Trillbilly Worker's Party - Episode 338: The Solutions Tent

Episode Date: April 11, 2024

We talk a little bit about our eclipse experiences, then dive into two articles about the so-called "illiberal left"—the first by that sicko Jonathan Chait, the second a reported story in the NYTime...s You can check out Aaron's latest short story here: And support us on Patreon here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 dude um the the eclipse there is like several like native american like tribes and religions where it is forbidden to look at the moon and dude that is like like during the eclipse that is the hardest thing i've ever heard that is so tight i mean like so so wait hold up so you can't so you can't even look at the moon with like sunglasses or anything you can't look at it at all yeah you can't look at it at all holy shit dude let's see if I can find this moon's kind of wild if you think about it you ever thought like we get the phrase lunatic from it it's kind of wild to think about or uh or a lichen lycanthropy like being aware yeah like the werewolf yeah yeah that's true yeah the connection between the two and animals act so
Starting point is 00:00:52 fucking weird when shit's off with like even us yeah just to recount my and terence's day we were going around trying to find uh glasses to look at which we didn't end up needing because it was overcast and whatever. And a car blew up in the parking lot. It exploded. Dude, there was a fucking car. It was just smoldering. And a massive, like all the windows were blown out and the whole thing was just a black burnt husk. We were like, what?
Starting point is 00:01:21 Did the dance of the celestial bodies like trigger some shit with this car like did it just freak out like what happened it was well and it's wild like you know when you block out the sun with the moon and then like all the like the starlings come out early you know what i mean like in the middle of the afternoon and shit dude i was in my i was in my front yard and we were supposed to get like we we were supposed to be within 80% of the totality, but it was a little overcast. But it did get a little dark, man, and it got real quiet.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Like all the birds, I guess, and the squirrels and shit like that. They were like, oh, it's nighttime? Yeah. It's like time to sleep. I think it's the Navajo. Like they are the sun bearer carries the sun disc across the sky i'm trying to find it man navajo people must stay indoors with closed windows and doors and not look outside limit consumption of food by fasting not drink water not sleep not bathe brush hair groom no intimacy with families or
Starting point is 00:02:18 partners except between mothers and children art and crafts during solar eclipse are not allowed dude that's pretty fucking crazy because it's like it's like the the sun and the moon are it's like a mating um ritual give them a little space it's like son close the door yeah like hey quit being a pervert and let them do the thing i also respect uh i don't know how to phrase it i guess the sort of asceticism or the commitment right because i mean the first thing that you want to do is like look up at the sky you know like when are you going to see this again but it's such a sacred event that they're like no give them some privacy there's something kind of nice about that isn't there something nice about
Starting point is 00:02:59 that something something um um respectful about i guess uh like respecting nature. You know what I mean? Yeah. I like that. Yeah. You know, Pamela Paul went to Buffalo to watch the eclipse and wrote about it for the New York Times. I was going to read it on the show, man, but it is absolute drivel i mean it is the it is like 900 words of just like we drove to buffalo it reminded me of the last eclipse when we went to wyoming and then i realized i was in liz cheney's hometown and then we went back to buffalo it reads like a book report yeah it reads like a school trip
Starting point is 00:03:47 and then and then after that it reads like a sixth grader like report like recording their trip to like the science museum i have to say that's uh that's a really difficult thing to do to write about an eclipse such an amazing event and like make make people's eyes glaze over that's true yeah it's just like if anyone could make it as boring and uninteresting as fuck like leave it to pamela paul man you know i it's i think if one hadn't happened in 2017 this one would have a little more fanfare you know they gotta start spacing those eclipses out a little bit they do man also too i wanted to say um you know how you were saying just now terrence at the navajo you're not supposed to look at the moon i think that we should have a similar tradition where uh
Starting point is 00:04:34 columnists are shouldn't be able to write or comment all right nobody nobody should be able to say anything insane like all these insane right-wingers who are like oh isn't it crazy that the eclipse uh supposedly happens every 10 to 20 years or something like that like making it a conspiracy i think i think actually when the moon passes over the the sun i think these people should disappear when the totality is done i think they should be gone yeah and when the sun comes back out all of our enemies have perished yeah you look around like oh there you go i'll do another one to tack on to that i think it should be against your religion to watch my And when the sun comes back out, all of our enemies have perished. Yeah, you look around like, oh, there you go. I'll be another one to tack on to that.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I think it should be against your religion to watch my pockets. When there's an eclipse or otherwise. 24-7, 365, bitch. I just, I hate, okay, you're exactly right. If you're a pundit, a commentator, a columnist, you write articles, it should be forbidden from typing on the holy computer. You should not be able to look at a screen is what I'm saying. It should blow up like that car that you saw. Like your laptop or your phone.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Those things couldn't be unrelated. Also, I hate how boring and uninteresting the right-wingers have gotten with conspiracy theories because now they just float stuff. I was telling Tom the other day, the problem with quote-unquote conspiracy theories, and this is Thomas Pynchon's entire thing, is that a conspiracy theory is something that defies narrative in a lot of ways like you saw that
Starting point is 00:06:13 with the octopus documentary and all that stuff it's like sometimes like it's hard to like lasso a narrative around this thing that is like sprawling and whatever um but like at least you know at least we try yeah the right wingers they're not even trying anymore they're basically just like oh look there's an eclipse and cicadas are coming out and an earthquake crazy and then they just like put an ellipses there and it's like okay you're just implying something like you have to actually have a narrative here exactly you have to complete the trip of wonder right you have to complete that circle dog i was thinking about this yesterday because um uh robert skavala uh wrote this uh the short essay um called uh finding bigfoot looking for america and he has this like amazing idea that conspiracies um and like big
Starting point is 00:07:06 foot and these clubs subcultures like ufo conspiracists or ufologists it's like not it's not only about searching for this like you know cryptid or this um this supernatural event but it's also like maybe kind of hearkening back to a time like in America especially in the 760s in the 70s where like he writes about the hippies surrounding the Pentagon and trying to levitate it right as a protest to world to the Vietnam War right and it was kind of like it was kind of like searching for this mythical America where wonders were still possible the future wasn't determined yet where like monsters roamed the forest and magic is real. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:45 But now it's like the conspiracies, the conspiracy theorists, they don't have the sense of wonder. They're just like Nazis. And like, they're truly like in cult, you know? The sense of wonder has been reprised. I mean, if you think of just about like the increasing popularity of like, you know, new age kind of stuff and witchcraft and tarot not like you know uh all those sorts of things but i think it's a response to like us living in a disenchanted world and the most disenchanted country of that disenchanted world you know what i mean it is it is part and parcel of trying to get back part of that time when uh any future was possible and not like
Starting point is 00:08:27 us trying to just like not stare down the barrel of oblivion like what we're left with now yeah is we're trying to stem the tide of something bad and disastrous happening and i think a lot of that is and i'm not making fun of that at all and and and all that i'm just saying that like i think a lot of that is, and I'm not making fun of that at all and all that. I'm just saying that, like, I think a lot of that has to do with wanting back a little bit of that sense of wonder, a little bit of that, like, and also something to do with control. You know, like controlling the environment around us and all that stuff in a time when we have precious little of that you know well i think i think that's why ufo uh conspiracies and bigfoot these were popular these things were popular in the 60s and 70s because there was an erosion of public trust in the government i think that's the first time the the term credibility gap you know came about which basically is a fancy word for saying he's a fucking liar you know but like people were like okay they're telling us that bigfoot and these UFOs don't exist, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:28 I mean, of course, people are going to only lean in to thinking that those things do exist, right? And this is against the backdrop of the Vietnam War and just like crumbling trust in institutions, you know, including scientists as well, you know? Yeah, totally. I just think that I was telling Tom this the other day. I just think that I was telling Tom this the other day. Of all the conspiracies, I think the one that has the biggest payoff, if it's true, the one you get to do the biggest victory lap on is Flat Earth. Like if it turns out that Earth is actually flat, you would be like, I fucking told you. I fucking told you. It's like you carried. Just like in the days of noah nobody believed me yeah you carried the torch in the years of darkness when no one else
Starting point is 00:10:10 believed i just throw a parade to you in the street carrie irving's there you know i mean like if we actually found out that the uh the earth was resting on the back of a giant turtle yeah i would be like you know what y'all got it you guys got it you got i'm not even hated uh-huh yeah i mean what how does that work like if the earth is flat like if the earth is flat then like parabolas probably don't exist right like you can't shoot like rockets like rocketry as we understand it would be possible where do they go where do they go where they go they go straight up they actually need the earth to be flat to end wars coincidentally the flat earthers are anti-war just in in in design they're like ballistics
Starting point is 00:10:58 would not actually work gravity wouldn't function as we know it. The bombs wouldn't come back down. They would just shoot up into the sky forever. They would just shoot straight up and then go hard left. Yeah, or just go straight right back down, right? No, they just make a circle and hit the Earth from below. Like on a cartoon, when he shoots a rocket, it comes down and hits Fred Flintstone in the ass. And that's what earthquakes are. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And that, friends, that, friends, is what earthquakes are. It's a bunch of ballistic missile tests from the 50s finally coming back around. Finally coming back around. Now there's an American story and a conspiracy all wrapped in one. Oh, man. Well, it was a weird week. It was a weird day.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I guess, you know, we're recording this on Wednesday, April 10th. So I think the theme, right, of last week's show was that last week was a kind of like pivot point, like a turn with regards to the United States policy on Israel. Just to back that up, I was at the gym yesterday and they had CNN on. Jake Tapper was interviewing Jason Crow, who is a Democratic congressman from Wisconsin. Well, he's not Jason Bourne's brother or some shit. Not Jason Bourne's brother, not Harlan Crow's
Starting point is 00:12:32 brother. I thought he was from the Harlan Crows, you know, he of the Crow clan. He of clan memorabilia and Nazi memorabilia fame. Yeah. It was interesting because he was talking about,
Starting point is 00:12:52 and I don't really know his background on Israel. I don't really know how he's like, oh, he voted in favor of a house resolution to show solidarity with Israel following the 2023 Hamas attacks on Israel. It's interesting that, like, now he was on there talking about conditioning aid to Israel. And obviously, like, the conditions were so meager. It was like, we want to know how the F-35 or whatever is going to be used.
Starting point is 00:13:22 It's like, yeah, I think I could tell you. It's like. They have to call you before they, like, bomb a new university or hospital. Okay, guys, just to let you know that we're actually going to do it this time. Exactly. It's like, I mean, if those are the conditions, like, well, whatever. But it is interesting. It does kind of show, and, like, I think even Nancy Pelosi
Starting point is 00:13:40 may have even signed a letter last week, right? Did y'all see that? She signed a letter last week right did y'all see that she signed i think i saw that yeah yeah i think that they were yeah calling for conditions on aid to israel which i mean again i know that this like it's so meager and it's a drop in the bucket it means nothing because these people are fucking uh you know monsters like they you know they want the genocide to continue if i had to guess but i do think that they're responding to a very real sentiment in the country which is like what the fuck is this like why are we arming these nazis pretty basically literal nazis yeah
Starting point is 00:14:20 and uh i don't know it's just a turn that i would not have thought possible a few years ago um well i mean even uh i mean i would even say like even i mean i guess i could have seen this coming a couple months ago right um the longer this happened but uh i think that you got to give it up to the protesters right who have been like harassing them wherever they go like nancy pelosi um i don't know where she was at but she got heckled joe biden infamously i think this week jonathan chait was talking about that uh uh protesting against like the starvation of babies is a liberal apparently yeah and i mean it's like oh wait a second wait a second chate came out against he like that's not a liberal precept is what he said yeah exactly he said that if he said that if
Starting point is 00:15:12 republicans or conservatives um trump supporters had been doing the same thing the democrats would be quick to call them fascists i i just i just want to point out i just want to point out something, all right? The project of liberalism, the entire fucking thing, from the minute it kicked off in France, because I'm not counting the American Revolution. That's not, in my opinion. That's a fake-ass revolution. Yeah, that's a fake-ass. It's a large.
Starting point is 00:15:40 That was basically January 6th with a few more bells and whistles. Exactly, exactly. That was basically January 6th with a few more bells and whistles. Exactly. It's interesting, by the way, just as a side tangent, how many European states still have their kings. It's interesting that England always takes the brunt of criticism for this. You realize every state in Europe still has its monarchy, except for the ones that had national unity projects in the late 1800s, like Italy and Germany. And there's only one, really.
Starting point is 00:16:11 There's really only one that actually overthrew their king, and that was France. And that, like, kicked off the whole liberalism thing. But it's, like, it's interesting. Like, do people not realize not realize that like liberalism from its inception was basically just a protest it was just like a pussy hat protest thing like that's the whole thing like as a as a praxis it was like let's you know protest the king and like oops we just cut off his head fuck exactly exactly yeah things got a little out of hand basically the origins of of liberalism are
Starting point is 00:16:46 january 6th-esque but pointed in a you know it's not any more radical than like okay so like right like our understanding of like communism and like the working class proletarian dictatorship these things came later these things like that's a product of the mid-19th century. Yeah, right. The idea that it would be illiberal to, like, protest the commander-in-chief, like, the head of state, that is insane. It goes to support my theory that they've, like, reverse-engineered monarchism again. It's just, like, kind of like a new era. Dude, that's absolutely what it is man um i wish i could remember the quote man but um um this idea that liberalism is not about it's not about protesting or pushing
Starting point is 00:17:33 back against like the powers that be right the system or institutions it's not even about like granting people affording people these rights to allow them to become fuller uh more realized human beings what it really is is about control yo yeah that's what i've realized it's really about people, affording people these rights to allow them to become fuller, more realized human beings. What it really is, is about control, yo. That's what I've realized. It's really about control because you see what happens when they're challenged with all of these so-called values, right? That they proclaim that they hold dear, you know? And as soon as those contradictions come up and Gaza being the chief contradiction, like
Starting point is 00:18:03 you see that now it's about scolding. Now it's about like sort of channeling and directing the narrative you know now it's about like and this is like chief among like the fucking shit that they do with like these shenanigans is changing the meaning of words right yeah like this whole entire time we've been arguing we've been like going over what is zionism what is anti-Semitism, right? What do these things actually mean? And they've just flipped it in a manner of six months to have it be like, well, if you're protesting against the starvation of children, that not only means that you're anti-Semitic, but you're illiberal.
Starting point is 00:18:39 That's fucking insane, dog. But there's a contradiction here, is that like the thing that you hear the reason for like a popular front a united front against like fascism is that like the left must step up and ally with the liberals to defend the project of liberalism that was pretty that was basically the the pitch in the 1930s like liberal democracy is under attack from reaction the left must make a cynical ally uh must make a cynical like union with the liberal forces to salvage liberal democracy now like they're they're saying two contradictory thing which which is that like the left should step up and salvage liberal democracy and by the way we don't even think liberal democracy should be a thing because if you're protesting like listen to what shay says here
Starting point is 00:19:30 he says the goal of these protests and maneuvers is not to make the case for pro-palestinian policy but to abuse and deny basic rights to those who fail to endorse the protesters beliefs and yes being prevented from holding a planned speech to supporters stalked on the street or subjected to sleep denial are all forms of abuse almost nobody believes these are all just natural parts of the give and take of public disagreement he's talking about you could take ambient for the sleep denial shit like stop you a bit like but we live in america pal everybody's denied sleep yeah i i'm recording like six hours a week yeah i haven't slept good since i was 14 years old god i'm tired he's talking about people like protesting anthony
Starting point is 00:20:13 blinken's house and stuff you know what i mean like or chuck schumer's house like the idea you're i mean like in a if there was a just god we would carpet bomb their house that's exactly what i was gonna say you're lucky that the best that the worst they get is sleep denial bro the worst thing they're doing is tping your house you know what i'm saying it's some shit like that also too it's very rich of this motherfucker to talk about harassment and all of the uh all of the grievances right that are being foisted upon like like, people of good conscience, when actual people of good conscience who have been in solidarity with Palestinians
Starting point is 00:20:51 lost their jobs, right? They've gotten fucking doxxed, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. They've been harassed. They've been, like, attacked, killed. Yeah, no, you're right. And not to mention,
Starting point is 00:21:02 we can't even get a movie deal now, post-October 7th. Can't get a movie deal. We're pariahs in Hollywood. Avatar 2, never gonna be made. That's the grand travesty of all this. Yeah. But it's, you know, continuing here, I have tried not to read Chait on the show for many years.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Like, you know, it's really hard to read this guy. chate on the show for many years like i you know it's really hard to read this guy he is obtuse as brett stevens without um i don't really know how to put it like they're both really obtuse guys they both like know how to make you grind your teeth in specific kind of ways but like chate you kind of almost feel like he's got a fetish for getting screamed at yeah you know what i'm saying like i don't really get that from brett stevens uh brett stevens famously got off twitter because people were screaming at him like i get i get that i get the feeling that chate kind of has a humiliation fetish and that's kind of why i've refrained from like reading him on the show he's just like looking through like the death threats and smiling with a grin on his face i don't want to indulge him right because he's a sick fuck he's a sick
Starting point is 00:22:05 it's simple he's a sick fuck i need to put him out of his misery um he says the most elemental premise of liberalism is that politics should be governed by a uniform set of rules or norms that apply to everybody regardless of the content of their beliefs. Over the last decade, an increasingly visible fault line has opened up on the left between political liberals and the more radical activists. The illiberal left defines politics as a conflict between oppressor and victim,
Starting point is 00:22:37 and does not believe the former deserves the same rights as the latter. Hell yeah, that's right, dog. I'm part of the illiberal left. That's exactly what I believe in, motherfucker. also dude dude read that read that sentence that's insane basically that the oppressor and the oppressed deserve the same amount of rights it's like what are we even doing here then i mean this is does that seem in line with those principles those brave frenchmen put forth of liberte egalite and fraternite i ask you that today jonathan oh my god man um i don't know it also just makes me think about uh
Starting point is 00:23:15 you know how much liberalism is about mystification you know like mystifying class relations mystifying social relations. And I mean, like, like he says, the thing that gets me is he talks about basically that if you that if you don't agree with like the left, right, then you're then you're shut out. But that's all that's all these people have been doing for the past like six months, dog. Yeah. Well, and also what he's actually saying here, he's not like i know he's trying to couch it this way but at the end of the day what he's saying is that we are being abusive and mean to
Starting point is 00:23:55 anthony blinken joe biden and chuck schumer three of the most powerful people on the planet who don't have the same rights as we do they have way more rights than we do like you know what i mean like i don't get a bodyguard for example that follows me around and protects me if somebody wants to wish i did sleep denialism is just an amazing turn of phrase yeah it's you really think that also you really think that anthony blinken is losing sleep over this you think that like he like a that he's fills any moral qualms with what he's doing, but B, that he doesn't live in a compound that they've, like, has sub, like, soundproofed walls? As if he doesn't live in a sarcophagus?
Starting point is 00:24:36 Like, this motherfucker doesn't sleep. Yeah, motherfucker, yeah, you're right, he lives, that motherfucker sleeps like King Tut. list that motherfucker sleeps like king tub it's just it's just like these people they probably have like all kinds of like acoustic like technologically innovative like acoustic soundproofing on their houses they don't fucking they're not losing sleep man it's just i don't know he says what you think what you think about think about Anthony Blinken's indigestion? What do you think about his tummy rumbles a little bit and it hurts just a little when people are outside his house? When it does, he plays a couple of sweet licks on the old six string. To me, like in a Grateful Dead cover band or something.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Yeah, something like that. He plays like Buddy Guy tribute bands on the weekends. Just the worst shit you've ever heard. Not Buddy Guy, but, like, his interpretation of... Should be carpet bombed and loaned for that, man. That's true. If there was a just God. That is a work right there.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Before October 7th, he had plenty of good reasons to put him down. Also, it's crazy that, like, it's crazy that Chait would assume that these people have any moral center at all, right? That they don't receive the same intelligence briefings, they don't see videos of IDF soldiers just shooting indiscriminately on apartment complexes or sniffing women's underwear
Starting point is 00:26:05 or or especially the sniffing the women's underwear the shit that they themselves post yeah yeah like they they they know full well what they're fucking doing like they're not losing sleep over it i don't know it's just uh says, abusive protesters usually meet critiques of their illiberal methods with a facile comparison to the civil rights movement. But that movement was designed for a political environment in which basic liberal rights did not exist. Black Americans lack the right to vote, to petition for grievances,
Starting point is 00:26:38 or exert otherwise basic freedoms. Thorplick and his chops on this one. I love this shit. I love this shit. You're going to die out on this one. The movement's theorists did not intend their carefully designed arguments to be a permanent license for any progressive cause to declare itself beyond the law for all time. What the fuck are you even talking about? I'm just excited about that because I love that whenever you bring up the civil rights movement, whenever you talk about boycotts with BDS, when people are like, well, we're just using a strategy that was used during the civil rights movement.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And they'll be like, okay, okay, but not those strategies, right? Not those things. It's like they love to pick and choose what elements of either the civil rights movement or figures like Martin Luther King or Malcolm X that they want to kind of lionize. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Also, I like the implication that Palestinians have the same amount of rights that black Americans have. It's like, I mean, if you live in a concentration camp
Starting point is 00:27:38 where you can just be sniped or bombed at any moment, like, I mean, granted, that can also happen to black communities in the united states and we try to like pretend that it doesn't yeah now that i'm saying this out loud you know what fuck it it doesn't even matter because like the the the policies and frameworks that they strove for in the civil rights movement didn't even wind up coming true that's why we still that's why we spent exactly exactly exactly dude they love those they love those parts about the civil rights movement where it's like yeah they were
Starting point is 00:28:09 securing the right to vote right but when it comes to like labor rights right when it comes to like things outside of like that scope of organizing right with political action like fucking arming yourselves right yeah defending your community right then it's like oh but not those tactics but hold up didn't y'all motherfuckers and i'm not even y'all motherfuckers like liberals right like like white liberalism isn't this how you conquered the rest of the world right you know what i mean i don't know man it's just it's just like it's just like the oppressed it's something that you've said before tom and a lot of people have said but i remember you said this tom it's like the oppressed is never is supposed to take
Starting point is 00:28:42 their punishment humbly right they're never supposed to strike back oppressed is never supposed to take their punishment humbly, right? They're never supposed to strike back. They're never supposed to raise their voice, you know? I want to ask Jonathan Chait, like, what method of protest would he be okay with then? Because I guarantee you it's no form of protest, you know? Or what it is is this sort of idealized, sanitized version of, like, Martin King style. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, what they've imagined, like, Martin King was like, oh, well, he did it the right way. Exactly style yeah yeah you know what i mean like what they've imagined like martin king was like oh well he did it the right way exactly exactly you know what i
Starting point is 00:29:09 mean that kind of thing and really it's he didn't do it the right way exactly exactly but just like after after he gets shot down in memphis then they can start you know sort of you know uh ascribing to him what they would do in those situations and like all that kind of thing. Well, I guess what the point I was trying to make with that is that like he's saying it was designed for a political environment in which basic liberal rights did not exist. And it's like, man, I fucking. man i fucking okay i don't know how many first of all i don't know how many videos i saw this week of them scooping up human remains from the al-shifa hospital raid like i mean man like we're talking like just fucking piles of body parts and flesh i mean it's just that plus the like i said widespread inhumanity and brutality of the people carrying it out like i um i followed this guy on twitter who is very good at like finding the videos of IDF soldiers who go out and his
Starting point is 00:30:28 name is Eunice Terawi. And I don't know if y'all follow him, but he had posted this, he had posted this picture of this guy claiming to be an American sheriff's deputy who went and fought in the IDF. And so I went and found that guy's Instagram and like was reading the captions on his insanely psychopathic like videos and images that he took just massacring people in Gaza.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And like the language is just straight out of like an SS officer's diary. I mean, it's like these are vile humans. Like they live in vile conditions. They're vermin. They live in garbage. I mean, it's like, these are vile humans. Like, they live in vile conditions. They're vermin. They live in garbage. I saw that, yeah. It's just like, how do you expect me to see these two things, right? Like, piles of body parts, and then just the brutes that gloat over it,
Starting point is 00:31:23 that gloat over it and not expect me to just, like you said, want to carpet bomb Anthony Blinken's house. How am I supposed to just contain, oh, my little liberal subject, I'm gonna do this the right way and I'm gonna... Thankfully, the election is in November.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Thankfully. Thankfully, we can register our discontent but and then they're mad about that though too i mean they're mad that uncommitted's polling better than their guy than the random character generator yeah right but but like also too what did you like what did you think was going to happen when you've exhausted all, like, when you've not exhausted, but it gets you suppressed, right? All forms of protests, right? Again, people losing their jobs, right? Or people being threatened, you know?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Like, in the media as well, people being silenced. Like, what did you think was going to happen? Of course. I mean, people are going to show up to your fucking house and harass you at all hours of the night and follow you everywhere you fucking go, you know? Yeah. Well, you know what we should have done, which is what Chase says, the movement could have run an anti-Israel candidate against Biden, but never bothered. Oh, they would have assassinated him. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:32:40 Israel would have been like, OK, you know, we got to kill that guy, right? And the United States would be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. Yeah, you probably should. Yeah, you probably should. We'll help you do it. Right. The plane would have experienced engine trouble at 10,000 feet. I love the pearl clutching about, like, you know, the dude we were just talking about in Lexington,
Starting point is 00:32:59 that Rabbi Litvin guy that everybody just keeps popping up in my TL for some reason. And like, just him, I was looking at some of his tweets and just bemoaning the treatment of U.S. citizens at the hands of Hamas and all that kind of stuff. Like, Mossad had fucking murked plenty of U.S. citizens in their time.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Diplomats and shit? Yeah, IDF. Get all the way the fuck out of here you fucking garbage piece of fucking no if if we if we read an anti-israel candidate like it would dovetail perfectly with boeing's uh malfunctions you know like the wing that the wing would just fall off would he be like traveling en route to a campaign event or some shit. Yeah. It would work out perfectly, but... Yeah, it's... Well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:33:51 It's like, you're right. This week, I've seen... I don't know. This week, I saw an associate editor for that Labor Notes outlet saying that the left is being which isn't a sensibly leftist outlet uh people i consider quote-unquote comrades or allies or whatever labor in the neighborhood i'm assuming so saying that the left is being like too purist
Starting point is 00:34:20 and like a trump presidency would be a disaster for organized labor. I mean, like a Biden. I mean, whatever. What do you guys think? I'm not even going to go there. I'm not even going to go there. Do whatever you fucking want. Okay, fine. Whatever, yo.
Starting point is 00:34:33 My position on elections is let come what may. My position on elections is let go and let God. My position on elections is pretty much, I guess, the same kind of, I guess, position that a lizard would have to, like, the sun, you know what I'm saying? Just letting it pass, you know, like the eclipse, basically. I'm like a bird, like a starling during the
Starting point is 00:34:53 eclipse, right? I'm just gonna be mum and be quiet and let it pass. I'm just tired of this idea that, like, they don't have to work for a vote, too. Just like, if nothing, this was going on. It's just their approach is insulting get in line shut up do the thing it's like no at least i'd be like back in the day they were all scoundrels and pieces of shit but at least they bothered to come to places and pay
Starting point is 00:35:17 lip service to like your needs and material conditions and so forth they don't even do that anymore you could i honestly like i don't understand like why they aren't just like saying like okay well we understand there was a genocide and you can't stomach that we are going to just tack to the right why can't you just do that yeah they could they can't do that because like one of the tenets of liberalism is corralling the left and that's one way they do it that's one way that they wind up like being able to like shame people and beat them over the head over i mean is there any truth like what do you guys think like is there any truth that biden has been the best president for labor like ever do you think that he's i don't i mean i don't i mean
Starting point is 00:36:02 what i don't know somebody could say probably things he's pointed out and things that he's done, but is that true? People love to say the best labor president since FDR. And I'm like, what does that even mean? You know what's weird? It's really crazy. I was reading the Mike Davis book, Prisoners of the American Dream. I was reading the Mike Davis book, Prisoners of the American Dream, and he was talking about like in order to kill New Deal liberalism, Reagan actually, and I didn't even know this. I wasn't alive at the time, but Reagan actually campaigned as the new FDR.
Starting point is 00:36:43 He campaigned as like the basically like the reincarnation, his biggest influence. He basically said his biggest influence was fgr what's really wild about that is that biden i know they have said this before kind of in the name that they use bidenomics in the same way that they throw it around like reaganomics and also obama famously campaigned as ronald like as right called ronald reagan it's yes it's this weird thing weird it's where it's like history kind of becomes like, I think you've used the metaphor before Aaron, like roadkill. It's like, it's just like by the time it gets to you,
Starting point is 00:37:12 it's been run over like 800 times. And you don't even know what you're looking at anymore. Step down. Step down. I need a shovel for this shit. What the fuck? But yeah, I, I don't know, I don't know. I don't even know how you would test that necessarily,
Starting point is 00:37:29 like if he's the best candidate for labor. Because like, I mean, couldn't you also say that a lot of this labor stuff gained momentum during the Trump years? Especially the Starbucks stuff. Like that, in the Waffle House, uh, you know, strikes and that kind of stuff. It feels like that, that was bubbling more during the Trump years.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And also, isn't there a case about to go to the Supreme Court about the NLRB, like the constitutionality of it? It's like, I don't, I don't know. I just don't know if you can make that claim. I guess people, you know, what people like to talk about is the climate what kind of climate you know uh can organizing develop it and i'm not even gonna get into all that but i mean like i don't know dude like i mean if if it's clear that this party not only detests the left but actively thinks that it doesn't need the left to win this election you know it doesn't give a shit then Then like, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:25 It just feels silly. It feels like this is like, you know, like Charlie Brown in the football, right? Like, what are we doing here, man? You know, like the assumptions that they provide, the liberals provide the favorable conditions for like, you know, the left to organize. Right, right, right, right. A little milder conditions, at least. But I mean, we know for a fact that they fucking don't you know it seems that the opposite would almost be true yeah the opposite
Starting point is 00:38:50 is true because i mean we've talked about it before how uh the democratic party is the graveyard of social movements right and you've mentioned before too is the the liberals exist to kind of suppress the left and corral the left you know i mean one of the bleakest things i've seen recently was sean fain at the state of the union like doing big ups to biden you know what i one of the bleakest things i've seen recently was sean fain at the state of the union like doing big ups to biden you know what i'm saying i was like i was so disgusted by that it's like i mean i mean i don't know i understand like i'm not stupid enough to to um to know that like i'm not stupid enough to assume that you you don't have to do like cynical alignments with political politics yeah you have to do that
Starting point is 00:39:30 sometimes I understand but like be a cheerleader is a whole different cheerleader for a baby killer I mean I just can't do and it's based on a lot of it is based on the trade policies where they're trying to expand EV production in the United States and basically shut out all China-made parts for EVs in an attempt to basically do reshoring.
Starting point is 00:40:04 And so, I don't know that is that something that benefits labor like maybe but it also benefits capital and so i don't i don't know i i just i just think the jury's out i don't think you can definitively say this has been a great president for labor and furthermore at all anything oh yeah i mean just as a practical matter i mean you won't know until like it's over you know what i mean like yeah exactly you know you're right like we won't know until the smoke is cleared anyways on that right somebody's gonna listen to this like somebody's gonna listen to this and be like oh these are all bite his accolades to which i say yeah i don't give a shit like okay that's fine no you're right i just cannot stomach i'm sorry i
Starting point is 00:40:46 just like i if you could make a good argument if they hadn't done a genocide if they hadn't done some of the stuff they've done at the border you could probably convince i mean i live in kentucky so probably not like it doesn't matter anyways one way the other but if i lived in like a swing state you could probably convince me like oh this is what has to be done for like harm reduction or whatever yeah but no i i just can't stomach it it's it's absolutely what's worse and people i mean i just keep saying what's worse than a genocide you know what i mean yeah i mean what what's worse than a genocide i can think of a lot of things that are as equally as bad as a genocide you know what i mean but i can't think of like i mean this is like rock fucking bottom and i mean i've said before people man if you can stomach that if you can see the the pictures that we've all been seeing
Starting point is 00:41:28 for the past six months and the the commentary and just the reaction from is um from israelis themselves and the united states if you could see all that shit and stomach that and go in and vote then like more power to you i guess you know i just i just that that that kind of psychic horror i just cannot deal with you know it feels to me like this week they kind of played their hell marys like i don't know if you guys feel this way but biden put out a abortion campaign ad like a pro-abortion campaign ad that like i don't know a lot of people even on the left were like this is really good like this is really crying i saw yeah they were like oh this is really good. Like, this is really. Motherfuckers were crying. I saw motherfuckers were like, oh, this is beautiful. They were crying.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And all I could think about were like dead babies, dead Palestinian babies. Personally, that's all I could think about. You know what I mean? When I saw that shit. So, I mean, whatever, yo. And also, too, he's like bringing back student loan forgiveness. Like, you know what I mean? Oh, they bring it.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I ain't going down that road again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice. What is he going to do next? He's going to bring up some weed shit again? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. Like, we're going to let people out of weed.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Like, there's still some people in jail for weed, but we're going to let you out. Like, now we're going to let you out if you're an immigrant or you're a migrant. You know what I mean? Yeah. But it felt like that was maybe a campaign. I guess what I'm saying is like the content of the ad i mean yeah i mean i agree the content of the ad was very like capital p powerful right it's like yeah it's like the way that uh abortion access in this country is now being like meted out
Starting point is 00:43:00 is absolutely medieval it is yeah it is it's medieval genocidal basically in a way um but all those things too dude like ro and all that stuff like that all happened on his watch is what's so like fucking insane to me exactly you know what i mean like exactly like you allowed that to happen with the pin and now you tell me to have something to run on again you're a sick fuck that is some sick fuck that really is yo you know that's like dog that's like literally like that's like teasing like a starving animal or something like that with a piece of meat or something like that you know what i'm saying no no no no gotta wait till november now you gotta wait till november you gotta wait till november and then you just after november you just gave it like the tiniest crumb of that that you were dangling and then you dose it in arsenic or not
Starting point is 00:43:52 at all or or you win and you shoot it between the eyes it's probably more accurate it feels like that they should have held on my point there is i feel like they should have held on to that campaign ad until maybe a little closer to the election until the day before the election right right and it just feels like a an early hell mayor it's like a hell mary in the first quarter it's like okay people gonna forget about that ad by next week. But the second Hail Mary I feel like they've shot this week is they are now uniformly coming out against Netanyahu. That's what they've landed on. And granted, they've been saying it for months.
Starting point is 00:44:36 But even Bret Stephens is in the New York Times today saying that it's finally time Netanyahu's got to go. What did I tell y'all? I told y'all several months ago on this same program. I've said they're going to be a fake friend of Netanyahu's got to go. What did I tell y'all? I told y'all several months ago on this same program, I said, they're going to be a fake friend of Netanyahu. I told you. It was when the meme was coming out that had Colonel Gaddafi and all of them up there. I was like, Netanyahu's
Starting point is 00:44:56 fixing to join the chorus. He don't even fucking know it. And rightfully so. We should put Netanyahu to death there's no question about it he should he should go to valhalla or wherever not even not even not not even no he should go to hell that motherfucker just deserves to cross the river sticks and not i just i just love how now like all of these um these kind of gymnastics and maneuvers they're
Starting point is 00:45:28 doing to like absolve themselves of responsibility yeah that's so now it's transposed it's transposing it onto now netanyahu onto one singular figure soon maybe it'll be like okay now the idf as a whole right needs to like or general certain generals right but it's never an actual indictment of like israel itself yeah getting rid of net yahoo isn't going to get rid of those videos where they're sniffing women's underwear and like playing with children's toys and like no no it's not gonna do shit no here's what they're gonna do they're gonna put they're gonna depose net yahoo and the argentine president's gonna be the new guy there that's the whole reason he converted to Judaism.
Starting point is 00:46:08 He knew that job was coming open soon, like the coaching carousel. He's like, I'll tell you what, I'm fixing the day. They'll send Juan Guaido. They're like, you need a job, right? Juan Guaido. Oh, shit, son. Not until Alan Dershowitz, man. Yes, until alan dershowitz man yeah send dersh yeah send dersh there uh you know keeping with this theme i had an article
Starting point is 00:46:34 i wanted to read from the new york times actually um i didn't expect to do the entire show about this but this is the theme of the week. So we might as well just lean fully into it. How Gaza protesters are challenging democratic leaders. I thought the whole framing and tone of this article was really fascinating. It is a reported out piece that reads very much like a Jonathan Chait article. It's very much like the protesters are out of hand. They're illiberal.
Starting point is 00:47:07 They're being naughty. They're being naughty. I'll just start here. In Detroit, a congressman's holiday party devolved into chaos and a broken nose after demonstrators protesting the war in Gaza appeared with bullhorns. I didn't know that, but that's pretty tight. I didn't know that, but that's pretty tight. In Fort Collins, the mayor abruptly ended a meeting during which protesters demanding a ceasefire in Gaza glued their hands to a wall. And in places as disparate as a historic church in South Carolina and Radio City Music Hall, President Biden has been heckled and drowned out by demonstrators objecting to his support for Israel.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Protests over the administration's handling of the war are disrupting the activities of democratic officials and complicating their ability to campaign and at times govern during during a pivotal election year so i hope you protesters are happy you've you've disrupted the ability of the government to govern so keep it up uh yeah i i feel like you probably shouldn't say that like if that i doubt i doubt that's even true like i doubt we're in it actually disrupting the ability to govern but because apparently the genocide is happening just fine and the death keeps you know the death keep the death machine keeps rolling exactly Exactly. Mr. Biden successfully avoided a messy primary fight, but the Gaza conflict has stoked inter-party tensions. Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania,
Starting point is 00:48:34 a Democrat who has disappointed progressives with his unflinching support of Israel, said in an interview this past week, if you are now organizing people to walk away from supporting the president, then you are now de facto supporting and helping Trump. Can we just put this motherfucker in? Bro, if that's what you think, give me the red fucking hat.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Jesus fucking Christ. I'm not being serious about the red hat, but like, Jesus. The day that Fetterman could badger me into anything, this grown fucking slovenly loser, that'll but the day that federman could badger me into anything this grown fucking slovenly loser it'll be that that'll be the day it's fucking that motherfucker couldn't organize the late night run to taco bell and he's out here like talking about fucking what who what the what everybody else is doing this is this is a hilarious paragraph the national effort to pressure u.s leaders to support leaders to limit their support for Israel has focused almost exclusively on Democrats.
Starting point is 00:49:31 With former President Donald J. Trump rarely, if ever, attracting significant criticism from pro-Palestinian demonstrators at his home or public appearances, Mr. Trump has said little of substance about the conflict other than that Israel should finish up the war. Mr. Trump has said little of substance about the conflict other than that Israel should finish up the war. It's like, dude, OK. Yeah, he basically helped contribute this and stoke the flames, like moving the embassy to Jerusalem and stuff. But you can lay the 40,000 dead solely at the feet of President Biden. The guy who's in office right now, the guy who's in office right now the party that's in office right now also biden has also supported moving the embassy to jerusalem jerusalem over the years before trump even fucking did it you're right so like what the fuck yeah like listen i mean it's
Starting point is 00:50:16 like it what they're mad about is as the aesthetics of trumpism and his followers they're not mad about the actual aims because if you laid them on top of Biden's, they differ in very few ways. Exactly, exactly. Absolutely. It talks about protesters outside Anthony Blinken's home and even innocuous photos posted on social media by the White House of children at the Easter egg roll
Starting point is 00:50:43 or newly planted tulips are flooded with comments accusing the administration of being complicit in mass killing and starvation in Gaza. I love, I love, you know how we talked about before, like, and this is towards the writer as well, right? Because obviously this is their sentiment coming out. As you said, it's very, it's very opinionated, right? But like, I love that they can just kind of turn off their soul, right?
Starting point is 00:51:05 Blinker their soul. you know what i mean like they can separate like because when i see the white house talking about posting pictures of kids i can only think of the killing of children in gossip exactly it's amazing that they are so sociopathic i mean sociopathic almost sounds like too nice of a word right yeah like they're like compartmentalize those yeah they can compartment they can compartmental compartmentalize it you know it's almost like their brains smooth over and become like reptilian almost where they can divide they can just alienate these two things that's insane to me man that is absolutely crazy that people can do that uh i mean you're you're exactly right it's like you have to be a sick fuck because you can just post photos of children american children having a great time here while
Starting point is 00:51:54 our policies and let's also call it's not just our policies it's the political economy like we've said before the defense industry keeps this motherfucker afloat and who's buying all that shit it's fucking israel i mean it's that's what we're talking about here um then it talks about a um a uh let's see an activist who went to a Biden fundraiser at Radio City last month and was removed. She said she had been redirected outdoors to what Biden officials called the, quote unquote, solutions tent. There she was told she would not be allowed inside. Shoot you in the back of the head. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:52:39 All right. Sorry. Got to take you to the solutions room. Wait, why are there no windows? Why are there no windows in the solutions, dude? Why is the door not open from the inside? What's with all the one-way mirrors and the drain tile on the floor? Welcome to the solutions, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:02 They just beat the fuck out of your ribs. Like a baseball bat. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. These people are so fucking evil. Dude, what the fuck? Lauren Hitt, a Biden campaign spokeswoman, said the solutions tent had been staffed by officials
Starting point is 00:53:21 from the Biden Victory Fund, an allied group, and from the Radioiden victory fund an allied group and from the radio city musical oh my god i can't i just can't get over making your solution titled psychotic yo yeah your your torture chamber and you called the solutions i also love how like um even though it obviously has a uh like i mean i don't even know like nefarious connotations i love how, like, even though it obviously has, like, I mean, I don't even know, like, nefarious connotations. I love how they infantilize everything. You know what I'm saying? Like, okay, we're going to put you in timeout.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I know you're upset about all the dead children. I know you're upset about what's happening. But just go to the timeout court and we'll give you a little snack, okay? We'll give you a baby cat. You know what it's like? It's the same stew that, like, I tweeted this on Twitter this week. I tweeted this on Twitter this week. It was like when you go to adopt an animal,
Starting point is 00:54:11 and they let it talk in this soy voice. You know what I mean? My mom and dad say that I sometimes have accidents in the house. The Democrats do that, but for torture. They soy voice torture. You're getting ready to go to the boo-boo room and that means black side. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Like in the 60s you had media code words. We've said this on the show. If you read in the paper that a village was pacified using extreme prejudice that means they killed all the women and children right they so they sowed salt in the fields right now it would be like uh they gave him some ouchies yeah villagers did some ouchies. Villagers reported having some ouchies. Sleep denial problem.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Villagers reported tummy aches. Yeah. Oh, my God, man. I mean, you know, on that note, listen to this. One protester, Hannah Ryan, 33, a photographer from Brooklyn, said she had been flagged by the campaign, asked a battery of questions about people she knew and how she had acquired her ticket and had then been allowed in she shouted at mr obama who told her and other protesters you can't just talk and not listen i hate this motherfucker yo i hate this
Starting point is 00:55:37 motherfucker man amazing you can't just talk and not this guy comes out from his fucking netflix cave like every fucking few years or months or whatever to say the most deranged shit ever, man. And to tell the left and to tell progressives, I guess the left, that they should sit down and be quiet. You know what they should do to these motherfuckers when they come out of their cave?
Starting point is 00:55:58 You never remember Mortal Kombat when you just get somebody in the corner and start leg sweeping them to death? Just leg sweep Obama and Biden. Every time they stand up to say something else, leg sweep them again. Leg sweep them until the end. Honestly,
Starting point is 00:56:14 it seems like they're doing that to themselves right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Constantly. Holy shit, son. Other elected Democrats have also struggled to avoid protesters. In Santa Ana, California, Representative Lou Correa's family other elected democrats have also struggled to avoid protesters in santa ana california representative lou correa's family and neighbors have grown increasingly frustrated with the loud speaker bullhorns and shouts from demonstrators who gather as early as 6 30 a.m on his suburban
Starting point is 00:56:36 street mr correa a democrat who is often in washington during the protest asked the local city council to support an emergency ordinance requiring activists demonstrating at private homes to remain 300 feet away. The proposal failed to pass. I've met with them. I've taken their phone calls. I responded to their emails and now they say they're at my house because they want to meet with me that I won't
Starting point is 00:56:57 come out. Look, I'm an elected. I get it. But why is it in the neighborhood? Why is it the family? Why is it my neighbors? That's what I don't understand. It's like, okay, okay, okay. If you really are that worried about it, if you really like are the- Don't run. Don't run.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Don't get the guy. Don't run. Hey, here's a crazy idea. Disavow the Democratic Party and everything they stand for. Walk away. Say you want nothing to do with these genocidal fucking freaks you could do that he's holding a gun to your head telling you to remain there exactly you know what you know what's so fascinating about these people is that they it reminds me of the aides and staffers um who had written that letter right um in protest
Starting point is 00:57:43 right and all these people in the biden administration who've had doubts and shit i love that these people are so tortured by not even their indecision but by their empathy or sympathy you know what i mean like they're like we hear you we see you but i can't i can only do so much you know what i mean and that that tortures them more than the reality of what's actually happening in gaza that's so insane to me yeah i like i love how they are all acting like um i love how they're all acting that like um what let me i'll just read this anecdote let me just say one thing real quick turns before you start that before we get too far away from it it's bad when mitch mcconnell's more of a g about getting publicly harassed than you are like people fucking like swat food out of that guy's mouth in public but he knows like well i have done some bad shit i guess i have a sick fuck i guess i have a
Starting point is 00:58:37 sick fuck and that's what i signed up for so and everybody why are you being mean to me like mcconnell at least knows what time it is you know what I mean I also just have to, I mean these people I mean they used to get thrown out of windows right the least that someone can do is harass you while you're eating your fucking meal they should harass you to the point that the food tastes like
Starting point is 00:58:58 ash in your mouth and you can't taste anything that's how afraid you should be yo yeah like I should be able to like spit in your fucking you know pasta premium whatever the fuck you're eating you know what i mean and like yeah well that's just cost doing business you know i mean and it's like um presume i guess my point here is like presumably you would support these kind of tactics if you believe that trump and them were fascists right it's like exactly so you don't think that a genocide is a fascist thing that warrants people expressing their opinions in whatever because how else are we supposed to direct our ire
Starting point is 00:59:32 when there is no mechanism for funneling that criticism and ire upwards to these assholes that's easy terrence it's an election every four years you get you get one silent vote every four years every you're right and listen that's not gonna still not gonna stop us from trying to badger you and bully you into voting for us however you can technically go in there silently and just voice your displeasure meanwhile I get 1500 get 1,500 or whatever odd days to run roughshod over the poor and dispossessed of the planet in order to fatten my own pockets. But for that one day, every Olympiad,
Starting point is 01:00:17 you get to go in there and tell me what's what. The anti-purge, man. That's what it is. It is. It is. The counter-purge, basically. The anti-purge, man. That's what it is. It is. It is. The counter-purge, basically. The counter-purge, exactly. In Danbury, Connecticut,
Starting point is 01:00:32 the president of the city council described being surprised by demonstrators demanding a ceasefire call from the city of roughly 90,000 people. In my mind, where are you addressing that concern, said Peter Bouzade,
Starting point is 01:00:43 the council president You should go to the senator's office You could go to the congressman's office You'd protest outside the White House, right? You might go to the UN It's not something that I think would happen at our local council chambers Mayor Ginny Arndt of Fort Collins Said she recognized how emotionally fraught the war was
Starting point is 01:01:01 But she questioned what effect local action on the issue would have I don't think anthony blinken's going to be like oh the mayor of fort collins just said this it's it's not impactful to the members of our community and it divides i don't think i should do that yeah i mean yo can i can i just i'm royally insider and i'm so glad you jump in these people these people love to talk about like especially local politics right and being active in your community right and they love to tout themselves as like well you can come to me if you have any if there's a pothole on your road you know you can come to me but when it actually comes to exercising any
Starting point is 01:01:35 responsibility or power they just abdicate that shit they're like well what do you want me to do i mean you fucking and you fucking condition people to think that you're used you're useful for something you know i'm saying that you are their connection right to that larger machine in washington and across the fucking country but apparently you're telling people that you're fucking useless yo and you can't do anything so they should kill i mean yo oh my fucking god dude i fucking hey they might as well say yeah you could just kill me right now i'm useless i don't do anything i don't do anything i'm completely impotent and incapable of effecting change it's like actually what they really mean when every time they're out here saying i'll be your voice you could come to me i'll be your mouthpiece in the halls of power and it's like uh you know yeah
Starting point is 01:02:20 i mean you're exactly right it's like when you run you have the D next to your name you carry water for these assholes like what do you expect you can't just claim it when you want to raise money and when you're texting me 80 times a day and then not claim it the minute
Starting point is 01:02:39 that like people don't like what your party is doing I'm sorry it doesn't work that way yeah you can't just like you can't just like change it to an r or something like that or just change it to nothing at all you know what i mean yeah leave the fucking party or like i mean or fucking speak out say something you know yeah i i think that it actually would have an effect if the mayor of fort collins and every you know what i'm saying like it obviously is doing something because something changed last week so all of a sudden all of you realize that it actually probably isn't great optics to be providing the arms and resources to carry out the most bloodthirsty like genocide
Starting point is 01:03:16 we've seen it you know in in fucking decades modern history yeah fucking modern history dude so i mean i don't know god dude but anyways uh i mean that's basically it there's uh i fucking hate these people dude i fucking hate these people i hate these people so much it's like it's like they love to act like they're impotent man you know they love to act like they're impotent they have no power to do anything you know and then and then tell and then exhaust i mean i'm just thinking of aaron bushnell i'm thinking of the active service member who's like um i'm going on a hunger strike which they're not covering at all because they don't want another aaron bushnell they don't want people to learn about this so it's like this is the first time i've heard of it well dude it's either you fucking
Starting point is 01:04:00 you either you either uh uh you know get shunned, you know, lose your fucking job, right? Get doxxed, get harassed, or you feel compelled enough to self-immolate. You know what I mean? I mean, I just don't fucking understand. Oh, dude. That fucking piece made me mad, man. No, I think you're, I mean, it's just like, what it is, is all these like elected officials, like they need the clout and the federal grants and the networks that the democratic party provides i've seen the way this plays out in
Starting point is 01:04:32 places like eastern kentucky and like small town america where um a lot of their like developmental projects are like intimately tied into the networks and people that the democratic party can provide and um they just it just fucking burns them up it roils them it just pisses them off that uh people aren't um going along to get along they're not like going they're not falling in line to like like oh we need like creative uh place making art murals in our community that they aren't like advocating for that and instead are advocating for the government to actually do something fucking useful which is intervene to save people's lives it's like oh it's they just can't stomach that like because that's that goes counter to everything
Starting point is 01:05:30 they have been taught the Democratic Party does I'm saying absolutely so it's like yeah it's like if you're pissed off about them outside your window quit the fucking party that would probably have a big impact. Quit the part. Disavow them. Say you want nothing to do with them. I don't know. Just one man's opinion. God, man. It's just the impotence, man. And just the hand-waving that we can't do anything about this.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Well, yeah. It's the small bean stuff. It's like, oh, you gave me a boo-boo. It's like, oh, you gave me a boo-boo. It's like them comparing them getting shouted at to abuse. The chate thing. They are literally saying that them getting shouted at is basically like being tortured in the Solutions tent. Yes, in the Solutions tent, man.
Starting point is 01:06:22 They're being waterboarded. Basically, when you yell at me, you're waterboarding me and my entire family you shouldn't even be able to fucking eat dog actually the people making your food should poison that shit yo i know and the thing is is like in 30 years 20 30 years they'll be like this was very unfortunate very unfortunate what happened dude i i i just noticed that uh there were a couple people who um i don't know i'm thinking of like the uh the will stancels of the world and shit who at first were talking about the left that needs a moral compass you know and well i guess now it's either the left is too pure or they've gone completely quiet now that everyone else has caught up to us. You know what I mean? Now that everyone else is kind of like, OK, like, well, not once they caught up to us, but now that they've realized that this is like untenable and people are fucking upset, you know, now they're fucking quiet, you know?
Starting point is 01:07:19 Mm hmm. I love that they're calling it the illiberal left. It's like, honestly, that's one of the coolest things you could call us. That sounds really cool. So keep it up. You know, we've been waiting for, like, a demarcation, right? I think ever since the rise of the nascent Bernie movement, we've been trying to find, like, illiberal left is, like, a very – that's good.
Starting point is 01:07:41 It makes it sound really cool. I like that, man. Yeah, to delineate me from the other pussies man i'm i'm i'm not one of those guys i'm the illiberal left i'll shout you down you know i'll tp your house i'll do little pranks you know maybe put a bunch of uh rakes around your lawn so that you step on them they smack you in the face Then one of your unconscious will kidnap you Oh man Alright
Starting point is 01:08:09 Well that probably Covers it right today Right boys Yeah I got that article really That made me mad That upset me Well Before we go upset me well
Starting point is 01:08:25 before we go do you guys have anything you want to plug Aaron you've been published recently yeah sure yeah man I wrote a short story that got published in Apocalypse Confidential their special presentation Strange Skies Weird Worlds
Starting point is 01:08:44 so I wrote a little short story that uh people could check out and they should check out all the other uh essays poems and stories in that presentation because they're really really good i mentioned uh earlier robert uh skirvala's essay on bigfoot that was one of my favorite pieces in there so uh we'll guess we'll leave a link but you guys can check it out hell Hell yeah, I'll put it in the show notes. Also in the show notes, you'll find a link to our Patreon where we are doing innovative stuff, innovative podcasting. So I suggest you all go check that out. We're doing like the Jakob of podcasting.
Starting point is 01:09:24 We're creating new levels of podcasting. We're creating new levels of podcasting. Yeah and new demons. And new demons. To roam the world. So please go check out the Patreon. Once again it's in the show notes. And so yeah any final thoughts?
Starting point is 01:09:39 Any final any word? Any comments before we check out? No just I don't know just everyone have a good week and uh just one thing i last thing i want to say i've been seeing this going around as a joke uh about uh you know how magical the eclipse was and uh we could do that every day y'all eclipse or not we could all go outside and congregate in the middle of the street and stare at the sun for hours you don't have to you don't have to wait 20 years for the clips to happen again you can you can do that you can get permanent eye damage right now
Starting point is 01:10:13 that's exactly the mental and emotional community benefits huh? They do. They indeed do. You guys will all be blind together. That's right. That's exactly right. Well, so yeah, go do that. If you are staring at the sun, make sure you're doing it safely. Do safe sun staring, please. Make sure you open your eyes as wide as possible.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Yeah. You get all that vitamin D. Yeah. All right. Well, You get all that vitamin D. Yeah. All right. Well, we'll see you next time. Please go subscribe to the Patreon. We'll see you over there in a few days. Adios.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Bye.

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