Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 313: Karmically Overextended

Episode Date: October 20, 2023

We talk about President Biden's address to the nation re: Israel/Palestine, as well as Israel's attempts to obfuscate what happened at the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay all right uh welcome uh this is take two take two take two take two i don't have the uh clapboard the hollywood clapboard but snap yeah they still do that man we need to bring the clapboard back we need to bring it back man i just want to carry one of those around uh not even filming anything at all not being on the set of a film but you know i just want to carry it around and use it in front of people when they're eating dinner at restaurants in the library you know yeah let's run this back i don't like what you're doing here run it back run it back turn that page one more time turn that page one more time read that page again um yeah this is our second attempt at trying to understand the events of this week.
Starting point is 00:00:45 We recorded two entire hours yesterday and weren't ultimately satisfied with the results. So we're going to try this again. Also, too, I think for all you listeners out there, anyone paying attention, if you're not living under a rock, tension if you're not living under a rock uh just the the the uh horror of events depravity upon depravity the concentric circles the dante's inferno of hell that we're in right now it was just a little bit like staring into the abyss man so uh you know we're trying it again you know well the the thing is is like yesterday we tried to record to talk about the things that happened this week and it felt like very scattered and without any kind of like cohesion or coherence it was reactive was it is what it was yeah we were reacting to events that had already happened um on top of other events that had already
Starting point is 00:01:37 happened in quick succession yeah yeah and also in the midst of a weird sort of like revisionist effort to basically move on from the bombing of the hospital and i was seeing a lot of people saying like we can't get bogged down in this one single event at the expense of everything else and i agreed but i also felt like yesterday like that was an interesting case study in how propaganda works how history gets written also how war happens and just the dehumanization of people etc etc but i think we were dancing around some things and we kind of like started getting toward to them towards the very end but all the things that we were kind of dancing around became singularly, it all became pulled together in a narrative, a cohesive narrative. An unalloyed narrative.
Starting point is 00:02:38 An unalloyed narrative. Once I saw the Biden addressed to the nation. Oh, man. Well, it's also like he had this address to the nation last night. And he mentioned the hospital bombing. And the way that he did it was very, very bizarre. The whole thing was very bizarre. But he said, I'm heartbroken by the tragic loss of
Starting point is 00:03:07 palestinian life including the explosion at the hospital in gaza which was not done by the israelis and the way he phrased it it was almost like like if you could see it in text there was an asterisk or like quotations around it or it was underscore it was underlined or something like that it was very it was almost like a sketch comedy delivery you know what i mean like a wink nod kind of you know well the whole thing was very jarring and and out of sorts kind of and we talked about this yesterday too the kind of distancing from reality that gets done and the kind of like mental disassociation you you find yourself in the sort of like disassociation you find yourself in, the sort of like mass psychosis you find yourself in,
Starting point is 00:03:48 and how multiple times over the past week I've found myself walking right back up to that line and feeling the paranoia and the psychosis. But it all became kind of crystallized in that speech. And I think that like, I think there's a few things that I have to say about it, one of which is, like, I don't want to freak anybody out or, like, get any, you know, sort of, like, alarmist or hyper, I am prone to alarmism and hyperbole, but it very much seems to me that, like, when the establishment in the media starts running like the mind war program like the wmd mind war program to basically rewrite history right in front of you
Starting point is 00:04:34 and to tell you that you didn't just see what you just saw generally the point of that the objective is to get you so freaked out and vulnerable that you do one of two things you either enlist in the army because we're going to war or you good luck with that yeah or you become a kook you become um like a counterculture hippie you you know what i mean like you uh grow the dreads out and burn your draft card and all of which is to say that like i've received reports from friends saying that they've received notification from the defense department that troops may be deployed as early as november 1st i have friends living in connecticut saying that they've been hearing military planes moving a lot like it feels very much like the United States is gearing up for war.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Well, you know one thing that he said, Terrence, that I think he said it explicitly last night, and this is just the craziest oxymoron that I've ever heard. He said the arsenal of democracy, right? This is when he's talking about all the bombs and shit like that that are made in American factories and in America by American hands, which all of, to sounded very fascistic you know what i mean like you're gearing up this war machine you know with corporate you know uh resources and whatnot but i i don't know it's like i remember that quote that we talked about yesterday that uh that phrase that him and jenna yellen had said that we can fight two wars at the same time we can absolutely afford two
Starting point is 00:06:04 words at the same time yeah yeah and it's like you said you're saying too it's like it's like we're the united states for god's sake exactly he said that exactly ago well he said last night he's like what if we walked away you know we are the essential nation that's what he had said what if we walked away we are the essential nation something too that i think is is interesting about him sort of echoing american made and all that stuff sort of conjuring images of rosie the riveter and you know our manufacturing contributing to the war effort at a time when these mass unionization efforts are happening like almost trying to sort of i don't know if um you know sort of bring them into the fold or whatever is the right co-op or co-op maybe co-op but trying
Starting point is 00:06:52 to co-op that like you know what i'm saying like i've heard of people getting fired from the sciu from other organ unions like this is a moment where potentially all the gains that people say we've made in the labor movement and everywhere could immediately become wiped out because when this country goes to war it's a real fucking thing i mean like i i kind of again last night everything kind of became sort of crystal clear. But what disturbed me so much, other than 500 people just getting murdered and everybody basically having to dance around who was culpable for that. And debate minutiae and obfuscate what actually happened and is happening, right? What threw me then what like absolutely
Starting point is 00:07:45 fucked me up was the realization that they were running basically the wmd playbook and again i i think that is again i mean i could be being alarmist about this, but it just feels very much like they're not fucking around. And the implications for that could be immense. I mean, it could be, I mean, I don't even know if I should be saying this on a public show, but we could be looking at a Vietnam situation, like a 68 situation where like all the contradictions held in society become too much even down to like the micro individual level because like i said i have received multiple messages from people like why do you think you can weigh in on this like this has nothing to do with america blah blah blah the people who think that like oh you're suddenly an expert in poli and at the same time though you are seeing a widespread support it's not public yet a lot
Starting point is 00:08:54 of it is still subversive because people are afraid to say anything about it but cbs released a poll that said majority of democrats don't support sending aid to Israel. Yeah, that was glaring, man. And then, in fact, it's kind of inverse. It's like a little more than half support sending aid into Gaza and stuff, which is probably the first time that Israel's been dealt that kind of blow publicly. I don't know. My context on that is limited, just I guess based on where I'm at,
Starting point is 00:09:31 because I'm surrounded by people that think that Israel is this immutable thing that's going to usher in the second return of Christ. So my data is a little skewed on the matter, you know, where I'm at. But my hunch is that that sort of advantage that Israel holds in the court of public opinion is starting to get a little more on balance. And I think that's probably why you see them flailing so much. And even their own sort of noted batshit propaganda going to like def con five well this is this is kind of what i'm getting at like this could be another vietnam type situation in which you've got like the hardliners in the administration at the very top basically because
Starting point is 00:10:19 of ideological commitments at this point because we have entered a sort of end game, because, like, we've pulled the drain stopper on the drain, and everything is now spiraling into it. But, like, I think that you are, I mean, this is kind of unverified, but Huffington Post released a story about how there's mass dissent at the State Department, like, mass division and frustration with the higher-ups. One of them even resigned, and we talked about that on, you know, we talked about that yesterday. And I think there's a memo, right? There's a memo that they're passing around, right? That's like a dissent memo is what it is. Yes, dissent cable, yeah. And the thing is, is a lot of these people, they just don't, there's several different things going on. One of which is they don't really understand what we even get out of Israel anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Ostensibly, they are a market for us to dump a bunch of military hardware. But the colonial benefit isn't the same as it was 40, 30, even 20 years ago, especially after 9-11 you have to understand like israel was israel was crucial to our running of uh islamic jihad like you know militant islam islamist before and after 9-11 um and because that's not really like an axis of resistance against empire anymore like and also to to that point saudi arabia is probably a more valuable ally in that regard anyway if that's something that is still yeah you know so it's like as a real politic thing a lot of these as themselves this you know the biggest sponsors of that sort yeah right right they would just have more intimate knowledge right
Starting point is 00:12:02 well i'd like as a real politic thing we're not getting as much out of it anymore. But also because of the changing nature of the global, where power is located globally, who gets to decide how and where capital flows, what currency are uh used in the majority of exchanges and commercial activity i mean honestly it kind of looks to me and again i'm i'm not trying to um freak anybody out but it seems very much like russia's kind of trying to make a play it kind of seems like they're trying to make a play like i don't think that they'll succeed they they can barely fucking get any ground in ukraine really but there is a and again after watching the speech last night they're they're basically they're like how the rolling stones come out at like 89 years old and play all their oldest hits
Starting point is 00:13:03 it's like they were doing biden did that last night with like yeah the rosie the riveter shit the axis of evil shit it's like all the greatest american centering america is like you know yeah this shiny beacon in the world you know you know what i was thinking of two men um but it's so hollow it's it's hollow but it's like it's it's i was thinking of uh we were talking in the chat i think the other day and i think tom you were asking something like you know i forget exactly what we were talking about. I think it was whether it was Russia or Ukraine or whether it was this kind of specter of jihadism from the Iraq War and 9-11. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I was listening to his speech last night. I think the word hauntology was very hauntological right it was playing upon all these like biggest greatest hits that we already know right and at a time in which the uni the unipolar i guess like makeup of the world is shifting like you were saying terrence of of power right it's shifting and there are non-government actors there are um independent states that don't have to look to the united states anymore either for support for money or even for any influence right and they can like kind of like either i don't know align with russia or with china you know so it's like last night it was this when he said we are the essential nation it was like kind of that re-centering you know yeah it's like and i don't know that kind of like again to me is like just
Starting point is 00:14:30 echoing back on i guess i don't even think about the vietnam war but like 9-11 right as well you know and sort of like uh what did what did the axis of evil you know except i guess with hamas and putin like you know was it like I was saying, the Dasher and the Duo? The perestroika of terror. The perestroika of terror. Something, I mean, just to sort of tie in a little local flavor, what it reminds me of, and again, this is a crude example. This is a classic Tom Sexton crude example. But Terrence, you mentioned, like,
Starting point is 00:15:01 what do we get out of this sort of patronage to Israel now? And it almost feels a little bit like the war on coal era in Kentucky. It's like people in leadership in Kentucky, what the fuck do they get out of the coal industry now? Yeah. You know what I mean? And yet there's this unrepentant loyalty to it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:24 That's an interesting comparison, actually, because it does seem like historically, once things do enter their proverbial endgame, the people who were the biggest ideological boosters of it, or the fossils that are still hung over from the era when it was the biggest game in town, they have to remain ideologically committed to it in a way that really doesn't make any sense so like you like what really scares me what really
Starting point is 00:15:54 terrifies me is that you have we talked about this yesterday the kinesit member ophir uh i always forget his fucking last name the one who was basically banned from israeli kinesit for criticizing the war government in israel and he's presumably a democratically elected guy and he's just been yeah yeah exiled yeah and like he was saying that like they openly talk at the highest reaches of government about a final solution and you've got them preparing to send ground troops into gaza you've got even fucking u.s congress u.s senators like fucking john fetterman saying do what they israel should be able to do what they need to do to get the job done and it's like he's a 1980s action superhero like you know what i'm saying this is a fucking
Starting point is 00:16:43 like you know just get shut the fuck up, man. Let me send this motherfucker back to the sad ward at Walter Reed for fuck's sake. Maybe you're depressed, John, because you're fucking... Morally bankrupt. I'm sorry. I won't go there. Somebody that deals with depression themselves. I know that's vulgar.
Starting point is 00:16:59 No, dude. God damn, man. That actually gives you the opportunity. That gives you the opportunity to speak on it. I can say it because I suffer from depression myself. I can say it, motherfucker. I can say it. Also, so, like, I think that, like, what we're witnessing is the kind of the advanced, accelerated,
Starting point is 00:17:19 decayed version of what everyone has been kind of like waiting and expecting for the longest time the unfortunate thing is that as we pointed out yesterday all global leaders are either literally senile uh completely moronical or utterly and morally evil and depraved like like more more so than you would have to be to hold that position you know yes like like i mean like i said yesterday in 61 we came a hair's you know what i mean a hair's width away from fucking nuclear war and those were sane and rational people and there's something i've always thought about that Khrushchev told Kennedy during that. He said, the famous quote is always that you and I are at two ends of a rope, and between us is a knot. And once we begin untying that knot, there's no tying it back.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And I feel like he was describing a historical process that I feel like we are now in. We have untied the knot. And there is no, in the minds of these people like Biden and the topper Blinken and the upper echelons of government, we have committed ourselves to Israel as an idea, but also as an ideological principle. As we mentioned yesterday, Israel is a fundamental building block of ideology in America, yesterday, Israel is a fundamental building block of ideology in America, both from Protestants and Catholics and, I mean, all across the board. I mean, Democrats, Republicans, it is a fundamental part of being an American, is supporting Israel. Israel's right to exist, affirming Israel's right to exist. And not only Israel's right to exist, but Israel's right to just murder anyone and everyone they so please.
Starting point is 00:19:06 To the extent that like we were talking about yesterday, when the first 15, 30 minutes after they bombed that hospital, when everybody knew that they bombed the hospital before the propaganda machine kicked into gear and everybody had to sort of obfuscate the details. You had Kathy Hochul coming out and saying, well, Israel has a right to defend itself. Like they've already fucking excused the bombing of mosques, hospitals, schools, everything that they've been doing. Yeah, they're under no impression that Israel didn't bomb like the hospital. Like they know that already. Right. Yeah. They're very much aware of that. Right. like they know that already right yeah they're very much aware of that right i think the thing is and the reason why they have to they have to uh pretend that they didn't and why biden put it in his speech last night and why you can't just gloss it over it's just sort of a quick aside
Starting point is 00:19:57 by israel by the way he delivered yeah by the way delivered, yeah, by the way, asterisks. The actions of Hamas terrorists don't take that right away. Like so many other, I'm heartbroken by the tragic loss of Palestinian life, including the explosion at the hospital in Gaza, which was not done by the Israelis. It was so, so, I don't know, man. That, I mean, it's kind of an old parlance. We don't use it anymore. But you want to talk about Joker mode, man. As soon as I heard that. It wasn't that I expected him to say anything different.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It was the manner in which it was delivered. It almost made him come out and pop out of the screen. It made you, like, objectively, like, almost just be like, it took you out, right? It took you out of a screen it made you like objectively like oh let's just be like it took you out right it took you out of a current moment you know what i mean we're gonna be like why did he say it like that what did he mean by that does he know listen while we're bagging on the gerontocracy bernie sanders shares in this too let's not forget oh my god totally fucking punting on this and did you see the thing from from the hassan stream the other day when that ofer kassif i think is his last name yeah the kinesic guy said that he'd
Starting point is 00:21:11 reached out to sanders personally and he wouldn't even take a meeting with him he reached out to him about escalating pogroms of palestinians in the west bank i mean, he was basically saying, like, something is about to explode. Like, this has gotten out of hand to the extent that you have regular settler pogroms of Palestinians in the West Bank. Receiving guns. Yeah. I mean, it's like. And instead of taking a meeting with him, he sent a staffer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Weren't there, Terrence, weren't there, wasn weren't there wasn't there i think um um uh connected from a official politician handing out guns from the united states to settlers yep you know out of like a fucking crate dog i mean we said this yesterday um but if you are an israeli citizen i cannot stress it enough they do not give a fuck about your life they only want your semen they just want your nuts they like you want your eggs and your sperm because they need to preserve progeny yes well and i think i think in fairness i think people understand that just based on how unpopular this government is it kind of reminds me of like kind of like you you mentioned it yesterday terence when we on take one but like the sort of animating factor of us uh you know coming around the palestinian cause was wmds and
Starting point is 00:22:36 legacy if the lies that led up to the iraq war and everything and i think people living in israel are kind of having that same moment with their own sort of extreme right wing government and stuff like that. So, yeah. Well, you know, I. So like so so like we had Biden speech, right? I think one of the things that was so also so stunning about that speech was like how sanitized and dumbed down everything was and again that's when the alarm bells kind of started going off that like this is pure propaganda that is and and it's done in a way the way that the reason that it feels like a farce is that it's done in a way to reassure you to say like this is this is old man wisdom
Starting point is 00:23:22 united states speaking down to you like an FDR fireside chat. This is Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam himself speaking to you. And saying that, like, the world is a scary place, but believe me, the United States is important and we've got it all under control. And you see his stretched back fucking skin and, like, his knotted eyes. His earplugs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And, like. Liver spots and shit yeah just the whole the whole image and also also another weird thing was the person doing um asl asl and like her facial expressions were meant to convey the emotions that biden was basically also conveying of reassurance, of comfort, of paternalism. Yeah. And and it was anything but that. And it was it was so like war hungry, bellicose, bloodthirsty and sanitized that like that's why I could only keep coming back around to like the fact like. Is are we going to war? I mean, it seems very much like they're trying to prime the population for some sort of a
Starting point is 00:24:31 conflict like that. And again, this is why I compared it to Vietnam, because you can already see like in the ranks of both corporate America and the bureaucracies and even in our day-to-day lives this does not split out as like evenly and cohesively as every other um issue that we've had to face over the last 10 years like black lives matter and lgbtq attacks on lgbt you know what i'm saying like yeah in fact democrats were democrats i'm not saying they've taken a stand right but you know what i mean they've tried to performatively right like um you know voice um um support right advocacy for these issues right well let's also just remember
Starting point is 00:25:14 too that like this is this is kind of a historical trend when you have an unpopular incumbent beating the war drums it has traditionally been a recipe to win re-election because people like you know the u.s general population doesn't really like to shake things up during wartime they would rather just let them you know stay the course or whatever i think i think this could be joe biden hearkening back like well we got to get in something because that's my only play here because i've been such an abject failure. The difference is, is I think we could see that trend upended here just based on how these trends are skewing.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I think Joe Biden's in for a rude awakening. And I think us by extension, because we're going to get something really, really bad on the other side of this. It could be bad. But at the same time, man, I mean, so if you game it out of this. It could be bad, but at the same time, man, I mean, so if you game it out, yes, it could be very bad because all of the ingredients are there for maybe some sort of like strongman
Starting point is 00:26:13 or maybe even a military coup. That might have to happen in America because look at the gerontocracy. Look at the fact that they don't even really know what they're doing or why they're doing it. They're on autopilot. Yes, like they're slotted into the grooves of history at this point and they're kind of just like moving towards where they think they should go and if you if you look at if you step back and
Starting point is 00:26:36 look at it though the what he was doing last night was both rhetorically and literally saying that like this is all part of a larger foreign policy program that the United States has to invest in to basically shore up our entire post-World War II both economic order and geopolitical order. He said it in the speech. Why should you as an American care about this? Because it means better jobs. He literally said that. And so the whole thing here is that he's trying to say we have to go to war to procure better jobs. Think about that for a second.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Some people somewhere else have to die, you know what I mean, in order for you to prosper. But that's not tenable. That's not going to work. Because what he's saying, and I'll finish up. I'm sorry. I'm taking way too long but what he said was we have to we have to i've just sent this bill over to congress what's happening in congress right now they just fucking ousted the speaker of the house jim jordan has been trying like sisyphus over the last three fucking days
Starting point is 00:27:40 to become speaker and keeps getting his shit pushed in like they can't fucking settle on a speaker part of the issue here is ukraine funding so in his speech last night biden said i'm going to send this over to to the congress they're going to sign off on this 106 billion dollar aid package to israel and ukraine i think i looked at it in the washington post because they divided out how much goes to what four billion of that goes to countering china's influence in developing countries and the indo-pacific uh you know six 14 billion of that goes to immigration enforcement kids in cages i mean it's not just ukraine and israel you have to understand like this is all being lumped together
Starting point is 00:28:22 because it's part of a larger, like, imperial economic plan. And it's being presided over by the stupidest, oldest people in the fucking world. The most evil, depraved people. So look at it. You've got dissension in the ranks among Democrats over this. You've got older, established statesmen trying to convince the american public to hew the line you've got the gop completely in fucking shambles they can't get their shit together as i was saying yesterday if i've learned anything about them over the last week and a half
Starting point is 00:28:56 they're utter fucking cowards and pussies they just run away and go hide underground until everything goes away we could be looking at a fucking like 1917 moment i don't again i don't want to like get too hyper hyperbolic but like i'm just saying you do have a situation where the like the contradictions kind of clash against each other so strongly that you might have some opening up of a space for outside groups to step in, whether they're on the left or the right or the military. I'm just saying. Who can present an alternative?
Starting point is 00:29:31 It's a contest. We are about to enter accelerated conditions if this goes on. Now, they could wrap it up tomorrow and everything, but if this grinds on like Vietnam, if it becomes a multi-year thing, America as it stands cannot fucking contain that it just will not it'll buckle it just cannot fucking work that way the political system is so fragile it seems so many fucking like yeah the federer's are about to break man yeah it just i don't know anyways i'll stop i'm sorry but i'm no no no i was just thinking i was just thinking man
Starting point is 00:30:02 like um i was just thinking about like you know this is not only them being decrepit but also sort of you you described it as like they're in the groove right of history right and they're just moving along it's almost like i've used this analogy before it's almost like you know when a crab or crustacean is molting you know and growing out of its skin and shedding its exoskeleton you know know? Yeah. And they're trying to fit into this shape, right, that's no longer useful anymore, right? It's no longer as taut as it used to be, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Literally, look at Biden. Literally look at Biden. His face is like, he looks like a crab that lost its shell and then tried to put it back on. He looks like a hermit crab is what we're saying he does not look well i'll just tell you all that uh well i don't know i i do think that like please don't take anything i just said like seriously i'm just saying keep all options open this is not like this is i genuinely think that like these are accelerated times these are
Starting point is 00:31:06 accelerated conditions this is this is america trying to say that we still got the juice bro america's like we still got like i like i said last night man it's like our last yesterday it's like you know america's just uh america's just at the bar drinking man had one too many and it's trying to take on too many guys man at the at the same time. They're talking shit, yo. My little email notification is why we're recording this. It just dropped down on the screen, on the computer screen. It said U.S. student loan repayment is resumed. So they're calling in all their debts to get enough cash together to launch this invasion.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It's like going around, going around like, bro, I got to pay rent. Yeah, bro. I gave you two years off. I gave you, bro off i told you i you know i gave you the eighth yo you know i told you i held you down for a little bit but now i'm coming to collect though you know yeah well and that that puts the jennet yellen's comments like his speech i like as you texted last night aaron the speech puts her comments in an entirely new light now because now it's like if they're saying we can absolutely afford
Starting point is 00:32:05 two new wars it's like okay can you though like if you're saying if you're using words like absolutely like oh yeah we got this yeah we got it i mean granted that you guys can that means for the first time you've looked at the books and you're like yeah we can do it we can do it yeah we just had to trim a little bit here here but yeah i think more or less we're good you know what i mean just got some social services you know yeah it's like when you got 20 000 in credit card debt and you really want to make a big purchase and you like reason with yourself about how you can afford it you know full well you're gonna put yourself in a bad position but i think that you even have to like use the mental like mental energy to convince
Starting point is 00:32:44 yourself right right you probably shouldn't do this shit the truth of it the truth of it is that america can afford anything it wants to because it's the global superpower so like that's the fact but i think what she's actually getting it is that politically okay i was joking on twitter carmically can we afford it no like no we're they're gonna scatter us to the ends of the earth we're overextended karmically boll gonna scatter us to the ends of the earth we're overextended karmically bollock is waiting at the bottom with his gaping ball wide open for us to drop right through that shit but politically politically i don't think so politically i do not think america can afford two wars mostly because there's so much division among the gop
Starting point is 00:33:21 on all this there's a lot of division among the left over this. As we said yesterday, that clean break everybody was searching for with the liberal, with the Democratic Party has kind of presented itself. But at the same time, you had like Justice Dems coming out and saying like, no, we should not be sending more aid to Israel. We should be helping people out. I mean, I don't know. I just I just I guess what I'm saying is that, like, if you are an American and you find yourself like arguing with people about like, why? Why'd you go to that protest? Why'd you post this? That or the other?
Starting point is 00:33:55 I do think the American left is stronger on a footing of like trying to decipher and translate how this relates to Americans rather than getting bogged down in uh people's priors about israel and palestine because as i've pointed out many times as tom and i pointed out many times you have to also consider that a large portion of americans they literally think that the israel on the map is the same israel from 2 000 years ago that's that's a thing that we're going to have to deal with here. I mean, that's partially how they write off just the wanton slaughter of thousands of people, and it's absolutely astonishing. It's biblical. It's biblical as well.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Well, it's also just something, I think somebody pointed this out on Twitter, and I agree. It's like, it's kind of, it gives up the game that, you know, something we've said for a while on the show is that American Christianity is actually this sort of weird satanic techno religion. And the surest evidence of that in recent days is American evangelicals cheering on the bombing of Christian hospitals in Palestine. Yeah, dude. That's insane. Christian hospitals and Christian neighborhoods, Christian places in Palestine. Yeah, dude. That's insane. Christian hospitals and Christian neighborhoods, Christian places of worship.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah. Which Christianity is deeply tied, like we've said, to the Palestinian resistance movement. You look at George Habush, people like that were Christians. This is, yeah, no, dude, you're right. A lot of this is ultimately about just whiteness. I mean, truly. A lot of it is about just whiteness i mean truly a lot of it is about absolutely absolutely like whiteness like america white americans have this deep anxiety over the fact
Starting point is 00:35:30 like oh we we almost genocided a type of white you know jew judaism and it's this like deep anxiety that like that palestinians have been paying for ever since yeah yeah honestly i don't know man everything is so fucking backwards and inverted it is so bizarre like that you have germany cracking down on palestinians in the name of anti-fascism and then cracking down on yeah jewish people as well in the name of anti who are protesting yeah israel in the name of anti-war protesting. Yeah. You know, Israel in the name of anti-fascism, dude. I mean. Not for nothing, these bastards really set these events in motion in a lot of ways. Well, I mean, did you guys see that quote going?
Starting point is 00:36:15 I had never, never knew this. Did you see that quote going around from Einstein? I don't know. Like when they. Oh, I did. Yeah. Because there was a woman at that palestinian protest the other day that that quoted this yeah e equals mc square which one yeah e equals mc square they
Starting point is 00:36:34 quoted him no they um when when they created israel they asked einstein to be the first president and he he he declined i'm sorry i'm sorry that is so yo in an alternate universe dog like israel is using nuclear power like completely nuclear powered has like retrofuturistic very fascistic fucking technology they were trumpy in america or reagan america before we were, you know, in Hawaii. It's like, okay, let's go down our list of potential celebrities we could get to head the state here. I know. Groucho Marx says he's out, so let's go to Einstein. What did he say? Einstein, he refused them because he said that Minikin Begins Freedom Party was a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy, and social appeal to the Nazi and fascist parties.
Starting point is 00:37:41 like what we had talked about on the show yesterday, about the now infamous deleted tweet that they tweeted just hours before bombing that hospital, where they said, Hamas is part of the axis of evil, Hezbollah and their minions. They seek to destroy Israel and murder us all. They want to return the Middle East to the abyss of the barbaric fanaticism of the Middle Ages, whereas we want to take the Middle East to the heights of progress.
Starting point is 00:38:04 This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity take the middle east to the heights of progress this is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness between humanity and the law of the jungle and as i pointed out yesterday end quote uh john conrad heart of darkness yes end quote yeah john yeah as we put it out yesterday this is from twitter user at coraglio philly that that quotation is almost lifted copy and pasted from ss obergruppenführer uh of the of yes the ss the nazis the one the ss the one we all know the one we all know um who who i guess state said this to himmler in 1940 44 the men of the SS were suddenly conditioned to see themselves as the sons of light that they were engaged
Starting point is 00:38:50 in a struggle against the powers of darkness and it was their duty to feel that they were at all times on duty for the nation and in a wider sense for the new order in Europe I guess I just point that out to say we are living in an upside down world it's a kind of bizarro mirror world of like both
Starting point is 00:39:06 ancient rome and the 1930s where what actually when they say fascism they actually mean the opposite of that they mean the people that are in cages and the people that are trying to liberate them. Yes. It's this very bizarre thing now where if you oppose Israel and its policies and it's just, again, just indiscriminate slaughtering of thousands of people, if you oppose that in any way, you're anti-Semitic, you support Hamas who does not support gay people and etc what it does
Starting point is 00:39:47 it's like i said yesterday it's this very fascist rhetorical move where it takes the very part of you that is human you your desire to not see jews have to suffer any of the tragedies they suffered in the holocaust or anti-semitism your desire for lgbtq people to feel safe everywhere they go all of those things it takes all of those things and turns them back on you in a way that makes you feel evil for even caring in the first place and then it calls that anti-semitism and that's what that's if we're going to survive the next you know several years because this is a marathon, not a sprint. It is genuinely going to take a lot of courage. I don't mean this in the physical
Starting point is 00:40:28 sense, although that possibly could be too. But intellectual and moral courage. Because getting to the root of that. Like I said, we can just trace the lineage. Not for nothing, you had a lot of people bow out in the opening minutes on this front.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Exactly. I have renounced bow out in the opening minutes on this front. Yeah, exactly. I have renounced my membership in the DSA. I'm leaving the left because I realize I'm morally bankrupt. And we'll take you back. You can come back, sure. I mean, you will not be given any
Starting point is 00:40:59 platform or ability to mold thoughts or influence any public opinion. However, yeah, if you want to be a foot soldier, sure, we'll take you back. But the thing is, is that I just think that, like, the bombing of that hospital and the fact that he included it in his speech kind of says it all.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Everything that's being done right now, the actual function of what they did after they bombed that hospital where they just defy they uh refused that they actually did it and went out of their way even though we all know they've been bombing hospitals and killing people they bombed that same hospital within the past 12 days bombed that same hospital just a few days before that and told them to evacuate it the function of that what what they were trying to do, sort of like we were saying yesterday, sort of trying to deterritorialize the entire conflict and make it seem so abstract that like, oh, why would you even care what's happening over there? It's like so confusing. There's so much fog of war.
Starting point is 00:42:01 How could you even know what's happening over there? confusing there's so much fog of war how could you even know what's happening over there it simultaneously deterritorializes it in a geographical sense but also in a psychological sense so that like you simultaneously are forced to care about this single bombing and not care about it in such a way that then you apply that both retroactively into every bombing that happens subsequently absolutely and what it is man is what it is man is that um you know it's it's it's it's falsehood after falsehood where you spend more time debating the minutiae when they just move on to like you know bombing a church right bombing one of the oldest christian churches in the world right and i mean we were saying yes
Starting point is 00:42:42 yeah the third oldest church in the world the third oldest church in the world and that and i'm gonna tell you something that's gonna have massive support from american christians too yeah it's the insane thing about it dude it's it's meant to beat you what is it what it's meant to do is to beat you senseless to beat you speechless to make you question you know what i mean reality i think i use the example of like making you wear your skin inside out you know and a lot of motherfuckers took up the skin suit and like folded that shit right inside out and put it on yo that shit is crazy with big flesh exposed and everything dog like this shit is so crazy to me and you got all these these motherfuckers god is a palestinian jew
Starting point is 00:43:25 i don't get it what go ahead go ahead no you go ahead no no one thing i wanted to say too man um i don't know i felt like i felt like he echoed a lot of like the domino effect right like this idea that um hamas again playing the hits yeah again we're gonna destabilize like destabilize um um nearby democracies and i mean yo for everything that he said about hamas you could say like you know a thousand times a million times as much for israel right so again it was this inversion of what you know is right and true yeah and what you know to be fact but the liberal democracy is the one that has said that they're going to i don't know if you guys saw this last night that uh
Starting point is 00:44:11 israeli police have said that they're going to uh uh send um protesters who are protesting what their what their own country is doing to gaza so it's like oh dog so you do acknowledge that gaza is an open-air prison you know what i mean like that is the that is the shining beacon of democracy in the middle east i mean like you said it makes you it inverts everything that you know to be true and is gearing you up more even so than than than gearing you up i guess like um psych i mean it's gearing you up psychically is what it is for war right preparing you psychically i think that the thing is is people just people have a very hard time internalizing this idea but the people waging this war in israel the government in israel the far-right government they are evil depraved nazi-like individuals i mean anybody who can simultaneously uh make tweets about how like this is about the sons of light
Starting point is 00:45:07 versus the children of darkness you know echoing the ss right right who anyone who can simultaneously say that shit and then on the other hand feign this like moral compassion for like the people in that hospital that like oh this is what they do to each other they kill innocent children and they blow up their own hospitals dog that is straight out of the nazi fucking playbook we are dealing with evil fucking people ontologically evil people man and and i don't know man what what's what's what's most distressing, incredibly dark to me is that, you know, there is that sort of in this waning, you know, waning U.S. power, you know. There is that vacuum where it can truly be filled up with these, I don't want to call them dark forces to like fucking paraphrase Netanyahu. But truly evil when I say evil people that want to kill children while making you feel bad that they've killed children.
Starting point is 00:46:03 You know what I mean? Yeah. Like that's what we're fucking dealing with, dog. Well, it is. You just see it, like, the continuity of it is so plain that, like, all of the methods and resources that we employed to defeat communism have now become the very, you know, powerful like programs of genocide throughout the world and throughout the
Starting point is 00:46:31 global South. And, and the thing is, is the United States has opened itself up to a great vulnerability, which is that like the global South led by like China, China and Russia can now basically step in and say i mean because it's like that article we read yesterday in financial times people nations in the global south are just absolutely aghast about the hypocrisy of america on this that like they can basically
Starting point is 00:46:58 go to them you know hat in hand and say like well we got a pony up for ukraine and then basically come back like fucking six months later and say well we got a pony up for Ukraine, and then basically come back, like, fucking six months later and say, well, we got a pony up for Israel. Which is totally incoherent. Yeah, that's just what I'm saying. Like, American, it's like the American elite, the American elite policymakers, they are that stupid. I cannot stress that enough.
Starting point is 00:47:20 We are evil and stupid. The Israel government is just plain fucking evil. We are both evil and stupid. The Israel government is just plain fucking evil. We are both evil and stupid. Yeah, to think that people would believe in that for as long as... I mean, again, and I guess, too, it's sort of like the haunt, but haunted not by the specter of communism, but by its disappearance, you know? Yes, by its specter. By its specter, by the disappearance of the specter.
Starting point is 00:47:44 So seeking out right you know they're they're that afraid of the essence yeah not even not even the real thing not even the thing itself the essence of it dog yo dude i swear this is why i think the democratic party right whether it's like it's it's interesting to battle with the left and haunted by the democratic party's uh uh gains during the new deal right in the civil rights movement being pushed to do these like actually progressive and nominally but actually progressive things yo the republican party i don't know they seem to be haunted by fucking the specter of trump himself and it's like the united states haunted by this former power and station that it had in the world and is now flailing whether that means gearing up
Starting point is 00:48:22 for war or supporting genocide around the world installing right-wing governments as you know as it's fucking done yeah i mean that's that's like the alternative you know that's like the alternative you know what i mean it is yeah we're like we're like an actor that didn't pay his taxes for 20 something years and then all of a sudden he goes to the bank living his same life one day and goes to the bank and realizes he's broke i love you bro yeah i love blade man i love blade i love new jackson i ain't gonna do west like that but somebody else somebody else somebody that we don't like also yeah you should we shouldn't underestimate the united states ability to like pinpoint the most insane psychopaths around the world and basically install them in power and empower their own like parapolitical or in you know paramilitary
Starting point is 00:49:18 operatives to then go to bat for us on the global stage like the united states has been doing that for a while and it will continue to be able to do that however it is blatantly fucking clear and i was thinking about this the other day this is so weird to think about you're right it is like this global it is this global um example of like we took down the soviet union We then raised it from the dead and then installed within its upper echelons these vestiges of the former Soviet Union itself, the people who ran the KGB. These brutes and gangsters, dog. Brutes and gangsters, right.
Starting point is 00:50:01 But in the process, we kind of deluded ourselves. And this wasn't a delusion. They actually were on our side, so to speak, when America invaded Afghanistan. It's almost kind of like the Matrix. We fucking slayed the dragon and then inhabited their body and then turned them into an Agent Smith for America. The thing is is that the world changes constantly this is like one of the central insights of dialectics it is it is never a crystal it is never just like this thing frozen in amber and stone
Starting point is 00:50:37 it is always changing and so the very act of us raising it from the dead and um at the same time sort of imbuing it with this like anxiety this empower this power that it could be the specter of the form its former self then became our own sort of undoing it almost released like archdivin little archdivin's dog like little other little like you know what i mean like like other like subordinate spirits you know what i mean because i mean you can't raise the specter of communism without raising the specter of an alternative that alternative doesn't have to be on the left right but it has to be a path that's different bifurcated from the united states right i've been fascinated with this whole process because i've kind of like since tuesday been he's like going back and like reading old marx and like, this sort of central formula in capital, like MCM prime,
Starting point is 00:51:27 you take money, you imbue it with the formal, you, uh, you know, you, you take money, you imbue it with like this,
Starting point is 00:51:34 this magical substance of capital. And then it becomes money prime. And it's like this weird thing that we don't even really know what that third substance is. Is it a metaphysical thing? The secret third thing? Yeah, what is the secret third thing? That might be the ontological evil is the secret third thing. Yeah, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Something immaterial. Something metaphysical, yeah. And it's applied like globally and you see it happening now. It has finally come full circle. They're all being possessed by these little aged smiths man and they're running around without a i guess without any i don't know on autopilot man without any control you know yeah you know it's like machine you know i think part of it is it's kind of a in their estimation a broke boy liquidation you know what i mean yeah
Starting point is 00:52:23 like it's the assault on poor and working people in the United States is connected to this Palestinian cause, too, right? Because what do they have working for them? They don't have a ton of support internationally, extremely poor place, very dismal, like, markers of, you know, the average age and life expectancy and all these things that israel's foisted upon them over the last seven decades and yet still they plug through you know
Starting point is 00:52:52 what i mean just like poor and working people here just like poor and working people anywhere and i think that's uh i think that's uh that's what we should take inspiration from here. You know what I mean? I mean, it's the thing. We have to... The lines are being redrawn in a way. And the very terms themselves we have to come up with new terms for, basically. I was thinking about that when I was thinking about how Germany,
Starting point is 00:53:18 they're cracking down on pro-Palestinians, including Jews themselves, and calling it anti-fascism. And it reminds me very much of the Russia-Ukraine thing, how there's really no, there's no tangibility to any of the terms. They were calling you a tankie. They were calling people tankies that didn't want tanks to go into, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:53:37 It was just like, wait, what? Like, we're talking about, you know what I mean? Like, Russia calling all of Ukraine, like, basically their policy in Ukraine, like, denazification. But Russia itself being led by people whose ideals are kind of adjacent with fascist policies, at least when it comes to like LGBTQ and race and everything else. And so it's like these terms that we've used for so long, they don't even really have the same meaning anymore. Fascism itself, the very term we have to come up with an entirely new definition for, I feel like, and apply it to what's going on here and in Gaza at the moment. And so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's like a slipstream. It's like we're in a slipstream, man. Like things that previously had meaning don't have meaning anymore and have shifted and phased out of reality into something different. You know, like it's not immutable. You know what I mean? Like it's like alchemy, dog. It's the alchemy of that ontological evil, man. You saw that Biden address.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Here's how they've tried to sort of make it all make sense. Right. He just said it. He just like Ukraine and Israel are paramount to our national security. Okay. Like, you know what I mean? He just kind of dispensed with sort of trying to, you know, try to put that square peg through a round hole about how, like,
Starting point is 00:54:59 oh, in the Crimea region, it's like, you know, the little guy that's getting picked on by the empire. But over here, we're supporting the empire that's picking on the little guy in that schematic. Right. So he quit trying to say that, and he's just saying, yeah. He said, no, both are key to our national security. You don't need to know why. They just are.
Starting point is 00:55:20 You're right. Once again, man, raising that specter of like you know anti-communism but also to fighting against the islamic extremists you know whether it's hearkening back to al-qaeda or the taliban or you know again with russia the soviet union you know what i mean it's amazing how they can spin this big tale about david versus goliath in in ukraine and russia though but then when this comes up this sort of turns that on its head. Yeah. Okay, let's just get down to brass tacks. We need all this made. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Make it. We're going to war. Dude, you are exactly right. Overnight, they stopped with all of their priors on Ukraine and Russia. They even noticed themselves the inconsistencies of it and then just reverted to basically saying,
Starting point is 00:56:02 like, no, this is imperative for empire and for you to continue having good paying middle class jobs which very few of us even still fucking have anymore it's like that's another that's another contradiction here it's that like the gains they say we will see from this we won't actually see from this people and people will pick up on that they're playing with fire is what i'm saying. I think that it's – People can see the – It's a huge gamble.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Yeah. Well, people can see the cracks, man. They can see through the cracks, you know, the contradictions, you know. Kind of peering through the same thing I think that happened with COVID. It's been happening with the past couple years, you know. And one thing I want to say to mention is that – And, again, I know we talked about it already, but the inversion right of um of of morals i guess you know he mentioned the word self-determination you know and it's just like you know with ukraine
Starting point is 00:56:51 they'd use that argument right but it's not the self-determination of palestinians it's israel you know so again it's just this de-centering of like the people that are actually victims here and suffering i mean just historically speaking let's be straight up you know yeah and making you feel that you're wrong for being in allyship with the people who are in cages you know yeah because apparently that is not conducive to american values not even aims at that point he's speaking this lofty idealistic language you know that's alienated and rising above the ether of history you know what i'm saying or as an ether above history you know well you already know you see this in the fact that like 14 billion dollars the same amount that we are giving to israel was sent to immigration enforcement in that package
Starting point is 00:57:38 that biden sent over to congress i mean the liberals are, they're doing a very, very, it's. Which, of course, is connected to why I saw Sicario 2 pop up on my hoover. Yes, that's the thing. They are trying to do this. Again, it's like sort of fascist move where it's like they're combining Hamas with the cartels, basically erecting the beginnings of the fortress state that we've all known is coming because of climate change and everything else these are how these things are tied together and it's really astonishing that like you have this very tangible examples of how little palestinian lives matter to anyone in the media class and in the establishment political class that like you
Starting point is 00:58:22 get yeah 14 billion dollars for israel and then what was it like a fucking hundred million dollars like someone pointed out there are nba stars that get more money than that in a year yeah well somebody said that that hassan twitch stream raised a million dollars for palestinians and like the most the most the richest country in history in the world can do is a hundred times a hundred million well dude it's like it's like when it's like when he was talking about um um wadia al-sayyum i think his name is it was the six-year-old boy that was killed in illinois disgusting dude this this this shit you know because i have to make the break this down man he had said that he called him a proud american and dude you know it's just like man he wasn't killed because he was american he also and every
Starting point is 00:59:04 right after that he had said that um um you that we have to stop anti-Semitism. Mentioning anti-Semitism first, he wasn't killed because he was American. He wasn't killed because he was Jewish. He was killed because he was Muslim, right? Right. But de-centering, once again, making this be about, well, if you're not an anti-Semite, right, then you should support Israel. And anything that Israel does is to defend itself because it has a right to exist, because
Starting point is 00:59:24 of the horrors, which are fucking valid, the horrors of the Holocaust, but not switching it in favor of an ethno-state or in favor of a fortress state, these fortress states that we're going to be seeing, like you just said, Terrence. That was disgusting. That was fucking disgusting.
Starting point is 00:59:37 He was basically implying that he was kind of trying to do, again, like the old man paternal thing. Like, I'm here to tell you that, like, Islamophobia is terrible and we can't let this run rampant through our country. We're better than this. And at the same time, every single thing that they do just verifies that they don't give a fuck about Palestinian lives. And then they come back after the fact and say, what? Like,
Starting point is 01:00:06 I don't understand. Like America is better than this. I mean, you had them up until fucking Tuesday saying that recalls for a ceasefire. We're repugnant. I mean, they're still saying it fucking Fetterman. He's like aid out here is still out here.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I want to tell you something. Somebody needs to cast that fucking ogre into Mount St. Helens. God damn. what a miserable human being yo you brought up you brought up you brought up something to uh you brought up something to terrence it's like you know i don't want to uh let me fuck federman but even to not even a harp on one person you know but like dude this motherfucker man when they were coming after him for like you know being his fucking uh his his pro core you know what i mean like wearing like sweatpants and like fucking like shorts and shit like that
Starting point is 01:00:49 and we were just all like i mean not defending him but just being like yo like fuck that that's fucking lame yo and then immediately you know not even standing i gotta be honest with you my most right wing opinion is he is a sloppy fuck and maybe he needs to put a coat it ain't gonna hurt him to put a fucking jacket and tie on. Put a jacket and tie on. My most right-wing opinion is that he's a clone. He's a clone? Like those pictures where he has a mustache and that he's B-Mustache?
Starting point is 01:01:13 This is not the same person? Yeah, yeah. I don't know, man. It's just, I don't know, man. Dude, yeah, it's just the thing is— Let me tell you something about that. Listen, I've known guys that fucking clean the floors of middle schools that when they step into the house of God on Sunday,
Starting point is 01:01:31 they're wearing the best shit that they can. You know why? Because if you're made in the image of God, why the fuck do you want to show up to Congress wearing a fucking Steelers jersey? You know? So fuck that. Sloppy bastard.
Starting point is 01:01:44 You know, I just.... Sloppy bastard. You know, I just... Too sad to fucking do a four in hand? I mean, get the fuck out of here. I think his thing is, I think genuinely he just basically said the quiet part loud, which was that, like, the establishment class, and they are a minority in the United States. The vast majority of Americans do not want this.
Starting point is 01:02:04 But they have all basically just gone ahead and made peace with the fact that what Israel wants to do is wipe Gaza off the map. Now, the thing is... Make it unlivable is what Israel said of itself. And this is the thing, like on Tuesday night, like the whole thing with the hospital bombing. What that said to me, like when I realized they were writing the WMD playbook, is what was WMD for?
Starting point is 01:02:32 The whole point was regime change. That was how they used it to excuse that they were going to not only get Saddam out of out of there but entirely remake iraq like people people forget we sent like fucking uh we sent we overtook the entire fucking economy we set up a provisional government in iraq yeah like that's basically what they're going to try to do in gaza like they're going to start by saying like okay we well we no longer want to do business with Hamas uh and though they will then retroactively go back and make it look like we never wanted to do business with Hamas they voted them in even though basically his Israel created the conditions and the playing table that's who the that's the opponent they wanted so then they're
Starting point is 01:03:21 gonna like go in and use that as the pretense for basically cleansing the entire fucking area i saw things saying today that they had they had made plans for resettling them all in egypt like concrete plans not to mention the fact that they've made the rafa crossing and just just constantly fucking bombed it every time people try to like cross and leave gaza and again this gets hardly any coverage in the united states uh the media doesn't give a fuck the media is entirely again pot committed to this project of maintaining this foothold in this region um and so i don't know i just these are just kind of like thoughts that i've just been having but like if you saw that basically go down the other night and said am i insane have i fucking lost it like no you have not lost it what happened was someone tried to take your skin off and force
Starting point is 01:04:15 you to wear it inside out exactly exactly and that opened up your closet it's like what the fuck is this yeah and that in and of itself can make you feel insane just that there are even people in this world evil enough to try to do that i i cannot stress this enough that's basically what we're up against and uh i think the yeah anyways no i mean you know just i don't know man i just think that um you know i know we talked about the pandemic enough and we talked about ukraine but um you know, this being another flashpoint in this future, that's kind of we're barreling towards. Yeah, man, it's just not looking good, man. I remember the term necropolitics was a word that people were using during the pandemic was the first time I heard it. Basically, the political technology of who gets to live and who gets to die, you know, and, you know, with the looming climate threat.
Starting point is 01:05:08 That's that's what I've just been thinking about a lot, man. It's kind of mask off. And we saw that last night with Biden. I mean, again, that line, man, we are the essential nation. You know, for a minute I had to rewind it because I was like, dude, that's like that's like Nazi propaganda, man. That is like completely like wholly militaristic you know and um i don't know i mean on the other hand too like i don't know opinions been shifting and changing quicker than i would have thought of like that poll that i saw like the nbc poll like kind of astounded me but um i don't know man i want to leave it on a hopeful note and be like i guess that's why we fucking organized but i mean also too's like, how do you even attempt to do these things when you can't even cobble together a semblance of reality?
Starting point is 01:05:50 Because at every minute, they're just throwing you like curveballs, you know? You don't know what's fucking true or not, you know? Yeah. Well, I mean, me personally, I'm feeling, after that speech last night, I'm feeling something. I'm feeling after that speech last night, I'm feeling something. I am feeling actually a little more optimistic than yesterday, just in the sort of like longterm sense. Like I,
Starting point is 01:06:13 I did not see anything on display that verified to me that they have any fucking clue what they're doing or what forces that they have unleashed or trying to unleash. I think that they, and again, this kind of gets into like, did you guys see that tweet that Marjorie Taylor Greene had? Where it was like. What did my girl say? Oh, that's a stupid guess.
Starting point is 01:06:42 It was very obviously a doctored photo. But what it was was she quoted, she sent a photo, like tweeted a photo of someone texting on their phone. And the person looks like they're texting a group chat called Global Intifada. Oh, my God. That's so sick. She said she was in Congress and somebody took that yeah someone was she said she saw that in khan omar yeah she said it says global intifada it's an arabic rebellion
Starting point is 01:07:13 and uprising photo of one of the insurrectionist phones these people are not for peace and then in the follow-up tweet she tagged at fbi that's so yo that's amazing i just also just love like that like again this inversion where nothing means nothing at all i mean wasn't she talking about jewish space lasers like two years ago dog like just just the most incredible anti-semitic conspiracy theories ever but again it's like the people that will most rabidly or americans that will most rabidly support israel the most anti-semitic right that's in the shadow of trump bro we're back in the shadow of iraq again you know they just move with the tides um anyways uh i i just want to point that out to say that like the right the right wingers don't lose sight of this i genuinely feel like our main enemy here are the libs because
Starting point is 01:08:03 the right wingers are so in such disarray. And that could change tomorrow. That could change next week. Daddy Trump come back in another strong man. You know what I'm saying? You know, Trump almost seems quaint at this point. Like he seems like a fossil from another historical era. Like we have moved into such accelerated conditions that I can't even really see him.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Trump is very pastoral right now. Yeah. And like the right. something yeah and the right seems so hysterical and and like i said cowardly like they don't want to engage with this at all but like that's why you have the the liberal fascist basically cobbling together what is in their mind and I think is internally consistent and internally coherent fascist policy, where they're shoring up Ukraine, they're shoring up Israel, and they're shoring up our borders. And shoring up any possible, you know, basically what I assume to be going into countries where Belt and Road initiatives have been worked out and planned. Because, I mean, what else does that mean in the budget of that act? going into countries where belt and road initiatives have been worked out and planned. And because what, I mean,
Starting point is 01:09:05 what else does that mean in the budget of that act? It says 4 billion for countering China's influence in developing countries. I mean, what are they going to do? Like fucking, are they blowing up belt and road projects? Like, you mean like China building dams in Africa and shit like that?
Starting point is 01:09:19 Like infrastructure that people actually use because the United, they owe the United States fucking money to the IMF and the World Bank? Get the fuck out of here. Yo, it's just like, yo, it's like you were saying, we were saying yesterday that the libs, and we're saying right now that the libs are, these libs fashions are terrifying. It's like, you know, I mentioned my boss, man,
Starting point is 01:09:37 that I used to work for, the same guy, man, who during the Trump's airport protest, Trump banning, I think i think from nine seven or nine muslim countries um you know these are the same people who are now are like displaying israeli flags right and posting the most genocidal wildest shit that you've ever seen on instagram and shit like that you know yeah actually justifying right the turning off the shutting off of water uh the food shipments electricity right i mean like yeah man i it seems like i always used to say actually that liberals um that liberals don't believe in the future you
Starting point is 01:10:12 know and they don't have a long-term goal but i mean i still kind of believe that but i also think the way they can cobble together and form like voltron you know what i mean when they're when they're like kind of like these instinctive fears of threatening them. That's what Terrence was talking about yesterday. They are kind of the most bloodthirsty jackals of the bunch. And let's not get it twisted. It is their Islamophobia
Starting point is 01:10:36 that caused that kid to get stabbed. Yes, it's also the right-wingers, but we already assume them to be racist, genocidal freaks. We've written them off. But if the fucking libs are also going through this, I mean, you saw it most distinctly in that Amy Schumer thing, which was this, like, oh, I guess I actually don't support
Starting point is 01:10:56 Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ and all this because you guys don't support Israel. And it's like, actually, yeah, you're right. There is consistency. You cannot support those things and support Israelrael they are wholly incompatible yeah but when you've been conditioned to believe that it's anti-semitism to not support israel then like you come up with these kooky sort of upside down things you know yeah like that like that sarah silverman tweet man or she's like uh she had po you use that shit yo i'm sure everybody saw it where she ended up um just justifying like i guess posting it for somebody
Starting point is 01:11:28 else we're sharing with someone else but justifying the shutting off of food water electricity and it's just like yo then the replies like has these really cute little like fucking let's just like dude oh these people yeah these people are just literally i mean i've seen republicans and conservatives right-wingers be callous about atrocities i expect that from them but these are the people who weaponize morality and moralism because now it's about the beheaded babies fucking lie now it's about like you know these people that are thousands of miles away and wealthy those are the people that are actually fucking suffering you know what i'm saying yeah What about, you know, again, I go back to kids in cages at borders is what got Biden elected by the narrowest of margins.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Right? And now we got kids behind walls fucking bombed under siege every day. And he's cheering that effort on. It's almost like kids in cages and behind walls wasn't really what was i mean concerned at this point you can basically take everything they say and just assume the exact opposite yeah they're projecting all of it is projection you know why they're fucking doing kids in cages at the border they're fucking blocking people up at the border so that we get a tighter labor market uh because like what they want to do is they want to basically put kids back into factories.
Starting point is 01:12:47 You're exactly right, dude. It's like they're locking people up at the border. They're so hard on immigration, and the reason they're so hard on immigration is tied exactly to the reason why they're trying to purposely engineer mass unemployment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:00 It is this thing. It is this thing where they're trying to, you're right, manufacture a good economy at the same time they're trying to manufacture a bad economy because they don't really understand the contra the contradictions baked into that they're i'm just saying they're playing with fire and to like continue my point from a second ago like that's kind of what makes me a little optimistic here is that like I am looking around at this motherfucker,
Starting point is 01:13:25 and it's like, I don't know if this fucking rickety old ship can fucking hold all this shit. I don't know if we got the juice. We don't got the juice no more, dog. We don't got the juice. I guess I say that, the reason I say that, all of which is to say that the First and second world wars were uh like they were crucial to articulating a a leftist vision of the world um and i think that's basically the task we have to basically
Starting point is 01:13:55 articulate a new marxism a new communism that kind of like takes these things into account and then proceeds from there people have been been talking about this. How do we actually, yeah, do this clean break from progressives and liberals? How do we articulate something new? That's not just a regurgitation of the old world. How do you know, and old forms and LARPing the old,
Starting point is 01:14:15 it's like, this is the new world we've, we've got, we've, we're here. Like world war three is basically fucking breathing down our fucking necks. Like what, well,
Starting point is 01:14:24 Terrence, what's that quote? What's that? I can never. I'm always bad with these quotes. History weighs on the mind of the living, weighs on the mind of the living. That Marx quote, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:33 It's like a nightmare. We have to rest ourselves away from either this hauntological past or this imagined lost future, you know? Yeah. We have to kind of rest ourselves away from that and formulate something new and uh yeah i mean i don't know man that's a that's a that is these people i just want to say these people are last night everything that biden said these people are enemies of humanity you know they're they're enemies of humanity and they will take us all down with them into mollux's maw. And like,
Starting point is 01:15:05 I don't know, man, I just, I just, you're seeing it, you're seeing it in Palestine, seeing it in Gaza. And that's,
Starting point is 01:15:11 I think those are their designs for the future, man, for everybody, you know, you know, you talk about that articulation of a leftist vision. There was this tweet that was going around by this guy, some rando dude named Rob Kropkin,
Starting point is 01:15:22 who kind of looks like Salman Rushdie. If you put him in the microwave for about 20 seconds. How about Salman Rushdie? Yeah. He said, the American left is calling the loudest for a Palestinian state are the very people who'd be the most horrified of what such a state would look like in practice. At the very least, if you want to be taken seriously, they've got to recognize this contradiction. And where I'm at is this is like, I don't care about being taken seriously by the like the least serious people in the world, even if they are in power. You know, I mean, I'm not banded for for credibility from fucking Joe Biden or anybody else for that matter. That's, you know, at the heart of power.
Starting point is 01:16:00 for that matter. That's, you know, at the heart of power here. Right. Exactly. That's how you get to people in his administration who feel bad about what's happening, feel disgusted even, right?
Starting point is 01:16:14 But don't resign. There was that one guy, and for that one guy to resign who has been basically distributing weapons, right? He was an arms dealer. He was an arms dealer, dog. He oversaw
Starting point is 01:16:25 the weapons sales sales program yeah exactly he was nicholas cage of the fucking dogs at war but it's like you know for that guy to resign and for the rest of these people to just kind of just say they feel bad you know and weaponize again morality you know what i mean i don't know man that's uh those people they're sociopaths man you know i don't i don't know man that's uh those people they're sociopaths man you know i don't i don't know there because there are some things here it's like i do think that we should absolutely be loud and vocal about a ceasefire immediately and ending the occupation and tying those two messages together um and the thing is and people get so bogged down in like these like utopian ideas of like well we have to unite the proletariat of this that or like nationalism is wrong and blah blah it's like that's not the point
Starting point is 01:17:19 the point is that we stake out a point that we're driving towards, and in the process of trying to get there, we exploit cracks and weaknesses in the system that we can then perhaps carve out a little bit of our own autonomy and political power that we can deploy against these fucking jackals. And I think that's what, that's the reason i'm a little optimistic about what this i mean i'm not optimistic in like the cost the mental toll the physical toll it's going to be very fucking hard but it is a marathon not a sprint and if we have this situation where this grinds on for years like we will see very different conditions. Who the fuck knows? I mean, I don't know. Do you think that fucking Biden will be our next president? Look at that video, man.
Starting point is 01:18:11 There's no fucking way. He's, like, melting. He's, like, falling asleep, man. There's no vigor. There's no stamina there. I think it's a gross miscalculation that, really, I do think that this play is at least tied in some way to him, an easier path to reelection for him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:35 And I think they're in for a rude awakening, man. I do too. I do. They've completely lost their youth support. Let me ask you all this, and I ask this genuinely because I feel like I can't really remember exactly, but does this feel way, to me it does, but it could be a faulty memory because my politics were not fully formed during 9-11. I wasn't like a woo-ha, let's roll, go get them type or anything like that, but I just wasn't really, I was just more like,
Starting point is 01:19:06 my position was more just like kind of afraid for the future. Like, what does this mean? You know what I mean? More so than like taking a political stance on it. But does this feel more unpopular even than Iraq going in? I don't think so. I genuinely think that Iraq was very unpopular. And partially what broke my brain about that was exactly what's broken my brain this week was this like very obvious disjuncture between. And again, this is just because I was raised in a conservative small town, that my friends and my family and my friends' parents had all basically kind of got the software chip put in to where they just believed everything.
Starting point is 01:19:58 For me, it was that Bush-Carrie election where I kind of had said, okay, yeah, this is bullshit. Same, same, actually. But 2001, I didn't know what was going on. You know what I'm saying? Politically. I mean, I too, I was only in 8th grade when 2001 happened. When we invaded Iraq, I was then in 9th grade. I was a freshman, so I was like, hell yeah, I'm getting political. But the thing is, there were people.
Starting point is 01:20:21 And there was a fucking tweet going around like, imagine if after 9-11 people said we should show restraint and it's like the world would be a vastly better place if we had shown that if we didn't kill a million fucking people and there were people saying that by the way yeah there were people yeah there were some of the biggest anti-war protests at the time yeah so yeah well i know uh m&m led the charge in a lot of ways with mosh white america those anthems you know what i mean well i'll say this then is uh this is i think i said this on twitter this is the most rabid that i've ever seen white people and i like came of age during 9 11 and
Starting point is 01:20:58 that's that's that's really terrifying you know what i mean and again the most horrifying of it is not because you know of any qualitative difference because i mean and again the most horrifying of it is not because you know of any qualitative difference because i expect this from the right yeah but it's the libs right it is qualitative but it's also just like holy fucking shit you guys are fucking jackals yo i did i i said this to tom the other day uh i hesitate to say it because every time as a white person you say um you know, basically something along these lines. Somebody will be like, white, white. They'll be like, what did you be like?
Starting point is 01:21:30 Like, nigga, I know that. Okay. Yeah. Sure. Okay. Yeah. But the vast majority of people I've seen who've been kind of like squishy on this are like, well, Israel has a right to defend itself. All white.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Basically all white. All my friends that are not white are basically like man fuck israel and i think that kind of just goes to i mean it's not i know it's not that simple and i should know but it targets back to the collodial ties that we were talking about i mean i was trying to articulate this yesterday and i'll put it this way i mean this is why in the black community right whether in black radical groups whether it's the black panthers whether it's muhammad ali whether it's fucking i mean obviously nelson mandela but like you know like you see i mean black lives matter now if you want to use a contemporary example you see solidarity with palestine because of course they're fighting against uh for self-determination
Starting point is 01:22:20 against racial oppression and colonialism right and our police and our police are trained by ideas and our police are trained their dog like the fucking uh the the minneapolis police officer who by the way is a black woman so of course these things are like nuanced and complicated dude she went to israel to fucking train right yeah i mean it came back and tyree nichols is fucking dead you know i think some american police departments even have offices there i mean it's insane it is it is a very again i think this is where the left is strongest pointing out that these these very tangible material ties that like the policing and slow uh coordinating and social control of uh what's been happening in the west bank and then also in Gaza
Starting point is 01:23:05 is very intricately tied to how it happens with black communities in America, Hispanic communities. I mean, this is a, it's a very tight relationship. What just makes me think of that Khrushchev quote you were talking about, you know. Once we begin to unravel that knot, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:23 and all of these tentative associations and just sort of like trying to carve or you know carve a new way out of that uh i don't know man you release some demons but hopefully you know hopefully uh there's some of them and use it for our for our good and benefit you know well that's the thing like i think that's the thing yes you there it's not going to be great i already assume that i mean did you did you guys see that thing we should wrap up here we're going way too long but did you see that thing the associated press removed it um but they said four u.s officials familiar with discussion said american diplomats became increasingly alarmed by comments from their
Starting point is 01:24:02 israeli counterparts regarding the intention to deny water, food, medicine, electricity, and fuel in the Gaza Strip. That is so... But the part of that that was extraordinarily concerning was that they said, members of the Israeli security and political establishment told the U.S. diplomats that the eradication of Hamas would require methods used in the defeat of the axis powers in world war ii one official said that he and others were told by israeli counterparts that quote a lot of innocent germans died in world war ii and were reminded of japanese civilian deaths from the u.s atomic bombs u.s officials have publicly made similar comparisons this is again this is the point
Starting point is 01:24:41 this is why you this is why you can't just gloss over the one hospital. Those are supposed to be lessons, not instructive, dog. They're adopting all of the same, you know, all the same sort of mechanisms and practices used to, quote unquote, stomp out Nazism, chauvinism, national chauvinism in Japan and everything, and then basically redeploying it under the same basic Nazi ideology, but claiming that it's not against colonialized people and colonialized subjects. I know what goes on. The last thing I'll say, though,
Starting point is 01:25:21 that's why I always think this. The Nazis won, man, the same way that the Confederacy won. It's the fourth Reich, man. Yeah, the same way that the victors said, hmm, you know, they got a couple things right there, actually. You know what I mean? Well, that's the thing. The reason why is not hard to even discern.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Anti-communism. That's literally it. It's the specter of anti-communism, dog. We preserve the seed of nazism to defeat communism and you have to ask yourself what was it about communism that had to die that we resorted to those tactics we unleashed those demons to attack him granted yes the communism of that time was not perfect it was an alternative however it was a direct threat to the american way of life and we have to seriously fucking ask ourselves what it was that was so threatening about that and why would they deploy these disgusting fucking tactics that then become
Starting point is 01:26:15 revived and instantiated in this state today i don't know uh Anyways, I guess that about covers it for this week. That's a good note to leave it on, too. Barreling towards something grim and dark, but kind of searching around for their life. But it might not be. As Terrence said, I think that's a good point. It's as exhilarating as it is terrifying. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:26:44 Absolutely. It always goes back to that socialism or barbarism question you know what I mean and again the way that I'm looking at it I see spaces for opportunity I see weaknesses and cracks here that can be exploited we just have to figure out how to sort of like articulate both a new vision and a new
Starting point is 01:27:02 maybe even perhaps an organizational form um maybe maybe not i don't know maybe what we have now is great maybe dsa we work with that and that's great and everything else but it's also possible that like maybe that is also a residue or a husk of history and we have to look at this new yeah vestige we have to look at this new world we are entering because it's here it's fucking here that's it what we were all fucking anticipating has arrived what is what's been building up to for the past couple years yeah that's decade actually which is again which is why this is so weird that like the trump year has almost seen quaint they really do oh that was the
Starting point is 01:27:41 calm before the storm weirdly enough they really this motherfucker is talking about anthony hopkins and hannibal and shit like that fucking talking about how the generals look like shit like he's like they are they are in a completely different universe right now meanwhile the uh the libs are uh bang for blood and so yes yeah okay um well anyways uh please uh go be with other people um like we said yesterday don't doom scroll you're gonna doom scroll anyways but you should might as well do it with other people uh have conversations be talking about this go back to the basics too uh you know what i'm saying like i've been doing a lot of that. And go back to... And you're not...
Starting point is 01:28:25 Most importantly, you're not alone. You're not crazy, man. We are all in the muck with you. Yeah. Very much. Very much in the muck. All right. Also, we have a Patreon.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Please go subscribe to that. We've been covering this on Patreon as well and commentating on it. P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Trillbilly Workers Party. Please go check that out. Until next time, until Sunday, or Monday, whenever the Patreon episode comes out, we'll see you then. Peace out.

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