally i mean that's exactly what it is dude it's an escalation in class war you have to kind of see it in those terms but did y'all see the article the more perfect union um had tweeted it out about the supreme court um that from eight to one decision that um i think what is it like uh i forget what kind of company is what are they well i don't know what oh it's a concrete company a concrete company right they have the right to sue the union right and it's just like i feel like that dovetailed with like the atlanta solidarity fund bail activists getting like you know raided and stuff like yeah you any means of resistance
Starting point is 00:56:36 right not even agitation right but community also right to foster and cultivate a community like they're going after you know well dude did you see the one descent to that decision was from guitar do what my boy clarence thomas no no now he's he's too busy trolling the walmart parking lot so he's trying to steal the souls of black boys yeah dude it is astonishing that that that case got an eight to one vote eight to fucking one wait how many liberals are on the court like what fucking two three four right four or four well the one person who dissented was katani brown jackson the the person that biden put on there and like her reasoning was that like this is uh this is the this is the purview of the nlrb like the courts should not be deciding this like this
Starting point is 00:57:32 is not something for the supreme court to decide but that's the that's that's exactly i just feel like we're gonna see more of all these like sort of agencies that have been like founded presumably to legislate these things and govern them, just being subsumed by these increasingly reactionary courts that guys like Mitch McConnell just padded out with the most batshit insane fucking ideologues. And you want to talk about a parallel to Nazi Germany, and I know that it gets like fucking people say this is hyperbolic or whatever, but it's like, no, I think there's use in looking at the history.
Starting point is 00:58:06 You want to talk about a fucking parallel with Nazi Germany? That's a fucking one to one that, that, that happened all throughout the fucking twenties. It's like they packed the fucking courts with right wing reactionaries. And every fucking time it came down to a decision like that, they always sided with the fact. They always interpreted.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Exactly. And that was part of the fucking mechanism that brought that like that's the thing like people always ask like how did it happen there like blah blah blah it's like how would they like somebody like that it's like a huge story of that is that it fucking it was a slow transformation that basically the court system was kind of the engine of. There were several different areas that they were the main engines of it. The fucking courts were one of them.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Yeah, because, I mean, like, you know, if you can use the law, right, to legitimize, right, like, you know, like a regime, then, I mean, that's the first thing that you're going to fucking go for, right? I mean, alongside, like, having, like, thugs in the street beating the shit out of people, you know? Yeah. Well, it's weird it's like because i was feeling really fucking depressed like really fucking in a bad fucking place like two weeks ago like you know you've got like fucking nuremberg laws getting passed every other fucking day in places like florida like where they're they didn't they pass a law lately
Starting point is 00:59:25 where it's like now it's illegal to even treat for a doctor to even treat a trans person or something like that like that man just fucking i i mean it's just like shit like that and honestly the the way that i read this is like the only thing that makes sense is that we are in a period of extreme reaction to the COVID like welfare era. You know what I'm saying? Like we're in an extreme reaction to all the things that got sort of unleashed in the COVID era, including the,
Starting point is 00:59:57 like the welfare practices and policies and stuff that they, that they used to what basically what i'm saying is that like if you look about where fascism arises and like where reaction reactionary movements arise it's basically in the wake of moments of like uh popular demand getting uh goods basically from people in power in which case it was like yeah stimulus checks cares act various loans and other welfare did you know the 10 the freeze on evictions i think that's another big part of it it's like all of that shit pissed off the cops it pissed off the landlords and it pissed off the fucking bigots they're looking at the state they're like you're not supposed to do that and the hilarious
Starting point is 01:00:41 thing is it all happened under their guy yeah i know yeah that is funny actually their their whole their whole shit is like the cops like you know the the like all these other groups they're like yo the government is not supposed to do that you're telling me that the government can actually help people not impossible man yeah well i think that again i because like i keep asking myself like why is this happening now it feels very much to me i know people say like oh desantis is cooked like blah blah blah but it's like and the end that the right is cooked electorally but like i don't even know do they even care about that anymore yeah i don't even look at i mean it's like i don't look at it like they're losing at all.
Starting point is 01:01:25 It seems to me they've made more ground under Biden than they did under Trump. Yeah. I mean, look at, dude, look at even, look at Target, right? And, okay, Raybone Capitalism, right? You know, this did be in the first day of Pride. Rainbow Capitalism is obviously, like, you know, it's superficial, it's exploitative, like, all that shit. you know it's um it's it's superficial it's exploitative like all that shit but like the fact that like you got like a major retailer like target that is so fucking buns that have been that they've been driven scared or at least they don't want to deal with the controversy of having lgbtq
Starting point is 01:01:56 plus stuff on the shelves and that they you actually think that if you give these right-wing cycles what they want that they'll stop right like me, that seems like they've made a lot of fucking cultural ground, right? If they're terrifying customers and workers at Target, you know? That's not even political in the sense that, like, it's electoral politics. That's just the same street thug shit that we were just fucking talking about, you know? Like, I mean, again, maybe hyperbolic, but fucking brown shirts, man. like i mean again maybe hyperbolic but fucking brown shirts man honestly the the threat and the whole possibility the scope of it is so fucking overwhelming and insane it's like when i have friends like queer friends that are not even sure like that are legitimately scared to even register
Starting point is 01:02:41 their own like marriage in certain states now because they're afraid that it might target them for certain things it's like it's like that is a prop that is something that is so immensely disturbing and there is absolutely zero effort being done on the part of like the biden administration who again just like the kids in cages things for years said this is what we believe in blah blah like even so much so that i think biden's stance on gay marriage almost even got him booted from the obama campaign it's like that that this is the one thing like these are a few you know just like with abortion and stuff these are some of the few things that you could actually depend on them to shore up. And it's like, again, I just keep coming back to this image of them as like,
Starting point is 01:03:33 like you said, Aaron, just kind of like vestigial organs on the fucking, you know what I mean, like on the surgical gurney. It's like they're just fucking, you know. It's like a baby fighting a bear, bro. Exactly, like the fucking world is, yeah, the terrain is shifted. They're out fucking, you know. It's like a baby fighting a bear, bro. It's like a baby fighting a bear. Yeah, the terrain has shifted. They're out of their fucking element. They are literally just placeholders
Starting point is 01:03:51 until something really fucking bad happens. They're not even on Earth, dog. They're on, like, Cernus Major on Mars, bro. They're not fucking here. They're not present right now, man. I am. Oh, fucking God, dude. It's fucking bleak. No man no good folks mad mad people
Starting point is 01:04:09 people will be like it's another doomer episode and it's like dude wake the fuck up wake the fuck up bro what did you say what time top we just called balls and strikes balls and strikes bro sometimes the news ain't good like I don't know what you want me to say. Like, it's bad. It's getting worse. Like, what the fuck? Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Well, and also, though, I think it's important to know, like, what the fuck is, like, why some of this stuff is happening. Yeah. Like, truly, like, I mean, I guess I could be wrong. And I guess it's, like, I like i probably am i mean who the fuck knows maybe the liberals will reign for another fucking hundred years meanwhile the right but if so it seems like if that's the case then what you're gonna have is like right-wingers basically waging paramilitary stochastic violence on the population so if that's the case it's like you've either got you've either got two options if you're the government ignore it or you fucking send the goddamn troops to basically suppress these
Starting point is 01:05:10 assholes which is like what grant had to do to the kkk during reconstruction yeah i had to send the fucking army after the kkk it's like you gotta you have a fucking choice it's one of those two yo dude yo yo bro i've been thinking about that man and i'm like man like the right wing like right wing politicians i'm talking about elected officials not media people people who are in positions of political power like explicit implicitly endorsing political violence they do the shit all the time right whether it's a whether it's a mass shooting with a manifesto where they try to explain it away and what do you have on the other side of that with liberals i'm not talking about the left right which you could talk about arming yourself or
Starting point is 01:05:49 you could talk about like the minneapolis police department getting burned down i don't even think you could attribute that to the left exclusively right but right that doesn't really exist right so the liberals what is their response to political violence man and then when you have communities that try to protect themselves you have shit happen like the atlanta solidarity fund headquarters getting fucking raided so what choice do we really have like am i supposed to arm up or move to the woods in north georgia and make a commune or some shit like that or am i i mean i don't even i don't know i don't even know what i'm saying but it's like it's frightening man yeah the democrats have no in the institutional what you would think would be the institutional bulwark against like the I don't even know what I'm saying, but it's frightening, man. The Democrats have no...
Starting point is 01:06:25 The institutional... What you would think would be the institutional bulwark against the creeping fascists. It's already fucking here. They have no response to this shit, man. In some ways, they're even more fucked than we are, truly. Because, I mean, I'm serious. The game of capital means that we're all locked into the dance.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And that they can lose, but it of capital means that we're all locked into the dance and that like they can lose, but it doesn't mean that we win because there are factions of capital. And so it's like, if the fucking left wing of capital loses, like, well, obviously we're very much fucked, but,
Starting point is 01:06:59 um, but at least we were able to see it coming. In some ways I look at these assholes and I'm like, you guys can't even fucking see. You're walking straight into the fucking woodchipper. You don't even fucking see it. Like, the light has not changed, yo. Like, you are walking straight into oncoming traffic, brother.
Starting point is 01:07:13 And I probably am, too, by putting a fucking media podcast and, you know, basically painting a fucking target on my back. But who the fuck knows? I mean, I don't. Well, you know, I got my five gold bars in my mattress. I'm ready to leave at any point. Thankfully, our humor's so bad, they'll just cut it off before they get to the spicy bits.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Oh, man. They should have a bed. You know how they have those beds that are like uh for couples like where one of the couple likes a firmer mattress and the other one likes a softer one you but but it's like it's the gold standard it's like you can either have fiat currency on one side you can sleep on sleep on dollar bills or you can have gold bars on the other side sleep on you know gold yeah or t-bones sleep on salbury steaks hell yeah give me the t-bones brother give me the t-bones brother that would that to me would be it feel like sleeping on a waterbed be like pretty slick and like i want to sleep on a waterbed so
Starting point is 01:08:18 bad yeah i want to sleep on a waterbed so bad they look so cool i don't think i'm uh sleeping on t-bones i think i'm i might go for like um maybe like gold doubloons the blue ingots or something no i'm gonna sleep on like i don't know like um like a more a more ancient form of currency like seashells you know yeah i've been reading about japanese futons i'm hearing that that's the way to fly like replace your bed get you a futon not if it's not a futon in the sense that we it's basically like a padded mat you know yeah think about if that'll help my back. I don't want to be mistaken for one of those, like, Japanese fetishist guys, though, if I do that.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Strictly for orthopedic reasons. Well, if anybody asks, just say that it's like a, well, you also don't want to be mistaken for a Swedish fetishist either. More important, rather a Swedish fetishist. Say it comes from Iran. You're a Persian fetishist. You're Persian, Rather a Swedish fetishist. Say it comes from Iran. You're Persian.
Starting point is 01:09:28 That's acceptable. It's a curveball. Say it comes from Tajikistan. Is it Tajikistani futon? Yeah, cot. Yeah. No one will be expecting it.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Kings and emperors used to sleep on this And now we've just abandoned that for some reason But I'm bringing it back Uh huh Well to kick off Pride month boys last night I went and Saw the They them horses of the Budweiser
Starting point is 01:09:59 Clydesdales Yeah did you? I wasn't Was there a race? No they just kind of pulled up in front of a bar and sat there all night but they are as majestic as you think they are they are dude but that but but conservatives don't like them anymore? Yeah, trans horses, yeah. Trans horses, man. That's, I don't, that's interesting. It's probably because they can't,
Starting point is 01:10:31 it's probably because conservatives like to fuck horses and they can't tell what the gender is anymore. Yeah, it's projection. I'm not, I'm not like, I may be a bestial. I may be bestial, but by God, I'm not a homosexual. Maybe you're fucking horses, but I ain't sucking no dick. Everybody knows they have sex with horses. Damn.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Yeah. Tim Pool. Did you see Tim Pool climbing onto the ass of a horse? What? Yeah. Trying to fucking. Trying to hump a horse? Yeah, it's a video. It got taken down already, but he was trying to fuck a horse. What? I'm trying to fucking... You're trying to hump a horse? Yeah, it's a video. It got taken
Starting point is 01:11:06 down already, but he was trying to fuck a horse. Really? And he didn't get his chest caved in by a horse kick? Unfortunately. Horses terrify me, honestly. No, dude. He had a boner and he fucked a horse. Oh, God. Allegedly. Allegedly. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 01:11:22 I've always said this. Christopher Rufo is just a little too close to the Newman Claw Horse incident for a conference. So I really think they need to look into his whereabouts on the night Ken Pinion met his end. I think he moved to Florida, right? He probably moved him to the Lebensraum, the Florida Imperium, to oversee some fucking college Nazi-fication program or something. Didn't he? Sounds right. Sounds like what he'd be doing. Collegiate Hitler Youth?
Starting point is 01:11:58 Yeah. Ugh, fucking hate these assholes so motherfucking much, man. God, man. Yeah, man. Well, I guess that's about all I got for this week. But anything that you guys want to talk about? State Farm is now no longer offering insurance in California. Why? Because of climate change. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Wow. So are they going to do that statewide as the years go on? Statewide in California. Statewide, not just wildfire zones, but statewide. They can't afford to fucking insure houses in California. Are they going to start doing that not statewide? Are they going to start doing that nationwide now? Every state,
Starting point is 01:12:49 they're not going to do Florida because of flooding, New York because of flooding. Yeah, it says in this article, in parts of eastern Kentucky ravaged by storms last summer, the price of flood insurance is set to quadruple. Yo, we were so unprepared for this moment. You know what that means they they
Starting point is 01:13:05 anticipate it happening again that's why that is dog that's that's the whole other thing that we need to get into man like but i guess is the ambient background noise of all this is that like this is like a ticking clock that we're on you know because like on one hand i'm like it could just continue like this forever you know know? But then, like, there's climate change, you know? And, like, the response that these people have is to, like, like, instead of,
Starting point is 01:13:29 I mean, it is an insurance company. What the fuck, what I expect them to do? But the state's not gonna do shit, you know? So these corporations and these, like, other middlemen
Starting point is 01:13:37 are definitely not gonna do shit except, like, make it harder for people to, like, live, you know? Yeah. That's fucking insane, man. We are so not prepared for this moment dog no no tell you my house got flooded out and we had flooded shirts
Starting point is 01:13:52 because they fucking ran they hightailed it out of the state yeah they're they're they're dipping out man i would i would think that they would start need to come up with they would need to come up with other forms of insurance right due to climate change you know like i don't know like uh like i mean yeah like i guess like against droughts or floods or something but they're like actually no we're not doing that well it's weird because like as far as i understand it like i think the government used to set prices for insurance for flood insurance but um because it says government mandated programs like the flood insurance plan or citizens in florida and louisiana were meant to be a backstop to the private market but as climate shocks get worse we're now at the point where that's starting to
Starting point is 01:14:36 crack so it was kind of like as i understood if i remember correctly from like the flood last year like fema basically used this purchase flood insurance plans in the same way that the government purchases health insurance plans from aca to basically keep a kind of stability in the market but i think fema is now basically getting out of that they're like saying like yeah no yeah it's too fucking expensive it's not well uh yeah i wanted to add to uh you know we we aren't i think i sent you guys this one the chat uh we ain't got to read it because we're closing out but uh just to mention we're we're not the only ones though um we're gonna have to deal with the psychic damage and fallout from a looming apocalypse uh apparently, according to the Washington Post,
Starting point is 01:15:26 in light of the succession finale, for mega-rich heirs, the anxieties that drive succession are all too real. Subtitle goes, adult children poised to inherit vast wealth can experience crippling self-doubt and social isolation. Oh, imposter syndrome. How bad?
Starting point is 01:15:45 Mental health professionals say succession is accurate. So, yeah, y'all, we're going to have to worry about the rich, you know, losing their marbles. Don't want to feel lonely? Buy us a nuclear weapon. Shut the fuck up. Or shut the fuck up. Yeah, exactly. Next question.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Once again, send nuclear weapons to Southwest Atlanta. Once again. Yeah. You've got to have that media literacy, dog. Fund a paramilitary group or just get fucked. That's the only option. I just got to read. This part is just ridiculous, man.
Starting point is 01:16:20 There are obvious upsides to a life born into immense wealth, but the prospect of inheriting unimaginable sums constrain personal relationships erode self-confidence and trap a person in a near permanent state of dependence say therapists and wealth wealth consultants jesus fucking christ kill yourself who work with the heirs of the ultra rich many of them recognize the characters portraying secession from the therapy work so yeah wealth consultant jesus christ man just laughing at the idea of like uh like in the heiress to a fortune seeing the succession finale and immediately like scheduling a therapy appointment the next time i mean there were people we we probably started the show with this uh but you know media literacy but um
Starting point is 01:17:03 there's this one tweet that i saw that just made me so like rashly upset where this person uh said as a woman i see myself in chivalry you know and um just taking all the wrong lessons from a billionaire girl boss who actually covered like uh pressured a woman to not come forward with sexual assault and this is in the show but um i hope you don't see yourself as her i'm gonna be honest with you guys i think going forward especially if you know trends continue in television and film i think we're gonna have to maybe do licensing to watch tv and movies you have to pass a written exam.
Starting point is 01:17:46 You know what I mean? You got to take a poll test? Go hang out at the DMV for six hours. Dude, I 1,000% agree because it's too dangerous. Listen, I'll be honest with you. As a black man, TM, I'm usually opposed to poll tests,
Starting point is 01:18:01 but I'm with this one. This one you get on board with. I can definitely get on board with this shit, bro. i could definitely get on board with this shit bro i could definitely get on board with this shit man it's too dangerous dude i mean truly like this i saw this interview where they asked uh matthew mcfaden and jeremy strong like what do you think happened to tom and kindle after the show? What do you think happens to them? And they were like, nothing. The show's over. The universe that the show existed in is wicked. They were like, but you don't have any guesses as to what happened to their characters?
Starting point is 01:18:34 And they were like, it's a role I play. Like, I don't know. No, I don't care. All those people on the picket line right now go support them if you want those are the people that decide these things those are the people whose lives aren't over after the show ends right well it's just this fascinating thing where like people cannot and i understand it too because i mean i've done this with shows sure everybody does it but it's like this weird almost like object impermanence thing with art where they like they can't understand that when
Starting point is 01:19:10 a show is over it's over like there are character arcs for a reason just because that's how life works like when when something ends it's overaining death to these people? When someone dies, they don't come back. Those characters are just not meeting on the weekends, and we just can't see it from that point. It was like when I was a kid. I was like, yo, where does my teacher go after school? Does she just stay in the classroom? She just lives in this classroom.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Yeah, whatever. It is a disorienting experience to see your teacher outside the context of the class totally i'm like yo you got legs i've only seen you sitting behind that desk the entire time yo but like like life the ending imparts meaning to the beginning and the beginning imparts meaning to the ending and everything that happens in between that's called an arc just like a life and like if it never ended it would have no meaning it would be a lie motherfucker
Starting point is 01:20:12 another symptom of our death defying culture yo last thing I'll say this is not only is it like asking what happened to these characters after the show is over but this is i guess why media literacy is so important just because a show depicts something doesn't mean that the writers endorse it you know like that shit blows my fucking mind like people
Starting point is 01:20:37 will see something bad in a show or a movie you know and they'll be like well can't agree with can't agree with this it's like you're supposed to feel fucking bad about it everybody does this from liberals to conservatives you saw this with like roger waters uh doing the thing in germany like doing a i think a recreation of the wall or something and it was like wearing a nazi uniform it's like it's like you know how many fucking movies are made about nazis it's like you have to it's like just because you play one on tv does not mean that you are one yo can i can i just sometimes it does can i just give you this example yo because this shit i still think about this shit dog bro it was one halloween man i ain't gonna say no names but uh my ex and i we went to their old hometown and we're hanging out watching
Starting point is 01:21:22 scary movies literally scary movie three right and you know they're flipping through the channels and they're like no we can't watch this we can't watch this this is offensive this is triggering which whatever man like fine you know but we're on scary movie three like there's that scene where um the guy who's playing uh uh the rapper right it's like a eminem eight mile analog where he's rapping right um in this rap battle and this motherfucker the white dude after he demolishes this guy right this black guy right puts throws up his hood the same way eminem does right in the movie but it's the clan hood right and they were like oh no this is so offensive it turned it off i was like bro do you think the film is endorsing
Starting point is 01:22:01 the clan like what the fuck is wrong with you, bro? Sorry, that shit just fucking gets me so mad. Well, see, two people that need that licensure. Yeah. They really do. That's true. Like, the first question on the test is, like, do you think Tony Soprano is an aspirational figure? That's going to weed out a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:22:22 It's a weed-out question. You know, remember weed-out questions. That's going to weed out a lot of people. It's a weed out question. You know, remember weed out questions. That's true. Do you think Tony Soprano or Walter White were good people? Or aspirational? Or aspirational people? As a high school teacher and cancer patient, Walter White is a hero of mine.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Dude, Tom, you're right. That's the only way. It's like you have to fucking, they have to register. It's like having a library card, but you have to pass a battery of exams. Well, it should be like owning a gun. It's like this is just as dangerous. It's like you have to make sure that you're responsible and mature enough to own one. There are art critics that need this licensure
Starting point is 01:23:06 yes more than anyone actually they need it more than they're all than any one of us oh man everyone's so insane dude everyone's so completely insane the whole fucking world has gone mad yeah it's like there was like a story of like henry shackleford wasn't his name or shackleton or whatever he like went to the south pole to antarctica like in in late 1913 oh shit and got stranded and got stranded there and he was like him and his boys were, like, fucking eating, like, you know, fucking. I don't know if they started eating each other, but they were, like, basically, like, scraping the bottom of the fucking barrel. And then finally got rescued.
Starting point is 01:23:58 And, like, got taken to an island in the bottom of the Atlantic, at the south of the Atlantic. And at this point, it was like September 1914. And he was like, what's happening in the world? What's happening in the world? And this guy grabs him by the lapels, and he's like, sir, the whole world's gone mad. It's like, it was like a month into World War I, and this guy had no idea.
Starting point is 01:24:24 He was like, the whole world has fucking gone mad. I'm like, yo, actually, can you take me back? Yeah, just take me back to the fire. But just with food, though. And warm clothes. Oh, my God, son. That's so funny. Sir, the whole world has gone mad.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Yeah, Henry Shackleton. I'm sorry, say it again. The Shackleford block condition that's the shackleton yeah shackleton like condition is where we find ourselves as a society it's true it's like my mom says man uh i've uh i've been more inclined to uh sort of uh take her uh religious religious views and analysis about the current historical moment seriously. We are in the end times. It's not the end times yet.
Starting point is 01:25:10 It's the beginning of the end times. Uh-huh. It is true. We've forsaken God. We have. We've turned away from God. We've turned the other cheek away from God
Starting point is 01:25:25 we have alright boys let's call it for today have any closing thoughts no just happy pride month happy pride month
Starting point is 01:25:40 stay safe out there sounds good alright well go check us out on Patreon please Happy Pride Month. Stay safe out there. Sounds good. All right. Well, go check us out on Patreon, please. Fuck, I forgot our pledge to not talk about controversial stuff on the main feed. And to not swear. That's all right. We'll start next time.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Start next week. I did say a slur. I'm sorry, y'all. That's all right. We'll start next week Amish Amish Next week we'll start all over
Starting point is 01:26:13 You know there's always time to Clean up and get right No leave Just cause the world's ending don't mean We'll repent on Sunday We'll repent on Sunday Cause the world's ending doesn't mean you can't get your shit in tip-top shape, you know? There you go. That's true.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Alright. Thanks for listening. Go check us out on Patreon. We will see you next time. Adios. Bye.

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