Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 325: The Genocide Paradox

Episode Date: January 11, 2024

This week we discuss South Africa's case at the International Court of Justice charging Israel with genocide, as well as the latest climate news Support us on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay um okay i saw a really funny story in the new york times right before we started recording uh the new york times is doing comedy now they're doing so unusual but with that clown show over there you think they got to it earlier headline is u.s military aid to ukraine was poorly tracked pentagon report concludes the defense department's inspector general found that american defense officials and diplomats in washington and europe had failed to quickly or fully account for all of nearly 40 000 weapons sent to ukraine uh this is the first paragraph more than one billion dollars worth
Starting point is 00:00:45 of shoulder fired missiles kamikaze drones and night division devices that the u.s has sent to ukraine have not been properly tracked by american officials a new pentagon report concludes raising concerns they could be stolen or smuggled at a time congress is debating whether to send more military aid to kiev well boys i gotta say this to say, this looks like a job for the tardy boys, man. To find those secret weapons, man. We're going to be deployed to the Crimea, mostly for accountability purposes. Exactly. That's a lot of weapons, right?
Starting point is 00:01:22 That's $1 billion worth. That's a lot of weapons, right? That's $1 billion worth. That's 40,000 weapons. There's a reasonable chance that you could wind up with one in your home. What a come up. You know how in British pubs they keep a shotgun or a gun or a rifle over the bar? You're going to walk into your local pub in downtown Chicago, and they're going to have a thermobaric like a javelin rocket yeah sitting yeah like one of those
Starting point is 00:01:50 over-the-shoulder rocket launchers yo what was uh man i don't remember i know i mentioned it before on the show but i don't remember what conflict it was but uh oh man dude it doesn't make sense that i bring it up but i just don't remember what conflict it was man but i saw that that guns that were supposed to show up in ukraine had instead shown up in some other part of the world some other conflict or some other proxy war that we were fighting all ran paul with his neighbor and paul and his neighbor are shooting ukrainian is steve scalise get his dick shot off retroactively though like the weapons have gone back in time to assassinate other elected officials on some terminator shit i saw a video one of those al-qassam videos yesterday of a palestinian fighter locating three israeli snipers oh man it was beautiful they were um these israeli snipers were like in a window and they were all in a window together they were all
Starting point is 00:02:55 three in a window together and they were they were knocking out a hole in the wall to like stick their rifle through dude this this house indian fighter walks up i shit you not wearing slider sandals sweatpants and like a nike t-shirt you know the easy slides my man my man had on the official uniform of the dudes that hold their girlfriend around the waist at the cash register have the official uniform of the only dude who orders gas station hot dogs. That's right.
Starting point is 00:03:32 He's got a Monster Energy drink and a pack of Reds in his hand. You know what I mean? And a Gatorade and some shit. Smells like Aquadesio put too much on. It's like, I don't know how many you like see these idf soldiers and they've got like these massive helmets on with like 30 different gadgets on them and like they're they're fucking bulked up like to the fucking max you know with like various vests
Starting point is 00:03:59 and like they got all they got on all of this fucking shit which is like you know are you going to fight with that shit or are you going to die with it? And you get domed by a guy named Lonnie. I saw a headline in the New York Times that was like, it was incredible. It was like, it was like deadliest day for IDF forces. Nine IDF soldiers killed, highlighting the cost of the war it's like you motherfuckers it's like i don't know man it's like you never saw a single headline like that about like during the most intense phases of the bombing campaign in november and december like you never saw a single headline like that that like deadliest day for Gaza like
Starting point is 00:04:45 2,000 people killed nothing like that but like nine IDF soldiers fucking get their legs blown off and it's like suddenly a fucking international crisis well dude you see it you see it all the time it's sort of like I'm thinking about that quote that Biden had when he said that october 7th was like 15 9 11s you know what i mean like you get this you get this weird like propagandistic arithmetic where it's like how many palestinian lives equal one not even israeli life one i one idea of soldiers life you know what i mean like so like like i mean all these people who we're seeing now who are being killed when they're looking the other way you know what i mean getting their tops blown off and it's like i mean dude i don't know man i would say that like what idf soldiers like equals like
Starting point is 00:05:37 like half maybe like you know it'd be like a quarter maybe you know what i mean of albospider yo because well you know the other thing too is nobody gives a shit about 9-11 anymore like it's not like a political football really anymore ever since like we sold the pga tour to the saudis you know right like the p the guy the director of the pga tour was hand-wringing about 9-11 when the saudis made an offer like in 2021 and he was no i lost family in 9-11 this would never do that well they they came back with a grip and he's like well you know it's nuanced the u.s u.s army in terms of just like you know raw numbers or whatever but like it's just kind of weird to be hand-wringing about that and then talking about that incident as like tantamount to you know yeah yeah well i mean i mean even
Starting point is 00:06:42 too i mean i think like if you're gonna call it like equate it to 9-11, just some of the propaganda that we've been seeing. I mean, I know there was propaganda after 9-11 in America, but I'm just trying to think of like, I don't know. I'm trying to think of something that's even comparable to like, I mean, I guess you did have people like Bill Maher on late night shows that were like had these incredibly incredibly islamophobic screeds you know but like i don't know i feel like if you were to call something 9-11 it wouldn't be taken with so much levity or glee i guess you can say you know what i mean like with voldemort memes and shit like that like it just feels weird you know like there's this weird disjuncture you know well i mean it's you know several different things it's like you know, several different things. It's like, I mean, I don't know. I've been thinking about this, like, because a theme that we've been really harping on lately for the past several months and something that, like, I was getting at on the Patreon episode on Monday, which was about the resurgence of, like, myths and mythologies. resurgence of like myths and mythologies and like what what is going on there right like why why do we have this i do feel genuinely like this would have been inconceivable 40 years ago
Starting point is 00:07:51 like i can't really imagine and maybe i'm wrong here but i just can't really imagine going back to like someone in the 60s during the vietnam war and being like who were pop culture figures in like the 60s like uh like like cartoon figures like Mickey Mouse I guess okay I don't know like could you but Willie Steamboat Willie could you imagine Steamboat Jim Jim Crow and the Siamese Cats the top of Jerry baby like who you talking about yeah just like just just like in it'd be like if in the 60s yeah it's just like when you support jane hanoi jane and the viet kong you're flipping off steamboat willie it's just like that's a that's you're spitting right in his face it's like i guess my point there not to belabor the point
Starting point is 00:08:47 but like you have seen in the last five years i guess the re-emergence of something that would have been inconceivable to like secular rationalist western society which is the ascribing of like superhuman characteristics to fictional or ostensibly fix fictional characters uber mention or whatever that like you can displace both your paranoias and fears off onto but also like displace both your paranoias and fears off onto, but also like use them to act as a surrogate for your own cowardice. But like, it's almost kind of like a Gollum in a way,
Starting point is 00:09:33 you know what I'm saying? Yeah. But, but you know what it is though? I'm thinking about, because technically we did have like uncle Sam, like I want you like, you know, like World War II propaganda.
Starting point is 00:09:41 But this was propaganda that felt like, like, like homegrown americana it wasn't leasing like characters from ips of like previously established ips you know what i mean like loading harry potter i mean it's the same fucking way that every time they do an avengers movie the fucking department of defense is there to give them weapons and tanks and helicopters and shit it's like this weird like like symbiotic relationship between like mythologizing characters that are not even modern day myths they're just created to sell toys and books and shit like that right you know
Starting point is 00:10:16 what i mean yeah they're merch basically yeah basically merch but then also the military industrial complex and the American imperial project. You know what I mean? Yeah. Well, I've just been thinking about this because in the wake of 9-11, I really think that over the next several years, we're probably going to see a mass purging of the higher education institutions
Starting point is 00:10:38 of far-left academics. I think it's just... You mean they're going to trot them out to campus? You mean Claudine Gay was just the tip of the iceberg? You're making me think just they're gonna trot them out you mean claudine gay was just the tip of the iceberg you're making me think they're gonna trot about to the quarters of shite that start like doing mass executions and professors and shit like that we will have a cultural revolution in this country like 1960s china but it will be in reverse it'll be like the conservatives leading it well i just saw this news headline
Starting point is 00:11:05 and it's one of those things i didn't click on so this is not going to get very deep but it was like is school necessary anymore question mark yes yeah you know for the you know for the past like like i mean forever time immemorial you've been like kids stay in school now 2024 is the year like a a second thought if the saudis said american kids don't need education anymore like tomorrow we would all just be a bunch of slack-jawed idiots from coast to coast that would be that would be an interesting development we would all really go to uh wahhabis madrasas if uh the saudis gave us enough cash i mean you know the thing i read this article in the new york times about how you know like there's a new impending government shutdown
Starting point is 00:11:57 much like the old impending government shutdown isn't there a government shutdown every year yeah at this point yeah every multiple times a year yeah and uh the headline is conservatives revolt a new oh conservatives revolt anew over johnson deal to avert shutdown so who john who like the speaker johnson yeah mike johnson okay mike john mike jones mike johnson mike jones He's too un-Google-able, man. Yeah. They need Stevie Scalise in there. Yeah. They really do.
Starting point is 00:12:31 What's funny about this is that, I'll just read here, the agreement announced over the weekend by Mr. Johnson and Senator Chuck Schumer essentially hews to the bargain that President Bideniden struck with mr mccarthy last year to suspend the debt ceiling oh my god hard right he's been dealing with a mr mccarthy for a long time i love it he couldn't get a better deal at all so he took the exact same deal that they gave to mccarthy in which got mccarthy ousted and like they put Mike Johnson in there, like, this is a hard right Christian nationalist. He'll be able to get us what we want.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Listen, man, listen. Nobody can get you what you want like a guy who's his son's jack-off accountability partner. Now that's a man of action. That's a man with a plan. Listen, if you want someone to run the government, get a guy who's going to peek into his son's room at night
Starting point is 00:13:29 to figure out whether or not he's beating his meat. Yeah, he's checking his son's browser cache. See the door crack open at night, son? Are you awake? Browsers, what's... Dude, back in the day, like, you know, I say back in the day, the mid-aughts. Like, obviously, I'm old now, right? But if you wanted to jerk off, like, it wasn't just as easy as having it on your phone.
Starting point is 00:13:57 You either had to have a porno mag or you did what I did, which was occasionally print off nude photos. Oh, my God. Would you staple them together like your old magazine? You made your old hustlers and stuff? Did you just make your own porn zines? You would just get on The Hun and download all the little thumbnails and just make your own little porn zines. And surprise the young man.
Starting point is 00:14:24 It took up so much of the color printer ink cartridge that the paper would be like, it would weigh like five pounds. It would be so wet. It would be like you dipped it in sink water. You got to hang them shits up to dry outside. I did that like twice before I had to stop because like printer ink, color printer ink cartridges are expensive as fuck.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Dad was wondering why he has to buy printer ink every other week. Well, he figured it out eventually because one time he found, I don't know why I fucking did this. I, you know, to this day cringe to think about it, but I left one of those pages in the bathroom. And like my dad found it and he just quietly like put it back in my room like you know what i mean like didn't say like put it where you could see that shit just i know buddy i know oh yeah but like that's that's what a a reasonable that's what a a good dad would do just like don't acknowledge it just like here's your jack off material back let's never talk about this again just holding it hold it with this little
Starting point is 00:15:34 finger just sits it gross down on your bed you're in your room he slides that shit under the door like slowly oh no and are you you just like gave me like dad dad he just holds his hand up not want to talk about it yeah it's that the the weird thing to do would be to talk to your son about how much he does or does not jack off what's even weirder is that that we would then give that guy the third most powerful position in Washington, D.C. It'd be two heartbeats away from the president. You know what? You could say that maybe... I'm going to try to make this make sense.
Starting point is 00:16:15 What's his job, technically? What is he, like, the overseer of the Congress or some shit like that? Yeah. Like, whipping motherfuckers into shape? The House. He's the Speaker of the House, yeah. Okay, yeah. So I guess, you know, I guess that's comparable to, you know what shape. The House, he's the Speaker of the House, yeah. Okay, yeah, so I guess, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:25 I guess that's comparable to, you know what I mean, policing your son's onanistic tendencies. That's true. That is true. He's policing our nation's onanistic tendencies. That's what Congress is. You know what would be hilarious if you caught your son's jerk-off materials
Starting point is 00:16:44 in the common areas is if you got one of those like you know like those um like wine mom pieces you get from like michael's or something like that where it's like got a like a bible quote on it but it's like you know this is the day the lord's made rejoice and be glad in it if you got one of those made and put it in your son's room but it just says something like it's better to sow your seed in the belly of a whore than on the ground or something like that. But you didn't acknowledge it. You just put it up there.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Just like education by osmosis. He'll see that. He'll know what to do. Yeah. Even better, that just goes in the family bathroom. Yeah. Slightly menacing and threatening, but you know. At least it's not a face-to-face, you know what I mean? Well, so in this package, in this bargain package, the hard right angrily opposed the measure, Mr. McCarthy's agreement agreement which passed the house with mostly democratic votes
Starting point is 00:17:47 it also includes 69 billion dollars in spending that was added in a side agreement um which conservatives sought to block altogether mr johnson has argued that the deal is the best republicans could hope for given their tiny majority in the house and democrats control of the senate and white House. This is interesting. This part is interesting. This ties it. This is why I thought of this just now. It ties it back to what we were talking about like 10 minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Mr. Johnson has pointed to measures on which Republicans insisted to help offset the cost of the package, including speeding up $10 billion in cuts to the IRS enforcement. Jesus Christ. So, dude. Okay. Finally, something I can get behind. up 10 billion dollars in cuts to the irs enforcement jesus christ so dude okay finally something i can get behind just like i would yes so like these people are pieces of shit right like however if they're trying to like make it harder to for the irs to do tax collections hell yeah brother i don't i support that obstructionism i support that in the abstract right i like i'm never gonna vote for them even if they say like we'll get away with the rsl together whatever but like this kind of goes back to what we're talking about like with education
Starting point is 00:18:54 just a minute ago like i think that they they're so stupid they're so ideologically captured by their donor base and everything. They are literally going to make it harder for the United States government to raise revenue. Yeah. And, like, thus introduce even more political contradictions on which the political system sort of founders and, you know, gets hung up and is unable to adapt to the changing geopolitical situation yeah do you think something like this though would be like like some monkey's paw shit or shooting themselves in the foot where it would harm their own political project as well it might or do you think it's something where they could like because i feel like a lot of the times i don't know i'm just talking on my ass here but i feel like a lot of the times like like like conservatives like they support and pursue these policies that end up
Starting point is 00:19:49 working out in their favor you know what i mean yeah because then they can turn around and point to the fallout of that policy and say this is why the government shouldn't be in your pocket right this is why x y and z you know what i mean yeah what's it's weird because theoretically the united states doesn't need to raise taxes like it's the it's the most powerful economy in the world it it has the biggest military in the world like just on the on just on those two principles that's when you put it like that for a minute though you made it sound like the united states could just plunder everyone else around the world they didn't Citizens don't have to pay taxes. I mean, like that's the theory, you know, the modern monetary theory.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Right. It's like it does have a truth to it, a grain of truth to it, which is that like United States has currency sovereignty. It's such a powerful nation that it doesn't even have to raise taxes. It doesn't have to. It doesn't even have to raise taxes it doesn't have to it doesn't even have to like plug its own budget gaps it can run a deficit forever it's so powerful that that power alone backs up the currency and so it can just print money indefinitely and run around the world and do whatever the fuck it wants but the conservatives are the ones who are all the time talking about like uh you know the budget deficit and and everything else and so i don't know you would think that they would be kind of like more on board with i mean this i know that this is this is like 2011 like uh tea party level discourse but i don't know i guess my point here is just that like if the united states can't raise
Starting point is 00:21:26 its own like revenue anymore from taxes like i mean at a certain point like you will start running into problems there like antagonisms within the political system uh just because like no one in the united states i don't i don't know maybe i'm wrong about this but i feel sometimes i feel like no one in the government, like, fully believes that they can just print money indefinitely. I think they still, I think they still kind of
Starting point is 00:21:50 are wedded to the idea that, like, oh, we have to raise taxes somewhat. Like, yeah, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah. I mean, like, I don't know, man, I just think about, like, the fact that
Starting point is 00:21:59 when it comes to, like, sending money to Ukraine, money and weapons that eventually get lost, apparently, like, what we opened up with, I mean, or when it comes to like sending money to ukraine money and weapons that eventually get lost apparently like what we opened up with i mean or when it comes to like you know uh student loans you know it's just like you know what i mean it's just like the united states i know this is a moot point but it's just like the fact that we have money to do these other things yet when it comes to like the things
Starting point is 00:22:21 that actually would better people's lives you know what i mean it's like you know like you hang joe biden upside down it's just like you know uh lint you know i'm saying it's coming out of his pocket you know flies and paper clips exactly well i've got a way we can shore up this uh kind of save some money cut back some money especially in defenses and that is um taking a page out of the playbook of the uh haitian revolution when uh toussaint louis vittor and the boys took to the hills and just let the french get wiped out by yellow fever because they were all immune to it yes i read this book epidemics in society by frank snow a friend of the show, Steve Slakowski put me on. And I thought, man, you know what we need to do? We need to utilize germ warfare, but organically.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Don't yield that on anybody. But if it's endemic, use it to the invading hordes. Also, another idea, animals. We need to conscript big cats, packs of wild dogs, sharks. You could do this, and I've pointed this out. Many people have pointed this out. This is a meme at this point.
Starting point is 00:23:34 But, like, deploy fentanyl. Like, you don't actually have to have fentanyl. But, like, tell the police that it's fentanyl. If you target the police with fake fentanyl and you target the government with fake Havana gun. You've already knocked out your two biggest opponents right there. With zero overhead. And zero real effort on your part. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Except whatever it costs to buy pounds of Domino sugar. And then you send in the big cats to take down the pit bull demographic the literal big cats yeah the big cats like the panthers and your cougars and your cougars yeah i mean how tight would it be just to take your political enemies and just dangle them over shark infested waters you know what i mean yeah that's the trillest shit in the world to To me, one of the scariest things to imagine is a mountain lion because mountain lions are so fucking tight, man. They're sneaky, too. Dude, they will hunt your ass for two to three days
Starting point is 00:24:37 and just play with you, basically. For sport. Yeah, just for sport. Literally like a big-ass cat. Yes, like a big-ass cat like like a big ass cat would like your cat would chasing down a bird they'll do that to you in the wild so like yeah could you imagine like mike johnson he's like his eyeglasses are all kind of fucked up i just want to go back to my house with my son he's like jerking off and he's like he got twigs in his hair yeah he's like jerking off. He got twigs in his hair and shit. Yeah, he's wandering through the
Starting point is 00:25:05 Arizona wilderness. So you're telling me we need to be cougars to these people? We need to hunt them down and stalk them for days at a time? We're just sitting there like Frank Vinson on Casino but with two big cats on either
Starting point is 00:25:25 leash and he's just on his knees begging for his life like hell's lost yeah with the two big ass lions yeah people have been concerned a little bit for us lately saying we've been getting a little out of hand with the the threats and the scenarios where we choke people out this is one where because those are all parody too obviously because we're all pussies and we're not going to be doing anything like that. I'm not going to train lions to take down Mike Johnson. I ain't got enough time in the day. I got three
Starting point is 00:25:54 packages I need to take to the post office for the last week. I ain't got time to train big cats. And I I'm not getting my hand on a Havana gun anytime soon. They put you on the list that they won't sell to you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Go to the Walmart sporting goods counter and say, one Havana gun, please. And they're just like, son, you got to pass the mandatory background check. You can't even go to the gun show, secure the gun show loophole. No gun show loophole for the havana guy yeah um well like you know i geez so like kind of like getting it back to the uh the topic at hand though Today is the first day of the trial in the International Court of Justice against Israel brought by South Africa.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And yeah, it's interesting that and this is kind of like, you know, getting on what we were talking about, like with the united states and like its goals and its aims internationally um you know like there's a few things to like sort of tease out here but like one of one of them is that like you've got several different things going on one of which is like the houthis blockade of the red seat right which the american government i was even listening to an npr story about this yesterday morning and they still refuse to say like why the houthis are doing this. It's just, like, still, like, the Houthis are just doing this because they're bad people and they just, like, want to stop commerce. They hate America.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yeah. Bad hombres. Death to America. They're bad hombres. But, like, I find it significant that the Houthis are able to induce not quite a COVID-like shock to the world system, but damn near close, right? Like, that's extremely significant
Starting point is 00:27:51 on world historic terms. Well, I gotta interrupt you right there, and I gotta lay out my reasons why that's been possible, okay? And I know we're gonna dig into this pretty thoroughly, but a long time ago, Coach Neon Dion Prime sanders said if you look good you play good and if you play good they pay good uh-huh i gotta tell you this the hoothies
Starting point is 00:28:14 are dripping yeah oh yeah the little red berets and the with the desert camo that's pretty tight yeah yeah i mean they look fly man um just say they look fly they do look fly i the the interesting thing about this is that like the united states has now taken a new line with the hoothies um these guys are too cool so we can't fuck with they're too cool yeah your gas too strong they'll kill you stop it bitch too too bad. Bitch too bad. They have taken a new line, which is perfectly Democrat, like perfectly liberal, man. Like you could not ask for a better distillation of this. The new line they've taken, this is from the Anthony Blinken at the State Department. The attacks by the Houthis are hurting people around the world, especially the poorest and most vulnerable
Starting point is 00:29:05 populations, including in Yemen and in Gaza. Yo, that is... This is the new line. Oh my god, dude. That they're actually hurting people in Gaza by stopping the genocide. By actually putting pressure on the international global community.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Here's the... It's called the genocide paradox. It's like if you actually don't let us carry out a genocide, you're actually abetting the genocide. Did nobody just ask him to follow up question like how? Like how is this possible? Like how?
Starting point is 00:29:38 Mr. Blinken. Spell it out for us. Explain this. Did you see this cocksucker on the cover of Time Magazine? He on the cover of time magazine he's the man of the year blinking is are you serious the year yeah yeah hold on a second let me let me show you this wait isn't he juggling but isn't he like isn't he what is he he's the secretary of state right yeah so i just feel like i'm sorry he's not man of the year but it's like the cover the envoy it says the's the cover. The Envoy, it says.
Starting point is 00:30:05 The Envoy. And the subtitle is Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and the Test of American Leadership. Yo, the Times really does like, well, that's the Time magazine, but it just seems like all these institutions, they love to celebrate mediocrity, man. You know? Or I guess it's not mediocrity. I guess it's Blinken doing exactly what his role is. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:30:27 There was something published in Time today that was fascinating, though. Weirdly enough, it was from... This is in Time magazine. Bruno... I don't know how to say his last name. Mars. I think it's Mars the way you say it. Bruno Mars. Ma. It's French. You don't say the S say his last name. I think it's Mars the way you say it. Bruno Mars.
Starting point is 00:30:47 It's French. You don't say the S. It's Mars. Mars. What is a Bruno Mars song? 24 karat gold magic in the air tonight or something um bruno bruno uh mchy is i don't know how to again i don't know how to say his last name he's portuguese he was the portugal he was the portuguese secretary of state for european
Starting point is 00:31:23 affairs and is currently a consultant at Flint Global. This is a fascinating article. I think it kind of hits it spot on. It's called Gaza and the End of Western Fantasy. And basically, the point he's trying to make is that the United States government has now dropped all pretense to even hypocrisy anymore that they're not they're not even concerned with fixing the problem we've transcended hypocrisy
Starting point is 00:31:55 that we've transcended even hypocrisy yeah that like they that like he points out that like james baker who was i think secretary of state under reagan and was part of the reason that reagan called monocle beggin during in the early 80s during like sabra and chatila and was like you know knock it off whatever um like i think his point is that the united states used to aspire to this like grand global vision of order and that that's not that's not even what they're trying to do anymore the united states there's not even an appearance that they're trying to do that forget even trying to do it but looking like they're trying to do it exactly uh you know and basically what they're now doing is that they've they have retreated
Starting point is 00:32:39 to this position of like private domain that like the world is no longer ordered by you know treaties pacts like uh various like diplomatic efforts that the world is now ordered basically according to like what the united states demands and that it should have free reign to do whatever it wants including its proxy like israel uh and it's interesting that like because like i read this today and you know i've been thinking a lot about the the court uh the the trial against israel um of genocide you know the charge of genocide against israel by south africa and at first i was like well you know this is like an international court of law like it's not gonna mean anything anyways like it never fucking means anything like yeah you know what i mean like this isn't really but it's not a binding thing
Starting point is 00:33:35 also who is the who's the one what countries are the ones that set up it's usually the countries are the ones that commit and facilitate genocide right you know what i mean that are the ones setting up this international court of course they're not going to hold themselves accountable exactly yeah and and you know and like furthermore like there's not there's no way to actually enforce any decision that comes out of this anyways right it does look bad obviously for israel and for the united states um but like obviously i was like feeling pretty like doomer about that and like pretty pessimistic about it but like the more i thought about it man i do think it's extremely significant in the sense that like
Starting point is 00:34:16 it does basically press the united states on its commitments and I think that even if it doesn't have any mechanism of enforcement, even if there aren't any actual consequences that can come out of it, materially anyways, in terms of halting Israel's actions in Gaza, I do think that it is a very... I actually would say that it's like courageous in a way it's sort of the attendant action to the houthis actually right like you've got like the direct action of like what the houthis are doing but then you got you got working behind the scenes within the halls of power right yeah and i think that like you know there's just been a lot of talk about like
Starting point is 00:35:04 you know multi-polarity like a chain of talk about, like, you know, multipolarity, like, realignment of, like, the global world order and all this other stuff. But I do think that there is something to be said there, because if a country like South Africa can bring a charge against Israel like this and, like, have to press the United States to have to answer for it, then I think that that does open up all kinds of possibilities for what a new global order would look like. Well, let me ask you a question. How is this connected to BRICS?
Starting point is 00:35:39 You know, South Africa being the S in BRICS. Right. Are they making a challenge, you think, to U.S. hegemony to try to order the world around, was it Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa? South Africa, yeah. And then a couple of associate partners that didn't make the masthead.
Starting point is 00:35:58 It's hard to say because Briggs is not really a formal thing. China and India, for example, fucking hate each other like they right so it's more like a trading thing than like actually our values are aligned and we're yeah you know and i i don't know if like south africa is trying to get any material advantage out of this like economic advantage out of it or to position itself as as as uh i guess as parallel or as an alternative to the united states and to you know the eu and you know i think that like well several things is going on like i think that i think that covid like we mentioned on the patreon episode a few days ago, COVID introduced this kind of new global consciousness to everybody in the sense that it, for the very first time in a really long time,
Starting point is 00:36:56 sort of showed the world that there needed to be some sort of cooperation or coordination on issues like public health for example and that has implications for climate change um but i think that like a large part of the world is probably looking at this situation and saying like okay the united states isn't interested in in order right The United States is solely interested in what it can get out of various regions. So it's not, it's like the United States isn't even aspiring to any kind of like
Starting point is 00:37:34 loftier ideological plans. Just a fake friend. Well, yeah, a fake friend, but I don't know how to put it. Let me put it this way. In the 1960s, the reason Kennedy got his fucking head, his dome blown off was because he was trying to create a global order that said, like, look, we're not going to be able to defeat communism.
Starting point is 00:38:02 We might as well coexist with them. Kennedy was the coexist bumper sticker, right? Which meant that the United States was interested in a material reordering of the world, but also an ideological one. And you still had the vestiges of that up into the 80s and 90s. But obviously that started to come completely unraveled and in and in many ways that's why october 7th is very similar to 9-11 because 9-11 was the death knell of that right like also why your hope has gradually waned and why this new world absolutely fucking sucks
Starting point is 00:38:40 and but we still had hope as a yeah you know what i mean when we were kids growing up we still and part of that is just being kids you know but you you could just notice like just on like a line graph way how much hope it just has gone down morale is low and has been declining for years like coal jobs you know well it just seems like that like that is an opener to the 21st century it seemed like that i don't know it was sort of an indication of things were going to be headed you know what i mean and it sort of cemented i guess um what had come 30 40 years before like there was no alternative you know you know terence you were talking about too i was thinking about the uh
Starting point is 00:39:25 the the icc and you know these international courts and tribunals and whatnot and essentially what they are for the western world are like self-reporting report cards you know what i mean yeah their self-assessments is what they are yeah yeah and it's like i mean i guess no because if i got like if i got like a d or an f in a class like my mom could exercise power to make sure that i got an a the next time around right but like i don't know like this report card example it's sort of like i mean the houthis in south africa from two different angles are sort of like i mean they're sort of like checking the United States, right? They're sort of like checking off the report card and they're saying, like, have you done all these things?
Starting point is 00:40:10 And I mean, it's not that these countries or the Houthis or South Africa can invade Israel or the United States to hold them accountable, but it is some sort of self, it does invite, I think, some sort of, if not self critique, then you're right, an international sort of critique, you know, that hopefully, I mean, I don't know, this is like being speculative, but hopefully the inklings of a reshifting of the world order, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:40:38 Something like a sort of block that opposes the United States, you know what I mean? block that opposes the united states you know what i mean well that i think that the i think that's a good point because what i find very interesting about this is that you know the the united states almost seems to have adopted a position that anyone else in the world doesn't even have not only do they not really have sovereignty and the in the you know the best example of that is invading iraq right like we just fucking invaded another country and then not only that but literally set up a provisional government and that was obviously insane but no one could check us on it because we were at the sort of height at our power but like it it's it's sort of readily apparent now that the implications of that are that the United States doesn't even see anyone else in the world as, like, global citizens, really.
Starting point is 00:41:33 So it's like they can't even conceive why Yemen and South Africa would be doing these things. Like, yes, the Houthis are doing this partially because of their commitment to the palestinian cause right they're also doing it partially because of their experience in the yemen civil war and their experiences with saudi arabia and with these attempted reorderings of the middle east i don't know i really don't think that they see at this point any any challenges to them as legitimate obviously like israel doesn't like even if you fucking you know it like just it's just fascinating to see the way that like supporters of israel become like these preening like cloying like whiners like the minute you point anything out about the fact that they've obviously just been bombing entire you know neighborhoods and and killing people like en masse
Starting point is 00:42:33 uh like i saw this tweet jews are on trial again for wanting to exist blood labels are rampant anti-semites are up in arms about the Talmud. Is it 2024 or 1224? We should call today's hearing at the International Court of Justice the Disputation of the Hague. Dude, can I just say it outright? Like, I mean, yo, nothing justifies 20,000 people plus dead. Like, I just, I mean, that's like, that's the thing that just keeps blowing my mind, right? Because, like, dude, like, I was watching CNN last night, right? I made the mistake of, like, coming down the stairs and tuning in when my mom was watching it.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And they had a report about developing news about Israel bombing a hospital or outside of a hospital again. Like, I'm not even sure. And, like, you know, actually covering it, you know, like, in a that surprised me for cnn yeah and then and then dude i'm not saying this is not the case this is not what i'm saying but just the logic right they have that segment and then immediately wolf blitzer says and according to the uh to the uh to the uh to the uh anti-defamation league uh there's been a rocket number record number of anti-semitic attacks which dude we know this over the past couple years right but you understand i'm saying though it's just like you would it's like you would put you would position that one story about palestinians
Starting point is 00:43:53 being brutalized right yeah by the zionist state and then have a follow-up story with the same sort of fur like fervidity about anti-semitism offering it as kind of an even-handed thing. Yeah. Well, it's also to say like, well, I mean, this is why Israel has to do what it has to do because obviously there are anti-Semites in the world. Instead of seeing it as like, wait, maybe Israel is one of the biggest perpetrators of anti-Semitism in the world. Like instead of seeing it like that,
Starting point is 00:44:18 and dude, it's just, I had to walk back upstairs because I was just like, this is just like, like I did the Abe Simpson shit. I came downstairs and walked back up because i was just like hey dude i don't want listeners to think that like dude i don't want listeners to think that like obviously right like there's a history of antisemitism we talked about it on the show i think right but like i don't think it's up to us right especially as gentiles right but i don't think it's up to us right to relitigate that and to discuss that from
Starting point is 00:44:44 especially when we're discussing 30,000 people fucking dead, dude. Because what it does is that you seem like you're absolving the occupier, the oppressor, of any responsibility in this. What you're saying is that the Palestinians,
Starting point is 00:44:59 you're tacitly suggesting the Palestinians had something to do with the oppression of Jewish people over thousands of years. And they have it coming. And they have it coming. They sort of serve as a surrogate for everybody that ever subjugated and murdered. I have honestly been kind of stunned at the complete surrender to the conditions to the to the surrender to a kind of like fatalism or nihilism about it like i feel like a large part of the
Starting point is 00:45:36 world sees this quote-unquote conflict as an intractable one with no solutions you know what i'm saying because like every step you take in any direction you're immediately at an impasse or yeah exactly yeah rhetorically yeah and i do genuinely think that this is also the case for climate change i think that like people can reason out in abstract terms the solutions to this but the path for getting there is so difficult and probably littered with a lot of dead bodies and bad and hard and difficult choices that that also becomes an intractable thing i also think that is the case for our political system i think it's why you are seeing on the pages of all on all the opinion pages of all the major newspapers this like very you know doomer atmosphere taking hold like it's very doom like they're all becoming it's apocalyptic i saw
Starting point is 00:46:45 fucking via brzezinski today on msnbc saying and next we're gonna have a guest up that talks about what if biden loses next year i've never heard this i've never heard this shit before it's it is across the board and it is just a whole fucking array of intractable problems with no solutions because honestly the solutions for all of them are the abolition of capitalism like that's easy to say right but it's like how do you get there like there's just no way to do it and it's not there's no way to do it for these people because they have a vested interest in it like i've been thinking a lot about that movie stalker right like tarkovsky tarkovsky okay okay and like the the stragatsky brothers adaptation of roadside picnic yeah i've never read yeah which is a great short story i've never read red side picnic but the gist of stalker
Starting point is 00:47:41 this is my interpretation of it anyways, is that you can take an intellectual and lead them up to the very abyss, to the very logical conclusion of all of the world's problems and all of their own internal wranglings, all of their own internal conflicts over the meaning of life and the reordering of the world in a way that would like make everybody you know resources abundant make everybody happy and fulfilled you can lead them up to the very edge that's what this that's what the premise of the movie is these
Starting point is 00:48:16 intellectuals hire the stalker to take them to this zone right the zone the reason that the intellectuals will not fully go all the way is because doing that would require them it would require the abolition of their own position in society if you actually solved any of these problems then you have no intellectual left there's no there's no one to then sit around and say pontificate about the world's problems it's almost like a death it's almost like a death of the self but not of the real self right it's of the the false self that the world or i mean you yourself of the world has kind of created and propped up to make you feel like a worthwhile human being in order to walk into that zone or to walk in area x you it's like you actually have to have like an almost an absolution or shedding or rebirth. Obviously, honestly becoming the new flesh almost.
Starting point is 00:49:07 You know what I'm saying? And you can't do it. No one can do it. Wait. Does that mean they're terrorists? That they don't know? I mean, they don't know their true selves? Or they don't have?
Starting point is 00:49:16 I mean, it's sad to say they don't have a true self. But when I look at somebody like Blinkin or like fucking Josh Kirby, I just can't. Or John Kirby. whatever his name is. I just, it's just hard to imagine that. I know that guy goes home to a family, but like, you know what I mean? It's hard to imagine that person as a person stripped down without any of this,
Starting point is 00:49:36 like, you know what I mean? This liberal bourgeois prestige or meritocracy. Like who are these people? And I guess they're really just husks of human beings. I guess when you peel it down, they're not really anything at all you know well i guess i don't know if i believe that yeah he goes home to a family a family of millions of larvae walks to the door and unzips his human suit and just becomes just 20 yeah just 20 000 fucking cockroaches in a fucking human suit well i you know i i just think the intractable nature of these things is kind of becoming more and more apparent to the intellectual elite like
Starting point is 00:50:13 for example let me give you a example from the new york times this is from a writer i like and and he's not saying this you know he is a bourgeois uh commentator he's not a marxist or anything but i do generally like him and he's not saying this is something to necessarily uh surrender to or to at the same time to critique he's not being doomerish like yeah but he actually might be being a little doomerish in fact i kind of think that it is david wallace wells right and i kind of think that he i have i've watched him over the course of his career and he has kind of straddled the line of doomerism at times because i mean get did he wrote the quintessential doomer article yeah yeah which is like you know again if you want to read that as a doomer thing that's
Starting point is 00:51:06 fine i don't know if he meant it that way and i don't even think i don't even necessarily think he means this article that way but i do think that it is a problem for him that is not necessarily have a quickly identifiable solution. This is the problem. The headline is, Missing Prophets May Be a Problem for the Green Transition. Missing, why did I think prophets is like in the Prophet Muhammad, okay? Is it prophets? That is also a problem, yes.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I was like, yeah, that could have been. We are short on both. I'll just start, I'm not gonna read the entire thing but he's he talks about how like 2022 may have been the peak of global carbon emissions he's not saying that is a good thing um he says it it marks the highest point ever reached and in what is not exactly a coincidence the world's largest oil and gas companies are these days almost printing cash. In 2022, the global oil and gas industry earned nearly $4 trillion, two to three times as much as profit as they'd made in previous years. That revenue would make the industry, if it were a country,
Starting point is 00:52:20 the world's fifth largest economy. So can we nuke Exxon Mobil then, bro? Can we actually like with these with these companies like this is insane dude i mean just today al gore had a tweet the oil industry is kicking off 2024 by spending millions to undermine global progress on the climate crisis far from being part of the solution as they claimed at cop 28 they are aggressively working to prevent any transition away from fossil fuels um the point that david wallace wells is making and then i think that
Starting point is 00:52:55 al gore is going to have to come to grips with too eventually is that while you know renewable energy does have far lower costs than fossil fuels. For example, like if you want to drill a gas well, I think it takes like three million gallons of water to drill a single fucking well. Something like that. Right. That's insane. So you just end up spending more energy than energy you've been getting out. At this point, we are literally sinking more carbon into extracting carbon.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Then we are burning it. So there is lower costs associated with green energy. However, here's the big thing. There's also lower profits, which means that there can be probably no private sector-led transition. Because there's just no money in it. Because there's no money in it, or at least not as big of profit margins as there was in fossil fuels.
Starting point is 00:53:55 And I have to ask each of you here, knowing what you know about the commentariat, the intelligentsia, I mean, do you think that that like do you think that they're going to say okay well then that means we have to do socialism or we have to get rid of the profit motive no they will literally they will literally they'll literally be sitting there and their fingers will be like moving to type out those words and they'll be like no and they'll open up the drawer and reach for the gun instead and shoot themselves dark like that's too much no no no no no
Starting point is 00:54:25 dude like it just I mean like what is it man because it's been feeling like for the past couple years especially since COVID that and the word doesn't have to be socialism I mean it could be I mean just this this idea of like using the productive capacities
Starting point is 00:54:42 of society right to like do good for people using the state I mean like I mean it's almost society, right? To like do good for people using the state. I mean, like, I mean, it's almost like these people are just like, I mean, I don't even know, man. Like, like, like even did there, like there's a police. I mean, I guess that's why I killed the policeman in your head. Right? Like, I don't know if there's like a list of words that they can't use
Starting point is 00:54:58 that they have hung on. They have hung over in their bedroom that they're looking at. Like, can't use these words or these phrases. I'm sure the New York times and other outlets have these words that you can't use but i mean like or even ideological barriers that are not explicit but it's just like i mean it is literally like i don't know man it's just like the switch goes off dude you know it's just like a switch goes well man where they're enabled and capable it's something i've wondered about because like ever since i read i mean i love kim kim stanley robinson right but like i do feel like sometimes he's a little too rose-colored glasses like i do
Starting point is 00:55:29 think that he i think that he envisions the coming transition in away from fossil fuels as something that will be led by a block of private capital like his book like like his also like his book not sorry because you have terms but reminds me of his book ministry of the future where it's going to be like this still in the vein of the neoliberal order right there's going to be a a democratic collective which i mean there should be but that's not just going to happen because these groups decide to get together and do it you know well i i again i i love i love the guy i've read a lot of his books um and i do think that like if you're trying to like game out like what this would look like
Starting point is 00:56:11 then you have to have imagination you have to have the courage to actually engage with that but i also have been thinking about an interview i heard him do maybe like six or seven years ago where he talked about like oh a lot of these capitalists are uninteresting and boring however elon musk is not one of them and it's like and it's like i kind of now understand like i feel like that statement is the sort of uh that statement is the key to unlocking like how he views how this might happen and how i think a lot of these intelligentsia think that this would happen which is that they see that transition being a interclass conflict between within the capitalist class and that you will have some good capitalists peel off
Starting point is 00:56:52 and align themselves with the forces of you know let's just call it the environmental left or in the global working class and whatever and i just team humanity and humanity you save you man i just don't see any i mean granted like maybe i i guess you know you do see a few like heirs of billionaires like saying like oh well you know here's we'll give you know a couple million dollars to the the resistance or whatever but like they're few and far between and they're heirs they're not the actual people who like own the means of production necessarily well the soviets tried that with army hammer's grandfather if you recall and well we see what that did to our matinee idol and then yeah his grandson became like a cannibal became a cannibal movie star cannibal fetish guy you know what i was thinking of
Starting point is 00:57:41 terrence i was thinking of uh in the uh star trek discovery which uh i've never watched that completed that show it's fucking terrible but uh it's like it's the new star trek and it they have like in one of their second seasons some shit they have a reference to elon musk oh yeah they put him they put him they put him in league with like the right brothers and shit like that and then there's an el Musk high school. And I mean, this is like a show done by like, not even just liberals. These are like progressives. These are the people that take that old,
Starting point is 00:58:12 like Gene Roddenberry was inspired by a socialism of the Chinese variety. Apparently is what his ex-wife had said, right? I'm not saying he wasn't like a leftist, but it's still like, I don't know, man. It seems to, I don't know like i don't know man it seems to i don't know what to say but it seems to almost work in the absence of struggle yeah or like like as if there's gonna be a intro and i'm not i'm not saying that the ruling class
Starting point is 00:58:34 doesn't beef all the time sure but if we're talking about like the future of the human race i'm not sure that there are people on the board of exxon mobil who are like you know what actually we really should like genuinely sincerely go into renewable energies right like they're not having those fucking conversations like it's going to be a struggle between classes you know what i'm saying and between groups of the working class as well right and you know what i mean but i think mostly the room class will be on board you know what i mean i think and the big reason why is because why would they it's not even that they're bad people. I mean, they are, but it's mostly because they look at the ledger books and they say, like, oh, the profit, the rate of profit will go down if we switch to renewables.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Like, why would we do that? I mean, I don't know if this is a facile example, but it's the same reason why you get up to go to work. Right. In a capitalist society, it's because, like, that mode of production is the only way that you secure a livelihood for yourself i'm not saying that these people need billions of dollars to do so but in their minds they do you know and also yes you're exactly right and it also is the reason the world is ordered the way it is it's the if as an industry it's the fifth largest economy
Starting point is 00:59:40 in the fucking world i mean like it's a bedrock it's the backbone of the world system and uh i don't know i just it's almost inconceivable to me to think that like people within that system would say which it will happen there will be individual people who say like okay yes this is a death cult they're trying to kill the entire world and take us with it but uh i don't think that that necessarily means that they will then turn to the left and say this is the way forward right no they might be somewhere they might like make some weird fucking right-wing libertarian eco-fascist shit instead like i don't fucking know or it might just be completely apolitical you know what i mean is that why we're going to the moon again because like isn't there aren't they launching another...
Starting point is 01:00:26 I saw a thing, by the way. I think someone sent this to me. I think it was a friend of the show, Cosby Hayes. Shout out. He sent me this article that was pretty funny. American company spacecraft malfunctions on its way to the moon. It's... company's spacecraft malfunctions on its way to the moon it's uh wait is is this the company that was carrying human remains that indigenous groups were speaking out against because they were like wait you can't you can't bury people on the moon i didn't hear about that really yeah dude there
Starting point is 01:00:58 was yeah there was this private space company using nasa and using a nasa lander that was for some fucking reason because you just have money to do this shit they were bringing um human remains to the moon and i forget what tribe it was but this tribe is like yo you can't do that and that was actually the big story but for some reason i saw it on one of those like that was one of those uh big accounts that post science news but the real story was the fact that you had this indigenous group that was like you can't do that and um they're like yo we don't give a fuck like who are you you know yeah listen i and and in terms of just pure bad juju i don't know that it's good to bury stuff on the moon no i think there's no i mean i believe in you know when the moon turns to blood and stuff like that i
Starting point is 01:01:44 just i don't want to hasten any of that. I also feel like the moon itself is already a huge graveyard without bodies. It just feels like you're just going to, like, awaken the moon ghost, bro. Like, don't do it, man. I think Cosby sent this to me as further proof of what we were talking about on the patreon which is that like we can't even really innovate our we can't even innovate like atmospheric travel and space travel anymore innovate our way off this goddamn planet yeah it's like it's a once again it's a surrender to like the realism it's like everybody wants off the fucking rock but at the same time we can't get off but at the same time we can't solve the problems that make it so fucking miserable to live here.
Starting point is 01:02:27 So it's like, you know, it's just like this weird like realism that said it like the cynicism that said in like no one has any kind of imagination to to envision a different way. But too many people hate the fucking left and like what it represents. And like, oh, my God, communization of private property and getting rid of the profit motive like two things the two motherfucking things that would solve Israel Palestine the climate crisis the political system in the United States
Starting point is 01:02:55 I mean granted those things come with their own contradictions but good fucking lord yo dude you just brought up a really good point man like you said something about the left and I don't mean to make this about us right like oh what was the left you know but like i don't know man you know how you know how an animating uh an animating feature of the right is just owning the lips it seems like an animating feature of liberals is not necessarily sure owning the left but just not not exceeding to the left right not having to say that the left is but just not, not exceeding to the left, right? Not having to say that the left is right or not have,
Starting point is 01:03:26 not even to say the left, but just, I mean, all these things, you know, yourself, you yourself are true as a liberal, the logical conclusion of your ideas. Like I, like, or I mentioned, I think on a patron a couple of weeks ago, my friend when I went to New York, who's a democratic operative who said, I'm going to make you feel bad because I feel ashamed of being a Democrat. You know what I mean? Like, it's just like i don't know man it's like it's like they wanted i mean i don't know i they hate that we're the adults in the room i don't know how to put it but it's just like they they don't want to they don't want to uh like give any inch at all to the left well
Starting point is 01:03:59 i think that this is the thing it's like early on after oct October 7th, like in November, I was still under the delusional assumption that like with enough pressure, we could get the United States government to put more pressure on Israel to actually stop this. You know what I'm saying? Like I was still under this. What I didn't realize is that like the United States is pot committed to this for all kinds of reasons. But the probably the main the main reason is that it has to uphold that sort of like global system because it can't envision any alternative. It would rather cede that to the forces of the right. Israel represents that.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Israel presents a good enough vision for what the world could look like rather than, once again, communizing private property, opening up land, getting rid of the profit motive. What Israel is presenting is good enough. That'll fucking work. Let's go with that. Because, again, these problems are intractable. There is apparently no
Starting point is 01:05:05 solution to any of them so so what we need to do is build walls and have the walls surveilled by auto turrets that shoot at anything that moves you know what i mean i mean it's just yeah it's restriction of mobility right you know what i mean Oh, man. That tweet killed me. Lehov Harkov. Jews are on trial again for wanting to exist. Blood levels are rampant. Someone point... Is this about the tunnels? Dude, the tunnels, I don't even know anything about.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Is he like saying, yeah, we're having to justify our tunnels again? I mean, I just feel like you should ask everybody that said shit like that. It's like, how many more people need to die? You know what I mean? I mean, I think especially when it's... Two million. Dude, it's like, especially when I think about the people that say that,
Starting point is 01:06:01 oh, well, you know, if you don't vote for biden next year and da da da i'm like what number of like how many how many palestinian deaths would it take for you to be like okay this is like you know what i mean like i can understand i just don't get it man i don't i mean i get it guess they for them the number is limitless right it's unlimited right right palestinians are inconvenient right to achieving whatever bullshit non-aims that they have you know yeah all right like you don't even have a project bro you tell me i should accept all this death and destruction and you don't even have an ideological project yeah you can't even articulate right like why i shouldn't accept this this is insane yeah like i was thinking about this
Starting point is 01:06:43 the other day bro like you know what would like you know what like get trump like you would win like i mean i don't know man you probably win either way but i feel like he would win the landslide especially if he started talking about the future you know what i mean like not the way he did it in 2020 where he talked about like oh it's gonna be the end of the world but actually he started talking about what i mean i'm not giving the right any points right now as if I want them to win. But I mean, it's just such a contrast to what the Democrats have. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:07:10 Where it's like there's there's a discussion about preserving this democracy, but never what's beyond that. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's like someone pointed out. I thought this is a great point at Nemanja vr talking about that tweet i just mentioned it's incredible how exactly israeli rhetoric mirrors serbian rhetoric from the 90s down to the smallest detail the same pathetic lies and evasions the same appeals to nationalist victimology the same invocation of pseudo history i mean that's the thing it's like we've all planted our spades in the soil. And it's like history does not happen going forward.
Starting point is 01:07:49 We are all standing athwart history yelling stop. It's like every vision of the future involves a looking back at the past. It's like, I don't know. I don't know. I know this is probably going to close out. And I know this is, I don't want to get too far away from it, but I don't know. I've just been also thinking about like, I don't know, whenever, whenever shit like this, like I think about stuff like this, also think about culture and how it factors
Starting point is 01:08:12 in. And it's like, I was thinking about this, this, uh, deluge of reboots and remakes, right? Where like, like these companies can't even establish their IPs like in a future timeline, right? We always have to go back to a prequel how there's an origin story of how this character started i think the only movie i saw recently coming out that's not doing that in 2024 is the new beverly hills movie which is like not a prequel of eddie murphy as a cop but him actually is an older man being a cop right which
Starting point is 01:08:39 i thought oh dude yellowstone is all fucking flashbacks and prequels. Well, dude, it's like we're mired in this, like, it's like the same way that these IPs are anchored and loaded and weighted by, like, their own mythology, where I don't even think that actually, and I know the IPs, the studios are doing this because this stuff is profitable, but I really don't think, I really, like, metaphysically, like, I don't think that, or ideologically,
Starting point is 01:09:02 that they can imagine even these IPs, a world in which they can make anything happen you know they can't imagine the future and we see the same thing with our fucking politics which is why we're getting biden versus trump again which is why we're getting re-litigation of like you know settler colonialism for the fucking 1930s you know what i mean i don't know i don't know if any of that makes sense have y'all ever like talked to people that are like kind of, I don't mean just conspiracy theorists, I mean people that have actually got the QAnon brain disease where there's the point of no return. And they'll talk about how there's electrodes on the top of old buildings
Starting point is 01:09:37 that used to power trains and stuff like that. And they're imagining this sort of steampunk past that why do we not have that anymore? And, you know, you could see the logical extension of that is like, well, why haven't we been back to the moon since whatever, which is whatever. But yeah, but yeah, just to y'all's point, it's like, yeah, we're like everybody is sort of. Yeah, there's there are no like true futurists anymore you know because everybody's just trying to even the futurists are mining the past to some degree it feels like well that's honestly this is why i know we're closing out and i fucking
Starting point is 01:10:18 you know i should have like put a finer point in this earlier but But this is honestly why I think there's so much resistance to the idea and the framework of settler colonialism. Because it does actually offer a vision of what the future could look like. Because there's this article in The Atlantic about, in the ideas section, obviously, the curious rise of settler colonialism and turtle oh is it as a term yeah yeah yeah as if it's like as if it's a catchy new term
Starting point is 01:10:52 that the new all the new kids are using settler colonialism yeah um and it quotes like um you know we've never had him on the show but i I do like his work. But it quotes, like, Nick Estes, you know, and other indigenous leaders in the United States talking about, like, the potential that the land back movement actually has. Outside of just being, like, a hashtag or a meme, if you actually carry it to its logical conclusion, it's like it does have a lot of lot of implications for like what the world could look like if it was ordered a different way um and and i think that like you know once again i think that like the framework of settler colonialism like because it both offers a critique of the past and a envisioning of the future it is i i think in my personal opinion, a very powerful way to look at things. I think that's why you see so much resistance of it,
Starting point is 01:11:51 not just in the fucking right wing, the center, and the liberals, but even on the left. Like, Jacobin had a fucking article about how this was a harmful and deleterious framework for understanding the world because it means white people will die if i can say what is that and this is like right here it's like you know i mean like
Starting point is 01:12:11 nick estes like other people um melanie yazzie who's navajo uh you know they're they're all talking about like it does not mean like white people will die it's not like it's not like that is literally not what what are these days i do think like okay now that they can not they guess this you shouldn't do this but it would be funny if like a land back person was like actually you know what like you know like just to fuck around with this like actually it does be white people on the moon white people on the moon dog um but like you know i again i think that this is why there's so much pushback against it because like what it demands of us is that it it means that we be absolutely truthful and have
Starting point is 01:12:53 integrity and courage about like analyzing the situation in front of us and that includes the united states australia israel whatever but also it means that we have a vision of trying to like hash out what the future would look like knowing all of those things and i think that that is what is so dangerous why it freaks a lot of people out so much no i just can't just put a fine point on this too um um god man since my mom's back i've been watching a lot of fucking news yo but um i was on cnn today we're talking to the segment about what comes after the war and i just think this is like a fine point right and it was like this contention between the united states and israel because they both have both countries have different ideas about what the outcome looks or what i gleaned from that discussion segment was that nobody knows what
Starting point is 01:13:43 the outcome looks like you know is that like I think one anchor was saying something like, you know, there's been this trend of stopping and restarting. Right. Quote a war, but it's not a war. It's, you know, Project Ethnic Cleansing that Israel wants to finish. Right. But I don't know, just sort of even the way they were discussing this with sort of this fatalism and finality but with also no conclusion right which is like obviously like you know a conclusion when the part of the palestinians would be finishing the nakba right but even israel itself right like like what like oh even the united states like i remember Biden saying that we're going to build up natural gas infrastructure, right? It's like all of these, like, hazy, incomplete visions of the future that are mired.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Or sinning to the Congo. Yeah, yeah. It's just mired in, like, we're stuck in the now, in the muck of now, you know what I mean? Yeah. And, well, informed by the past, I guess, you know. So I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Yeah, well, again, you know? So I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Well, again, you know, I think I wanted to read that article in the Atlantic, but obviously we're out of time. It's got a lot of, uh, good stuff in it to ridicule.
Starting point is 01:14:53 But, um, I think though I don't have to read these articles. You've seen them all, right? It's like, we've seen them all. Like they've been everywhere.
Starting point is 01:15:01 It partially explains why there's a fucking freak out in the academy right now people using this highfalutin complicated framework of settler colonialism it's like again i think that like it is a very you know poignant way to understand the world as it's ordered right now and again just to belabor the point you know and saying like you know this is what
Starting point is 01:15:36 could be if you like took all these considerations and like followed them to their logical conclusion like what we could have instead of this. And it's a pretty uncomplicated avenue too to understanding these things and like building something new. I think that's why like so many people,
Starting point is 01:15:54 even at Jacobin Magazine have to be like, oh shit, no, that actually looks like fucking something that might make the world make sense. We can't have that. Yeah, exactly, exactly, exactly. Furthermore, it would empower the people I don't like who use pronouns and oh my God, I can't fucking imagine. And I need to keep my job so that I can re-litigate
Starting point is 01:16:13 what working class means once a year, you know what I mean? Yeah. As if Eddie was gonna read that shit, but yeah. All right, well, let's end it there. We have a Patreon. Please go check us out on Patreon, slash Trailbilly Workers Party.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Please go support us. Please pray for the nuclear meltdown of Bill Ackman and his family. I just saw a headline, Bill Ackman and his family. I just saw a headline, Bill Ackman losing it over plagiarism allegations against wife. Is plagiarism the new cancel culture, man? It is.
Starting point is 01:16:56 This is it. Is everybody gonna be accused of plagiarism in 2024? It's like I said, man, we're all gonna have to come to the inevitable conclusion we are all one consciousness, brother. We all share one brain. Bro, I've been on that since the first time I dropped acid, brother. I feel you. I'm in on that.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Oh, man. I just also think it's just funny that, I don't know, plagiarism in a year of, you know, and probably another year of more AI fake-ass art, you know what I mean? People are worried about plagiarism in a year of probably another year of more AI fake-ass art. You know what I mean? People are worried about plagiarism. Yeah, plagiarism in an era where all ideas are shit. All ideas are shit and filtered through chat
Starting point is 01:17:35 GPT and stuff. This is the worst era to be a plagiarist because you're going to implicate yourself in something dumb. Uh-huh. Oh, man. All right. Well, thanks for listening.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Please go check out the Patreon. We'll talk to you next time. Peace out. Bye. Adios.

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